#exactly my favourite kind of guy. wants to be loved eternally would flinch if he received it because what even is this?
laniidae-passerine · 2 months
decided that in my own personal canon, Santiago’s maker looked similar to Louis, simply because Ben Daniels stated that Santiago was very likely in love with his maker. and wouldn’t it be some kind of torture to fall in love with the man who murdered your first vampiric love? to then watch him fall in love with another, who bears an eerie resemblance to that first love? to be witness to something tender and affectionate blooming, every moment a memory of how none of those you’ve adored have ever wanted you back? it would be agony. it would be torture. god, you would just hate them to pieces, loathing even as you loved them. and you wouldn’t know peace - not until the whole pack of them learnt the horror of love, just as you have.
#I like to think that Santiago was courted by his maker. that it was a genuine interest#perhaps turned to be an immortal companion before his maker saw his mind and past and realised how dull he was#imagine being sold the beautiful dream of having an immortal companion who loves you and chose you out of everyone#to be the only they spend eternity with. forever in the arms of love#just for him to see you. truly see you as nobody ever has. and then instantly recoil#abandon you in disgust. he doesn’t care what you do. he doesn’t care where you go. he doesn’t care what you call yourself. francis.#santiago is a strange inverse of claudia#she is a grown woman struggling against her body - constantly being viewed as her past rather than who she truly is#but she is capable and knowing and refuses to pretend. she is Claudia the adult woman. she is Claudia the cage breaker. Claudia the killer.#while I think Santiago is still deep down Francis. lonely and needy and wanting someone to pick him. but nobody ever will#and so he covers himself up in lies and leather and performs on stage. and nobody thinks anyone is standing there but Santiago#I just LOVE torture. imagine how upsetting all of it would be#he’s still a foul cunt. but god the agony. Armand killing the man he loves. Armand falling in love with someone who looks so similar.#and Santiago can have none of them. will only be touched in anger. so make them angry. get them to touch him.#furious desire to hurt is a kind of desire. he’ll take what he can get. he’s going to get it.#he decides to become the new master of the coven when every part of him is clearly begging#please please please want me take me need me make me yours please don’t turn away don’t pick someone else#he’s so careless with the women because life’s not fair ladies! the powerful want you then they drop you after they’ve used you#if I’m a toy you’re all toys. if I’m used I’ll use up the lot of you.#exactly my favourite kind of guy. wants to be loved eternally would flinch if he received it because what even is this?#santiago iwtv#santiago#ldpdl#louis de pointe du lac#armand#armand iwtv#armand interview with the vampire#iwtv#interview with the vampire
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anika-ann · 4 years
Errare Humanum Est - Epilogue
The Dakrness and the Light
Type: series, soulmate AU series  (part 1, part 2)  x Supernatural
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader   Word count: 3530
Summary: There are loose ends to tie; with Sam and Dean... and other friends. You really thought the times for rendering you speechless were gone. 
You were wrong.
Warnings: swearing, brief angst, guilt trips, brief talk on religion, fluff
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Story masterlist
True to your words, you decided to ask the experts on weird people appearing out of nowhere and shooting light from their hands about the strange experience you had; an encounter that resulted in you gaining your memories back.
Sam and Dean were ecstatic when you told them about remembering everything – including the time you had spent with them though, one set of memories not replacing the other.
After enough cheering via your Skype call, you sent the footage.
The silence stretched as the brothers watched the recording, their eyes wide with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. They seemed spooked, shocked, perplexed and quite a bit fascinated too, to be honest. Steve’s arm around your waist tightened, both of you holding your breath in anticipation.
Oh God, who was the woman? Was she a friend of Rowena? Worse, was she a friend of the King of Hell they had mentioned? Who-
“Holy shit,” Sam finally exclaimed, making you blink in shock. Since when Sam swore? Admittedly, you hadn’t spent that much time with them, but-?
“Quite literally,” Dean conceded, squinting at the screen again as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. You were sure you were about to burst – or at least that your heart would beat its way out of your chest with how forcefully it was hammering against your ribcage. “I thought they went under? Or, you know, up?”
“So did I.”
“Guys? We’re not following. You know who or what this was?” you asked them breathlessly, unable to bear the suspense anymore.
Sam cleared his throat and apparently closed the video, because they were following you with their gaze again.
“Uhm yeah. That was God’s sister who paid you a visit.”
Your heart positively stopped for a second-- and then you laughed self-depreciatingly. Don’t be stupid, hey don’t mean that literally.
…they couldn’t, right?
“…is that a euphemism for something?”
“Nope,” Dean accented the ‘P’ and shrugged for a good measure, knocking the air out of your lungs. And of Steve’s, probably freezing his brain along the way, because his figure went absolutely rigid behind you.
“God’s sister?” Steve parroted and you were sure he wasn’t even breathing at that point.
“Yeah. Her name’s Amara. I’m pretty sure she had a crush on Dean,” Sam explained casually as if it wasn’t a big deal.
And God’s sister-
--wait, what? A crush? Huh?
“Dude. Come on!” Dean called out exasperatedly, hint of red pulsing in his cheeks.
“Like… the actual God’s sister? God, the religion figure… and his sister?”
“Yeah. Amara. The Darkness. God’s sister, whatever. We helped them to solve their family issues a while back,” Dean confirmed, a smug smile tugging at his lips at your disbelief.  
“I beg your pardon?” Steve blurted out, as if reading your frantic thoughts.
It was a lot to chew to begin with, but did Dean really just call her The Darkness? Why weren’t they freaked out by that?!
Sam sighed. “It’s complicated. Look, she also brought our mum back from death, but from what we know now, from what she said to you, it looks like Chuck brought you back and Amara thought you should also have your memories. Don’t worry about it, we’re used to this kind of crazy.”
It took you several moments of the wheels in your head turning before you connected the dots and actually registered what he was saying.
Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, that would mean that Chuck was… the brother. Which made him… which made him-
“God’s name is Chuck?” you choked out at the same time as Steve questioned a different exclaim of Sam’s: “Don’t worry about it?”
“Yeah. Chill. Be grateful,” Dean shrugged it off as if he didn’t notice your confusion and struggle to comprehend why on Earth God would bring you back from the death and his sister (the hell-- heaven?) stopped by to return your memories on top of that.
“Hey, are you okay? You look a little pale there,” Dean hummed, eyebrows furrowing in actual concern.
Yeah, no shit. I’d like to see your face if you found out that you were saved by—oh, wait, you actually might have…
“It’s… that’s a lot to chew.”
“Come on, you already knew you rose from the dead, this can’t be-“
Sam covered his brother’s mouth with a hand, annoyed look on his face before he smiled at you compassionately. “We know. But we’re serious. There’s nothing we can do about that, just enjoy what you were given. You both have your soulmate back. Be happy.”
“Though I gotta say, my heart is broken. I was holding out for you,” Dean teased you, having wrestled free from Sam’s grasp.
To be fair, Steve didn’t even flinch at such suggestion, knowing Dean’s flirty nature already, and you were pretty sure he even rolled his eyes.
“Kidding. Call us if you need help, okay?”
“Can I call to just check up on you?” you pried carefully, unable to help the warm smile slowly spreading on your lips as they slapped their hands over the other’s, Sam’s trying to shut his menacing brother up.
They stopped at instant.
“Uhm… yeah?” Dean hummed, clearly surprised, while the younger brother charmed a sweet smile.
“Good. Be careful, guys. I mean it. Let an angel watch over you. And look after him too. Send him my best wishes.”
“We will. We’ll see you, Fire Princess,” Dean winked at you and you huffed. Jerk.
“I hate you,” you murmured, waved at Sam and shut the laptop close, shaking your head.
Steve’s lips found the crook on your neck, nuzzling his face there then.
“Do you understand any of the things they said?” you slightly shifted, your lips catching his halo-like hair, your back leaning onto his chest.
