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laundrycolour · 17 days ago
Sultryroha! (Okuda Iroha, Ex-Taishu; 15.02.2025)
[= wordplay between sultry and iroha. sultryiroha. sultryroha.]
Spring Has Come.
Engulfed in pastel colours, you'll have a slightly more feminine air than usual!
What kind of Iroha do you like?
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Q: I've heard good things about 'THE PARTY in PARCO THEATRE' (held on the 17th and 18th of December 2024), in which you played the role of the assistant. Talking seems to be one of Okuda-san's strong points.
A: In a group, I try to get a read on the situation and contain [myself], but I actually love small talk. Besides, this talk & live show wouldn't work without me actually talking (laughs).
Q: It must be nerve-wracking to speak to such notorious actors.
A: The host, Eiji Wentz-san, accepted whatever I had to say, so I was able to open up to him. Even though he's my great senior, I even got to get some quips in (laughs).
Q: I heard that Wentz-san called you "the embodiment of [high] self-esteem".
A: When Wentz-san asked me "My manager asked me what Iroha's strong points are. What'd you think I answered?", I was troubled and answered "Since there's so many of them[...]", to which he told me "You really are the embodiment of [high] self-esteem" (laughs).
Q: Is your self-esteem actually high?
A: My self-esteem is only so-so, but I think I have a strong sense of self-love. I'm pretty good at putting myself in a good mood.
Q: On 'Nogiobi' (SHOWROOM), you said that it makes you happy to [have people] call you unusual.
A: Although I may have a serious image, when I analyze myself, I realize that I'm only good at interacting with others. So, rather than being told "You're a good kid", I think I can be my true self and feel more at ease if someone points out "You're a weird one". Since I show a part of me that's closer to my true self on the talk app, I've been told by fans that "I'm unusual" more and more.
Q: In terms of having a 'serious' image, are there any good or bad parts to it?
A: I'm grateful that people think of me as a serious person, and it puts pressure on me in a good way, since I don't want to betray those expectations.
Q: Please tell us if you've had any "I'm so weird" moments as of late.
A: I tend to mumble to myself when I'm cooking at home, and yesterday I thought, "Let's turn this soliloquy into a bit of a musical". I was singing [like], "Plums and shiso [= beefsteak plant; perilla frutescens var. crispa, also known by its japanese name shiso, is a cultigen of perilla frutescens, a herb in the mint family lamiaceae], wrapped in meat~ ♪" (laughs).
Q: You sure are a fun person (laughs). Have you grown up in a household where everybody in your family sings?
A: Even though I know it's a warm household, I'm the only one that sings (laughs). Nevertheless, music has always been there. [Actually,] My father often used to play the guitar in the living room.
Q: Would you consider yourself more of an elder sister or a younger sister type?
A: I have an elder sister and a younger brother, so I think I'm the type of person that can be both. When I want to be pampered, I'll cling to the older girls, while other times I'll spoil (Tomisato) Nao as much as I can.
Q: Any time now the 6th generation will be coming in, so do you plan on being a 'big sister'?
A: Over the three years that've passed since joining, I've been helped lots by the seniors, so I'd like to become someone that the 6th generation girls can depend on when they're feeling helpless.
Q: Is there anything you'd like to - without fail - convey to your juniors?
A: I want to tell them "You don't have to worry too much". It'd be a shame if they were to shrink into themselves and be unable to show their true colours, so I want them to do their activities without worries. We'll probably be around the same age, so I'd like them to treat me candidly.
Q: There are first encounters and there are farewells, and the graduation of your senior, Yoda Yuuki-san, is drawing near.
A: Yoda-san is someone that pays close attention to her surroundings. When I got a stomachache right before the encore of the 'Manatsu no Zenkoku Tour', Yoda-san called out to me and told me "Are you okay? It's okay to take a break". I was deeply moved by that offhanded kindness. I believe there are countless members that have been saved by Yoda-san. Having learned that she has been doing her activities with the feeling of 'this year will be the last' for the past few years, I'm filled with gratitude that she has remained in the group for this long.
Q: What kind of graduation concert (held on the 22nd and 23rd of February) should we expect?
A: It looks like it's going to be a graduation concert packed with Yoda-san's likeness. I reckon that the best way for us to give back is to enjoy the live show, so we're currently working hard to prepare for that.
Q: On "Nogizaka no 'No'", you'd mentioned that your goal for 2025 is to write one song a month. Do you reckon you can achieve that?
A: In January, I thought "Eh?? There's only 10 days left!", so I was in a hurry, but if I hadn't done it one by one, then I wouldn't have been able to catch up in the remaining months, so I'm working hard in the hopes of getting it done (laughs). I hope to be able to release [them] someday, somewhere.
