#eye operation for removing spectacles
globallasik · 8 months
The Cornea's Role in Vision
Imagine the cornea as the eye’s clear window, responsible for allowing light to enter and refracting it onto the retina. This process is fundamental for clear and sharp vision. The cornea is uniquely designed to provide two-thirds of the eye’s focusing power, with the crystalline lens in the eye providing the remaining third.
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‘Refusing to actively assist in a genocide’ is the absolute lowest of low bars, an existentially minimal expectation of a post-war European polity. But that’s where we are. The ranks are closed and serried. It is a hypnotically grotesque spectacle. Meanwhile, in Gaza, the killing intensifies. Genocide has still been on the table all this time, it seems. Every piety about it being the ultimate evil was just so much noise, to be discarded when it became awkward. It now appears that thinking genocide is bad is for the little people. Or perhaps it is a ‘luxury belief’. The most powerful states in the world have enshrined remembrance of the Holocaust in their public places, their calendars, their museums, their education systems. We were given to understand that this was because genocide was the final, absolute line: never, ever again, for anyone. But insofar as Britain and other nations have ignored or assisted Israel’s campaign in Gaza, it turns out that these same states have in fact kept systematic human extermination and ethnic cleansing on the list of possible political options, as rights which they might need to exercise one day. At my most grimly cynical, I fear that this is because the Northern states have concluded that the coming age will take the form prophesied by the Bannonites and neo-reactionaries—a time of sovereign power amidst climate breakdown—and this means they want leeway to operate as they will, at home and abroad, without being bound by any laws or responsibilities, moral or otherwise. Gaza is the end of all pretence to a belief in any law but that of raw force, and as such, it is the proving ground for all tomorrow’s hells.
The British state is an active and official participant in an ongoing genocide, its politicians and press are running cover, its intelligence services and military are actively involved. The fact that this is still barely in the papers, and that the people who have taken to the streets asking for it to stop have been denounced as hate-filled racists and fanatics, should tell you all you need to know about how much anyone in power or in the press ever really understood or cared about ‘never again’. Perhaps I am naïve, but the purpose of Holocaust education, as I always understood it, was not to teach us that we should obediently wait and see what position pundits and politicians would take on urgent events, and then follow their lead. Nor was it so we could take the long view, see both sides, mutter about complexities, patiently wait for years to pass and for evidence to be gathered. No, the purpose of the quite extensive Holocaust education that most people in this country received was surely so we would know a genocide when we saw it. We were supposed to learn what it looked like so it could be stopped, and so that our perpetual duty to those who died in the camps – a duty consisting of an eternal never again, the magnetic north of personal and political morality – would be rightly discharged, should our time ever come to discharge it. It was so we would not be the ones who turned a blind eye to the removal of our friends and colleagues; so that we would know to speak, to act, to refuse to let it happen without a fight; so that we would never betray a hiding child, never denounce a neighbour, never find ourselves just following orders. Whatever else could it possibly have been for, if it was not to know these things, yourself, in your heart? What can the story of Anne Frank mean to us, as individuals, if it does not mean that we must each of us internalise the lesson that we should never give up a child to genocidaires? And did we not learn, too, that the state would bombard us with propaganda, that the truth would be hidden, and that without effort we would become inured and complacent so that it would not be so simple to see what was before us, and so that many would simply accept what was happening without demur? Were we not warned? We were. A clearly distressed Palestinian man whose mother and family had been killed in the bombardment of northern Gaza was recently manhandled out of a Labour party event in Stockport for the transgression of asking people to look at photographs of his dead mother. In a widely circulated film, Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner stands frozen and silent as he is violently ejected. What has happened to those heart lessons she was supposed to learn? Is this not the very moment for which those lessons were prepared, the moment that we were warned about? If not now, when?
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ghostybourbon · 11 months
Something Else
Ch. 4 || Bad days
Warnings: MDNI, Canon-typical violence/gore(?), Mention of a mental health condition (DID) . If it triggers a bad feeling (like reminds you of something that’s a bit hard to take), please stop reading it, the last thing I want is my audience getting triggered by my work.
It’s been months since Split has joined the task force, and had been working seamlessly with the team. Her unique abilities, honed through years of combat experience and her intricate understanding of her dissociative identity disorder, made her a formidable asset to the team. However, she seemed to have a particular rapport with Price.
In the field, their coordination was uncanny. Split's adaptability and the way she transitioned between her various personas had saved them on more than one occasion. It was as though she and Price shared an unspoken language, a silent understanding of each other's movements and intentions.
Back at the base, they often found themselves in deep discussions about strategy, tactics, and the intricate details of their upcoming missions. Price admired Split's ability to see solutions from unique perspectives, and she respected his unwavering dedication to their cause.
Their camaraderie extended beyond the battlefield, and Price had taken her under his wing, teaching her the finer points of leadership and guiding her to harness her formidable skills.
Their partnership was a testament to the bonds forged in the crucible of covert operations, where trust was built not through words, but through actions, where alliances were forged not through promises, but through shared risks and unwavering support. It was a partnership that had allowed them to overcome countless challenges, but little did they know that their most daunting trial lay just ahead.
Despite the seamless coordination with Price and the valuable contributions she made to the team, the storm that would soon engulf them had brewed unnoticed. The battlefield had been their proving ground, a place where they could trust in their skills and each other, but Split's inner demons had remained hidden, like landmines buried beneath the surface.
The night was a descent into madness inside Split's mind. Hel, an insidious and feral persona, waged a gruesome battle for dominance, its vile whispers echoing like a chorus of demons.
In this nightmarish realm, Hel's voice took on a sadistic tone, urging Split towards self-destruction with horrifying promises. "You're worthless, Split. Embrace the darkness. The blade is your only salvation. End it."
Split's internal battle was a grotesque spectacle. She trembled and faltered under the weight of Hel's malevolence. Desperation gripped her, and she approached Captain Price with a concise request, her voice devoid of emotion. "Captain, I need to be restrained."
Price, his expression a mix of concern and apprehension, eventually granted her request, understanding the gravity of the situation.
Hours passed in haunting silence. Each member of the team took their turn, listening for any signs of distress. And then it was Ghost's shift.
In the dead of night, Split unleashed a scream that pierced through the darkness, a sound born of pure agony. Ghost burst into the room, his heart pounding with dread. What he found was a scene straight from a nightmare. Cuts and blood coated Split's body, her eyes vacant, her voice a sinister whisper; Her face the same one that’s been haunting his mind ever since that gruesome day.
Amidst the gruesome tableau, Split uttered words that tore through Ghost's soul. "Looks familiar aye, L.T? Remember me?." She gave him a bloodied smile, much like the one that haunted his mind every night since that mission went wrong.
Ghost, overcome with a mixture of grief and determination, removed his mask, revealing his own scarred face. “(Y/N)” He reached out to her, desperate to reclaim her from the abyss, to find the remnants of the rookie he had left behind in Mexico.
