#exact reason i dont drink coffee
sneeb-canons · 4 months
Soul's caffeine dependency doesn't even do him any good. Anytime he drinks something with caffeine, he just gets more tired.
Headcanon #598
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lordjimp · 1 year
What I think the vanillia FO4 companions eat on a normal day.
“fanfiction-y headcannons i sscratched out this morning. Lol idk when the sun rises in america so this might be completely weird and off. Sun rises 5:30 or 6 where i am. i suppose it shouldn’t matter too much tho. im not a writer, i was just possessed this morning so please dont take this too seriously, thx.”
Some companions I headcanon as having some poor (but pretty normal) eating habits (eg; forgetting to eat, not eating for long periods of time in the day, substituting not-meals for meals, or eating habits that are synonimous with depression or other mental illnesses). If in general topics about eating habits make you uncomfortable, best to skip this one. 
Codsworth:[read first]
Breakfast(8:00am)-when sole is around, he would naturally cook for them. Some friends (and settlers) started joining Sole for tea some days, which slowly turned into him cooking pretty much every day. Breakfast is always coffee, fried eggs,fresh fruit, and grilled meat if they have it.
Lunch(12:00pm)- spends the first half of day running around getting ingredients, will go out hunting if he has to. He has lots of different michelin star recipes in his code, but he has to get creative with what he has. If your not showing up to lunch you better tell him, he’ll be really upset if you usually come but decided to flake off that day.
Dinner(7:00pm)- starch, meat, veg, and carb. The time of the day where. Shit. gets. Real. expect no less than beef wellington, or an apocalyptic adjacent wellington. it also means bad table manners will not be tolerated. You get amazing free food, but if you put your elbows on the table or get unruly, codsworth is gonna whir around and bonk you on the head with his metal claw.
breakfast(10:00am)- wakes up too late to have what codsworth cooks. And girl is hungry. No such thing as breakfast ick with her. One 4 egg omelet, salted, and a coffee. 
lunch(12:00pm)- 2 servings of whatever codsworth makes. If she can help it, she will not cook. Not a huge fan of mirelurk if there's any.
dinner(7:00pm)- starch and meat, she doesn't care about anything else on the table. Despite drinking, she is surprisingly well behaved. The fights start after dinner is over though.
breakfast(5:00am)-tea, extra sugar
snack/lunch(12:30pm)-she usually forgets. it's hard trying to read her new body, especially when she can get so consumed by her study. Codsworth usually brings her something to eat or tries to tear her away from her work. He doesn’t mind seeking her out since shes always so polite.
Dinner(10:30pm)- steps out of her chair to stretch for the first time in hours only to realize she's on the verge of fainting- oops. It annoys her since she knows exactly what would constitute a perfect diet, but just can't perform it. Has a serving of dried muit fruit and something canned. Not technically a vegetarian, but she does avoid meat. 
Danse(post brotherhood):
Breakfast(4:30am)- 3 boiled eggs (destroying the egg supply #3) and a ‘black’ coffee (extra extra sugar shhhh). After he goes on his morning jog and then workout, he’ll go on until basically lunch if he has nothing to do.
Lunch(12:00pm)- always joins for codsworth’s lunch, he can get a little ‘homesick’ about the BOS. and eating at the exact time every day with everyone at the same table gives him back a little bit of that routine he was so used to in the brotherhood.
dinner(7:00pm)- same goes for dinner, routine is his best friend. He also just wants to eat with his best friend, Sole. Nobody else really, well… talks to him… I laugh but it's kind of very sad.
Breakfast(9:00am)- used to eat fresh muit fruit every morning, but for unknown reasons now muit fruit gives him the ick. Now he usually has Canned soup, tomato is his favorite.
lunch(12:00pm)- yes he's showing up for free food, but hes not close with everyone at the table so he is kinda quiet and standoffish during lunch.
dinner(7:00pm)- he’ll go if he's in the mood, but its alot of people and with Codsworth always breathing down his back about his manners, the vibe at dinner just really pisses him off. so it really depends if he's up for it. If he isn't, there is usually somebody else who didn’t go making stew or something around he can mooch off. He’ll also eat something sweet after, religiously believes in dessert.
breakfast(8:00am)- eats breakfast with the sole survivor every day. Breakfast it's a good time to do a morning briefing. Coffee addict btw
Lunch(12:00pm)- he honestly wouldn't eat lunch if it wasn’t for codsworth. He gets so anxious and kinda spirals in his head. As the day goes on he’ll either just forget or not really have the appetite to eat. Eating with people also makes him feel much more relaxed, and he’ll have an easier time having an appetite.
dinner(7:00pm)- gets paranoid that the spread is an improper use of resources, and takes it up with codsworth at times. Codsworth defends that he gets everything himself and none of the food is ever wasted, but then Preston says something about corn beef being a more sustainable use of food and gets kicked out of dinner for being problematic (problem? Corn beef is the worst.) (piper; first time?). Everybody’s mouths were too full to disagree with codsworth. 
breakfast(5:30am)- cigarette. Wow, she's so french /j
snack(??:??)- snacks on gumdrops and lollipops constantly throughout the whole day. When she eats natural sugars she feels                   n o t h i n g
dinner(9:00pm)- she eats way later because she's always bouncing around and its hard for Piper to center herself to sit down and eat. she’d go eat what Codsworth cooks, but he usually kicks her out. It's like the fact that he gets up and arms about things at dinner makes her want to act up. Whatever, she's having blamco and some dandy boys.
snack(9:30am)- his diet is inconsistent and random. Hes actually already been up and down since one, the first thing he has is a handful of potato chips.
lunch??(12:00pm)- if he's up for it, he’ll show up to lunch. But, he barely eats anything. Mostly has a bit a coffee which he still doesnt finish. Dogmeat sits in front of him the whole time under the table getting pats and fed. Then he leaves before anyone is done eating.
snack(2:00pm)- finds someone else having lunch and picks off their food while they aren't looking
snack(8:00pm)- rest of the potato chips- he acquired salsa.
dinner??(10:00pm)- has a few beers and a bit of fruit. Maybe. He's probably just gonna drink. To wrap up, he’s a serial snacker.
snack(5:00am)- dug up bone from dinner a few days ago.
snack(9:00am)- no bad guys, all is well. Back to the bone.
lunch(12:00pm)- will circle around the lunch table and give everyone puppy eyes. If he’s there, stays by deacon, easy gains.
dinner(7:30pm)- fed dinner leftovers or dog food by either preston or sole. dogs arn’t allowed at dinner apparently, so no shaking down his friends for food ,’( 
breakfast(2:00pm)- wakes up after lunch and immediately goes to Codsworth to ask for leftovers. If there are leftovers, hell make some weird cold leftover sandwich. If not, he's happy with canned beans.
snack(4:00pm)- Snack cake, courtesy of Danse. Well, like- STOLEN from Danse.
snack(6:30pm)- Bourbon, hey it's 5pm somewhere. Heh. what? It is 5pm?
dinner(7:00pm)- attends dinner. Great food, great company. Nowhere else he’d rather be. *gets kicked out*
snacks??(12:30am)- wanders into Danses room drunk and/or high, wakes Danse and Hancock gets caught snooping through his fancy lad stash. Danse hated that, and he won't let him live it down until he repays him back. What? He's serious about his lads, stop laughing.
breakfast(5:30am)- has a smoke with piper. Same spot every morning. Piper talks shit the whole time.
breakfast(8:00)- usually just pops in to see everyone, but if he stays, codsworth will pour him a black coffee. It doesn't do anything for him obviously, but it feels nice to just sit and have breakfast with friends 
dinner(7:00pm)- I like the theory that the reason Nick’s asked by Vadim to drink his moonshine is so he can test the alkaline or ph level, or whatever it was. So he comes to dinner and has a glass of whiskey, and the sensation is almost like he can taste it. Dinner is a nice change of pace. People sitting around a table civilly enjoying good food reminds him of certain happy prewar memories with prewar nick and his family. He's content sitting there with an empty plate just enjoying the conversation. 
 dinner(7:00pm)- the others call it his snake meal, it's always exactly 2000 calories (he works it out in his head) and he eats all of it in like 5 minutes. It's actually really disturbing. He shows up first for dinner. Fills his plate with food. And, like an eating competitor, stuffs it all down his throat with a straight face. Then leaves without ever saying a word. X6 says it's so he doesn't have to waste time with allocated eating, but so he’ll still get his required fuel. This is how he's always done it, no one can convince him it is bad or unhealthy because he's so sure it is more efficient.
i forgot strong oops. might do him latr soz
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spicywhenspeaking · 10 months
If I'm There: Chapter Seven
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read from part one
Noah X OFC Natalie
Noah and Natalie meet in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
warnings: depreciations of sex, cringe fluff
hope y'all enjoy! its a long one!
