#eyebrows-kun fanclub
codetrainwreck · 6 years
Zilkhstan Info Dump
Eyebrows-kun is handsome and voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki, so naturally I will post stuff about him and his heckin’ country from the pamphlets. There might be some spoilers for the movie, so this is behind a read more.
Please note in advance that the only names I found spellings for on merchandise were Chalio, Chamna and Shesthaal, so all other names are complete bullshit / guess work.
Edit: Okay uhhhh I’ve updated this to use spellings from Funimation’s subtitles instead, which were seen at the Madman Anime Festival in Sydney.
Zilkhstan, the Country of Warriors
Zilkhstan, called the country of warriors, is a country with strong military power that has fended off invasion from all other major super powers since the founding of the country. There was a time when a handful of Zilkh soldiers could defeat the Britannian army.
The majority of the country is desert resting between sea and cliffs. As Zilkhstan is scarce in natural resources, their #1 exported commodity is their own soldiers. All over the world, Zilkh soldiers are hired as mercenaries. Should the seaside capital Gralbahd ever be under attack or invasion, 12,000 soldiers will stand armed to defend it.
The temple stands amidst the clusters of modern buildings in Gralbahd. Since Zilkhstan’s founding, the Geass Cult has supported the country from behind the scenes. There are systems to enter to Cs’ World called the Gates of Alam located throughout the country. One is located under the Great Prison of Sorrow on the Gimsurat Flats.
The siblings Shamna and Shalio rule Zilkhstan together. Shamna is in charge of politics and religion. Shalio is in charge of the military.
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Shamna (CV: Keiko Toda)
The Queen of Zilkhstan. Shalio’s older sister. She influences Zilkh politics with her prophecies. She pities her little brother who carries the weight of Zilkhstan on his fragile shoulders. (The movie pamphlet most definitely says “Queen” / 女王, but other info, such as the Geass website and Shestal’s bio, call her a priestess)
2nd bio: ....... In order to improve the circumstances for her younger brother who is disabled and carries a heavy burden, Shamna wishes to remake the world of man. Indeed, it is for Shalio’s sake that she tries to activate the Gate of Alam in the temple in the capital. (The 1st part of her other bio was same-ish as the above bio.)
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Shalio (CV: Ayumu Murase)
The King of Zilkhstan. Shamna’s little brother. Even though he’s disabled, he’s very talented at piloting his KMF, the Nagid Shu Mane.
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Bolvona Forgnar (CV: Akio Ohtsuka)
The commander-in-chief of Zilkhstan. He was nicknamed “The [Bronzed/Sun-kissed] Rampart” for his defense of an impregnable fortress.
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Shesthaal Forgnar (CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki)
Captain of Priestess Shamna’s elite guard. Cmdr. Folgner’s son. He has pride in his country.
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Belq Batoum Bitool (CV: Wataru Takagi)
The warden of a large prison. He’s rowdy and loves to pick a fight. Used to be a bandit.
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Swaile Qujappat (CV: Kenjiro Tsuda)
Leads a team of assassins. A cruel person who used to be with the Geass Cult.
The Capital City, Gralbahd
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90% of the country is desert and wasteland. The capital is Gralbahd. The center piece of the city located between the groups of buildings is the temple, which towers over the densely populated areas on both sides of it. The imperial palace is located on the water, opposite the temple. The two are connected by bridges so you don’t need to use a ship to travel from one to another. Behind the temple is a 1000m tall cliff.
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Based on a map that’s shown during the movie, Zilkhstan is fictionally located around this area of Pakistan and India.
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"Namjala latak” is like their country’s equivalent of “Yes, my Lord”. They always say it with 1 hand over an eye when in response to a order/command given from someone. Even the prisoners/etc people that Lelouch geasses say it in response to his orders.
They also do the hands over eyes motion without saying namjala latak when facing/turning towards the nobility so they don’t look directly at them with their third eye. (Source) You see Shesthaal do this when he appears in Shamna’s temple and turns to face her.
Knightmare Frames
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Nagid Shu Mane (Chalio’s KMF)
Shalio’s personal KMF. It has improved mobility due to the float system being attached to each part of the main body. It does successive attacks while disorienting opponents with its high speed. In addition to shooting things with an assault rifle, it also has a sword that can take on different shapes.
Another scan mentions that it has 2 hidden arms for a total of 4.
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Batalalan Du (Bitool’s KMF from the 2nd half)
Bitool’s favorite. It is clad in extremely strong armor that allows it to shrug off enemy attacks. It can transform from its default crab form into a scorpion form. Has 6 harkens, 1 per leg. Can constrict opponents movement with its super electromagnetic field that expands from the [hands/claws].
The trailers don’t have scenes with this one, so uhh lineart it is.
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??? (Cmdr. Folgner’s KMF)
This is the Commander in Chief’s KMF that he uses against Cornelia, but I have no idea what the name of it is.
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Jarja Vakka (Shestal’s KMF)
Nothing on the website or the pamphlet about it.
(I took the Jarja spelling from the R-Jarja of ZZ Gundam, of which it shares a red horn and the jyajya katakana with.)
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Ghedo Vakka (mass produced mook unit)
A mass produced KMF used by the Zilkhstan army. The machine is operated by wearing special goggles that allows the operator to see enemies and the environment in augmented reality. The cannon barrels have great range/mobility (I’m not good w/technical translations lol) which is also useful for artillery bombardments. Each side of each leg has a machine gun. When the unit is on standby, the legs can fold up into a more compact form. The cockpit hatch is located in-between the 2 shoulder cannons.
That this post didn’t end up just being a million pictures of Eyebrows-kun is honestly a bit amazing.
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centerofreality · 4 years
Doya, BB-chan? remember your Kiryu with Kiryu-Fan after him? it's hilarious! I love it! Can you do a Majima version? This time have Nishitani and a Majima-fanatic after him? gotta have Majima get a taste of his own medicine [you don't need to prioritized this requests, take your time, please]🧡 thank you
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You had a crush on Goro Majima for so long that you’ve become his one and only fan. You knew so much yet so little. Even with your infatuation, you didn’t know how to express your feelings to the mysterious eye-patched man working at the Grand Cabaret. Nishitani, being the kindhearted man he was, decided to lend a hand in one of the many ways he knew how. Being competitive. 
UHHHHHHH- 70+ FOLLOWERS???!! YOU ALL ARE WILD!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I know I’m not active here as much but I’m grateful for all of your support!! Modules are really taking most of my time so I never got around to Tumblr. As a gift, I took the chance on what anon requested me and decided to make a oneshot! I’m not good at writing stories but hopefully, I can make it work!
Reader will be more feminine here but I will be writing they/them pronouns. Sorry about that!
Includes: Nishitani flirting with both Y/N and Majima because he has no shame, Suggestive Themes (because Nishitani), Cursing and Explicit Language, Fluff and semi-crack? Me not knowing how to write a story.
“How old are ya again, Y/N-chan? Majima-chan is an old man, ya know.” “At least he looks like he’s actually in his 20′s, unlike you.” “I look younger than I look!”
You sigh and look at the man sitting across from you. Nishitani only had a smirk as he bounces his legs, a hostess sitting beside him and serving the both of you. “Are you here to annoy Majima-san again?” You ask him with your eyebrows raised.
“Of course!” Typical.
You, Y/N L/N, were friends with the horny criminal, Homare Nishitani. People didn’t know how or why you were friends with him, and truth be told, you didn’t know either. He had suddenly approached you one day and asked if you ‘had the hots for Majima-kun too.’, and that the both of you go to the Cabaret Grand to annoy him. He was wild and didn’t care if he was being loud. You thought he was going to throw you in the river when you had rejected his advances of ‘leaving Majima-kun and have fun at my place’ but surprisingly, you stayed alive and have been friends ever since.
One of the perks of being with Nishitani was-
“Heyyyy, Majima-kun!!!” Nishitani waves maniacally to the approaching man who looked less than pleased, even if he had a polite smile.
Yep, Nishitani’s perks were that you get basically free access to the Grand. You always spend your money on this place and even then, Majima doesn’t really show up much.
“Nishitani-san.” Majima’s face was stoic as ever but when he turned to you, his eyes got softer and he even let a small smile appear on his face as he bowed politely. “L/N-san. Thank you for coming to our establishment again today.” Had you not been anywhere but around Majima, you would have screamed at the top of your lungs. Instead, you internally squealed and bowed your head. “G-good work again, Majima-san!!”
“I’m the one paying ‘ere, ‘ya know!” Nishitani rolled his eyes before he looked at Majima, “How lucky are we though that we have the famous manager himself to attend to our table!”
“You are not harassing any of our hostesses here, I presume. I wanted to check if my guess was right.” Your eyes widened and you glare at Nishitani, “Harass?!?! Nishitani!!” The man immediately held his hands up and sat a few inches away from the hostess that he was so close with, “I ain’t doin’ nothin’!! My hands are clean!”
Majima watches the both of you interact, he was confused about why the two of you were friends to begin with. No, he wasn’t jealous that the two of you were always together, and even if you were a couple - which he could hardly believe - it wasn’t his business to know. 
“It’s all good, manager!” One of his girls said with a smile and he nodded, “I’ll be going then, please continue to enjoy your stay here.” You let out a dreamy sigh as he walked away.
“Majima-kun would ace being in a maid cafe. With the frilly dress and the cat ears and everything, that’d get me rock hard on the spot.” Nishitani randomly said, picking his ears with his pinkie as the hostess giggled at your red face, “L/N-san, do you perhaps...” “Have a mad infatuation with the guy? Hell yeah, they are.” You only looked away bashful. Were you really that obvious??
