#ewa wants to sleep
doudouneverte · 4 months
Let the sun shine for a last time
a/n: hello...
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Pairing: Ewa Pajor x Léon!reader; VfL Wolfsburg x reader
Summary: Ewa last game for Wolfsburg [in the same universe as 'Ray of sunshine']
Type: Fluff
Warning; use of Google tranlsate for Polish and Spain like usual so let me know id there's mistakes
word count: 2332
Things were strange. Well, not really. It was just the end of the season. This time of the year always seemed rushed. You usually didn't really feel that, but this time it was different.
All started nearly before the final of the cup. It was not a big deal, and you were confident in your victory, even if it was against Bayern. But this year it was different. It was not only for the club this time.
After nine years in the club, things were about to change, and you finally started to process it at the end of the away game against Werder when you saw Ewa crying against Alex.
Your teammates could see that something was bothering you at the end of the game but didn't say anything. It was not really a surprise that your wife would leave the club at the end of the season, but it seems to be only official after her announcement on social media.
Among all the fans thanking your wife for her service at the club and wishing her good luck for the next step, some were really asking themselves how you were doing knowing that you extended your contract with the German club last season.
And that was a great question. How were you doing? Well, it wasn't a surprise that you didn't seem the same.
You woke up before Ewa; it was a sunny day, and the temperature was also good, but you didn't feel right. You sat on the edge of your bed, scanning the room, trying to process how this would affect your life here, even if you knew that nothing would really change.
Lost in your thoughts, you were oblivious to your wife, who was searching you in her half-sleep state, wiping her arm everywhere on your side of bed before finally lifting her head when she didn't find you. "What are you doing?" she mumbled through tiredness. When you didn't reply, she finally decided to sit up, brush the remnants of sleep in her eyes, and wrap her arm around your chest before her head found a place on your shoulder. "Hi, are you okay?" she asked, finally catching your attention this time.
"Yeah, sorry, I just spaced out." You replied.
"I can see that." She waited a moment, comfortably pressing against you, to think about moving. "I love you, you know that?" She asked out of the blue, making you look at her.
"Yes, of course, and I love you too."
"I know, I just wanted to remind you of that. I don't know what's going on in your mind, but I can see that you're not yourself." She finished her sentence by leaving a soft kiss on your neck and gently locking her hands with yours.
"I think you're still tired, mi amor, you're talking nonsense." You tried to brush it off, even if you knew she could see through any of your masks.
The striker didn't talk further and just stayed like that for another fifteen minutes until you needed to use the restroom.
A few hours later, the brunette was almost dragging you into the changing room with all your teammates already there. Like expected, she was immediately circled by some teammates.
Even if you knew that nothing would change between you two, you couldn't help but notice the little change from the last few weeks. Like right now. Since the day before the final of the pokal, Ewa has become more 'intimate' with you around everyone.
Walking hands in hands, sitting on her laps, calling you sweet names, or even dropping some discreet kisses. Of course she already did things like that before, but it became more frequent, and she didn't even hide it from your teammate.
Don't get it wrong, you liked that more than anyone else, but it also felt like she was trying to make up for her choice.
After letting go of her hand, you found your place next to Lena. The midfielder greeted you with a tight hug, making you laugh. The German player only let you go before Do was the new one to catch you between her arms.
"Oh, come on, girls, you already want to make me cry?" You said earning some laughs from the two players.
"I'll miss you." The Dutch woman told you sincerely. After five years in the club, the two of you grew pretty close, almost like sisters.
"Don't miss me too much, because I don't think I'll be able to see you as much as I want."
"Will you come to see me?" The young player asked, making you roll your eyes.
"Come on, even if I don't, you'll be the one who comes back here. You can't live without me." You joked.
"Okay guys, don't bother my super defender, I need her total focus for the game." Merles said coming out of nowhere.
"Don't worry, I'm always focused." You reassured her.
After getting changed, it was time for the last warm-up for the last game of the season. Warming up with the defender and some midfielders, you were stuck with Do and Lena, who didn't stop to tease you about the heart eyes you gave to your own wife.
Back in the changing room, you changed for the green kit, and immediately after that, Ewa somehow just appeared next to your cubby and was determined to stay there even when the coach came for the last tactical talk.
For her last game, the Polish player was designed to be the captain today, which meant that she was leading the team out the tunnel, forcing you to stay behind. You seemed excited; at least that's what a lot of people would think if they saw you right now. Honestly, you were nervous, and Alex could see that, so she just kept her hands on your shoulder, trying to ease your mind, which was usually Ewa's special mission.
"Don't worry, it will be alright." That was the last thing the tall player told you before you came out of the tunnel.
AOK Stadion, May 20th. For maybe one last time, you were looking at the woman wearing the number '9' on her green and white shirt with her back facing you, waiting for the whistle. And when it comes to time, it seems to go so quick and so slow at the same time.
Slow because, after only a halftime, you were leading 4-0 with a hat trick from your wife. But quick, because after only a few minutes back for the second half, you understood that it was maybe the last minutes that you shared with her in front of this public, wearing this kit in the city that you called home.
When Ewa got subbed off, time seemed to finally go with you, and the end of the match was a big rush but allowed Wolfsburg to win 6-0.
The final whistle and the tension left your body. A pretty big victory for the last of the season. You were caught in your celebration with Nuria and Fena, so you were surprised when you were spinned around by a very happy brunette, and her lips crashed on yours immediately.
At first, you were shocked, but you quickly forgot that and reciprocated every feeling she put on that kiss. It was a special one. It was a mixture of the goodbye kisses she gave before leaving for international duty, with the make-up kisses you exchanged after any arguments, and with the celebration kisses that you used to exchange the night after you lifted a trophy. The sensation was exceptional, almost making you nostalgic for the first time you kissed her or when you did to officialize your marriage.
A lot of sheering could be heard around you. Well, it was very hard to tell where it was from because it seemed like the whole stadium was screaming for you.
"Wow." was the only thing you were able to say after you pulled apart. Ewa was blushing in front of you, even if for some people it just looked like she was just exhausted from the run she made to reach you.
She didn't wait until you said anything else before locking you in a tight hug. "Kocham Cię. Wiem, że już to wiesz, ale naprawdę chcę, żebyś wiedziała, że cokolwiek się stanie, nic. I mówię, że absolutnie nic nas nie rozdzieli. (I love you. I know that you already know that, but I really want you to know that whatever happens, nothing. And I say absolutely nothing would drift us apart.)" She rushed out of her mouth in her native language, making you furrow your eyebrows a little. But she couldn't have to say anything else before she was required to receive her top goalscorer trophy.
You followed her, letting her pose with the trophy, until she turned around and made her way back to you. "I love you," she repeated, "and thank you for all these years." You didn't reply 'I love you' back before the team almost crashed against you and your wife.
The rest of the celebration was very good, and back at your home around 11 p.m., you were both really exhausted. Your hands were full with all the presents from the club and the fan for departure when your phone rang in your pocket.
You groaned from exhaustion, of course, but also irritation. Thankfully, the striker carefully dropped everything and picked up your phone for you.
"Hola Mapi, ¿cómo estás?" You heard your wife ask while you were finally freeing your arms.
"Oh, muy bien, gracias. Veo que tus clases de español finalmente empiezan a dar sus frutos. (Oh, very good, thank you. I see that your Spanish lessons finally start to pay off.)" Your sister replied, making you a little proud.
"Y/n is a very good teacher when she wants to." You rolled your eyes at that but decided not to comment.
