#expand the picture of who they are as people. make them deeper. broader. something new
echthr0s · 1 year
sometimes I think it would be interesting if someone just straight up yoinked one of my OCs and started playin barbies with them. like full-on theft (but it's not really theft bc I didn't own them in the first place, but that's the... like, socially-agreed-upon way to refer to this)
I think it would be interesting for the same reason that it's interesting to know how other people perceive you as a person. everyone has a slightly different (sometimes wildly different) perception of me for various reasons, a big one being that everyone is using their own personalities and experiences and biases to form that perception. right? so naturally the same thing would happen with the OCs. I know who Noah is to me, but what would Noah be like if written by someone else? what would Noah mean to them? what aspects of his being would resonate the most with them? what would they see when he appeared to them; what would he sound like; in what small ways would he change their life?
Noah's existence as an OC is a collaboration between me and the fabric of the multiverse (this is extremely simplified wording but I think it works for this purpose), so what would that same collaboration produce if the "me" in the equation is replaced by another? I will always be curious about that sort of thing
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Consumer Guide / No.111 / American musician, Barbara Markay, with Mark Watkins.
MW : Why decide (initially) to switch from making classical music to pop?  
BM : It happened during my first year at Juilliard College toward the end of the school year. It was in their new building at Lincoln Center, and I was practicing the piano in one of their practice rooms on the 5th floor, which had windows and a beautiful view of the streets below and the whole Lincoln Center area. I was taking a little break, and was looking out the window and thought to myself that I should be down there experiencing life and meeting interesting people, instead of practicing piano all day long! I had gotten into the Juilliard prep department / pre-college division when I was 10 years old, and had been a classical pianist for a long time. Maybe it was time for a change!  
After that day in the practice room, I started to think about this more and more, especially every time I got a practice room with a ��window on the world” so to speak. I started to think about all those people walking around on the streets, and who among them was actually going to be interested in listening to classical music. I thought that I might be wasting my musical talent on my present studies as a pianist and composer, and that I was much more interested in talking to people and finding out what they were thinking and why they said and did the things they did.
I became more and more interested in writing lyrics, which turned into my first pop songs. I realized that I could communicate the music I had inside me via pop music better than just performing classical music, because I could write about the whole new exciting culture of the times with no narrow, preordained musical style restrictions, or older musical rules. I could write and say whatever I wanted to! It was a brand new world for me! And so much fun! I still appreciated and loved classical music, and graduated from Juilliard college at the end of the four years, but I was now writing these funny, risqué, pop songs, just piano and voice, and everyone I played them for loved it!    
We had academic studies as well as music classes as part of our program, and one of these classes was English literature, which I suddenly was great at. I don’t know where this understanding of human beings came from, or my love for reading English literature, but one day my English teacher, Beatrice Taub (who also taught at Columbia University), asked me after class if I really really was sure, that being a classical pianist and composer was really what I wanted to do with my life, because I was exceptionally good at literature. She suggested that I might take some extension classes at Columbia University to explore it further, maybe transferring to Columbia eventually.    
It was then that I realized that these songs I was writing were going to be a better career path for me because they involved both writing and music, and I got that encouragement to continue with pop music. There was also another class I took that the music students would take together with the actors, that also was encouraging me to continue to write pop music.
Some of the people in my class were destined to be really famous actors, and one of them was Robin Williams. I felt more at ease in this class because they were mostly all actors, and had broader interests than the music students, I felt. Robin asked me one day to play some more of my songs for him, because he wanted to do a show out of them. He said he just loved the humor and the music I had put to the songs. He said he wanted to do some kind of a musical review with it.  He was very funny even then. Just a natural comic, but also a great actor. Nothing came of it at that time, but my songs were eventually made into many musical reviews years later.
That was the beginning of my pop musical career.    
Christopher Reeve, Kevin Spacey, Christine Baranski (1974), Kelsey Grammer, Kevin Kline, Patty LuPone, William Hurt, and more, were all actors who were part of the new acting department at the new Juilliard building at Lincoln Center. Eventually, years later, they would put in a classical guitar department, and a jazz department, which would have been unheard of before the new building came into being. Before these new times, Juilliard considered classical guitar to be “folk” music, and jazz wasn’t even on their radar. I guess someone was thinking like me, and these other forms of music needed to be heard and expressed as well as traditional classical music. So I think it was in the 1980s they got Sharon Isbin (fabulous classical guitarist) to head up the new guitar department, and Wynton Marsalis to head up the new jazz department to get these new genres started at the new Juilliard.  
So much for my very formative Juilliard years!  
These early songs were part of my piano & voice comedy act that was very popular at the time. A lot of people compared me to being a musical Joan Rivers. ‘It’s All Rite’ was part of this set of songs. I went to the UK on vacation soon after graduating college, and met Lee Allen, a music promoter with Carousel Artists (I think that was the name of his company) who booked me on a college tour of England and Ireland. Eventually, I put a small group together and performed everywhere. I played at the New University of Ulster, Belfast, and I opened for 10CC at, I believe, Kings College in London, and played many other colleges as well. What a great time I had, and everyone really liked the songs, including the risqué ones! And I just loved England! But then it became time to return to the states.    
MW : Where does your music fit in terms of categorisation / the music scene?
BM : It wasn’t until the mid-1980s that I started writing more serious pop songs, not the early comedy stuff anymore. That was just after I had put out ‘It's All Rite’, the 12” dance, salsa single version of the song, and it was such a huge international hit. After that, I got interested in metaphysics - the invisible world so to speak - and more philosophical and spiritual matters. I found my first and very great meditation teacher, Anne Elizabeth Cooper, in New York City, and studied metaphysics with her for two years. It absolutely changed my life! I developed a totally different point of view of everything! I started writing songs more along these lines, and also songs about how people relate to each other on deeper levels. I needed to grow as a writer and artist, so this new path I took expanded my views of life and consciousness level.  
Some of my early pop albums like Change To Come and Heart Like A Song contain some of my favorite and most prized songs, like ‘Still Need You’, ‘Change To Come’, ‘I Am The River’ and ‘Fallen Angel’ from the Change To Come album.  And from the Heart Like A Song album, my favorites are, ‘In The Silence’, ‘You Are What You Believe’, ‘Hands Of The Artist’ and ‘All That I Am’. You can tell by just the titles how I had shifted focus and had finally grounded myself in more meaningful songs that brought in a brand new audience.
After those two albums. I continued expanding to world beat grooves with the Shambhala Dance album, which won best dance/dub/club album of the year (New Age Reporter finalist 2005 Lifestyle music award!). ‘Atlantis’, the first cut on the album, got great reviews and lots of airplay, even today it’s still being played. It’s been called “a meditation through movement”, and, “an exotic voyage of mysterious flamenco, Asian and middle eastern melodies, full of powerful world beat grooves beautifully blended together to create an atmosphere of intense, vital emotions both sensual and meditative at the same time” (Wind and Wire magazine, April 2005, Bill Binkelman).
I continued exploring different styles with a meditation album, Heaven And Earth, which is a continuous 50 minute meditation. I got and still get a lot of plays in the yoga studios and meditation classes with this one and the Shambhala Dance album. But you can see how my shift to more metaphysical and spiritual music has carried me into these different, but related styles. I even composed a musical rendition of the ancient, venerated prayer, ‘The Great Invocation’, given to humanity by ascended Tibetan master Djwhal Khul. I have shifted styles as I matured and explored a more expanded and deeper understanding of what I wanted to express musically.  
MW : How are you using social media to stream / promote your music on platforms such as Spotify, iTunes etc?.  
BM : It’s great! You can see all of the albums and singles I’ve done on Spotify, iTunes, and the other streaming services right away. So can all the other artists who put content out there. Everyone had to switch to streaming for the great international exposure. There’s nothing like it!  
MW : Two of your early records were banned. Did you set out to challenge the mainstream with titles  ‘It’s All Rite To F*ck All Nite…’ and  ‘Give Your Dick To Me’?  
BM : I was never really “banned”. What happened is that I produced the first 12” dance single version of  ‘It’s All Rite’, and took it to all the record labels, which were mostly all in New York at the time. Everyone absolutely loved the record! Everyone absolutely wanted a few copies for themselves and their friends. But nobody had the balls to put it out into the market!!!! They were all afraid of repercussions, censorship, and their reputations! So I decided that I would put it out myself, something nobody had done at the time! I thought the record needed to be heard. I found a pressing plant in New Jersey, who were fine with pressing it up, then I went to an art store and got some “press type” and designed my own album cover. I got a friend of mine to take a picture of me, and voila! I had an album ready to go. I had no monies to promote the record, only just enough to record it and press it up. I figured that if I could get it heard by some people, maybe I could get some interest in it and maybe sell a few copies.
At that time, in New York and across the whole country, there were record pools, which were organizations of DJ’s who played the music in the dance clubs. I sent a 12” record (CD’s hadn’t been invented yet) to a list of record pools around the country, and to my surprise, I got a great response. Everyone wanted a copy to play. It was a salsa dance groove, something kinda new for mainstream clubs at the time, but the song was funny and danceable so everyone liked it and wanted to hear it. This was a time when you couldn’t get any airplay without a record label behind you. It was payola all the way. But what I could get was club play, and these DJ’s kept asking me for more and more records. And now people were asking the DJ’s where they could buy the record. So I had to get a distributor to put the records into record stores.
By this time, the record was being played in most all the clubs in the United States, but with no place to buy it.  My first thought was to go to Sam Goody, one of the biggest record stores in New York at the time, and see if they would sell the record. They said yes, showing me a copy of some dance/club charts they had in the store that said that the record was #1 on the charts!!!!! I had no idea about these separate dance/club listings and was really excited that it was already charting. But there were about five dance charts around at this time, and ‘It’s All Rite’ was #1 on all of them! It stayed #1 for about five or six months in a row! It was a sensation! This started in about May of 1978, or 1979, I think, and ran thru September. Sam Goody gave me the very hard to get whole window display of my record, so did Colony records, another big record store in New York City at the time, and the rest is history! Other record stores followed.  
Soon I realized that I needed a bigger distributor, so I contacted several in all the sections of the US, like the South, the Midwest, North Central, East Coast, West Coast, etc. They kept asking me for more and more records. I couldn’t figure out where the records were going. So one day I called my local one stop guy in Long Island City, and he said they were all going overseas. I asked where overseas, and he said, “Everywhere! Especially Holland.” Apparently, 12 miles off the coast of Holland was a ship that had a radio station broadcasting from it, and they could play anything that they wanted. My record was the number one request! Nobody could do anything about it to stop them, because they were in international waters. 12 miles out!!!
Since this was my first big hit, I was inexperienced as to what I needed to do next. It wasn’t too much later, about December of that year, I got a call from WEA International in Holland (Warner Brothers, Electra & Atlantic records all together) who said they wanted to license my record. It sounded great to me, so I took the deal. They published it in Europe, South America, England, Japan, Asia, etc. and promoted it in all the clubs. And I finally got legitimate airplay on it, because on the “B” side I had recorded the “clean” version, called ‘It’s All Rite To Truck All Nite’. Lots and lots of airplay everywhere! Finally!  
It became #16 on the Billboard pop charts in the Benelux countries, and #2 on the charts in Paris, Michael Jackson being #1 at the time. WEA asked me for another single to put out, and I gave them, ‘Give Your Dick To Me’, and that was also very successful. I did the same thing with the “clean” “B” side, ‘Give Your Flesh To Me’.    
So the bottom line is that if you have a record that everyone wants to hear, nothing will stop it from being heard. The people decided they wanted to hear ‘It’s All Rite’, and it squeezed itself through the cracks to be a big hit.  Also, it started a new trend in music of what could be heard and played. Several DJ’s told me that I had really done something BIG with that song. They said it changed the music business forever! It opened the door for new things to come into the market, and then the people could judge for themselves whether they liked it.    
Now getting back to your original question about being censored/banned, I really didn’t have any criticism for doing the record. People just wanted to get a copy of it and enjoy it. And I didn’t set out to “challenge” the system. I was simply expressing my views on what people were really thinking, and I did it via a danceable, funny, comedy record. I was just having fun!
Now, a lot of people took it seriously, literally, and that’s ok. Everyone has their own interpretation of things. That is what Art is for. To make people think. And that is what, ‘It’s All Rite’, did. It made people think, laugh, dance, party, and feel good! Remember, this was a time when Lenny Bruce had set a new standard, Joan Rivers was on the scene, along with Richard Pryor, George Carlin, etc. By the time I came along I took it all for granted that I would be able to put this record out. I wrote it when I was 19 years old and still in college, so that’s what you write when you’re that age. I didn’t care at all what people would think about me or this song!    
Nobody I was aware of wrote anything negative about this “outrageous” song.  One of the many reviews I got for my act (when I was performing all my funny songs with piano & voice around town in the late 1970s) was from Michael’s Thing, an LGBT magazine, New York City’s #1 weekly entertainment magazine and “going out guide” with reviews, comics, of all the performances, Art in the city, new and noteworthy etc. which said about my act, “…...she (Barbara) makes you laugh while she stabs you in the back!”  I got nothing but praise for putting this song out! The LGBT community loved what I had done and fully supported me, along with great reviews from the Village Voice, and a nice write up from Billboard magazine by Roman Kozak. I also played at Huey’s Bar, a gay men’s bar, on Hudson street (west side of New York city near the Hudson river) for several months, through that whole summer, just piano and voice. It was a big hit!  
MW : Tell me about your involvement with Carly Simon’s Coming Around Again album?  
BM : I was doing synthesizer programming for a few of the songs on the album. The arranger I was working with was doing some arrangements for her new album, and I got to do some of the synth programming. It was lots of fun to be involved and to go to the recording sessions.    
MW :  …and the Michael Jackson (BAD) video…. also include any thoughts on Jackson’s charisma, ability (song & dance)….  
BM : I never got to meet Michael Jackson, but I did get to meet Martin Scorsese who was really really interesting! He was asked to produce the video for the song. He came up to the office one day to discuss what kind of extra scored music was needed for the BAD video, music before the song started, and after the song was through. He was very intense, a real thinking kind of guy, and someone who knew what he wanted. He also has a great sense of humor! He impressed me as someone who really knows people. Meeting Scorcese was actually more exciting for me than meeting Jackson as he’s a real character!!! A mature adult!  
MW : You’ve worked with Bruce Willis as a backing singer. Tell me about those times … also include your views on his abilities as an actor turned singer…  
BM : Bruce Willis is a really great actor, and can play almost any part. That includes as a blues singer. The show we did was as his backup singers (along with two friends of mine) for the opening of the new Hard Rock Café in Austin, Texas. It was a very long day, full of rehearsals on stage with the band, and waiting for Bruce to arrive. As we tested mikes and stage positions, we could see a huge crowd starting to form in order to get a good view of the coming show. The press was there, and reported close to 100,000 people waiting to see this opening.
Bruce eventually got there, extremely exhausted. By the time the show started it was dark out, and everyone was excited. Then came the big moment when Bruce Willis came on stage, and everyone went wild! The band started to play and he started to sing. I was shocked by how well he could sing, and put over a song. It was a real “performance”.
He may not have all the technique of a “professional” singer, but what he has is better. He can make you get into the song, feel the song, …it’s not really the voice but the performance that’s spectacular. So close up to me. I could really see why he’s considered one of the great actors of our time. Acting, singing and performing are all connected. And he puts it all together beautifully.    
MW : Describe a typical weekend….before lockdown and during…
BM : Well, I used to love to go to the ocean and watch the sunset a lot, then meet my friends for dinner in one of the great restaurants by the beach or in town. Before lockdown there were great movies to see, not just at home (these days) but at the real movie houses. Plenty of them around in the “old” days. During lockdown everyone has to stream movies at home. At least streaming is safe!  
I also used to like to work out at the gym, but you can’t do that yet, so I’m hoping that sometime in the near future that will become viable again. Sometimes it’s fun just to take a ride up pacific coast highway and breathe in the sea air and see the beautiful scenery. You can still always do that.
There are lots of farmers markets around town, so I always go on the weekends to shop for fresh, whole, organic fruits and veggies! That’s always fun, and sometimes I go with my friends too.
Eating good, fresh, organic foods is my entire “Health Plan”!  You are what you eat! So far, so good!  And I can do this all year long. And during this lockdown, we just all wear masks. It’s fun being at the farmers markets and seeing all the chefs from all the great restaurants in town shopping for their weekly recipes with those big shopping carts they push thru the market. They buy whole boxes of produce and everything else sold there.  
MW : What is your favourite…Carly Simon single?
BM : I think that would be  ‘Mockingbird’, especially the 2015 remaster. James Taylor sounds great on this, and the two of them together just fit together perfectly. This remaster is from Songs From The Trees (a musical memoir collection). I’m glad they did this, because this is a classic! You can hear all the instruments clearly, the voices are very present, and the whole thing is a pleasure to listen to. Musical tastes change, but the classics will remain with us from “gentler” times.  
MW : AND your favourite… Bruce Willis film?
BM :  (I can’t choose just one!)
The Whole Nine Yards : hysterically funny!!! I laugh every time. The Fifth Element is a real classic! I see it again every time it’s on TV. Bruce Willis is fantastic in that “deadpan” character he plays. And the score by French composer Eric Serra is superb. Hip, powerful, rhythmic, smooth, jagged, everything needed to match the screen scene.
But the music stands alone if you just listen to the score by itself without the movie. I think they sold a lot of the music score. The Sixth Sense -  so powerful, and metaphysical! It’s right up my alley! And Bruce Willis has a knack for finding well written screenplays! That’s a big key to the success of the movies he’s in.
And since they’re so well written, he has an opportunity to really show off his talent and get into those great parts.    
MW : AND your favourite… Michael Jackson album?
BM : I think I like the Thriller album the best. I love the songs, especially, ‘Beat It’, ‘Thriller’, and ‘Human Nature’. And it was so well produced by Quincy Jones, with pounding gritty grooves, and great songs.
MW : List, in order of preference, your Top 10 singles & albums of all-time…
BM : (I have the original CD’s of this music, and still call them CD’s, but I’m sure this music is all streaming/downloads by now!)
1. Famous Blue Raincoat: songs by Leonard Cohen, studio album by singer Jennifer Warnes: exquisite, perfect singing of songs with her crystal clear voice! What a superb collaboration this was! I wish they had made more albums together like this one! A true classic! When I first heard it I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Songs so well written, songs with a real message, and so well sung and produced.    
2. I also love Leonard Cohen’s, ‘Hallelujah’, sung by anyone! It gives me chills every time! Powerful and hauntingly beautiful! The best cover of it that I love is K.D. Lang’s version. (I think it was on her album, Hymns Of The 49th Parallel, 2004).  
3. Bach: Sonatas & Partitas: violinist: Itzhak Perlman: The sub-title of this 2 CD set put out by EMI classics says it all: “Great Recordings of the Century”, which is aptly titled!!! I can listen to this album at any time, and it will put me into a deep trance. I can’t stop listening.
Itzhak Perlman is an absolute master of the violin, and these solo compositions are not only some of Bach’s finest works, but Perlman’s rendition of them is flawless. He understands what the composer was trying to accomplish, and every time I listen to this it feels like he is showing us the true soul of humanity! The longing, the passion, the “reaching to the Light”! The thing about this kind of classical music is its very high vibration! I think it does make you smarter!
4. Then we have Jorge Aragao and his live album entitled Ao Vivo (which means “live”). Another album I have listened to for years. He’s a Brazilian singer/songwriter, and the songs are all sung in Brazilian Portuguese. But don’t let that stop you from listening. It’s exciting, passionate and very well recorded. It has the whole flavor of Brazil in it! Recorded in 1999.
The last song is a great rendition of ‘Ave Maria’. A true classic! (I took a great vacation to Brazil for a month once in the mid-2000s and this album is the real deal! The Brazilians absolutely Love him!)  
5. Edith Piaf: 30e Anniversaire 2 cd set (probably on all the streaming services by now). All the songs are beautifully recorded, written, produced and her voice is extraordinary and present. It gives you the whole culture and passion of the French. It always puts me at a French café with friends and great great food! If you’ve never heard Edith Piaf, it’s well worth a listen.
There was a wonderful movie on her life called La Vie en Rose which I also recommend to get the whole feeling of this music. And I listen to this music often, especially when I’m feeling like there’s no culture west of New York City! She saves the day every time!    
6. John Lennon: Imagine: I think everyone knows this is a classic! It’s a positive message!  
7. The Eagles: Hotel California the whole album, but especially the title song, ‘Hotel California’: It never gets old!    
8. Bach: English Suites performed by pianist Andras Schiff: he’s a Bach specialist, and has a great insight into what Bach intended with this great recording: Part of my regular listening.    
9. Buena Vista Social Club: it really gives you the heart and soul of Cuba. I think the reason this album was such a hit when it was first put out is the huge amount of heart, passion, and honesty it evokes. You can feel it’s the real deal. Nothing fake here!  
10. And last but not least, two albums that were put out by Putumayo a while back, called Brasileiro and Samba Bossa Nova. They are compilations of several Brazilian artists and styles, including bossa nova, folk, light samba, and I think some other styles too, beautifully put together. They are calming, gentle, rhythmic and haunting, and a great way to wake up in the morning. So many positive vibes! So musical and unpretentious!
MW : Where / what was the best meal you’ve ever enjoyed and what was the company like?
BM : Well, all I can remember is that it was in a Paris restaurant, and I was taken there by a record company executive to discuss publishing my music through a Paris company. I remember she told me that the closer you get to Paris from anywhere in the world, the better the food gets!!!
And I wasn’t disappointed!
The meal was some kind of spectacular steak, mousse au chocolate for desert, and fine red wine throughout the meal. Cheeses for dessert! (that was more dessert after the dessert!) And it was the atmosphere and vibe, not just of the restaurant, but of Paris, and the French people and their culture that I found so fabulous! I love the French and they loved me back!!!!  
MW : What can we anticipate coming from you later on in 2021?
BM : I’m currently thinking about something along the lines of my previous Shambhala Dance and Heaven And Earth albums. Worldbeat and with a sleek groove.
It takes time to compose something like that.
It will be announced on my website when it’s done. www.barbaramarkay.com  and I will put it out on the streaming services / downloads as usual.    
(c) Mark Watkins / May 2021
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Jeon Jungkook Birthday Advice Reading 2020
For the year ahead up until his birthday in 2021
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Something told me to do an oracle card reading for him and I think it's because, rather than getting into the nitty gritty of certain upcoming situations, which the tarot would have tended to focus on, this reading wanted to be about the broader themes of the year ahead...