“I have a feeling Majima-san likes you back too! He treats you as his favorite customer as much as I know!” “Doesn’t he do that to all customers?” You meekly asked, watching her think and shrug. “I think he’s much more genuine to you than anyone else.”
“Not even me?” Nishitani pouted while you look at the large signs of Cabaret Grand with wide eyes. Really?? Majima...likes you back? You shake your head. No, you shouldn’t hope. There weren’t any chances that you and Majima would end up together anyway.
“Ahh, look how fucking in love they are. Why can’t I have that? I’m a handsome looking guy.” Nishitani asked, leaning back on the soft cushions of the seats as the hostess poured him another drink. “It isn’t just about looks, it’s like..it’s like, he may look intimidating but I know he has a good heart. He’s kind and respectful and I admire him a lot..” You ranted before you grab the glass of juice (because Nishitani took all the alcohol, as much as he wanted to see you drunk on broad daylight) and drank it in one go. Nishitani whistles.
“Why don’t you confess to him then? It’s worth a try, right?” The hostess suggested, pouring your glass. “What if he rejects me? I wouldn’t be able to go here again because of the embarrassment!” You cover your face and groan, dragging your hands down while Nishitani laughed at your pitiful state. “Stop laughing! It’s not funny!” “It’s a little funny!”
You look at your phone and seeing the time that’s passed, you curse under your breath and quickly finish your glass, standing up. “Eh? Going already, sweetcheeks?” Nishitani tilted his head. “Yeah, I still have work to do. I’ll be back again tomorrow!” You wave at him and the hostess who waved back as you left.
“Those two need to get a room, I’m getting blue balls just by watching them.” Nishitani groans before he pauses... then he smirks. He had just the idea.
The next day, you went to the VIP and paused, watching Nishitani flirt with a disinterested Majima. As soon as his eye had spotted you, it lit up as he bowed at you, jerking his hands away from a sulking Nishitani. “Hello again, L/N-san. VIP again?” He approached you as you played with your fingers, grinning. “A-ah, y-yeah! Here to support you and everyone else here as always!” You thanked the heavens that your voice didn’t crack as Majima smiled, “You have my utmost gratitude.”
You watched him walk past you, smelling a whiff of his cologne. You immediately sat next to Nishitani and squealed on his shoulder. “Watch the merchandise!” Even with Nishitani’s protest, he let you be.
“Even he smells good!” You shake him as he tried to balance his glass. “Guy’s stubborn as hell. Wouldn’t take my offer.” You stopped moving him around and looked up at him. “What offer?” “Just me and him on a date, no biggie.” He shrugged.
“A-a-a da-date?!?!” You exclaim and hide back when a few people in the VIP glanced at the both of you, only to look away, seeing Nishitani. “Are you serious?!” You whispered to the giggling man.
“Look, we didn’t make the fucking Majima Fanclub for nothing, aight?” The Majima Fanclub consisted of You, Nishitani, and his family who were just there because their boss told them to. 
“If you’re not going to ask him then I’m going to take my chance. Finders Keepers.” He stuck his tongue out at you as you looked almost betrayed. Somehow, that made you fired up and more confident. You were going to beat Nishitani and confess to him! 
“W-well, I’m going to ask him on a date too!” “Oho, you’re challenging me?” Nishitani leaned forward, a competitive glint in his eyes. “Exactly, Whoever gets accepted first is the winner.” You told him, head up and straight posture. He laughed, “I like your words, darling.”
It had taken you several hours to brainstorm. But you had finally thought of something..
“Out of all the things, you pick Letters?? Boooooring.” “Have any ideas, smart guy?” You rolled your eyes at Nishitani who was lazily drawing scribbles on a piece of paper, his glass of alcohol showing a mark on his paper. “Ah, shit- fuck-” He cursed, having broken yet another crayon.
“I told you, you should have picked the markers instead.” You shake your head, laughing a little. The two of you were at one of the most popular Cabarets in Sotenbori yet the two of you were writing and drawing love letters.
“Why did you pick letters anyway?” The man beside you asked, cutting a choppy heart with a piece of paper. “Letters are a lot more genuine than gifts, you know? It’s heartfelt and simple, but means a lot to both you and to the one you’re sending it to.” You smile and Nishitani stifled his laughter, “Are you still in high school? That sounds so fucking cheesy, I love it.” You tried your best to make yours look neat but due to how nervous you were, the handwriting ended up a little messy. “You send it to him!” You exclaim, shoving the folded note. “Like hell I am!” Nishitani moved back and called for a hostess who so happened to be the same hostess from before.
“Is your manager available right now, pretty lady?” “Yes, actually. He’s at the rooftop and taking a break. Is there anything you need from him?” The hostess answered and blinked when the both of you handed your letters to her. “Can you give us a favor and give ‘im these? You can throw Y/N’s in the trash.” “No, you throw his in the trash!” The hostess grinned and shakes her head before taking them. “I’ll give these to him then, I’ll be back.”
As you waited patiently, playing with your glass, you thought if your letter was good enough. Nishitani looked pretty confident and to be honest? You were starting to lose the fire in you. This was a bad idea. You would just make a fool out of yourself to the guy you like!
“Nishitani, I shouldn’t have given away that letter.” You only got a smack on the back of your head as Nishitani groaned, retreating his hand away, “You dumbass. This was your idea. You gotta suck it up and own up to it.” “That’s not a good thing to say to your friend.” You pout as you rub your head. 
“Still, I don’t think he’ll even look at mine.” The yakuza sighs and pours himself a glass. “If he does, I’ll beat him up. There, does that make you feel better?” “That would just make me feel worse!” You scold but you had a smile on your face, making Nishitani grin, showing his slightly sharp teeth.
A few minutes later, the hostess came back, and much to your surprise, Majima was with her. He looked almost bored as the hostess pulled him in front the both of you. “I wanted Majima-san to personally give them to you!” Majima sighs and watched you sheepishly apologize before he handed back your letters. “Thanks so much, Majima-san!” The hostess looked delighted as the man quickly walked away to another table, almost flustered.
“He’s gonna love my drawing! I’m gonna keep this forever!” Nishitani cackles before he opened his letter with a grin. You then took a deep breath and opened yours, seeing if he said something too.
To Majima-san,
I know that I’m just a customer but I want to say that I like you and I admire you a lot. I have been for a long time, and only now did I got the courage to express my feelings. At first, I thought it was a simple crush but as time passed by, that feeling never went away. In fact, I think I like you a lot more now. Would you mind going out with me at Osaka King sometime?  I completely understand if you don’t like me back and if you don’t want to go out, no matter what happens, I will continue to support you and the staff here in Cabaret Grand as your loyal customer!
“Ah man, he only gave a note about how I sucked at drawing him! That asshole!” Nishitani grumbled, “What about you?” He looked at you only to see that you were practically frozen in your position, staring at the letter with wide eyes. “What?” He blinked and went for a peek. “He said yes..” You gape and cover your mouth, letting him read it as you were too speechless to even do anything.
             -L/N Y/N
Sure, I would love to. What does 10 am tomorrow sound like? : )                                                   - Goro Majima
“The fucker actually did it,” Nishitani mumbled and you looked around for Majima, seeing that he was still in the VIP room. Like he had known you were looking for him, he turned around and the two of you made eye contact. You beamed at him and he smiled, chuckling a bit before he went on his way. You were breathless, holding your cheeks together with bright eyes and a lovestruck smile.
That was a date.
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уєѕ! ι'м αℓмσѕт ¢αυgнт υρ ωιтн му ωαттρα∂ σиєѕнσт! нσρєfυℓℓу уσυ gυуѕ ℓιкє тнιѕ! αgαιи, ιf тнєяє αяє αиу ѕρєℓℓιиg єяяσя/мιѕтαкєѕ ρℓєαѕє тєℓℓ мє, αи∂ ι ωιℓℓ gℓα∂ℓу fιχ ιт! нσρєfυℓℓу уσυ gυуѕ αяє ℓσσкιиg fσяωαя∂ fσя иєχт ωєєк, ѕιи¢є ι ωιℓℓ вє ωяιтιиg тωσ fαиfι¢ѕ, тσ мαкє υρ fσя тнιѕ ωєєк!
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⭐️Confession Tellings⭐️
Main ship:
🛠Trois🛠 X 💢Honey💢
Supporting Ship(s):
⛓Jyugo⛓ X 🃏Uno🃏
💊Nico💊 X 🔮Upa🔮
AU(Alternative Universe):
🎍3rd P.o.v🎍:(Point of View)
Kiji walked to the cafeteria fetching Honey and Trois, so they wouldn't miss their Fanclub meet up. Just as he entered the Cafeteria he saw Honey and Trois holding each others' hands, and throwing Loving glances at each other's way. Kiji soon after seeing them and registered what had happened, quickly went to sit on their table.
"So who finally confessed?" Kiji asked, a smirk on his face, feeling happy for the new couple. Wanting to know more of the details. One of his hands resting again his cheek, careful not to smudge his makeup, that he had worked hours on.
Honey flashed him a victorious smirk
"It was me, I made sure it was short and sweet, just like you said." Honey replied, getting his lover's hand and intertwining them with his, bringing the hand up to his lips and kissing them softly, flashing yet another loving glance at his Boyfriend's deep rose colored eyes.
Trois sighed "You yelled listen here you little shit I have feelings for you, and it's time you acknowledged them...from the roof." Trois explained chucking softly, remembering the exact moment it happened. Giving his Boyfriend's hand a little squeeze.