"Talking about her, where is she?"
"I'm here," you said, appearing just beside Ewa, not forgetting to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Look at how cute you are. Look, Ingrid, aren't they cute?" The defender asked her girlfriend.
"Yeah, very, but you should check on Instagram." The Norwegian said making you a little confused.
"Yes, that's why I called you." Mapi seemed to miraculously remember something very important. "Check on what I sent you on Instagram." Unfortunately, you couldn't ask more questions before she hung up.
You were both perplexed about that but decided to check it out after a well-deserved shower. After that, you were on your bed while Ewa was drying your hair when you remembered what your sister said.
You picked up your phone and went on Instagram. You didn't bother to check the message you got, only Mapi's one, and let's just say that you were surprised. The other woman peeping at your phone from your back immediately stopped what she was doing after she saw what your sister sent you.
"What is that?" It was not a question, but more something she said at the moment because she didn't know what else to say. Because she already knew what that was, and she knew that she was responsible for it.
Here in front of you, a post that consisted of only one thing: the kiss that your (actually shocked) wife gave you on the heat of the moment after your game.
It was not a secret that you two were married, so it wasn't really surprising when people saw you kiss each other. But there you were both now, almost everywhere on the woso side of Instagram, kissing shamelessly your wife in front of everyone.
But the quality of the photo was actually not bad; even better, it was a very professional quality, which made you think about something.
"I want to frame it." You announced, making Ewa's jaw drop.
"What?" She asked even if she clearly understood.
"I want to frame it in the biggest format possible. I'll hang up the TV in the living room."
"No, moja kochana (my love), you can't."
"Because I don't want to have a huge picture of me, lips locked with yours, hanging up to my TV in my living room or anywhere in my house."
"But we have an exact picture of you, lips locked with mine next to our bed!"
"It was from our wedding, kochanie (honey)!"
"What you mean, 'and?', I don't want to, end of the discussion." She finished her sentence by leaving the hair dryer next to the bed before she lay in it. "Turn off the light when you have finished."
You didn't say anything else. You liked the post. You got up to turn off the light, joining her on your bed.
"Know what? I'll miss this." You gently wrapped your hand around her.
"Our arguments, our little debates, and everything else."
"You sound like I'll leave and never come back."
"Will you?"
"If you ask me, why not?"
"Because we both know that you have so much to accomplish somewhere else."
"But that doesn't mean that I'm happy to leave you." She finally turned to face you. "We can't stay away from each other too long. Sometimes I'll come to see you here, and sometimes you'll come to see me."
"And let's not forget the Champions League." You added.
"Yep, let's not forget that." For a moment, you just looked at each other before she broke the silence again. "You know, I said I didn't want it in a big format above the TV, but we can frame it and put it next to our wedding one." She suggested making you smile. "Or, we can frame it, and I'll keep it with me while you keep our wedding one carefully here."
"Whatever you decide, I'll go with it." You replied very enthusiastically. "Kocham cię (I love you)."
"I know, and Te quiero también (I love you too)"
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enretrogue · 9 months
In High School — @c-nstantine .☘︎ ݁˖
90s RnB w/ Duke — @c-nstantine .☘︎ ݁˖
Hair Problems — @c-nstantine .☘︎ ݁˖
Double Trouble — @c-nstantine .☘︎ ݁˖
Finger Painting — @vampireimiko
Sundress Season — @c-nstantine .☘︎ ݁˖
I Can’t Sleep Unless Someone’s With Me — @stargirlfics .☘︎ ݁˖
In The Bonnett — @c-nstantine .☘︎ ݁˖
Dacryphilia — @hoodzgyal
Pinky Promises — @c-nstantine .☘︎ ݁˖
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Something Worse — @asterias-record-shop
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All of Our Sins — @frvnkcastles
Sweet Like Wine — @privateanxieties
Desire Desire — @wiinterz .☘︎ ݁˖
Remember The Rain — @honeycomx .☘︎ ݁˖
Where There Is Light — @agirlcandream84
Blow For Blow — @deluluinlalaland
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Ewa — @gardenof-venus .☘︎ ݁˖
Lavender Haze — @conniesanchor .☘︎ ݁˖
I Want To Come Home To You — @roseloon .☘︎ ݁˖
“Fixing” His Glasses — @indrinkerworld .☘︎ ݁˖
Imagine/Blurb — @indrinkerworld .☘︎ ݁˖
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Business and Dates — @princessofmarvel
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Imagine Abby Thinking You Sacrificed Your Life For Hers — @writngintheshadowsforever
Three Strikes — @deblklesb
Rough!Abby — @millersaurora
Helping Hand — @elliespet
Heat Lightning 007 — @phantombriide
Rockstar!Ellie HCs — @phantombriide
Something Stupid — @starzblvd
All Good Things — @criticallyacclaimedstranger
Nook of Love — @jobean12-blog
Kiss Me Once, And Kiss Me Twice — @cowgurrrl
I Like My Girls A Little Bit Older — @blueeyesatnight
Bluebonnet — @wheresarizona
Extra Credit — @millerscoffee
Self-Deprecating King Joel Miller — @divinehedons
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Distracted From the Plan — @nysrage .☘︎ ݁˖
Options — @nysrage .☘︎ ݁˖
Morning Wood — @nysrage .☘︎ ݁˖
Just The Tip — @dilfl0v3rss .☘︎ ݁˖
Purposefully Flirting w/ Other Guys — @dilfl0v3rss .☘︎ ݁˖
Take It — @dilfl0v3rss .☘︎ ݁˖
Valentine’s Day — @dejwrites .☘︎ ݁˖
Pro Volleyball Player!Aran x Wife!Reader — @dejwrites .☘︎ ݁˖
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Akokos now, here we go... Oorun has reason to be pissed off in the loading screen
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ooff! She's still the hottest lady Oorun's ever seen, make no mistake. For comparison how Yana feels about him is on the right... were there ever two sims so mutually attracted? And you blew it all Yana! And for what??
If it weren't for Yana being preggy and Oorun being so bloody righteous, I would have just broken them up. Thing is, Oorun also has this super want for the baby, so he's not gonna have her move out NOW, or just after the birth when she'll still be needing to breastfeed the baby, sooo
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They're just kind of avoiding each other, taking turns sleeping so they don't need to share the bed, and focusing on their growing boys.
Speaking of which
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Aworan and Ibukun are old enough to be helping out, even with their little brother Titobi. They're not allowed to milk the goats yet, but they still help in their own way and enjoy the fresh milk.
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They can sense that their dad is upset about something, and the tension between their parents, but they're not having much luck getting them to explain things. Their dad only kind of explains it in codes, talking about "drama" and whatnot.
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And their mom, whenever they ask about it, changes the subject and talks about their new sibling that's about to arrive instead.
And not much later that is exactly what happens.
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Ewa is born :3
Aworan and Ibukun don't even mind being woken up in the middle of the night by all the commotion. A sister! They've never had one of those before!