In the darkest recesses of Split's shattered psyche, Hel's sinister whispers persisted, dripping with venom. They echoed through the labyrinth of her mind, like the mournful wail of a lost soul. "It's your fault, Riley," it hissed malevolently, each word a dagger to Ghost's heart. "You left her behind in that hellhole, abandoned and broken. You let her become this... fractured thing. She'll never know the boundaries between reality and delusion, thanks to you."
Ghost felt a lump rise in his throat, choking back tears as he gazed upon the tortured visage of his former comrade. Split's face bore scars, not just physical, but the scars of a soul torn asunder by the horrors of their past. He whispered her name, "(Y/N)," his voice quivering with the weight of guilt and despair, as he desperately tried to reach the remnants of her true self buried beneath the torment.
And then, in the midst of this relentless darkness, a soft and hauntingly fragile voice broke through. "Simon," She whispered, her voice trembling like a fragile flame in a storm. It was a name that carried the echoes of their shared past, a name soaked in the tears of their unspoken regrets. In that moment, Split's plea for help was a heart-wrenching cry, a plea for salvation from the abyss that threatened to consume her completely.
Ghost's vision blurred as tears welled up in his eyes, his heart aching with a profound sadness. He reached out and gently cradled Split's face in his hands, his touch gentle as if trying to mend the broken pieces of her soul.
"(Y/N)," he whispered, his voice trembling, "I promise, I'll bring you back. You're not alone in this fight." He held her gaze, his eyes reflecting a deep well of emotions - regret, determination, and a flicker of hope.
But Hel, the malevolent persona, refused to relent. It continued to taunt Ghost, its voice growing more desperate, as if trying to shatter his resolve. "She's lost, Simon. Forever lost. You can't save her from me. She'll dance in the abyss, and you'll watch her fall."
Ghost felt the weight of those words, the insidious doubt they sowed. But he clung to the faint glimmer of hope that Split's plea had ignited in him. In this darkness, amidst the torment and despair, he was determined to find a way to bring back the comrade he had left behind in Mexico, to heal the scars of their shared past, and to save Split from the abyss that threatened to consume her completely.
In the dimly lit room, Ghost continued to hold (Y/N), his determination unwavering. The team had been on high alert, listening to the nightmarish cries and whispers that had emanated from within. Price, Gaz, and Soap, who had been waiting outside of the room, couldn't bear the suspense any longer.
With expressions etched in concern, they rushed into Split's quarters one by one. Price took charge, his voice commanding yet filled with empathy. "Ghost, continue to help her. We're here with you."
As the team gathered around Split's bed, Gaz and Price, in their typical manner, couldn't help but let out a string of curses under their breath, their frustration evident. This was a situation unlike any they had encountered before.
Soap, on the other hand, stood there, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and confusion. He had seen his fair share of horrors in their line of work, but this was something entirely different. The sight of his comrades in such distress was deeply unsettling.
As the tension in the room reached its heart-wrenching peak, Ghost continued to cradle Split's face, his voice a soothing presence in the storm of her mind. The team gathered around, their concern palpable, their unwavering support a silent testament to the unbreakable bond they shared.
And then, in a moment that felt like an eternity in this house of horrors, something shifted. Split's vacant gaze flickered, like a feeble flame trying to rekindle amidst a downpour. Confusion clouded her eyes, and she blinked, her vision gradually clearing as she surveyed the room.
In that fragile moment, as Split's eyes locked onto Ghost's face, a sudden realization washed over her. Her eyes widened, and her voice wavered as she whispered, "Simon."
But then, something astonishing happened. The storm within her mind began to clear, and with trembling fingers, she reached up and touched her own face. It was as if she had glimpsed a fragment of her own lost memories, a key to unlocking the enigma that was her past.
"Simon, you..." Her voice faltered, a sense of recognition dawning in her eyes. It was a moment of revelation, one that held the promise of unlocking secrets buried deep within the labyrinth of their shared past. Yet, the truth they were about to uncover was far more profound and unsettling than any of them could have imagined. It was a truth that would plunge them into the darkest depths of despair.
Hey everyone! Sorry it took me over a month to release this and also for it to come out short!!! I got so busy with school!
Thank you all for the support! (A little reblog might jumpstart this author’s heart teehee~)
Stay frosty~
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thetechrobot · 2 months
Spacetop G1, World’s first Laptop that uses AR Glasses instead of a Display
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A laptop that employs augmented reality glasses as a display was called the Spacetop G1 system, and it was shown to a thousand productivity pioneers by the tech firm Sightful last year.
The upgraded Gen 1 device removes the requirement for the user to stoop over a tiny screen when working remotely on a laptop by placing a 100-inch virtual display directly in their eyes.
In this blog, The TechRobot will showcase the World’s first AR laptop: Spacetop G1. So let us begin.
What is Spacetop G1?
Sightful’s Screenless Laptop, the Spacetop G1, combines a computer with comfortable, lightweight augmented reality glasses. Running on the device is SpaceOS, a spatial operating system with an emphasis on online operations intended for productivity.
The weight of the AR glasses is 85 grams, but the Vision Pro, depending on the Light Seal, weighs between 600 and 650 grams. The keyboard is bulkier compared to a MacBook Air or iPad Pro, measuring less than 12 inches in width and weighing three pounds.
Cost of AR Laptop
The Screenless Laptop, Spacetop G1 charges $1,700 and is just a keyboard with spectacles attached.
Spacetop G1 Specs
Spacetop G1, features a Qualcomm Snapdragon QCS8550 CPU, Kryo GPU, Adreno 740 AI, dual eNPU V3, 48 INT8, 12 FP16 TOPs, 16 GB LPDDR5, 128 GB UFS3.1 storage, and 8-hour battery life.
They have two OLED display screens, a 50° field of vision, a 90Hz refresh rate, and very crisp text rendering.
The glasses enable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 5G, and a 5MP camera. They also contain a microphone for use in online meetings.
Benefits of AR Laptops
1. Endless View
With Spacetop’s Virtual Desktop, you may get amusement and information without having to navigate around, making it a convenient substitute for real screen space. Although it’s not the only solution with this functionality, this one could be the easiest to use.
A standard keyboard and touchpad, Spacetop’s AR glasses, and a perhaps lower price tag might allow customers to enjoy endless screen areas without sacrificing functionality. For individuals who would rather have a more ordered workstation, this would be a time-saving alternative.
2. Absolute privacy
Multi-monitor laptop attachments should not be used in public areas due to the increased danger of uninvited eyes peeping at private information caused by an excessive number of physical displays. Although privacy screens are available on certain computers and monitors, they are limited to one monitor.
To solve this, Spacetop is a Screenless Laptop, letting the user see their screen alone until it is shared with others. But it also means that those standing close to the user can’t see the screen without their glasses.
