#expat relocation service in rotterdam
rotterdamrental · 6 days
Woningbeheer Rotterdam
Haal de charme van Rotterdam in huis door een stijlvol en comfortabel huis te verhuren. Ontdek de dynamische sfeer van deze levendige stad, bekend om zijn moderne architectuur, culturele diversiteit en bruisende waterkant. Uw huurwoning in Rotterdam biedt een handige en gezellige uitvalsbasis om de eclectische buurten, musea van wereldklasse en levendige markten van de stad te verkennen. Ervaar de perfecte mix van modern leven en rijke geschiedenis in het hart van de op één na grootste stad van Nederland. Met de lokale kennis van ons ervaren team bieden we een breed scala aan oplossingen om een ​​soepele en efficiënte transitie voor onze klanten te garanderen. Kijk voor meer informatie op www.rotterdamrentalservice.com.
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sarahzipp · 4 years
Author’s note: This post was written in the summer of 2017. It’s taken me nearly three years to grow the courage to post it publicly.  Time heals all wounds!  I hope you enjoy.
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Waving goodbye to Amsterdam, our home for 3 years.
Did you know – moving a family of four and two pets to a foreign country is hard. In fact, it’s a giant logistical nightmare. I did. I learned that lesson, I learned it so hard 3 years ago moving to the Netherlands and muddling through immigration paperwork and not having a bank account because we don’t have a BSN yet (it’s like a social security number) and we can’t paid and we can’t get a BSNt….and so on and on and on. It’s a doom loop. It’s a doom loop in Dutch. But moving abroad has become like childbirth to me, after a couple of years I forget the pain and do it again. And there’s a lot of crying.  And nobody sleeps.
But this time it would be in English, and therefore much easier, right?  We’re only moving about an hour’s flight away, how bad can it be? Besides, we’re seasoned expats, wiser and more experienced now. Step 1 – book flights. Several times a day flights buzz between Holland and Scotland. They’re cheap and plentiful. No problem! Wait, what?  We can’t fly the dog on EasyJet or any of the quick jumpers into the UK. Hmmmm. Look, a fairy! I mean, look – a ferry! They have a kennel. Perfect for a multi-species move. Yes yes yes! Let’s move by ferry. How cool and adventurous. It’d be uber Zipp-like to move to a foreign country by ferry. We shall invade Scotland by sea! Neat-o.
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Our previous experience with boats in Amsterdam gave us undue confidence. What could possibly go wrong?
So, we just book the tickets, 2 cabins for us + my mom (who so graciously/foolishly agreed to come visit/help us not commit acts of homicide while we pack and move). Check. Next we book the dog into the pet hotel. Check. Great. Now just notify them we are bringing Kitty as a carry-on (like we did on the plane when we moved to A’dam). Wait, huh? Why is it not allowing us to add the cat. Try it again. What if we depart from Rotterdam? Ugh. Call them. Sprek je Engels? Huh? We can’t have the cat on board without a car? But we don’t want to keep the car. We want to sell it so we can buy a UK car with a right-side-of-the-car-steering-wheel when we get there. It’s going to be difficult enough unlearning how to drive American-like in the UK. Oh, shut the front door! Are we really going to keep an ailing French mini-van with a passenger-side window that won’t roll down and a steering wheel on the wrong side of the car for a 5lb cat? Yes. Yes, that is exactly what we are going to do. Because life. Because family expatting is a series of maddening choices and ridiculous adaptations. It’s a relentless state of absurdity. Because that’s how Zipps do. No creature left behind. Check.
Ok, transport of humans and pets secured. Now what about our stuff? Step 2 – pack up and go. This time around, in the most adulting moment of my life thus far, we hired actual professional movers to pack up our shit. Why not? My employer is paying relocation expenses. Well done, Dr. Fancy Pants. I thought we were well organised. We laughed at how much we’d accumulated in 3 years. Wasn’t it just yesterday we packed ALL of our belongings into 9 Army duffle bags and boarded the plane to Amsterdam? Yeah, we moved our entire family across the Atlantic packed into 9 bags. Nothing more. And one half of those bags was my Ph.D. fieldwork papers. (Fun tip – we precisely weighed each bag by using the scale at the vet’s office where we went approximately 743 times trying to get the appropriate Pet Passport for the dog). Now, the movers handed me the inventory list – 100 boxes. 100 boxes? WTH? No matter, it was all out of sight, out of mind for now. See you on the flipside, boxes of crap. We’re down to the bare minimum. T-minus 9 days to departure. Just a few more issues to tidy up, then it’s time to kick back, relax and enjoy our final week in the lovely city of Amsterdam (stay tuned for a post, eventually to be written, on my deep, warm and conflicted feelings about life in the ‘dam and saying goodbye to my favourite city in the world).
