#evol x love li zeyan fanfic
thedummysdummy · 2 years
A Big, Dramatic Cat
“I think the boss is sick. He kept spacing off in the meeting today, and when I peeked in his office just now, he’s completely passed out at his desk.” 
As soon as the girl finished reading the text message, she frowned and turned off her laptop. Typical Victor, refusing to take any time to rest! “Thank you for the heads-up, Goldman. I’ll come take care of it!” 
She exited her office and must have had a concerned expression on her face, because Anna stopped her at the door. “Everything okay, boss? You look like something bad has happened. Anything we can do?” 
The girl smiled and gave Anna a thumbs-up. “Everything will be okay! I just got a message from Goldman that Victor seems like he’s sick, but he’s insistent on pretending everything is fine. As he does. So I’m going to go see if he is, and if so, get him into bed.” 
“Men,” Anna replied, giggling as she shook her head. “He’s lucky to have you. We’ll hold down the fort! And if you need anything, just shoot us a text.” 
“Thank you, Anna! Make sure that everyone actually takes their lunch break, okay? None of our projects are so pressing that anyone should have to skip theirs. I don’t want to have to drag any of my employees home sick too!” She gave her friend a cheeky grin and headed for the elevator, calling a taxi on her way. 
Next thing she knew, she was standing outside LFG. Everyone inside smiled and waved as she passed, a far cry from her experience the first time she stepped into this building. She easily took the familiar route up to Victor’s office and knocked one time before opening the door and stepping inside. 
All the lights within were off, aside from the dim glow of the laptop on Victor’s thin face. His fringe reflected the colors of his screensaver, as did a single bead of sweat which was making its way down the side of his face. A face which rested on his arm and held a semi-pained expression. Her heart frowned and she quietly closed the door behind her. “Victor?” she called, her voice soft. “Vic?”
He stirred slightly, but did not open his eyes. A soft moan escaped his lips and she hurried over, placing a hand on his forehead. “You’re burning up,” she murmured, pulling her hand away quickly from the heat. “You stubborn capitalist, you!” She shook his shoulders and kissed his forehead in an attempt to wake him up. 
It was only minorly effective. Victor’s eyes flickered and he looked through her for a moment before they closed again. The girl sighed and tried again, this time lifting his chin to look at her. “Victor. Wake up, dummy. You’re sick and you’re coming home with me.” She pulled on his hand and he lifted his head, blearily blinking as he looked at her. “That’s right, come on. You aren’t spending one more minute in this office.” She tugged at Victor’s hand and he obediently stood, swaying slightly on his feet. “How did you even expect to get yourself home in this state?” 
Victor seemed to wake up a little more after standing for a moment and narrowed his eyebrows. “What are you doing here? What time is it? Did I sleep through the afternoon meetings?” He glanced at the clock and shook his head, only to be rewarded with an ice pick being driven repeatedly through his brain. “It’s only noon. I thought you weren’t coming to LFG until six. I have too many meetings to go to lunch with you today.” 
The girl shook her head and continued tugging Victor toward the door. “No, I’m not here for lunch. Goldman told me you were ill, and I’m here to make you go home. Now you be a good boy and come along without a fuss.” He opened his mouth to argue, but the glare he received from the girl shut him up immediately. “Give me the keys. You aren’t driving in this state.” 
“I’m fine.” Victor’s voice was sharp, yet slightly slurred and he again swayed slightly. The girl shook her head and dragged him through the office door, pausing only to close it behind her. Victor seemed to give up his will to resist pretty quickly and allowed himself to be pulled down the hallway. 
They paused outside Goldman’s office and the girl knocked. The assistant’s face appeared in a flash and the girl gestured to Victor. “I’m taking this sick CEO home. Can you please let anyone he was supposed to meet with know that he’ll be taking a few sick days? I’ll be keeping him in bed as long as possible.” 
“You’ve got it!” Goldman replied, grinning from ear to ear. “I’m glad that’s your job and not mine! I bet the boss will be demanding to return to work the minute he’s coherent again. Good luck with even getting him to take a nap.” 
Victor let out a sound of disgust. “You know I can hear you, right?” he demanded, though he didn’t seem particularly displeased by the interaction. “And I’ll be perfectly fine by morning. I just need some rest.” 
The girl patted Victor’s hand and winked secretly at Goldman. “I’m sure you will. But only if you get some rest! So come on, let’s go. Thanks for covering for us, Goldman! I’ll bring you a cup of coffee next time I’m in!” 
Goldman laughed and waved the pair off, closing his door as they disappeared into the elevator. The girl punched the button for the parking garage and held Victor’s hand tightly, looking at him with some amount of concern now that they were actually headed out. In the light, she could see exactly how pale Victor was. His skin resembled newly-fallen snow, and despite the heat which she could feel emanating from his body, his shoulders shuddered slightly with chills. 
“You’re a total mess, Victor. Come on now, get into the car. I’ll stop at the hospital and get some medication on our way home. You just lean back and take a nap, okay?” She opened the car door and shoved Victor inside, refusing to leave his side of the car until his seat was properly reclined and his eyes were obediently closed. “There we go. We’ll be home soon.” 
She climbed into the driver’s seat and carefully backed out of the parking stall. It made her nervous every time she drove Victor’s car, knowing how much it must have cost. But there was no way she was going to let him drive in this state, so drive she did. After a quick stop for some fever medication, they soon arrived in front of Victor’s house. 
Victor was softly snoring in the passenger seat, and for a moment the girl wondered if she would be better off letting him finish his nap. However, his position didn’t look all that comfortable so she picked up his hand and gave it a gentle kiss. “Victor, we’re home. Let’s get you into bed.” His eyes slowly flickered open and she unbuckled his seat belt. “Come on. Bed is much more comfortable than the car.” 
There wasn’t much resistance as she pulled his hand to ‘help’ Victor out of the car. He swayed for a moment before getting his balance and stumbling toward the door, holding a hand to his forehead. He squinted and frowned, trying to block the bright afternoon sun from digging into his eyes. The girl locked the car and hurried to the door to let them in the house. Victor stepped in and immediately sat in the chair near the door to remove his shoes. 
Before he could reach down, however, the girl dropped to one knee and untied his laces. She tenderly removed his shoes and slid his feet into his slippers before getting her own. Victor watched quietly, reaching out to run his fingers through her hair. “You know I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, right?” he mumbled. 
“I’m sure you are. Now go get those uncomfortable clothes off and get into bed, you hear me? I’ll prepare some tea and bring you your medication.” She kissed his forehead, finding that it was even hotter than before. “Have you eaten today? I’ll make some soup, too.” 
Victor shook his head and stood, making it as far as the couch before he stopped to lean against it. The girl sighed helplessly and took his hand, allowing him to rest his weight against her as she walked him to the bedroom. “And to think that you were going to try to work through this! You’re ridiculous, you know that?” 
“I would have been fine. Perhaps the presence of a certain dummy makes it harder to ignore the symptoms,” he replied. “She tends to dramatize them and make them harder to forget about.” 
