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boxonthenile · 6 months ago
The Trinyvale Trine are so fucking compelling to me but i think the overlap of naddpod fans and ex mormons is just me so i don't know how much anyone wants to hear my TED talk.
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stormsbourne · 6 months ago
one day I'll make a detailed post about the way the mormon church tells people to think about disabled (specifically mentally disabled) people and how disgusting it is but suffice to say I'm always a little stunned that it's never brought up in lists of things that make mormonism gross
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boxonthenile · 10 months ago
I love getting @'d for exmo stuff and i love learning about the shit i was too stupid to pay attention to as a kid.
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cyeayt · 2 months ago
Joking about mormonism with other exmos is like oh yay cool we’re out we’re thriving man that was kinda funny when it wasn’t soulcrushing haha
Then joking about Mormonism with nevermos is like walking a fine line between being drawn into a lengthy conversation about your religious trauma or getting defensive over your own past self and your friends and family who are still in the church because they’ve hurt you but you love them and no one gets to make fun of them without having felt that love or that grief, yknow?
Nevermos obv are free to criticize the rampant racism, misogyny, queerphobia, and general shityness of the church and its actions, but keep in mind that not every exmo is going to be okay with you coming in like “oh I hear they all wear magic underwear and still do polygamy lol that’s so crazy lol” like you all do so often
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exmo-diaries · 10 months ago
i wanna clear something up to nevermos real quick: most mormons don’t look at the full picture of their religion. most mormons are not being openly racist or zionistic or homophobic. most mormons don’t practice what they preach. most mormons do their daily readings and prayers and think about their church the way they’re supposed to, but most mormons don’t fully comprehend it. most mormons are cult victims who genuinely want to to what’s best in the way they believe is right. while racism, zionism, homophobia etc. are unavoidable in the scriptures, this doesn’t mean they understand what is being taught. those who do understand it often don’t support those specific parts of the scripture and speak out against them. many outsiders seem to forget mormons are their own individual people.
hate the church, not the person
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boxonthenile · 4 months ago
There's an interesting space you live in as an asexual escapee of a purity obsessed cult. Yes sex is good and fun and healthy and natural. We should talk about it and enjoy it and not find shame in pleasure. No i don't want to do it myself.
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stormsbourne · 5 months ago
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came across this shit by accident and the post is like "people on tumblr don't know what a cult is." friend I think perhaps you are the person on tumblr you're talking about
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atjsgf · 1 year ago
nevermos are like "why do so many mormons end up writing scifi and fantasy, it's such a weird correlation" meanwhile mormons grow up learning this:
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stormsbourne · 1 year ago
again I must stress that ten or more years ago mormon leaders put out a statement that reading romance novels was equivalent to porn addiction and both would send you to hell
you guys are not progressive you're just mormons in disguise
Are we calling women who read shitty harlequin romance novels porn addicts now?
If you read one paragraph of vintage victorian smut you'd hurl.
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pixelgayte · 10 months ago
so much of Mormonism is just being signed up for things without your permission. Things that require your time, energy, money, effort are just expected of you, and god forbid you don’t live up to that expectation. I’m constantly shamed into callings, activities, ministering, seminary, etc. Hell, even my goddamn baptism wasn’t something I consented to- I was eight and barely knew anything about religion, let alone given a choice on whether to be baptized or not. I’ll never forget my mom screaming at me while I sobbed hysterically because I turned down to be part of the young women’s presidency. I’m so sick of being signed up for shit without my consent.
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exmotraumatime · 6 months ago
the reason why mormon software all sucks despite being a multi billion dollar corporation that has entire systems for it is bc they’re such bigots and afraid of anyone that is different that there are no trans women or furries working there
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indubitably-that-bitch · 2 days ago
As a transbian, I feel a strange envy when I read stories about Sapphic and especially lesbian characters struggling with their attraction to women before accepting it. I know the process is probably not fun and god knows I didn't need more guilt and self-hatred as a Mormon teen, but I want to experience the catharsis and nerves and butterflies of finally accepting that crush and cautiously trying to flirt consciously for the first time. Even that I've never really experienced comphet makes me feel almost wistful.
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stormsbourne · 7 months ago
unsurprised to learn so many tradwife influencers are Mormon but man as an exmo it hits on a whole different level to see this woman completely destroy her sense of self to fit the mold her jackass husband (who pulled strings at daddy's plane company to get a "date" on a fucking 5 hr flight) thinks she should fill
ohhhh that ballerina farm article ☹️
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negativepeanuthoarder · 5 months ago
I always thought I just had Really Good Self Control as a teenager when the church talked about not having sex before marriage. I thought I was just really good at that one rule.
I'm not better at that one rule because I was The Perfect Mormon. I don't experience sexual attraction and had no idea it was a physical Drive or a Desire or Urge up until I started talking to people who DO experience it.
It's like someone just gave me a pair of glasses and I can suddenly Understand a lot of WHY people do what they do. Because for ppl who experience sexual attraction this is a physiological Desire and not a 'well one day I might do that because everyone says it's pretty great' feeling.
I had no fucking clue. Holy Fucking Shit I feel like I can suddenly SEE why people are like this. No wonder people broke that rule!!!
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boydykedevo · 2 months ago
Do NOT make me look at fanart of my blorbos celebrating Christmas. It’s bad enough I have to.
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poetic-mac-n-cheese · 1 year ago
I am always thinking about how Cam didn’t say goodbye to her dads before becoming Paul. It’s always made me a little sad because it’s her last chance! She’s gone through and done so much to save them and then she doesn’t even see them before she dies/changes forever!! Why?? I know she said they wouldn’t understand but why not hug them one last time, give them the chance to grieve?
And then I think about “lucky them” and “I’m so relieved” and how Camilla really doesn’t seem to see this as a tragedy at all. She sees it as a necessary and wonderful transformation. She’s becoming more, not less. She’s changing, yes, but she’s changing into what she believes is more true to her identity than who she was before.
And then I think about the last few years of my life. I’ve gone through a massive faith crisis and transformation in the last 3 years. I’ve left behind the religion and by extension the culture that I loved and was raised in and changed so completely that I am for all intents and purposes a new person. I went from being a full time missionary to an apostate in less than half a decade. It breaks my parents heart. They definitely miss the old me. They almost definitely wish they could say goodbye, talk to the old me one last time. But they also could never really do that because by the time it would be the last time I would already have changed so completely that it wouldn’t really be the old me at all. (Something something change is the nature of existence something something we can’t go home again)
And I don’t think it’s a tragedy. I’ve grieved who I thought I would be, yes, but I don’t want to go back. I can’t go back. And I don’t want my parents to view me as a before and after, I want them to see me as a whole person, a person who is me no matter how much I change. If I was given the chance to say goodbye before I started changing, would I do it? Would it even mean anything? And yes my faith transformation has been a much less immediate and dramatic before and after than bursting into flames and merging completely with my bestie/soulmate, but I think the point still stands. I’m still here in the ways that matter to me so why would I say goodbye?
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