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Oorun meets his youngest, and Suyana heads to bed.
part 2 coming soon :)
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noro-noro-noro · 7 months
ohh i forgot to write down the dream i had! tl;dr get on the bus & go away
the first was waking up in like a somewhat post-apocalyptic zone. i'd played this game/been here before so i had an inkling of what was going on, but nobody else in the group did & i didn't want to spoil the immersion. it was a desert in the middle of a really flat area, with wrecked buildings in various states of being covered by sand. there were mountains to the north. it was dusty late afternoon. my dad & sister were there. my mom is never in these kinds of dreams even though her house is a prominent location.
there were "natives" of this area - survivors? they huddled in the building ruins in the dark & their general consensus was that we had to spread out - the apocalypse had started a few months ago, but it was still kind of ongoing? whatever caused it hadn't really left yet - it was just still looking around? idk. anyway bars & buses & stuff still worked - underground transportation was collapsed. we had to split into several groups & head off to find sanctuary elsewhere.
after following them through the ruins to the edges of the city, it was night now & i got on a bus with my dad & sister. this one ewas headed north towards the mountain. there was another bus headed west-ish, & then a convoy of salvaged cars headed kind of southwest across the sand.
i woke up briefly & went back to sleep while getting on the bus. now the bus was like 3 stories & kind of built like an art museum?? it was still definitely a bus but like. height of luxury. then it eventually got crunched down back to one floor. still very nice inside& now full of people from irl & some people from high school (cringe!). bus interior details: wide carpeted center aisle, chandelier, general warm but not too bright lighting, velvet curtains on the windows?? anyway one of my friends was now in control of the bus as the navigator. she sat on a chair facing backwards fsr - i think her family had some connection to this. my old roommate from study abroad trip was also there briefly.
we got to the location. it was another fancy area - really huge, a lodge that was part of a huge entirely enclosed resort. somehow there were now like 50 or 60 of us. we were gender segregated told to get roooms & i went to pick my room! picked a bed next to a wall in a 3 bed room & dropped my stuff on it & went to walk around. apparently down the hall from this room there was another door that connected directly to the "men's side lobby area". i walked around a bit more - found like a 5 story mall area with a glass ceiling that was also hosting a watergun contest, & then i looped back around to my room to see that someone had put a pillow over my stuff & claimed my bed. i was lik "dude what hte hell is your problem ? you can't just pretend my stuff doesn't exist" but unfortunately this girl was surrounded by her girl friends who did NOT like me so even if i wrested control of my bed back i would just have a miserable sleeping & room sharing experience. also the room had way more beds in it than before. i ended up taking my shit & just seething while walking away trying to find someone n charge who could tell me if there were any spare rooms left. there weren't. i was trying to explain my case too & they weere like "well we can't really do anything about that :/" okay so i'll just sleep outside then. fuck you
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queen-of-wisdom · 9 months
Names I'd like to have more in media for metaphorical reasons
Disclaimer: I'm doing this out of the back of my head, so don't come after me. I'm not an expert in anything and I might have a different interpretation of the story. Do your own research.
Eve/ Eva/ Ewa
The first human woman, she was banished from paradise because she was curious.
For those who were punished for curiosity
2. Adam/ Edim/ Edam
Christian/ Jewish
The first human man, he was banished from paradise because he trusted Eve
For those who blindly trusted the ones they love
3. Pandora
The first human (woman), she was gifted with a jar, that she was told to never open. She did it anyways (because she was so curious what is in the jar) and released all bad spirits (violence, war, famine, illnesses etc.) onto this world. She now has to guard the jar, which contains only one spirit: Hope
For those who brought evil into this world, without meaning to
For those who bring hope
4. Seth
Everyone hated Seth because he was the god of the dessert. So he killed his brother Osiris (the current king) to get the throne, the rule over the people who ignored him all those years.
For those who were always dismissed
For those who gave themself justice (or revenge)
5. Gnowee
Wotjobaluk (Native Australian)
Personification of the sun. She once was a mortal woman, who lived in darkness on earth and people only could move with the aid of bark torches. One day she left her little son sleeping while she tried to look for food. As she tried to go back, she couldn't find her son. So she climbed the sky to look for him, but she will never find him.
For those who never give up
For those who will do everything for their children
6. Israel
His "Christian" old name was Jacob. He went to the desert, fought against God and won. So he got a new name (Israel) wich means: He who fought God
For those who fight against something bigger than themself
7. Hestia
She is the oldest Olympian Godess and the Godess of family. Her siblings all have petty (all of time), but she always tries to negotiate between her family
For those who are for peace
8. Romolus
He founded Rome with his brother Remus. When Remus did something against Roman Law, Romolus killed his own twin.
For those who are so obsessed with rules that they sign their own doom
9. Lorelei
She was like a siren but kind of different. Lorelei was the daughter of a river (the Rhein, if I remember correctly) and always sat naked at her father's side, because he promised to protect her or sm. So when sailors saw the beautiful Lorelei and wanted to get to her, her father Rhein always drowned said sailors.
For those who get a lot of bullshit from men
Those who don't do anything wrong, but always get wronged
10. Atlas
He is forced to carry the sky until eternity.
For those who are doomed with a task that will ultimately destroy them
I may do a part two in the future. Stay tuned.
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chameleon-on-lsd · 1 month
Polizeiruf 110 (Abgrund) liveblogging
the jazzy theme tune kills me mh cool, terrifying jeSUS CHRIST aw vincent. what a fugly sweater vest und adam so frisch wie immer ne askdljaslkdasj they're so salty 'das warn witz, mann' 'ich lach ja auch, innerlich' lmao adam's reaction to the coat aww vincent holding the ring wie adam einfach allein rumstolpert yes adam, clearly a man that is okay lmao the coffee scene just for shits and giggles ((wolle ;-; he doesn't seem great aynmore ;-;)) lol adam fascinated by machinery they're so bitchy lmao ....that old lady looks like Lida Tellmann xD do all grannys look alike to me?? HA it IS the same actress lmao adam, panic flirts with a waitress fidgeting!vincent is back 'oder ne sadistin' lmao yaaay, staying in the Pampa :) damn snape looking motherfucker xD und ja voll gedacht das ist adam der nen random hund gassi führt zimmer mit doppelbett?? xD ach Lida from another timeline xD I cannot unsee it mh ja das geile 80iger holzfurnier ne leichte lektüre für vincent du ziehst die kette ab??? küsschen geben kannst der auch wenn sie anhast mh sleep paralysis teddy scare god adam you're so fucked up (I wanted to watch the first Raczek case but couldn't find it quickly) adam, can ya stop fucking almost moaning (aka hyperventilating) aww ewa looks super sweet tho like a great mom ja ne is klar, n spanner halt daMN girl (lach leicht weil 'Ross?' halt einfach so klingt als wär er überrascht übern pferd) grabstein mit Graboswki drauf. find ich lustig lmao adam acting nice 'ne ne wir fragen nur :)' xD die beiden brüder klingen aber auch SO fake xDD lmao wiktors gefälliges lächeln als er was beim sicherheitsvideo entdeckt vincent's locken sind so schön die streifenwagen und uniformen sind halt geil yikes, teddy camera is very weird awww Lida lady :( No I will not learn her actual name in this. I'm bad enough with names vincent. das outfit ist halt schon etwas hässlich he's very aggressive in this interrogation aösdmlasmdlmladsö die super herablassende aussage zu adam in baby stimme xD einfach mal die computermaus wegpfeffern xD ja adam, bau halt weniger scheiss der typ wird das jetzt so ausbaden müssen xD ..ich dacht grad er hat sich den kompletten oberkörper frei gemacht xDD ne schöne kuppel in der kirche stop slAPPING THE DUDE xD does this count as police brutality lmao war der snape typ der pfarrer? oder nachmal wer? sdlkasjd wiktor bby Kurwa still kills me, sorry lmao der klopfer ans herz