So, we calmly went about packing up our Dutch lives. Er, rather, we scrambled every last minute, failing to find more than a few fleeting moments of peace in our last days there. We sold stuff on a thousand different marketplaces. We patched holes and fretted over which dishes were ours and which came with the apartment, etc. because our skeevy landlord will try to cheat us (separating expats from their security deposits is a hobby of Dutch landlords). I remember the feeling 3 years ago, whilst scrambling to pack up our American lives. Just get to the airport. Once we get checked in at the airport, we can relax. Breath. Panic. Breath. Repeat. 
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Delierious with joy over are good choices, smart planning and simple lifestyle. Also pictured: cat that almost ruined everything, twice.
We tried, desperately, to capture the final bike rides and boat rides on camera. Fleeting moments of exquisite presence. We tried to celebrate, laugh, hug, cry and properly say goodbye to our family of expats. We tried to make space for our girls to spend those final, fleeting days with their buddies. Good god, we have been through some shit with these people over the past 3 years. Expat friendships, for big and little ones, are bonded in a crucible. Never forget this place. This stuff has been magical. Breath. Have presence. Enjoy? Pack, organise, DO SOMETHING. Did you cancel the internet service? Pay the parking ticket? How do we forward the mail? Notify the Belastingdienst? Sprek je Engels? 
And that’s when we noticed the cat was missing. Yes, the cat. The cat that caused us to keep the car. The car that caused us to pay a shit ton more for the ferry. The ferry that will take us to Scotland. The Scotland that will distill the whisky. The whisky that will taste so good when we drink it.  But I digress . . . the next few hours were a furious chaos of packing and loading and searching for the fecking cat. The children are weeping for the cat. My mom is organizing a search party while I cooly ignore this tangent of madness, because I am confident the cat is simply hiding. “The cat is missing, mom. Start acting like it!” my sweet youngest daughter screams at me and slams the door. I ignore her and discreetly throw out bags of forgotten little toy scraps that no one will remember so long as they aren’t seen during the throwing out process. Hours later, the cat is found hiding under a bed. I smugly chastise my panicked family. They fail to thank me for my calm resolve.
In spite all of our diligent #adulting, expensive movers and good intentions, here we are, literally running from the apartment with armloads of shit dumped out from random drawers whilst the landlord arrived from the other side of the building for our final check out.
It was like a scene from a Benny Hill movie, I’m sure. Cut to scene – exterior of building, black and white at 1.5 speed: Zipp parents frantically scrambling and stumbling out the front door, arms laden with useless plastic items, while the Landlord calmly strolls in the back door, clipboard and magnifying glass in hand. Cut to shot of kids, pets and granny in the car screaming, crying and flailing wildly.  Cut to Aaron opening driver door, pointing forward confidently and saying: Onward march – take to the seas! (in the captions). Can you hear the music?
People overuse the term, “stuffed in like a can of sardines.”  This is not one of those times.  We stuffed said crap into every nook and cranny of our van. So, there we were; 4 Zipps, my mom, our old dog with bad gas and a cat.  Everyone but the driver had items crammed under and around her feet as well as on her lap/between her body and the door or other passenger. I am not exaggerating. It felt difficult to breath in there. When we finally pulled up to the ferry door, I yelled at my children – “act natural, pretend like you have plenty of room! And for God’s sake, don’t mention the head lice!” I thought we might be over the weight limit or something. I knew we were technically one centimeter over the height limit, although I was sure the massive weight load was compressing us down at least that much.
We love our pets, Nana is losing her mind!
Jonah (the dog) smells funny
Pipsqueak the Mighty
  Maybe if the kids just smile at the check in guy they’ll let us go without any questions. I really don’t know, the whole thing was so sketchy because we weren’t sure if our car was too tall with the roof carrier on top and we were still recovering from some confusion regarding the pets on board (Fun Fact – Our 70lb geriatric labrador was perched up on a stack of luggage in the back of the van so high he could not get out on his own accord. So while we were waiting in line for the ferry (for hours) I had to unload and load him in “gently” whilst containing the stack of threatening-to-spill-out luggage with one knee. It was a long line. He had to get checked in too. My “gentle” level decreased with each outing). For once the gods smiled upon us and no one asked questions. We rolled in and were literally the last car on our platform. After a brief game of where-the-hell-is-the-cat-that-required-us-to-bring-a-wrong-side-of-the-road-driving-car-to-the-UK?, we deboarded the van and checked into our cabins.