Q: I reckon that you're thinking "I'll make my own way".
A: Just waiting around and thinking "I'd like to do this thing" only leads to frustration, so I want to put in the effort and take action. I can't help but think that hard work won't go to waste, so I've made up my mind to quit 'not trying'.
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noidol-nolife · 2 years ago
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EX大衆 2023年5・6月号 (2023/4/14)
‘’キミとのはてしない物語’’ 安部若菜 (NMB48)
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gravia-idols · 2 years ago
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Ex-Taishu 2023.02 - 2
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cheltranslations · 1 year ago
Tour Osaka 1st Day @Nonaka Miki (23.10.14)
Chel here 😈💜👾
Thank you very much
For coming to look at my blog!
Your likes and comments
Make me super happy!
☁️🎀Yesterday's 2 choices🎀☁️
How do you like your tea
With milk?
Was the majority!
I too prefer it straight!
I tend to drink both my coffee and my tea
As is without adding anything to them!
But、I also really like
Milk tea ☕
☁️🎀❛ ・ ❛🎀☁️
Morning Musume。'23
Concert Tour Autumn
Shine Show
Osaka Performance Thank you very much!
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We're in Osaka again tomorrow!
Please support us 💕
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
☁️🎀Today's 2 choices🎀☁️
How do you like your purin
For reading until the very end
Thank you very much ❤️
Please come by again tomorrow!
「EX Taishu」 on sale today 💕
Please take a look at it!
Go to Instagram for off shots!
See ya 🐾
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reii18 · 11 months ago
Something on my mind recently(Hayasaki Suzuki.2024.04.16)
Have you all seen the Ex-Taishu?
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This photo is taken with my eyes mostly closed lol. I like it though so I'm posting it. As it's been warm, I've been buying cold food and drinks. I love summer though, so I'm pretty excited. I had a change of clothes too the other day.
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Starbucks' new flavor melon Frappuccino 🍈. It was delicious! Everyone told me about the strawberry flavor of marosh and I'm also interested in the new Macdonalds' fried chicken sandwich! The people who have eaten it, let me hear about it in a food report!(´・・`)
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I bought this as a souvenir when I went to Shin-Okubo! Isn't it cute? Tunkalon~ Recently, SIOOM sang a song called
C\C(Cinderalla Complex)'24 I've been listening to it ever since! She sings so well, I wish I could sing like her ✨, so I'll do my best 🔥. News: Our variety program "Sakamichi no Mukou ni wa Aozora ga Hirogatteita" will air 24:25~! Don't miss it!👀 See you again~
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kyokosdog · 3 years ago
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Iori Io 伊織いお, Ex-Taishu 2021.10 
歳/Age: 23
身長/Height: 151cm
B90 W58 H90
Twitter: @iocos69
Instagram: @iocos69
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min-gravure · 5 years ago
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yagura-nao · 4 years ago
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Shiroma Miru - 白間美瑠  
Photoshoot for Ex Taishu Part 1/2
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hoshidoru · 4 years ago
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hunter934 · 8 years ago
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(Terjemahan) EX-TAISHU Edisi Maret 2017: Simposium Peringatan Lahirnya Kapten dan Wakil Kapten - Sugai Yuuka x Moriya Akane
Bulan lalu, diumumkan sebuah berita mengejutkan mengenai lahirnya kapten dan wakil kapten Keyakizaka46. Bertambahnya jabatan baru ini, mungkin dipicu oleh  perubahan reaksi kimia. Bagi kedua orang yang memikirkan grup dengan air mata yang berbeda, ini adalah awal keberangkatan.
――Saya ingin berbicara dengan tema persamaan antara Sugai-san dan Moriya-san, menurut diri kalian sendiri persamaan kalian itu ada di mana?
Moriya: Kita pernah membicarakan ini sebelumnya. Apa, ya?
Sugai: Ah, banyak makan.*tertawa*
Moriya: Betul, betul.*tertawa*
Sugai: Kami tidak punya makanan yang disukai atau dibenci.
――Makanan yang tidak lazim juga sanggup?
Sugai: Aku akan berjuang kalau demi pekerjaan.*tertawa*
Moriya: Betul.
――Kalian berdua sepertinya juga sanggup mengatasi makanan tidak lazim dengan sekuat tenaga.
Moriya: Jika tidak dimakan, aku akan merasa frustasi.*tertawa*
――Kalau demikian, tolong demonstrasikan sifat tidak ingin kalah kalian.
Moriya: Ahh, kalau seperti itu, mungkin memiliki sifat genetik khas wanita juga persamaan kami.
