#exo dads
eruden-writes · 4 months
Choosing the Bear - Part 1 (Shifter x Human)
Inspired by the Man or Bear in the Woods question/meme.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (coming soon?)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
If you found yourself at night in a forest – somewhere that made bumfuck nowhere look like New York City – would you choose to be alone with a man or a bear?
Bambi Rose Barker was stuck in the middle of both answers. Literally.
She stood stock still, eyes wide, chest heaving and aching for air while her stomach lurched. Moments earlier – or maybe half an hour ago, she couldn’t tell – she had managed to escape her kidnapper’s cabin with the man hot at her heels. It had been a mad dash through the night, dressed in only a tank top and a pair of daisy duke shorts and choking down pain as her bare feet slammed over rocks, branches, and uneven terrain.
Luckily, a full moon cast light over the world, so Bambi wasn’t exactly stumbling without sight. Fumbling through the forest without shoes was still a bitch on the soles, but she simply gritted her teeth and continued forth.
When she caught sight of the bear a few yards ahead, her racing feet and thoughts froze. She couldn’t really be seeing a bear, right? Under the moonlight and swirling starlight, she squinted. But it was hard to deny that the bright white creature was anything but a bear.
Her adrenaline shifted from fleeing her pursuer as she slowed to calculating whether ursine or man was a larger threat.
Behind her, the man howled as he tromped through the mountainside forest, “Bambi, get back here! I just wanna talk things out!”
It wasn’t the first time she’d had a man chasing her with a shotgun. Growing up in the country, with little to do except get in trouble, Bambi and a group of friends often found themselves running off into the dark, being threatened by an angry elder with a shot gun.
The man tailing at her heels wasn’t crochety Mrs. Jenkins, who was more bark than actual bullet.
No, she was well-acquainted with Duke Walker. They’d grown up in the same town and known each other forever.
There was one key difference between Duke and the other men of Hartwell: his family owned the little town. By and large, he was better off than most people in Barfield and he got away with a whole helluva lot more than the average folk.
Which included stalking, as Bambi had learned over the last two years of their separation. He was about to add kidnapping and possibly murder to the list, as well.
But Duke was a human. A five-foot-eleven-inch human that might have a chance to be reasoned with.
Whereas the bear…
Well to start with, it looked about as tall as the Wicked Warrior from the Monster Truck Derby her pa used to take her to when she was a kid. Which had to be at least ten feet tall, though maybe kid Bambi was coloring her memories. It didn’t help that the bear looked to weigh just about as much as the Wicked Warrior to boot.
To end with, judging from the size and coloration, it looked like a polar bear. As in one of the few creatures that actually saw humans as a viable snack.
While Bambi hadn’t been an ace at high school geography, she was pretty damn sure the Appalachian Mountains were too far south for a polar bear.
Confusion warred with uncertainty, keeping her frozen in place as the bear lowered onto all four paws. A faint part of Bambi’s mind realized it had been rooting around in a tree and, a little hysterically, she wondered if polar bears ate honey.
Just as the bear lumbered closer to Bambi, Duke crashed through the brush behind her. The flaps of his flannel button-up, unbuttoned, flared behind him as his white tank top nearly glowed in the moonlight. “Christ, woman! I told you I just wanted ta’ talk and you gotta go and make a scene—“
Jolting, Bambi spun toward Duke. It would’ve been a lie if she didn’t take some satisfaction in watching awareness dawn on his as he finally saw the bear. He paled to a shade almost as white as the creature, gripping his gun tighter. She watched the knot in his throat bob, fear freezing him momentarily in place.
For some reason, seeing Duke like that sparked something inside Bambi. Balling her fists, she nodded toward the gun in his hands. “If you just wanna talk, Duke, why do you got a gun with you?”
Her words made Duke snap his attention back to her, eyes wide with horror and anger. “Now’s not the time for all that! Do you not see the hulking white beast behind you!?”
“I do, but it ain’t threatening me with a damn gun and it hasn’t been the one stalkin’ me for years and kidnapping me,” she spat back, though she very pointedly shifted so her back wasn’t to the bear or the man.
A chuff from the bear startled her attention back to it, her heart tripping in her chest. She glanced toward it, risking eye contact that could very well end her life. The bear’s head slightly tilted toward her, ears giving a twitch, but it didn’t growl or lift a lip in a snarl. Even without the signs of imminent danger, Bambi’s heart thrummed in her chest.
Albino, she thought. The white bear couldn’t be a polar bear, it had to be albino! But didn’t albino animals have red eyes? And no pigmentation in the rest of their body? She swallowed as her eyes dropped from the creature’s dark eyes to its black nose.
The cock of Duke’s rifle snagged Bambi’s attention back toward him. Finally, a growl burbled up from the bear and she heard it shift, could feel it rising up on its hind feet. Apprehension prickled over her body, finding Duke lining up a shot through the scope, lip curling as he snarled, “You need to back away from that damn thing! Don’t you got any sense?!”
