#expect a lot of gifsets of this vid
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mewtul · 3 months ago
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ละลาย (LALALYE) - DAOU PITTAYA ต้าห์อู๋ พิทยา [OFFICIAL MV]
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ohkate · 2 years ago
So I’m way tardy to the party, but I recently marathoned Shameless based on some of the ian/mickey gifsets I’ve seen. A few observations:
1. Mickey Milkovich was the best character on that show. I’m a little bit obsessed with him. It DOES NOT COMPUTE why he was so criminally underused. Any amount of money Noel was asking for they should have just thrown at him like a stripper. I didn’t realize what a good actor he was. The scene where he tells Ian, “Don’t” and his voice cracks, the rape his father forced on him, anytime he talked about his family... despite being so tough-guy on the surface, you could tell how much pain he was in at pretty much all times. Seeing him with Ian sometimes trying to hide letting him see the real guy underneath reminded me of when you take an abused dog into a loving home...it just shakes in the corner for a while because it’s scared and doesn’t know how to handle not being abused. Living in that house he grew up in was like living with an open festering wound that got poked regularly.
2. If they didn’t let Ian and Mickey have a happy ending I swear to god I was going to crack a chair across someone’s face. I felt physically anxious about it. I needed it to end well. In that last scene where I thought he forgot their anniversary and he didn’t...I felt this ball of anxiety I’d been holding just expecting the worst finally let go. And the speech about being afraid he wouldn’t be a good father... I just wanted to dig up Terry and resuscitate him just so I could kill him myself and watch him die again. 
3. Cameron Monaghan is sort of disturbing to look at in the best way. In one scene he’ll look like a literal child and the next scene he’s a beefcake and his face looks harsh and squared up. It kind of freaks me out but he’s got a fantastic body. I feel like he grew 3 feet over the course of one season, lol. One of the hottest scenes is when he’s trying to stop Mickey and he just goes into commando mode and clothes lines him in the neck. Sometimes you forget Ian is  Army/Rotc trained and then he does something super hot like that to remind us. Also when he headbutted Terry-- that was just gravy.
4. The final 3 seasons were amazing for them. I loved so much watching their progression. I loved the way Mickey was so hurt about how Ian was acting after the original proposal. Mickey is always so ‘I don’t care’ and this really hurt him. I love how they kept reminding us of Mickey’s true self in these little moments. He plays the stereotypical tough guy so much and then suddenly there’s a moment where he’s clearly affected by something and Ian comes in to just hold him or calm him. 
5. I’m pretty convinced the whole wedding arc was done entirely just to appease the fans because it was so funny seeing Mickey go bridezilla and it was also sweet and yet another reminder of how much more sensitive he is than he ever wanted to show. But with Ian he could. He felt safe enough to. Not always, but a lot. 
6.They really needed to work a bit more on their kissing scenes, lol. Maybe i’ve just been really spoiled by Brian and Justin from QAF as Gale Harold and Randy Harrison’s kissing game goes unmatched to this day. But good lord you can tell these were 2 straight dudes trying to get through it. 
Love the ship and I’ve been watching lots of music vids and I’m really glad I decided to check it out. 
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princemick · 13 days ago
Why does Lewis skin always look slightly off in your gif like it’s either white washed or too harsh. Idk I just notice because Lewis and I have similar skin tones but it’s a thing
hi! this is actually a pretty reasonable question to ask why skin colour might b diff in gifs then what u see irl/on pics.
one of the main reasons and its is just as shitty of an answer as you can expect and thats lighting from the og vid is just ass a lot.
this is goes for every single driver but its obviously a lot more important to not mess that up w lewis/yuki etc but a lot of recordings of a lot of things have really shitty/flat lighting so if you actually wanna make a pretty gifset you have to do a lot to make someones skin colour look semi normal
but back to the colouring for example, heres a lil comparison of the of vid n my gif
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(I dont have the og colour psd from the gif rn but colour also changes w sharpening w contrast being added so its hard to compare w/out that)
the left is just flat w lil washed out colours while the gif is a bit more deep and bright. I'm not saying its perfect its not at all but its hard to compare the og lighting to make sure the skin colour is good when the og lighting is v flat n washed so I just try n make the gif as well as I can and I use diff techniques (like this one) to try n keep his skin colour as correct to what it is as I can!
but I always try my best to make sure I at least dont white wash lewis, I used to mess that up a lot bc my colouring ups the red a lot so lewis's skintone was fucked a lot in the past. sometimes its still bad/rough but not as much as before id say!
but the only way I figured that out was also because a friend at the time send me a dm going 'hey! I noticed ur gifs r getting kinda orange washed, heres a fix!' n we had a lil chat abt it so its also smth I dont rlly notice myself to constructive criticism is always welcome!
for all drivers getting the skin colour right is hard as fuck to do n u can mess it up a lot esp w post race interviews but I try my best to always double check w lewis n make it as close to the skincolour he presents on his insta as I can!