vom leiter ja okay ich versteh adam, schon ne krasse maschine xD (war beim ersten mal etwas abgelenkt mit malen) sadsakjljda happy adam is cute ja schön im düsteren wald rumstolpern, geil SPATEN!!!!! xD eine ode an spatort diese episode lmao <33333333 bby boy mh bett und video kamera, toll lmao und ich dacht grad er liest anstatt Lisa, Lida xD aww noo poor shop mom wie sich vincent einfach selber n bier zieht xDD bedien dich, ne aber gut gemacht. hätt ich ihm nicht gegeben xD 'darauf dass du noch lebst' :3 aldkslkad S O F T BOYS aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh er is alte schule, drink to forget <3 gehst du jetzt ewa nerven vincent würd dir doch gern helfen 'also ich würd das merken als ehefrau' ARE YOU SURE. god all these red herrings xD dawwwwww little spoon adam nice tattoo brudi die oma killt mich so ;-; HE SLEPT :D aw süsse blümchen am tisch lmao wie frau franke ihn ignoriert 'sie sollte eigentlich schon wieder hier sein ' noooo ewi bby poor adam hat er grad holy shit gesagt? xD pedo!vicar what a surprise adam, don't get whacked over the head again please die frau hat einfach no chill xD DAMN that dude is tall like she wasn't that short right? was is das fürn random vorhang im haus?? simon is deeeaaaaaad ejlkadksajdl vincent am rumbrüllen didn't expect hanging tbf adam bby sldksdlöaköd vincent 'das warn unfall' so kann mans auch nennen
“wir reden nur” xDD kann man auch so nennen oh it was one of the terror brothers war klar dass er zuerst noch zu ihr kommt. war nicht genug terror vincent bby warum allein yeah wait does vincent carry a gun? I don’t think so? but.. why? does that come with Hauptkommisar privilige? oder ist der holster einfach immer unter einer der tausend jacken die er trägt (cries about headcanon of vincent talking to adam schürk about abuse) aalso JESUS there’s a lot of suicide this episode. almost feels like home (aka tatort zürich :) ) mhh splat adam is such a wreck ;-; AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DIE UMARMUNG cries a lot ich wär halt auch einfach so besorgt um adam in dem moment….. dass vincent ihn überhaupt gehen lässt fidgeting vincent ;-; er bringt sich nicht echt auch noch um oder yikes (auch ne selten hässliche tapete in dem zimmer) …… ja wenigstens hat er sich nicht erschossen wa DAS WAR DAS ENDE ALTER???? das ist richtig fies
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the-hydrangea-witch · 11 months
Time in the Other World
so we all know time is Not Real TM and that the whole sleeping for 8 hours thing is totally made up because circadian rhythms are all kinds of fucky ((idk fully what im talking about u get me)) and its even MORESO FUCKY in the Other World
Bit of Lore That is SO EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to every single other piece of info about the Other World: A couple centuries ago a Cataclysmic Event TM took place in the Other World resulting in the world basically ceasing its rotation entirely, meaning a day in the Other World is equal to a year, where each season is basically a time of day. The superstitious attribute this to the previous celestial trio Ewa, Ursa, and Altair the moon, sun, and star witches of the time, and say that the trio was CursedTM or something so they could never work together again "lest the Yonderworld fall down on us" so now during the summer only the sun is visible (day), during autumn only the sun and moon are visible (sunset), during winter only the moon and stars are visible (night), and during spring only the sun and stars are visible (sunrise).
Because of the lack of your typical 24-hour day, people's circadian rhythms are ALL fucked up to the point where there is never a time where most or all people are asleep, so like you'll never get to experience the whole "I'm the only person awake in my house at 4:00 AM" Lo-Fi playlist aesthetic. This also means really populated areas are generally less crowded on average, as half the population is asleep. This also means that, let's say you live in a pretty small town where you know literally everyone and have a really consistent sleep schedule, if one day you decide to stay awake during the time you and everyone else you know is usually asleep, you will find yourself in a COMPLETELY different environment full of total strangers despite technically being neighbors with them your entire life.
The Clock & Calendar: First of all, clocks are absolutely everywhere. They're one of, if not the most, important tools to the Other World. Every single building has a clock on it. Another important detail is that they aren't formatted like 12-hour clocks; they're 10. This doesn't mean days are 20 hours long, it means what this society uses as "days" are 10 hours long each, resulting in there being about 860 "days" in a year + 16 days for seasonal shifts ((i really wanted there to be 1000 but alas, i cant bring myself to make years different lengths between earth and the Other World since theyre supposed to be like. occupying the same space just in two different dimensions if that makes sense)). There is also more than one word for "day" with the way people speak, but due to how the Alltongue Spell works, it doesn't really translate for people from Earth, so the second word translates as "night" even though it is really just a way to differentiate between days where around half the population is awake or asleep. There are also a lot of outliers, where people's schedules don't line up with the days. A lot of older folks get Weird about this, but to pretty much everyone else it's seen as normal, and days are seen as a way of organization rather than strict schedules.
Seasons: Every season is 215 days (i think i did the math right) with 4 days marking the shift between seasons, meaning it's technically 219 days but the 4 extra days are not counted as part of the year. I still have to come up with some more concrete holidays, will get to that Eventually.
Because of how long the sun is out or gone for, a LOT of things in the Other World have adapted and changed ((both naturally and with human intervention)) drastically or simply died out, which includes a lot of people who died during and immediately after. The most immediately visible differences if you are a human entering the Other World for the first time are the plants, especially if you arrive during late Autumn or Winter. While trees on Earth drop their leaves once during autumn and grow them back for spring, Other World trees drop them twice. The "daytime" or spring/summer leaves are very thin and dark, and almost all plants radiate a lot of heat as well to compensate for the super intense sun exposure. Instead of just dropping their leaves all throughout autumn and remaining without them through winter, there is a sort of "fifth season" that overlaps between the end of summer and the beginning of autumn where the leaves drop and then for the rest of autumn and winter, new leaves grow back. The new leaves are a bit thicker but a lot less wide, taking a shape closer to pine needles, and are bioluminescent. The light each species of plant produces is actually not able to be used by other plants in the same species but is used by other plants and vice versa. Forests become extremely bright and colorful, and every plant helps each other survive in a very visible symbiotic relationship.
The tree cycles are one of the reasons why winter is often revered as a life-giving season, like how spring and summer are treated on Earth (at least where im from), while summer is seen as the season of death and rebirth like autumn and winter here.
Unfortunately, because the Other World is tilted on its axis like Earth is, it means the southern hemisphere is just in constant winter, so very few people live there (especially since yknow. a lot of people probably died during the first years post-apocalypse).
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nazuri · 2 years
So i am currently losing my mind over a book
No it's not a good book or anything it's just this one sentence that destroyed my faith in the author but that after a bit of context
So there is this polish author Katarzyna Michalak (i will call her Kasia) who is an absolute scribbler meaning that this woman can put out like five books a year
So Kasia is an absolute disaster of an author with not so big but not small audience and we can assume most of them are bored middle age women
There are two of her series that I'm familiar with and just to tell you they are an absolute gem in terms of destroying expectations
That is the Sunny trilogy and Year in Raspberry series (keep in mind I did my best to translate that but it may as well be wrong)
For the Raspberry one i know about the first book of the series from a video on YT and it's just so funny when you think of it
So Ewa the main character is just this woman who has like three months to get a book out because of a deal she made with her friend (and that is whole other thing we don't talk about because I think he later becomes love interest or sth idk) and that is basically the plot I might be wrong but well...