The next day we wake up early before my Mom gets home from work to go hang out at Noah’s house. On our way we stop at a coffee drive through to grab drinks, I get a vanilla iced coffee and he gets a chocolate frappe. “Isnt that just a milkshake?” I tease him. “It technically has coffee, plus its delicious, also…..dont judge.” He mock’s offense. 
I laugh and we get the drinks, continuing our way into his neighborhood, its a sunny day so I just threw on a simple sundress and my sandals this morning before leaving my house. I had to reluctantly give Noah his shirt back, “I promise I will give you a stack of shirts once we get to my house, deal?” I take the deal as I fully intended to nab a few to add into my wardrobe. 
We get to Noah’s house and he rushes me excitedly into his room and I laugh at his enthusiasm “what’s got you acting all giddy ? It’s all that sugar from your milkshake huh?” We turn to enter his room and he turns on the lights, he always uses the lamps, never the overhead light, preferring the warm light the lamps create. He laughs at my milkshake comment and replies, “nooooo, it’s not that. I’ve been working on this song and I forgot to bring my guitar yesterday, I’ve been wanting to show it to you so-“ he takes my shoulders and angles me to sit on his bed “sit here and enjoy” he winks and sits in his desk chair and picks up his guitar. 
He shakes the nervousness out of his hands and begins to strum a soft melody “it’s not finished, but it’s something I’ve been working on. I wrote it thinking of you” he explains sweetly. 
There are scars that'll never ever show themselves
You get when you're left alone too long in Hell
They tried to keep in the secrets that you wouldn't tell
But they just stripped you for parts you had to sell
My breath catches as he continues.
Well, if I'm there to catch you when you fall
You'll have a friend down in Hell after all
And if you're there to catch me when I fall
Then maybe Hell ain't so bad after all
He continues strumming and looks up to see tear’s gathering at my lashes, putting the guitar down he comes to kneel in front of me. Raising his hand to gently wipe the tears that fall he says “I didn’t mean to make you cry Nat, I sorry- I didn’t think-“ I stop him from rambling with a kiss “that was beautiful Noah, I don’t- you thought of me when you wrote this?” My breathy voice gives away my surprise. 
“Yes” he responds back resting his head against mine holding me closely by the with a gentle grasp against my neck. “You’re always on my mind and” he pauses and takes a deep breath “Natalie, I’m in love with you, since I saw you sitting all yourself in study hall, the beautiful lonely girl, the smartest girl I know, the most talented” he kisses me “my Natalie.”
I’m frozen for a moment before I throw my arms around him in a bone crushing hug “oh Noah” I cry “I love you too.”
He wheezes out a short breathe “how are you so strong?” I loosen my grip and laugh “oops, sorry” i shrug sheepishly “have I never told you I was in karate until last year?” He laughs “that explains how you flip me over so easily last night.” At the mention of last night I blush remembering the details of our first intimate night together, Noah noticing my blush stands to sit next to me on the bed “are you okay with what happened? last night I mean?” He quietly questions. I turn to look at him and lean my head on his shoulder “Noah, last night was perfect. The way you treated me? You’re the exact reason I waited to do that with someone I knew I could trust.” My words reassure his concerns and we continue to sit leaning against each other in comforting silence for a few more minutes before I break the stillness. “I think I’m going to apply for a job at the coffee shop” I say. “I’ll need to start saving money for after graduation, that’s if I get into any of the school I applied to.” He lightly knocks into me with his body “like you’d get denied anywhere, those school would be insane to reject you.” He wraps his arm around me and squeezes me tightly for emphasis. I smile at him and laugh lightly “that’s sweet of you to say, but art schools are competitive, I sent my best work and I’ll brag on myself that it’s good but so are of a lot of other kids” 
“I’m sure it will all work out Natty, just trust and I’ll always be here for you so when I’m a big famous rock star you’ll be taken care of forever.” I can’t help but laugh. “Oh yes” I mock fan myself “ my dream of being a professional groupie, don’t worry big shot, when you’re big and famous you’ll always have me to bring you back down to earth.” He smiles and kisses my lips lightly “bet on that. If I can even make it big.” I laugh, “Of course you will Noah, and I’ll be right there, number one groupie.” 
Noah leans over his kisses me deeply as we fall backwards onto his bed. Previous conversation forgotten the kiss heats up and clothes begin to shed again. A few minutes later we are both panting as Noah pumps hard thrusts in and out of my throbbing core. “Oh shit” he pants “I can’t- I won’t- nghun” he stills and his face contorts into pure bliss as his hips snap against mine and still. “Fuck, I’m sorry I didn’t think I would be that quick…you’re just so tight-“ he pants breathlessly “it feels too good” /pant/ “so really it’s your fault” he jokes lightly “but don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you.” Before I can respond Noah is sliding down my body and then without warning he is attacking my clit relentlessly, sucking and licking at it until I’m writhing and grasping at his soft blue comforter that’s covering his bed. “Noah, fuck” I rasp out and he then adds two fingers pumping my already oversensitive cunt and I sobbed out the shockwaves of my orgasm. “Oh my god” my voice comes out like a choked whisper. “Not a god, just Noah is fine.” I light heartedly push at his head where it rests against my thigh. Running my fingers through his hair I sign contently he looks up from where his head is resting and says in a sweet soft voice “I love you so much, you’re everything to me.”
We clean ourselves up and get our clothes back on a couple minutes later, not before taking Noah’s shirt and slipping it into my bag “I believe they call this the girlfriend tax? I’m here to collect.” He laughs and tosses me two more shirts to put away with the other “here take these as well.”
We hang out at Noah’s for a few hours and then he takes me to the coffee shop so I can turn in my application. The manager is behind the counter and after looking at my application asks if i can come in to interview tomorrow. “Um, yes that’s perfect!” Excited and nervous about the interview we shop around and Noah leaves with a new CD, he plays it on our way to Nick's house, they’re practicing for a gig they have this coming weekend. Noah says he’s going all in on this band he’s starting. They’re looking for the rest of the members but they’re taking any gig they can this summer and really committing to making this work. 
Natalie: I’m really nervous about this interview tomorrow. 10:50
Noah: You have nothing to be nervous about baby, youre gonna absolutely kill it. 10:52
Natalie: ugh, its just this could be really helpful for saving money and i’d rather die than work the vacation bible school again. 10:54
Noah: what? You dont want to be around the sugar fueled youth? They are our future you know. 10:57
Natalie: lol, you always make me laugh XD thnx for that. 11:00
Noah: but srsly, youre going to be great tomorrow. I’ll pick you up after your interview and we can hang after if you want? 11:02
Natalie: thank you :) hmm do i want to hang out with my hot boyfriend? Obvi. 11:02
Noah: sweet ;) 11:02
Natalie: I’m gonna head to bed! Goodnight Noah! Love youuu! <3 11:03
Noah: Love U 2! 11:04
Noah was right, I totally aced my interviewI start working at the coffee shop making decent money, especially in tips. I make some friends at the shop, Ashley, Hunter and Maggie. Maggie is a senior at my school and Hunter and Ashley graduated last year. They’re all really nice and come with me to some of Noah and Nick's Shows. They end up playing all the time, almost every weekend I’m helping them load their equipment in and out of bars and clubs. It’s a lot of fun actually. 
On one of the hottest days after a long afternoon of Nick and Noah practicing in the garage the three of us decide to drive to the river for a swim. We drop by my house first so I can run up and change, I pick out a black and green bikini that I bought with Maggie last week, we’ve been hanging out too and we actually get along really well. I pack a bag with a change of clothes and grab three beach towels and a bag of chips for a snack.
The river is refreshing after being in Nick's garage. I’m standing in the water up to my knees, easing my way in the cool water. Noah is already dripping wet and comes to stand next to me, leaning over to say “you know it’s a lot easier if you just get all the way in and get it over with” he flicks some of the water off his fingers at me. “Hey! I’m just trying to get use to it, it’s colder than I thought.” Next thing I know I feel Noah’s cold arms coming up from behind me in a tight hole, lifting me off the ground “come on Natty, we’ll do it together!”
