#exactly what happened to me when i wrote for haikyuu
nomazee · 11 months
every time i sit down and try to write an atsushi or akutagawa x reader i get the biggest mental block because i’m too much of an sskk believer to write them as anything else
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cheekinpermission · 6 months
Happy 500 followers!!
How about 1 and 10 for the ask game?
Thank you for you participation, anon! Ask game is here! Send them in if you want <3
1. Who's hand did you first grab? Why? Would you choose someone else if you could do it over again?
I grabbed Idia's hand! When I first got into TWST, I had absolutely no clue what I was getting into so I really just went based on which voice actors I recognized LOL. I know Kōki Uchiyama from a ton of different anime (JJK, Buddy Daddies, Haikyuu, BNHA, Yuri on Ice, etc.) so I just went with his character. While Idia doesn't crack the top 5 for me, I don't think I'd choose again. The only reason I would is if it impacted the story somehow but I really doubt it will. I'm COMITTED.
10. Top five favorite characters?
Grim occupies all top five spots. BUT since that's boring, so I'll limit my choices to the main cast lmao. (My love for the dire beast is PROFOUND) I got VERY wordy here so here's the short answer: 1. Riddle Rosehearts
2. Vil Schoenheit
3. Malleus Draconia
4. Ruggie Bucchi
5. Kalim Al-Asim Explanation below the cut! (I got very excited to talk about my favorites and wrote a lot so I figured I'd condense it for people who didn't want to scroll through it all lol whoopsies.)
1. Riddle Rosehearts - I have no explanation for this?? He's pretty much the opposite of my usual favorite characters so idk what happened here. I've always been drawn to the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic so maybe that has something to do with it? He's got such great character writing, too?? Everything about his personality just makes sense when you know his backstory. When we learn that Riddle's tyrant of a mother was strict and controlling over him, the pieces just seem to fall into place. His whole life was just following her rules and studying like a good little boy, and when he stepped out of line even a little bit he was reprimanded harshly for it. Of course, he's going to the exact same thing once he's in a position of power. It's all he knows. He's just another version of his mother. Not only does he uphold the tradition of punishing rule breakers rather severely as he was when he was younger, I think there's also an element of fear there as well. Like, his mother just instilled an innate fear of breaking rules because bad things would happen if he didn't follow them exactly. I really do see Riddle as a scared little boy who is suddenly realizing that he was set up for failure by his own mother. And THEN he makes an honest effort to improve himself post-overblot?? His transformation after the fact is one of the more obvious ones and I'm just so proud of him. A THOUSAND HEAD PATS!! Okay, I'll stop rambling about him lmao I love Riddle sm (Also want to make clear I'm not saying Riddle was right for anything he did, only that I appreciate how his character was handled. Added for legal purposes so people don't come after me :c ) 2. Vil Schoenheit - This one comes as no surprise to me. Pretty boys who challenge gender stereotypes are RIGHT up my alley. Like Riddle, I think Vil has some great character writing is one of the more complex characters in the game. He just feels so compassionate to me?? I don't know how to explain it - he just gives such nurturing vibes. I'd trust this man with my drink at a bar fr fr. And then he tells Epel off for saying ballet is too "girly" for him?? Thank you TWST for bringing me this man. I pray at the altar of Vil Schoenheit. 3. Malleus Draconia - Doesn't Malleus top everyone's lists LOL I think my favoritism for the dragon man is more to do with his relationship with Yuu than anything else tbh. He's like one of three characters that actively engages with the main character and I think they've got such a fun relationship. Two people who feel very alone in the world finding friendship (or something more for you malleyuu shippers) in each other is so beautiful. I'm glad they can be there for each other like that. Side note: I adore romantic Malleyuu for sure, but I think it's equally as endearing if all of Malleus's flirtatious lines were never meant to be romantic but he's just really bad at communicating his feelings in a platonic way. Like, he doesn't mean to flirt he's just socially inept. 4. Ruggie Bucchi - Gremlin hyena boy is just too good for words. Ngl, I started off not really liking Ruggie all that much because of what he did in the Savanaclaw book. My mans was basically shoving people down flights of stairs?? I'm not really sure where the turn around happened tbh. Mischievous personality types do tend to draw me in in fiction so that probably has a lot to do with it. I also felt really bad for him at the end of the Savanaclaw book when Leona was ready to Thanos him out of existence despite everything Ruggie had done for him (and continues to do for him). I appreciate his work ethic, I can respect the hustle, and he's got such a cute little laugh. I wanna pet those big ole ears of his. Leona - pay this man more smh 5. Kalim Al-Asim - SUNSHINE BOY!!
He's such a breath of fresh air in this game LMAO. As much as I love the fact that most of the cast are unapologetically flawed, it's nice to have a few characters that are genuinely good people. His VA (Kazuki Furuta) absolutely kills it imo. I can hear his laugh in my head as I'm typing this - it's just so warm and happy :D He also breaks the sterotype of most rich characters in media by just being a nice person? He's not evil or greedy (although naive and entitled) and he just wants to be bffs with Jamil. Break his heart Jamil and we're gonna have WORDS. Also just like FORGAVE JAMIL??? His bfffl yeeted him across the desert, brainwashed him and admitted to wanting to get him kicked from the school and Kalim didn't really hold it against him. He was so understanding and sweet about everything AHHHHH
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sennsational · 3 years
hi!!! i really love your “when the hq boys have a crush on you but you dont know it”! i think its soo well-written and i especially love iwaizumi’s part hehe <33
can i request a scenario on how the boys would confess to the reader? like how they would go about doing it, if it would go exactly according to plan if they even have a plan or if they would just blurt it out unintentionally? can be anyone you choose but i’d like iwa and osamu to be included too if thats okay! thank you sm!
🔖 writings and such - haikyuu imagine
how the haikyuu boys would confess to u
aaaaaaa i’m literally screaming holy shit. like i didn’t think y’all would like my writing and the amount of love i’ve received these past days is so overwhelming omg. the fact that u think it’s so well written truly warms my non-existent heart, thank u ;.; ! yes ofc, i would love to write how they would confess to u !! and since i already wrote about how they would act when they have a crush on u, i will use some of those same characters again ! i’m kinda to lazy to write them all, besides it will be to long of a series and i also wanna write other scenarios. maybe i’ll write the others some time later lmao. anyways, hope u like it bubs and thank u for ur request ! <3
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characters : suna rintarō, iwaizumi hajime and miya osamu
suna rintarō
it happened during facetime. he asked u to help him with his math homework, but in actuality he just wanted to see ur face. u have been feeling so exhausted that night, due to ur own homework and truthfully u just wanted to sleep. he was in the middle of his story about ‘tsumu and ‘samu fighting over which onigiri flavor was the best, when he noticed that u were particularly quiet. one look at the camera told him that u fell asleep.
“squirt” he said rather affectionately. his heart began beating faster, cause it ain’t fair that ur even cute when ur asleep. he immediately took some screenshots of u. he couldn’t help staring for a bit. u looked so serene and at peace, instead of being stressed and sleep-deprived 24/7. “u know, i would never have the guts to say this to ur face, but i really like u y/n” he whispered and that is when u raised ur head, a cheeky grin on ur face told him u heard everything. “wtf squirt, i thought u were asleep” he said incredulously. “i was, but then my neck started to hurt from the position so i woke up and heard u confess ur feelings for me. didn’t know u felt that way rin” u said teasingly. “well, the cat is out the bag now. no point in hiding it anymore” he told u, while scratching behind his neck, a nervous habit of his. “well then ur lucky, cause i like u too”
he looked at u with wide eyes, not really believing that u like him too. “wait, u do?” he asked in disbelief. u giggled at his reaction. “yes, why are u so shocked about that?”. “just- nothing, don’t mind that. u have plans this weekend?”. u knew what’s coming next, but u decided to play a bit clueless. “no, i’m free this weekend. why?”. he brought his phone a bit closer to his face as he uttered the next words. “well then bubs, if ur free this weekend. would u like to go have a bite with me? like on a date?” he tried to be as confident as he could, but u can see through his facade and u knew mans is a nervous wreck from the inside. “yes, i’d very much like that”.
iwaizumi hajime
“this is stupid” he grumbled out. honestly, he didn’t think he would be the type to write out his confession, but here he was in front of his desk. pen in hand and paper still blank of words. how do people even confess their feelings to each other? “need my help iwa-chan?” oikawa asked from the spot on his bed he was currently occupying. last time he asked oikawa (or the other third years, a.k.a. makki and matsun) for advice, they told him some sappy shit about feeling butterflies in ur stomach and what not. he didn’t know if what he was feeling was said butterflies. like yea, he would feel content when he was with u and the other third years told him he acted ‘soft’ around u, whatever the hell that meant. and maybe did he feel kinda awkward when he was alone with u, cause ur presence intimidates him a bit (in a good way tho). honestly, the thing he learned from his friends is that they were as helpful as a sack of potatoes.
he didn’t lack the courage to tell u how he felt. he feared how u would react to it. people always fancied oikawa more than him and even though u didn’t pay oikawa any attention, besides the amount of what’s acceptable when ur friends, he can’t help thinking if he interpreted the signs wrongly. he was always there for u, no matter what and he knows that u got his back as well.
“fuck this” he threw his pen down and planted his face on his desk, letting out a deep sigh. “i’ve never seen u act so pathetic before iwa-chan. u should just go for it at this point.” he picked up his pen he was holding before and threw it at oikawa. “shut the fuck up shittykawa, i’m not pathetic. and even if i did ask them out, who’s sure they would accept?”. oikawa narrowly escaped being hit and let out a offended gasp. “since when do u care about that stuff? u always go for the things u want and i’m sure they will accept ur feelings! i mean, hello, did u look at urself?” he shoots a glare at oikawa, but ultimately thought he was right (for once). like yea, he didn’t think he was the most handsome man, but he could say he was good looking. also, he never really cared about these kind of stuff and always went head first into any situation.
he decided that he should just go for it and hope for the best. he picked up his phone and started messaging u.
“hey, are u busy right now?”
he didn’t expect u to answer directly, but he was surprisingly mistaken when he saw that u were typing.
“oh hey iwa! no i’m not, what’s up?”
oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. why did u have to respond so quickly?! he didn’t think anything through and he considered back paddling. when oikawa took his phone and typed out a message. he tried to take his phone back, but oikawa hold it out of his reach. “damn u and ur height advantage” he grumbled out. “wtf did u even send?”. oikawa let out a smirk as he showed him what he send u.
“care to spend ur day with me at the local café downtown?”
well it wasn’t that bad, but it didn’t even sound like him. he was ready to complain, when he heard the all familiar ding from his phone. both oikawa and him wasted no time and took a look at ur reply.
“i would love to! what time do u want me to be ready?”
oikawa took his phone again and before he knew it, he had send another reply. he threw his phone back at him and he easily catches it.
“does 2pm sound good to u? i’ll pick u up.”
“yes that sounds perfect, it’s a date! :>”
oikawa raised both of his hands, clearly pleased with his actions. iwa on the other hand, couldn’t help letting out a laugh at how stupid he felt for overthinking everything. he didn’t forget that oikawa took his phone twice without permission and he decided it would be a good excuse to punch the guy’s arm. “OW! iwa-chan that hurts” oikawa said while he soothed his arm, pout evident on his face. “serves u right, shittykawa”. it was silent for a moment before he mumbled out a “thank u” and he didn’t miss oikawa’s smile, glad to have helped his best friend.
miya osamu
“that’s it!” atsumu slammed his hands on the table, while suna was scrolling through tiktok. “what is it dumbass?” “okay first of all, screw ya suna! a ain’t dumb” suna rolled his eyes at that, but put his phone down to indicate that he was listening. “secondly, we need to help ‘samu’s sorry ass to confess his feelings for y/n, cause clearly he can’t do it by himself” he declared. “u know that ain’t our business right?”. atsumu sighs dramatically “a know that, but still. u know how he is, he wouldn’t make the first move if we don’t help him a bit” suna smirked at this “okay einstein, what do u have in mind?”
the next day suna approached him during lunch. “yo osamu, u like y/n right?”. osamu tried to shush him, cause wtf suna??? “dude wtf, way to be blunt about it” “that’s not an answer to my question tho” osamu dragged him to the corner of the cafeteria “yes a like them, why ya askin’?” suna made sure to look osamu directly in the eyes. “well, i heard from atsumu that he will ask them out today. so if u don’t hurry, u might lose them.” wait, did he just hear that correctly? ‘tsumu likes y/n? since when? “where is that traitor?” he asked, voice dangerously low. “at the gym. he asked y/n to come meet him there”. he didn’t need to hear it twice, as he outright bolted through the cafeteria doors to the gym. “well i did my part, atsumu better pay me back with chuupets” suna mumbled as he went back to the table with the other teammates.
meanwhile, osamu made it to the gym and low and behold he saw u with atsumu. he didn’t intend to confess to u this early, but he be damned to lose u to his brother. yea, fuck that. he didn’t stop running when he was almost within reach of u two and that’s when he kicked atsumu away. “ya traitor, ya knew a like them and yet here ya are confessing to them?!” he screamed while holding ‘tsumu upright by his collar. “ya wouldn’t do it if a didn’t step in, ya dipshit!” atsumu screamed back. wait what? osamu let go of atsumu as he let the words sink in. “so ya don’t actually like y/n?” he asked, still skeptical. “not romantically, like yea they are cool, but i only like them as a friend. besides, i know that ya got the hots for them and am not that big of an asshole”.
all the while this happened, u stood there completely at a loss for words. osamu approached u and took ur hands in his. “am sorry u had to see that and that a was to big of a coward to confess ma feelings for ya. i rlly like ya y/n. would ya wanna go out with ma?” it took u a moment to get out of the initial shock of what just happened, cause wtf? also, did osamu really just confess to u? “not gonna lie, this was truly confusing as hell and i don’t have a clue of what happened just now. however, what i do know is that i like u too ‘samu and i’d love to go out with u”. u both smiled at each other as he intertwined his hands with urs. “FUCKING FINALLY, U OWE MA PUDDING ‘SAMU” “SHUT YA TRAP, ‘TSUMU”
[a/n] : i don’t think i have to elaborate anymore at this point. didn’t proofread shit as usual :>
© sennsational 2021 - all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim it as yours.
