#excessive tags whoops my bad
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miscfandomwrites · 2 months
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A/N: This was supposed to say "Bad day" but whoops. I'm tired. anywho, this seriesis inspired by some other authors with their own 'Sunshine series' yet my main take was wanting a main character who is a housewife ish and is fed up with their shit. They're all scared of this rabbit shifter because she's put up with them for this long. There's a whole backstory and lore and such if you want me to get into it, but for now here's 'Bay day' lol
Pairing: (Shifterverse) 141 + Keegan + Konig x Rabbit Shifter! Reader
Warnings: Lots of language, mentions of bodily harm.
Words: 1.3k
Tagging: @tyler-t0t
Nothing seemed to be going right. 
First, it was a downpour all day, meaning I couldn’t even drive to the farmer’s market since they had announced that they were going to be closed for the weekend since the weather was so severe. 
It also meant that I had to rush outside to the garden in my new, clean, white sundress, getting mud all over it as I hustled the chickens and ducks back into the coop, and ran around gathering all the tomatoes I could find before they split from the excess rain, some of them already splitting as I gathered them into my dress, staining it red and coating it with tomato seeds.
They boys were all on base today, yet weren’t coming home anytime soon both due to the weather and due to the paperwork they were getting held up with from their last couple missions. 
And today was a Sunday, meant to be a relaxing, self-care, pampering day for me, yet here I am, running around like I lost my head. 
I had just started to dry my hair with a kitchen towel before I remembered that there were sheets hanging outside on the line to dry - one of the perks of living with a team I guess, is that even with an industrial washer and dryer, it still didn’t cut the amount of laundry this house went through during the week. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” I yelled as I ran back outside, skipping putting on the rainboots and just decided to go barefoot, easily hopping the small gate that kept the animals on the fenced side of the yard. My ears twitched as the rain hit them, and I flattened them against my head as I muttered curses to myself as I tore the sheets off the drying rack and ran back inside, about to toss them into the dryer before I realized my dress had covered them in mud. 
I opened the washer, expecting it to be empty, yet was greeted with the sight and smell of Soap’s mildew-y clothes that have definitely been sitting in the washer for the last two days, unswitched. 
“Motherfucker.”  I hissed as I dropped the sheets on the floor and grabbed a laundry pod and some scent beads, throwing them into the washer and starting his clothes on a hot, heavy washer since half of it was his workout gear. 
I shook my head as I felt some of the water starting to reach my inner ears, causing them to twitch and me to wince and I quickly grabbed a spare cloth and quickly cleaned them out, hating the feeling of water in them. 
I could faintly hear my phone buzzing from upstairs, and I jogged up there only to be greeting with Price’s contact, wanting a voice call.
I answered as I opened the dishwasher, realizing I forgot to start it before I went to bed last night, the pod door still closed tight. 
“Hey love, looks like we might be running even later tonight, there’s a new recruit….” He started as I held the phone between my shoulder and head and tried to start the dishwasher again. 
“What time should I have dinner on the table then?” I interrupted him as he was telling me about how they were going to be training not just one but several new recruits, causing them to be home around eight pm at the earliest. 
“Oh, uh, probably around nine or ten then?” He questioned. 
I just shut my eyes and sighed for a moment, before nodding. 
“I’ll get some stew in the crockpot then, today’s not going too great so I doubt I’ll be up that late.” 
“That’s alright dove, we can just pick up food on the way over.” I heard Ghost’s voice, causing me to pause for a moment. 
“Am I on speaker?” I asked softly. 
“Yeah, we jus’ got out of a meetin’ “ Soap replied. Sounds like everyone was there. 
“I’m implementing a new rule: Set a fucking timer on your phones for your laundry. Next batch that grows mildew in the washer will go into the burnpit.” 
A hushed silence answered me, before I heard a smack! and Soap yelling out. 
That was definitely Gaz. He’s the only one who actually takes care of his laundry on time. 
The washer beeping from downstairs gathered my attention, and I said my round of ‘be safe’ and ‘don’t kill the newbies’ before I hung up and tossed my phone on the couch, only for it to slide off and land on the wooden floor, landing screen-first. 
“Oh that definitely fucking broke.” I sighed, padding over to it and picking it up, wincing as I saw shards of glass left behind on the ground. 
A slew of expletives left me that would’ve left Soap blushing, and I set it face-up on the coffee table and headed downstairs, switching over laundry and starting half of the sheets in the washer before heading back upstairs, and cleaned up the mess my phone made. 
It was around three at this point, so I gathered some thawed meat out of the fridge and some vegetables and went to work putting together and stew for the boys that could be left cooking for the next several hours. Halfway through chopping up the carrots, the dryer buzzed, scaring me enough that I accidentally sliced into my finger instead, causing me to yelp and immediately hold it to myself, using my dress as a pressure dressing as I rushing into the bathroom and yanked out the medkit from under the sink. Only to find it fucking empty. 
I hissed at finding this, heading back into the hallway and pulling open the doors and finding the spare medkit things, disinfecting and wrapping up my fingers. (Turns out I nicked two, not just one.) 
I didn’t bother putting away the items since I knew I needed to refill the medkit anyways, leaving the bloody wrappers and roll of gauze on top of the box.
I headed downstairs, switching laundry again, and set up the drying lines we had in the laundry room for the sheets, carefully setting them up, not noticing spots of blood getting on the edges from my fingers. 
After switching laundry I headed back upstairs, my phone buzzing with an incoming call from Soap, which I didn’t even bother touching as I was not about to get shards of glass into my fingers. 
I finished making dinner, setting it up in the crockpot on medium heat, and didn’t bother cleaning up the kitchen as I collapsed on the couch, about ready to cry my eyes out. 
Instead, I fell asleep, my body exhausted, and about jumped out of my skin when I heard the door open and several voices. 
About thirty minutes had passed, leaving me groggy as shit, blinking sleep out of my eyes as they shuffled inside, dropping off bags of something on the counters as Price made his way to me. 
“I know we’re a little early but-holy fuck, what happened?” He started, causing everyone to immediately stop and head my way, causing me to be crowded by everyone. I could barely keep the tears out of my eyes, explaining that today was just horrible. 
“C’mon, let’s get you out of that dress and into something warm, bun.” Gaz spoke softly to me and Price starting giving instructions to the rest of the boys: Konig and his crew were to take care of the animals and check the perimeter, Ghost was to help with laundry, Soap was on dish duty, Price was going to finish up with putting away the groceries which I later learned were from them going to the farmer’s market ass-early in the morning before the sky opened up to make sure I got what I needed for the week. Keegan took it upon himself to restock the medkit, and helped rebandage my hand as I sat on my bed, Gaz sitting behind me, softly brushing my tangled mess of hair. 
This. This is what a pack was like.
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
(Don’t know if this is considered sfw or not so slight warning?)
141 + Rudy with a gn!reader who’s an excessively heavy smoker. Constantly has some sort of cigarette or vape in their hand cause they go through really bad withdrawal - like shaking, headaches, cold sweats, insomnia that type of thing.
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Summary: How Task Force 141 and Rudy would help a Reader who smokes heavily and sometimes deals with heavy withdrawal symptoms.
Genre: Headcanons, request(s) Characters featured: Soap, Gaz, Ghost, Price, and Rudy
Warnings: Mention(s) of smoking and withdrawal symptoms!
A/N:  Hopefully you enjoy this, Anon! Apologies if this one’s rough, I’m posting it while I’m fresh out of work because I’m exhausted. OTL ( Gif credit: xxx )
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My personal headcanon is Rudy wouldn't mind one bit being with someone who is a heavy smoker. I like to think he knows plenty of family members and friends who are heavy smokers as well, so he's well adjusted to second hand smoke, the smell, and pretty much anything else most would complain about.
Personally can't stand the smell of menthol and clove cigarettes though.
While he isn't a smoker himself, he finds himself keeping a pack of whatever you'd prefer to smoke just in case you forget or run out of your own.
He'll never admit it aloud, but he enjoys watching you smoke. Something about the sight of you exhaling big clouds of smoke allures him like nothing else.
Even if he doesn't smoke, he likes to join you whenever you go out to. He simply enjoys your presence.
Also will gladly help you through withdrawal if you begin to suffer from any symptoms since he realizes quitting isn't so easy.
My personal headcanon is he's not huge on cigarettes or cigars, but will sneak a few hits of a vape, whoops.
Hates the taste of regular tobacco based flavors, strongly prefers the fruit-based or sweet-based types since they're the most pleasant for him. And probably the easiest for him to hit.
Personally believe that this man cannot hit blinkers, his hits are small and precise because he absolutely hates taking in too much and hacking up a lung as a result of coughing. Go easy on the guy, alright?
Is the type to hate the scent smoking leaves on clothes so probably won't tag along on a smoke break with you.
Although, I also like to picture him as a fresh newbie who gets invited along for a smoke and doesn't say no, even though he doesn't care for smoking. So, he ends up going along with it, smoking a cigarette with the others. Internally wants to toss it onto the floor and snub it out with his boot but decides to power through so he's not mocked for it.
Even if he doesn't smoke, if you've a decent vape he thinks he might enjoy, will ask for a hit or two.
Also will try and help as best he could if you end up dealing with terrible withdrawal symptoms. Tries anything and everything to help you out.
Isn't a smoker himself but is used to it from being around Price often, so when you're constantly toking on something you've in your hands, it doesn't bother him in the slightest.
Whatever it is you prefer, it doesn't bother him. If anything, he probably considers it less harsher than some of the cigars Price has smoked around him before.
Won't ask for hits of whatever you have but will tag along with you on a smoke break. Enjoys the company and likes the downtime to catch up or joke around together.
Eventually knows what you prefer and often keeps it on hand whenever he's around you just in case you ever need it.
Doesn't really know how to help with withdrawal symptoms, but he ends up researching plenty of things that may help you. Likes to discuss what you think might be the best method before forcing anything onto you.
If you end up having to deal with the symptoms, he's right there by your side, doing his best to comfort and help you in any way that he can.
He's right there with you. Personally, he struggles with quitting because dealing with withdrawal in the worst of places has made him secretly hate dealing with it. Often keeping both his and your favorites on hand at all times.
Will also happily tag along with you for smoke breaks.
He probably won't ask to take a drag of whatever you like but will happily allow you to take a drag of his cigar, if you'd like. Don't even get me started on his secret fascination of watching you smoke.
He knows he shouldn't be such a pervert about it, but he can't help but want to grab you by your jaw and shotgun smoke into your mouth with his own every time he sees you smoke. Hell, it's even gotten to the point he thinks about it more often than not whenever he's smoking alone too.
If you ever have to deal with the symptoms of withdrawal for whatever reason, he'll also do his best to help you through it however you see fit. Although, if you can't smoke for medical reasons - or you're trying to quit - he'll remain firm and refuse to give in and allow you to smoke for your own good.
Oh, and if you vape, I'm so sorry honey, he'll give you grief over it. Is one of those that sees vapes as some sort of ridiculous device.
IMO, he doesn't consider himself a heavy smoker, but does keep a pack on hand for you and him to share. Sometimes when the stress gets to be too much for him, he finds himself lighting up.
Even if he doesn't want to smoke, he'll happily keep you company during one of your smoke breaks.
However, much like Price, if you ever need to stop for medical or personal reasons, he's one of the best to keep you from breaking down. Will absolutely find any hidden stashes and get rid of them when you least expect it.
Often finds he enjoys the scent of your personal favorite brand, and over time, comes to associate it with solely you.
Does his best to help you deal with any withdrawal symptoms since he understands how they can be hard to deal with. He's seen Price struggle before and has some experience with helping him. He'll try and give some small tips here and there that may help you.
Also like Price, loves to give you shit for vaping, if that ends up being your preference. While he doesn't care all that much, he'll roll his eyes if you've a ridiculous flavor or type.
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marvelandponder · 6 months
15Qs and 15As!
Thanks for the tag, Marvel, this sounds fun! Tagging: @smallcrystals, @digikate813, @eddiescorner, and @bevinbrand if she feels like it :) Don't dox yourself on the 'where were you born' question tho, y'all. We're better than that. Are you named after anyone? Two people! My Uncle Stephen and my Nana (maternal grandmother). My brother was named after my dad's high school best friends
When was the last time you cried? I think the last time was a couple weeks ago watching anime. I love a good cry, I've embraced that that's how I express a lot of emotions
Do you have kids? Nope! I'd like to someday, but all in due time.
What sports do you play/have you played? I'm not a team sports kind of girl anymore, but I played soccer as a kid and really enjoyed that.
Do you use sarcasm? Usually only obvious sarcasm. Bevin and I will often use excessively obvious sarcasm with each other to express love. A little linguistic game we play with each other. We never enjoy spending hours and hours on the phone together. So unlike us! Where would you get that idea?
What is the first thing you notice about people? First thing? I feel like my anxiety is charge of that: looking out for how friendly they seem, what they laugh at (if they do), how approachable they might be. I had pretty bad social anxiety disorder from like 14 - 22ish and human beings tend to do the social thing once or twice.