He laughs as I squirm and halfheartedly protest “OH MY GOD NOAH! You big oaf put me down!” I squawk reaching down to smack his butt. “Okay, if you insist” I hear him say before we’re both falling towards the deeper water and I can barely manage to get out a loud “NOAH!” before we’re submerged. I break the surface of the water and see him looking at me with a huge smile “much better Natty” he whispers swimming closer and I wrap my legs around his waist “you’ll pay for that on later mister.” He leans forward and kisses me, tickling my face with the hair that’s fallen into his face. “Oh and how will you punish me, my love?”
I hear Nick heave an exaggerated gag before he yells “get a fucking room!” We all laugh and I look at Noah tapping my finger against my chin I think. “Hmm what is an appropriate punishment for such a crime?” And and idea pops into my head, “okay, I think you should jump off the rope swing” I say with a devious smile “easy” he responds quickly. “Naked” I finish and Noah’s eyes bulge and Nick busts out in a deep laugh. “Oh you are cruel, but I will accept, it fits the crime.” With one last kiss he swims to the shore, drops his trunks and holds himself with his hand to preserve whatever is left of his modesty and climbs the tree to the rope swing. With one hand, it’s not easy but he manages, taking the rope in hand he pushes off and falls into the water, hands flailing and package on full display. Nick and I sound twin wolf whistles as he pops his head out of the water. Later with his pants back on, the three of us dry out on a grassy hill before packing up and heading back out. Noah drops me off first and we share a longer than necessary goodbye kiss at my front door. “Bye” he says against my lips “love you.” I smile and look up at him “love you too,” I reply and he heads back to his car. 
This has been quite literally the best summer ever and with school starting next week I start getting all of my stuff ready for my final year, senior year is here at last. I’m working on a new drawing when I hear shuffling coming from Kyle's room, but that’s weird because Kyle is supposed to be with our dad. I walk out of my room and across the hall to where his room is, the door is open, so I step into it and see a familiar face unpacking a large leather duffel. 
“Hey Sis” Kyle turns to greet me with a smile that reminds me of his younger self. 
Hope ya enjoyed!!! xoxoxox
Next chapter here!
taglist : @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount
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vriskabot · 7 months
davris morning routine hcs?
YOU CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD I WAS PLAYING MINECRAFT cracks my knuckles. this kinda turned into sleeping habit and self care hcs as a whole sorry not sorry -vriska is not a night owl or a morning person but she IS a long and heavy sleeper. do not wake her up before she is good and ready or you WILL get torn a new asshole bare minimum. if the verbal lashing does not work she will escalate immediately and directly to grievous bodily harm -dave is probably the only person who can manage this without dying but even THEN he would much rather get on her ass about going to sleep on time than get on her ass about getting up in the morning -dave is a much lighter sleeper and honestly naturally a nap guy. i think on a genetic level the strilondes dont sleep long even when they DO manage to sleep (dirk and rose are notorious insomniacs) but i dont think dave really minds it -nobody knows when he sleeps but he does! hes just Constantly Around -this was only further reinforced by living with bro and being trained and all that jazz so daves sort of got a built in alarm clock (lol time player) -in that vein dave can kinda predict when vriska is gonna be up based on what time shes gone to sleep so he can be in and out of the bathroom before she needs to be in there which is. a very very good thing -i think dave was a lot more anal (and anxious) about what he looked like when he was a teen (to the point of being unable to leave the house if his hair wasnt JUST right) but hes way more lax about it now -that being said i also dont think hes gone fully curly girl now that hes okay with his hair having a single iota of texture whatsoever. he just combs it into the style he wants it to dry in and lets nature take the wheel after that (its very soft and vriska LOVES to touch and tousle it) -he MAYBE uses a light pomade while wet if anything but thats only if he NEEDS his hair to stay nice all day -vriska on the other hand. woo buddy. -depending on how im feeling about her styling, shes either full 17 step curly hair routine or blowdried + straightened + hairsprayed until its crunchy even if her hair is naturally already straight -like im sorry shes SO emo -i think a lot of that stemmed from the sort of persona she put on to protect herself that ended up becoming her taste Anyway -the full face of makeup + done hair carries a very Intentional feeling that makes her seem a little less off the wall, has-no-clue-what-shes-doing than she really IS -ultimately its about control! having more control over the interpersonal dynamics and the flow of things based on the kind of assumptions people make about her based on the way she presents herself -dave was doing his similarly insane hair routine at 13 14 15 for the same exact reasons -dont let her fool you though its all smoke and mirrors -when she was in her teens it was definitely a full coverage foundation + powder foundation + pencil liner for EVERYTHING situation and loads of dark eyeshadow -in her adulthood though i think shed be alright with like. a much more lightweight base like bbcream or even just concealer in spots for daily wear and she saves the full face beat for more special occasions like dates and shit -as much as i think dave finds later on in life that he actually kinda enjoys cooking, hes not up making a Full Breakfast every day -theyre both perfectly fine with like. toast and microwave breakfast sausage to eat -vriska however is not to be trusted with the stove. she sucks SO bad at cooking save for the few dishes shes ruined enough times that shes got the experience to do it right -both of them are horrible caffeine fiends. they will drink soda or energy drinks with breakfast and then wonder why their fucking stomachs hurt later -i think in the case of NEEDING caffeine vriska is much more varied in her intake sources--energy drinks, soda, coffee, and tea are all viable options depending on how much energy she feels she needs -dave though... he feels like the "starts with an energy drink and only drinks other stuff when he has a craving" kinda guy
-though maybe thats the raging adhd you tell me -their bed is almost never ever made and both of them live in organized chaos. whether or not they ENJOY the chaos is a different story entirely -vriska is a blanket hog AND a pillow hog so they eventually had to settle on each having their own blankets -vriska loathes mint toothpaste and dave is a cinnamon toothpaste guy so you can imagine how much of a eureka moment vriska had the first time she spent the night -and yes that means she was just bearing with the mint because she had no clue there was any other option -uhhhhh i cant think of much else more on this topic i hope u enjoyed <3
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bellsxwriting · 1 year
٠ ࣪⭑ KARMA.- Scaramouche x reader
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。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 8.Stalker alert
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Quite honestly…you were dreading going to your lesson, twice a week you had world history; It was frankly a stupid lesson anyway, it was only made more painful by the appearance of none other than Kunikuzushi- sorry no, it was scaramouche now since he wanted to be edgy about it. Anyway, a lovely coffee with your best friend should lift spirits, Kaveh did have a habit of making you feel better, when he wasnt ranting about Alhaitham…which he seemed to be doing at this exact moment. 
“Honestly, and then you wont even believe what he said next!”
“Im sure I wont”, you grumbled, opening the door to the cafe. Ah, heaven. The smell of coffee, the light chatter of students and keyboards typing, scaramouche behind the counter- Wait…Scaramouche?? 
“You cannot be serious…” you made eye contact with the boy behind the bar, before he shrugged off your gaze and continued to work, Kaveh had picked up on this interaction before internally panicking
“Now Now Y/N, how about you dont get us banned from here by causing a fight?” He smiled nervously. 
“I wouldnt dream out it” You said behind grited teeth, making your way over to the counter. As you approached, he met your eyes once more, rolling them in annoyance. 
“What do you want” 
“Coffee…Evidently, Its why yaknow…Im in a coffee shop”, Kaveh tried to laugh off the awkward encounter by quickly ordering you two drinks, all while you and Scaramouche were sending eachother telepathic death threats with eye contact alone. He left to go make the drinks and you let out a sigh of relief. 
“You know you could take the high ground and just be nice to him?” He asked, testing the waters. You scoffed, Me? The high ground? Never. Before you had time to reply, you had snatched the drinks that were brought out, slamming your mora down, and strutting away, Kaveh hurriedly following in toe.
“If you want to know what happened love you can’t ignore him”, Kaveh said, sitting down in front of you.
"It's not that simple Kav...I'm still hurt over everything that happened, I don't want to form a friendship with him again or figure out what happened. He could just leave again. And...I feel like it would hurt more" He sipped his coffee in thought. In any case, he was now back, and eventually, you'll have to find out what made him leave all them years ago.
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Previous . Next . Masterlist
Summary.- It’s been over 10 years since you last saw Kunikuzushi, back then he had blocked everyone and disappeared without a trace. Now, you’re in your second year of the Akademiya University. But what happens when a certain someone appears from your past, and now, with an entirely new personality?