Sugai: Umm, kami punya sifat genetik khas wanita.
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――Menurut pandangan saya, persamaan kalian berdua adalah sama-sama memberikan kesan tentang “air mata”.
Sugai: Benarkah?
Moriya: Saat frustasi, aku hampir tidak pernah menangis. Saat senang, aku juga tidak pernah menangis, saat menonton film pun aku tidak pernah menangis. Aku tidak ingin orang lain melihatku saat menangis.
Sugai: Jadi, kamu berpikir “Aku tidak menangis kok”.*tertawa*
Moriya: Betul, betul. Saat festival olahraga musim gugur di “Keyakitte, Kakenai?”, karena aku memahami rasa frustasi akibat tidak bisa pergi ke lokasi, aku merasa sangat ingin membuat “Team Gachi” menang. Kupikir member yang pergi ke lokasi tidak akan memahaminya.*tertawa*
Sugai: Timku selalu kalah dari tim Akanen, tapi kami berhasil meraih poin yang bisa membalikkan kedudukan di pertandingan lari estafet terakhir. Jika itu tidak terjadi, kami tidak akan menang, aku jadi merasa bersalah.
Moriya: Saat aku menerima tongkat sebagai pelari terakhir di pertandingan lari estafet terakhir, selisih jaraknya begitu mustahil untuk dikejar. Walaupun kupikir pasti mustahil, di luar dugaan selisih jaraknya menipis… tapi kalah tetap saja kalah, pada akhirnya, itu adalah penentuan bisa pergi ke lokasi atau tidak.
――Jadi, hal yang paling membuat frustasi adalah tidak bisa pergi ke lokasi.
Moriya: Bahkan setelah syuting berakhir pun, aku masih tidak bisa menerima kenyataan. Aku pergi keluar gedung olahraga dan menangis seorang diri.
――Sampai sebegitunya!
Moriya: Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saat melihat VTR tim pemenang yang pergi ke lokasi, aku merasa sedih lagi.
――Saat melihat VTR itu, menangis tidak?
Moriya: Perasaanku tidak bisa diutarakan dengan kata-kata.*tertawa* Soalnya aku selalu tidak bisa pergi ke lokasi!
――Apakah ada lokasi yang ingin dikunjungi sebelum menjadi idol?
Moriya: Aahh, ada hal yang sangat kuidamkan. Saat itu, aku masih tinggal di Miyagi, jadi kupikir mungkin bagus juga bisa memperkenalkan makanan-makanan di Tokyo.
――Apakah Sugai-san terkejut dengan pengungkapan perasaannya sejauh ini?
Sugai: Sejak awal kupikir sangat bagus memiliki perasaan yang begitu kaya, jadi perasaan yang muncul di festival olahraga itu mungkin menjadi menarik dari sudut pandang acara televisi.
――Jadi, menurutmu itu hal yang tepat dari sisi variety.
Moriya: Aku sudah mengatasinya. Kupikir mungkin bagus juga terus seperti ini. Saat acara jabat tangan, aku merasa senang saat banyak orang yang datang mengatakan “Aku jadi menyukaimu setelah melihat festival olahraga”.
――Apakah penggemar juga memanggilmu “Sersan”?
Moriya: Banyak yang bertanya “Bagaimana caranya agar bisa masuk pasukan Moriya?”*tertawa*
――Apakah ada syarat tertentu agar dapat masuk?
Moriya: Syarat? Aku akan menilai berdasarkan tingkat tidak ingin kalah dan semangat juangnya.
――Di “Keyakake” beberapa waktu yang lalu, Sugai-san menangis karena gagal dalam permainan “lempar tangkap bola super” di “permainan tanggung jawab dan solidaritas”.
Moriya: Itu pasti sedih sekali, ya~
Sugai: Saat ditayangkan terlihat suasana pop yang cerah, tapi di tempat sesungguhnya terasa atmosfer yang tidak mengizinkan kegagalan. Aku memang punya firasat yang buruk, dan ternyata aku memang gagal. Saat berpikir… ini semua salahku, aku jadi merasa bersalah dan sedih, air mataku pun mengalir.
Moriya: Kami semua sudah menghiburnya, tapi aku memahami perasaan “merasa bersalah” itu.
――Tapi, setelah kegagalan itu, menurut saya keberhasilan melakukan “kata-kata cepat” di permainan berikutnya menimbulkan kegembiraan yang meluap-luap.
Sugai: Pada waktu itu, aku memang belum ditunjuk sebagai kapten, tapi aku gagal saat berada di posisi yang mengharuskan untuk memimpin semuanya. Terlebih lagi, selanjutnya adalah “kata-kata cepat” yang merupakan kelemahanku. Jika sampai gagal lagi, aku akan merasa sangat sedih.
