#excited about a thread with you
videcoeur · 1 year
Carina never got caught- at least not in a long while. Her thieving skills were above average, one would say. She was living a luxurious lifestyle, sleeping in one of those grand penthouse in the casino. And all she had to do was walk a few minutes a day in a crowd, stealing as many wallets as she could. 
To be honest, she’d come to the Gran Tesoro to catch a break. A reprieve from the mundane heists and pick pocketing she had been doing from her tenderest age. Still, even with the need for a break, her body and mind craved that thrill, the will-i-get-caught anxiety and the will-i-get-them-all adrenaline. It was like a drug to her.  
Having no friends in the world, no family to care for and nothing else to do with her time, she’d set her eyes on the biggest heist of her life. Carina heard the rumor about a grey city-ship where both pirates and marines traveled safely. A place where one could live with abandon if they played their cards right. But more importantly, a place where somewhere close to 20% of the world’s wealth was hidden.
And so, she made her way there, started thieving for fun but also as a way to scope the grounds and understand the dynamics of this place. It didn’t take long for her to realize just who was the mastermind, who were his allies and, most importantly, how she could potentially get closer to the winning prize.
All she had to do, and it was risky, was to get caught. Putting herself in a position where she would owe the man in question, but also trusting that he wouldn’t kill her on the spot. Prove herself useful, or something like that. Her thieving skills would be of no use to him, but she’d noticed the decline in attendance to his shows. Tesoro was definitely an amazing singer and entertainer, but the lack of variety, so to speak, was playing against him.
But, before she could overhaul the whole singing and dancing business, she had to get an audience. Something she couldn’t achieve by just walking to his door and asking him for his time. So, the best way to get his attention? Stealing an important sum from the casino.
She started with a meager 5k, made sure she wasn’t caught on camera. Then came the bigger amounts. 20k here and 40k there. She went at it for a couple of weeks, until she started to notice security giving her sideway glances. That money, she stacked it aside, fully intending to give it back to Tesoro and hoping it would spare her and give her the 30 minutes she needed to use her wily, scheming brain to give her a job.
Finally, she stole 100k, but made an oopsie, and let herself be caught. Unfortunately, they left her rotting in a cold, golden cell, for about 2 days before she was granted an audience with Tesoro. At this point, she was absolutely starving, thirsty, and weakened - but her resolve was just as hard.
She was brought to his office, where two massive security guards sat her in a chair across his desk and held her in place. One man each having a hand on her shoulders.
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“Is that really necessary? All these strong men to hold me down...surely I am not that much of a threat, aren’t I, Tesoro-sama?” Maybe it was a bit too casual, but at least with sama, she was sure to show her respect. Hopefully, her wiles and charm would help her wiggle out of this tight situation, as planned.
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pastafossa · 3 months
I love you guys. I hope you know that.
Ok so I posted the new TRT chapter the other day. Obviously. And I had to force myself to do it, to click that final, 'post' button because at that last moment, this big wave of imposter syndrome hit (that had already hit on and off as I'd started working on the chapter again). And it was just this cycle of, 'It's been like 6 months since you posted a chapter or anything other than a couple one-shots and you're out of practice, I bet it's bad, it's probably terrible, I bet everyone's left and no one cares about this thing you love so why do you? What if no one likes it, you're gonna drop this and everyone's gonna god 'wtf is this, pasta? what happened?'' And so I forced myself to post it, took my meds to ensure I slept, and then kinda just bunkered down and slept/hid because I was halfway convinced that all the trauma in the previous six months had just bopped any ability I had to write.
Instead I got this outpouring, of just like, 'WELCOME BACK' and people telling me they're happy that mom is ok (which made me cry but in a good way) and they're sorry Cato passed away (more tears, but comforted tears), but also delightful jokes about the funny lines I put in or screaming over that romantic line or about missing Jane and the dynamics and comments about being eager for the next chapter, and how now I can be one of those AO3 authors with those notes of 'yeah my life blew up so I was delayed, but hey I'm back!' which... yeah. And much like when I first started TRT, I didn't... really expect that at all, and it's made me really emotional.
So if you've dropped into my ask box or the comments or the replies, seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, because the excitement and love and just you all being the best little fam and continuing on this journey of TRT with me - a journey that has now included both Matt and Jane's journey, and a real life journey through a pandemic, a huge move, a passing of two of my pets, my mom's hospitalization and recovery, some heart issues, the cancellation and resurrection of the show, me meeting Charlie Cox and getting him to hold a red thread, my first wood carving event, etc - and I know I say this a lot, but you all really, really help me keep going when things get hard. I'd write TRT for nothing, I would, because I love this story and I intend to see it through, but ya'll just... I love you all tons. I'm hoping to get through the asks and fic comments and replies in the next few days, but I just wanted you guys to know that.
