blvckentropy · 9 months
Welp that's scary Patreon. I've learned if you accidentally click join someone Patreon, they will appear on your membership bar like you pay for a sub? and I can't remove them unless I block them? It gave me only an option to "Upgrade" like I'm not trusting that button so you might auto charge my card (not saying that would happen) but I felt very uneasy.
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perfectlullabies · 2 years
so bored of all my music. recs anyone? pretty please
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randomartzy · 2 months
I just eat kembang pepaya in english its papaya flower and its- EWHH- ITS VERY BITTER AND I WANNA THROW UP REALLY HELPPP😔😔😔🤮🤮🤢😭😭
I litterally need to survive- 1 like=1 lives for me
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safitanggraini · 7 years
Kek Tai kan pgpg
Pertemuan nya saja tidak direncanakan, aku mana tau kamu ada disitu, seandainya tau pun ya gamasalah buat aku, karena emang dariawal aku gak pernah ada masalah sama kamu, memang sih kisah kita cuma sebentar, kisah kita tidak berjalan baik dan berpisah dengan tidak baik pula, tapi semuanya juga bukan garagara aku sepenuhnya , itu juga garagara kamu juga, maksud ku bagaimana bisa perpisahaan tersebut salah kita berdua tapi kenapa kamu sangat sangat membenci ku sampai sampai melihat pun tak mau? Kesalahan apa sih yang aku pernah perbuat?
Kek udahlah, masalalu ya udah masalalu, kalau merasa tersakiti ya bersikaplah kyk gak pernah ada hubungan special antara kita berdua, kita bisa berteman, toh kita juga satu komunitas kan dulunya
Bingung aja, niat nya kemarin meet up, karena kangen pengen ketemu sama lainnya, trus tbtb ketemu ,toh ya aku gak ganggu kamu kan meskipun kita ketemu?
Ngapain tbtb dm "anggap saja kita gak pernah kenal, sebel bat ketemu kamu td"
Itu bener bener bikin mood ancurrr sumpah, aku yang awalnya biasa aja tbtb jadi benci ,
Dah yaahh, dmnya just read, bukannya gimana, cuma kan kata kamu tadi anggap aja kita gak pernah kenal, dan aku gak pernah bales dm dari orang yang gak pernah aku kenal, jadi ya doamat sih mau omong apa, mau block mau apaan itu, aku udah bodoamat lah,
Calm, serah kamu lah, mau kayang kek koprol kek, kagak peduli, aku merasa aku udah berbuat baik dan bersikap seperti biasa, masabodo sama respon yg kamu kasih ke aku
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fluffymiyaa · 3 years
Serial killer!Getou suguru x serial killer!reader
Warning: blood, killing, sadist, illegal trade, fluff
Summary: just you and your boyfriend celebrate valetines day after killed people.
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"Ewhh slowly suguru! You got my dress full of blood now!" You growled as you watching your boyfriend killing the poor guy by stabbing his neck and chest.
He sigh " It's too hard to not getting messy baby, here c'mere help me take out his eyes" you approach him and take his eyeballs out as you wearing your gloves because you don't wanna get your hand dirty. You put the beautiful green eyes in ziploc to you guys sell it later.
Today is Valentines Day. You and your boyfriend planning to go on date today. But Suguru put it off and said we should kill a rich couple first. So we robbed their big house now. Coincidentally, this couple is also celebrating Valentine's Day. In living room they have a big ballons around, 2 huge teddy bears, chocolate eclairs,some foods, some flowers. Oh they have pizza with love shape too. How romantic. Too bad we have to ruined it tonight.
"What do you want to do with the girl, babe? Do you want her eyes too?" Suguru asked. You staring at her, her throat was slit by you, eyes wide open, her blood is spurting everywhere. "Nah, her eyes looks ugly, let's just take her heart later. Oh wait i'm gonna take this" you said as you happily take her pearl necklace that soaked in blood and wear it.
