aetherartifact · 5 months
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prosegalaxy · 8 months
"Time-Traveling Artist and The Web: A Tale of Intrigue and Ambiguity"
In the year 1568, amidst the grandeur of the Italian Renaissance, a young artist named Marco discovered an ancient artifact during a chance encounter at a marketplace. This peculiar object seemed to possess an extraordinary power; it could transport him to different times and places, allowing him to experience various cultures and histories firsthand. As he journeyed through time, Marco honed his skills and unlocked hidden talents, becoming a skilled swordsman, a masterful musician, and an ingenious inventor. One day, Marco found himself in the bustling streets of ancient China during the Ming Dynasty. There, he met a wise sage who revealed to him that his newfound abilities were not merely random occurrences but part of a grand design, intertwined with the very fabric of existence. The sage taught him about the mysterious force that connected all things - a force he called "The Web." Driven by curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Marco continued his journeys across the ages. He met great thinkers and artists, from the philosophers of ancient Greece to the astronomers of medieval Persia. Each encounter deepened his understanding of The Web, and he began to recognize patterns in history that seemed to be guided by this mysterious force. As Marco's power grew, so did his connection with The Web. He realized that his purpose was not just to explore history but also to shape it. However, the more he tried to control The Web, the more elusive it became. In a moment of desperation, he sought out the sage once again, only to find him vanished without a trace. With each passing year, Marco's connection to The Web became ever more ambiguous and unpredictable. Was it his destiny to control time and space, or was he merely an instrument of fate? As he grappled with this existential question, Marco realized that the true power of The Web lay not in its control but in its ability to inspire awe and wonder. And so, he continued his journey, forever bound by the enigmatic force that connected him to the very essence of existence.
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ragnar0c · 4 months
Thinking about how good Alope's memory is.
Writing her and she remembers a lot of the things Hana says to her just SO she can repeat them to Hana and piss her off. there's also the Kujura comic...
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s7news · 1 year
"Unlocking the Future: Exploring the Power of Quantum Computing"
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bubblesandstuff · 2 years
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(via Jurassic prehistoric cave illustration Photographic Print by Remco Kouw)
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hiiii this is my first post on here, i’ve been wanting to write on here for some time now 🙇🏽‍♀️
links to some of my character ai bots:
🥊 | - Boxer Carlos.
💤 | - Leon’s nightmare wakes you again.
🇲🇽 | - Enemies to lovers.
🌫️ | - A strange pollen affects the both of you.
🏰 | - Just a princess and her bodyguard.
🫂 | - Home at last.
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adverbian · 1 year
My fanfiction over on AO3. All Good Omens (TV continuity), Aziraphale/Crowley. (Updated 05 Sept 2024)
(As always, check tags on AO3 for content notes!)
That Certain Night (E, 8670 words, 4/4 chapters)
Three nights together during wartime, and one night together after. Angst with a happy ending. 1941, 1967, Night at Crowley’s Flat, and a sweet, smutty South Downs epilogue. A birthday gift for @voluptatiscausa .
This Most Balmy Time and Stay Me With Flagons (both E, each 100 words)
A pair of smutty birthday drabbles for @cemeteryangel725 .
Nothing Lasts Forever (G, 108 words)
A post-S2 meditation on narrative arcs, astronomy, and love — but make it a sonnet. (Written for a poetry game in the Good Omens After Dark Writers Guild. Prompt: “Starmaker”)
(More under the cut!)
Gibraltar May Tumble (E, 8539 words)
A little first-time light bondage on a rainy South Downs afternoon, with feelings and tenderness and love. (A gift fic for @sapientmanbuncountrymare written as part of the Good Omens After Dark Pride Exchange)
Bear You on the Breath of Dawn (T, 100 words)
They’ve had an argument — their first since they moved into their cottage together. They’re still not very good at talking. But this time, they both stay. (A drabble.)
Da Pacem (M, 341 words)
A sestina about stopping the Second Coming with your secret lover, using the key words “night, time, glass, light, tide, stars.”
Is This Desire? (E, 15.5k words, 2/2 chapters)
A smutty, sex-pollened meditation on desire and consent. (Written for the High Pollen Count Good Omens Sex Pollen Event.)
Confiteor (M, 3k words, 1/1 chapter)
Aziraphale goes on a guilt trip. Crowley brings him back home. (Angst with a happy ending.)
Exsultet (E, 6k words, 3/3 chapters)
They’d won. But there were some things left to lose. (And there were some victories still to come.) (A gift fic for @crowleyslvt written as part of the Good Omens Song and Poetry Exchange)
In contenti e in allegria (E, 5k words, 2/2 chapters)
Completely shameless PWP, honeymoon in Paris edition. (A gift fic for @and-his-hands-were-24-crows in the Good Omens After Dark Valentine’s Exchange)
O You and Me at Last (E, 4k words, 1/1 chapters)
News of one of Aziraphale’s past admirers has Crowley feeling a little… possessive. (Written for the Good Omens After Dark Smut War)
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (E, 5k words, 3/3 chapters)
Crowley’s been giving Aziraphale space to adjust to being on his own, finally free of Heaven. Now, a gorgeous American philanthropist has started hanging around the bookshop. Has Crowley left things Too Late? (Spoiler alert: There’s a very happy resolution.) (Gift fic for IUsedToBeGifted177 in the Good Omens After Dark Christmas Exchange)
Small Things Like Reasons (M, 4k words, 7/7 chapters)
An exploration of six competing meta theories against the backdrop of the Rapture.
These, Thy Gifts (M, 100 words)
Crowley gives thanks for a feast. (A smutty Thanksgiving drabble.)
Revolver (T, 200 words)
Sometime in the late 1960s or early 1970s, Crowley tried to introduce Aziraphale to the Beatles. It went about like you’d expect. (A double drabble with hands thirst.)
Series: Auprès de ma blonde
(Each item in the series can be read independently.)