A sudden surge of protectiveness overcame Bambi as she took a step closer to the armed man. “Duke Walker, put down the damned rifle! It wasn’t doing a thing before you started threatening it.”
“Don’t you Duke Walker me! It’s a—“
Before Duke could finish his retort, the huge bear crested the distance faster than Bambi would have guessed. Stunned, she couldn’t even shriek as the bear descended on Duke, huge paw arcing down to swipe at the rifle. She only heard the man give a startled cry before a loud, piercing gunshot rang out. With a clatter, the rifle went flying and Duke stumbled back, bloody gouge marks trickling down his arm and chest. Another growl warbled from the bear as it stood up straighter.
As Duke turned tail and sprinted back the way he came, the bear didn’t pursue. It merely stood, as if watching the man disappear into the woods.
And suddenly, Bambi realized she was alone with the hulking beast. As quick and quiet as she could, she began sidling away from the creature, mentally trying to determine which direction she should run to avoid Duke. However, the bear shifted toward her and she realized, with a start, that red blossomed along its fur.
Duke had shot it.
With a  groan, the bear lowered down to all four, its torso seemingly heaving.
Sense and compassion held Bambi locked in place, part of her wanting to check on the creature while the logical side of her told her to bolt. Besides the fact it could be a polar bear – there’s no fucking way it’s actually a polar bear, Bambi’s logical side snarked – it was injured, meaning it had both a hankering for human and was likely scared while in pain.
Before Bambi could decide what to do, a smaller figure crashed through the tangle of forest. “Dad! Dad! What’s goin’ on? Did you hear that gunshot?”
The little figure paused, eyes widening and voice softening with worry, “What happened to you?”
With a jolt, Bambi realized she recognized the voice. Squinting, she took a step closer. “Mercy? Mercy Clements?”
Startled, the girl turned toward Bambi as she hovered near the bear. The light of the moon caught her wide hazel eyes, casting them with a silver sheen. Like a fish, her mouth opened and closed, obviously trying to come up with something to say.
Wait, she’d said ‘dad’ thought Bambi. And then she had ran toward the bear, asking the creature what happened. Bambi’s gaze flicked from the bear to the girl and back to the bear, a perplexing suspicion taking root. There was no way to confuse a behemoth like that for a human, even in the dark.
“Zeke?” Bambi narrowed her eyes, focusing on the bear. There was no way the bear was Zeke Clements. There was no way the bear was anything other than a bear!
Something in the bear’s demeanor flinched – or so Bambi thought – and her denial wavered.
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oh-niceskirt · 1 year
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exoshroommie · 3 months
Here are the results:
for soysweets mango, won, with bobberfruit coming in second.
I had two people add ideas.
one person said that chocolate soysweets are mentioned in an ending. since someone I've been talking to about this said they'd love to have chocolate soysweets, if everything goes well, I'll make those after mango.
someone else recommended adding blep tea soysweets. I'll set up another poll later asking if they should be added.
for the question on if I should add tiramisu, kombucha, marzipan, and nougat to the list of foods, most of you said yes. they have can added, and I'll look into how to make them soon. (tiramisu is probably gonna be one of the first foods i make)
progress is probably gonna slow down for a bit, I might ask about cakes soon, but besides for that. I have another project I'm working on, and the next step is actually making the food.
but I'll make sure to post my updates here! <3
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justwritedreams · 1 year
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Xiumin Ver. | Chen Ver. | Yixing Ver. | Baekhyun Ver. | Chanyeol Ver. | Kyungsoo Ver. | Suho Ver. | Sehun Ver.
Word count:  Author: Maari Summary: A series of what exo would be like as a parent, from discovery to growth
Sigh ok hear me out
There's so much I want to talk about him 🤧
I think he would find out about the pregnancy even before his s/o but he would be confused like is that what I'm thinking or is it just my imagination?
I mean, he has experience with his nephews so it's not an unexplored area for him.
Like have you seen his smile when he's with children? 
But I think he wouldn't say anything because he doesn't want to put pressure on his s/o.
But even if he already expected it, the moment she announced it, oh boy he would be so shocked!
I imagine the two together, alone, watching a movie or just talking sitting on the couch.
And she feels uncontrollably nauseous and she pulls away from him so quickly and runs to the bathroom 
He just watches her run with a confused face like
“What... what happened?”
He goes after her because he is very worried
And he helps her hold her hair so it doesn't get dirty and he even strokes the back of her neck, trying to make her feel better 😩
And when she finishes and wipes her mouth, with him stroking her hair he asks what happened
And she replies in a low voice that she's pregnant 
He's like 😳
She tries to explain that she had a bunch of tests last week and didn't tell anything because she was scared but 
Se just hugs her so tight she's probably going to gasp for air.
