#except for brenden but.
little-red-devil · 2 years
I’m not convinced these men are actually professional footballers
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user211201 · 5 months
Good Game
Originally posted on 2022-06-06 by dumb-and-jocked.
This was a collaboration piece with @rozza22365.
“Babe, how did you know exactly what I needed?” Brenden asked, skipping happily along the trail with his boyfriend’s hand in his own.
“I have my ways,” Chaz replied nonchalantly, although it was evident he’d thought about this long and hard. The whole day had gone according to his plan of making Brenden feel as relaxed as possible. After a very stressful promotion process at Brenden’s hair salon, Chaz knew the 22-year-old was going to need a break. He planned a romantic weekend getaway involving time at the beach, a stroll through the local park, and a fancy meal for dinner followed by “dessert”. Chaz was working hard to help his boyfriend take a step back from reality. Brenden just needed to slow down to keep his miniature body from exploding.
And by miniature, Chaz meant the 5’5 skinnier-than-a-flagpole twink hopping beside him like a delicate gazelle. His stick-like figure (along with the platinum-blonde locks gelled up in the front and a pair of beach balls in the back) often made him a target for bullying, including homophobia. Luckily, Chaz was usually enough to scare them off. The recent college-grad was only 5’11, but thanks to his many years on the swim team had developed a modest frame. He’d also gained a comfortability with public speaking and argumentation thanks to his political science degree. Once he got a job, then Chaz believed he would have everything he would need to be happy in life.
“Oh! Honey, look!”
Before Chaz could even follow Brenden’s sight line, his boyfriend was already skidding across the field. Chaz walked comfortably behind, smiling as he noticed how the light breeze blew through Brenden’s salmon-striped tank and ripped white jeans. Chaz thought about catching up, but he didn’t want to run in his cheap sandals. Not only that, but the last thing he wanted to do was rip his khakis and sweat through his casual button-up. It was already pretty warm out, so any extra effort might have strained Chaz’s body in ways that wouldn’t be attractive.
“Yum…” Brenden was basically drooling as Chaz joined him at the top of the hill. About 200 feet away were a group of jocks wrapping up what looked to be a game of baseball. They all appeared to be around the same age as the couple, except each was about double the size of both boyfriends put together. Even from a distance, one could see the jocks’ bulging muscles, shimmering layer of sweat, and (thanks to their lack of shirts) set of washboard abs. And their gym shorts perfectly showcased the numerous perky behinds and overstuffed pouches. With their hats all turned backwards as well, they looked exactly like the stereotypical college jocks.
“No kidding…” Chaz joined in the ogling, watching as they packed up their gear and started heading out. The boyfriends couldn’t stop admiring how the jocks looked, strutted, and acted. Their physical features weren’t the only thing the pair noticed however. The jocks were all engaging in playful gay banter, fake-kissing and bromanticizing with each other. Although it was pretty obvious that all of them were typical arrogant, straight boys pretending to be men, Brenden and Chaz couldn’t help but fantasize about the simplicity of their life.
The couple watched on as the jocks got into two lines facing opposite directions, ready to give each other the classic “Good Game” sendoff. However, instead of giving high-fives, they instead swatted every butt playfully. Brenden and Chaz bit their lip, every jiggle of a straight male’s buttock translating into a tiny pulse of pleasure through their modest boners.
“Did we…” Chaz started. “Did we just get baited?”
“No, at least I don’t think so,” Brenden retorted, taking a breath. “I think that was all natural. Nothing gay about it.”
“No homo,” Chaz imitated in a broish tone, gaining a laugh out of his boyfriend. “Ready to head out, sweetheart?”
“Just a second.” Brenden was still looking down at the field. “I think the boys might’ve left us a present.”
Sitting on home base lay two blue baseball caps. Making sure no one else was watching, Brenden instantly made a run for it. With a small smirk, Chaz followed behind at a quicker stroll. Apparently tonight’s “dessert” was going to involve roleplay.
“Chazzy! How do I look?”
The blue hat sat comfortably on Brenden’s head, the bill shading his cute face from the harsh sun.
“Exactly like them,” Chaz responded sarcastically, placing the other hat on his head.
“Thanks, bro,” Brenden replied in his version of a broish tone before leaning in for a kiss.
“Mmm!” Chaz was surprised to feel his boyfriend’s tongue quickly slide through his mouth. Once they pulled apart, Chaz stopped any further affection, “Darling, let’s roleplay when we get home.”
“But no one’s here,” Brenden whined. “No one will see us. Now, flip your cap around.”
Chaz quickly surrendered, too horny to use any of the argumentation skills he had learned over the years. Rushed, he did one more sweep around the field before following instructions. Brenden flipped his own as well, letting the front of his quiff pour out of the empty hole in the front. Instantly, the pair felt a sharp shock strike through their bodies. They physically lurched in extreme agony for a moment, but seconds later they had already forgotten about the pain.
“So what do you say, babe,” Brenden tried replicating his broish tone again. “Should we…”
Chaz, getting the memo, leaned down for a kiss. He closed his eyes, ready to feel his boyfriend's soft lips touch the bottom of his own. Chaz kept feeling himself get lower and lower, but eventually he became confused as to why he hadn’t reached Brenden yet.