"Jeez I don't know what your getting at, my perfect plan worked." Commented Honey looking away, his emerald coloured eyes trying to avoid Trois and Kiji's playful stares, a blush tainting his fair skin, his eyebrows furrowed in the process. He slowly let go of his Boyfriend's hand, as he rested it on his cheek, trying to hide the blush tainting it.
"You mean my plan?" Asked Kiji teasing Honey, a playful smirked tugged at his violet covered lips, his gold eyes showing mischief and playfulness.
"Kiji-San!" Yelled Honey clearly embarrassed, though not wanting to show his Boyfriend as he was trying his hardest not to look at his Lover's deep rose coloured eyes.
"That wasn't very attractive of you
Honey-Kun." Trois teased as well, resulting to him getting flicked on the forehead from his Boyfriend. A playful pout now on Trois' face.
"Hey, don't give me that look." Honey commented as he squeezed his Lover's cheeks with both hands. His blush long gone, but was replaced with annoyance instead. Trois soon started to whine and squirm, but that didn't stop Honey.
"Chop chop boys, we still have our fanclub to get to." Kiji announced, standing up from his seat while clapping his hands.
"All right!" Both boys replied, they started to put their trays away, and getting ready. After they have gotten ready, and have put away their trays they exited the cafeteria. They once again intertwine their hands with one another. Smiling softly, as they walked back to their cells to get ready for their fanclub.
🎍3rd P.o.v🎍:(Point of View)
"I knew those guys weren't straight!" Laughed Uno as he was telling his Boyfriend, Jyugo what he saw at the cafeteria, sitting down on the floor playing with his deck of cards.
"Like you are." Sighed out Jyugo, getting up from his position from the corner of the room to go towards his lover, giving his lover's cheek a quick peck.
"Jeez, I swear almost all the guys here in this prison isn't straight!" Uno blurted out, pulling on his Boyfriend's hand so he's sitting right on his lap, nuzzling against him ever so slightly.
"I guess so." Jyugo agreed. Trying to get one of Uno's cards, and inspect them, but failing to do so due to his Lover taking away every card he gets his hands on.
Ignoring all the Commotion, Nico closed his manga slightly, and stared at the ceiling in thought.
I wonder what Master thinks? He thought to himself. Quickly going back to reading his manga.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
just this once
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pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warning: angsty, fluff, cursing
word count: 2,670
a/n: this is for the bnharem collaboration!!!!! how exciting!!!! will I ever not be obsessed with shouto??? only god will know. but anyways, enjoy bbies :D
message to join taglist :D
“These are for you!”
Your fingers clenched a box of chocolates too tightly, the red paper reflecting the bright February sun, and your scarf was wrapped tightly around your face. Your words a near mumble when you presented your gift of affection. 
“Like that?” You ask, your eyes shifting over to your friends who were judging your presentation. “I feel like I was a bit too stiff, what do you think?”
“You look like a goddamn little school girl,” Jirou snorted, a grin spreading on her face as the others more or less agreed. Those words immediately threw a wrench in your confidence, your bottom lip assaulted by your teeth while you watched your friends discuss their opinions.
“It’s super cute and romantic,” Mina sighed, and your shoulders picked up. Hope and confidence were flooding your veins again. “But we are eighteen years old, almost graduating, and you’ve never been able to accomplish this before.”
“Yeah, but,” you say, your arms sweeping out, your finger pointed at your friends who remained silent, all their eyebrows quirked in curiosity and amusement. You don’t continue on, your voice cutting off, your thoughts unable to form.
“But?” Momo asked a kind smile on her face, encouraging you to continue.
“I don’t know,” you laugh, although the tremor in your voice shows that it was not done out of amusement. “I mean, we’re actually good friends now, we talk, kinda? As much as you can with him being so damn busy all the time… I totally got this! Besides, I gave all the other guys gifts, so why would he think he’s different?!”
“BECAUSE HE IS DIFFERENT TO YOU!” They seemed to holler all at once, and your cheeks burned. You turned on your heel, your backs facing your friends, and your eyes lowered to the box of chocolates.
This was accomplishable. You had survived the worst villains in the world, you had survived motherfucking UA, handing your love chocolates to Todoroki Shouto would be a breeze! In and out faster than Iida. You’d scream that the chocolates were for him, shove them into his chest, and race off before he could reject you. It was a solid plan, in your opinion. 
You roll your eyes, choosing to stick out your tongue at your friends who all groaned in response. They had zero faith in you, and to be quite honest, you had no faith in yourself either. You never won in this sort of battle. Three years of being in love with someone who clearly had no romantic interest in you was truly exhaustive, why you didn’t just give up was beyond you. Just this once you wanted a win, to see that at the very least he would accept the chocolates you had spent way too long making. 
“You have about five minutes before they leave,” Uraraka’s voice broke you from your stupor, “they have rounds.”
It slammed into you then, the fear and terror of being reject burned at every cell in your body. Your eyes focused on the box of chocolates in your hands; there was a white envelope made out to Shouto with a confession of your affections should you fail at your words. There was no way you were getting out of this; it seemed. 
Your steps were heavy as you walked towards the lockers, the sweet sounds of the ending winter filled your ears, and the soft giggles of girls and boys in love made your heart pump faster than it should. You got this, you were basically a Pro Hero now, you’ve stared death in the face and walked out living. You were reliable, amazing, and so much more.
But the words you were reciting to keep your spirits high were useless, the dread was a rock in your stomach, a black hole of apprehension. There was no doubting Shouto was going to have a lot of presents, hell he had a fucking Fanclub already! The gifts all those girls could afford, the chocolates they could make were most definitely better than yours.
The box of chocolates rattled in your fingers, your distress bleeding into your form. You took one last long look at your chocolates, finally having arrived at the lockers, and you turned towards the group of six girls who merely gave you energetic encouragement.
‘You got this, y/n!” read a sign most definitely just created by Momo. 
The laughter that spluttered from your lips was shaky, but it helped ease your worry. With a nod that betrayed your nervousness, you spun on your heel and walked into the lockers, en route to Shouto’s.
You smiled at your underclassmen who greeted you, your lips opening to complement their presents, and making light talk for you had somewhere to be. And then you saw him, a tall boy with red and white hair, opening a locker that most definitely exploded with valentine cards and chocolates. You froze, hidden behind the lockers. Shouto sighed, his figure kneeling down to gather the things on the floor, and you realized this was the perfect time for you to run in and throw your gift into the pile without needing to actually talk!
“Hey, Todoroki-kun!” You whispered sharply in your panic, your heart thundering in your chest at the sight of your crush calmly picking up his gifts. 
“SHOUTO-KUN!” Another voice shouted, and you felt frozen in your path when another girl you’d never talked to before bounded out of the blue and immediately latched onto Shouto’s side. Your hands remained frozen at your chest, the box of chocolates pressed into your body.
“Hi, Suki,” Shouto answered, a small but bright smile enveloping his face. 
There you stood frozen, hidden behind lockers, the world still continues to move as you watched the two of them clean up the grams on the floor. Soft chatter being exchanged by the two of them, laughter pouring from her mouth, and chuckles from his. You needed to look away, or at the very least approach them, you knew this. You were a hero, you’ve never had issues moving before, but right now, when you needed to be your own hero, you failed to advance. 
Their conversation was not understandable to you with your heartbeat roaring in your ears, but it soon disappeared. You watched with bile rising up to your throat as the girl pressed her hands to Shouto’s cheeks, her smile beaming and bright, and Shouto’s ears turning scarlet red. Her lips connected with Shouto’s, and your world went silent.
Undeserving tears pricked at your eyes, and Shouto’s hands pressed against her hands. But you’d seen more than enough.
The box of chocolates dropped from your hands, clattering loudly onto the floor since there was no one but the three of you there. But before the two of them could see who was there, question who was there, you were gone.
There was nothing except a box of chocolates, with a letter written for the man who held your affections.
Dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a tank, you sat with your classmates in the shared space. Your knees were tucked under your chin, the droning sounds of the rom-com filled the room. Everyone besides Shouto, Midoriya, and Bakugou were here, and those with a significant other were sitting and enjoying this night in together.
Valentine’s Day was a joke.
Your nose scrunched at the way the girl and the guy of the movie began to passionately make out, their surroundings forgotten because their love was too strong. How indecent.
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed another handful of popcorn and ate it, your eyes filling up with tears when your mind wandered to earlier. You had no reason to cry! You weren’t fast enough, brave enough, or important enough to win Shouto’s affections. 
“Oh, they’re back,” Shouji spoke, his head turning towards the entrance of the dorm. Your heart stopped, and you sink further into the couch, praying that someone’s lover had a quirk that would let the couch eat you. The movie was promptly paused, and as soon as the three most chaotic people in the class walked in, they were swarmed.
Yelling and screaming filled the room. People were arguing about who knows what, and presents were being given to the boys from the girls. There was no saying what was happening, only that you were the only one not greeting them. You felt pathetic, there were only a few weeks left of school, and you were never going to confess, how stupid. Standing up, you shoved your hands into the pockets of your sweatpants before heading to the staircase; you didn’t want to stay here anymore. Not if you would cry at seeing Shouto.
He was happy, so you would be happy for him.
With the loud conversations taking place, and your classmate’s oblivious natures, no one noticed when you slipped into the staircase and disappeared back to your room. 
Turning on the lights, your room felt mockingly bright. There was nothing new or out of place. But the wall by your desk was filled with a bunch of photos that had stirred you to confess in the first place. Pictures of you and Shouto, the two of you smiling and talking, candid and posed photos littered the wall almost in the same amount as the pictures with the girls. 
Your fingers grabbed onto the photo booth film, the four photos that had you in the dumbest of poses with Shouto lingering gaze pressed into you, except for the last one where you had caught him staring, and it looked as if you two were lovers. But that wasn’t the case, he had promptly looked away, leaving the booth.