3. Improved posture
Laptops’ screens are firmly attached to the keyboard, making them portable yet uncomfortable. Some people find relief from this neck pain by attaching a desktop monitor.
The screenless laptop, Spacetop, provides a more comfortable height and does away with the need for arms or ergonomic monitor supports. Due to this, laptops are a better choice for use at home or in the workplace.
4. Laser Focus
Spacetop G1 is an Augmented Reality (AR) device that reduces visual distractions so users can work productively and enjoy their free time. The apps it may utilize, including Windows or macOS-based software and limited gaming, are restricted by its Android-based operating system and mobile hardware.
Notwithstanding these drawbacks, Spacetop provides a more practical experience than a typical computer since it places all of the necessary components in front of and surrounding users. Instead of letting others decide for them, users may choose whether to allow virtual distractions to affect them.
Highlight – Introducing Travel Mode For Meta Quest Headsets
Best AR Glasses for Laptops
1. Apple AR Glasses
Apple plans to develop AR glasses that look like conventional spectacles with a built-in display. A prototype of the glasses has a thick, attractive frame and resembles high-end luxury sunglasses. With references to Project Starboard and reports of a glassOS, the prototype is anticipated to function on iOS 14.
Though it could take a few more years for a public release, rumors indicate that Apple has already started the second phase of development. The glasses will have the ability to add prescription lenses, gesture-controlled instructions that connect with the Apple Watch, and a true vision display on both lenses.
Possible capabilities include the ability to use virtual things in real-world settings, do activities without using a phone, and enable immersive phone conversations and remote collaboration software.
2. Meta Glasses
Rebranding Facebook to Meta, Mark Zuckerberg is concentrating on augmented reality glasses and headsets. The business plans to deliver Meta spectacles, a prototype of their augmented reality spectacles, in late 2024. The Project Nazare and Project Aria prototypes provide a fully functional augmented reality experience, with 3D visuals and an elegant design. It is anticipated that the Meta Glasses will include an immersive experience with radio, speakers, and cameras, a holographic display with built-in projectors, batteries, and sensors, and a broad field of vision. In 2024, the prototype is anticipated to be released.
3. Xreal Air 2 Ultra
The Air 2 Ultra glasses from Xreal are an improvement over the Air 2 model and are aimed at competing with Apple’s Vision Pro and Meta’s Quest 3 headsets. Complete positional tracking, a form factor akin to eyeglasses, and compatibility for immersive AR apps, TV viewing, and flat-screen gaming are all features of the Air 2 Ultra.
It has a 52-degree field of vision, 500 nits of brightness, two cameras for environmental mapping, hand tracking, and compatibility with Xreal’s Nebula AR environment.
Is AR safe for your eyes?
Prolonged use of AR might result in headaches, nausea, and straining of the eyes. This is a result of our eyes continually focusing on objects at different distances when using AR. This can cause pain and eye tiredness.
The future of laptops with AR like the Spacetop G1 marks a breakthrough in laptop technology by utilizing augmented reality to provide a 100-inch virtual display that improves user posture, productivity, and privacy.
The Spacetop G1 presents a new option for remote work by addressing typical ergonomic concerns associated with standard laptops by mixing AR glasses with a powerful computing machine and the SpaceOS operating system.
Despite several drawbacks associated with its Android-based operating system and the possibility of eye discomfort after extended usage, the Spacetop G1 breaks new ground in augmented reality technology by offering consumers a more useful and engaging experience.
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healthcarehubhh · 3 months
Laser Vision Correction - A Popular Solution for Eye Problems
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The first use of lasers in refractive eye surgery dates back to the 1970s. Theodore G. Deutsch at IBM first used a laser to reshape the cornea for vision correction in animals. In the late 1980s, several doctors started using excimer lasers for refractive eye surgery on humans. The excimer laser was uniquely suited for accurately removing tiny amounts of corneal tissue with minimal damage to surrounding areas. The early procedures included photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and later laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Over the subsequent decades, better laser technology and surgical techniques have made the procedures safer and more accurate with improved outcomes. Today, various advanced laser systems along with femtosecond lasers enable treatments like SMILE, ReLEx SMILE, and presbyLASIK. Types of Laser Vision Correction Procedures The most commonly performed procedures today are LASIK, PRK, and SMILE. LASIK involves creating a hinged flap in the cornea using a femtosecond laser. The excimer laser then reshapes the underlying corneal tissue. The flap is put back into place. PRK reshapes the corneal surface without flap creation but requires a longer healing time. SMILE only uses a femtosecond laser to carve a lenticule within the cornea which is removed through a small incision. It provides excellent outcomes for moderate nearsightedness and has a quick recovery. ReLEx SMILE and presbyLASIK aid vision correction for presbyopia or age-related farsightedness, reducing dependency on reading glasses. Advancements in personalized treatment planning software and wavefront-guided procedures further enhance results. Benefits and Risks Associated with Laser Vision Correction The key benefits are freedom from spectacles or contact lenses, improved quality of life, and enhanced night vision in some cases. Recovery times have reduced significantly, and most people can return to work or normal activities within a day. However, like any surgery, risks remain. Dry eye symptoms, fluctuations in vision, regression or recurring refractive error are some potential risks. Infection, impaired healing, and rarely permanent vision loss are also possible but exceptionally uncommon. Specialists at accredited centers perform thousands of procedures safely each year through advanced equipment and sterile protocols. Careful patient selection based on pre-operative assessment can maximize outcomes and minimize risks significantly. Ideal Candidates and Treatment Limitations Those within the typical myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism range are ideal candidates. Age should be over 18 years. The prescription should have stabilized for at least 1-2 years. Realistic expectations, a healthy lifestyle, avoiding rubbing eyes too often, and following post-op care help optimize results. Certain pre-existing eye conditions like keratoconus or thin corneas preclude treatment. Those with very high corrections above -10/-10 or +8/+8 may require enhancements. Achieving perfect 20/20 vision is often not guaranteed, but functional independence from glasses or contacts can still be attained. Multifocal implants enable some near and distance focus but may have dysphotopsia side effects.
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planmylasik · 4 months
Contoura Vision Lasik Surgery: The Next Big Change For Spectacle-Free Vision Correction
The refractive issues can interrupt the smooth balance of life. Whether it is due to the consistent headache caused by the high-powered glasses or the discomfort caused by the spectacles, most of people look for a permanent solution to get rid of these glasses. However, the regular methodology used for eye surgery cannot suffice for the permanent spectacle-free vision outcome. Therefore, Contoura vision lasik surgery has become a resourceful option for enhanced quality of life. For instance, with improved day and night vision after this LASIK eye surgery, a person can enjoy daily activities even in low-light conditions while reducing the higher-order aberrations. On the other hand, superior visual outcomes are offered according to the patient’s requirements. 