General vibes: Ineffable Honeymoon. Everything is terribly sweet and romantic. Lots of Feelings. There are literary and musical allusions.
(Individual works in the series under the cut! Dorothy Sayers fans will instantly clock the first two titles. Yes, there are Wimsey vibes.)
one more river (and that’s the river of jordan) (E, 5k words, 3/3 chapters)
They are alone now — they are free. They are both nervous, but eager, newlyweds.
Auprès de ma blonde, qu’il fait bon dormir (E, 2k words, 1/1 chapters)
The morning after “one more river.”
What We Think About When We Think About Each Other (E, 4k words, 6/6 chapters)
Five times they swapped fantasies, and one time they started learning to share.
Songs and Sonnets (E, 2k words, 1/1 chapters)
A little bit of exploration that gets surprisingly emotional.
That the One Ought To Have of the Other (T, 1k words, 1/1 chapters)
Marriage vows considered as a formal contract, and negotiated with feelings.
Set Me as a Seal Upon Your Heart (E, 12k words, 4/4 chapters)
The Ineffable Husbands make it official. And formal contracts between supernatural entities have a way of becoming particularly real.
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pearlprincess02 · 3 months
taylor swift and matty healy composite chart houses
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7th house: the composite 7th house governs how you are as a couple, how much you’re focused on the relationship, how you move together as one, and the other people that you interact with together.
leo 7th house : with the composite 7th house in leo, you may be a pairing that interacts with others with friendliness, and you can seem like a gregarious pair. you can be super creative as a pair, and you may encounter lots of creative types together. you can be very loyal to the relationship, and take the commitment seriously once you’re in it. it may be difficult for you to see together when you’re being dramatic, and you may encounter more dramatic people.
7th house ruler in 12th house: meeting: likely to meet your person in foreign lands. possibly in “badlands”(deserted/impoverished places). meeting them when you’re in a isolated time in your life. meeting them when you feel most alone. likely to meet in the astral realm/dream state before 3D. can meet them near water, the beach, island or lake. personality: the type of person that is spiritual, artistic, sensitive and creative. may even fit the “creative genius” sort of archetype. this person can be a “loner”. someone who is generous, charitable or sacrificial. a person with mental health issues. a “piscean” sort of person. union: a relationship where you have to sacrifice something to be together. a relationships that is a secret. a karmic relationship. highly likely a past life relationship. a union where service & unconditional love are prominent themes. a union that causes some sort of loss.
mars in 7th: with composite mars in the 7th house, the relationship can be more important to you and you can put a lot of energy into the relationship. you can be more willing to make compromises with one another, and work to meet in the middle, but if you don’t feel the other is being fair, that can cause a rift. In general, this can be a good placement for any serious relationship/partnership since this is the house of committed relationships.
8th house: the composite 8th house shows how we use what we have together and share with one another. this house also governs intimacy and sex, so it can also show how we connect on a physical level in romantic partnerships (in a way that may be different from individually in the natal chart).
virgo 8th house: with the composite 8th house in virgo, you may use the resources you have together in practical ways, and can be very cautious and detailed with how you’ll use them. you may be super savers together, or you may not put too much emphasis on spending and using what you have, giving more attention to the little things. in a romantic relationship, physical intimacy may come after you have each affirmed your feelings.
8th house ruler in 1st house: you often need and desire a certain level of bluntness and honesty when you commit to someone. once your 2nd house is out of the picture it can be a hard pill for your lover to swallow both literally and figuratively as you often have a strong need for sexual expression and to an extent physical intimacy. you likely can be rather driven by your desires ignoring the wants and needs of your partner only because once you commit-you throw yourself wholeheartedly into the union often acting out your truest self In the process. for you sex is no longer just “sex” it becomes your voice, your hearts lifeline, it becomes your gateway to attaining a sort of unity. your aggression and intensity is often what your lover will see and albeit it might cause them to shy away at first they’ll likely adore how fierce and loyal you truly are once a true commitment is made. once commitment is established you can be a bit aggressive sexually and even a little bit intense! you come on very strong and can demand the dominant role.
juno in 8th: you are both deeply transformed by your commitment and relationship to each other. you may feel “married” to your sexual exploration and sexuality may be a hub of this relationship, uniting the two of you. you may also have a shared desire for power and prosperity. you both easily commit to each other’s shared success and help promote your shared ambitions. you can easily help each other gain empowerment because of your commitment and loyalty to each other. this relationship can also be a source of shared empathy and focus on blending business and relationship. this connection may feel like a marriage of your shared talents and resources. you can share a relationship-based business partnership as well as romantic partnership.
eros in 8th: this is an intense relationship filled with passion and sexually charged energy. through your connection to each other you can find it easy to release past wounds and help each other find transformation and empowerment. you can also help each other grow and gain confidence in your sexual interests. you may be attracted to each other’s authority or power and blending sexual play in ways that bring power dynamics to light can be arousing for you both. you may also be attracted to each other’s wealth, power or status. playing sexual games related to the idea of having money, authority or control can be enticing in this relationship. there may be something edgy, intense and taboo about your shared desires and fantasies.
9th house: the composite 9th house can show how we expand, explore, and experience life together. The composite 9th house can show how we share our wisdom as a pairing with the world, and how we find meaning.
libra 9th house: with the composite 9th house in libra, you may want to use your relationship as a way of expanding and exploring your lives together. you can compromise in order to expand, and explore when you feel balanced together and everything is calm in your relationship. you may use charm and diplomacy to share your wisdom together, and can see many sides to differing beliefs.