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys’ reactions to you speaking 💗 uwu💗
characters: tsukishima, ushijima, yaku, kenma & iwazumi
thank you anon for this cute request 💕 idk what i just wrote but i had fun 👍
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tw// fluff, swearing, uwu language, cwinge
kenma’s hcs tw// sexual themes, implied switch!reader, phone sex(?), mentions of a blowjob, mentions of punishment
iwaizumi’s hcs tw// breeding kink, fem!reader, orgasm denial
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Kei Tsukishima
you realised he didn’t like it so you did it just to annoy him LMFAO
he was scrolling through tiktok and a girl popped up on his fyp talking like that, so he snarled and immediately flicked it away, muttering something along the lines of ‘why do people speak like that? do they think it’s cute? ‘cause it’s really not; it’s just embarrassing.’
so you wasted no time in responding, ‘sowwy? what was that?’
his blood literally ran cold, he was aware that you liked taking the piss but he didn’t expect you to do it to this extent
 ‘what did you just say?’ he murmured, silently praying that he had just misheard you
you rolled your eyes before scoffing ‘nothing.’ you deepened your voice, just playing around at this point tbh
tsukishima hummed in agreement, deciding not to inquire further as he figured that he must’ve heard the echo of the girl’s voice in his head rather than yours
so he was just about go back to scrolling until he heard you coo in a high-pitched from behind him, ‘tsukishima is a lil’ bitch.’
‘(Y/N), FUCKING STOP!’ he let a throaty scream at you
‘you’re so boring, tsukki-’ you spoke, quickly cutting yourself off so you could switch to your uwu voice, ‘or should I say; bowing.’
you said, hopeful that your voice would make it clearing that you meant ‘boring’ rather than the act of playing an instrument with a bow
‘go to hell.’ he grumbled, trying his best to tune you out by pulling his headphones over his ears 
‘babe~’ you purred, shuffling over to him and peppering kisses along the nape of his neck as you were feeling extra evil today, ‘wuv you~’
‘jail.’  tsukishima simply stated as he switched over to Spotify so he could blare some Mother Mother to drown out the sound of your voice
the worst part was that he couldn’t even tell if he liked it or not PFFT
like it was cute but the fact you weaponised it against him annoyed him
but you were also giving him kithes so he couldn’t exactly complain 💞
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Morisuke Yaku 
ok don’t even lie yaku does a variant of the uwu voice whenever he’s trying to insult kuroo IUGBEIGVA
it’s something like ‘aww, kuwoo, does your lil’ undewdeveloped bwain not undewstand algebwa?’ but in a mocking way yk?
so when a he watches a lil’ tabby cat approach you on the street, then you busted out the uwu voice that he had never heard before- he was taken aback
at first he was like ‘woah why are you making fun of that cat?’ bc he always associated that voice with ridicule LMFAO
but when he processed all the nice things you were saying he realised that you were being nice lol
so then he was like ‘awwww 🥺 (y/n) + cat = SO FKN CUTE!! 💕💗💖’ *click click* and he just starts taking photos
he probably puts them on his private story with the caption ‘their an angel 😍’
(then kuroo probably replies with ‘they’re*’) (don’t ask why yaku put him on his private story ✋)
anyway, he’s probably so fond of the voice too like ofc he thinks it’s cute
bc it’s a lil’ kitten and you’re talking to it in a high-pitched voice as if it can understand you SO FKN CUTE
he’s not too effected by it tho- it’s mostly how well you get on with the cat that he really admires
then he couched down beside you to talk to the cat too and y’all had a whole conversation with it in uwu
‘aww, look! are you hungwy, baby?’ you asked the cat as it licked the back of it’s paw
‘i think, it is!’ yaku continued, aware that if anybody from school caught him doing this, he’d pass away on the spot but what can he say? he’s soft for you (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
 ‘i have some blueberries in my bag, you can have some if you say please.’ he told the cat
you were both met by the cat’s blank - but adorable - stare, accompanied by silence until the kitten let out a faint, ‘mew’
‘AWWWWWW!!! 💞💕💖🥺👏 ’ you both squealed in unison, impressed by the kitten’s response 
‘it understands us!’ you gasped while applauding the cat for it’s excellent communication skills
‘the voice must work!’ yaku concluded as he scrambled to throw his bag off his back and rummage through it in search of the tub of blueberries
you nodded, watching in awe as yaku pulled out the tub to carefully pick out the plumpest berries and feed them to the cat
yaku noticed your expression out of the corner of his eye and chuckled, ‘what?’
‘you’re so cute.’ you snickered, lighting bopping his nose with your index finger as he continued to allow the cat to feed out of the palm of his hand
a furious blush immediately covered his cheeks as he hastily turned his head away to hide it - in a typical anime fashion, ‘be quiet.’
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Kenma Kuzome
it’s a sex thing-- it’s 100% a sex thing
a kink perhaps?
ngl he loves it when you do the voice in bed 
like don’t ask why it turns him on so much
he’s weak for you whenever you do the voice tbh
BUT it’s only hot when you do it 
when any other person does it - especially if it’s over text - he literally gags 🤢🤢🤢
when a streamer he watches does the voice, he’s just thinks ‘ew ✋ that isn’t cute. pls stop.’
but when you do it- boner alert pfft
especially when you moan in that voice yES HE LOVES THAT
you just execute it in a way these other bitches just can’t, okay? 💅 IUERBGFERIBG
he doesn’t mind putting the voice on sometimes if you like it when he does it but he’s really embarrassed by it 🙈
he’ll try to say something in the voice while you’re rearranging his guts for a change and you’re praising him like 👏👏👏 ‘awh, precious kenma bb.i love that voice on you, i might just let you cum early--’
and he’s fucking groaning from pain, pleasure and humiliation 
‘never again.’ was the single coherent thought he could form
you’re only giving like 20% of the time but if you happen to giving on a day that you’re feeling especially evil, you might make him do the voice in exchange for orgasm privileges
but he gets you back for it though 
you’d call him, whining and pleading for him to help you with the throbbing between your legs or at the very least, give you permission to touch yourself
but considering that the day prior, you had tortured his ass to the point were he was now struggling to sit down, ofc he was just like ‘no ❤’ when you ask for his assistance 
even after your continuous begging, he didn’t budge 
‘don’t you dare put your hands on yourself until i get home. i’m leaving right now so i should be back in half an hour but if you keep pestering me like a little bitch, then i’ll be sure to go extra slow on the highway.’
although, for kenma ‘extra slow’ is probably the speed limit lmao
(istg he drives like he’s in mario kart)
however, half an hour was just too long 😩 i mean, you had probably been on call with him for 5 minutes already and it took you 20 minutes to get him to pick up the phone so by now, you were clearly on the brink of madness
‘kitten~’ you whined, desperately trying to think of a way to convince kenma to aid you 
then you remembered; his weak spot
‘pwease, baby?’ you softened and raised the pitch of your voice
kenma perked up as he realised what you were trying to do, the tips of his ears burning, ‘don’t bother to try that with me, (y/--’
‘i’ll suck you off when you come back.’ you promised, keeping the voice on, the aching getting worse and worse by the second
kenma was now partially able to relate to your circumstance as he began to feel a straining of his own, between his legs at your cutesy tone along with the image of the last time you blew him tormenting his mind
‘whatever. but only use your hands. i can tell when you use a toy so don���t even try; or else i’ll dick you down ‘til the sun rises- okay bye.’
atm the moment, that hardly sounded like a punishment but then you reflected back on how you’d be crying for a mercy after the fourth round with kenma so- yeah
anyway, moral of the story, if you perform the voice well enough, it’s basically kenma’s weakness so use it wisely 
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Hajime Iwaizumi
you first did the voice in front of him while you had a friend’s baby in your arms and you were trying to communicate with it 
it kinda looked like 
you: hewwo babyy~ who’s the most precious thing? you are! 
the baby: 🤠
the parent: 🙂
iwa: 😶
iwa ON THE INSIDE: breeding kink go brrrr 😩 i want to put a baby in her so bad- she’ll scream my name in that fucking voice tonight
and he was right
cut to him pounding you while demanding that you say his name in ✨the voice✨ or else you won’t be allowed to cum
ofc you had too much pride for that so you just let him dick you down and cum whether he likes it or not but he could tell that was the plan you had in mind so he suddenly pulled out just as you were about to reach your high
he looked at you with a mean scowl, ‘fucking say it or i’ll stop right now.’
if he were to stop, it would kinda be a punishment for him too but he didn’t care- anything to see his lovely gf suffer tbh 😇
also he could get off to you fingering yourself, struggling to orgasm- he’s done it before and he’ll gladly do it again if you don’t say his damn name 
‘iwa..’ you groaned, gripping at the sheets as you anticipated him sliding his cock back into you 
‘in the voice.’ iwaizumi reiterated, delivering a hard smack to the side of your thigh out of annoyance
you hissed at the sharp impact , gulping to lubricate your dry throat before choking out in your best imitation of the voice he desired, ‘iwa~’
he was only half-satisfied with what you uttered but i mean, it got the job done
his dick was throbbing, practically begging for the comfort of your warm cunt once again so he hastily slipped back in, letting out a low groan as he did so
so he’d continue hammer you from behind, probably muttering incoherent things about your babies and your voice while doing so but you chose to pay little attention to it as you couldn’t help but focus on your own intense pleasure
once he finally climaxed, he did it inside you which you wasn’t surprising as y’all had already established that you love being being filled up and he loves filling you up 💕
but then he insisted that y’all go for another few rounds to increase the chance of pregnancy 
like- sir-
you didn’t have the heart to tell him that you were on birth control 
bc surely......he would’ve known
but he didn’t
you eventually told him that you had no interest in coming off birth control and he wasn’t mad LMAO he didn’t even want a baby tbh he was just caught up in the moment 
yeah no but if you do the voice again, the cycle will continue
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
you were both hanging out in your bedroom, doing your own things, and you were sending your friend a (video) snap so you ironically used the uwu voice
ofc this caught his attention so he shifted his gaze off of his revision sheets and onto you, shooting you a weird look
you couldn’t help but snicker, turning to him and continuing with your little impression, ‘can i hewp you?’ you tried to ask in all seriousness but you couldn’t suppress the smile that was tugging on the corners of your lip
were you a little high? yes
ushijima just blinked rapidly, wondering why you sound like a cuter version of mickey mouse all of a sudden
was it a trend?
or maybe it was for one of those ‘tiktoks’?
either way, ushijima couldn’t help what he said next
‘no. i’m fiwne.’