You were nothing but a stupid girl in love with a man who was leagues better than you.
There was a soft knock on your door, and your fingers pressed away, fallen tears from your cheeks. God, why were you so emotional. Walking quickly to the door, you expected to open it to Momo or Iida, whoever had noticed your disappearing number first. A smile graced your features, and you swung open the door.
“Sorry! I needed -- oh.”
Shouto stood outside your door, his face smudged with dirt and his right hand behind his back. Your smile tightened immediately, and you tilted your head, hoping he wouldn’t notice the difference. Why was he here? Did he care?
“You weren’t downstairs, and since I was coming up to change, they asked me to check on you,” Shouto breathed, his eyes looking down, avoiding your gaze too. 
Your shoulders deflated, and you made an agreeable noise, your head nodding.
“Yeah, um, I needed to get my socks,” you lie.
Shouto nodded too, his eyes dropping to your feet that had no socks on it.
“Okay… I’m going to change, I’ll see you back downstairs?”
You nod your head, your eyes falling to the wall behind Shouto, “Yeah! Um, see you there.”
Shouto nodded again, but he didn’t move. So there the two of you stood, staring at each other, neither one of you moving, yet the both of you knowing that you needed to move before the entire class came for you both. But you wanted to ask about the girl, about who she was, if it was serious? But would that make you feel better? Your gaze fell while you contemplated knowing this information.
With your gaze leaving him, Shouto turned to move, a small sigh escaping his mouth.
“Who is she?” You blurted, your eyes focused on him with intensity and fear. “That girl, uh, your girlfriend?”
Shouto froze, his eyes confused, and his head tilting, “My girlfriend?”
You nodded, your stomach-churning, “I saw you kissing a girl today.”
It hit him then.
“You saw that?” He asked, his eyes wide and face overcame with a blush.
Your mouth was dry, and you wanted to both throw-up and cry, but you nodded. Your heart hammered in your chest, the palms of your hands sweaty and clammy despite your pleading mind for it to stop. 
“Y/l/n, that was--”
Your hands came up, the bile in your throat returning, “You don’t need to explain it to me, she was cute! You two look cute together!”
Shouto’s eyebrows scrunched, his mouth shut as something finally unleashed within you, forming nothing but word vomit.
“I can’t say anything for it, I’m happy for you! Truly I am happy that there’s someone out there that loves you, and you love them back! I mean, I was trying to approach you at your locker, but she beat me to it, which is my fault! And I was there because I was going to confess, which again was my fault for not doing it! I just… just this once, I wanted to be important to you the way you are to me! Because I have these feelings for you, Shouto, and I don’t know what to do with them anymore. I can’t have you because you obviously like someone else, and that’s fine! I was too late, or whatever, but…” your fingers trembled, and you fisted them at your chest. Silent tears fell from your face, and you finally met his gaze. “I’ve been trying for the past two years to confess to you, and it’s shitty of me to finally be able to do it when you found someone you like, but I’m in love with you.”
Shouto’s eyes were wide, his hand that had been hidden behind his back finally pulled before you, and revealed the box of chocolates you had dropped earlier today. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, handing you the box of chocolates, and your throat tightened, the envelope was opened, obviously read. “I--”
“It’s okay,” you interrupt him, taking the chocolates back, your heart crashing into your stomach. The tears in your eyes burned your skin, and your spout of broken courage was now gone, it vanished, and you felt hollow.
“You didn’t let me finish,” Shouto groaned, his hands raking through his hair. Your eyes met his frustrated gaze, and his hand shoved your box of chocolates onto the floor again, his hands taking yours in his. “I’m not good with emotions, I know that. I’m emotional, but I don’t know… simple things. Fuyumi-nee had been helping me out for ages, but it’s been years, and I thought she needed a break. So I sought out help from Suki because… I don’t know, someone said she was good with things like this.”
Your eyes blinked, as Shouto’s thumb traced the back of your hands.
“I’d been trying to figure out how to deal with my emotions for you because they were so damn annoying! I couldn’t figure out why I wanted to know everything about you, why I needed to sit with you during lunch, why I enjoyed coming over to your room before sleeping even though I was exhausted? It just didn’t make sense to me, and I needed more… help. Suki seemed to think my problems were about her, and she kissed me today. But I don’t like her! I’ve never liked her, because shit, y/n, I’m in love with you too.”
They say love was magnetic, that it drew people in, making everyone a better them. For years you never believed it, why would you? But there was something in the air, something that made you ignore the tears pouring down your face.
Your hands left his and found a home on the collar of his shirt; Shouto’s placed his on your waist.
Despite the tears on your face, his face was drawn to yours, and his lips found yours. The two of you walked into your room, stepping on the chocolate box, and your lips familiarized with each other, greeting and pulling each other in. There was the click of the door and had you two been listening carefully, maybe you would have heard the hushed screams of your classmates.
“I love you.”
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yuusa · 4 years
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝟔
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐𝟗𝟐𝟔
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟔:
You squinted your eyes at the costume presented in front of you. Although they did follow your specifications, you couldn’t believe that you were actually going through with their plans. Your classmate brought up the gifted costume and you held up the outfit towards your face.
You sighed before turning to look at Yuki who had already gowned his outfit. You pressed your lips together as you stared at the frilly costume, finding yourself uncomfortable looking at him. It wasn’t that the costume was hideous, or that Yuki didn’t look good, they both don’t pair well together at all. You thought that he had it the worst when it came to handling his own fanbase.
As you looked around, the classroom was close to being done and ready to open. You excused yourself as you made your way to the back of the class where the curtain was. You silently motioned Tohru to keep a watch of the area as you quickly changed into your costume to avoid wasting any time. You were pleased to see that the material wasn’t scratching against your skin or even the color red. You slid each of the components on and clipped the necessary accessaries before pulling the curtains back, revealing your figure in its glory.
Your hair was tied back in a low ponytail, the long jacket of yours shaped to be a pair of wings that flowed with the open window breeze. It hung on your shoulders while you donned a pair of black gloves. There were many layers to this outfit and you were glad it wasn’t the middle of summer. You adjusted the cravat around your neck as you stepped out towards the center of the classroom, many of the boys swooning over your appearance while a small number of girls commented on the costume choice. The suit fitted nicely around your breasts, making you wonder about the sizing for this outfit.
“T-The perfect fit!” Someone shouted.
“This was so worth the price!”
You huffed before placing your hand on your hip, giving the audience your signature cold stare. You heard various sounds of camera flashes as you stood still for your classmates to take photos.
Yuki stood by your side almost speechless, unable to form any sort of sentence to you. The costume fitted you quite nicely and the jacket looked similar to a cape. In a way, he felt as if he was the one unable to match your appearance.
You stood tall and confidently while he cowered a bit in his costume. You were playing the part of a prince quite well as the boys begged you to roleplay a specific scene for photos. There were times that your hair slipped over your shoulder, revealing the black ribbon you used to tie your hair back. When you pulled on your glove, stared at the camera with your sharp (e/c) eyes, and called out to the audience, you were really selling the part.
Once word got out that you opened your classroom doors, there were many students flooding into the room to take photos and eat. You questioned whether or not Yuki felt overwhelmed by the amount of attention on him, but you also needed to focus on the special requests people are sending.
“Five onigiris for a special request photo! Selling five onigiris! Come get your onigiris with special photographs with Sohma-san and (L/n)-san!” Uotani announced, racking up a massive line behind the onigiri stand.
When you were going to ask Yuki about the situation, you were immediately silenced by the micro-banged fanclub president who began monitoring Yuki’s personal space. You sighed before turning away from him, not noticing the stare Yuki gave you as he frowned.
“A-Ah. . . Umm. . . (L/n)-san! Can you do a kabedon for my friend!” One classmate asked, her friend blushing immensely at her embarrassing request.
You gave her a gentle smile, “alright.”
You grabbed onto her hand and pulled her towards you as you maneuvered your body so that she would be placed against the chalkboard behind you. She gasped when you slammed your gloved hand next to her head while you towered over her shorter figure. You reached out to tilt her chin upwards so the two of you made eye contact.
“Is this alright with you, princess?” You smirked, causing the girl to feel the heat rushing to her cheeks as she squealed, her friend quickly taking photos of the moment while the rest of the boys gathered behind them. You internally groaned on the inside as you prepared yourself for a wave of requests flooding in.
“Do this pose next (L/n)-san!”
“Look over at this camera!”
“(L/n)-san you’re looking great okay!”
Tohru watched as you took every single special request, admiring your impressive acting skills as you took on every single offer. Despite straining your cheeks to smile at everyone, you were willing to put yourself through the pain if it meant selling Tohru’s onigiris.
“(Y/n)-kun and Yuki-kun are doing a good job selling our onigiris. They both look really good!” Tohru commented, to which Uotani smugly added on.
“I helped organize her costume after all.”
Tohru smiled at her, “you’re amazing Uo-chan!”
“Right?! It’s a great looking costume.” Uotani patted herself on the back.
“The rat boy has a whole complex with his face.” Kyo said, “he probably likes the attention he’s getting.”
As you were holding a girl in your arms, you noticed the presence of an unknown boy coming into the room. When you turned your head to see his appearance, he disappeared from the door. He immediately jumped onto Yuki’s back, speaking German. Who is that? You thought. 
“Momiji, Don’t wander off on your own.” A taller, much older figure came into the classroom, holding onto his coat and draping it over his arm. 
“Oh! Harry!” Momiji hooked his arms around Yuki’s neck, still attached to him. 
