#except that was the fashion back in 2002
bearsandbeansart · 1 year
Back when Xmen: Evolution first aired, I thought Kurt's civvies were really stupid; who tucks their shirt into their boxers? What a weird design decision, right? Except now I am trying to draw Kurt hanging upside down and it makes so much sense. His shirt doesn't bag or fall down towards his face when it's tucked in.
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wumblr · 11 months
just saw a y2k blog call evanescence scene AND emo and i don't know, i just want to clarify that you couldn't be scene without a jelly slap bracelet, you couldn't be emo without a ska-checker sweatband, and EVANESCENCE WAS GOTH. clip in hair extensions were scene, hair dye was goth, and long bangs with a spiked undercut were emo. raccoon eyeliner could go either way but it was mostly goth. goths couldn't wear those fake rubber barbed wire bracelets (SCENE), and neither scene nor emo kids would be caught dead wearing a silver crucifix (goth). saying that would have started fights in 2002 except that it was too immediately self evident and obvious at the time to have ever been said
of course there was a lot of overlap, and each of these had localized variations, such as in utah, where you would routinely see guys in white button down shirts and ties making a mockery of mormon missionaries by pairing these with scene affectations (unruly bedhead, but not an undercut) at the lo-fi cafe (emo) BUT NOT wearing a crucifix. there WERE arbitrary and unspoken lines you could not cross. liking music from a subculture that you had not chosen was not verboten, but mixing and matching fashion accessories was. you could casually convert from one to the other if you wanted, BUT NOT if you were a prep or a poseur. THAT required a whole exorcism to prove you were really serious (one of the FEW things all three could agree on)
taking back sunday was scene, but straylight run was emo. something corporate was emo, but afi was goth. perhaps counterintuitively, owl city was scene, but ladytron was goth. from first to last was emo, but that didn't stop skrillex from being in it. it's literally not complicated. dubstep is postemo, unless you're listening to actual uk garage dub or jamaican dancehall, in which case you are probably a stoner. what was i saying
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goodnightmemes · 2 years
❛ There comes a time for every vampire when the idea of eternity becomes momentarily unbearable. ❜
❛ Immortality seems like a good idea until you realize you’re going to spend it alone. ❜
❛ With one sentence, I betrayed everything about my kind. Betrayed our code of secrecy. ❜
❛ All that you’ve ever dreamed of, I’m going to make yours. This is your lucky day. ❜
❛ Giving the world a new god. Me. ❜
❛ I’ve hidden in the shadows for centuries. It’s time to share myself with the world. ❜
❛ Could you prove it? You know, give us a demonstration of your powers. ❜
❛ Won’t these vampires be pissed off that you’re giving away secrets? ❜
❛ Come out, come out, wherever you are. ❜
❛ A voice calling to me in my dreams. ❜
❛ I don’t want you to go. But you must. ❜
❛ You must be with your own. ❜
❛  l’ll always be watching over you. ❜
❛ I want to stay with you forever. ❜
❛ I think that it’s a vampire coven. ❜
❛ We record and observe, but never interfere. ❜
❛ I had to see it for myself. ❜
❛ Promise me you’ll never go back to that place. ❜
❛ I doubt they’ll find you. You’re a long way from home. ❜
❛ You’re weak, near passing. I can barely hear your heartbeat. ❜
❛ You will help me understand these times. That’s why I chose you. ❜
❛ Drink and live. ❜
❛ Don’t be afraid. It’s only your body that dies. ❜
❛ A vampire’s life is a life of discretion. ❜
❛ Why must we hide? We are the powerful, we are the immortal. We should walk fearless in the open, no? ❜
❛ You must be dead to the world. ❜
❛ You still have a few lingering mortal emotions. They’ll serve you no good, my friend. ❜
❛ The faces of my victims haunted me, reminding me of my fate. ❜
❛ Would you like me to play for you? ❜
❛ She respects nothing except the taste of blood, human and immortal alike. ❜
❛ My teacher left me to my darkest lesson. That in the end, we are alone. ❜
❛ There aren’t any ancients left. They all turned to dust. So unless you’ve got him in a bottle somewhere. ❜
❛ Now this will only hurt a little bit. In fact, you might even enjoy it. ❜
❛ You should be more careful. ❜
❛ How presumptuous. ❜
❛ I know a lot of things. ❜
❛ What else do you think you know? ❜
❛ You’re shaking. ❜
❛ Go on. Tell me more about me. ❜
❛ Well that makes you a very clever librarian. ❜
❛ Don’t worry. Your kind never satisfies my thirst. ❜
❛ Listen to me very carefully now. You are no longer seeing things clearly. ❜
❛ Still wearing the old fashions, I see. ❜
❛ How did you manage to slip through the ‘50s in red velvet? ❜
❛ After all this time, what’s the occasion? ❜
❛ Oh, please. It’s a little too late to come over all paternal now. ❜
❛ You almost cost me everything. Now you’ve done it again. ❜
❛ Vampires don’t settle old scores. We harbor them. ❜
❛ I’ve always known where you are. ❜
❛ Besides, l just had to look for the most gauche house on the block. ❜
❛ Did you think of anyone but yourself? ❜
❛ I only have myself. You taught me that. ❜
❛ It may be time to get ready for some company. ❜
❛ Can’t you hear it? Or is the applause all you can hear now? ❜
❛ We were once mortals too. It is our heritage we protect. ❜
❛ Such reverence for mortals. Then you should have left me as one. ❜
❛ All he’s going to remind you of soon is a pile of bones. ❜
❛ Better dead than alone. ❜
❛ Oh, my God, I can’t believe it’s really you! I’m your biggest fan. ❜
❛ Why are you following me? What do you want? ❜
❛ So you come all this way just to return this to me? Out of the goodness of your heart? ❜
❛ I want you to show me what it’s like. To be like you. ❜
❛ How are you going to spend your last night, as you always have, alone? ❜
❛ You’re beautiful to me because you’re human. ❜
❛ Your frailty, your short years, your heart, even as you think it’s breaking. All that seems suddenly more precious than anything I have ever known. ❜
❛ I’m not as precious as you think. ❜
❛ Let me be with you. Let me know everything. ❜
❛ Now you see?! Are you ready?! Now do you want it?! ❜
❛ Why so surprised, my love? You called, I have come. ❜
❛ You thought it was all you? The ego of a king as well. ❜
❛ I know that you crave to have the world at your feet. And I have come to give it to you. ❜
❛ We live everywhere and anywhere we choose. The world is our garden. ❜
❛ For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m home. ❜
❛ Strange that this journey should lead me here. This place that’s haunted my dreams. ❜
❛ Forever is a very long time. ❜
❛ You haven’t aged, you haven’ t changed at all. ❜
❛ My way of coping with eternity. ❜
❛ You are what keeps me connected to the world of the living. ❜
❛ This is but a taste of what we shall share, my love. ❜
❛ They believed in nothing. Now they are nothing. ❜
❛ We will give the world something to believe in again. ❜
❛ My children. It warms my blood to see you all gathered, plotting against me. ❜
❛ We’ve found other ways to coexist. ❜
❛ They are nothing to us. They are merely food. ❜
❛ You think you can change my will? ❜
❛ I’ve had enough of this discussion. Join me or die. ❜
❛ You will not touch her! ❜
❛ You still think to challenge me? ❜
❛ You kill me, you kill yourselves. ❜
❛ She’s not dead. She sleeps. ❜
❛ No, I’m too old to live forever. ❜
❛ Well, if you ever change your mind… ❜
❛ So this is goodbye. ❜
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ginger-snaps014 · 2 years
Random Scooby Doo thought for the void: Daphne is the most versatile character. Because her main trait is being the “It Girl” and the definition of It Girl constantly changes with time.
Scooby Doo Where are You (1969) - This version of Daph is the Beauty in the Beauty vs Brains dichotomy that girls were shoved into. She is put together, slightly sassy, and everyone’s pick. Whether a girl is needed to fill in for a movie star on set, whether a kidnapping victim is required for a villainous scheme (except once), whether Fred needs pick someone when he splits up and looks for clues, she’s the top pick. Like every beauty queen Rom-Com lead, her flaw is being clumsy. She often gets called boring by modern day fans, but that’s because she perfectly conforms to expectations of the “perfect” girl. She has as much personality as many female leads in older movies. It’s just an understated humor, kindness, and class. She is a friend of the group. While the second wave feminists movement is going on, Daph represents more traditional girly womanhood and Velma represents the other options for girl (smarts, less fashion, etc. - it’s kids show so not much here, but most cartoons didn’t even have 2 female characters in the main cast unless one was a ditz, villain or the same character in a different color)
Scooby Doo Movies (1972) and the Scooby Doo Show (1976) - she does not change much. You just have more people appreciating her looks.
Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo (1979) and the New Scooby and Scrappy Show (1983) - Not my favorite show tbh. Daph doesn’t show up in every episode and Fred and Velma are no where to be seen. Scappy Doo is overused to the point he becomes one of the most hated characters is all of Hanna Barbara history. Where Daph does show up, she has significantly more agency on the story. Without Fred or Velma to seek out mysteries or solve them, Daph had too pick up the slack. She gains more lines and shows that she had intelligence and her adventurous nature. Her character doesn’t change or become a genius. She just has room to speak (instead of just looking good). She starts taking a leadership role as the most grounded character. Her girly-ness is less emphasized as there is not another female lead to contrast against.
The 13 Ghost of Scooby Doo (1985) - The first big change happens and wow!! Daph has a Charlie Angels make over. She has Ferrah Fawcett hair. She has a 1980s vogue/ princess Diana jumpsuit. She is pilot. She is the leader of the group as they travel. She is even sassier. She is a friend, but more vocal. She is still the most grounded of the new gang, and known for her looks. But now she has morals guiding her (hi Regan era). Her kindness is still percent. But this is her first all over makeover following popularity of female women having active hero roles in movies in tv (instead of just damsel in distress, love interest of action star, femme fetal, etc.). She is clearly still the same character but now in Charlie Angels font
A Pup Named Scooby Doo (1988) - Daphne in her Molly Ringwald phase. Now sporting the most popular color for girls (you can read marketing essays about the 80s but the pink was picked on purpose), Daph is back. She has valley girl levels of shopping and fashion love. She is not pretty- she is passionate about clothing, She is now super rich to match the “Greed is Good” consumerism of the era. She even has a butler and is allergic to cheap fabric. Her main look comes from teen qeeen of the brat pack Molly herself - just look at the bob. She is still kind, still sassy, and still a great friend of the gang. She just got a John Hughes and 90210 update.
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island (1998) and Scooby Doo direct to video movies until Cyber Chase (2001)- Meet Career Daphne! She is a news anchor/tv show host. She rocks a suit. She leads the chase to find a mystery! She is excited for the ghosts and an adventure. She loves and misses her friends. She is full of heart. She is still girly, but in a more adult way. Love this version. Her interest in Fred is confirmed in witches ghost. She is a friend, kind and sassy.
Scooby Doo (2002) and sequel - the live action movie explicitly goes into Daphne’s transformation from damsel to black belt bad ass. She is played by Buffy. She is still known as pretty, but shows that she does not want to be just a pretty face. She is still a little sassy and kind (at least to everyone who respects her Fred and Velma). She is forgiving. If doing a character arch about the gang, not being friends, this is how you do it. It’s them learning to come back together. And work through the issues stated early on. She is a little whiny for my tastes, but clearly still Daphne. In the sequel, she is truly herself. Being a true friend to the gang. Helping Velma. Being good at fashion and girly things (and not being weak because femininity isn’t equal to bad or less than). Being kind and sassy
What’s New Scooby Doo (2002) - Following the popularity of the movies, a new reboot came. Daph keeps here black belt skills. Her 13 ghost action hero tendencies turn into sports movies athleticism. She can surf, etc. She loves fashion and makeup (and again that doesn’t make her a bad person which is something media likes to do so round of applause scooby). Still pretty, kind, sassy, rich and a great friend. She continues on her trajectory to be an active role on the team.
Direct to video movies (2003-present) - honestly this is my favorite Daph! She is everything that came before. She is pretty, kind, sassy and a good friend (the core - though pretty is less her and more how others react to her). She is still a blackbelt. She can still fly planes. She is still understated to the point others don’t know her talent. She still has her unspoken thing with Fred. She is still the most most athletic and action-hero like (just look at her be a jousting knight). She is still rich (and her family has a castle in Scotland). She is still girly, fashion oriented, etc. and most times that is used positively (F you Frankenstein fat phobia movie). The best of these movies are made by people who love scooby and prior versions. The worst can disappear to the past because we have so many good ones (hi lochness monster, where’s my mummy, abracadabra, camp scare, sword and scoob, etc.) yes the characters here change too over time but there is still a uniform feel to them even as the animation gets cleaner and more modern
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc. (2010) - Hello to the Twilight Bella lovesick version of Daph. Honestly not my favorite (I do love the series), but I never liked Bella that much either. Daph is still pretty, kind, sassy, rich and a great friend. But now she pines for Fred like he sparkles in sunlight. She still has that it girl factor cause if people to pick her to join the Hex Girls or as a romantic interest. She is no longer shown to be particularly popular. Just a nice girl with a weird hobby. She is still girly and fashionable, but the show shows how that passion isn’t any weirder, worse or less valuable than Fred trap making hyper-focus. She now as dynamic family issues, but her found family is clearly the gang.
Be Cool Scooby Doo (2015) - a good show ruined by bad design. Daphne here is a mix of Jenna Marbles and Mable Pines. Like the YouTube royal, Daph engages is random weekly gags and is would not be surprising is she decided to randomly apply 100 layers of lipstick for shits and giggles. Quirky as Mable she loves her hobbies and puppets. She goes full tilt for her “trending” gag of the week. She still had that “it factor” that makes her a spectacle wherever she goes. Now it less visual and more action based. But you still can’t look away. Her looks for the first time are not emphasized. But She still is recognizable visually. She is still kind, sassy, and a great friend. Honestly, loved this update for a gen z Daph.
Scoobynatural (2018) aka that supernatural episode where same and dean get sucked into scooby Doo - while not scooby oriented, this works. She is kind and a good friend. Has an unspoken thing for Fred. Has that it factor that draws people in (or at least dean), but is unaware or uninterested. She is sassy, but never cruel. Her existential crisis is hilarious (but weird since she, shaggy and scooby are the main 3 who deal with real ghosts thanks to the 1980s). Totally acceptable version.
Scooby Doo Guess Who (2019) - this was a return to form. She is an more exaggerated version of her What’s New Scooby Doo persona. Honestly, this show holds less of an impact for a reason. It wasn’t an update for a new audience. It seemed a little tired to me to do the same thing as 17 years prior. A lot changed in that time. Not bad, just not much new to say.
Scoob (2020) - character design is great. She is called the heart of the group. Introduced as Wonder Woman - showing off her pop culture update (we are in the ears of comic book movies) and heroic character. Honestly, the human gang needed more screen time. But she was kind, a good friend, and had some sass.
Velma (2023) - This is a bad version of Daph (at least so far… maybe they will do a character development thing later on). It’s bad because it fails to keep Daph’s core traits. Let’s talk about the things they did decently. She is no longer rich. This is the eat the rich era so this makes her more likable and less like Musk. She is shown to be pro-rainbow. Again, this is great. Gen Z and aloha are the most tolerant generation to date. She kisses Velma (something hinted at in What’s New Scooby Doo). She has lesbian moms. Having the it girl be diverse says the best thing about our society’s changing culture. You can be “it” without being white. She has K-pop vibes with her eastern Asian appearance and bright Daphne hair. Which is popular in media. She feels cw which has a lot of teen shows. Sooooooooooo everything not about her personality. Here is the bad. Her personality is not Daphne. She a bitch. Not kind. She is mean to Velma (and others). Not a friend. She deals drugs. Not the moral character. They made me dislike my favorite character- WTF?? Also, hate her over sexualization. She is a teenager in this series!! Yuck! Every iteration was made to appeal to the next generation. So why was this version made like an early 00’s, pre me too, oversexed mean girl? Supernatural one off episode was an exception to the rule because it was not cannon and because we were seeing Daph through Sam and Dean’s words. They didn’t show he as a teenage and naked. Also, she is never trashy. This is trashy. Again maybe they will do a story arch to see her becoming Daphne, but she is not Daphne now. Being popular is not enough for her to have “it”. She im does not draw your eye or the eye of other characters on the screen. Being hot, is treated as being vapid and shallow. So much for showing girly girls that it’s okay to embrace your femininity because you won’t be a bad person. Hello “I not like other girls” mentality. She might as well be an animated character…. Which would be fine is it were an animated riverdale version that still had her core traits. This is just an unrecognizable rando with red hair.
