nonadherence · 7 years
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Autumn's here ^_^ Time to settle for some cosy study during the mid semester break #otagouniversity #فصل پاييز #studyblr #examgradebooster #languageblr (at Otago Museum)
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Some bullet journaling and studying
quote: To be in the top 1% you have to be willing to do what the other 99% aren’t. (from @examgradebooster)
Starting this blog because I feel like it might help me become productive and want to study more than I do in this moment, you never know maybe later on it will help other people too!
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photo-me-wild · 5 years
Building GRIT
So as I go to the gym in January, I am reminded that I am not the only one trying to get in better shape in 2020. And that 2020 is not just MY YEAR, but also everyone’s year. 
The parking lot is full and my favorite spots in the gym are taken, but I manage to find a place directly across from a gray haired man, who has little awareness of the area I am attempting to establish as my own and proceeds to repeatedly bend over, stretching/squatting, I am not so sure, as I inch away...
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So, ah ha, yes back to GRIT!
Whether it is the name of a workout, a book, a movie, or your 2020 mantra, how do you build GRIT?
For me, I think that not enough people truly possess enough GRIT. As for myself, I believe I have an above average amount, but am currently seeking more. I was raised with a loving family, but somehow I managed to find ways to challenge myself and others. I define GRIT as a crazy persistence to go after something even though you are told it’s impossible. It’s a focus, drive, and belief that you find to just do it. After Googling GRIT, “Angela Duckworth, the psychologist and researcher who coined the term: Grit is passion and perseverance for long term and meaningful goals.”
I find that I have built GRIT through cold showers, getting up after I’ve been kicked down and bloodied (yes, literally in the martial arts), waking up before 7am, running long distances, and spending long periods of time with my family in a car. [Of course I love my family, but I love them more when we have more than an arm’s distance apart.]
So how would I prove that these small intervals have increased my GRIT? Well I look back over the challenges that I have voluntary chosen for myself and I would say, yes. I have more GRIT now than I did before. 
1) I moved from North Carolina to California without a job (yet, leaving a very good job)
2) I moved from California to “Travel” (also leaving a very good job)
3) I bought a one way ticket to Korea, thinking I could make it work, no job, one friend, and just a few vocabulary words
4) I said no to relationships that didn’t feel right
To explain proof of GRIT more in depth, I will use two examples that many of you will be able to relate to. 
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The first is when I lived in Korea and had trouble communicating with 98% of the population. It’s a fact that most residents of Korea are not comfortable speaking English. They might sing American music or watch a lot of Hollywood movies, but do not ask them to speak English, because it makes them feel shameful. As a confucian culture, Koreans tend to conform and prefer to blend in. Not wanting to go against the grain or standout, they avoid situations where they might appear awkward or different. Especially, if it is a situation where they are not setup to excel. Being someone who speaks English, Spanish, and only some choice Korean words, I found that I had to be creative in many situations. Often my food order was wrong, I could not read the menu, or purchases might take some extra time. My first weapon of defense was to smile, then breathe, then think, what’s most important to communicate. Really, whether in Korea or any situation where effective communication is required you need to be reminded of these steps. 
The second is when I worked as a temp cold calling companies. Does the thought just put you into a panic? Do you sweat just thinking about having to call people you don’t know and take up their time? Then God forbid, ask them to buy something!?!? Well, I guess I am here to say that I don’t find it so bad. For many they dislike when they say not interested and hang up quickly. They are being honest, protecting their time, and getting straight to the point. For me the worst is when the secretary/receptionist just tells you to leave a number and someone will get back to you, but no one does, and it loops like this for 5-7 times. I digress. I think many people cannot imagine a worse task than cold calling. Do you hate it? Does it make you appreciate other things? Do you learn about yourself and other people? I find it pretty interesting and it makes me comfortable with what many would label as rejection. But as you build GRIT, you find that it’s a valuable experience that does not have to be your entire life, but in talking to strangers, could have a massive result. You persevere for something more. 
You might think I am crazy to leave a good job or move somewhere without a plan, but I look internally and I feel immensely grateful. I am able to tell many people no, which feels amazing. I feel very little burden to please, which previously felt suffocating. I wake up with excitement and curiosity as to how my life will unfold. The expanse of which I can create and grow feels unlimited. When I compare this feeling to the boxes I felt I had to check and the time I had to endure, I feel much more able to craft my own life. So somehow GRIT has directly translated to personal power. 