And the funniest part of the whole book is a character of a famous author in the book's universe who occasionally shows up from nowhere and helps the MC and drops some prophecies and I am not joking on this one and if you tried to guess that author happens to be no one else but our Kasia
Yes that woman basically did a self-insert into her own book as this omnipotent all-knowing person that sometimes helps the MC and it's hilarious and that is while ignoring how hilariously badly the book is written
So for the Sunny series actually it was my friend who read it but she was basically sending us every other page because it was so funny
In the Sunny series we explore the story of Patrycja (Pati) who has a dream and wants to make it happen and stuff (the MC "dream" in pretty much every book of this author is a little white house somewhere in the forest or a field or some place like that and a guy and that's about it) (this particular MC is also fun fact a witch particularly a dreamer who's dreams come true and stuff and it's all just Kasia's view in this so its pretty much all wrong but still)
So we see her story and stuff and at one point our dear Pati decides to write a book...
I don't think you can guess what the book was about
So the book that you are reading is called Poczekajka (no idea how to translate that) and our main character decides to write Poczekajka as her story just change the names
So the character in the book is basically writing the book you are reading...
Interesting right?
Well it gets better
You see if you do some looking you will find an actual music video from Kasia made specifically for Poczekajka that she herself is starring in
So what does our MC do?
She makes a music video and uses the exact same song that is in the irl video because Kasia put the words in the book
So you see just how weird it all is right?
Like this woman does so much self-insert in her book I don't know what is real anymore
But that was just the context for my pressing issue that doesn't let me sleep at night
You see i am currently reading one of her book on my own because we made it a thing in our friend group and I chose one titled Leśna Polana which translates into Forest Clearing or some shit idk
So in this we actually have three main female characters and three brothers that I assume will become love interest and so around chapter 6 one of the younger twin brothers (Patryk) comes across a women jumping out if a window to escape her abusive partner so he calls up his twin (Marcin who btw was at the moment meeting the other female character) to help him get her to the house of the third female character (who was once engaged to their older brother but they don't know it was her yet I told you her books are wierd) and through the whole chapter the jump out the window girl never once mentions her name to the men helping her (name's Julia btw)
And after they get her to her friend's house Marcin talks about the girl he met at the club and that he didn't ask her for a name and Patryk says somethin and Marcin is like "and you asked your Julia?"
And that one sentence destroyed my week
Because what fucking prophet is he that he fucking got that name especially since literally two chapter later they say that they don't know her name and I'm like bitch what
So you may think what if it's Romeo and Juliet reference
Well my friends came to similar conclusion but I don't have any faith in this author so I took matters in my own hands
I went and wrote sugar coated message in Instagram which she doesn't apparently read and if I say sugar-coated I mean it because I didn't believe in any of the words I wrote but I know if you criticize her even a little bit you can get banned or some shit and it just needed to be done for me to get noticed
So I know she won't read the Instagram message so I went through her website and there was that guest book corner where people wrote to her and she usually responded in like a day or so
And so I took my chances and asked about that one line that wrecked my mind
And what does she say
Yes Marcin meant the Julia he just met that hasn't introduced herself that he met for the first time in his life and I just
I am not even disappointed or anything because frankly I couldn't expect anything else but I wanted to believe that she knows what she writes but no
She just randomly plays Apollo shooting people with the gift of prophecy and it's just so bizarre it actually makes it a fun experience and I can't get over that fact
So yeah sometimes even a bad author can bring you fun no matter how awful they are at what they're doing
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doudouneverte · 9 months
Grumpy cloud
a/n: should I be sleeping or revising for my exam the next week? Yes but I think you deserved that before
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Ewa Pajor x Léon!reader; Wolfsburg Frauen x reader
Summary: Ewa is jealous [in the same universe as 'Ray of sunshine']
Type: Fluff
Warning: use of Google translate for Spanish and Polish like usual so let me know if there's some mistakes
word count: 1653
January. The start of a new year, and with that, a little camp in Portugal before the next part of the season. Today's training was really good, and now you could just rest until your friendly game against Hoffenheim the next day.
The team was split into some small groups but was rather close to each other.
"She's staring again." Sveindis commented and gained the attention of the few girls around her. The little group composed of Jule, Obi, and Lynn looked at where the Icelandic players pointed out Ewa, who seemed to be in an intense eye contest against the back of your head.
"She's been doing it a lot since the start of the season." Jule said.
"Do you think Y/n noticed that?" The Dutch defender asked.
"I don't know, but I find it funny." Lena said with a smile, which confused the girls around her.
"Why?" Sveindis asked.
"It's been a while since I saw her jealous like that." The defensive midfielder explained.
A few metres away from them, there was another group composed of Ewa, Alexandra, Dominique, Svenja, Kathrin, and Feli. They were chatting about something until they noticed that the Polish striker was focused on something else.
"You're staring. Again." Dom said to Ewa, a little amused by this.
"I know." Your wife replied but didn't lose her focus.
"Hey, she will not disappear when you look away; don't worry. I don't think she could take away your girl."
"I'm not worrying about anything." The comment was cold when she saw you being a little more touchy than usual.
"Okay, no. We don't start this. Not today." Alex said, standing up and placing herself in front of your wife. Ewa grumbled and wanted to protest, but was cut off. "You know what? I think we need a little tour of the city. What do you think, girls?"
"I think that is a great idea. And maybe we will not see Ewa ripped off the head of someone today." Feli agreed instantly.
Ewa really wanted to protest, but she was forced on her feet by Alex and Dom and quickly moved by them to the nearest group.
"Girls, do you want to join us for a little tour?" The tall captain asked the younger players, who exchanged some glances before accepting the offer.
When the girls were out of view, you received a text from your best friend.
Obi: taking your wife away before someone gets killed
You laughed at this and just asked her to let you know where they were going in case you wanted to join them.
"She was definitely staring." Merle said when you finally put your phone back in your pocket.
"I know, but she also knows that she doesn't have to worry about anything." You replied.
"Where's everyone?" Fenna asked when she noticed that a lot of players had already left.
"They decided to visit the city and maybe stop to eat something. We will join them later." Merle explained to the young striker.
"Vale, now tell us how you scored the goal against Arsenal last season. It was almost impossible to score from this angle." Nuria spoke this time.
You liked these two, first because they always spent all their time stuck around you, like you did with your big sister when you were younger, and also because, with Nuria now on the team, you were not the only Spanish player anymore. And you loved your teammates, but being able to speak in your native language with someone else was something special.
Something special that didn't get unnoticed by your wife. At first, she was happy to see you being a sort of big sister for the young Spanish player when she signed for Wolfsburg; she even found it cute. But with the months passing and the two girls getting more attached to you, it started to slightly make her jealous of not being your principal interest.
After a good walk, the girls decided to stop at a cafe and have a little pause. After the waiter took their commands, the whole table turned their attention to your wife, who had been pouting for a few minutes now.
"Can you stop acting like a child for a minute, please?" Feli said, making your wife pout even more.
"Come on, we all know that she will never think about anyone else except you." Lena tried to reassure her, but it seems that nothing worked, so the girls just gave up for the moment. A few minutes later, the food was served, and that's when you decided to show up with the girls.
Seeing that, Svenja decided to move some girls to give you a free seat next to the pouty player. A seat that gets quickly taken because, even in her current state, you missed your favourite girl.