The girl sighed helplessly again and sat Victor down on the bed, unbuttoning his jacket and shirt for him. “If I didn’t know better, I would think you’re saying that you are being extra dramatic because you want to be fussed over.” She pulled the sleeves down over Victor’s hands and helped him remove the shirt. His shivering was more obvious without the clothing to hide it. “I’ll let you get your pants on your own while I make some tea. Call me if you need anything, okay?” 
She waited for Victor to nod and hurried into the kitchen to fill the kettle. Soon it heated on the stove and the ingredients for a basic miso broth sat on the counter, waiting for the hot water as well. There weren’t any obvious sounds of struggle from the other room, so the girl remained in the kitchen until the tea and soup were ready. She placed a dose of medication in a small cup and put the whole setup on a tray for easy delivery to the afflicted Victor. 
He had gotten himself settled under the covers and lay with his eyes closed, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. “Hey, I have food for you.” Victor gestured vaguely to the bedside table and she put the tray there before settling on the edge of the bed. He made no move to pick up the bowl or the cup, and the girl frowned. “You need to get this in your mouth for it to do you any good, you know.” 
“I’ll eat it later. I was told to get some rest, and eating takes effort.” 
“But it will get cold! What do you want, for me to feed it to you?” The girl scowled, but Victor nodded. The scowl turned into a giggle as he opened his mouth and seemingly just waited for her to do just that. “You’re such a big baby,” she laughed, picking up the bowl of soup and filling the spoon. She gently blew away the steam and brought the spoon to Victor’s lips. They parted and she poured the liquid inside. 
Victor swallowed and the corner of his lip turned upward. “Mmm.” The girl happily filled the spoon again and again, finding her mind wandering back to a certain time where their roles were reversed. 
“Do you remember when I was in the hospital and you fed me like this? It feels like a lifetime ago…We hardly knew each other at the time. I don’t know if I ever really thanked you for that. In fact, I’m pretty sure all I did was throw a fit that you were smothering me. Which, I mean, you were. But I think I can see now what I couldn’t see then.” She brushed a sweaty lock of hair away from his eyes and sighed. “I don’t think the me then could possibly have fathomed the kind of man you really are.” 
“And what kind of man do you think I really am?” Victor asked, cracking one eye to look at the girl. “You were injured because of me. It was only right that I repaid my debt.” 
She chuckled and picked up the medicine tablets. “We both know that’s a load of bull. You’re the king of drama and you were already in love with me, weren’t you? As kind and sweet as you are beneath that stony exterior, you seemed to reserve that level of care for only me even then. I just couldn’t see it. Open up and swallow these.” Victor obediently swallowed the tablets, but he didn’t respond to her accusations. She gently stroked his cheek. “I’m glad I can see that side of you, now. And it is good to be repaying some of my own ‘debts.’” 
Once the soup was gone, the girl brought the cup of tea to Victor’s lips. He sipped it cautiously at first, but finding that it wasn’t going to burn his tongue, he took a deeper drink. Thoughtful silence filled the room as the girl continued to minister to Victor until his meal was done. “I’m going to put these dishes away. You get some rest now, okay?” 
Victor nodded and grabbed the girl’s hand. She looked at him inquisitively, but he only stared into her eyes for a long moment before finally breaking his silence. “Yes,” he whispered. “You were right. I’ve loved you from the moment I met you. But you don’t have any debts to repay. I want  you to stay by my side because you love me, not out of some sense of obligation.” 
A certain level of sadness filled the girl’s eyes as she turned back to Victor and cupped his cheek with her free hand. “Are you really worried about that? Of course I don’t stay because I feel obligated. I stay because I cannot imagine my life without Victor in it. Our relationship may have started because my company needed your money, but it continues because I need you.” 
A bead of liquid rolled down the side of Victor’s face and the girl tenderly wiped it away. Whether it was sweat or tears she did not know, but either way both hearts in the room felt full and warm as she gathered up the dishes and stood up from the bed. “I love you, you big, dramatic cat. Now get some sleep, okay?” 
His only response was a soft snore, which brought a smile to the girl’s face. Moments like this…they were worth more than all the money in LFG.
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multifandom-worlds · 1 year
Wearing My Clothes
Genre: Fluff Word count: 580 Warnings: N/A Author's Note: Happy Birthday, @darling-dummy-blogs. I love you; thank you for sticking around through everything the past year or so! I appreciate the hell out of you! I hope you like your gift!
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I watch Cassie laugh, closing her eyes and lifting her head to the sky, letting the raindrops land on her face. I stand with my umbrella above my head, listening to the soft patter of the rain while my beautiful wife dances and twirls in the rain. We were returning to my place after a date when the skies opened up, leaving us caught in the middle of a shower. Where I immediately grab the umbrella, which would easily fit the 2 of us, Cassie kicks off her shoes and runs down the sidewalk, giggling the entire time. 
"Are you having fun there, my dear?" I chuckle, walking a few steps behind her, her shoes in my hand. She giggles more, jumping into a puddle and splashing water up her thighs. I hold in a chuckle, watching her dance around in the rain, getting herself absolutely drenched in the process. She fails to remember that we aren’t going to her apartment; we’re going to mine, where she has no clothes save for a bralette and a pair of panties. 
A few minutes later, we make it to the front door of my building. Closing my umbrella, I quickly put in the code and opened the door, getting us in from the rain. We walked down the long hallways to my place, earning suspicious glances from my neighbours. “I offered the umbrella; she just chose to get wet. This was all her own doing.” 
“I’m going to go get out of these wet clothes and grab a shower if that’s okay?” Cassie asks, even though I know she already knows the answer. I laugh, following her upstairs so I can also change out of my wet clothes. “Towels are in the closet outside the door. Don’t use up all the hot water!” 
Cassie jumps into the shower, humming a tune to herself while I put on a dry pair of slacks and a dry t-shirt, gathering her up a t-shirt for her to wear, plus her sports bra and panties, when she inevitably remembers that she has nothing here. Not that I am bothered by the fact that she always wears my clothes whenever she’s here, but I love seeing how my shirts hand off her body and read her mid-thigh. There’s something so damn hot about it.
Hearing the water turn off, I gather the garments in my hand and head out of my room, waiting by the closed bathroom door. “Uh… Victor..” She calls out. “Can I borrow something to wear? I forgot to bring clothes again….”
I laugh, opening the door and going to place the clothes on the counter for her. “There are clothes on the counter for you, my dear. I knew you forgot them, why not just pack a bag and leave it here? Although that would be the smart thing to do, now wouldn’t it?” 
“Oh, my favourite dummy.” I smile before leaving the bathroom to give her some privacy. I headed downstairs to pull up a movie for us to watch once she was done. I was lost in thought, contemplating many useless things, when her form came into my line of sight, bare legs up till high thigh. I swallow hard, readjusting my slacks before pulling her onto my lap. 
She squeals slightly before settling into my lap, sliding a hand up her bare thigh. “You look great in my clothes, by the way. Perhaps you should “forget” your clothes more often.”
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timelessduet · 2 years
For Victor: 4th Entry
Happy birthday to our grand miracle in life, Victor Li.
Sweet Serenity
How does one get rest? Most people get it by sleeping… some by doing what they are passionate about… and others by just being in the presence of their beloved.
What about Victor? How does LFG’s successful CEO find time to rest despite being known as probably the most workaholic person in Loveland City?