In short, Daphne’s character is that if the kind, sassy, good friend with that “it” factor that draw characters of her world to her. She is visually pretty with red hair and in purple (with one decent exception). The add-ons to her personality change with what is popular at the time. Making her the versatile character in the gang. With every reboot, she represents the most recent trends for admirable feminine characters. SHE IS NOT A BITCH
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smallerplaces · 10 months
2023 in Review 3: the Katie Krew
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The Katie Krew did not start out to be a krew.
When I first started thinking about getting back into dolls, I happened on a discussion of Creata's "clones" from the 1980s. Like a lot of fashion doll lines of the late 20th century, it's unclear how much the dolls were actual clones and how much they were simply fashion dolls doing their own thing. The rock 'n' roll Creata line, for instance, was probably a clone for Hasbro's Jem & the Holograms. But the Creata Flower Fairies? Much less clear.
Really unclear on its clone origins is the 6-1/4" doll at front left, with dark curled hair, wearing her karate practice outfit over a red striped top. That's Creata's "Today's Girls" Hillary. "Today's Girls" debuted several years before Stacie was a twinkle in Mattel's eye, but long after Todd and Tutti. There's really no Mattel niche that these dolls match! They were definitely also used as little sisters for the Flower Fairies, but mine was sold as a little equestrian (foreshadowing Kid Kore's horse riders).
My first Kid Kore Katie happened because I was researching Native American clone dolls (there were a lot in the 1990s). I bookmarked on eBay a cute and cheap brown-skinned doll with dark braids -- the doll now sitting in the front row wearing checked shorts and a blue and pink jersey, waiting for her hair to be rebraided. That's a Dancing Brook, the "little sister" of the Heartland families. She is now officially called Brooke.
Then it was a no-brainer to get a Rosa Lee, the Romani Katie. She's the curly haired brown girl behind Hillary, wearing a flowered dress.
The golden-blonde Katie, now named Isabelle, came as a lot with my Black(ish) 2002 Jodi, along with the brunette Katie that was shorn and flocked in titian to become Ben. Isabelle is at middle right, wearing an aqua gingham cowgirl outfit with gold trim. Ben is perched above her in khakis and a red and aqua sweater. (Katie originally had a brown-haired dude pal (Todd clone) named Kyle, who was also dressed in western wear as Pistol Pete. Kyle is hard to find, and it was more fun to make my own younger brother for my redheaded Kelsey.
Bette Mae, the brown gal with lots of straight black hair, wearing the pink striped shirt at middle left, is my second Dancing Brook. She's named for one of the leaders of the Seminoles in Florida, as I decided to have the two Dancing Brooks come from different tribes. She arrived with a large lot of vintage Katie clothes, which is why everyone here except Hillary has shoes!
Katies are absolutely, positively a direct competitor with Mattel's Stacie. They appear in a sister pack in 1992. However, Katie has a slightly younger sister, Carla, who was being sold as "Girls Club" before Stacie launched. Carla had a Katie head mold on what sure looks in photos like a Creata 6.25" body like Hillary.
The Katie Krew proved so compelling that I got rid of my 1990s Stacie and Whitney dolls, who'd once been major thrift finds (but Stacie had worn the same outfit for 10 years, so my enthusiasm wasn't as high as I thought). I'm still a little on the fence about Bette Mae, but every time I put her next to Brooke, I notice subtle differences in their face-up and decide she's uniquely adorable.
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lithellyl · 1 year
There needs to be a good Transgender Goth band
this is an idea, thrown together with ChatGPT and Leonardo.AI
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"Turn Back The Endless Child" was a groundbreaking transgender goth band that emerged in the 80s and gained popularity through the 90s and early 2000s. The band members were known not only for their exceptional musical talents but also for their captivating stage presence and expressive gender identities.
Raven Moonshadow (Genderfluid, They/Them): Raven was the lead vocalist and the heart of the band. Their appearance featured a mix of goth and androgynous elements, with long black hair, dramatic dark makeup, and ethereal outfits. They had an enigmatic stage presence that captivated audiences with their powerful and emotive voice.
Orion Duskfire (Guitarist, Non-Binary, They/Them): Orion's guitar skills infuse the band's music with a raw and emotive energy. They have an androgynous appearance, with multi-colored hair, adorned with unique and mysterious ensembles that blend elements of gothic and punk fashion.
Astral Noir (Transfeminine, She/Her): Astral played the bass guitar and provided backup vocals. She embraced her feminine side with gothic elegance, wearing Victorian-inspired clothing and dark accessories. Her deep, resonating bass lines added a haunting atmosphere to the band's music.
Lunar Eclipse (Transmasculine, He/Him): Lunar was the drummer, bringing a dynamic and rhythmic force to the band. He showcased his androgynous style through dark, punk-inspired fashion, with striking tattoos and piercings. His powerful beats provided the band's music with an intense and driving energy.
Stella Stardust (Non-Binary, They/Them): Stella was the keyboardist and a master of electronic soundscapes. They embraced a cyber-goth look with neon hair, futuristic makeup, and cyberpunk attire, blending elements of both masculinity and femininity into their unique style.
Album: Eternal Shadows (1990)
Notable Tracks: "Silent Moonrise," "Crimson Veil," "Ghostly Whispers"
Album: Beyond the Veil (1993)
Notable Tracks: "Serpentine Dreams," "Transcendence," "Wings of Night"
Album: Metamorphosis (1997)
Notable Tracks: "Eclipse of the Soul," "Rebirth," "Infinite Horizon"
Album: The Enigma Within (2002)
Notable Tracks: "Phantom Masquerade," "Eternal Struggle," "Violet Embers"
Most Popular Songs:
One of the band's biggest hits was "Transcendence," from their album Beyond the Veil. The song showcased Raven Moonshadow's incredible vocal range and the band's ability to merge haunting melodies with gothic undertones. "Eclipse of the Soul" from Metamorphosis was also widely celebrated, showcasing Lunar Eclipse's powerful drumming and Astral Noir's mesmerizing basslines.
Transcendence Lyrics
Verse 1: In the twilight's embrace, we stand as one, Beyond the veil of shadows, we've just begun, Lost in the dance of time, we're spirits intertwined, Through endless nights, our souls entwined.
Pre-Chorus: We break the chains that bind, Transcending what's defined, In darkness, we'll find our light, Through the depths of the night.
Chorus: Transcendence, we rise above, In unity, we find our love, Embracing the unknown, We claim our own throne.**
Verse 2: In the moon's soft caress, we find our way, The secrets of the universe, we'll not betray, As stars paint the skies, our journey takes flight, Through cosmic seas, our spirits ignite.
Pre-Chorus: We break the chains that bind, Transcending what's defined, In darkness, we'll find our light, Through the depths of the night.
Chorus: Transcendence, we rise above, In unity, we find our love, Embracing the unknown, We claim our own throne.
Bridge: In metamorphosis, we find our strength, In every tear, our resilience is length, Through trials and pain, we rise once more, Together we soar, forever we'll endure.
Instrumental Break:
Chorus: Transcendence, we rise above, In unity, we find our love, Embracing the unknown, We claim our own throne.
3Outro: In the twilight's embrace, we stand as one, Beyond the veil of shadows, we've just begun, Lost in the dance of time, we're spirits intertwined, Through endless nights, our souls entwined.
Transcendence, oh, oh, oh, Transcendence, oh, oh, oh, Transcendence...
Career Highlights:
The band's greatest achievement was breaking gender and genre boundaries, becoming pioneers for transgender and gender-nonconforming musicians within the goth scene. Their music resonated with fans who found solace and empowerment in their expressive identities and themes of transformation.
"Turn Back The Endless Child" faced some controversies, mainly from conservative and intolerant groups who criticized their gender expressions and challenged their place within the music industry. However, the band's loyal fanbase and their dedication to their artistic vision helped them overcome these obstacles.
As a trailblazing band, "Turn Back The Endless Child" left an indelible mark on the goth music scene and provided representation and inspiration for transgender individuals in the world of music. Their legacy continued to influence artists for years to come, fostering a more inclusive and diverse music landscape.
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jerryantiques · 2 years
What Is An Antique Mall? With Pictures
Former U.S. Vice President John C. Calhoun as soon as lived there, and the United Nations constitution was outlined there in 1944. The property contains 10-acres of trees, together with Washington’s famed cherry blossoms, in addition to flowers and ornamental garden fixtures. The other day, I had lunch with my mom and talked about how she'd like to start amassing vintage dolls since she always dreamed of getting one when she was somewhat child however by no antique stores means was able to buy one. I need to help my mom start her collection, so I'd prefer to take her on a buying spree next weekend, and I imagine your insight will assist us identify classic and antique dolls. Thank you for the information on how vintage objects are used for accumulating and decorative purposes. This huge 17,000 square-foot market is the antique lover’s dream.
To learn and save limitless articles, signal as much as become a GH+ member. Meissen porcelain, from the German city of the same name. Don't pay huge bucks simply because it is authentic although. "With any antique or collectible, if it's not in fine condition, go away it there," Verderame advises. People typically overlook these woven artistic endeavors, however the form, sample, and the type of weaving itself can inform you a big number about a basket's perform and provenance.
I even have seen as we are actually in the third decade of the 21st Century, decades no longer appear to have any uniqueness to them. The Nineteen Nineties, 1980s, Nineteen Seventies, 1960s, etc. are very nicely distinct eras in terms of fashions, music, amongst different issues. I am sure others have noticed the same thing ---- every estate sales services time I watch a film from earlier than 2000 I can all the time tell what decade it was made. However, in motion pictures of this new century, I cannot inform the difference between 2002, 2012, and even except for minor particulars in communication technologies. As of the date I write this comment "retro" could be considered an item made between 1982 and 2002. It's interesting that the early 2000s would now be thought-about retro.
It’s a real steal, and a real find as this place doesn't promote its navy collection. If you’re such a treasure hunter, you’ll relish the bounty of Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Sevierville in Tennessee. The selection of antiques right here is simply gorgeous and well price exploring. The space is full of antique stores – a sheer delight to newbie collectors or aficionados.
Owner Sallie Scott, 75, began working together with her mother and grandmother when she was simply nine, looking for antiques in Gaslight Square. They opened their first retail location at Delmar and DeBaliviere, later relocating to Webster Groves and then to Rock Hill, its present location for the rationale that Nineteen estate sales nj Nineties. Scott describes Emporium's stock as everything you need "for your cottage or your castle." Scott, who took over the business in her 20s, has labored with fourth generation consumers throughout the years. "Things I imported 30 years in the past have come back on consignment," she says.
That features a large assortment of vinyl records from as far again as the early 1900s, vintage clothes and hats and eclectic residence decor. The store is at present in the midst of a transfer to a new 48,000 square foot residence on South Boulevard. The Sawyers started looking out by way of thrift stores and antique retailers for any objects that fluoresced beneath a blacklight. When I asked Dan if he will get bizarre seems when poking round outlets with a black gentle, he says, “Yes, at instances, however it depends where I shop.” Some in-the-know antique stores have blacklight displays. At one other, Dan says, he shined a blacklight and watched the complete store mild up.
0 notes
jimsmovieworld · 2 years
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What is this? The greatest movie of all time?
Quite possibly yes. And i cant believe ive never seen this before now. The sweetest thing is about a group of best friends who dance, drink, have fun, and generally cause chaos wherever they go....
Cameron Diaz plays Christina Walters, the main character. She's every guys dream, but doesnt open up to them so they brush it off as her being a lesbian because its 2002.
Christina Applegate plays Courtney, shes fun, hilarious, gives legitamately good advice, and has a great pair of fake jugs.
Jimsmovieworld Hall of Famer Selma Blair plays Jane, shes stunning, lovely, and getting over a guy that left her and keeps ending up in ridiculous situations. During the course of the movie she fucks a guy in an elephant costume, takes a dress to the drycleaners after some guy busts on it and bumps into everyone shes ever met there, and accidentally gets a guys dick stuck in her mouth for hours during a blimpjob. Unreal. Selma Blair says she got the job as no one else wanted to do that scene.
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The main plot of the movie revolves around Christina meeting Peter (Thomas Jane) in a club that she initially argues with but realises shes attracted to, she missed her chance to meet him at a party and remembers his brother (Jason Bateman) is getting married. Realising this is her only chance to see him again she decides to gatecrash the wedding with Courtney. But not before picking up these electric outfits from a local store...
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The scene of them buying the dresses was fun. Basically all the scenes are fun? Love all the main actresses and they had such great rapport. They seemed like real friends and that always helps a movie be more enjoyable. Thought theyre were some hilarious moments, an occasional joke here and there that wasnt that funny, but when youre having this much fun, who cares.
The sweetest thing has flawless early 2000s vibes. Love the fashion. Enjoyed the song Strange Condition by Pete Yorn.
The Sweetest Thing was directed by Roger Kumble who also directed Selma Blair in Cruel Intentions (also the greatest movie of all time).
Was written by Nancy M Pimental who cameos as the girl who keeps throwing up in the club.
Just when you think the movie cant get any better, out of nowhere.... BANG!
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Parker Posey plays Judy! The beautiful bride to be, except it turns out that shes actually set to marry Peter! Much to the ladies surprise. Despite receiving top billing Parker is unfortunately only in a few scenes, however she was excellent as always and really brightened up the screen. Looking good Parker.
The only other thing i want to mention is that maybe half an hour into the movie they go to a chinese restaurant and start singing a song about penises that escalates into a huge musical number that the entire restaurant gets involved in. Maybe because id just eaten a large space cake before i put this on, but i nearly choked to death. Its so unbelievably ridiculous and bizarre that i couldnt stop laughing for the full 5 minutes. It was unsurprisingly cut out of the US release and only appears on the unrated dvd. In a 20 year reunion interview, all three of the main actresses said theyd love to do a sequel. Fingers Crossed.
The Sweetest Thing received pretty brutal reviews. I think this movie was very much ahead of its time in terms of having a female cast do a comedy with R rated or even just gross out gags. Theyre seem to be lots of them now but people perhaps werent ready for them back then. To wrap things up, this is the greatest movie of all time and i cant wait to rewatch it.
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A constitutional sovereign must in the common course of government be a man of but common ability. I am afraid, looking to the early acquired feebleness of hereditary dynasties, that we must expect him to be a man of inferior ability. Theory and experience both teach that the education of a prince can be but a poor education, and that a royal family will generally have less ability than other families. What right have we then to expect the perpetual entail on any family of an exquisite discretion, which if it be not a sort of genius, is at least as rare as genius?
- Walter Bagehot, The English Constitution (1867)
The British monarchy is not alone in Europe in being a constitutional monarchy within a democratic state. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands are all constitutional monarchies. Kings and queens inherit their titles and are not elected - although all those countries are also stable parliamentary democracies. All these monarchies have survived in those countries that have experienced relative stability over the last 160 years.
Where there were no overthrows, no revolutions, where the world wars had a different significance, monarchies still exist. Denmark is a good example of that. The constitutional monarchy remains in place because the majority of people do not want to abolish it. That's also the case in the other European countries but especially in Britain where recent polls show that around 80 percent of Britons are in favour of the monarchy.