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your favorite of my favorites: A Book Poll
okay, i have now officially seen Just Enough open tags to override my vampiric need to be explicitly invited into things, so! here are my (current) Five Favorite Books for y'all to vote on, in order of Publication Date (and incidentally the order in which i read them)
shout out to @e-b-reads and @beardedbookdragon for the recent open tags! i am inflicting this on paying this forward to @asexualbookbird and @alloreli (who i warned), and to @sixofravens-reads (who i did not).
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shiominato · 7 months
oldsona/femc fans who make their personality hating newsona/non femc p3 content are just as annoying as newsona fans who make their personality hating oldsona/femc and its weird they try to act like they’re not
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
A lovely fellow Golden Girls fan recently made me think of S4E4: Yokel Hero, and I realized I haven't rewatched it yet since I first finished the show, despite thinking it was a really good one upon my first watch. The time has come -- feel free to join me!
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aletheialed · 4 months
Right now, wine glass in hand and staring vacantly into the dark corners of the room in which he dwells - Barok can't help but think about his brother. To think about Klint during hard times, the man who he's always admired so much, has always come naturally to him - but it can't bring him any comfort now.
The truth is, Barok doesn't know what he should feel more betrayed about. The fact that the brother he'd wanted to emulate all his life was nothing but a killer, who's actions resulted in the ending and ruining of so many lives, including Barok's own? Or... is it that, until the very end, Klint was too afraid to share that horrible truth with him, even when that fear allowed him to be controlled into committing the most heinous acts imaginable?
It makes him want to laugh with a bitterness he hasn't felt in years. It makes him feel ill; desperate and angry and like a fraying rope about to snap. Perhaps it's sinful, and a sign of Barok's own weak character, that Klint's lack of trust in him might be what hurts the most. Had he thought Barok would break under the weight of the truth, and sought to protect him from that fate? What's worse is that Barok doesn't know how he would've reacted deep down. What's the scarier thought - that Barok would've turned away in despair and been unable to carry on just as his brother feared, or that he would stand with Klint, perhaps even turning a blind eye to his crimes...?
...There's no point in thinking about it now. But if he doesn't think about Klint, then there's no shortage of other things to take his place at the forefront of his mind. Such as the true identity of the Reaper, and how Barok had been complicit in his crimes for the longest time - allowing himself to be used and manipulated like a puppet on a string, even when he didn't see the full extent of it all.
His whole life, these past ten years in which he thought he'd endured so much, all for the sake of the people of London... what were they all for?
When he hears the knock on the door, it's tempting to ignore it entirely - he barely has the energy to stand, anyway. He doesn't know who it could possibly be, considering everything, but... in the end, he rises like a man possessed, and finds himself walking to open the door as if in a trance. What he sees when the door opens is the last thing he expects.
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"Mr... Naruhodo...? You... pray tell, what are you doing here at this hour?"
@tenacquity ( starter! )
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misslisamiray · 2 months
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Yesterday started off pretty shitty. First off, I didn't bring my Rick Bear with me to the blood center because it looked like it was going to rain more & I didn't want to risk him getting damaged. Adding insult to injury (or rather, the other way around judging by my sunburn 😅) the rain stopped & the sun came out in full force. So I could have definitely brought him.
Then the blood center was... not successful. More about that later maybe. At least the bruising is super minimal, & since they weren't able to get anything out of me, there's no deferral time.
But my day started to get better with the news there's FINALLY a release date for the RaM anime. I'm so excited for that, and it's just over a month away now! Then I decided to take a walk to the Goodwill about a mile away, and look!
After having zero luck finding anything at two Savers near me, I now have the start of my Rick cosplay!!! Yes, I got both shirts, but the first is the one I'll be using.
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I’ve been talking to my sister about TedBecca. She doesn’t watch the show. Described the Red Thread of Fate to her (btw she said it’s obvious they’ll get together based on that alone). And you know what? She’s right.
Wait. Don’t throw stones at me just yet. I stand by the fact that it remains unlikely because they are really clever about it and avoid going there by basically making sure they never spend time together. Which is hilarious when you think about it. And by hilarious I mean infuriating because they are the ones who have established they’re essentially in each other’s bones and have been since birth. They keep reminding us of that, and of the fact that they keep missing each other (Rebecca searching for him when he has a panic attack, or her losing her phone just when he decides he’d like to hang out in a pointedly not professional setting). They are hell bent on keeping them apart. By all accounts, possibly forever. Not even for the sake of preserving a fabulous friendship because it’s objectively not there. They’re not in each other’s pocket in that way. They are not each other’s go to person in crisis.