MC: Knock, knock. How is Mr. Victor doing?
Hearing the girl’s voice, Victor turned off the monitor with interview questions before turning his attention to her.
Victor: A certain dummy seems to be slacking off today. I believe she told me she’d do her best to be more productive as a New Year’s resolution. 
MC: I am being more productive, my dear CEO. I’ve been out and about these past few days and… is it wrong to miss you? 
She was teasing in her tone but Victor didn’t mind indulging her every once in a while.
Victor: Mmm so you do admit that you’ve become a workaholic instead of working at a healthy pace. Who was the one who told me to get some rest more and not work like a horse?
MC: That’s… hmpp maybe this was a bad idea. Goldman told me you didn’t have anything on your schedule this afternoon so I decided to visit but… I’ll probably leave then.
Why does it seem like Goldman is becoming more of her secretary than mine? Victor silently thought before letting out a soft sigh.
Victor: And here I had already planned a bountiful dinner later this evening at Souvenir. Maybe I should just cancel that and have Goldman reschedule my meetings for today then.
He knew everything there is to know about this one girl and there is no question that she will always have a soft spot for food… specifically his cooking. MC stopped in her tracks and gave him a hopeful look.
MC: On second thought, I am an understanding girlfriend aside from being an amazing producer. I don’t mind the least waiting for you no matter how long it takes.
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MC: How I missed the great chef of Souvenir’s cooking! And of course, pudding.
Victor: The gluten is full again. I’m glad. 
Rest… Peace… Tranquility… Maybe it was when she eats everything he cooks happily despite claiming she needs to go on a strict diet. 
MC: I am not a gluten. The food is just too delicious. We should never deny blessings as the elder say, right? But Victor… 
There was a long pause before it was continued.
MC: Did you know a friend got in touch with me today? She’s from Loveland Business Magazine. 
Victor quietly listened to MC as she spoke already having an idea where the conversation was headed.
MC: She asked me if you don’t mind answering the question they gave you for an interview? If the question was a bit intrusive, they said you didn’t have to answer it. I wanted to know what the question was but my friend told me it was up to you if you’d share it with me. 
Victor: That friend of yours must be smart to not let you know. A dummy shouldn’t be too nosy. 
She was just too kind and oblivious sometimes. Victor knew people would try whatever they can to get close to him whatever means necessary even if it meant going through the people he loved her. But then, even if he worried, there was no doubt in his mind MC could handle herself. The trust they had for one another was built in this lifetime.
Victor: About the sample question… it has something to do with how one rests. 
MC: That question does suit a workaholic capitalistic tyrant such as yourself, CEO Victor. I’m sure the citizens of Loveland are also indeed curious about how you rest while handling a business empire.
MC can’t help but let out a small giggle. Even though she is coquettish at times, she spreads happiness and light into his days life.
Victor: Not going to ask me what my answer is?
MC: After knowing you for so long, I’m sure you’ll let me know if you want to. It’s fine I suppose. I’ll just have to buy the magazine to know. My friend and their magazine will have a boost in sales thanks to a certain greedy cat.
Victor: A dummy through and through. If there’s anyone who knows the answer to how I rest, that would be you.
Hearing this, the girl’s face reddened before thoughtlessly shifting the conversation to another topic. 
MC: CEO Victor is his own person. What I think may be different from yours. It’s always been that way but of course, not all the time. Anyway, he should really also stop asking me too much. After all, I still have a lot to learn from the most successful person in Loveland.
Victor: I believe I need to learn more from you on the aspect of birthday surprises that are not as subtle as to speak. Indeed there is still a lot of you to learn including the element of keeping surprises a secret. 
Victor was the one who had an upcoming birthday surprise but it seemed as though MC was the one left in shock. There really was nothing that the girl can hide from Victor. 
Gazing tenderly to MC’s flabbergasted form, Victor always knew the response to that question.
Rest could be obtained through various forms. Sleep, relaxation, hobbies, work, passion, travel, love… Every single person has their own kind of rest.
Looking back, there was a time where his rest still involved working himself to the bone. Maybe throwing in some hobbies from cooking, equestrian, and fencing. 
But for Victor now? Rest is a person. 
Rest is her. Her scent, her voice, her feelings, and her love.
The serenity in his life.
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[Author’s Note]: It’s been a long while since I’ve written stories for him. Although a day late, I wish my favorite mlqc guy a happy birthday. May our little Vic, MC, as well as all of you guys stay happy today and every day. 
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otonymous · 3 years
Lord Victor and I (MLQC Victor - NSFW)
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To my dear readers who are also part of the MLQC fandom:
I know it's been a crazy few days with everything that's happened recently. There is a lot to unpack here, and I know that this game is a refuge of sorts for many from the crazy events of the world.
That being said, I want to strive to continue to give you all a safe space here. As I've mentioned on my Patreon page, I am continuing to write (as it also enables me to make sense of things in addition to finding a place of calm), and it is my sincerest hope that you can lose yourselves in my work for even just a minute or two.
Hence, I hope you'll enjoy the following story. It would be the greatest honour for me if it puts even the tiniest smile on your face.
Sending you all much love and support 💕
- XOXO, Otonymous
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Description: Is love enough to overcome class differences?  A bittersweet, alternate universe (AU) story of secret love, lust and desire (READ: this is just an excuse for me to engage in shameless stable sex with Victor while cosplaying as a lord and his servant 😂)
Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language & mature themes — reader discretion is advised.  Potential trigger warnings: mentions of death of a family member, very mild references to depressed mood, outdoor sex, slight exhibitionist overtones, flowery prose
Word Count: 3099 words (~16 mins of over-the-top, Harlequin-esque smut 😂)
Author’s Notes:
Something about this Victor karma makes me want to channel my favourite Victorian-era heroine and run through the moors in the middle of a giant rainstorm just to emerge at the front door of his manor in nothing but a white dress, completely transparent from the rain, of course LOL.  In other words, this story called for high drama and this is reflected in the language.  But please, do read on till the very end for a big surprise! 🤣 Much love to you all and hope you enjoy the read! 🥰
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Leather, soft as churned butter, belies the strength of the hands that hold you fast, gloved fingers anchoring into flesh like a hook upon prey.
Rain, a drummer’s march upon the roof of the stable, keeping pace with the rhythm of flesh on flesh, his hips beating relentlessly upon the curves of your bottom.
Breath, his and yours, intermingling in tufts of white clouds that dissipate as quickly as they are formed…
…as if they had never existed at all.
Just like you and him were to be nothing more to each other beyond the stables than a servant and the young master of the house.
Yes, beyond the stables where love nested in hidden corners, dark and damp; desiring to stretch towards the warmth of the sun but knowing that weeds are a blight upon the sight of a society fettered by rules and convention.
He had taught you to read and write, your lord did.  Amidst lamplight’s glow and the musty scent of ancient pages, he had instructed you in the library where servants had not the habit of frequenting that he would like you to address him as an intimate would, by name alone: Victor.
One by one, he wrote each letter; the neat cursive beautiful on grey slate like a painter’s brush on canvas.
How happy you had been that night, excitement thrilling in your heart like a caged bird, the flutter of its wings stirring to life feelings at the pit of your stomach that you knew you hadn’t the right to feel.  That, due to your station and lot in life, had and would continue to be denied to you.