“And you don’t care,” you stated when he kissed your skin again
“Nope,” he confirmed cheerily, pulling your back to make you lie down on the bed. You complied, ending up on your side, spooned by his warm muscular form. “Besides wanting to know what Fire Princess means, I’m just happy to have you back, doll. You’re all that matters.”
You heart fluttered in your chest, chasing heat to your cheeks at his sweettalking.
“I mean it. I’m not letting go of you, ever. If I have to lay down my shield, I don’t care. As long as I have you… I have everything I need.”
“Steve, I…” he eased his hold a bit when you squeezed his hand, allowing you to turn and face him. His eyes burned with sincerity, the way you remembered they always did when trying to convince you about something you found hard to believe – usually concerning his feelings. “I… I don’t-“
“I love you. And I mean it. Just say the word.”
“But I… I can’t be enough, Steve. That’s-“ you protested, your head spinning at the thought.
He couldn’t be serious. Could he? Steve had a heart of gold and fighting for the good cause in his blood. He couldn’t stop. Or maybe he could, but at what cost? How long it would take him to realize what a mistake he had made? And what if he blamed you then? Worse, what if someone on the team would get hurt in his absence and he would blame you for that?
Rationally, you knew the last scenario was of zero probability, because Steve would definitely hold himself responsible, no one else, but that only proved your-
His thumb tenderly traced the shape of your lips, eyes seemingly bluer than usual, as if he forced them to change their colour just to look more genuine and innocent, unable to lie.  
“You are. I spent weeks thinking-- thinking that I lost you – because of what I did, no less – and nothing mattered anymore, not really.”
“You love your job,” you stated slowly, incredulous that he was actually considering it. You tried hard to push the rise of hope and annoyingly adoring feelings towards him that bloomed in your chest.
He couldn’t do that, stop that, you bitch, he was not just yours- it wouldn’t be your choice to make-- but that was just wrong--- what if he got fed up with you-
“I loved my job – mostly because it was the only thing familiar in this century. The job was my life. And look where it got me.”
“Face to face with me, resurrected?” you teased with an awkward attempt at smile, unsure of what to make of this conversation and the mess of feelings it stirred within you. Steve only raised one corner of his lips at your silly joke. “No, seriously. I love you too. I love you and that’s why I can’t let you quit, not for me. You’re Steve Rogers. You’re Captain America. It’s like giving up your half.”
“I’ve done that once,” he muttered darkly, looking away. “And you took the other half with you.”
Tears pricked in the corners of your eyes at the reminder of why he might in fact could be able to give up on his job; because of the terrible sorrow it had brought him when making the impossible decision in his title’s favour.
You weren’t naïve, not that much at least. You both knew that that particular situation would have never happened if he was doing literally anything else for living.
You sighed, cupping his cheek and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Okay. We’ll think about it and talk about it later, alright? Now I just want to kiss you and cuddle you for eternity.”
His lips curled up in a brilliant smile that always made you smile back automatically, making your whole body pliant and feather-light.
“That is the best plan ever, darling,” he praised, planting a kiss to your forehead, indeed snuggling closer, leading your head to hide under his chin. Gosh, you loved when he did that, engulfing you, protecting you from the whole world.
“Thanks, Mr. Rogers.”
“No. Thank you. Thank you for coming back to me.”
You smiled against his throat, kissing his Adam’s apple. “We’ve been over this, I didn’t exactly-“
Hand still in your hair, he guided you from your favourite spot with light pull, only so he could shut you up with a kiss.
You sure as hell didn’t resist and lazily returned the affection, content to stay in that moment forever.
In real life, moments like that didn’t last forever. Sooner or later, duties and decisions came knocking.
Decisions were hard, especially when coming back from the dead and having to choose if you should keep it secret or not for instance and oh so many more things that needed to be dealt with; which was exactly the reason why you had been avoiding it, but that couldn’t go on for much longer.
For the moment, you decided there weren’t many people to confide in, but there were still some that deserved it.
A priest of the church where your own little altar was placed was one of them, mostly because of the meeting you wanted to hold there. Then again, officially it had been Steve who invited Ryan to a safe place with little information on the reason behind such action.
Steve had warned you he hadn’t spoken to him since before your death, but it could never prepare you for the cold welcome he had got when they came face to face, while you were hiding in the shadows.
“Captain Rogers,” Ryan greeted him stiffly, voice even and sharp enough to cut deeply and precisely with that particular addressing. You and Steve had talked; you knew he had troubles coming to terms with the title after he had lost you despite burying himself in his work and making it look like it was the exact opposite.
“Ryan. Thank you for coming.”
“Why am I here? What do you want?”
Was it just you or did Ryan sound really annoyed as if he couldn’t leave this encounter soon enough? What happened to him?
“I needed to talk to you about something important,” Steve replied softly despite your best friend’s attitude.
Ryan scoffed, crossing his arms on his chest. He was a bit thinner than you remembered, but that might only be the outfit he was wearing; the sweater looked a size too big for him to begin with.
“I have nothing to talk about with you, Steve. Frankly, you being here in this very church is like a sick joke. You weren’t here when it counted. What held you? Work, I imagine?”
Even you winced at the cruel words. This didn’t sound like the man you were best friends with. Was he truly so angry with Steve? Or was it because his heart was still heavy with grief? You didn’t know whether to be touched, angry back or just sad.
And what did Ryan mean by Steve not being here when it mattered?
“It wasn’t like that-” Steve tried to explain and for the first time, his voice cracked, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Imagine that. All of them were here. All of the freaking Avengers came to her funeral-“
Oh. Oh. You had no idea what to make of that. Steve had kinda forgotten to mention that fact to you. You should have figured; he did warn you they hadn’t spoken since before your death. Shit.
Unlike Ryan, you knew it wasn’t the lack of sorrow that had held Steve back from coming – even without him telling you so, it was clear as day to you.
“-even the one from another planet. But you? Her soulmate? Gosh, Steve… what’s your excuse?”
The question was clearly meant to sting and one single glance at Steve told you that it did precisely that; his eyelids fallen shut, his hands balling into fists.
“Do you really need to ask?” Steve chuckled bitterly, forcing himself to relax his hands. You more heard the tears in his voice than saw them from your spot behind the pillar and your heart ached. “How could I show up, Ryan? After what I did? How could I look into your eyes, to her parents’ eyes? I killed her, Ryan. Don’t you think for a second that I don’t feel guilty or regret it every single day. What I did, why I… I-”
“You don’t need to explain yourself, Steve. I understand why you made the choice you did…” Ryan interrupted him with a sigh and a sideway look, almost as if in conciliatory manner. “But that doesn’t mean I hate you any less for it. Or that I don’t blame you for her death. Because I do. It was your fault.”
“I know. And I understand. You have every right.”
Well, this was going splendidly. Another guilt trip for Steve and hostility from your friend. Just peachy. You seriously considered just walking in regardless Steve’s plea for you to wait for his signal.
“And yet I’m grateful for the weeks you spent together. You made her happiest I have ever seen her. It’s funny how I can hate you for it at the same time,” Ryan added then, his eyes turning compassionate and kind, only a shadow of sorrow remaining.
“Life is that way sometimes. But… I didn’t come here to ask forgiveness, Ryan.”
“Good, ‘cause you’re not getting any. Why are we here then?”
Now this sounded more like Ryan. The corner of your lips rose in a tinniest smile.
“Because she always said you were her platonic soulmate. She trusted you with everything. And you deserve to know.”
“Deserve to know what?”
“That miracles happen,” Steve said simply, not making any sense to the other man. Drama queen. Then again, God had probably saved you, so he wasn’t exaggerating.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Is that why we met in a church? Some weird symbolism to… to what?” Ryan sputtered, getting impatient. You almost walked out right then. But you trusted Steve to prepare your friend better for the shock now.
“No. We met here because I believed it was a safe place and you wouldn’t have come to the Tower.”
“Safe place?” Ryan asked warily, eyeing his surroundings suspiciously, his gaze shifting to your soulmate again. “For what?”