What you presume to be Harry walked towards Yuki, greeting him formally. You raised your eyebrow at the scene in front of you, were they part of Yuki’s family? The rest of the girls in the class swooned over their appearance, most likely drooling over the thought of other Sohmas being at their school. 
“Guten tag! I’m Sohma Momiji! I’m half-Japanese and half-German!” He wore this dark brown cowboy hat with childish clothing, he was extremely short and his voice made you believe he was only a small child, “and this is Sohma Hatori! We’re both related to Yuki and Kyo!” 
So they were his family. You wondered what was the occasion for them to actually come over considering the fact that Shigure wasn’t here. Then again, you barely knew any of the Sohmas on a personal level, probably not as much as Tohru who was gushing over an unknown thought. 
You twirled the girl around in your arms, her friends still taking photos of you and her together. She was holding onto your arm tightly as to not let go when you both had to part for the next request. You had almost forgotten you had your own job to do as the Sohmas soaked up most of the attention. 
“With that out of the way--Yuki, since when did you turn into a girl?” Hatori turned to face Yuki who was bubbling up on the inside with frustration and embarrassment. 
“You’ve seen me naked dozens of times, and you still ask me that with a straight face?” Despite his need to tell Hatori to keep quiet, he still walked over to him as Hatori whipped out a stethoscope, examining his heartbeats. “He’s a doctor. You don’t have to examine me here.” 
You pressed your lips together, if he had some sort of physical ailment, you wondered the reason behind his extreme running prowess. During Physical Education he and Kyo would often go against each other to run laps and you never had suspected he had to see a personal doctor. 
“I do because you broke your promise of coming once a month for a check-up.” Hatori clarified. 
Tohru gasped in surprise before making her way to Yuki’s side, “Sohma-kun, are you ill?” 
Hatori took off the stethoscope, “Yuki has bronchial problems. He had frequent attacks when he was younger.” 
“Are you Honda Tohru?” He asked, he later turned his attention over towards you, your eyes focused on him intensely almost stalking his every move out in the open. 
Tohru politely bowed, “yes! Pleased to meet you!” 
“I see. You really are a normal girl,” he commented, moving his eyes away from yours. 
You raised your eyebrow at his statement, was Hatori trying to imply that Tohru had something other than her blind kindness which made her unusual? You wondered what reason he had for even coming to the school at this point. It certainly doesn’t seem like he really needed to visit and examine Yuki here at the school. 
Yuki brought himself between Tohru and Hatori, separating the two of them and becoming a wall for him. The sound of a girl screaming caught the attention of the class as they all turned to Momiji who was sitting on top of the sign. 
“What are you doing you idiot?!” Kyo forcefully dragged him down from the sign and pulled him into the curtain of the backroom. Tohru turned to Yuki to excuse herself and ran over to the back. 
You frowned while watching Hatori interact with Yuki, silently trying to pick up on their conversation. 
“Why are you here?” Yuki asked.
“Take your complaints to Momiji. He brought over a festival flyer and then Akito wanted to come.” Yuki stared at him in shock as he continued, “Akito has a 39° fever, so I used my doctor veto but I end up having to come instead. Relax, I didn’t come to do anything to Honda Tohru.”
Akito? Who was that? You narrowed your eyes at the name. What exactly was Tohru hiding with the Sohma family? Is she somehow connected to them on a deeper level? You pressed your finger onto your chin as you stared off into thought, your sea of photographers still taking photos of your “cool” attitude. 
The sound of an explosion erupted in the classroom, a yellow smoke coming out of the bottom of the curtains as the students gathered around. Your eyes widened when you noticed Yuki starting to bring the attention back to him, calling himself weird as he fidgeted in his dress. You pressed your lips together in a firm line as you watched the class gather around him, clearly being distracted by him while Tohru ran off with Kyo and a yellow rabbit. You watched as the class became fascinated by Yuki’s acting and you quickly left the room to follow Tohru, Hatori’s eyes watching you closely.
You trailed behind the two when they went up towards the roof, carrying the animal up. As you reached the top of the steps, you felt the calloused hand of Hatori’s grab onto your arm, pulling you back. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked. 
You clicked your tongue before ripping your arm away from him, “shouldn’t I be asking you the same question? What is with you and Tohru-kun? What are you to her?”
“That is none of your business.” 
“So you and she do have something?” You narrowed your eyes at him. “What was that explosion then? Where did Momiji Sohma-san go? I highly doubt he was still behind that curtain.” 
You crossed your arms around your chest, creating a barrier between you and Hatori at the steps to the rooftop. “For someone who is a doctor, you sure are hiding quite a bit.” 
“For one, this doesn’t concern y-”
“You’re involving Tohru-kun, are you implying she is also part of your family? Doesn’t that make her even more suspicious now?” Hatori noticed the sharpened gaze of your eyes as you stared down at him from the top of the steps, almost like a bird of prey watching it’s food moments before it’s flight, “What are you hiding that is so important?” 
Hatori opened his mouth to reply, only to be interrupted by Yuki’s presence running up the stairs. He huffed in exhaustion before straightening his back to see you and Hatori at the stairs. You internally cringe seeing the pink and white dress contrast his appearance. 
“(L/n)-san. . . What are you doing here?” He asked.
You turned to Hatori and went back to Yuki, “are you both hiding something?” 
“Eh? What makes you say that?” He could feel himself starting to sweat underneath the dress from nervousness.
“If you’re not, I’m going up to the roof then.” Before you can turn around and walk up the stairs, Yuki grabbed a hold of your hand and dragged you back to the bottom of the stairs.
“W-Wait, I have something to talk about first.” You raised your eyebrow at the strange turn of events.
You sighed before letting Yuki take you to a secluded corner of the stairs while Hatori went up to the roof. When he had backed you against the wall, he tilted his head up to look at you. 
“A-Ah. . . Um. . .” He mumbled, trying to think of a way to not crumble underneath your intimidating glare. “I just wanted to say that. . . You did a good job today.” 
“Is that so?” You hummed, clearly displeased by the conversation topic. He noticed the lack of stutter from your voice as you dipped lower in tone, “it still doesn’t answer my question.” 
“I. . .” He bit his tongue, stressed out about the situation of how to explain everything to you without having you discover the family secret. “I’m sorry. I just can’t tell you.”
“Why?” You asked, your emotions bubbling with frustration and rage, “I thought we were friends, Yuki Sohma-san.” You sneered. 
“W-Well, we are but. . .” He trailed off. “I just. . . I can’t tell you right now.”
You grit your teeth as your anger pumped through your veins. What was it that was so special that it had to interrupt the class festival? Why involve someone like Tohru? Who are Hatori and Momiji? Who is Akito, why did they want to come? What is the connection? None of this is lining up and it was frustrating the hell out of you. 
Was this the feeling of jealousy?
You instinctively raised your hand, your irritation of the situation getting to your head, as you almost brought it towards his face but froze midway. Yuki seemed to have flinched as he saw your hand but you dropped it to your side, lifeless. The dullness and emotionless look of your eyes were shown through the dimly lit corner. 
“Whatever.” You responded, a hint of venom in your tone as you saw his eyes widen in shock. You shoved past Yuki and speed-walked towards the nearest girls' bathroom, leaving him alone in the corner of the staircase, withering away with guilt on the inside. 
You slammed the bathroom door shut, breathing heavily as you bent over the sink, taking in your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was slightly disheveled and your cravat was a bit loose. You yanked the ribbon from your hair and slammed your hand onto the sink, the material cracking slightly under the pressure.
Why were you so annoyed at this?
You bit your tongue as your mind tried to rack up every possible scenario which could have made sense. You brushed your hair back, before reaching out to your reflection. Your eyes were cold as ever, the (e/c) color doing nothing to soften the angry expression you had. Your piercing eyes glaring back at you.
It wasn’t like you and him were close from the beginning, you bitterly thought, you slid your hand down to your side, your fists tightening as your nails tried to dig through the glove material. Compared to someone like Tohru, you were nothing to him. What had happened between the two of you was simply for the sake of Tohru, it was to make her happy seeing the two of you become friends. It was just some sort of play date that was set up.
You growled in frustration as you glared at your reflection in the mirror. The exhaustion shining through your pupils. It didn’t matter in the end, you were better off forgetting about this experience and distancing yourself away from the family. You held no value to them and you wanted. . . No, you needed to accept this fact. You wiped away at the small tears forming at the corner of your eyes, concealing the sniffles as you took deep breaths.
You sighed before taking the ribbon and tying your hair back, readjusting your costume, and swinging the bathroom door open. You made your way back to the classroom, seeing the smiles of your classmates light up at the sight of you back.
“Fifteen onigiris for five special request photos! Let’s go all out!” You swung out your arms, a forced smile spread across your face as the classroom roared with excitement. Everyone quickly gathered around your form, filling the empty void from Princess Yuki with your presence.
While your heart may have hardened that day, the feeling of betrayal sinking into your bones, you wanted nothing more than to please the people around you.
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britishassistant · 4 years
Old Maid
The beautiful images of Cell 6 in Building Three had busy schedules. Even outside of entertaining the attentions of their fanclub, there were photo shoots and promotional materials to pose for, quizzes on beauty and general education to take, ammo ranges to clean, and mechanical projects to help out with.
But whenever the beautiful inmates did have some downtime, they tended to spend it playing card games to sharpen their wits and poker faces.
Well, Inmates 0303 and 0382 did. Inmate 0307 just hoped that he would not lose as badly as he normally did.
His lack of familiarity with the game strongly suggested that these hopes were soon to be dashed.
“So...the Joker is...bad?” Nana asked, staring at his hand of cards like they contained the secrets of the universe.
“For the fortieth time, yes.” Hani groaned. “Have you been listening at all?!”