That said, the first two cards (Wisdom of Avalon deck) are to do with him as an artist; Bard and The Fire Fairy. Since I'm also looking at the reading as a whole I do have to say that these cards are really setting up the big picture message of this reading overall. That is, the year ahead will be one of a lot of creative and artistic growth for him... I see a lot of effort and a real push to put himself out there as an artist in a bolder way... Perhaps in a way that people have never seen him before. These cards are telling me this is a very personal kind of creative expression as well and both are also giving me very individual, independent and even somewhat rebellious or unconventional vibes so I do think, provided nothing drastically changes, we will see some solo projects from him before his birthday next year...First mixtape??? Anyway, he's filled with a lot of creative passion and pride in artistry to get this out... Whatever it is, it's going to be his stories, his feelings, his observations about life that he wants to share.
Onto to the next two cards (Sacred Traveller Oracle Deck), we have Vast Vistas reversed and Watching Clouds. The Vast Vistas card is about expanding one's horizons and opening yourself up endless possibilities... It's also a lot about opportunities for travel or trying new things, meeting new types of people etc... As this is in reverse, the message I'm getting here is that that's the year that could have been.... But alas... It probably won't be that way. A lot of those opportunities to travel, meet people and try new things will likely be blocked... In all likelyhood by what we're all still dealing with right now... Covid19. The Watching Clouds card urges him to try not to get too frustrated about this. It'll likely continue to feel very stifling and restrictive, but he'll have to learn to relax and make the best being stuck in one place. He might not literally be able to expand his horizons in a physical sense but mentally, spiritually and creatively he can... Instead of looking out at the horizon, look up at the clouds and let the mind be elevated and find peace.
The next pair of cards (Earth Magic Oracle Deck) offer more advice along these lines. The Dawn card is in reverse suggesting that there will be some blockages in starting some new projects or initiating things he will want to accomplish in the year ahead... Again, probably due to the same thing we're still dealing with now... However, the River card offers some positivity and urges him to keep moving in the direction he wants to go in... Despite anything in it's way, with its steady force and power, a river can eventually cut through mountains. No obstacle is insurmountable and while he may feel like he's coming upon barriers in the way of his goals at every turn, the advice for him is to adapt and keep going without letting anything discourage him... That steady, persistent push towards what he wants will eventually reap rewards.
From the next deck (Angels and Ancestors) we get both Mother Earth and the Lady cards in reverse. I believe I've mentioned it before in a past reading on Jungkook but I have to bring it up again... It does seem like he could benefit a lot from some more positive, nurturing feminine energy around him. This could mean he would really benefit from spending some more time with his mother and / or other nurturing and maternal female relatives and really learning about that energy and connecting with it... And / or, he should be looking to try and deepen connections with female friends and acquaintances who have that nurturing, comforting and healing feminine energy to them. Understandably, this seems to be an issue and a blockage (because it's unfortunately sooo difficult for him to have such relationships without undue speculation, worry and intrigue)... But it's something that does need attention in order for him to grow as a person and further more as a man... He needs some more understanding of the other side as it were... I see that resolving this blockage will also help free up his creative energy and take him to a higher level as an artist... Lots of fertility and birth imagery coming up... Births of new creations which will emerge through deeper understanding and therefore connection to the divine feminine principle.
The last two cards (Messages from your Angels) together warn that there will be a need for patience. Azure usually promises that a desired outcome will be in the very near future but that reversal means that there will be some delays on the journey towards this goal or goals. The Isaiah card gives him some more fertility / birth imagery and advises that it's a good time to give birth to new ideas and situations. However paired with Azure, again, he will be seeing delays. What I'm taking from these two together is that rather than a "birth" of some creative project, he may have to be content with continuing to work on and refine his craft for a while... There might be a protracted gestation phase to continue the birth metaphor.... Again, there's a need for some patience and discipline in not getting too frustrated or restless about this... Eventually he will be able to share the final product with the world, but faith and patience will be paramount.
All in all, I think the year ahead will allow Jungkook to grow as an artist most of all...it seems that he will begin to show who he is and who he wants to be as an artist more and more and that he will in fact do this through releasing some work that is very representative of this identity. However, it seems some of the challenges of this year will carry over into the next and he'll also need to keep his cool and be patient while he waits to accomplish certain goals or plans... This will probably be the case for a lot of us but we're all facing these strange times together and I think there's a strength in that. One last time, happy birthday Jungkook! Have a blessed year ahead and keep pushing to accomplish your goals and show who you truly are as an artist! 💜 💜 💜
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girl4music · 5 years
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Hercules VS Xena: Striking differences
If you want the defining difference between Xena and Hercules… it’s actually not so much to do with feminism or gender representation. Those are the finer details, sure. But from a first-look standpoint, it’s that Xena is made for audiences that can understand and relate to its depth in production and writing of the emotional and mental kind, and Hercules is made for audiences who enjoy the writing and production of the physical kind. The action and the excitement. Of course, you get both with both shows, but you can tell one is more geared to one side than the other side. And I think the shows grew with the audience rather than the other way around. The stories got deeper and darker and much more complicated the more the audience tuned in and asked for what they wanted to see and hear of more. Therefore, I have to bring up the striking differences between both shows. If you want a show with good characters that only do good, watch Hercules. If you want a show with good characters that fluctuate, watch Xena. Redemption is a huge part of ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’. There are many episodes that deal with the themes of redemption and reconciliation that are very powerful. The main character, Xena, never quite is of one side or the other side. She’s both and she comes to reconcile with both. As does those that love her and believe in her. She comes to be in balance with light and with dark, with good and with evil, with peace and with war. And it’s not just her that does either. Many of the characters in Xena deal with these themes in very different ways. From the few episodes I’ve bothered to watch, ‘Hercules: The Legendary Journeys’ doesn’t have that. It’s because the characters are innately good that there’s no depth, no complication, and no moral standing of which to learn from. I’m not saying it’s not an entertaining show. I mean, it’s action-packed, there’s lots of fight scenes and there are interesting characters that do deal with important issues. However, it doesn’t seem convincing because it lacks the negative sides of those issues. Avoids telling the darker stories and therefore, you can’t take it seriously enough. I’m not being hater; I’m just being honest. In my personal opinion, the better show is Xena because it’s just got so much more to it. It’s a lot more mature and intelligent. It’s catered to an older audience than Hercules is. Requiring a broader and expanded consciousness so that the serious and important matters can be understood. Children can watch it, but it is more for the adults I’d say, or at least young adults. However, many of its fans did watch it as a child. Shaping their world view and philosophy as they grew into an adult, and eventually coming to understand what they were watching. I’m no different to that. That is very much my background with the show as well. As I watch it as an adult, I acknowledge, consider and understand its themes and lessons so much so more than I ever did as a child. That’s why I’m saying Xena is meant for an older audience and Hercules is meant for a younger audience.
I remember reading this interview segment in a Tumblr post awhile back where Kevin Sorbo talked about Xena and what he believed was wrong with it. Two themes were mentioned, seemingly “issues” to him. He said that the violence and the lesbianism were the aspects of the show that were “issues”. I think the word he was really looking for is “controversial”. Xena is a more complex and sophisticated show and it used violence to make the point clear that goodness, righteousness and peace is not black and white. It’s very difficult to not result to violence in dire situations. They were not encouraging violence. They were using it to teach a lesson, as well as explaining that just because you do result to violence in certain circumstances, you’re not inherently a violent person. You just did what you believed you should do in the moment and that that’s okay. The violence and the darker themes to the show made those lessons all the more powerful and inspiring. As for the lesbianism… I can see why that would have been an actual “issue”. Consider that at that time, even multi-cultural and interracial heterosexual couplings was still very new to mainstream TV. They were pushing boundaries with that alone, never mind homosexual couplings. I think the producers and writers did the best they could with it. Overall, Sorbo’s views are very one-sided and he wasn’t thinking about the bigger picture. Which is that you can’t have the positive themes without the negative themes if you are to understand the importance of them. That’s what he didn’t realize and failed to mention in that interview. The point to this post is not to compare or judge or criticize. It’s to explain to people that if they want to understand the way life works and learn how to handle it, they’re better off watching the more mature, intelligent and darker show than the one that avoids those themes altogether. Furthermore, all the really interesting characters in ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ are the ones that are “searching”. This showcases that it’s human conditions and conflicts that make for really great TV entertainment. People love characters they can relate to for their flaws and mistakes rather than their heroism. It’s definitely a huge factor as to why Xena stands the test of time and became more successful and popular than its predecessor, Hercules. That within this action/fantasy show, there were these themes and lessons that make it far more than just “the hero that saves the innocent”. That there is strong and substantial material that goes far deeper than the surface. So much so that you actually start to enjoy the show for its comedy and lighter episodes; such as ‘A Day In The Life’ and ‘Been There, Done That’. You begin to crave them when you realize just how dramatic and intense this show can be sometimes. It really adds to its vibe. The camp is something both Xena and Hercules is well known for. The exaggeration, the subtext, the homoerotic nature of the characters etc… However, I personally think for Xena, it propelled the show, but with Hercules, it degraded it. And that’s mainly because in Hercules, there wasn’t enough balance. The scales tipped more towards the silly and the satirical. Because of this, the drama and the tenser sides to the show didn’t feel honest or serious. Whereas in Xena, it did because it was not afraid to go in-depth with the darker side to the show. It made the audience question the characters and the storylines.
Okay, so getting on to the finer details of having gender representation, I’d like to explain another reason why I believe Xena was more popular and successful than Hercules was. They always tried to make Hercules “the man”. Had to consistently point out his masculinity and physical strength and ability to catch the female eye. They wrote the character as if he had to be a certain way to be the good person or the right person. Whereas with Xena, there wasn’t any of that. Xena was a woman who had all those so-called “masculine” traits while still being female. A female that could do anything a male could do… or in some cases… better than a male could do them. She had the physical strength of ten men combined. She wasn’t written to look or be like “the man” in particular. But because the traits and skills she had were more known for a man to be capable of than a woman in those times… she was stereotyped as a more of a masculine character than a feminine one. At least to me it seemed she was viewed that way. In my personal opinion (I’m not saying they were trying to make it look this way), Xena was the one that carried more feminine energy and Gabrielle was the one that carried more masculine energy. But that’s just my personal perspective. I have my reasons to think and believe that and to interpret those characters’ energies like that.
Before you get me wrong, I’m not saying that it’s just about female representation. It’s not just about showing these fluid traits in females. It’s not all about feminism! I’ll point out that in an episode of Xena, there is a female character that hated men. That blamed men for all their problems. That was always making them at fault for everything… just because they were men. But the show producers/writers gave the very clear message that it’s not always men at all. That sometimes a woman can be just as cruel and selfish and hard. That it could go both ways and women can abuse and misuse men just as much as men can abuse and misuse women. That there’s no “more or less than” between them. It depended on the situation that the characters were in than on the individual character’s gender or type. That very much stood out for me when watching Xena. From what I’ve seen of Hercules, (which isn’t very much, I’ll admit) it seemed to be that the women were always depicted as the dainty, soft and sweet little things that were always falling all over the men and didn’t have a bad bone in their body. And that the men were always the strong, capable, physical and abusive ones. Again, don’t get me wrong! I’m very aware it can be like that. But it’s not always like that. It’s just a stereotype. A stereotype is where if you see a certain characteristic or behaviour in one or two people, you immediately assume or interpret everyone to be in that same mentally constructed category that just doesn’t exist. It’s just not a realistic picture to paint of either gender or type of person because humans are very fluid in their energies. Xena showed the times when men could be the soft, compassionate and kind type of person. It also showed when women could be the cruel, selfish and hard type of person. There was no “she’s masculine” or “he’s feminine”. They weren’t trying to give the depiction that you’re either one or the other and it has to be that way. They were saying that it was both. That females have what is considered “masculine” traits and males have what is considered “feminine” traits and none of it was wrong or inappropriate. It made the statement that whether male or female… they were still the same species. They were still human. In fact, they didn’t only show it with humans. They showed it with the Olympian gods too. With immortals. Not necessarily considered human but shown in the human image. From my perspective, at least, I would say that’s a very strong and substantial reason to watch the show; Xena, over the show; Hercules, or to judge on what show was better produced/written, even if it was the same people that created and worked on both shows. Because it seems to me that one was definitely much more thought out than the other in producing and writing. Xena has definitely shown me what it is that I look for in TV shows/movies/books/games or other forms of entertainment and art. Good producing/writing and dynamic characters that are not stereotyped. That do not belong to any particular category or labelled in any solid or permanent way. Characters that are fluid and interchangeable and versatile. Characters like Xena and Gabrielle and Callisto, that can make you see the individual person in both positive and negative ways, enough to realize that they are completely human and real. Enough to be relatable and so you can resonate with their mindsets. I don’t understand how or why there is such striking differences between these shows. Because given the fact Kevin Sorbo didn’t play Hercules and the show was at the same level of producing/writing as Xena, I probably would have loved to watch it just as much, if not more. There were some potentially great characters (both male and female) from Hercules that weren’t introduced in Xena that could have done with a better or longer arc, so you could get to know them more and could see that they weren’t produced/written in a stereotypical way. Maybe I’m wrong. Perhaps both shows have dynamic characters and give the same messages and I just haven’t done enough research or watched enough of the other show to judge accurately. But this is only my personal perspective and opinion on both shows regardless. I’m not saying it is fact because both shows are left to interpretation anyway. Take out of it what you will. I think I’ve made a satisfactory analysis to draw from to create your own. I’d very much like to read or hear yours.
"Hercules is the hero we hope is out there. Xena is the hero we hope is in all of us." - Liz Friedman, executive producer for 'Xena: Warrior Princess'.
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bluemoonpunch · 6 years
I wanted to make this post to clear up some things that some of you very passionate taekook and jikook shippers who were upset because one of the asks I responded to made it seem like I was favoring/bashing jikook/taekook — somehow both sides managed to take it badly.
I wanted to apologize to anyone who thought that I was bashing Jimin or trying to portray Jimin and Jungkook’s relationship in a bad light. That really wasn’t my intention, but I did realize that with the way I answered that post anyone who had not read the Jimin and Jungkook relationship reading, Jimin’s Elemental Alignment reading, or any of the group readings it would be difficult, without that context, to catch my point. That was my fault. Honestly, not that many people come onto the blog or find my posts without having already read other readings which is why I tend to answer them as though people already know what I am talking about.
Just to clear things up, I don’t hate Jimin and I sure as fuck do not align myself with people that hate him purely because they are “supporters” of an opposing ship, or hate him for any reason at all really. As a grown adult, I am well past that stage in my life where I find jollies or even the slightest bit of use in hating people, especially people I don’t know personally. I’m beyond that and I encourage people that peruse my blog to also stay beyond that quite often.
I am not an “anti-jikook” shipper or supporter/opposer or whatever. I like all ships. Literally, since the dawn of time (2007) I’ve always been one of those people that liked all the ships in any fandom I’ve been a part of just because I’ve always liked the variations of connections that people seem to pick up on. I am not, however, one of those people that feels the need to show “support” for potentially closeted romantic couples by starting ship wars, constantly trying to “prove” that they are gay, or harassing other people who don’t have the same beliefs/opinions about those relationships between those people. I’m just not.
I have said since the very beginning of this blog that any information I find that I consider to be extremely personal, such as relationship status, sexual orientation, details on mental health, family matters and so on I will not include them in the reading or answer any asks about it directly where things cannot remain vague or completely anonymous. The only time I share that information is if it is already public knowledge, which most of the time, it isn’t.
For the people who think that I am trying to label Jimin and Jungkook’s relationship as toxic, I definitely am not. They have one of the strongest relationships in the group and I’ve said that many times. Where the “toxic” statement came from was the Jikook relationship reading where halfway through it I give an “intermission” to explain that I made a comment while in the midst of the reading saying that their relationship seemed toxic because of how their ENERGY mixed between them. This is that bit from that reading:
“In terms of dynamic, in the energetic sense, Jungkook does seem more submissive because his energy itself seems very easily manipulated or molded. I don’t know if that’s how he is with everyone, or if it’s just with Jimin, I think it might be, but I can’t be too sure.
“[INTERMISSION] So, right at this point I had some sort of fucking energetic overload from Kook. What had happened was, I was just edging in a little bit deeper into Kook’s side of things because the energy did seem off and I was actually trying to see if there was energy manipulation happening here and I even made the comment in my head that their relationship seemed borderline toxic, and that’s when I got fucking slammed. Literally, everything fucking flipped. It was a huge massive FLIP and I got dizzy, I goosebumps in waves all over, I had that static feeling in my fingers, I couldn’t breathe, and then I got this sharp fucking pain in my ear for a split second (that actually happens a lot when I channel for long periods of time, along with migraines), and then my ears were just ringing for two or three minutes.
I had to have me a fucking moment after that shit. Had to do me some breathing exercises, had to look out the window for a bit because FUCK that.
But yeah, Mr. Jeon don’t like his personal energy being tapped past the line of projection. That was my bad, sincerest apologies. Like, genuinely, I did cross a line there and I totally deserved to have my fucking brain melted. Not a problem. Lesson learned. Tread lightly around Kook.
But just to clarify for anyone concerned, there is nothing abusive between Jimin and Jungkook.  I’m sure none of you thought that, but just in case that was what it seemed like, no need to worry. They just have a very odd balance that doesn’t make a lot of sense. It might make sense to them on one of two levels, but it’s just a messy picture for an outsider such as myself.”
That post is here.
I referenced that bit in the answer to that ask and, like I said, without prior knowledge of this bit in that post it would seem like I was literally saying that they have a toxic relationship. That is not the case at all. They’re a huge support system for each other and it does go both ways, without a doubt. In that reading I talked about their “layered” connection — that’s also something to keep in mind.
One of the other things that was taken a bit out of context was when I said that Taehyung and Kook’s relationship is very different than Jimin and Kook’s relationship. It is, but I didn’t mean that in a way where I’m trying to say that one is #REAL and the other is #FAKE. I, again, was talking about their energetic and soul connections. The vibe of those relationships are very different, but they are equal. I talked about it in an ask somewhere about how those two ships are the most prominent because of how the three of them link up with each other energetically. They are equal but different. The dynamic is different.
I really need people to understand that when I talk about people I am usually reading, I am channeling. I am always talking in terms of conscious, subconscious, unconscious, energetic, spirit, and soul connection. I touch on everything, not just the what we get at face-value. That is the point of these readings, it is why I started this blog. I wanted to open people’s mind to consider a broader view of the people they look up to. I did not start this blog to “validate” or “invalidate” ships — that is not my business and that is not my job. 
Apparently, as people love to point out to me, there are plenty of blogs out there that will gladly tell you all about the personal lives of the guys down to the shade of red that their asshole is, but I gotta say, people who so willingly give out personal information have no moral code and no ethics that could keep them shoving shit down your throat for some likes and follows. Just saying.
I connect with Guides and energy cores and guess what, Guides (especially BTS’s Guides) do not hand out personal information about the souls they guide because it is beneath them to do so. It doesn’t matter therefore it is not shared. I, personally, just don’t like to do shit that could hurt someone. I really do not go into these readings with the intention of exposing people or trying to paint people in a bad light. I just want people to expand their view past what is shown and past the image that they have painted of the person I am reading. Plus, I just enjoy doing celebrity readings in general.
If you are new, I do encourage you to read through the BTS readings I’ve done as well as read through this to see what we’ve done with the BTS Soul Map and Soul Body healing as well.
Again, I am sorry to anyone who did interpret what I said as me hating on Jimin or trying to favor a ship or put a ship down. That was really not my intention, but I do see how it got a bit lost in translation and that’s my fault. I will try to be a bit more careful with how I answer questions and I will try to provide more context (links to posts, excerpts, screen caps) when I answer things from now on.
For those of you that are doing a bit more than sending me asks and PMs with questions or concerns, I ask that you chill the fuck out. This blog has 200 followers and my posts get no more than 20 notes. I’m not a big deal, these readings aren’t a big deal, they are simply something I enjoy doing and I make them for people who enjoy reading them and connect to them. I use this blog to fulfill my purpose and to help people grow and expand on their own through personal readings and group energy/meditation work. I will continue to live and breathe, and I will continue to post readings because it is something that I enjoy doing. Perhaps you should also find something you enjoy doing so that you’re not online so much getting angry over things that don’t affect you in even the slightest way possible. I have plenty of meditation recommendations for you, plus energy cleansing how-to’s which I feel like you might need desperately. >.>
If you don’t like me, my blog, or my work you do not have to be here. You can block me and you can blacklist my blog and then my posts won’t show up for you at all. It’s as simple as that. Again, I don’t think most of the people that read these readings look at them as anything more than entertainment, honestly, so there’s no reason to get all bent out of shape over posts that get 10 - 20 likes from people who don’t really pay any mind to what’s being said. I’m aware that a lot of shippers look to some of these posts in hopes of finding validation for their personal perceptions and views but that’s not what you’re going to get here.
If you have any more questions or concerns about anything that I didn’t touch on please PM me. I would prefer that to sending an ask that way we can have a back and forth conversation in real time and I don’t have to unload a bunch of things into my blog and then we can handle one topic at a time and understand each other better as well.
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How Your Business Can Succeed on Instagram?
Standing out from the crowd on Instagram is essential. I share my personal top tips to help your business to attract thousands of followers and build your brand to gain more customers on this very successful social media network.
Instagram is one of the biggest success stories of recent times and it’s one of the best apps for creating and sharing artistic photos. If you are not familiar with Instagram let us first explain what it is and how you can use it to promote your business.
                             Instagram….What is it?
If you like taking pictures on your smartphone then you are not alone. Most of us have smartphones these days, so that is good news when it comes to sharing your photos with the world. Instagram is a service that enables you to apply a digital filter or effect to photos taken on your mobile device, and upload them on the Internet.
Once uploaded, your photos can be shared among other Instagram users and other social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. The whole process of taking, editing and sharing photos is done through Instagram’s easy-to-use app, which is free from Apple’s App Store and on Android phones through Google Play.
Since it launched in 2010, Instagram’s popularity has rocketed to more than 300 million active users. If you have been active on Facebook during that time, you’ve probably seen photos posted by friends with Instagram’s image manipulating filters applied to them. It is no exaggeration to say Instagram is an app that everybody who uses social media is talking about.
Facebook saw Instagram’s potential and famously paid a cool $1 billion to acquire it in 2012. With the might of the king of social networks behind it, Instagram has added the ability to share videos. We can all expect many more features soon.