Moriya: Kamu latihan terus-menerus, ya?
Sugai: Aku berlatih sampai-sampai tidak mengetahui mana yang benar.*tertawa* Mungkin ini berlebihan, tapi menurutku dengan menyelesaikan satu hal bersama-sama, ikatan grup kami akan semakin erat.
Moriya: Kita semua bisa mengatakannya, sungguh melegakan, ya?
――Di masa awal acara reguler kalian dulu, kalian masih pendiam, tapi sekarang kalian sudah berkembang sampai-sampai bisa menggoda Sawabe-san.
Moriya: Kami penuh dengan member yang melakukan sesuatu pada saat dibutuhkan, Shida dan juga Suzumoto bilang begitu padaku. Keyaki itu di luar dugaan ternyata banyak member yang bertipe atlet.*tertawa*
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Alasan Sugai menangis di “Kimi ga Inai”
――Sugai-san tiba-tiba menangis saat One-Man Live di Ariake Coloseum bulan Desember tahun lalu. Apa alasanmu menangis saat “Kimi ga Inai” di pertunjukkan terakhir itu?
Sugai: Di 2 pertunjukkan awal, kepalaku penuh dengan materi MC, sehingga aku tidak bisa tenang. “Kimi ga Inai” adalah lagu favoritku, jadi ketika menyanyikannya, begitu menggugah hatiku. Terlebih lagi, sebelum lagu itu, diputar VTR tentang member yang mengutarakan perasaaannya. “Semuanya ternyata memiliki perasaan yang bermacam-macam”, saat memikirkan tentang hal itu, tiba-tiba aku merasakaan sesuatu begitu intro dimainkan. “Kimi ga Inai” mengingatkanku pada diri kami saat debut.
Moriya: Aku memahaminya.
Sugai: Saat debut, aku tidak pernah berpikir akan dapat melihat pemandangan yang seindah ini.
――Kemudian, MC terakhir Sugai-san bagaimanapun sungguh luar biasa.
Sugai: Semua hal yang ingin kukatakan saat MC sudah kupikirkan sebelumnya, tapi saat berbicara di panggung kepalaku menjadi kosong, pada saat itu, aku hanya mengatakan perasaan yang terlintas di benakku. Bagiku MC waktu itu kuanggap tidak bagus, tapi penggemar mengatakan “Perkataanmu waktu itu bergema di dalam hatiku”. Walaupun memakan waktu yang lama, tapi aku bersyukur dengan MC waktu itu.
――Jadi, kata-kata waktu itu berasal dari lubuk hatimu.
Sugai: Aku cemas apakah tempat yang seluas itu akan terisi penuh atau tidak, tapi ternyata penggemar yang datang begitu banyak. Aku bisa menyaksikan pemandangan yang indah di ketiga pertunjukkan, aku sekali lagi merasa berterimakasih kepada para penggemar.
――Perkataanmu tidak terasa seperti skenario, serta dipenuhi dengan perasaan, jadi satu per satu perkataanmu begitu menggugah.
Sugai: Terima kasih banyak. Aku sempat cemas apakah tidak apa-apa mengatakannya hanya dengan perasaan saja, tapi entah bagaimana aku bisa mengungkapkan hal yang ingin kusampaikan.
――Saat mendengar MC waktu itu, apa yang dirasakan Moriya-san?
Moriya: Yuuka sejak awal selalu melakukan perkenalan sebagai perwakilan member, tapi pada waktu itu aku merasa dia telah berkembang. Aku tidak tahu seperti apa rasa gugup saat melakukan perkenalan di pertunjukkan,  tapi menurutku di Ariake waktu itu bukanlah keheningan yang canggung, dia hanya membicarakan hal yang membuat kami merasakan hal yang sama. Aku pun merasa terharu.
Sugai: Tidak. Aku jadi malu.*muka memerah*
――Apakah kalian berdua menyadari bahwa diri kalian mudah menangis?
Sugai: Selama ini aku tidak seperti itu, tapi sejak melewati usia 20 aku jadi mudah menangis.
Moriya: Aku juga, aku juga. Mungkin bertambahnya usia membuat kita jadi semakin sensitif.*tertawa*
Sugai: Mungkin juga karena bergabung dengan Keyakizaka46. Saat merasakan banyak emosi yang tidak pernah kurasakan selama ini, air mataku pun mengalir.
Rintangan jalan menanjak yang dapat diatasi karena dilakukan berdua
――Di acara jabat tangan tanggal 21 Januari yang lalu, secara mengejutkan diumumkan bahwa Sugai-san ditunjuk sebagai kapten, dan Moriya-san sebagai wakil kapten.