Yet… When you lay out all the evidence, you would be hard pressed to argue with my sister’s logic. It’s utterly obvious that they belong together. Yes, romantically.
The man she is really into is effectively Ted coded. She meets him just when Ted was trying to reach her. That’s ridiculous. That’s on the nose, guys. It just is.
She eats his biscuits every single morning and she’s almost feral about it. They’ve yet to address that and we can’t just move past it.
They are going on the same journey, just not together. Recovering from their ex partners. Craving love and a stable, loving family. Both of them. That’s their wish fulfilment. That’s their happy end. Funny, that.
Ted is a mess and so is she. They’re both really kind and a bit mad and they instinctively know when the other is down and what to say or do to pull them back up. Instinctively. It speaks of something deep and visceral. Gut and heart. But also they never hang out. Or when they tried there was something in the way. Funny, that.
Granted they’re not in love with each other.
Instead, the writers have established the following:
What Rebecca seeks in a partner is someone who makes her feel special and cared for. Makes her laugh. Likes to sing and is unashamedly corny. Bonus points if they cook delicious food for her. Funny, that.
What Ted needs is a person who loves his sense of humour and is not just humouring him (lol). Someone who cares about and understands his profound relationship with his son. Who senses when he is struggling (handy because bottling stuff up is his coping mechanism of choice) and would know what to do when his anxiety gets the better of him. Funny, that.
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lilyharvord · 11 months
I need people to understand that my hyperfixation ships are limited to one thing: a man who is usually in full control of himself meeting 1 woman and losing complete and utter control over absolutely everything he does.
I just like to watch when they go full feral for a woman who could literally chew them up and spit them out, but choses to let them stick around because I don't know, it's nice to have someone carrying their bag or whatever.
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irregularbillcipher · 8 months
watched the musical demon show (don't wanna name it so this post isn't in the tags) at the behest of an IRL friend and i can already tell this is going to be a piece of media where i absolutely cannot stop thinking about it, not because i really love the show as-is, but because it has so many individual components i really like and find incredibly fun or compelling, and i'm so frustrated that it doesn't come together for me
i think the main thing i can say about it as a show, setting aside some of the insensitive choices that were made that i really don't feel qualified to tackle or talk about, is that the entire thing sort of gives off this vibe of someone really excited to show you every single oc they made in high school and college and i very genuinely mean that in both the best and worst ways possible
there are some good hooks for season two though so i will absolutely give them that
#the vibe is just like... they are just soooo excited to get all their ideas out that it becomes... messy and badly paced#like there are so many moments that are cool or fun or emotional in a vaccuum but they don't connect fully y'know#because this arc or character was JUST introduced so there isn't proper build up. everything moves too quick#and it's frustrating because you can TELL that the people making this show love their ideas and characters#and i more than get thta! i am also someone with a lotta ocs i love to blab about#but i think they have been working with them so long that they#a. assume we are already just as attached to them as they are without always doing that work#b. assume we've seen all the supplemental material which. i have not#and i don't think that a professional show is the type of thing where there should be a barrier of entry that involves like#podcasts and comics and twitter threads and IC instagram posts about characters to do that emotional/lore legwork y'know#i love lore and supplemental stuff obviously but this should still be like#a satisfying experience for me a person who saw the pilot however many years ago and then has not interacted with the show or fandom since#idk man stuff felt rushed and messy and i wish i liked it more#it needed more slow moments i think. the two scenes where the group all drinks together (minus one awful joke in the bar scene) are like#the best in the show to me becase i actually believe these guys are FRIENDS. i wanna see them hang out more!#i wanna see them actually really grow to like each other organically!!! i wanna see them build connections and grow better slowly!!!#songs absolutely slap though. soundtrack is probably gonna be in my spotify unwrapped 2024#i love me a musical and that inspiration is on its sleeve which i love#also imo the humor isn't great usually. it's very juvenile imo and sometime that works but it often doesn't#(for me at least humor is obviously SUPER subjective)#also tonally they have this 'have your cake and eat it too' issue which bugs me. it's exemplified by the v's (one in particular)#actually i could go on a whole rant about the v's if anyone is interested because god i have some Thoughts#and i think my issues with the v's (namely one v) encapsulates many issues i have with the show#despite all this rambling i actually did enjoy a lot of my time with it. i just don't think it was well-written if that makes sense
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gonersgoners · 7 months
remember when i said over a year ago that vegapunk's arc would start revealing even more of sanji's power and potential and how hard that was worrying me? yeah