“I have!” The young inmate flushed. “It’s just—it’s difficult.”
“Be nice, Hani-kun.” Trois laid a concilatory hand on his cellmate’s shoulder. “It is his first time after all. Nana-chan needs a bit of guidance so he can properly gain experience after all.”
“This stuff is basic intuition though!” Hani griped, shaking his cards for emphasis. “Not knowing it is as stupid as not knowing you have five toes!!”
“Jyugo-san has six toes. Nico-san told me he told him he lost one of them to a piranha.”
The two paused and looked at Nana. Trois reached out, carefully keeping his cards hidden, and pressed a hand to the boy’s shoulder. “Nana-chan, do you remember what we talked about the other day?”
Nana’s brow furrowed. “...That Jyugo-san shouldn’t be consulted about anything that isn't jailbreaking?”
“Yes. This is an example of one of those times.”
“Ah, that lockpick is seriously useless. Who the hell doesn’t know the number of toes humans have?! Did he sleep through goddamn school or something?” Hani complained, rolling his shoulders.
“...Did Jyugo-San go to school?” Nana asked, looking up from choosing a card from Hani’s deck.
There was a pause as the trio considered this.
“...Well, he must’ve! It’s not like the emotionless brat was born in jail— even if he was in juvie, he had to have a life before this— goddamn elementary schooling at least.” Hani proclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck doubtfully.
“Although, he and the rest of Cell 13 always say he’s in here for ‘jailbreaking’. There’s no mention of an original crime which lead to that like there is for Uno-kun and the others. And if he even drowns in the bathtub...” Trois mused.
Another, more dour silence as the implications sunk in.
“I-it’s kinda amazing that Jyugo-San functions as well as he does, isn’t it?” Nana asked shakily. “If he really was born in a prison, like Bane...”
“Bane?” Trois asked, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow as he placed the pair he’d just made with Nana’s card down.
“American comic book villain.” Hani informed him curtly. “Big guy on steroids, fights Batman. He was part of the inspiration for the bandit boss Yama in Winds and Clouds Chronicle Ninja Kamikaze that—”
“Wow, Hani-kun looks cool even when he’s oversharing about his favorite movie~” Trois steamrolled, leaving Hani to glare mutinously down at his cards.
“I-I’d like to hear more about it, Hani-senpai.” Nana tentatively volunteered, quailing slightly under Trois’ dry stare. “I-if it’s not too much trouble...”
“Hah!” Hani pointed a finger at Trois in smug glee. “Don’t worry Nana, we can do a movie marathon later.”
“Ah, okay! I’ll look forward to it!” The youngest member perked up again, turning back to his cards. The flash of panic on his face made it clear who had the Joker.
The mechanic sighed. “There go my hopes for having any cellmates with taste.”
“Trois-senpai is mean!” The youngest inmate stuck out his tongue.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just joking.” Trois held up a conciliatory hand. “Still, going back to the previous topic at hand, it is amazing that Jyugo-san is able to interact as a fairly stable and compassionate person, even given his...areas for growth.”
“How the hell does anyone get mugged by a grade schooler?” Hani sighed, taking a card from Trois’ deck. “And then get tricked into buying a weird vase in the same day, too?”
“...Jyugo-san was what now?” Nana asked, a look of incredulity crossing his face.
Trois chuckled. “Ah, you weren’t here for that story, were you? You’ll have to ask Uno-kun for the full version later.”
Nana went dark red for some reason, and began fidgeting with his cards. “A-ah, n-no, I’ll, I’ll just ask for i-it from Ni-Nico-san.”
Trois chuckled again, while Hani looked between them in confusion.
“Anyway,” The bespectacled inmate continued serenely, waiting for his cellmates to take their turns. “Maybe someone should provide Jyugo-san with some life advice, so his naïveté is not taken advantage of if he’s ever released.”
Hani scoffed as the smallest inmate’s fingers hovered indecisively over his hand. “As if that’d even help. It’d go in one of the lockpick’s ears and out the other.”
“Be nice, senpai.” Nana admonished gently, finally picking a card and holding his hand out to Trois.
“That’s right Hani-kun.” Trois added. “After all, Jyugo-san is just an unfortunate who couldn’t even guess the brand of underwear a woman wears, let alone the color.”
Hani’s expression became pensive and thoughtful, almost pitying.
By contrast, Nana’s face twisted in exasperation and disgust. “Why. Why do you two always do this?”
Both of the older inmates ignored him.
“Huh...” Hani closed his eyes and crossed his arms, keeping his cards pressed against his chest. “Life advice...like the fact that women who are wearing skirts without anything underneath are more likely to wear sexy or plain panties rather than anything patterned, just in case. And that white pants or bottoms usual mean white or pale pastel underwear, unless the material is thick enough that color wouldn’t show through.”
“How is that life advice?!” Nana squeaked, cheeks a vibrant red.
“That’s right Hani-kun.” Trois nodded seriously. “It’d be much better to advise him that the best laundry lines to get bras from are those on apartment buildings in big cities that are close in proximity to another building or roof. Those don’t tend to have the space inside to hang laundry, and it’s much easier to avoid a trespassing charge if you lean over and swipe it than if you’re caught climbing into someone’s garden, even if those have less security cameras.”
“That’s not any better!!” Nana shrieked. “In fact, it’s kinda worse! That’s seriously sexual harrassment at least! You’re gonna turn Jyugo-san into a deviant with advice like that!!”
“He’s in jail. He’s already a deviant.” Trois pouted.
“What the hell would you say then, if you’re so wise about how the outside world works?” Hani sneered, eyebrow twitching.
“I never said that! But...hm...life advice for Jyugo-san...” Nana pressed a knuckle to his mouth, frowning in concentration while his other hand flopped into his lap and showed off the faces of his cards. “Ah!”
He sat up straighter and gestured with an index finger. “Ryphenol makes your drink taste really salty, and you can fight the effects for about 20 minutes to get attention before the drug makes you pass out. Additionally, if you’re being followed by a scary person, go up to a building and yell ‘fire!’ while banging on the door, because that will make people come out rather than ignore you.”
There was a moment of stunned silence as the two beautiful inmates absorbed this.
“...Do you mean Rohypnol, Nana-chan?” Trois asked with a slightly strained smile.
“Um...Ah, yeah, that’s the one!” The child smiled, looking pleased with himself. “Plus, if you ever get taken somewhere against your will, do whatever you can to escape before you get taken to a second location, because your chances of survival go down drastically once that happens!”
“Why the hell is all your advice an anti-abduction PSA?!” Hani demanded.
“W-Well, Jyugo-san is clearly the type of guy who gets into trouble easily!” Nana countered, puffing out his cheeks. “It’ll be of more use to him to know that the police can find him easier with forsonics if he leaves hair or blood behind than how to guess a woman’s underwear color!”
“You take that back!!” Hani roared. “And what the fuck are forsonics?!”
“Forsonics! Forsonic science! The stuff police use to identify DNA and fingerprints and clothing fibers!” Nana yelled back.
“Is not!”
“Is NOT!”
“Nana-chan, I think Hani-kun is unusually correct about the pronunciation.” Trois intervened, finally finished with examining the content of the arrow head’s deck.
“HAH!” Hani cheered, sticking a finger in Nana’s face. “Wait, thE HELL DO YOU MEAN, ‘UNUSUALLY’?!”
Nana’s cheeks went red and he stared sullenly down at his cards, tears beading at the corners of his eyes.
“Ah, Nana-chan, don’t cry.”
“‘M not.” He rubbed his face on his shoulder.
“Seriously?” Hani quirked an eyebrow. “If that’s enough to start the waterworks, maybe you’re the one who needs life advice.”
Nana dropped his cards, bright red spots high in his puffed cheeks, lips pressed together sharply.
The boy stood, strode back over to his bunk, and crawled underneath it.
“Now you’ve done it.” Trois sighed, picking up the scattered cards and using them to discreetly make pairs
“Oh for fuck’s sake—“ Hani shot a glare towards the bunk. “Come out, brat.”
“Don’t wanna.” Came the stroppy reply.
“Don’t be stupid, Kiji’ll get pissy if you get dust on your clothes again.” Hani barked, fuse rapidly burning short. “Come out from under there already.”
“Take it back.” Nana demanded, the pout audible in his voice.
“Like hell!”
“Ah, I win again.” Trois said, satisfied.
Hani started down at all the “miraculously” formed pairs of cards in front of his innocently-beaming cellmate. Then at his own hand, where the Joker which most certainly hadn’t been there a minute ago was surreptitiously nestled into his grip.
(In Cell 13, Inmate 1315 finally gets over his compulsive sneezing fit.)
(“Maybe it was girls talking about you!” Nico volunteers optimistically.)
(“What, him and his pink nipples?” Uno jokes. “Get real, it was probably Hajime complaining again.”)
(Jyugo throws a cushion at the braided asshole.)
(He misses.)
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project-ohagi · 5 years
Keiji Akaashi x Reader {Haikyuu!!}
The grace with which he had been blessed was astounding, even to his upperclassmen. You always searched for him in the onslaught during break and lunch, hoping against hope that he would gaze your way. His politeness and the blunt way he voiced his opinions were surely going to be your downfall; every time he opened his mouth, your heart began pounding in your chest, and all the blood in your system would surge to your ears and cheeks. The sound of blood swirling around your head almost drowned out your love's magnificent voice. Almost. Once, he caught you zoned-out, on cloud nine, and questioned the intensity of your blush. The handsome setter thought that perhaps you were ill and seeking medical attention. Afterwards, he seemed to make a routine of greeting you every morning, and on the off-chance you happened to meet in the hallways.