“Dude! Open your eyes!”
Chaz’s eyelids lifted to reveal Brenden’s crotch right in his face.
“Ah ew babe!” Chaz backed away in disgust. “How could you prank me like that?” Brenden however was laughing so hard that Chaz could see each one of his skinny abs rippling on his lanky body. The 6’5 beanpole was cackling up a storm.
“I didn’t even realize I had leaned in so far,” Chaz joined in with Brenden’s jovial nature. At 6’4, he must’ve bent almost straight down in order to get to his boyfriend’s crotch. “Ok, so can I kiss you now?”
“No bro, we’re still roleplaying.” Chaz noticed how Brenden was getting more in touch with his broish tone, so he decided to follow suit.
“Alright then…broski…what’s next?”
“What’s next babe is a game of gay chicken.” Brenden appeared extremely eager for this. Chaz could tell by the way his boyfriend’s cut-like-steel and shaped-like-diamonds calves bounced excitedly back and forth.
“What’s that?” Chaz replied, positioning his own legs out into a kickstand. Thanks to his khaki shorts, people were also able to see the fine, rugged calves he owned. Similarly cut like Brenden’s, yet just a little tanner and meatier. Although if Chaz ever brought this up, Brenden would just compete by acknowledging how he was slightly taller so his calves were drawn out more.
“It’s simple, bro. It’s where basically two dudes get as close to a kiss while trying not to. The person who kisses first loses.”
Chaz considered this, a little thrown off by the game. The rules seemed simple enough, but why would his boyfriend want to play this? Chaz was so horned up right now that he could just stick his head between Brenden’s two massive thighs. Chaz could just daydream about how if he placed his skull into Brenden’s gym shorts, then his boyfriend would probably be able to break him open like a ripe watermelon. Their chunky, meaty size was almost tangible, but unfortunately that’s not the game his boyfriend wanted to play right now. Chaz instead reminded himself that it could happen tonight for dessert.
“Ok, I’m in,” Chan announced, suddenly enthused over the prospect of a challenge. He clapped his own thighs together in anticipation, sending ripples across his soft and muscular quads. Just like his boyfriend’s, they too filled his own gym shorts nicely, looking like candy with a tight wrapper.
“Sweet dude! Since I brought the game up I have to go first.” Although Brender had seemed excited, Chan noted the new tone in his voice. The use of “have'' accented a new emotion laced into his boyfriend’s words: fear. The emotion was also evident in the way Brender’s torso was super tense. The man’s abs were extremely hard, flexed to their max capacity. His tender pecs were solid while his silver-dollar nipples were rock hard. Even the man’s delts displayed apprehension, hiding away from their true larger-than-life wingspan.
Slowly but surely, Brender slowly reclined forward. To make sure he didn’t get too close and lose in the first round, he placed a porcelain hand against Chan’s carved chest. He subtly felt up his boyfriend’s 6-pack, noting how each one felt like a stone plucked straight from the earth. Brender’s finger ran up the valley into the upper torso, giving each of the mounds of flesh Chan called pectorals a cheeky squeeze. He also made sure to give a little flick to one of Chan’s nipples, which truly looked more like an udder than something meant for nothing.
Brendor got close, but he paused at about 6 inches. “Gonna be hard for you to beat that!”
“Pfft, sure bro.” Chant was pretty confident this wouldn’t be as difficult as his boyfriend had made it look. Chant took a similarly sluggish speed that Brendor had, making sure to move forward at a cautious pace. To assure he didn’t fall forward, Chant grabbed his boyfriend’s massive arms. Brendor’s forearms were so long and sturdy with veins accentuating their muscular mass. His biceps were so firm and his triceps had a similar amount of vigor. Even the other man’s hands were gigantic, looking big and solid enough to catch a baseball without the mitt.
Getting to the 6-inch mark that Brendor had made it to, Chant slowed down his pace even more. He felt his own brawny appendages become strained, his own veins snaking across robust arms. Similarly to Brendor, Chant’s biceps stood as two proud mounds atop his tanned flesh. His triceps had a identical mass, and his forearms displayed a strength that had been built up over years of hard work. His heavily-calloused, giant hands only furthered the argument by looking more fit for a package of Hamburger Helper than a human being. Right as he passed Brendor���s previous attempt, Chant gave an obnoxious set of kissy lips before taking a step back.
“Almost had me there bro,” Brenor replied in a tone that was deep, masculine, and empty.
“Huhuhuh, you wish dude.” Chent couldn’t help but guffaw, his voice an almost identical replica. Absentmindedly adjusting his rope wristband, Chent felt a rush of adrenaline race through him as he said, “Ball’s in your court.”
Brenor gave a quick nod, his bulging Adam’s apple shaking in agreement. Bending his tremendous upper traps, Brenor approached Chent’s face once again. While watching his boyfriend dip closer, Chent took his time studying every part of the other man’s face. A square jaw loosened gently with some baby fat that made him look extra adorable. Eyebrows bushy but his brown hair was at a crew cut length beneath the cap. Big nose to circulate air while working out and fading eye black to advertise that there wasn’t much behind those dull brown eyes.