Sugai: Kupikir Keyakizaka46 tidak akan menunjuk seorang kapten, jadi aku terkejut karena kami pernah mengatakan bahwa hal itu adalah kelebihan dari grup ini. Kemudian, walaupun sebelumnya diberi peran seperti seorang kapten, tapi aku merasa diriku tidaklah pantas, padahal kupikir ada banyak member yang lebih dapat diandalkan. Sekarang aku sudah merasa antusias dengan kenyataan ini, jadi kupikir aku tidak boleh terus seperti ini.
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――Bukankah penunjukkan wakil kapten adalah hal yang di luar dugaan?
Moriya: *menyela pembicaraan* Waktu itu aku benar-benar terkejut. Saat aku berpikir bahwa itu pengumuman tentang perilisan single selanjutnya, kemudian di layar muncul tulisan “Pelantikan Presiden Trump”, aku jadi terkejut “Eh?!”. Saat namaku muncul sebagai wakil kapten, aku tidak bisa langsung memahaminya. Baru setelah itu aku berpikir, “Aku harus lebih bisa diandalkan ke depannya”.
――Saat interview setengah tahun yang lalu, seandainya Sugai-san sudah ditunjuk sebagai kapten, kau mungkin akan mengatakan “Aku akan mendukungnya”.
Moriya: Aku pasti akan mendukungnya. Yuuka adalah orang yang selalu sopan dan rendah hati di saat seperti apapun, jadi dengan berbicara sebagai perwakilan grup, kupikir Keyakizaka46 akan memiliki imej yang bagus.
――Sudah pasti tidak ada orang yang akan memiliki kesan buruk saat bertemu dengan Sugai-san. Hanya saja, rasanya dia tidak akan mengatakan hal semacam, “Ayo ikuti aku!”, apa Moriya-san berpikir untuk mengikutinya?
Moriya: Meskipun dia tiba-tiba mengatakan, “Ayo ikuti aku!” pasti member tidak akan berpikiran positif. Kupikir semuanya mungkin akan lebih mudah mengikuti sosok Yuuka yang sekarang.
Sugai: Karena Akanen adalah seseorang yang kuat, aku akan bergantung padanya. Maka dari itu, menurutku Sakurai Reika-san sungguh hebat karena dapat melakukannya seorang diri.
――Sudah pernah berbicara dengan Sakurai-san?
Sugai: Pernah. Aku sangat senang saat dia berkata padaku, “Jika ada hal yang ingin didiskusikan, katakan saja apapun itu”.
――Apakah penggemar pernah mengatakan, “Sifat kikukmu mirip seperti Sakurai-san”?
Sugai: Pernah~ *tertawa* Aku harus lebih bisa diandalkan.
――Tapi, saya ingin kau mempertahankan “sifat yang dicintai semuanya”.
Sugai: Hanya saja, aku merasa harus lebih memahami member lain. Saat harus menjadi sosok yang dibenci orang lain, kupikir menghilangkan karakter ini adalah hal yang juga dibutuhkan.
――Sampai saat ini kau punya peran yang mendekati (peran seorang kapten), tapi dengan disematkannya jabatan ini, menurutku ada perasaan bahagia di dalam hatimu.
Sugai: Benar sekali. Ketika aku memimpin saat membentuk lingkaran, terkadang aku berpikir “Apa tidak apa-apa aku yang melakukannya”. Tetapi, dengan menjadi seorang kapten, aku bisa memahami bahwa “ini adalah tugasku”. Kupikir itu membuatku merasa lega.
――Dimulai dari Dream Team di “FNS Kayousai”, menurutku Sugai-san dan Moriya-san dapat mengatasi banyak rintangan secara berdua.
Sugai: Dimulai dari posisi yang bersebelahan di “Silent Majority” sampai ramalan cuaca “CDTV” di akhir tahun, kami pernah melakukan berbagai macam hal berdua. Kalau dipikir-pikir, mungkin kami akan tetap bisa melakukan sesuatu dengan baik ke depannya.
――Apakah kalian tetap ingin “mendaki bukit” di tahun 2017?
Sugai: Tentu saja. Tahun lalu kami mendapatkan lagu yang bagus, kami berkesempatan muncul di banyak media dan acara, tapi kami berniat menguatkan tekad agar tidak dianggap “Tahun lalu adalah puncak kejayaan kalian”.
Moriya: Sebelum ini pun kami masih menemui kesulitan, tapi aku ingin kami mengatasinya dengan kerjasama seluruh member.