                            What Makes it So Popular?
The coolest thing about Instagram is its selection of filters. Take a photo, then add a filter to give it an instant retro chic feel. Although it is true that other apps offer many more filters than Instagram, but it is still head and shoulders ahead of them because of the quality of the filters, not the quantity. Each of the filters transforms the feel of your photos, from low-fi retro effects to stunning black and white options. Each one of them has been carefully crafted to give striking results.
Instagram is exceptionally easy to use. What makes so cool is that you can just point your smartphone and shoot. In just a few taps you’ll have a stunning photo to share with the world.
                    What Can You Do With Instagram?
Don’t be fooled into thinking this is just a simple camera app. Taking a photo is just the beginning. Instagram is all about community, with a strong ethos of sharing your creations with your friends, both old and new. Snaps are posted to the Instagram website and optionally shared to Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and Tumblr at the same time. If your phone has GPS, you can add your current location to your snaps, and check in on Foursquare.
Photos can be given a hashtag, much like Twitter, which enables people to find photos about specific topics. There are also complimentary apps that expand Instagram’s functionality. These include Instamap, which enables you to find photos based on their location or hashtag, and see the results on a map.
        How Your Business Can Harness the Power of                                                             Instagram?
Instagram now has over 300 million Instagrammers who post 70 million photos and videos – every day. With those sorts of figures isn’t it time your business or brand had an Instagram presence? And if you do, how can you be heard among the crowd? There are three basic elements that will set your business apart and be heard on Instagram. They are, audience, creativity and engagement. Lets discover how each of these elements will give your business the edge on Instagram:
                                 Know Your Audience
Instagram can be likened to a visual form of Twitter. You are communicating your brand values and business mission with images instead of words. Determine your visual personality first. Think about your audience. Who are your trying to engage with? How does your audience use Instagram, and who do they follow? It’s very easy to find out.
Before you set up an official page for your business, search for hashtagged images relating to your company or product. It’s likely that your keenest customers will have posted their own pictures of your products. Learn from this. Following these unofficial ambassadors tells them that you have arrived and your business is now on Instagram. Comment on appropriate photos, and use the hashtag yourself. You will soon see an influx of followers, all eager to get to know you.
Cross-reference your feed from your newsletter, and post Instagram images direct to Facebook, particularly if your audience is greater in these places. Competitions and giveaways are great for driving traffic to your feed. Set the rules to increase follower numbers, frequent hashtag use and to grow engagement.
                                             Get Creative
Go beyond straightforward photos of your products. Make images illustrative or suggestive rather than literal. Think laterally about how to visually represent your brand values. Intel does this very well. An Instagram feed full of processors would be boring and not very appealing to most people. So to engage with its followers Intel uses broader, eye-catching images of innovation, adventure and science. It even delves into its archives for #throwbackthursday
There are plenty of simple tricks and online photography tutorials to help your images stand out from the crowd. Create drama and contrast with lighting, backgrounds and unusual composition.
As well as Instagram’s own filters, try doodle apps such as Phonto and A Beautiful Mess, filter apps such as Afterlight and VSCO Cam and collage apps such as Diptic. Brands and businesses whose images really stand out are the ones with added value. Doodle the name of the product, a hashtag, or a question over your photo to entice followers to interact. Re-use photography you have already paid for product shots, screen grabs and packaging images are an ideal way to vary your feed.
Draw inspiration from the calendar. There are many holidays and celebrations throughout the year that will make for great content. Why not pick some the more unusual festivals as well to differentiate your business from your competitors. Your location could provide a rich seam of inspiration. British brands for example, who are looking for overseas success might capitalise on iconic geographical locations those shores to have to offer.
Video is perfect for a brand selling products that move. Events in action, behind the scenes clips and new design ideas can provide perfect little ‘day-in-the-life’ snapshots of your company. Involve your staff as well. Topshop, for example, has more than a million Instagram followers and it regularly features designers, personal shoppers and store staff.
                                          Engaging People
Hashtags don’t necessarily increase engagement on Instagram, particularly not for top brands. However, smaller businesses can make clever use of them. When carefully selected, hashtags can get images in front of people searching for a product. It pays to research those used by your followers and competitors.
Asking questions tells followers that you are open to dialogue, making your business seem accessible and friendly. When followers answer your questions or comment on your posts, always respond. Don’t ignore them. Acknowledging customers encourages longer discussions and deeper interaction.
If you are serious about making an impact on Instagram and want to learn how to engage potential clients even more, you can read social media research.
For example, visual analytics company, Curalate, analysed 8 million images to determine the properties of those images that generated the most likes on Instagram. They reported that blue images received 24 per cent more likes than red or orange ones, and images dominant in one colour gain 40 per centmore likes. Lighter photos were 24 per cent more popular than darker ones. Highly textured photos are 80 per cent more liked that flatter images, while those with lots of background space won 29 per cent more likes than their closely cropped equivalents. 
                                         Measure of Success
You can monitor success by using sites such as SimplyMeasured which offers free, basic reports to help you decipher the highs and lows of your activity. This is just one of many tools that can help you to measure your success.
The key is to keep talking, monitoring and improving. Your efforts will pay off. The result will be a popular and talked about Instagram feed that will provide significant positive results for your brand.
                          Running Your Instagram Account
As with all social media marketing campaigns, running an Instagram account is time consuming and requites patience and consistency. This is easier said than done, particularly if you are already run a successful offline bricks and mortar business.
A number of small business owners have come to the conclusion that it makes more sense to outsource their social media marketing to companies like ours, who are experts within the field of social media marketing.
If this is something that you would like to know more about, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to show you how we can help. Additional Tips:
Post regularly, at least daily if you can;
Cultivate your audience by researching their likes and dislikes, as well as keeping tabs on your competitors;
Like carefully chosen hashtags to encourage dialogue. Acknowledge comments to keep the conversation going;
Blue is the most popular colour, while reds and oranges or least popular
Lower the saturation levels in your photos by using filters such as Walden and Rose or third party filter apps such as VSCO Cam, and take advantage of natural light;
Textured images prove popular, as do those with plenty of background space. Closely cropped images are less liked;
Share images from your Instagram feed on Facebook, and upload directly to Twitter for maximum exposure across various channels.
                             Basic Tips for Insta-Success:
1. Post Regularly -   Instagram has over 300 million active users each month and they share over 70 million photos every day. This means that feeds move fast. If you don’t want your business to become invisible, you need to keep your images flowing. Maintain a high quality to your feed. Your followers are savvy – they probably follow your competitors too – so make sure everything you post is engaging and top-notch. It is very easy for someone to hit ‘unfollow’ if your content doesn’t attract their attention and they will never return again.
2.  Vary Your Content -  think of your Instagram feed as a well-balanced meal. You need a variety of ingredients to ensure your feed is just the right blend of product, people, places and that little something extra, to give your company the edge of your competitors. Style over substance isn’t a bad thing in this case. It is worth giving your images a little of it.
3. Use Blue -  research shows that images heavy on blue shades gain more likes than those that are predominantly red or orange. Textured images, those with plenty of background, and less saturated images are also winners. Make your pictures stand out by thinking about your composition. Unusual shapes and highly contrasted pictures are eye-catching and attractive.
4. Don’t Forget To Check Your Hashtag -  before diving in with a clever hashtag, quality-check what comes up when you use Instagrams search feature to look for it. Sending your hard-won customers on an unexpected or unwanted Instagram journey could put them off your brand for life. A bad message can spread as quickly as a good one on social media. Avoid a PR disaster by doing your research first to make sure that nobody gets a nasty shock.
5. Don’t Go Too Far Off Brand - although it is a good idea to think laterally about your content, make sure you’re loosely referring back to your product or business most of the time. Keep your company values and ideals in mind. For example, no one wants to see the marketing managers night out with old school friends. However a Christmas party with all of your staff is more relevant (preferably taken early on in the proceedings).
6. Don’t Delegate Without Instruction - If you are going to hand over the Instagram reins to a colleague, make sure that they are fully briefed on your strategy. All your hard work could go down the pan without clear guidelines as to what is (and isn’t) expected. Keep an eye on how they’re managing your account, and delete anything that doesn’t fit with your brand. 
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theysaidhello-blog · 7 years
How to escape Google’s filter bubble
For some people the personalization of their news apps and other content feeds online is a manual, conscious decision.
They want to be displayed certain topics due to their interests, which is completely understandable. Cut through the noise by making sure that you get given what you want.
For a lot of us, though, while personalization can make the considerable amount of time we spend scrolling through social feeds more entertaining, most of the automated personalization we encounter on a day-to-day basis is not necessarily requested – and is wider spread than one might initially think.
In a Ted talk, Eli Pariser discussed what he called the ‘filter bubble’. For those who have never heard of the filter bubble, it is a similar theory to that of ‘echo chambers’. Essentially, the focus of providing and consuming content that is closely aligned to your preferences results in the creation of a bubble or chamber, restricting your view of the wider picture.
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As our internet ecosystem has evolved, we have shared increasing amounts of personal data with services we use every day, from social networks to search engines. They then use this data to tailor the content they provide us with to what they think will be most appealing, engaging or relevant. Google in particular has gradually increased the extent with which it tailors results to the user with innovations like Hummingbird and RankBrain, the inclusion of social results in search, and semantic search.
To many users this personalization of search results is helpful and convenient, but an increasing number of users are disturbed by the extent to which the sites they encounter are being shaped by forces outside of their control. If you are one of them, you may be wondering: How can you stop this from happening? How do you escape the filter bubble?
In this article, we are going to look at ways in which you can partially escape Google’s filter bubble, as well as how SEOs can penetrate it to make sure their sites are surfaced to as wide an audience as possible.
How do you escape Google’s filter bubble?
Disclaimer: If you want to be completely free of Google’s filter bubble, the only real way is to stop using Google. Know this, though – the rest of your treasured social feeds and news outlets will be no different, and who would want to stop using Google?
Do what you can to hide from the Big G
You can always log out of Gmail, delete your search history/browser cache and use an incognito browser (to prevent a level of browser caching). Again, though, you will not be completely free.
The filter bubble is not just specific to personal activity online; it also takes into personal factors that are not dictated by the individual such as device and location. You are also potentially not free of Google’s own internal bias, shown by their recent fine from the EU.
The outlook appears to be pretty bleak, huh? Well not entirely. Escaping Google’s filter bubble (and to an extent, all other platforms’ bubbles) is less about attempting to erase your internet history or privacy settings, and more about simply being aware of the bubble.
Awareness is critical
Take it upon yourself to find different sources and take an objective view. Let’s face it: echo chambers were around long before Google and Facebook. Newspapers have spent decades reporting the news with their own bias – you only need look at the differences in how The Independent and the Daily Mail provide commentary for the goings on in the world to see this in action.
Depending on how conspiracy theory-led you are, you could argue that this pushing of agendas comes straight from the top at a government level. The point is that the most powerful tool for escaping Google’s filter bubble is one’s own awareness of the situation. If you are researching important information, don’t take everything as gospel and verse. Research, utilize multiple sources, and try to look at the situation objectively.
All of us are culprits, including myself. We use a single news app because it is the easy option, thus our echo chambers are somewhat self-inflicted. That is not to say that we should necessarily start to use Ask Jeeves, Yahoo or DuckDuckGo.
The point is that we should look deeper than the first results, and utilize alternate sources to investigate key topics.
How can SEOs penetrate Google’s filter bubble?
Whichever side of the fence you are when it comes to the personalization of content and its effect on our ability to have complete access to information, the Google filter bubble presents a predicament to SEOs and marketers alike.
Compared with the deeper moral arguments surrounding the Google filter bubble, it may seem somewhat trivial to discuss how SEOs can flog more of their wares via Google. However, the filter bubble has a real impact on both consumers’ lives and companies.
So how as SEOs do we penetrate it?
How specific are target search terms?
We did a test in the office here with three different individuals off two different devices each (mobile with wifi turned off, and laptop), all logged in to their Gmail accounts. We tested both broad and more specific search terms, and were not displayed different results.
This is not to say that the filter bubble does not exist, but it did get us thinking. Pariser’s Ted talk used the example of two individuals searching for ‘Egypt’ and being returned very different results. The issue here? Egypt is an incredibly broad search term and whilst SEOs may look to target ‘broader’ search terms within their strategy, the majority will have a very different view of ‘broad’ when compared with searching for ‘Egypt’.
We would bet that the data would show a less powerful filter as the searches become more and more specific, especially for more traditional transactional search terms harbored by SEOs.
Penetrating the bubble
One of the main issues of the filter bubble for SEOs is that it takes users down a self-fulfilling path: the more you engage with a certain website or topic, the more likely you are to be shown similar information. As such, penetrating the filter bubble is the number one priority.
A constant improvement in your site’s authority will help prevent your website being shut out of people’s filter bubbles, but alternate marketing channels should also be utilized:
Social media
Capitalize on highly shareable content to expand your degrees of separation and drive traffic to your website. You will be competing against each social platform’s own version of the filter bubble, but this is somewhat mitigated by the ability to share content.
Paid search and social
If the bubbles are proving too strong to penetrate, incorporating paid search (Adwords) and social media advertising will give you a foot in the door for new prospective customers.
Direct mail is often shunned by those of us that are dedicated to the Inbound Methodology but is another effective way of driving action from consumers. Use behavioural automation to take your campaigns to the next level and drive action.
Trust in the process
Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater here; what we are saying is nothing new. Trusting in the quality of your campaign and ensuring that you diversify the marketing channels that you employ should be part of the agenda regardless of filter bubbles. It might require a revisit of some of your core pillars but this is something that should be completed time to time anyway.
Really understand your buyer personas – these are the individuals who will become customers. Dig deeper into their drivers and satisfy their queries, questions and concerns. As always, value for the user is at the forefront of what we as SEOs should be providing.
Diversity of content and link building – again, no surprises here. Spread the net a little wider and assess how diverse the content is that you are providing. Is it too specific to a certain buyer persona and therefore somewhat neglecting other (also valuable) prospects?
Furthermore, high quality link building can gain you exposure on relevant sites, therefore widening the net further.
Keep people coming back
All of the above is great for your SEO campaign but don’t neglect the need to keep people coming back. The continual improvement of your user experience and a higher percentage of returning visitors will ensure that your users are furthering their own self-fulfilling Google filter bubble prophecy.
Combine this this with a widening diversity of content, and you put your website in a great place to mitigate the effects of the filter bubble.
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yesweweresoldiers · 5 years
Historical Reads: The Battle of Midway
I am interested in a variety of topics and eras in history, although I am drawn mostly to memoirs and analytical military history. Perhaps that seems like a contradiction, given that one tends toward the personal while the other the technical, but that’s me as a reader. I especially enjoy reading different genres of writing on a single event or idea, as I recently did to learn about the Battle of Midway.
Anticipating the release of Roland Emmerich’s movie Midway last November, I decided that I needed to bone up on the battle, about which I knew in mostly general terms. I have had the good fortune of running TAH programs on board the USS Midway in San Diego since Spring 2019, and they have a great used bookstore on board - a delightfully cramped room off of the hangar deck, packed with quality used books, maps, and other materials, most of which are related to the battle after which the ship was named. If you ever visit the ship, make sure to find it and take a look around - it’s on the port side of the ship, near the bow, inside the hangar deck. If those nautical terms don’t mean anything to you, consider this your opportunity to learn something new.
In any case, I picked up Miracle at Midway, by Gordon W. Prange. This story and analysis of the battle was published in 1982, after the author’s death, with the book having been completed by two other historians who believed that his take on the battle deserved to be read. After reading it, I agree with them.
Miracle at Midway is what I’d call ‘traditional’ military history, in that the authors present the facts in chronological order, from  the lead-in, to the beginning of the battle, to its progression into a major conflict with key turning points, to its resolution. This expository approach is punctuated by deeper explanation and analysis of key people, moments, and decisions, providing the reader with a sense of what happened, when and where, and with the authors periodically saying, in effect, “make sure to pay attention to this key point.” At just under 400 pages, the book is well-balanced between the American and Japanese perspectives. In page count, it might actually seem weighted - - toward telling the story from the Japanese vantage point. I found that this helped me understand the battle more comprehensively, given that I was only familiar with the American perspective on it. It was one thing to know that the Japanese were in the middle of switching munitions when American dive bombers arrived. To understand what led to that moment--Japanese decisions decisions made in the fog of war--was something else.
MIracle at Midway is approachable enough, I believe, for most readers with an interest in learning more about the battle. The only shortcoming I found was a shortage of maps. Yes, there were a few maps on the various stages of the battle, but I was left wanting more incremental detail, especially considering how pivotal space and time were in a battle that took place over thousands upon thousands of square miles of open ocean. Still, Prange’s book is a good, quick read that will almost certainly expand your knowledge of the battle as a whole event.
I finished the book and a few days later the movie debuted. Upon seeing it I understood how the story was told and what limitations the studio had in this massive undertaking. I’m glad that I went to the theater armed with this knowledge, because it helped me make sense of the tight story the movie sought to tell. I could then explain the film’s strengths and (few) shortcomings to others.
About a week after that, I turned to a volume I’d had on my Amazon wish list for years: Never Call Me a Hero: A Legendary American Dive-Bomber Pilot Remembers The Battle of Midway, by N. Jack “Dusty” Kleiss. I wanted a more personal, individual view of the battle, and Kleiss delivered in this 300-page book, which devotes about 70 pages to his experience of the battle itself. The rest of the book covers his early life, service before the war began, and experience in other battles. These pages are essential to understanding how Kleiss acted at Midway.
Kleiss, one of only two pilots confirmed to have scored bomb hits on two separate Japanese carriers - the other was Dick Best, the main character in the recent movie - tells a sometimes harrowing story of his war service. Combat flight duty during the Second World War was one risk after another: training accidents, equipment and navigation failures over open water, and then combat. Men died regularly in and outside of battle, and Kleiss does a fine job of establishing the high-risk world in which he and fellow volunteer pilots lived, without patting himself on the back. In fact, he reserves honor and credit for his friends, one in particular, who didn’t make it back.
His tale of the battle itself stood out to me for two reasons: first, the account was clearly from the mind of a man who had a good memory and had done his own fact-checking of unit histories, his own flight logs, and other reputable accounts of the battle. There are moments of what might be called ‘sidebar’ commentary from him in which he mentions this work, given that he only committed to writing the book in his twilight years, decades after the battle. The other standout aspect to his account is that he did not avoid commenting on American mistakes. While in no way engaging in finger-pointing or blame, he gives an honest account of fellow flyers and leaders and their decisions. Sometimes books of this sort give only glowing accounts of the decisions and character of all who served, as if disagreement or friction over actions in battle did not occur. We all know that this simply isn’t possible - we’re dealing with real human beings here, right? Kleiss struck a refreshing balance between the extremes of an unfair, accusatory post-mortem and an unrealistic picture of perfectly happy brothers-in-arms.
Kleiss’ story is personal, poignant in some places, and well-told, providing a vantage point on the battle that’s relatable and comprehensible; that is, through a single set of eyes. If the notion that a person can rise to great moments and still be a regular person interests you, I think you’ll enjoy this book, and you’ll certainly learn some good history from it.
These books, taken together, gave me a broader view of the Battle of Midway. Both are easy reads for anyone who’s a fan of popular historical writing, and both books are in print and available used for cheap. Additionally, Kleiss is one of several pilots interviewed in the first season of the History Channel’s “Battle 360,” a multi-part series about the war service of the USS Enterprise, the ship on which both Kleiss and Best served.
Join us for one of our seminars onboard the USS Midway or for any of our other document-based seminars on World War II coming up in 2020.
TAH is an Amazon Associate and any purchases made through qualifying affiliate links on our site help to support our programs. Thank you for helping us bring the documents and debates of the nation’s past into the present.
The post Historical Reads: The Battle of Midway appeared first on Teaching American History.
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manage-management · 6 years
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Thoroughly disappointing As someone who asks questions for a living, I found Ask More thoroughly disappointing. I expected Sesno to produce something much more serious and substantial. Instead, I learned much more than I care to know about his family (including where he planted his mother's ashes), the boards that Sesno serves on, the decor in Anderson Cooper's home, the impact of air conditioning on Indian villages, and the four Italian wines Sesno's friend serves with fresh pasta amatriciana and lamb stew with mint at dinner parties. This book is a vanity piece. Most perplexing was the omission of journalistic or investigative questions from his taxonomy of questions. Go to Amazon
possibility and commitment to making things better. That’s the gift of asking the right questions Frank Sesno’s Ask More: The Power of Questions is a winner! For anyone looking to expand their horizons of knowledge and consciousness in the world, this is a book for you. Building on Sesno’s lifelong experience as an award-winning journalist as the CNN White House Correspondent and now head of George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs, Sesno understands the power of asking the right questions at the right time. The result: a bountiful compendium of questions organized into eleven categories that will enable you to walk through life with a richer clarity in understanding and facing life’s many pleasures and challenges. More than just a book of questions, it’s the opportunity to look over the virtual shoulder and travel with Sesno as he sits with and interviews some of today’s seminal leaders and catalysts for positive change: Gen. Colin Powell, former Justice Sandra Day O’Conner, Anderson Cooper and many others. In today’s fast changing world where learning how to learn is perhaps more important than what we learn, Ask More is at once a companion and guide to seeing and living in the world – with greater insight, possibility and commitment to making things better. That’s the gift of asking the right questions. Go to Amazon
Whole new sense of what goes into, and comes out of asking questions. This is a really compelling book in the ways Sesno approaches the "question" as a critical tool and how it gets used differently in different ways for different purposes. His approach, I thought was brilliant. Sort of questions by their types and purposes, and then interview leading practitioners of specific types of questioning. Lawyers doing litigation, doctors doing differential diagnoses, generals planning military strategy, pyschotherapists building patient pictures, entrepreneurs seeking important questions to answer via innovations, and so on. Of course, being who is his, the craft of forming, timing and presenting different kinds of questions as a journalist and TV interview gets fully covered. This book was much broader and deeper than I first expected. I have a whole new sense of the value and craft of the art and science of questions. Go to Amazon
Excellent resource This book hits the mark now more than ever. Learning the power of questions is extremely well presented in this great work. Coming from a sales background I can see this being an especially valuable reference for learning how to approach customers and management to help drive specific outcomes. From my time on a local school board, I can see the value that the right questions can be in the political arena. I am grateful that Frank shared so many of his experiences from his early years in journalism to his later career in media, now education. He met some great folks and pulled together a great breakdown of how to use questions in the best ways possible. Go to Amazon
Great Way to Improve Social Situations A great reminder. I enjoyed seeing the basic counseling downward arrow used in all the different scenarios. Good practices I have been incorporating more and more into previously awkward social situations. I now think of these situations, rather than something to be avoided, as a social experiment practicing and improving my question skills and learning some fascinating things about people. Go to Amazon
The Study Guide To Questions... This book was actually suggested to me from a friend who met the author. I bought the book and started reading it. It's really a good read. What I liked about it is the fact that it helps prepare you for questions to ask authority figures and how not to be afraid to challenge them.. Great study guide.. Go to Amazon
Ask & Ye Shall Find It is astonishing how many of us are afraid to ask questions without asking one can never discover not only new knowledge but also unveil possibilities for action. This book is a must read for all especially for our younger colleagues. Go to Amazon
Interviewing people is a skill for all types of jobs Interviewing people and asking questions is a skill for all types of jobs. I just used his book as a guide to give pointers/advice to my technical documentation team on how to ask questions of our developers and subject matter experts. His types of questions and how to ask them apply to technical documentation. The session with my team went great! Go to Amazon
This is such a wonderful product that exceeded my expectations One of the Best! Ready for inspiration and actionable words of wisdom? If you want to know how some of our best interviewers get interesting insights from celebrities or within the ... Very comprehensive, worth finishing Trying to figure out the download manager. Far too complicated for something that shout be a simple thing. Ask More is an excellent read. There's a nice balance between interesting anecdotes ... Interesting and thought-provoking I've put a few of its strategies into practice so far in my work and feel pretty good about the results Great Book On Asking Effective Questions!