Reaching in on Chent’s last milestone, Brenor carefully cupped one of his gargantuan hands against his boyfriend’s face to steady himself. He loved how it perfectly fit against the other man’s carved jaw, the way it caressed the other man’s Neatherandthal-like bone structure. He couldn’t stop himself from analyzing Chent’s crooked nose after being broken from a previous game, or the way that his blond crew cut matched his light eyebrows. Even Chent’s lackluster eyes had a certain shine to them. He wasn’t hypnotized by the looks however, he was just purely appreciating aesthetics. And with that realization, Brenor pulled away gleefully.
“Let’s go bro!” Brevor cheered, stomping his Size 15 blue Nike’s hard on the ground.
“I thought I was just about to win there, babe.” Crent playfully kicked Brevor’s shin with a Size 14 black Adidas, not noticing how the term of endearment had come out more like an insult. Noting his socks had fallen down a little, he faithfully bent down to pull them up before continuing.
“You still have time to surrender,” Crent sniggered.
“Nah bro, you’re about to fade!” Brevor may have been right, that last stretch was getting close. But that didn’t mean Crent was going to give up! Confidently, he grabbed his boyfriends behind and pulled him in. Crent may have been focusing on his game of gay chicken, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed to feel up his bro’s ample bottom on the side. And wow, was he glad he did. It was thick and tough. Soft, yet too muscular to derive any pleasure from. Sneakily, Crent shoved a finger into Brevor’s butthole, finding it was way too tight to be welcoming.
“Hey!” Brevor yelped.
“Sorry, brohama,” Crent purred. “I’m just luring you in.”
“The point of the game isn’t to turn me on, dude,” Brevor sneered. “That’s a different game of gay chicken.”
“I just gotta get comfortable, bro. Just doin’ the same thing to you I do to a…”
Crent stopped himself, unsure of what word was supposed to finish that sentence. Instead of dwelling on it however, he continued. With one hand still on the butt, Crent slowly explored the rest of Brevor’s midsection. He found a pair of heavy kumquats hiding in the man’s shorts, so large they were probably painful to contain in clothing. Above those was his boyfriend’s babymaker, a soft 7 inch sausage stuffed not so subtly. Right as Crent passed Brevor’s previous point, mere centimeters away from the lips, Crent gave the other man’s dick a quick squeeze and backed off.
“Is somebro feeling a little frisky?” Brevor remarked.
“We’ll see when you kiss me,” Crent antagonized back. Not being one to back down, Brevor stuck his hand right into Crent’s shorts. Finding the soft 7 inch joystick, he pulled the other man so close that he could feel Crent’s balls rub against his. Even though they were separated by layers of fabric, Brevor was able to feel their succulent, robust nature. After giving the pouch a good squeeze, Brevor found that Crent’s buttocks shared the same descriptive adjectives. Succulent and robust, but also tense.
“What…what are you doing…bro?” Crent murmured, finding Brevor’s actions were a little less playful than his own.
“I’m losing.”
And with that, Brevor pushed himself into Crent’s lips. At first it was only Brevor kissing, but Crent got the memo and quickly began reciprocating. It wasn’t very long and it wasn’t involving tongues, but it was a kiss nonetheless. Both of the men felt odd and weird about the kiss, but part of them felt good about it too.
Immediately, the two men felt their dicks get hard followed by a constantly-looming need to touch them. Being preoccupied by their strange kiss however, they could only think of one way to resolve their issue: grinding. The two bros instantly started humping each other, as if the same, horny thought process was guiding their decisions. But with each rub against the other body, their attraction and horniness faded, becoming nothing more but amusement towards each other. The thought of actually liking each other felt pretty gay. And the more the two bros shared their gaze while kissing and humping, the less desire they felt. Instead, they discovered a great friendship and comradery towards each other.
The fading of attraction towards was closely followed by their homosexuality as a whole. Even though they were physically with their bro, they were mentally dreaming about boobs and tight pussy. Their homosexualities weren’t the only things disappearing however, as their IQ had been steadily dropping during their entire process of “appreciation of the male form”. Their minds began restructuring, new memories settling in and piecing together their new lives.
Flashes of sports, porn, and endless sex. Bad grades and rich parents, privileged backgrounds and dull futures. Lots of banter with the bros, even a bit of gay banter. Obviously, they sucked and jerked their bros off every now and then but that wasn't gay–just dude stuff. Sometimes they even destroyed nerds’ holes in order to make them do their homework, but as long as they topped it wasn’t gay. And a simple “no homo” always cleared things up though.
Laughing more as they humped, the two men (if they could really be called that) began thinking of this more as a stupid game. With so many memories of banging and impregnating countless cheerleaders and sorority chicks over the years, the thought of being gay seemed like a foreign concept. Just the idea of motorboating or ramming their cocks and seeding some bimbo made the two jocks want to-
“OH BRO!” they both shouted in unison as giant blasts of cum soaked the front of their shorts. With IQs under 90, the pair began showcasing the best of male intellect by jokingly rubbing their wet fronts against each other.