What is your eye color? Hazel! Looks brown but up close you can see there's a lot of green around my pupils, too.
Scary movies or happy endings? My media diet is heavily skewed towards happy endings but every now and then, nothing satisfies like a good tragedy.
Any talents? People know I like the writing thing! I'm also learning to draw now and picking up guitar again for the first time since before uni!
Where were you born? A hospital about... 30 - 40 minutes away from me? I don't live in that city anymore, and haven't since I was 3, but we stayed in the same general province!
Don't dox yourself, folks!
What are your hobbies? Writing, drawing, guitar, going for bike rides or walks. Geeking out by myself or with friends! I'm also starting to learn some German and pick up a few more cooking skills.
Do you have any pets? Nah, wish I did. My living situation doesn't allow for it. But my dad has a dog who I love so much and get to visit! And my sister has two cats who used to live with us that are excellent cuddlers.
How tall are you? Uhhhhh I think 5'11? To use ancient Tumblr Lingo: Tol, not smol
Favorite subject in school? In Elementary - Middle School, it was English, because reading and writing. In high school, Psychology, Legal Studies, Guitars, History, or Writer's Craft
Dream job? Cool question, I'mma over-complicate it! For my career, it's either one of two things: Creative and/or helping people. Add another axis onto that: Stability vs. freedom. I like stability. It helps me feel happy and builds self-esteem to build stuff up. So since most of the creative jobs I'd be down to try have a lack of stability (and often crappy working conditions), I decided to start with stability and helping people! My current job is actually the goal I set for myself to get into in 5 - 10 years. So. Whoops! Got in early! I can't stay beyond this year (covering a mat leave) but wow has it been good experience. And it's cool shit that I like to think supports people in building something good for themselves.
Not a ton of creativity though, and so what's cool about life is that the time horizon isn't just right now, forever. The job I'm in now is a dream job of mine based on the criteria I set out (stable, treats me right, and helps people), but I have other dream jobs I'd like to also try out!
For example: I'd like to become a published author! And I'd also like to learn storyboarding to maybe try being a storyboards artist someday, or some job in animation.
What I like about the job I have now, too, is that I still have enough energy in and around my job to have a life outside of it. So I can build the creative skills that'll lead to cool stuff and opportunities down the line.
Having multiple dream jobs I think is realistic. And just kinda fun to not only achieve one thing, but look forward to what else I can do!
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enneamage · 2 years
Back in July you mentioned you were going to make a series of posts under the #Parasocial Activity tag. What happened to those?
Whoops, I figured I dropped a thread somewhere. I was also trying to keep the blog more on-topic than I am nowadays so I could circle back to the topic again if people want to hear more about what I think. I know the use of the word and the attitudes around ‘being parasocial’ were driving me crazy but I got a lot out in that long post so I was satisfied for a while.
I can do one now honestly, my day just freed up.
I’ve been talking with a friend of mine a lot about how ‘parasocial relationships’ are a lot less of a binary then people treat them as right now. I’m working off of a very underdeveloped and non-academic understanding of how people are actually meant to use the word, but so are the people in the gaming space so it kind of breaks even. I still hold that Bo Burnham doing the initial “I love you!” “No you don’t you love the idea of me that’s a parasocial relationship” interaction still has this conversation by the throat and most haven’t fully moved past that deflection. I am clawing at the iron gates of Google Scholar, let me in.
As soon as people were able to type out ‘hi’ and receive a ‘hi’ back from a streamer or a celebrity of choice, things got real complicated real fast in terms of parasocial thinking. I’ve been talking to that friend about their venture into Kpop and the way that some of the apps available in Korea are designed to accommodate for crowd-idol contact, and it seems like in the grand scheme of things we’re going to be moving a bit closer to that as a planet rather than further away. I don’t think this is innately bad but we do need to get smarter with how we talk about this kind of social contact, because we’re going to keep moving in this direction as people and it will be good to be able to talk about mental and social skills around it.
The ‘sin’ that doesn’t get talked about is that public figures relate to their audience parasocially as well. Most CCs have a loose sense of the character of their audience, because it’s basic human behavior to seek out patterns, especially if they’re going to affect you in some way. While talking with my Kpop friend it came up that positive (or any) feelings for groups and collectives outside of knowing someone on a face-to-face basis is treated as more valid in collectivistic cultures. Inversely, the rugged individualists of the Americas and Europe focus on the inner and outer workings of the individual, sometimes to an excessive degree. ‘I love my audience’ is sometimes taken as immediate bullshit among jaded people who are suspicious of anything parasocial, but logically it varies from case to case. (Ironically this is the ‘you can’t love me you don’t know me’ logic as well.)
Even if you let someone into your life and have regular personal contact with them, they can still get you wrong. Feeling misunderstood and unheard is one of the most basic human problems, and while parasocial contact can put that on blast for the sheer volume of people and the imperfect information they have to work with, it’s not determined by the social-parasocial divide. Not everyone is going to come to the same conclusions about someone because not everyone has good judgement or can #relate, but the idea that nobody who hasn’t spoken a direct word to someone personally can understand someone at least a little just seems divorced from reality.
It all just comes back around again to me thinking that it’s dumb to use ‘parasocial’ as a gotcha in the year 2023, as though ‘being parasocial’ is a thing you become if you’re bad and not just a human who is exposed to another human and thinks about them in any depth.    
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multeasers · 5 months
i have ic posts coming i swear
ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜɴ
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wow i didn't think copying the icon would make it tiny,,, . art by @wifiwuxians though !
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ ( ꜱ ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ?
i don't think anyone besides like 3 of you will actually remember, but when i originally started this blog, i was originally an a-qing blog ! this is because my brother my friend my bestie @/coffinseas ( won't bother u w a ping :p ) is the one i primarily was rping with, and i created this blog mainly inspired by his . i added wrh after a little while to play with being a multi, and also because i like him a lot, and everyone else kinda fell into place for the same reason i picked everyone based on how much i like them from their respective sources ! it's safe to say they're my favourites from them too ehehe
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ?
romance and smut . romance i'm gradually becoming a bit open to, but really only with hendy and MAYBEEEE antares ; every other muse i'm pretty set either for headcanon reasons or just because lol whoops . i also have a lot of reservations about who i could possibly write any romance with at all, and overall i'm just really awkward when writing romance too, so that fuels me being hesitant about it smut though i just don't trust anyone to write it with and never will . not the greatest at it either idk how i wrote it back on fuckin chatzy lol
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ?
honestly most everything beyond the above ! also everything i don't have stated somewhere as NOT being willing to write :0
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ ?
if it crosses my mind . that's it that's all the criteria . sometimes some thought goes into it but other than that, not really <3 when thought Does go into it, though, it can get excessive . i get deadset on a lot of stuff so when it occurs to me to change it, the hcs can come out looking a lot different from what they initially were
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ ?
silence mostly because i have to use my laptop in my kitchen and i write almost solely between midnight and like . 7 to 9 am most of the time
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ?
depends on what this really means ?? i write all of my replies in the moment, i never really have "drafts" other than to make sure i don't lose a post ; each reply i do takes at least over two hours, though
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ ?
not really, but i don't hate it . i have ships ( both in general and when it comes to the muses here lol ) . they're just very few, and the ones i don't have i don't like most of the time
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ / ɴᴀᴍᴇ ?
zag :v after zagreus hades game . his impact was so real
ᴀɢᴇ ?
closer to 25 than not
ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ?
30 August babeyyy
ꜰᴀᴠᴏuʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏuʀ ( ꜱ ) ?
black and all pastels but yellow and orange :D
ꜰᴀᴠᴏuʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ ( ꜱ ) ?
of ALL time, the dark of you by breaking benjamin ! here lately, though, moscow mule by bad bunny and sign of life + </c0de> by motionless in white have been up there
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ ?
LOL this super terrible one called the exorcism of amarillo . it was really fun-bad though so i'm not mad about it
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ ?
one piece i think ? or nnt
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ?
for pleasure, the fox's wedding / kitsuneno yomeiri by masa works design
ꜰᴀᴠᴏuʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ ?
Sushi all day tbh . since i can't eat chorizo and papas ( favourite food in my heart ) anymore 😭😭
ꜰᴀᴠᴏuʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ ?
fall ! until it gets too cold and then i'm mad ( but then i'm mad when i'm too hot,,, save me from texas weather hell )
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ?
i do ! i have quite a few :] all of them i met on my personal blog, though
tagged by stolen from : myself on my sebby blog 😏
tagging : i'm sleepy so y'all tag yourselves and say i did it
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purple-stuck · 3 years
Hi It's me again! I hope my excessive rambling in the tags wasn't too annoying I just really loved that drabble you wrote
If it's not too much can I request something with Sollux and Gamzee meeting in the subjugglator training ranks after Ascension?
I'd really love to hear what your headcanons might be or what fics you take inspiration from about subjugglators off-planet
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Gamzee's breath was perfectly steady, his heartbeat perfectly level, his mind completely calm. Even as he hopped from platform to platform, moving at speeds imperceivable to the naked eye, his body remained impossibly calm. Such was the Messiahs' gift to him and all purplebloods like him. With training, they could command their body to do the impossible.
Gamzee stopped atop a thin pole, claws digging into his perch as he got his barings. A sea of bloodied spikes spread out around him, ensuring him a slow death should he miss even a single pole or platform. But beyond that, lie his goal. His target. The horned outline of which was a mere speck in his vision.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Gamzee felt the wood begin to give way beneath his weight and lept to another perch, hoping between poles and bouncing away before the could bend against him. Thoughtlessly, he reasoned out the closest platform in between leaps. Automatically, he twisted his body to reach them. His body twisted in ways that crack and snap the bones of any other caste. If the graveyard full of mangled bones below him was any indication, even other purples struggled to make such moves.
Soon, Gamzee's shadow was cast over his prey. A club appeared in his hand, upraised so as to crack open his target's skull in one swing.
For the first time since this lesson began, his breath hitched.
Gamzee's feet hit the ground, his momentum stopped dead. His club hung over his target's shoulder.
Breathe. In.
Breathe. Out.
At this distance, Gamzee could see that his target wasn't even a troll at all. Rather, he'd been tasked with assassinating a mannequin, a hard plastic replica of his would be victim. Gamzee felt his posture relax before he pulled his club back and cracked the target's head of with one swing.
Purple paint sprayed over Gamzee as the body hit the floor and he turned to his audience and bowed.
The audience cheered as the lights flashed on, a cacophony of honks, whoops, and cheers as the stage was revealed in full. If he bothered to look towards the pit, Gamzee could see all the remains of the clowns who came before him and failed. He did not look.
"well, would you look at that."
Two ropes descended down around him, carrying the Twin Instructors, clad in their iconic matching masks. Comedy's voice was sing song, contrasting Tragedy's melancholy just as their half masks contrasted their mood. Gamzee looked up to see half of Tragedy's face grinning down at him.
"still, you haven't quite managed to beat our record."
The two broke into giggles, with the rest of the tent following. Gamzee heard a few voices call out for an encore and quietly hoped they wouldn't be heard. He didn't have it in him to go another round. He didn't know how Sollux did it so easily, controlling his body they way he did.
Tragedy leaned down and gave him an encouraging pat on the back, causing Gamzee to grin at him tiredly in between pants. Comedy leaned down to his other side, handing him a faygo and a rag.
"we'd love to share notes, but this isn't your show anymore. head to the lounge, it's time for the next act."
Gamzee chugged the bottle, nearly emptying it in two gulps as he walked off stage. He waved his thanks, to tired to talk, as he shoved his way through the curtains and into the lounge.
Gamzee finished his faygo as he lazily scanned the room. Normally, throwing a bunch of clowns into one room would be a recipe for disaster, but all was strangely quiet. It seemed like the others who passed the test were just as warn out from it as he was. It made him feel better to see his brothers and sisters laying around exhausted, half collapsed against walls or the couch. It made him proud to still be standing.
And then he saw Sollux, looking none the worse for wear as he hogged the couch. He smirked smugly as Gamzee made his way over, scooting over to let the shorter clown collapse next to him. "Jegus, you look like shit."
Gamzee flipped him off, causing Sollux to snort. "And you're acting like shit too. Maybe I'm a bad influence on you."
Gamzee snorted. "Shit man, I thought you didn't want me to be so friendly and clingy around you anymore." He wiped the sweat off his forehead, stopping to look at the facepaint that had melted onto his hand. "Although, a brother's got a point about. I ain't much to look at right now."
Sollux slid his half empty faygo down the table, which Gamzee guzzled happily. "Yeah, body control is hard. I've been doing it ever sense I grew hands and I still eat my swords sometimes. Nevermind the more advanced stuff."
Gamzee slammed the faygo bottle on the table. "Shit, man, my bones hurt. And my veins... and lungs. Fuck."
Sollux grunted and handed him a spare Nintendie Dualscream. "How about something to take your mind of it? It's been awhile sense I kicked your ass in Fiduspawn anyways."
It was Gamzee's turn to snort. "All right, you are on, motherfucker."