HE SAID IT LIKE ‘fi - whine’ THO
you passed away 💀⚰
‘TOSHI!!!’ you screamed, feeling your soul leave your body
ushijima gasped, thinking that you had just been possessed or sumn, ‘hm?’
once he realised that you were in fact sane, he figured that your reaction must have something to do with his response 
‘did i say something wrong?’ his lips curling into the tiniest of smiles, simply because you looked so joyous so ofc he was he was happy seeing you happy
‘nope! please say it again, toshi! i’m beggin’ ya’
although he loved hearing you laugh more than anything, the man had his limits
ngl he doesn’t mind when you do it - it just doesn’t especially effect him, that’s all
you could just randomly start talking like that during a conversation and he’ll just go from 😐 to 😐
but he gets butterflies when you call him ‘baby’ which is something you usually pickup whenever you put on the voice lol <3
pls call him ‘baby’ or ‘babe’ more he just wants to feel cared for and loved for a change instead of always having to constantly put on a front of ‘big, stoic man with no feeling that you can push around to your hearts content’  around literally everyone. sometimes he just wants to come home and feel like he can actually express himself and be soft without getting ridiculed  
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
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[ too scared to say ]
pairing: tsukishima kei x f!reader
word count: 1.6k words
contains: slight angst, tsukishima with insecure!s/o cause he’s usually the insecure one in fics, another wedding-themed fic
a/n: had this idea for a while and i’m glad i’ve finally written it. it’s usually tsukki’s who’s insecure and guarded in xreader fics so i wanted to try it out with the reader being insecure this time
i love you.
you're caught off-guard when you hear the words from tsukishima's mouth. you never thought you'd ever hear him actually say them. as much you wished for it to happen, especially after you spent three years of high school doodling his name in the margins of your notebook, it feels too good to be true.
tsukishima looks sincere about it though. you're both seated on the couch in your apartment and even though it's pouring outside and the electricity had died, you can still make out his face in the dim lighting. you can tell it took him a great deal of effort to say that: his eyes are focused on the cushion on his lap as he picks at a stray thread, the sound of his breathing is more audible now as he inhales deeply.
this is the time where you say it back but the words catch themselves in your throat. after all, weren't you the one who got yourself into trouble for being too naive all the time? after leaving high school and all hopes of tsukishima ever liking you back behind, you tried your hand at relationships. you thought every single one of them would be your last, only to find that you had deluded yourself yet again.
meeting tsukishima again, years after high school, felt like a weird universal coincidence that you didn't know if you should thank for yet. even more so when he admitted to his feelings for you back then.
"so, what do we do about it now?" you asked.
"i'd... like to give this a shot," tsukishima said, rubbing the back of his head. you were reluctant, but agreed anyway.
you've said 'i love you' before, more than a few times. and yet, you couldn't say it now.
"aren't you... jumping to conclusions a bit?" you asked, nervously letting out a laugh.
"what do you mean?" tsukishima frowns slightly.
"just, saying that you might not be sure about that yet so... slow down a bit before saying things like that," you shrugged.
"what? you think i don't know my own feelings?" tsukishima scoffs. there's a look of hurt on his face and you can't exactly blame him for it.
"i'm sorry, tsukki," you apologize, resting your hand in the middle of the couch between you except he doesn't reach for it.
"it's fine," he shakes his head, focusing now on the wall in front of him. "i know you're not really the person you once were and, i don't mind that at all cause neither am i. sometimes, it really feels like you have a wall up."
you find yourself flinching slightly at that last part. maybe this is the part when things go south, like they always do. except, you feel sad that it had to happen with tsukishima too.
but he doesn't act like how you expect him to. "if you need time, it's fine with me," is all he says. tsukishima doesn't sound exasperated, nor frustrated at all. but he does stand up and head for the door.
'you can stay,' you think, 'please stay.'
but all you can bring yourself to say is: "take an umbrella. it's pouring outside."
that was about a week ago and tsukishima has barely heard from you then. he didn't know what else to do aside from give you space, and also silently regret things. maybe he was too hasty in saying that he loved you.
but, that was what he truly felt, and it wasn't easy for him to say but he did it anyway. 'you're not always losing anything when you open yourself up to someone,' akiteru had told him. and now, tsukishima was riding a bus on the way to his older brother's wedding.
he had just hung his tux on the curtain rod above the window and settled into his seat though when he caught a familiar flash of blue. of course, tsukishima would recognize your favorite dress and sat up in his seat to see you walking down the center aisle. he watched as you looked around for a seat before landing on the last empty one in the bus, which happened to be right next to tsukishima's.
"hey," tsukishima swallowed as you approached.
"is this seat taken?" you asked.
"no, go ahead," tsukishima shook his head, his eyes distracted by the familiar dry-cleaners bag that you held in your hands. "let me help you with that," he offered, taking the hanger from your hands and hanging it up beside his tux.
“saeko nee-san invited me to the wedding,” you explained as soon as you sat down beside tsukishima. “congratulations to your brother, by the way.”
“thanks. we all, kind of saw it coming,” tsukishima chuckled. now that you were here, he realized just how much he missed you. 
“i’m sorry for not calling or anything, by the way,” you apologized. “i can’t say that this is all new to me but, it’s just... well... i’ve been in other relationships before and sometimes, it feels like things repeat themselves too much.”
tsukishima nodded, remembering the night when you two met again after so many years. he was working the counter at the bar and noticed you sitting there, obviously dressed up for a date, obviously stood up in that said date too. you were very much different from the young girl who used to invite him and yamaguchi to watch the latest romance movie theaters, the one who sang songs at the top of your lungs in your bedroom, loud enough for those downstairs to here. but that didn’t mean he liked you any less. 
“hey,” he laid a hand on top of yours. “why don’t we just enjoy today? you still love going to weddings, right?”
you smiled gratefully and chuckled. “yeah, that hasn’t changed.”
you fully expected to run into tsukishima at his own brother’s wedding and had thought twice about going before talking sense into yourself. and now, you were glad to have gone. 
the wedding was absolutely charming and more than a few of your old high school friends came. you and tsukishima were seated with yamaguchi and yachi at the same table and chatted about old times and what the volleyball duo was up to. saeko looked stunning in her dress and akiteru cried more than a few times during the ceremony. tsukishima looked proud of his brother, and more than a little tired of his new brother-in-law.
“they look really good together,” you sighed, smiling at akiteru and saeko who were breakdancing in the middle of the dance floor, the latter doing much better than the former. 
“yeah,” tsukishima chuckled. “they barely met each other in high school but i could tell nii-chan was star-struck when they met at the shiratorizawa match.”
“and now look at them,” you giggled. “kind of the opposite of us, in a way.”
“yeah, because you were definitely head over heels for me,” tsukishima snickered. you smacked his arm with the back of your hand.
“and you were too dense to realize it,” you countered. 
“not exactly. just thought it was too good to be true,” tsukishima smiled wryly. 
“we should have been accidentally locked into a room together to force us to admit our feelings.” 
“you and your romance movie cliches.”
you chuckled at that. “just saying. would have made things way easier for everyone.” you sighed again and remembered the confession letter you had penned to tsukishima before deciding to stash it away in your desk. then, you turned to tsukishima who was watching his brother and sister-in-law dance. 
maybe you were going to enjoy yourself tonight.
“hey, tsukishima?”
“wanna dance with me?”
with the dancing and frequent visits to the wine bar, you ended up enjoying the wedding immensely. but as much as you didn’t want to, it was finally time to go home. you and tsukishima didn’t even bother changing out of your formal clothes before catching the last bus back home. your hair had escaped from its pins and you were definite that there was mascara smudged under your eye. tsukishima’s tie hung loosely around his neck and he had already unbuttoned the upper part of his shirt.
all of the dancing tired him out way more than you, but it was a pleasant surprise for him to comply with your request. you also had the wine to thank for tsukishima deciding to break dance for about a minute when his older brother asked him to. 
as soon as he was seated, tsukishima was out like a light with his head leaned back against the seat and his mouth slightly hanging open. looking at him, you realized that he was someone you didn’t want to let go. dating him was scarier because of that and you didn’t want tsukishima to be one of those people you were eventually going to say goodbye to.
but how could he be that person if you don’t ask him to stay in the first place?
once again, you remembered the confession letter that you had wrote to him all those years ago. there was a tremble in your hand when you wrote down the last line of that letter, so much that it screwed up the writing and you decided not to send the letter anyway. you glanced at tsukishima’s misty reflection in the fogged up glass of the bus before using your finger to write down that line.
i love you
the words looked like they were suspended in the air and fragile enough to be blown away by the wind. with a swipe of your hand, you could easily erase the message.
and that’s when tsukishima wakes up. 
his sleepy eyes travel from you to the message written on the window and his eyes widen when he realizes what you’ve written down. with a smile, he leans over, and writes a word right under your message.
i love you too
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist):@montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @kirakirasaku @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @atsumusdomain​ @goodfoodxoxoxo​ @ah-kaashi​ @guardianangelswings @definitely-yours @amberalisa @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs​ @procrastination-lady @miyakiyo0mi
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puuvillaa · 2 years
Good morning!!!
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
💖 What made you start writing?
Please 🧡
Hello and thank you for the message! 💙
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
If I'm thinking about my hp fics only (and I am because I can't really remember the fics that are older than them) I would actually say it's By Appointment Only because I started it with a relatively simple idea and wanted to explore a more complete experience of loneliness than I usually write about, but then plot keeps happening and I have no idea where it's trying to take me and then a bit more plot keeps happening and it refuses to end. Good thing I like writing it 😂
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I have a few, yeah. One free!, one yoi, five haikyuu, two wolfstar ones. One of those was a half-baked idea that I never gave much thought to in the first place, I haven't looked at it in 2 years, I have no recollection of what I even wrote, and I have no interest in finding out. The second one is Things That Can't Be Changed from Remus’s pov, which I just lost interest in. Although I still think the first chapter was good and I've vaguely thought about repurposing it into a separate angsty Remus in 1981 fic.
💖 What made you start writing?
Fics or original? Because I've been writing original stuff since I was very young, and there was nothing in particular that made me start, it's just always been my way of communicating with the world. I started taking writing seriously when I was maybe 12 because I realised how much I enjoy it and how much other people enjoy hearing my stories.
What made me start writing fic is a harder question because I wrote my first fics pretty much exactly 20 years ago and I have no clue what was going through my head back then. I don't even remember how I decided to start writing fills for a kink meme back in 2009, although my guess would be the community. Since, you know, I actually posted those fics for people to read, unlike my earliest fics that only lived in my computer, apart from the one drarry fic I wrote on paper in 2004.
Fanfic writer emoji ask
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amethystroselily · 3 years
I don't think words can describe how thankful I am to come across your blog. Your tr takes crack me up so much I read the manga and at first the premise was ridiculous for me to read but got invested with the emotional aspect of the series. And for that you have my gratitude.
Thank you so much, this was so sweet, I���m so sorry for not answering this for so long. I wrote some of my reply, but then it deleted so I forgot about it for a while. (But now I’m writing this in my notes app, so checkmate Tumblr)
Anyways, yeah the premise of Tokrev is so funny to me. When I first heard about it last spring when the anime was airing, I wasn’t really that interested. But that’s because I only heard that it was about teenagers in gangs. I knew some people died, I really only saw pictures of Baji, Mitsuya, Draken, and maybe Mikey. I kind of remember some manga panels of some of the girls on TikTok. I genuinely could not tell what it was about but I didn’t care. I just kept seeing it on TikTok and Twitter though, because that was when it first got really popular I was in the jjk fandom. It was kind of on my radar, but I didn’t really care.
And then I heard it was about time travel and I was immediately sold. But also very shocked. It made all the timeskip comments make so much more sense though. Up until then I just thought there was a huge timeskip that happened like half way through the manga, because it would have to be pretty early if it already happened and the story wasn’t ending soon. So I thought they all just continued to do gang activity and it got REALLY serious and that’s what the plot was about. Anyways a TikTok showed up on my fyp that was like “I really like the time travel in Tokyo Revengers because…” and I seas like “Hold up, WHAT? Tokyo Revengers is about TIME TRAVEL????? If I had known that I would have watched it sooner.” Teenage gang shenanigans and time travel is such an interesting yet ridiculous premise, I was intrigued. I LOVE time travel, but I HATE sci-fi, so yeah, this was exactly something I would enjoy.
I thought it was kind of cringe at first, but I was hooked. Most likely because my last interest was fading, and it was the most decent thing I was watching during that period so my brain clung onto it. I do not control what my brain latches onto. I started watching it on my phone in a hotel room. (I had to go somewhere with my family that week, idk) Honestly my impression of it at first feels so different from my impression of it now. I remember “Takemichi is the straightest man in this series” phase. Also I shipped Draken and Mikey? I don’t anymore, nothing against it I just don’t see it anymore and their platonic relationship means a lot to me. I kind of start watching it to find ships to read fanfic about, because I wasn’t expecting to actually get into it. I do that sometimes, and then move on from it in a week. But I actually got really into it, which completely defeated the point of that first intention, because the more I like a series, the pickier I get with fanfiction. Like sometimes I read Haikyuu fanfics because I don’t really care about but I did watch like 2 and a half seasons of it, so I know the characters. But I don’t know them well enough to care if they’re ooc. Also I can only read aus if I don’t care about the series or the characters. But if I like something, I cannot read aus. Just can’t do it. (Unless it’s like canon divergence but still set in the canon universe, then that’s fine, but I’m not reading a coffee shop au for something I like)
Yeah, so I didn’t really take it seriously at first, but then there were some really intense emotional aspects of it that I really liked and I started taking it a bit more seriously. Like yeah it’s cringe, but that almost adds a layer of realism. Because sometimes in real life, traumatic events aren’t something you can make out to be cool or something that had a concrete reason to happen, they’re embarrassing and random and they still hurt all the same. Like Shinichiro’s death, it wasn’t some planned out grand thing, it was a horrible split second decision that became such an important aspect of the plot. Tragic Irony and all that. Kisaki’s reason for killing Hina was also something I liked, despite other people thinking it’s stupid. Sometimes people don’t have a good reason for the horrible things they do to you, they’re just selfish. I honestly love that it wasn’t this grand thing bigger than him or Takemichi. Kisaki was just an insecure jealous person. And it works because while it might not make sense to anyone else, it makes sense to Kisaki.