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inabottlelikelightning · 3 years ago
End of Year Review
thank you my beloved @attempted--eloquence for the tag :)
What fandoms did you create for ?
only teen wolf works published, but my wips have some others
How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
20 fics, probably a couple gifsets. did Not expect the number to be that high because it feels like I haven't been writing a lot recently, but hey! a pleasant surprise :)
Any stats you wanna tell us about?
managed to make it to 300k words this year :) which is SO weird to think about but !!!!! so glad I took the leap last year to start writing again, it's been a Blast
What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
read a lot during quarantine: ocean vuong, susan sontag, anne carson, others. read shitty romance novels, watched comfort movies. met great people, made phenomenal friends, got into a relationship.
regarding specific creators!! love spiraling w/ my love @chcrrysprite and my favorite writing partner @attempted--eloquence, my girl @ttp5000, and the man who runs through full literary analysis with me and i love him for it @thecenturiestrickle. they're all completely unhinged and i love them with my whole heart
okay I wanted to do like an appreciation post at some point during the year but it just Sat there in my drafts, so we're gonna do it here. here are some works/creators that really inspired me! and recommendations, i guess, to anyone who needs them--
every time i read @eneiryu i'm in genuine and complete awe. they weave words together and worldbuild like i've never seen before. the expedition set out to chart the distance from me to you ruined my whole entire life but, like. in the best possible way.
every time i read @spikeface, i feel like i'm going feral. i read the boy who swallowed the earth last night and it felt like the world was coming apart at the seams and me along with it. no one writes scott like they do. would also Highly recommend the family of things because it makes me feel like i'm losing my mind in the best possible way.
anything by @thecenturiestrickle will make you think a lot about society and interpersonal relationships. everything he's written hurts a lot because he's mean but i like Gather Back All That Dawn Has Put Asunder for the ruminations on growth.
no one does introspection quite like @chcrrysprite. would recommend her entire bibliography, but if i had to pick one from this year, where the spirit meets the bones will make you cry like a baby
everything @attempted--eloquence writes is genuinely award worthy. i don't even know where to begin. staking claim to the mess you've made has inspired SO many of my theo thought tangents. so has Still waiting for the end of the world, leave a message when it comes. Handle With Care, obviously, is a fandom classic. and the 2 of us poured a Lot of love into in time of daffodils who know.
@honeyscapes's Inglorious Roommates is so, so good. i've been binging published romance novels in the past week and nothing has come CLOSE to the chemistry and relationship development they've managed.
Quintessentia is phenomenal with language and characterizations. everything i've read from them makes me feel well and truly breathless. would highly recommend my skin's smothering me, help me find a way to breathe.
Teen Wolves by nothoughts_headempty is written in script format and is the season 7 we deserved. genuinely 10/10, they should have replaced the scriptwriters.
been going by a non-name by dramaticgasp haunted me for days.
@hidesourcheeks legally owns scallisaac, i think. or at least they should. Better to Die on your Feet is a scallisaac hunger game au that I would take Any Day over either canon, because Oh My God. Who Are You, Really? is an allison pov and also the best allison-centric thing i've read in my entire life? canon WISHES it could have that much character exposition. and while i'm here, i might as well recommend On the Side of Caution, their isaac-centric piece. screaming and crying and throwing up because i have Never seen something that un-romanticizes beacon hills so beautifully
not yet a corpse but still, he rots by @yikeshereiam because [screams into the void] angsty theo introspection!! also i've never read a sentence by them that hasn't knocked the breath out of me
that's all i'll give for now. there are definitely some i'm missing. might fuck around and make a rec list
What are you most proud of?
i had so much going on in the spring and somehow still managed to write a Lot?? also did my first collab (daffodils) wrote my first thiayden fic (which i've been wanting to for a Long Time!), wrote my first non-tw fic (should be posted soon :) ) and experimented with a new writing style. i feel like my growth is visible from the beginning of the year to the end, and i'm so, incredibly happy about it. also, the college au?? it started out as a christmas gift last year and then Completely took on a life of it's own.