――Demi mencapai hal itu, apakah membutuhkan semangat?
Moriya: Benar sekali.*tertawa* Aku ingin menjadi sosok pemberi semangat bagi member, jadi aku akan melakukannya dengan penuh semangat.
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laundrycolour · 2 months ago
the afterglow of summer, and a budding new season (Kawasaki Sakura, Ex-Taishu; 14.10.2024)
Interview with Kawasaki Sakura - the afterglow of summer, and a budding new season.
"Precisely because I'm not content with myself am I able to hold on to the desire to improve myself and 'aim higher still'."
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Kawasaki Sakura
Born on the 17th of April 2003, from Kanagawa Prefecture. Nickname is Sakutan.
5th Generation member. Experienced in figure skating and active in many fields, including being appointed as a special supporter of the 'All Japan Figure Skating 2023 Championships' held last year. Unequalled in terms of loving ice cream and doesn't miss the chance to eat some every day. 36th single 'Cheat Day' now on sale!
[Kawasaki Sakura] was able to get a second go at '17funkan' at Jingu Stadium after last year.
Q: Due to an injury, last year you were unable to perform in the Tokyo leg of the Manatsu no Zenkoku Tour 2023 (held at Meiji Jingu Stadium from 25 to 28 August).
A: I told them 'I really want to go out there [and perform]', but they said 'Nope' (laughs). You can't dance when you have a broken bone (laughs).
Q: Of course they did (laughs). What did you feel like at the time?
A: Last year's Zenkoku Tour took us to venues all over the country, with the grand finale to be held at Jingu Stadium. I'm slow in terms of learning choreography and I'm not very good at dancing, but I tried quite desperately. It was frustrating not to be able to show off the performance that had been built up with each [tour] stop.
Q: You took part in the kageana on the fourth day at Jingu Stadium.
A: Normally I'm not the type to show my emotions but, from the moment the concert started, I just couldn't stop myself from crying throughout [the live]. My tears were flowing in a day I hadn't experienced 'till then. There was the frustration I talked about just now, and this was the first time I saw my genmates shining brightly on stage, with me not being up there on the same stage with them....... My tears stemmed from all sorts of thoughts.
Q: Were you still hung up on not being able to appear in last year's Jingu concert?
A: Despite my not being there, since there still were many people who held up their [oshi] towels [with my name on them], I was filled with a feeling of regret. I put all of my frustration from that time into the 5th generation solo 'Shinzanmono' live, that took place last year from November to December. However, somewhere [deep] in my heart there was still an inkling of something.
Q: This year, on the last day of the Tokyo stop (September 4th), you sang your center song '17funkan' which you had been unable to do last year.
A: Last year at Jingu, my position was left empty and everyone even did the special pose [for] '17funkan'. I felt so happy that I burst into tears. This year, when the intro to '17funkan' started playing, I got teary-eyed when remembering the events of the past year.
Q: Did you cry two years in a row (laughs)?
A: Yes (laughs). [At last,] I'd gotten my second go at performing '17funkan'.
Q: On this year's tour, the performance of 'Ato 7 Kyoku' (Endo Sakura, Ogawa Aya, Kaki Haruka, Kawasaki Sakura, Hayashi Runa, Yumiki Nao) also left an impression.
A: On 'Chou! Nogizaka Star Tanjou!' (broadcast on the 17th of September on NTV), I got to perform BENNIE K-san's 'Dreamland'. This was the first time I had a rap teacher and I got several one-on-one lessons but, it was an extremely difficult song and I almost lost heart many times over. However, thanks to my teacher I was able to get over it and grow to the point of thinking 'Singing is fun'. Since this recording took place [a little] earlier than Jingu, I was able to record 'Ato 7 Kyoku' with some more passion.
Q: Have you watched 'Kubo Channel #101' on Nogidouga?
A: Yes! I was really happy that during 'Actually...', Kubo (Shiori)-san praised my expression when there was a close-up. I don't often get entrusted with songs that have a cool image. This time I thought, 'Let's put on a cool facial expression for 'Actually...'.
Q: In 'Nogizaka Haishinchuu', Ichinose Miku-san filmed a video showcasing the behind the scenes of the Zenkoku Tour, and in it, Kawasaki-san, you were seen practicing while watching a video. I realized that you were a person that doesn't miss a chance to work hard without making a fuss about it.