You cleared your throat, deciding this was the moment and stepped out. Ryan’s eyes bulged, his face drained of all colour.
“Hello, Ryan. Long time, no see,” you offered a teary smile and he blinked, your name falling from his lips breathlessly and with thousands of questions unspoken.
His gaze flickered to Steve, who smiled at him tightly, gently beckoning to you, encouraging him.
Ryan took several shaky steps and you stopped, letting him cross the distance in his own pace, getting him a chance to back away when feeling like it. On the inside, you wanted to run to him and let the man engulf you in a hug and never let go, but you realized what kind of a shock it must have been.
Hell, you were still coming to terms with it.
“Baby?” he whispered, voice trembling and breaking on the single word. You didn’t bother blinking away your tears, only nodding.
At that, Ryan erased the distance in two long strides, throwing his arms around your neck and sobbing right in your ear. His breath hitched when you hugged him back; as if he had been expecting this was only a trick.
It wasn’t.
“Hey, Ry-Ry,” you rasped, your sob nearly in sync with his, which was ridiculous.
He withdrew then, framing your face with his palms, his eyes travelling all over you.
“I saw you die,” he choked out, incredulous, awed.
“Yeah, lots of people did,” you agreed, covering one of his hands with yours. “It’s a long story.”
His blown-up irises widened further. “Was that… some kind of a cover-up? Did you- how could you not tell-?!”
“It wasn’t a cover-up!” you hurried, shaking your head as his arms fell from you. ”I died, Ry-Ry. I told you it’s a long story.”
“I have time,” he mused, still starring at you, measuring you from head to toe, perplexed and teary.
“Then maybe you should sit down. Before what I tell you knocks you flat on your ass.”
A smile was tugging at Steve’s lips at their interaction. Ryan was amazed, naturally, and Steve could relate; having her back was everything. He hadn’t been lying to her when he had told her he would lay down his shield if she asked him to. He would do anything only if it meant she would meet his gaze like at that exact moment, tears and laughter in her eyes, her lips spreading in that beautiful smile that tugged on his heartstrings.
“Steven,” the priest appeared at his side, voice low so he wouldn’t disturb the reunion. “Why don’t you join me in the back? Let the two friends catch up?”
Steve could stay right there, watching you explain the insane story, but perhaps he shouldn’t. Your best friend deserved your undivided attention and Steve would be happy to let you do so. God knew that while you were bickering and joking with the rest of his team and friends – now your friends too, no doubt – you weren’t beaming as much as you were at the moment. You needed your own time with Ryan.
“I… I suppose I should. Thank you, Father, for allowing this,” Steve expressed his gratitude, only for the other man to nod and give him a kind smile.
“Well, your friend had a point about symbolism here. Miracles do happen.... Speaking of those. I have someone who I would like you to meet.”
Steve blinked in surprise, but followed Father Lantom, trustful.  “…alright. What is it, Father?”
“It might come as a shock,” the priest warned him as he stopped in front of the door Steve was familiar with; Father had invited him over for coffee before, but Steve always refused, not wanting to abuse his hospitality.
“My soulmate came back from the dead, Father. I doubt anything can shock me at this point.”
The older-looking man chuckled, his hand laid on the handle. “I’m tempted to make a bet, but I must maintain the façade of an honourable man.”
“Father Lantom… what are you talking about?” Steve gulped, something icy creeping up his spine, his heart speeding up in anticipation.
Surely, the man wouldn’t do anything to hurt Steve. The idea was ridiculous. So why was Steve so nervous all of sudden?
“James? May we enter?”
There was no answer and if there was, Steve couldn’t hear it over the pounding in his ears. A crazy idea, old hope that he could never allow himself to feed because people who died stayed dead, even in this insane world, rising in his chest and suffocating him.
The door opened with a creak and Steve only needed a glimpse to freeze in the doorway, his heart stopping, brain short-circuiting. The world swayed of its place and there was a crushing weight on his chest, crushing and vertigo-inducing at the same time, frantic memories of a friendship that should have lasted until the end of the line flashing in his mind, an agonizing memory of watching the fall, completely helpless.
Steve didn’t know how, but the name left his lips without him remembering forming the simple word; a word that felt like a prayer.
Bonus chapter ;)
I know, I know! A cliffhanger. But it’s a nice one, right? A little hopeful, a little teasing your imagination; think about it like a post-credit scene ;) 
I can promise a bonus and a short multichapter fic ending this whole soulmate series.
Thank you for reading and your support, every comment means the world to me :-*
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sawienmoon · 5 years
Once upon a time... (Fairytale!AU-  Kylo Ren x Reader)
Pairing: Kylo Ren x Reader
Summary: When was the last time someone told you a bedtime story?
Words: 2964 
Warning: none
A/N: English is not my first language so it’s  possible that there would be some mistakes. If you notice something, please tell me so I can correct my errors. I would like this to be as enjoyable as possible, so suggestion are appreciated. Thank you! The plot is probably strange but I just wanted to write something funny, or at least I hope it to be
Her eyes lit up every time he walked into the room, furthermore his presence didn’t leave anybody indifferent and of course you are among those people.
That night he told that he would have been there for her and nobody would have bothered them.
She was sitting cross-legged waiting forward for him to come back, meanwhile her gaze was caught by the star that were glittering outside the window.
She waited.
She waited her once upon a time.
Suddenly she heard the door open and she recognized the figure standing at the doorway. He had a happy look on his face, slowly he walked towards the window where earlier she had placed her gaze, then he turned his head and he looked at her, a smile appeared on their faces.
That night no one would have bothered them and perhaps that night they would have their once upon a time.
Wait, wait, wait; what are you thinking about? And don’t try to hide behind that screen because I know you are there.
Were you hoping for some romantic moments with your favourite character? Probably the 90% of you were waiting for them, otherwise you are part of that 10% who was looking for something else, or maybe I was the only one who was thinking about it.
You probably read the title and asked yourself if the author was going crazy or you could have just shouted everything down without reading this part.
But I don’t want to bore you with this, so the only thing I ask is: when was the last time you heard a bedtime story?
(Warning! This chapter may contain nonsense and a small amount of spoilers if you have never, and I mean never, seen Star Wars, in this case consult the movies, if the spoiler persists it is recommended to consult Wikipedia.)
Luke Skywalker could have expected everything from life, but taking care of his five-year old nephew. He was old, retired and live in the suburbs of the city, his only desire was to spend his time doing whatever he felt comfortable doing.
He was watering his garden, thinking how the strong winter had ruined hit when he heard an engine in the backrground.
“Strange.” he tought, not many people when down that road in the middle of the afternoon.
He lifted his head observing the black car that was passing throug the street and he frown when the shiny grey car stopped exactly in front of his house.
A man quickly got out of the driver’s seat and with a swift movement opened the back door of the vehicle, two figures hand in hand stepped out of the car.
The old man recognised them immediately, he turned off the garden hose and moved to open the gate to let them in.
“Uncle Luke!”The mouth of a little girl turned into a smile as she saw his favourite uncle, she set her hand free and started running towards him.
Slowly Luke crouched down and opens his arms, ready for the hug she would have given him.
He was so happy to see her, a month had passed since their last meet.
“I missed you, uncle.”The girl said while hugging him tigh
“I missed you too, little lady.”He replied gently stroking her head.
“Good afternoon, Luke.”A woman joined the two at the entrance of the gate.
“Leia, what are you doing here? Something happened?”
“Let's say that there are some little... complications. But there's nothing to worry about. I came here to ask you a favour.-
“A favour?”He frowned listening to his sister's words.
“Yeah, can you look after Hanna for tonight? I'll come back tomorrow morning to pick her up.”
That’s how his sister charged Luke with looking after her nephew until the next day, pity that he had no idea hot to behave with children. Sure, he loved his nephew and he used to teach at college but taking care of a five-years-old can be quite different.
Hanna and Luke spent the afternoon taking care of his garden, watering the plants and the flowers, moving some pots froma a place to another and observing the birds that flew here and there.