They were eight rounds in when the new clowns stopped coming in. Gamzee counted only five had made it in after him, but he was more focused on beating Sollux than keeping count. Either he'd gotten better or Sollux had gotten worse. The taller troll used to be able to kick his ass, now they were tied four to four. But, their fifth round was interrupted as two familar shadows were cast over them.
"just between the four of us, I've heard that's against the rules."
Gamzee and Sollux froze as the Twin Instructors leaned over them. Even Gamzee could feel everyone in the room staring at them. Gamzee had seen this set up before. Comedy and Tragedy learing over a helpless troll or two. Acting like they were just disappointed, like they were just going to give the rule breaker a stern talking to before they decapitated the mischief maker.
Instead, the twins doubled over into a giggling fit the spread through the room. The trolls around them joined in, some more nervously than others.
"JuSt KiDdInG!"
"....know better than to break the rules."
"AsSuMiNg YoU dId'T cHeAt!"
Sollux and Gamzee pushed themselves to their feet, hands moving to ask about their progress, but the duo pushed their hands aside.
"you're subjugulators now."
"YoU'rE oFfIcIaLlY fUnNy EnOuGh To LiStEn To!"
Gamzee let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He heard Sollux do the same before the cheers erupted around them. Tragedy grabbed his arm and hoisted him into the air with it to bare before the crowd, leaving him and Sollux to gaze at their audience.
"well, those of you who still have hands anyways."
Gamzee looked over at Sollux, himself being held up for all to see by comedy. It was strange to see Sollux actually look nervous, even if they were seemingly in the Twin's good graces. Sweeps of living according to their capricious whims was enough to instill a lasting fear in anyone.
Even when granted verbal permission to speak, the two didn't make a peep as the twins hefted them over their shoulders. The twins cheerfully waved off the crowd as they carried the two ascendants to their office.
Gamzee grunted as he was dropped into a chair to small for him, hearing Sollux swear off to the right as the same happened to him. Comedy and Tragedy flopped into their chairs on the opposite end of the desk, kicking their feet up on it.
"normally, we'd take the time to talk about boring business shit with you."
"BuT lIkE wE sAiD, wE hAvE nOtEs."
Sollux and Gamzee shared a nervous look, before Sollux straightened up and spoke. "What, uh, about exactly?"
Comedy shook a chidding finger in their faces.
"tripped at the finish line."
"DeRaIlEd A pErFeCtLy GoOd ShOw."
Gamzee looked over at Sollux in suprise. Sollux... hesitated? But he was used to killing shit. Hell, that was his idea of a date night. Gamzee hardly had time to consider it before Tragedy leaned in his direction.
"now you we perfectly understand. you've never dabbled with fresh paint before."
"BuT iT's YoUr BuDdY wE'rE cUrIoUs AbOuT."
They both turned to Sollux expectantly. He scratched the back of hia head. "I... well. Something made me reconsider." He rested his hands in his head. "There was.... a kill I'd been planning for a really long time. Something... big. Special. And, when I landed that kill, when I did kill her and savor killing her... it just felt empty?"
Gamzee knew what he meant. The image of a cart drenched in Cerulean blood flashes in his mind. "I'd... rather not get any more into it than that."
The Twins tented their hands as they nodded sympathetically. Comedy even reached over to pat him on the shoulder.
"oh, we've both been there before."
Tragedy bent down and fished around beneath the desk, nearly banging his golden mask on it in the process.
He placed a white horned skull on the desk, carefully preserved and cleaned even though it seemed to have been centuries old. Still, the more Gamzee looked at it, the more it looked slightly off. The horns seemed to be... fake somehow. Like they were made of some kind of old plastic. And the skull's facial structure was all wrong. Too thin, too light, too delicate looking. It looked like a troll but not quite. If Karkat were here, he'd call it a mockery of troll kind.
"you'd think he'd be honored."
He rubbed the skull fondly, clearly nostalgic. Part of him sounded almost remorseful over it too, strangely enough. Like talking about a long dead friend or a beloved canceled show.
"BuT iT fElT sO eMpTy."
Sollux cleared his throat, clearly annoyed, even if he couldn't outright say it. Gamzee couldn't blame him. The twins liked to talk about their first two kills a lot. "So, what's your point?"
Tragedy sighed wistfully and Comedy playfully roled her eyes and elbowed him to get him back on topic.
"and when it's over, it always feels...."
Sollux hummed and considered this, but Gamzee could tell he wasn't quite buying it. Gamzee could tell that something else was needling away at him. Something deeper than just that.
"you'll probably get that feeling too."
Gamzee straightened up as he realized they were addressing him again.
Comedy slid two communicators across the desk.
They nodded at Sollux.
"and the Empress will be happy to see her favorite clown is safe."
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fancyfearful · 4 years
Terms of Service (Celia Lede x Gender Neutral! Reader)
(Happy International Women’s Day/Women’s History Month, y’all! Please enjoy some quality fun time with a true girlboss.)
WARNING/DISCLAIMER: Mature/Explicit themes, and ‘potential simp behavior’ are in this fic. Celia is a queen, idc.
Word Count: 2,042
(Edit: I forgot to tag @gatobob​ , who owns this character, whoops!)
            You were scared at first.
            After all, you had gone from being naked and terrified in a dimly lit showroom, to waking up several hours later in a rundown, abandoned office building located far away from your home. A pair of handcuffs kept your wrists bound behind your back, but whomever kidnapped you had been 'generous' enough to dress you in semi-casual office clothes, though they were a bit too loose on your body.
               The only thing you knew was that the person responsible for bringing you here had the voice of a matured woman. However, the sound of sharp heels clicking against the ground warned you of their arrival, seconds before she entered the small breakroom where you were being kept.
               Upon meeting the well-dressed, businesswoman for the first time, you learned a few things. Her name was Celia and she was noticeably taller than the average woman, even with her heels on. But if looks could kill, then the mocha-colored eyes that looked over your body would've ended your life in seconds. You weren't sure if she was tired, irritated or both but regardless, Celia staring at your body made you feel uncomfortable.
               During her 'introduction', Celia informed you that your new purpose in life was to be her personal stress reliever, and that resistance of any kind was unacceptable, including trying to escape. She also pointed out something you had somehow missed earlier; an ankle bracelet attached to your leg. With a knowing smirk, Celia informed you that it came with a built in GPS to make sure that you wouldn't be able to leave without her knowledge. The brunette before you also mentioned something about several other 'secrets' that you'd find out about later, which did nothing to calm your nerves as she casually reached into the hidden pocket on her overshirt.
            Celia pulled out a thin, bright red dog collar, dangling it between her fingers before making her way over to fasten it around your neck. She had made it a little too tight on purpose, and when she stepped back to see how it looked, the brunette couldn’t help but scoff.
             “There, now you look like the dog you are. I hope for your sake you’ll be easier to train than the last one. It’d be a shame if I had to put down another pet…” Celia warned, dropping her voice to emphasize her point.
                 “Now, how about we teach you some new tricks?”
               The next few days had gone by faster than you expected, thanks to Celia’s rigorous training.
            Most of your time was spent acting as living footrest or chair, while she took her sweet time reading through and answering important, work-related emails. If Celia had a good workday, you’d play games like fetch, where she’d reward you with cookies shaped like dog biscuits if you did well. But if you didn’t retrieve an item fast enough, your cruel captor would deliver punishment by whipping your back and torso with her chain flogger. And on bad workdays, you’d be subjected to a game of ‘cat and mouse’, where Celia gave you a few seconds to hide before hunting you down; if you were found in six minutes or less, she would beat you to the point of bruising with the nearest blunt object in the room. The stapler was quickly becoming one of her favourites items to carry around, and even a good workday couldn’t save you from whenever Celia felt the urge to watch you squirm. Her eyes practically lit up whenever she subjected you to several new piercings on your arms or legs, a high only the most forbidden of drugs could provide.
            But today—or night, you couldn’t exactly tell what time of day it was down here—was different.
           The familiar, yet haunting, sound of heels clacking along the ground was replaced by something that sounded firmer, and heavier in comparison. And for the first time since your arrival, you were worried that someone or something even worse than Celia would find you here.
             However, seeing the familiar face of Celia suddenly appear in the doorway of the shabby office that had become your bedroom was bittersweet. But instead of her usual business attire, she donned a skin-tight, black body suit with thigh-high stockings, and her trademark red heels were replaced with thick, black wedges. Sure, you had noticed her figure from time to time, but the sudden style change made it even harder to look away. Instead, you tried to focus on the medium sized bag she was holding in her left hand.
                 “Ah, there’s my favourite dog. You look surprised to see me.” Celia says, making her way into the room before plopping herself down onto the desk nearby.
            Her tone sounded lower than usual, and the end of her words were a bit slurred. If you had to guess, she had probably had a few drinks before coming here, something that wasn’t uncommon. Whenever it happened, Celia was a bit of a wildcard. She motioned for you to come closer, making you gulp nervously as she reached into her bag to retrieve a long chain with a clasp at the end. Sheepishly, you avoid eye contact while Celia attaches it to the collar around your neck, grinning proudly before she roughly tugs on your new leash.
            “Now you’re really starting to look like a proper pet!” she comments, only to pat your head in a condescending manner. “And so well behaved too, isn’t that right?”
            You nod slowly, feeling your cheeks burn in shame. This wasn’t right. Her backhanded compliments shouldn’t have affected you like this, but these moments with Celia were the only times you could interact with another living being. It was better than trying to keep a stray pill bug for company again, only for it to end up escaping.
               “You should be grateful, you know. I turned you into something useful, something with value…” Celia adds, keeping one hand on your chain while the other tightly cupped your chin. “I saved you from being someone’s pathetic plaything. And yet I still have to tell you when to say ‘thank you’. How is that fair to me? Shouldn’t you know better by now?”
          You nodded again, only to be struck across the face with a harsh slap.           “Answer me!” Celia snarled, her face scrunched up in annoyance. She was losing her patience, and that was the last thing you wanted her to do.
                “Y-Yes, miss Celia. I’m sorry for not knowing better.” You replied. “Thank you for giving me value.”
       “Good! See, that’s what I like about you. You’re a quick learner, but there’s still something I’ve got to put to the test.” The brunette murmured, letting go of your chin before she pointed to the floor. “On your knees, pet. Let’s see if that face is as comfortable as it looks.”
               You were visibly confused as you tried to process her request. Did she mean what you thought she meant, or--?
“Are you deaf? Because I’m pretty sure I just gave you a task to complete. And if you can’t do it, then I’ll replace you with someone who can...” Celia commanded, her voice booming and steady. It was the kind of tone that could melt you within seconds or break you without warning.
               As quickly as you could, you dropped to your knees, trying to the ignore the dull ache that came with having them hit the floor too hard. Celia wound the excess length of your chain around her hand a few times, before yanking you towards the space between her parted legs. A muffled grunt escaped you as Celia’s legs wrapped around your neck and shoulders, keeping your face pinned against the smooth leather of her body suit while she kept an iron grip around your chain. The sweet scent of a strong smelling body spray invaded your nose, and although you wouldn’t admit it out loud, the fragrance was alluring.
“Well, pet? I’m waiting. Show me how grateful you are to be here.”
 It was at that moment that you started to think she was right. Not because you didn’t miss your old life, or your freedom but because in a weird, twisted way, serving Celia gave you a purpose. And all things considered, your kidnapper could’ve been much worse; she kept you fed, clothed, and even though the building was falling apart, it still provided shelter from the elements.
               And with this in mind, you started to kiss along her inner thighs, turning your face and neck as much as Celia’s grip would allow. She wiggled a little, smirking as she watched her current pet creep closer and closer towards one of her most sensitive areas, making the brunette smirk deviously.
With a shaky sigh, Celia pressed her hips forward, testing the waters of her new toy by lightly grinding her crotch against your face. The combination of your tightened collar, Celia’s thighs, and the added pressure of that damned leash was making it difficult to breathe, but Celia didn’t care about your declining oxygen supply. If anything, your struggling only made her legs clench even tighter, and you could barely make out the twisted pleasure on her face as she slowly tried to suffocate you, her eyes twinkling in delight while she leaned back a little.
          Your tongue pressed itself up against the thin fabric covering over her body suit, earning an unexpected moan from your mistress before you closing any distance that remained between you two. Any other time, Celia would have punished you for touching her without permission, but in the heat of the moment, your hands wrapped themselves around her thighs, digging your nails into her stocking as your mouth worked to pleasure her as best as you could. 
         Paying attention to the sounds she made was paying off, making it a little easier to find her sweet spots, but you didn’t dare to move the dampened leather covering over her opening. Not without her say, at least.
         But the loud moans and high pitched whines coming from your captor were enough to awaken something in you as well; a small part of Celia was at your mercy, and this was a chance you couldn’t pass up. And so, you doubled down on your efforts, licking, kissing, suckling, and nibbling on every ounce of flesh and fabric between Celia’s warm, plush thighs, using your tongue to express the gratitude that she craved.
           Eventually, your efforts paid off in the form of a loud, breathy moan from Celia as she shuddered, clenching her legs around you so tight that your vision went black for a second or two. The bottom of her body suit was absolutely soaked with a mixture of her own juices, your saliva, and a bit of sweat between you both, yet the pleased chuckle Celia let out calmed your nerves. She only made that sound when something good happened.