But then he pressed the chalk to your hand — warm still with the encouraging touch of his — and it felt like he had placed the entirety of the world in the palm of yours.
V. I. C. T. O. R.
Your letters were shaky but never once did he laugh at you.  Nor did your lord ever utter an unkind word, not even when deserved such as the time you had, in your carelessness, shattered a vase while dusting the antiques.  Victor’s expression became withdrawn to see the porcelain in shards, those dark eyes seemingly dimmed by the remembrance of brighter times forever lost to him.  The vase had belonged to his mother, his kin most dear, who now rested beneath the watchful gaze of stone angels deep in the earth near the woods bordering the estate.
It was there, kneeling before her grave, that you had found him.  The lady had been gone but for a fortnight; the pain of her passing still fresh, settling upon the very walls of Loveland Manor like thick vines of ivy slowly stealing light from an unkempt house.  And you alone had spied the ghostly glow of lamplight moving through the moors like a lone spectre headed for home before it could be banished by the brilliance of the rising sun.
So throwing on a shawl, you crept quietly from your room, careful not to awaken Goldman keeping watch at the door.  He had been slouched over, slumbering in his seat, with Daisy - his devoted bloodhound - dozing at his feet.
The wind whipped as you made your way across the expanse of land.  You had prepared yourself for a reprimand, some stern comment for having traipsed out into the dark chill with nothing more than your nightclothes and a shawl about your shoulders, threadbare and worn at that.
What you had not been prepared for were the unshed tears that greeted you in ebony eyes, shimmering faintly in the light of the moon like dust of the fae in storybooks told to placate crying children.
He turned to look upon you, shock giving way to a melancholic tenderness in his expression that tugged on the cage in your chest.  You had felt it then, that familiar flutter; the bird that had taken refuge there growing agitated in its impatience to seek out more of the sight that pleased its owner’s eye like no other: the chiseled jaw, dark features — a handsomeness tempered by a Saturnian gravity that had already developed in Victor from a very young age.
“I feel adrift in a sea fathoms deep with no land in sight.  One by one, the stars are snuffed out like candles prior to the arrival of dawn, but for me, I fear the sun will never rise again.”
That sonorous voice resonated even in the open air, binding you to him with some unseen magic.  You dropped to your knees beside him, but barely felt the damp of the grass seeping through your nightgown.  No, at the time, the only thing you were sensible of was the pain that wracked your heart as it surely did his, though of different origins:  Victor grieved for the untimely death of his mother; you grieved to see him lost in darkness.
Long, tapered fingers reached towards the gravestone, tracing the freshly etched words, and you were reminded of those nights he had taught you your letters in the comforting warmth of his library.  How different it had felt then!  The unfamiliar sight of your lord thus laid low distilled from you a spirit, a courage you knew not you possessed until that very moment, when the desire to touch — to heal wounds invisible — bade you speak.
“Milord, if you would deem one such as myself of sufficient worth, let me be your anchor.”
The wind picked up then, a great gust tangling branches overhead and plucking silken petals from crimson roses that surrounded the grave.  Lord Victor gazed at you for so long that for a moment, you wondered if your words had been carried away by the errant breeze.  Perhaps it was for the better.  Who were you, lowly as your station was, to even think that you had anything to offer this man whom the Fates had blessed with abundance: charming looks, a discerning mind, good breeding and fortune?  It was a momentary folly, you were sure of it, borne of a lapse in judgment to see the young master suffering thus, a man who had shown you nothing but kindness and, if you had the great honour of doing so, you would gladly call a friend.
And in such self-deceit you would’ve persisted had Victor’s lips not sought yours.
Wings flapped, their flutters powerful; a final bidding of farewell before the bird finally escaped.  The happiness in your heart was such that it could no longer be caged; flooded by love, hope, desire, there was no room for anything else except the face of the man who visited you in dreams every night…
…the man who was embracing you in a kiss.
If this is indeed a dream, it would be of little consequence were I not to awaken, you thought to yourself, the idea sinking to the depths of your consciousness like a ship at sea, slowly surrendering to the waves.  Because the kiss was a force of nature all its own, Victor’s lips — warm and pliant — stealing the breath like one standing in awe before the presence of a great storm.  And like a vessel subject to the whims of nature, his touch was such that it turned your world topsy-turvy.
A line had been crossed.  You had been given hope to dream.
“You would bring me back to the land of the living?” Your lord’s voice was low when, with much reluctance, he finally pulled away to speak.  Turning your hand within the much larger grasp of his, shy fingers interlace.
“You have never left, milord.  I would not allow it.”
The words were bold, you knew, but every single one had the gravity of truth.  You could not bring yourself to lie under the watchful eyes of the moon, Diana draped in her silver finery high in the sky to shed gentle light upon a pair of star-crossed lovers.
“You would forgive my transgression?"  That dark gaze pierced with the intensity of an arrow, Victor seeking proof of even the tiniest shred of offence.
“Only if you would give it again.”
The air left your lungs when he pulled you to him once more.  In Lord Victor’s arms, you felt warmth like the ever-burning fire of a hearth.  It was ludicrous, of course, to think that you had found a home in your lord’s embrace.  But there, in the time and space between kisses that fell upon you like rain, you allowed yourself to revel in the fairytales that none but the most gullible of children believe.
For what else but a sweet fantasy could it be, the way Victor possessed you now? — skin to skin in the stables and struggling to bite back every moan lest you spook the horses in their stalls.  Every time there was even a hint of shuffling movement from without, Victor’s body would slow in yours as a precaution.  Thankfully, the alarm would always prove false.  Only the horses with their wide, dark eyes were there to witness to this act of forbidden love.
He had taken you from behind; pulled your skirts up, apron and all, to expose you to the thorough inspection of his eyes.  They shone to look upon you much like they had in the days when he tutored you in secret — tender gazes Victor would fix your way whenever he bade you read aloud from volumes he’d brought back with him from studies abroad; poetry and prose that wove tales of fervid love, intense longing and unceasing desire.
You loved receiving Victor’s praise, had thrown your efforts into self-study in whatever spare time you could muster to earn it.  And he, in turn, provided encouragement in the form of letters sent to you in the post while far from home, safe in the knowledge that none of the other servants could read it as most were illiterate.  Apart from you, only Goldman was capable of recognizing his letters, enough to know to whom a piece of mail was addressed but certainly not enough to decipher the words of affection Victor would painstakingly write out in his elegant hand.
“How is it that you captivate me more every time I see you?  Had I not the benefit of education, I would be inclined to call it the work of magick,” Victor says, body bent over yours as he whispers, his lips grazing the shell of your ear with every powerful thrust.  In this position, he slid in even deeper, the tip of his cock teasing at the limits of your cunt until you felt yourself twitch around his long, thick flesh, blowing out a shaky breath to try to accommodate him whole.
He spoke so matter-of-factly that what seemed like a phrase coined by silver-tongued men to tempt silly girls suddenly took on a reverence all its own.  It pleased you such that you could not help but turn your head back to catch his lips with yours, smiling into the kiss as you spread your legs wider still for him.  Victor rewards you with a groan that emanates from deep within his throat right before he offers you a taste of his tongue.