And he starts to cry like a baby!
Out of emotion, of course, he is so happy that the only thing he can say is thank you a million times.
And that leads me to think that this man will be the most protective father in the whole word
He's the type who won't let his s/o do any kind of physical exertion at all.
Like, carry shopping bags or even put on socks when it's colder when the belly is considerably big
"I can do this you know" "You can't make an effort, imagine if the baby is accidentally born when you crouch"
And the purest father in the world too!
I think he's going to handle his s/o’s morning sickness very well
Just like the mood swing
But the day that his child will be born, I imagine him completely nervous
And it will be even worse if the baby comes early 🤣
Will definitely cry more than the baby in childbirth
But it will be worth it when he holds the baby in his arms and realizes how small he is 😭
And he will look with the biggest smile like "it's my son"
Oh yeah and I definitely see him as a father of boys. 3 to be exact
He will teach his children everything he can
From simpler things like saying daddy
Even dancing since childhood
Don't you think he won't teach his children? He will, and he will definitely buy those father-son clothes!
And he will say with great pride that he taught
Even if the moment the child says daddy he is crying too much 🤣
He's going to be a worried father, any toothache or flu he's going to want to watch his son 24/7
He's going to be as devoted to his family as he is to anything that's dear to him, and I think family is the most important thing to him
As I said, the fact that he has nephews puts him in a comfortable position
Because he already has experience and will make him closer to his children
No, but just imagine him walking with the kids, taking them to school, sleeping with them at night in his bed because I know he's going to refuse to take the kids to their room 😭😭😭
And what else can I say? LET ME BE THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN JONGIN i'm kidding chanyeol
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i need all ya cream soda
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kjmcotton · 1 year
Hello I have a Chanyeol reidor you 😅
Okay so you know who the boys volunteer at an orphanage?? Okay so the request is this……..
Chanyeol haves been helping at the orphanage for a few years and he meet some who volunteer there too than they become friends and eventually start dating they both were close to a little boy they both meet when he was a baby and the boy haves always reject meeting people claiming he already have a family telling people who wants to adopt him that Chanyeol and reader are his parents. They both found out that the boy wants to be adopted by them so they agreed and they decide to surprise him. ( you can as the rest of exo if you like) You can reject this request if your don’t like it it’s fine :)
A good action can change your life | Pcy
Park Chanyeol x fem!reader
Plot:Chanyeol loves volunteering at the Nam Children’s Home,but he doesn’t know that it will change his life
Author’s notes:here we go with another Pcy story!! To make it easy I had to use the 3rd person narrator,I hope that it’s not a problem and that you will enjoy this story as much as I did♡
Tumblr works with reposts:if you enjoyed my story please repost and leave a feedback! Help me growing!♡
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“As long as he’s happy,I’m happy too”
With his guitar on the shoulder and a bag full of candies,Chanyeol opened the door of the Kang Nam Children’s Home. As soon as the kids had spotted him they happily yelled his name and ran towards him.
“Chanyeol! Chanyeol!” they chanted,surrounding the boy. Someone even held onto his arms to be lifted up by their favourite volunteer.
The boy smiled as he put down his guitar, giving away the candies he had brought with him.
“Have you prepared the songs for today?” Bora,the most talkative and less shy out of all the kids,grabbed Chanyeol’s hoodie with a witty smile on her lips
“Of course I did! Are you ready for today’s concert?”
“Yay! Concert!” the kids chanted again,sitting around Chanyeol,who started singing and playing a few songs they had requested him during their latest day together.
That was what the sweet guy had been doing for the past years:bringing happiness in the lives of the kids whom,for a reason or another,had been pushed to the margins of the society by unqualified parents.
Chanyeol was a music teacher at the Kyodong Elementary School so he knew how to behave with kids,and loved them;that was why,during his free time,he would volunteer at the orphanage.
In return his beloved babies would make drawings and biscuits for him.
Chanyeol considered all of them his kids,but there was one child who was particularly loved by the brunette.
His name was Ha-Eun,which meant great summer in korean,he was the last one arriving at the orphanage at the age of one,after he had been abandoned by his mother. Growing up,Eun was quiet and shy:he wouldn’t talk to anyone,not the kids,nor the teacher,or the volunteers. He would stay on his own,playing with the same teddy bear he had arrived with. Mrs. Kim,the teacher,was extremely sad because she didn’t know how to integrate him in the community and one day she opened up with Chanyeol.
Since then,the boy tried everything to help the woman;until,by accident,he had found the right key:his guitar. Apparently,Eun loved singing,so,after every concert,Chanyeol would accompany him wit the instrument,letting the kid sing his favourite songs.
Eun started developing deep love and trust for Chanyeol,who lead him into playing with other kids. Now Eun was a happy three year old with a beautiful voice.