A/N.- There's gonna be a little more writing in the next few chapters so I hope it's ok. I'm honestly really enjoying creating this! The last chapter did go up but my tumblr made it mature for some reason so check out the masterlist to find it!
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achy-boo · 4 months
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Kurayami Ankokuhana Tsukii
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1. Neka
2. Neka
"The 2nd son of the Tsukii Family. This boy is a problem middle child for a reason."
"Those who trigger the dormant demonic side of his...goes missing without a trace."
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Full name: Kurayami Ankokuhana Tsukii
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Birthday: June 20th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Demon[Demon of Bloodlust and Insanity to be exact]
Personality: Kura, according by his old peers, is one of the mysterious boy you will ever meet. He is quiet but talks when he wants too which labels him a selective mute. He is very open-minding but he is judgmental when someone did the dumbest things on earth. He is highly vague and secretive with his words and information about him. He had a demonic side that is dormant but shows signs. If he was triggered, he is feral and animalistic. He is a brutal hunter and he will not at nothing to get the source of the trigger. His weapon can vary but his main one.. is a scythe that glows red. But he will have little memory once the source is dealt with however he will snap at anyone rudely who mention the source so do not bother asking him.
Likes: reading, his family and friends, coffee/tea[his friends, family and his only], horror movies, crime discoveries with his family/friends[Often with Hideki and The Libya twins], music[depends on his mood], piercings, tattoos, late night drives, cooking parties, tea[Gossips, he actually had a place for that..], dark and abandoned areas{AVOID THAT}, fashions, manhwa[There is certain manhwas he refused to read...and for a good reason], cloudy weather, watching or playing with the rain, food, boba tea, animals and children[He is mostly swarm by them]
Dislikes: His demonic side being triggered, mentions of the 'source', heat, players, pick me girls/boys, certain parties, heat[Like he HATES the heat], overly bitter things food/drinks[Black coffee is one of them], certain anime/manhwas, homophobic people[He actually hunted them down for sport..], being forced to speak, certain family members[One of them he got HELLA beef with], he hates school after elementary, his weapon being taken without his consent{A death wish/sentence if he warn you more than 4 times..}
Favorite Food: Not picky however he had to choose[sadly] Shrimp Tempura Rolls, Chicken Katsu, Mochi, Onigiri and Sushi rice
Least Favorite Food: Remember I say that Kurayami does not like bitter food/drinks? Yea...Black coffee he does not like. Cranberries, Green Tea, and Bitter Gourd
Pet Peeves: If you are someone who he does not know or have beef with, dont pull his hair, people trying to take him to church, having something shoved down his throat, his possession taken without his consent, people who are rulebreakers[Not all of them just..a few]
Hobbies: dancing in the rain, playing a piano/electric guitar, singing[Only in front of his loved ones], dancing
Talents: his eyes shine in the dark[Good luck if you get scared easily], he is more active in abandoned/isolated places, making his victims experience hallucinations of their worst fear, driving his victims to insanity before striking.
Nickname(s): Kura[Normal], Yami[Due to Kuragari having the same nickname as him], Kana or Ankoku{Rare]
Voice Claims: His voice is a mixture of Childe's and Aventurine's but his demonic side voice is Reiji Sakamaki's and Jing Yuan's. You can tell which side of Kurayami you are facing with is the voice change.
He is also known as the demonic hunter or Insanity's Best Friend
He had audio cues when he is about to attack or nearby
When he eats bitter food, his eyes will flicker to red to dark crimson red in flashes until he had to threw up the food[rare times he passed out after consuming bitter food/drinks]
His kill count is still high..
His first ever victim was Night's old classmate and ex-friend
The definition of wolf's in sheep clothing
His theme songs are Jack the Ripper by Cepheid and Ameotome by Raon
He owns a black snake named after his teacher[who he brutally hunted down and murdered]
He have 7 tattoos, 3 piercings, veiny hands and arms{Use that information to ya heart's desires..}
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"You were warned over and over of his dormant demonic side yet you choose to push his buttons..."
"How does it feels to be missing with his eyes is the last thing you see..[redacted]?
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rubythecrimsonwriter · 3 months
My future baristas, there will come a time where you will be experienced enough and someone wants to order something new to them and they will order An Abomination and you will have the urge to Fix the order.¹
Sometimes the intervention works out and your enterprising individual is very happy with their tasty drink.
And sometimes you just have to accept that their taste buds are long gone.
The reason why i say this is because at one of my old coffee shops we had this frappe powder thing and I dont remember the exact name for it but it was like double fudge mocha. The name sounded wonderful if you like chocolate and I love chocolate. So of course one of the first drinks i made for myself was with this powder.
The gym that I used when I was an acrobat used honey and chalk to help us keep a grip on the bar or each other. My sister and I went there a lot, and as she was ten years younger than me and very fond of flinging herself at me and expecting me to catch her, I got uncomfortably used to rinsing my mouth out after the class.
This powder? Has the same taste and texture as honey and chalk being shoved into your mouth by your rambunctious sister. AFTER it'd been blended with lots of milk and ice. ²
Maybe a couple months after this disaster drink, I had someone ORDER it. And they went away unhappy. And then she came back and ordered it again with EXTRA powder. (Extra honey and chalk. Yummy!) And I was like no. Lady you're getting some chocolate sauce and a tiny bit of cold brew.
And she left with her drink and I thought yes. I have converted her. Less honey and chalk for you.³
And she comes back. And asks for extra powder. And i go "ah I know what to do" and she finishes with, "and i MEAN powder, not whatever you did last time."
Fine. Make the drink with extra powder. Watch in disbelief as she sucks down Texture Hell that is universally reviled by every barista in the place. Is very happy with her Texture Hell. And leaves.
I guess she likes honey and chalk.
¹ NO im not talking about potentially fucking with allergies. Not talking about swapping milks. Im talking about flavors that should not be mixed together with coffee. Or exist in the first place.
² Me: well this tastes like disgustingly fond memories. Coworkers: what
³ this was still, mind you, extremely chalky but at least had a mocha flavor to it now.
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juni-ravenhall · 4 months
"we dont need all these micro labels for sexuality or gender" yeah, in the same way we dont need the terms "strawberry blond". you could just say blond. or light haired. do we need the word blond at all? you dont need the words "2XL" or "XXS". you could just say really big and really small. do we need the word teal? isnt that just blue or green? or blue-green?
do we need the word bitter? i pretty much just call everything bitter "gross". i dont really use the word bitter much. its not really relevant to me. i never eat bitter things unless i have to. i dont think people are stupid for using the word bitter or that it has no use, though. and its useful to me if someone asks why i dont like other tea than herbal tea and grain tea. it makes it easy to explain the pinpointed reason rather than just saying "gross" or "i dont like it", because then they tell me to add sugar or milk, which doesnt help. being able to say i like herbal tea and i dont like bitter tea is convenient. and really, doesnt seem like a big deal. the term bitter doesnt seem like something anyone would argue. (they will argue to try to get me to try other tea though. gimme a break bitter lovers. i hate coffee too. i hate alcohol too. i prefer plain water a billion times to these things. deal with it. people are different.)
its convenient to be able to pinpoint something close in my clothing size, so having terms like 2XL makes it easier for me to buy clothes. it also helps that those terms have some semi-standardised measurements, some definitions. it gets interpreted differently here and there though. sometimes a 2XL shirt is a bit bigger and sometimes a bit smaller. there are terms like "oversized" or "slim fit" and all kinds of things youre supposed to learn just to be able to buy clothes that fit, even though it seems like a dumb system to me.
im sure its convenient for some people to be able to pinpoint a term for their exact hair colour, its not for me, i dont care what exact tone of dark brown hair i have, but maybe it would be fun to know... just to know the term. not because i need it to survive, but because it might be fun. outside of colour, i could learn more things about my hair too, like if i should actually wash or dry it differently because the strands are fine. or which clothes look good with my hair. it doesnt matter much to me because i often just shave it all off, and im ugly in society's eyes anyway because im 2XL-3XL, so why bother thinking about all that?
however, for a hairdresser, stylist, or model, maybe knowing terms like strawberry blond is really important. maybe knowing the exact hair type and tone and stuff is really helpful to some people in some circumstances. and maybe people who like alcohol think its important to be able to say things like "dry" or "fruity" about their preferences, about things they experience with their senses, about things they think about, about things that matter in their life. maybe having a name for teal matters if thats your favourite colour that makes your face light up when you see it. idk. all these things just dont seem like things anyone would argue about. that you dont need to say hex colour #008080, you could just say blue-green, why do we need all these numbers and words? isnt it unnecessary and stupid and self-obsessed to need to describe how this stupid drink tastes to you? why should i care what you think wine tastes like? who are you? it tastes gross, and nobody needs to ever say anything else about it. people shouldnt be drinking that stuff anyway, its not good for you. it fucks me up that water is being used to produce alcohol while other people are dying from lack of clean water by the way. but you know, be mad about queer terminology while books are being banned, that surely is consistent with other words you get upset about that other people use in other circumstances than queerness.
