sana-87 · 4 days
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pepmint-art · 1 year
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stealthystealthy · 8 months
I'm gonna be at uni all day this saturday, but at least when I get home i can WATCH HERMITCRAFT SEASON TEN BABY
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new term: exsamic
exsamic, plural exsamic latin prefix "ex-" (thorough)+old norse sami (origin of same)+suffix "ic" (meaning "of or pertaining to" essentially meaning "completely the same existence"
having a involuntary strong connection with a concept so much you identify as it on a day-to-day basis, and may use it's name as your name and, if applicable, may also talk about it's experiences as if they're your own. or, as my friend put it, "mhhngnfghh... good GAWD this character is me"
not to be confused with otherkinity, because while 'kin cannot control their identity, the term was coined with the concept in mind that exsamic can control it-it's the connection that they can not control. (i word it like that because some people, like myself, can not control it [at least, on my end, for the most part i can't,] but even then it does not still feel like my typical 'kin experience, thus why i coined the term.)
and it's not to be confused with otherlink or otherheir either, because otherlink is voluntary, and otherheir focuses more on "keeping it's legacy" rather than actually feeling like you ARE it.
i made this term with non-psychotic "IRLs" in mind, and after thinking hard and long about it, and i realized that, no, i am not psychotic, i just didn't have a better word to use to describe my experiences. if you wanna use a term similar to "IRL" for an exsamic, you can just say you're "samic," for example, i'd say i'm lain iwakura and squares samic. it doesn't have the same punch to it as "IRL" does, but it's better than stealing terminology not meant for people who can't use it.
examples: "ENA is my exsamic. i am ENA samic." "i'm exsamic with black cats and amitie from the puyo puyo series." "i just got done with my samic list, it contains my examic bonds."
i use the term concept in this to mean anything, you could replace all instances of "concept" in this with, say, a fictional character, a song, or an animal.
i also made this definition somewhat vague on purpose so this way more people could identify with it easily, while still at the same time defining a specific experience that one may have. however, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. i am deathly inactive on tumblr, so i may not respond immediately, but i’ll respond.. eventually.
if you want to credit me for the term, you may refer to this post and/or my @ as a source of the term, but if linking back to it’s coiner in general please refer to my main account @hatsilvamiku (tumblr won’t let me @ it for some reason so i just linked to it) and call me hatsiiva miku (caps second i, hatsiIva) or hatsilva miku.
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Another update on my life- again again
So it seems like my luck has run out. The only thing that I needed to pull through for me didn’t. I’m facing being stuck here in a small bigoted village for at least another year. And it’s fucking agonising.
Like all queer people and other minority’s I saw university as an out. Somewhere where I could get away from it all. Where I could cut my hair, and fucking dye it, and dress how I want, and date who I want, and change my fucking name. As long as I’m here, I’m held back, knowing if I do any of that, I’m being disowned.
My plan is to resit maths while doing a degree close to home. So I could hopefully get a good grade where I could transfer to the course I wanted next year.
In other news, I achieved an A in my art course so as soon as I get my Etsy shop set up I’ll be able to say you’re buying from a quality artist. Going of what the examiners think.
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melanirana · 2 years
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Owl! Sun makes sure Y/N dosnt over do them self whiel studing for some magic exsam. And getting cuddles whiel hes at it. 
Win Win. Y/N is less stressed, gets a live size plush and Sun get quality time with his favorite human.    
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Give me strength i need to focus on math (ew) to do exsam (yikes)
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jazziethecat · 2 years
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Bg testing for art exsam
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2kitsuneao3 · 2 years
funny little observation i’ve made, but whenever i post in/cest fanfic (whether it be not really in/cest in the case of adoption or not) there’s less comments on it then if it was a straight ship / mlm or wlw - sure this could be because those ships are more popular, but from my time around on the internet and in some larger fandoms sometimes those in/cest ships will be as popular / more popular then main ships so the only conclusion i can come to is ya’ll are just too scared to comment on those fics in the rare case of being caught / called out and like - 
no genuinely, why? 
because it’s taboo? listen, i implore you, for once if you’re going to navigate the internet in any such way you should 100% explore and interact with the fandoms / pairings that have been labelled as ‘taboo or wrong’ because i promise you it’ll open you up to a lot more conversations about morality and the difference between allowing something in fiction / not allowing it irl and knowing your own boundaries. 