“You’re such a fag, bro!” Trent guffawed. “I knew I was gonna win.”
“Oh whatever dude,” Trevor huffed. “I wasn’t the fairy who was enjoying it.”
They both continued bantering with each other before realizing the rest of their crew had already gone back to the frat house. Accepting defeat for now, Trevor smirked and gave Trent a playful spank.
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“Good game, bro,” Trevor ceded. “But I’ll getcha next time.” Trent chuckled dully before giving a smack back to Trevor’s behind.
“Sure, broski. Good game.”
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book--brackets · 2 months
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morphaeus · 9 months
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— MORPHAEUS writeblr reintroduction
— about the author;
hello! I've recently had an unexpected break from tumblr, but as I'm finally back, I thought I'd write a new intro post. My name is Micah; I'm 32, non-binary, and my pronouns are they/them. I'm a caffeine addict, a vegetarian, a college student, a gamer, and a writer. I live in the midwest, and I'm neurodivergent and disabled.
I write mostly speculative fiction, and my protagonist are typically queer. At the moment I'm not posting my stories anywhere, but I'm exploring several options to do so eventually. I'm also in the process of writing and coding two interactive stories. You can find out more on my development blog, @morpheusfiction.
I'm always looking for more writeblrs to follow and more new authors to read, so please interact with this post so I can check out your blog!
— find me elsewhere;
about // wips // instagram // twitter // spotify
— works in progress;
Sadie Nelson's summer is off to an awful start.
Her first year in high school has been a disaster, with failed classes and more detentions than she'd care to admit. With summer school the only thing to look forward to, she doesn't think it can get worse - until her parents sit down and tell her they're getting a divorce. The news comes as a devastating kind of relief. She can't wait for the fighting to come to an end, even if it means split holidays.
So when her parents send her off to her aunt's house in Newfoundland for the rest of the summer, she figures things can't get much worse. Her Aunt Claire is content to leave her alone while she works on her art, and Sadie spends most of her days by the seaside, wandering or drawing boats, and lost in thought.
When she finds a strange girl on an abandoned cove, far from town, Sadie is quick to try and make her first friend in St. Brenden's Bay. But her new friend is stranger than she realizes - and what does her Aunt have to do with her appearance?
empyrean eclipse;
Dr. Hazel Hartley-Pryce is what most people refer to as a genius. The leading cybioengineer in the paradisaical city of New Eden, she’s revolutionizing the very concept of prosthetics. At least, that’s her day job. Most of the time, she’s just Zelle Pryce, awkward and unknown heir of an oil empire trying to make up for her family’s myriad sins.
Lark Donaghue lost their arm and their memory in an accident five years ago — or, at least, they think it was an accident. Ever since, they’ve been doing their best to recover in both mind and body. As one of the recipients of the Hartley-Zimmer prosthesis, they spend most of their time in the labs having their new arm calibrated, or in physical therapy, getting used to having a left arm for the first time.
When they bump into each other in the hospital café, Zelle has no idea that Lark is one of her test subjects. Likewise, Lark doesn’t associate the cute young doctor he meets with Dr. H. Hartley, the mysterious billionaire scientist who invented their prosthesis. Each are determined to keep their past a secret, eager to have something normal in their lives.
But when Zelle is attacked, everything changes. The mystery behind Lark’s amnesia might finally be solved — but at what cost?
wrong witch;
born into a family of witches, morgan has never shown a drop of magical power - no matter how much his mothers insist he has the inherent potential. he’s ready to give up on magic altogether, when, on his seventeenth birthday, he wakes up covered in blood, having sleepwalked into the nearby woods. suddenly, he has more power than he knows what to do with, and all of his dreams are coming true - but at what cost?
and why?
gabriel graves is a warlock, having traded his eternal soul for magic. when his family moves from bustling new york city to a small town in the midwest, he’s taken from his circle of power — his true family — and left alone. the citizens of ashborough, mi, are perfectly normal, and perfectly boring.
except, of course, for the mysterious delacroix family.
morgan and gabriel’s lives collide in the ashborough woods, as morgan seeks to discover the source of his newfound powers, and gabriel searches for a place to call his own.
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Kayla Gogarty at MMFA:
After former President Donald Trump posted a video mentioning a “unified Reich,” his campaign blamed a “random account” but left out that the account is seemingly part of a pro-Trump “meme team” that has ties to the campaign and is apparently led by Brenden Dilley, a podcaster who regularly spews extreme and hateful rhetoric on his online show. On May 20, Trump posted on Truth Social a short video that shows hypothetical newspaper articles from after a Trump victory, including three mentions of a “unified Reich.” As The Associated Press explained, “The word 'Reich' is often largely associated with Nazi Germany’s Third Reich, though the references in the video Trump shared appear to be a reference to the formation of the modern pan-German nation, unifying smaller states into a single Reich, or empire, in 1871.”