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etoiile · 5 months
hi friends! this is my reminder that tumblr is not real. (btw this is all from a girl's perspective)
lets think. what's a fan fav trope? sunshine x grumpy? when have you ever met a "grumpy" guy like rin? THEY DONT EXIST. everyone has at least a basic level of manners, and the people that don't are absolute douchebags who dont have the soft side that makes this trope so good. and even if a grumpy did exist, (you might be able to find a less grumpy version irl??) you wouldnt get to know them well enough for them to open up to you and love you. why? because they're BITCHES. like. IMMEDIATELY. no chance to say hi or get to know them, because it's "hi! nice to meet you! i'm y/n! what's your name?" "rin." *walks away*
also. guys dont hardcore fall for girls like the way we depict them. "the moment i laid eyes on her, i knew that she was the one for me. the one i would marry. the only one i could ever love" like uhhh bro what
LETS THINK OF ANOTHER TROPE!! hmmm only one bed? in WHAT scenario would you be sharing a bed with a guy. group of friends on vacay?? lets be fr the girls would all cram on one bed and the guys on the other. oh! for some reason youre the manager of their sports team?? first of all, girls aren't managers for all-boys teams (at least in the US in high school) but IF IT SOMEHOW HAPPENED, i absolutely GUARANTEE that the school/team would find another way to get you your own bed. there is NO WAY IN HELL you would share a bed with a guy. (as a girl, at least.)
ok! another one! enemies to lovers! ok so who do you know that has an actual "enemy?" NO ONE. people dont have enemies, and thats ESPECIALLY true for girl-guy relationships. "oh, y/n? yeah, she's weird as hell." "oh, *insert boy name?* he's such a creep like omg" THAT is what happens. THAT is reality. there is no hot hatred-fueled hookup. it's just "ewww i hate him hes so weird" like be fr.
what are some popular meet-cutes? first one that comes to mind for me is like A spilling coffee on B. that could be SORT of realistic but like what are the odds of the most gorgeous gorgeous gal (y/n) being in the exact same place at the exact same time as the most gorgeous gorgeous guy (tumblr fantasy man) and just so happening to spill her drink on this very specific man? ALMOST ZERO. this typa stuff just DOESNT HAPPEN. and on the slim chance that this did in fact occur, do you really think that a lot of guys would like offer to pay for your coffee and dry cleaning? NO. i had a guy BREAK my tumbler to the point that i couldn't use it and all i got was a lousy "sorry."
anyways i will still be reading and loving and writing and loving and dreaming and loving and hoping and loving on tumblr. when will i get a bf amen have a good day
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magical-glimpse · 1 year
Heyy. It's me again! I had this dream a few days ago. I was somewhere, idk where but somewhere around people and there was music playing. And I was just sitting and drinking coffee. Then someone comes up from behind me and starts talking, which I do not remember what the context was but it somehow made me cry and that person talking to me wasnt someone I recognised. And then I walked away from that place to somewhere quiet. And there I was standing looking at the sea when I felt someone behind me, calling my name. And when I turned around it was some guy I don't remember ever meeting or seeing. It felt like someone new, one I've never met. And they start talking incessantly, and I seem to join in on the conversation and then out of nowhere they tried to kiss me and I pulled away and that's when I woke up. It literally felt like there was someone around me exactly before I woke up but I was alone in my home that day. My mom and brother were out on a trip. That gave me the goosebumps.
And this isn't the only time. A few months before this dream, I dreamt of the same person whose face I can never recognise or remember but I somehow know that it's that person in a setting where I'm out travelling and I probably lost something and I'm trying to frantically find it. But I can't, so I start panicking when our of nowhere this person comes in and hands me over what I was trying to find. And then calls my name and says something. And then walks away after getting me out of trouble from these people who were running after me for some reason and tries kissing me again. And I wake up that particular moment again feeling like someone was besides me on the bed stroking my face and playing with my hair. Watching me sleep? It's been happening like every few months. This is weird. Am I going crazy or becoming schizophrenic?
If there's any explanation you can find, it would be helpful or I'm just going to check into an asylum soon. 😂❤️🥲🥲
I hope you are having a much better day than I am.
And here're the most weirdest things. I had a really bad dream where I saw my dad dying and I thought I was being crazy and it must have been a bad horror movie reflection I might be having because of what I watched. But the same exact thing happened in the same exact way that I dreamt of and I remember waking up in tears and shaking because of it. I was scared of even thinking of this but it happened. Traumatising. But that didn't end there. My sister got married a week ago. And then a few weeks before her wedding, I had this dream where I saw somethings that went wrong and everyone was kind of disturbed about it, people were stressed out because of it. And the same exact thing happened in reality at her wedding, the exact same way. Am I like an omen or something? I mean there's something definitely wrong with me. 🥲
I dont think anything is wrong with you !I had similar experiences in both cases.
The first one is likely someone coming to visit you in your dreams but being a bit too eager lol you can totally tell them to bzck off or slow down tho
For the second part, i think you have a gift for seeing future events.I understand it czn be scary, but you have the choice to keep it or turn it off, or enhance it by working on it.in both cases you are not insane.If tmany of this causes you distress feel free to rezch out to a professional.
I hope your day gets better !
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Hey, hope youre having a good day!
For the asks thing, how about 49, 41, and 31?
Hello anon :) hope you are havin a good day too!
49: can you skip rocks?
Nope, i am pretty bad ad fast, exact movements and i dont live close to a large body of water so i cant really train rock skipping :(
41: how do you take your coffee?
I do not actually drink coffe at all and if i do its mostly for social reasons and then i drown it in sugar and milk... i am more of a tea or hot chocolate person! I am also not used to caffeine at all, it makes my heart kick into overdrive
31: what type of music keeps you grounded?
Really soft electro music also the undertale Soundtrack
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vsa-pieldepapel · 2 years
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Some are drawing prompts and I like the idea but I dont always have the energy to draw it immediately, so I keep them safely stashed away. I have two asks about older!charisk and Ralsei and electro swing in that state atm lol
Other times if I am real I dont know what to actually say and its like “I will figure that out later,” and then forget to. Woops
Also I read this as gaster because of the way it was written im sorry gaster lmao
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Kskskksks nope, i noticed the queued stuff wasn’t posting so I posted the thing manually and deliberately shortened the caption cus it felt punchier that way
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I think its the huge expressive eyes <3 they convey such innocence. That posture in particular too, the subtext of “getting caught” which in noelles case feels pure but kris you know they are a lil shit thus the interpretation is different
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HSHSHHSHS but i do actually see Noelle tying her hair in buns as she grows older in fact I have drawn her wearing that exact same bun. Don’t think she will ever be quite as stiff as her mama, but looks-wise they’re strikingly similar. I like to imagine the same rule applies to dess/rudy
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I hadn’t! I imagined them both in their mid to late 40s but now that you posit that idea… I kinda like it… I think if she has deeper wrinkles it is more stress than age-motivated. Constant frowning and chronic anxiety will do that to ya, age you faster. (Plus I see her drinking a lot of wine and smoking w/coffee on the office…)
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I like the fanon Carol but i deliberately avoid naming her and keep her as Mama Holiday because I am waiting for confirmation : ) I do think the C might be her, but I prefer not to latch on anything unconfirmed too strongly until the game reveals more about that which is the same reason why I have vague ideas for Dess’ look and maybe behaviour but I don’t solidify them too much, id rather stay open on that regard.