However,the guy wasn’t the only one the kid loved and trusted with his dear life. There was also another volunteer,Y/n,who had been able to collect his trust through music.
Just like Chanyeol,she was a musician,a violinist to be precise,so she would play her instrument to the kids. And just like with Chanyeol,Eun would ask her to play with him after every performance.
The most beautiful part of this? The two artists met each other and decided to play together.
She saw Chanyeol for the first time on an Wednesday evening,she had just finished her university classes when she decided to stop by and greet the kids. She didn’t expect him to be there,playing his guitar with a beautiful smile on his lips.
“You’re a great guitarist. I’m Y/n by the way,I volunteer here, just like you” she introduced herself to the boy after his short concert
“Thank you,I’m Chanyeol. Do you play any instrument?”
“I’ve been playing the violin since I was five. If you’d like you can watch me playing here next week”
“I’d love to” the boy smiled,shaking her hand
A few days later Y/n saw him there,watching her playing with shiny eyes. She couldn’t imagine it,but right in that moment she collected his heart.
The boy thought he was witnessing a rare event:an angel fallen from heaven to brighten up the life of those kids.
His eyes were fixed on her gentle features:lashes shut as her chin was resting on the violin,while her hand was caressing its chord through the arc. The melody spreading in the room was a lullaby to Chanyeol’s years,a work of kind art…as kind as Y/n’s soul.
Everyone clapped at the end of her performance and the brunette stood up to compliment the girl:
“You’re amazing,I’d like to play with you sometimes” he smiled,excited
“I’d love to” she replied
That was how they exchanged their phone numbers and started chatting. At the beginning all they talked about was the concert they were organising for the kids,but after that they simply talked,getting more and more intimate with each other.
They started meeting after work or classes,they would sip a cup of coffee together and play at Chanyeol’s studio. They even wrote a song for the kids,who obviously loved the performance.
Mrs. Kim was extremely happy:the orphans kept asking for Chanyeol and Y/n everyday,so their visits at the Nam Children’s Home increased,going from once a week to two or three.
They even held the “Out of town day”:once a month they would take from two to four kids out from the orphanage to spend some time together.
The first time they drove four children to the seaside,the second three to the pool and the third time four at the amusement park. During that trip Ha-Eun was there,same for Bora.
“I want cotton candy! I want cotton candy!” the little girl pointed at the small stand in front of her
“Okay,okay-Y/n smiled-anyone else wants it?”
“Me!” Minhyuk and Jieun exclaimed at the same time,so Y/n nodded and walked with them towards the nice woman who was selling the sweets.
“Don’t you want some cotton candy?” Chanyeol bent down to reach Ha-Eun’s eight,but the kid shook his head
“I don’t want it” he replied,while the brunette fixed his orange jacket with a gentle movement
“And what do you want then?”
“That” Eun pointed at a giant dinosaur hanging on a shooting stall
“Oh…well we can give it a try” Chanyeol smiled,holding Eun’s hand to walk towards the stand
“How do I get that dinosaur?” he asked to the man already preparing his air gun
“Seven lines of cans shot without missing one bullet”
The guy and the little kid exchanged a look,while Y/n reached them with her other little friends
“What’s up with you boys?”
“Gotta haunt dinosaurs” Chanyeol gave a look to the giant stuffed animal
“I don’t even know if that fits in the car to be honest” she blinked confused
“But I want it!! It’s so cool!!” Eun grabbed the sleeve of her jacket
“We’ll use the trunk I guess. As long as he’s happy,I’m happy too” he said,starting shooting
Y/n’s heart melted at those words. No one in that world loved Eun or any other kid like Chanyeol did. His family will be lucky,she thought.
“I wanna see him-Eun stretched out his arms asking Y/n to lift him up. She did so,holding Bora’s wrist with her free hand-Minhyuk please give a look to Jieun,you’re the oldest. I trust you” she smiled at the ten year old kid,who nodded
“Yes ma’am!” he exclaimed,staying with the four year old girl while Y/n was busy with Eun and Bora.
In the meantime Chanyeol’s eagle eye wasn’t missing a shot
“Yeol is amazing!!” Eun clapped,looking at the boy who was half into his mission.
A few minutes later the giant dinosaur was dragged here and there by Eun,whose lips were curved in a proud smile.
“You’ve got so many hidden talents. I wonder what’s next” Y/n said,making Chanyeol blush
“Who knows” he shook his shoulders,holding Eun’s dinosaur by the tail:when he had said that they would’ve needed the trunk to bring that stuffed animal home he wasn’t lying. It was taller than any of the kids.
“I wanna hang out with you again!!” the child jumped,hugging his new toy
“We will,don’t worry sweetheart” Y/n smiled.
Later on,a few kids left the orphanage. Minhyuk’s adoption process had reached its end,so he was sent out by Mrs. Kim. The same happened with Bora and a few more children:Kyungmi,Sanghun,Shin,Yoora and Dungyul. New kids arrived and just a few of the old ones remained,one of them was Ha-Eun.