“Okay little bean, I think it's time to get inside and make something for dinner.”The uncle get up from the chair he was sat on, while the gaze of his nephew was still fixed on a couple of sparrow on a branch.
“Hanna?”He called her again sweetly, asking himself if she didn't heard the first time.
Hanna nodded and got up from the little chair that uncle Luke has crafted for her last year, she loved that gift made only for her.
“Do you think they will be okay?” Hanna asked with a concerned look on her pretty face.
“The sparrows, they were so cute. I don't want anything to happen to them.”
“Don't worry, they will be fine. If you want, next time you come here you can help me make a little house just for them.-
She clap her hands as a sign of excitement -Yes! That's a beautiful idea, uncle. You are the best!” Then she took his hands and starts leading him towards the door of the house “I'm hungry! Let's go!”
Once inside Hanna headed straight to the living room, she turn on the big tv and sat on the soft carpet, watching one of her favourite cartoons, meanwhile Luke was busy coooking some pasta.
After dinner he sent Hanna to bed, the house had a spare room in case of emergency like this, saying that he would have come to say goodnight after having washed the dishes.
So the girl prepared herself for bed and she sat on it happy, she waited the moment when he would have come back to his room to stay with her. She couldn't have gone to bed without that special thing that her mother or her father did every night and today she wasn't even tired.
It would have been impossible for her going straight to sleep.
Finally her once upon a time came and Luke sat on the edge of the bed near her nephew.
“It’s bedtime, little bean.”he said tactfully.
“But I’m not tired uncle, look!”
The little girl stood up and began to bounce on the bed, man could not help but smile, who could have resisted to such tenderness? But the Skywalker had a duty to perform.
“Stop it, don’t jump on the bed, you are going to hurt yourself.” Luke tried to catch her, but with a bounce she moved away.
He had just been fooled by a five year-old.
“And now I’m going to jump up to the ceiling, look.”
Luke realized the danger in time and this once he managed to get her.
“Not a chance, little bean, for as long I am here with you, you won’t jump anywhere. I remember you that you are under my surveillance.”
“And can I jump on the bed when you leave the room?” she asked innocently.
“No.” he replied whit a stern voice.
“But if I don’t jump, I can’t fall asleep.” she whined .
“And since when do you jump on the bed before sleeping?”
“Always uncle.”
“You are not going to jump here, case closed.”
“Then… can you tell me a story?” she asked looking at her uncle with puppy eyes.
“I don’t know how to tell stories.”
He was not a storyteller, he used to teach facts, science, he didn’t tell babies stories.
“I can teach you. First thing, I go under the blankets. Like this,” Hanna crawled towards the pillow, moved the blankets and the slipped under them, laying her head on the soft cushion.
“Second, you sit on the edge of the bed and begin to tell. See uncle? You are already sitting, you learn fast.”
“Apparently.” he whispered.
“By the way, uncle… At home I don’t jump on the bed to fall asleep and not even up to the ceiling, usually mum or dad tell me a fairy tale.”
“I see, you thought to bounce so that I stopped you and told a story.” he deduced tossing his head amused.
“More or less. Now we can start.” Hanna sang happily.
“Is your dad good with bedtime stories?” He was really curios,he didn't thought Hanna's dad was the type to tell bedtime stories.
“Yes, and he's amazing at it. Now start, uncle!”
“This story takes place in a distant time…”
“No, uncle. Once upon a time.”
“Mum’s fairy tales always begin with once upon a time.”
“Once upon a time… that’s a good question, who was there once upon a time?”
“A boy and…”
“A princess.”
“A prince, no princess.”
“At your command, young lady.”
Once upon a time in a land far far-away that no one seems to remember there was the kingdom of Naboo. Everyone lived happily in that reign, there were no monster nor wars and peace ruled for a very long time, too much time…
All of its inhabitants were kind, friendly and loved each other, well, not everyone.
There was a poor guy named…
At that moment the ring of a phone could be heard in the distance.
“Uncle, someone is calling you!” Hanna said pointing a finger at the door. Luke puffed and got up from the bed. “Wait here, I’ll be back in a minute, little bean.”
The little girl nodded and Luke exited the room. She was upset that someone had interrupted her story. She waited for a little more than a minute but that time to her seemed like an eternity.
Going against the order of his uncle she get up from the bed and went to find him. She wandered down the hallways, step after step trying not to make any noise, she went down the stairs and saw her uncle sitted on a sofa with the phone in one of his hands.
“I told you to stay in your room, didn’t I?”
The little lady flinched surprised by his remark, but not bothered “Who is it?” She asked “Yeah, sorry Poe, I have to go now, it’s fairy tales time. Call me if you have any news Goodnight! ”.
“Goonight Poe.” Hanna shouted hoping that the man would hear her voice on the other side of the device.
Luke fixed his gaze on Hanna “Okay, now we can go little bean, so I can tell you your fairytale and we can go to sleep”
They didn’t even have the time to go back to the bedroom when the phone rang for a second time. Luke lt out s frustrated groan, he just wanted to end that night and go to sleep.
“Hello?” he said picking up the phone. He recognised the voice of the other man in an instant.
“Who is it?” Hanna asked curious while climbing on the couch trying to listen to the conversation.
“Yes Finn, don’t worry, Poe had already called me, I’ll tell her tomorrow morning.”
Hearing the name Finn the eyes of the little girl lit up “Can I say hello to him?” Luke made the mistake to look at his nephew and at the puppy eyes she was making. Resigned he handed her the device.
“Hi uncle Finn! How are you?”
“You know he’s not really your uncle, right?” Luke laughed but at the same time he felt also a sense of jealousy, Hanna ignored his voice and continued speaking with the other guy.
“Now I have to go to bed, uncle Luke is going to tell me a story, Bye!” she put the phone down and gave it to Skywalker “Ok, now we can go uncle.”
While they were going upstairs the girl asked something unexpected. “What do you have to do tomorrow?” The old man was caught off guard, he didn’t think she would have remember something like this. “I just have to talk to Leia, don’t worry.” He lied.
“Why don’t we take it from where we left off, Hanna?” he asked trying to change the topic while he opened the door to her room.
“Sure, but I have an amazing idea. We have to use real people, this way is funnier.”Quickly the little lady went back to the bedroom under the blankets and they continue their tales.
“I was saying…-
Once upon a time there was a huge and powerful kingdom named Naboo, it was so vast that it stretched high and low, giving the impression that that territory had no borders.
“Ok, ok, let’s go on, we were speaking about a boy, please use Finn, uncle!.”
Naboo had a lot of inhabitants who lived in joy and serenity, but there was a single exception and his name was Cinderfinn.
“I don’t like this name, uncle.”
“Then you can find a better one.”
Cinderfinn was a beautiful young boy, he was also stubborn, sometimes short-tempered but also loyal and honest.
He lived in country house, the spooky manor as he called it, that place was grim, so grim that the Addams family’s mansion was no match for Cinderfinn’s home.
“Who are the Addams?”
“An old tv-show, you are too young to know that.”
The boy would have been satisfied with that gruesome place if it weren’t for them..
Them, those harpies, the cruelest, the worst creature the reign of Naboo had ever seen: his great-uncle and his sons, who Cinderfinn considered as his step-brothers.
Finn, or Cinderfinn for evil step-brothers and old uncles, was an orphan.
His family left him in a orphanage when he was only a newborn, those were horrible times for everyone, not only for the baby, a civil war ignited all the kingdom, many people died and were hurt but at the end peace was conquered.
Some months after the end of the war Finn was adopted by a woman, a beautifuld, kind and wealthy lady… his future step-mother.
She gave him all the love that he deserved but unfortunately never received, he used to spend a lot of time with her doing different activities, reading, cooking, sewing, playing… and he admired her under every aspect. She treated everyone kindly, making no exception, the servants, the cooks, the flowers, the aimals and even the bugs.
She told him a story every night and at the end she kissed his forehead wishing him sweet dreams while he already was in the arms of Morpheus. Oh, how he missed those times.