"How do i look?" You asked Suguru. He smiles walking towards you while taking off his gloves and throwing them away. Then he caresses your cheek looking at you from top to bottom with your white dress there is a splash of red just like the lipstick you are wearing right now. You looking back at him, his messy bun, his unbuttoned shirt at the top, the blood on his cheek and shirt. He looks so good as always.
"You look just like an angel , baby, so stunning. Always taking my breath away with your fascinating look." He said and then kissing your red lips deeply.
"How about we celebrate our Valentines now? Hm?" He takes your hand guide you to sit on that soft sofa.
After sit you looking at the tabble in front of you full of delecious foods. "Suguru! There is a pie!" He nodded and take a one piece "It's a cherry pie, love. C'mon open you mouth" He handed the pie to your mouth.
"Hmppp! It's so yummy! You should try it too. Here let me feed you this time. Aaaaa~~"
He chuckles and open his mouth. "You right, this is good. Look babe, the tv is on. Let's watch some movie yeah?"
You guys enjoy the movie as embrace each other. He turned his head to you, made you do the same thing back. "Happy Valentines Day, baby. I love you so much. I'm so lucky to have you in here, got nothing but love for you and fall more in love every day" He leaned down to you, his forehead touching yours. "Happy Valentines Day too, Suguru. I love you too. We both know we're classic together like Egyptian gold" You giggled. "Yeah, and we love us"
P.s im sorry if this kinda messy, i was in rushed bcuz i have to do my assignment😭✌
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piaweinxx · 3 years
If I beat off into a ziplock baggy and ship it to you would you spread it on your asscheeks and take pictures to post on your tumblr? Might be more realistic if you microwave it for a few seconds beforehand. I’ll pay big 💰
ewhh just no
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thephloxbayou · 3 years
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perfectlullabies · 1 year
i like being home rn and i don't wanna go back to my uni flat ewhh also it's my grandpa's death anniversary today. idk what to think i choose to not think at all
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enibiablog · 5 years
thr hhhdsuhf ewhh
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ruckulac · 7 years
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Smells like yours #ewhh (at BISTRO BARON)
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higgs-da-rat · 2 years
Wow that’s.. ewhh
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tedhaternumber1 · 2 years
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iamindependent · 2 years
Ilfeel sampe ke sarah daging ewhh
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sambatt · 2 years
Gamau deket² udah ilfeel ewhh 🤢🤮 pergi jauh² dehhh.. gamau liat mukalo lagi. bener kann secinta-cintanya gue sama lo akhirnya ilfeel jugaa
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sabebs · 3 years
Menjadikan anak adalah teman adalah aku saat ini.
Tapi harusnya ga selalu menjadi 'teman', dalam arti mereka pun masih anak-anak, masih cemet bgtt a.k.a bayii yang sebentar lagi berumur 1 tahun.
Mereka masih butuh ibunya hadir utuh, bukan nyusuin sambil main yutub hahaha, ini sih kebiasaan yang buruk sekali. Atau kadang aku memberikan mainan saja, lalu asyik scroll instagram berkedok butuh me time.
Aku sadar, apa yang aku lakukan tidak benar, oh tentu jauhhh sekali dari kata baik. Apa itu tips parenting yang aku dengarkan dimana mana, atau bahkan webinar parenting yang sering aku ikuti. Semuanya menguap entah kemana.
Kadangkala merasa sangat lelah lalu melonggarkan rutinitas yang sengaja aku bangun sejak dini, lalu menyesal kemudian karena keterusan, ewhh
Menjelang umur anak-anak yang setahun ini jadi mengaca pada diri sendiri, setahun kebelakang aku sudah mengajarkan apa yaa, mereka nih anak yang baru mulai mengenal dunia nya, akankah kedepannya aku akan begini begini saja pada mereka?
Seperti masih banyak jiwa 'ingin main' bertengger di kepalaku. Oh c'mon ibu you can do it 💪🏻
Maafkan ibu ya anak-anak, esok kita coba lagi 🤗🥺🙏
*H-4 merayakan 1 tahun menjadi ibu
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