Y/n had just said goodbye to one more adopted child when Mrs. Kim asked to talk to her in private
“What is it?” the girl demanded,interweaving her arm with one of the old lady while walking along the beautiful garden of the children house
“I didn’t want to tell you,but there’s nothing else I can do. The situation it’s getting serious”
The volunteer was now worried
“What is it?” she furrowed her eyebrows
“A few families wanted to adopt Ha-Eun,but he rejected all of them. I tried to convince him to leave,but he wouldn’t stop crying and screaming saying that he wants to stay here with you and Chanyeol. He claims you two are his parents,the only ones he wants”
At those words Y/n’s heart shattered:how could that be possible? It couldn’t. Ha-Eun was already five year old,so he had to find a family and live a beautiful life away from the orphanage.
“And…what am I supposed to do?” the girl demanded,holding back her tears
“I think you and Chanyeol should talk to Ha-Eun and convince him to leave. There’s a good family who wants to adopt him:the woman is a teacher at kindergarten. She can’t have children but she loves them,while her husband is a lawyer. They live in a beautiful house outside Seoul and they have a sweet dog. I’m sure Eun will live an happy life with them”
After the chat with the teacher Y/n promised her she would’ve fixed everything,but it wasn’t that simple to have such a talk to Chanyeol.
Y/n was so hurt that it took her days before confessing what was going on to the guy,whom,on the other hand,had something else to confess.
It had been years since he had fallen in love with Y/n so,one night,while walking her home after a day spent together,he decided to confess his feelings.
Once they arrived in front of her house,the boy took a deep breath:
“We need to talk” he said.
“What is it?” at the beginning Y/n was scared:last time she had heard those words she had found out that Eun didn’t want to leave the orphanage.
“It’s…hum…well…” the brunette mentally cursed himself. He wasn’t ten anymore,how could he be so embarrassed?
“With your own words” Y/n joked,smiling. Chanyeol melted in front of that sight. She was so dreamy,he must had been privileged to know her.
He gulped,stepping closer to Y/n;she could feel his warm breath caressing her skin in that cold night of November.
“So?” she asked again
Chanyeol didn’t reply,he simply cupped her face with an hand and kissed her. Her lips were soft. Shivers went along his body while the guitar slid down from his shoulder.
On the other hand,Y/n’s heart was beating so fast she thought it would leave her body. She had never realised how much she loved Chanyeol before that moment.
“I love you. I didn’t know how to tell you,so I preferred showing you” he whispered
Y/n couldn’t take off her eyes from him. Without even thinking twice she grabbed the cloth of his jacket and kissed him again.
What to Chanyeol seemed a mountain ended up to be a simple jump;however the worst was yet to come.
The two love birds didn’t even have the time to enjoy the flowers of love blossoming that they had to find a way to handle Eun’s situation.
They both tried to convince the kid,but he was unshakable:he would’ve never left with someone that wasn’t Chanyeol and Y/n,it didn’t matter if they promised they would’ve visited him often.
Chanyeol’s heart became heavy:he spent days thinking about Ha-Eun and the future he refused to live just because of him and his girlfriend. He had never been so sad in his entire life.
“I want him to be happy out from that children’s home” the brunette sighed,resting his head on Y/n’s lap
“Me too babe,but what can we do?”
“We should stop volunteering there. It will be hard but…”
Y/n interrupted her boyfriend
“Forget about it! We would hurt those poor children. They’ve already been through a lot”
“Then what should we do?” Chanyeol lifted his head up,sitting
“Maybe we should try to talk to Eun once again…”
The brunette started walking up and down Y/n’s bedroom,shooking his head. Then,suddenly,he stopped.
“I’ll adopt him” he suddenly said
“You heard. I’ll adopt him. We can’t do it together because we’re not married,but I can do it on my own. Eun will see you anyway. I mean,I have a stable job and a house big enough for a kid to live with me. I think I can do it”
“I think you’re crazy” Y/n stood up,resting her hands on his shoulders
“I’m not. However,I need to talk to Mrs. Kim. I need to check if I’m allowed to do so. There are many rules”
“Babe slow down! Are you sure you’re ready to do such a thing? I mean it’s not like adopting a puppy,which would already be a great commitment”
“I am ready. Who would be ready if not me? Think about it Y/n:there’s nothing I don’t know about Ha-Eun. I’ve been taking care of him weekly since he could barely talk,and he’s five now. He’s healthy,and surely not a troublemaker. I can register him at Kyodong,where I work. He would be happy with me and would see you often as well. His dream would come true and he would live a happy life. We love him Y/n,so I don’t see why I shouldn’t adopt him”
“I just want you to be sure about it. If you are,then go ahead. I’d love to help you taking care of him” said so,she kissed Chanyeol’s forehead.