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Social Media Advertising Manual for Newcomers
Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing is the procedure of gaining interest and internet site visitors by way of the social media sites. During this approach, normally innovative material to get to the masses via publicity coming from a third-party trustworthy source wants to be developed in get for folks to share the content material of their fascination with other individuals and generate a vicious chain that would make organization cover and go beyond the market place audience intended. Each and every online marketer requirements to have a objective, a solution, a service and a result in to advertise through the vast and overpowering Planet Vast Web. If you previously have those items described in your mind, then congratulations! That could be most likely the most difficult part of getting into into the social media problem, and from now on, every single work will lead to get to these objectives efficiently and flawlessly until you place your ft on the Social Media Guru position. The Social Media entire world is broad and far more extensive than at any time. It is a really strategic advertising and marketing system that reaches various cultures, ages, faith, sexes, locations, interests and this sort of, consequently it tends to make it the excellent car to get to and target the right viewers and obtain overall success. The whole entire world is not going to care about video clip video games, for case in point, but only the individuals that video game titles is portion of their interests. If you goal male viewers with advertisements of substantial heels on sale, maybe some of them would go and acquire a pair or 2 for their wives, but a pair or two is not precisely the kind of effect you want to have. For that reason, you concentrate on specified group ages and specific other aspects that result in some companies and merchandise, movies and news to go "viral" 1st, we need to have to know the fundamental social media websites Facebook Holding a lot more than 900 million consumers, if you happen to be presently a Fb user this might not be truly new to you, but there are plenty of functions well worth mentioning. You can create a committed enterprise web page and interact straight, and cost-free, with your buyers uploading totally free pictures, goods and videos of the services you intend to give or the product you are attempting to market. That way, you can create a knowledge foundation of individuals that will share your posts to their buddies and as a result create the never ever ending chain. Most of these social media web sites have seamlessly mobile integration so men and women no matter whether it is a transportable Laptop, a desktop, pill or cell mobile phone get constantly connected with media in a way that you must just take advantage of. Men and women log in to Facebook, in any situation, although commuting, in the park, at residence, at college, at function. Then you're there, advertising your enterprise for it to be shown in the information feeds, and you would be there, continually undertaking the brain trick sport to the stage that people will locate something appealing and really worth examining in accordance to their passions. Many large companies like Starbucks, Microsoft, Apple, Rockstar, Pepsi etc. are doing the exact same, and it functions properly! Blogs Weblogs are an simple way for folks to converse in a semi-specialist way when it arrives to quality of material. Good quality articles is often the key to a good writing and as a result, a good running a blog. There are many blogger CMS (content material management provider) in which you can get yours up and running for cost-free in significantly less than five minutes, some of these are Blogger, WordPress and probably the most user pleasant a single, Tumblr. One of the tips right here is understanding your viewers, your marketplace, who you are concentrating on and what you want to achieve with that. Now this has to do with some Seo or Lookup Engine Optimization information, which is in other words and phrases, employing the appropriate keywords to rank as higher as possible in a look for engine i.e. Google, Bing. It has to be related to your posts and at the exact same time, you have to make confident you use a key word lookup instrument to examine the competitiveness and number of search this offered key phrase has. The cheapest the opposition and greatest number of queries it will get in a month, the more convenient for you. If you were to advertise your internet site holding a services of complex support chat, you would have to make the key phrases quite particular so people that are looking for your provider would find you initial. It is, for illustration technical help for Windows, then you will have to contain certain words and phrases, as going a little much more straight to the point. Given that the competition would be genuinely substantial and Home windows technical help is a wide content, you would emphasis and go further the certain solutions your product provides, therefore, including further keywords to go straight to the position would be the most productive way to do it and you would rank higher in a look for motor and individuals would uncover your product very easily. From "Technological Assistance Chat" to "Technological Assist Chat for Windows 7 and XP" you can see how we are narrowing the principle of the service you supply making it much more particular, in depth and then competitiveness of support for mobile running programs, cellphones, Mac, Apple iphone, Windows Vista, Windows eight and this sort of, are remaining behind and these web sites offering the solutions you happen to be not relevant to won't steal your possibilities to be found for men and women that are basically looking for chat support for Home windows seven and XP. Once comprehended the search term principle you can continue and develop content on a weblog that would be effortless to find on a lookup motor by like the right tags. Then we have the Social Media integration once more in the website place. There are a lot of options to share the articles of your blog. Numerous Content Supervisor Services like Tumblr have the social media buttons to share and like or dislike. You need to have to appear for the choices to enable them (in the rare case they are not enabled by default) so each and every submit of yours would have the buttons for share on Tweeter, Google+, Facebook and so on. and Reblog inside of the blogging network you are affiliated to. With great high quality and eye catching content you are encouraging men and women to share your tales on other media internet sites like the kinds described previously mentioned additionally you sharing them and there you have excellent odds to reach a broader viewers. Twitter A fast expanding, really well-known social media site. With more than 340,000,000 tweets a day and close to one hundred forty,00,000 end users globally, this platform is fairly desirable to company and businesses as nicely as for superstars, musicians, actors, everyone! A tweet is a concept of one hundred forty people greatest that one can create and submit and followers can go through and see any time in their news feeds. Chat about it, interact directly and start new discussions is a single of the items that make this system really productive. The way they adhere to Kim Kardashian and read through and talk about every little thing she tweets in a day, the identical way they can do with advertising and marketing and marketing strategies about manufacturers and products of their desire. a hundred and forty,000,000 users to goal the right audience may possibly sound like a tough process, but witnessed it from the other facet of the coin, that indicates much more potential buyers for a organization. Once you get into the previously talked about vicious chain of any social media web site, things just hold coming along by by themselves and initial point you are going to observe is hundreds of hundreds of folks engaged in your model, speaking about it, examining it and telling other individuals about functions, broadcast and this sort of. Linkedin Potentially a not so common system making it boring for some individuals, but a extremely specialist and strategic one for the relaxation. Some men and women will not likely devote long hrs chatting or speaking to other about foolish, trivial things, alternatively, this social community goes straight to the point. Folks on Fb and Twitter for example, comply with any individual of their desire for the sake of merely socialize as properly as firms and businesses, but Linkedin is supposed to filter and go away the fun powering to emphasis deeper in professionalism in social media. In Linkedin, you can be portion of the individuals seeking for a job/ provider, or part of a business providing a work/ support. You can produce both a private profile with your skilled information about oneself, research, contact information, interests, certifications, identifications etc. or, create a business or firm webpage, same way as you do it on Fb or Twitter sufficing the very same objective: share info about your brand name, provider, solution and keep your audience and followers up to date with the most recent information about your business. YouTube YouTube is a very exciting system. Men and women go view video clips of any variety or receives redirected by any site that has a backlink to it or search engines. When individuals is there on a presented there you have some more "Relevant Films" on a column on the correct aspect of the screen. Clicking from video to online video helps make you locate factors you by no means considered you would locate, fascinating subjects, funny video clips, how-to variety of videos, publicity and so forth. Your probabilities to be noticed are overwhelming and you can also get folks subscribe to your Channel, which is in other conditions, your possess YouTube space where you add your movies. Some folks uncover it way a lot more interesting and simpler to just watch a video instead than studying a entire article. You have the useful resource of visuals. If you were to advertise vogue clothing and that is the goal of your total social media advertising and marketing, you can, along with other alternatives, add a online video with folks modeling your outfits, redirect individuals to your main enterprise website, advise men and women to share your online video, to subscribe for potential video clip updates, to visit your "fashion weblog", like your page on Fb, adhere to you on Tweeter, Google+, Linkedin, etc. Shut your eyes and consider to visualize the Tree Diagram of the complete Social Media marketing and advertising approach and how it gets to perhaps achieve each and every one corner of the World Broad Web. Ambitious, just isn't it? Google+ A relatively new comer on the social media web site battle, Google+ delivers integration of a assortment of solutions including Gmail, Google+ Basics, Google+ Circles that permit you share information or "statuses" in a way Facebook does, but has less acceptance so considerably. You have the "Stream" characteristic related to Facebook's News Feed that would enable you see what other people are up to, an choice for following quite comparable as effectively to Tweeter. The support is quite desirable to professionals and organization networks simply because of the exclusivity and integration of companies. You create a Gmail account for case in point, and unless you disable it, by default you have accessibility to all these provider and a profile prepared to be edited with a image, get in touch with info, and so forth. You have entry to the total Google+ network which includes currently point out Gmail, YouTube, You+, Circles, Basics and even the well-identified research motor conserving and displaying final results to the most related items to you. It is hassle-free to have a spare Google+ account for any Social Media Marketer since it really is likely functionality and since no source is as well little or way too considerably in marketing and advertising. May possibly not have the identical influence, a thirty seconds advert on Tv set than a little billboard on a bus, but the far more you get the concept despatched the far better final results you will complete. Social Media Stats In accordance the new 87 research execute on social media advertising up to 2012, this technique from businesses to clients called B2C or Company to Neighborhood has developed and attained sixteen% of buyer engagement but has potential to grow to fifty seven% in the subsequent 5 years. A lot more than thirty% of the globally population is now on the internet forever or have some form of eventual access to the net. Far more than 1/5 of consumer's free time is currently being spent on the social media websites, reaching an approximate of 250 million tweets and 800 million Facebook statuses updated every single solitary working day. Only in the United States, much more than eighty% of on the internet active users spend their on social media sites or weblogs. 60% of men and women utilizes three or far more electronic forms of research product comparison, costs and details about intended purchases, becoming 40% of people done through social media internet sites like Facebook or just redirected from 1 of these internet sites foremost to even direct interactions with stores about gives posted. All around fifty six% Individuals have 1 to a few profiles in a social media internet site becoming 55% of them aged among 45-55 and obtaining at minimum one particular profile Research Motor Optimization (Search engine optimisation) facts 70% of the backlinks search end users click on are natural. 46% of all queries are for info about items or solutions. Half of all local lookups are executed on mobile units. sixty six% of new clients use lookup and on the web analysis to uncover regional firms. There are 863 million sites globally that point out "Search engine marketing." There are nine.1 million searchs executed including the acronym every month, with the leading two phrases being "Search engine optimization services" and "Search engine optimization firm." Far more than sixty,000 Twitter users include "Search engine marketing" in their bios, there have been 13 million blog posts revealed that consist of "Search engine optimization" in the title, and Amazon.com carries almost 2,700 diverse books about Search engine optimization seventy five% of searchers never scroll past the 1st web page of outcomes. ninety three% of online ordeals start with a research engine. B2B firms that keep lively content like blogging and Seo packages increased their complete website visitors, on regular, by 25% in the previous year, whilst these who neglected Search engine optimization skilled an typical 15% drop in all round visits. 21% of all time put in online is invested on internet searches. The huge a few search engines Google, Bing and Yahoo! are among the 5 most-visited sites on the Web. Contemplating that AOL is #7 and Request is #10 5 of the prime 10 most-frequented websites on the net are search engines. In summary, Social Media Marketing is a field in which pros and amateurs in marketing can arrive throughout and place their very own concepts and programs employing their personal strategies. There is no Social Media Marketer college or school degree, this information that need to be obtained by comprehensive investigation, it demands to be continuously utilized and tested in the wanted area. It is a revolutionary strategy that has taken down the old Tv set marketing methods shifting it to the online marketplace. The share of men and women that favor to go on-line on a computer or able system versus people that watches Tv grows steadily each and every solitary working day. Stats display Social Media Marketing in a decrease affect share when compared to the legacy methods for promoting, but the likely it has and space for growth is in no doubt mind-boggling and could be much much more improved and interactive than Tv has been for the past many years.
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Cafe Astrology .com Cafe Astrology .com Home Shop Horoscopes Site Map Search This Week in Astrology This Week in Astrology is updated every Saturday and includes the week’s Moon phase, planets in signs and aspects, retrogrades, this week’s astrology calendar, the current void-of-course Moon tables and timing advice, and Daily Trends interpretations. December 9, 2017 / This Week in Astrology This Week in Astrology: December 10 to 16, 2017 December 10 to 16, 2017 On this Page: This week’s Moon phase Planets in signs and aspect Retrogrades This week’s astrology calendar Timing with the Moon Romance & Relationship Report Daily Trends   Last Quarter Moon The LAST QUARTER MOON occurs on Sunday, December 10th, 2017, at 2:51 AM EST. Early Sunday, the Last Quarter Moon is exact, when the Sun in Sagittarius forms a square with the Moon in Virgo. The Last Quarter Moon phase points to some sort of crisis of consciousness. After basking in the awareness symbolized by the full light of the Moon at the time of last week’s Full Moon, we disperse our knowledge and come to a point when we need to sort out what works for us–and what doesn’t–in preparation for next week’s New Moon, when something new is born once again. This is not the best time to start a major project, as the decreasing light of the Moon symbolizes a descent into unconsciousness. It’s time to begin finishing up the details of that which was conceived at the last New Moon. What revelations did you have last week? What did they mean for you? What can be done now? This phase of the Moon occurs at 18 degrees and 26 minutes of Virgo square the Sun at 18 degrees and 26 minutes of Sagittarius, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 15 to 21 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces).  First Quarter Moon Chart – December 10, 2017  Full Moon The FULL MOON occurred on Sunday, December 3rd, 2017, at 10:47 AM EST. On Sunday morning, the Moon is full–the Gemini Moon exactly opposed the Sagittarius Sun. The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity is a mental axis, where Gemini represents the “lower mind” and Sagittarius represents the “higher mind”. A Gemini Moon encourages us to think logically, while Sagittarius persuades us to think in a far broader manner. Sagittarius symbolizes the quest for meaning and ideas that expand upon the here and now. Gemini is quite comfortable in their immediate environment or neighborhood, while Sagittarius stimulates us to venture beyond. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire on us. Ideally, a balance should be found between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do. This Full Moon is about communication, attitude, and our sense of adventure. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time–a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic “illumination” occurs in our own lives. However, these feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet. This Full Moon is especially complicated. The Full Moon in Gemini is curious and hungry for ideas and information. It can bring sudden awareness to our lives and a rather urgent “need to know,” to get an important message across, to finish a communications project, or to make an announcement. Travel and communications are in sharp focus. However, Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, is stationary retrograde and moving back towards another alignment with Saturn. Adding to the confusion is Neptune, which is very tightly (partile) square the Sun and Moon. We may return to a past problem or discussion with a critical eye, but it’s important to keep in mind that we don’t have the full story. Many signs point to misinformation now.  Full Moon in Gemini Chart – December 3, 2017 This phase of the Moon occurred at 11 degrees and 40 minutes of Gemini opposing the Sun at 11 degrees and 40 minutes of Sagittarius, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 8 to 16 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly. Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture Nov 18, 2017, 6:42 AM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon) Nov 26, 2017, 12:03 PM Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon) Dec 3, 2017, 10:47 AM Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon) Dec 10, 2017, 2:51 AM Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon) Dec 18, 2017, 1:30 AM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon) (Times are Eastern) The Sun is in Sagittarius; Mercury is in Sagittarius; Venus is in Sagittarius; Mars is in Scorpio. The Sun is in Sagittarius from November 21-December 21. With the Sun in Sagittarius, our focus shifts from the need for an intimate connection with a person and with ourselves, to the desire to reach out to the world and connect with something larger than ourselves. While the Sun moves through this fiery, mutable sign, we can take steps to increase our understanding and awareness of the world around us. We are more able to muster up the courage to expand our horizons and branch out into new ways of thinking. We can gain more confidence and optimism by focusing on the “big picture” as we move away from our focus on the details of mundane existence. Although we may be prone to overdoing our expectations, we have the opportunity to nurture our faith, hope, and vision under this influence. Mercury is in Sagittarius from November 5-January 11. When Mercury is in Sagittarius, our thinking shifts from a need to plumb the depths of any given situation to the desire to learn about a wide range of topics. Ideals are sought, our thinking is more optimistic, and our faith increases. We are more equipped to believe and to persuade. What is fair and unfair concerns us most now. However, we are not always very precise under this influence. Venus is in Sagittarius from December 1-25. Moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, romantic energy shifts from intense to buoyant. Sagittarius, of course, has its intense moments, considering it is a fire sign. However, its energy is considerably less focused; and, while Scorpio is most concerned with intimacy with a specific person, Sagittarius’ love is of a more universal kind. Romantic adventures, as well as a straightforward–even blunt–approach to love, are on the agenda. Gone are the intricacy and complexity of Venus in Scorpio. Truth and higher meaning are things that take priority with Sagittarius. Mars is in Scorpio from December 9-January 26. In Scorpio, Mars is driven and focused on getting what it wants. We are persevering, single-minded, and strong. The desire to experience our emotional depths, as well as the urge to penetrate the surface of life in order to explore deeper levels of existence, is powerful. We are fascinated with what others tend to repress, and are drawn to experiencing and understanding these things. We are less inclined to avoid important issues now. In some ways, we are attracted to crisis, as we see crisis as transformative and emotionally exciting. We would rather feel extreme emotions than nothing at all, as mediocrity or the “middle road” is felt to be unsatisfying.  Saturn transits Sagittarius from December 23, 2014, to June 14, 2015, and then from September 17, 2015, to December 19/20, 2017. Read about Saturn��s transit through Sagittarius here. Saturn transits Capricorn from December 19/20, 2017, to March 21, 2020; and then finishes up its transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020. Read about Saturn’s transit through Capricorn here.  Jupiter entered Scorpio on October 10th and will remain in the sign until November 8th, 2018. Read about Jupiter in Scorpio transit here. Uranus entered Aries on March 11th, 2011 and will transit Aries until May 15, 2018, and then from November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019. The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong with Uranus in Aries. Romance & Relationships Venus is in Sagittarius from December 1-25. Moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, romantic energy changes from intense to buoyant. Sagittarius, of course, has its intense moments, considering it is a fire sign. However, its energy is considerably less focused; and, while Scorpio is most concerned with intimacy with a specific person, Sagittarius’ love is of a more universal kind. Romantic adventures, as well as a straightforward–even blunt–approach to love, are on the agenda. Gone are the intricacy and complexity of Venus in Scorpio. Truth and higher meaning are focal points for Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius is forward-looking, not very specific, outgoing, and energetic. Freedom is most important in our love relationships now. We take a happy and enthusiastic approach to love, and we might find too much intensity or seriousness depressing. We have a taste for the exotic as well as for adventure with Venus in Sagittarius. The shadow side of this position is restlessness, the inability to “settle down”, and endlessly searching for something bigger and “better.” This week: Wednesday and Thursday are good for attention to the practical elements of our relationships. It’s also a time when we are thinking about the future or the long view. We could feel lucky in love, and we could meet someone who is good for us. Fortunate, useful connections might be made now. Thursday and Friday can involve quite a bit of ruminating or conversing about past relationships. This can be a time of new reveals about old issues. Watch for impulsiveness and impatience on Saturday. Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week: Venus in Sagittarius A yearning for adventure and far horizons stirs in you now. To roam, to wander and wonder, to seek freedom and go where no one has gone before – these things are deep and powerful longings. A time of romantic crusades, a universal love that might not be too particular. Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus December 8. Uncertainty about the desire to be close to someone. Freedom versus closeness. A desire to experiment in the romance department may be fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying or frustrating. Venus parallel Pluto December 9-10. The desire for drama and intensity in relationships is with us. Love feelings and relationship issues can be all-consuming now, assuming more importance in our lives than usual. Interactions with others are intense now, and themes of sharing and trust dominate in relationships. Venus square Neptune December 9-10. Relationship ups and downs characterize this transit–a time when romantic mirages are more than likely. We see what we hope to see, rather than what really is. The “highs” of a relationship begun under this energy may be thrilling, but the accompanying “lows” are bound to set in, and they can be extremely draining. Be careful not to set yourself up for disappointment. Venus parallel Saturn December 13-14. We may express our affection sparingly, but also responsibly and in practical ways. Relationships begun under this influence often feel burdensome over time, but they may last longer than most. Venus trine North Node December 13-14. We are more concerned about harmonizing and tend to be agreeable and cooperative. We could feel lucky in love, and we could meet someone who is good for us. Fortunate connections might be made now. Venus conjunct Mercury Rx December 14-15. Favors playfulness in love and enhanced communication between partners. With Mercury retrograde, there can be a focus on analyzing feelings or relationships now, particularly past ones. We are inclined to chat, socialize, and flatter when Mercury and Venus meet, and with Mercury retrograde, we may be looking back and clarifying feelings or connections, learning new things about old relationships. Venus semi-square Mars December 16-17. Tensions in relationships. Attempting to satisfy romantic needs and assertive/sexual needs simultaneously can be challenging. The Moon & Timing The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign. During Void of Course Moon periods, it is generally wise to stick to routine rather than to begin new projects. The last aspect the Moon makes before changing signs is indicated here and is indicative of the “outcome” of the matter (whether that is a new project begun before the void period or the answer to a question in Horary Astrology). Void of Course in Horary Astrology: If you were asking a question and making a chart for the answer, as you do in Horary astrology, it is said that since the Moon is not looking forward to any more aspects in this sign, you would have to say that the answer is not forthcoming; any questions asked at this time would not come to pass. The Moon being Void is one of the Strictures against Judgment in Horary Astrology. The following tables incorporate the modern planets, but some astrologers do not count Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in void Moon calculations. The Void-of-Course Moon this Week: Void-of-course Moon on Sunday, December 10th, from 10:03 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Saturn), until the Moon enters Libra the next day, Monday, December 11th, at 12:02 AM EST. VOC Moon on Wednesday, December 13th, from 7:28 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Saturn), until the Moon enters Scorpio at 8:59 AM EST. VOC Moon on Thursday, December 14th, from 8:42 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Sagittarius the next day, Friday, December 15th, at 8:08 PM EST. December 2017:  Void of Course Moon Tables: December 2017 (Dates & Times) Timing with the Moon – Better Periods this Week for Electing New Initiatives The Moon is waning this week — a period that is generally considered unfavorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. (See Best Time to Start a Business for more details). According to principles of timing with the Moon, a window of opportunity occurs this week from Tuesday, December 12th, from approximately 11:50 PM, until Wednesday, December 13th, at approximately 7:25 AM EST, while the Moon is in Libra. Another window occurs from Thursday, December 14th, from approximately 7:40 AM to 8:40 PM EST, while the Moon is in Scorpio. Planetary Stations & Sign Ingresses: Oct 22, 2017 2:29 PM Mars enters Libra Oct 23, 2017 1:27 AM Sun enters Scorpio *** Daylight Saving Time ends *** Nov 5, 2017 2:19 PM Mercury enters Sagittarius Nov 7, 2017 6:38 AM Venus enters Scorpio Nov 15, 2017 10:01 PM Pallas Retrograde enters Aries Nov 15, 2017 11:13 PM Vesta enters Scorpio Nov 21, 2017 10:05 PM Sun enters Sagittarius Nov 22, 2017 9:21 AM Neptune Direct Dec 1, 2017 4:14 AM Venus enters Sagittarius Dec 3, 2017 2:34 AM Mercury Retrograde Dec 9, 2017 3:59 AM Mars enters Scorpio Dec 16, 2017 2:18 PM Juno enters Aquarius Dec 19, 2017 11:49 PM Saturn enters Capricorn Dec 21, 2017 11:28 AM Sun enters Capricorn Dec 22, 2017 8:51 PM Mercury Direct Dec 25, 2017 12:26 AM Venus enters Capricorn Jan 2, 2018 9:11 AM Uranus Direct Jan 11, 2018 12:09 AM Mercury enters Capricorn Jan 14, 2018 11:42 PM Vesta enters Sagittarius Jan 17, 2018 8:43 PM Venus enters Aquarius Jan 19, 2018 9:29 PM Pallas enters Taurus Jan 19, 2018 10:09 PM Sun enters Aquarius Jan 26, 2018 7:56 AM Mars enters Sagittarius Jan 31, 2018 8:39 AM Mercury enters Aquarius See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day. See also: The Astrology of 2017 – Overview and the Astrology of 2018 – Overview. Note: Times given are Eastern Time (ET). This Week’s Calendar  This Week in Astrology Calendar: December 10th to 16th, 2017 This Week’s Aspects  Mercury trine Uranus. This is an opportune time to attend meetings and other organized group activities, to communicate online, and to take part in activities involving computers, scientific projects, and metaphysics. Unexpected gains may be realized through such mediums. The intuition is strong, and insights seem to come from “out of the blue”. Original, creative ideas are easy to come by.  Venus square Neptune. Relationship ups and downs characterize this transit – a time when romantic mirages are more than likely. We see what we hope to see, rather than what really is. The “highs” of a relationship begun under this energy may be thrilling, but the accompanying “lows” are bound to set in, and they can be extremely draining. Be careful not to set yourself up for disappointment. The same goes for finances – what appears to be a great buy is likely to turn out to be a financial drain or money pit. Lines can blur when it comes to pursuit of pleasure, as we can convince ourselves to believe what we want to believe.  Mercury square Chiron. Communications may be strained, and possibly hurtful or perceived as such. Misunderstandings are more likely now. Decisions may also be hard to come by, as we tend to doubt ourselves or the effectiveness of our ability to solve problems. It can be hard to read the intention behind the words used to communicate now.  Mercury conjunct Sun. We are especially sharp, communicative, and open at this time, as our wants are aligned with our thoughts. It’s a favorable time for solving problems. What we say or write now has impact, for better or for worse!  Mercury semi-square Mars. We are quick-witted and ready to argue under this influence. We may be working under stressful or hectic conditions, as we feel pressure to get things done quickly. We are inclined to be snappy and irritable, and we may too easily interrupt others rather than listen. Conflicts of interest are likely.  Mercury conjunct Venus. Lighthearted conversations, sociability, humor, cooperation. Good time for socializing and for communicating with ease, telling others how we feel, and negotiating. Mentally, we’re not as disciplined as usual, as we prefer to chat with others and to think about more “pleasant” things than work. Generally favorable for commerce.  Sun square Chiron. The desire to learn and grow through experiences and through others is strong, but may be hampered by a lack of confidence or a fear of being different. We might experience a lack of faith in our own decisions. We could too easily follow others’ leads due to self-doubt, or simply to please them and out of fear of asserting our own desires.  Sun trine Uranus. An original, unique approach to life is in order with this transit, and works to our benefit. Flexibility is the key to success at this time, and pleasant changes are in store. We may make some creative changes and discoveries, experiment with new possibilities, or invent a new way of doing things. This is a dynamic and exciting period, one in which taking advantage of unusual or unconventional opportunities may reap rewards. Note: Times given in the table/calendar above are Eastern Time (ET). Daily Trends Calendar See below for day-by-day forecasts and planets in signs. See also Transit to Transit aspects. See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day – Astrology Cafe. See also: The Astrology of 2017 – Overview. and The Astrology of 2018 – Overview (in progress). What’s In Store By the Stars – Daily Astrology Trends (as featured on the site’s main page and in our Daily Trends Calendar) See also the new Astrology Trends Calendar that includes these daily trends overviews and other astrological events such as ingresses, stations, and lunations. DECEMBER 10 The Last Quarter Moon is exact early today when the Sun in Sagittarius forms a square with the Moon in Virgo. This phase of the Moon suggests a crisis of consciousness. After basking in the awareness symbolized by the full light of the Moon at the time of last week’s Full Moon, we disperse our knowledge and come to a point when we need to sort out what works for us–and what doesn’t. This prepares us for next week’s New Moon when something new is born once again. This is not the best time to start a major project, as the decreasing light of the Moon symbolizes a descent into unconsciousness. It’s time to begin finishing up the details of that which was conceived at the last New Moon. Mercury forms a trine to Uranus and a square to Chiron today, and we’re ready to think in fresh, original ways. Creative ideas are easy to come by, although we may second-guess them. This can be a time for returning to a recent plan or problem for further thought or insight. There can be some lack of confidence and possible misunderstandings as a result, however. We should try to avoid shooting ourselves in the foot with communications that might provoke or undermine/misrepresent us. The Moon is in practical Virgo all day, but as productive as we’d like to be under this influence, its square to both Mercury and Saturn can point to distractions, some of which are coming from within. We can struggle with putting our hearts into our work or efforts today. As well, a Venus-Neptune square occurs this morning, casting a veil over our needs, wants, and perceptions. Wishful thinking can impair our judgment of value, and we may be lacking discrimination especially when it comes to people, our relationships, and material things. Lines can blur when it comes to the pursuit of pleasure, as we can convince ourselves to believe what we want to believe. The Moon is void from 10:03 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Saturn), until the Moon enters Libra the next day, Monday, December 11th, at 12:02 AM EST. DECEMBER 11 The Moon enters Libra two minutes into the day. Balancing our desires with those of another may come into focus. We seek to solve problems diplomatically and tactfully now. Moderating, negotiating, and compromise are themes today. This is a good time for motivation and dedication levels regarding work or projects, research, and personal interests. There can be opportunities to pursue absorbing topics and projects of interest. More joy and meaning can be found in our work, duties, and responsibilities, and we are exceptionally resourceful today. Conversations are meaningful as we come up with new insights on old problems or uncertainties. The Moon ends its void period when it enters Libra today at 12:02 AM EST. DECEMBER 12 DECEMBER 13 A void of course Moon occurs from 7:28 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Saturn), until the Moon enters Scorpio at 8:59 AM EST. DECEMBER 14 A void of course Moon occurs from 8:42 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Sagittarius the next day, Friday, December 15th, at 8:08 PM EST. DECEMBER 15 The void period ends when the Moon enters Sagittarius today at 8:08 PM EST. DECEMBER 16  If it’s your birthday today, see our feature, If Today is Your Birthday Forecasts, for a free forecast for the upcoming year. Moon Signs This Week: When the Moon is in Virgo  We instinctually gravitate towards practical activities under the influence of a Virgo Moon. In an urge to set things right, we might easily find ourselves re-organizing and rethinking plans. Emotional satisfaction comes from solving problems, making order out of confusion, and helping others. Health matters might come into focus. We notice the smaller parts that make up the whole, and instead of letting nagging details bother us, we might work on ironing them out so that we can feel more confident moving ahead. The Moon in Virgo generally favors the following activities: Mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details. When the Moon is in Libra Creating order is the focus, not necessarily through tidying or organizing as was the case while the Moon was in Virgo, but rather through pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in our environment. We tend to solve problems through diplomacy, and we are more able to put aside our own emotions in order to achieve the peace we crave. The tendency now is to avoid direct confrontations. Decisions do not come easily. Seeing both sides to any given situation is the main reason for hesitation. Fear of losing others' approval is another. The Moon in Libra generally favors the following activities: Relationship and partnership issues, activities involving teamwork and cooperation, activities that involve self-examination, activities related to beauty. When the Moon is in Scorpio  Intensity is what the Moon in Scorpio is all about. Whether it's passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. We are motivated by the desire to get to the bottom of things, and we instinctively read between the lines. Superficiality won't work for us now. The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power, and it's an excellent time to rid ourselves of old fears and limiting habits. It can be an intimate and passionate time. Avoid manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness. The Moon in Scorpio generally favors the following activities: Taxes, accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid of old things. When the Moon is in Sagittarius  The Moon is at her most optimistic and upbeat in Sagittarius. We are motivated by a need to seek the truth, and we are ready to pursue a new vision. We are not interested in details just now. Instead, we focus on the big picture. New experiences and adventures satisfy a deep emotional need. Spontaneity is the key. We may also be inclined toward overdoing and overstating. We don't want to plan ahead, and prefer to "wing it". The Moon in Sagittarius generally favors the following activities: Adventurous activities that involve "winging it", travel, higher education, starting publishing projects, advertising, sports, physical activity. Upcoming Weeks: Calendars  This Week in Astrology Calendar: December 17-23, 2017  This Week in Astrology Calendar: December 24 to 30, 2017  This Week in Astrology Calendar: December 31, 2017, to January 6, 2018  This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 7 to 13, 2018  This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 14 to 20, 2018  This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 21-27, 2018 THIS WEEK’S PLANETARY POSITIONS BY SIGN (General Trends): Sun in Sagittarius You’re now embarking on a trek into a land of dreams – not passive daydreams, but vibrant visions of what may be. The time has come to stop looking at the world as it is and asking why. Now’s the time to imagine the world as it could be, and the question has become: “Why not?” You also cannot do everything you imagine now, but you cannot do anything you don’t KNOW you can do – so believe, and dare to make it happen! This means expanding your mind, your belief system, your whole base of knowledge and experience. Time’s a wastin’ – let no grass grow between your toes! Mercury in Sagittarius A time of expanding your mental horizons is at hand. Religion, philosophy, law, and education are some of the things that may have special importance for you now. Being in touch with faraway people and places satisfies an intellectual yearning – curiosity will take you anywhere and maybe everywhere. Venus in Sagittarius A yearning for adventure and far horizons stirs in you now. To roam, to wander and wonder, to seek freedom and go where no one has gone before – these things are deep and powerful longings. A time of romantic crusades, a universal love that might not be too particular. Mars in Scorpio Tear it down and build it up again, reach in and pluck out the offending element: that’s what the new cycle you have entered is like. Power becomes a compelling idea, perhaps even an aphrodisiac – and you’ve got a stronger than usual supply of it now. Use it, don’t abuse it – or you might find that it’s a two-edged sword! Jupiter in Scorpio The phase now beginning for you emphasizes fixing what is broken or unhealthy, thereby giving it a new lease on life. This is more than one person alone can handle, so the cooperation of others is essential. You give up something in order to get or create something, and you may not understand the reasons why at the time. Sex, money, power, and vitality become key issues. Saturn in Sagittarius The new phase now beginning in your life brings a need to break out of narrow concepts and legalistic philosophical or religious ideas. Remember: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.” Opportunities to broaden your mental horizons may not come with ease, but they are essential if you are to avoid a kind of spiritual stagnation. Uranus in Aries A clean break with the past in some respects is signaled by the cycle you have just begun. What YOU need, YOUR freedom and independence, shattering old molds: these are the things that energize you and take priority in your life. Uniqueness and originality set you apart. Neptune in Pisces Things spiritual and psychic take the driver’s seat of your imagination as you begin a new cycle. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation. If all is Maya (illusion), what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances? Pluto in Capricorn As this new phase dawns for you, the pursuit of social/political power and status has a way of seeming necessary and inevitable – and let nothing stand in its way. It starts out small but has bigger consequences than you’d think. Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone and everyone in their place… The interpretations in this box are from the Day Watch software. What’s In Your Forecast? Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology. BACK TO THIS WEEK IN ASTROLOGY MAIN/CURRENT See also: The Astrology of 2017 – Overview The Astrology of 2018 – Overview Monthly Calendar This Month in Astrology This Month’s Ephemeris This Month’s Transits  Next Week: (when available in advance) This Week in Astrology: December 10 to 16, 2017 Previous Weeks: This Week in Astrology: December 3 to 9, 2017 December 2, 2017 / This Week in Astrology This Week in Astrology: November 26 to December 2, 2017 November 23, 2017 / This Week in Astrology This Week in Astrology: November 19 to 25, 2017 November 18, 2017 / This Week in Astrology FacebookTwitterGoogle+PinterestTumblrEmailGoogle GmailShare Search  Search this website … SEARCH Site Menu: Astrology Reports Birth Chart Interpretations Horoscopes & Forecasts Astrology Articles Astrology of Love & Sex Ask Annie Famous People Signs of the Zodiac Planets & Points Love Sign Compatibility Birthdays & Divining Arts Synastry/Relationships Predictive Astrology Astrology Tools & Tables Astrology Reference Astrology Topics Astrology Book Reviews Resources & Links Free Reports & Calculations Horoscopes & Forecasts – In This Section: Daily Horoscopes Monthly Horoscopes 2017 Horoscopes Preview 2017 Horoscopes Overview 2017 Yearly Horoscopes 2017 Love Horoscopes LoveScopes Ascendant Sign Horoscopes Good Days Calendars Daily Horoscopes II 2017 Planetary Overview 2018 Planetary Overview 2017 Astrological Aspects 2018 Astrological Aspects 2017 Astrological Events 2018 Astrological Events 2017 Best Dates for Love 2018 Best Dates for Love Transiting Conjunctions Sun-Venus Cycle 2017 Eclipse Charts Lunations: Eclipses New Moon in the Houses Full Moon in the Houses This Week in Astrology This Month in Astrology Astrology Trends Mega Calendar Yearly Astrology Trends Calendar Daily Trends Calendar Moon Phases Calendar Monthly Astrology Calendars Mercury Retrograde Venus Retrograde Mars Retrograde When Saturn is Retrograde Saturn Transits Capricorn 2017 to 2020 Jupiter Transits Scorpio 2017-2018 Free Report: 2017 Preview Horoscopes Our Free Astrology Reports Love Sign Compatibility  Current Moon Sign Moon in Virgo  We instinctively gravitate towards practical activities under the influence of a Virgo Moon. In order to set things right, we might easily find ourselves re-organizing and rethinking plans. Emotional satisfaction comes from solving problems, making order out of confusion, and helping others. Health matters might come into focus. We notice the smaller parts that make up the whole, and instead of letting nagging details bother us, we might work on ironing them out so that we can feel more confident moving ahead.   The Moon in Virgo generally favors the following activities: Mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details. 12/10/201712:35:03 PM UPCOMING FILTER EVENTS 10 DEC DECEMBER 10, 2017 DAILY OVERVIEW (Overview Of The Day: Sunday) EST 11 DEC DECEMBER 11, 2017 DAILY OVERVIEW (Overview Of The Day: Monday) EST 18 DEC NEW MOON - DECEMBER 18, 2017 IN SAGITTARIUS 1:31 am EST 19 DEC SATURN ENTERS CAPRICORN PLANETARY INGRESS 11:49 pm EST 21 DEC SUN ENTERS CAPRICORN PLANETARY INGRESS 11:27 am EST 22 DEC JUPITER SEMI-SQUARE SATURN PLANETARY ASPECT 9:54 am EST 22 DEC MERCURY TURNS DIRECT IN SAGITTARIUS DIRECT STATION 9:54 am EST 25 DEC VENUS ENTERS CAPRICORN PLANETARY INGRESS 12:25 am EST 01 JAN FULL MOON - JANUARY 1, 2018 IN CANCER 9:23 pm EST See full astrological event calendars. 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kristinejrosario · 7 years
218: How to Set Smart Blogging Goals for the New Year
Using the SMART Approach to Set Your Blogging Goals for 2018  
It’s that time of year where many of us are reviewing the year gone by and setting our blogging goals for 2018.
Goal setting is really important in any venture. Without goals, your actions tend to be aimless and random. By setting something specific to aim at, you’ll  be motivated and more focused in your efforts.
A lot has been written about goal setting over the years. But one way to set your goals is to use the SMART approach, where SMART is an acronym for characteristics of good goals.
Most people say Peter Drucker came up the idea, while others say it was George Doran. In any case, both men were almost certainly contributors.
Today I want to work through one version of it (there are a number of subtle variations) and see what we can learn about it as bloggers.
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Hi there, and welcome to Episode 218 of the ProBlogger Podcast. My name is Darren Rowse, and I’m the blogger behind problogger.com, a blog, a podcast, series of ebooks, and a job board all designed to help you as a blogger to grow your blog, to build an income around your blog, and hopefully change the world and make it a better place at the same time.
Today in Episode 218, I want to talk about goal setting. It is that time of year where I know many of you are beginning to wind down a little bit. You’re beginning to do some reviews of your blog and you’re starting to think about next year. You’re thinking about what you should be trying to achieve in the year ahead. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably starting to think about some goals or objectives for the year ahead. That’s something that we’re talking about as a team for ProBlogger and Digital Photography School at the moment.
I thought I would share some tips on setting some goals. Goals that are going to stretch you, but also goals that would be realistic. Goals that will move your business forward and move you forward, I guess, in many ways as well. I want to give you a bit of a framework for thinking about those goal settings.
You can find out a little bit more about what I’m doing today on today’s show notes. There’s a full transcription of today’s show, as well as some further reading as well. Go to problogger.com/podcast/218. There’s also an opportunity for you to sign up for our ProBloggerPLUS newsletter on the show notes. And simply, that is a weekly email that I send out every Thursday, Australian time, on Thursday morning US. That’s just a recap of what we’ve published over the last week. You get a little notification of our new podcast and new blogpost and if I’ve done a Facebook Live as well. Anyway, I want to get on with today’s show. Show notes again at problogger.com/podcast/218.
As I said in the intro, it is that time of the year where many bloggers are reviewing the year gone by, beginning to think about goals for 2018. Also, many of us are looking forward to a little bit of a break over the holiday period. Here in Australia of course, we’re going into Summer at the moment. I’m standing here in my shorts and t-shirts which is a welcome relief after a long winter. We’ll be having a warm Christmas and New Year’s period with a bit of a break. That’s what, us, Aussies do. But also, in the midst of all that planning for a break, we’re beginning to think about next year, 2018. I can’t believe it’s almost upon us.
Goal setting of course is so important in any part of your life really. If you want to achieve things, it’s much easier to make those achievements if you’ve actually got a specific goal in front of you. Your actions tend to be pretty aimless in life and random if you don’t have something to actually aim for. How do you come up with that thing that you’re going to aim for?
There’s been a lot written about goal setting over the years both on ProBlogger. I’ve covered this topic almost every year. I’ve done a blog post or a podcast on it and in the broader blogger sphere, there’s been many books written about it as well.
One of the approaches that has come to my attention over the years that I’ve found helpful in thinking about my goals is to use the acronym S.M.A.R.T. This doesn’t tell you how to come up with goals, but as you’re thinking about your goals it’s a good framework to run your goals through to make them more effective goals.
I don’t know who came up with the S.M.A.R.T. framework for goal setting. Some people say it was Peter Drucker, other people say George Doran’s. I want to give those men credits but they have both certainly written about this and contributed to this framework. There’s been plenty of others over the years as well. I’ve done research into the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting, there’s lots of different translations of it. The S.M.A.R.T. can actually stand for different things. I want to give you one version of that today. And as I’ll go along the way, I’ll also mention a few other words that I think could be useful as you’re thinking about your goals.
Let’s look at them one by one. To start off, I’ll give you the overview. The overview is that your goals should be S for smart, M for measurable, A for achievable, R for relevant, and T for time-bound. As I said before, there’s a few other words that I’ll throw in along the way. Let’s look at each one in turn.
Let’s start with S for specific. Make your goals as specific as possible. Don’t make your goals something like, “I want more traffic for my blog,” or, “I want more money from my blog,” or, “I want to write more often.” These are good goals, they’re good things that you should be probably wanting to do as a blogger. But they’re very fuzzy. Make them more specific. If you want more traffic, how much more traffic do you want? If you want more money, how much more money do you want? If you want to post more often, how often do you want to post? Get as specific as possible.
You might say, “I want 100% more traffic this year than I had last year,” or, “I want to earn $50,000 this year,” or, “I want to publish a blog post every week this year.” They’re very specific goals. They also tap into the next letter which I will talk about in a moment.
The other S word that I came up with that I haven’t really seen too many people talking about but for me, is an essential to any goal. It’s to make it as significant as possible. Don’t just set goals for the sake of having goals. Choose goals that will take you towards your overarching, long-term goals, the things that you are wanting to achieve – not just this year but in the next 10 years. What is the goal of your blog? Why are you blogging? Your goals need to tap into that why on a deeper level.