I like Carol cause it just screams stressed, stiff repressed 40 something year old to me, while keeping the Christmas theme on top. It just feels so Fitting, even though I just call her Mama. (Someone in my inbox has been calling her Mayor Holiday as seen above and I really like that nick for her too, im snatching that I think)
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peachiimilquetea · 3 years
𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐢𝐢𝐝𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬!
im not a bnha blog however i have some things i feel like i just want to scream about! some of these are based on his birth chart too so if you’re into astrology i hope you enjoy that aspect as well!
length: 780 words
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tenya loves spicy food
he looks like he wouldn’t be built for it but he’s actually got a pretty high pain tolerance
he adds chili pepper to literally everything
he also has a massive sweet tooth so sometimes when he confiscates peoples snacks in class, he eats them himself later
if you’re one of his closer friends (or his s/o) he’ll share them with you
he spends like $80 a week on honey buns from the vending machine
tenya also has a scorpio moon so i think that like bakugo he loves love/romance HOWEVER instead of romance manga, he reads corny ass wattpad stories as a guilty pleasure
mina made a joke about her wattpad phase once and it led to his demise bc he was too damn curious and he just had to look it up
if you ask him directly about it he will deny it but he’s a voracious reader and can finish like 4 books a week
they’re so bad but they’re so good lmao
he enjoys correcting the writers’ grammar as he reads and complaining about how cliche the plot is but he just cant stop reading
iida is also the only boy in class 1-A that actually takes care of himself lowkey
i think he’s got a better skincare routine than me tbh
it’s simple, yes, but expensive and it works wonders on his skin and on yours
he owns a jade roller. no questions asked
i also see him as the type of person who’s scared of putting in contact lenses BDHSNSVSJSNS
like he’s got so much anxiety around accidentally poking an eye out he just can’t muster up the courage to do it
especially bc his hands are so big for no reason
he does own contacts tho, they literally just sit in his bathroom cabinet
speaking of his sweet tooth again, tenya cannot drink black coffee
i’ve seen some people say that’s his order when the deku-squad goes to starbucks or smth but no i think he gets like 15 pumps of caramel in a grande cup BEHSNSVSAJAN
his attention to detail is impeccable
he’s got a virgo mercury and mars he literally notices EVERYTHING
this makes him a very good gift giver bc he literally remembers everything about you and keeps a mental note
uhhh let’s see what else
tenya is rhythm blind SVDHSNSBAKAKA
he cannot dance to save his own life
lord knows how he fakes his way through all the hero charity galas and stuff his family hosts
he can only do a two step if you count for him
he’s a pretty decent singer tho
very shy about it tho
if you get him under the influence of a substance he will definitely do karaoke and he’ll make everyone look bad bc he’s really good
that’s his leo sun talking fr
he’s also a sneaker head surprisingly
it sounds like it doesn’t make sense HOWEVER hear me out
he runs all the time everywhere for training and stuff, constantly trying to beat his PR
so he goes through running shoes very easily
but he doesn’t want to get the exact same ones every single time so he switches it up
then he fell down the rabbit hole of lifestyle sneakers and here we are
i don’t know if he dresses the part but i don’t think he wears stiff ass polos and dress pants all the time
that makes no sense bc how tf will his big ass calves fit in the pants BDBSJSNSJA
so streetwear actually makes a little bit more sense
just imagine tenya in baggy khaki pants and jordan 1s
and a baggy sweater vest omg
giving very much tyler the creator vibes
i think it fits him tbh
especially as he gets older and figures out what he likes to wear as opposed to what his parents put him in
ALSO tenya is very into the humanities and social sciences
he wouldve gotten into the arts but mans cant draw for his life either
fortunately he can read like hell so he consumes copious amounts of political and philosophical theory for funsies
based iida⁉️⁉️⁉️
also a polyglot maybe?
dont ask me what specific languages but most likely japanese, english, mandarin and spanish
hes one of those people whos like "oh i read an article about that!" whenever you mention something new
but not in a condescending way he just genuinely wants to show you that he relates to whatever you're talking about
he prides himself on being a walking encycloepdia just so he can help everyone
thats all ive got for now but im definitely gonna post more if i can think of any
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rotund-team-rwby · 4 years
From @voluptuous-teamrwby
Blake crossed her arms and put all her weight on her left foot causing her large backside to say a bit. "Yang what made you choose me?" The faunus asked in her normal tone but her cheeks a bit red as her ears twitched a bit.
Yang was in the middle of drinking some coffee when she was asked this question. She stopped in the middle of a sip and lowered her cup. "I don't really remember the exact reason. Like I think it started as flirt with the first cute girl I see. Then it became something different like I dont really know how to explain it."
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falcqns · 4 years
Hey, hey it's me ❤ I'm in the mood for some angst, hmmm, the girl is having a huge crush on Henry since they met and they are friends for years but on her thirtieth birthday he made a huge party and when she wanted to confess her feelings for him she found him with her best friend in her bed. Thanks in advance ❤
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Warnings: way too descriptive explanation of eating a piece of schnitzel off a fork (i got carried away), bratty!henry, slightly toxic!henry, violence towards women (slight), swearing, angst, alcohol consumption.
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I wasn’t sure if you wanted a happy ending or a sad ending, so I wrote both! Hope you enjoy ❤️ I also listened to Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer while writing this, so it may be slightly based on that song haha.
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You had met Henry at Comic Con in 2013, when you had gone to see his panel for Man of Steel, and got the opportunity to ask him a question. Your question intrigued him, and shortly after the panel, you were approached by Henry himself, who was also going to the Game of Thrones panel. He remembered you from his panel, and the two of you sat together. You spent the rest of the day together, and you ended up joining him and the cast of Man of Steel for drinks that night.
After Comic Con, you two stayed in touch through Instagram, and eventually you gave him your number. A few months later, your job relocated you to London, and he offered for you to stay with him, to which you accepted. You two were great roommates, and even better friends. But, this didn’t stop your feelings from blossoming.
Everything about him was attractive to you. From the way he always had a slight scowl on his face in the morning, giving you and Kal only grunts as responses until he had a cup of coffee, to the way he would get sucked into his video games and not realize over half the day passed by without him. You loved the way you could make him snort if he laughed hard enough, and that his sides were ridiculously ticklish. You adored how much he loved to cook, often calling you into the kitchen to taste his new recipe of the week. But, your favourite thing about him was how he treated you.
Even though you were not an actress, he never treated you as anything but an equal. He was always so interested in your work, and would always be the first person to congratulate you when you reached a goal you had been striving for. He was the one who brought you soup in bed and took care of you when you were sick without a second thought, and held you whenever you needed a good cry. Your friends often referred to him as your husband because of how much he cared and looked out for you. You never put much thought to it however, until your mom asked you if you two were dating when he joined you at a family gathering.
He had stood up to go and get himself a beer, and brought you back your favourite drink and some of your favourite foods on a plate without you even asking. He then sat next to you, and engaged in a conversation about NASCAR with your dad, uncles, and grandfather.
Your mom leaned over ad whispered in your ear, “Are you two together?”
You gave her an alarmed look, and shook your head vigorously. “No, mom, we’re not. Why?”
Your mom’s eyes drifted over to Henry. “You two sure seem like you are. Might want to talk to him about it, because the way you look at him as if he hung the stars and the moon specifically for you suggest different.”
You had shaken it off, and thought nothing of it until you were back at home the next night, and really thought about what your mom said. Did he like you, or were you just reading into things too much? You shook it out of your head, and rolled over to fall asleep.
But, when he called you into the kitchen to ask you to taste his attempt at making schnitzel for the first time, you thought about it again. You watched as he offered you a piece of the cooked meat on a fork, and you opened your mouth to accept it. You noticed how his eyes were glued to your lips as they wrapped around the fork, and how he slightly bit his lip as you pulled the meat off the utensil to chew it. You instantly smiled at the taste of the food, and Henry let out a breath both he and you didn’t know he was holding.
You told him it was delicious, and you watched how is eyes lit up in joy. He did a little happy dance, and instantly blushed when you giggled your way out of the kitchen.
The next time you thought about it was when you two were sitting on the couch, watching The Sound of Music, and you drifted off just as the Von Trapps were performing at the festival and escaping. Your head had called onto his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around you like he always did. But then he did something unexpected. You woke with a start when he lifted you up, shifted his body so it was lying down on the couch, and laid you back down right onto his chest, you head coming to rest under his chin. “Thought this might be more comfy,” he had said, and you smiled and thanked him, before your eyes refocused on the movie, no longer tired.
You noticed all of these things, but you failed to notice how much of an interest your best friend had taken in him. He was never interested, he only had eyes for you, but he did notice.
