#ew monochrome edd
bassed11 · 1 year
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Edd, where is Ringo?
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whats in that chest you’ve got there edd?
Edd seems alarmed for a moment, then sighs. “Just some old things to get rid of, nothing special.” He says, walking towards a dumpster to toss the chest in. “Nothing like Spring cleaning during fall, eh?” He says with a chuckle. Though as he got closer to the dumpster, his steps slowed, as if hesitating.
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Edd was in his room, apparently cleaning it out from all the old junk and empty cola cans. His fluffy feline Ringo sat comfortably on his bed, licking her paws as she watched Edd move about the room. He poked his head out the room, looking around in a suspicious manner before lugging a locked chest out of the room and out the back door of the house. Seems he didn’t want anyone to see him getting rid of it. In the meantime, Mark was getting ready for their shift at the local library, grabbing a lilac hoodie and their violet glasses to bring along with them. ‘Are you sure you can handle being home until Jon gets back?’ They signed to Eduardo. “I’m not a damn cat. I’ll be fine.” Eduardo responds gruffly. ‘Last time you were home alone you nearly broke the tv.’ Mark sighed. “That’s because of all the damn commercials interrupting my favorite movie!!” ‘If I come back and anything’s damaged, you’re paying for repairs and replacements.’ This got the blonde a grumbled response, and Mark went on his way to work. [Edd and Mark are open for asks.]
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Hey Edd!! How'd you sleep?
Edd lets out another yawn, trudging sleepily to the kitchen. “Somewhat okay, though it would’ve been better had Ringo not decided to be my new alarm clock.” He walks right past Matt without noticing the ginger, since his messy hair in his eyes somewhat obstructed his view. Good thing he knew by memory where the cat food cans were. 
“This is the third time this week that I’ve had dreams of Matt…” He murmurs to himself, unaware that Matt was within earshot.
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Edd, if you're trying to get rid of the chest, what's inside it? What kind of 'junk' could be worth locking in a chest to begin with?
“I told you, nothing of importance. I’m entitled to keep some things a mystery you know…” Edd comes to a stop, staring down at the chest he was carrying. For a moment his vision blurred, then refocused, and he looked back at the house. “Has it always been this dark outside..?” He asks softly, before shifting the chest in his arms, slightly revealing some symbol on his wrist… but not enough to determine what it was.
[M!A Edd Symbol wrists 1/8(?) ]
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Where are you going, Edd? Isn't it cold outside? Maybe you should head back and get a hoodie or coat first.
Edd shakes his head. “I can’t go back right now, I-I need to clear my head. F-for some reason, seeing Matt… I-it’s making something in me hurt, l-like an ache of some sort…” He gestures to himself, namely his chest. “E-every time I see him, it hurts and I’m not s-sure what’s wrong with me…”
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Why so on edge, Edd? Do the nightmares scare you that bad?
Edd let’s out a shaky breath. “Sometimes, yeah. And they’ll last for a moment when I’m awake, too. But only rarely.” Edd opens the cat food and serves Ringo, petting the feline to calm his nerves. 
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Dry up those tears Edd
Confused, Edd wipes away the tears and turns to find the can opener. As it turns out, it’s right next to Matt. Edd freezes, with a startled look of recognition. The look disappears as quick as it was made, and he casually grabs the can opener. 
“Hey Matt, didn’t think you’d be up at this hour.” Edd says, shakily opening the can of cat food. Seems he’s trying to hide his nervousness. Or anxiety.
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In Edd’s room, Ringo was curled up on the Brit’s chest, absentmindedly kneading her sleeping owner. Edd groans, waking up from the slightly bothersome pain. “Ringo, noo…” He murmurs, gently nudging the cat off of him as he sat up, yawning softly. Ringo simply meowed at him, pawing the Brit. “Fine, I’ll get you some food. Just don’t scratch…” Edd says in a sleepy daze, getting up and heading to the kitchen. He was in his boxers and smeg head tee.
[Edd is open to asks]
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What are the dreams about Edd?
Edd reaches up for the can of cat food. “They get a bit fuzzy, but… It always has something to do with Matt… and tears.. and a kiss…” Edd sounds a bit confused by something, and lifts his hair out his face to find tears in his eyes. “…Am I crying??” He still didn’t realize someone else was in the kitchen.
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What do you mean "don't belong", Edd? Do you feel out of place with Matt?
Edd ponders this as he walks. “I-it’s not that, not entirely. I think… w-we aren’t… close? Or close enough? Or I’m not supposed to be? I-I don’t know!” He seems to be frustrated and confusing himself. “I used to feel secure and so sure of myself with him, but… S-something’s changed. Something’s wrong with me, I just know it. Maybe I’m broken.” The cold wind blows in his direction, and he shivers, but he doesn’t falter a step. He was getting farther from their collective home.
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Hey Edd, if you tell Matt more about your dreams you might feel better
“Ehh, I dunno. It’s kinda vague, but,,” Edd’s cheeks dust a light pink hue. “The part that I remember most was the kiss… M-maybe it’s not a good idea.” Edd grabs a cola from the fridge, cracking it open to take a sip.
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Edd, are you okay buddy? You don't look so colorful, and you're not acting like your usual self... ~Concerned anon
“I’m… not sure what’s wrong with me…” Edd says uncertainly. “Something… something about Matt feels… I-it’s like I don’t belong? Or maybe I should belong? I-I don’t know…” He looks up for the stars, but they’re not in sight. Of course not, it’s morning by now. He heads down the street, seemingly with a destination in mind. Nobody’s left their homes yet, so nobody sees Edd walking out alone in his pj’s in the morning cold.
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New year, new Edd. He was up early, sitting on the couch with a sketchpad in his lap. The chest was safely locked away in his closet, but nevermind that. It seems he was drawing Ringo, as the cat lay sprawled across his feet. He chuckled softly, and nudged the feline gently with his pencil. Ringo simply meowed in response. Why not send him some asks?
[Edd is open for asks, send ‘em in babs! UwU]
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Edd, tell me, do you ever wonder what it'd be like to kiss Matt?
Edd gets flustered, thinking about it. Him, getting to kiss Matt? Sounds like something out of a fairytale. One where Matt is prince charming, perhaps. It was pretty tempting, actually.
“..M-maybe… th-there are a few times that th-the thought crosses m-my mind…” Edd sneaks a glance at Matt. Very tempting indeed. 
Magic ring 3/10
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