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Daffodils w/ bee :) never expected to collab, but i am Inordinately pleased with the results. it was so, so fun to work together
What are you excited to work on next year?
super excited to finish a multichapter fic for once!! i've been working on yofoe again recently :) planning to finish it this year! i would like to finish at least one of the thiaydens i started, and hopefully some of the others. keep an eye out for a regency au :) and when I finish yofoe, there's a chimera pack fic that i've been wanting to write for literal MONTHS but i've been holding myself back because i knew i didn't have the time. well. now i do :) also. ratatouille thiam, because chef theo is my weakness.
tagging @chcrrysprite and @thecenturiestrickle
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spaceman-spaetzle · 3 years ago
🎉 End of Year Review 🎉
hehe this looked fun to try so i'm gonna fill it out too :3
1. What fandoms did you create for?
h*talia smhhhh
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
i made a lot of fanart and i'm really proud to say that i've written 3 fanfics (the one with japan was originally written in 2020)! it's not a lot but it's a lot more than what i'm used to. in fact, it's my first time i've properly posted fanfiction online if you dont count a couple fics ive posted on dA when i was like 14-15. i've also written plenty of headcanons!
3. What are you most proud of?
i'm actually really proud of finishing 2 multi-chapter fanfics this year. it's REALLY hard for me to finish, hell, even start on writing projects so this is a big deal to me.
4. Any stats you wanna tell us about?
lost and found, my noraus fic, got 43 kudos and 581 views despite circulating around a very rare ship! thank you guys for supporting it!
5. What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
okok so a Lot of people inspired me this year in general, but lemme name a couple.
i'm very glad that i befriended @artistocrazy this year! we worked on an art/fic trade together and it was SO much fun and really got the creative juices flowing. he never runs out of fun content and i love it when he shares his endless ideas with me.
technically, i met @hetarehetalia in 2020, but it was toward the very end of that year so we really started befriending each other in 2021! they're a marvelous pal and ngl has gotten me somewhat invested in romano. i'm always impressed when people are convincing enough to get me into characters i've never considered, especially when some of those characters are heta ocs. i love their ocs. cute art and great content altogether too!
hoping to talk to @fireandiceland more often! they're iconic and always have the writing bug. i envy that and wanna ask them on how they're able to write so much quality content.
i don't know @viva-prince nor @bougietalia but i just want them both to know that i'm in love with their art styles! (hope yall dont mind being @///ed by a random person)
6. What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
erzsebet and the beasts, probably. i'm not a frequent fanfic writer as ive mentioned, but i was able to write it in a record of under a week and had a blast. writing AND illustrating for your own fic is a lot of work.
7. What are you excited to work on next year?
i'm actually considering writing a sequel to eatb! i really want to expand on characters and personalities that i'm able to write. i don't know where to start yet but i think it'd be great practice.
Tag some people!
i got this from @hetarehetalia but ngl anyone's allowed to try this out :)
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breitzbachbea · 3 years ago
End of the Year Review
I guess (?) I was tagged by @kitaychan - Thank you!
1. What fandoms did you create for?
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
I don't think my historical musings for Hetalia AUs or Scenarios don't count as meta. Apparently I've added 4 new drabbles to the Drabble Collection, finished the last two drabbles for 'Tis but a scratch, published the last chapter and Epilogue of Italian Affairs, a new chapter for Herz auf Beat on Fanfiktion.de and published 7 One Shots (6 on ao3, 1 on tumblr). I've also wrote another TurGre One Shot and another part for The Amulet that are unpublished as of now.
3. What are you most proud of?
Finishing Italian Affairs and Part 4 of The Amulet (The Amulet is not yet published). I've been working on Italian Affairs since 2015 and to have finished it is a sensation that is quite hard to put into words. I've often been afraid I'd never see the day. It's such an achievement. And Part 4 of The Amulet, a story I've been writing and editing since 2017, was another thing I'd fuck up. But it turned out so incredible and gutwrenching that it really reminds me why I write and why I put so much work into it.
4. Any stats you wanna tell us about?
Between Me and the Goddess (and You) has a bibliography of 5 books :) (No but for real, I can't remember how many words I wrote this year or anything else).