He noticed how when he wasn’t in the room, and you were on call with her, she would laugh normally, but when he entered the room, she would laugh differently, as if trying to entice him with small, annoying and EXTREMELY squeaky giggles that made him want to claw at his ears. He had never taken a second look at her. He was head over heels in love with you, why would he look at your best friend when he could stare at the goddess of beauty that was you? He’d never thought he’d have a chance with you, so he settled to love you from afar until you found your person, at which time he would resolve to look for his. It wasn’t the healthiest mindset, but it worked for him.
When your 30th birthday had rolled around, Henry decided to be the loyal best friend and roommate he was, and throw you a birthday party. He and Kal decorated the house (more like Henry decorated the house and re hung the decorations that Kal pulled down while “helping”), bought a bunch of booze, and food, and invited all your friends (and your’s and his mutual friends), and your family, along with his (minus the children. Children and drunk parents usually dont mix well.).
He noticed throughout the night that you had become slightly more distant from him. Usually at parties, you would be glued to him like the sea urchin you had gotten stuck in your foot at age 10, but you gradually stopped seeking him out. Then, his eyes landed on you, talking to another guy.
A cold, sick feeling chill ran through his bones, and he instantly recognized it as jealousy. his first thought was how dare you speak to another man? But, then he remembered, that you and him were not together, and the guy had every right to talk to you. So, he headed over to the kitchen island which was serving as the bar, and decided to drown his jealousy in alcohol. His body would pay for that in the morning, but at that exact moment he couldn’t care less.
When you had stepped outside with aforementioned guy, he picked up the vodka and chugged as much of it as he could, desperate to get wasted. After a few more drinks, he felt sufficiently drunk. Then, your best friend sauntered up to him, and Henry was surprised to find that he could tolerate her for more than 30 seconds. The two of them struck up a conversation, and what surprised Henry even more was he didn’t push her away when she touched him, kissed him, or even invited him upstairs to “fool around.” Maybe alcohol wasn’t so bad after all.
You however, were having a great time. You and your friend Cody had stepped outside to continue your conversation, as Cody was pretty quiet, and the party was rather loud. You two had just stepped into the kitchen when you looked around for Henry to introduce him to Cody, who was a huge fan of his. You didn’t see him, but when you brought it up to Cody he just said, “Oh, I lose my boyfriend at parties all the time. He’ll be here somewhere.”
You two ventured around the house, but didn’t find a sign of Henry. So when you asked your mom where he went, you were shocked when she told you that him and your best friend had gone upstairs. You immediately raced upstairs thinking that you were going to break up a fight. He had never liked her, and often had to leave the room when you were FaceTiming with her, because she just “annoyed him to the point of wanting to pull an August Walker” he said. You’d always ignored it, because your boyfriends had never gotten along with her, and you just always assumed it was because she was protective over you.
But, when you walked upstairs and found his bedroom and bathroom, the spare bedroom and bathroom, and your office empty, you opened the door to your bedroom, and your heart instantly broke into a million pieces. He was butt ass naked on your bed, balls deep in your best friend, who was also completely naked.
You gasped, and Henry immediately stopped his movements and his eyes snapped to you. The widened, and he immediately sobered up before swearing. “Shit, Y/N.” He said, before pulling out of your best friend, and covering himself. He watched in horror as your eyes welled up with tears and you ran across the hall to his bedroom to lock yourself in. It was only in that moment that he realized he was in your room, not his. He immediately redressed, and ran across the hall to his room, and began banging on the door.
Your best friend scoffed at your reaction, redressed as well, and then joined Henry across the hall. “She’s just being dramatic.”
Henry looked at her confused. “Dramatic? She just caught us, her two best friends, fucking in her bed. She has every reason to be upset. She is not being dramatic.” Your best friend rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms. “Then can you get her whiny ass out of there so we can finish what we started?”
Henry turned around quicker than Pietro trying to save Clint. “No. What happened shouldn’t have happened.”
She rolled her eyes and stomped her foot like a child. “So you used me?” Henry scoffed.
“I’d say you used me.”
He stared at her in amazement at her sheer stupidity.
“You CLEARLY used the fact that I was heartbroken and drunk. You’re always seeking me out when I’m around, and you change from this person who seems barely tolerable to a complete and utter insufferable bitch.” He didn’t allow her to speak, instead pounded on the door.
“Y/N! Let me explain!” He begged, and tried to ignore the way he could practically hear your best friend roll her eyes beside him.
“No! There’s nothing for you to explain. You made your feelings perfectly clear. I’m just sorry that I wasted 7 years being friends and being in love with you just for you to fall for my ex best friend.” You heard both Henry and your ex best friend exclaim, but you didn’t listen to a word they said, instead grabbing Henry’s AirPods, shoving them in your ear, and turning your music on full blast before laying in Henry’s bed.
Outside the door, Henry and your ex best friend were in a straight up crazy bitch fight.
She ripped her arm out of Henry’s grasp and slapped him across the face before storming down the stairs and out of the house. When he watched as no one even gave her a second look as she passed, he knew that everyone hated her just as much as he did.
He tried pounding on the door again, but you didn’t answer, so he resolved to just rejoin the party. It was painfully obvious that you needed some alone time, and he was more than willing to give it to you at the moment, he needed to cool down as well.
(happy ending starts here. If you want a SAD ending, click HERE.)
The party cleared out less than an hour later, and Henry took it upon himself to clean up. The mess wasn’t too bad, but the living room could do with a sweep and the garbage needed to be taken out. He had a feeling he’d be out the majority of the next day, and he didn’t want you doing anything. He planned on spending the rest of the day making it up to you once he woke up.
He finished cleaning, and set the garbage next to the front door. He might be a 6’1 burly ass man, but he wasn’t crazy enough to go out after dark, who knows what’s lurking in the shadows out there.
He searched around the house for Kal, and became slightly panicked when he couldn’t find him, but then remembered he had put him in his bedroom before the party started, because he gets too excited around big groups of people, and Henry didn’t need stains from spilt alcohol all over the house.
He grabbed the set of keys that he had for the doors in the house that locked. Your room, his room, the basement, and your office all locked, so he had made sure to keep them on the same key ring. He walked up the stairs and knocked on the door once more, but as he suspected, you didn’t answer. He unlocked the door, and was immediately jumped by Kal. He gave Kal some pets, and let him run down the stairs and out the doggy door in the kitchen to go pee. Henry walked in the room, and his heart clenched in his chest at what he saw.
You were curled up in a ball on his bed, with his AirPods in your ears blasting music. Your eyes were puffier than hell, with tears stains all over your cheeks. Originally, he was going to move you to your bed, but he had a feeling you wouldn’t be sleeping there until you burned the sheets and got new ones, so he pulled the comforter over you. He pulled his AirPods out of your ears and put them back in the charging case. He took your phone and plugged it in, before turning on his TV and putting on Family Guy for background noise while you slept. Kal came bounding up the stairs seconds later, and growled when he saw Henry standing close to you.
“Oh, you’re taking her side now?” Henry asked the pup. Kal barked softly in agreement before glaring at his dad until he moved away from you, and then hopped up on the bed gently.
“Yeah, I don’t blame you. I was an asshole, wasn’t I?” He said, glancing down at you once more. Kal laid his head on your hip, and growled at Henry again.
Henry rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah I know. Your dad’s an idiot. I’m going. Protect her, ‘kay?” He said as he walked out of the room, and Kal huffed while snuggling closer to you and closing his eyes.
Henry closed the door, and felt his exhaustion and extreme drunkenness hit him. He looked at the stairs to his right, and decided against trying to walk down them. He then walked right into your open bedroom, and looked around. He had never really gotten a good look at your bedroom before, but he absolutely adored the way it was decorated.
You had done everything in your power to make it look comfy. You had faerie lights all over, as well as LED’s on the ceiling trim. You had a small sofa with various throw pillows and multiple comfortable blankets on it. You had a huge fluffy rug on the floor, and your bed had a insanely comfortable comforter, and a good 7 or 8 pillows on it, mostly throw pillows.
Henry pulled the throw pillows off the bed, and tossed them onto the couch, before climbing in. He was instantly overwhelmed by your scent. It was in your pillows, your comforter, even your stuffed elephant named Bubbles that you slept with every night. He hopped out of your bed once more, and brought Bubbles over to you, placing her under your arm and against your face. He went back to your room, and climbed in your bed, and fell asleep wishing you were in his arms.
The next morning, Henry’s body jerked awake at 5 am, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep. He limbed out of your bed, before remaking it, and walking over to check on you. Kal jumped off the bed at the sight of Henry, and allowed him to come closer. He stopped at Henry’s feet and pressed himself against his legs, which signified he wanted some love.