9th house ruler in the 1st house: the activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and interactions with foreign cultures and belief systems serve the image, persona, behavior, mannerisms and appearance. your broadmindedness is one of the first things people notice about you. your desire for big experiences is one of the first things people notice about you. your interest in other cultures, religions or belief systems is one of the first things people notice about you. your level of education is one of the first things people notice about you. you are quick to tell people what you are studying and how many degrees you have. you are quick to mention where you went to school. the image you present is one of a person who is educated and well-traveled. your interactions with people from different cultures impact the way you present yourself. your interest in journalism is apparent. your awareness of religious philosophy and metaphysics is apparent. your religious views are apparent. your belief system impacts your behavior and mannerisms. your interest in religion influences your direction in life. traveling influences your approach to life. people from other cultures have to adjust to your behavior and mannerisms. people who have a different religion or belief system have to adjust to your approach. 
lilith in 9th: you are both likely to help each other find freedom and liberation to explore your higher morals and philosophies. your religious beliefs may be unconventional, or you may have a shared passion for ideologies that are unusual or break with tradition. through this relationship you can help each other expand your mind and follow your higher vision. you support each other’s higher goals and can help each other expand your influence because you both radiate passion and power. you inspire others to follow your lead and can have an impact on each other’s beliefs. you may also find greater freedom and independence by experiencing different cultures or frequently traveling far from your home base.
10th house: the composite 10th house can show how you present yourselves as a pair, how you step out into the world together (your public life), and what you work toward together.
scorpio 10th house: others know that both would give a lot for the other, that they’d be there, through thick and thin. little can be known about this couple, they’re quite reserved with their relationship and what happens in it, people may think that they are just friends or have no idea that they are a couple, which is obvious to anyone it’s the tremendous loyalty they have between them, the high levels of trust and that focused attention they have for each other. even if others just think that they are friends, there would be some hint that both of them are very attracted to each other, people can sense the passion and intensity, but in a subtle way [especially in the initial stages of the relationship], however as it’s developing, it’s something that is intensifying more and more. they may think that they can be very transparent with the emotional intensity that each one has and that they finally found someone who loves them so madly.
10th house ruler in 10th house: the activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation are an end unto themselves. you need a profession. you need to find your true vocation. getting out in the world and making a name for yourself is important to you. you want to be known for something. you want to be famous. you want to receive awards and recognition. you want to climb to the top of the mountain in whatever you choose to do. you are ambitious for the sake of being ambitious. you have an authoritative approach to career and vocation. you are ambitious in your profession. you want to reach the top of your profession. you want to become known for what you do. you want your day in the sun. you become widely known for what you do. your career builds your reputation. your reputation builds your career. your reputation precedes you. you become known for your achievements…”oscar winner…”, “nobel prize winner…” etc… you become known for your social status. you become known for your relationship with authority. you become known for acting like an authority. you become known as an authority on whatever type of work you choose to do. you are an authority on parental relationships. you are an authority on society’s standards and expectations. you are an authority on achievement, awards and recognition.
pluto in 10th: this couple gives the impression of having changed a lot since they entered each other's lives, of changing not only as people, but also their motivations, ambitions, desires and goals [for example, if one of them did not want to get married, you can consider it as having met the other]. they give the impression of having a great respect for the other, at the same time as a great fascination, they can be perceived as intense with the other and too passionate. the attraction is obvious, and they can be very open with their charm with the other person. they can give the impression of being a power couple, where they both want to achieve many things together and get everything they have always wanted.
11th house: the composite 11th house can show how we come together as friends in a relationship, the groups we interact with and causes you push for together. with the 11th house also ruling change and the future, it can show how change is approached and what future we envision.
sagittarius 11th house: with the composite 11th house in sagittarius, you can be the light and gregarious pair in your friendships or groups you participate in together, and others can enjoy being around you and not feel they have to be so serious. you may have many friends together, and many prefer the casual connections to anything too intense. you can focus on changes that will expand your relationship pr bring new opportunities to you together, and you can be optimistic about the future.
11th house ruler in 5th house: these people like activities such as reading, blogging, journaling, cinematography, photography, video games, astrology, and driving. similarly, they may spend a lot of time on the internet. these natives will constantly be on a journey for self-consciousness; they have a strong desire for free expression; and the ego is frequently enlarged to embrace broader cultural and social matters. individuals with this placement can be famous, recognized or really loved on social media. they are usually people who can find a lot of happiness and friendships through the internet. i have noticed that many of the "friends" of these natives tend to develop a romantic feeling towards them. they are incredibly humorous yet rational individuals when they are in love. they might be folks who require more than simply physical attractiveness. they are not generally idealistic or flowery; rather, they value their individuality and want their lover to be their closest friend and crime partner. although these people may not realize it, they are capable of changing the ideals and ways of thinking of other people, especially their friends, to positive ones. they are able to make people around them perceive things in a positive way and it is quite common for natives to try to see the good side of things. these individuals are generally the leaders or bright spots in their group of friends. they are the human brightness, the star of the show, the one who pushes, inspires, and is always there to make them happy. they tend to attract many friends with leo-aquarius placements, traits, dominant suns/uranus/saturns, or with stelliums in the 5th or 11th house. something that i have noticed about these natives is that they feel a great and genuine fascination towards all kinds of arts and tend to excel in many of its branches. folks with this placement tend to adore and be incredibly generous with their friends, who are often numerous. occasionally these natives choose their friends instead of their partners. the person with this placement is extremely gifted and innovative, with a strong desire to share what makes them distinct and unusual. they have a distinct and creative flame that may leave many people awestruck. and mainly because of this, they are more likely to have a large number of imitators or persons who aspire to be like them, particularly those from the media. they are so outstanding and one-of-a-kind personalities that they may acquire quite a few jealous competitors. their offspring will be energetic, inquisitive, ambiverts, eccentrics, analytical, and fast learners if they plan to have children. and they'll feel bored quickly. people with this placement may develop a crush towards people they meet through the internet and could get to know couples or potential partners through this medium or even playing online.
uranus in 11th: with composite uranus in the 11th house, this is the house uranus naturally rules, so change can be something that feels more naturally-occurring in this relationship. you can find sudden insights together, make sudden progress with your dreams together, expand your networks together, and make a difference together. you can allow each other to be yourselves, and think more about your future.
neptune in 11th: with composite neptune in the 11th house, you may have a hard time focusing on your dreams together, a fog in the way and obstructing your view. you can be overly idealistic with one another, and you can view the relationship with rose-colored glasses if you’re not careful. this position can be excellent for a partnership that focuses on helping others and being compassionate and charitable.