like honestly, i write in/cest, i’ve written sam/xdean for gods sake, and nat/exsam, and wei wuxia/n x jiang cheng; but, on the other hand, do you think i support / could ever support that shit irl? hell no, no fucking way. and maybe it’s because i’ve been doing this shit since i was thirteen, no seriously, but sometimes interacting with fandoms / pairings that others have labelled as taboo and will say ‘you’re a bad person’ if you enjoy / post this, really helps you explore those kind of scenarios (or in this case, pairings) in a safe environment where you are in complete control, you can click out at any seconds, you have all the tags and information going in to know exactly what the story pertains, so that while you’re reading it you can decide whether it’s for you as a person or not - and at the end of it, you’ve still learnt something about yourself / your boundaries / the extent of your own morality etc. it’s the same as exploring those fics that have the tags ‘dead dove do not eat’ - you know exactly what that means, or you should, and you’ve got all the tags to know what it pertains, but if you choose to click on it you in that moment can control exactly how much of it you read, and further your own understanding of yourself in the process while still being completely safe. 
there’s this really cool post i keep finding unintentionally (but ofc i can’t find it now) about exploring the internet critically but also exploring it / into areas which others have labelled as inherently bad / taboo and i’ll see if i can find it / tag it because it explains this so much better than me but like - yeah. 
because it’s the same as like, liking a really fucked up character, right? I love Nir/agi (from AIB), love absolutely everything about him, to his character, his interactions with others, his looks, and i love doing character studies into what makes him the kinda person he is - but do you think i’d ever excuse / allow someone like that in my life irl? hell no! he’s a murderer, a straight up bad guy, and he’d k/ill me without a second thought if i was annoying him - however because of fandom and fanfic (i’m talking mostly about ao3 here with fanfic / spaces to enjoy fanfic) and having spaces on the internet where we can all pool our resources to let others have these experiences also exploring our own boundaries in a safe space, it’s easier than ever to let your own mind expand into areas that others will ostracize you for / call you a bad person for liking. 
just a little rant for 2am haaaah, let me know if any of this made sense. 
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sana-87 · 21 days
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pepmint-art · 2 years
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and everytime something happens in Ninjago City, Lloyd has his flight to Hawaii booked
no, not really, but everytime he has exsams people has to die.
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nah, morro talln't, he's just a baby
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marune2 · 2 years
The twins anomalies of Faust chapter 17
As the twins are 19
Nacht is alone he thinking abaut Morgan there pet devil’s and asta and yuno
Wo he thinks abaut this there pact whit anomalies going bigger but he is the oldest Angel and whit this did he not know what he fully is…….
There parents don’t even know not they care….. they want them four power and the wolle stuff
And Julius he is ok but something fell wrong whit him but he don’t know what but he is a good soul as fare he can tell
Yami the dude is is a pain but he’s best Friend and a good hearted soul even he not looks like this
Wo he thinks all abaut this all people wo he trusted are in the grey dear ore someone else and he don’t trust there parents at all so why is he here after all?
Nacht: what ever Morgan want’s my away from here too so why not?“say he go in he’s room again
Morgan?!!??!?:are you really sure Brother?!?!?
Nacht:yes Morgan why wuld I say this too you if I’m not sure ore don’t want?
Morgan cry of happiness: yes of curse you are right I’m happy you will come too us in the grey dear
Nacht: sure sure the magic night exsam is next Weck so why not try?
Morgan: captain wuld be happy Brother too take you!!!
Nacht: sure sure Morgan
Then huck Morgan Nacht
Nacht?!: Morgan not so strong…….
Morgan:I’m not sorry brother“smile
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gcldencrownofsorrow · 2 years
i swear i’ll be here more after my exsame wendsday 
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askmommysherman · 3 months
Question since exsam season has finished rn in the UK, I thought it relevant to ask how much you enjoyed school Diane?
Did you have a favourite subject.
Ngl mine was pe, only time out of the seats.
I did enjoy school. It was my only escape. I excelled in science, it was my favorite subject 😊
Pe is gym? That was fun too! I'm glad you have things you like.
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peederpan · 5 months
Thats enough studying for today! 😵‍💫
No preasure when i first have to pass a written exsam with a perfect score to qualify for the practical exsam that i Also have to nail in order to get certified in Advanced medical life support.
I see a lot of late nights in my future. BUT! There are only 56 days left untill i get two weeks with palm trees and bikinies poolside in the sun. I just have to make it untill then 😊
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keeperofbloodpuding · 10 months
I am so anxious for exsams.
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