To address the common issues and apprehensions of people planning to get the Contoura vision lasik eye surgery, PLAN My LASIK has simplified the connotations. Be it the benefits, success stories compilation, or addressing the FAQs of users, this informative and highly credible platform acts as the one-stop destination for accessing the comprehensive guide before undergoing laser-assisted eye surgery. According to the experts of PLAN MY LASIK, “This laser-assisted refractive surgery identifies the irregularities of vision and then, provides tailored treatment to all the patients. The best-in-class Contoura vision eye surgery, highest quality of laser, and patient-specific treatment is offered to the patients.” 
This eye surgery has a broader scope of permanent vision correction irrespective of the patient's complications. Among the various benefits of Contoura Vision lasik surgery, faster recovery, quick healing, and improved visual outcomes, make this procedure reliable as well as the realistic spectacle removal treatment. In the new-age busy life, where people want to resume their daily activities, Conotura vision eye surgery ensures faster recovery time and enhanced safety to address the irregularities of the cornea or other issues. This further allows the patient to experience the less-post operative discomfort and they can continue with their regular activities soon. 
PLAN MY LASIK claims, “Contoura vision LASIK eye surgery is comparatively more accurate and effective than LASIK as it reduces the side effects such as halos, glares or night vision issues. This topography-guided corneal mapping ensures optimal vision correction by mapping the irregularities and imperfections.” 
Statistically, the success rate of Contoura vision LASIK surgery is 65% wherein, the patients experienced vision correction better than 6/6. Furthermore, faster healing and lesser tissue damage were among the common results. Since the 22,000 points of cornea are mapped as a part of this laser-assisted eye surgery, hence, the accuracy of vision correction increases. It seems this refractive surgery is the next big change that people should count on for customized laser eye surgery. 
About Plan My Lasik 
Access the latest updates related to vision correction innovations, and new methodologies and stay updated with detailed information about the laser-assisted and other refractive eye surgery options at Plan My Lasik. Get prepared with the to-do checklist and discover the recommendations for vision correction according to your preferences.
Confused about Contoura LASIK surgery? PLAN My LASIK is your guide! Get all the info - benefits, success stories
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healingtoucheyecenter · 4 months
Contoura Vision LASIK Laser Surgery in Delhi
If the removal of spectacles is required by an individual, then Contoura Vision LASIK Laser Surgery in Delhi is a life-changing treatment. Contoura Vision LASIK is performed in The Healing Touch Eye Centre. Due to this extraordinarily accurate and effective methodology, it has become the most severe implant choice for our patients in no time.
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Contoura Vision LASIK is a topography-guided laser operation that tailors the surgery to the shape of the cornea in each individual eye. As a result, it produces better visual results compared to other methods.
Superior Precision and Accuracy
What makes Contoura Vision LASIK Laser in Delhi exceptional is the precision and accuracy of this procedure. Rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach, Contoura Vision uses an in-depth topographic map of the eye’s surface. This procedure helps correct the most minor and almost imperceptive imperfections, resulting in the appearance of sharper and cleaner vision. The patients of The Healing Touch Eye Centre experience a drastic decrease in visual distortions. The quality of their vision in low-light fades improves so that they can drive and experience their daily activities without straining their eyes as much.
Enhanced Safety and Comfort
Your safety and comfort are our top priority at The Healing Touch Eye Centre, and that’s exactly what you get with Contoura Vision LASIK in Delhi. The procedure is designed to be minimally invasive while minimizing the risk of complications. Our team has access to the most advanced equipment and follows a set of rigorous safety procedures, so the entire process is quick and worry-free for you. Lastly, the downtime is minimal; most people will notice better vision right after the surgery and may go back to normal activities in just a few days.
Personalized Care and Long-term Benefits
Personalized care adapted to individual patient needs is guaranteed when selecting Contoura Vision LASIK Laser Surgery in Delhi at The Healing Touch Eye Centre. The ophthalmologists at this centre meticulously perform pre-operative assessments and offer comprehensive guidelines for post-operative care to enhance the long-term benefits of the surgery. Patients can also expect to benefit from reduced glasses or contact lens dependency while achieving a better life quality. In conclusion, Contoura Vision LASIK at The Healing Touch Eye Centre would be an unrivalled choice for specs removal in Delhi.
Why Choose Us?
The best place to get the best confirmed results and be taken the best care of, The Healing Touch Eye Centre is the best clinic for Contoura Vision LASIK in Delhi. The Healing Touch Eye Centre is the clinic with the best technology with the best professionals while prioritizing patient safety and satisfaction. Our patients are always given the best personalized plan to recover in the most effective way possible. With our cured ratios and commitment to stay at the top in our list, The Healing Touch Eye Centre is the clinic in Delhi where you can have the best results with your Contoura Vision LASIK surgery.
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aoioetry · 4 months
Moonlight percolates through thin clouds in the still of the night. In a dark backstreet, finally empty of horses and motor cars, a thief steps delicately through a pane-less storefront window.
The jewellery store behind him had been ripe for expropriation. Standing in shallow luminescence on the street corner, he begins to replace the glass as professionally as he had removed it an hour earlier.
Tonight's undertaking had been simple and swift. Precise removal of fragile objects was his goal, and his means always mirrored his ends. But the getaway route now facing him will not be as easy to control or predict. His companions had warned that the job might be too dangerous for him in his condition. But he'd insisted.
The city is quiet, but one never knows who might be lurking. The moon is tiny and far away but still commands enough influence to shine down, revealing as it reflects. He pulls his cap forward and unrolls his dirty shirt sleeve, hiding floral patterns painted in blue ink. Hoisting the bag of liberated treasure on his shoulder, he walks gingerly down the alley. He never runs anywhere unless it is absolutely necessary.
Rounding the corner a few streets away, he is ambushed by light. It feels piercing, though diffused through thick smog, and he freezes. He'd planned his route so carefully before leaving his flat that evening, but didn't know that this street had been electrified. Now new, glowering lamps line his way, sitting on stiff poles like prison bars of freshly painted iron. Across the road, a figure in a hat and cloak strolls along in the cheerful gloom.
Our thief draws a quiet breath and tiptoes around the perimeter of the light cast by the nearest lamp. Modern technology can be helpful, but there are always limitations to be exploited by canny operators. He keeps a sharp eye on the cloaked man as he navigates through the shadow.
The man is unaware. He is thinking about whatever it is he had been doing in the city so late at night. If he turns to his right, he might see a slim band of gold shyly glinting from under the thief's trouser cuff. It is not there for vanity but unfortunately it often does attract attention.
The next lamp is not as soft as the first. It is deadly serious about its role as an arbiter of law, order and progress. Catching view of the gold above the thief's foot, it bounces a gleam of light off it as the thief tries to surreptitiously pick up pace and curve past. The gleam hits the cloaked man in the corner of his eye, and the thief is perceived. Once again he freezes, weighing up whether or not to bolt. His observer brings a pair of expensive spectacles to his eyes, spies the thief's bag and tattoos, confirms a hunch, then hollers a cliche.
"Stop, thief!"
