#except i wouldn't really go that far bc these are just some quick shots while i was out but
rsenak · 2 years
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Surprise! A horse!
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mutedsilence · 2 years
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕🎈
Hmm. I found this question quite hard. But, I think that's bc I tried to over think it.
I have 2 fics I'm very happy with.
The first one is 'Birthdays. Don't. Matter.' It's a Johnlock fic where John learns about Sherlock's birthday. It also explains why Sherlock had never shared his birthday before. John loves Sherlock and although he's not told him, he wants to show him how loved he truly is. I've added a link to it if anyone is interested. I am proud of this one as the flashback to Sherlock's childhood is directly inspired by my own. I would sit at the window waiting just for no one to show up. I've not celebrated my birthday in several years now, and no one really knows when it is.
The second isn't finished yet. It's a slow burn called 'don't make me fuck you in space' . I'll put a little except under the cut. It's an ironstrange fic that is set after NYC attack. Stephen hasn't had the accident yet and Tony is struggling with his PTSD. All Tony wants, is to be near the man he had fallen in love with. Stephen just wants to be left alone. I am so far really liking this one as it started out as just a silly little prompt I saw but it has turned into something deeper. I'm hoping to delve into Tony's mental health issues as well as go into Stephen's. It has completely taken a life of its own. What was going to be a fun little shot, it is now a longer fic that will have a sequel.
Anyway, thank you so much for asking this. I don't tend to think about my fics. I just love to write so once it's posted, I hardly go back to them.
An Excerpt from, 'Don't Make Me Fuck You in Space'
The door opened automatically when he arrived. The room wasn't large. One wall had been made into a large window. Staring out into space and seeing Earth perfectly. There were two rows of benches with cushions along. The door was directly opposite the window. In the front left corner, Stephen could see Tony. He had headphones on and was drinking a can of rockstar. 
Stephen gave a quick look over the rest of the room and started walking towards Tony. 
Tony didn't give any indication that he knew he was no longer alone. He kept staring out the window. 
Nothing. He repeated himself. This time Tony took off his headphones. He still didn't move. 
Stephen took a deep breath. Preparing to apologise and make things right, instead what came out his mouth was, "Those are terrible for your heart." He always felt more comfortable hiding behind medicine. It was easier. He wasn't even sure how Tony had gotten it. It would have had to have been included in the initial packing, but who would let a man with heart problems bring an energy drink with him to space? It didn't make sense. Then again, Tony gave the impression that no one could stop him from doing anything. 
Tony smiled in response to the terrible joke. He tipped the can towards Stephen in offering. He was about to decline when he realised if he drank it, Tony wouldn't. He took it and drank some. He remembered how many he used to drink while he was still a student. He hadn't had one since. "I wanted you," 
Stephen looked towards Tony. He was still looking out the window and he was talking quietly. Almost for his ears only. "I saw you, and I wanted you. No one else. You didn't even see me," Stephen had no idea what Tony was talking about, but didn't want to disrupt him. They were finally talking - sorta. "You came into my examination room, asked my doctor where someone was," He smiled at the memory while Stephen struggled to place it. "I already had planned to go to space, I was going to come alone," Tony turned to face Stephen then, "I knew then - when I saw you - that I didn't want to be alone anymore." 
He didn't know what to say. 
He placed the memory. He had gotten a message on his pager from Christine, and had gone to find her. He noticed that Dr West had been in a nearby room and quickly popped in. He hardly noticed the patient. Dismissing them immediately as they were not Dr West. He had told him where to find Christine and he left without another word. He could see Tony now. Blood speckled over him. His mouth slightly open as he looked at him in the doorway. He was hooked up to a heart monitor and an IV. He had been ignored - now Stephen was saddened by his past self. This memory clearly meant something to Tony and he had practically forgotten about it. 
Looking at Tony's face, he could see the blood that had marked him before. 
He lifted his hand to Tony's face as if to wipe it away. His words turned in his mind. And he realised that maybe, just maybe, he didn't want to be alone either.
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