I also enjoy that every character is allowed to express emotional vulnerability. It isn’t like most shounen where there are certain characters that are just above that. They’re all people who can be hurt emotionally, even if they’re ridiculous characters. Even Taiju and South had some sense of vulnerability. There’s actually a pretty normal and healthy amount of crying in the series, which is something you don’t always see. That’s probably why it garnered such a large female fanbase, because a more stereotypically masculine audience tends to criticize that aspect of the series. Everyone is allowed to show emotion, even if that character is trying not to, we the audience are still allowed to know that they are in fact feeling emotion. And I really like that.
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wowtobio · 4 years
Haikyuu as Idols w/ reader as their manager
──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── 
[1k special]
a/n: to celebrate 1k here’s something i wanted to write for awhile, since pretty much all of the haikyuu va’s sing. i hope yall enjoy! thank you all so much for 1k followers. I appreciate the love and support, y’all too sweet and i really did not expect it all 🥺
warnings: suggestive, cursing
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The cool, stoic member everyone biases
Is known to have a soft side that makes eveeeeryone go heart eyes 🥺
If you look up his name on youtube there is probs a good handful of compilations titled “Kags being a huge tsun for 6 minutes” 
One of the lead vocals, has a very nice baritone voice and occasionally posts covers of his favorite songs. 
As your manager, he appreciates and treasures you a lot, though he does not show it often 
He’s just shyyy he’s trying 
Even crushes on you ooooo
And he won’t give any hints other than small gestures; lingering touches, being the only one he’ll speak too in the room, leaving you your favorite snacks and drinks on your desk, etc. 
He would definitely be afraid to involve you and him in a scandal tho, precious bb is just worried 
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aaaa another stoic member, just not as popular as his fellow members
But i can see him having stans that are HARDCORE like it’s tsuki or die no in between. they are a cult. 
Back-up/sub vocalist but the man can DANCE he always denies it in interviews though smh
At fan meets, fans will give him dinosaur plushies. he would always blush and get all flustered while mumbling a thanks cutest shit ever
Like Kageyama, he is secretly envious of you, though he is waaay better at hiding it. to the point you feel like he isn’t even interested lol
But then there is the whole “teasing = flirting” which definitely applies here
A part of me feels like he is known to have painted black nails, like it’s his signature 
you paint his nails for him
It’s so cute, omg imagine sneaking into his dressing room just to blast music and painting his verrry nice nails (tsuki has attractive hands dont @ me) 
But never catch this boy in a scandal, never caught lackin
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He hypes up the group, the concerts, everything, 100%
Main dancer and back-up/sub rapper 
He is known for being a super good dancer and fans always dieeee when he does his dance solos 
Noya tends to stand out a lot in shows, concerts or so. Intros would go something like: “Hi I’m Daichi! Hello I am Kageyama. HAAAIII I AM NOYAAAAAAH” 
His fashion sense is mwah chef’s kiss. He owns airport fashion. The best street wear around and he rocks his baggy fits to stylish red carpets. 
(you’re his stylist ofc high-five you oooo)
Speaking of you, he also is super thankful to you and shows it often it’s so wholesome and cute.
Times where he would flirt, it would be funny attempts that normally end with you giggling at his flushed demeanor after messing up his pick-up lines.
Overall, I can just see you’re more his mom than his manager. 
“(y/n)-cchi what’s on my schedule for the rest of the day?” “shower, eat dinner then practice dance” 
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Super warm and welcoming member,, he’s a safe haven
Y’all saw this coming; the leader of the group
Starts with the perfect intros ALL THE TIME. In interviews, tv shows, concerts, etc.
Lead rapper, he spits some bars ngl 
And y’all saw this coming again, he’s the dad of the group.
Like if the members are bein wild children he’s always there yelling and trying to calm everybody down haha
When it comes to you, he definitely shows his gratitude outwardly to you.
He’d probably mention you and how grateful him and his fellow members are for you occasionally on radios and shows.
You always get super flustered when you confront him about it and he just chuckles and head pats you. 
If he were to initiate a relationship with you, he would ask his fans to understand his feelings for you :,) and he would protect and comfort you from any possible backlash bcs he loves you hehe
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The sweetheart of the group.
Absolutely UNDERRATED.
Back-up/sub vocals but has the preeeettiest tenor voice ever.
Like could sing you to sleep.
He has his own soundcloud where he uploads his own covers and he sings like Justin Bieber songs, some Bruno Mars, just any romance songs.
Twitter is HIS platform he would post small snippets of him singing and some effortlessly beautiful selcas.
Being his manager, he is super duper sweet towards you. Kinda like Daichi but he is way more flirty.
Can be super sly with his compliments. And lowkey a huuuge tease he will leave you all flustered and all he’ll do is bat his eyelashes innocently smhh
Suga will do all this but since he’s super sneaky abt it, no one will notice so he won’t get caught in that scandal ykk
But, I can see him disguising himself in some silly sunglasses and a hat when going on secret dates with you.
And you’ll giggle while trying to pull the frames off his pretty face and he’ll whine and playfully snatch at your wrists awwwh
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Very very popular among his fans.
Once again we got another leader here. 
He is for sure the main dancer and is a back-up/sub vocalist but he probably raps a few verses in a couple of select songs.
His signature is giving cheesy pep talks that hype up the group before performances.
It’s pretty cool but once you hear his words it’s cliche and you can’t help but giggle every time you witness it. 
Speaking of you, he has a huge thing for yah
Like he probably makes it painfully obvious, but only in front of the members and staff. No fans nor paparazzi, he has a reputation to uphold of course.
But that doesn’t stop secret make-out sessions in his dressing room. 
Sometimes he’ll just pull you in, pin you against the door and just stare into your eyes with so much passion before sealing your lips with his. 
When eating with the group, he’ll casually wrap an arm over your shoulder while teasing you playfully in front of everyone.
Other times he’ll rest his hand on your thigh underneath the table wink wink. 
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Shy small boi of the group
**Most presume him to be shy at first but he will actually roast tf out of his fellow members. Yk those ICONIC moments.
Main rapper, Kenma’s got bars and he can lowkey ruin someone’s career with a single diss track 😳  (he can sing too, has a pretty voice but denies it so he avoids singing most of the time).
MMM his fashion sense as well YES. Like have you seen those fanarts of Kenma rocking streetwear, yeah he would wear exactly that at the airport or somethin. 
Ofc a huge gamer, he will most likely be seen on his switch backstage, during breaks, on the plane, during vlogs, etc.
Being his manager, Kenma finds you very endearing and he’s always blushing and nervous around you. 
He hides his face behind his switch when he asks something from you awwwh 
He won’t mention you in interviews but when he is asked he will just be like “yeah.. i guess she’s pretty cool” with a light pink dusting his cheeks.
Kenma probably wouldn’t have the courage to initiate a relationship in fear of ruining a lot of things. But if it were to happen y’all are super lowkey and good at hiding it.
Yet overall, very wholesome. If a member were to walk into his dressing room unannounced they would see the sight of Kenma laying his head in your lap and playing his games while you play with his hair. 
It’s super cute until Kenma throws some inanimate object at the poor fellow :,(
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OH the most fitting character as an idol and for sure the most famous out of everyone. 
Main vocalist hands down (ponyo ponyooo-)
Oikawa is always and I mean always bombarded with the press and fangirls anywhere he goes.
It seems like the only time he has alone time is when he’s in his dressing room with the doors locked and he only allows you inside. 
You two naturally got closer, you were the least annoying thing in his life so he felt comfortable around you and he found it fun to tease you every now and then.
One thing led to another and uhhhh
Definitely some dressing room sex involved with Tooru
You always scold Oikawa for giving you hickeys in very noticeable spots on purpose and he just waves it off while sticking his tongue at yah.
After awhile you probably have sleepovers with him because you both enjoy each others presence so much. 
His schedule is always jammed pack so you tend to have to overwork in order to keep up and make sure everything runs smoothly. 
So late at night when you’re organizing events for the next month after doing plentiful work, Oikawa will come up from behind and scoop you up in his arms carrying you to bed. He’ll cuddle you to sleep while whispering how you’re the best manager in the world.
──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── 
a/n: kinda popped off for kenma bcs i haven’t wrote him in so long and i missed him hehe. same for oikawa too i just had a really cute scenario in mind. anyways, hope y’all enjoyed and once again thank you so much for 1k i love you all!
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murieltheawful · 2 years
Hi! For the fic ask game, hit me with 1, 2, 7, 9 and 11! 😀 (or however many you want if it's too much)
Oh hi!
I will try to reply to them all)
1. What part of the writing process is the most enjoyable?
I think it's writing when I hit the flow. It's just so great when the things just happen in your mind, and you need to type them down as quick as possible. I also like to make a final re-read and feel that yes, this is great, I did well. And I can't wait to post it on Ao3.
2. Talk about a favorite comment you received.
There were a lot of great comments in my life as a ficwriter. I have been blessed 💕
But what I cherish are the series of comments from two people who went through my works and commented on every chapter using quotes. It made me feel acknowledged and appreciated. I am friends with both now, btw.
I also love thoughtful comments, the ones that make me go, "Oh, yes, you get it! YOU GET IT YES, it's exactly what I meant".
I have a recent example of what a lovely comment might look. It goes, "You incredible maniac of a writer I am caught hook line and sinker for this masterpiece of dark themes wrapped in comedy and crack" 🥰🐭
Seriously, this shit is addictive.
7. What do you love most about being a fic writer for your fandom?
A question that made me stop and stare in the distance. It's not simple!
I am currently active in the Hockey RPF fandom. I am a part of Hockeyblr. But I don't write Hockey RPF fics myself. One exclusion: I wrote a short lil thing about my favourite hockey player, with fantasy elements that was gen and had no shipping in it. I got encouraging comments, people found it cute and funny, just as I hoped.
I want to say that I like being a part of Hockeyblr on the whole. People have been exceedingly nice and helpful, always ready to answer my rookie questions and talk about my boys.
The last fandom I wrote for was Hades game, I guess. The comments were nice, but there were not many of them. Which is a pity, I want more comments, hehe. So, nothing much to say about it.
9. What inspired you to write your first fic?
Honestly? Horniness.
If I go into detail, I was reading a lot of doujinshis (fan-made manga about any media, often of the horny type) and fics about the Haikyuu anime. I also searched for fanarts, obviously. I had two favourite characters, and I shipped them. One night, my head offered me a plot where one of these characters cheats on the other with a person from another pairing. And it was angsty. The next day, I decided I should write it down. Which I did. It didn't go according to my fantasy and ended up being a poly-ship with four participants set in an angel-demon world. 🐭
Oh, no, wait! It was my second fic. The first one was about that same favourite couple, and I had them kidnapped 🤗 and abused ❣️ I was horny, and the fanarts were my fuel 🥰
Actually, thanks to fanfiction I got back into writing after years of doing nothing. I had this one original work that I was working on for years, and I could neither finish it nor shove it aside. And I didn't allow myself to write anything else while that work was still not over with. Until fanfiction happened.
Writing fics took the pressure off, and I was able to practice and get better (and return to writing original works, too).
11. Who is your favorite character(s) to write about and why?
Uhm. They change? From fandom to fandom?
I loved writing Kuroo Tetsurou from Haikyuu (I loved hurting him in all the ways 🥰). I loved writing Keith from Voltron Legendary Defender (with him, it was hurt/comfort all the way). While I write, I like writing my main character the most.
Right now, I also have a Spideypool fic in progress. To make it clear, I am a fan of neither, but my friend wrote an amazing fic about them that I loved (there were dragons!! And smut! And forced marriage! And smut! And did I mention dragons???") and inspired me to write a very specific AU about Wade Wilson.
Turned out, I LOVE writing Deadpool. I didn't enjoy the films about him but I usually enjoyed reading fics about him. Actually, his craziness and generally chaotic logic are so right for me! The more chaotic, the better. There's so much to Wade in the original series, that you can spin him a myriad of ways. So much artistic freedom! 🐭
That would be it! It was fun to talk about my fandom history and present.
Thanks for asking 🤗
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buferfliz · 4 years
What’s Your Fantasy?
So this is another thought that invaded my mind and wouldn’t go away until i wrote it. Not that i minded all that much. Oikawa is one of my favorites. I set all of my Haikyuu stories in college so the schools are colleges. I try to reference it in the story but just in case you miss it, i figured i would state it here. This is meant for people 18+ so please DNI if you are a  minor. Thank you. I hope you enjoy.
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Warnings: 18+, swearing, dirty talk, public sex, some voyeurism, threesome, oral sex (giving), vaginal sex, creampie
Word Count: 2885
You walk hand in hand with your boyfriend as he enters into the crowded gym. He leads you to a back row far away from the main cheering section of each competitor but only a few rows away from some of the other spectators.