If your goal is to make a million dollars, then you’re probably not going to do that in the first year. But make your goal something that is going to help you to achieve that overarching goal. If your overarching goal is to get a book deal, you may not get that this year. But what do you need to do this year to take you towards that long-term goal? If your goal is to retire by the time you’re 60, then unless you’re 59, that’s probably not going to happen this year. But what can you set as a goal that’s going to take you towards the long-term goal?
Consider the big picture and also consider, I guess, what is significant to you. What are you passionate about? What is meaningful to you as well? It’s really important to have significant goals because those kinds of goals, they’re going to be much more motivating for you than just a general fuzzy goal like, “I want more traffic,” or, “I want to double my traffic.” If you tap into the why you want more traffic, that is going to make the goal more significant to you. Make your goals specific but make them also significant.
M is for measurable. If you can’t measure, then it’s not a S.M.A.R.T. goal. In the examples I gave earlier, “I want to increase my traffic by 100%,” or, “I want to earn $50,000.” “I want to publish a blog post every week.” They are not only specific goals but they’re also measurable because I can tell whether I have achieved those things or not. I will know by the end of the year if I have increased my traffic by 100%. I will know if I have published every week whether I’ve published every week. I can see whether I’ve achieved those goals or not.
Measurable goals are great for that reason. You’ll know if you’ve reached them or not, but they’re also great because they can help you to track how you’re going in those things as well. For example, the $50,000 this year. Fifty thousand dollars might be more or less what you want to achieve. But whatever it is that you want to make, you can then break that down into a monthly, weekly, daily total. I know if I want to make $50,000 this year, then I need to make $4,166 every month. I can see how far through the month am I on track to make that target. Same, you can get even more granular thinking about $137 a day to help you reach that goal.
Measurable goals are great because they help you whether you’ve got it or not but also, it can give you motivation along the way that can spur you on and see how you’re tracking with your goal. The other M word that I would encourage you to think about, it kind of taps into the significant one that I was talking before, but it’s to make it meaningful.
Make your goals meaningful to you. Try to choose goals that have meaning to you personally but also to your business. Like I said before, this taps into those significant goals as long-term goals, but also, what else is meaningful to you. Your goals could actually be other things that you want to achieve.
For example, I talked to one blogger recently who told me that her goal for next year is to raise $10,000 for school of orphans in Africa. That’s what she wants to achieve. Whilst that’s not going to grow her business, it’s meaningful to her. She actually visited that orphanage a few years ago and it’s a meaningful goal for her. She wants to raise that, and she wants to raise that through her blogs.
Choose goals that are not just going to further your business, but are going to further other goals that you might have, other meaningful things that you have. Your goals need to be measurable and also if you can, make them meaningful.
Now A, a is for achievable goals. Your goals should stretch you. There should be things that are going to make you work hard. But they should also be realistic, based upon the situation that you’re in. If you’re blogging in the evenings after work, after other family commitments, it may not be realistic to set your goal to publish a blog post every day. It may not even be realistic for you to publish every week. You may want to come up with a different goal based upon the situation that you’re in. If you are able to dedicate full time, you’ll probably be able to reach some of those goals of publishing weekly, maybe even daily.
Setting your goal too big could actually hurt your blog. It could impact your motivation but also, it could hurt the quality of the work that you’re doing and as a result, could hurt your brand. Do stretch yourself, but don’t bite off more than you can chew. Take account of your available time, the resources that you have, also the stage of your blog, are things really important? I see a lot of bloggers who say, “I want to be a full-time blogger by the end of the year,” and they actually haven’t started their blog yet. That may not be realistic. It might be a stretch goal.
I have certainly seen a couple of bloggers go full-time within a year, but in most cases it’s not actually achievable for most bloggers. Usually, it takes a couple of years to kind of get to that stage. Take into account your time, your resources, the stage of your blog, where it’s sitting at the moment. Also, look at previous performance, how’s your blog been tracking, and the experience of others as well. You can certainly ask around to find out whether a goal sounds realistic to other people.
It’s also worth saying that another A word is often translated into S.M.A.R.T. goals as agreed-upon. I’ve seen a number of people write about this. Your goals need to be agreed-upon. This is usually said in the context of a team. The A, agreed-upon, everyone in the team should know and agree upon the goal.
This isn’t going to be as relevant for all bloggers because I know a lot of ProBlogger and podcast listeners are single person blogs, they’re just them blogging. It’s not too hard to have an agreed-upon goal if you’re the only one there. But if you do have a team, I think it’s really important to communicate those goals that you have.
The worst thing you can do if you’re in a team is for you to have a goal and not communicate that to your team. Make sure everyone else knows what the goal is, and get buy in from them as well. A goal really is useless in a team environment if everyone doesn’t know it, but also they don’t buy into that in some way. A is for achievable goals, but also if you have a team make sure that they are agreed-upon as well.
R, make your goals Relevant. Make your goals sit alongside each other really well. This is thinking about you’re going to probably come out with multiple goals for your blog in a year. If you’re thinking about that sort of whole year, you probably should have a number things that you are trying to achieve. But sometimes goals can clash with one another.
I think back over the years, there’s been tons of set goals that I realized one of the goals that I’ve set for the year stands out on my list as being something that just doesn’t fit with others. Many times the reason is that it’s just not the right time to pursue that thing.
For example, I think it was back in 2015, I had on my list of goals that I wanted to run an event in the US. It’s something that I felt strongly about – we’ve got a lot of readers in the US – I wanted to do this, and I felt it would be worthwhile. I thought it would serve our readers. I thought it would be profitable.
But as I looked at that complete list of goals that I wanted to achieve in 2015, it became clear to me that if I was going to put an event on this US, it was going to hurt some of my other goals.
It was going to take a lot of the focus away from some of these other things that really needed to happen first. I needed to get some more foundational things done before I put on that event in the US. So I decided to put that goal on hold. It wasn’t something that I killed. I knew I would do it eventually. But I decided not to pursue it in 2015.
This year, when I decided to look at my goals, it was something that we were much more ready to do. I already met some people who can help us to make that event a reality, and I had freed up some time in my own schedule to be able to put attention into that. This year in 2017, we ran the Success Incubator event.
It was a good goal but it just wasn’t the right time for that goal. It wasn’t a relevant goal for 2015. As you look at that list of goals that you’ve got, bring some critical thinking to it. It’s great to have sort of big goals. I think there’s a place for blue sky thinking, brainstorming, when you’re coming up with goals. But also bring some critical thought to it as well. This might be something that you want to involve some other people in. Show your goals to someone else. Often they will say, “Hmm, this one doesn’t quite fit.”
There’s some other questions you might want to think about. Do your goals sit well with each other? Are there any in your list that could clash with others, one goal might hurt another? Is now the right time to pursue all of those goals? Will one of the goals cause you to be distracted from some of the other things because it’s so big or it’s so new? Is the current environment suitable for the goal? Maybe your goal is to come up with a new type of product and maybe the market’s not ready for that product yet.
Or maybe it’s an old-fashion kind of goal. It would have been a good goal ten years ago, but it’s not so good now. Do other things need to be achieved first? Are there some foundations that need to be laid this year so that you can achieve those other goals next year?
Those are some of the questions I will encourage you to ask once you’ve compiled a list of goals to actually think about. Not only are they specific, measurable and achievable but are they actually relevant for my business today? Are they relevant to what’s in front of me right now, the current situation I’m in? That’s R.
T in the S.M.A.R.T. is to make them time-bound. It’s perhaps a bit of a stretch too because it’s not a word I would usually use. For me, I would say put a deadline on your goal. This is part of making your goal specific and measurable. It’s also about helping you to begin to think about the how, how you’re going to reach that goal. Once you put a deadline on it, you begin to see what needs to be done at certain times of the year.
Put a deadline, “This goal needs to be achieved by August.” I begin to then kind of work backwards from August and begin to slot into place other smaller goals or objectives or milestones that need to happen along the way. It’s also, I find personally, my personality type. Having a deadline actually helps me with my motivation. I work really well with a deadline. A deadline helps me to stop procrastinating. I’ve talked about that in previous podcast as well. Put a deadline on it.
One tip I would give you with deadlines. Don’t make all your goals by the end of the year because you’re going to get into a problem at the end of the year. It could mean that you have a really hectic last month of the year. December might be crazy because you’ve got all these goals that haven’t been met yet and you’re trying to work on them all. Think about spreading some of your goals out through the calendar so that you are working on different things at different times of the year.
For my blogs, for Digital Photography School for example, we create a calendar for the whole year. We’re actually will be doing that in the next week or so. We begin to slot those goals in as we go. Once we have our overall goal, we might have an overall goal. This year we want to launch three new products. We begin to think about when will those products fit in? Another goal might be we want to do five affiliate promotions. Now, we’ve got our products slotted in, we can begin to see where our affiliate promotions might go in. We might want to have four opt-ins, four lead magnets. Where are we going to slot those in? We’ve already got all these other projects on the go, so we’re able to begin to slot those in.
Having a deadline in place means that you are motivated. But it also begins to help you to plan that year so that you’re not doing too much all at once. Really helpful. Another T word that I want to throw in for S.M.A.R.T. goals is to make your goals as thorough as possible. I’ve already alluded to this in some ways. I think you probably should come up with more than one goal for the year. I don’t think you should come up with too many, but think about all of the different aspects of blogging.
As I’ve talked about in previous episodes of this podcast, I believe there are certain pillars of pro blogging. If you want to have a profitable blog, there are a variety of things you need to be working on in any one at a time. You need to be thinking about content. You need to be thinking about traffic. You need to be thinking about engagement and building community. You need to be thinking about monetization. For me, they’re the four pillars of pro blogging. It makes sense to me that you probably want to be thinking about coming up with at least one goal for each of those four areas; some goals for your content, some goals for your traffic, some goals for engagements, some goals for monetization.
Then of course, there are some other aspects of blogging like design, like tech, the tech side of your blog, your servers and that type of thing and also, your productivity and how you are going to do all of this stuff. You might want to have other goals in some of those areas as well. By doing so, you’re coming up with a holistic kind of thorough approach to goal setting. You’re not just saying, “I want more traffic this year,” or, “I want more money.” You’re actually beginning to break down where does more money actually come from? Well, it probably comes from working on my content, my monetization, my traffic, my engagement, my productivity, my design, my tech. All of these things will help contribute to some of those bigger goals that you might have as well.
For me, the areas that I would always be thinking about were content, traffic, engagement, monetization, productivity, design, and tech. They’re probably the seven main areas that we will be coming up with goals for across my blogs.
S.M.A.R.T. goals, S.M.A.R.T. goals are specific, they’re significant, they’re measurable, they’re meaningful, they’re achievable, they’re agreed-upon if you’ve got a team, they’re relevant, they’re time-bound or they have deadlines, and they’re thorough. There’s this smart approach to that. A few other thoughts that I would pop in there, write it down, I think it’s so important to not just come up with the goals in your mind because if you’re anything like me, you’ll forget those goals or they won’t be at the top of your mind, actually write them down, put them into a calendar. I think that is so important.
If you’ve got a goal and it’s measurable and it’s got a deadline, then it should automatically go into a calendar at that deadline and you should probably even be working backwards. Once you’ve got the goal in the calendar, you want to start thinking about what needs to happen to make that goal a reality. This is where you get into the planning. Work backwards from the deadline. What needs to happen for that ebook that you want to have launched by October? What needs to happen by August? What needs to have happened by April? What needs to happen in the next week? You can begin to put some milestones in place. You can begin to work out the order of what needs to be achieved, and who needs to do it as well.
The last thing I would say is make your goals accountable to people. Maybe that’s another A word there. But be accountable to someone with your goals whether that be a family member, a partner, a friend or maybe some other blogger that you want to pair up with this year. Or maybe it’s in your Facebook group or another Facebook group as well.
If you want to join the ProBlogger Facebook group, we’ll have a thread where you can share your goals for the year and maybe just by putting it out there to the group, maybe that will make you a little bit more accountable. I would encourage you though to find someone else who will keep you accountable to that, a buddy or maybe a mentoring group as well.
I hope that’s been helpful for you. I’d love to hear what your goals are for the year, either in the Facebook groups or in the comments on the show notes as well. Today’s show notes are at problogger.com/podcast/218 and of course, the Facebook group, if you do a search for ProBlogger Community on Facebook, you would find that group immediately.
Lastly again, do sign up for our newsletter. It is the best way to keep up with our latest content. We definitely, this year, slowed down in the content creation that we’ve done. This is really as a result of your feedback. We were getting a lot of feedback from people saying, “I didn’t want too many articles every week.” So we slowed it down, there’s only ever going to be one blogpost, one podcast, and one Facebook Live over the next year. Occasionally, we might slip something if we’re doing a series that’s on top of that. But we want to make it achievable for you to consume our content at ProBlogger. That ProBloggerPLUS newsletter, which you can sign up for anywhere on ProBlogger, will help you keep in touch with that new stuff as well.
Hopefully that’s helpful for you today. I’ll look forward to travelling with you over the next few weeks as we approach the end of the year. I’ll look forward to chatting with you in the New Year as well. As I said last week, we’ve got a brand new course that we’ll be launching that’s going to help people to start a blog early in the year next year. If you know anyone who is kind of thinking about starting a blog, let them know that we’ve got that coming. Then we’ve got something else coming up straight after that course that’s going to help us establish bloggers to kind of get their blogs firing up again as well. That’ll come out probably on February as well. Some exciting things coming. Can’t tell you much more than that at the moment, but I look forward to sharing more in the coming weeks. Thanks for listening, chat with you next week.
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218: How to Set Smart Blogging Goals for the New Year
Using the SMART Approach to Set Your Blogging Goals for 2018  
It’s that time of year where many of us are reviewing the year gone by and setting our blogging goals for 2018.
Goal setting is really important in any venture. Without goals, your actions tend to be aimless and random. By setting something specific to aim at, you’ll  be motivated and more focused in your efforts.
A lot has been written about goal setting over the years. But one way to set your goals is to use the SMART approach, where SMART is an acronym for characteristics of good goals.
Most people say Peter Drucker came up the idea, while others say it was George Doran. In any case, both men were almost certainly contributors.
Today I want to work through one version of it (there are a number of subtle variations) and see what we can learn about it as bloggers.
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Hi there, and welcome to Episode 218 of the ProBlogger Podcast. My name is Darren Rowse, and I’m the blogger behind problogger.com, a blog, a podcast, series of ebooks, and a job board all designed to help you as a blogger to grow your blog, to build an income around your blog, and hopefully change the world and make it a better place at the same time.
Today in Episode 218, I want to talk about goal setting. It is that time of year where I know many of you are beginning to wind down a little bit. You’re beginning to do some reviews of your blog and you’re starting to think about next year. You’re thinking about what you should be trying to achieve in the year ahead. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably starting to think about some goals or objectives for the year ahead. That’s something that we’re talking about as a team for ProBlogger and Digital Photography School at the moment.
I thought I would share some tips on setting some goals. Goals that are going to stretch you, but also goals that would be realistic. Goals that will move your business forward and move you forward, I guess, in many ways as well. I want to give you a bit of a framework for thinking about those goal settings.
You can find out a little bit more about what I’m doing today on today’s show notes. There’s a full transcription of today’s show, as well as some further reading as well. Go to http://ift.tt/2BpCS69. There’s also an opportunity for you to sign up for our ProBloggerPLUS newsletter on the show notes. And simply, that is a weekly email that I send out every Thursday, Australian time, on Thursday morning US. That’s just a recap of what we’ve published over the last week. You get a little notification of our new podcast and new blogpost and if I’ve done a Facebook Live as well. Anyway, I want to get on with today’s show. Show notes again at http://ift.tt/2BpCS69.
As I said in the intro, it is that time of the year where many bloggers are reviewing the year gone by, beginning to think about goals for 2018. Also, many of us are looking forward to a little bit of a break over the holiday period. Here in Australia of course, we’re going into Summer at the moment. I’m standing here in my shorts and t-shirts which is a welcome relief after a long winter. We’ll be having a warm Christmas and New Year’s period with a bit of a break. That’s what, us, Aussies do. But also, in the midst of all that planning for a break, we’re beginning to think about next year, 2018. I can’t believe it’s almost upon us.
Goal setting of course is so important in any part of your life really. If you want to achieve things, it’s much easier to make those achievements if you’ve actually got a specific goal in front of you. Your actions tend to be pretty aimless in life and random if you don’t have something to actually aim for. How do you come up with that thing that you’re going to aim for?
There’s been a lot written about goal setting over the years both on ProBlogger. I’ve covered this topic almost every year. I’ve done a blog post or a podcast on it and in the broader blogger sphere, there’s been many books written about it as well.
One of the approaches that has come to my attention over the years that I’ve found helpful in thinking about my goals is to use the acronym S.M.A.R.T. This doesn’t tell you how to come up with goals, but as you’re thinking about your goals it’s a good framework to run your goals through to make them more effective goals.
I don’t know who came up with the S.M.A.R.T. framework for goal setting. Some people say it was Peter Drucker, other people say George Doran’s. I want to give those men credits but they have both certainly written about this and contributed to this framework. There’s been plenty of others over the years as well. I’ve done research into the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting, there’s lots of different translations of it. The S.M.A.R.T. can actually stand for different things. I want to give you one version of that today. And as I’ll go along the way, I’ll also mention a few other words that I think could be useful as you’re thinking about your goals.
Let’s look at them one by one. To start off, I’ll give you the overview. The overview is that your goals should be S for smart, M for measurable, A for achievable, R for relevant, and T for time-bound. As I said before, there’s a few other words that I’ll throw in along the way. Let’s look at each one in turn.
Let’s start with S for specific. Make your goals as specific as possible. Don’t make your goals something like, “I want more traffic for my blog,” or, “I want more money from my blog,” or, “I want to write more often.” These are good goals, they’re good things that you should be probably wanting to do as a blogger. But they’re very fuzzy. Make them more specific. If you want more traffic, how much more traffic do you want? If you want more money, how much more money do you want? If you want to post more often, how often do you want to post? Get as specific as possible.
You might say, “I want 100% more traffic this year than I had last year,” or, “I want to earn $50,000 this year,” or, “I want to publish a blog post every week this year.” They’re very specific goals. They also tap into the next letter which I will talk about in a moment.
The other S word that I came up with that I haven’t really seen too many people talking about but for me, is an essential to any goal. It’s to make it as significant as possible. Don’t just set goals for the sake of having goals. Choose goals that will take you towards your overarching, long-term goals, the things that you are wanting to achieve – not just this year but in the next 10 years. What is the goal of your blog? Why are you blogging? Your goals need to tap into that why on a deeper level.
If your goal is to make a million dollars, then you’re probably not going to do that in the first year. But make your goal something that is going to help you to achieve that overarching goal. If your overarching goal is to get a book deal, you may not get that this year. But what do you need to do this year to take you towards that long-term goal? If your goal is to retire by the time you’re 60, then unless you’re 59, that’s probably not going to happen this year. But what can you set as a goal that’s going to take you towards the long-term goal?
Consider the big picture and also consider, I guess, what is significant to you. What are you passionate about? What is meaningful to you as well? It’s really important to have significant goals because those kinds of goals, they’re going to be much more motivating for you than just a general fuzzy goal like, “I want more traffic,” or, “I want to double my traffic.” If you tap into the why you want more traffic, that is going to make the goal more significant to you. Make your goals specific but make them also significant.
M is for measurable. If you can’t measure, then it’s not a S.M.A.R.T. goal. In the examples I gave earlier, “I want to increase my traffic by 100%,” or, “I want to earn $50,000.” “I want to publish a blog post every week.” They are not only specific goals but they’re also measurable because I can tell whether I have achieved those things or not. I will know by the end of the year if I have increased my traffic by 100%. I will know if I have published every week whether I’ve published every week. I can see whether I’ve achieved those goals or not.
Measurable goals are great for that reason. You’ll know if you’ve reached them or not, but they’re also great because they can help you to track how you’re going in those things as well. For example, the $50,000 this year. Fifty thousand dollars might be more or less what you want to achieve. But whatever it is that you want to make, you can then break that down into a monthly, weekly, daily total. I know if I want to make $50,000 this year, then I need to make $4,166 every month. I can see how far through the month am I on track to make that target. Same, you can get even more granular thinking about $137 a day to help you reach that goal.
Measurable goals are great because they help you whether you’ve got it or not but also, it can give you motivation along the way that can spur you on and see how you’re tracking with your goal. The other M word that I would encourage you to think about, it kind of taps into the significant one that I was talking before, but it’s to make it meaningful.
Make your goals meaningful to you. Try to choose goals that have meaning to you personally but also to your business. Like I said before, this taps into those significant goals as long-term goals, but also, what else is meaningful to you. Your goals could actually be other things that you want to achieve.
For example, I talked to one blogger recently who told me that her goal for next year is to raise $10,000 for school of orphans in Africa. That’s what she wants to achieve. Whilst that’s not going to grow her business, it’s meaningful to her. She actually visited that orphanage a few years ago and it’s a meaningful goal for her. She wants to raise that, and she wants to raise that through her blogs.
Choose goals that are not just going to further your business, but are going to further other goals that you might have, other meaningful things that you have. Your goals need to be measurable and also if you can, make them meaningful.
Now A, a is for achievable goals. Your goals should stretch you. There should be things that are going to make you work hard. But they should also be realistic, based upon the situation that you’re in. If you’re blogging in the evenings after work, after other family commitments, it may not be realistic to set your goal to publish a blog post every day. It may not even be realistic for you to publish every week. You may want to come up with a different goal based upon the situation that you’re in. If you are able to dedicate full time, you’ll probably be able to reach some of those goals of publishing weekly, maybe even daily.
Setting your goal too big could actually hurt your blog. It could impact your motivation but also, it could hurt the quality of the work that you’re doing and as a result, could hurt your brand. Do stretch yourself, but don’t bite off more than you can chew. Take account of your available time, the resources that you have, also the stage of your blog, are things really important? I see a lot of bloggers who say, “I want to be a full-time blogger by the end of the year,” and they actually haven’t started their blog yet. That may not be realistic. It might be a stretch goal.
I have certainly seen a couple of bloggers go full-time within a year, but in most cases it’s not actually achievable for most bloggers. Usually, it takes a couple of years to kind of get to that stage. Take into account your time, your resources, the stage of your blog, where it’s sitting at the moment. Also, look at previous performance, how’s your blog been tracking, and the experience of others as well. You can certainly ask around to find out whether a goal sounds realistic to other people.