The thief runs. For the first time in years and despite all the old warnings flashing through his head.
He makes it halfway down the street before he is ambushed again. A large crack ripples through the footpath's grouting like a rich stratum of sediment ready to be mined. A conspicuous seam rather like the golden lacquer patchworking the thief's right foot to his ankle. But he is going too fast to notice it. The rich man in the cloak sees the crack and cries out in wordless, stunned recognition as he realises the danger the thief is in.
As the thief trips more golden repair-lines from previous, lesser accidents are exposed. His porcelain body shatters immediately as it hits the smoothly paved granite setts. The sound is not unlike that of the gems and finely wrought precious metal accessories spilling out of his bag and into the road.
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drrajivbajaj460 · 5 months
Laser Eye Surgery To Get Rid Of Spectacles
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The eyes are the most complex and important part of the body. Several kinds of medical conditions can occur in the eyes. Laser eye surgery is the procedure used to correct the refractive errors in the eyes. Refractive errors are referred to a condition in which the cornea (transparent clear part in the front of the eye) if the person is affected. Generally, it occurs due to the irregular shape of the cornea. When the shape of the cornea is not proper, then the light does not fall on the cornea properly. As a result, the image formed in the eyes is not clear. It results in distortion of vision.
Laser Eye Surgery In Recommended In Which Conditions?
Hyperopia (farsightedness): In this condition, the person cannot see the objects near the eyes and finds it difficult to see the object near the eyes. Near objects may be blurry.At the same time, the person can see the far placed objects.
Presbyopia: This is an eye condition in which the eyes lose their ability to focus on nearby objects.
Astigmatism (differently shaped eye): It is also a type of refractive error. This condition is caused when the cornea and the eye lens are not equally curved.
Myopia (nearsightedness): In this condition, the patient sees the object placed near the eye but may face difficulty focusing on far objects as they may be blurry.
What Are The Benefits Of Laser Eye Surgery?
Some of the benefits of laser eye surgery are:-
There is no hassle of adjusting the spectacles, and no maintenance is required for contact lenses.
A person who does not wants to wear eyeglasses and also does not want to use contact lenses then he/she should go for this surgery.
If a person is indulged in playing some games that cannot be played with eyeglasses on, then he/she should opt for this surgery.
Laser Eye Surgery Is Not Recommended For:-
The person who is under the 20s or younger
Women who are pregnant or nursing
People who are taking medicines that may affect the visuality of a person
What Are The Side Effects Of The Laser Eye Surgery?
Some of the side effects that can occur after laser eye surgery are:-
Dry eyes: It is the most common side effectexperienced by the patient after laser eye surgery. Patients who already have dry eyes and other medical conditions like anaemia and thyroid are at a greater risk of getting affected by dry eyes.
Feeling of glare and haloes: In this condition, the patients see haloes around the light source. It happens more in a dark environment that is after evening. However, due to advancements and development in technology, these side effects have decreased greatly.
Other complications that a person can experience are infection in the eyes, complications related to the flap of the eyes, and bloodshot eyes (red eyes).
The Different Types Of Laser Eye Procedures Available For Removing The Spectacles
PRK (Photorefractive keratectomy): During this operation, the uppermost layer of the cornea is removed. It is done to gain access to the inner part of the eye, that is, the cornea. Then the cornea of the person is reshaped by using an excimer laser.
LASIK (Laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses) : A femtosecond laser is used to make a flap on the top of the cornea. Then the flap is lifted, and then the shape of the cornea is corrected with the excimer laser. After completing the reshaping of the cornea, the flap is re-aligned.
SMILE (Small incision lenticule extraction): In this surgery, VisuMax femtosecond laser is used to make an arc-shaped cut on the cornea. Before this, the lenticule (a small disc-shaped piece of the cornea) is made. Then the bubbles are formed around the tissue that is needed to be extracted. These tissues are then extracted through the arc-shaped cut.
Which Laser Eye Surgery Procedure I Should Choose For Removing Spectacles?
The most crucial step is to find the right surgery for your eyes to get rid of spectacles. To choose the best suitable laser eye surgery for yourself, you should consult your doctor before laser eye surgery. The doctor will examine the eye, and then he/she will prescribe a surgical procedure according to the requirement of your eyes and your comfort.
Tags - Get Rid Of Spectacles, laser eye surgery, Laser Eye Surgery In Delhi, Lasik, Lasik Eye Surgery, SMILE, Spectacles Removing
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Lasik Eye Surgery In Delhi
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Lasik Eye Surgery In Delhi
Smile Laser Eye Surgery Relex SMILE
The most advanced third generation laser eye surgery for removal of glasses.
What is SMILE
SMILE stands for "Small Incision Lenticule Extraction" shuchi technologically is the most advanced technique developed in the past ten years. That is because it is -
1. Least invasive 2. One step 3. All laser 4. No blade 5. No flaps
The Procedure
SMILE is the latest advancement in laser vision correction. It is the THIRD GENERATION of refractive procedures. The first two are PRK, followed by LASIK. BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE is proud to be the first laser vision correction centre in North and East Delhi to offer the ZEISS VISUMAX femto second laser for SMILE vision correction. SMILE is an all laser, latest cutting edge technology for the correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism. It provides LASIK or even better outcomes in a lease invasive manner. SMILE uses only one type of laser that is femtosecond laser in single step procedure and hence is minimally invasive. During the SMILE procedure, the computer guided laser light energy cuts out a small corneal tissue called ‘Lenticule‘. This Lenticule is equivalent to the dioptric power of the refractive error of the patient. This Lenticule is removed through a small 2mm incision made by the femtosecond laser. This results in reshaping of the cornea and the vision gets corrected.
Precision of SMILE Procedure
The human cornea acts as a refractive surface, possessing al out two- thirds of the total refractive power of the eye. The light rays pass through the cornea, get refracted and then passing through the lens and internal structures of the eye, reach the retina to form an image. The refractive power of the cornea (and hence of the eye ) can be changed by reshaping the corneal curvature / shape of the cornea. This is done by reshaping the stroma ( middle layer ) of the cornea. The SMILE laser removes a thin layer of the stromal tissue ( in microns), created by it, called Lenticule, which is then removed through a small 2-3 mm incision by the experienced surgeon. The tissue removed creates an effect to reshape the corneal curvature equivalent to the spectacle number ( dioptric power ) of the glasses worn by the patient, making this procedure very precise. This all is done by the laser in a matter of seconds, in a painless manner.
Comfortable, Quick And Easy Procedure
The actual laser procedure to make the Lenticule hardly takes about 30-35 seconds. Patients do not experience any discomfort during the procedure and are able to see quickly without glasses within 24 hours of the surgery.