 Most of the kings and queens of Europe are well over 60, and many of them are related to one another. The exception is the 55 year old King Felipe VI of Spain, who was born in Madrid in 1968, is the only son of former King Juan Carlos I and his wife, Queen Sofía. All of Europe's royal dynasties are likely to be handed down to the next generation within the next ten or 20 years. In every case, there is already a successor lined up - but the younger generation are no longer marrying among "their own." Instead, like in the wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton, they are marrying "commoners" - those without titles.
More than ever before the royal families are closer to the people nowadays - they go to normal universities and no longer feel so much pressure to marry into nobility. Hence Walter Bagehot need not lose sleep in his grave.
That never used to be the case - royal and noble families of Europe used to intermarry. Most of Europe's monarchies are descended from just a couple of families, notably the German noble families of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Even the British Queen has German blood in her veins: King George V changed the family's name from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to Windsor by royal proclamation in 1917, due to anti-German sentiment in World War One.
Come on Germany and France. Ditch the EU and get back to good old fashioned monarchy. The amount of interest in the daily lives of the European royal houses followed avidly by both the French and German public seem to suggest that there might be an appetite to bring their own monarchies back.
**Photo: Seven European monarchs photographed together for the Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee in 2002.
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jesuisgourde · 3 years
For anon, here’s a compilation of the darker stuff from Peter’s journals (Books Of Albion/the online scans/From Albion To Shangri-La). Obviously this stuff is darker and is more of his talking about addiction or mental health/emotional distress etc. So just be aware of that when reading this, I suppose. These all span from about 2002-2013.
Books Of Albion
Still death haunts the life out of many a young'un. I'm strung up useless now in the inner circle of my own conspiracy. Heroin & crack bind my ankles & scrub my back & my mattress my magic carpet whisking me into Arcady, that warm enchanted soft forbidden hiss I'll be punished for all eternity all for 1/2 and an hour of exceptional Liberty, laying alongside the arcadian wench that never forsook me not for all the impatience in hell nor all the dreary darker deeds that the well-meaning wideboy wasted love sweetest rarest hours with Abandon? It rails me, steadies
I thought that you had a clue cant you see what they're doing to me? and they're getting away with it coz you're standing back & taking that shit believe it's true... if it happened to you what do'ya think you'd do? you and I done it all understanding when you're standing against the wall but I wouldn't do that to you... now guess what I'm going to do when I catch up with you put into action what I've been feeling youre so... any idea no dont come near I've no idea what a person can take all these thoughts & I get nasty too yes I will my boy search & destroy
My nominally in disorder / in a fashion commonly nowt in this pressing matter not sort of unignorable pressure - abusive selfish conversations with the blank dirt that glues the corners of my backwards minds intogether outside the high walls levering the face off with the sticky oil of gluey tears. They dry and rip the sense out of the skin's mask. In past lives I was blank... actually deadly sleepy and convinced by my corrupt reasoning that I was wide awake and ready to break into a running jump. As it turns out I fell off a small step and ruined my jumper.
The words they put into my mouth...honestly the cut, paste & twist of the gutter journalist: will they not desist this shit and give the papple a miss. My vanity all in a twist. Ha! No stylist or publicist to protect poor Bilo in the shark infested waters of hell's canal. Oh mercy and the stench of grime and ruddy guts as assassins jackall and jostle in nasty packs about the cartoon character they have presented the numbed readers with... hit & run, dumb down and down and down, until I get picked up by some saviour or other dusted down and up & away unto Arcady. this time next year this lone salty tear that falls may yet reach the sea, drowning in rivers lost under London like Victoriana. Leaking oh my love, I was not waving I was drowning. To the merry tune of a fizzing wire mesh freebase pipey, my shadow shamefaced behind me, cor blimey. god blind me lest I see myself
more or less loss & my heart laid bare the way it comes across that I do not care feeling lost and badly dressed more and more of less & less
oh so you are not here now and so I greive the salty, sopping eventide with a mess of feeling & reeling around the forest clearing in blue that tears afford me. Salt blind I stumble into the night & pile heartache upon confusions. Alas I am last to understand my minds instructions
'come on... you've got to get out of this room for at least an hour' 'why?' Debris, ash, tin lids for egg plates, towels, c.d.s wraps, snaps. Because I love you, as the soundly winds down and the night changes its name. My she is restless, endless energy, spirit, shaking her hips & shoulders to rock and roll in leather zip trousers & stripey t-shirt & one heel what a picture I am still in bed because my body craves rest and though tis like a grave resting here so idly I cannot fathom New York or the world until the knot loosens further. I dont suppose she'll wanna read through another Hancock script. 'There's gonna be a showdown' plays again.
My few weeks of numbness, rage, derangement & solitude were not part of a design but my very core's emptiest expression.
A junky they call me and I'll refuse nothing yet (excepting a piss test, aha!) Am I not a fantastic idiot All good art comes from agony not all great art comes from agony I think I only needed something to hold onto. It has never been about depravity. It's always been about melody.... but melody & I met in many depraved situations. Meeting melody is the victory of the empty spiralling nightmare. Empty in the superficial sense
Imagine somehow poison being proved not to exist in someones heart. Imagine being unlocked from this cell
What to do in this prison. Write? Why? And for who. All you need say is 'Im in nick and it's shite' Fuck the mystery, fuck the intrigue.
[Written in Peter's handwriting] Why do you think this happens so? [Written in someone else's handwriting] what do you mean? [Written in Peter's handwriting] oh I dunno, I mean the shouting and clammering that wears heavy on my heart.... [Written in someone else's handwriting] well I think some people just love drama [Written in Peter's handwriting] I do myself....but this is a personal catastrophe anyway I'm [getting steadily larger and messier] aaaaahh
It stings when I ding, stings like fuck and it's not just to ruck & knock out the chuck my days are spent swerving prangs like old bill in a jag but reality keeps on like a nag "stop it stop it stop it" before you cop it" cop it being worse things than a sting... cop it being worse, than verses that appear in the morning too minging to sing, and there's not much worse than that thing except perhaps death. cop it is death, a blood red card from God if he were a ref
Online Journals
Perhaps this is exactly how it was planned. A lilting unearthly concern for the new centuries affectionate minions. But then how long until the next gruesome example of my own soul. In those bleak few hours tottering on the precipice I age 30 years. I'm now over 2 million years old. closer to 3 million actually
I'll never desensitize, god knows I've tried there's no meaning or comfort & I'm stuck in this role
the my lifes got no real meaning or control write some crappy catchy song you know try & get out of this hole couldnt we write some crappy snappy dont want to stay where you say I belong
Sirens doom loops fucked up kids playing fucked up guitars lives on your tongue ticket room girl lick it dean loves it mean cant get enough I'm not enough gets me though & down it goes. The blasé The bored The empty-headed The impudent The frigid The introspective The imperious The capricious The naughty The ailing The feline - a blend of childishness, nonchalance & malice.
Oh what's the point anyway? I suppose [illegible] tunnel, gets you down this reflected disgust.
in the corner of my mind I'm unfazed by addiction & lead a pure & discipled affair
I dont know any use than it makes me feel sensitive to things but I know I am blank a lot of the time.
what's that awful silent carnage pummelling at my nerve... the whole of yesterday's horror, webbed and plummeting in my little head. shudders & leaves me writhing, still this silent energy, fucked up hallucenhagenic riot I had as a kid, completely out of control, but masked. Have nae had that taste in my mouth for so long. It'll drop me dead one of these lonely nights.
we had bonded bitterly in skanky Kings Cross crack houses some two years earlier. Both of us eager to dissolve & destroy ourselves, at all costs, however meagre. we had been unsuccessful perhaps, now alive with inspiration & innocence
"Poor Natalia...' Frannle said, with what may pass this night for genuine sorrow. 'she never wanted to die, not like us, then... ‘
Is it bad to feel good? It's not good to feel bad when the walls are closing in feel like you've bee had
a tightrope, baby 9 miles high I dont know how to stop & it's a long way & down
Did I mean nothing to you what did/do I mean to you what do you want me to be? what do you want from me?
I never know what to do in these stark desperate hours when, after suffering no resistance to the reckless surge of my pollution... but what I am certain of is... (whatever they say) I am certain that I am still here somewhere in the stinking sinking quick & the dead sand 'bang me up I'm sold says the poet
theres a man who came to stay the boy he replaced disappeared without a trace gave my songs & my soul away noon would say what they needed to say, so he had his way..... if you sail into the sun beware the eyes of green and if the whole world says that you are the one I defy you to refuse them my son
You must forgive me, for I cannot forgive myself and time she stoops to conquer the lot
what good can it do the impatient hanging wretch, soul shallow-fed to full by clippings but greedy belly so empty its eating itself up, spiteful body lumped together bits under a rattling brain, metallic fever and lazy emotions stalking in the heat sprawling on the wooden seat, revelling in everyone's discomfort, sore-backed and sour, there may be some trouble this hour, like each and every hour before it This is no house of correction, this is the hostile house of justified injustice, the house of boredom, the cottage of crippled lives: those caught, stitched up, unlucky, violent, criminally insane, thiefs, hard men, faces. All Londons pockets emptied out and searched and banged up. I'm lost in these hours, never given no release date but I'm sure it must be... it has to be...
And nothing's so pure as I first though and all I was taught compared to your love amounts to nought yet Oh why must am I so easily caught in the trap that you laid for me, so openly, was I the all I could see I was sold I was bought
Image, top middle: a piece of a paper bag labelled "Disposal Bag" which has been edited with black felt tip to read "Disposal Bilo". Image, centre middle: a torn photo of Peter in a house. Only his shoulder and hand are visible Image, bottom middle: a photo from a shoot of The Libertines in their red military jackets. From left to right, John, Carl, Gary, and Peter, but Peter has torn himself out to leave a white profile.
Image, top left: a close up photo of Peter onstage, wearing a severely beat up straw hat. [Written below the photo of Peter.] Look what you done to the boy
Some mysterious devil plays us of against each other at opposite ends of hell. It is so hard to make amends.
mother I look for you in the faces of other women where are you oh European mother berets & my teeth I'm lost mum listen to the words: from a dark lonely, paranoid schizophrenic young man.....
may be, & who will save me? Hard to say... who will betray me
Oh Dolly all summer long I've been crafting sketching shades of sorrow in the saddest songs in the heart of the dirty pretty city and driving kranky fucked up punk ditties that are born as hits dead on arrival just like their punk rock revival
thoughts encircling like smugglers by a gap - for waves to spend forever and all of the mostly past running up to each other
My fingertips filthy, blistered burnt and sliced... a tatty crossfire of plasters hold the end of my right index finger together. I slit it open by accident when I was pulling the razor blade out the razor to slice my chest up with t'other night. Ended up doin' one of the geetars over a monitor on the last night of Brixton, kicking Carl's amp over, showing 5,000 people my chest, blood fury, legging it through Brixton... was caught up with by my tour 'shadow' minder (Jeff) decided, topless & freezing in the street, to head back in. Cut myself a bit more and then rejoined the boys half-way through the Good Ol' Days.
Days running into themselves, nights attacking the rigid structure of conventional subversives. Do we make ourselves sick in the soul, lungeing into long spited long long sequences of repeated oblivion.
safety pins - they that hold my life together - bend and contorted rusty sticks that dont glint coz there's no sunlight to glint 'em
I can't continue the sorrow & pain as I blankly stare at the morning sky the webs of & bubbles awash on the pane as the rains spits at the window and my tears flood the tracks of my gaze and I stumble blindly through the days and soar obliterate my ghostly nights with £200 worth of brown & white
I wanted to go home so badly yesterday. Tears in the night in the evening afternoon The other westerners out here encouraged and comforted me. I had a fucking breakdown. But there is no way out. I'm signed in for a week & the monks are adamant.
Lonely lonely lonely scared alone want to go too tired too.
I shiver in bed, trying to be honest. “I'm not so bad” What is real feeling? Apart from feeling fragility. Hiding places everywhere stashes. In the pillow in the left-flap of the bathroom
The demonic face that scratches at the underside of the skin & swishes & tears & blackens my entire void, my entire soul
What is this dull ache in my heart, these soft tears in my eyes? How can I feel so bad now, after everything? when will peace come? Does it ever? I have just been told the ward I am on - ala hot chocolate delivery - is for 'bipolars' 'manic depressives' and 'depressives' not the drug and alcohol section at Priory lodge. What does this mean? They tried to section me. Zopiclone... 7.5 mg of to help the non sleepy Bilo. 20 minutes and I'll be away I'd wager.
Sonny do not go through that door the light aint through that door Self unmade man
Apparently I am still in need of medical attention being 'sick' and 'delusional' also I have had bouts of crack psychosis and double visions to say nothing of the heebeejeebee's. I'd like to 'thankyou' say to all my fans 'for putting me where I am today' (ie in a hospital bed) in the thralls of a crisis
Friday *Musnt look a wreck *musnt look a wreck *musnt look a wreck
every single gig I play I neither do or die but reason no matter how without       hard I try I'm rotting inside with loss paranoia & pride rode in on a Trojan horse trampled over my dreams but that par for the course
cracking day up elongated nauseous rushing the gutsy calamitous drew. the gear fears nothing & nothing & gear together are fearless, nay, peerless in their assault upon my heart. I wanna cut myself up & pitilessly pitilessly he rammed it home & oh so pitiously
I think something stinks you left me here to rot in the land that time forgot to tell right from now on (wrong) they trudge on falling over aint drowning it aint funny honey I can't find the town ― it's gone stealin real fur So I'm 'a gone gone man man I wake up every day to the same old horrorshow
Taking the piss so blatant sly & sad in extremis
Wear bloody eyeliner to cover painted tears, all my wildest dreams become my deepest fears
What's the opposite of opposite? Identical. Involuntary spasms about my morning: my brain running the show (so badly) sitting feet up like the stereotypical private detective - stencils and silhouettes. Curvaceous widows and quick, loveless lives that spin out of control as the echo of sirens get lost in back alleys. Later that same day... a guitar sounds like an electronic fuzzy trumpet [illegible, page torn] Harmonies... listening they'll all be soon, spending monies. Does it harm me only? All this.... the sensation like the rubber thud of a fridge door, often corrupted. This is very similar to how my consciousness is controlled. Sleep a sometimes awkward and cold alternative to wasting away. I want to 'show 'em' anything because 'they' dont even exist, not any more. Well... to split hairs there are survivors from that era but they are all buried alive, gasping and choking in shitty non-marked graves. So am I (are to [illegible] and sincere bouts of caring for poor me)
Late raking the leaves, restless & dull at heart am I at intervals
oh but must there be another song where I can find it again? I dont want to lose my soul from my pocket.
I woke this morning with a black heart
waiting longsome songless lonesome sad solemn thoughts unknown like so many lemmings destined to follow one another off of cliff edges and high walls disintegrating in programmed graphic pixel explosives light participating in the, now formalized in scrawl occasion of apparent calamity. I do my bit you know that [illegible] And you do more than your fair share (if a romp in the hay with ice man indeed be fair)
to be here I feel a bit hemd in in A bit crowded for what reason?
From Albion To Shangri-La
Why would anyone go to all that trouble though, I ask now calm and with legible scribe and clearish thought? The truth is I can convince myself that others are to blame for my tears and yet when the kids are fucked off, these things I can't just brush off... Tonight's show at Olympia left me broken and empty and deeply paranoid about not only the people around the band but (sinisterly) the band itself. How can this be? After such unity, and aye bonhomie, I am once more crushed and defeated and utterly alone.