12th house: the composite 12th house can show what may be hidden in the relationship, what may play out subconsciously in the relationship, the karma of the relationship, and what needs to be let go of.
capricorn 12th house: with the composite 12th house in capricorn, it may be difficult at times for you to do things in traditional ways, or be responsible for one another and others. you can step up in times of crisis together and find ways to be mature and reliable subconsciously, but have a hard time with convention and planning consciously. there may be karmic issues with authority that need to be addressed, and some ambition may need to be let go of.
12th house ruler in 12th house: if the ruler of the 12th house is also situated in the 12th house, it could signify that the individual possesses a deep sense of introspection and spirituality. such people may tend to withdraw from others and feel compelled to engage in self-destructive behaviors. for individuals with this placement, it is extremely important to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being since they may be susceptible to depression and escapism. it would be beneficial for them to dedicate time to dealing with their sorrows and pain, spending time alone, exploring their psychic abilities, and identifying any self-destructive tendencies that they may have. dealing with grief and sadness can be overwhelming and leave you feeling lost and confused. it's important to give yourself permission to process those emotions instead of trying to suppress them through meditation or isolation. while solitude can provide some comfort, it can also worsen feelings of sadness and loneliness. you may find comfort in connecting with your spiritual side if you have psychic abilities. additionally, involving yourself in social work or charitable pursuits can help you better comprehend and empathize with those who are experiencing grief and sadness. remember, seeking support and assistance whenever you need it, whether incarcerated or hospitalized, is perfectly acceptable. excessive isolation, confinement, acts of altruism, and intense emotional bonds with individuals or spiritual practices can cause self-undoing. additionally, being overly susceptible to unconscious forces can exacerbate this issue. in such circumstances, an elevated state of awareness may encounter difficulty discerning actuality from deception. if you wish to connect with your spiritual side, you can take two distinct paths. the first option is to fully dedicate yourself to a monastic lifestyle. the second option is to delve into the depths of your subconscious through your dreams. this process allows you to tap into the collective unconscious and better understand yourself and the world around you. you possess a deep spiritual understanding, as evidenced by your approach toward prisoners. by counseling those in need, you can offer guidance and support to those who may feel lost or alone. your imagination is truly remarkable, and it's clear that you possess a high level of sensitivity. these qualities allow you to connect with others on a deeper level and to offer unique insights and perspectives that others may not be able to provide. overall, your spiritual depth and insightful nature make you a truly remarkable individual. however, with a heightened sense of self-awareness and a solid commitment to personal growth, individuals with this placement have the potential to access profound insights and spiritual wisdom that can significantly enhance their lives.
sun in 12th: with the composite sun in the 12th house, this can be a difficult position to have. the 12th house is the house of the hidden, so some aspect of yourselves or of the relationship (or even the relationship itself) may remain hidden. you may hide parts of yourself from the other person or they hide parts of themselves from you, you get lost in the relationship and sacrifice yourself, you keep the relationship secret, or it’s difficult for you to be open. you can become aware of your subconscious issues and motivations, which can make you feel uncomfortable with the other person. this house rules karma, so you may be coming together for a reason, but you also need to make sure you’re seeing the relationship for what it is.
saturn in 12th: with composite saturn in the 12th house, the old issues and baggage that each of you has can be a bigger issue in this relationship. you may feel that it overwhelms you together, or you don’t want to deal with it at all. if you can work together, you can help each other to move on from past issues, but you have to avoid leading to your own undoing, which may seem like more of a possibility with this person.
vesta in 12th: you are both devoted to helping each other clear and cleanse emotional wounds. you may inspire spiritual healing and rebirth for each other. this is also a relationship that can be intense and blend passion with higher ideals. your shared spiritual mission may involve serving as healers and guides to those who are confused, lost and suffering. you are both devoted to using your artistic and creative gifts to help others find healing and clarity. this relationship can be a source of spiritual awakening as you both seek purity and focus through your spiritual practices, artistic and creative interests, and habits that align with your higher ideals.
celeb's masterlist / moodboard / 1H - 6H
7h + 7h ruler
8h + 8h ruler + composite juno in houses + composite eros in houses
9h + 9h ruler + composite lilith in houses
10h + 10h ruler
11h + 11h ruler
12h + 12h ruler + composite vesta in houses
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geeks-universe · 2 years
The Ice Queen Pt. 2
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
A/N: It’s a little spicy. You have been warned.
Daemon hadn’t sought you out like you thought he would.
After the very pleasurable moment you shared, you figured he would turn up at your chambers. Instead, he seemed to be avoiding you.
At first, you’d suspected he had changed his mind. However, the looks he gave you in passing suggested it wasn’t his idea.
Corrus or Viserys were the two most likely suspects on his sudden disappearance, but you couldn’t be sure. Nevertheless, you weren’t one to fall in line with what was expected of you, so you had left a note for Daemon.
If he wanted to join you, he would. Otherwise, you would not allow yourself to think on him a second longer, even if the thought itself seemed impossible.
You were up to your chest in the water, the waves gentle and calm for the moment. It was a hot summer day, and even though the sun was down, there was still enough warmth that the water was refreshing- not that the cold ever really bothered you anyways.
You were in a natural cove, shielded by a wall of earth on all sides except the east, a perfect view of Blackwater Bay. Water had always been a comfort to you, and since you’d left home, it had been even moreso.
“Now, this is a pleasant surprise.”
You smiled, leaning your head back to expose the bare skin of your neck, and just the smallest peek of your cleavage. 
“Prince Daemon,” you greeted, not bothering to look towards him. “I’m glad you’ve decided to join me.”