The post was deleted after Trump’s campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt said the video “was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word.” Despite Leavitt’s claims that the video came from a “random” online account, the AP revealed it “appears to have been created” by a meme creator who goes by the username Ramble_Rants and is part of a “group of meme makers” that has ties to Trump’s campaign. The account repeatedly defended and posted the video in response to criticism, saying it didn’t invoke “anything except peace and prosperity for Americans,” and the account positively responded to other users that offered praise after Trump shared the video.
[...] Trump and his campaign have repeatedly shared the meme team’s material, and the campaign reportedly “privately communicated with members of the meme team, giving them access and making specific requests for content,” and “in at least one instance … shared behind-the-scenes footage to be used in videos, according to members of the team.” Trump has been photographed with Dilley and reportedly “sent personalized notes to several of the group’s members, thanking them for their work.” Additionally, Dilley disclosed that the campaign gave him and another member of the meme team a “special” and “exclusive” press credential for the campaign’s Iowa caucuses night, where “you hang out with all these wonderful people, and Don Jr. comes through, and Eric Trump comes through, and pretty much the entire Team Trump comes through.” (Reporting has indicated that several journalists from mainstream publications, including The Washington Post, NBC News, Axios, and Vanity Fair, have been denied press access to Trump’s campaign events.)
The Dilley Meme Team led by MAGA cultist podcaster Brenden Dilley may very well be the ones behind the infamous "Unified Reich" video that Nazi Germany fetishist Donald Trump posted to Truth Social that he later deleted.
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torterragarden · 2 years
003 for either Magma Boss Maxie or Champion Steven Stone
I'll do both!
Let's do Maxie first
How I feel about this character: I love him. He's my favorite character in Hoenn along with Archie, though if pressed I will pick Maxie just cause I'm a Ruby person. Tbh tho... while I have a lot of nostalgia for the original gen 3 games, Maxie didn't really become an intriguing character until ORAS. For the most part, I prefer Emerald to ORAS, but one of the thing ORAS did REALLY well was Maxie and Archie. They were literally interchangeable (and not all that interesting either way) in the originl RSE, but ORAS made them distinct characters and also made me LOVE them. Misguided idiots who mean well and who got the whole region involved in their messy divorce. NO ONE is doing it like them fr
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Archie! Like. Come on it's so obvious they love each other. Whether you interpret that as platonic or romantic, they love each other
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: uuh I guess Maxie with the rest of Team Magma, or Maxie with the player. May/Brenden trying to deal with their idiot divorced dads sure is a concept
My unpopular opinion about this character: don't think I have one
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I think he and Archie should have kissed
Favorite friendship for this character: Archie. yeah.....
My crossover ship: why would I ship him with anyone else Archie is RIGHT THERE
Now for Steven!
How I feel about this character: So uh. Steven is one of the first characters in Pokemon I had a crush on as kid lmao he's so cool! And he has a great design, his ORAS design in particular is so good! It's one of those designs that looks better the longer you look at it. Like at first glance it's like, yeah good looking guy in a nice suit, cool. Then you notice the steel cufflinks, then you notice the metallic sheen inside of his jacket, then you notice his lapel and belt and the color placement and how it all reads as classy but still evokes the Steel typing he prefers. It's great! It's a really good design! Honestly like... he might be right after Cynthia in terms of favorite Champion design. Steven is such a cool Champion honestly, I don't think his team as a whole is as threatening as say, Cynthia's or Leon's, but his Metagross alone is a HUGE Threat, and even his Cradily can be annoying, and maybe it's only because I played Ruby/Emerald so much as a kid but Steven is very memorable to me, I really love him as a Champion like truly. His personality is um. Okay so I feel like Game Freak was going for introspective and cool but it kind of reads more as. pretentious loser hfhhfdjks but that also is endearing. I LOVE Steven okay. Like yeah there's other Champions I prefer but I love him so much fr he's so cool and kind of underrated in my onion
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I don't really ship him with anyone. Except myself maybe
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: uuh idk tbh
My unpopular opinion about this character: He has one of the best Champion themes. Like. I feel like his theme is so rarely brought up when people talk about Champion themes but it's SO good. I love how fast it is, like it just starts and keeps going and never really loses tempo and the vibe is very much "oh you're here you got your Pokemon okay GO" and like I love the intensity I love how much it contrasts Steven's relatively calm personality while still feeling like it Fits, like it feels like Final Battle music it feels like This Is It, and this dude who was your friendly mysterious mentor for most of your journey is unleashing his full power on you, and you better be fucking ready to show what you're made of. God it's such a good theme like I understand how certain other Champion other themes could overshadow it, honestly I can't think of a single Champion theme I don't love, but like. I feel like people overlook Steven's SO much idk. It's so good tho
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: uuh idk.
Favorite friendship for this character: uuh.