Benefits of SMILE
Minimally Invasive
SMILE is perhaps the least invasive technique possible in laser vision correction for the removal of glasses in comparison to PRK or LASIK Laser . In PRK , an 8-9 mm diameter epithelial layer of the cornea is removed mechanically and then the EXCIMER laser is used to reshape the cornea. In LASIK Laser, the procedure consists of two steps -
1. Making a flap - the flap is approximately 20 mm or more in circumference 2. Excite laser is used to reshape the cornea under the flap and the flap is settled back on the corneal surface. Whereas in SMILE, only a 2-3 mm keyhole is made in the cornea by the VISUMAX femtosecond laser, thereby reducing the damage/cutting of corneal nerves. This results in less dry eye and more stable corneas post operatively.
Flapless Technique
LASIK technique whether using blades ( microkeratome ) or bladeless ( femtolasik ), involves making a flap of the corneal tissue. Rarely complications can occur due to this flap called flap related complications either intra- operatively or post - operatively, though the chances are quite remote in good surgical hands. Since there is no flap created in SMILE procedure, there is no question of flap related complications, either during the procedure or after it.
Lesser Dry Eyes
Post - operative dry eyes is a relatively common side effect of LASIK / Contoura vision procedures . Because SMILE involves making of only. 2-3 mm laser incision versus 20mm incision in LASIK/ Contoura vision lasik procedures, there is potentially a minimal chance of dry eye post SMILE surgery.
Safety, Accuracy And Faster Visual Rehabilitation
Studies worldwide have found SMILE to be as safe and accurate as LASIK, besides the added advantage of quick visual recovery and faster rehabilitation, especially for people in contact sports, swimmers, police personnel etc. It only takes about a couple of days to experience amazing results.
SMILE Versus Lasik
SMILE - advantages of SMILE over LASIK SMILE is a flapless procedure. Since there is no flap created in SMILE, thus there are no flap related complications versus possible flap related complications in LASIK. There is better biomechanical stability of the cornea. Studies worldwide have shown SMILE to be a better biomechanically stable procedure versus LASIK, thus making it a much safer procedure compared to LASIK. As already mentioned, since SMILE involves making of only a 2- 3 mm laser incision, versus 20-24 mm circumferential incision in LASIK, lesser corneal nerves are cut/ severed, resulting in lesser dry eye symptoms versus LASIK.
Safety And Quality
BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE has always been deeply concerned and committed to the safety of its patients. BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE maintains the highest quality and safety standards applicable in the country, that is NABH standards. We at BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE, are proud to say that our centre is NABH accredited for the same.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, please contact:
Name: Bajaj Eye Care Centre
Address: 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, Plot No. 7, DDA Community Centre Road No. 44, Pitampura, Delhi-110034Phone: 011-47024919 / 27012054 Website: www.bajajeyecarecentre.com You can also search for these treatments: Lasik treatment In Pitampura, Lasik treatment Cost In Pitampura, Lasik Eye Surgery In Pitampura, Eye Care Hospital In Pitampura, Eye Hospital In Pitampura, Eye Care Centre In Pitampura, Eye Specialist in Pitampura, Eye Doctor in Pitampura, Eye Clinic in Pitampura, Best eye Doctor in Pitampura, Cataract surgery in Pitampura, Cataract surgery cost in Pitampura, Cataract operation in Pitampura, Keratoconus treatment in Pitampura, Oculoplasty procedure in Pitampura, Ophthalmology clinic in Pitampura, Lasik treatment In Delhi, Lasik treatment Cost In Delhi, Lasik Eye Surgery In Delhi, Eye Care Hospital In Delhi, Eye Hospital In Delhi, Eye Care Centre In Delhi, Eye Specialist in Delhi, Eye Doctor in Delhi, Eye Clinic in Delhi, Best Eye Doctor in Delhi, Cataract surgery in Delhi, Cataract surgery cost in Delhi, Cataract operation in Delhi, Keratoconus treatment in Delhi, Oculoplasty procedure in Delhi, Ophthalmology clinic in Delhi,
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iclsurgery · 1 year
ICL surgery a better option for high myopia and a thin cornea?
ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) surgery can be a good option for people with high myopia and thin corneas who are not candidates for traditional LASIK surgery. The ICL is a type of intraocular lens that is implanted in the eye to correct vision, and it can be used to correct high degrees of myopia (nearsightedness).
One advantage of ICL surgery is that it does not involve removing any corneal tissue, which can be a concern for people with thin corneas. In addition, the ICL can provide sharper and clearer vision than glasses or contact lenses, and it can be a good option for people who have not had success with these other forms of vision correction.
However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications associated with ICL surgery. These can include infection, inflammation, and changes in vision. It's important to discuss the risks and benefits of ICL surgery with your eye doctor to determine if it's the best option for your particular situation.
When will comfortable vision after an ICL eye surgery?
After an ICL eye surgery, it is common to experience some discomfort and blurry vision for a few days or even up to a week or two. However, most patients report significant improvement in their vision within the first few days after the surgery.
In some cases, it may take a little longer for your vision to stabilize and for you to feel completely comfortable with your vision after the ICL surgery. It is important to follow your doctor's post-operative instructions carefully, including using any prescribed eye drops and avoiding any activities that may strain your eyes or increase your risk of infection.
Your eye doctor will schedule several follow-up appointments after the surgery to monitor your healing and ensure that your vision is improving as expected. They may also prescribe corrective lenses for you to use during the initial recovery period to help improve your vision and provide additional comfort.
It's important to keep in mind that each person's healing process and visual recovery will be different, so it's essential to follow your doctor's guidance and be patient as your eyes heal and adjust to the ICL implant.
Will be totally free from spectacles from getting ICL done?
ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) surgery can significantly reduce your dependence on glasses or contact lenses, and in many cases, patients are able to achieve excellent vision without the need for corrective eyewear. However, it's important to keep in mind that every patient's results may vary, and there are some factors that can impact the outcome of the surgery.
Factors that can affect the outcome of ICL surgery include the degree of your refractive error, the thickness of your cornea, and the size and position of your pupils. Additionally, while ICL surgery can correct nearsightedness, it may not address other vision problems, such as astigmatism or presbyopia.
Your eye doctor can help you determine if you are a good candidate for ICL surgery and what kind of results you can expect based on your individual needs and circumstances. It's also important to have realistic expectations and understand that while ICL surgery can be a great option for many people, it may not completely eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses in all situations
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Transform Your Life with SMILE for Spectacle Removal Delhi
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SMILE is a revolutionary procedure for spectacle removal Delhi, providing a new lease on vision and freedom. It is making a difference and may be the perfect solution for you.
Envision the freedom of engaging in activities without the hassle of contact lenses or the constant worry of losing or breaking your spectacles. For many in Delhi, this dream is becoming a reality through the revolutionary SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) procedure for spectacle removal.
This cutting-edge technology is transforming lives, providing a new lease on vision, and offering an unparalleled sense of freedom and clarity. Let’s dive into how SMILE is making a difference and why it might be the perfect solution for you.