Your eyes slipped shut as you heard the rustling of clothing and the clink of his sword hit the rocky shore. Anticipation was heavy on your tongue, your body warming with the thought of what was to come.
You breathed deeply, trying to calm yourself. You knew what would happen if you lost control.
“I would have turned up sooner had my brother not kept his worthless spies watching my every move.”
There was a bitterness in his voice that caused you to open your eyes. Daemon was in the water, only a few steps from you. The water hadn’t yet covered the expanse of his chest, and you found yourself transfixed on the display.
“And why has he decided to do that?” You asked.
Despite knowing that this meetup was likely only for one thing, you couldn’t help but want to talk to him. The two of you had a connection beyond the physical touch, and the emotional bond had begun kindling once more.
“To keep me from taking your virtue.”
You raised a brow challengingly, a wicked smile playing on your lips. Instead of allowing him to close the distance between you, you did so yourself, baring your chest to him.
He drank in the sight, his eyes darkening with lust.
“And why does he think you’re the one to take it?”
Words had escaped him as he traced the curves of your body, his fingers spasming with the desire to touch you, yet he held back momentarily.
“I have found my thoughts overtaken with you,” he admitted, voice gravelly. “And he has taken notice.”
“Is that such a bad thing?” Your gaze was innocent, but your expression was anything but as you grasped one of his hands in both of yours, guiding it to your chest.
Sparks shot down your spine at the feel of his fingers on your bare skin. That action was enough to force him to act. He pulled your body swiftly and tightly against his, one hand on your cheek, while the other continued its exploration downwards.
This connection- it was like a magnet, drawing the both of you ever closer to one another. It was evident he felt it too, as he stared deep into your gaze, brushing his thumb along your cheekbone.
“I would burn this world to the ground for you.”
There was no deception in his voice, just pure, raw emotion. The affection for him bubbled in your chest, and you wasted no time in pulling his head down to meet you, your fingers tangling themselves in his hair.
His lips were brutal against yours, hot and insistent. He pressed his tongue into your mouth, and you moaned, letting him have control. His hand had stopped its exploration, instead grabbing your ass and urging your legs to wrap around his waist.
You did so, pleasure shooting down your body at the evidence of his arousal. Between the feral nature of his groping, and the sinful kiss he had yet to release you from, you found your mind spinning with lust.
It was too much.
Every bit of control you’d spent years building up snapped in a matter of seconds, manifesting itself in a heavy snow above your naked bodies.
It took Daemon a moment to notice, lost in the heat of your intwined bodies and the whisper of what was to come next, but when he did, he stared up in wonder.
“What is...?”
You recoiled, worrying your swollen lips with your teeth. Daemon hadn’t released you from his hold yet, and you hadn’t unraveled your legs from his body.
“You’re doing this.”
It wasn’t accusatory. In fact, it sounded mildly impressed.
“I can explain,” you offered gently, reaching up to touch one of the snowflakes.
There, in that cove, your body wrapped around Daemon’s, you told him the truth of everything.
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kitty-baby36 · 10 days
"Four Turtles & A Baby"
🐢 Chapter Seven 🐢
Three more months go by in a blur. Thora flourished under the care of her mutant guardians.
Mikey attempted to teach her how to skate, and they were known to have mini races in the sewers, despite Leo's grumbling about safety - to be fair, it was mostly Thora scooting around on the board while Michaelangelo coasted along beside her, and he always let's her win anyway.
Donnie was intent on teaching her as much math and science as her little brain could absorb. Sometimes you'd find him under the truck, Thora under there with him, while he described to her in detail all the mechanical parts and what they do. Other times, she'd be with him in his lab, her eyes and nose barely visible above the top of his desk, watching him mix multi-color liquids in beakers (never anything dangerous or toxic when she was around). Once he let her help him make "elephant toothpaste" and Splinter was not happy with the mess.
Leo quite often put her to bed and read her stories from some of his many books. Though she was notorious for sneaking into Mikey or Raphael's rooms in the middle of the night - more often than not, she could be found sleeping with her blanket and stuffed bunny across the top of Raphael's legs in his giant bed and if anyone tried to move her, he would straight-up growl at them. (There were one or two instances of Thora sneaking into Leo's bed when she was still very small, and Leo secretly relishes the memory of being her turtle of choice).
Thora found great delight in putting stickers on Donnie's shell when he wasn't looking, and Mikey helped her by finding really bright-colored, sparkly ones. She put a glittery yellow heart one on Raphael's shell once, and though he grumbled, he absolutely refused to let any of his brothers take it off, and that thing stayed for weeks.
One night in particular, after an awful encounter with the Foot, Michaelangelo was feeling sort of bummed out. His brothers had each branched off to do their own things, leaving him to sulk by himself in the living room.
He raised his head just in time to see Thora, dressed in green footy pajamas, rushing full-speed at him. She flung herself into his arms, clinging to him tightly.
"Pookie!" he said, lovingly, hugging her back just as tight. "Hey hey little flower, did you get a bath?" She nodded with a smile, hair still dripping and smelling like strawberries.
"Spinner wash my hair."
"I can tell," he chuckled, wiping the water from his face. "You smell pretty."
"I is pretty," she said, matter-of-fact.
"Are you ready for couch cuddles while we watch our show?"
"Yes! Mike-mike cuddles pwease!" She proceeded to wriggle into his lap and tuck herself under his chin, thumb in mouth and clutching her bunny.
They watched I Love Lucy reruns; Mikey did his best Desi impression just to make her giggle. He felt his sour mood fade, and before the end of the third episode, they were both snoring.
Splinter couldn't help but smile at the sight as he perched on the edge of his meditation mat. Thora had brought an unexpected joy into their lives. She had transformed their home from a sanctuary of training and discipline into a vibrant space where each day was a new adventure.
Yet, as he watched the duo, a flicker of concern threaded through his thoughts. He glanced at Thora. Here, she was oblivious to the weight of the outside world, surrounded by her family, and shielded from the chaos of the surface. But Splinter knew that one day, she would grow older and would inevitably yearn for the world above—for others like herself.