“Tooru, I thought you said that you didn’t want to see this game.”
Oikawa takes a seat on the end and you sit next to him.
“I might have said something like that but I can’t mope around the house all day either.” He smirks at you. “Besides maybe this will be interesting.”
“Ok.” You say with a shrug of your shoulders as you begin to watch the final round of the preliminary matches for the Spring University Nationals.
As you watch Shiratorizawa’s guess monster make another skillful block against Karasuno, you feel Oikawa place his hand on your thigh. You turn your head and smile at him before stealing a glance around at all the people nearby. A mischievous look spreads across your face.
“You know what? It’d be hot if we…” You trail off not finishing your sentence, thinking it better to not voice the thought in your head but Oikawa finishes it for you.
“Fucked right here?” He says with a laugh.
You feel your cheeks warm slightly at the blunt manner in which he had said it. He begins stroking your thigh, inching closer to your clothed center.
“Well yes, but—“ He cuts you off.
“My thoughts exactly. I thought maybe we could make your little fantasy come true.”
You lock eyes with him as your cheeks get hotter from being called out.
Yes you had indeed fantasized about having sex in public with him and you had told him so. At first you were hesitant, unsure as to how he would react, but you did finally tell him. You thought he’d be disgusted or at least shocked by it but he was only intrigued. It turned out that he was even more open minded than you thought, as you found out when you had mustered the courage to divulge the other little fantasy you had. It involved him and his best friend, Iwaizumi. You were sure he’d get mad or offended but he didn’t, he just found it amusing. When you asked him why he didn’t get angry, he simply said it was because he loved you and he knew you only loved him adding that there was nothing wrong with fantasies and the occasional experiment or two. You had really gotten lucky having him for a boyfriend, most other guys would have gotten pissed at you for fantasizing over their best friend. Oikawa was right, you did love only him.
The cheers from the crowd roused you from your thoughts and brought you back to reality with Oikawa looking at you expectantly.
“I would like that, but isn’t this too many people?”
“Oh but I thought you were ok with having a potential audience?” He replies.
“Yeah, but not one this big. Not one that could get us thrown out or damage your reputation.”
“Aww, you’re worried about my reputation?”
“Of course I am. I love you and I wouldn’t want some fantasy of mine to end up causing you problems. You do want to become a professional athlete.”
He gives you a sweet smile paired with a loving gaze.
“That’s just like you to be so sweet and thoughtful, putting me above your own desires. But the thing is, I also happen to love you. A lot. And I want to make my babygirl’s fantasies come true. Besides, I also think it would be hot and if any of these people saw us then they would just know that you’re mine.” He leans into your ear. “And I’m ok with the whole world knowing that.” He whispers as his fingers graze across your aching pussy eliciting a gasp from your mouth.
He begins stroking along your slit over the soaked fabric of your panties, his mouth still near your ear.
“So what do you say princess? I know you want to, you’re dripping just from the thought of it.” He purrs.
You let out a little moan, immediately slapping your hand over your mouth and looking around to see if anyone had heard you. But no one is paying you any mind. You are relieved to have not gotten caught but you can’t deny the way your pussy clenched at the thought of being discovered.
“But if we get caught…”
Oikawa silences you with a kiss as he continues to stroke you.
“Shh, there’s an easy solution to that. We just can’t get caught. You can keep quiet for me, can’t you princess?”
You bite your bottom lip. You really wanted to do it. Could you keep your voice contained? Yes, you could. You thought before you nod your head in agreement. Oikawa gives you a wicked grin.
“Oh, you know how wild you make me when you bite your lip like that babygirl.”
He kisses you hard, taking your bottom lip between his teeth and lightly tugs at it as he pulls away.
“You see what you’ve done now?” He takes your hand and places it onto the bulge in his pants.
Your eyes meet his as you bite on your bottom lip once more earning a growl from your boyfriend. You start to palm him over his pants and he lets out a low groan.
“Give me your panties.”
“You heard me. Take them off and give them to me. It’s time for you to sit on my lap.”
Holding out his hand, he gives you a devilish smirk as he waits for you to comply with his demand. You smirk back at him and rise up, removing your panties and putting them in his hand. He smiles and puts them in his pocket.
“Good girl. Now come here princess.”
He undoes his pants and frees his hard cock from its confines and holds his hands out to grab you. You subconsciously lick your lips at the sight. You loved his cock, just the right length and thickness to fill you up oh so perfectly. You straddle his lap with your back to him as he grabs ahold of your hips and starts to pull you down. You lower yourself onto him.
“So this is why,” you let out a moan, trying not to be too loud, as you feel him glide inside of you stretching your walls, “you wanted me to wear a skirt.” You finish saying with a breathy moan.
Oikawa lets out a moan of his own from deep in his throat, also being careful to not draw the attention of any of the nearby spectators, as he feels the warm wetness of your inner walls grip his cock and suck him deep inside.
“Fuck, you’re always so tight. It’s like heaven for my cock.” He says with a low breathy tone in your ear.
“Shit Tooru, you always fill me up so good.”
You place your hands on his thighs and begin to move up and down on his cock. He grips your hips hard as he helps you move. You’re sure you’ll have bruises there tomorrow from his iron grip but you couldn’t care less, too lost in the pleasure he’s giving you and the thrill of being surrounded by a bunch of people. Oikawa lets out a blissful moan.
“Oh fuck babygirl, you feel so fucking good.”
You continue your pace trying to make your movements as subtle as possible. You let out some more breathy moans before you freeze at the sound of a familiar voice.
“I thought you said you weren’t coming.” Iwaizumi says to Oikawa as he jumps over the row to sit by the two of you.
“Well I’m not yet.” Oikawa responds with a smirk.
Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow at the statement, confused at first as to what he could mean.
“Tooru! I can’t believe you said that.” You chide him.
Oikawa just laughs.
Iwaizumi takes in what you said and the movements your making, the flush to your cheeks and the slight pants coming from you when he realizes what’s going on.
“Oh what the fuck man. You’re in public for fucksakes.”
“You’re as sharp as ever Iwa-chan.” He gives his friend a smug smile. “Being in public is part of the fun. Isn’t that right, princess?”
You nod your head as you continue to bounce on Oikawa’s cock.
“See? Now hush Iwa, don’t make a scene.”
“You really are a piece of crap.” Iwaizumi says as he takes the seat one away from you.
The three of you focus on the game or at least appear to as you continue to move up and down, small moans escaping your lips. As you look around to make sure that nobody heard you after a particularly loud moan escapes your mouth, you can’t help but notice Iwaizumi stealing glances out of the corner of his eye of you and Oikawa. That’s when you hear a chuckle emanate from your boyfriend.
“I think Iwa-chan wants to watch. We should give him a better view, don’t you think?” He says in your ear, loud enough for Iwaizumi to hear him.
“Yeah we can do that.” You answer, feeling your pleasure elevate at the thought of being watched by him.
“You like the idea of being watched. Don’t you, my naughty little angel?”
Oikawa proceeds to shift the both of you towards Iwaizumi and then lifts up your skirt to give his friend an unobstructed view of his cock being buried deep inside your pussy with every roll of your hips.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Iwaizumi asks as he glances down to where the two of you are joined together.
“It’s ok Iwa-chan, you can watch.” Oikawa tells him.
Iwaizumi averts his gaze and shifts around a bit but finds himself staring as you lean back to give him an even better view of you bouncing on his best friend’s cock. You let out a groan and feel your pussy clench at Iwaizumi’s eyes fixed on you. Oikawa feels it too.
“Oh yeah, my babygirl likes having an audience. I can feel it.” He smirks. “You better keep it down though otherwise you might end up attracting a larger audience and you don’t want us to get caught now.”
You let out a little gasp as his words and look around to see if anyone is looking which thankfully they are not.
As Iwaizumi continues to watch, he begins to shift around in his seat and Oikawa laughs when he sees why.
“Oh it looks like Iwa-chan is really enjoying the show.”
“Shut the fuck up shittykawa.”
Oikawa laughs more at the response before giving you a meaningful look.
“It looks like it’s your lucky day princess. I think you should help Iwa out, it is your fault this happened after all and we wouldn’t want him to feel any discomfort.”
Your eyes widen at his words. Was he seriously going to indulge you in that fantasy as well?
“Are you sure?” You ask him.
“Of course angel. I love you.” He gives you a sweet kiss to your lips.
“I love you too.” You give him a smile.
You turn your attention to Iwaizumi and reach your hand out to rub it over the obvious bulge in his pants. This startles the man since he had turned his gaze away after Oikawa teased him. You smile at his startled expression.
“I’m sorry Iwa-chan. Let me help you out.” You say to him.
Iwaizumi stays frozen in place as you undo his pants and release his hard thick cock. You begin to stroke him causing him to let out a groan.
“Keep it down Iwa-chan.” Oikawa says to him as he casts a glance around the area.
Iwaizumi tries to lower his voice as you continue to stroke him.
“Fuck, you must really be enjoying yourself princess, you’re gushing around my cock and I haven’t even made you cum yet.” Oikawa glances over at his friend. “Iwa-chan seems to be enjoying the attention too but I think you can do better than that.” He taps Iwaizumi’s arm. “Iwa move closer so she doesn’t have to stretch.”
Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow but slides closer. You continue to work his shaft as you bend over, causing you to rise a bit off of Oikawa’s lap. He takes the opportunity to dig his fingers into your hips more firmly and begins thrusting up into you as you lick a stripe up the underside of Iwaizumi’s cock from the base to the tip, making sure to lick the precum that has started to leak out. He lets out a moan at the feeling of your tongue dancing along his shaft.
You continue to pump your hand up and down his length as you swirl your tongue around the leaking head of his cock before taking it into your hot wanting mouth.
“Fuck!” Iwaizumi cries out, at the same time the crowd cheers thankfully allowing the three of you to continue to go undetected.
He lets out rumbling moans as you suck him into your mouth, taking him in deeper with each bob of your head. He bites his knuckle to stifle a loud groan when you take him all the way to the back of your throat.
Oikawa continues to thrust up into your hot dripping pussy as you service Iwaizumi with your mouth. When he gives you a particularly sharp thrust, you find yourself moaning around his friend’s cock as you continue your movements.
“Fuck.” Iwaizumi says again, though not as loudly this time, as he grabs ahold of your hair and begins thrusting into your mouth.
“My naughty little angel has a great mouth, doesn’t she?” Oikawa asks his friend between grunts and pants as he begins thrusting into you harder, catching that special spot inside of you with each one.
“Fuck yes.” Iwaizumi responds with a groan as he increases his pace.
“The only thing better than her mouth is this sweet pussy.” Oikawa lets out a rumbling moan.
You smile around Iwaizumi’s cock at your boyfriend’s praise. You relax your throat and hollow your cheeks, increasing the force of the suction as Iwaizumi continues to fuck your mouth. He grips your hair tighter and moans as his cock goes farther down the back of your throat with every thrust.
“Oh fuck, so fucking good.” Iwaizumi grunts out as he throws his head back enjoying the pleasure of your mouth.
Oikawa brings one hand around in front of you, leaving the other gripping your hip, and begins to rub small circles into your clit as he continues to pound into you causing you to moan more. You clench your pelvic muscles causing your inner walls to tightly grip Oikawa’s cock as he thrusts into you.
“Ah fuck! You know I love it when you do that babygirl. I’m not going to last much longer.” He increases the pressure on your clit while his thrusts begin to become erratic.
You groan as drool runs down your chin from Iwaizumi’s use of your mouth. You feel your climax crest before it comes crashing down over you, a stifled scream coming from the back of your throat. Your walls pulse and begin milking your boyfriend’s cock sending him over the edge as well. He leans over and bites your shoulder to stifle the moans and curses coming from his lips as he paints your walls white and fills you to the brim with his hot cum.
The feeling of being filled causes your walls to spasm around him once again as you very lightly graze Iwaizumi’s cock with your teeth causing him to hit his peak as well. He bites down hard on his knuckle to stop himself from crying out as he shoots his thick cum down your throat.
After swallowing the last of Iwaizumi’s offering, you remove your mouth from his now soft length and sit up. You wipe the drool and cum that dripped down your chin with the back of your hand. He tucks himself back into his pants as he catches his breath. You begin to rise up off of Oikawa and he hands you back your panties.
“Now make sure you don’t let any drip out.” He tells you with a smirk as his breath begins to return to normal.
You put your panties back on and sit between the two men.
The final play of the game concludes resulting in Karasuno’s victory over Shiratorizawa.
“See now, this game turned out to be interesting after all.” Oikawa says with a chuckle as he looks at you and Iwaizumi.
“Best one I’ve attended.” Iwaizumi adds with a smirk.
You feel your face heat up over what had just taken place.
“Did you have fun, princess?”
“Yeah I did.” You smile at your boyfriend.
Oikawa smiles at you and kisses your temple.
“Now let’s get out of here. I have no desire to watch this awards ceremony.”