My mom has never in 12 years of grandmothering ever chosen to not spend more time with her grandkids. But that night, with her head bent in (what I think was a bit of shame or guilt) she asked if she could have the key to a cabin and stay alone. Without her grandbabies. Yes mom, save yourself.  We broke the Na-na. My mom has never before or since rejected a moment’s time with her dear little grandchildren. I rejected the urge to jump overboard.
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Ferry of Doom or Ferry of Freedom?
But we made it. We were on the ferry. Breathe. Deep sigh of relief. Enjoy the ride. It was fun and adventurous to travel by ferry. I highly recommend it. 15+ hours later, with minimal sleep and a deep sense of relief mixed with sadness, we calmly exited the ferry. Just a wee three hour drive to our new home.  Left, left, left. Remember to drive on the left, honey. We inched forward in an endless procession of vehicles exiting the ferry.  Last in, last out. 
That’s when Aaron turned to me, panicked face – “oh shit, we’re out of gas!”  In the mayhem getting to the ferry, we forgot to fill up. OMG. We cannot run out of gas on a ferry or in the border patrol line.  No exaggeration at all, we were on E. It gets worse.  When we finally got off the ferry, there was a line of cars snaking its way to the border gate. We would never make it. This was a trail of tears, eeking forward a car’s length every 5 minutes. It was a minimum hour wait and we had a maximum 15 minutes of fuel. 
One last time, I un-gently unpacked the dog from the back of the van to walk him.  A border agent passed and I tearfully pleaded our case.  “Well, we don’t need a broken down vehicle holding up this line.” He was so kind, really un-Dutch in his kindness and willingness to help. Within minutes, we were ushered around the line to front.  We pulled up to the border entrance window. Wait, oops. The driver is on the wrong side. Ha ha ha! I was in the passenger seat. Let me just roll down the window to hand you the passports…oh, yeah. The window-roller-downer is broken. Ha ha ha. Aaron, if you just pull up a tad, I can open the door. Oops, sorry everyone in line behind us! Here ya go, border patrol lady.  I stepped out and handed the agent our clutch of passports. “Your Visas haven’t yet been processed, so you’ll need to re-enter another time.”  Wait, what now?  We can’t come in?  We chatted. We worked it out. Kindness and understanding from her and her colleagues that I cannot understate. Sorted, as the Scottish say.  She let us through, although I’m not sure we entered 100% legally. 
Bumbling and fumbling, we crossed the finish line to begin again.  Stay left, keep the rubber side down and journey onward. Love, trust and (Gaelic) pixiedust. 
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Welcome to the United Kingdom. Mixed emotions.
  Zipps invade Scotland by sea Author's note: This post was written in the summer of 2017. It's taken me nearly three years to grow the courage to post it publicly. 
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New Post has been published on https://travelonlinetips.com/copenhagen-ranked-most-liveable-city-for-europeans/
Copenhagen ranked most liveable city for Europeans
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Copenhagen has been voted the most liveable city for Europeans in new research released today.
Cities in Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Switzerland dominate the top 20 cities for European expats, according to data from consultancy ECA International.
In the UK, Edinburgh is the only city that ranks in the top 20, while Aberdeen came in at number 21.
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Dublin re-entered the top 10 this year, ranking in joint ninth place with Gothenburg and Luxembourg City.
Elsewhere in the UK, London and Glasgow were ranked poorly for liveability factors, coming in 49th and 57th respectively.
Outside Europe, Canadian cities ranked highly, as did Canberra in Australia and New Zealand capital Wellington. Singapore was the only Asian city in the top 100.
“Edinburgh and Aberdeen lead the way for UK cities in terms of liveability due to a range of factors including lower air pollution and a greater level of personal security,” said Neil Ashman, senior location ratings analyst at ECA International.
“However, what really makes these two cities outshine others in the UK is the existing expat community. This is an important factor in the liveability analysis as a solid network of expatriates will help newcomers feel less isolated and reduces the anticipated culture shock for workers who relocate from overseas.”
Ashman added: “Cities in Scandinavia, Switzerland and the Netherlands have offered good liveability across the board for many years now; with factors such as excellent infrastructure, reliable transport systems, and a high level of healthcare all contributing to their consistently excellent liveability score.”
Ashman said that London’s liveability score had remained steady, despite “higher air pollution and crime levels in the past year”. He added that smaller cities generally outperform bigger ones in terms of liveability.
ECA ranks 480 cities around the world on a variety of “liveability” factors including health services, housing, social life and climate.