Sensing that Ewa was not in a mood to be teased, you just distracted yourself by talking with the girls while you intertwined your little finger together. The little thing seemed to enlighten her mood a little, but not as much to make her openly happy about it.
After that, you all walked back to the hotel, where you sneaked out of the team with the striker to your room. It was one of the advantages to be a married couple, always sharing a room at every camp or game away.
In the room, you dragged her on the bed despite her protest and made her lay next to you. You stayed like this for a moment without saying anything, just staring at each other and sometimes smiling like idiots.
"So, will you tell me what's that about?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't know what you mean." She replied with a shy smile.
"Oh, so you're telling me you were not jealous?"
"Me, jealous? Come on, I have never been jealous."
The lie almost made you laugh, but you needed to keep your composure. "So you'll not be angry if I invite Merle, Nuria, and Fenna to watch a movie with us tonight?"
The mention of the names made her instantly lose her facade, and the look she was giving you meant a lot. "I think you forgot that this room is for Léon-Pajor only."
At this point, you finally laughed and showered her face with a lot of kisses.
"Seriously, kochanie (honey), I don't know why you need to spend all your time with them." Ewa said after you stopped.
"I don't spend all my time with them." You protested. "It's just that I just want to make sure they're good with their move and don't feel homesick."
"Fenna lived only a few hours of flight from Wolfsburg, and Nuria goes back to Barcelona as much as she can."
"Amor (Love), are you really being jealous of two kids right now?" You asked with a very surprised face. "I thought you were jealous of Merle, not of the kids."
"Why would I be jealous of Merle?"
"And why are you jealous of some kids?" Ewa just groaned and started to leave the room, but you stopped her before. "Hey, I'm sorry. Okay, I didn't know. Well, now that I'm aware of it, it seems more funny than I thought, but anyway."
"Can you stop making fun of me?"
"Sí, but can you just let me explain it?" When she didn't make any move to leave you again, you put her back on the bed and sat her on your lap. "Señora Ewa Léon-Pajor, amor de mi vida, no hay mujer en este mundo de la que estaría más orgullosa y feliz de llamar mía que tú. Puedes descansar en paz. Te amé, te amo, y todavía lo haré en el futuro. (Mrs. Ewa Léon-Pajor, love of my life, there's no woman in this world that I would be more proud of and happy to call you mine than you. You can rest peacefully. I loved you, I love you, and I will still do so in the future.)"
From your tone and your expression, Ewa knew you said something important but couldn't understand everything.
"I'm sorry, but I don't understand everything." She admitted shyly making you laugh a little.
"I said that you don't have to worry about anything because I love you, and I will still do it in the future." You briefly explained.
You saw her eyes start to get filled with tears, but her expression reflected everything but sadness.
"Ja też cię kocham, pani Léon-Pajor (I love you too, Mrs. Léon-Pajor)"
"Did I ever tell you that I love when you speak Polish?" You asked with a mischievous smile.
"Yeah, and you also told me that you love when I speak Spanish or German." She reminded you.
"You know what? I think I just love you." You commented, making her smile.
"And I love you too," she replied before finally giving you a proper kiss. You stayed in your room for a few more hours until it was time for dinner.
You joined the team with Ewa by your side and her arm around your waist, which earned a shocking look for your teammates and a thumbs up from Lena and Dom to the striker.
After you got your plate, you made your way to where Merle was seated, but you were stopped by your wife, who gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before going to sit with her previous group.
"I don't know what we did to deserve to see Ewa showing PDA in front of us, but I think we have to thank her for this cute moment." Alex commented loudly and earned a lot of applause from your teammates.
You watched your wife, who was trying to hide herself, until she finally met your eyes. You just smiled and blew her a kiss, which made her blush even more and made everyone laugh.
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marypickfords · 2 years
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Barbara Lass in Ewa Wants to Sleep (Tadeusz Chmielewski, 1958)
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rrrauschen · 4 years
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Tadeusz Chmielewski, {1958} Ewa chce spać (Ewa Wants To Sleep)
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barbarabymarta · 5 years
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Barbara Kwiatkowska-Lass & Stanisław Mikulski on the set of "Eve wants to sleep"
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espressogal · 6 years
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happyselves · 3 years
Morning fluff with Lando where you both wake up and are cuddling and he says‘‘i’m not going to kiss you.’‘
‘‘because if i do, i don’t think we’re getting out of bed today.’‘
He just stares at reader and almost in a daze goes “ my favorite thing is falling asleep next to you and i love waking up next to you. It's like you're my whole world, you know.
Nervously asks reader to move in with him.
Hiii anon bean, I am sorry for waiting so long to write this, truly truly sorry ( it's currently 2.12am where I am and I don't want to sleep so I've decide to do this prompt ) I hope you will like it because I really like your idea !!! ♥
Moving in :
You started to wake up slowly from a long night, feeling some pressure on your stomach like someon ewas wrapped around you. As you finally remebered where you were and opening your eyes, knowing you were at Lando's place, in his bed with him snugglying against your back with his strong arms around your stomach.
You didn't wanted to wake him up, enjoying the warm feeling of your two bodies entrangled but you moved a bit not feeling your arm anymore from staying in the same position all night.
"Morning you"
Shoot you wake him up, you didn't know what hour it was but the sun was trying to came across the shutters. You felt Lando's cold nose against the nap of your neck, his arm grip getting a little tighter as he bring you even more closer than it was possible.
You tried to ignore the morning bulge against your ass, not mentioning anything to him to not embarassed him. You had sleep a lot of time with him, that wasn't an issues but it was the frist time Lando was this kinky with you and didn't wanted to let you go yet.
You've been together for a couples of months now and it was getting serious, you had meet his family, all his friend and he even bring you to some work diner and stuff, everyone in the team knew you and the media had seen you a couple time in the garage when you decide to go cheer for him.
It was the first time Lando had bring a girl to his race weekend, you weren't there all the time but when it was in Europe you were trying your best to make space in your agenda to support him and it was always a great pleasure to spend the weekend with the team, learning new things and talking to bnew faces as well.
But when Lando was being outside of Europe it was the limit for you, that's why it had been more than 3 weeks since you hadn't saw him and your reunion had been even more intense.
He was acting strange all night, like he wanted to talk to you about something, having discovering something important that he needed to share with you but couldn't quite find the words yet.
Instead he had transfered his anxiety into touch and cuddle with you and that's how you find out something was up with him.
You wanted to face him right now, seeing his beuatiful angelic morning face, you always liked teasing him about his puffing eyes knowing we might get vexed, which was the perfect plan for you because you will have all day making up for it.
You did so, his arms following your move and his eyes slightly opening, trying to admit his vision to see you.
All you wanted was your morning kiss, morning cuddle that might turn into something a little more steamy.
"Don't wish for it, I am seeing your face,I might not be fully awake but I know wha tyou want and no I won't kiss you"
He knew your little kitty pleading eyes and now he was smiling through your pouting face. You didn't wanted to admit to yourself but having his morning deep and broken voice was giving you more effect, him not according you what you wanted was an addition to it as well.
Your voice was soft and innocent, playing the nice girl with him.
"Because if I do, I don't think we are getting out of bed today"
You wouldn't mind staying in bed all day with him, your two bodies connecting each other in every way possible, not needing food or drink, not letting each other go for one second to breath, that was a rather good plan you thought.
He couldn't stop staring at you, fascination in his eyes, a small smile appearing on his face, he like every expression that your face went through the conversation.
"my favorite thing is falling asleep next to you and i love waking up next to you. It's like you're my whole world, you know."