Would the surface welcome her? Would it be kind to such a bright light? He pondered this as he recalled his own past. The streets could be unforgiving, filled with shadows that threatened to engulf the innocent. Splinter's heart ached at the thought of Thora venturing into that world, leaving the safety of their home behind.
Yet, he understood the importance of growth and exploration. Just as he had guided his sons, he would have to prepare Thora for whatever life it was that awaited her. He would teach her about the dangers, yes, but also about the beauty she could find above. She would need to learn how to navigate the complexities of the human world, armed only with the lessons of love and family that grounded her.
As Mikey let out a rather loud snore, prompting Thora to unconsciously bat his face, his worries disappated — if only for a moment. Splinter closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. For now, they were together, and he would cherish every moment before the inevitable changes came. The world above could wait; for now, he found peace in the simple joy of watching his son and little Thora snuggled on the couch, blissfully unaware of the future.
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ixcaliber · 1 year
Games of the month - June 2023
This month my hyperfocus went towards watching as many movies as possible, so it’s a pretty breezy games of the month
1. Haiku, The Robot
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Neat little metroidvania about a little robot. It’s cute it’s pretty fun. My two big complaints would be
1) it felt pretty linear. i don’t doubt that there were probably other ways to get to locations than the ways that i took but the experience of playing it it really felt like each upgrade allowed me access to one new path which would lead me to the next upgrade and so on and so on.
2) i like boss fights better when each enemy has a little name pop up. the designs were cool and did some interesting stuff sometimes. i just wish i didn’t have to think of them in terms of like ‘the car battery one’, ‘the tv one’ etc. It makes them feel less memorable.
Otherwise perfectly fine metroidvania.
2. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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Chronologically this is when I finished Tears of the Kingdom but I’m not ready to tear into that just yet so lets move on to
3. Life After Magic
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This is a free game available through steam or through itch.io. It’s a visual novel where you control Akiko, a former magical girl who has somewhat drifted through life after the big bad that she and her magical girl team fought against has been defeated. With y2k approaching something is wrong and it’s up to you to bring your girls back together and face one more threat.
Hey. I love this game. There’s a good chance this is pretty high up my games of the year list, if not at the very top. I love the girls. I love the trans and nonbinary inclusion. I love the homages to sailor moon, yu-gi-oh and probably some other stuff that I didn’t even get. I love the way the game plays with nostalgia and the way this narrative reaches a head. If you’re like one of the two or three people reading this I absolutely recommend you get and play this one.
4. Monuments To Guilt
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This is a digital museum dedicated to hostile design as featured in the Jacob Gellar video Games That Aren’t Games. Throughout you can see a number of benches designed to be uncomfortable, off-putting or otherwise just inaccessible to homeless people and disabled people. It’s a short experience and it is interesting to see this insidious aspect of design presented in the prestigious format of a museum and to see it talked about openly. It’s an interesting little experience.
5. Down In Bermuda
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Fun and simple puzzle game. It’s the kind of think that would be approachable for kids, simple puzzle concepts like pipe dreams kind of puzzles, hidden object puzzles, no towers of hanoi to speak of but lots of puzzles that feel like they’re in the public domain so to speak. Nothing too difficult and taxing.
6. Lone Fungus
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Another metroidvania from the recent humble metroidvania bundle. This game is okay. I like the cute little aesthetic and the basic movement is fun. The big big Big criticism I have of this game is that so much of the side content is like these nether gates or these ladybird rooms. The first time you go in these you get a little popup or something to tell you just how completely optional they are and they would have to be. The difficulty of platforming going from the actual game to these challenges is a fucking sheer cliff wall both in terms of reaction speed needed and in terms of the sheer length of time you need to platform perfectly.
At one point in the game I got a new skill ability and accessed a little tutorial move about how to use it and it started talking about using it to propel yourself quickly by doing this one kind of dash into it and for the life of me I could not get it to activate properly. I felt like I was attempting to perform some complex speedrun tech and the inputs I had to do were like spread across four different buttons which all needed to be hit so quickly in succession. Impossible. This was about the time I gave up on exploration altogether.
And like... it’s a metroidvania. For me at least that exploration is the point of the video game. If you’ve put me off of doing it I don’t really know what I’m getting out of the experience any more.
Also frustrating is that the final (fourth of four) sword upgrades is locked behind completing every single one of the ladybird rooms. And like, if you’re good enough to manage that you’re not going to need the piddling 2 extra damage that the upgrade can offer. Overall it really felt like so much of the stuff you can find that’s optional is not worth it.
There’s like a relic system (like charms in hollow knight) but the way it costs out the various relics you can only really wear three at a time, probably only two if you want to use any of the useful ones.
And just as a minor nitpick on top of everything else, all the bosses are bigger versions of regular enemies that you fight in the area leading up to the boss. It’s not inherently negative when you do something like this in a game but when it’s every boss fight then it makes them less memorable and less interesting.
Also there’s like two ways to end the game, some npcs tell you to do things the proper way while there’s a couple who indicate this secret back route and imply that everyone else is lying to you. The thing is that like I finished the game and I would still have no idea how I’m supposed to escape through the backroute exit. The way the npcs frame it is like a skipping out on your responsibility to complete the tasks set to you for the rest of the game, but like if it’s weirdly more difficult than those tasks then something isn’t adding up.
I had a lot of complaints about this one. It’s fine if you put yourself into the right mindset, as I said up top the basic movement is pretty fun and the designs are cute. Difficult to recommend it if you like to experience this kind of game in the way that I prefer to though.
7. Growing Up
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This is a weird one to describe. It’s a game, as the name implies, about growing up. The game’s like broken up into different aspects. During each turn you get the opportunity to learn new skills; you start as a baby and have to learn skills such as talking and walking but soon you’re in school and your skills become more academic focused. At the end of a turn you schedule these tasks, completing each one a specific number of times can master it which will give you bonuses to your attributes and knowledge points to help facilitate learning new skills.
