sparring-spirals · 3 years
"I'm trying to make sure you feel fully self actualized before I knock you the fuck out-" -Aabria Iyengar
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captain-noface · 3 years
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Opal rounds the corner to see.... Opal???
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cadaceus · 3 years
EXU 6: “The Gift Among the Green”
Hello everyone and welcome to my liveblogs for this week’s episode of Exandria Unlimited: “The Gift Among the Green.” I absolutely loved the worldbuilding that Aabria gave us in this episode, and some of the character moments--especially with Opal--were truly so emotional. I am both so ready and not ready at all for these final two episodes! 
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- This cozy Matt look is really working for me, personally (plus Omar’s outfit is so cute!)
- Fy’ra Rai calling Dorian “little brother” is gonna get me every time isn’t it  😭
- DARIAX AND HIS 0 PERCEPTION CHECK IS SO ON BRAND.... it’s okay baby boy.... we’ve all been there....
- Dorian getting the crown again via his friends skinny dipping into an ancient civilization... EXU once again being peak D&D
- A PUPPY??? Googol my beloved! (Oh and now Googol has the scary crown... this went downhill so quickly oh my lord)
- Ruidus has been mentioned... I just got flashbacks to that hour long Exandrian moon theories video on Youtube.... give me the moons lore Matt and Aabria!
- Oooh, his real name is Bronte... I wonder what his last name is and why he refuses to say it? He must be some sort of nobility, right?  👀
- Orym admitting to checking out Dariax during the skinny dipping LMAOOO Liam’s characters will just always gravitate towards Matt’s magic men
- FEARNE’S PARENTS LEFT HER 50 YEARS AGO?? So she has spent almost half her life without them... oh my love 😭
- Dariax LIED to the group and about Tharla Starr too, he is so precious
- “I’ve never done anything without Ted” :((( Love them
- Dariax saying to the Observer “there’s been a lot of people in my head recently” reminds me of one of my favorite Yasha lines, “There’s been a lot of people in my head and I don’t want to give them you” and now I’m emo again
- “That’s called... branding” I mean, Dariax is not wrong LMAO Dorian has one of those names where you just want to say the first name and last name together
- HUH? Who/what did Opal see in the mirror? At first I thought maybe Ted, but Ted would look like Opal (ie: not blue eyes) right? Curiouser and curiouser....
- Oh, she saw her mother.... baby girl... Opal is making me sad today, Aimee has done such an incredible job with this character 😭
- Orym got a seed! I wonder what sort of seed! (Or maybe they said and I missed it...)
- That group Perception check was..... rough
- HUH??? Someone got Opal with a dart, but they are in the ancient city so did someone sneak into the city or is there someone after her that is a resident of this place?
- A chase scene?! Let’s gooooo
- This derailing into a conversation about gender and sex in the animal kingdom is so valid of them dfgdhjkfl
- Wait, I didn’t know Word of Radiance was a 5e spell.... any Stormlight Archive fans here who know exactly what I was thinking of when I heard her say it...
- “Save Opal--and get my axe back!” Priorities on point :’)
- Ashley’s two Natural 1s in a row...  😭
- Opal Misty Stepping on to the back of Dire Wolf!Fearne is so badass, I love that imagery so much... anytime someone uses that spell it ends up being so freaking cool
- Wait why was Opal kidnapped again? Or do we not know yet?
- Fy’ra Rai going “I tell you all these things with two slaps on the back!” made me laugh so hard tbh sfghdjkld that’s just how D&D works sometimes, I wasn’t even questioning it until she pointed it out!
- The way Ashley went “I apologize” in that long drawn out way was so funny dfgdhjk
- Huzzah for getting the Ring of Invisibility, that’s so cool! But also YIKES IT WAS THE PURPLE PEOPLE WHO WERE AFTER OPAL?? HOW COME??
- Dariax’s Opal impression going “Help me Ted!~” before spellcasting truly made me laugh out loud quite literally fsghjkdl (timestamping it at about 4:22:28 on the VOD, 4:07:28 on YT)
- Poor Opal is in shock isn’t she :(((
- NOOOOOO I DON’T WANT ANJALI TO GOOOO I was lowkey hoping that she would stay with the group for the rest of the time, she feels like such a key part of them now!