The early morning air — damp and heavy with rain — was cool on your skin; bare from the waist down, breasts spilling over your corset.  And yet, heat continued to course through your body, warmed as it was by a wanton satisfaction to know how closely your lord was examining your cunt.  You imagined your juices must’ve made a fine mess of his soft, leather gloves when he reached between your thighs to finger the swollen bud at the tip of your pussy, feeling the way your skin stretched thin around him each time he pushed in and pulled out.
Truth be told, you had already begun to dampen the moment you laid eyes on him.
Lord Victor had been out on a morning ride as was his custom when the skies opened up in a sudden downpour, prompting his early return to the stables just as you had sought shelter there from gathering wildflowers to accent the vases decorating the halls of the manor.
You had slipped in after him; quietly — as he hadn’t yet noticed your presence and you wished for the opportunity to bask in the sight of your master as he guided Pilot — his magnificent stallion — back to his stall.  Victor was the very picture of a gentleman, dark features proud and strong.  And yet, on this day, the elegance of his bearing was tempered by rain-soaked strands of ebony hair, lending him an almost feral air that made him seem as wild as the animals in the stable.
His wet clothing clung to him; damp riding breeches unveiling powerful musculature that ran down the length of those long legs, outlining the shape of his backside and, from the front, the bulk of his cock - intimidatingly large though it had yet to swell at all.  The vision drew an inadvertent sigh from your lips that made him whip around, sending droplets of water flying from the tails of his burgundy riding coat.
"I beg your pardon, milord.  I did not mean to alarm you.”
His eyes softened in recognition, their corners crinkling to match the tender smile forming on his lips.  “You’re here.  Goldman informed me this morning that you had already left for the market.”
“Not the market, Sir, but the gardens.  I was picking wildflowers when it began to rain.”  You indicated the woven basket on your arm, lush with blooms in bright colours that contrasted the grey skies above.  “I beg your pardon, milord.  I had unwittingly fallen asleep last night by the window before I could see your carriage pull up to the manor.  I trust your journey home was uneventful?”
Lord Victor moved in your direction and, standing toe to toe, plucked forget-me-nots from your basket between his gloved fingertips, carefully tucking the blue blossoms with their tiny rings of gold behind your ear.  “Uneventful, yes, but, in my impatience to see you, not nearly speedy enough.  I’m afraid to say that matters of the estate have taken me away for far too long, my love.  I see that you have already forgotten my name.”
Laughter bubbled up in your throat then, joy and lightness rising within your chest as you bit your lip and said in a coy whisper, “Victor.”
“Say it again.  Louder this time.”
“Victor, my Victor.  My only love—“
Arms wrapped tightly about your waist, Victor’s lips falling upon yours to swallow the last of your words with the greed of a man starved.  The basket fell from your hands; a rainbow of colours spilling onto the cold floor as if love alone had the power to make seeds bloom from stone.
“I’ve missed you dreadfully.  My true return lies not in stepping past the threshold to the manor, but in the moment I finally have you in my embrace again.”
Your lord pulled back, eyes drinking in the sight of you as they studied from face down.  Those irises darkened even further when they stopped mid-chest.  Following his gaze, you gasped to see that your clothing had turned transparent in the rain, leaving little to the imagination.
“Forgive me, love, for I fear that even one with infinitely more patience than I would lose all composure in your presence.”
So saying, he tore the front of your bodice wide, bothering not to remove his gloves as he hastened to take first one breast into his mouth then the other in turn.  The wet heat of lips and tongue banished the damp chill on your skin in an instant, and the horses raised curious heads in your direction to hear you moan, gentle fingers raking through your lover’s thick hair.
Every salacious lick, every teasing flick of his tongue hardened your nipples to a point even as you melted between the legs from the clever ministrations of his mouth.  That your lord had taken you in the stables was nothing new, but then the lovemaking had always been slow and gentle; a woollen blanket carefully arranged upon a soft pile of hay and atop that, your bodies writhing together in time and ecstasy.  Perhaps it was true what they said about the heart growing fonder with absence — this last trip had been Victor’s longest yet, and it seemed to return a man almost savage in his passion back to the fold of your embrace.
It excited you.
Sent a thrill down your spine to have Victor shed the veneer of the perfect gentleman and take what he wanted, especially when the object of his desire was you.  That much was obvious when you found yourself backed up against the wooden slats of a fence, your lover’s tumescent cock grinding in a slow rhythm on the mound of your cunt through your skirts, inhaling deeply with his face still buried between the flesh of your breasts.
It made you respond in kind, propriety giving way to lust when you found him through his breeches, hand smoothing over the taut outline as you admired the fullness of the part of him that gave you pleasure beyond compare.  How many nights had you lain awake in his absence, fingers moving nimbly between your legs as you imagined them to be Victor’s cock, poor substitute though they were?  But there was no longer a need to play pretend when you had the authentic article before you.
He entered you with ease, the head of his cock finding you slick as Victor sighed to slide between your tight folds.  You paid no mind to the flowers being trampled beneath your muddied boots as your lover began to move in earnest,  gloved hands holding fast to the curves of your hips as he picked up speed, filling you to the brim over and over again.  Every time he did, the wet sounds of your excitement would compete with the rain falling still upon the roof of the stables; the smells of your lovemaking intermingling with the scent of earth and hay.
And when, with a groan and much force of discipline, your lord finally pulled himself away to spill the creamy heat of his seed upon your buttocks, your lips pull into a secret smile, content to think yourself the happiest being in the world to be thus marked by your lover as his own.
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Ok, tell me the truth y'all: who saw that last bit coming?! 🤣🤣🤣 Y'all know I couldn't help myself LOL!  Thanks so much and hope you all enjoyed the read! 🥰 Check out more of my salacious shenanigans on my Patreon page!
"Lord Victor and I" is copyright 2021 Otonymous, all rights reserved. Originally posted on Patreon.
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lia-jones · 3 years
Resistance - Evol: Chapter 9 - Garfunkel
He smiled as he watched her sleep, an innocent look on her face, her breath soft and slow, her lips parted. If only he could forget last week existed, as well as all the doctors and the exams and the diagnosis he could watch her without the tightness in his chest, pretend that she had never been sick at all.
The sun already bathed the wooden floor of their room. Victor had left the bed over an hour ago and it was time for her to take her medicine, but she looked so peaceful… Five more minutes wouldn’t hurt, he decided. She could use the rest. He pressed his lips on her forehead and focused on more important matters: Breakfast.
“Good morning.” Owen sat on the kitchen island, adjusting the collar of his shirt.
“Looking sharp, Mr. Lee.” Victor greeted.
“Where’s Mom?”
“Still sleeping.” Victor turned off the stove, placing the breakfast plate on the counter. “Go wake her up.”
He looked at the plated pancakes, pondering the garnishings. Andrea hadn’t been eating well, and she was losing weight, so he decided on a comforting breakfast instead of a healthy one: He would cover them with pecans and warm maple syrup, just like she liked them.
In the distance, he could hear his boy call his mother.
“Mom, stop playing, I know you’re just pretending to be asleep.” The boy giggled, earning a chuckle from Victor as well.
“Mom, I don’t want to play anymore. Open your eyes.”