But all good things come to an end and sometimes this happens sooner than later. Finn was sixteen year old when his mother feel ill and the freezing winter of that year didn’t help. Before the beginning of the spring she passed away in the arms of his son, who was crying out all of his tears. It was at the funeral of his mother where he met Count Dooku, his mother’s brother and the man who would have took care of him.
Little Finn was entrusted to her mother’s brother with two sons who moved to Finn’s mansion.
Day after day since their arrival the situation worsened, the money was running short and  they had to fire the servitude, this way Finn lost also his friends and all the chores of the house fell on his shoulders.
The count was a strict man, harsh and inflexible, respectful of the discipline, but the main thing was that he was terrifyng in everything: his walk, his way of talking and how he gave orders. He was part of the army and he took part to the war, he was awarded with medals for his strenght, courage and determination, but the truth was that he was rotten to the core, almost cruel. The war changed him forever
His two sons partially reflected his personality, the eldest named Sheev and the younger brother Evander, better known as Palpatine and Sknoke.
Every time the three of them tormented the poor Cinderfinn, giving him a mountain of chores to do and this once made no exception.
Cindefinn was passing by the hallway and in his hands he kept an empty laundy basket, he had already washed, pressed, folded and delivered their clothes toi his terrible step-brothes.
“Cinderfinn!” Snoke yelled from his room, then he appeared on the doorstep.
“How often have I told you that my khalat robes need to be ironed following the folds?”
The boy sighed and with a big amount of patience he went to his brother’s room to recollect the objects of his complaints to iron them again.
“Do you know where you can put your stupid glittering robes? They don’t even suit you, you can use them to gag you and shut your monumental ego.” Finn whispered while he went back to the hallway with a full basket.
“Cinderfinn!” that time the voice came from a room at the end of the corridor.
“Yes, Sheev?” Finn asked walking towards that room.
“These are my boots, polish the till I can see my face on them.” With these harsh words he dropped the boots he was grabbing with his hand inside the laundry basket, getting dirty all Snoke's robes.
Finn, distraught, turned his back on the other guy and continue his walking towards a destination which seems unreachable.
“You’ll see how I’ll polish your horrid boots, I’ll use your empty head." The boy with brown eyes thought.
“Cinderfinn!” the scream came from the hall. In a hurry Finn came down the stairs and found himself facing his uncle.
“I am going into town, get my horse ready!” the man commanded.
“And prepare dinner.”
"Cinderfinn here, Cinderfinn there, who do they think they are? I’m done living here, why do I always have to follow their stupid rules?”
But Finn didn’t know things were going to change soon.
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tcswritings · 5 years
Just a whole lot of very rough scribbles that were in my drafts. Some are lengthy, some are very short, some are super old (and partly outdated), others are somewhat recent but they all got one thing in common - I probably won’t go back to them, at least not any time soon. I really just wanna clear my drafts for now, and hey, why not share these bits? I kind of enjoy them anyway after all. xD
I. Untitled
(Declan tries to talk to Mick during the time of their big fight.)
“This is so stupid, man. We'll keep crossin’ paths after all, whether you like it or not and you don’t really wanna keep this up for all eternity, do you?” Declan asked, crossing his arms while he and the others watched Ryan unpacking the next box.
“Why are you talkin’ to me?” Mick mumbled out of the corner of his mouth. He didn’t even bother to look at Declan.
“This is bullshit, Mick!”
Mick merely took a deep breath, trying to stay calm and focussing on Ryan instead who currently struggled with the wrapping of his gift.
“I mean, I know you love actin’ like a petulant lil’ arsewipe but you could as well as just use that energy to try and forgive me?”
“Do me a favour and drop dead.”
“In sixty years, maybe. You’re gonna have to put up with me for a few more years, I’m afraid.”
“Fuck you.”
“Guys! Shhh!” Jessie hissed at her two fighting friends.
“Can you please tell me what’s so funny?” The least Declan expected from Lauren was a laughing fit.
“I’m sorry!” she chuckled, doing her best to pull herself together. “It’s nothin’ personal, just the thought of my son’s father and his best friend - two grown up men - bitchin’ at each other like sum’ pre-teens would.”
II. Untitled
(Charlie and Kieran and that one evening in the O’Leary’s.)
It’s Summer 2016 and Charlie realises that her feelings for Kieran have taken a somewhat different turn as she finds herself smitten with him when they have a talk at her favourite pub in Boston.
He looked thinner than the last time she had seen him, and he looked worn-out and very tired.
Not the kind of tired that a few hours of a good night’s sleep could fix, but the kind of tired that someone who had seen and endured too much within a short time would look like, someone who was silently suffering and who was bad at taking care of it.
When Charlie had met Kieran O’Connell for the first time a little more than six years ago, he had acted like an unnecessarily rude brat and there was no other way to put it. He had the questionable charm of a guy who was well aware of his good looks and who knew he was quite the catch, so to say, and she could still remember his overly confident swagger, the arrogant look on his face, his deep and penetrating voice as well as how his pale blue eyes had pierced hers when he had looked into her face for the very first time.
Despite his rudeness (and the apparent lack of manners), Charlie had thought of Kieran as a force of nature from the very beginning and it turned out that she was right - once she got to know him a little better, it became more and more obvious to her that he was actually a very passionate and spirited guy with a heart as big as the entire world and that had impressed her so much more than his cocky behaviour and she couldn’t help but grow really fond of him over the years.
Not much was left of the cocky and lively guy today, though, and while it ached Charlie to see her friend in pain - he tried his best to cover it up but he couldn’t hide it - she had felt a strange wave of affection overwhelming her right in the moment they had greeted each other with a heartfelt hug. There was sympathy, of course, but it was mixed with something else and it took her a little while to figure the feeling out.
Charlie was nervous. Anticipating. And she had been ever since they had sat down at one of the tables. Charlie had been listening closely and her heart ached for him and yet she couldn’t help but notice a little spark despite the gloomy subject. There was nothing in this world she wanted more in this moment than to be close to him and to fix the things going wrong in his life so he would smile at her again, like he always had.
“I just wish there was something I could say.” Charlie sighed. “I don’t have too much to offer aside from ‘I know how it feels.’”
“Y’ do?”
“Yeah.” she nodded. “I lost my aunt when I was 15.”
“That’s rough. You never told me about it.”
“Yeah, it’s not really a subject to keep a mood up, right?”
“Fair enough.” Kieran laughed. “What happened to your aunt?”
“Well, to be fair, she wasn’t really my aunt, not by blood at least. She was the wife of my dad’s best friend.”
“Blood or no blood, it no longer matters after a while.” Kieran said with a faint smile. “How did she die?”
“Same. Car crash. She had her little daughter with her, they both died. She was only 31, her daughter was three.”
“That’s horrible.”
“Yeah, it was. And it wasn’t even just the pain of losing them, y’know? Seeing dad hurt, seeing Adrian hurt - all of a sudden, our entire life was nothing but sadness and grief.”
Kieran let out a dry chuckle. “I know what y’ mean. Watching Ma and Pa, and also my siblings, is the worst. Like a punch to the guts. I try to come an’ see them as often as I can these days but truth is that I dread it every damn time. Sometimes it’s - I dunno. It’s-”
“Too much?”
“Too much.” Kieran nodded. “I mean, how do you even comfort the people who have raised you? What do you tell ‘em? That it’s gonna be alright? I don’t know what losing a child feels like. Gave ‘em nothin’ but grief myself for the better part of my life, I just don’t know what to do or say most of the time.”
“Do you think you have to do or say something?”
“Yeah, it’s what I think. It’s what I think any damn time I’m at home, any time my sister looks at me with her big sad eyes, like she’s at a loss at how t’ move on and any time my brother snaps at us, somethin’ he’s never done before, not like that at least. Someone has to keep this fuckin’ bunch from fallin’ apart after all-”
Kieran fell quiet as Charlie reached over the table and took his hand. It was a spontaneous reaction and Charlie already feared that she could come across as intrusive but Kieran didn’t even flinch at the gesture. He even closed his hand around hers. She squeezed it a little and a few moments later she could tell that he was starting to relax.