The next day the brunette talked with Mrs. Kim,who allowed him to start the adoption process. Then,finally,after a whole year,Ha-Eun was officially signed as Park Chanyeol’s adopted kid.
It’s useless to say that when he had found out about thesurprise,he was the happiest kind on heart.
His dad would spoil him with gifts and amazing food,showering the boy with an endlessly love. And when her boyfriend was busy,Y/n would take care of Eun. Everything was perfect,Chanyeol thought that only one thing was missing:marriage. He knew that it was another big step forward,but he was ready so…who would’ve stopped him?
Chanyeol asked Y/n to marry him on January and the celebrations were held on September of the year after. Eun had turned 6 by the time,and he had been fully welcomed in the families of both the newlyweds.
The ceremony was held at the beautiful Namsan Art Wedding Hall and Ha-Eun was the one who brought in the rings together with Y/n’s new little puppy:Spike.
By the end of the same evening Ha-Eun saw his dream turning into reality:he was officially Y/n’s and Chanyeol’s kid,and he was surrounded by people who cherished him like they would’ve cherished a treasure.
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x-galactic-star-x · 3 months
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The ones with big hearts ♥️
i love my Gay Exo dad 🕊🪻
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yuneu · 3 months
i feel like most of my interests that have really lasted ive gotten into when i was a kid or preteen and i just havent gotten into anything else since
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Halloween Drabble: Salty & Sweet (werewolf x gender neutral reader)
A sudden question leads to a bit of flirtation.
If you want to get early releases for my on-going stories or early access to the occasional drabble like this, check out my Patreon!
“Can werewolves have chocolate?” The question came so suddenly as you munch on your own chocolate bar, you not only startle yourself, but the companion you’d been sharing the quiet with. They turn their almost-glowing brown-gold eyes to you.
Kellum sits at the picnic table with you, except he’s chosen to sit atop the table while you sit on the bench. Before your question, he sat hunched over his phone, elbows on his knees as the light flickered over his partially-morphed face. Now, as he stares at you, you realize you’ve rarely seen him in this phase of shifting.
Fur has begun sprouting along the sides of his face, his ears shifted from simply pointed to furry and tapered. The fur is the same shade as his hair, with interspersed flecks of grey. A ‘silver fox’ that was in all reality a wolf, you mused once. His nose has darkened and flattened, taking on the appearance of a snoot than a nose. His lips are the same dark shade and, a little shamefully, you wonder if their texture is somehow different.
When you first saw his outfit - a plaid button-up over a white tank-top and worn blue jeans - you had teased him about being a timberwolf lumberjack. Now, you’re regretting the joke, realizing how the plaid and tee-shirt highlights his muscular-chubby dad-bod, and how the rolled-up sleeves bring your attention to his forearms. Which are also partially morphed, the tan skin fading to a grey-black-brown fur with elongated fingers tipped in dangerous looking claws.
The two of you are taking a break from your shift at the haunted house, run by his college-aged kid and their friends. Gerard, Kellum’s son, actually asked for your help with the haunted endeavor ages ago and, without thinking, you agreed.
You hadn’t realized Kellum would also be helping out. In retrospect, you really should have expected it. The poor guy was having hardcore “empty nester” syndrome with Gerard off living it up at college. You’d born witness to it on a number of occasions, since you were his next door neighbor. Of course, Kellum volunteered to act in a haunted house and spend time with his son.
Embarrassed, you glance at his ear - locking your gaze to the glow-in-the-dark gauge there - to avoid eye contact. “I mean, dogs can’t. Not sure about wolves, but I imagine they can’t either. So can werewolves?”
In an effort to stave off further embarrassment and babbling, you shrug and break off another piece of your chocolate bar, shoving it in your mouth.
“I don’t know,” Kellum finally answers, a thoughtful timbre to his tone.
You rack your brain for any memory of him having chocolate in your presence, but come up empty. “How do you not know?”
It seems damn near impossible for the man to have gone his whole life without eating chocolate. But he shrugs again, before leaning over to pocket his phone in his jeans. You think you sense the slightest grin on his lips. Suspicion crawls over your skin, but you ignore it, telling yourself it’s the chill in the air.
“Should we test it out?” He asks, and you catch the sight of his tail flicking back and forth on the table.
At first, you’re not sure. What if it really makes him sick? Or agitates his system? Weren’t chocolate allergies often deadly?
But Kellum isn’t a spontaneous risky sort. He was a single father for fifteen years, for cripes’ sakes. He wouldn’t put his life in danger over testing a silly hypothesis. Likely, even if he did suffer adverse reactions, it’d be minimal, right?