            “…Ooh…Haven’t done something like in ages…” she sighed as she relaxed her grip.
            You were able to catch a glimpse of her face, her cheeks tinted bright red as she moved lose strands of hair away from her eyes. The firm, hardened expression typically worn by Celia had been temporarily replaced with a softer, more inviting expression. If it didn’t put you at risk to get kicked, you might even have kissed her. Nothing serious, as it just would have a quick peck on those plump, dark colored lips.
               “Don’t look so lovestruck, dog. Just because I had a few drinks before showing up and felt like trying something new doesn’t mean that you’re walking out of here anytime soon. You’re mine for as long as I want you to be.” Celia huffed, yanking on the chain to remind you of your place. And with a sheepish smile, you nodded.
            “Yes, miss Celia. Of course. Thank you.”
                        How you ended up in her possession was irrelevant. It didn't matter.
           What did matter, was your value. Your worth. It was about what you could do for Celia, not the other way around. It was about acknowledging your rightful place under the command of a superior entity, and that entity was her.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 3 years
Ne Quid Nimis
ne quid nimis by stolenbythewestwind
ne quid nimis
latin quotation from terence, 'nothing in excess' - Bakugou tries to manage a bad mental health day in class. As you can imagine, it results in the destruction of one innocent wooden desk and another trip to the nurse's office. Aizawa is just trying to minimize the damage.
Words: 3527, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki
Additional Tags: Panic Attacks, Bakugou Katsuki Gets Therapy, Bakugou Katsuki has PTSD, Sensory Overload, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki-centric, Hurt/Comfort, Mental Health Issues, honestly this is just based on all the panic attacks i had in high school whoops, Character Study, i looked at canon and thought god these kids all need therapy, Bakugou Mitsuki's Bad Parenting
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30603317
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wiltingpierrot · 4 years
Gem Glow: Part 1
Welcome! Well, this isn’t really made to entertain. I’m just doing this to recover from trauma and get a good grasp of the show’s lore while having my girls react with me. Feel free to tag along.
We’ll be watching four episodes a day and react only to the major events as tackling all of them is a toughie.
 Sharpie: “I want to see real tears, Wilt.”
Wilt: “Tears? At the very first episode?”
Sharpie: “Yes. Otherwise I’ll make you cry by some other means.”
Wilt: “I have these tear marks. Those count, yes?”
Sharpie: “Real tears, I said.”
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Wilt: “Ahh, how iconic.”
Spinel: “The area around the lighthouse is lacking a lot of flowers. That’ll change someday!”
Sharpie: “Yes, after a lot of blood, ink and tears had been shed first.”
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Spinel: “Here we have a shot of the show’s hero, lamenting the discontinuation of a certain ice cream snack brand.”
Sharpie: “Is this triggering your PTSD yet?”
Wilt: “Not really. I thought it would but surprisingly I’m still okay.”
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Lars: “Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don’t you make some with your MAGIC BELLY BUTTON?”
Spinel: “Hey Sharpie, let’s make foodstuff with just the energy in our gem.”
Sharpie: “And you still owe me 86 years’ worth of happiness.”
Wilt: “What is this civil conversation you’re having? That’s not how I wrote you two.”
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Sadie: “Uhh Steven? Do you want to take the freezer with you?”
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Spinel: “Think what would’ve happened if Sadie didn’t let him take that freezer home.”
Sharpie: “Does… does the cat’s face looked different to you?”
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Spinel: “I love the lighthouse. The view up the top is always so breathtaking.”
Sharpie: “I’m not so happy with our roommate though.”
Wilt: “…I might have to draw this someday.”
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Spinel: “Don’t you just love it when your pets greet you as you enter your house? I wish you would greet me whenever I fall asleep.”
Sharpie: “You’re just my nightmare.”
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Amethyst: “’Sup, Steven.”
Spinel: “AME!!!!”
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Spinel: “I AM IN LOVE.”
Sharpie: “You can stop replaying this 5 seconds worth of Pearl now.”
Spinel: “It’s 4 seconds worth of Pearl, you heathen.”
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Spinel: “HOOO MAMA. Remember when Garnet kicked our ass?”
Sharpie: “She kicked your ass. She kicked your ass so much I had to start a switch to intervene. Now that I think of it, I shouldn’t have done that.”
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Sharpie: “Being sliced open is one thing. Being pulled apart is another.”
Spinel: “It’s good that we’re stretchy.”
Sharpie: “I can disable that function and tear you apart like that, actually. Ever wondered why it doesn’t hurt when others pull at you like taffy but I can?”
Spinel: “I can do the same and prevent you from escaping my hugs.”
Sharpie: “*sigh*… I hate you.”
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Spinel: “Ahaha! Pearl is so cute!”
Sharpie: “Ahaha! I love this technique.”
Wilt: “It’s good for breaking a hole through walls in maximum security prisons, yeah.”
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Amethyst: “Uhh you guys, these things don’t have gems.”
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Garnet: “That means there must be a mother somewhere nearby.”
Sharpie: “That’s a fascinating thought.”
Wilt: “It’s similar to how Pearl can project figures that can maintain itself while independent of the source. In this case, the main centipeedle can project independent but smaller versions of itself.”
Sharpie: “How come 2nd Projections aren’t like that, I wonder. Like we can’t have separate bodies or anything…”
Wilt: “Probably because the 2nd Projection has a personality of its own and it stems from the original gem, while Pearl Projections and mini-centipeedles are pre-programmed projections that would act accordingly to the original’s commands. Like, if Spinel makes a projection separate from her, it wouldn’t be you.”
Sharpie: “Fair enough.”
Spinel: “Speaking of Pearl Projections…”
Sharpie: “No.”
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Pearl: “Steven, until you learned to control the powers in your gem, we’ll take care of protecting humanity. Okay?”
Spinel: “I want Pearl to snap my neck like that.”
Sharpie: “As if impaling you wasn’t enough.”
Spinel: “PFFFTT-“
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Amethyst: “We went out and stole a bunch!”
Spinel: “That’s my Ame.”
Pearl: “I went back and paid for that.”
Sharpie: “That’s…. that’s very Pearl of her.”
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Steven: “He left his family behind!”
Sharpie: “What’s so funny about that?”
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Sharpie: “Oh my stars. I hope we don’t have to bear another one of those.”
Wilt: “It’s catchy. I like it.”
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Sharpie: “What a happy little family. It’s a shame that they’re doomed to a life of madness onwards.”
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Amethyst: “Quick! Try and summon your weapon!”
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“Awww, no weapon.”
Wilt: “He’s struggling. A sign of a well-rounded character. The progress is dramatic if we compare this episode to the last ones. And it only took him a few Earth years.”
Sharpie: “And it took us like what, 86 years to get this far and we’re still inferior to most we meet in our travels.”
Spinel: “God I love Pearl.”
Sharpie: “Can you even pay attention to anything that isn’t Pearl?”
Spinel: “I’m capable of paying attention to a lot of things and to nothing at the same time, Sharpie. Be amazed.”
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Steven: “Can one of you just explain how to summon a weapon?”
Pearl: “Oh! I’ll go first.”
Wilt: “I love Pearl.”
Spinel: “I love Pearl.”
Sharpie: “…”
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Spinel: “AUUGH! Pearl is so beautiful.”
Wilt: “This is so anime.”
Spinel: “This scene makes me wanna stand underneath a cherry blossom tree with her in a Friday afternoon and confess my love.”
Sharpie: “God both of you disgust me.”
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Pearl: “Pay attention to these petals, Steven.”
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Pearl: “The petal’s dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real-time based on the physical properties of this planet.”
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Pearl: “With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem, and perform your own dance.”
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Pearl: “Like so.”
Sharpie: “So… Pearl’s approach is tuning into the technical reality of the universe to tap into her gem’s energy,”
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Amethyst: “Listen Steven. All that practice stuff is no fun. Whenever I need to summon my weapon, it just happens.”
Sharpie: “And Amethyst’s approach is just winging it. Considering Ame is a gem made for war, of course summoning a weapon is natural instinct. Pearl however… She had to learn serious fighting, something most Pearls aren’t made for.”
Spinel: “We’re the same, ain’t we? Spinels ain’t made for violence but we can whoop butt just fine.”
Sharpie: “We just got lucky… and incredibly unfortunate at the same time.”
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Sharpie: “Gems are such nuisances. So much that in other places of the world, a group of humans actually built little Distortion Bombs capable of disorienting corrupted gems to a point of repelling them away. Unfortunately those things are powered by tiny bits of gem shards, which is obviously not an easily obtainable source of power. The project was discontinued.”
Spinel: “The invention worked on us, too, which is kind of impressive!”
Sharpie: “The best those little bombs done to us were to irritate us, or temporarily disable our senses. Corrupted gems have warped sentience I think, so they would rely more on instincts and run away from the source of irritation as much as possible.”
Sharpie: “They say if enough energy is given into the device, it’ll have high enough amplitude to potentially dissipate a gem’s physical form. But this is just a fever dream. There’s no way they have access to that amount of energy without slaughtering a Diamond first. Still, props to the engineer who thought that was a good idea.”
Spinel: “So instead of using gem shards, he decided to use us by writing the function into Springy. If we poof, we can give bad gems nearby a head ache and make them go away. We can protect people even if we die in battle! He basically turned us into heroic suicide bombers against corrupted gems.”
Sharpie: “Necessary, considering every time we poof we somehow cause part of a building to catch on fire, killing the people we’re supposed to protect in the process.”
Spinel: “Uh huh… yeaaahh….. I mean, where else is the excess energy supposed to go?”
Sharpie: “I dunno. Some other harmless form of energy apart from heat? The sparkly dust clouds were already perfect and you just had to change it into something deadlier. Thanks to you, seven people that stood close to us turned into soup.”
Spinel: “Well, there was that one time where the fire storm actually saved us from a meanie who wanted to crush us. We can’t just ignore that.”
Sharpie: “Seven people died, Spinel. Seven people that happened to be our allies.”
 Wilt: “Please stop. We have to finish this episode.”
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Steven: “So I’m supposed to work really hard and not try at all at the same time?”
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Garnet: “Yes.”
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Garnet: “Or…”
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Garnet: “You can link your mind with the energy of all existing matter, channeling the collective power of the universe through your gem.”
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Garnet: “At least that’s my way of doing it.
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Spinel: “C’mon, kiddo. It’s not that hard to understand. It’s how Springy lived for the past 40 years. If she can do it, so can you.”
Sharpie: “I bet this makes the most sense to you, huh Wilt?”
Wilt: “It does. Considering we are all just ripples of energy on the surface of the large lasagna we call the observable universe.”
Sharpie: “What a nerd. Also we’re half-way through the episode. You better cry, Wilt.”
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Wilt: “I’m saving this shot for reference.”
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wip wednesday :)
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hi y’all so i wasn’t tagged (whoops broke the rules) and it’s still kinda early in the day but i wanted to make this post because i’ve been working on a few other fics and wanted to share :)
i’ve been finishing up Aftermath - the reason it’s taking me so long to post chapters is because i initially had a very sad ending planned. i weeped when i was rereading it because i’ve gotten emotionally attached to the characters (what a surprise) and am now rewriting a happier ending. i think there’s like... 3 chapters left (don’t quote me on that, i’m a mess and it could change, but its unlikely).
there’s also two other fic ideas that i had. the first one kinda throws canon out the window - but there are still some elements, like Bertrand and Savannah’s relationship (though it’s extremely altered), the assassination with Olivia’s parents, Godfrey & Barthelemy’s treason... it’s just changed, like Queen Eleanor’s story is different, Leo doesn’t abdicate, Liam and Drake never really became best friends, and MC (Klara/Claire Brooks) leads a double life, keeping both men (and families) away from each other
the second one throws TRH 3 in the trash (even though it already is kinda trash, haha). this would take place during the last chapter of TRH 2 and throw the whole vote stuff out the window - because the farther we go with that, the less it makes sense. basically, Auvernal kidnaps the heir, Barthelemy is involved in it, and Liam and MC (i’m keeping her as Riley Brooks for this one) along with the gang do everything they can to get her back (obviously why wouldn’t they). i thought it would be interesting putting a part of it in the heir’s point of view, since those were kinda funny in some of the recent chapters. nothing too dark or serious (i mean yeah the heir getting kidnapped is serious, but you know what i mean. besides that, there are no major trigger warnings)
both these fics will most likely flop, but i had fun with these ideas and wanted to share
so here we go
The Aftermath - Chapter 32
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When Bastien enters, his eyes widen as they rest on Boris. He gives Olivia a look.
“Drake,” she tells him, hoping that would be enough of an answer. Bastien frowns. Olivia didn’t know why Drake had done this either. The fool hadn’t given her any information as to what this man had done. Where was she even supposed to start?
Now she was really wishing she had called Jacob to give her a background check.
“So,” she begins, pacing in front of Boris. Bastien was at full attention, closely watching both of them. “What happened between you and Drake?”