To be in the top 1% you have to be willing to do what the other 99% aren’t. @examgradebooster
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trixystudyblr · 8 years
Need motivation :(
I can’t wait to be finally done with my exams... They started in November and I haven’t stopped studying since, you can’t imagine how exhausted I am x)  Anyway, how are YOU doing? Let me know everything! Don’t hesitate to come in anon, or even PM me! I don’t bite and I want to socialize here :) 
Also I’ll do different aesthetics, calendars and others motivation tracks, I think, so tell me what you want please :) And I’ll do some publicity for examgradebooster, a great way to improve both your studying habits and your lifestyle in a completely free way. 
What do you think?  
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giovannifenu · 7 years
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Per essere uno Studente Intelligente SEGUI @giovannifenu.memovia ----------------------- Entra Gratis nel Club StudyMethod 🔥 su: www.memovia.it ----------------------- • Studia 1 Pagina Ogni #5minuti ⏱️ • Ricorda Tutto 💎 • Chiudi il Libro e Mangia 🍕 Dormi 🛌 Cazzeggia 📺 Esci 📱 Viaggia ✈️ FaiQuelloCheTiPare! 💡 ----------------------- Foto via: @examgradebooster #studenti #testammissione #universita #studentessemodello #studentessefuorisede #studiomatto #metododistudio #universitari #universitario #testdingresso #studiomattodisperatissimo #universitariesauriti #uni #esami #universitarie #studiomattoedisperato #studentimodello #esame #studiare #testmedicina #maturità #18elode #universitaria #studiomattodisperato #studiarefamale #testmedicina2017 #studio #maturita — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2um4zYQ
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pisceswoman23-316 · 8 years
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Even tho we have a 3rd exam in general microbio on the 22nd, 19 days after our exam we just had on the 3rd, I'm makin it count by making flashcards while she was fastly going thru the powerpoint. Got to pass this one. @Regrann from @examgradebooster - Every day, push forward to get one step closer to where you want to be 👌
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studiesandmore-blog · 9 years
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#reading#studystudystudy #read #inspiration #examgradebooster#books #studying #studyhard
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joolshallie · 9 years
‘The Rules of Revision’
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This book ‘The Rules of Revision: 10 successful students help you achieve outstanding exam results’ is the latest book by @examgradebooster. It is a detailed compilation of revision tips and strategies, exam preparation and technique, as well as ideas for planning/organisation and productivity.
Having been written by 10 students who go to Oxbridge, you know that they have revised and prepared for exams effectively, and that you can trust what they say! I also found that I could relate easily to them. Knowing that the people who had written this book have gone through the same process as I am going through only a few years ago made the prospect of following the ‘rules of revision’ a lot more achievable. 
The actual content in the book is really helpful; it is clearly set out in distinct sections. There are tips on everything and anything to do with preparing for your exams; whether they are GCSEs, A-Levels, IBs, SATs etc. There are also specific sections about revising for certain subjects (essay-based subjects, maths & sciences, linguistics), which are brilliant. 
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is studying for any type of exam. Whether you think you need help with revision or not, you’ll find some tips and tricks that you hadn’t thought of before, and that will really aid you in your exam preparation. Also, make sure you check out @examgradebooster‘s blog for more studying tips and motivation! 
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reapthebenefits · 9 years
Hi, I'm new to tumblr but I've just started following your page and wanted to say it's awesome! I've just started a studyblr and I'd be really so so appreciative if you'd check it out! I'm a Cambridge student and I'm trying to engage with the studyblr community so if you could have a look and maybe even follow me I'd be so grateful 😃 Thank you, Liam
Hey! I actually follow you already! Your blog is super great and you give really good advice! Thanks for the message. :)
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museumstudent-blog · 9 years
Hi, I'm new to tumblr but I've just started following your page and wanted to say it's awesome! I've just started a studyblr and I'd be really so so appreciative if you'd check it out! I'm a Cambridge student and I'm trying to engage with the studyblr community so if you could have a look and maybe even follow me I'd be so grateful 😃 Thank you, Liam
Checked out your blog - it looks fantastic. Good luck at Cambridge, I’d love to study at such a brilliant school as yours.