……………. Remember Hilary in the Rising Damp episode in which the aforementioned thespian is auditioning and subsequently rehearsing the other tenants' self-penned play? At one point, a line by Alan (Richard Beckinsale): 'Life's a sham, a lousy hollow sham'. I may have the characters muddled but that's the like analysis and somehow befitting my current gloomy mood.
and the guts squirm and gargle with innumerable gasses and gosh the inconvenience of morning has blackmailed me and now I must pretend my skin is not ripped and raw and really not right
I'm a lonely man in a dream Splattered with drops of Nightmares………..
Fine: what atrocities this good morrow? What is indeed to be done at last... A slug of fresh water A romantic thought – this tiny room – shadows of passing cars, a sleeping girl's hand… Delirious and demented. When the heebees met the jeebees it was hoo-rah……… Never the twain should meet again Look what they done to the boy Did the unthinkable Sunk the unsinkable.
You made a powder keg out of your head and a sand trap of your bed. Your pockets are packed with rockets of smack and that is all there is to be said.
Crash into my arms, see rings of pink flesh, infected pools of torn skin and orange tracks, shouting the snaking routes of so many holy veins by the elbows join, bulbous lumps of hardened tissue decorate the inside of the arms along with thin scabs of black and claret. At once both swollen and saggy – a rare and disgusting combination. The mermaid on the right forearm is guillotined at the tail by long winding tracks marks matched only by the tube map on the left. I will say though that my nails are very clean today.
Found to be a little close to home When you're left with gaping holes When the sound of rattling bones Stops anyone from dreaming at night.
I remember the infamous Pink Tower lampissing incident. Tried to kill myself as a birthday treat for 'Nstein by using a lash of piss as an electricity conductor but only succeeded in short-circuiting the whole house.
Cope please cope, someone has to cope
What the devil is getting to you… Some pitiful, invisible blockage is preventing you from padding up the stairs, having a shower and rehearsing your trousers?
This is how they felt after the last ever episode of Colombo was screened. Actually the repeated watching of the Colombo boxed set almost pathological has it become… The almost mechanical way that I now sit through the same shows again and again. It bears similarities to the way in which I pursue this life of sincere drug addiction. The ecstatic sensations that once came from piping and smoking are severely depleted as are the pleasures that came from the enjoyment of the original series of Colombo and yet there is no evident let up in the watching and the narcotics.
My heart is damp but drying My life's a mess but I'm trying
I mouth the shape of smoke-rings thick and cokey. Blood blots all over the fluffy white towelling of the bath robe. My chest heaves and hacks up slumps of snotty black lung soil. My nostrils leak dangly strands of liquid, speckled with tiny crumbs of chemical candy – remains of the many lines hoover'd up the ol' hooter this night pass'd.  My left hand creaks in agony, craters carved into the skin with flesh-melting mounds of pain. A web of stringy lines of blood patterns the back of my hand. They sprout out from the wrist…
Rousing buzz of nervous ballooning noise reverberates around the ears and spirals, not nice, about the eyes.
Truly I can push no more, or I'll be lying on the floor breathless, death, yes Nothing more… Is this to be the final score? Seeking strength now The night at length now Deeply entrenched allow The understanding of this deplorable routine… Now strike, luxurious and loud Rousing the crowd Making the rowdy suddenly rousingly proud United, delighted Under melody's glorious shroud
Is it not impossibly wrong that I scratch and scrape at my own half-healed wounds and woefully wonky layers of blistered 'openings' – the only word that volunteers its honest services; a reliable account of its history, its work ethic to date is essential. Closure must follow if the story concludes with a medical success and a middle-of-the-road values, moral-majority, vote. On this occasion I say hurrah for the very dead centre of my middle core, long may health and prosperity reign upon my fuck'd up forearms. By gum I appear to be a bent-back'd, scabby, snivelling leper this night, yelling curses and bullying at sweet ballerinas. By Christ I need a hand out of this paradise and fast.
And now I roll on through the tunnels, under Paris to Gare Saint Lazare. 'Tis unpleasant the feeling of something hanging over your head, a debt, a guilty admission yet to be made… I feel like a guilty man. Naturally, momentum is given to the energies at work there by natural reserves of paranoia and introspective disquiet.
Masochistic, sick Apocalyptic, fix n lick Fix n' lick, lick lick
Sticky strips off in rips from bloated crust-coated limbs So these were meant as hymns to the spirits that seep about Moody and broody Wits sharp as knives All about may they be if influential in our lives For God's sake my mind has turned itself on and mangled all the rails…
 A boy named Sue is falling apart
I must be coming to resemble a stuck record I only observe and implode with frantic obsession the splintering and staunch silence.
When your shadow blanks you You know you've put your foot in it
Anxiety & destruction Gulfs in the gut Belly wet with teary streams
I can't be trusted, or shouldn't be trusted with the tenderest, tenderest loyalties and affections.
Out of sight, out of mind out of my mind. Swindling swine.
First, second, third hits missed and then looked closely at my lump-laden forearm. All the while I had been thinking on the disappearance of all the old boozers from Whitechapel High Street and actually from the whole world. From the High St of the whole of Albion, such consideration distracted me considerably from the delicate job in hand... then wham! A fat old wiggly worm in a region that has always bemused and bamboozled me in many a set to... with me making to jag the junk and my left arm leaving me cursing the limb entirely. Whallop! A flood of purple black frothy jetting ferment. Not entirely organic sounding but then this particular barrelful is now getting on for its past by banging date. Once the junk and combined coke speedball is mixed with the blood of the first shot it's a race against the clock to get the remaining concoction in the blood-stream. By the time the connection is made, the syringe is entirely maroon and one is invariably well into the great cussing period of intense frustration.
The melancholic servitude of a world without light and life… all is stone, heat is gone, rehabilitation of hope through good English algebra... 'we're all doomed'.
There has been some fantasy talk that is now shaping up for a crack at reality. It concerns taking the cure and kicking this suicide mission for a bit. Finally escape from this escape. This road has too few exits and the hard shoulder is hard.
I ain't got the strength to stand up to me - cos I'm guilty - Basking in the glow Of a wanted man's gaze I'm no spring chicken but I'm game I don't wanna feel like...
...Really Sometimes I feel like killing myself I ain't gonna lie Stick a knife into my heart Because it's better to die Than feel this way Mother fucker gone & killed his soul dignity
See the ratcatcher A mind bent on rats has he Blind with shattered glass is he He leans drunken into me Whispers filth and diseases Death & agony He empties his sack on me And rolls on into infamy
I ain't got the long capability To say what is wrong with me.
Take a nervous peek out of the window, blurred with bubbles of rain. Raindrops. Falling on Yorkshire. My body's a little contaminated, given the relentless battering it's been getting – chemical warfare in effect, some strange, slow, indirect suicide. Might take up another hobby. Sex and ? and Rock and Roll.  Fill in the missing word.
'Tis a straight jacket – as oppressive as one. Nothing vague about horror. Blurred visions of the future. Need to destroy; the thing bites into my bones, digs in. Possibilities endlessly impossible Sweat soaking my clothes, my face awash Toothache in the heart – imagine the pain of that.
Day off after the Manchester Academy show last night. It's a little hazy but I'm pretty sure it was a fucking shambles in a Leeds-esque sense of the word. Pre-gig tension spilled over into tears – Stuart B was there and the pair of us were in a state, talking about what shit fathers we've been, getting angry and para…
Another break in the Sequel to the Prequel tour… and another plush hotel/spa resort to relax in. Given the level of emotional distress these past few nights, it's extremely timelyn'all Bejabbers I'm at sixes and sevens… even Katia's arrival (heart-warming and spirit lifting) concerns me. Thinking of her with ten mostly sex-crazed geezers on a tour bus. It is all my warped perception no doubt.  Her presence will subdue my restless spirit and assist the majority of the lads in their attempts to create a positive atmosphere on this tour. Dark and twisted dementia not being in vogue this early autumn (dementedness?) BouBou bringing her natural and bountiful blessings of peace and aller son petit bonhomme de chemin. So then onwards, and indeed, upwards. Curses upon myself for even imagining the worst I always open up to Katia… offer her my mostly unlikely, but always heartfelt, theories about the on-going saga of on-stage upset. She says I might be bi-polar. I argue that I only suffer such extreme devastation on stage, not in everyday life like genuine manic sufferers. 'Really?' She says. 'Once you told me you couldn't leave the apartment to post a letter.' The debate continues.
When I heard they were evicting me From my own fantasy An executive explained to me How it follows demographically And then the executive said That I should try and be dead By next July Of course we'll miss you But we can exploit and Reissue And sell footage of you snuffing it To Sky
A man walks headlong into traffic – tired of the fight You can only get up so many times, can only throw so many punches – dont have anything left dont believe anymore dont believe in yourself anymore Bejabbers
the monkey's clamped on my back with a finger in my ear, tweaking a nipple and ramming me ingloriously I'm blind with the pain, sinking like a penny down a drain stink like shame thoughts like a too-high-for-the-tunnel-train Blinding pain blind all but the same babbling low : stunned A gecko cackles & beeps rythmically I scratch myself bloody, glutton tubby 3 kinds of lonliness: morning, evening & afternoon It's the same every day. I go on the walk & run & ...& I walk. Flip flopping in the sun.
5.55am Complete, utter, inutterable, stagnant misery set in concrete certainty by cowardice and lament. He sobbed strangely, failing to cry, so fucking grim the sight of his shadow on the ashgrey spillage of shite that was once the floor. That was once his life. Full throated sting of sourness and spite lined his neckinside. Rottoness in the oesophigas and on top of this plop and piss flying upwards defying gravity weilding crying calamity in the shitty bathroom. His body was going on strike and even the ubercapitalists on the board of shareholders didn't dare protest. Like an international company finally exposed to the world as profiting from abhorent working conditions. Lonely Villein squinted into the mirror smudged with blood and bits of poo – “On behalf of the man that used to inhabit this body I apologise.” he typed, reaching up to the sink wherein upon which the typewriter perched in precarious wobbly state. “Sorry, body” He continued, typing and reading aloud as he did so. AAAAAAAAAAgh he said In a strange monotone, not at all dramatic, as the heavy old typewriter fell onto his shin shins With immediate and immense pain he fell unconscious.
the whole riddle of human destiny heightened to the pitch of a personal torture     a personal hell inward emptiness & despair
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shihalyfie · 4 years
An Adventure/02 pseudo-honorifics chart
I’ve mentioned a few times that I maintain an Adventure/02 honorifics chart for the sake of fanfic writing (it’s generally a pretty vital thing to have on hand if you intend to use honorifics in fanwork, or even in fiction at all), and I’ve even mentioned that I’d like to release it someday, but one thing that was always holding me back about it was my constant checks for accuracy -- an acquaintance was also keeping one, and when we compared them we found some minor inconsistencies that would require us to rewatch the entire series with a notepad to get the right references.
After a fashion, I realized that I was scrutinizing this way too closely. The important part is not the specific honorifics themselves but rather the pattern in which they’re used -- especially because they would often alternate in-series, partially intentionally, and partially because they would flip-flop depending on writer. On top of that, most people who would be interested in this are likely writing post-2002 fanfic, where it could be reasonable for certain honorifics to change based on certain relationships.
As such, I’ve decided to just throw out the minutiae, forget about making an organized “chart”, and simply write a general overview of how the twelve Adventure/02 kids use honorifics for each other. Hopefully this can be an interesting resource/meta for those who are considering writing fanfic with these (or even simply due to general interest).
Before we begin, a few notes:
Overall, I am mostly omitting “obvious outlier cases” where a character called someone else something different from usual, but context made it clear why that particular instance was different. (For instance, Miyako trying to butter Daisuke up by calling him “Dai-chan” in 02 episode 8; she very much would not have done this in most circumstances.) I am also not looking too deeply into one-off outlier cases that seem to wildly fall outside the pattern, and seem to merely be the result of whoever was writing that episode/piece of media not checking the chart.
The tri. anime series and tri. stage play actually contradict each other, and given that they’re supposed to take place in around the same period, you basically have to commit to one or the other here. Between the two, the anime series has a number of incursions that go against patterns in ways that make it difficult to form a consistent analysis about it, whereas the stage play is much easier to make a consistent case between 02 and Kizuna (with comparatively much fewer outliers), so in terms of providing actual analysis, I will be prioritizing the latter’s take.
Due to similarly having too many obviously contradictory incursions, 02′s first drama CD (Armor Evolution to the Unknown) is also mostly removed from consideration, with the exception of instances when it’s a factor in an already ambiguous situation.
All twelve Adventure/02 characters are consistently respectful with elders and strangers (with some exceptions; Taichi really wasn’t very amused with Gennai when they first met). The following analysis is important mainly in regards to the kids’ relationships with each other.
I’ll be marking down the first-person pronouns for Digimon partners as well, but for the sake of brevity I’ll be sticking with the “base” forms (Child for everyone except Tailmon, who’s Adult) and not the higher ones.
General overview
A quick crash course on honorifics and how they’re used!
Firstly, there’s first-person pronouns, which, in the scope of fiction, generally are used to indicate a character’s disposition. Note that “one character consistently using one first-person pronoun for nearly every situation” is very endemic to fiction in particular; in real life, one may change their pronoun depending on whom they’re talking to or the context in which they’re speaking, but Japanese fiction is generally much more consistent about using these as consistent points for characterization, even to the point of bringing out pronouns that aren’t practically in use anymore in real life.
The ones generally of importance to the Adventure kids:
ore: Masculine and assertive. Note assertive instead of aggressive; it simply implies being very self-assured, and you can still have a stoic character who uses ore. Since it’s a very casual and somewhat brash pronoun, a character who uses this might still default to something like boku depending on the surrounding circumstances (for instance, Taichi, who normally uses ore, will still use boku when speaking to adults on the phone).
boku: Masculine and deferential/polite.
watashi: Gender-neutral and somewhat deferential/polite. When used by male characters, usually it’s to imply that they’re particularly mature or polite (since otherwise you’d probably expect boku).
atashi: Feminine and casual. The “casual” connotation means that it’s often employed by aggressive or assertive girls in a sort of feminine equivalent to ore, but it can also simply mean that they’re just very girly (see: Mimi).
When referring to each other, honorifics come into play. Honorifics are generally used based on a combination of “comparative level of station” (i.e. whether someone is in a “higher societal position” than you or not -- yes, even a single school grade can matter here!) and “sense of distance” (i.e. whether you are a close friend to the person in question or not). And, of course, there’s also the question of how polite the speaker is in general. These factors do weigh against each other, so that’s why it’d still make sense for two very close friends to use honorifics on each other, if said friends are portrayed as particularly polite in general.
No honorific: Referred to as yobisute in Japanese, this is actually something that merits a category on its own, because it’s something you should only be whipping out when you’re particularly close to the person. This is especially in the case of elders; unless you really do have a close relationship to the elder in question that they can forgive it, you’re being a bit in-your-face and rude for acting like you’re on their level.
-san: The most common honorific, because it’s the one you can generally rely on to default to if you’re not sure and want to be polite. Upward-facing and polite.
-senpai: Similar to -san in that it’s upward-facing and polite, but it has a stronger connotation of “someone who has been in a certain field longer than you have”. Depending on the characters in question and the relevant situation, it and -san can be interchangeable (this happens with the 02 kids and their Adventure seniors, who are both people the 02 kids look up to as people in general and people who are in higher school grade levels and further experience in Digimon-related issues).
-kun: Downward-facing and polite. In this case “downward-facing” simply means that the person you’re addressing is either on the same “societal level” as you or lower on the social ladder; it’s not meant to be used in a condescending sense! (Well, at least, not by default, anyway.) Its use is still considered respectful, especially moreso than dropping the honorific altogether, but it simply means that you’re also not necessarily deferring to the other person being higher than you. On very rare occasions, you could theoretically use it for a senior you consider yourself particularly close with, but this kind of usage never comes into play with the twelve kids in the Adventure universe (its most notable Digimon usage is Appmon’s Haru using it for Rei, who’s one year older than him).