“I‘m sorry. Fuckin’ nerves.” he smiled.
“Couldn’t tell.” Charlie smiled back. “Relax. Breathe. You’re here for vacation. You can go back to saving your folks once you charged up.”
“I dunno, I think it takes a lot more to charge up than a few weeks away from home. Actually, I even feel like I’m running away.”
“No. It’s good you’re here. And maybe you won’t charge up right away, but you can get your mind off things for a little while. You gotta do that, y’know?”
“You think so, eh?”
“Yes, I do, and it has nothing to do with running away. You gotta take care of yourself every once in a while.” Charlie squeezed Kieran’s hand once more.
“You’re cute.”
“Well, it’s obvious that you’re not really good at taking care of yourself so I’m just trying to be the person who does it until you learn it.” Charlie cocked her head and smiled at him.
Returning the smile, Kieran brushed a strand of dark hair out of his face with his free hand. He looked at Charlie for a few more moments before he gently pulled his hand back, adjusting himself and looking around the pub. “Alright, how ‘bout we order a jug of ale, get roaring drunk and we’ll go wherever you wanna go?”
“I don’t do ‘roaring drunk’ too well.” Charlie chuckled, suddenly remembering the first and only time he had seen her in that exact state.
“Me neither. We’re already halfway there, though, and we’ll be fine, c’mon.”
“Wait, what’s that supposed to mean? I’m nowhere near roaring drunk and neither are you?”
“We could be. Anything you want, love. Let’s get our minds off things, as you put it.”
Charlie couldn’t tell what exactly caused the flutter in her stomach - the little spark in Kieran’s eyes as well as his playful smile or the term of affection. He had addressed her like that before but it meant more today than it ever had before and she felt herself all too willing to respond.
III. Untitled
(Orla yells at Mick for getting married in a fever.)
“You. WHAT?”
Orla’s outcry was followed by the distinct noise of shattering glass, causing Mick to flinch and jump back a little. He looked at the mess at his feet and then back at Orla who merely stared at him, her eyes wide, before she looked to the ground and slowly took a crouching position, proceeding to swipe the little shards together with her bare hands.
Mick could see that she was trembling and hunkered down as well. “Be careful, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” he said, but Orla merely batted Mick’s hand away as he tried to keep her from touching the glass.
“NO, don’t touch me!”
“Look me in the eye and tell me that you didn’t do what I think you just said you did!” Orla’s voice cracked.
“Orla, there’s no need to freak out-”
“You can’t be married!?”
“I am, I jus' told you!”
“Oh my god.” Orla closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Still in her squatting position, she propped up her elbow on her knee, wiping her face with her hand and eventually pinching the bridge of her nose with her finger and her thumb.
Mick raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you a bit dramatic right now?”
"Shut up!” she hissed back at him. “Don’t you dare calling me dramatic!"
“Aye, sorry, I-”
“Are you out of your mind? I mean, more than usual?!"
Mick ignored the little remark. “I don’t even know why you’re makin’ such a big deal of it-”
“Because it is a big deal! It is a Big. Fucking. Deal, Mick! You got married!” She glared at him and realised that she still had a few shards of glass in her left hand. “Ah, fuck this!” she hissed, tossed the few shards to the ground and stood up again, eventually stomping out of the room.
Mick looked after her for a few moments. Granted, he hadn’t really expected Orla to be thrilled, but he hadn’t expected her to be so furious either. Feeling a little helpless, he bit his lip, before he stood up as well and followed her into her living room. When he opened the door, he almost bumped into her. Orla swiftly turned around on the spot.
“Orla, c’mon, let’s just-”
She cut him off once more. “I don’t believe this, Mick. You come here and tell me that you just got married to this total nutcase-”
“Oi, watch it!”
“- and expect me to be, what exactly?! To be cool with it? Like it’s no big deal at all, like it’s the most natural thing ever that my best friend disappears for a weekend and comes home married, to a woman he hardly knows, without letting any of us know-”
“Orla, what the fuck is your problem?”
“You! You are my problem! For years I was the one,” - Orla pointed at herself - “who always stood up for you when anyone called you stupid or idiotic and whatnot but it’s true. They’re all right, you are an idiot and you have always been!”
Mick let out a little laugh as he now faced Orla, his eyes narrowing. “Is that all y’ have to say? That I’m an idiot?”
“Well, you must be!” Orla went on. “The only other explanation I have for this bullshit is that she must do some really amazing things in the bedroom. Does she?”
Mick let out another laugh but it wasn’t a friendly one. “Fuck this, I don’t need to justify myself.”
“No, of course you don’t. Go off, be happy, do what you want. You never cared about filling me in about this but hey, as your best friend I couldn’t be happier for you!” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“How many times do I have to tell you that-”
“- that it was a spontaneous thing? Oh, don’t worry, I got that!”
“Orla-” Mick tried again after a few moments of silence, his voice soft, but Orla wasn‘t done yet.
“I mean, it is not quite what I meant when I told you a while ago that you need to work on being more spontaneous again. You could’ve started by, dunno, going on a road trip or buying a new couch or gettin’ Sasha a friend but hey, why not marry a woman you have known for six minutes? You exceeded my expectations, congratulations!”
All of a sudden, a thought crossed Orla’s mind and as it did, her heart skipped a beat and she could feel the colour rushing from her face. “Oh dear lord. She’s pregnant, isn’t she?”
Mick now closed his eyes and groaned. “Oh god, oh my fuckin’ god.”
“Answer me!” Orla spat out.
“I dunno!” he shot back.
“Wrong answer!”
Mick groaned. “I mean, I don’t think so, no?! Even if she was, it wasn’t the reason why we did this.”
“Oh my god, I would even get that, considering how you were raised and-”
“Shut up! Just shut. up!” Mick eventually interrupted her harshly. He was done being patient. “Stop psychoanalysing me, stop buggin’ me, stop doin’ whatever y’ doin’. You insulted me in every possible way within the last ten minutes and I don’t need that shit from you, not from you!”
“Well, did you expect me to be happy for you? Like you didn’t just ruin your entire life?”
“I didn’t ruin my life and no, I didn’t expect that.” Mick replied wearily. “I dunno what I expected, I just didn’t think y’ would be that much of an arsehole about everything.”
“I am not being an arsehole-”
“You’re bein’ the worst arsehole I’ve ever known right now and I’m done talkin’ about this unless you tell me what the real problem is.”
“I don’t have a problem?”
“You most certainly do. And I wanna know what it is, goddammit.”
“You’re throwing your life away for a woman you hardly know! You keep falling for all those wacko women who are terrible for you and it’s beyond me how you fail to see that-”
“Wait, just so I get this right... you can date whomever you want, for as  long or short as you want, no matter how much of a fuckwad the guy is, but once I pick someone, I need your approval?”
“That is not what I’m saying.” Orla groaned and rolled her eyes.
“So what are y’ sayin’ then?”
Orla blinked and took a breath as she put her hands to her hips, shooting Mick a harsh look.
“Has  it ever occurred to you that you make the worst choices, Mick? That  you’re complete and utter shit at getting your damn life together? You just outdid yourself! First Leila-”
“That was different-”
“-and now Mina. Why can’t you just pick a nice and stable one for once? Why can’t you just-”
“Stay alone so I can be your last resort?”
Startled, Orla looked at Mick, her lips parted in shock.
“What did you just say?” she whispered.
“I dunno, I’m merely gettin’ the impression that you like keepin’ me on a short leash but once I go off and do my own thing-”
“You have some nerve-”
“Obviously hit a nerve.” Mick mumbled.
“You’re so full of shit! Why would I want to keep you as a last resort? What kinda fucked up thought is that even? You’re my best friend!”
