#explicitly describe their feelings to me & let me wonder what their hands are doing hahaha
owlbelly · 10 months
Awhhh that tag just made me so happy lol that's a thing I fret over so much you just reassured me lots lol 😭 it really can be a such a balance to keep it in tone while also sexy lol 😅
for real it's like the #1 reason i bounce off otherwise well-written fic - i'm just so invested in what i'm reading sounding like the canon material so when there's a huge discrepancy when you get to the porn, it jolts me. you handle it SO well in OCACD it's like actually moved the bar for me & has me wanting to explore getting a little more playful with it.
one of my all-time favorite pieces of fanfiction is Prizes Over Discovery, a novel-length Master and Commander fic that follows from the movie (which is my only real Aubrey-Maturin point of reference, it's just one of my favorite movies) but it's written in a period style that matches both the script & (as i understand it) the books? & there manages to be sex in it that's 100% believable in that style. i don't ever want to read those actual books i literally only want to reread POD every couple of years, which i do
anyway yes it's a thing that matters a lot to me & you really knock it out of the park (the latest chapter was so hot WHEW)!
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