Understanding SMILE: SMILE is a minimally invasive laser eye surgery designed to correct myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. Unlike traditional LASIK surgery, which requires the creation of a corneal flap, SMILE involves a single laser that makes a small, precise incision in the cornea. This incision allows the removal of a small piece of corneal tissue, known as a lenticule, which reshapes the cornea and corrects vision.
The benefits of SMILE are numerous:
Minimally Invasive: The small incision means faster healing and less discomfort post-surgery.
Stability: The corneal structure remains largely intact, providing greater biomechanical stability.
Dry Eye Reduction: SMILE has a lower incidence of dry eye syndrome compared to LASIK.
Why Choose SMILE for Spectacle Removal Delhi?
Delhi, with its bustling lifestyle and fast-paced environment, demands the best when it comes to healthcare. Here’s why SMILE for spectacle removal Delhi is the preferred choice for people.
Advanced Technology: Delhi’s top eye care centers are equipped with the latest SMILE technology, ensuring precision and safety.
Experienced Surgeons: Renowned ophthalmologists in Delhi have extensive experience and training in performing SMILE procedures, offering unparalleled expertise.
Comprehensive Care: From pre-operative consultations to post-operative follow-ups, patients receive comprehensive care tailored to their needs.
Convenience: With numerous reputable eye care centers spread across the city, accessing SMILE treatment in Delhi is both convenient and accessible.
The Procedure: What to Expect Undergoing SMILE surgery is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your quality of life.
for more information, visit- Transform Your Life with SMILE for Spectacle Removal Delhi
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drjoannagoh · 2 years
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rpcomtrade · 2 years
The Importance of Construction Safety Equipment: Protecting Workers on the Job Site
Importance of Safety Gear in Construction work
Construction site accidents occur far too frequently. The physical risks of working in construction are higher than in other industries. During sloppy ladder work, workers can get hurt by UV light, frayed cords, spills, sharp objects, dust, and unknown particles. Gaseous threats include flammable materials, high exposure to CO2 and CO, and harmful gasoline. Corrosive chemicals can also cause serious accidents.
Clothing that stands out helps construction workers be seen by their coworkers. This is especially important when they are operating large pieces of equipment. It is equally important to wear safety shoes, lung protection equipment, and safety harnesses on a construction site.
Types of Construction Safety Equipment
Safety Helmet
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Selecting, wearing, and maintaining suitable head protection can prevent the vast majority of head injuries. Safety helmets are made to protect the head from falling objects and the sides of the head, eyes, and neck from any bad hits, bumps, scrapes, electrical exposure, etc. Employers must give their workers hard hats or safety helmets and make it a rule that they must wear them at all times.
Protective Clothing
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Personal Protective Clothing is workwear and accessories that keep workers safe. High-visibility clothing, eye protection, and other items protect workers from harmful substances. It includes items like safety jackets, safety shoes, etc. They are made from material that offers protection against chemical splashes, asbestos, grease, etc.
Safety Gloves
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Safety gloves protect against cuts, chemical burns, abrasions, crushing, and biohazards. These gloves (also work gloves) serve the same purpose. However, glove style is crucial. These protect workers from hazardous material skin and hand injuries. Industrial safety gloves, chemical-resistant rubber gloves, and Kevlar gloves for construction and abrasion protection are just a few types of work gloves.
Safety Spectacles
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Safety goggles protect your eyes from chemical splashes and heavy industrial environments, whether they hit you directly or not. It protects the eyes from physical damage and environmental infections. It has various forms. Anti-scratch, anti-UV, anti-static, and anti-fog coatings are also available. These items also shield workers’ eyes from debris and pathogens.
Hearing Protection
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Noise may seem harmless, but it can seriously harm construction and demolition workers. Due to construction sites’ many noisy operations, workers are at risk. In addition to causing hearing loss, noise is a major factor that disturbs productivity. Proper precautions can prevent hearing loss and noise-related health issues.
Foot Protection
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Safety-toed shoes or boots that prevent falling, crushing, or rolling, Safety-toed shoes must pass compression and impact tests. Concrete work and flooding require rubber overshoes. Slip-resistant shoes are required in some departments and should be worn in areas where wet floors are most likely to cause falls. Leggings protect the lower legs and feet from heat hazards like molten metal and welding sparks. Leggings are easily removed with safety snaps. 
Read more, click here…
Website: https://rpcomtrade.com/
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avantiskinclinic · 2 years
Laser Hair Removal in Pune – Cost, Benefits & Procedure
Laser Hair Removal in Pune – Cost, Benefits & Procedure
Laser Hair Removal in Pune
Hair removal treatment options
Procedure for Laser Hair Removal
Stepwise Procedure
Care Before Treatment
After-Treatment Care
The benefits of laser hair removal procedure
Laser hair removal cost in Pune
Treatments available at Avanti's Skin and Laser Clinic
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Laser Hair Removal in Aundh, Baner, Balewadi, Wakad, Pune
In both men and women, unpleasant facial hair, unattractive body hair, or excessive hair growth are the most common sources of frustration. Androgens are hormones that cause human hair to grow on their bodies. When the male-female body produces more androgens than usual, the body may create more hair.
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Laser Hair Removal in Aundh
The most prevalent reason of increased body hair in women is hormonal imbalance, such as PCOS. Abnormal menstruation, meditations, tumors, and disorders such as Congenital adrenal hyperplasia are all major causes of increased body hair in women.
Avanti’s Skin and Laser Clinic, provides the best laser hair removal in Aundh, Pune with latest technology to help men and women get rid of unwanted hair growth.
The laser hair removal procedure is completely painless. It is a long-term option for getting rid of unsightly body hair. Simply say no to a lot of weekly waxing or tweezing sessions, as well as a lot of plucking or shaving visits at salons. The face, chin, leg, back, underarm, and bikini line are all safe places for laser hair removal.
Hair removal treatment options:
Unwanted Facial Hair Treatment:
Shaving or waxing are two methods for removing unwanted face hair at home. A dermatological clinic can provide services laser hair removal.
For Unwanted Body Hair:
Epilators, shaving, waxing, and threading are all options for unwanted body hair removal at home. For long-term results, a dermatologist advises laser hair removal or electrolysis.
If you want a long-lasting, painless, and permanent hair removal procedure, Laser Hair Removal is the finest alternative. Visit the Avanti’s Skin and Laser Clinic or contact +91 8010840653.
Procedure for Laser Hair Removal in Aundh Pune
Laser hair removal is one of the most frequent aesthetic procedures performed around the world. It involves heating hair follicles to inhibit hair growth. The hair absorbs a precise amount of light, which prevents new hair from sprouting. Laser treatment only reduces the amount of hair that grows in a specific area, and it takes 3 to 6 sessions to see a significant reduction in hair growth. When compared to waxing, laser hair removal is a painless technique with the added benefit of making your skin look smoother and silkier.
Stepwise Procedure
Prior to the operation, your hair is chopped to a certain number of millimeters above the skin's surface.