He waits patiently as you mentally struggle, amusement curling at his lips. Eventually, you settle on a decision. Kellum is a grown-ass man, capable of saying no and understanding risks. And if anything really bad happens, you have your phone at the ready. “Okay, but let’s go small, just in cas-”
Your words are swallowed up by Kellum’s mouth, pressed suddenly to your lips. He moved so fast, your heart barely had time to beat between your words and the kiss. Heat claws up your face and you jerk, only to realize a clawed hand cradles the back of your head. His free hand grasps your shoulder, claws pricking into the fabric of your shirt. You gasp against his lips, which only seems to make the corners of his lips curve upward.
Then his tongue, thick and wet, slips into your mouth. Without thinking, you part your lips a little wider, angling your head as the kiss deepens. He is everywhere in your mouth. Tasting your tongue and your teeth, encouraging your own tentative exploration of his maw and teeth. 
Your eyes flutter shut, the woodsy scent of Kellum’s cologne enveloping you as he leans closer. His body heat sinks into you, warming the chillier parts of you and stoking a warmth deep inside you. Your hands slip to his upper arms, grasping the fabric bunched at his elbow. 
As quickly as it began, the kiss ends. Kellum pulls away, leaving you frazzled and - honestly - feeling a bit sloppy. You brush the back of your hand against your lower lip, swiping away any wayward drool, as you level a glare at the man.
Kellum ignores your irritated look, smacking his chops and humming in consideration. “No, I don’t think I-”
Suddenly, his eyes fly wide, a choked sound leaving his throat as his body stiffens. Even a slight tremor flickers through his body. Your eyes fly wide, terror gripping at your chest as you watch him list forward, toppling completely over before his back hits the ground.
“Kellum!” You shriek, trembling hands shooting for your phone. You stumble down from the picnic table, trying to find any sign - foaming at the mouth or gurgling - as further symptoms. In your head, you’re already rehearsing what you’re going to say as you dial the emergency services.
You freeze as Kellum’s eyes crack open, a wolfish smile tilting his lips. Embarrassed and angry, heat rises in your cheeks just as you realize his tail is wagging, thumping against the ground.
“Oh no, I must be allergic,” he chuckles sarcastically, propping himself up on his elbows. His furry brows raise, a devilish expression crossing his features. “You might have to give me mouth-to-mouth.”
You only barely resisted the urge to thump Kellum on the chest before standing. Fueled by rage and mortification, you’re already stumbling backward. With an accusatory finger, you jab it in Kellum’s direction. “That is not funny!”
Turning your back on him, you begin charging back toward the haunted house, trying to ignore how fast your heart is throbbing in your chest. It feels like your cheeks are going to burn off, with how hot the flush across your cheeks feels. Your brain tries to make sense of why Kellum pulled such a stunt. But wasn’t that what Halloween was about? It wasn’t simply about treats, but also the tricks.
As angry as you are, you can’t help being a little amused. And that just makes you angrier.
Behind you, you hear Kellum getting to their feet and laughing as he tails after you, “Aw, why so salty?”
Something in Kellum’s tone makes you freeze. That particular resonance when a dad is about to lay on a dad joke. A realization prickles through your thoughts. Turning around to face him, you narrow your eyes and point a finger in his face again. “You better not say what I think you’re going to say.”
His toothy grin only widens at your words, showing off his sharp canines. In that instant, your stomach drops, but the heat at your center churns wildly.
“Lucky for you,” Kellum’s eyes positively glow as he scoops you up in his arms, holding you against his warm chest. The fact he just picked you up leaves you a little dumbfounded. Instinct kicks in as your brain fritzes out and  you struggle and squirm. As he teasingly growls, the echoes vibrating through his chest, you freeze. “I like my treats salty and sweet.”
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vipermenace · 2 years
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My guardian ocs! All of them are exos
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i-am-cesear · 9 months
Holy shit I just listened Exo for the first time after almost 6 years. My mind blown. I felt like a high school student again
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justwritedreams · 2 years
I want to read dad baekhyun and his 3 little daughters. 😭 What will be the fourth one 👀
Ok so why not take advantage of exo as dads series to talk about baekhyun, right? RIGHT!
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Xiumin Ver. | Chen Ver. | Yixing Ver. | Jongin Ver. | Chanyeol Ver. | Kyungsoo Ver. | Suho Ver. | Sehun Ver.
Word count:  Author: Maari Summary: A series of what exo would be like as a parent, from discovery to growth
First of all, good luck to the future s/o because you will be a rabbit!
I can clearly see Baekhyun as a girl's father but trying at all costs to have a boy
And that's how he got to the 4th daughter 🤣
And of course he already knew because after all, they had been trying for another baby for a long time.
In fact, I'm pretty sure he'd be like "Are you sure that you're not pregnant yet?"
"Honey, I already took two pregnancy tests."
"One more reason to make a third."
And then all of a sudden one night his s/o would be throwing up and he would already know it's the baby!