Victor frowned, focusing on his son’s voice.
“Mom!” The boy screamed. “Mom, wake up!”
Something was wrong. Victor bolted to the room, forgetting about the pancakes. He found his boy crying, shaking his mother’s arm, who seemed to be still asleep.
“She won’t wake up!” Owen sobbed. “Why is she not waking up?”
“Andy.” Victor stroked her curls, his thumb massaging her forehead. “Andy, wake up!” He shook her shoulders. “Andrea!”
“Go get my phone from the kitchen.” Victor ordered, taking his wife in his arms. “Andrea, can you hear me? Talk to me.”
Her body sagged in his arms, unresponsive. No, this couldn’t be it, it was too soon. She had been diagnosed not even a week ago.
It was happening all too fast. He wasn’t ready.
Anyone in Loveland who didn’t live under a rock knew very well who Victor and Andrea Lee were. The media had named them Loveland’s Power Couple, and they were indeed prominent figures, always present in charity and business events, and even sometimes going on TV to comment on some news regarding the financial market.
But even if you weren’t interested in Economics, the name Lee would still be very familiar: Who didn’t know the fairy tale story of the lonely Loveland’s Most Eligible Bachelor, and how he fell in love with an emigrant that came to the city to rebuild her life after leaving an abusive boyfriend? As discreet as they always tried to be, minimizing his appearances and almost always keeping them work-related, the Lee family was certainly a subject to discuss, as their conquests and heartbreaking stories warmed our hearts.
I have to admit I didn’t know what to expect when I entered that waiting room. Maybe I had gotten used to the glamorous pictures in the magazines of them wearing expensive suits and gowns, or to Victor Lee’s elegant ways, calm and polite but poignant when he spoke on TV. The man I found in the waiting room had nothing to do with the man I was used to seeing in the media.
He was sitting in one of the plastic chairs, shoulders slumped, holding a red-haired child who seemed to be glued to him, arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He held the child and caressed his hair, answering with a soft loving voice as the boy complained and cried. The moment he noticed me approaching he jumped from his chair, still holding the boy, an anxious look in his eyes.
“Mr. Lee?”
“Any news on my wife?”
“She’s still being examined by the doctors.” I spoke calmly, trying to diffuse some of his tension. “In the meantime, the Chief invites you to meet him in the VIP waiting room. He is waiting for you there.”
His brow furrowed, his tired eyes turning into a steely gaze. Obviously, the man was worried about his wife, he didn’t have time to waste on formal handshakes and elbow-rubbing. I was convinced he was about to tear me a new one when he suddenly paused, his expression distant, as if he was considering something, his hand rubbing his son’s back.
“Thank you.” He nodded politely.
We walked in silence to the VIP wing, a quieter wing with fewer rooms, where famous patients could stay far from the prying eyes of the public. The Chief of Hospital was waiting for us with Dr. Mann, in the VIP waiting room.
“I’m Dr. Manuel Collins, the CEO of Loveland’s General Hospital, and this is Dr. Laura Mann, the doctor that is taking care of your wife’s case.”
“How is she?”
“She’s already in her room, she hasn’t…” Dr. Mann hesitated, looking at the boy.
“Would you like me to look after your son for a while so you can discuss things?”
“Owen, would you like to go with…” The CEO frowned at me.
“Molly Garfunkel.” I smiled.
“Would you like to go with Nurse Garfunkel while I talk to the doctors?”
The boy looked at me suspiciously.
“We can go get some hot chocolate from the vending machine.” I smiled at him. “It’s pretty delicious.”
“Keep him close.” The father warned.
“Don’t worry, it’s not far away.” I nodded. “So, what do you say, Owen, do you want to come with me?”
“I want to wait for Mom.” The boy turned to his father.
“I know.” The father kneeled in front of him, looking him in the eyes. “But for now, you need to go with Nurse Garfunkel while I talk to the doctors, alright?”
“Alright.” The boy looked down.
“It won’t be long, I promise.” He lifted the boy’s face, smiling at him. “I want you to be on your best behavior. And thank Nurse Garfunkel for being so kind to take you.”
“Thank you, Nurse Garfunkel.”
“Thank you for the hot chocolate, it’s very good.” The boy sat beside me on the couch close to the nurse’s station. Not far from us, in the VIP lounge room, his father was being given what I quickly understood not to be good news.
“I’m glad you like it.” I nodded, wondering what I could do next to distract the boy. His eyes kept wandering to the VIP lounge door.
“My father makes hot chocolate for us when it gets really cold, and he adds marshmallows. Mom and I sometimes snatch a few marshmallows when he’s not looking to eat while we wait.”
I laughed. It was heartwarming to imagine Victor and Andrea Lee, Loveland’s Power Couple, in such relaxed settings.
“Is my mom going to die?”
I looked at the small boy sitting next to me, red curls bouncing as he spoke, sweet inquisitive brown eyes reading me with wisdom we don’t often find in an adult, let alone a child. I noticed Victor Lee leaving the lounge room, eyes scanning the space looking for his son. And the pain in them when he finally found him. To be honest, I have never seen a man looking so broken.
Fortunately, I wouldn’t have to answer the question I was asked, I would leave that painful task to his father. But part of me wanted to lie, wanted to give them a little hope, just so they wouldn’t have to go through so much pain, especially that pure little boy.
But I couldn’t do that. So I settled for the next best thing I could do.
“Would you like some cookies with that hot chocolate?”
A degenerative disease is perhaps the worst death one can have. I have certainly seen many cases like this, where the person slowly fades away and in most cases is aware of it, the light slowly dimming in their eyes, as they lose all hope, and sometimes all dignity.
In cases like Andrea Lee’s, where all indicated that her disease would take a major turn for the worse, it was almost merciful that she had a stroke in her sleep to speed things up. Of course, looking at her husband and at how heartbroken he was, no one dared to say it out loud.
Dr. Mann talked for a long time, explaining Mrs. Lee’s condition, choosing her words carefully so she wouldn’t antagonize the husband. This was a particular situation that could lead to a potential lawsuit, Dr. Finn had said that she still had some time, only to have her get much worse two days after. It wasn’t fair and it was nobody’s fault. Still, some families would blame the hospital.
As we left the room, Dr. Mann turned to me.
“Next time you go check on her and take blood for routine tests, I want you to make these as well.” She handed me a piece of paper. “It should be enough for now.”
“What for?” I frowned. “You think the diagnosis is wrong?”
“There is no harm in exploring a few other options. The illness is progressing far too fast, which is not consistent with CTE.”
“You didn’t ask for the husband’s consent.”
“I don’t want to give the husband hope, I am not sure what I may find yet if anything at all. That would be cruel.” She looked down. “But we are not putting the patient at unnecessary risk, you will have to take her blood anyway. I’m just adding a few more tests.”
“The Chief will not like it.” I warned.
“The Chief doesn’t need to know. Nobody needs to know. It's just a blood test.”
It was hard seeing her like that, pale and still, looking so very small in that bed. She looked skinnier, her cheeks sinking in her face, her hair lusterless, braided in two ponytails to keep it from tangling. A far cry from the vibrant beautiful woman we used to see in the media. If this was hard for me to watch, and I was a stranger, I could only imagine what it felt like to her husband.