-chan: Endearing and somewhat casual. Often used for younger girls. Because of it having a “cute” implication, it’s the one honorific here that may be advisable to avoid if you want to avoid that implication; it’s not rude per se to be using it, but it’s definitely possible to want to avoid the implications and go for “-san” (despite that normally being upward-facing) or “-kun” (despite that being a bit more formal) instead.
On top of that, it should be noted that there is a difference between calling someone by their surname vs. their given name, mainly in terms of sense of distance -- formality usually dictates prioritizing surname first by default, someone really close with a particular friend can go as far as given name with no honorific, with the other extreme being using surname and adding an honorific. Likewise, “surname with no honorific” can imply a bit of bluntness yet mutual level of comfort in a relationship, while “given name with honorific” can imply politeness but still with a sense of tight friendship and familiarity -- basically, it’s a grey area. Fortunately, in the case of Adventure/02, this only really matters in the case of Ken (and, in one instance, Koushirou).
And finally, note that if two characters call each other a certain way long enough, honorifics can “stick” and even start taking on an “endearing nickname” sentiment -- which is why you might see a phenomenon of people still using honorifics on each other even when their closeness to each other might suggest otherwise. This is pertinent mainly in the case of certain characters who continue calling each other a certain way even after their relationship should suggest that they’ve gotten a lot closer -- the implication being that they’ve called each other that for so long that it feels weird to change now. (Yes, that even includes between dating and/or married couples.)
Incidentally, all Digimon partners (with the exception of Tentomon and Hawkmon, who use -han and -san respectively, and Wormmon, whose single-minded dedication to “Ken-chan” means he really doesn’t talk about anyone else other than a reference to “Izumi Koushirou-san on the phone” in 02 episode 26) simply refer to the humans by given name and no honorific (including humans who aren’t their partners); presumably they’re allowed this due to not being members of Japanese society per se, and therefore not being beholden to its standards.
To wrap this up, here’s a reminder of everyone’s school grade levels in relation to each other, from highest to lowest (note that we don’t actually know anyone’s specific birthdays, so we have to go by school years):
Taichi, Yamato, Sora
Koushirou, Mimi
Takeru, Hikari, Daisuke, Ken
(empty space here)
First-person pronoun: ore (assertive)
General honorifics pattern: Given name, no honorific for the boys (”Yamato”, “Jou”, “Daisuke”, etc.). Uses given name with “-chan” with most younger girls (”Mimi-chan”, “Miyako-chan”), the implication being that he simply treats them casually without being extra blunt or extra polite.
Parents: tou-san and kaa-san (still roughly respectful, but casual enough to drop the respectful o-).
Sora: As he’s known Sora for a while even before the events of Adventure, Taichi simply calls her “Sora” with no honorific.
Mimi: Taichi was known to call Mimi “Mimi-chan” in Adventure, which was consistent with how he called Miyako in 02, but in Kizuna it seems to be just “Mimi”. There are multiple potential interpretations, one being that something may have happened to make the two more intimately close between Adventure and Kizuna, one being that something happened to make Taichi feel that Mimi shouldn’t have a “diminutively endearing” honorific, one being that the scene in question was rather serious and he felt it wasn’t the right time...and one being that the writers simply just forgot.
Jou: Notably, Taichi’s lack of using honorifics for the boys also extends to Jou, who’s a year older than him, either because he’s fine being casual enough with Jou that he doesn’t mind violating propriety, or he made the same mistake as Yamato (see below) and initially mistook him for being in the same school year due to Jou not initially coming off as very senior-esque (unlike with Mimi, Jou wasn’t explicitly designated as the leader of the others’ camp groups).
Hikari: Hikari is Taichi’s sister, so he simply calls her “Hikari” with no honorific.
Other notes: Amusingly, while everyone calls Gennai “Gennai-san” for the most part, Taichi isn’t very patient with him at first and calls him “jiji” (old man) during Adventure, but seems to have gotten over himself and calls him “Gennai-san” in Kizuna. (Well, he’s not an old man anymore by then.) Unlike Taichi, Agumon uses boku (polite), despite the two characters otherwise being very like-minded. Agumon is a little more easygoing than Taichi in general, so it can be said that Agumon represents Taichi’s nature of not being altogether aggressive when it really comes down to it.
First-person pronoun: ore (assertive)
General honorifics pattern: Given name, no honorific for the boys (”Taichi”, “Jou”, “Daisuke”, etc.). Like Taichi, he uses given name with “-chan” with most younger girls (“Hikari-chan”, “Miyako-chan”).
Parents: oyaji (think roughly in the sense of “my old man”) for his father, kaa-san (again, a bit more respectful but still rough enough to drop the o-) for his mother (whom he doesn’t live with).
Sora: Yamato omits the honorific for Sora, implying he considered her a close friend even during the time of Adventure.
Mimi: Notable mainly because of our lack of information about this; Yamato and Mimi never referred to each other over the course of Adventure or 02, and while Mimi’s way of referring to Yamato (”Yamato-san”) was easy to extrapolate even before Kizuna based on existing patterns, the reverse could go either way, depending on whether Yamato would see her as close enough to merit the drop. The Adventure mini dramas have him call her “Mimi-chan”, but this was in unison with everyone else, so it’s hard to tell whether it counts; the tri. stage play and the Kizuna novel has him drop the honorific.
Jou:  Like Taichi, he never uses any honorific with the one-year-older Jou, the canonical explanation being that he initially mistook Jou for being in the same year (well, not like Jou was acting as the epitome of a dignified senior...).
Ken: Yamato initially refers to him as “Ichijouji-kun” when discussing Ken’s circumstances with Iori in 02 episode 35, but during 02 episode 42, when Ken is now working directly with him and has integrated himself more as everyone’s friend, Yamato simply calls him “Ichijouji”, being more willing to speak to him on a more blunt/close level (but not quite knowing him as well as the other 02 kids, whom he’s on given name basis with).
Other notes: Yamato is the one Adventure senior who gets a lot of interaction with the 02 group in Kizuna, and interestingly, the four of them all call him “Yamato-senpai”, despite him not going to their school -- given that they’re dealing with a Digimon incident, the implication is that they’re treating him as an experienced senior in that respect. Despite what his shy personality would suggest, Gabumon in fact uses ore, like Yamato. Gabumon can be said to represent Yamato’s emotional core, so it is true that he can be very assertive when it really comes down to it.
First-person pronoun: Mostly used watashi in Adventure, with fairly uncommon lapses into atashi, fully moving to atashi by 02. This is consistent with her characterization difference between Adventure and 02, the latter of which portrayed her as quite a bit more assertive about what she wanted and rather less deferential (and also a lot more willing to come off as more feminine, at that). The tri. stage play sticks with atashi. Kizuna has her go back to watashi, which can possibly be taken as her deciding to be a bit more mature in her adult years -- basically, Sora is the kind of person where going either way fits her, since she’s capable of being assertive but also likes to carry herself calmly and maturely (and her teenage years are where you could most definitely believe she’d be the most aggressive about it).
General honorifics pattern: Uses “Jou-senpai” for Jou, treating him properly like a school elder. Given the rest of her way of using honorifics, most likely she’d use “-san” or “-senpai” for most elders. Uses given name plus “-kun” for younger boys (”Koushirou-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”) and “-chan” for younger girls (”Mimi-chan”, “Miyako-chan”). In other words, generally diligent about using honorifics, dropping it only with people she’s particularly close with.
Parents: Generally respectful okaa-san and otou-san.
Taichi: Having known Taichi as a peer for quite a long time prior to the events of the series, Sora simply just calls him “Taichi” with no honorific.
Yamato: Initially Sora calls him “Yamato-kun”, and it’s reasonable to extrapolate she probably would call most boys her age with the “-kun” honorific, but early in the series, Sora starts alternating between “-kun” and simply calling him “Yamato”, which allegedly was actually intentional to indicate foreshadowing of their building relationship. This alternation continues all the way into 02, even after they start dating -- Armor Evolution to the Unknown has her calling him “Yamato-kun” even when she refers to him super-endearingly (implying it really has become a nickname of sorts), while DSB has her drop the honorific, and both firmly depict them as dating. For what it’s worth, the tri. stage play and Kizuna also depict her as dropping the honorific.
Daisuke: Sora actually drops honorific for Daisuke, possibly due to knowing him from the soccer club.
Ken: “Ichijouji-kun” in 02 episode 38. This is in the context of her observing how much he’s changed, so, much like with the other seniors, she thinks well of him, she’s just not particularly close with him to merit moving to given name basis.
Other notes: Piyomon, who’s portrayed as clingy and affectionate, uses atashi from day one.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite)
General honorifics pattern: -san for everyone older (”Taichi-san”, “Jou-san”). “-kun” for younger boys (”Takeru-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”).
Parents: Generally respectful okaa-san and otou-san.
Mimi: Mimi is the same age as Koushirou, but Koushirou presumably doesn’t feel comfortable using the “affectionately endearing” “-chan” and would rather use the more respectful “-san” instead.
Hikari: Hikari is an unusual case in that she’s quite a bit younger than Koushirou, but Koushirou still calls her with “-san”. Presumably, he didn’t feel comfortable going with “-chan” like everyone else did (and presumably for the same reasons he won’t use it for Mimi either). This persists even all the way into 02, but interestingly, he calls Miyako differently (see below), so it’s hard to say what his stance would be on younger girls in general, or whether Hikari got special privileges due to the circumstances of how she met the group (as the younger sister of his respected senior Taichi, and as a fellow Chosen who met everyone during some rather personal circumstances detached from school). The tri. stage play floats up the idea that he might have accepted “Hikari-chan” by 2005, but Kizuna takes the stance that he’s still using “Hikari-san” in 2010.
Miyako: Koushirou, having met Miyako during some rather impersonal circumstances and initially only having a computer club senior-junior relationship with her, calls her “Miyako-kun”. Note again the avoidance of the “-chan”; he really doesn’t seem to want to use the “cute” honorific, and would rather treat her a little more formally.
Ken: Koushirou refers to Ken as “Ichijouji-kun” in general, Ken getting the surname basis as he joined the group on the level of him somewhat of a stranger to Koushirou compared to the other 02 kids. That said, this shows up even during their heart-to-heart in 02 episode 33, so other than the surname thing, it’s clear that Koushirou using the honorific is less detachment and him simply wanting to extend the same respect he uses for everyone else.
Other notes: Koushirou is infamous for using polite language (-masu, -desu, etc.) in every circumstance, including even with the Digimon (who are generally treated as being outside societal obligations of honorifics) and younger characters. The implication is that this came from Koushirou being deferential to everyone out of sense of distance and lack of self-esteem after his revelation of being adopted made him lose sense of his place in the world. In Adventure episodes 38 and 54, it’s made apparent that Koushirou wants to learn to speak more casually with others, but has difficulty doing so, and his parents and Tentomon assure him that he doesn’t need to force himself. Koushirou continues speaking this way even into 02 and Kizuna, but the epilogue implies that he at least doesn’t do this with his daughter (and the Character Complete File that he at least broke out of this with Tentomon). Tentomon uses Kansai dialect, which is stereotyped as being associated with easygoing and less book-smart characters (in contrast to Koushirou, and also for the absurd humor of the terrifying-looking Kabuterimon speaking this way), but he also uses the polite form, so he can be said to match Koushirou in this way by simply being polite and deferential to others in general. While most Digimon don’t use honorifics for humans, Tentomon also uses “-han” (the Kansai variant of “-san”) on any human he talks to.
First-person pronoun: atashi (casual). Mimi is normally a very polite girl, but she also likes being in-your-face cute, so her usage of the pronoun is in line with this.
General honorifics pattern: -san for any and all elders (”Taichi-san”, “Sora-san”), -kun for younger boys (”Koushirou-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”), and -chan for younger girls (”Hikari-chan”, “Miyako-chan”). Mimi is depicted as having been raised as a sort of “lady of the house” (ojou-sama) personality due to having been spoiled by her parents, so she’s basically a “spoiled sweet” sort of girl who is polite and respectful to pretty much everyone -- hence why her speech pattern is uniformly consistent across everything. Of course, since she’s also very fond of “acting cute” and proud of it, younger girls like Hikari and Miyako get the cute “-chan”. The sole exception to her pattern is “Jou-senpai” (see Jou’s section on why).
Parents: Super-affectionate “Mama” and “Papa”, in line with the over-the-top lovey-dovey-ness of the Tachikawa household. Mimi’s mom goes as far as to endearingly call her “Mimi-chan” (her father is just “Mimi”).
Ken: Referred to Ken as “Ichijouji-kun” starting in 02 episode 25. This was in a context of her wanting to get him in to help, so she clearly has no ill will with him, she just doesn’t know him all that well compared to the other 02 kids.
Other notes: Palmon, who also enjoys acting cute, uses atashi much like the like-minded Mimi.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite). There’s an incident where he famously slips into ore when trying to intercede in the argument between Taichi and Yamato during Adventure episode 8, so it can be taken that he does have it in him to be more assertive if he lets his emotions take control of him, but otherwise is deferential.
General honorifics pattern: Interestingly, Jou seems to consider himself close enough to the older boys in the Adventure group to use given name with no honorific (”Taichi”, “Yamato”, “Koushirou”), despite what his insistence on societal propriety might make you think. In other words, he can be very casual when he really wants to be. With the girls, he generally uses given name plus “-kun” (”Sora-kun”, “Mimi-kun”), the implication being that he doesn’t like using the affectionate “-chan” on them and wants to keep them at a somewhat respectful and polite distance rather than the more casual manner he treats the boys with. Likewise, boys who are a certain level of younger than Jou are on given name basis plus “-kun” (”Takeru-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”); since this includes Takeru, who was also part of the Adventure group, it seems to have more to do with closeness based on age than anything. It’s unclear what he would do with elders since he’s the oldest depicted of the twelve, but most likely he’d at least be consistent about his -san and -senpai if he’s not particularly close with them.
Parents: Jou was never depicted with his parents in the series proper, but in Armor Evolution to the Unknown he uses “tou-san” for his father and “kaa-san” for his mother (generally respectful but still somewhat casual).
Shin and Shuu: Jou is depicted as calling them “Shin-niisan” and “Shuu-niisan” respectively.
Hikari: Jou’s one major reference to Hikari in Adventure was “Hikari-chan” -- presumably, Hikari being so young that it’s okay in his book to use the endearing honorific. The tri. stage play has him use “Hikari-kun”, so you can maybe presume he now sees her as old enough to be treated with the more formal honorific. Because both cases are somewhat isolated (one showing up really only once in the series and one being from a writer who may not have caught that one time), it’s difficult to make a projection.
Other notes: Jou infamously seems to exude such a “school senior” aura that he’s occasionally called “Jou-senpai” in settings where other characters might use “-san” for others (mainly Mimi, whose initial relationship to him was being under his responsibility in their summer camp group, and the 02 kids, who jump on using “-senpai” for him much faster than they do most of their other Adventure seniors, despite not even going to the same school as him). This has led to the Japanese fanbase often latching onto calling him “Jou-senpai” affectionately. Gomamon infamously uses the first-person pronoun oira, which is basically like the assertive ore but with a more laid-back and almost country bumpkin-esque air to it. It’s much in line with his very laid-back and playful personality, the complete opposite of Jou’s.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite). This is actually a plot point; Adventure episode 12 (which is a Takeru focus episode) also uses boku in its title, and the narration for the 02 episode 50 preview suddenly uses boku, culminating in the reveal that the narrator was Takeru the whole time.
General honorifics pattern: Consistently uses given name “-san” for all elders (”Taichi-san”, “Jou-san”, “Miyako-san”, etc.). Uses given name plus “-kun” for boys who are the same age or younger (”Daisuke-kun”, “Iori-kun”). Hikari is “Hikari-chan”, so he’s comfortable enough to use the endearing honorific (although it might just be because it’s Hikari, whom he happens to personally know very well). In general, Takeru is a fairly polite person and adheres reasonably well to honorific propriety.