Boris spits blood to the opposite side of the room. It drips down the wall. “Call the bastard in here. Tell him to explain.” His accent is thick and his voice is tried.
I probably should, she thinks to herself.
Bastien gives Olivia another look. She nods at him.
“Let us shift the conversation,” Bastien begins. “Can I ask how long you’ve known Lady Riley or her late husband?”
“How is that important?” Boris questions.
“Just curious.” Bastien’s voice remains level.
Boris sighs, then leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. “Potter. I met him in college. He introduced me to Riley-”
“I’m sorry,” Bastien interrupts him. “Who is ‘Potter’?”
“The lovely Theodore Blaise.” Boris lets out a rueful chuckle. “You have not seen him in person? The idiot looks like Harry Potter. Stupid glasses, stupid hair.”
“Alright,” Bastien stops him again. “Continue. When did he introduce you to Riley?”
“New York. That one year. I was visiting before I had to go to... Switzerland? Sweden? One of the two. It was lifetime ago. Can’t remember everything.” He pauses to look around the room. “She was... with your King. We saw her in the park. Theo wanted to see her. We waited for the king to leave her before he went up to her hotel.”
Olivia knew that he was talking about the last night Riley had been with the court. But Boris was drawing out the conversation. She didn’t like how slow Bastien was approaching this. Olivia wanted to draw a knife — she had a new one she was itching to use — and force the answers out of him.
Until the End - Prologue
A/N: also i made a thing for this series. it’s not a moodboard. idk what its called. like a banner or whatever? i felt creative and made it. i’ll probably end up making a moodboard too. there are three parts of the series, each part has seven/eight chapters. anyway this looks kinda wack i might not even use it
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As we near the stairs, Olivia Nevrakis chases after Maxwell Beaumont, who tumbles down the steps.
“Why are you running?!” Olivia cries after the boy, a long object in her hand.
“Because you have a stick!” he cries after almost tripping over his short, chubby legs.
“What am I gonna do, hit you with it?”
“YES?!” Maxwell screams, a confused and fearful tone in his voice.
As the two reach the bottom of the stairs, Liam emerges from another corridor, laughing after his friends. His hair is a whorl on his head, and his cheeks are flushed pink.
“Hello, Mother!” he says. My son hugs my waist, then reaches to hug his father, but Constantine has already walked on.
I take the boy’s hand and we follow after the King. Near the entrance of the palace stands a man in guard’s uniform, a woman in a denim dress, and two small children.
“Eleanor, Liam,” Constantine begins. “I would like for you two to be introduced to a new member of our security team. Jackson Walker, his wife Bianca, and their children, Drake and Savannah.”
“A pleasure, Your Majesties,” Jackson says as he and his wife bow respectfully. The little girl blinks up at me while Drake looks between Liam and I.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Liam!” My son holds out his hand to Drake.
Constantine audibly coughs. Liam’s hand falls to his side, and his smile falls as well. I knew that the differences in status would not allow Liam to interact with the boy so improperly, but they are just children. I didn’t think there was a reason for such excessive formality.
Bianca slightly nudges her son. In a monotone voice, Drake greets, “Nice to meet you, Prince Liam.”
Liam’s expression lifts. I send a smile in Bianca’s direction, and she hesitantly returns it. Jackson holds eye contact with me a moment longer, a wide grin stretching his face.
Constantine grabs our attention again. “Jackson, you will be primarily working on my wife’s security team. Now if you’ll excuse us, we are expected at dinner. My head of security, Bastien, will lead you through the rest of your orientation. After dinner, you’ll be able to speak to my wife and receive any orders she has for you.”
“Yes, Sire,” Jackson bows his head again, and Constantine leads us away.
Godfrey and his family, along with the Beaumonts, Olivia, and Leo are already seated. They all stand quickly as Constantine comes into the room, giving polite bows.  
The moment we sit, there’s a flurry of activity as the servants set our plates in front of us. Adelaide sips on her wine absently. Annabelle fusses over Maxwell, who has cookie crumbs on his fingers and face. Madeleine attempts to get Leo’s attention, but he laughs with Bertrand, the boys giving each other impish smiles. Olivia converses with Liam, taking on a gentle demeanor compared to how she behaved with Maxwell.
“Hostilities between Monterisso and Auvernal are increasing by the day,” I hear Godfrey mention to Constantine.
“The whole of Europe expects them to break out in war,” Barthelemy adds.
“Monterissian and Auvernese citizens anticipate some sort of peace treaty,” Godfrey continues. The men speak as if they are one unit, with one mind. “But other nations have already begun taking sides.”
“The King of Hidar is siding with Monterisso.” Barthelemy motions for a servant to bring him more wine. “But there are rumors that he is only doing so after receiving threats.”
“Most nations are waiting for Cordonia and Monaco for their decisions for who to ally with.”
When Barthelemy and Godfrey finish filling Constantine’s ears, they return to the food on their plates, staring down as if nothing else in the world concerned them. Constantine chews slowly, visibly considering their words.
“Monterisso has always kept a neutral face when it comes to Cordonian issues,” the King mentions. “They have never asked or hinted towards alliance. They are not many nations who ally with them at all.”
“So you must admit,” Barthelemy finishes chewing, “that allying with them instead of Auvernal makes a bad impression—”
“—and reduces the chance of alliances with other nations,” Godfrey finishes with him.
“How so?” I speak up. The three men turn their heads to look at me. No one else at the table pays attention to the conversation, but as their eyes burn in my direction — aggressive looks from the Dukes, while my husband raises an eyebrow at me — I want to take back my words.
But I do no such thing. After more than seven years of marriage, I had become accustomed to Godfrey and Barthelmey shutting down the advice I gave to my husband. This instance is no different.
The Lion and the Heir - short series - Prologue
A/N: just as a heads up, i laughed while writing this. like i wrote this just for a good laugh and wanted to share. my friend sent me a writing prompt about a kid’s wild imagination and she thought it was funny and sent it to me (i sent her this same passage and we both laughed our heads off reading parts of it) so what i’m trying to say is that thinking this is terrible and cringe-worthy is understandable - i cringed at this myself and am very scared to post this lol, and might not even continue it. yes i made a moodboard thing. yes i laughed while making it. goodbye.
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"Is everything well, Mommy?" I ask. Instead of answering me, again she attempts to silence me! I repeat my question, but this time the man tells me to silent myself.
Did they not know who they were speaking to? Perhaps I was interrupting something. Was there a lesson to be learned somewhere in this? I wish that Daddy were present at this meeting. Though most of his explanations were gibberish, he would at least attempt to make me understand.
The man walks towards me. He reaches his hands out to carry me, but I do not know this man! And he was quite stinky! I do not like him. I smack his hands away, and he takes a step back.
"With all due respect," I try to explain to him, "please introduce yourself before any forward actions. They are most unwelcoming. Your Princess does not appreciate this behavior."
He turns to my suspicious mother and says something in gibberish. I frown, for the language barrier does not mean that my subjects may disobey my wishes in such a manner!
Suspicious Mommy takes off the shield that was over her eyes. I find that it is NOT Mommy! Though they look similar, their differences are too contrasting. This woman's eyes were a tad sharper. She was too aware of me, and did not seem comfortable in my presence.
"Shhh sh shhh," she goes again, trying to pick me up, but I allow my short legs to fall from under me. My behind hits the mattress, and I feel my friend, General Lion, against my hand.
"Is everything well, Your Highness?" my trusty General says to me. "Is there anything I can do to be of service?"
"Dismiss this woman from my presence!" I command him.
"But... but that is Mommy!" he cries.
This woman was good in her disguise. She had fooled my trusted advisor!
"Believe me, General, it is not!" I tell him. "She has fooled us!"
"And she is trying to take you away?" he observes.
"Yes!" I am suddenly aware of what is happening. The woman begins to reach for me. "Quick!" I say, panic swelling in my chest. I had to do something about this, but all my heart is telling me to do is cry! I have to take more serious measures than that! "What am I to do?"
"Uh... uh..." General Lion looks around the crib, before he reaches out to me. "Take a hold of my paw!"
putting my Aftermath taglist because that’s the only one i have :) - y’all can see what’s happening in the next chapter & these other fics. if you’re interested in any (besides Aftermath) let me know! if you don’t interact or anything, i’ll leave you on the Aftermath taglist and won’t remove or add you anywhere :)
(also, people probably know this but just a gentle reminder, the only reason i don’t reply to comments is because this is a sideblog. i see them all though, so don’t worry. i just don’t want to confuse people by replying from my main blog or anything :) anyway let me stop trailing off)
@captain-kingliamsqueen​ @gkittylove99​ @lovablegranny​ @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful​ @mom2000aggie​ @kingliam2019​ @queenrileyrose​ @shanzay44​ @cordonianroyalty​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @twinkle-320​ @amandablink​ @texaskitten30​ @pens-girl-87​ @ladyangel70​ @sanchita012​ @cordonianprincess​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @pink-diamond13​ @queenwalton​​ @yourmajesty09​ @alj4890​​ @choicesbutterfly​​​ 
^if anyone from this list wants to do the WIP Wednesday thing, feel free!!
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 3 years
Ne Quid Nimis
ne quid nimis by stolenbythewestwind
ne quid nimis
latin quotation from terence, 'nothing in excess' - Bakugou tries to manage a bad mental health day in class. As you can imagine, it results in the destruction of one innocent wooden desk and another trip to the nurse's office. Aizawa is just trying to minimize the damage.
Words: 3527, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki
Additional Tags: Panic Attacks, Bakugou Katsuki Gets Therapy, Bakugou Katsuki has PTSD, Sensory Overload, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki-centric, Hurt/Comfort, Mental Health Issues, honestly this is just based on all the panic attacks i had in high school whoops, Character Study, i looked at canon and thought god these kids all need therapy, Bakugou Mitsuki's Bad Parenting
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30603317
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chemicalmagecraft · 4 years
Foresight is 20/20 Chapter 12
I axe kicked a giant rock in half. That was fun. I also found floating around not with demon sage cores but with glittery red fairy wings made from demon sage chakra to be enjoyable as well. Because I was pure chakra, I was actually a lot better at handling natural energy than weak, inferior carbon-based lifeforms and could absorb more without any kind of negative effects. Sure, there was some instability if I went too high, but it was nowhere near as bad as the side effects on a human, and I could expel the excess pretty easily. "Dang," Kouki said from where he was sitting on another rock. I turned to face m-him. "So I guess you're just default a lot stronger than me. Makes sense, you're basically a mini biju." I could tell through our connection that he was a little off about how he couldn't access the red chakra that was now me, but that was mostly overshadowed by his marvel over the potential of Demon Shadow Clone Jutsu, the jutsu that created me. He fidgeted a bit, causing his arm to mutate slightly, red scales forming instead of the frog limbs that comes from using toad oil as a medium. "Dangit." The demon sage cores orbiting him sucked all of the natural energy out of him, setting him back to square one.
I grinned and "sat" on the air in front of him. "You having trouble, bro?" Kouki had decided that with the extra control granted to him whenever we were separate, combined with the fact that he couldn't fall back on red chakra without me, that he should finally learn how to make sage chakra the right way.
He glared at me. "You know as well as I do that this isn't easy to do properly."
I grinned and started telekinetically messing with a leaf using my sage aura. "Do I really?" I spontaneously combusted it.
"Haha." He closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out in concentration.
"Right," I said. "Imma go see what else I can do." I melted into the ground, merging the energy that made up my body with the shadows of the grass. It turned out that, while I couldn't move fast at all when projecting myself as a shadow that didn't already exist, whenever I entered a real shadow, I could move... well, I didn't know how fast exactly because I hadn't gotten around to figuring out how to calculate that, but at the very least it was fast enough that it looked like teleportation even when Kouki pulled a little trick with the Shoraigan to slow down the "footage."
So yeah, I got to the the trees pretty dang fast. I flew out of the shadows in my "biju form," which was really just me as a fox with fur the color of my clothes with the exception of a "mane" the same color as my hair, and sliced a tree in half with my claws. I opened my mouth, compressing red and blue chakra in a way that just felt... right. Even with sage mode it was small and a little draining, but it was still a biju dama. I launched it at a tree, obliterating it into smoking mulch. I sighed at the relatively small AOE, but then grinned about the fact that I just made a biju dama. Unfortunately, my victory was cut short by Kouki calling for me to come back through our telepathic link. That meant it was time for our experiment, which he wanted to be whole for just in case something went wrong. I shrugged. "Guess it's for the best," I thought to myself. "Was probably going to just throw around dama 'til I ran out of chakra." I melted into the shadows and zipped off to Kouki.
I sighed as I felt Chikage returning to me. It was reassuring to have my red chakra back, even if I didn't really use it that much. Still, I suppose I did have the demon gems to fall back on, on account of how my connection to other sources of my own red chakra was uninterrupted. I crossed my arms behind my back and turned around, my eyes closed. "Finally," I said. "A project months in the making, about to be fulfilled. I'm assuming you're here to watch, eh, Tenko?"
Ai laughed. "That's a lot less intimidating if we know you can sense us, kid." I sighed and opened my eyes. "And wasn't it only one month?"