A: Over this past year, as the 5th generation members around me have been growing, I've often found myself worrying about what my strengths are. It was during that time that I realized that, even if my figure skating experience won't translate directly into dancing, I could make use of it in terms of how I present myself. I started researching how to [present myself]. Since there are many fans who watch with binoculars [in concerts], I'm particular about the way in which I present myself even when I'm not on camera. I try not to let my guard down for any minute or even any second, and at every moment I seek angles that make me look beautiful and I'm mindful of my expressions too. I was struck by Yamashita Mizuki-san's explosive charisma whenever she appeared on camera, and I thought 'THIS is an idol', so I've made her into my ideal idol image. I don't want to only be an idol that makes you think 'cute', but to become an idol that always gives off a fresh impression, an 'I could never get tired of watching this girl.'
Q: On X too, there have been lots of posts saying that Kawasaki-san's expressions on music shows are great. Like Kubo-san, it seems like there are people watching [you].
A: I'm happy to hear it. From now on too, I want to keep on working hard.
Travelling to South Korea with Kanagawa Saya
Joining Yumiki Nao's corps
Q: Once the Zenkoku Tour ended, you travelled with Kanagawa Saya-san to South Korea during the summer holidays. How did you come to become friends with Kanagawa-san?
A: I'd never gone out for dinner with Saya-san, so our first outing together was a trip to South Korea. Until last year, we didn't have many chances to work together and didn't get in contact much but, during the filming of 'Cheat Day''s MV we became good friends. I had about 5 to 6 hours of spare time which I fully spent in the waiting room talking to Saya-san, so we got closer.
Q: Kanagawa-san has become a lot more mature over the past year.
A: She's the 'big sister' of my dreams. And yet, there's also something innocent and cute about her. I also like Saya-san's performances. Whenever she appears on camera, I get a feeling of 'that charisma is amazing'. She's great at presenting herself, even controlling the way her hair flutters.
Q: Did you have such talks amidst your trip?
A: I'm still too embarrassed to say such things to Saya-san herself (laughs).
Q: Recently, you've joined Yumiki Nao-san's corps, 'Kubincess'.
A: Yumiki-san and I were next to each other during the 35th and 36th single, so we had more opportunities to talk to one another. I thought we were just getting along well, so I was happy when I got picked [for her corps]. However, since I didn't know that I had a long neck, that left me a bit confused, too (laughs).
Q: In a previous issue, Yumiki-san said that the reason why she nominated you was 'Kawasaki Sakura often is in the position next to me, and in a good way, it feels like there isn't a wall between us, and I feel comfortable with her because - in a good way - it feels like she doesn't think of me as her senior' (laughs).
A: (laughs). It's really easy to talk to Yumiki-san. Among all of my seniors, she is by far the one it's easiest for me to talk to.
Q: So you do think of her as your senior.
A: Of course, since I use honorific language and refer to her as 'Yumiki-san'.
Q: Would you like to have more activities as 'Kubincess'? Yumiki-san said that she wanted to shoot a music video.
A: I too want us to film a MV. I'm surrounded by members I like, such as my beloved (Tsutsui) Ayame-san and my genmates (Ioki) Mao and (Okuda) Iroha too, so having more activities as 'Kubincess' would be nice.
Q: Speaking of seniors, for Kawasaki Sakura-san, I think Yoda-san is an indispensable presence. Ahead of the second omotenashikai (held on April 27th, 2022), you said Yoda-san told you the words 'Being an idol is a job that [also] allows you to broaden your options, so hang in there', which you felt really supported by.
A: Recently, she also took me out to yakiniku. She must be very busy, yet she always takes care of us. Since Yoda-san has a warmth that can melt people's hearts, I can talk to her about anything. I believe that it is thanks to Yoda-san that I've been able to continue my activities in Nogizaka46. Even when we went out for yakiniku, I confided in her about what had been troubling me, and she gave me some kind words. Yoda-san's words are a great support.
Q: Kawasaki-san, you've been well taken care of by your seniors, but soon enough you'll have the first juniors of your own.
A: Whenever I felt like my Nogizaka46 activities were tough, I was helped by my seniors such as Yoda-san or Yamashita-san. They took me out and heard me out. When the 6th generation [members] will come in, I'd like to take care of them.
It's okay when it's two people, but once there's three or more I can't get myself to talk
Q: During the show held on the 18th of August, Oswald who is a personality on 'Leverages presents MUSIC COUNTDOWN 10 & 10' (broadcast in Ibaraki on LuckyFM) - where you made a guest appearance - recalled 'Kawasaki-san is one honest person'.
A: When I'm on TV or radio, because I'm shy and get nervous, I can't really put myself out there. However, since MUSIC COUNTDOWN 10 & 10 was a space with only Oswald-san and myself, I felt like I was able to be more like myself than usual.
Q: Are you normally the type of person that thinks 'More so than making up something, I'd rather not say anything at all'?