It’s a very mechanically focused game. Maybe I’m being a little too in depth with my explanation. Okay lets try again.
Each turn has like three major components. Learning skills. Scheduling tasks and exploring the brain map. The brain map is like a little minigame where you move along a randomly generated kind of sphere grid sort of upgrade tree, trying to optimize the attribute gains and bonuses with the limited amount of brain points you have. Since you do it once a turn each turn it’s like ‘okay what do I want to focus on this turn’ and you might always try to grab the thing that upgrades the amount of brain points you can have at any given time, but also skew towards knowledge points if you want to learn something new. It does encourage you to be thinking ahead towards your goals and as you play through the game new kinds of tile are unlocked which add dramatically to the complexity of this minigame and how you play it.
I think this game is very good mechanically. I really enjoyed the loop of learning skills, mastering skills, playing the brain map to try to optimize my ability to learn new skills.
The weakness in the game is the way the narrative is delivered. Which isn’t to say the narrative is bad. In my playthrough I got to befriend some good girls and then date and eventually in the epilogue marry my best friend Alicia.
(Also something of a sidenote but should mention that I got this from the humble pride bundle. It’s great that it does allow for gay and lesbian romances but it doesn’t seem to facilitate playing a transgender or nonbinary character. I’d love to see something added to facilitate that in a patch or free dlc.
(At the birth of your character you’re given the option to pick gender or to let fate decide. If you choose to pick you get to pick male or female. I wouldn’t want non-binary or transgender options added here, but like when you get to an age where you’re going to school to have some pop up or prompt that asks you if you feel comfortable in your gender or something like that and that sets you off along a path of transition. Or to have it opt in, an object you can unlock that allows you to schedule ‘self reflection’ or something that can lead you to a path to transition.
I understand that that might be a lot of work though, as there are a lot of characters in the game and making custom conversations for each of them to acknowledge your transition might be quite time consuming)
The other thing I wanted to point out in regard to it being on the humble pride bundle is at the beginning you can pick your parents. I picked to have two moms. The game allows this and is fine with it. There is however an unintended consequence.
Very early on, when you’re still a baby, I learned how to speak and got this cutscene where one of my mom was encouraging me to say ‘Mommy’ as my first word. And so I did and then my other mom was disappointed that I hadn’t said her name first. Maybe this is a one off oversight, because later in the game when I started dating my girlfriend she did acknowledge that we were both girls, but here at least they’ve not disallowed you to have gay parents but they haven’t made any specific accommodations for it.)
So the way that the narrative works is that the game is sort of presented in a semi-roguelike kind of fashion. It tells you up front that every life is unique and I think what it means is that at each stage of your life it will introduce one new character from like a stock set of characters. I met Jake at like primary school, Alicia at high school and Felicity at like college or something. All the schools were using american terms for the school levels so idk.
You get choices in each of these relationships that can branch them into slightly different directions (i think) but like your control over that interaction is minimal. If I’d been given the option I would never have spoken to Jake again. Not because he did anything wrong but just because I would prefer to be talking to girls. But the way the game is set up these events just sort of happen intermittently as you play and aren’t really informed by any of your decisions in the actual game you’re playing.
And your relationship with your parents is limited to occasionally they’ll give you a goal that you can complete to get a special currency you can turn in for some rewards. They don’t really have characters or expectations or preferences for you. Neither of my moms had like a desire to see me do really well at sports for example.
The other weirdest part is how okay at some point in the game you get two bars to manage. Happiness is your own enjoyment. Get it high enough and you’re relaxed and can schedule extra activities, get it too low and you’re stressed and you can’t learn new skills. And there is parental proudness or something. Get that high enough and you can get perks from them and I don’t know what happens when it gets toward the lower end.
Each activity you can do has some effect on both these meters. Studying will decrease happiness but increase parental proudness. Playing games will do the inverse. In addition to your main academic skills you have stuff like sports that you can gradually gain access to. And they reduce happiness but increase parental proudness. I learned how to start along a creative writing course and that reduces happiness but increases parental proudness. Hell I fucking learned magic (partially because I really liked the magician NPC Daz) and that does the same; decreases happiness but increases parental proudness.
I guess I can see it from a balance point of view but it feels so weird to be playing as a character with no passion. Nothing that they try to do makes them happy. I really feel like you should be allowed to find, or develop an interest. Like when your character is unhappy because they’ve been practicing their magic tricks for too long clearly something is wrong, right?
The overall vibe I get from this game is... you know those posts that circulate on here sometimes where it’s like “If you’re hacking the rules of dnd to do what you want then something is wrong. The mechanics are supposed to lead to the storytelling and if they don’t then you should be playing a different ttrpg where the mechanics do support the kind of narrative you want to tell/experience.”
The mechanics are good, the narrative is sometimes fairly interesting. They are essentially entirely seperate from one another and that’s a shame.
2. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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(some brief spoilers i suppose)
i don’t fucking know man.
its good. its undeniably a good game. better in some ways than breath of the wild, maybe a little too padded out. i never felt a great compulsion to fully explore the depths. It was neat that they were there but they felt so empty. Just large open stretches dotted with huge monsters I don’t want to fight and sometimes I’ll follow a treasure map down there and it’ll lead me to a colliseum full of lynels and I’ll be kerbstomped so hard that it drains my will to continue playing.
That’s how I felt towards the end. The game does the same thing as breath of the wild where the longer you play the more silver enemies it spawns in and though its more managable with the introduction of sages I never found myself wanting to engage in combat.
I genuinely do feel like the silver enemies ruin my experience of the game. I feel like I’m making progress, getting stronger, feeling more capable of dealing with threats. Now that I have my sages with me sometimes I’ll actively seek out a combat encounter and not hate it. There’s this sweet spot where that’s all true for a little bit, and then silver monsters start showing up and my enthusiasm ebbs dramatically. I never killed a single lynel in this game. By the time I felt that maybe I was good enough to start fighting them they’d started spawning in silver versions. 