5. What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
I feel so bad answering this question because everyone else linked a bunch of people and their fanfictions (and I was among them), but there was only one fanfiction that truly inspired me. The İstanbul series by sadlygrove touched me deeply for personal reasons and it was so formative for how I approached the climax of The Amulet. It really put into words why this relationship is such a tragedy.
Aside from that, my inspirations were the usual - The world, its history and music. Maggie Kilgour's book "From Communion to Cannibalism. An Anatomy of Metaphors of Incorporation" really opened a third eye in terms of how to analyze and speak about my Like Father Like Son Series. Actually - I won't tag this person but you should check them out - it was @/catilinas cannibalism tag (Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed) that started the entire obsession with cannibalism as both tool for writing and tool for literature analysis. Truly inspiring - and now rereading my stuff is even more interesting, for all the unconscious Incorporation themes I've already included in my works throughout the years.
So yeah, I've used my term paper, which I wrote about the Bath curse tablets, for one drabble and I've read a lot of literature which left its mark on me. As did my trip to Palermo.
However, I do want to thank everyone who read my works this year, because it's still bonkers to me. @needcake (One day I will get around to read more of your stuff and maybe, maybe deliver some more neighbourhood AU), @shithole-state (I know I promised to get back to you on the ancient celts, sometime, my friend, hopefully), @fireandiceland @hetaari @kitaychan @i-declare-the-poland-rule @cunchishai @exi-stencil-ism @chaosintensifies.
I'm probably forgetting someone and I am very sorry for it. But it's so nice to see that people care! I feel almost bad that now I am already turning my back on producing content specifically for the fandom, when everyone welcomed be back in so wonderfully! But it's been great to meet you all and talk to you about certain things, about my writing and see someone else's perspective! If you ever left me a comment, trust me, it was the highlight of my day.
6. What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
No Rest For The Wicked, because the the premise for this one was whacky as all hell for my standards (aka it felt super self-indulgent in its character selection) with a paperflimsy plot. But then I felt like going for it anyways, took a gamble ... and hey, other people liked it! And I've had one hell of a blast to write the different character relations in it, I'm very proud of the interactions and the piece actually helped me grow as a writer. (And I got to listen to Shimmy Shimmy by Takagi e Ketra ft. Giusy Ferreri on repeat for hours).
7. What are you excited to work on next year?
I really hope I'll get started on the rewrite of Irish Problems. Priority No. 1 right now is the last chapter of Herz auf Beat, which I also look forward to! As well as Part 5 of The Amulet, which then will also be finished! But man, I've got so many ideas for the rewrite of Irish Problems. I'm so excited to finally tell the story I've wanted to tell for years now. Like Father Like Son has been my life since at least 2014 (I started in 2013), so that's eight years I spent with these kids and their friends (and enemies). I just cannot wait to lay the groundwork for so many more adventures to come, for a complex but fun story with so many more characters. And to talk with people about the rewrite! The blessing of 2021 was that people read my stuff and finally, after years of isolation, I have more than three people with who to talk about my writing! It's quite freeing and thoroughly magical.
Tag some people!
I think everyone and their grandma already got tagged, but hey, if you see this and wanna do it - do it.
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kitaychan · 3 years ago
-End of the year review-
Thanks for the tag @mr-nauseam :D
1. What fandoms did you create for?
Only Hetalia for now, this is probably the longest fixation I've had on something but I might write for other fandoms in the future (probably about Hannibal or Batman)
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
I only write hehe but I was able to post 17 fics last year, l wasn't used to writing oneshots but it's been fun to work on several projects.
3. What are you most proud of?
I am sooo happy with everything but I'mma pick five to be short.
1) Nerium Oleander, that fic has been both, hard to write and soooo self indulgent. It's a wild ride and has strayed a lot from the first outline draft but I'm glad for it.
2) White flame It's my treasured fic, it's reaching its end and it helped me improve my writing a lot. Also Natalya my beloved lol
3) You shall not fear. Ruspru is one of my comfort ships and Angel Ivan is something I didn't know I needed in my life, it's also a short and fun reading.
4) Dragon Roses it's probably my beloved oneshot, the one where I dive into fantasy AU without remorse, writing Arthur's and Alfred's interaction was a challenge too.
5) Sublime It's one of my softest fics, I simply loved the dynamic of this Itapan, it's set on cardverse with a sprinkle of yearning.
4. Any stats you wanna tell us about?
2021 is probably the year I've written the most, I wasn't expecting to do so considering other projects but It's been fun to participate on the ship weeks!