A: That might be it. For better or worse, I can't lie, so I end up saying nothing. It's one of the things that is troubling me.
Q: Would you like to be able to talk more in the media?
A: Indeed, I would like to. However, I just can't talk in front of lots of people. With two people it's fine, but with three or more it's already impossible. I also like being by myself. I've always had that kind of character, and I've lived my life running away from group activities. In Nogizaka46 too, I haven't been able to show myself fully yet and I believe there are still fans wondering 'what kind of girl is she'.
Q: What do you think regarding those who support you, Kawasaki-san?
A: Online meet and greets are one-on-one, aren't they. I really like and greatly value that kind of communication. I'm still trying to overcome the barrier of three people or more but, I just can't seem to get the grasp of it.
Q: From the early days, you've often used the phrase 'All of you who always work hard are really, really great~', so I wonder if this is one of Kawasaki-san's mottos.
A: When I talk to the fans during meguri or in the letters that are sent on the talk app, things like 'It's going to be tough at work starting tomorrow' are often brought up. Though, for example, I think you could lift your mood by going 'This weekend I have a concert, so I'll do my best', special occasions only occur several times a year, don't they? That's why I wanted to send the message that 'Merely living every day is great' in order to help everyone do their best in their day to day life.
Q: Do you feel 'great' about yourself too?
A: I've never thought of myself as 'great'. I'm very idealistic about everything, so I'm almost never satisfied with myself.
Q: Now's the age of 'boosting our self-love', isn't it?
A: I think it'd be easier to live if [my self-esteem] were higher. However, precisely because I'm not content with myself am I able to hold on to the desire to improve myself and 'aim higher still'. Were I to be satisfied, I might not know what to do next, so I believe it's fine to keep living my life the way I have [up until now].
Q: Do you care about your position in Nogizaka46's formation?
A: It's easier for the fans to see the fruits of your labour if you're in the front rows, so sure enough, I do care about my position. In 'Cheat Day', (Ogawa) Aya was [both] selected for the first time and in the front row for the first time, so there must have been a lot of pressure on her. But, Aya fulfilled her duties and was completely cool while at it. Seeing (Inoue) Nagi, (Ikeda) Teresa and Aya leading Nogizaka46 this summer made me think that I want to become someone who can contribute more to the group.
Q: Please tell us what you'd like to achieve as an individual from here on out.
A: Since I love clothes, one of my goals is to become a model for a fashion magazine. I became interested in acting through the 'Nogizaka46 5th Generation Musical 'Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon'' (held between the 12th and 29th of April), so I hope to get another acting job. I often find it difficult because of the way I'd been doing it but, I'd like to keep on getting work in my beloved [field of] skating.
Q: It'd be great for individual efforts to give back to the group, wouldn't you agree?
A: That's what I felt when looking at Yamashita-san. Once you become successful in the outside world, people who discover that 'That girl, she's in Nogizaka46' will come to like the group as well. I'd like to become someone like that too.
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noidol-nolife · 2 years ago
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EX大衆 2023年5・6月号 (2023/4/14)
Part. I
‘’夏はもうすぐそこだから。’’ 与田祐希 (乃木坂46)
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gravia-idols · 2 years ago
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Ex-Taishu 2023.02 - 1
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nirooniyuihan · 6 years ago
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YUIHAN X MION Interview from EX TAISHU Magazine January 2019 Editon
Special Thanks to @aneroph for the translations
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reii18 · 11 months ago
Ex-Taishu (Hayasaki Suzuki.2024.04.15)
Ex-Taishu went on sale today!!
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This photo of me at the crossroads is an offshot! This was my first time taking pictures at a railroad crossway and I had a blast lol!
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In this shoot, I was taking photos to the following themes:
"Before Graduation"
"Graduation Ceremomy"
"After Graduation"
Based on the theme of our 2nd single "Until Graduation"🙌
It's also been a while since I wore a school uniform〜😿
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This one is after graduation~ This was my first gravure shoot and I had twintails! Sorry that I didn't get any behind the scenes shots( ; ; )
After changing my hair and style with my manager, i felt so depressed and went "Aaaah!" Please pick up a copy to look at me in twintails!
Fan club advance tickets for "1st Anniversary Solo Live Boku ga Mitakatta Aozoravol.1" are open until 23:59 today!!
I'll be waiting!!
Let's make that day a great day together! Let's go, Let's go!
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It's already obvious..
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I'm there...
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kyokosdog · 3 years ago
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Asahi Nanami 朝日ななみ, Ex-Taishu 2021.10
歳/Age: 22
身長/Height: 157cm
B86 W59 H80
Twitter: @asahi_73
Instagram: @asahi_nanami
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