All that said ascend is such a good ability that it sort of changed how my brain worked a little bit. Playing games immediately afterwards I would just keep thinking ‘oh i can just ascend up there’ and having to remind myself that no most video games do not allow this.
I think I had so much to say about Zelda. About how it feels like too much, about how sometimes you’ll just find yourself caught in a thing of not really accomplishing anything and come off feeling miserable, about the one afternoon where I spent literally hours in a pirate cave trying to solve a puzzle that didn’t exist. I think I’ve just exhausted all that in my brain and all my brain has left to offer is ‘just give me a fucking accessibility menu, let me turn down the damage and the health and turn what is a very good game that I sort of resent into an experience I’d actually like to play’.
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aladeanblogs · 4 days
Discover the Timeless Elegance of the Brass Telescope Scout Regiment London 1940 Replica
In a world filled with technology, it's rare to find an item that transports you to another time, a relic of history that speaks of adventure, exploration, and discovery. The Brass Telescope Scout Regiment London 1940 Replica is not just an antique spyglass; it’s a gateway to a bygone era. Whether you're an avid collector, a lover of historical artifacts, or someone looking for the perfect gift to express admiration, this stunning replica brings a sense of timelessness and elegance into any home.
A Window to the Past
The Brass Telescope Scout Regiment London 1940 is a carefully crafted replica, reminiscent of the telescopes used by scouts and explorers during World War II. Its design is rooted in history, evoking the spirit of resilience, courage, and curiosity. Imagine the brave scouts, stationed on the rugged cliffs of wartime Britain, using similar instruments to watch over the seas for incoming ships, their keen eyes scanning the horizon. This telescope captures that essence, serving as a symbol of vigilance and strength, making it a unique and thoughtful gift for history enthusiasts or those fascinated by military memorabilia.
Craftsmanship that Speaks Volumes
Made with impeccable precision, this brass spyglass is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Every detail is designed to replicate the authenticity of a 1940s spyglass, from the smooth finish of the polished brass to the sturdy leather case that accompanies it. Its compact size makes it easy to carry, while its fully functional optics allow the viewer to experience a crystal-clear view of distant landscapes. The telescope is not just a decorative piece, but a fully operational spyglass that delivers clarity and focus, enhancing the experience for both collectors and adventurers alike.
The warm glow of the brass is both elegant and timeless, making this piece a beautiful addition to any space. Whether displayed on a study desk, in a library, or on a living room shelf, it adds an element of historical sophistication to any decor. Its authenticity is further enhanced by the engraved markings, echoing the era it hails from.
A Gift That Speaks from the Heart
Gift-giving is an art, and the Brass Telescope Scout Regiment London 1940 Replica is a gift that carries deep meaning. It is perfect for anyone with an appreciation for history, adventure, and fine craftsmanship. Who can gift this? Here are some heartfelt ideas:
To the Explorer in Your Life: If you have a friend or family member who loves to travel, explore, and see the world from a different perspective, this brass telescope is the ideal gift. It’s not only a beautiful piece to display but a tool they can actually use on their journeys.
A Thoughtful Present for History Buffs: History enthusiasts will treasure this piece, as it brings a tangible connection to the past. The stories it holds and the era it represents will make them feel like they are holding a piece of history in their hands.
A Collector’s Dream: If you know someone who enjoys collecting rare and unique items, especially those with historical significance, this telescope will undoubtedly make their collection shine.
A Token of Love and Admiration: Imagine giving this to someone special as a symbol of how they’ve guided you, much like the scouts who once used such telescopes to protect and serve. It’s a gift that reflects admiration, respect, and gratitude.
Why This Telescope Stands Out
Aesthetic Appeal: With its vintage brass finish and detailed design, it’s an eye-catching decorative piece that adds charm to any space.
Functional Use: This is not just a decorative item. The telescope is fully functional, allowing you to enjoy crisp and clear views.
Historical Significance: It carries with it the weight of history, reminding the owner of the brave scouts who once used similar instruments during WWII.
High-Quality Materials: Crafted from durable brass with a leather casing, this telescope is built to last, a testament to its quality and authenticity.
A Loving Note to Visitors
At Aladean, we hold your trust and appreciation close to our hearts. Each piece, including this Brass Telescope Scout Regiment London 1940 Replica, is crafted with love and care to ensure it brings joy to whoever owns it. We invite you to explore this rare antique spyglass, a piece that connects us to the past and is ready to become part of your present or future.
If you feel inspired to own this beautiful piece or wish to gift it to someone special, we warmly encourage you to visit Aladean's website for more details about purchasing. With due respect and love, we believe that the Brass Telescope Scout Regiment will bring joy, nostalgia, and a sense of timeless wonder into your life or the life of someone you deeply care about.
Let this telescope remind us that even in the smallest of things, there are stories waiting to be told.
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audiodrama · 11 days
Basilisk Hill Breakdown
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Best Travels In Sithalapakkam
Best Travels In Sithalapakkam Embarking on a journey around the world is akin to diving into a vast ocean of experiences, each wave carrying its own unique story, culture, and landscape. With each step taken, the allure of discovery beckons, drawing travelers into the depths of exploratio
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Mathura to Chardham Taxi Cab Hire | Delhi to Haridwar Taxi Hire on Rent | Delhi to Mathura Taxi Hire on Rent
Are you planning a journey from Delhi to the sacred city of Haridwar? Our Delhi to Haridwar taxi hire service on rent offers a perfect blend of comfort, affordability, and reliability, ensuring that your spiritual or leisure trip is smooth and enjoyable. Whether you are a pilgrim seeking divine blessings or a traveler exploring new horizons, our service is designed to meet your needs with the utmost convenience.
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colitcomediasblog · 25 days
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