- “Don’t worry... I would do anything for my friends.” This is still giving me Dorian Corruption Arc vibes and I am not mad about it... what if he makes the same bad turns/choices as he did previously (that Fy’ra Rai is referencing) but this time it’s not because he thinks he’s better off alone, it’s because he does it for the sake of his found family? This is not a theory just an angst dump but woof I love how much potential this storyline has
- I like “the Chosen Ones” as a name so much! Maybe not as much as “the Natural Ones” as I saw suggested in the chat, but hey it’s still a keeper ;)
- Ooh, so is this Ted’s body that someone found? Or is it more of a metaphysical imagery of Ted, ie inside of Opal’s mind? I am so intrigued at what’s to come in these last two episodes!
- See You Next Thursday friends! ;)
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Dorian: Something like this shouldn't exist.
Orym: It's a big world.
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lovphobic · 2 years
i finally finished exu6. u know. the ep that was released august last year
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webnchi-blog · 7 years
【けものフレンズ】6/24 ダイバーシティ東京プラザ「ドラマ&キャラソン」「サントラ」発売記念イベントを終えての声優たちの声
1: 47の素敵な(catv?) (ワッチョイW c355-kgHr) 2016/09/21(水) 00:43:56.44 ID:pYtFusTT0 @******* 大島優子が目の前でタバコ吸ってた タバコになりたい。 Twitterにて 映画館というところも本人のインスタと一致 3: 47の素敵な(dion軍) (ワッチョイW bf4d-NmdU) 2016/09/21(水) 00:47:10.08 ID:TOdpo09q0 子役出身の喫煙率は高い 4: 47の素敵な(pc?) 2016/09/21(水) 00:47:38.49 AKB時代から喫煙者だってツイは複数あったよ 未成年じゃないし問題ないだろ 6: 47の素敵な(やわらか銀行) (ワッチョイW efc8-eXu6) 2016/09/21(水) 00:50:14.71…
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
Dorian, recently Leveled Up In Evil: *still carefully gathering all of his friends clothes as they go diving into a waterfall*
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
Opal, very casually: "Yeah so, my sister is in my body, and she was asking if I saw this purple lady-"
Fy'ra, asking good questions: A lady in purple or a purple lady?
Fearne, unfailingly polite but also very confused: "Im sorry, you were saying your.. sister is in your body?"
Opal, eternal sibling™: "Yeah, its super weird and apparently she doesn't even know where her body IS, can you imagine being that irresponsible with your belongings-"
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
"Is a lower or higher d20 better?"
"You'll find out!"
*rolls* "No we won't! 10!"
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
Anjali is absolutely shattering my heart with Fy'ra Rai right now. So much hard held composure, so much pain, so much desire and a deep sense of duty and love and care, and SHE ALSO DESERVES A HUG-
Fy'ra Rai, *torn, agonized*: "I have sworn to protect them-"
Loxodon: "And you have. You led them here."
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
Fy'ra: "You haven't been seeing her have these conversations this whole trip? These one sided conversations?"
Orym: "...Ive seen her talk to herself, some."
Opal: *laughs* "Nooooo.... I don't talk to myself, I talk to my sister, who LEFT HER BODY SOMEWHERE-"
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
Loxodon, about Opal and Ted: "She becomes a part of you because she loves you, and that is her choice. Her choosing."
Opal: "Okay."
Opal: "I'm sorry."
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
Listen I was already having so many feelings about Fy'ra Rai, finding out her sister is alive, making that heartwrenching decision to stay with the exu party because "Someone is watching Opal" (she needs the protection).
And then the way Opal, immediately, defensively, bristled "I don't-" (don't need protection, don't need your pity, don't need yet another person making sacrifices for me that I didn't ask for). The petulance, the guilt, the resentment, the weight. "The power that you have- people want it." "Why would they?"
"What do you want?"
"I dunno, to be my own person?"
"What makes you think you aren't already?"
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captain-noface · 3 years
The dissonance between past player Matt and future cozy Matt is sending me a;lskdjflka
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Matt “I’ve been betrayed by my own friends” Mercer
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
This party would accidentally turn a dog to be the BBEG of a campaign huh
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
I love, I love, that Dariax, when panicking and in need of a plan, defaults to "disguise into someone else, create as flashy of a distraction as possible through the power of ~PERFORMANCE~"
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