“Hell yes, I am, and I wouldn’t want it any other way but right now y’ bein’ the world’s worst bitch-”
“And don‘t tell me that you wouldn’t have ran off with that fuckin’ Australian if he’d asked you to.”
“Yeah, maybe, but I’m glad I didn’t. All relationships start out great, you know that, but things can blow up so quickly. Even worse, sometimes one part just runs away when nothing at all happened, just like James did.”
“Just like you did.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“You ran away from me, just like that.”
“Oh my god, why are you bringing up age old stories again?”
Mick ignored the question. “Y’know what? I don’t even care. I care about makin’ this work, I can do that all by myself and I don’ need your support anyway. How about y’ just leave me be, alright?”
IV. Untitled
(Declan and Lauren face some unexpected trials of life.)
September 2014
“What about Marshall?”
“What, like the guy from that terrible sitcom?”
“Nah, like the amplifiers. Or, y’know, like Jimi Hendrix’s middle name.”
Lauren pursed her lips as she pondered the suggestion for a few moments. She eventually shook her head. “Don’t think so, no.”
“Aw, c’mon, why not? It sounds badass.”
“But I will know that the poor baby was named after either a drug addict or a huge black... block. Thanks, I’ll pass.”
“Just think about this, though: he’ll love us for the name when he eventually becomes a guitarist?”
“We don’t even know if he’s a he, Dec. Let alone whether he becomes a guitarist.”
“Come on. ‘Course it’s gonna be a boy. I mean, “ Declan shrugged, “two brothers, two nephews? We have strong genes.”
“Dear lord, no, I really don’t wanna raise a... you.” Lauren groaned as she leaned back against the wall, struggling to find a comfortable position. She was in the eighth month of her pregnancy and some things became a little tricky - such as finding resting positions that didn’t leave her sore or in pain after ten or less minutes.
“Aw, will you ever stop pretending that you can’t stand me? I mean, we both know how that came to be?” Declan gently patted Lauren’s belly before he reached over to grab one of the pillows that were piled up next to the little cupboard that he had helped her build up earlier. “C’mon, take that. You probably shouldn’t be sitting on the floor anyway, eh?”
“Ugh, it no longer makes a difference anyway. I feel and look like a whale, everything hurts and nothing is comfortable anymore. Not ever.”
As he put the pillow behind Lauren’s back, trying to make sure that she felt at least a little more comfy, Declan grimaced. He felt pretty guilty all of a sudden. “... sorry you feel like that.”
“That, uhm, was actually the part when you were to say ‘You don’t look like a whale, Lauren!’, y’know.”
“Ah, shit.” Declan laughed. “You don’t look like a whale, Lauren!”
“You’re a horrible liar but, y’know, points for trying and such.” Lauren smiled back. “It’s alright, I’m kidding, don’t worry. Looking like a whale is kinda like my least problem these days.”
“What do you mean?”
“Okay. Can I be completely honest for a second?”
Lauren took a heavy breath. “I’m freaking out, actually.”
“What? Now?”
“No, not now. I mean, yeah. Also now! All the damn time! I mean, aren’t you freaking out? Not at all?”
Declan looked at Lauren and when he pondered the question in his mind he realised that, at least right now, he was quite far from freaking out. “Not really.” he replied. “I mean, I used to, yeah?”
“I know you used to. You freaked out right in the beginning and now, with due date ‘round the corner, it’s me... I dunno. I kinda don’t want this.”
“Bit late for second thoughts, I’m afraid.”
“I know! I know how horrible that must sound to you now, oh god.”
“Nah, it doesn’t.”
“I’m just wondering how on goddamned earth I thought I could be a good parent. I mean, I took the risk of getting pregnant just so I - so we could- oh god. So what’s next? Huh? Tell me.”
“I tell you what’s next. I’m gonna put Baby on the changing table and leave the room, just like that, because hey, what’s the worst that could happen, eh?”
“Okay, what are you talking about-”
“And I sure won’t bother reading about nutrition and food?! Oh hell no, I’ll just give Baby some rubbish I find in the back of my refrigerator ‘cause, I mean, it works for me, right?!”
“Oh god, Lauren, what the fuck is that about now?”
“I am stupid, Dec! I don’t think things through, I can’t possibly be a parent!”
“So what, I’m stupid, too? Kinda played my part in this, y’know.”
“Oh my god! Yes, you are stupid! We’re both stupid!”
Declan snorted. “So let’s just hope this all maybe works out like multiplication, eh? Minus times minus equals plus?”
“We’re not at school!” Lauren moaned.
“Yeah I’m kinda grasping at straws here.” Declan admitted and bit his lip. “Honestly though, it’s what I do all the time. I just hope for the best. And somehow it works?”
“But you can’t just ‘hope for the best’ when a baby is involved?”
“Huh! Just think about all those weirdos in this world who manage to raise a kid. It somehow works? My parents raised us and they’re pretty much the worst weirdos I know.”
“Is that supposed to reassure me now?!” Lauren raised an eyebrow.
“C’mon, we really didn’t turn out all too bad! ... okay, Orla is a bit weird, I’ll give you that, but three out of four is still a good rate?”
“Oh my god!” Lauren laughed.
Declan smiled at her for a few moments before he eventually put his arm around her shoulder, scooting a little closer and pressing a kiss to her temple.
“I’m not even saying that everything will be fine, I’m just saying that it’s gonna happen, no matter what, and we just kinda... have to do this.”
“My parents offered any help I need...” Lauren murmured, resting her head on Declan’s shoulder.
September 2019
“Oh man, for how much longer are they even going to be in there?!”
“Shh. It’s all good, it’s been only five minutes.” Lauren whispered.
“I don’t understand why they have to keep doing all this, it’s not like it changes, y’know... what it is.”
“They need the x-ray to check his lymph vessels, so they can eventually figure out the best way to treat him.”
“They’re clueless.”
“They’re thorough. He’ll be fine, you know they won’t harm him.”
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ, you already sound like them.” Declan scoffed.
“I don’t. Unlike you, I listened to what they had to say! Stop using that tone on me already!”
“What tone?”
“Like I have no clue what you’re going through.”
Declan could hear the bitterness in Lauren’s voice and it was when he knew he had gone too far. He couldn’t let it out on her. Of all people in his life, Lauren was the one who understood exactly how he felt and she was also the one whose company he longed for most these days.
“I’m sorry. God, I- I know I’m awful. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I get it.” Lauren rested her head against his shoulder while they held each other close.
“He’s all alone in there.” Declan’s voice broke and he wiped his tired eyes with the palm of his hand. “I hate it when they take him away.”
“I know. Me too.”
“I’m freakin’ out, Lauren.”
“C’mon, let’s sit.”
“Don’t wanna sit, I want him back.”
“I know, I want the same.”
“Don’t know how it happened but I’m strangely fond of this kid.” Declan now let out a little laugh. It was a nervous laugh, one that happened because he was too scared to let out anything else at this point. Lauren knew him well enough.
“Go figure.” she replied faintly. There was silence for a few moments until Declan spoke again.
  V. Text Messages, part 1.            
Declan has created the group ‘concert shit’.
Declan has added you to the group.
Declan has changed the group image.
6:43 - Declan: Lady and Gentlemen, this is the long overdue group chat to plan our concerts and open airs. I’m sick of talking to you individually and organise shit all by myself.
6:44 - Jessie: Like you ever did that or are remotely good at that kinda stuff 😆
6:44 - Declan: Quiet Jessica.
6:44 - Jessie: No. 😂 😂 😂
6:44 - Declan: Suggestions to change the group title are not welcome btw. Concert shit is a grand name for this kind of group
6:45 - Mick: why cant we change the title
6:45 - Mick: it’s shit
6:45 - Mick: literally
6:46 - Declan: Because we can’t Michael.
6:46 - Declan: I’m the admin, I say what’s to be done.
6:46 - Mick: ya do shit man
6:46 - Mick: like I let ya tell me what to do
6:47 - Daryl: I already hate this group dynamic.