My crossover ship: none
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luxuryandsports1 · 9 months
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Nike Brenden Jaimes Powder Blue Los Angeles Chargers Game Jersey Price From: 62.95 | | [Buy it now at] : https://luxuryandsports.com/product/nike-brenden-jaimes-powder-blue-los-angeles-chargers-game-jersey/ ✅http://Luxuryandsports.com https://Facebook.com/luxuryandsports/ https://Pinterest.com/luxuryandsports2022/ ✅https://twitter.com/luxuryandsport2 https://www.instagram.com/luxuryandsports.official/ #Trend #halloween #chirstmas #gift #funny #cool #Sum New About Nike Brenden Jaimes Powder Blue Los Angeles Chargers Game Jersey Welcome to the world of the Nike Brenden Jaimes Powder Blue Los Angeles Chargers Game Jersey! As expert product sellers, we are thrilled to introduce you to this exceptional jersey, designed to celebrate your love for the Los Angeles Chargers in style. With its unique customization options and fan-oriented features, this j...
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spoilertv · 1 year
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birdzflycom · 1 year
West Ham United vs Leeds United: Exciting Premier League Clash Unfolds
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Img Source: https://static.independent.co.uk/2022/01/21/17/GettyImages-1357098713.jpg In a highly anticipated Premier League encounter, West Ham United takes on Leeds United today, promising an intense battle on the field. As we gear up for this thrilling match, let's take a look at the teams' recent performances and expectations for the game. Reigning champions Manchester City clinched the title in the previous season, narrowly edging out Liverpool in a neck-and-neck race. Pep Guardiola's side secured their fourth title in five years with a comeback win against Aston Villa on the final day of the 2021/22 season. Meanwhile, Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool, who had their sights set on a quadruple, had to settle for the FA Cup and Carabao Cup trophies. The Reds will be aiming to reclaim the title they won in 2020. Chelsea had an eventful season last year, with Roman Abramovich stepping down as owner and Todd Boehly taking the reins at Stamford Bridge. With a significant investment at hand, Boehly will be eager to see an immediate return on his investment. Tottenham, back in the Champions League, will also be looking to build on their previous successes. While the top-tier action garners significant attention, it's important to note the promoted teams for the 2021/22 season: Fulham, Bournemouth, and Nottingham Forest. These clubs will be determined to prove themselves against the best in English football and avoid relegation. Now, let's turn our focus to the exciting West Ham United vs Leeds United fixture. Stay tuned as we provide live coverage, updates, and insights from the game, offering a detailed account of the action as it unfolds. Substitution Alert: In the latest team news, Adam John Forshaw has been replaced by Brenden Russell Aaronson for West Ham United, while Jack David Harrison has been substituted by Crysencio Jilbert Sylverio Cirro Summerville for Leeds United. West Ham United has been relentless in their pursuit of goals, earning their sixth corner of the match. Bowen delivers a pinpoint cross to Soucek, who executes a powerful downward header. The ball seems destined for the top corner, but Robles, in an extraordinary display of agility, stretches to push it over the bar, denying West Ham the lead. Bowen exhibits his speed and skill as he sprints down the byline, firing a low shot from an acute angle. Robles manages to parry the shot, but Ayling comes to his goalkeeper's aid by heading the ball back into his gloves, preventing a corner for West Ham. Emerson's early cross takes an unexpected deflection, falling into the path of Ings. The striker quickly turns and drills a low shot towards the goal, but Wober, showing excellent defensive awareness, blocks the effort, averting the danger for Leeds. Harrison demonstrates exceptional control as he brings down Wober's cross-field pass. With precision, he whips a cross to the far post, aiming for Gnonto or McKennie. Unfortunately for Leeds, both players go for the ball simultaneously, resulting in McKennie inadvertently heading it behind the goal, squandering another opportunity for Leeds United. As the game progresses, both teams display determination and skill, leaving fans on the edge of their seats. Stay tuned for more live updates and analysis from this enthralling Premier League clash. Conclusion: The clash between West Ham United and Leeds United has lived up to its expectations so far, with both teams showcasing their prowess on the field. The match has been marked by exciting attacking plays, remarkable saves, and solid defensive efforts. As the game unfolds, fans eagerly anticipate which side will emerge victorious. Stay with us for more updates and analysis as the drama unfolds in this highly anticipated Read the full article
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beezstudyoffilm · 2 years
Blast from the Past (1999) 6.5/10
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Director: Hugh Wilson
Now listen I love Brenden Fraser in everything he's ever done and this one was no exception. It's defintly an icnoic movie but not nessciarily one that should be considered a 'must-watch'. I'll defintly watch it again and recommend it to people looing for a fun watch but it might not be my first suggestion. (Also Alcia Silverstone is always an icon so she's fun to watch in this.)
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dykeseesgod · 2 years
wait wait wait wiat i love loser cringe fail he/its can you do the 🌌 milky way oc emoji ask challenge for atticus?? i really love the guy because he is the exact replica of this cool brenden guy i know except brenden is very awesome and works at goodwill (but you didnt need to know that)
🌌 - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
fun story, he was originally meant to just be a little character design exercise based off the song nice docs baby by blue foster and then i got WAY too attached. his story still has a lot of the roots of nice docs baby but ive expanded on it and his personality more! id say the first thing i decided was his general premise, that just being and alt indie nice guy with Problems
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wendohla-blog · 2 years
It was so nice to have a day to myself today. I woke up and drove E to his car. He left it at Brenden & Paige’s because it was new years eve last night and none of us were capable of driving home. I was in such a hurry out the door that I didn’t bother wearing anything under my hoodie. 