It was your time to be stocked and fascinated, you were liking him more and more each day and everyday you find yourself waking up next to him was a new day you find yourself surprise of how romantic he could be.
"That make me want to wake up next to you everyday for the rest of my life"
"Yeah that's my plan, I want that and I hope you want that too because I had something to ask you"
You sense the next question coming, that was it, he was about to drop that big comintment question and you already knew the answer to that.
"I didn't even ask the question babe"
He didn't needed to.
"You don't need to, you were about to ask me to move in with you, and the answer is yes, I've been letting stuff at your place for month already, half of my stuff are already here"
He was so busy with work and others stuf fin his mind, that he hadn't notice that you had made space in his dressroom for you, his bathroom drawer as well, buying supplement and food that you like, decorating his place with stuff of yours and honestly he didn't care because all that matter was that now you were living under the same roof.
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twinnedpeaks · 2 years
yes pls! thank u sm
ofc !! love being asked about books tbh .. anyways heeeeere u go!! the ones with dates arent released yet, and if there are spelling errors or some shit its bc my memory sucks so dont mind that
the anatomy of being, shinji moon
the basic eight, daniel handler
black chalk, christopher yates
funny boy, shyam selvadurai
the lake of dead languages, carol goodman
tin man, sarah winman
a separate peace, john knowles
good bones, margaret atwood
baby teeth, zoje stage
wind, sand and stars, antoine de saint exupéry
your heart is a muscle the size of a fist, sunil yapa
the beauty of the husband, anne carson
red doc, anne carson
if beale street could talk, james baldwin
the project, courtney summers
the morbids, ewa ramsey
hello i want to die please fix me, anna mehler paperny
people like us, dana mele
girls against god, jenny hval
the atlas six, olivie blake
we need to talk about kevin, lionel shriver
the wasp factory, iain banks
a dowry of blood, s. t. gibson
being lolita, allison wood
prozac nation, elizabeth wurtzel
the face on the milk carton, carolina b. cooney
the secret lives of baba segi’s wives, lola shoneyin
a study in charlotte, brittany cavallaro
hell followed with us, andrew joseph white (7/7-22)
we play ourselves, jen silverman
none shall sleep, ellie marney
vampires in the lemon grove, karen russell
homesick for another world, ottessa moshfegh
a certain hunger, chelsea g
the woman in the library, sulary gentill (7/6-22)
the letting go, deborah merkus
tripping arcadia, kit mayquist
fiona and jane, jean chew ho
the lost apothecary, sarah penner
radio apocalypse, kayleigh gallagher
young mungo, duglas stuart
burning butch, rb mertz
sedating elaine, dawn winter
no touching, ketty rouf
other peoples clothes, calla henkel
flowers in the attic, virginia andrews
frankenstein in baghdad, ahmed saadawi
how to murder your life. cat marnell
among thieves, mj kuhn
boy parts, eliza clarke
this is how you lose the time war, amal el mohtar
woman eating, claire kohda
valley of the dolls, jacqueline susann
the school for good mothers, jessamine chan
witchlings, claribel a ortega
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sokkas-honour · 4 years
dream boy: part 3 - sokka x reader
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pairing: sokka x fem!reader
request: part 3 was requested by @missmorosis
wc: 2.7k
notes: i’m terribly sorry if it may seemed a bit rushed or not exactly consistent but i personally liked the way it ended. also this is the final part, i might make an epilogue if i actually finish everything i need to do.
part one | part one 1/2 | part two
sokka wasn’t able to see you until monday, purposefully ignoring all the texts from yours friends, not wanting to know if sokka actually told them what had happened or if he had decided to keep it to himself, either way, you were better off just staying off your phone until school started. you only unlocked your phone to text zuko back and even then you didn't always have the courage to do so.
you had made sure to wake up early in order to not cross paths with the watertribe boy, his sibling or just any of your friends until you absolutely had to, preferring to simply distance yourself from the others. of course you couldn't avoid them forever, you had over half of your classes with at least one of them, two of those being with sokka, the guy who you especially didn't want to see, history and gym. gym would be easy to avoid him in, you had become acquaintances with this lovely girl called jin, whom you also shared your math class with, you could just spend the whole period with her and avoid him. your real problem was going to be history. your teacher, mister kuzon, had informed the class that there would be a group project on any cultural aspect from the water tribe, and he had chosen the groups. the chance of you actually being paired with sokka was miniscule but the universe hadn’t seemed to be going easy on you lately.
and much to your dismay, the universe was in fact against you. when your history teacher’s voice had posted the groups, your heart had started racing as you approached the board to see the pairs, your heart was racing in fear and it dropped when you saw the name y/n next to sokka.
after being asked to sit next to your partner to get started, you stayed silent as you plopped down on the chair next to the boy who you were still trying to avoid, staying silent and keeping your eyes in front of you.
“are you going to work with me or is it going to be a silent treatment the whole time.” he questioned, turning to face you, arm hooked around the back of his chair as he looked at you desperately for any sign of you acknowledging his presence.
“i was thinking we could talk about the differences in the cuisine in the north and south.” you mumbled, chin on your hand as you kept your gaze on the board in front of you, ignoring the boy who was still searching for an answer.
“yeah, sounds good.” sokka sighed, giving up on receiving a straight answer from you. he turned back in his seat, disappointment radiating off of him, making you bite your lip in guilt. you shot him a glance from the corner of your eye as you saw him discreetly take his phone out to open the notes app but before you could see what he was typing he turned to face you, catching you right in the act.
“uh, saturday at your place?” seemed like the only logical way out of the embarrassing situation you had just walked into, still not breaking the staring between the two of you. you felt your heart speed up a bit at the extended eye contact, not having looked into his blue eyes in awhile, the last time being before you stormed out of his house after your confession.
“sounds good.” he offered you a small smile, happy to see that your attempt at a cold shoulder was somewhat backfiring, knowing that you couldn't avoid him forever. he let the stare linger a bit before turning his attention back to his phone and you quickly snapped back to your notes taken during the class. thanking yourself for not letting the stupid smile heat your cheeks up, now all you had to do was finish the class with a not so uncomfortable silence between the two of you.
the bell didn't take too long to ring before you had to move onto your next class which was the one you detested the most, science. courage surged through you as you waved goodbye to sokka, earning a bright smile back from the boy before you dashed out of the class. to anyone, that might have seemed rather pointless that you felt as proud as you did, a wave goodbye was considered an act of politeness, but that had been the first time you had really addressed sokka in any way since the unplanned confession. he had probably realised that as well, giving a reason for the sudden bright smile on his features.
you practically sprinted towards your science classroom, holding your books tightly to your chest to not let them fly out of your grip. you hoped zuko was already there, knowing he’d want to hear the rather big step you’d just taken in repairing your friendship with your childhood friend. you were surprised that the thought of slowly getting over him in order to just be friends had slipped your mind, remembering that this morning you didn't want anything to have to do with him for the rest of your life, wanting to just stay away from him to not ignite anything in you, but you were slowly realising it was ridiculous to throw away the friendship for your unrequited crush. you two may not be as close as before but you could still stay friends, you could still hangout with him without feeling like your heart was shattering every moment you’d meet his beautiful ocean eyes.
“zuko!” you called for him as soon as you spotted the back of his black haired head, whipping his head around to greet you with a grin, happy that you weren't ignoring him like he thought you might, considering your answers to his texts were rather sporadic and vague.