I shrugged. "Felt like more. Might just have been from that one part where they read my journal..." I held my hands out in front of me and the giant scroll I'd taken to sealing as much demon Sage chakra into as possible once I'd filled the demon sage seal on my body, the Scroll of the Demon Sage, appeared floating in front of me through a summoning instead of a sealing on account of how its power meant I couldn't seal it in my inventory scrolls and actually keep anything else in it as well. "This is it. What might be the second most powerful thing in Konoha." The scroll unfurled slightly, revealing a seal tag that as of then contained most of its power. Uzumaki are really good at handling stupid levels of energy, okay? At least I'd also managed to complete my first mini biju dama paper bomb... "Are you ready to receive this power?" I asked Ai.
"Is this really necessary?" Tenko asked, worried.
"No," Ai and I both said at the same time.
"But really, what's the point of amassing an insane amount of dangerously powerful chakra if you don't infuse as much as possible into the best known person for taking in stupid amounts of chakra just to see what happens?" I elaborated.
Ai nodded and gingerly took the demon sage seal tag from its place in the scroll. "Right, so I'm guessing you have somewhere you want me to stand?"
I slung the scroll on my back and pointed over to an area I'd prepared in advance. "There. I've already set up four cores with orders to use the Four Violet Flames Formation should anything go wrong." A nice thing about having multiple potent sources of chakra at my total command, I'd found, was the fact that I could potentially use collaboration nin- or genjutsu without actually having to collaborate with anyone.
Tenko sighed. "That's not reassuring."
Before Tenko could actually object, Ai slapped the tag on her chest. "Toolatealreadyusedit!" She quickly shouted. The red lines of the seal tag began to glow orangey-gold, then started to spread to cover her entire body in a thick chakra cloak. She laughed maniacally, floating into the air as nine tail-like chains made of the same chakra sprouted from her backside. The chains spread to curl around the entire training ground, a red, domed barrier coming into existence at the edges. I don't know if she meant to or not, but her barrier materialized just before the shinobi that I'd had posted nearby via Sandaime just in case of a worst-case scenario, cutting them off.
"Kouki-kun, what did you do to my wife?" Tenko asked worriedly.
I grinned. "'Wife?' So did either of you finally pop the question?"
She flinched, then blushed. "I... haven't yet... I do have the ring, though."
I shrugged. "Hope for the best with you two. And by the way, I'm sure it'll go over fine." Ai's maniacal laughter grew louder, causing me to turn my attention back to her. She put her hands in front of her, as if she was holding an invisible ball. Oh. "A thought occurs to me," I said, making sure to keep my voice calm.
"That doesn't sound good..." As if on cue, Ai started to slowly form a disconcertingly familiar-looking chakra ball in between her hands. In addition to that, countless streaks of energy began to slowly form in the air, gravitating to the epicenter. That epicenter being a modified biju dama.
"So there was this one clan with a Kekkei Genkai that allowed them to passively accumulate natural energy and then use that to mutate themselves. Because they didn't work for it, though, the natural energy caused them to become uncontrollable, entering homicidal rages. Because of that, they were almost completely wiped out." At that point, I started to feel a slight tug on my chakra, though I was able to resist it.
"So what you're saying is..."
"She's drunk on power, yeah. Whoops."
"How, exactly, did you not notice that'd happen with your eyes?"
"Figured out a way to make sure that nothing bad enough I can't fix it will happen while still not spoiling me on what happens. Use exclusively that for my experiments now," I explained. I noticed a bit of chakra chain straying near me and had an idea. "Hang on, let me fix this." I tried to grab the chain with a chakra thread, but it was just sucked in, so I aborted almost immediately and just lunged at it. It was starting to get to the point where I needed to have my demon gems actively cling to me to make sure they weren't sucked in. That would be bad. Thankfully, I managed to grab the chain and my theory was right. Just like how Kurama still held some link to my red chakra and Kaguya still had some link to his chakra, I could feel my connection to the chakra in the modified Adamantine Sealing Chain. I grabbed it with both hands, wrapped one side around my arm, then tugged the two sides in opposite directions.
With a bit of willpower applied, one link snapped and got spaghettified by the still-growing ball of impending doom, leaving me with a really long chain of chakra that I could control wrapped around my arm. "Right, let's hope this works or Konoha probably becomes partially made of smoking crater," I said, glad that I'd picked one of the farthest training grounds from Konoha proper, then pulled a leaf out of Ai's new book and sucked the chain into my body, making sure to strip enough natural energy off of it that I didn't become a glittery garden statue. "Oooh," I grunted, then sucked in a breath. I noticed that with one chain down, the chakra-sucking had slowed back down, though I knew it was going to pick back up if I didn't do anything.
"Are you okay?" Tenko asked.
"Yeah, just a bit of a rush," I said. "Sorry. Well, here goes..." I concentrated on the chakra that I'd absorbed. After a few seconds, I was able to form two purple chains of chakra that emerged from my sleeves. I drew on the power I'd stolen from Ai to lengthen the chains significantly, taking the shortest possible paths I could to intersect her chains with my own. Once I'd gotten all of her chains, I tugged on the chakra in them, converting Ai's golden chains to my purple chains. The effect cascaded, eating away at all of her chains until her chains were fully turned, making the barrier fall and stopping the suction effect fully. I jerked my arm, causing nine chains to sprout from Ai's arms and wrap around the biju dama. I started retracting the chains back into my body, removing almost every last trace of demon sage chakra from Ai's body. Thankfully, she didn't fall on her face, as she was able to recover almost immediately and shoot some now non-glowing yellow chains into the ground and lower herself down gently.
"I have no idea what just happened, but I'm assuming it worked because I can make chains out of my chakra now," she said.
I nodded, concentrating on the ball of dangerously explosive chakra I was slowly reeling in. "Tenko, I need you to take the scroll off of my back and open it up a bit." She did as I asked, holding the scroll up so I could easily access it. I slowly put my hands on the scroll, converting the chain into the seal. The chain, no longer attached to my body, continued to reel in the demon sage chakra. As it did that, I placed my hand on the chain, removing the impurities the chakra gained from being in Ai's system. I greedily absorbed those bits of chakra. As I suspected, my body accepted it as readily as it did Shukaku's chakra.
"What exactly happened there?" one of the shinobi asked now that they'd arrived.
"Science," I answered.
"What were we even supposed to do about that?"
I shrugged. "Sorry, I didn't expect that to happen. I just figured Ai wouldn't have very good control of her chains at first. Turns out that that much sage chakra means going crazy, though."
"So I'm guessing I shouldn't use that seal for a super mode?" Ai asked after walking over to us. I swiped the empty tag that still stuck to her.
"No, if I segment it to lower the dosage, then it both becomes multi-use and lets you keep your sanity, at the tradeoff of power, obviously. Just make sure to use it for emergencies only. And while we're at it, I should be able to eventually teach you how to enter proper sage mode, which you could do any time with just a few minutes to charge up." I looked back up to survey the mostly concerned, but with one happy, faces looking at me. "I'd say that this little experiment has been a success."
Yeah, I got chewed out by my dad. In hindsight, though, I really couldn't blame him. Thankfully, I was able to get off with just a tongue-lashing and promising to make absolutely sure to test out anything that could theoretically have a large blast radius by making a gem take it far away from Konoha and remote detonate it or just not do it at all. To be honest, though, I was bracing myself for a grounding, so I was actually fine with that. And he even organized a lesson on nature transformation for me. After giving me another lecture, this time on not doing things that could potentially destroy my hands or other parts of my body unless absolutely necessary. And so there I was, leaning on the wall of the Hyuuga compound courtyard. I'd made sure that there was a chain of shadows that Chikage could use to get away from me because I knew Kakashi was going to use that one chakra paper thing on me and I didn't want to have any interference from her/my power, yet still have her accessible once we started the lesson in earnest. "Sup," I said when Kakashi arrived.
"So you want to learn how to use nature transformation?" he asked.
I shrugged and licked my lips. "I already know how to use wind, but I'd like to learn at least the basics of the others."
"Right, learning it now if you have the chakra for it is actually probably a good idea." He pulled out a piece of paper. "I doubt you can do much with it at the moment, but at the very least, you'll be able to practice until you're ready for the big stuff." He used the paper, crinkling it. "This paper is made to test one's elemental affinity. Channel a light amount of chakra onto it and it'll react in different ways depending on what your primary affinity is. Mine's lightning, so the paper became wrinkled." He gave me a second piece of paper. "You try."
I complied, channeling a bit of my chakra into the paper. "Well what a coincidence," I said, referring to the fact that my paper was now as crumpled as his was. "We have the same element, don't we?"
"Yes, that's what that means. I suppose we'll start with the lightning exercises, then?"
I called Chikage back, and she reentered me without Kakashi even seeming to notice. For whatever reason, her chakra signature was muted whenever she was inside a shadow, and she could easily suppress her signature even more and spread herself out to lower the density of her chakra in the shadows, so the only way he would've noticed was when we joined or if his Sharingan was out. It would've been the perfect ability for stealth if not for the fact that she couldn't bring anything with her, and I was already trying to think of ways around that one little weakness. Well, there was also the little snag of how she needed shadows, but really, where aren't there shadows?
"Let's start this lightshow, then," I said with a smile.
And now for something completely different.
A rabbit bounded across a field near End Valley. It did not know what its destination was, just that something was... calling to it. It stopped by the roots of a great tree and began to sniff at the ground. Whatever it was looking for, it was there. It found it after a few minutes of searching. A small red stone, barely a flake, that glowed with some unearthly light. Now that it could see it, the rabbit's every instinct screamed to get away, that this stone was a predator, but it couldn't stop itself. Its body wasn't its own anymore. The now-terrified rabbit tried to fight back with all its might as its head came closer to the gem, but to no avail. The stone already had a hold over it, it just needed to touch it and it would be over. A spectre of death seemed to emerge from the jewel of death, ready to embrace the rabbit. When the rabbit's head was close enough, the stone lifted from the ground and adhered to its forehead. The rabbit screamed as a foreign presence entered its body, burning away its very soul to make room for something else.
I grinned a rabbitty grin and hopped around a bit, testing out my new rabbity body. It was a shame that I could only gain a proper body by stealing it from a living creature, but what can you do? I sniffed at the ground with my new nose. The rabbit's sense of smell was different from my original's, but when I took over the rabbit's brain I gained complete access to all its memories, so I was able to adjust soon enough. Plus I noticed that I could understand rabbits now. I sent a telepathic message back to Kouki and Chikage.
"You find a body?" they asked.
"Yup. Rabbit. Surprisingly good chakra affinity, despite being wild," I replied.
"Cool. Right, you should probably act natural for at least a month, to build up plausible deniability." they instructed. "Then you can start doing supernatural stuff. Cannibalize the body and continue your mission."
I sent a scoff through our link. "I know what to do, I have all your memories."
"Stop being so sarcastic, you're not supposed to be me."
"By the way, did you pick out a name?"
I gave a small rabbit grin. "Of course. If my first body after my 'resurrection' is to be that of a rabbit's, then why shouldn't my name be Usagi?"
"Cool. You'd better give at least one 'name of the moon' speech though."
"Certainly. I would never pass up such an opportunity." It may have purely been within my mind, but I was already preparing my cover by practicing my new mannerisms, at the very least those dealing with how I spoke.
"Right, I'ma get back to this stupid leaf, you go do your rabbit thing. Rabbit." I hopped around a bit, searching for some food. A deep cover assignment. It was going to be marvelous.
I growled as I passed my chakra through the leaf. No matter what I did, it just wasn't getting wet!
"Did you try turning it off and turning it back on again?" Chikage asked me as she floated over me.
I rolled my eyes, cut off the flow, then let my chakra flow over the leaf like water once more. "Don't think that helped."
"Dude it's been a day," she said. "You're not Naruto, you don't have an army of clones to poorly manage yet still somehow get your thing done. Just take a deep breath, accept that this is going to take some time, and do the other three exercises that you actually did make some headway in. You don't have Tsunade-levels of control when we're unfused yet."
I stared at her for a second. "How are you taking this better than me?" I asked.
"I mean, two heads are better than one. I have the perspective that you're being a lil dummy."
I stopped trying to wet the leaf and started trying to set it aflame instead. Because I already had experience doing it with and as Chikage, it started to smoke after a few seconds. I removed my thumb, seeing a smoldering thumbprint on it. Chikage picked it up, then it just disintegrated. "Showoff," I griped.
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gehetzterfuchs · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me!! @mcrmadness and @stufenlosregelbar ☺️ (Whoops. Totally forgot about this until you tagged me, Aljoscha! :^D)
Last song: The Perfect Kiss by New Order
Last film: B-Movie
Currently watching: Nothing.