5. What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
Ahh there's a bunch of songs that have helped me through out the year, for works well every single story I've read, there's a lot of talented writers in this fandom and the diversity of takes on the characters is astonishing, the AUs, the character studies, the historical takes are sooo interesting! I wish I could tag everyone but that would be too much lol
@prubun's fics and historical takes have always been an inspiration everytime I think of ruspru.
@fizzycherrycola has such a beautiful style and their take on England is just *cheff kiss*
@fireandiceland with the veggie burgers cannibalism discussion because along with @breitzbachbea incorporation metaphors and Kilgour's book have certainly put cannibalism into a new perspective, I can't wait to finish the book lol
6. What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Magnificent It was one of my first attempt at writing actual smut instead of chickening out lol I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
7. What are you excited to work on next year?
I want to branch out to other characters, probably work on some Itapan and RomeChu fics and of course keep on with Nerium Oleander and We need to talk.
Tag some people!
Apart from the one's already tagged lol @infusions-and-truths @crumpled--notes @emma-likes-to-write @koolkat9 @hwsforeignrelations if you want to~
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kaimaciel · 3 years ago
End of Year Review
1. What fandoms did you create for?
Just Hetalia this year, lol!
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
I wrote 4 fanfics (only two are finished, AHHH). God knows how many incorrect quotes, also a lot of headcanons and discussions!
What are you most proud of?
I'm actually really proud of my Underneath the Gilded Lights and its side-story Broken Hearts in a Lonely City, because I did a lot of research on both Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and the US during the '30s and learned a bunch of stuff, found a lot of lovely songs from the 30s to listen to, plus the interaction with the fandom was amazing!
Any stats you wanna tell us about?
I'm consistent on my angst! But I also wrote plenty of comedy!
What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
The metas, discussions, hcs, and analysis from @brazilian-hot-mess, @disaster-fruit, @oxiosa and @sorvete-de-pacoca. I don't think I would have written half of what I wrote without these wonderful people!
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
My Broken Hearts in a Lonely City fic. Never in a million years, I'd feel confident enough to write a Brazil/Argentina angst fest, but here we are!
What are you excited to work on next year?
I'm not really sure... I wanted to finish my telenovela AU, also @sorvete-de-pacoca started a new Sun and Moon AU that's really excited to see unfold!
Tag some people!
If they want to participate, I'm tagging @brazilian-hot-mess, @disaster-fruit, @oxiosa and @sorvete-de-pacoca
Thank you so much for tagging me @maivalkov and @mr-nauseam)
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helianskies · 3 years ago
my end of year review
thank you @needcake for tagging me, what a lovely opportunity to reflect! ☺
What fandoms did you create for?
Hetalia and Hetalia only. fight me!
How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
this was fun to count! i added 38 works to my ao3 bringing it to 51, plus i think an additional 3 drabbles dotted around here on my blog, lost to my inability to tag well! :)
What are you most proud of?
my biggest achievement this year, i consider to be finishing Alter Ego. not only is it the first multi-chap i ever actually finished, but it is bigger than i ever expected it to be, both in word count and readership! i can't believe i finished the project in just over a year! and i'll always refer back to this little note i left at the bottom of chapter one whenever i start to doubt my writing:
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and i did it, and i couldn't be more proud of myself for it! if i can pull off such a complex work as that, i know i can do anything my heart desires!
Any stats you wanna tell us about?
well, my wordcount on ao3 for 2021 alone is a whopping 488171 which astonishes me, honestly. right now is the first time i've checked the years individually, and i'm just... wow.
What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
the biggest one? well, they who they are. i won't tag 'em, but i will send lots of love their way - an inspiration for years, but especially now more than ever!
[edit: the b tagged me in hers so she gets it back @maivalkov love ya bubs! thanks for sharing in the rambles this year, and here's to a million more to come! 💖🥂🥳]
beyond that, my biggest inspiration would be the readers i've been blessed to talk to this year, and the other content creators who light up my feed each day. whether writers, artists, or fellow consumers, you're all such amazing people! <33
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
i have two things actually!
Bound! it started of with Time & Patience, which i intended to be a one-shot. and i got carried away. very, very carried away. 116k words and counting ;)
all of my horror works! it was a genre i never thought i'd explore - i didn't really know how - but i've grown to love it, and hope to really delve into this in 2022!