After I dropped him off I turned on the radio and decided I would get a salad from Cava for lunch. I typed in Cava on my Apple maps and chose the closest one which ended up being the one by 16th Street Mall. I arrived and because it was January 1st, they didn’t open until 12pm so I had about an hour to walk around. It was cold out today and not wearing anything under my hoodie didn’t help. But I honestly didn’t mind the weather today, it felt refreshing.
I walked to the book store opposite the hotel in the square where there’s an ice skating rink. There’s a Starbucks inside the store also so I got a Creme Brule Late which was out of character for me but it was delicious. 
I’d been on Goodreads last night and the book review section of YouTube so I had an idea of what I was after. Daisy Jones and The Six was the one that hooked me. I was in the store reading for two hours, deciding on whether or not I should commit to the purchase. I’m sort of low on money and I spent about $200 on clothes for new years eve that I plan on returning. Sort of like a loan. I planned on reflection time today, oh well the day isn’t over,  I will still do that. Anyway....
I eventually left to eat my lunch and while I was eating my salad I was thinking about bookstores. 
I love them, it feels good in my heart to be there. Maybe because it reminds me of my mum. My mum is a total bookworm, my sister too. She used to bring us into “Boarder’s” whenever we were at the shopping center and despite being financially conservative whenever it came to our wants as children, she always told us books were the exception. She’d be happy to buy us any book we wanted at any time. I also remember the school libraries feeling like a safe haven. Time moves differently at the library. No one is in a rush to be anywhere. There are no demands other than to be silent. The people working move slowly. People mosey around. It’s so peaceful. You are able to relax around company and enrich your self - all for free!
When I first moved to LA, I would often spend time at the Barnes & Nobel at the Grove. It was close to my house and like most American book stores, there’s a Starbucks inside and free wifi. I worked from home often and it was my favorite way to get out of the house. I’d even love going there of Saturday afternoons. I didn’t have many friends so it was nice to go there, read books. Though I didn’t really start reading again until after D died. 
When Ethan left, I bought a book by Sally Rooney that reignited the love of reading. Though I didn’t really keep that up. I would like to do more reading in 2023. When we were in Culebra for Christmas, I read two books in a week. I’m trying to keep the momentum going because I feel more present. More focused, more romantic. I mean look at all this writing I’m doing now. Not really a super provocative topic and almost a sort of mundane rambling, the kind of thing I say out loud to my self in public if I’m pretending to be on the phone. But writing is writing. Inspiration is inspiration. I will gladly take it. 
Ethan should be back from skiing soon. I hope he had fun. I need some more alone time so I think that works out since he’ll probably want to take a shower. I’m glad I didn’t go today. I really enjoyed this day by myself. I’m grateful that we had massages together yesterday. 
I like hanging out with myself. 
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joethornton · 4 years
time to become a fulltime flyers fan so i can use the justinbraun url
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violentviolette · 3 years
my wrapped this year is equal parts 30yr old emo kid and gay personality disorder
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jaycewriteslikealot · 6 years
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Losers Never Win
“Omar, you have to remember that you are a LOSER. Losers. Never. Win.”
Omar Abdullah’s mother is a psychotic and abusive supervillain, who forces him to be her sidekick. His best friend, Lilly Armstrong, is the sidekick to her superhero father, Power Man. When Lilly found out that Omar was being abused and tried to get her parents to help him, to no avail, she and he pulled together a group of friends who shared the same ideals—that not all those who were labelled as supervillains wanted to be evil.
Losers Never Win is a novel that takes place in a world where superheroes and villains are an ordinary occurrence, with all of the superhumans being contained to one large manmade island in the Pacific Ocean, creatively named the Island of Superheroes, usually being shorted to simply the Island by the natives, which is also home to the biggest and strongest prison in the world. The population of the island is over 10 000 people, including normal civilians, superheroes with and without secret identities, and supervillains with and without secret identities. The plot revolves around five young sidekicks who believe that not all young supervillains want to do evil deeds.
Omar Abdullah, aka Basilisk, is the son of Aaliyah Abdullah, aka Viperess, a supervillain with erponkinesis, the power to control reptiles, though she mainly chooses to control snakes. Omar inherited the same power, though he’s also partial to lizards. His mother very heavily manipulates him and also emotionally abuses him. She’s also not a stranger to physical abuse. Omar didn’t even fully realize that he was being abused when Lilly confronted him about some of his bruising, as Aaliyah had him so completely under her thumb. He’s very shy and jumpy, especially around new people and loud/sudden noises, but he’s one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet.
Lilly Armstrong, aka Flower, is the daughter of Jackson Armstrong, aka Power Man, a superhero with the powers of flight, super strength, and invulnerability. Lilly inherited the powers of flight and super strength, but she’s not fully invulnerable, though she has enhanced durability, meaning it just takes more effort to pierce her skin. She’s very sweet and girly on the surface, yet she is constantly getting into fist fights at school with those who make racist, homophobic, or sexist comments. She also loves learning about the human psyche and wants to either become a lawyer like her father or a psychologist. She’s kind of chubby, but is actually very self-confident and knows that she’s super adorable.