Reading: Tino Hanekamp on Nick Cave and Drive-By Shots by Nagel at the same time. : )
Craving: A live concert or two, an excessive techno party, another cup of coffee (too bad I already had 2 today...!), employment in Berlin to be able to start studying there, REAL jobs instead of going moldy at my workspace or at home---- Tagging: @banashee @bananensojamilch @wolltihraufdaslebenwarten @girl-with-a-tiee @nachtvogelfrei @lovebitesandwhisky
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claudia-kishi · 4 years
 hello i was tagged by @archiegoodwin, thank you for including me 🥺
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: too lazy to find out which one i did first, but the first gifsets i made were of the hawaii 50 crossover with magnum pi... hehe. one with magnum making fun of juliet bc of the dog, one of my pain. the most recent that has posted is this ele wakeup set from we are everyone. :]
one of your favourite creations from 2020: um me crying about this joanlock gifset like... pain
a creation you're really proud of: i’m not really proud of my creations lol, i just make them... hehe 
a new style you tried this year and a creation that uses it: i also have tried like no new styles really i am boring 
your favourite colouring: my coloring is also basic lol 
a creation that took you forever: this claudia gifset took me AGES!!!!!!! only because i had to screenrecord since i couldn’t find a download
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: this ele post got 2.1k notes thanks guys lol 
a creation you think deserved more notes: all my gifsets, please love me ppl 
a creation with a favorite scene/quote: FAVE SCENE most recently i cry 
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: all of my bsc edits!!!!! hehe :)
a creation you made that breaks your heart: this claudia and mimi set truly ended me, i’m SO emo about it STILL.
a 'simple' creation that you really love: all of my joan watson and claudia kishi outfit sets :’)
a creation that was inspired by another one: uh my sets aren’t really inspired by anything but me rewatching tv excessively whoops!
a favourite creation created by someone else: asldkfjasldkfj i’m so bad i don’t remember anything i’m sorry.
i literally don’t remember much of what i’ve created since i’ve been making sooooo many gifsets nonstop since like. may. mistakes!!!!!!! thank you all for your support this year. <3 
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 4 years
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 62: Final Exam Part 4: Short Essay
Presenting the next raw and unedited chapter of my on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fic, Their Hero Academia!    Please note, this chapter may undergo more extensive editing before it gets posted to AO3/FF.net, as there’s a lot of fight scenes that may need clarity editing.
Earlier chapters can be found here
The last blast of her Jetpack brought Sora to the ground, where some of her classmates, including Toshi, were waiting.  Ordinarily, she might remove her helmet in order to have a clearer conversation or to wipe the sweat from her brown, but with a potential sniper on the loose, it seemed an undue risk.  Instead, she used her tongue to adjust the small straw on the helmet’s right cheek and sipped from the juice it offered.  
Satisfied with that, she tapped the side of her helmet and activated the communicator.  “This is Jet-Red,” she announced.  “I spotted nothing on my sweep of the western sector and have returned to base camp.”
Her brother’s voice quickly followed.  “Jet-Blue responding,” he said.  “Eastern sector air sweep is complete.  No sign of any additional civilians or the Villains.  They appear to have gone to ground.”
“Slyde here, nothing on the ground sweep of the north sector either,” Haimawari reported.  “Heading back home.”
“You’re listening to Channel Stick ‘Em Up,” came Sero’s voice. “Nothing on my aerial view either.  Where the hell are they?  I didn’t expect to be playing Hide the Villain today.  Totally unfair!  Midoriya, I thought you said they were coming for us!”
Kirishima-Bakugo’s voice cut in.  She was up on the roof of the civilian defense shelter with Kaminari, Aoyama, Izumi, and Shinso.   Their ranged fighters, who could rain firepower down on any attackers or more easily shoot Raptor out of the air if it came to it. “Cut the chatter, you damn sorry excuse for a tape dispenser!”  
“Okay,” Toshi said, his communicator filled with static. She’d done what she could to repair it, but it had gotten very damaged when he’d smacked into the building. Hopefully, her patch job would hold. “When you guys get back, we’ll brainstorm a new plan.  With Shadow-Thief, they could be anywhere.”
As he clicked off the communicator, Toshi let out a sigh.  “So much for that plan.”  He was discouraged, she could tell.  It had been nearly thirty minutes since they had regrouped and he had dispatched the speedier and more mobile members of the class to look for where the Villains might be coming from and they had nothing to show for it.
So many times, she and her classmates looked to him for direction.  They always had.  Toshi had always been the one looking out for all of them, even when they were small, making sure everyone was getting along, making sure everyone’s needs were met.  With the fate of everyone’s passing being tied to this exam, it was little wonder he seemed to be feeling that even more strongly.
“When one hypothesis fails,” she said, “you must select another.”   Slightly cautiously, she put her hands on his shoulders.  He didn’t flinch away from the contact, which was good. Since they had last talked about it, he had been getting better about not being as anxious when they touched. “We believe in you, Toshi.  And we will figure this out.”
Toshi nodded.  “Okay, yeah, you’re right.  Thanks, Sora.”
“Of course,” she said. “One of the requirements of being your girlfriend is supporting you in your endeavors.”   She’d been reading excessively on “how to be a good girlfriend” on the internet.  Much of the advice was contradictory and confusing, but she was attempting to sort through it all.  If need be, there were more experienced sources of advice within the class as well. “Also, I am as invested in our success as a class as anyone.”
Above, she could hear Shinso’s sonar scream, sent out at regular intervals per Toshi’s directions, sweeping in a wide arc from west to east.  The noise would probably let any Villains know they were being watched, but it was better than being caught completely unawares.
“I think I saw something this time!” Shinso reported.  “Just a blip though.  Like when Shadow-Thief was doing her shadow thing! Big group though…  I think she’s moving all of them!”
“It looks like your hypothesis was correct after all,” Sora told Toshi.  “Your time scale was merely inaccurate.”
Time scale… time scale… That had to be important…
Oh no.
Sora looked up and tracked the position of the sun in the sky, relative to where it had been early. Her eyes darted to the buildings across the street, where long shadows were starting to draw.  Of course.  The Villains had waited until they had opportunity to use the shadows to their advantage.
“Aoyama!” she shouted. “We need as much light as you can muster!  Across the street!  Now!”
But it was too late. The shadows across the street rippled as four figures began to rise out of it.   The same Villains Shinso had identified before.   Jawbreaker.  Raptor. Kamuy.  Shadow-Thief.  
There was no time. The Villains were here.
“Okay, everybody!” Toshi called out.  “Just like we planned it!   Let’s take these guys down!”
Shinso, Todoroki, Aoyama, Kaminari, and Kirishima-Bakugo were still on the roof, ready to rain their firepower down from above.   Tensei Iida, Sero, and Haimawari were still out in the field, heading back to the basecamp.   On the ground, that left Midoriya, Sora Iida, Koda, Sato, Ojiro, Mineta, Tokoyami, and Daisuke.  He’d been tense, waiting for the moment when the Villains appeared.  He was strong, he knew.  He was no Deku, of course, but still powerfully built.  In training, he was used to be being able to take care of most simulated opponents with just a few blows.
Strength was hardly everything.  It was why he trained his reflexes and his senses to their utmost and why he tried to maximize the range and mobility his Extendo-Arms offered him.  He doubted that he would ever be a particularly highly ranked Hero, he shied away from the spotlight too much for that without factoring in anything else, but he was determined to be an effective one.
But for the first time, when fighting that Kamuy woman, his strength had been useless.  Worse than useless, it had been turned against him. She’d thrown all the strength of his punches right back at him.  Not a feeling he relished, nor one he hoped to experience again.
There was barely a moment between the Villains appearing, Midoriya’s direction, and the move by both sides to attack.  A barrage of ranged attacks flew forth first: focused laser beams from Aoyama, explosive-infused disks from Kirishima-Bakugo, electrical blasts from Kaminari, waves of sonic-force from Shinso, and gouts of flame from Todoroki.  They had the desired effect and the Villains scattered, with Raptor taking to the air on a giant gust of wind, Kamuy going right, and Jawbreaker going left.  Shadow-Thief vanished back into the shadows… something that probably wasn’t going to be good.
He saw Sora Iida jetting into the air to fight Raptor, with Tokoyami dispatching Frog-Shadow to fight alongside her.  He saw Mineta firing those sticky balls from her horns, trying to tag Kamuy. And before him, he saw Jawbreaker.
The Villain was more massive than Midoriya had described him, now made of both stone and metal, blending unevenly across his form.  Daisuke glanced briefly to his right and saw Midoriya, then nodded.
Daisuke was too tall to go low, but he darted this way and that, dodging out of the way of Jawbreaker’s fists. Even weighed down with the extra mass, the big Villain was fast.  He swung his second set of arms high and his third set of arms low and extended them out as fast as he could, smacking the Villain with a series of rapid-fire blows. Again and again, like pistons, he fired his four fists out, smacking hard against metal and rock.
“Argh!” He let out a cry of pain as his fists bounced uselessly against the Villain’s hide, not even denting the metal or cracking the rock.
“Was that supposed to hurt?” Jawbreaker taunted.  He launched a powerful blow, but Daisuke got all three of his right side-arms in place to block it.  That blow hurt too, but not as bad as it would have if he’d taken it full on.  He held his ground at least.
“Would have been nice if it had,” he said.  “But I’m just the distraction.”
Midoriya’s gravity enhanced fist smashed into the side of Jawbreaker’s head, sending him flying.  Daisuke would be lying if he said he didn’t envy the gravity-backed powers Midoriya could put behind his blows.  They made his best triple-haymaker look like a love tap. Jawbreaker skipped like a stone across the street for a moment, before digging in his fingers to stop himself. When he was stable, he jaw opened wide and he took a huge bite out of the street, his scoop like jaw shoveling in cement.  As he did, he got bigger still, patches of cement spreading across his body.
Midoriya gave him a concerned look.  “You up for hitting him some more?  We’ve got to get him closer to our ranged attackers.”
Daisuke shrugged.  He was definitely going to have sore knuckles after this.  “Might as well…”
Mika let out a whoop as her sticky balls successfully pinned Kamuy’s feet to the ground.   “In your face, giant lady!” she taunted, making a face. The massive woman was struggling to free her feet, shooting daggers in her direction.
“Ah, maybe don’t taunt the giant woman, Mineta?” Sato suggested.
“Definitely not a good idea,” Ojiro agreed.
There was a non-zero chance they were right.  At the end of the day, her balls were very sticky, but they weren’t the universal sealant. On the other hand, seeing the woman fume was so much fun!
“When I get out of here,” Kamuy growled, “I am going to send you to the glue-factory, horse girl!”
“Oh, whatever,” she said, waving a hand dismissively.  “And I keep telling people, I’m a cow, now a horse!”  
She pointed to Kamuy, turning her head to their snipers.  “Todoroki!  How about you show her how to chill?”
Above, Todoroki pointed and ice began to form around Kamuy.  Mika wasn’t exactly sure on what her range was, but whatever it was, it was good.  Being able to draw in heat and form ice just by pointing was a damn useful talent.  
“Dammit,” Kamuy said. “Didn’t want to do this this early…   Going to make you regret it, kid.” She seemed to shimmer for a second, then slammed a fist into the ground.  The resultant shockwave rippled outward, blowing Mika, Ojiro, and Sato off their feet, and shattering both the her balls and Todoroki’s ice.
When Mika’s head stopped spinning, she could see Kamuy approaching her.  She looked noticeably smaller, though still just as tall and still built like a truck.  But noticeably less bulky all the same.   She’d probably had to expend a lot of power to do that shockwave then.
Shinso had been surprisingly light on the details of Kamuy’s Quirk.  She’d apparently only had a handful of public conflicts with Heroes before being imprisoned.  But if they could get her to keep expending energy, maybe she’d run out?  
She tried to prop herself up, but Kamuy was faster.  The giant woman lifted her by her neck, squeezing just enough to hurt, but not so bad that she couldn’t breathe.   Obviously, these guys weren’t allowed to kill them.  No matter how much Aizawa had threatened to kick all their asses over the course of the term.
“No smartass remarks now, huh?” Kamuy asked, holding her at eye level.  “You got me a little mad, but when I get mad, things get broken.”  She raised Mika up a little higher, ready to give her a toss.  “This is your last roundup, Hero.”
If she wasn’t about to get slammed into the pavement, Mika would really have appreciated the taunt. As far as those went, it was a good one. She kicked, ineffectively, slamming her hooves into Kamuy’s stomach.  Of course, with her Quirk, it wasn’t doing much.
“You know,” Mika grunted, “you’re forgetting something…”
“Am I?” Kamuy’s lips pulled back in a sneer.  “What’s that?”
“This close, I don’t gotta aim my balls. What goes up… comes down!”
She fired off a ball from her left horn and jerked her own head back.  It didn’t go far, but it did distract Kamuy enough to look up.  The ball smacked her right in the face.   It wasn’t a big one, barely the size of a softball, but it did cover one eye and hit her with a pretty solid plop!  The shock made her release Mika, who fell to the ground on her butt in an undignified heap.
Which was when Ojiro struck. Or at least, that’s what Mika assumed happened.  Something struck Kamuy’s legs anyway, causing her to topple over backwards into a hole that definitely wasn’t there before.  
“Sorry,” Sato said, suddenly at her side and offering her a hand up.  She noticed he had some dirt on his face around his lips.  The hole had to be his doing then.  Beside him, Ojiro came back into view.   “Didn’t mean for that to take so long.”