“happy to see you’re alive y/n.” he joked as soon as you caught up with him, both of you walking at the same height as you entered the room, taking a seat next to each other as you always did, even when the two of you werent as close as you were now.
“i think i’m ready to fully start moving on.” you announced, taking a deep breath before letting him know of your future plans, determination in yours eyes and tone as you felt set to move on from your crush.
“really? i'm surprised it didn't take longer.” his eyes grew a bit at your proclamation, not expecting to hear you say those words this early, thinking he’d have to see you distance yourself from everyone for weeks but it only took a day or two, making him slightly septic at how long you would actually last with your new resolution but nonetheless he was proud of you.
“yeah well i’m kind of stuck with sokka for a history project and i figured might as well start moving on from him. i still want to be friends with him.” you explained, taking your science homework out so you were prepared whenever the teacher would come on in.
“i’m proud of you y/n, its very mature of you.” he placed his hand on your shoulder, sincerity in his tone lifting your spirits up at the thought of repairing whatever damage you might’ve caused and the thought of the damage you were avoiding by taking action now instead of later.
saturday rolled around and you had managed to have some sort of small talk with sokka during your classes, still deciding to spend your lunch period with jin instead of your usual friends but it was a start to where you thought you would be saturday after you left. you had stopped eating with your friends a little over a week ago, opting to spend time with the lovely girl from your math class. you had had trouble sleeping friday night, scared of going to sokka’s house and falling back to where you started, back to square one, back in love with a friend who was already taken by a lovely girl.
your feet felt rather heavy as you walked down the familiar path to his house, bag with a your notebook and history course around your shoulder as you retraced the steps you had followed almost everyday during that particular summer, always going to sokka’s house to entertain yourself while school was out.
you first lingered in the air above the door for a couple of seconds, taking a deeo breath in to calm your nerves before you finally knocked. it didnt take long before it was opened, sokka with an eager smile on his lips was who greeted you behind the door.
“finally, you shouldve been here an hour ago!” he lamented jokingly as he moved out of the way to let you in, causing you to roll your eyes at how dramatic your friend was.
“sokka, im five minutes late.” you deadpanned, hastily taking your shoes off, leaning against a nearby wall for support.
“exactly!” he exclaimed, his voice cracking slightly and suddenly you felt as though nothing ever happened, as if your feelings had never come to make you want to change whatever relationship you had with him, simply feeling as though the two of you were just friends.
“really sokka? dont you reme,ber when i waited an hour for you outside in the freezing cold in the woods so we could make a campfire together? or that time where we were late in eight grade because someone accidentally put on ripped pants? or-”
“alright i get it.” he held his hands up in defeat at your inquisitive look, knowing you were only joking around with him to make him feel slightly guilty for all the times he had been late.
“my dad made seaweed noodles for us to eat while we work, hope thats okay.” shoving his hands in his pockets, waiting to see you reaction at the mention of one of your favorite dishes that he’d always insist his father to make you whenever you’d come by.
“no way!” you dashed into the kitchen, leaving sokka by himself at the entrance, surprised at how fast the two of you had seemed to ease back into things and some part of it seemed to good to be true but he was happy to have you back.
“wait for me!” he called for you, spending slightly to join you. a reminiscent smile on his lips as he watched you excitedly poor yourself a bowl, knowing where everything in the hous ewas from it practically being a second home for you during all those years.
“you’ll have to say thank you to hakoda.” you told him as you eyed the noodles, your stomach rumbling as you brought it to the table, it had been too long since you had eaten his father’s cooking.
“y/n, you havent even eaten it yet, how do you know its good?” he laughed as he watched you carefully bring the bowl to the dinner table, trying to get to it as fast as you could but still making sure to not let any of the broth spill out.
“because your dad’s seaweed noodles are the best!” you defended your previous statements, taking a seat as you waited for sokka to make his own bowl and bring chopsticks for the both of you. the watertribe boy nodded, slightly mocking you in his own playful way. while you waited for him to rejoin you, you took out the notebook you used for your history notes and grabbed a pen that was sitting on the table.
you scribbled down the title of your project and tapped your pen, impatient waiting to be able to dig into your steaming hot dish.
“have any ideas for the presentation?” sokka startled you slightly, coming from behind you to lean over your shoulde to see if you had written anything but he was met with a blank page.
“no, now get me my chopsticks idioy.” you shoved his head away, earning a protestful ‘hey’ from him as your brought your hand back to wram themselvbes on the bowl.
“here.” he placed the chopsticks next to the bowl before making his way around the table to sit in front of you, slowly blowing on his soup to cool it down.
“took you long enough.” you teased before you grabbed them to pick up some of the noodles, cooling them off with your breath before shoving some of it into your mouth. sokka started laughing at how quickly you engulfed the noodles that his father had spent the morning making.
you flipped him off, not caring at how ‘unlady like’ you might’ve looked but it had been forever since you had tasted his father’s seaweed noodles, during winter it was a staple food for whenever you would spend the night but since the weather had gotten warmer and you had grown more distant, it had been a hot minute since you had a traditional dish of the southern water tribe, something you’d most definitely use in your comparison of the different cuisines.
“before we start, i wanted to talk to you about something.” sokka brought his hand down, deciding not to eat just yet but rather address the elephant in the room.
“yeah?” you knew where this was going so you finished chewing what was in your mouth and swallowed, keeping your eyes on the food as you wiated for sokka’s question.
“so where do we stand, us? i mean two days ago you stormed off, after weeks of us not actually talking and now it feels like everything is fine. i just want to make sure that you’re okay.” you took a deep breath in, knowing this was coming, knowing you had to confront your feelings upfront now and not just push whatever you were feeling down, hoping it didnt blow over one day.
“if im being honest sokka, i like you, still, but i want us to be friends. im happy to see that suki makes you happy, but it might take some time for me to get over you so we might not ever be as close as before for my own sake but im willing to try my hardest to fix anything i mightve broken in the last couple of weeks. because i love having you as a friend and no matter how much it wouldve hurt to be with you before, i still missed my best friend.” you slowly lifted your head up, pouring out what was your mind without any filter, letting him know where you stood, sincerity written on your features as you wiated to see sokka’s reaction.
“that sounds good, whatever works for you. just happy i dont have to lose my oldest friend” he finally answered after silence settled between the two of you, letting your words settle and let him process your new confession.
you smiled back and then the two of you turned your attention back to the noodles, the two of you practically inhaling the food as the only sound was the muching of the seaweed and the slurping of the soup. a nice moment shared between two friends.
“you know, theres still girl that i just know you’d like.” sokka was the first to speak up, a small tease in his tone as he tried to set you up right after you told him you were trying to move on from him.
“sokka.” you threatened, not wanting him to go down whatever road he was about go down to, you finding it to be the wrong moment to bring this up.
“i’m just saying i have yue’s number if you want it!” he recoiled on his claim, but made sure to name drop the girl he supposedly thought was perfect for you. blood rushed to your cheeks at the mention of his ex girlfriend from middle school, rmebering how beautiful you thought the white haired girl was and how you had a small crush on her while they were dating.
the boy in front of you simply laughed, feeling content at where he now stood with his friend since kindergarten. he was your dream boy, but maybe not in the way you first thought. he was the boy of your dreams but not all dreams need to be romantic.
general taglist: @draqondance @biqherosix @sunnypluto @butterfly-skinnylegend @staygoldsquatchling02 @yuesallura
atla taglist: @welovediaaxx @ilovespideyyy @missmorosis
sokka taglist: @firelady-jay
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