6:47 - Jessie: It’s like in real life. 😆
6:47 - Jessie: Dipso always tries to be the one who decides shit. And we just don’t let him so it’s all good? So, Clockwork Fury in Dublin? I’d be up for it!
6:48 - Daryl: When?
6:48 - Daryl: And why Dublin, why not Athlone? Aren’t they playng in Athlone this time?
6:48 - Daryl: *playing
6:48 - Declan: I didn’t even know they are touring. Found them kinda lame last time tbh.
6:49 - Mick: they ARe lame
6:49 - Mick: Im out
6:49 - Mick: road trip to dublin tho
6:49 - Mick: like 2017
6:49 - Mick: for gojira
6:49 - Mick: I WANT a noTHER ROAD RIP
6:49 - Mick: TRIP lol
6:50 - Daryl: I still have nightmares and flashbacks from that trip. How much are tickets for CF, Jess?
6:52 - Jessie: 30ish, I think. I’ll order next week, I’m definitely gonna go and I’m taking Harper.
6:53 - Daryl: You guys are serious now?
6:53 - Jessie: I dunno. Yeah? I guess? 😂
6:53 - Jessie: The woman needs some good taste in music HONESTLY. And, I mean, she agreed to come and to be open about more future concerts and planning stuff together kinda means we’re in relationship land!? I mean, is that even a good sign?
6:54 - Daryl: How would I know? I’m shit at that stuff. 😂
6:55 - Jessie: Does Patti know you’re shit at that stuff? xD
6:55 - Daryl: She’s had first hand experience for three months now so yeah, I assume she does. She kinda seems to like me enough. 😂
6:55 - Jessie: Yeah why she’s a KEEPER?! 😜
6:55 - Jessie: Told ya that if you mess it up, I will gladly take her.
6:56 - Declan: what the fuck??
6:56 - Daryl: Thanks Jess but I think I’m gonna keep her myself. :D
6:56 - Declan: last time I checked this chat was called ‘concert shit’
6:56 - Declan: y’all are annoying with your relationship shit.
VI. Sailor Man
March 2020. The days are getting longer, the air is getting warmer and Orla just met a handsome sailor from overseas. Her friends are very, very curious.
“So, who was that guy last night?”
“Can we maybe not talk about last night? I still feel horrible.” Orla sounded tired and as she rubbed her temples, she let out a faint sigh.
“Ah, sweetheart, don’t worry. You got tipsy, so what?” Rosamund waved off. “All I could complain about is that you didn’t spend your money here at my place, as usual.”
“Honestly, I don’t even know what happened.” Orla groaned. “I was at the tattoo studio, and all of a sudden this incredibly sexy guy in a sailor uniform comes in. Tall, broad, dark hair, gorgeous tan, tattooed all over, bright smile, cute dimples... and that’s when I, well. I kinda stopped thinking.”
“A sailor uniform?” Patti asked. “You’re dating a sailor?”
“We’re not dating, we have met only yesterday! He wanted to get a little tattoo that would remind him of his stay here. I think Harper noticed that I was... , well, that I was a bit into him and pointed him in my direction and I told him that I was only the apprentice but he didn’t care, he wanted the tat anyway so I did it.”
Orla looked around. Rosamund, Declan and Patti all stared expectantly at her. She frowned but eventually shrugged and went on.
“Well, we went out afterwards, we had a snack, I showed him around, he told me he was from Detroit... annnnd we hopped some bars, I got tipsy, and at some point he kissed me, and I got even more tipsy.... and then we got here and I said some really terrible things to Mick and... oh god, Mick.” Orla groaned, closing her eyes and burying her face in her hands. “I somehow need to sort that out.”
“Ah, not now, though.” Patti interfered. “A sailor, wow. I mean, is he a sailor or just some weirdo who likes dressing up as one?”
“Oh, he is a sailor, darling. Such a sailor.” Rosamund closed her eyes and smiled, still charmed by the cheer memory of the guy.
“And he’s definitely an upgrade to Pizza Pete.” Declan nodded.
“Don’t call him Pizza Pete!?” Orla snapped.
“He referred to himself as Pizza Pete?! Don’t try to cover that he was the unfunniest... blandest boyfriend you ever had.”
“It’s the way you said it. Don’t be so condescending. Pete was cute and... well, I got fifty percent off my next order after any time we, uh... we met.”
“Ugggh...” Declan wrinkled his nose and looked away.
“Fifty percent? You were screwing that guy and all you got was lousy fifty percent? What a cheapskate.” Patti exclaimed, clearly appalled.
“It’s better than nothing- what, no, I don’t wanna talk about Pete now? My head’s still spinning, y’all need to leave me suffer in silence, please.”
VII. Untitled
(I don’t even know what this was supposed to be, lol. Sean turns 53 and the family celebrates?!?!?! Also, this must be set in 2013 since Orla and Mick are a thing here, haha.)
“I still don’t know how y’all convinced me to celebrate my 53th birthday.” Sean O’Connell laughed. “It’s not an even number or somethin’ after all.”
“Well, we need some kind of excuse to stuff our faces and get drunk during daylight?” his daughter suggested, rasing her glass to her father. “Cheers, Da!”
“Cheers, sweetheart. Like you ever cared about that.” Sean replied and he nearly lost it at Orla’s dumbfounded expression.
“When did I ever get drunk during daylight? I don’t do that!” Orla seemed appalled.
“You did. With Ma.” Declan chimed in. “Like, two weeks ago.”
“You did what?” Next to Orla, Mick raised his eyebrow, suppressing a smile.
“Uhm no, that was just-”
Sean laughed heartily now. “No no no, no need to justify yourself, kid, that was hilarious. I loved how you two sang along to- what was it again?”
“Daaaad!” Orla moaned.
“The Moulin Rouge soundtrack! After all those years it’s still wonderful!” Sarah noted.
“Oh yeah.” Declan noted with an eyeroll. “So wonderful.”
“Glad I wasn’t around for that.” Malachy mumbled next to him.
“You should be. It was ugly. Very, very ugly.” Declan mumbled back at him. “Earshattering. Frightening.”
“Oh god, can you just stop being arseholes and-” Orla interfered but Sarah just shook her head.
“C’mon, sweetheart, it’s not our fault that all these lil’ fuckers here have no idea how to spend a good time, eh?”
Orla pursed her lips for a bit and eventually nodded. “You know what? Right you are, Ma. Y’all are just boring. We should do it again, I think. Right here. Right now.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, don’t.” Malachy spat out. “I don’t need any nightmares later.”
“You are a nightmare.” Orla shot back. When she saw that her boyfriend was still looking at her with his eyes wide in apparent confusion, she groaned. “Don’t look at me like that? I promise, I won’t burst out singing songs now.”
“Whatever,” Mick answered. “There could be worse after all.”
Malachy snorted. “Jesus Christ, congrats!” he said into Orla’s direction. “Apparently love ain’t just blind, it’s also deaf.”
“I mean, Mick, you know she can’t sing, don’t you? ‘Course you do.” Declan added.
“Ugh, c’mon, Dip, what am I supposed to say now? She’s sittin’ right next to me.”
“At least he’s not blatantly lying!” Sarah chimed in. “I like that! Very promising!”
“Y’gotta learn that, tho.” Declan said. “Relationships are all about sugarcoating and tellin’ each other weird cute-sy shit just so the other one ain’t pissed all the time.”
“Aye, I’m, uh, not gonna take that note, don’t mind me.” Mick raised an eyebrow.
“Good boy!” Sarah nodded. “You two will do just fine, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, just don’t take any tips from Declan.” Malachy added.
“Hey!” Declan protested. “I give great advice.” He turned to Mick and Orla again. “Mark my words, man, in a few years, when the two of you have three weird kids and are miserable all the time, you’ll be longing for my piece of advice.”
“No one is having weird kids!” Sarah chimed in. “Hopefully.” she added quietly, but still loud enough that both Mick and Orla now shared a startled look.
.... that’s it, I guess. Sanne out. :’D
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