Then, at least 20 minutes to a half-hour before the optical device process, a topical desensitizing drug was given.
The skin expert can modify the laser device's instrumentation based on the color, thickness, and location of your hair.
You and your technician may be recommended or required to wear spectacles for eye protection throughout the treatment.
You should also apply a cooling gel to let the laser light enter the skin.
The technician then checks the skin with a pulse to ensure that the settings are proper and optimal.
Following the surgery, you will be offered an ice pack, anti-inflammatory medication, creams, lotions, or cold water to relieve any discomfort.
Your next therapy session will take place four to six weeks later. Your therapy can be continued until the hair stops growing; the doctor will advise you on this.
Care Before Treatment
Alternative hair removal methods should be avoided for at least a month before the treatment since they may temporarily remove the hair roots. So, if you're considering a hair removal operation, you should avoid the following:
Sun exposure
Avoidance of blood-thinning drugs as prescribed by the doctor.
After-Treatment Care
• Avoid sun exposure for 6 weeks after the operation as it might reduce the effectiveness of laser hair removal.
• Cool compresses and moisturizers may help with sunburn care.
• Wear cosmetics only if necessary; we do not recommend it.
• Follow the doctor's medicines and instructions until the next visit. Most people endure many therapy sessions over the course of 2-3 months.
Additionally, for the best results, you will almost certainly require periodic maintenance sessions. These help to ensure that the hair follicles do not regrow. After your initial treatment, you'll need a maintenance session once or twice a year. This, however, may differ from person to person.
Remember, this is a cosmetic treatment that requires professionals from a reputable facility to execute. As a result, before beginning laser hair removal treatments, do a thorough examination of the doctor's or technician's qualifications, as well as the clinic's credentials.
The benefits of laser hair removal procedure.
Precision: Lasers only target hair, leaving the rest of the skin undisturbed and unharmed
Pace: Each pulse will treat several hair follicles at the same time.
Furthermore, each pulse takes a fraction of a second.
Relatively permanent: After 3 to 8 sessions, most patients have significant hair reduction and a few even have permanent hair removal.
The pigmentation in the hair is targeted by this therapy.
As a consequence, it looks best on lighter skin tones with darker hair.
Laser hair removal cost in Pune
The cost of laser hair removal in Pune ranges between Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 4,000 each session.
The cost of laser hair removal therapy is determined on the size of the area being treated, which might include the arms, face, bikini, legs, or the entire body.
Some laser hair removal treatments require numerous sessions to achieve the greatest results, raising the Laser Hair Removal Price.
You may choose from a range of packages as well as the number of sessions required.
Laser hair removal treatments Available in Avanti’s Skin and Laser Clinic, Aundh Pune
Treatments available at Avanti's Skin and Laser Clinic
Legs Laser Hair Removal
Hands Laser Hair Removal
Upper Lip Laser Hair Removal
Back Laser Hair Removal
Chest Laser Hair Removal
Bikini Laser Hair Removal
Facial Laser Hair Removal
Permanents Beard Shaping
Underarm Hair Removal
Why Avanti's Skin and Laser Clinic in Aundh, Pune for Laser Hair Removal?
Here are some of the benefits of choosing Dr. Avanti Pedamkar for Laser hair removal in Pune.
Avanti's Skin and Laser Clinic in Aundh Pune is an experienced laser treatment specialist.
Lady dermatologist with US-FDA approved equipment and treatment methods
We're in Aundh, Pune.
Our clinic is at Aundh, Pune. So, if you're seeking for the best laser hair removal near me or laser hair removal in Pune, go to Avanti's Skin and Laser Clinic in Aundh
Call on: 8010840653.
Location: Shop No - 5, Stellar Enclave, opp. Westend mall, Ward No. 8, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra 411007
Tuesday - Sunday: 10.30am-8.00pm
Monday: By Appointment
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The Most Advanced Cataract Surgery in Janakpuri
At Healing Touch Eye Centre, we understand the deep impact cataracts can have on your vision and quality of life. That's why we are committed to offering the most advanced Cataract Eye Surgery in Janakpuri. In this blog, we will explore the importance of advanced cataract surgery, our advanced technologies, and the benefits of choosing Healing Touch Eye Centre for your vision care needs.
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Traditional Cataract Surgery vs. Advanced Techniques
For many years, traditional cataract surgery has involved hand incisions, the removal of the clouded lens, and the installation of a typical intraocular lens. Even though this operation works, it has drawbacks including extended recovery times and a probable requirement for spectacles following surgery.
At Healing Touch Eye Centre, we have embraced advanced cataract surgery techniques that offer numerous benefits:
•Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery (FLACS): This innovative technology allows for precise incisions, fragmentation of the cataract, and accurate placement of intraocular lenses. It improves result prediction and lowers the possibility of problems.  
•Premium Intraocular Lenses (IOLs): We provide a variety of quality intraocular lenses (IOLs), including multifocal and toric lenses, which can lessen or completely remove the need for glasses following surgery. These lenses provide improved vision at various distances, addressing both near and far vision problems.  
•Customized Cataract Surgery Plans: No two eyes are the same, and our surgeons modify each procedure to the unique characteristics of your eye. This customization ensures optimal results and enhances your visual acuity.  
•Computer-Guided Cataract Surgery: Our advanced technology includes computer-guided systems that enhance surgical precision, making the procedure safer and more effective.
The Surgical Process
Our team of experienced surgeons and staff at Healing Touch Eye Centre will guide you through every step of the Cataract Eye Surgery in Vikaspuri. This includes a thorough pre-operative evaluation to determine the best approach for your unique needs, anaesthesia options to ensure your comfort, and advanced intraoperative technology for precise surgery.
After your Cataract Surgery in Vikaspuri, we provide complete post-operative care and follow-up to monitor your progress and address any concerns, ensuring a smooth recovery.
Benefits of Choosing Healing Touch Eye Centre
When you choose Healing Touch Eye Centre for your Cataract Surgery in Janakpuri, you benefit from:
•Experienced and Skilled Surgical Staff: Our doctors have received extensive training in revolutionary cataract surgical procedures.
•Modern tools and technology: We make investments in innovative technology to provide you with the greatest results.
•Personalized Treatment Plans: Your unique needs and preferences are at the front of our surgical approach.
•Enhanced Visual Outcomes: Our advanced techniques lead to quicker recovery times and improved vision, allowing you to return to your daily activities with confidence.
Your Clearer Vision Awaits – Choose Healing Touch Eye Centre Today!
At Healing Touch Eye Centre, we're dedicated to revolutionizing cataract surgery in Janakpuri. Our commitment to advanced techniques, personalized care, and exceptional outcomes has ensured that you get the best Cataract Surgery Cost in Delhi. Don't let cataracts hold you back; leap towards a brighter, clearer future today. Schedule a consultation with us, and we'll be here to help you regain your eyesight, providing you with our full support to achieve your vision goals.
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