The three of you stand up, Oikawa puts his arm around your shoulders and pulls you against him as he uses his other hand to push Iwaizumi towards the exit.
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sarahjtv · 4 years
BNHA Chapter 306 Spoilers Quick Thoughts: Holy Shit, Deku
Ok, I’ve decided to wait until I read the ReadMHA fan translations to make a full “Spoiler Thoughts” post because it’s easier for me to look at them than look back and fourth at various Twitter accounts to get the full picture.  Regarless, THIS CHAPTER OH MY GOD!!!!!!!  I haven’t been this antsy for leak images since the “Dabi is Touya Todoroki” reveal.  I wanted to write this last night, but I was already in bed crying and screaming my head off that I couldn’t.  Now that I have most of it processed, I need to write down some quick thoughts at least to get some stuff out:
Second of all, the big topic that we all need to talk about: Deku leaving UA and everyone else to go off on his own.
Out of all the twist Horikoshi has pulled on us, I think this is the biggest and most unexpected one.  I honestly did think that some UA students would quit trying to be Pro Heroes after the war because of how much corruption and trauma has been brought to the surface.  But, Deku was one of the last people on my mind.  Out of all the characters in this series, I would think Deku would stay and prove to everyone that it’s ok to keep striving towards being a hero.  But, no...  He still wants to be a hero, but not the way any of us expected.  
Before Deku left, he wrote and left individual letter for every one of his fellow 1-A students (and hopefully his mom, All Might, Mirio, and Eri (OH, ERI ;~;)).  In it, he tells them the truth about One For All and why Shigaraki and All For One are after him.  Of course, all the kids are devastated.  What’s interesting to me is that we didn’t get reactions from everyone, it was mainly Uraraka.  This makes me wonder a few things:
1. If Deku wrote these out individually (his arms probably mostly healed at this point b/c he’s using them in the last page), I wonder if he wrote anything special for some of them.  Especially the people he’s close to.  Like, I need to know what he wrote to Iida, to Uraraka, to Inko, to All Might, TO SHOTO, TO BAKUGO.
The final panel takes place in April, about a month after the war started and ended.  We weren’t given a specific timeline in when exactly Deku left UA, but it’s somewhere within that month.  So, does this mean he’s been on his own for nearly a month?  What has he been doing this entire time?
And that final double-page spread...  Good lord almighty.  It shows Deku standing on top of a building looking down at a villain attacking the city.  He’s in his hero costume but it’s all ripped up and worn out (probably what remains of it after the war arc.  I noticed his air gauntlets and arm bracers are gone too after looking at Deku again.  He still has his iron soles for his Shoot Style though).  He has his backpack on him and what looks like the rest of Gran Torino’s cape.  It hasn’t been confirmed if Gran Torino is alive or dead if Deku took his cape, but I can only assume he died based on Deku’s sad face and that there’s honestly no way Torino survived his injuries I’m sorry.  I’d be shocked if he were alive at this point.
And the last panel...  Deku looks so tired.  The light in his eyes is just gone as he says “A big villain” while looking out at the city.  Bringing us back to Chapter 1 of BNHA where one of Deku’s first pieces of dialogue was “A big villain!” while watching it rampage in the middle of the city.  Everything’s come full circle it seems and in the most depressing way possible.  I feel so bad for Deku.  He’s only 16 and even though his will to be a hero is still strong, I feel like a part of him has died honestly.  That childlike hope and innocence he’s shown since the very beginning doesn’t look to be there anymore.  My boy’s exhausted, Horikoshi, please give him a break.  And give yourself one too.
I wonder, if Deku is still doing hero work, but isn’t at UA anymore, does this mean he’s a vigilante?  I know he has his Provisional License, but does that thing even work if you’re not enrolled in the Hero Program you went to?  Because if it doesn’t, then Deku has technically gone full vigilante.  He looks like he’s about to put his bunny mask on in that last panel actually.  His current state of his costume screams vigilante to me even.  I’m really interested in seeing what Deku’s been doing and what he’s going to do now.  We know he left UA to protect everyone he cares about (because OFA is like a beacon to AFO now), but how long is he going to keep this up?  Is he going to run into Bakugo or anyone else in the meantime?  Is he going to run into the vigilantes from the BNHA Spin-off manga (Koichi, Pop-Step, Knuckleduster) or other vigilantes?  Is he ever going to see his friends and mom again?  Will any of our UA kids drop out of the hero course too?  I have so many questions, guys.  I want to go back to high school shenanigans, but that’s clearly not happening soon.     
Finally, the chapter appears to be titled “The Beginning of The End” or “Opening of Final Chapter”.  Ngl, I legit thought that this meant that the series was really ending like Horikoshi talked about in his last interview.  I took that with a grain of salt, but I don’t know anymore.  This could mean an end to the whole “Academia” part of the story.  We might get a big time-skip like Naruto, One Piece, Haikyuu, and a lot of other manga did before it.  I kinda don’t want this to happen because I like seeing characters grow in chronological order and Horikoshi-sensei has been pretty good at twisting the usual tropes, but I don’t know this time guys.  The chapter ends on a good spot to do a big time-skip if Horikoshi wants.  But, honestly, everything’s up in the air right now.  I have so many theories in my head right now about what might happen next.  This is truly some peak fiction though like goddamn.  I really hope this doesn’t mean that we’re reaching the final arc of the series, but if Horikoshi want it to be, then I have no choice but to respect that.  I really hope it isn’t though.
Me after the insanity that was this chapter:  
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“Hi hi!! My boy Ushijima is so underrated 🥺 So I'd like to request Haikyuu captains (the usual! Oikawa, Daichi, Bokuto, Ushijima and Kurro) reacting to 'im breaking up with you' prank, thank you!!”
this is very cute. i LOVE IT. i wrote the versions of Kuroo and Bokuto already!!! so i’ll just do the rest if you don’t mind!
* “i’m breaking up with you.”
* you decide to try that prank on him one day while he’s practicing his jump serve.
* you’re chilling on the bench!!! but you got bored after a while AHAHAHA
* the moment you say the words, his ball is going off course and he’s running to you with a sudden urgency in his stance.
* then he’s frantically looking at you, and he’s asking you why you want that.
* bc he’s made sure not to repeat the same mistakes again????
* he made sure he showed you enough attention???
* he made sure he didn’t put volleyball as his top priority???
* he made sure to not flirt with other girls and turn them down if they asked him out???
* what did he do wrong?
* then you catch sight of the tears forming in his eyes, bc he really, really doesn’t know what he did wrong, and you feel so BAD.
* “no no Tooru it was a prank!!!!!”
* he looks at you in surprise, and you take the opportunity to brush away his tears and press a kiss onto his cheek, and he uses the opportunity to pull you close and hug you.
* “don’t scare me like that again, okay?”
* you nod against him, and you feel the tension in his stance leave his body.
* “hey, (Y/N)?”
* “hmm?”
* “you’ll tell me if there’s something that’s bothering you about our relationship, right?”
* “yes, Tooru, i will.”
* “i’m breaking up with you.”
* you probably say that to him on the walk home with him after a date one day, bc you’re bored and wanted to see how he would react to this.
* ):(
* he comes to a complete standstill beside you, and his mind is instantly whirling with questions of why you want that.
* was it because he didn’t treat you right?
* he’s silent for a while, and his voice is sad as he stares down at the floor,
* “i’ll respect your decision, but could you tell me what i did wrong?”
* OH :( OH NO. :(
* a sad Daichi is something you’ve never seen before, and you would give away EVERYTHING in life to not see it again.
* “Sawa, it’s just a prank!”
* he looks up at you, and he blinks at you quickly.
* “a prank?” he echoes.
* “yeah, a prank!”
* you lean forward to quickly press a kiss onto his lips bc FIEIRIFIFJ U DIDNT THINK THIS WOULD HAPPEN FIRIFKF
* and he’s quickly pulling you closer into a soft makeout session.
* very. cute.
* but this is the first time you’ve seen a sad Daichi and you will not play any horrible pranks like this again on him!!!!!
* bc a sad Daichi= a sad world ):(
* “i’m breaking up with you.”
* you try that prank on him while his sitting next to you watching a volleyball game on youtube one day.
* he instantly paused the video and is looking at you with a frown and furrowed eyebrows.
* “b-but,” he’ll say, and he’ll look so, so confused,” why?”
* tbh Ushijima is EXACTLY like a very, very small boi / puppy. you cannot do that to him.
* he’ll look so confused, and he’ll start thinking about what he did wrong in the relationship.
* was it because he didn’t send you enough text messages?
* “Toshi, it was just a prank.”
* you have to say that, when the room becomes silent for a while, and he’s just staring at you.
* “a prank.” he repeats, and it takes a while for him to process it before he’s pulling you into his arms.
hi!!!! i hope this was okay heh!!!!!
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glitterge1pen · 4 years
Iwaizumi Hajime x reader, sfw, word count 1,424
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You were so tired. Tired in your bones, in your eyes, the heaviness of your hair on your head. Your entire being was exhausted. You had work, and projects, and due dates. Friends that needed help, family that called you one too many times. It had been this way for weeks. The work kept coming. It didn't stop. There was always something to do.
Even in the late hours of the night when you found moments of free time, the things you enjoyed didn't seem fun. You didn't want to draw, or paint, or play video games, even watching the tv felt draining. You were so utterly exhausted that it hurt.
But it was Friday night now, and you had nothing booked. You had ignored the few texts on your phone. Turned off your notifications for work emails. You trudged through your front door. Not bothering to kick off your shoes and coat. You headed straight for your bedroom, landing on your bed with a thump. It was 6:30pm and you were going to sleep. You were going to sleep forever you decided.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
At 7:00 Iwaizumi appeared at your front door with two boxes of takeout. You had been really busy lately and hadn't had time to hang out with him. But you had said Friday was free, that he should come over. He stood there for a couple minutes after he had knocked and rang the doorbell. He texted you again but no answer. He wondered if you were home. He couldn't see if any of the lights were on, you weren't answering.
Maybe something had come up?
Then he got concerned. What if something had happened? He hadn't heard one peep from you all day which was a little odd, you weren't one to blow him off without at least sending a text message either. He checked social media, trying to see if you had posted anything but you had been radio silent on all platforms for the day.
He looked this way and that. Not sure exactly what he should do. He decided that he wouldn't be able to eat all this take out. The best option would be to go inside, spoon some out into a container, put it in your fridge and then leave.
And he was curious.
Iwaizumi went to your mailbox. He stuck his hand inside, grazing his palm on the inside of the mailbox until he found the extra key you had duct taped there. He had seen you do this on many a drunk night.
He unlocked the door quietly. Even though he wasn't doing anything wrong it felt strange to be in your home without you. He crept into the kitchen, setting the food down quietly. Before he got to banging open the cabinets to find a container, he wanted to look around.
All the lights were off so he flicked the hallway switch on. He poked his head into your bedroom. There you were. A lump amongst the blankets and pillows. Laying face down, fully clothed, you hadn't even bothered to crawl under the covers.
And your room. God it was a mess. Iwaizmumi felt bad for judging you on that. But it was really messy. Then it struck him. How busy you said you were, how you haven't hung out as much, how you were texting and calling less. You must have been so fatigued.
He quickly went back to the kitchen, putting the food in the fridge. Then he found a trash bag from under your sink and got to work. Back in your room he tossed away crumpled receipts, some food wrappers, an empty amazon box, junk mail that had piled up next to your bed.
He thought it might be creepy what he was doing. Especially because he kept looking at you to make sure you were still asleep. He wasn't sure if he could handle the awkwardness that would be you waking up to him sorting through your trash.
He moved so quietly, stiff and still. He could hear your breathing. The lull of it made himself sleepy. He thought about what it would be like to lay with you. He noticed your feet hanging off the bed, he wondered if he should push them onto the mattress. You’d be terribly sore if he left you hanging off the bed like that. But he was much too scared of waking you to do so. He’d look at your resting face, see how empty and overworked you were, and start cleaning in vigor again.
Iwaizumi hung up jackets and cardigans. Turned away as he tossed a pile of t-shirts and bras into a hamper. Lined up your shoes into proper pairs in the closet. Straightened up the books, stationery and knick-knacks on your desk. Rid the nightstand of dirty glasses of water. Ran a rag over your lights to get rid of the dust. He even swept the floor.
The only thing he couldn't do was make the bed. He felt proud himself as he scanned the room in its new state of perfection. But that feeling faltered when he thought of what Oikawa would say in this moment. There would have definitely been some heavy teasing. It didn't matter. If you weren't going to take care of yourself, Iwaizumi would do his best to pick up the slack.
In the kitchen he took some of the food for himself, and left the rest for you. Leaving the extra key on top of the container in the fridge. He wrote a simple message on a sticky note. Tacking it to the food. Before leaving he gave the place one more scan. Making sure his presence was not there at all.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
Saturday morning you woke up feeling as if you had returned from vacation. It was as if you hadn’t actually been in your body for a while. You were also unusually optimistic for just waking up. This good feeling wore off fast. The waves of exhaustion had ceased their attacks, but your body was sore. Specifically your legs. And you were hot, sweaty from sleeping in your clothes. Your face felt dirty. Mouth gross and dry. You had skipped the night routine.