Although he never appeared too interested in physical contact, his friend was incredibly touchy-feely. It humoured you for a while, but gradually, the amusement was replaced with fury - that was your man, your gorgeous specimen, and no matter how close those two were, Bokuto was not getting Keiji. You dedicated an entire journal to learning and recording his habits, mannerisms, likes and dislikes, as well as any other helpful bits of information. You wanted to know everything.
Sitting behind him in class had its advantages, because he couldn't tell that you were writing about him, and from your angle, you could garner his mood from the movement of his upper body alone. You didn't need to be an expert at deciphering facial expressions. You were quickly becoming a master on the topic of Keiji Akaashi. Following him also worked in your favour - the way he stood (hands interlocked behind his back) was utterly adorable, so you started copying it. You would try out the things you knew he liked, and also considered joining the girls' volleyball team. However, that way there would be less chance of you seeing his matches up close.
You examined his character in more depth, exploring how he talked to, and acted around, his classmates and team mates. His closest confidante was indeed Bokuto, but you feared that striking up a conversation would lead to some weird places. He was such a loud, rambunctious individual, and you couldn't risk the exposure. Not when you were so near to completing your most daring, yet most exciting plan. It needed perfecting and executing, but that was now only a matter of days. Keiji was quiet, but certainly not shy. Heck, you weren't exactly sure he was capable of reading the mood, but all his little quirks combined to make him so incredibly endearing.
Your Romeo was far more special and charming than anyone else in your life, and you were prepared to go to some insane lengths to keep him caged. Ten foot tall iron bars, and an ivory roof would surely sedate him. He would look so handsome, so perfectly submissive, splayed out amongst your sheets. His hands would turn a hot white as he gripped them, trying to chain himself to reality. The poor thing wouldn't know what to do, lying and trembling beneath you. Nothing would be veiling his perfection from your eyes, so they could feast on what they saw, and it would satisfy them for life.
A sticky white liquid would dribble down his stomach, having been shot out a short while earlier, when your lips closed around his throbbing member, and sultry moans filled the room. Keiji's soft, haggard sounds would be music to your ears - a choir of angels, and your legs would further entrap him. Lining his member up with your aching hole, you would sheathe him inside, relishing in the sudden, pleasure-induced moan that escaped his lips. It would be throaty, in his lustful haze. Leaning forwards, you would forcefully press your lips together, coaxing his tongue out to play. At some point, he might gain control, turning the tide of dominance. Pinning you to the bed, perhaps he would will you to beg, to plead for his glorious sex. He might release you, or he could make you suffer. Maybe he would pull out, so that only the tip remained, or perhaps he would even deny your orgasm, as punishment for screwing with him. Would he do that?
Licking your lips, you imagined all the possibilities, ranging from soft sex to rough sex, to no sex at all. It was entirely plausible that, once he gained the upper hand, he would tie you against the bed, stranding you until morning, or whenever someone decided to walk in and found your naked, or semi-naked body, shaking from the cold, desiring nothing but Keiji Akaashi.
Then again, Fukurōdani would provide the best environment. Plus, it would be much easier to find and lure your prey in a place that he felt comfortable. You might be able to find a jump rope to tie his hands, and maybe the gymnasium's storeroom would be a good spot to launch an attack. However, first came the annoying part: removing Keiji's larger-than-life friend from the picture. You didn't really have to go to the extreme of killing him, but that was always a viable option. No, you could just get someone to help you take his attention off Keiji, and go home by himself. He was constantly hoarding your beloved, never letting you get too close. You could have even sworn he glared at you once, for attempting to limit the space between yourself and the setter. Regardless, he had to go, if only for a few hours.
You crossed your legs, well aware that you were growing too aroused, from your fantasies alone. The object of your (obsessive) affections tilted his head in concentration. You loved this, because it meant that he was working really hard. He was incredibly smart, but never boasted about his grades. You adored his humility. The temperature had risen significantly in the past few minutes, but you hadn't noticed, since you spaced out. However, the heat seemed to affect Keiji, as his blazer was draped gracefully over the back of his chair, and you could see the sweat rolling down his neck. In that moment, all remaining reason flooded out, and you had to stab your hand with a sharpened pencil, just to stop yourself from leaning in and lapping up the substance. Glancing at the clock, you realised that there were less than ten minutes left. You sighed in relief. Keiji's dark eyes flicked to the side, catching a glimpse of your flustered state. He would attest to being concerned. You were a classmate, after all.
He looked back towards the teacher, listening with one ear. The notes in his book were becoming more and more confusing - his focus was wavering, as he tried to disperse it between you and the lesson. He always appeared so cool, so collected, able to dish out the most brutally honest comments without batting an eye, but, a slight panic was building in his stomach. It twisted unnaturally, bringing him to the brink of nausea. Although, no-one would be able to tell, not even if they invaded his personal space, like Bokuto. The extraordinarily beautiful setter often noticed you staring, out of the corner of his eye, but he never said anything. You seemed quite timid, since you scarcely talked to anyone, so he didn't necessarily want to make you uncomfortable. However, while he thought that you kept your head down and got work done, you actually had a very different, very special reason for scribbling in your book, only sparing two or three glances towards the teacher.
Earlier, you had been in the process of writing out, and testing, various methods of torture/execution. You see, Keiji had a bad habit of being friendly around the girls at school. Well, he was an incredibly amiable person anyway, but, much like Aobajōsai's setter, he had a fanclub. They were absolutely obsessed with him.
Although, they could never love Keiji like you did.
Their president was a small-ish, brown-haired female, who compensated for her height by donning these ridiculous, strictly prohibited heels, which gave her a few more inches. She had a horrible, toxic sort of personality, and a smile that could wipe out an entire species. For her, you implemented a very special, very inhumane plan. One day, during lunch, you asked her (privately) about joining the Keiji Akaashi Fanclub. She was thrilled to have yet another member, and she entrusted you with all sorts of written documents, ready and waiting for your signature. The two of you had a clandestine meeting, because you wanted to 'show' her something. You shrugged off all her guesses. There was a spring in your step, and a happy giggle bubbling in your throat. In your bag, an iron contraption sat amongst your school supplies. After placing it (with much force) on her head, and twisting it violently, almost breaking the poor girl's jaw before the fun really started, you hauled her into the furnace.
She had been your first victim.
Proceeding her, were five more members of that detestable, and frankly annoying, club. When they were dealt with, you transitioned into Phase 2, which primarily involved the possible abduction, and definite enchantment, of your love: Keiji Akaashi. So now, you were in class, gazing dreamily at him, and wondering about your plan. It needed a touch more...flavour, so it would, unfortunately, have to wait. At least until tomorrow.
The bell rang, and freedom had never tasted so sweet. Thankfully, your chosen methods of extermination required minimal bloodshed, so nothing was visible on your clothes. Just as you packed away your items, and got out of your chair, a mildly concerned-looking Keiji blocked your view of the door. You recognised a slight imbalance in his stance, indicating that something was troubling him.
"(L/n)-san." He addressed, nonchalantly.
Your response was almost too quick. "Yes, Kei-Akaashi-kun?"
He quirked an eyebrow. "Did you need me for something? You're always staring. It can be confusing."
"Ah..." You guessed he stopped himself from saying 'annoying'. "I can tell you tomorrow, maybe?" You muttered, attempting to stall for time.
Shaking his head, he spoke, "Please tell me now."
This was happening far too suddenly, yet you weren't about to let this opportunity slide. "Um...well, I could tell you on the way back? We go the same way, if I remember correctly."
"Yes, we do. Let's go then." His fingers brushed past yours, causing your skin to prickle.
Right, cool. Just keep this momentum, and everything will go smoothly.
While walking, you spotted him fumbling with his fingers - something he did quite frequently. It wasn't really a sign of anxiety, but you found it adorable. His gunmetal blue eyes were fixated on the road ahead, and his lips had long since been sealed. You desperately needed to take action, otherwise, if your actual strategy did not work, you would completely fail. You couldn't let him go home, but it would seem really strange if you asked him to join you for a cup of tea, or something to that effect. Whilst you were pondering this dilemma, droplets of water dripped down on to your hair and clothes, thoroughly wetting both of you. Since your house was close, and you lived alone, this was the perfect opportunity to invite him inside. Silently, you thanked whatever god was out there, listening to your prayers.
The two of you hurried inside, grabbing some towels and shaking yourselves off. Your (e/c) eyes glimpsed his shirt, now transparent due to exposure to the rain. Gulping, you averted your gaze, attempting not to grow too aroused. Keiji looked around, seeing nothing he didn't expect. Your hallway was pretty barren, to be honest, because everything of personal value was compiled in your room. That is to say, you had lots of...helpful tools.
"Thank you. I figured it might rain, so I gave my umbrella to Bokuto-san." He nodded politely.
Sighing, you stated, "You do so much for him."
"He's our captain. If he loses his cheerful nature, he won't be as good in practise." He clarified, not seeming to understand why you suddenly sounded quite out-of-sorts.
I need some love too, y'know?
You smiled. "I get that. Sorry, I wasn't trying to offend you."
He followed your lead, walking slowly behind you. "It's alright. I should have brought another umbrella, so you didn't get wet."
"It was inevitable."
I'm always wet when you're around, Keiji.
"I apologise anyway." He bowed, halting his movements.
You stopped outside your bedroom door. "Then, how about you make it up to me?"
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junionigiri · 6 years
Todochako Week 2019 - Day 2 - Protection
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for @todochaco
Notes: the mob characters are mine lol
“Ochako, catch.”