Parents: Super-affectionate and somewhat childish “Mama” and “Papa” in Adventure; generally respectful “okaa-san” for his mother and ever so slightly more casual “tou-san” for his father in 02.
Yamato: In Adventure, Takeru initially calls Yamato “onii-chan”, the “o-” being respectful, and “-chan” being endearing. He carries this into 02 as well. Given that it’s unlikely for him to continue doing this much longer after 02, different media ended up going in different directions with this; DSB went with “nii-san” (still very respectful, but missing the “o-” and not as “cutesy”), the tri. stage play went with aniki (one of its few holdovers from the tri. anime; somewhat more blunt and less respectful), and Kizuna uses DSB’s “nii-san”.
Ken: Takeru starts off calling him “Ichijouji-kun” when they’re just starting to get to know each other. This does happen to persist even as their relationship gets deeper and Takeru significantly warms up to him, culminating in him still seeming to call him this by Kizuna’s drama CD, but it seems to be more out of politeness/respect (or, most likely, habit, considering how long it took for Ken to get on good terms with everyone in the group) by this point. (Ironically, this is a significant improvement over when Takeru had punched out the Kaiser in 02 episode 17, in which his references had been an extremely passive-aggressive “Ichijouji-san” and a more genuinely angry “Ichijouji” -- once everything had calmed down, Takeru presumably felt that he at least deserved proper respect.)
Other notes: Patamon uses boku, much like Takeru, which is probably meant to accentuate his “childishness” (in Adventure) and general like-mindedness with Takeru and easygoing nature (in 02).
First-person pronoun: watashi in Adventure, atashi in 02, watashi in the tri. stage play and Kizuna (specifically the drama CD). This is likely for similar reasons to Sora in that Hikari was portrayed as rather deferential to others in Adventure but got quite a bit more assertive in 02, then, as she got older, went back to carrying herself a bit more maturely (and, if the tri. stage play is to be believed, went back to it at an earlier age, presumably since she’s more on the polite side than Sora), albeit still of course bright and assertive when she wants to be.
Parents: Generally respectful okaa-san and otou-san.
General honorifics pattern: Much like Takeru, she consistently uses given name with “-san” for all elders (”Sora-san”, “Koushirou-san”, “Miyako-san”). Uses given name plus “-kun” for boys of the same age or younger (”Takeru-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”). It’s unclear what she would do with younger girls, but she probably wouldn’t be averse to using “-chan”. All in all, much like Takeru, she’s fairly polite and adheres to honorific propriety.
Taichi: Hikari consistently calls Taichi “onii-chan”. Given Hikari’s personality as a lot more willing to come off as “cute”, this is in line with her.
Ken: Like Takeru, Hikari starts off calling him “Ichijouji-kun” and sticks with it even after the group accepts him; again, Ken took an unusually long time to get on good terms with everyone in the group, by which time the surname basis had likely become habit for her, Takeru, and Iori.
Other notes: Because Hikari is called “Hikari-chan” by so many characters, the Japanese fanbase tends to attach the honorific to her name a lot when discussing her. Tailmon’s first-person pronoun usage mirrors Hikari’s in that she uses watashi in Adventure, atashi in 02, and watashi in the tri. stage play and Kizuna drama CD -- beyond mirroring Hikari, it also exemplifies 02 being the point in time when Tailmon seemed to be keen on making use of her new life and freedom.
First-person pronoun: ore (assertive)
General honorifics pattern: Consistently uses “-san” (”Taichi-san”, “Koushirou-san”) and/or “-senpai” for his elders (mostly “-san”), with the exception of Miyako (see below) -- in general Daisuke is actually quite respectful of his seniors in the Adventure group. For his friends in the 02 group, he eschews honorifics entirely and generally goes to given name basis with no honorific (”Takeru”, “Iori”), with the exception of Hikari (see below), so when it comes to people he’s actually closer with on a personal level, he doesn’t really seem fond of keeping distance with honorifics (much like Taichi and Yamato).
Parents: Doesn’t directly address his parents in the series proper, but the Character Complete File supplies “tou-san” and “kaa-san” (generally respectful but casual).
Jun: Refers to her as “aneki” (blunt and in-your-face).
Taichi: Although Daisuke has used both “-san” and “-senpai” for both Yamato and Jou, Taichi is the one where the interchangeability is most clear, since Daisuke has a particular relation to him as his respected soccer club senior.
Hikari: Consistently calls her “Hikari-chan”. The implication is, of course, that he sees her as cute and endearing, although it’s also completely possible he’d use “-chan” for any other similar age or younger girl he develops a particular rapport with (he does go along with Mimi’s suggestion of “Nat-chan” in The Door to Summer).
Miyako: Omits the honorific with her and simply calls her “Miyako”, despite her being a year older. The implication is that they banter so much and are so like-minded that he feels comfortable being more abrupt with her. She personally doesn’t seem to mind, especially given that, when Daisuke momentarily gets a bit disoriented and calls her “Miyako-san” in 02 episode 30, she complains that it sounds weird (meaning that it sounds weird coming from him, given that everyone else in the group calls her this).
Ken: Initially calls him “Ichijouji” prior to 02 episode 39, having just gotten out of the fights with him as the Kaiser and not quite being on personal friendship levels with him (much less treat him at a “polite distance”), but still wanting to handle him casually in his bid to integrate him into the group and get to know him better. He first drops the idea of switching to given name basis and calling him “Ken” in 02 episode 30, and is depicted as directly switching to it on-screen and committing to it when declaring Ken to be his friend in 02 episode 39. From then on, with Ken as basically his best and most important friend, he sticks with it.
Other notes: Being the very active and playful type, V-mon uses ore, just like Daisuke.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite); that includes as the Kaiser, implying that he was trying to portray himself as “regal and dignified” during that time.
General honorifics pattern: “-san” for all elders (”Koushirou-san”, “Miyako-san”), although he also uses “Yamato-senpai” in Kizuna (implying a sort of “Digimon senior” relationship with him and potentially other seniors by that point). Given name plus “-kun” for Iori, and presumably all younger boys. Ken generally uses given name basis for everyone, including the seniors; however, because he started off using “Motomiya-kun” and “Izumi-san” for Daisuke and Koushirou respectively before eventually shifting to “Daisuke” and “Koushirou-san”, it’s implied that this wasn’t necessarily the case when he was still initially ashamed of being around everyone.
Parents: Super-affectionate “Mama” and “Papa”, and his mother calls him “Ken-chan” in return (he’s just “Ken” from his father). The history behind this is really complicated, but the point is that the family is very affectionate when it all comes down to it.
Daisuke: Initially alternated between “Motomiya-kun” and “Motomiya” (phasing out the former as the series went on), having been in an awkward position of Daisuke so prominently having opposed him before suddenly getting in his face trying to befriend him. He drops a “Daisuke” (no honorific) in his head in 02 episode 26 and once outwardly in 02 episode 39, and while he never quite commits to given name basis during 02 itself, he uses it in DSB and in most postcanonical material, including Kizuna, indicating that with their relationship having gotten so close, Ken eventually got over himself and started referring to Daisuke as such.
Hikari: Hikari is the same age as Ken, but he calls her “Hikari-san”. Since the circumstances of why Ken wouldn’t use “-chan” with her are apparent (given his relationship to the 02 group at the time, it would have been incredibly inappropriate for him to use an “endearing” honorific with her), it’s hard to tell whether he would have extended this to all other girls his age or younger, or whether his way of referring to Hikari would have changed as he got to know the 02 group better (our latest point in time is Spring 2003, where he still calls her “Hikari-san”, but past that, it’s unknown).
Takeru: Notable mainly in our lack of information about this -- other than Daisuke (see above), Takeru is the only other boy his age that we get to see, and 02 never actually has Ken use his name in the series, so there’s been dispute over whether it would be “Takeru-san” or “Takeru-kun” (with a larger camp going for the latter, since Ken’s not averse to using downward-facing honorifics, he just clearly didn’t want to use “-chan” for Hikari at the time). There have also been interpretations that Ken might have been on surname basis with Takeru for at least a while; this is also ambiguous, given that he was initially on surname basis with Daisuke but went straight to given name basis with Iori (who, at the time, hated him the most out of the 02 kids).
Other notes: Nobody in the Adventure/02 group of kids actually calls him “Ken-chan”, but Wormmon and his family calling him this stuck so much in memory that the fanbase (and, at times, even official staff) constantly defaults to endearingly calling him this. Wormmon himself uses boku, much like Ken (and also in line with his generally polite disposition).
First-person pronoun: atashi (casual). Does occasionally use watashi (polite), but this is very, very rare.
General honorifics pattern: Uniformly given name “-san” for all elders and seniors (”Sora-san”, “Mimi-san”), with the exception of Koushirou (see below), and seems to not be averse to using “-senpai” in certain cases. Generally uses given name plus “-kun” for younger boys she’s good friends with (”Takeru-kun”, “Ken-kun”), but will eschew it if she has a particular rapport with them (see below). Uses “-chan” for Hikari, and likely other younger girls as well. In general, Miyako’s neutrally polite to others “by default”, but is a bit more willing to be in-your-face with people when she deems them to be particularly close.
Parents: Uses “kaa-san” for her mother (generally respectful but casual). She’s not seen addressing her father directly within the course of 02. The Character Complete File supplies “okaa-san” and “otou-san” (overall respectful).
Siblings: Miyako isn’t seen addressing Mantarou directly during 02, and her only direct address to her sisters is in Armor Evolution to the Unknown, during which she calls them “onee-chan-tachi”, implying that she may call them “onee-chan” (respectful, endearing) individually.
Koushirou: Having looked up to him as a computer club senior (but not really having known him personally at the time) prior to the events of 02, Miyako starts off the series calling him “Izumi-senpai”. While she is depicted as briefly calling him “Koushirou-san” in 02 episode 33, most portrayals stick with “Izumi-senpai” (even Kizuna), and given that she calls the other Adventure seniors by given name honorific, the implication is that it really has stuck too much with her, given the way she looks up to him.
Mimi: After bonding with Mimi in 02 episode 6 and fantasizing about Mimi being a sister-like figure to her, Miyako starts calling her “Mimi-oneesama” (”older sister Mimi”). While she does carry this into 02 episode 14, this only crops up when Miyako is in a particularly cheerful or playful mood; when things get serious, she goes back to using “Mimi-san” as usual.
Daisuke: Unusually, she only calls him “Daisuke”, with no honorific like she does Takeru. The implication is that, with how they bounce off and bicker with each other, she considers him enough of a peer to just go straight for the name (especially since she’s averse to Daisuke calling her with an honorific in turn; see above).
Ken: Initially called him “Ken-kun” while gushing over him in 02 episode 8 (not knowing he was the Kaiser), basically fantasizing over the idea of being close to him. Once his true nature was revealed and the fight with the Kaiser ended, Miyako initially kept him at distance as “Ichijouji-kun” when contemplating her feelings on him, but immediately started going back to using “Ken-kun” after solidifying her intent to have him on the team in 02 episode 25, committing to it fully in 02 episode 30 after the incident that led to her slapping him. She is the first person on the 02 team to use given name for him; the implication is that she deliberately decided to start calling him this because of how much she wanted to reach out to him and consider him a friend, with no illusions of standoffishness, and the fact she made this kind of conscious change so early into knowing him is likely why she didn’t end up getting habituated into surname basis like Takeru and Iori seem to have.
Iori: Miyako never uses an honorific for him, simply calling him “Iori”; the implication is that this is from her background of having known him as a neighbor and friend prior to the events of 02.
Other notes: Hawkmon uses “watashi”, which is in line with his very formal and polite attitude. He also perpetually uses polite-form Japanese, and is one of the few Digimon to use honorifics, adding “-san” to everyone’s names.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite)
General honorifics pattern: Consistently “-san” for everyone older than him (”Koushirou-san”, “Daisuke-san”), occasionally “-senpai” if the circumstance is right (very rarely). Since he’s the youngest of this group, we don’t get to see much about how he would address younger people, but it’s likely “-kun” would be in play to at least some degree. In general, he’s extremely adherent to societal propriety.
Family: Generally respectful okaa-san and otou-san in reference to his parents. His grandfather is “ojii-sama”, getting an elevated honorific due to his extra tier of formal respect from Iori.
Ken: Iori calls him “Ichijouji-san”; by the time he fully warms up to Ken (which takes him the longest of any of the 02 kids), he still calls him this, all the way up to the Kizuna drama CD. Presumably, it also got habituated.
Other notes: Like Koushirou, Iori speaks to everyone formally and politely with the -masu/-desu forms, but in Iori’s case, it’s implied to be part of his strict and formal upbringing, and something he consciously has to hold himself to -- unlike Koushirou, who had to actively force himself to try and speak casually, Iori speaks casually on-and-off with the Digimon, and actually has multiple moments of slipping into casual speech whenever he loses control of his emotions or gets sufficiently angry. Because of this, it’s hard to tell if he’d continue to speak formally with younger people, although Kizuna depicts him as at least speaking that way with his peers in school. Armadimon uses the assertive ore and speaks in Nagoya dialect, giving him an image of a very rough-around-the-edges but laid-back type.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep 14: So If You Put a Fraction Into a Duel Disk, the Card Explodes
We left on quite the cliffhanger last episode, so I’ll fill you in:
I did not get the haircut.
Like I seriously considered getting a Zigfried for a cool 3 or 4 minutes there, but then I decided to wait a couple of days and I basically forgot.
But, back to the arc finale, Seto has decided to walk, not run, to the Kaiba lab in order to fix the virus rapidly eating his entire company.
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I just want to point out that Zigfried went through a LOT of work to get Seto Kiaba to go “uggggh” turn around, and pretend to calmly walk away. I’m used to Seto losing his nut kind of a lot and blowing things up but this season he’s like “be chill be chill be chill” so that the entire world doesn’t think he’s a spaz on TV.
And little aside about Seto’s design choices here, I fell down a hole of interior design videos, and can I just say: apparently these wood frame things on the wall are back in style? Good on you, 2002(3?) Seto Kaiba. Don’t think that current designers are painting them purple but...we’re halfway there to Yugioh fashion.
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Meanwhile, Pharaoh decides to remind everyone that these stakes are hella low. The worst that happens is that Zigfried deletes the plane that Yugi needs to fly home...which would be an impressive virus.
Like it’s hard to tell if Yami even has a solid concept of “capitalism” and whether or not he cares about or understands the makeup of Seto’s company (which up till now has operated like a small country and not a business...which is a little more Pharaoh’s understanding. Either way...hard to tell if Yami would shed two tears for the loss of Kaiba corp.)
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And, despite what I say in the caps, I feel like Leon and Zigfried are the first villains we’ve ever had that Yugi and Pharaoh didn’t unintentionally disclose that they are 2 people to. Zigfried and Leon are just...completely oblivious to how effed up Yugi’s bean is. They think that’s just a normal kid and lol no dudes...y’all got distracted by Seto Kabia but you have a literal Egyptian God just hovering around in the background and dating 3 people by accident.
Like when the show shelves the main storyline, it is very funny how it’s all “And we’re gonna put the Pharaoh crisis on hold--just put a pin in it. No one will notice this child is two nervous wrecks stitched together” and then Yugi and Yami just kinda hold it in and watch all patiently until it’s their turn to get off the bench.
(read more under the cut)
In the giant computer tower, Seto Kaiba shouts out a string of orders and numbers, admired the many sonar detector looking windows open on every monitor, and then sat down at his desk to like...check the firewall, I guess?
The virus is past the firewall. It’s um...it’s inside the firewall, pretty sure that was the point, but youknow, it’s a kid’s show so they’re just throwing out computer stuff that has no meaning to the writers of this show.