#i'm clearly talking to myself here since this blog is basically a corner of my brain#but last chapter having sanji deflect a light beam and both kizaru and franky reacting the way they did#and zoro commenting in wano you cannot possibly block a laser... lmao....lmao!#ooooh man i just. feel oda is cooking something for sanji. and since there was a parallel with the wings of the pirate king#in recent chapters (where oda typically shows both sanji and zoro fighting and not just one of them)#just... man. man! man. lol#i know i can't let myself go and talk about all things going through my mind anymore because of. lol guilt and fear of being annoying#but god. that moment stirred something in me. like you're resurrecting a fucking corpse#so i am both scared and excited about next chapters and what this means for sanji#i was saying from DAY ONE of this arc being centered about vegapunk that it would eventually#touch on sanji and this is it. this is happening#if this for some reason isn't it. and oda will for some reason just let this slide or die in the shadows? i won't understand it#because of JUDGE and VEGAPUNK and QUEEN being partners and being linked to vegapunk! like come on. the connection is there#and this laser deflecting thing seems to finally touch on this red thread i've been holding with both my fingers like an insane person#so yeah. lol. listening to a video right now about it and finally. FINALLY i see SOMEONE ELSE point out that#not mentioning judge still is giga weird. so here's hoping. here's hoping#also lol it was very fun to be on reddit and look at so many people being MAD that sanji managed to do that. and that we got a little bit o#mr prince vibes. LMAO STAY MAD. my boy is being treated good right now and i can't wait for oda to destroy me#(again) lol#GG rambles
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ichorsflood · 9 months
Ugh. This sucks.
When she'd first heard about the trip, Neptune had thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad. A visit to a city full of museums... well, it's not really her thing, but she can think of places that'd be a lot worse, so. Take what you can get, right?
But through some stroke of bad luck, both Venus and Jupiter ended up sick. So now here she is, stuck on her own with a bunch of shitty teachers, boring classmates, and Jesus somehow shoehorned into every conversation. Great.
At the very least, having a moment to herself like this is a blessing. ...She hopes Venus and Jupiter are doing okay. It's their own fault for working so hard lately, but. Still.
Neptune had decided to sit down for a drink, but the cafe she's found herself in is surprisingly busy. Suppressing the urge to sigh, and holding back a cough tickling her throat, she eventually chooses a random table with only one other occupant in the back.
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"Hey. Mind if I sit here?"
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my-critical-rolemance · 8 months
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sunshineram · 7 months
sans keychain :)
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he was verry fun and i love him :) the rings a little too small so he kinda curls in on himself a little but thats okay :) he was supposed to be a double sided keychain, but the ring was too small to hold all of the thread needed so i had to cut them off when i finished this half
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he protects my plants now :)
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heres what the other half was gonna look like! im still planning on making it eventually :)
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btw heres what the back of an alpha pattern looks like :) bunch of strings!
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aletheialed · 1 day
As Barok walks down the hallway to greet the guest at his door, he wonders if he should once again pray. God has never listened to him before, but if He truly is merciful... right now, Barok is certainly desperate enough to try.
The state he's in now is laughable. After ten long years, he's finally been freed of the Reaper's curse, and the truth about everything has been exposed. It's not like he expected everything to be easy after that... after all, the very truths that freed him have also been unbearably painful ones to accept, and the wounds he bears as a result - both old and new - will take a very long time to heal. He knows that well. But... he wasn't expecting to start losing his sanity after everything was already over.
It feels cruel. And in truth, maybe it's been a long time coming. It's not the first time Barok has worried he might be losing his mind, even then, but this is different to anything he's ever experienced before.
The symptoms of madness plaguing him now are too many to count, but above all else... is the infernal hunger that's consumed him. No matter how much he eats, it feels like it only gets worse by the minute, leaving him practically him a starving man, and frankly - terrified as well. It's a fear he can't even begin to express in words. The fear of dying when he finally found something to live for is already bad enough, but... this fear feels primal, like an instinct he didn't know he had, and sometimes it feels like he's being called to do something unthinkable, something he can't put in words but that fills him with a dread he can't shake off.
What a pitiable sight he must be. Luckily, the intensity of that fear seems to come and go by the moment, and right now, he's managed to make himself at least presentable enough for conversation. While the hunger still burns inside him, he has no choice but to ignore it for the time being - even if that thought alone makes him uncomfortable.
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"Pray forgive the discourtesy of... my late arrival." As Barok greets the guest he's been expecting, Barok gives a slight bow, surprised at just how weary he feels already. Even finding the energy for words is strangely more difficult than it has any right to be. "I trust that there was no danger on your journey?"
@wakiizashi ( plotted starter ! )
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 8 months
"No, I've already decided. For one week, I'm going to be your personal wiedenfrogen."
"Can one woman do that for another?"
"Only if they're the same height."
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