What are you excited to work on next year?
so many things! Bound is barely underway, the same goes for my horror works, and really... i'm just excited to write! anything and everything that comes to mind! but what i really want for 2022 is to share more ideas and engage with more content creators. you're all so fab :')
Tag some people!
well, as far as i know everyone i sorta know has already been tagged once and i hate to be a bother to mutuals/creators i follow who don't really know me so... tag, you're it!
happy new year to you, and here's to a perfectly uneventful 2022 (besides the writing ;)) 🥂
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wiltingofthewhitelily · 3 years ago
@kitaychan and @starflight-blog both tagged me in this nice ask game! (Their posts can be found here and here.) Thanks for the tag!
End of the Year Review
1) What fandoms did you create for?
Only Hetalia so far
2) How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
Oh god, I couldn’t count that lmao—a lot, mainly oneshots. I’ve also made playlists since those count lol. I also started...two full length stories, I think? An original story and the canukr fic.
3) What are you most proud of?
My original story for sure. It’s a very complex dystopian/sci-fi story and I’m so glad to have gotten the opportunity to start it in creative writing last year :) I’m hoping to turn it into a full length novel one day and my dream is to even publish it into an official book someday.
4) Any stats you wanna tell us about?
Hmmm...I’m not sure, I don’t really keep track of stuff like that. I’ve definitely written a lot this year though, which I’m very happy about!
5) What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
Oof, I honestly wish I knew and remember the names and fics of authors who have inspired me, but that list would be too vast. Even things I’ve read a very long time ago still inspire me to this day and I think about it a lot.
6) What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
My dystopian book. Or at least I didn’t expect to turn out to as big of a project as it did. I knew I wanted to write a sci-fi book for a long time honestly, and now it feels good that I’m actually doing it lol.
7) What are you excited to work on next year?
I’m excited to continue working on my canukr story and my sci-fi story. I also have a bunch of another au ideas floating around in my head lol, some that aren’t even Hetalia related. And I have another concept for a dystopian book that I’ve been thinking of now oof.
Tag some people!
(Apologies if any of you guys were already tagged-)
@ashlees-bathroom @infusions-and-truths and @cunchishai :D
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attempted--eloquence · 3 years ago
End of Year Review
Thank you so much for the tag!! @honeyscapes @lucilucialu 💓💓
What fandoms did you create for ?
Teen wolf!
How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
I posted one edit & posted 19 new fics this year! (this was the first year I wrote something other than HWC wowza🥴)
Any stats you wanna tell us about?
Eek no I’m a bashful little baby but I so, so, so appreciate everyone who’s ever interacted with something I’ve posted!! The dopamine posting fics has provided me in this shitty past year is unmatched 😵‍💫
What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
Read a lot of poetry this year (Ada Limón and Anne Carson and Kaveh Akbar and Saeed Jones and all the Sporklet Press issues online have been such good reads) and it was so conducive to writing for me :o) (And also in a more personal motivation way, I’m always so inspired by everyone who is able to regularly share content and contribute to the thiam hivemind hahaha..I always envy @ksbbb and @theoceanismyinkwell ’s productivity and @inabottlelikelightning never fails to amaze me with how freaking inventive she is)
What are you most proud of?
I’m definitely proud of the fact that I finally decided to step outside my comfort zone and write something other than Handle With Care (never would’ve expected that I would end 2021 w/ 19 more fics under my belt and wishing that I had written more)
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Daffodils w/ Lightning!! Such a delightful surprise stumbling into a really awesome partner piece w/ lots more to come :))
What are you excited to work on next year?
Ohhh I have an entire writing schedule that I desperately want to stick to this year and it’s full of ongoing and brand new fics👀 I’ve recently been overflowing w ideas but lacking in the follow through department, so I’m really excited to finish HWC & hopefully CTDO, as well as start a lot of ideas I’ve been bottling up for a while that I hope people like 🤠
tagging @livingbythewords @inabottlelikelightning and anyone else who wants to participate!!
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arsonaetcuh · 3 years ago
Tagged by @fireandiceland so let's do this
-End of the year review-
1. What fandoms did you create for?
Hetalia, Star Wars, and Hamilton
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
9 works this year on AO3. I made a playlist which was cool and did quite some fanart. Don't know how much I drew but I've slowly been improving.
3. What are you most proud of?
Probably my Hetalia OCs. I put a lot of effort into Holland and Friesland and I'm developing my Amsterdam OCs too. It's been really fun.