Rolling over onto your back was when you noticed. Your room was spotless. You definitely had not cleaned last night. Or at all in the past few weeks for that matter. Suddenly you felt uneasy.
Had some creep broke in? Was this going to be one of those bizarre news articles about a girl getting murdered in an elaborate way? You glance around for your phone. You thought you had tossed it next to you upon getting home but found it on your nightstand plugged in.
You snatch it up, surprised that it is already 11:45am. There is a missed facetime call from your best friend, a couple instagram notifications, and then a small barrage of texts from Iwaizumi.
“Oh my god”
You say out loud. This was definitely the work of Iwaizumi. Then the rush of guilt flooded into you. You had completely forgotten about him. You winced and then flopped back on the bed. Even worse was that he had seen the total wreck that was your room. It wasn't usually so unkempt but you hadn't had the time or energy to clean at all.
Unsure if this was a calling or texting matter you push it aside for the moment. You needed food. As if on cue you felt how barren your stomach was. You could text Iwaizumi back after you got at least a slice of bread.
Your heart dropped off a cliff when you saw the takeout. It was your favorite, you knew just from the box. In Iwaizumi’s long precise handwriting was his very curt note.
Came with food. Cleaned.
You didn't even warm the food up. Just started eating. You felt as if you should cry. He hadn't even woke you up. You were so overwhelmed by what he had done. It was so much, he had just brought over food and tidied up but it was so much. You laughed at what his reaction would be, if you called him with tears pouring down your face, trying to eat. You were so happy that he had done any of this for you at all.
Phone in hand you hovered over his contact, hesitating. But you know you have to call.
“Hey, you're awake”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
A/N: I've never posted writing on Tumblr before so tell me how this goes? I'm working on making some navigation for the blog, hopefully that stuff will be here by the end of the week.
In the meantime feel free to request some haikyuu related things. Drop anything in the inbox, if I write it I do, if I don't I don't.
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Reaction to Cutting Your Hair Short
These are the first Haikyuu!! fics I ever wrote (barring one Asahi fic) that I used to practice characterization and I figured it would be time to share them! They’ve been waiting almost four long years for the world to see them.
Inspired by the fact that I need a haircut.
Suga’s is inspired by something that actually happened to me when I was 17. That was embarrassing.
- Admin Rachel Lauren
Kageyama never once considered you an impulsive person. He could tell from the first day he met you that everything in your life was pretty much planned to the minute: the fact that you were constantly scribbling reminders into your weekly planner was his first hint at this. It wasn’t until he had actually mustered up the courage to confess to you and that you insisted that he take you to the movies at exactly noon—heavy emphasis on “exactly”—the following Sunday that he realized just how meticulous you actually are.
“And I won’t forgive you if you’re even the slightest bit late!” you chimed with a sweet smile at the time. If he hadn’t been so over the moon about you accepting his confession, he would have been concerned. So your dates became a regular weekly thing—Sundays at exactly noon—that he couldn’t afford to be late to. 
Today, he’s sure to arrive early to the café, fifteen minutes ahead of time just in case. It’s bothersome, but there’s something about beating you there that felt reminiscent of his constant competition with Hinata over who could get to morning practice earlier. The fact that he won this time was enough for him to get over it.
“Ah, there you are.” 
Kageyama raises his gaze up from the menu he’d been staring at for the past few minutes. Blues eyes widening at the sight before him, he drops the plastic-covered pages onto the table.
Your once-long hair is gone. Completely chopped off into a bob stopping at your chin. He had just seen you yesterday and at that time, your hair was much longer. As you take your seat across from him, he stutters nonsense syllables. 
“Mmm, I’ll take it as a good sign,” you say while picking up the menu before you and glancing it over.
Finally, he’s able to form a coherent sentence. Leaning a little closer to you, he asks, “W-when did this happen?” 
You pick at a hair on your cardigan, a leftover clipping from the salon that the hairdresser was unable to wipe off of you. “Just before I came here.”
Normally, you would let him know of these kinds of things, but you hadn’t said a word about it. Or maybe you had and he hadn’t been paying attention. He knew that if you had, you would definitely scold him for not listening to you, but he couldn’t help but ask about it.
“W-were you always going to get it cut this short?” 
You shook your head, your hair shaking along with it, and gave a casual shrug. “I just decided to do it when I woke up this morning.” You stare off into the distance in thought. “I don’t know. Maybe I was just tired of how long it would take to style it.”
This is definitely an unusual sight for Kageyama, seeing you so unsure of yourself. Something in the pit of his stomach feels heavy. This uneasiness makes it hard to look at you, and his eyes keep glancing down at the table, then at the floor, and back.
“Kageyama-kun, do you not like it?” 
He raises his head again to finally meet you eye-to-eye. The slightly dejected look on your face only makes him feel worse about the whole thing. Now that he was finally getting a good look at you, it was easy to see that the length actually suited you and framed your face nicely. There was an air of maturity about you as well. If he hadn’t known better, he would have assumed you were one of his senpai.
“No, it looks…” He struggles to find the right word, pouting slightly at his own inhibition. “Nice” was too simple. “Fine” didn’t feel right either.  “…cute. It looks…cute.”
There’s a shaky sigh of relief from you. That dejected look on your face relaxes, and your lips curve upwards into a wide grin. Whatever uncertainty he had about you before seems to fade instantly away.
Tears brim at the corner of your eyes, as they had been on occasion for the past few days. It was so stupid and childish: getting lice of all things! When your head started itching after coming home from vacation and your mother checked through your hair and found the pests, you groaned. The thought of whatever child had been in your seat on the flight before yours could make your blood boil if you were a meaner person. What’s worse is that this wouldn’t be your first time having to take care of this matter. 
You had first dealt with lice as a child. Your hair had been long then too, so your mother did every remedy in the book for a solid three days on end until your head was free of the suckers. She spent hours with you bent over the bathtub using lice shampoo on your scalp, your knees and neck sore from the harsh tiling and awkward positioning. The memory of seeing the little, dead bugs wash out of your hair gave you nightmares for a week after that. You smelled of vinegar for longer than you would have liked in your attempts to suffocate them by soaking your locks in it while a towel held them in place. And of course, there was the dreaded nit comb. There were too many tears from you as your mother pulled that comb through your hair for an entire afternoon, your scalp raw from all the tugging and washing.
So now, at seventeen-years-old, you knew better than to go through that living hell another time. You would have to use the shampoo and the nit comb again no matter what, but at least not with hair that long. You could easily remedy the problem within a day by chopping it all off.
Except it had taken you so long to grow it out from the last time you cut it short, and it looked so pretty to boot. And perhaps, more importantly to you, your boyfriend loved your hair. He would constantly compliment it, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous about how he would like the possibility of a new ‘do for you.
“Koushi, I’m so embarrassed,” you say with a sniffle over the phone. Your room reeks thanks to the vinegar-soaked towel around your head. “I could honestly drop dead.”
“These things happen. It’s okay.” Suga’s voice was as sweet as it ever was, but it was anything but reassuring at the moment. “Would you like me to come over now and help you shampoo? I know your mom’s the expert at this point, but I have a distinct feeling that you need to see another familiar face.”
You bite your lip in frustration. You’re dying to spend time with Suga after having not seen him since you’d been home, but the idea of him seeing your now-short hair was doing nothing to ease your woes. “Don’t. I’d feel awful if I gave them to you.”
He let out a quiet laugh. “You say that as if my hair isn’t short and easy to manage. You can’t hide from me forever! I’ll be over in a little while.”
Suga lives a few streets over, so it doesn’t take him long to arrive. Your mother answers the door, and you groan at the sound of his footsteps from the stairwell. You don’t move from your spot on the floor of your room when he walks in. Your eyes are downcast. Not even his presence can stir your attention away from the carpet. He’s about to say something, but the timer on your phone starts blaring: it’s time to wash out the vinegar. Without a word, you unwrap the towel and let your soaked hair flop down into place.
Lips trembling, the tears finally start coming out in giant droplets. You place your hands over your face without hesitation. “It looks so bad. I know,” you sob. “I had no choice.”
He huffs. “It’s not fair, ____. You can’t cry like that when I can’t pull you into a hug to make it better, especially when you look so pretty.”
You pull your hands away from your face, tears still falling, streaking your cheeks. Suga’s seated cross-legged in front of you, chin placed in his hands. His smile is as wide and refreshing as ever. You let out a squeaky, “Really?” in between your shallow breaths.
“You know I always think you look pretty, but shorter hair really suits you. You look like a new person.” He sits up straight, and pinches his nose with a wink, his lovely voice now nasal. “But you smell awful, and that I can’t forgive. Let’s go wash it out.”
Still sniffling but tears stopping, your lips curve into a smile. Suga holds out a hand for you, and you take it, giving it an affirmative squeeze. He raises your hand to his lips and gives it a gentle peck, eliciting a sigh of relief from you.
“Thank you, Koushi.”
A few days have passed since you’d last seen your boyfriend. A volleyball tournament over the long weekend for him and a visit to the grandparent’s house for you had kept the two of you apart. It’s hardly unusual that you don’t see him on the weekends anyway, given that it’s the height of volleyball season and he more than often overworks himself practicing. However, something about this weekend feels...off. 
Perhaps, it’s the shortage of texts and calls on his end that bothered you. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t worried even before this particular weekend: something in the way he talked to you at school and the general air about him when he walked you home felt distant. Hesitantly, you had asked Iwaizumi if something had happened, but he couldn’t tell you what was bothering Oikawa, just that he had noticed the tension between the two of you as well.
When you had passed the hair salon while out shopping for your grandmother when you arrived in her town on Friday evening, an idea popped into your head. It was pretty impulsive, but you had been debating about cutting your hair short for a few weeks now. If it was going to happen, now was the time. Except that it had only taken you two days to get used to it, so you forgot rather quickly that it was a thing you had done without his knowing.
So when you open the door for Oikawa on Monday morning when he comes to pick you up for your walk to school, and see his signature smile swiftly fade into a look of confusion, you panic.
“What is it?” you ask, slightly wide-eyed. You pat your face to feel for any food crumbs that you might have forgotten to wipe off after breakfast.
“Your hair.”
You blink. “Right.” You bring your hands up in a slight shrug and chime, “Surprise.”
He takes a step towards you, face a little less confused and a little more shocked now. His eyes take in your styled tresses, fingers reaching out to touch them and barely brushing your chin in the process, but pulling back before he actually does. It was almost as if he needed the reassurance that this was all very real. Your heart beat furiously in your chest as he did this; you honestly had no idea how to gauge this reaction from him and it was making you uneasy. Oikawa was generally very quick to compliment on your appearance, so this distinct lack of commentary is worrying.
Your eyes downcast as he stands before you, you exhale deeply. There’s no turning back now; it’s not like you can just glue your locks back together.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done this,” you apologize, eyes fixed firmly on the floor. “You’ve been kind of distant lately, so I thought that maybe I was boring you. I know I did it on sort of a whim, but I thought that maybe a little change in appearance would help.”
His long arms quickly wrap around you, pulling you into a tight hug. Your own arms twitch at the sudden gesture, but you relax in his embrace and place your hands on his back, nuzzling your head into his chest.
“I thought you were the one who was bored with me!” he says with a bit of a whine. You pull away from the hug, and give him a look of concern.
“What do you mean?”
He flashes you one of his celebrity-status smiles, but there’s something pained behind it. “Well, it’s no secret that I’ve been dumped before because of volleyball. In fact, I was really surprised that you hadn’t done so already...” His smile fades into pout and he looks over at the wall. “It certainly didn’t help that Iwa-chan kept saying you’d dump me for someone who’d pay more attention to you.”
You blink, mouth in the shape of a small “o.” It subsided into a grin as you giggled, “Oh, we’re both pretty silly, aren’t we?” 
He hums and let out a “Yep!” before giving you a peck on the cheek and taking your hand. “We should hurry or we’ll be late. Besides, I can’t wait to see how jealous Iwa-chan will look when he sees that my girlfriend’s gotten even cuter.”
Game Over.
Kenma’s face contorts as he stares at the dark screen of his handheld console, white lettering taunting him. He read online that this particular level was notoriously tough, and he’d been stuck on it for the past few days. 
Unlike last time he was bested in one of his video games, and Kuroo was there to point out how to beat the enemy, there was no giveaway about how to approach this boss battle. It was just this particular video game’s unusually high enemy curve that made it difficult.
He looks up from the bench before deciding whether or not to take a break from the game. He turns around and looks inside the salon’s storefront windows. You had just been seated in one of the chairs, the stylist wrapping the cape around your neck while your lips move. You place your hands against your hair, palms down, to indicate how much you wanted her to cut. It would still be a while before you were done. Kenma returned his attention to the console and hit “Try Again”.