Top 20 most liveable cities for Europeans
1. Copenhagen, Denmark
1. Bern, Switzerland
3. The Hague, Netherlands
3. Geneva, Switzerland
5. Stavanger, Norway
6. Amsterdam, Netherlands
6. Eindhoven, Netherlands
6. Basel, Switzerland
9. Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
9. Gothenburg, Sweden
9. Dublin, Ireland
12. Aarhus, Denmark
12. Rotterdam, Netherlands
14. Zurich, Switzerland
15. Bonn, Germany
15. Munich, Germany
17. Vienna, Austria
17. Hamburg, Germany
19. Stockholm, Sweden
19. Edinburgh, UK
  Source link
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rotterdamrental · 6 days
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Verhuren aan expats
Overweegt u uw woning te verhuren aan expats? Onze no-cure, no-pay aanpak zorgt ervoor dat uw woning snel en efficiënt wordt verhuurd. Met onze bewezen marketingstrategieën en huurderscreeningsproces verbinden wij uw woning met hoogwaardige expathuurders die betrouwbaar en financieel stabiel zijn. Geniet van gemoedsrust, wetende dat uw investering in goede handen is met onze professionele vastgoedbeheerdiensten. Of u nu één woning of meerdere eenheden bezit, laat ons het verhuurproces afhandelen terwijl u profiteert van de voordelen van passief inkomen en een probleemloze verhuurderservaring. Kijk voor meer informatie op www.rotterdamrentalservice.com
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rotterdamrental · 6 days
Verhuur Aan Expats Rotterdam
Are you looking for relocation service in Rotterdam? Rotterdam Rental Service specializes in providing comprehensive relocation services for individuals and businesses in Rotterdam. our relocation service can provide you with expert advice and guidance on all aspects of your move to the Netherlands. Also, we will take care of all the details for you, allowing you to focus on your job, family, and other important aspects of your life. With our experienced team's local knowledge, we offer a wide range of solutions to ensure a smooth and efficient transition for our clients. For more details at www.rotterdamrentalservice.com
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rotterdamrental · 12 days
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Expat housing services
Discover premium expat housing services tailored to your needs in Rotterdam. Whether you're relocating internationally or within the city, we offer a wide range of housing options and personalized assistance to ensure a smooth transition. Our dedicated team is committed to finding you the perfect home that meets your lifestyle and budget requirements. From temporary accommodations to long-term leases, we provide comprehensive support throughout the entire relocation process. Trust our expertise and local knowledge to make your move to Rotterdam as seamless and stress-free as possible. Let us help you find your new home away from home. For more details visit us at www.rotterdamrentalservices.com
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rotterdamrental · 12 days
Expats Relocation Rotterdam
Experience seamless expats relocation services in Rotterdam tailored to your needs. Our dedicated team specializes in providing personalized housing solutions and relocation assistance that ensures a smooth transition to your new home. Whether you're relocating for work or personal reasons, we offer comprehensive support from initial consultation to settling in. Benefit from our extensive network and local knowledge to find the ideal housing option that meets your preferences and budget. Discover why expats choose us for their relocation needs in Rotterdam and trust us to make your move a success. For more details visit us at www.rotterdamrentalservices.com
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rotterdamrental · 1 month
Woning verhuren Kralingen
Wilt u uw woning in Kralingen verhuren? Onze uitgebreide verhuurdiensten zijn ontworpen om het verhuurproces te vereenvoudigen en het potentieel van uw woning te maximaliseren. Met een proactieve benadering van marketing en huurdersplaatsing zorgen wij ervoor dat uw vastgoed snel betrouwbare huurders aantrekt. Profiteer van onze professionele expertise op het gebied van vastgoedbeheer en onze persoonlijke service die tegemoetkomt aan uw specifieke behoeften als verhuurder. Of u nu op zoek bent naar full-service beheer of hulp bij het plaatsen van huurders, u kunt erop vertrouwen dat ons toegewijde team elk detail efficiënt en professioneel afhandelt. Laat ons u helpen succesvol te zijn bij het verhuren van uw woning in Kralingen. Kijk voor meer informatie op www.rotterdamrentalservice.com
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rotterdamrental · 1 month
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Woning verhuren Vlaardingen
Wilt u uw woning in Vlaardingen verhuren? Onze professionele verhuurbeheerdiensten zorgen voor een probleemloze ervaring, van plaatsing tot plaatsing van huurders. Met een bewezen staat van dienst in het maximaliseren van huurinkomsten en het minimaliseren van leegstand, verzorgen wij alles, van de marketing van uw woning tot het screenen van potentiële huurders. Vertrouw op ons toegewijde team om alle aspecten van het verhuurproces te beheren, zodat u gemoedsrust en een optimaal financieel rendement krijgt. Of u nu starter of ervaren belegger bent, ontdek hoe wij u kunnen helpen uw huurdoelstellingen in Vlaardingen efficiënt en effectief te realiseren. Kijk voor meer informatie op www.rotterdamrentalservice.com