It’s also worth saying that another A word is often translated into S.M.A.R.T. goals as agreed-upon. I’ve seen a number of people write about this. Your goals need to be agreed-upon. This is usually said in the context of a team. The A, agreed-upon, everyone in the team should know and agree upon the goal.
This isn’t going to be as relevant for all bloggers because I know a lot of ProBlogger and podcast listeners are single person blogs, they’re just them blogging. It’s not too hard to have an agreed-upon goal if you’re the only one there. But if you do have a team, I think it’s really important to communicate those goals that you have.
The worst thing you can do if you’re in a team is for you to have a goal and not communicate that to your team. Make sure everyone else knows what the goal is, and get buy in from them as well. A goal really is useless in a team environment if everyone doesn’t know it, but also they don’t buy into that in some way. A is for achievable goals, but also if you have a team make sure that they are agreed-upon as well.
R, make your goals Relevant. Make your goals sit alongside each other really well. This is thinking about you’re going to probably come out with multiple goals for your blog in a year. If you’re thinking about that sort of whole year, you probably should have a number things that you are trying to achieve. But sometimes goals can clash with one another.
I think back over the years, there’s been tons of set goals that I realized one of the goals that I’ve set for the year stands out on my list as being something that just doesn’t fit with others. Many times the reason is that it’s just not the right time to pursue that thing.
For example, I think it was back in 2015, I had on my list of goals that I wanted to run an event in the US. It’s something that I felt strongly about – we’ve got a lot of readers in the US – I wanted to do this, and I felt it would be worthwhile. I thought it would serve our readers. I thought it would be profitable.
But as I looked at that complete list of goals that I wanted to achieve in 2015, it became clear to me that if I was going to put an event on this US, it was going to hurt some of my other goals.
It was going to take a lot of the focus away from some of these other things that really needed to happen first. I needed to get some more foundational things done before I put on that event in the US. So I decided to put that goal on hold. It wasn’t something that I killed. I knew I would do it eventually. But I decided not to pursue it in 2015.
This year, when I decided to look at my goals, it was something that we were much more ready to do. I already met some people who can help us to make that event a reality, and I had freed up some time in my own schedule to be able to put attention into that. This year in 2017, we ran the Success Incubator event.
It was a good goal but it just wasn’t the right time for that goal. It wasn’t a relevant goal for 2015. As you look at that list of goals that you’ve got, bring some critical thinking to it. It’s great to have sort of big goals. I think there’s a place for blue sky thinking, brainstorming, when you’re coming up with goals. But also bring some critical thought to it as well. This might be something that you want to involve some other people in. Show your goals to someone else. Often they will say, “Hmm, this one doesn’t quite fit.”
There’s some other questions you might want to think about. Do your goals sit well with each other? Are there any in your list that could clash with others, one goal might hurt another? Is now the right time to pursue all of those goals? Will one of the goals cause you to be distracted from some of the other things because it’s so big or it’s so new? Is the current environment suitable for the goal? Maybe your goal is to come up with a new type of product and maybe the market’s not ready for that product yet.
Or maybe it’s an old-fashion kind of goal. It would have been a good goal ten years ago, but it’s not so good now. Do other things need to be achieved first? Are there some foundations that need to be laid this year so that you can achieve those other goals next year?
Those are some of the questions I will encourage you to ask once you’ve compiled a list of goals to actually think about. Not only are they specific, measurable and achievable but are they actually relevant for my business today? Are they relevant to what’s in front of me right now, the current situation I’m in? That’s R.
T in the S.M.A.R.T. is to make them time-bound. It’s perhaps a bit of a stretch too because it’s not a word I would usually use. For me, I would say put a deadline on your goal. This is part of making your goal specific and measurable. It’s also about helping you to begin to think about the how, how you’re going to reach that goal. Once you put a deadline on it, you begin to see what needs to be done at certain times of the year.
Put a deadline, “This goal needs to be achieved by August.” I begin to then kind of work backwards from August and begin to slot into place other smaller goals or objectives or milestones that need to happen along the way. It’s also, I find personally, my personality type. Having a deadline actually helps me with my motivation. I work really well with a deadline. A deadline helps me to stop procrastinating. I’ve talked about that in previous podcast as well. Put a deadline on it.
One tip I would give you with deadlines. Don’t make all your goals by the end of the year because you’re going to get into a problem at the end of the year. It could mean that you have a really hectic last month of the year. December might be crazy because you’ve got all these goals that haven’t been met yet and you’re trying to work on them all. Think about spreading some of your goals out through the calendar so that you are working on different things at different times of the year.
For my blogs, for Digital Photography School for example, we create a calendar for the whole year. We’re actually will be doing that in the next week or so. We begin to slot those goals in as we go. Once we have our overall goal, we might have an overall goal. This year we want to launch three new products. We begin to think about when will those products fit in? Another goal might be we want to do five affiliate promotions. Now, we’ve got our products slotted in, we can begin to see where our affiliate promotions might go in. We might want to have four opt-ins, four lead magnets. Where are we going to slot those in? We’ve already got all these other projects on the go, so we’re able to begin to slot those in.
Having a deadline in place means that you are motivated. But it also begins to help you to plan that year so that you’re not doing too much all at once. Really helpful. Another T word that I want to throw in for S.M.A.R.T. goals is to make your goals as thorough as possible. I’ve already alluded to this in some ways. I think you probably should come up with more than one goal for the year. I don’t think you should come up with too many, but think about all of the different aspects of blogging.
As I’ve talked about in previous episodes of this podcast, I believe there are certain pillars of pro blogging. If you want to have a profitable blog, there are a variety of things you need to be working on in any one at a time. You need to be thinking about content. You need to be thinking about traffic. You need to be thinking about engagement and building community. You need to be thinking about monetization. For me, they’re the four pillars of pro blogging. It makes sense to me that you probably want to be thinking about coming up with at least one goal for each of those four areas; some goals for your content, some goals for your traffic, some goals for engagements, some goals for monetization.
Then of course, there are some other aspects of blogging like design, like tech, the tech side of your blog, your servers and that type of thing and also, your productivity and how you are going to do all of this stuff. You might want to have other goals in some of those areas as well. By doing so, you’re coming up with a holistic kind of thorough approach to goal setting. You’re not just saying, “I want more traffic this year,” or, “I want more money.” You’re actually beginning to break down where does more money actually come from? Well, it probably comes from working on my content, my monetization, my traffic, my engagement, my productivity, my design, my tech. All of these things will help contribute to some of those bigger goals that you might have as well.
For me, the areas that I would always be thinking about were content, traffic, engagement, monetization, productivity, design, and tech. They’re probably the seven main areas that we will be coming up with goals for across my blogs.
S.M.A.R.T. goals, S.M.A.R.T. goals are specific, they’re significant, they’re measurable, they’re meaningful, they’re achievable, they’re agreed-upon if you’ve got a team, they’re relevant, they’re time-bound or they have deadlines, and they’re thorough. There’s this smart approach to that. A few other thoughts that I would pop in there, write it down, I think it’s so important to not just come up with the goals in your mind because if you’re anything like me, you’ll forget those goals or they won’t be at the top of your mind, actually write them down, put them into a calendar. I think that is so important.
If you’ve got a goal and it’s measurable and it’s got a deadline, then it should automatically go into a calendar at that deadline and you should probably even be working backwards. Once you’ve got the goal in the calendar, you want to start thinking about what needs to happen to make that goal a reality. This is where you get into the planning. Work backwards from the deadline. What needs to happen for that ebook that you want to have launched by October? What needs to happen by August? What needs to have happened by April? What needs to happen in the next week? You can begin to put some milestones in place. You can begin to work out the order of what needs to be achieved, and who needs to do it as well.
The last thing I would say is make your goals accountable to people. Maybe that’s another A word there. But be accountable to someone with your goals whether that be a family member, a partner, a friend or maybe some other blogger that you want to pair up with this year. Or maybe it’s in your Facebook group or another Facebook group as well.
If you want to join the ProBlogger Facebook group, we’ll have a thread where you can share your goals for the year and maybe just by putting it out there to the group, maybe that will make you a little bit more accountable. I would encourage you though to find someone else who will keep you accountable to that, a buddy or maybe a mentoring group as well.
I hope that’s been helpful for you. I’d love to hear what your goals are for the year, either in the Facebook groups or in the comments on the show notes as well. Today’s show notes are at http://ift.tt/2BpCS69 and of course, the Facebook group, if you do a search for ProBlogger Community on Facebook, you would find that group immediately.
Lastly again, do sign up for our newsletter. It is the best way to keep up with our latest content. We definitely, this year, slowed down in the content creation that we’ve done. This is really as a result of your feedback. We were getting a lot of feedback from people saying, “I didn’t want too many articles every week.” So we slowed it down, there’s only ever going to be one blogpost, one podcast, and one Facebook Live over the next year. Occasionally, we might slip something if we’re doing a series that’s on top of that. But we want to make it achievable for you to consume our content at ProBlogger. That ProBloggerPLUS newsletter, which you can sign up for anywhere on ProBlogger, will help you keep in touch with that new stuff as well.
Hopefully that’s helpful for you today. I’ll look forward to travelling with you over the next few weeks as we approach the end of the year. I’ll look forward to chatting with you in the New Year as well. As I said last week, we’ve got a brand new course that we’ll be launching that’s going to help people to start a blog early in the year next year. If you know anyone who is kind of thinking about starting a blog, let them know that we’ve got that coming. Then we’ve got something else coming up straight after that course that’s going to help us establish bloggers to kind of get their blogs firing up again as well. That’ll come out probably on February as well. Some exciting things coming. Can’t tell you much more than that at the moment, but I look forward to sharing more in the coming weeks. Thanks for listening, chat with you next week.
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  218: How to Set Smart Blogging Goals for the New Year
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bizmediaweb · 7 years
218: How to Set Smart Blogging Goals for the New Year
Using the SMART Approach to Set Your Blogging Goals for 2018  
It’s that time of year where many of us are reviewing the year gone by and setting our blogging goals for 2018.
Goal setting is really important in any venture. Without goals, your actions tend to be aimless and random. By setting something specific to aim at, you’ll  be motivated and more focused in your efforts.
A lot has been written about goal setting over the years. But one way to set your goals is to use the SMART approach, where SMART is an acronym for characteristics of good goals.
Most people say Peter Drucker came up the idea, while others say it was George Doran. In any case, both men were almost certainly contributors.
Today I want to work through one version of it (there are a number of subtle variations) and see what we can learn about it as bloggers.
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Hi there, and welcome to Episode 218 of the ProBlogger Podcast. My name is Darren Rowse, and I’m the blogger behind problogger.com, a blog, a podcast, series of ebooks, and a job board all designed to help you as a blogger to grow your blog, to build an income around your blog, and hopefully change the world and make it a better place at the same time.
Today in Episode 218, I want to talk about goal setting. It is that time of year where I know many of you are beginning to wind down a little bit. You’re beginning to do some reviews of your blog and you’re starting to think about next year. You’re thinking about what you should be trying to achieve in the year ahead. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably starting to think about some goals or objectives for the year ahead. That’s something that we’re talking about as a team for ProBlogger and Digital Photography School at the moment.
I thought I would share some tips on setting some goals. Goals that are going to stretch you, but also goals that would be realistic. Goals that will move your business forward and move you forward, I guess, in many ways as well. I want to give you a bit of a framework for thinking about those goal settings.
You can find out a little bit more about what I’m doing today on today’s show notes. There’s a full transcription of today’s show, as well as some further reading as well. Go to http://ift.tt/2BpCS69. There’s also an opportunity for you to sign up for our ProBloggerPLUS newsletter on the show notes. And simply, that is a weekly email that I send out every Thursday, Australian time, on Thursday morning US. That’s just a recap of what we’ve published over the last week. You get a little notification of our new podcast and new blogpost and if I’ve done a Facebook Live as well. Anyway, I want to get on with today’s show. Show notes again at http://ift.tt/2BpCS69.
As I said in the intro, it is that time of the year where many bloggers are reviewing the year gone by, beginning to think about goals for 2018. Also, many of us are looking forward to a little bit of a break over the holiday period. Here in Australia of course, we’re going into Summer at the moment. I’m standing here in my shorts and t-shirts which is a welcome relief after a long winter. We’ll be having a warm Christmas and New Year’s period with a bit of a break. That’s what, us, Aussies do. But also, in the midst of all that planning for a break, we’re beginning to think about next year, 2018. I can’t believe it’s almost upon us.
Goal setting of course is so important in any part of your life really. If you want to achieve things, it’s much easier to make those achievements if you’ve actually got a specific goal in front of you. Your actions tend to be pretty aimless in life and random if you don’t have something to actually aim for. How do you come up with that thing that you’re going to aim for?
There’s been a lot written about goal setting over the years both on ProBlogger. I’ve covered this topic almost every year. I’ve done a blog post or a podcast on it and in the broader blogger sphere, there’s been many books written about it as well.
One of the approaches that has come to my attention over the years that I’ve found helpful in thinking about my goals is to use the acronym S.M.A.R.T. This doesn’t tell you how to come up with goals, but as you’re thinking about your goals it’s a good framework to run your goals through to make them more effective goals.
I don’t know who came up with the S.M.A.R.T. framework for goal setting. Some people say it was Peter Drucker, other people say George Doran’s. I want to give those men credits but they have both certainly written about this and contributed to this framework. There’s been plenty of others over the years as well. I’ve done research into the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting, there’s lots of different translations of it. The S.M.A.R.T. can actually stand for different things. I want to give you one version of that today. And as I’ll go along the way, I’ll also mention a few other words that I think could be useful as you’re thinking about your goals.
Let’s look at them one by one. To start off, I’ll give you the overview. The overview is that your goals should be S for smart, M for measurable, A for achievable, R for relevant, and T for time-bound. As I said before, there’s a few other words that I’ll throw in along the way. Let’s look at each one in turn.
Let’s start with S for specific. Make your goals as specific as possible. Don’t make your goals something like, “I want more traffic for my blog,” or, “I want more money from my blog,” or, “I want to write more often.” These are good goals, they’re good things that you should be probably wanting to do as a blogger. But they’re very fuzzy. Make them more specific. If you want more traffic, how much more traffic do you want? If you want more money, how much more money do you want? If you want to post more often, how often do you want to post? Get as specific as possible.
You might say, “I want 100% more traffic this year than I had last year,” or, “I want to earn $50,000 this year,” or, “I want to publish a blog post every week this year.” They’re very specific goals. They also tap into the next letter which I will talk about in a moment.
The other S word that I came up with that I haven’t really seen too many people talking about but for me, is an essential to any goal. It’s to make it as significant as possible. Don’t just set goals for the sake of having goals. Choose goals that will take you towards your overarching, long-term goals, the things that you are wanting to achieve – not just this year but in the next 10 years. What is the goal of your blog? Why are you blogging? Your goals need to tap into that why on a deeper level.
If your goal is to make a million dollars, then you’re probably not going to do that in the first year. But make your goal something that is going to help you to achieve that overarching goal. If your overarching goal is to get a book deal, you may not get that this year. But what do you need to do this year to take you towards that long-term goal? If your goal is to retire by the time you’re 60, then unless you’re 59, that’s probably not going to happen this year. But what can you set as a goal that’s going to take you towards the long-term goal?
Consider the big picture and also consider, I guess, what is significant to you. What are you passionate about? What is meaningful to you as well? It’s really important to have significant goals because those kinds of goals, they’re going to be much more motivating for you than just a general fuzzy goal like, “I want more traffic,” or, “I want to double my traffic.” If you tap into the why you want more traffic, that is going to make the goal more significant to you. Make your goals specific but make them also significant.
M is for measurable. If you can’t measure, then it’s not a S.M.A.R.T. goal. In the examples I gave earlier, “I want to increase my traffic by 100%,” or, “I want to earn $50,000.” “I want to publish a blog post every week.” They are not only specific goals but they’re also measurable because I can tell whether I have achieved those things or not. I will know by the end of the year if I have increased my traffic by 100%. I will know if I have published every week whether I’ve published every week. I can see whether I’ve achieved those goals or not.
Measurable goals are great for that reason. You’ll know if you’ve reached them or not, but they’re also great because they can help you to track how you’re going in those things as well. For example, the $50,000 this year. Fifty thousand dollars might be more or less what you want to achieve. But whatever it is that you want to make, you can then break that down into a monthly, weekly, daily total. I know if I want to make $50,000 this year, then I need to make $4,166 every month. I can see how far through the month am I on track to make that target. Same, you can get even more granular thinking about $137 a day to help you reach that goal.
Measurable goals are great because they help you whether you’ve got it or not but also, it can give you motivation along the way that can spur you on and see how you’re tracking with your goal. The other M word that I would encourage you to think about, it kind of taps into the significant one that I was talking before, but it’s to make it meaningful.
Make your goals meaningful to you. Try to choose goals that have meaning to you personally but also to your business. Like I said before, this taps into those significant goals as long-term goals, but also, what else is meaningful to you. Your goals could actually be other things that you want to achieve.
For example, I talked to one blogger recently who told me that her goal for next year is to raise $10,000 for school of orphans in Africa. That’s what she wants to achieve. Whilst that’s not going to grow her business, it’s meaningful to her. She actually visited that orphanage a few years ago and it’s a meaningful goal for her. She wants to raise that, and she wants to raise that through her blogs.
Choose goals that are not just going to further your business, but are going to further other goals that you might have, other meaningful things that you have. Your goals need to be measurable and also if you can, make them meaningful.
Now A, a is for achievable goals. Your goals should stretch you. There should be things that are going to make you work hard. But they should also be realistic, based upon the situation that you’re in. If you’re blogging in the evenings after work, after other family commitments, it may not be realistic to set your goal to publish a blog post every day. It may not even be realistic for you to publish every week. You may want to come up with a different goal based upon the situation that you’re in. If you are able to dedicate full time, you’ll probably be able to reach some of those goals of publishing weekly, maybe even daily.
Setting your goal too big could actually hurt your blog. It could impact your motivation but also, it could hurt the quality of the work that you’re doing and as a result, could hurt your brand. Do stretch yourself, but don’t bite off more than you can chew. Take account of your available time, the resources that you have, also the stage of your blog, are things really important? I see a lot of bloggers who say, “I want to be a full-time blogger by the end of the year,” and they actually haven’t started their blog yet. That may not be realistic. It might be a stretch goal.
I have certainly seen a couple of bloggers go full-time within a year, but in most cases it’s not actually achievable for most bloggers. Usually, it takes a couple of years to kind of get to that stage. Take into account your time, your resources, the stage of your blog, where it’s sitting at the moment. Also, look at previous performance, how’s your blog been tracking, and the experience of others as well. You can certainly ask around to find out whether a goal sounds realistic to other people.
It’s also worth saying that another A word is often translated into S.M.A.R.T. goals as agreed-upon. I’ve seen a number of people write about this. Your goals need to be agreed-upon. This is usually said in the context of a team. The A, agreed-upon, everyone in the team should know and agree upon the goal.
This isn’t going to be as relevant for all bloggers because I know a lot of ProBlogger and podcast listeners are single person blogs, they’re just them blogging. It’s not too hard to have an agreed-upon goal if you’re the only one there. But if you do have a team, I think it’s really important to communicate those goals that you have.
The worst thing you can do if you’re in a team is for you to have a goal and not communicate that to your team. Make sure everyone else knows what the goal is, and get buy in from them as well. A goal really is useless in a team environment if everyone doesn’t know it, but also they don’t buy into that in some way. A is for achievable goals, but also if you have a team make sure that they are agreed-upon as well.
R, make your goals Relevant. Make your goals sit alongside each other really well. This is thinking about you’re going to probably come out with multiple goals for your blog in a year. If you’re thinking about that sort of whole year, you probably should have a number things that you are trying to achieve. But sometimes goals can clash with one another.
I think back over the years, there’s been tons of set goals that I realized one of the goals that I’ve set for the year stands out on my list as being something that just doesn’t fit with others. Many times the reason is that it’s just not the right time to pursue that thing.
For example, I think it was back in 2015, I had on my list of goals that I wanted to run an event in the US. It’s something that I felt strongly about – we’ve got a lot of readers in the US – I wanted to do this, and I felt it would be worthwhile. I thought it would serve our readers. I thought it would be profitable.
But as I looked at that complete list of goals that I wanted to achieve in 2015, it became clear to me that if I was going to put an event on this US, it was going to hurt some of my other goals.
It was going to take a lot of the focus away from some of these other things that really needed to happen first. I needed to get some more foundational things done before I put on that event in the US. So I decided to put that goal on hold. It wasn’t something that I killed. I knew I would do it eventually. But I decided not to pursue it in 2015.
This year, when I decided to look at my goals, it was something that we were much more ready to do. I already met some people who can help us to make that event a reality, and I had freed up some time in my own schedule to be able to put attention into that. This year in 2017, we ran the Success Incubator event.
It was a good goal but it just wasn’t the right time for that goal. It wasn’t a relevant goal for 2015. As you look at that list of goals that you’ve got, bring some critical thinking to it. It’s great to have sort of big goals. I think there’s a place for blue sky thinking, brainstorming, when you’re coming up with goals. But also bring some critical thought to it as well. This might be something that you want to involve some other people in. Show your goals to someone else. Often they will say, “Hmm, this one doesn’t quite fit.”
There’s some other questions you might want to think about. Do your goals sit well with each other? Are there any in your list that could clash with others, one goal might hurt another? Is now the right time to pursue all of those goals? Will one of the goals cause you to be distracted from some of the other things because it’s so big or it’s so new? Is the current environment suitable for the goal? Maybe your goal is to come up with a new type of product and maybe the market’s not ready for that product yet.
Or maybe it’s an old-fashion kind of goal. It would have been a good goal ten years ago, but it’s not so good now. Do other things need to be achieved first? Are there some foundations that need to be laid this year so that you can achieve those other goals next year?
Those are some of the questions I will encourage you to ask once you’ve compiled a list of goals to actually think about. Not only are they specific, measurable and achievable but are they actually relevant for my business today? Are they relevant to what’s in front of me right now, the current situation I’m in? That’s R.
T in the S.M.A.R.T. is to make them time-bound. It’s perhaps a bit of a stretch too because it’s not a word I would usually use. For me, I would say put a deadline on your goal. This is part of making your goal specific and measurable. It’s also about helping you to begin to think about the how, how you’re going to reach that goal. Once you put a deadline on it, you begin to see what needs to be done at certain times of the year.