Henry squatted own, and gave his fluffy boy some pets, and hugged him back when kal crawled in between his legs and rested his head on his shoulder. Henry chuckled.
“It’s gonna be fine buddy. Daddy’s gonna make it up to her, and maybe she’ll even agree to being your Mommy.” He said, and Kal licked his face before walking out of the room. Henry walked over, and climbed in beside you. He pulled you, into his arms, and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. You stirred, and tried to pull away from him when your eyes focused on his face, but he was too strong.
“I am so fucking sorry.” He whispered, and you said nothing as you buried your face in his neck, tears coming to your eyes. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I just, I was drunk, and in love with you, but I thought I couldn’t have you. I saw you with that other guy, and I just got so jealous. I wasn’t thinking straight, and I didn’t stop her. But, I should have.” He whispered, tears present in his voice as well. “Actually,” He said, pulling you closer and running a hand through your hair when he felt tears land on his neck. “I should have told you how I felt years ago. I should have told you how much I was drawn to you, and how much of my mind you occupy when I asked you to move in. I should have been honest the whole time, and I wasn’t. I am so fucking sorry, and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you, if you just give me a chance to show you how much I love you. Please,” He begged, and you slowly nodded.
Henry’s heart exploded into fireworks. He pulled you close against his chest, and ran his hand up and down your back. Henry continued to talk to you, but you drowned it out as you were lulled to sleep by his scent, voice, warmth, and love.
You didn’t forgive him yet, and he didn’t expect you to. But, he loved you, you loved him, and most importantly he was sorry, and you’d knew he’d spend the rest of his life proving that to you.
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simpsiren · 4 years
late at night
mark lee x reader
“you make times like these a whole lot better.”
main masterlist
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description. you were drinking after you had a breakup for the 16th time and you felt the need to meet your best friend, mark at 3am
genre. ITS ALL JUST FLUFF!! confession au
warnings. nonee
a/n. this is not going to be long but i just liked the thought this scenario was hella cute so hope yall will enjoy! :D
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you have been drinking since 1am. you wanted to escape from the fact that you need to handle yet another heartbreak after being dumped at a high class restaurant. drinking was the only thing you did whenever you had a breakup. you constantly get in and out of relationships, sixteen relationships to be exact. you sort of just hopped from guy to guy, developing deep feelings for them and having to suffer later.
you know very well you’re stupid, but also not. despite going through all the heartbreaks, you would still go ahead and find a new guy. and you kept the real reason for that hidden. not even mark knows the truth to your stupidity.
you were laying your head on the table as you stuff handfuls of popcorn into your mouth while watching some movie you dont even know the summary of. you groan from boredom as you pick up your phone. a quick glance at it tells you that its now 2:27am. you start to wonder what are you even doing at this hour.
you start to feel lonely all of a sudden. you wanted to talk to someone. anyone. and the first person that comes to your mind is your best friend of 10 years, mark. he’s been with you to accompany you through every heartbreak you have. no matter the time, he’ll come rushing over to you. this time is no different.
you unlock your phone lazily and give mark a call, waiting for him to pick up. it only took 2 rings to hear mark’s voice at the other end of the line.
“why are you up this late? dont tell me you suddenly want to do a movie marathon of harry potter again.” you hear mark say.
“emergency ice cream date..?” you whisper, closing your eyes to rest them for a moment. earning a sigh from mark, you could tell that mark knows you’re drunk. and he knows why too.
“dont move. im coming over.” with that, mark ends the call. you place your phone faced down and stared at the television, quickly turning your attention to other things in the house as you wait for mark to arrive.
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“you never should have dated him.” you take another spoonful from the huge tub of strawberry ice cream, hugging it close to you as you hear mark talking.
“i just found him cool.” you simply reply. mark reaches over to you. you hold the ice cream out to mark, waiting for him to take some. he gladly accepts the offer and eat a spoon of ice cream. “your standards are just low.” mark comments.
mark grabs the tv controller and open the tv. the first thing that came on screen is a re-run of a table tennis match. you whine and smack mark’s arm, making him flinch back slightly. “i dont wanna watch sports, mark!”
“harry potter, then?” mark raises both hus eyebrows as he patiently waits for your answer. you nod.
mark nods back at you and proceeds to open the first harry potter movie, eating a spoon of ice cream in the process.
as the movie starts, mark snatches the tub of ice cream away from you and place it on it lab. you glance down at the tub before looking up to you. you frown. “hey im the one that bought this ice cream, love.” mark flases his bright smile. you couldn’t help but smile softly back, noticing how cute he looked.
mark tilts his head when he saw your frown. he purse his lip into a thin line, giving in and wanting to give the tub back to you. before you could grab it, he moves the tub backwards, making you whine again. he lets out his signature obnoxious laughter while you furrow your eyebrows.
“calm down. here, open your mouth.” mark brings his spoon up to your lips. you blink at mark a couple times before mark nods his head to signal you to open your mouth so that he could feed you.
you slowly move your body closer to mark. “keep feeding me.” you pout and bat your eyelashes. mark runs his hand through his hair before taking another spoon of ice cream for you to eat.
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the two of you watch the movie silently as mark constantly feeds you spoons of ice cream till the tub is now empty. you take the spoon from mark’s hand and play with it, moving it around in the empty tub. “thank you for coming.”
you lay your head on mark’s shoulder. somehow your face starts to heat up at how close you are to mark. you were especially cuddly tonight. it felt like you needed mark for physical touch. mark brings his hand up slowly to your hair, stroking it as he lets out a sigh.
“if i see you with someone else in one week i sweat i wont be your friend anymore.” you quickly look up at mark with scared eyes. “dont ever leave me.” your lips turn into a frown. “i have my reasons for doing this..” you mumble under your breath. you notice mark raising an eyebrow.
“what’s the reason?”
“i cant say.”
“you’ll leave me because of it.” mark grows silent. you see him looking at you, eyes soft as ever. and his touch was gentle too. “you make times like these a whole lot better.” you comment out of the blue.
mark suddenly stops stroking your hair and brings his hand down to your cheek to make you look at him. you see his eyes glaze through your face, as if observing and admiring every inch of it. “its because i’ve never left your side. now tell me why you keep throwing your heart around meaninglessly as though you dont give a fuck.”
mark’s eyes grow dark and stale, his tone got lower from his usual bright and happy high pitched voice. you gulped and glance to the side before opening your mouth. “i wanted to hide my feelings for you, or forget them. something like that.” you see mark’s reaction but you were confused. his face had no reaction. you wonder what is going through his mind.
mark uses his free hand to put the tub on the coffee table, maintaining eye contact with you. he then pulls you in by the waist in one swift motion. you were taken aback. “your ears are turning red. you’re feeling nervous, huh?” your mouth gapes open slightly as your hand reaches up to touch your ear.
“you thought dating guys and getting heartbroken so that i can comfort you is the only way you can get close to me?”
“it’s because you’re my friend. i didn’t want to lose you.”
mark doesn’t say anything for a moment. “are you still drunk?” you nod your head slowly. mark tightens his grip around your waist, only pulling you closer till your chests’ were touching. your hands are unknowingly placed above his chest as your face continues to blush a light pink from being nervous.
mark leans towards your face. so close his nose is touching yours. “you know well im better than any guy you’ve dated. you should’ve told me.” mark whispers before connecting his lips with yours and bringing you in for a kiss. you kiss back immediately. his lips were soft and gentle against yours. despite your lips being chapped and rough, mark kisses it with full passion. you hands move to his neck as the kiss gets deeper. but mark pulls away quickly, maing you frown slightly.
“i hope you’ll remember tonight and confess to me.” you see mark closing his eyes, his arms still wrap around you closely. you look up, admiring his face greatly. you felt peace and calmness as you watch him in a calm state. your finger unconsciously goes up to his lips and moves it over them slowly. it only made mark wake up. you knew he was a light sleeper anyways.
“what’s that for? thinking of kissing me again?” you kept silent, but the two of you knew the answer to that all too well. mark immediately pulls you in for another kiss. it was sweet and gentle, with a hint of hunger in it. it was slow yet grew heated very fast. you reciprocated it back almost instantly.
“be mine tomorrow. tell me you like me tomorrow.” you felt as though you weren’t drunk anymore. your mind suddenly thinks straight when you hear mark say that. you smile softly, nodding your head. “i need to be mentally prepared before i could say that to you.”
“that’s why im giving you till tomorrow.”
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