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rotterdamrental · 1 month
Woning verhuren Vlaardingen
Wilt u uw woning in Vlaardingen verhuren? Onze professionele verhuurbeheerdiensten zorgen voor een probleemloze ervaring, van plaatsing tot plaatsing van huurders. Met een bewezen staat van dienst in het maximaliseren van huurinkomsten en het minimaliseren van leegstand, verzorgen wij alles, van de marketing van uw woning tot het screenen van potentiële huurders. Vertrouw op ons toegewijde team om alle aspecten van het verhuurproces te beheren, zodat u gemoedsrust en een optimaal financieel rendement krijgt. Of u nu starter of ervaren belegger bent, ontdek hoe wij u kunnen helpen uw huurdoelstellingen in Vlaardingen efficiënt en effectief te realiseren. Kijk voor meer informatie op www.rotterdamrentalservice.com
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rotterdamrental · 2 months
Rotterdam Housing Agency
Are you looking for the best housing agency in Rotterdam? We at Rotterdam Rental Service are one of the best housing solutions in Rotterdam. Our dedicated agency specializes in connecting individuals and families with their ideal homes, offering a diverse range of properties tailored to suit every lifestyle and budget. As a well-established agency, we've fostered strong connections with property owners and landlords, providing you with access to a broad spectrum of exclusive listings. Whether you're seeking a temporary rental or a long-term residence, our portfolio boasts a variety of options to match your unique preferences and needs. Contact us today to start your journey to comfortable and convenient living. Visit us at www.rotterdamrentalservice.com.
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rotterdamrental · 3 months
Woning Verhuren Rotterdam
Haal de charme van Rotterdam in huis door een stijlvol en comfortabel huis te verhuren. Ontdek de dynamische sfeer van deze levendige stad, bekend om zijn moderne architectuur, culturele diversiteit en bruisende waterkant. Uw huurwoning in Rotterdam biedt een handige en gezellige uitvalsbasis om de eclectische buurten, musea van wereldklasse en levendige markten van de stad te verkennen. Ervaar de perfecte mix van modern leven en rijke geschiedenis in het hart van de op één na grootste stad van Nederland. Met de lokale kennis van ons ervaren team bieden we een breed scala aan oplossingen om een ​​soepele en efficiënte transitie voor onze klanten te garanderen. Kijk voor meer informatie op www.rotterdamrentalservice.com
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rotterdamrental · 3 months
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Woning verhuren Brielle
Klaar om uw woning in Brielle te verhuren? Onze professionele verhuurbeheerdiensten zorgen voor een gestroomlijnd proces, van plaatsing tot plaatsing van huurders. Met de focus op effectieve marketing en huurderscreening koppelen wij uw woning snel aan betrouwbare huurders. Geniet van gemoedsrust, wetende dat uw investering in goede handen is, aangezien ons ervaren team alle aspecten van het verhuurproces afhandelt. Of u nu een starter bent of een doorgewinterde investeerder, werk met ons samen om uw huurinkomsten te maximaliseren en de leegstand in Brielle te minimaliseren. Laat ons u helpen succesvol en efficiënt uw woning te verhuren.
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rotterdamrental · 3 months
Expat housing services
Are you looking for relocation service in Rotterdam? Rotterdam Rental Service specializes in providing comprehensive relocation services for individuals and businesses in Rotterdam. our relocation service can provide you with expert advice and guidance on all aspects of your move to the Netherlands. Also, we will take care of all the details for you, allowing you to focus on your job, family, and other important aspects of your life. With our experienced team's local knowledge, we offer a wide range of solutions to ensure a smooth and efficient transition for our clients. For more details at www.rotterdamrentalservice.com
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rotterdamrental · 5 months
Relocation Support Rotterdam
Are you looking for relocation service in Rotterdam? Rotterdam Rental Service specializes in providing comprehensive relocation services for individuals and businesses in Rotterdam. our relocation service can provide you with expert advice and guidance on all aspects of your move to the Netherlands. Also, we will take care of all the details for you, allowing you to focus on your job, family, and other important aspects of your life. With our experienced team's local knowledge, we offer a wide range of solutions to ensure a smooth and efficient transition for our clients. For more details at www.rotterdamrentalservice.com
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rotterdamrental · 6 months
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