The only reason he’s outside is because the salon is swamped today. There was only one seat in the waiting area, and it made sense for you to take it while you waited for your appointment. Even if there had been another seat available for him, he wasn’t sure he would have felt comfortable in the midst of all those people. The brash whirring of the hairdryers and the loud chit chat between stylists and customers would have distracted him from his game anyway. 
He also still wasn’t entirely sure why you had asked him to tag along. This was the kind of thing you would do on your own, and then do something together with him after you were done. It wasn’t that much of a bother because, either way, he would have played his game the whole time while he waited for you whether he was at home or anywhere else.
Kenma’s approach to the boss battle is definitely more careful the next few times he attempts it. The enemy’s health bar comes dangerously close to total depletion; his heart races faster because, finally, he would be able to move on in the game. Just as he goes to use a finishing combo, the enemy strikes his character with its most powerful blow, wiping out the little HP he had left. 
The screen fades to the black “Game Over” screen again. Kenma throws his head back with an exasperated sigh while the bell on the salon door jingles.
“All done.”
He directs his attention towards you. If he hadn’t recognized your voice, he wouldn’t have recognized you. The sight of you with short hair, almost similar in length to his, is a vision he would have to get used to. He had only known you with long hair. He blinks once and slowly, until he notices the large plastic baggie in your hand. Sensing his uncertainty about what you were holding, you hold it out for him to see. 
It’s a braid. Your braid.
He looked around, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He muttered a quiet, “You’re keeping it?” He knows that parents sometimes keep a lock of their children’s hair after their first haircut as a memento, but he knows nothing about someone keeping their own hair when they’re older, and all of it for that matter.
Joining him on the bench, you zip your bag open to place the baggie inside of it. “Well, this salon won’t send it to the company for me, so I have to mail it in myself.”
His concerned look doesn’t waver at your words. What do you mean by having to mail it somewhere yourself? Don’t salons usually just cut off people’s hair and then sweep it away? You giggle at his scared face.
“Kenma, I’m donating it.”
His whole body relaxes and he lets out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness it isn’t for something weird. 
You peer over at the console in his hands, lips dipping into a slight frown at the unfortunately familiar “Game Over” screen. “Still stuck on that boss battle, huh?” 
His eyes glance between you and the screen. “Yeah.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you lean back into the bench in thought with a slight hum.
“Maybe your character needs to get a haircut so he can see better,” you tease. “Get that wild mop out of his eyes.”
Kenma shrugs and hits the “Try Again” option once more. As the battle music starts to play and he taps at the buttons, a small smile tugs at his lips. “Even so, he probably wouldn’t look as nice as you.”
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bringingglory · 3 years
thank you so much for the tags @hanamuri @fullmetalscullyy @megthemighty @nightofnyx8 @tsaritsa !
How many works do you have on AO3? 11! some are botw, one is tdiapt, some are fma, and some are haikyuu! i mostly just write for whatever im interested in at the moment/whichever fandom inspiration strikes for
What's your total AO3 word count? 101,939
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Keep Your Friends Closer But Your Enemies Closer - T: ahhhh my miraculous ladybug fic! ive literally been working on her for FOREVER and i swear to god im going to finish it, i literally know how i want to end it and i know all the events leading up to it. hell, i even have a vague idea of what i want to happen in the middle, i just need to know what order the middle stuff happens in and also i just have to write it. It's an AU where Ladybug and Chat Noir are actually enemies but then Chat Noir accidentally befriends Marinette and then drama etc etc etc.
rain - G: first zelink fic babey! set Pre-Calamity and basically link and zelda get stuck in a cave because of the rain and there's just a lot of quiet pining, etc etc.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Oikawa - T: HAHAHA this was a crack fic inspired by my roommate but then i forgot it was supposed to be a crack fic while writing it and there are accidentally real emotions alkjdfalksdf but anyway it was very fun to write lmao. it was based off this meme and basically it's an AU where Oikawa is Spider-Man and Iwaizumi doesn't know but they still like hang out and stuff. It's a lot of fun, or at least I think it is, haha.
stolen moments - T: first royai fic!!! just a series of "stolen moments" (mic drop) where roy and riza like cant be together but yknow, they try. lots of pining. etc
a secret weapon of sorts - T: 5+1 edwin fic inspired by the Simple People OVA where instead of ed giving winry earrings to get out of trouble, he gives her kisses.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not? Yes! I try really hard to!!! Sometimes I get overwhelmed and I don't respond to comments for a while, but I absolutely do my best to when I remember because I feel like it's my way of saying "thank you" for them reading my fics in the first place, haha.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Uhhhhh, sleepless I guess? But it's more open-ended/not explicitly positive more than anything, though even then I feel like I've got a hint of hope in there. alkjdfhalsdk idk man I just, I can't write *pure* angst, there's gotta be some light, and thus I could never end anything angstily
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending? LMAO most of my fics??? I guess??? bc despite being an anxious piece of shit, I am an optimist by heart
Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written? When I was younger! Idk, I guess the Rise of the Brave Frozen Tangled Dragons fandom??? if anyone remembers what that is lmao
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Not exactly? Maybe some weird comments on KYFCBYEC but even then, it wasn't that often.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? No no no no no no no no. I am telling you, I physically cannot write smut. I don't think I actually have the capacity. Absolute fucking kudos to every single smut writer out there bc it truly is an art form capturing that intimacy and emotion and etc, but I literally get flustered from writing mildly detailed kiss scenes. If I ever wrote smut, I would burst into flames on the spot.
Actually lies, I technically wrote smut once, but it was at the request of my roommates and they wanted me to write a crack smut fic of Y/N x our uni's mascot and I wrote that thing in like 3 hours with so many silly memes to keep myself sane (not like other girls, tongues battled for dominance, etc), did not edit it, and because it was so, like, not serious, I was actually able to get through it. But even then, when I wrote "thrusting" I literally had to put my laptop down for 20 minutes.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet! Someone commented on Your Friendly Neighborhood Oikawa and asked if they could translate it and I said yes! They haven't gotten around to it yet, but I would love to see it if they do!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet!
What’s your all-time favourite ship? Bro it changes day to day. You can't ask me this lmao. The current ship I'm most fixated on is Iwaoi, but I wouldn't say they're my all-time favorite.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I'm not answering this energy. On god, I'm going to finish things. I want to.
What are your writing strengths? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh very good question lmao. I don't really like thinking about "strengths" in my writing bc who am I to say? akjdslakfjdf idk, instead, I'm just gonna say some things I like/try to do in my writing, which are: conversational prose/having a lot of voice in the narration, I try to add humor wherever I can, and recently I've gotten better and metaphors and describing things bc I picked up writing poetry a year ago!
What are your writing weaknesses? hmmm, a thing I dislike about my writing/the writing process is that I'm slow to publish things and slow to finish things because I'm such a messy first drafter and I also take forever to edit. I would like to uhhhhh get things out faster. Also I tend to repeat myself a lot bc I forget the details of things I write sometimes lmao.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Hmmm, I dunno, I guess I don't have any strong thoughts? The only other language I know is Mandarin but even then, I suck ass at that, so I'll prolly never write dialogue in another language simply bc I like to try to portray things semi-realistically and I don't think I have a good enough grasp on any other language the same way I do in English to produce authentic enough dialogue.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Fablehaven I guess? But Idk I was in fourth grade an didn't even know what fandom was yet. Rise of the Guardians, maybe?
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
AHHHH idk??? maybe hold your hand out in the dark because i really experimented with my writing on that one and im sort of proud of the result, just like the fact that i wanted to try something new and it turned out alright. that or Sunset Wheeling which is an iwaoi fic where they just skate, and like it's prolly one of the most self-indulgent things i've ever written because it's silly and they just. skate. but aljdfalsjd idk i loved it and i churned it out in 6 days and it was a lot of fun lol
ahhh a bunch of people have been tagged already, so sorry if im tagging you again, but for now im just gonna tag @niconiconina @notkorras @thatisadamnfinecupofcoffee @firewoodfigs and anyone else who wants do it!
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mrskurono · 4 years
hello i am back once again but with this
(the op elaborates more in the replies + the embedded one on atsumu) in case u can’t see it -> https://twitter.com/nonlovso/status/1374155371145756679?s=21
i love reading these types of tweets, just people talking about the character in canon, analysing what furudate was trying to depict when he wrote these characters. also the phrase “monsters can only thrive among monsters” ???? fuckjng love that, so much to unpack tbh.
idk i just rlly want to see these characters thru the eyes of the author. it’s hard for us readers when 1) we don’t know the thought processes behind the making of each character, and 2) many characters we only see on the volleyball court. but people act differently in different situations. i know it’s a pipe dream but i always hope for more canon haikyuu content outside of volleyball, just regular slice of life content, just teens being teens (i know haikyuu-buu exists but it’s not confirmed to be canon so 💀)
- 🪢 sorry this become somewhat of a rant. this has been on my mind ever since i started liking suna, i couldn’t find posts / tweets like this for suna so i rlly struggled trying to fully understand him (which irritated me bc it felt like he was a one dimensional character 😡)
The amount of nerdy that I am I LOVE shit like this.
Which you know what is interesting is the way each can be laid out for each characters struggle with loneliness and how Sakusa’s is clearly the easiest to identify and yet people chastise him almost the most (Have y’all ever met only children? They can be a little weird and I’m married to one ok so I get it) But ironically Bokuto is one I never thought about (though I’ve thought in depth over Akaashi’s bc he latches to the 3rd yrs and then gets physically left alone) 
Bokuto’s loneliness is weird bc of course when Furudate let out who has siblings (which I got way too nerdy about that bc the family dynamics were real obvious after Furudate gave us siblings to characters) Bokuto is the youngest among three and anyone who’s ever had/known three kids is the baby is almost always the golden child in some way. On purpose or not. Like how much older are the sisters? Are they close? Did they baby Bokuto and that’s why he’s so focused on the team? (bc he needs someone to not really “take care” of him but at least guide his emotions at least) We see Oikawa’s sister is obviously old enough for him to have nephew that old so clearly they weren’t raised too much together (age gap) But Bokuto being the baby among two older siblings (female) in an Asian family really would speak to his need for attention bc he’s 1. The baby and 2. The only male child. Not faulting Bokuto at all bc like, he could really be a dick but he’s not. Which makes me feel like the sisters are closer in age bc if you’ve ever had siblings you know your ego gets to be in check no matter what. Bokuto’s loneliness is just something fun to pick apart bc it’s not exactly loneliness (or at least I don’t see it that way) like out of all of them he’s def seeking validation more than anything it feels like. Anyways- Sorry I’m rambling I like character analysis way too much XD
But god yes the lack of content outside the volleyball realm drives me crazy. Especially post high school in that short 5 year span before MSBY v Schweiden. Which this is my total bias talking but I constantly want to know when and how it happened that Kageyama just, mellowed out. He’s reintroduced not even really with a scowl. Totally unphased by the dumbshit Hoshiumi does, he’s surrounded by little kids (which I still wanna know when kids started to like him bc he’s the only one seen with a lot of younger fans repeatedly) and he smiles like a lot. Growth from the MSBY team always circles back (for me at least) for the four of them being together and growing like that. But Schweiden doesn’t have that substitute brother feel? I mean I think Kageyama and Ushijima get along real well (simpletons) but what about the other teammates? (Hoshiumi still has feral vibes that never leave I love him for that) But Kageyama was with them graduation on basically so who helped him mellow out? Who had such an impact on him that Kageyama kinda relaxed back into his interested, wide eyed and calm middle schooler self who was just enjoying playing volleyball. Like, Furudate??? You can’t just give me my man vibing being sweet and dealing with Hoshiumi’s bullshit and not tell me when it happened?? Was it personal life growth?? Was it the team?? FuruDATE GIVE ME ANSWERS
No one ever really points this out (or at least I haven’t seen it) but the two panels we get of Suna timeskip he’s smiling. I don’t know why but I just feel like that speaks to his character a lot. That he’s actually really a happy individual he just hated high school. He was in the lowest academic class, he loved volleyball but hated any variation of the twins and Kita and he was good at what he did but never really shined over having to deal with everything else. Which I mean he’s def not a spotlight kinda guy but even when they’re watching past games for prep Ukai has to point out Suna is the main point getted for Inarizaki (bc everyone is focused on the twins) I dont know...I just kinda find Suna interesting bc he’s seen as almost mean but timeskip Suna is smiling, chatty with Komori and good enough to be in the top leagues. He always struck me as one of those kids who hated school but was incredibly smart. Which is why I probably liked canon Suna a lot quicker than whatever the fuck the fandom depicts him as. (not to mention the being the older sibling so anyone who’s older knows you tend to be the emotionally calm one to not stir the pot and keep things calm at home which would really explain Suna’s deadpan look a lot just from personal experience as the eldest child)
See now you made me go off, this was supposed to be short but I passed out last night before I could do anything XD Now everyone knows Im a nerd :l
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