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Mokuba thinks fondly of how Seto Kaiba has never screwed him over (which I mean...maybe not on purpose, ((except for that one time he did screw him over on purpose to get Gozaburo Kaiba to accidentally give Seto Kaiba the company, but you could say that was a grander scheme that he knew Mokuba would see through, which...)) but Seto certainly has screwed Mokuba over accidentally. At least once.)
And meanwhile, Yami fixes everything through card shenanigans.
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So here’s the shenanigan this episode: I don’t go over cards here but this one requires a limited amount of explanation.
So every round the golden castle deletes half of Yugi’s cards. So he was like...I’ll just draw down to one card. They can’t delete half a card...so that means the card must delete one of the two cards on the field which means it must delete itself.
...which is like the closest Yugioh will probably ever get to abusing a glitch to do a speedrunning tactic like GDQ.
Anyway, like I stated in the title: there are no fractions allowed in Yugioh. If you do that to your priceless one-of-a-kind card you got from winning one of Pegasus’ murder tournies, it will irreparably bust the card.
I’m sure at least one of you will correct me with the proper way to insert a fraction into your duel disk. Cuz like...as I say multiple times so we never forget, I barely pay attention to this card game and I’m just flying by the seat of my pants.
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I want to say Seto and Mokuba were in the hacker chairs for like...3 minutes maybe before they realized “oh...Yugi fixed it...” and walked the half a mile back to the duel arena.
and also, as I’m looking at Seto’s glasses here, I just realized...all of Kaiba’s team wears sunglasses all the time. Inside, outside, night, or day...
They haven’t outright said this...but what if those aren’t sunglasses?
Is Roland and that other Roland wearing fancy cyber glasses? They are, right? Because they wear them indoors?
Damn, they can’t take a piss without being on call with Kaiba Corp, can they?
Now the problem is...Yugi played all of his cards (he has two in front of him face down, but none in his deck) and after milling himself, this means he’s now basically a sitting duck for Leon to take the title of “King of Games.”
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Leon insists that he defend whatever scraps are left of his card honor and not duel a person who is carrying no cards and Yugi was like “COME AT ME BRO THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I KNOW I’M ALIVE.”
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He didn’t even have to do a horror on Leon, he just...played cards good? I skipped it, I’ll be honest, but overall Leon’s card honor was...saved? Maybe? I mean he also go destroyed when his competitor had not a single card in his duel disk so...
...Leon will have to work on his card honor off screen because he’s pretty well humiliated at this point.
But stumbling onto the playing field like he’s half dazed/daydrunk, Zigfried is like “You forgot I already won, bastards!”
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Which is when we find out that Zigfried’s “delete all” virus failed to press “enter” and deleted basically nothing. Just like when my Mom attempts to send something in Gmail but doesn’t press “Send” and tells me that Google is down and broken.
Sorry my bro has informed me that he ALSO has had to help my Mother locate the “Send” button and I just...I know she absolutely did that but I’m in denial that this Riddle of the Sphinx has happened to her multiple times.
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Honestly, the pep talk we get from Leon at the end to cheer up his bro was a whole lot of “we will pick ourselves up and we’ll do better next time. Together.” and sure you can translate that as “we’ll be honest next time” or you can translate that as “next time we will be not nearly as obvious about inserting a virus into their computer until it is done doing the job, bro.”
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Just like Dartz, we didn’t really get a whole lot of retribution or closure when it comes to Zigfried. But, unlike Dartz, Zigfried didn’t do too much murder, so I guess this is fine. He tried to cheat in a card game...
...and I guess tried to delete Kaiba Corp but youknow...
...people let him have that. The police saw the ticket of “this man tried to delete Kaiba Corp” and they just...didn’t arrest him. The judge saw that ticket and didn’t put out a warrant. They just let Zigfried have this, almost like “better luck next time, ya?”
And then Roland clocked out for the day and went home, thus ending this arc.
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Look at all these characters, most of which we never saw duel even one card.
We also got one shot of Mai for some reason although she was not in this arc.
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AAAHHHH. Every time I’m like “the show is done screwing geography” we get another freakin geography spook!
But we went back to California in order to get a scene of these guys in an airport to get a flight to Japan...
which means Rex and Weevil just...were they shipped home by the Kaibas? Because way to ditch getting arrested by the American Government, hot damn. They are...literally terrorists who destroyed a Caltrain in a plot to kill everyone in the world so like...really surprised Rex and Weevil are in public...but maybe all the FBI were dead at the time so they just didn’t know?
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Meanwhile, Duke has to go back to Death Valley and call a tow truck for his car, RIP.
I sure hope he got PTO during this stunt and isn’t going home to a pink slip.
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I’m not sure of Dukes life or anything going on with Duke. I’m sure the thing about Serenity is him joking because we have all forgotten about that girl by this point...but also...is Duke...still living in the Tenderloin? The crime rate is very, very high and the ground isn’t solid, so it will liquefy if there’s an Earthquake, but it is one of the few places in the Bay Area that doesn’t light on fire every year. He has that going for him.
I just really hope Duke moves out of the Tenderloin one of these days, he needs a better life.
Meanwhile, Rebecca does one last crime.
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This is like a post-epidemic reaction to a hug, but in 2002(3?).
I don’t think I’ll miss Rebecca too much. Wanted to like her more, but she was under-utilized, like most of the characters on Yugioh. Not even just talking girl characters here--most characters on Yugioh are super under-utilized, just Tristan Wallflowers doing nothing, but also being selectively OP as hell about very specific things they never, ever need to do.
Speaking of the devil:
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Yugi...just saved his entire company...
But Mokuba is just has to make sure to make it seem like they owed Mokuba and not the other way around. Just in case.
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So off they go on this massive plane. It’s probably more to do with the length of the trip as to why the plane is so big but also...
This plane is overcompensating.
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But before we analyze that, lets close the book on Seto Kaiba’s very short therapy arc. Overall, it was a nice distraction, but I can see why people call it a filler arc, as it really doesn’t affect...anything going on in the major plotlines, which makes me think it could have been a movie or a game or something. But overall, it’s not bad, it’s just not what you’d expect if you were a Western audience.
Like I’m preaching to the choir, but typically, Western stories are entirely plot focused, and so our arcs always give or take away from that plot. But in a Eastern story arc, it may instead be character focused, where the climax is a character evolving or coming to some sort of cathartic realization, which this arc was, in a big way. We still had some plot, because this is a Shonen, but overall it was about characters, and specifically whether or not Leon and his bro would reconcile or change--which they did.
We did get to see a little more growth on Seto in that he...didn’t go bonkers and hallucinate during a card game. It’s been a while since we’ve had him not do that. Seto was very chill this arc, which makes sense, it was a very chill slice of life arc for everyone involved.
So, next we move on to the next one, which bro has informed me...is
still not Bakura.
According to Bro, the next arc didn’t even air in the Japanese version of the show? Like he’s got a lot of spicy Yugioh headcanons so he could be wrong (He did tell me that he thought that Zigfried was Seto Kaiba’s ex boyfriend when he saw this as a kid which...that sure is a way to interpret this arc, and it probably wasn’t just my little brother who went down that thought tube there...)
(Bro Note: To be fair, I didn’t watch much of this arc as a kid.)
But he says the next arc was originally a movie. But they released it in the States as episodes to be part of S5, just to put more episodes in there. Which, if he’s correct, makes it seem like we’re getting like the Mulan 2 experience kind of shoved in between this arc and the next
But um..
according to bro it has virtually no card games.
I’m so used to only capping 10 minutes an episode, what?
Anyway, until then, here’s the link to read the rest of these from the start in chrono order:
I’m kinda itching to do a Season Zero, it’s been a hot minute--so those take a little longer to do, especially since I need to go to a different site I haven’t...checked out yet...I’ll be back...eventually? I just know that at some point in Season Zero they fight it out with yo-yo’s and I want to see it.
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fremedon · 3 years
It’s almost Yuletide! This will be my 18th Yuletide! My first Yuletide story will be old enough to vote this year and I have some mixed feelings about that! But also I have never missed or defaulted on a Yuletide since, and I have to say I feel pretty proud of that. I am still pretty far down the Les Misérables rabbit hole (speaking of which, it is not too late to propose programming for Barricades!), and unsurprisingly all the fandoms I'm nominating/requesting this year are set in July Monarchy France--Les Mis canon era: Petit-Cénacle RPF, Champavert: Contes Cruelles | Champavert: Immoral Tales - Pétrus Borel, and Les Enfants du Paradis | Children of Paradise. Petit-Cénacle RPF The Petit-Cénacle was a French Romantic salon, slightly younger and considerably more politically radical than the Cénacle centered on Hugo and Dumas; it included painters and sculptors as well as writers and critics, and most of its members at least dabbled in both written and visual arts. Its best-known members today are Théophile Gautier, Gérard de Nerval, and Pétrus Borel (the Lycanthrope)--the last two are thinly fictionalized in Les Misérables as Jean Prouvaire and Bahorel. (It's debatable how much Grantaire owes to Gautier but it's probably a nonzero amount.) The group coalesced around Borel and Nerval as the organizers of the Battle of Hernani--a fight between Romantics and classicists at the premiere of Victor Hugo's play Hernani in 1830. Most theater productions at this time had claques--groups of paid supporters of a show or an actor, who were planted in the audience to drum up applause. For Hernani--the first Romantic work staged at the prestigious Comédie-Français, which broke classical norms so thoroughly that it no longer seems at all transgressive--Hugo and the theater management decided they were going to need more than just a claque. They recruited a few of Hugo's fans--Gautier was so star-struck he had to be physically hauled up the stairs to Hugo's apartment--to stage An Event. The fans recruited their friends. They showed up in cosplay, with the play already memorized and callback lines devised. It was basically the Rocky Horror Picture Show of its day. It almost immediately turned into an actual fight, with fists and projectiles flying. And it made Hernani the hottest ticket in Paris. This is the group's origin story, and they pretty much spent their lives living up to it. They were every bit as extra as you would expect--Nerval allegedly walked a lobster on a leash in the Champs-Elyseés, explaining that "it knows the secrets of the deep, and it does not bark"--but they also stayed friends all their lives, often living together, supporting each other through poverty and mental illness and absurd political upheaval. I'm nominating Pétrus Borel | Le Lycanthrope, Théophile Gautier, Gérard de Nerval, and Philothée O’Neddy; you could nominate other people like Jehan Duseigneur, Celestin Nanteuil, or the Deverias, or associates of the group like Dumas and Hugo. The Canon Gautier's History of Romanticism covers the early days of the group and the Battle of Hernani in some detail. (There is also a 2002 French TV movie, La bataille d'Hernani, which is charming and pretty accurate; hit me up if you want a copy.) Other than that--this crowd wrote a lot, and they're all very present in their work--even in their fiction, which is shockingly modern in a ton of ways. For Gautier, Mademoiselle de Maupin has a lot of genderfeels, surprisingly literal landscape porn, and a fursuit sex scene in chapter two. If you want Nerval's works in English, you might be limited to dead-tree versions, but I highly, highly recommend The Salt Smugglers, a work of metafiction that answers the question, "What if The Princess Bride had been written in 1850 specifically to troll the press censorship laws of Prince President Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte?" Borel's experimental short story collection Champavert has a new and very good English translation by Brian Stableford and is also my next fandom :D. Champavert: Contes Immoraux | Champavert: Immoral Tales - Pétrus Borel Last year I requested Borel RPF but I decided this book was unfanficcable. This year, I am going to have a little more faith in the Yuletide community. Champavert, available in ebook and dead tree form, is a weird as hell little book and probably the best thing I read last year. It's an experimental short story collection from 1830. Someone on one of my Les Mis Discords described it as "a collection of gothic creepypasta, but the author is constantly clanging pots and pans together and going 'JUST IN CASE you didn't notice, the real horror was colonialism and misogyny all along and i'm very angry about it!'" And, yeah, pretty much that, with added metafictional weirdness, intense nerding about architecture and regional languages, and the absolute delight that is Borel's righteously ebullient voice. Borel wrote for a couple of years under the name of The Lycanthrope, and though he kills the alter ego in this book, the name stuck, and would continue to be used by friends and enemies alike all his life. Pretty much everyone who met Pétrus agreed that 1) he was just ungodly hot; 2) he was probably a werewolf, sure, that makes sense; and 3) he was definitely older than he claimed to be, possibly by centuries, possibly just immortal, who knows. But, like I said, he kills the alter ego in this book: it begins with an introduction announcing that "Pétrus Borel" has been a pseudonym all along, that the Lycanthrope's real name is Champavert--and that the Lycanthrope is dead and these are his posthumous papers, compiled by an unnamed editor; the papers include some of Borel's actual poems and letters, published under his own name. The final story in the collection is called "Champavert, The Lycanthrope," and is situated as an autobiographical story, following a collection of fictional tales--which share thematic elements and, in the frame of the book, start to look like "Champavert"'s attempts to use fiction to come to terms with events of his own life. And that's probably an oversimplification; this is a dense little book and it's doing a lot. The subtitle is Contes Immoraux. It's part of a genre of "contes cruelles" (and, content note for. Um. A lot), but it's never gratuitously cruel--it's very consciously interrogating the idea of the moral story, and what sort of morality is encoded in fables, and what it means to set a story where people get what they deserve in an unjust world where that's rarely the case. I'm nominating the unnamed editor, Champavert, his friend Jean-Louis from the introduction and the final story, and Flava from the final story; you could also nominate characters from the explicitly fictional stories. Les Enfants du Paradis | Children of Paradise This is a film made between 1943 and 1945 in Vichy and Occupied France and set...somewhere?...around the July Revolution, probably, I'll get into that :D. There's a DVD in print from Criterion and quite possibly available through your local library system. (And it's streaming on Amazon Prime and the Criterion Channel.) It's beautifully filmed, with gorgeous sets and costumes and a truly unbelievable number of extras, and some fantastic pantomime scenes. (On stage and off; there's a scene where a henchman attempts to publicly humiliate a mime, and it goes about as well as you would expect.) "Paradise," in the title, is the equivalent of "the gods" in English--the cheap seats in the topmost tier of a theater. It's set in and around the theaters of the Boulevard du Temple--the area called the Boulevard du Crime, not for the pickpockets outside the theaters but for the content of the melodramas inside them. The story follows a woman called Garance, after the flower (red madder), a grisette turned artists' model turned sideshow girl turned actress turned courtesan, and four men who love her, some of whom she loves, all of whom ultimately fail to connect with her in the way she needs or wants or can live with. This sounds like a setup for some slut-shaming garbage. It's not--Garance is a person, with interiority, and the story never blames her for what other people project onto her. Of those four men, one is a fictional count and the other three are heavily fictionalized real people: the actor Frédérick Lemaître, the mime Baptiste Deburau, and the celebrity criminal Lacenaire. Everyone in this story is performing for an audience, pretty much constantly, onstage or off: reflexively, or deliberately, or compulsively. Garance's survival skill is to reflect back to people what they want to see of themselves. She never lies, but she shows very different parts of herself to different people. We get the impression that there are aspects of herself she doesn't have much access to without someone else to show them to. Frédérick is also a mirror, in a way that makes him and Garance good as friends and terrible as lovers--an empty hall of mirrors. He's always playing a part--the libertine, the artist, the lover--and mining his actual life and emotions for the sake of his art. Baptiste channels his life into his art as well, but without any deliberation or artifice--everything goes into the character, unfiltered. It makes him a better artist than any of the others will ever be, but his lack of self-awareness is terrifying, and his transparency fascinates Garance and Frédérick, who are more themselves with him than with anyone else. Lacenaire, the playwright turned thief and murderer, seems to no self at all, except when other people are watching. Against the performers are the spectators: the gaze of others--fashion, etiquette, and reputation--personified by Count Mornay; and the internal gaze personified in Nathalie, an actress and Baptiste's eventual wife, who hopes that if they observe the forms of devotion for long enough the feeling will follow. The time frame is deliberately vague--it's set an idealized July Monarchy where all these people were simultaneously at the most exciting part of their careers. In the real world, Frédérick turned his performance of Robert Macaire into burlesque in 1823, Baptiste's tragic pantomime Le Marrrchand d’Habits! ("The Old-Clothes Seller") played in 1842, and Lacenaire's final murder, for which he is guillotined, is 1832; these all take place in Act II of the movie within about a week of each other. (Théophile Gautier, mentioned but tragically offstage in the film, was a fan of Baptiste; Le Marrrchand d’Habits! started as Gautier's fanfic--he wrote a fake review of a nonexistent pantomime, and the review became popular enough the Theater des Funambules decided to actually stage it. It only ran for seven performances.) I am nominating Garance, Frédérick Lemaître, Baptiste Deburau, and Pierre François Lacenaire. You could nominate any of the other characters (Count Mornay, Nathalie, the old-clothes seller Jéricho, Baptiste's father, his landlady, Nathalie's father the Funambules manager). Gautier, regrettably, does not actually appear in the film but you can bet that's going to be one of my prompts. So, that's one good movie you definitely have time to watch before signups, several good books you probably have time for and that are probably not like whatever else you're reading right now, and one RPF rabbit hole to go down! Please consider taking up any or all of these so that you can write me fanfic about Romantic shenanigans.