The bottle comes sailing from her left, and easily lands on her right. As expected, it’s just the right level of coolness that she craves after a vigorous hour of sparring. Twisting the bottle open, she beams at the source of her drink. “Thanks, Shouto!”
He raises his eyebrows at her in acknowledgment, face barely changing from the impassive, downright intimidating stare he gives his set of first years. Without another word, he turns his attention back to his class without missing a beat.
“Wow, Uraraka-senpai… Todoroki-senpai’s pretty stern, isn’t he?”
She hums as she takes a gulp of her drink. Around her, the three first years that she’s spent the morning mentoring are taking a breather after cooling down. Aizawa-sensei assigned her to those whose quirks would benefit from learning close combat: Sake, who emits ethanol from his sweat; Kazu, who can influence probability to some extent; and Riri, who produces seeds that sprout into flowers anywhere she likes.
Their quirks are more than a little interesting. Truth be told, Ochako’s a little intimidated of their potential, but at least they stay humble and seem to look up to her enough. She likes them, especially Riri, although she reminds her a bit of Mina-chan with her deathly interest of other people’s love lives.
“So is he also that way with you, senpai?” Case in point, right now.
Ochako laughs awkwardly. “What do you mean, Riri-chan?”
“You know. Stern. Protective. Possessive, maybe,” she points out with a wiggle of her pale eyebrows. “I’m weak for those overprotective types! Boys who always has an arm around you when you walk, looks at everyone else all mean when you go on dates… says things like I don’t want other boys to look at you, you’re all mine!”
“Riri, can you not weird senpai out with your stupid questions?” Kazu says with a reprimanding tone. “You don’t have to take her seriously, Uraraka-senpai. She’s just looking for the next juicy gossip.”
Riri sticks out her tongue at him. “You’re just crabby ‘cos Todoroki-senpai beat you to asking Uraraka-senpai out! And you too, Sake!”
Sake makes a blubbering noise and blushes. “Why ya gotta bring that up again?! I’m just sittin’ here, drinkin’ my juice peacefully! What’s a man gotta do to get over a broken heart, hah?”
They laugh about it now, but it’s true that Ochako has had to reject their confessions (as well as others) a couple of weeks ago. It was right before Shouto has tried to be more public with his affections and thus shocked half the school with the revelation that they’ve been dating for about a month now.
Which is why it’s doubly funny that she ended up being their second-year mentor for the week-long combat training classes. While Ochako worried that it’ll be awkward at the start, her first years thankfully didn’t seem to mind the set-up at all. They only focused on getting stronger during training and nothing else.
“Back to Todoroki-senpai, though,” Riri presses, eliciting groans from the boys. “Is he anything like that? I mean… you guys are public now, but you two are so quiet and chill, and I guess it isn’t bad, but you gotta know that I ship the two of you. So, so hard. And it isn’t just me who ships TodoOcha in this school--”
Ochako almost spits out her drink at the shipping part. Kazu notices and whines complainingly at her classmate. “Oh my god Riri, stop talking, have some shame, senpai’s blushing can’t ya see--”
“But it’s true! You gotta know how starved for content we are!” The girl bounces happily, yellow roses blooming on the tile around her. “But! I don’t see you holding hands in school or anything… did you know that some guys think that you two aren’t actually going out?”
“That’s strange.” Do they really have to hold hands 24/7 for the world to be convinced that they’re dating? And do they really have to prove it to others?
“Yeah! Weird! Although, I’ve always thought that senpai would be more obvious about liking you, you know? Like those heroes from Ikemen Sengoku… keeping you by his side at all times, ready to take down the other lords in the war--”
Ochako finally swallows down the last bit of liquid down her esophagus before she chokes on it. All these weird words coming out of this girl’s mouth! “Riri-chan, Todoroki-kun and I are fine, don’t worry.”
“Yeah, Riri. Quit gettin’ in their business,” Sake says before turning to Ochako. He has a big smile on his face. “Anyways, just to change the subject! Uraraka-senpai, it’s our last day of combat training with you, right?”
She nods. “And you guys did so well. I hope you get to use the Gunhead Martial Arts in the future!”
“We sure will!” Sake clears his throat, and then nods at Kazu, who nods with a determined grin. Riri rolls her eyes. “S-so… seein’ as the three of us did so well and all… I was wondering if you wanted to get some ice cream with--”
The first years trail off, faces suddenly blue. She turns behind her, curious, meeting Shouto’s mismatched eyes. “Oh, Shouto! You guys done too?”
He nods, gesturing to three kids lying on the floor and unmoving. “They said they’re fine, but I wonder if I pushed them too far.”
“... Oh… I’m sure you didn’t,” Ochako says reassuringly.
He stares at her in his usual unreadable way, which lasts for a few moments of silence. When she’s about to ask what’s the matter, he says quietly, “... your hair.”
“... ah,” she runs her hand through messy brown strands and laughs awkwardly. “Yeah, I forgot to bring a hair tie. But it’s no big deal...”
He interrupts her by wordlessly bringing up a plain black scrunchie under her nose. She wonders why he has one in the first place and why he’s insistent on her wearing it, but she complies and ties her hair back in a ponytail.
“... ah,” Sake and Kazu say in unison, going from pale to beet red. Riri, in sharp contrast, looks like she just won the lottery.
Incredulous, she falters briefly at how oddly they’re behaving. Meanwhile Shouto remains unfazed when he glances at her first years. “Are you guys finished training?”
Kazu manages to stammer. “Y… yes, senpai. We’re actually going to the showers in a bit.”
“All right,” Shouto says as they stand up, with a strange sense of defeat over the boys and sweet, sweet vindication for Riri.
“Thanks, Uraraka-senpai! I learned so much! See ya!” the girl says with a wink and a skip in her step. She follows the boys out of Gym Gamma, teasing them along the way.
Meanwhile, Ochako is left with her boyfriend, who seems to have a knowing gleam in his eyes. “What was that about? I could have sworn they were about to invite me to ice cream.”
There’s an innocent smile on his face when he puts an arm around her and leads her out of the gym. “Who knows. They didn’t seem like they believed we were really going out, at first.”
She scoffs, but gives him a mischievous smile. “And now you’re suddenly protectin’ what’s yours, huh?”
He hums. “You don’t like that?”
“... nah, I do.” She’d like more of that, if she had her way.
“Good,” Shouto says, staring at the sides of her neck. “Then you won’t kill me after you take a good look at yourself in the mirror, right?”
Her jaw drops, and her hand automatically comes up to cover the skin of the sides of her neck… and all the marks he placed there, just last night, in the privacy of his dorm room. Realization sinks in her gut, slowly. “Shouto…!!! You!!!”
He chuckles and dodges away from her affronted slap. “I can always put more, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
She shrieks in embarrassment and chases him out of the gym. Shouto runs fast and has her display the marks on her neck for a few more meters before he allows her to catch him, throwing his arms possessively around her.
Needless to say, their so-called fanclub at school had lots of things to talk about after that day.
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lesmillions-blog · 7 years
@hemolovin​ !!
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      ❛ huh? midoriya-kun? ❜
a thick eyebrow arches as mirio rubs his chin in thought — not that he isn’t happy to help, but why is he suddenly the go-to guy when his good friend izuku is involved? as opposed to, say, one of u.a.’s many esteemed teachers. not to mention that this curious inquirer isn’t anyone he knows — a civilian? ( if she’s a student, she’s not one he’s seen anywhere before. ) surely, deku doesn’t have his own fanclub already. it’s an unusual situation, and mirio is far from stupid. caution is key.
      ❛ i’m... afraid i haven’t spoken with him today, no. his schedule’s been mighty busy, lately. why exactly might you be asking after him, if you don’t mind my asking? ❜
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codetrainwreck · 6 years
who is eyebrows-kun and why were you waiting for him?
Eyebrows-kun is a nickname for one of the new Geass movie characters, Shesthaal. He’s cute and I like his VA but his eyebrows stand out so much.
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The “I waited for you” thing is a very, very old meme from 4chan.
When R2 14 aired, part of the preview for R2 15 showed CC’s memory museum where one of the portraits was of Clovis. During the week long wait between new episodes, people in 2008 were extremely bored so we joked that Clovis was gonna show up next episode and be a big deal and be plot relevant. (The joke that Clovis was going to be relevant had kinda been a thing since season 1 when it was discovered that he was CLAMP’s favorite design.) Then R2 15 airs and it’s nothing. This gave birth to the meme “I waited for you, Clovis”.
Anyway, Eyebrows-kun doesn’t have a big role in the movie, but naturally us thirsty ass fangirls were hoping he would. He’s pretty. Even the above screenshot was purely fangirl bait… The scene in the movie appears on a TV screen with an overlay on it… ;_;
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Bonus round: At the same time that R2 was airing in japan, the English dub had started airing on Adult Swim. Adult Swim had a poll for favorite Code Geass character so /a/ rigged the poll and voted for Clovis to make him the #1 character on the poll.
Bonus Bonus: We also rigged it so that Rivalz was #2 on the poll.
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codetrainwreck · 6 years
Since I've been seeing you sort of thirsting over Shesthaal I'm sort of in the same boat as I'm starting to like Kujapat (don't even know if that's his real name or not.) But I have to ask, and I honestly just got curious, if you knew anything of Kujapat's or Shesthaal's past.
Shesthaal has daddy issues and Kujapat is a mean boy who bullies him. And Kujapat used to be in the Geass Cult, but there isn’t much known about that either. That’s… about it? Pray for picture dramas lol.
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codetrainwreck · 5 years
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I've been taking eyebrows-kun with me through Tokyo. He's visited Wald 9, the Geass collab cafe, the Ashford academy festival cafe, takano fruit parlor and meiji jingu.
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