I don't think the daughters would have a big age difference because
I really think he likes having a baby at home
There's something about seeing that tiny baby sleeping soundly in his arms that is 😍
And I think he's the kind of playful father who takes things seriously when he has to much like my father is
But he's the best friend of his little girls!
Seriously, there is nothing they wouldn't say or ask him for
Helping with a school homework he has no idea what it's like? He will learn just to teach them properly.
Daughters want a different hairstyle to go out? He will do it.
Watch Barbie movies and sing along? It's his favorite part of the day!
Talking about where babies come from? … Oh, well, that he probably won't be able to say without laughing from sheer nervousness 🤣
But you got my point, right? Ok
So when he and his wife found out that another baby is on the way, he was ready to tell his little daughters.
And I think it would be the best and cutest conversation ever 🥺
He would do it in a natural way that wouldn't make the girls jealous of the attention the baby will receive but rather excited that another baby is coming soon.
And he'll probably have to hear every day when the baby is coming
Because his enthusiasm rubbed off on his daughters 🤣
But I imagine him together with his daughters making drawings for the new baby 😫
They wanting to help the father set up the baby's room
And probably making him give up in the next 15 minutes because they are making him more tired than the crib he has to put together.
And if you thought of them helping to paint the room, then you thought right because so did I!
In the end, everyone knows it would be a paint war and his wife would probably have to arrive to end the game and tell everyone to take a shower because there's even paint in their hair
Family shopping!!!
Him choosing clothes for the baby together with the girls oh my god I'm going to die of cuteness
"Dad, I think this one is prettier."
"But I liked that one, dad"
"Only this one will suit better!"
"You know what, let's take them all!" and that's how he came home with more bags of clothes than he had planned 🤣
But most importantly, he would make sure he was paying attention to all the women in his life.
He would take all the daughters to their beds in one night, when everyone else was already asleep in the living room.
And his s/o too!!
Because there is no more important woman in the world than her 🥺
"Love, I don't think you're going to be able to carry me to the bedroom."
"What kind of husband would I be if I let my tired pregnant wife walk around with those swollen legs?" he would say, while trying to arrange the best position to hold her in his lap… But her belly wouldn't let him. "Yeah, I think that it's better if we just sleep here!"
Would wake up early to prepare breakfast for everyone!
He'd take the girls to school, and he'd probably cry in the car when he realized how big the little girls actually are.
The priority would be his family!
Even though he was working, recording new songs, during breaks he would call his wife or turn on the home camera on his phone to see if everything was alright
Even tired, I'm sure he would make his daughters help put away the toys they spread around the living room or bedroom.
He would teach his daughters to sing to the baby in their mother's belly why am i doing this to myself? 😫
But make no mistake, even though experienced with sudden baby arrivals and births
He would be a nervous wreck for the birth of his fourth daughter!
I would be so nervous that I wouldn't know who to call first, the parents, the in-laws or the members 🤣
He would definitely pass on the view that he is a first-time father
But not fainting during childbirth, as happened with the first daughter
I think he would cry holding his newborn daughter in his arms!
And the wife seeing this would be like "are you crying for real?"
"She's just so beautiful! She has my nose."
But I think the most exciting moment for him would be when his daughters go to the hospital to meet their new sister.
He would probably be able to hold back the tears and look with a twinkle in his eyes with so much pride for the family he has 🥺
Will fight and die for his family!
He will be the attentive, helpful father who will talk to his daughters about how they need to keep their voices down when the baby is sleeping
He will let the daughters help change the diaper, bathe and rock the baby because he also wants to capture these moments with good photos!
I really think he would be an extraordinary father, devoted to his daughters and only thinking about what's best for them.
For example, I'm sure he wouldn't expose any of them to the media or anything like that.
Because he wants to preserve all of them as much as possible and if one day they want to be artists like him, there will be no one who will support more than him!
But deep down he hopes they follow other careers 🤣
One day, when all the daughters are napping together in the afternoon, he would hug his wife and look at her as if she were the most special jewel in the world.
"We are very lucky parents, aren't we?"
"Yes, we are!"but the wife would know that he was going to say something, because that little smile of someone who is going to do something is there "We are not having another baby!"
"How about a dog then?"
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exoluxionlove · 2 years
221006 EXO lives in my house..?! [After Dad Falls Asleep] XIUMINI EXO
[ Link with Sub ]
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x-galactic-star-x · 1 year
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Man i love my Gay Exo Dad 💜
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I mean this in the nicest way possible, as an exol/eris but dang we are a spoiled fandom.
EXO: okay so here's an album!
Exol: great, here's some things we want you to do. Like Killing Voice and dance challenges.
EXO: ... seriously? That's what you want?
Exol: Yes. That is what we want. Please.
EXO: Y'all are fucking weird but here you go. KV and a dance challenge.
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12luckyone · 2 years
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Xiumin missing his dad’s home cooking more than his mother’s [X]
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