I wondered if Dr. Mann wasn’t right after all. No degenerative disease can do all this damage in merely a week.
“Mrs. Lee, I will take your hand now so I can check your IV, ok?” I spoke to the motionless woman.
“Can I bring some of her clothes, some pajamas for her to wear? She would hate to be in that ridiculous hospital gown.” The husband turned to me.
“I’m sorry.” I shook my head. “The gown is more practical for daily care, and it’s better at preventing bedsores.”
“What about socks?” He insisted. “Her feet are always cold.”
“Socks are ok.” I smiled.
There was a moment of silence as if he was mulling over something. Then he spoke again.
“Do you think… Nevermind.”
“You can ask.” I gave him a soft smile, focusing on the syringe that was filling with blood.
“Would it have made a difference if I had woken her up? When she was having the stroke?”
I had seen him one day on some TV show, commenting about an embezzlement scandal with some financial company. I never understood finances very well, but I could remember how assertive and knowledgeable he was, making the room go quiet every time he uttered a word. He had this royal aura, this powerful presence that filled the room and made you automatically feel this respect for him, even without knowing who he was. At that moment, looking at him, all I could see was vulnerability, although he was yet to show a hint of emotion. I was about to answer when he interrupted me and continued talking like he had the urge to get something off his chest.
“I’m usually a light sleeper, especially since she was diagnosed, but this time I didn’t wake her up. I even got up before her and didn’t notice a thing, I thought she was sleeping.” He took a deep ragged breath. “I sent my son to wake her up, he was the one that found her like this. I failed both of them. I should have noticed, and I can’t understand why I didn’t.”
“You wouldn’t have been able to tell.” I hurried to answer. “She had it in her sleep, she probably didn’t react.”
He took another deep breath, as he was trying to steady himself. I’ve seen it many times before, the burden a spouse bears when the other one is dying, especially when there are small children involved: they wish to make good on their love’s last wishes, they wonder if they will be able to raise their kids on their own, they wonder if the loss is going to drive them crazy.
It’s a lot to take in alone.
“Do you have a support group? I mean, friends or family members that can help you, be with you at this moment?”
The man remained silent, his eyes focused on his wife, glassy as tears threatened to spill. I understood right away what he meant, as I had seen it many times before. It was her. His support was his wife, his solace, and he didn’t know how to ask anyone else. The way this man held her hand, the devotion and love he had in his eyes whenever he looked at her, told me that this woman was everything in his life, she took all the space. And now that she was leaving, he didn’t know what to do with the emptiness.
As a nurse, we are required to keep our emotions at bay. We are supposed to be impersonal, to see feelings as something that can be studied and concluded but not felt: We need to consider feelings and act through compassion, but we can’t actually be compassionate. As health care professionals, it clouds your judgment.
“I did pretty much everything that needs to be done, I was there an hour ago, so you’ll only need to return in another hour.” I debriefed the nurse that was coming to take the night shift. “If you can, make sure the husband gets something to eat, and ask him if he needs an extra bed for the night. So far he refused, but…”
“It’s ok, Molly, I got this.” She smiled at me.
“Yes, I know.” I sighed. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be bossy.”
“Patricia told me that he never left the room, he was beside her all day, holding her hand. That’s so sweet.”
“And heartbreaking,” I added. “I’m looking forward to a drink after this.”
“Excuse me, can you tell me where Andrea Lee’s room is? I was told that I could ask here.”
I turned to see who was asking. She was well in her fifties, short with black curly hair, a grave expression on her face. Beside her, was a tall well-built man with hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair.
“My name is Jeremy Jones and this is my wife, Mariana.” He extended his hand for us to shake. “We’re her parents. Victor is expecting us.”
Looking at both of them, I could see the resemblance. Andrea Lee had her mother’s curly hair and brown eyes, but the nose, mouth, and hair color were clearly from her father. I smiled.
“I was with your daughter and son-in-law all day, I can take you to them.” I started walking, leading the way.
“How is she?” Her father asked.
“Maybe we should leave such questions for the doctors.” The mother chimed in. I silently thanked her for her intervention, I didn’t want to be the one telling them that their daughter would probably pass away soon.
“Mr. Lee?” I knocked on the door. “Your in-laws are here.”
I was surprised to find the room empty. Mrs. Lee laid in bed, perfectly still… and alone. Until I saw two feet coming from behind the bed, on the floor. Coming closer, I found Mr. Lee unconscious, on the floor, a streak of blood running down his forehead, slowly pooling on the floor.
“Victor!” Mrs. Jones kneeled beside me, as I examined him. He had probably hit his head and passed out, he would need immediate medical attention. I was about to buzz for help when I heard him groan.
“He’s waking up.”
“Don’t get up yet.” I spoke softly as I saw him making an effort to sit. “You hit your head pretty bad, you probably have a concussion.”
“It’s nothing.” He disregarded my request and got up anyway, touching the blood on his forehead and looking at his bloody fingers. “I’m alright.”
“You’re bleeding.” I insisted. “I’ll call a doctor to come to see you.”
“How did you hurt yourself like that, son?” The older man asked. “What happened?”
“I must have fallen asleep on the chair and hit my head while I was falling.” He took my arm. “No need for a doctor. I assume you’re able to take care of it.”
I was about to refute when I saw him looking me in the eyes, almost like he was pleading. Maybe it was the anguish of seeing a loved one die and the uncanny closeness someone can find in these moments with the healthcare provider working with them. Or maybe it was that her parents were there now, and that added to the weight he carried. He was overwhelmed, and he was silently asking for my help.
“I will need to take you to another room to get you treated.” I declared.
“We will stay with Andy in the meantime.” Mr. Jones quickly offered.
I took him to an examination room nearby and had him sit on the bed, gathering from the shelves the few supplies I would need. He was silent the whole time, lost in his thoughts, yet clearly unsettled.
“This may hurt a little.” I warned as I disinfected his wound.
“Thank you.” He sighed.
“That’s quite the gash.” I offered, getting nothing but silence from him. “You know, it is unusual for a wound like this to happen as you described it.”
“I didn’t want to worry my in-laws.” He looked away. “The truth is, I was getting up to use the bathroom when I felt lightheaded and fell. That's why I hit my head so hard.”
“Mr. Lee, this is probably none of my business, but you are not doing anyone any favors by not taking care of yourself.” I spoke softly and I applied a bandage to his wound. “Your devotion to your wife is remarkable, but you have a beautiful young boy to look after. And he needs his father.”
“You are right. This is none of your business.” He replied. “Are you done?”
The remark and the ice in his words felt like a punch in the gut. I quickly moved my hands away.
“You still need to see a doctor. You may have a concussion.”
“I need to go back to my wife.” He got off the bed and walked to the door, pausing to look at me again. “Thank you.”
As health care providers, we are not supposed to feel for our patients more than convention dictates. It clouds our judgment and makes us do things we shouldn’t: Let a patient go without proper medical care, like I just had, help someone keep a secret that we don’t even know about, and most importantly, making it personal and hurt like it was our own family.
I wouldn’t be able to sleep, carrying this with me. I needed a beer.
The bar was full as usual, most people at the hospital came here at the end of the shift to do the same thing I was doing there: forget about work. I found one of my coworkers already at a table, waving at me to join her. But first, I needed my drink.