Xandra “Sandy” Montague, aka Freak Show, is the adopted daughter of Peter Montague, aka Circus, a supervillain who is essentially a one-man circus act, with talents varying from acrobatics to knife throwing. He taught Sandy everything he knows. Despite him being evil, Sandy loves her father, as he genuinely takes good care of her, putting all of her needs first, even though she trained her to be his sidekick. He also adopted her when no one else would because of mysterious burns and scars that cover her body. She constantly covers her body with foundation to hide her blemished appearance. She also loves dance and cheerleading.
William “Will” Brenden, aka Outburst, is the son of Harold Brenden, aka Implosion, a superhero with telepathy, telekinesis, and fragokinesis, the power to control explosions, more specifically blowing things up with his mind. Will only inherited the power of fragokinesis and has not fully mastered it, and is constantly accidentally blowing things up. Lilly constantly teases him about the time that he blew up a bathroom sink in her house. Will’s father used to be a thief before he met his wife and gained his powers, so Will definitely believes people can turn their lives around. Will is never out of puns and Jada hates it. He’s constantly making quips as he fights.
Yu Fan “Jada” Liu, aka Killer Jade, is the daughter of Yin Hui Liu, aka Shade, a supervillain with a ridiculous amount of weapons and martial arts skills. However, Jada somehow ended up with the power of super speed. Neither her mother nor her three older sisters have any powers, so it’s unclear why she alone got a superpower. Because of her power, her mother loves and values her the most out of her four children, even going as far as to say so to her other daughters, obviously causing a lot of animosity between them. Jada accidentally killed a security guard when her mother first forced her to help rob a museum, thus she gained the reputation of being the most dangerous sidekick on the Island. She’s a photographer in her spare time.
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Episode 7 Time
Ugh I kinda hate that Aphmaus doin her little youtuber intro in front of every episode in these earlier ones bc its like. how the fuck am I supposed to work that shit into the start of literally anything else much less a more conventionally told story
Idk she walks around town n runs into Kiki and her lil hamster party
Something about Kikis design just really irks me and Im pretty sure its her oversaturated darkish pink shirt, even more so when its combined with that bright red hair and big bright red heart on her chest. When I redesign her I'll probably replace it with a more earthy pink tone
The exchange between Kiki n Aphmau can stay the way it is mostly, I'll definitely have to tweak it though and completely rework that last paragraph so it doesnt sound like an obvious explanation of a game/mod mechanic
Zenix is also nearby saying "What strange adorable creatures" which is cute, I think I'd like it a lil bit more if he was maybe also petting/holding a hamster while saying that
She has some fun w/ a hamster in the enclosure, Im kinda hesitant on giving her a pet like that ngl, but I feel like a hamster is a bit less of a 'deal' than her dog so yea, I'll see what I'll do
If she keeps the hamster, she'll drop him off at her house (or maybe in the chicken enclosure idk) and then walk around town talking to everyone, if she gives it back to Kiki she just goes to talk to everyone in town right away
While shes doing that, she runs into Paul ofc and they have the same lil exchange that they have in the OG
Once shes done w/ all of that she goes over to the beach to start building that boat where she meets Brenden, who just finished the docks and is Exhausted. He says the thing about the docks being done AGAIN while wheezing and panting a bunch, Aphmau tells him he did a good job like in the OG and Brendon just thanks her without mentioning poop, thank god
Then she also goes to talk to Garroth, their exchange is also mostly the same except Im changing the line "I'm having an item delivered here for the boat" to smth like "I/Zenix and I have had something built for the boat, we should get it tomorrow" bc I feel like they kinda mentioned that the village is cut off from all the other villages but then they didnt fully realize that that would make things like this difficult yknow?? (or me and whoever wrote this just have a different definition of "cut off" lol)
Aphmau starts trying to build the boat, maybe Brendon offers to help once hes rested properly bc he seems to know a lil more than Aphmau. At this point we should probably do another small timeskip and show the boat being built via montage equivalent or by just showing small snippets and interaction. I'd also like to get Paul and Kiki on board (ha) bc they also know about what happened and they need all the help they can get
I'd also like Garroth and Zenix to help a lil or at least offer some emotional support. Like, I dont remember Zenix at all and I do know that most of the big moments for Garroth n Aphmau come later but some small cute interactions before that could be nice
Okay nvm I watched further ahead in the episode and what she ended up building was more of a raft or smth which could probabls be built by a single person in like 2 days if they had some skill and patience lol. Im keeping those previous points though bc I like the idea of this being a bit of a bonding moment despite it all (and I'd kinda like Aphmau to be a pretty skilled builder in my version idk why)
EDIT: NVM SHIT I MISSED SMTH; so Zenix sneaks onto the boat and looks into the chest/maybe puts something in it??? Dont remember what it is or what it leads up to so Im keeping for now
So yea, thats it for this one babeyyy
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