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unstudyness · 9 years
Hi, I'm new to tumblr but I've just started following your page and wanted to say it's awesome! I've just started a studyblr and I'd be really so so appreciative if you'd check it out! I'm a Cambridge student and I'm trying to engage with the studyblr community so if you could have a look and maybe even follow me I'd be so grateful 😃 Thank you, Liam
thank you so much!!! welcome to the community :^)
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academla · 9 years
Hi, I've just started a studyblr and would be so so appreciative if you'd check it out and maybe even start following it! Thanks, Liam
hey! i like your theme, it’s kind of unorthodox for your typical studyblr (it has more of a website feel), so i’m not 100% sure how it will look with more posts (i might suggest a one-column theme, just because super long text posts can look messy in a multiple column theme) but i like it! i don’t know what your goal is with presentation and what kind of posts you’re planning on reblogging, but you’re off to a good start! :)
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giovannifenu · 7 years
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Per essere uno Studente Intelligente SEGUI @giovannifenu.memovia ----------------------- Entra Gratis nel Club StudyMethod 🔥 su: www.memovia.it ----------------------- • Studia 1 Pagina Ogni #5minuti ⏱️ • Ricorda Tutto 💎 • Chiudi il Libro e Mangia 🍕 Dormi 🛌 Cazzeggia 📺 Esci 📱 Viaggia ✈️ FaiQuelloCheTiPare! 💡 ----------------------- Foto via: @examgradebooster #studiomattodisperatissimo #testdingresso #18elode #maturità #studio #maturità2017 #studentessemodello #testmedicina #maturita #studiomattoedisperato #uni #testmedicina2017 #esami #studiomatto #studiomattodisperato #metododistudio #universita #studiarefamale #universitari #universitarie — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2vtAPKe
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giovannifenu · 7 years
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Per essere uno Studente Intelligente SEGUI @giovannifenu.memovia ----------------------- Entra Gratis nel Club StudyMethod 🔥 su: www.memovia.it ----------------------- • Studia 1 Pagina Ogni #5minuti ⏱️ • Ricorda Tutto 💎 • Chiudi il Libro e Mangia 🍕 Dormi 🛌 Cazzeggia 📺 Esci 📱 Viaggia ✈️ FaiQuelloCheTiPare! 💡 ----------------------- Foto via: @examgradebooster #testdingresso #studiomatto #maturità2017 #universita #testmedicina2017 #studiarefamale #studio #testmedicina #metododistudio #18elode #esame #universitaria #universitari #studiomattoedisperato #studiomattodisperato #studiomattodisperatissimo #studiomattoedisperatissimo #studentessemodello #universitarie #studenti #maturita — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2sBTGlx
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giovannifenu · 7 years
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Per essere uno Studente Intelligente SEGUI @giovannifenu.memovia ----------------------- Entra Gratis nel Club StudyMethod 🔥 su: www.memovia.it ----------------------- • Studia 1 Pagina Ogni #5minuti ⏱️ • Ricorda Tutto 💎 • Chiudi il Libro e Mangia 🍕 Dormi 🛌 Cazzeggia 📺 Esci 📱 Viaggia ✈️ FaiQuelloCheTiPare! 💡 ----------------------- Foto via: @examgradebooster #maturita #studenti #maturità #studiomattodisperatissimo #studiomattodisperato #testmedicina #esami #18elode #maturità2017 #esame #studiomatto #studiomattoedisperatissimo #studio #studentessemodello #universita #metododistudio #universitariesauriti #universitarie #studiare #testmedicina2017 #universitaria #studentimodello #studentessefuorisede #universitari #testdingresso #studiarefamale — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2uyaxGg
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giovannifenu · 7 years
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Per essere uno Studente Intelligente SEGUI @giovannifenu.memovia ----------------------- Entra Gratis nel Club StudyMethod 🔥 su: www.memovia.it ----------------------- • Studia 1 Pagina Ogni #5minuti ⏱️ • Ricorda Tutto 💎 • Chiudi il Libro e Mangia 🍕 Dormi 🛌 Cazzeggia 📺 Esci 📱 Viaggia ✈️ FaiQuelloCheTiPare! 💡 ----------------------- Foto via: @examgradebooster #universitaria #studiare #esami #testdingresso #metododistudio #testammissione #studiomattodisperato #studentimodello #maturità2017 #universitario #studiarefamale #testmedicina #studentessefuorisede #studiomatto #uni #universitariesauriti #18elode #maturita #studiomattoedisperato #universita #universitarie #studiomattodisperatissimo — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2tbgf1k
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