Put a deadline, “This goal needs to be achieved by August.” I begin to then kind of work backwards from August and begin to slot into place other smaller goals or objectives or milestones that need to happen along the way. It’s also, I find personally, my personality type. Having a deadline actually helps me with my motivation. I work really well with a deadline. A deadline helps me to stop procrastinating. I’ve talked about that in previous podcast as well. Put a deadline on it.
One tip I would give you with deadlines. Don’t make all your goals by the end of the year because you’re going to get into a problem at the end of the year. It could mean that you have a really hectic last month of the year. December might be crazy because you’ve got all these goals that haven’t been met yet and you’re trying to work on them all. Think about spreading some of your goals out through the calendar so that you are working on different things at different times of the year.
For my blogs, for Digital Photography School for example, we create a calendar for the whole year. We’re actually will be doing that in the next week or so. We begin to slot those goals in as we go. Once we have our overall goal, we might have an overall goal. This year we want to launch three new products. We begin to think about when will those products fit in? Another goal might be we want to do five affiliate promotions. Now, we’ve got our products slotted in, we can begin to see where our affiliate promotions might go in. We might want to have four opt-ins, four lead magnets. Where are we going to slot those in? We’ve already got all these other projects on the go, so we’re able to begin to slot those in.
Having a deadline in place means that you are motivated. But it also begins to help you to plan that year so that you’re not doing too much all at once. Really helpful. Another T word that I want to throw in for S.M.A.R.T. goals is to make your goals as thorough as possible. I’ve already alluded to this in some ways. I think you probably should come up with more than one goal for the year. I don’t think you should come up with too many, but think about all of the different aspects of blogging.
As I’ve talked about in previous episodes of this podcast, I believe there are certain pillars of pro blogging. If you want to have a profitable blog, there are a variety of things you need to be working on in any one at a time. You need to be thinking about content. You need to be thinking about traffic. You need to be thinking about engagement and building community. You need to be thinking about monetization. For me, they’re the four pillars of pro blogging. It makes sense to me that you probably want to be thinking about coming up with at least one goal for each of those four areas; some goals for your content, some goals for your traffic, some goals for engagements, some goals for monetization.
Then of course, there are some other aspects of blogging like design, like tech, the tech side of your blog, your servers and that type of thing and also, your productivity and how you are going to do all of this stuff. You might want to have other goals in some of those areas as well. By doing so, you’re coming up with a holistic kind of thorough approach to goal setting. You’re not just saying, “I want more traffic this year,” or, “I want more money.” You’re actually beginning to break down where does more money actually come from? Well, it probably comes from working on my content, my monetization, my traffic, my engagement, my productivity, my design, my tech. All of these things will help contribute to some of those bigger goals that you might have as well.
For me, the areas that I would always be thinking about were content, traffic, engagement, monetization, productivity, design, and tech. They’re probably the seven main areas that we will be coming up with goals for across my blogs.
S.M.A.R.T. goals, S.M.A.R.T. goals are specific, they’re significant, they’re measurable, they’re meaningful, they’re achievable, they’re agreed-upon if you’ve got a team, they’re relevant, they’re time-bound or they have deadlines, and they’re thorough. There’s this smart approach to that. A few other thoughts that I would pop in there, write it down, I think it’s so important to not just come up with the goals in your mind because if you’re anything like me, you’ll forget those goals or they won’t be at the top of your mind, actually write them down, put them into a calendar. I think that is so important.
If you’ve got a goal and it’s measurable and it’s got a deadline, then it should automatically go into a calendar at that deadline and you should probably even be working backwards. Once you’ve got the goal in the calendar, you want to start thinking about what needs to happen to make that goal a reality. This is where you get into the planning. Work backwards from the deadline. What needs to happen for that ebook that you want to have launched by October? What needs to happen by August? What needs to have happened by April? What needs to happen in the next week? You can begin to put some milestones in place. You can begin to work out the order of what needs to be achieved, and who needs to do it as well.
The last thing I would say is make your goals accountable to people. Maybe that’s another A word there. But be accountable to someone with your goals whether that be a family member, a partner, a friend or maybe some other blogger that you want to pair up with this year. Or maybe it’s in your Facebook group or another Facebook group as well.
If you want to join the ProBlogger Facebook group, we’ll have a thread where you can share your goals for the year and maybe just by putting it out there to the group, maybe that will make you a little bit more accountable. I would encourage you though to find someone else who will keep you accountable to that, a buddy or maybe a mentoring group as well.
I hope that’s been helpful for you. I’d love to hear what your goals are for the year, either in the Facebook groups or in the comments on the show notes as well. Today’s show notes are at http://ift.tt/2BpCS69 and of course, the Facebook group, if you do a search for ProBlogger Community on Facebook, you would find that group immediately.
Lastly again, do sign up for our newsletter. It is the best way to keep up with our latest content. We definitely, this year, slowed down in the content creation that we’ve done. This is really as a result of your feedback. We were getting a lot of feedback from people saying, “I didn’t want too many articles every week.” So we slowed it down, there’s only ever going to be one blogpost, one podcast, and one Facebook Live over the next year. Occasionally, we might slip something if we’re doing a series that’s on top of that. But we want to make it achievable for you to consume our content at ProBlogger. That ProBloggerPLUS newsletter, which you can sign up for anywhere on ProBlogger, will help you keep in touch with that new stuff as well.
Hopefully that’s helpful for you today. I’ll look forward to travelling with you over the next few weeks as we approach the end of the year. I’ll look forward to chatting with you in the New Year as well. As I said last week, we’ve got a brand new course that we’ll be launching that’s going to help people to start a blog early in the year next year. If you know anyone who is kind of thinking about starting a blog, let them know that we’ve got that coming. Then we’ve got something else coming up straight after that course that’s going to help us establish bloggers to kind of get their blogs firing up again as well. That’ll come out probably on February as well. Some exciting things coming. Can’t tell you much more than that at the moment, but I look forward to sharing more in the coming weeks. Thanks for listening, chat with you next week.
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The post 218: How to Set Smart Blogging Goals for the New Year appeared first on ProBlogger.
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  218: How to Set Smart Blogging Goals for the New Year published first on http://ift.tt/2u73Z29
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anthonykrierion · 7 years
Customer Theory: How to leverage empathy in your marketing (with free tool)
Think about every marketing message you saw yesterday. Every newspaper ad. Every email. Every sign being twirled around on the side of the street.
Did you stop to read each message? Watch every commercial? Think about the message? Decide if you should go for the call-to-action?
No you didn’t, did you? You ignored the vast majority of the messages. A few you actually noticed and rejected. You consumed less of them. And maybe acted on a handful.
And the reason is, when you saw most of those messages, you probably weren’t waiting to be sold. You were busy doing something else. Maybe something related. At best you were probably looking for a solution to a problem. Or maybe something totally unrelated and didn’t even notice the message.
Now flip the script. That’s how you act as a customer, but when you’re the marketer, account executive, copywriter, art director … how do you approach each piece you create? You likely have a deep understanding of the product, the copy, even little details of the ad. Perhaps even a deep affection for the product, the landing page or the ad — after all, many marketers end up entering their work into awards shows because they’re so proud of it.
Bridging the customer-marketer divide
As a marketer, you need to do the seemingly impossible. You need to bridge this divide for your entire team. The divide between the customer and the marketer.
I found myself in this very situation recently while working on a video script for The BairFind Foundation, a nonprofit that uses sports marketing to raise awareness for missing children. MECLABS Institute has taken BairFind on, pro bono, as a Research Partner to use our conversion optimization methodology and practices, which we usually apply to business challenges, to help this nonprofit meet its own goals.
BairFind has signs in 151 Minor League ballparks across the nation, with pictures of missing children. It was recently featured in USA Today. League and team presidents were hungry for a video to play in their stadiums about the nonprofit organization, and it was my job to deliver.
So this was a quick-turnaround project, and I had little familiarity with the intended audience of the video. Ever find yourself in this situation? Here’s something that might help …
Free customer theory development tool
I took what I learned from  University of Florida/MECLABS Institute Communicating Value and Web Conversion graduate certificate program and began to build a customer theory dossier. I’ll show you how I used it in just a moment, but first — you can download a free version of it as well, and use it as a tool on your next ad, campaign or marketing initiative.
Step 0: Identify as many distinct customer profiles as necessary
Before you can even start building a customer theory, you must determine which type of customer you’re building that theory for.
Here’s why this pre-step is so important. If you’re building an ad or other marketing pieces with a strong, unique value proposition, it will speak very directly to a specific type of customer. Boom. Hit them square in the chest, so to speak.
You can’t do that if you try to be everything to everyone, if you’re blandvertising.
This is also important. While there are certain types of customers you shouldn’t try to serve because you aren’t the best solution for their needs, there are other types of customers you can serve.
Some marketing communications will speak to all those types of customers at once. But more likely, for most of your marketing campaigns, you’ll want to zero in on as unique and homogeneous a group as possible.
As an example, here are the possible customer profiles I listed for BairFind Foundation.
Parents at a Minor League Baseball game
Grandparents at a Minor League Baseball game
Children at a Minor League Baseball game
Adults with no children at Minor League Baseball game
Marketer from a retailer or other potential corporate sponsor
Minor league team presidents
MiLB league presidents
Marketers at MiLB teams
MiLB baseball players
Sports and other local and national media
For the video script, I chose to focus on parents at a minor league baseball game. If you watch the video (embedded at the bottom of this article), you can see why that choice is important. I sought to grab their attention from the very beginning and hit them hard with something they could easily relate to.
I couldn’t have done that if I tried to write a video for all 10 of BairFind’s customer profiles. Even just adding a second customer profile would have made that harder.
This doesn’t mean that customers in those other profiles won’t be able to understand and perhaps act on the video. But it means I wrote the video with those specific people in mind.
Step 1: Create a list of preliminary customer insights
For my selected prospect profile, I began to list out some basic insights about the ideal customer — parents at a Minor League Baseball game.
I started with my own gut and intuition, and expanded using some basic internet research. This was, of course, a very small project. And a pro bono one at that. But if you have a larger, higher profile project, you might want to conduct deeper research to get these insights — social listening, focus groups, interviews, surveys, etc.
It helps that I’m somewhat in this demographic. (I am a parent, although the last time I attended a MiLB game was before I became a parent.) But this exercise is all the more important when you’re not in the target customer profile. Marketers often fall into the trap of “I’d want this” or “I’d want that.” But if you’re not the ideal customer for that product, the actual customer might want something very different.
So this tool helps you get as close as possible to a fundamental insight — not what you’d want if you were in the customers’ shoes, but what the customers in those shoes actually want themselves.
Here are the insights I came up with:
Parents age 21-54
Have children 0-16
Limited external funds for entertainment
Focused on having fun at the ballpark, not really thinking about other issues at that time
Family oriented
Diverse level of education
Diverse ethnicities
Don’t have much additional spare time to help community
More likely than the general population to have smartphones
Community minded
Step 2: Categorize these preliminary insights
Next, categorize these preliminary insights into attributes, context, desires and fears. As you do this, it will likely inspire you and your team to come up with new insights you hadn’t considered before.
The context is an important reminder. For example, you may view a print ad in isolation, nicely mounted on a piece of blackboard. However, the customer will view the ad in a newspaper with many competing articles and ads trying to get their attention. In addition to what’s in the newspaper, they may be reading in a crowded coffee shop or subway, or perhaps they’re at home with children who are trying to get their attention.
In this case, we would view the video in a studio on a nice hi-def superwide Apple monitor with superb audio speakers. However, the customer may be viewing it on a washed-out screen in a noisy stadium between innings.
In addition to the context, it’s important to understand your ideal customers’ desires and fears. We all move toward pleasure and away from pain. What are they trying to achieve? What are they trying to avoid?
You’ll note in my example below that not everything I included directly relates to the BairFind Foundation, missing children or the call-to-action. It’s very easy for us as marketers to only focus on what we want customers to do, or the tiny sliver of their life that relates to our product or ask.
However, real human beings aren’t two dimensional. And their experiences in life are much broader and deeper than just those that relate to your product.
And at the end of the day, all those perceptions ultimately affect how they regard your message. After all, as the Talmud says, “We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.”
Attributes (Demographic Characteristics)
Ages 21-54
Diverse education level
Diverse ethnicity
Moderate household income, however, 29% HH income $100K+
78% own home
Family of four can see ballgame for $62
Some fans attend just a few games per year; some are season ticket holders
Between innings, they are distracted
Receive many promos throughout the game
Children will be going back to school soon
Likely watching on a washed-out screen in a noisy stadium
Common Desires (Moves Toward)
Experience budget-friendly entertainment
Create happy memories together
Be a part of the community
Be the hero to their kids
Be a good parent
Be an upstanding member of the local community
Relax with family
Escape pressures of life
See a future big leaguer
See the local team win
Have a story to tell their friends the next day
Watch the mascot do something funny
Common Fears (Moves From)
Something bad will happen to my children
I can lose my job, and I won’t have enough money to support my family
The home team will lose
Will my kids throw a temper tantrum if I don’t by them cotton candy at the game?
Crowds and traffic leaving the game
Violence will come to my country/my town/this baseball game
Will this game get rained out?
If I text a donation, will I be continually sent text messages
What if I think I know the missing kid, tell the cops, but I’m wrong
Will my kids need a nap at the game?
Step 3: Unanswered questions about the prospect
Generate a list of the most important unanswered questions about the customer’s identity and behavior.
Unanswered Questions about the Prospect (Parents at a Minor League Baseball game)
Will they be too distracted to pay attention to a video between innings?
Will the donate message make them more or less likely to look at the sign?
Do they understand how to text to donate?
Is $2 the right amount to ask them to donate?
Is a video the right way to ask them to donate?
Would they refer a friend to donate?
These first three steps are part of the MECLABS Seven-Step Customer Theory Development Framework that is taught in the University of Florida graduate program. The full framework also includes conducting experiments to build a robust customer theory discovered from customer behavior to answer some of these questions.
In the case of this project — a simple video for a nonprofit — we were unable to go full on through all seven steps and conduct experimentation. However, I still find this step helpful because it instills humility as part of the process. As much as you have certain assumptions about the customer, it forces you to admit there’s still a lot you don’t know.
It also doesn’t hurt to look back at these questions when you’re working on the next project, see what the results of the previous project were, and continue to build a base of knowledge about the customer.
Getting everyone on the same page
In addition to helping the creators of the advertisement (copywriters, art directors, video producers, etc.) get in the minds of the customer, this tool helps everyone working on the project — from an account coordinator to the vice president of marketing, on the agency side and the client-side — get on the same page about which customers will (and won’t) be talked to and what is important to those customers.
This can help reduce rework, and lay the groundwork for successful creative pitches to clients.
Which is what happened in this case. After I filled out the Customer Theory tool, I sent it over to Dennis Bair, Founder, The BairFind Foundation. I asked him for his perspective on the ideal customer as well, before writing the first word in the script.
Once I was able to incorporate his insights, I wrote a script and sent it over to Dennis, and he loved it, providing only minor feedback. Here’s the result:
It’s just an example of how successful copywriting is about so much more than just great writing. So much fantastic writing never sees the light of day because it never gets the green light.
Successful copywriting requires customer intimacy, but it requires client intimacy as well. Get on the same page with everyone you must collaborate with, and have the client share their key insights about the customer before you begin the creative process.
And the same is true in reverse if you’re on the brand side. Be proactive and make sure your internal or agency creatives have the same understanding of the customer as you do. As Sun Tzu has said, “Every battle is won or lost before it’s ever fought.”
If you’d like that free tool to use with your own clients, agencies and marketing projects, here it is again …
You can follow Daniel Burstein, Senior Director, Content, MarketingExperiments, on Twitter @DanielBurstein.
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    Customer Theory: How to leverage empathy in your marketing (with free tool) was originally posted by Video And Blog Marketing
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hotspreadpage · 7 years
How to escape Google’s filter bubble
For some people the personalization of their news apps and other content feeds online is a manual, conscious decision.
They want to be displayed certain topics due to their interests, which is completely understandable. Cut through the noise by making sure that you get given what you want.
For a lot of us, though, while personalization can make the considerable amount of time we spend scrolling through social feeds more entertaining, most of the automated personalization we encounter on a day-to-day basis is not necessarily requested – and is wider spread than one might initially think.
In a Ted talk, Eli Pariser discussed what he called the ‘filter bubble’. For those who have never heard of the filter bubble, it is a similar theory to that of ‘echo chambers’. Essentially, the focus of providing and consuming content that is closely aligned to your preferences results in the creation of a bubble or chamber, restricting your view of the wider picture.
As our internet ecosystem has evolved, we have shared increasing amounts of personal data with services we use every day, from social networks to search engines. They then use this data to tailor the content they provide us with to what they think will be most appealing, engaging or relevant. Google in particular has gradually increased the extent with which it tailors results to the user with innovations like Hummingbird and RankBrain, the inclusion of social results in search, and semantic search.
To many users this personalization of search results is helpful and convenient, but an increasing number of users are disturbed by the extent to which the sites they encounter are being shaped by forces outside of their control. If you are one of them, you may be wondering: How can you stop this from happening? How do you escape the filter bubble?
In this article, we are going to look at ways in which you can partially escape Google’s filter bubble, as well as how SEOs can penetrate it to make sure their sites are surfaced to as wide an audience as possible.
How do you escape Google’s filter bubble?
Disclaimer: If you want to be completely free of Google’s filter bubble, the only real way is to stop using Google. Know this, though – the rest of your treasured social feeds and news outlets will be no different, and who would want to stop using Google?
Do what you can to hide from the Big G
You can always log out of Gmail, delete your search history/browser cache and use an incognito browser (to prevent a level of browser caching). Again, though, you will not be completely free.
The filter bubble is not just specific to personal activity online; it also takes into personal factors that are not dictated by the individual such as device and location. You are also potentially not free of Google’s own internal bias, shown by their recent fine from the EU.
The outlook appears to be pretty bleak, huh? Well not entirely. Escaping Google’s filter bubble (and to an extent, all other platforms’ bubbles) is less about attempting to erase your internet history or privacy settings, and more about simply being aware of the bubble.
Awareness is critical
Take it upon yourself to find different sources and take an objective view. Let’s face it: echo chambers were around long before Google and Facebook. Newspapers have spent decades reporting the news with their own bias – you only need look at the differences in how The Independent and the Daily Mail provide commentary for the goings on in the world to see this in action.
Depending on how conspiracy theory-led you are, you could argue that this pushing of agendas comes straight from the top at a government level. The point is that the most powerful tool for escaping Google’s filter bubble is one’s own awareness of the situation. If you are researching important information, don’t take everything as gospel and verse. Research, utilize multiple sources, and try to look at the situation objectively.
All of us are culprits, including myself. We use a single news app because it is the easy option, thus our echo chambers are somewhat self-inflicted. That is not to say that we should necessarily start to use Ask Jeeves, Yahoo or DuckDuckGo.
The point is that we should look deeper than the first results, and utilize alternate sources to investigate key topics.
How can SEOs penetrate Google’s filter bubble?
Whichever side of the fence you are when it comes to the personalization of content and its effect on our ability to have complete access to information, the Google filter bubble presents a predicament to SEOs and marketers alike.
Compared with the deeper moral arguments surrounding the Google filter bubble, it may seem somewhat trivial to discuss how SEOs can flog more of their wares via Google. However, the filter bubble has a real impact on both consumers’ lives and companies.
So how as SEOs do we penetrate it?
How specific are target search terms?
We did a test in the office here with three different individuals off two different devices each (mobile with wifi turned off, and laptop), all logged in to their Gmail accounts. We tested both broad and more specific search terms, and were not displayed different results.
This is not to say that the filter bubble does not exist, but it did get us thinking. Pariser’s Ted talk used the example of two individuals searching for ‘Egypt’ and being returned very different results. The issue here? Egypt is an incredibly broad search term and whilst SEOs may look to target ‘broader’ search terms within their strategy, the majority will have a very different view of ‘broad’ when compared with searching for ‘Egypt’.
We would bet that the data would show a less powerful filter as the searches become more and more specific, especially for more traditional transactional search terms harbored by SEOs.
Penetrating the bubble
One of the main issues of the filter bubble for SEOs is that it takes users down a self-fulfilling path: the more you engage with a certain website or topic, the more likely you are to be shown similar information. As such, penetrating the filter bubble is the number one priority.
A constant improvement in your site’s authority will help prevent your website being shut out of people’s filter bubbles, but alternate marketing channels should also be utilized:
Social media
Capitalize on highly shareable content to expand your degrees of separation and drive traffic to your website. You will be competing against each social platform’s own version of the filter bubble, but this is somewhat mitigated by the ability to share content.
Paid search and social
If the bubbles are proving too strong to penetrate, incorporating paid search (Adwords) and social media advertising will give you a foot in the door for new prospective customers.
Direct mail is often shunned by those of us that are dedicated to the Inbound Methodology but is another effective way of driving action from consumers. Use behavioural automation to take your campaigns to the next level and drive action.
Trust in the process
Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater here; what we are saying is nothing new. Trusting in the quality of your campaign and ensuring that you diversify the marketing channels that you employ should be part of the agenda regardless of filter bubbles. It might require a revisit of some of your core pillars but this is something that should be completed time to time anyway.
Really understand your buyer personas – these are the individuals who will become customers. Dig deeper into their drivers and satisfy their queries, questions and concerns. As always, value for the user is at the forefront of what we as SEOs should be providing.
Diversity of content and link building – again, no surprises here. Spread the net a little wider and assess how diverse the content is that you are providing. Is it too specific to a certain buyer persona and therefore somewhat neglecting other (also valuable) prospects?
Furthermore, high quality link building can gain you exposure on relevant sites, therefore widening the net further.
Keep people coming back
All of the above is great for your SEO campaign but don’t neglect the need to keep people coming back. The continual improvement of your user experience and a higher percentage of returning visitors will ensure that your users are furthering their own self-fulfilling Google filter bubble prophecy.
Combine this this with a widening diversity of content, and you put your website in a great place to mitigate the effects of the filter bubble.
  If you enjoyed this article, check out some of our other pieces on similar topics:
Say goodbye to Google: 14 alternative search engines
Going over to the duck side: A week using DuckDuckGo
The 10 best ways to generate traffic without Google
Should Google be more transparent with its updates?
How to escape Google’s filter bubble syndicated from http://ift.tt/2maPRjm
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