4. Any stats you wanna tell us about?
I'm proud of my Star Wars crackfic on Wattpad that reached 50k reads before I removed it.
5. What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
I've been inspired by quite a few people in my life. I want to thank @fireandiceland for my DenCan fic. I wanna thank @bunlands for helping me improve my roleplaying skills and life has been amazing.
6. What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
A full-on book. I'm currently developing characters and writing various scenes as well as a shit ton of research because it's historical fiction. Though I have to make all the gayness in it subtext so my parents can't pick it up.
7. What are you excited to work on next year?
It's this year now because of timezones. I'm hoping to work more on my book and also travel at some point. Also, write more fanfiction. And draw more. Definitely draw some more because I really need to work on that
Tag some people!
I tag @rae-does-stuff @emma-likes-to-write @angels-art @rose-of-chaos @bunlands and @gary-oldmans-fictional-spouse
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fireandiceland · 3 years ago
-End of the year review-
Thank you for the tag @kitaychan! I was already thinking about making an end of the year/new year post but now this is the perfect opportunity :D
1. What fandoms did you create for?
I only created stuff for Hetalia this year :)
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
I recently collected all the drabbles from my nsfw account in a google doc and that alone is overwhelming.. I posted 8 fics on ao3, a total of 21 drabbles on tumblr (on this blog and @fireandspiceland), I made 2 playlists on spotify (but didn't make posts for them) and 2 moodboards! Oh and I cosplayed as Norway and Kugelmugel (but I only posted one edit of me as Nor).
3. What are you most proud of?
There's a lot of things I'm proud of! I'll try to name a few:
I actually kept up with writing for more than 6 months now :D I tend to start hobbies but not keep up with them on long term, so this is kinda big for me.
I went out of my comfort zone a LOT this year. Posting the things I write, joining discord servers and actually talking to the people there, and making friends both there and here on tumblr! You might think I'm an outgoing person, but I always put off posting my fics out of fear of critisism and it's not that easy for me to make the first step and ask someone for their discord or message them.
I started creating my own universe with it's own laws for my fic How'd I ever get so lost? It's my first 'big' project with multiple chapters that are telling one connected story and there's some world building involved that I invested a lot of thought into.
4. Any stats you wanna tell us about?
Here's some numbers I guess! I only had this blog for 8 month, I recently reached 200 followers, and my most popular work on ao3 is about to have 500 hits. ^-^
5. What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
Almost everything I created last year was inspired by a song from one of the playlists I made or by other people's art or AUs.. I also had some very inspiring and interesting talks with mutuals and then there's the requests I get! The sheer amount of content that there is in this fandom and that people keep creating is firing my own imagination and without it I wouldn't be able to create the things I did and do. Tagging everone would go beyond the scope, but my biggest inspirations this year were..
@breitzbachbea who is always ready to support my with her historical knowledge and do some brainstorming on discord <3 from our talks I learned a lot about topics I never knew I would be interested in!
@plz-let-me-nap and her SuFin blog! Our talks inspired some great AU's (that I still haven't made posts about) and simping for the nordics is a lot more fun as a group activity <3
@kitaychan with her amazing writing style and stories that leave you begging for the next chapter. Her thoughtful comments had/have a big influence on How'd I ever get so lost? <3
@modernday-jay who introduced me to mint chocolate (my beloved) <3 and is always giving me food for thought with his posts and his characterisation of Allen.
@ironicorange with his stalker Alfred AU and @neon-spirals with his Arthur and his tentacle boyfriend AU. I just had to mention these two because I love these AU's and it's amazing to be able to contribute something to them <3
6. What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Every single drabble on @fireandspiceland! If half a year ago you told me I would be fullfilling requests for nsfw drabbles, I would have thought you were insane.
7. What are you excited to work on next year?
Well it's this year now, but I'm looking forward to continuing the demon Arthur AU! I have lots of ideas for it and can't wait to flesh them out more. What I also want to do is get more into the teenage dirtbag AU and the bible camp AU. I love both of them dearly and I think there's lots of dynamics between the characters to explore in the future.
Tag some people!
Many people are already tagged above, but I also would like to tag @amber-isnt-a-precious-stone @starflight-blog @j-ellyfish @koolkat9 @cocasoula who are very dear mutuals who I love seeing around and interacting with.
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froggi-mushroom · 3 years ago
Thanks for the tag @needcake
End of Year Review
What fandoms did you create for?