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hugoscenteno · 4 years
astrology analysis of skames characters - girl squad edition
yeah like no one asked but i thought it would be interesting to analyse the birth charts of skames characters starting with the girl squad! im basing the birthdates on wikia and i don’t have the time so the ascendant will be missing and im putting all the birthplaces as Madrid if nothing else is specified.
disclaimer: this is just for fun and im a beginner so this won’t be a full analysis. and when i write possible sign/sign moon it’s because the moon changed that day so it’s impossible to know for sure without a birth time
Amira Naybet: August 9th, 2002. Madrid, Spain.
Leo sun, possible Leo moon, Leo mars: funny that the color of her season is yellow cause the Sun is the planet for leos and we’ve seen her lighting up a room by her presence. She is loyal, honest, fun, confident in herself, passionate about things and generous which are big leo traits. Also she’s very social and gets along with people quite effortlessly and she would do anything for her friends.
Possible virgo moon/virgo mercury: her virgo mercury comes through when she is speaking, she is very collected and can find the right words right away, mercury, the planet of communication, is at home in virgo and she seems to be a good speaker like when she reassured Nora about the Miquel situation. AND she’s supposed to be giving a speech at the end of the year. she’s knowledgeable and interested in different topics and also very studious, she loves learning!
Libra venus : venus is the planet for libra so very good placement! Libras love love and i think we’ve seen many times that she does especially when she helps her friends get together with the people they love. Also libras are known to be flirting without meaning to and we know amira used to flirt a lot before she started wearing the hijab.
Nora Grace: February 13th, 2002. Cambrils, Spain.
Aquarius sun: she doesn’t really give me an aquarius vibe except for the having strong opinions and defending them! aquarius are known to be independent and going against the current which nora does to an extent.
Pisces moon/venus: the pisces makes a lot more sense to me as she is artistic, thoughtful, sensitive, detail-oriented, she gives good advice. she seems sometimes lost in thought as we’ve seen in s3 and always tries to see the best in people. it’s probably those placements that make her post those cringy insta stories with alejandro lmao.
Capricorn mercury: capricorn is authority. when she talks, everyone listens and she knows how to captivate an audience. they have strong opinions and are not afraid to express it which goes with the aquarius sun.
Aries mars: this one is the most surprising one cause aries mars is supposed to be aggresive and nora isn’t but i guess it is true like when she defended viri, the way she told alejandro that she’s not gonna be with him if he’s not sure. aries mars is intense, passionate and love the chase.
Viri Gómez: April 3rd, 2002. Madrid, Spain.
Aries sun and mercury : okay so as we know Viri doesn’t have much tact and aries placements (esp mercury) just say whatever comes through their mind and then be like “oh shit” when they realize they fucked up. and if that doesn’t represent viri i don’t know what will. also the start of her relationship with hugo (also an aries) was very “i like you but i hate you” which again aries placements love the chasing.
Possible sag or cap moon: i would lean towards cap moon cause she takes herself too seriously to be a sag. also we see she’s very focused on studies, school, work and capricorn are known to care about this more than antyhing else. also caps in general have a hard time expressing how they feel/what they feel and for most of the series viri was putting up this front not wanting to bother anyone with her issues, feeling embarassed and wanting to deal with it on her own.
Taurus venus and mars: these placements reinforces the whole caring about work, but also it makes her reliable and stable. she always tries to cheer everyone up, you can count on her. also venus is at home in taurus meaning they like very aesthetically pleasing things, fashion and we know that she likes it she just can’t afford it. the colour associated with venus (therefore taurus) is pink and WELL. they have a very optimistic outlook on life so it’s on brand with her mr wonderful quotes. also very stubborn and i think we’ve seen that when she has an idea she won’t budge.
Eva Vázquez: November 24th, 2002. Madrid, Spain.
Sagittarius sun and mercury: so these placements make the most sense for Eva because sags are known to be the life fo the party and kinda clowns, always wanting to have fun and that’s what eva’s been doing since the beginning of the series lmao, school is not her prioritiy. they are adaptable depending on what crowd they’re dealing with, very optimistic as well!
Cancer moon: okay so one of the clichés about cancers is that they LOVE food and when has eva been seen without food??? but more seriously this placement makes her able to empathize with people easily, to give good advice
Scorpio venus: intense!!! paranoid!!! jealous!! need i say more lmao but it is shown better with s1 eva than s4 eva i think. also extremely loyal and supportive of friends
Libra mars: i don’t have much to say about it because libra mars would typically be a moderator/facilitator with conflicts when i don’t think she has ever been? or maybe im not remembering right.
Cris Soto: November 12th, 2002. Madrid, Spain.
Scorpio sun, mercury and venus: im sorry but she doesn’t exude scorpio energy to me lmao okay she got jealous when the girl she just met arrived with her boyfriend but she strikes me more as a sag. although the way she holds grudges is DEFINITELY scorpio but i feel like everything with her is surface-level and not deep (which is typically scorpio) except for her relationship with joana.
Possible aquarius or pisces moon : im leaning towards aquarius because her looks are definitely something like i’ve never seen before, aquarius like to be a trendsetter and not being like everybody else which is something i think cris prides herself in. also huge need for independence
Libra mars: you know when i say cris is the queen of empty promises? this is basically this placement lol. she says but there are no acts behind to back up her speech. don’t have much to say about it as i think she would be a fire mars.
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subjectsix · 4 years
For fic titles, how about "Haunting Your Own House"?
Haunting Your Own House - I’ve been poking around and can’t really figure out if Ordinary is still a ghost town from an “““industrial accident”““ or if people were starting to move back in there (or maybe they were, but it didn’t work out and the FBC just quietly took it off the map but left it be)
REGARDLESS, canon be darned, I’d love to see Jesse and Dylan return to their childhood home. Especially if it’s largely untouched (except for maybe forgotten or uncollected FBC equipment). Favorite books and stuffed animals and old clothes still there, dust on everything, room cold from the lack of a running heater and the wood of the house getting old and the insulation eaten through by bugs or animals or what have you. Their art is still tucked away in their rooms (room?), their school bags forgotten, dumped on the kitchen floor from the rush home after that fateful day at school when the curfew got enacted. LONG overdue library books, posters on the walls, CD players and audio book tapes and everything. Jesse sits on her bed and dust flies everywhere and the floor creaks and one of her toys still holding onto the battery power in it from 2002 sputters some out of tune song from under the bed. She piles some of Dad’s CDs into a box to stick in the car when they wander back. Dylan empties out his old backpack and shoves some stuff in to take back with them, because the FBC said they couldn’t find any of this, are you kidding me? and it was here the whole time? of COURSE he’s reclaiming it all. The whole town is empty except for the two of them (and Polaris), but it’s... nice. Different. But good.
or if you want an angsty flavor,
been thinking about writing some fic where Dylan tries to fight back against the Hiss, when the Hiss is more in control than he is (see: him describing his dream where he’s just sitting there watching the Hiss in him talk to Jesse, and he says he can’t do anything-- what if he did try and wrestle lucidity back?), or even some good ol’ fashioned exploring-his-comatose-dreamscapes fic...
send me a made up fic title and i’ll tell you what it would prompt me to write
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joachimnapoleon · 5 years
On the Murat/Lannes relationship
Napoleonic history is a tangled web. In the relatively short amount of time (three years-ish) since it first ensnared me, I've lost count of all the narratives/anecdotes/random tidbits I've come across in one source that have ended up being contradicted in another. I feel better about not always knowing what to believe when I see professional historians tripping over the facts themselves--like Michael Broers, in the first volume of his overall amazing trilogy-in-progress on Napoleon, referring to the story about Eugène de Beauharnais asking Napoleon for his father's sword back, as a myth "fabricated by Eugène and Hortense, after Napoleon's fall," when Napoleon himself recounted the story on Saint Helena. The truth is, this subject is just so vast it's impossible to get everything right 100% of the time.
And it doesn't help that a lot of what has come down over the years and become "common knowledge" on the subject often derives from memoirs written to push certain agendas, to fashion narratives, and to defend (and destroy) reputations.
Napoleon's marshals grabbed my interest right off the bat--Murat in particular--and I grabbed up every book I could find early on, with zero idea of which ones were credible or outdated. And some of them were old--the first Murat biography I read (by Atteridge) was from before all eight volumes of his available correspondence had even been published. The first book on the marshals I read was from 1934 (by Macdonell); the next (by Delderfield) was from the 60s. They were all good introductory reading but left me with a lot of ideas/assumptions that I ended up abandoning later on as I delved more into the primary sources.
One of these is the "Murat and Lannes hated each other" narrative.
I can't say beyond a shadow of a doubt that Laure Junot's infamous memoirs are entirely to blame, but I'm sure they definitely contributed to mainstreaming this particular narrative (among others). The Duchess d'Abrantès despised both Joachim and Caroline Murat, and devoted ample space in her memoirs to making them look as heinous (and universally disliked) as possible. The professional rivalry between Lannes and Murat--which legitimately did exist, at least early on--was blown out of proportion, and future historians gleefully piggybacked on it because drama sells books. And so we end up with excerpts like this in Delderfeld's Napoleon's Marshals:
The two future marshals, who already detested one another, were laid side by side in the hospital and Lannes must have taken full advantage of the fact that he could insult his rival with impunity, for Murat's jaw had been shattered by a pistol shot and his face was swathed in bandages. [2002 edition, page 51]
Again, I don't deny there was an early professional rivalry between the two, deliberately exacerbated by Napoleon, who delighted in this sort of thing. Marbot, who served under Lannes, relates the following:
General Bonaparte, when on his way to assume the command of the Army of Italy in 1796, took as his senior aide-de-camp Murat, whom he had just promoted to colonel, and for whom he had a great liking. Having, however, in the first actions noticed the military capacity, zeal, and courage of Lannes... he granted to that officer an equally large share of his esteem and friendship, thus exciting Murat's jealousy. When the two colonels had become generals of brigade, Bonaparte was accustomed, on critical occasions, to entrust to Murat the direction of the cavalry charges and put Lannes in command of the reserve of the grenadiers. Both did splendidly, and the army had nothing but praise for either. But between these gallant officers there grew up a rivalry which, if the truth must be told, was not at all displeasing to the commander-in-chief, as tending to stimulate their zeal and their desire of distinction. He would extol before Murat the achievements of General Lannes, and enlarge in Lannes' presence on the merits of Murat. [Memoirs of the Baron de Marbot, 1903, page 336]
From this early rivalry, we are led to believe that Lannes and Murat hated each other unhappily ever after. As "proof" of this we are given the occasional heat-of-the-moment blowup during later campaigns.
But the narrative starts to melt away when you look at their personal correspondence.
When I first started diving into Murat's correspondence after my obsession took hold, I was fairly shocked when I read some of the letters between him and Lannes and saw so many marks of affection--and frequent use of the informal tu, used between close friends and intimates, instead of the formal vous. I’ve seen this spun, in order to uphold the Lannes Hated Murat™ narrative, as Lannes just doing it to nettle Murat by being blatantly disrespectful or some such nonsense. I don’t buy that take, personally.
Some of the letters/excerpts (with translations following each):
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"I see with pleasure that Blücher and the Duke of Weimar will not escape you. Be sure that you will never have as much glory as I want for you and that I love you a thousand times more than you love me. I will never cease to seize every circumstance of giving you new proofs of it. A thousand and thousand times your friend."
Excerpt in Lannes' own hand from a letter to Murat dated 1 December 1806:
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"I give you my word, my dear friend, that the soldier is in the greatest misery, make sure that food is sent to us from Warsaw. Your best friend, Lannes."
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"I pray you, my dear Duke, tell me if the Emperor must come soon to Warsaw. If I can get in a carriage, I count on going in two days to the capital, unless you think we're making a movement; in this latter case, I will be obliged to you to let me know it. You can't have an idea of what I've suffered. The Emperor gave me much grief, on the subject of what was found in Stettin, I will tell you all that when I see you. Farewell, my good friend, I love you with all my heart."
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"The rumor runs here, my dear Murat, that you are coming with the Emperor, the governor himself assures me of it, I will be obliged to you to let me know if this is true. I'm writing to His Majesty to request his orders. You must have suffered much this campaign, my dear Murat, I have no need to tell you that I've shared all your fatigues. I would have been happier to  be with you. Farewell, my dear Murat, give me your news and believe me for life your best friend."
In July of 1808, recovering from a severe illness that struck him in Spain, Murat went to "take the cure" in Barèges. He spent a few days there with Lannes and Ney, and was able to share the news with them that Napoleon had just made him the King of Naples. He writes the following letter to Lannes while in Barèges:
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"I'm sending you, my dear marshal, a letter from the Emperor; read it and send it back to me. You will learn this good news with pleasure, and I am sure that you will be delighted with the advice that His Majesty gives you to hurry and drink the waters. If you want to write him, send the letter immediately; I will send it by the return of his courier. Farewell, love always your good friend."
After their brief stay at Barèges, Murat accompanies Lannes to Lannes' chateau near Lectoure, and stays as his guest, to finish his recuperation through the end of July. Murat, months later in Naples, writes to his friend to express his gratitude for Lannes' care of him during his illness (this one's a bit hard to read, sorry):
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"My dear Duke, it has been a long time since I left you, I was glad to see your journey, I am persuaded that you were and are happy, I believe you are happy myself, since you are with the Emperor. Never leave him, it is only with him that there is happiness, I am no longer happy since I left him. You are persuaded of my friendship, but wanting to give you a recent proof of it, I just wrote to His Majesty to beg him to permit me to send you my Order of the Two Sicilies, it will acquire a new merit, worn by you. You are going to leave, you are going to fight again, and me, I will make wishes for your success. Was the Emperor Alexander friendly? And the Grand Duke? Did you conclude anything? You must tell me. Farewell, my dear Duke, love always your friend who will never forget your recent proofs of attachment. All yours; I kiss your children."
So in summary: I believe that Murat & Lannes were professional rivals early in their careers, but that their rivalry has been blown way out of proportion because drama makes good copy, and I'm pretty firmly convinced that they were a good deal closer than has commonly been believed/written. At any rate, I'm glad to be able to show another side of their relationship that hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as Lannes referring to Murat as an ass and a strutting rooster or whatever it was in Laure Junot's memoirs. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading; this ended up being a good deal longer than I originally envisioned it.
[All the letters above come from Volumes 4-7 of Lettres Et Documents Pour Servir À l'Histoire de Joachim Murat, except for the 18 July 1808 letter, which is from Albert Lumbroso’s Correspondance de Joachim Murat. I take full blame for any flaws in the translations, which are entirely my own.]
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