eyesonyahwehh · 8 months
Welcome 👋🏽 I’ve created this page about growing in personal relationship with God ☀️🪴🌻🌳 seeking to know Him and keep focus on Him above all things. Here you can join me on my journey as I grow and learn from God Him. I hope to reach anyone who genuinely desires to have a relationship with Him. God loves you and so do I ❤️‍🔥
I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. The Word of God is true infallible and the ultimate authority for a follower of Jesus.
I believe in the gospel. That we all have sinned and the Bible says for breaking God’s laws, even one, we deserve punishment for offending a holy God. But Jesus a sinless person came to pay the price for your sin and mine so that we can be reconciled to God and live eternally with Him. If we only trust in the sacrifice of Jesus.
No one goes to heaven by being a good person or by their good deeds. According to the Bible there’s no such thing as a good person “there is not one righteous not even one.”
“We are saved by grace through faith it is a gift of God, not of works so that no man may boast.”
- Ephesians 2:8-9
My IG and TikTok are: eyesonyahweh
I just made a Facebook page called Eyes on Yahweh so there’s only a few posts there. Follow and Like. I’d love to start growing there 😄
I also just made a YouTube account. No videos yet but I plan to upload soon. Sub in advance please 😊
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lovelyyishe · 1 year
Stop looking back. Pt. 2
Leave your sin, shame, guilt, failures and fears behind you. Start again with God even if you just sinned a bunch a few minutes before watching this video. Whether you’ve been walking with God for years and have strayed or you’ve walked away from Him for years. Turn to Him. He’s waiting for you with open arms 🙂
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lovelyyishe · 1 year
Stop looking back pt. 1
Leave your sin, shame, guilt, failures and fears behind you. Start again with God even if you just sinned a bunch a few minutes before watching this video. Whether you’ve been walking with God for years and have strayed or you’ve walked away from Him for years. Turn to Him. He’s waiting for you with open arms 🙂
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lovelyyishe · 8 years
God is the reason that beauty exists because beauty is who He is. We see it in everything because creation is nothing more than a small piece of Himself.
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lovelyyishe · 8 years
Jesus is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
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