Hetalia! Although I did post some memes for other fandoms but I'm not sure if memes count...
How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
12 fics and 1 gifset (and I think about 2 or three drabbles on here if I haven't privated them)
What are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of my most recent fic because I actually forced myself to take my time with it and be patient and actually do a bit of research which was surprisingly fun. I'm also really happy with this fic because even though I didn't take as much time as my most recent fic, it's quite a personal fic to me. I'm also happy with my French revolution fruk fic (mainly because it's an idea I've had for a while) but I do want to go back and change a few things at some point
What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
I get inspired by the most random things. I suppose lockdown helped me come up with some ideas but I wouldn't really say it inspired me. I've read a bit of fanfic that's inspired me (not as much as last year, though, I've been a bit lazy when it comes to reading this year)
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Everything I came into this year not really expecting to write much and a lot of my writing is very spur-of-the-moment and I don't really tend to plan ahead too much (which is something I plan on working on in the new year). I suppose if you want specific pieces, this fruk royal au drabble isn't something I expected writing at all. That au in particular is very self-indulgent so I always intended to keep it to myself but maybe if I finally get over my intense fear of judgement and general self-consciousness I'll finally write about that au more. Another is my engportfra series which I didn't expect to write this year because the au didn't even exist before September of this year and was thought up randomly one afternoon (and is another that I'm struggling to pick up again but will try to eventually)
What are you excited to work on next year?
I have a few small fics in mind for some other ships I like for Hetalia, and I'm hoping to participate in TGGTVAV week this year! (because I need to get back into it, and get the new book now that its out...)
I'll tag: @koolkat9 @witch-spellbook @amber-isnt-a-precious-stone @cunchishai and @iship2muchshit
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hondakiku · 3 years ago
End of the Year Review
I was tagged by a lot of people @froggi-mushroom @emma-likes-to-write @breitzbachbea @paperuniverse
1) What fandoms did you create for?
Hetalia and Arcane.
2) How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
Countless. I spent the better part of last year making videos and edits. Any writing I did wasn't published.
3) What are you most proud of?
My improvement in my editing skills. I've only been editing for a year and the difference from when I started is amazing.
4) What inspired you this year?
Music has always been and always will be my #1 inspiration.
5) What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Anything in regards to Arcane, because I got into it so suddenly.
6) What are you excited to work on next year?
In 2022, I'd like to write a fanfic that I feel confident enough to publish.
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honeyscapes · 3 years ago
End of Year Review
Thanks for tagging me @letthestorieslive
What fandoms did you create for ?
Teen Wolf 
How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta ?
3 fics (rip 💀) and like 4 moodboards
Any stats you wanna tell us about ?
Not any numbers (: But I’m surprised by how engaging the comments and messages I got this year were, it’s always nice to know how someone feels about my writing, whether it’s negative or positive or just their thoughts, so I’m super grateful for every single one <3
What inspired you this year ? Any specific works or creators ?
So many !! Literally if I read a fic and left a comment, or reblogged an edit and screamed in the tags, it inspired me. Especially from the people I’ve met on here, Kelly, Kaleb, April, Lou, Lucia yall already know I worship yall’s talent, and pretty much every work by cherrysprite, songbvrd and attempted-eloquence are absolutely amazing, and literally all of my bookmarks basically, and also the art that Kaleb, Lou, and @orangesandblues created for me <333 There’s so many talented people in the Thiam fandom and I drew inspiration from so many of them !!!
What are you most proud of ?
It has to be Inglorious Roommates because I feel like I’m finally writing the fic that I’ve always wanted to write. I’m creating a reading experience that I’ve always wanted to have. I put a lot of myself into that fic. It means so much to me and writing it helped me heal and grow in so many ways this year, and I feel like I’m writing it the way it deserves to be written for all that it’s done for me, and I’m proud of that (:
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make ? Why ?
carve my name into your history because I usually don’t have a good enough idea for a one-shot jfldjks but lucia posted the amazing prompt and invited someone to write it and the story just came to me really quick which is rare for me lmao
What are you excited to work on next year ?
I’m excited to continue writing and I’m also setting a goal to put out more works for people to enjoy, whether it’s one-shots or chaptered fics, I have some ideas and I’m excited to see how they turn out! 
Tagging @hughstheforcelou @attempted--eloquence @lucilucialu @homosexualrodent @clueless21 @sammi-phoenix and anyone else who wants to <3
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