“Had to wait for a moment where we could actually do something,” Ojiro said.  “Even if she didn’t see me, not much I could do unless she was off-balance.”
Mika waved it off. “Nah, you guys did good.”
Unfortunately, all it had bought them was a brief respite.  Kamuy jumped out of the hole, landing with a solid thump.
She cracked her knuckles noisily.  “You little Heroes used up your shot.  Now it’s my turn.”
In the time between Tensei’s communication with the others and his arrival back at the civilian defense shelter, the scene had become a warzone.  Below, he could see Shoji and Toshi fighting with Jawbreaker, with even Toshi’s gravity backed ricochet blows having little effect on the massive Villain. Haimawari arrived on the ground moments later, peppering Jawbreaker with his blasts, but he succeeded in only distracting him long enough to buy Toshi and Shoji a moment.
Also on the ground, Mineta, Sato, and Ojiro were dodging out of the way of Kamuy, mostly looking like they were trying to avoid giving her any additional power.  Based upon his observation, she had decreased in overall mass by at least fifteen percent since his previous encounter with her.  Tensei winced as Sato narrowly avoided another of the woman’s blows, but let out a sigh of relief as Takuma finally arrived on the scene, temporarily restraining Kamuy with his tape.
And in the air… Raptor was putting up a valiant fight against his sister and Tokoyami’s Frog-Shadow.   According to both Shinso and Takuma, the winged Villain could not actually “fly” like winged Heroes like Hawks or Kestrel, instead relying on his ability to generate powerful winds to keep himself aloft.  It required a continuous expenditure and forced him to keep himself in motion, much like his and his sister’s Jetpack Quirks.
But Raptor’s wind blasts were enough to keep both of his attacks from reaching him.  Tensei poured on his speed as he watched his sister fire the capture rope built into her gauntlet, but it too was buffeted by the winds and fell back harmlessly.  
Fortunately, Raptor did not see him.  With one final burst of speed, he came up on the Villain and swung out a fist for a high speed punch.  It connected with a solid clang of armored fist on flesh, sending Raptor tumbling out of the air.  
“Good to see you are safe, Little Brother!” Sora said, as they both jetted after the Villain, who was flapping his wings and calling up a gale to right himself.
“As I must remind you, I am a statistically insignificant amount of time younger than you!” he snapped back.  “That appellation is highly inappropriate!”
“Hey, argue later!” Frog-Shadow shouted after them, being recalled by Tokoyami. “Sheesh, when I’m being the sensible one…”
A sharp blade of wind split the air between them, forcing both Tensei and his sister into evasive maneuvers.  The familiar was right.  It was hardly the time for arguments.  Instead, it was time for…
Tensei turned his head slightly to look at his sister, who, seeming to have sensed his intent, was now looking at him.  “Double Rocket Attack?” he asked.
“Double Rocket Attack!” Sora confirmed, confidently.
Both adjusted their flight paths so they were facing each other, then linked hands and fired an extra boost of speed through their Jetpacks.  It sent them spinning and both stretched their legs out as far as they would go. Spinning around and around, Tensei’s legs smacked hard into Raptor, followed immediately by Sora’s, again and again.
“And make way for me!” Frog-Shadow shouted.  Tensei and Sora backed off as, at what appeared to be Tokoyami’s direction, Frog-Shadow-swooped in and rushed Raptor, slamming into his mid-section, her arms and hands extending to grab his wings. Pinned, he seemed helpless as he slammed into the ground not far from Tokoyami.
Tensei touched down, Sora right behind him.  “Is he subdued?” he asked.
“I am afraid not,” Tokoyami replied. “He is… struggling still.”
She was right. Frog-Shadow was strong, of course, but Raptor seemed to be a rather powerful Villain as well.  And while she had pinned his wings enough to prevent them from use in flight, she could not grasp every feather… The tips of his wings snapped forward, hitting Frog-Shadow with focused and sharp blades of wind. The familiar let out a cry of alarm and pain one echoed by Tokoyami, and snapped back, allowing him to rise again.   Raptor got back on his feet in an instant, wings spreading out behind him for another attack.   They snapped forward, shooting out another blade of air. But it sailed over their heads.
“Ha!” Sora taunted. “You missed, Villain!”
Raptor simply sneered. “Did I?”
Tensei turned to look behind them, just in time to watch the wave of pressurized air slam into the roof of the civilian defense shelter, sending their classmates tumbling over the edge!
Koharu let out a sharp gasp as the members of Class 1-A who were on the roof were sent tumbling over the edge by the wind blast from Raptor.  The girl with the white and red hair—Todoroki, she remembered now—reacted quickly though, forming an ice slide that brought them down to the ground chillily and probably uncomfortably, but all in one piece.  The explosive girl, Kirishima-Bakugo, checked on Todoroki to make sure she was okay, but Todoroki pointed towards the fight.  With that, the students who had been on the roof joined the fight proper.
“Still waiting on that answer, Kocho,” Aizawa said.  “What would you do against these Villains?”
“Give the girl a break, Aizawa,” All Might said.  “She wasn’t expecting to get challenged like that.”
“Heroes have to think on their feet,” Aizawa said.  “If she can’t do that, she’s got no business joining my class.”
“She’s in the room, you two,” Vice-Principal Midnight reminded them.  
“It’s, it’s okay,” Koharu said.  “It’s a fair question.”   On the screens, she watched as Kirishima-Bakugo hit Jawbreaker with a series of explosive-backed punches, giving Midoriya, Haimawari, and Shoji a brief respite.  Even as he swatted her away, Shinso hit the Villain with a sonic blast of force.  
“That the best you can do, kid?” Jawbreaker taunted, looming large over the small boy, who suddenly seemed even smaller in the moment.  “You giving me the kid’s gloves treatment?”
There was a stillness in the room, a baited breath that told her this was a very important moment, even if she didn’t understand the context.
“Not… even… CLOSE!” Shinso made the word itself into a scream, hitting Jawbreaker with a much more powerful blast that knocked the Villain across the street.
“I knew he still had it in him!” Aizawa said, very nearly rising from his seat. Was he… proud? What was the story there?  All Might and Midnight were much less restrained, letting out louder cheers.
“Ahem,” Aizawa said. “Back to the question.”
“Er, yes, sir,” Koharu said. “Jawbreaker…  He’s got to see, right?  So I’d probably try to blind him with my String Shot.  I’m not strong enough to hurt him and he doesn’t look like he breathes, so I couldn’t use any of my scale powders, like my paralysis agent or my poison, so… I might be able to restrain him or at least keep him busy until somebody with a different Quirk comes along.”
Aizawa did not give her any indication as to whether or not that was the correct answer.
On the screens, the fights went on. Sero and Mineta combined their sticky Quirks to restrain Kamuy, setting up Kaminari and Todoroki to join the fight.  Todoroki flicked a hand, sending out a wave of ice that covered her legs and temporarily immobilizing her, while Kaminari unleashed an electrical blast from her gauntlets.  Kamuy jerked under the attack for a moment, but then began to laugh.
“Oh, yeah!” she cackled. “That’s the stuff!”   She was growing larger and more muscular, breaking out of the ice easily.  
“Oh, no fair!” Mineta shouted, dodging out of the way of Kamuy’s blows.  “She can absorb energy too?!  I know Shinso didn’t say that!”
“In his defense,” Aizawa said, seeming to come to the boy’s defense, “it didn’t come up much.  All of her recorded battles were with Heroes with more physical Quirks.”
Koharu winced at Kamuy tagged Mineta with a heavy punch.  The horned girl went flying, went down, and did not get up.  Sero wrapped a strip of tape around her arm, but she flicked her arm and pulled him to her instead, smashing her other fist into his face with enough force to crack his helmet and drop him instantly.
“Um,” she said, feeling slightly bad watching 1-A get beat up like that. “Kamuy absorbs physical attacks. So I wouldn’t want to engage directly. But my scales would probably work. Keep her distracted, keep her fighting and breathing hard, and I could paralyze her or put her to sleep.”
Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option for the students fighting her.  Powerful blows quickly took down Sato, the poor guy not getting a chance to do much now that she was powered up and enraged.  Probably revenge for dropping the telephone pole on her. Kamuy turned her attention back to Kaminari and Todoroki, with Kaminari putting herself in front of the girl with the two-tone hair.  Koharu watched as she plugged her Extension Cords into other parts of her uniform, opening panels that revealed lights and speakers.  The resulting sound and light barrage stunned Kamuy for a moment, giving the girls a moment to retreat.  In the resultant confusion, Koharu realized she’d lost track of Ojiro…
On another screen, the Heroes fighting Raptor were doing a little better than the rest.  The glowing boy, Aoyama, had joined the Iida twins and Tokoyami, adding bolts of blinding light to the fight.  With Raptor disoriented, the twins both jetted around him, firing some kind of capture line from their gauntlets, circling him several times to pin his wings.  Tokoyami sent forth her frog thing again, and this time it let Raptor have it with a one-two punch that sent his head spinning, knocking the winged man down and out.
“And him,” Koharu said, “I’d probably end up fighting in the air, which isn’t great, even if I can actually fly and he’s just blasting himself around.  Because those winds could send anything I send at him back or somewhere else. I’m immune to my own scales, but other people wouldn’t be. Too risky.  He’s tough… but I might have to risk trying to out-fly-fight him. He doesn’t look like he’s meant for fighting someone who can stay up in the air with him.”
“Good answers!” All Might told her. The compliment made her smile.  “Two out of five down.  Think they can pull it off?”
Kimiko was about to do something incredibly stupid.  But Mineta and Kenta were down and nothing Todoroki or Kaminari were throwing at Kamuy was going anything to slow her down for more than a moment.  Plus, there was the whole absorbing energy thing to deal with, which nullified Kaminari’s best attacks.
She’d gone invisible as soon as the woman had started swinging.  It had kept her safe, but it wasn’t doing anybody else any good.  Kimiko considered herself pretty good in a fight and she was a master of hitting things (as Kenta and Takuma could tell you), but against Kamuy…
Todoroki unleashed a blast of flame and that was what finally made Kamuy falter, dodging out of the way of the fire.  Fire wasn’t really energy like Kaminari’s electricity was, so maybe she couldn’t absorb that?  Over her shoulder, she could see the group that had been fighting Raptor rushing to join the last two ongoing fights.  The Twins were jetting off to help Midoriya’s group, while Aoyama and Tokoyami were coming Kamuy’s direction.
Either way, she had an opening.  It was time to do something stupid.   Keeping herself invisible and silent, she took a running jump and landed on Kamuy’s back.
“What the hell?” Kamuy shouted, trying to reach back to dislodge her.  But as muscular as she was, she didn’t have the flexibility to dislodge her, especially since she couldn’t see her.  Her legs wrapped around Kamuy’s middle, Kimiko reached up and put her hands on Kamuy’s face and extended her Quirk.  Normally, when she extended her Quirk over someone else, if she did it right, she could allow them to continue to see, even though light was no longer reaching their eyes.  Some kind of layering thing, Doctor Izumi had said, where she wasn’t stopping all of it, just some of it.  
But if she pushed it just right…
She couldn’t see it, but she could only imagine the horror show that was Kamuy’s eyes disappearing from her face.   “I can’t see!” Kamuy screamed, thrashing this way and that to try shake Kimiko off, but she’d learned more than a few things from her dad about clinging like a monkey.   “Gonna kill you, brat…!”
“Hit her now, guys!” Kimiko yelled.  “Hit her now!”
“But, I can’t…” Kaminari started.  
“It would not be safe…” Todoroki added.
Right.  Dammit.  Kaminari’s electricity and Todoroki’s fire would probably hurt her too.  Her best idea yet in this fight and she hadn’t thought it all the way through!
“Then leave it to moi!” Aoyama called out.   She could hear a faint sound, growing louder, a high pitched whine as he powered up his light to intense levels.  “Blinding Dazzle Beam!” Focused on Kamuy, Kimiko couldn’t see him from her perch, but she could hear the sound of a powerful laser firing.
Tokokyami’s voice joined in. “Verdant Cross-Slash!”
“Here I go!”
Kimiko jumped off just in time to see the combination of Aoyama’s laser and Tokoyami’s Frog-Shadow strike Kamuy, taking the big woman completely off guard and knocking her down.
“All right!” Kaminari shouted, doing what Kimiko hoped was supposed to be a victory dance.  “Go team!  Take that, scary giant lady!”
“Um, Chihiro…” Todoroki began, looking behind Kaminari.
“Not now, Izumi, I’m doing my victory dance!”
“I really think you should listen,” Tokoyami said.
“And look behind you,” Aoyama added.
“And please stop dancing,” Kimiko said.  “It’s just embarrassing.  And really not the time…!”
“Okay, I don’t know what I’m expecting to see, but I’m going to turn around and… aw, dammit!”
Kamuy was getting right back up.  She was steaming and shrinking a little, maybe using some of what she’d absorbed to keep herself going… but she was far from down.  The giant woman clapped her hands together faster than the eye could follow, unleashing a massive shockwave.  
Kimiko only had time to scream before everything went dark.
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