I approached the bar and asked for a beer, looking around as I waited. Not far from me, I found Dr. Mann, speaking with a very attractive man. Was she on a date? She didn’t look like she was on a date, by her expression, unless the date was going terribly wrong. Having nothing better to do and needing a distraction from my own emotions, I decided to focus on her voice and eavesdrop a little.
“The moment I saw your email, I knew I had to call you.” She told the man. “I know this can’t be CTE, it’s progressing way too fast. And then I remembered the pandemic, and how the doctors couldn’t identify the virus at first, but you did. I have the papers and a blood sample in my car, I would love for you to take a look at it.”
“It is a very interesting case indeed.” The man smiled. “And you tell me this patient is a VIP?”
“Yes. In case you find something in her sample, you can’t publish anything about it. I’m not supposed to tell you, but this is Victor Lee’s wife, we would have a serious problem in our hands if he found out about this.”
“You don’t have his consent?” The man frowned. “I’m sorry, Laura, but this doesn’t seem ethical at all.”
“I know.” She looked down. “I understand.”
“I know this is personal to you, having lost your mother in the pandemic. And I am deeply sorry for not being able to find the vaccine any sooner, maybe I could have prevented her death. So as an apology, I will help you. I will analyze the blood sample thoroughly to see what I can find. Keep me posted about the patient, I want updates on her health condition.”
“Thank you, Dr. Xu. I knew I could count on you.” She smiled, taking his hands. “Thank you very much.”
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duckieeart · 3 years
Victor’s - Moody Date
Hello! This is my entry for @little-butterfly-writes ‘s Contest . It’s my first time writing and I really enjoyed the process of it, enjoy reading this date!
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Fandom: MLQC - Victor Li x Duckie (Mc)
Genre : jealousy jealousy jealousy , comfort , Filled with romance ( fluff)
Word count : 3,309
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As If its not obvious enough to everybody.
I have feelings towards my boss, victor Li. I did fall in love with a person that I know i can’t reach even if i had him in my wildest dreams. I all i am wishing for is that no one know about these hidden feelings hoping that i will be able to maintain the decision i took and forget about him, But unfortunately things goes unplanned after I experienced certain feeling. jealousy .
If Kiki , Anna , the rest of my friends and colleagues found out about my secret feelings including the letters I wrote about victor secretly , I would get in big trouble , what letters you may ask? It’s simple. Basically, when i feel like I can’t control the love i feel towards him . I write down all my feelings in a letter and hide it somewhere , i got this idea from a movie i watched last year. At first , I haven’t thought not in a million years that I would use this idea and especially writing my unwanted feelings towards my CEO ,Aka victor li .
He was very strict and seemed to be very rude, i used to hate on him . He isn’t my type in men plus we’re completely different. Its not a big surprise since he is the CEO of an worldwide successful company ,LFG.
Just to clarify our differences. He made his company from the beginning meanwhile me, A young lady who inherited a show from her father once she Graduated from college. I didn’t even have an experience in life or the business field.
Everything were so difficult to me and it felt like an endless maze , the fact that I have him as my investor was like a miracle . Not only that but he really take good care of me . He is older in age , with a mature mindset . I am just young reckless, hesitant and inexperienced girl who just got a big position and so naive comparing to what she is responsible for .
I thought alot about giving up but victor make me change my mind and Instead of giving up he gave me the motivation to challenge him , i was in the mood to show him and prove to him that i can take the harsh responsibilities like an adult And be someone who is trust worthy enough to have his five hundred million investment in my show .
With time, i fall in love with him. And with everyday goes by it only grows bigger and bigger than the day before. The more i try to hide my feelings. The more it becomes obvious . When he confessed his feelings to me that day in the rooftop. I was beyond happy. I couldn’t sleep that day. But I quickly get back to the harsh reality, and remembered the huge gap between us, Victor deserve someone near to his position. Not me, comparing to him i am just a crybaby who rant about submitting reports and dealing with the deadlines every week .
But one day, I don’t know what’s goes inside my brain . I couldn’t even control my own body. When i found out that Victor would go to the awards banquet with another woman, I stopped thinking and I couldn’t care less about how weird i am behaving with my colleagues . In that night , i saw victor leaving the fancy banquet hall with another woman.
She looks way more mature and wiser than me. To put it in simple words she has everything i lack, and to my unfortunate luck. She does everything way better than me . And tonight , I witnessed My heart sinking in the ground. Its like i just got drenched in icy cold water in this snowy weather . I drank Alot . Wine, whiskey and even brandy . I couldn’t even recognize the bitterness in them . I just drink to be numb and ease my heart.
When the banquet came to an end ..
“ you two can head home first, its late . The weather is pretty today so i just want to walk and be alone for some time “ I spoke with a shaky voice tone, then left after grabbing my hand bag from the table.
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“ whats wrong with our boss? She’s has been acting weird these few days especially today” Kiki spoke to anna.
Anna were worried as well , she just shrugs in confusion replying to kikis question.
“ i have never seen her like that before!” Anna added
“ it’s dangerous to let her be alone !, we can’t just leave her there! “ kiki said
“ she wanted time to get her self together, I think its very inappropriate for us to interrupt her wishes . * she smiled * Don’t worry minor would keep his eyes on her from afar “ Anna said while patting Kiki s shoulder gently to comfort her .
After leaving them. i rushed to the back beautiful garden to try and process everything happened tonight , the scenery were amazing but I couldn’t focus and appreciate it , I started regretting what i did, I shouldn’t push him away acting dumb and slow from the beginning. I love him more than anything, I admit i am very jealous and I don’t know how to deal with it because its my first time feeling this way about someone. I have never wanted someone as much I do for Victor.
These feelings were so exhausting to bear alone ,I was so hopeless that i even shared my story anonymously in tumbler with people but everyone advised me to stay away and forget about him for endless reasons. Yeah, they were right. But..
I also can’t… I CANT STOP LOVING HIM AND GIVE UP ON THIS . people wont have mercy on us and our relationship since we are a boss and worker in love but now seeing this . Realizing I might lose him forever. I don’t care, seeing him taking care of a random woman and accompanying her in the banquet really make me rethink about everything and even that thoughtful decision i took and was so confident about . I decided to head to the parking section for cars to follow them. I started running like crazy .
I can lose anything and everything, but not him. I can’t lose Victor!
Because no one loved me like he did And I can’t imagine falling in love again with a different man.
Suddenly my foot slipped and i fall.
The expensive pair of high heel that i brought got ruined too. One of them broke But I couldn’t stop here! Im still in the middle of the way . My legs started be numb and it hurt a little because these shoes were new too , But I didn’t care, I can’t lose the path that can lead me to them! I still have to find Victor!
When i reached to the cars parking space , I couldn’t find them…
My nose suddenly started to burn and my eyes started sweating?, i decided to go back inside the banquet and sit . I couldn’t find chair there so I went to sit the corner on the stairs like a lost child. I started to cry heartily like a baby who lost her parents . But for me comparing to the baby I lost everything, I lost Victor..
My body is shaking and I couldn’t stop the thoughts in my mind. My mind went wild and started to even imagining how they would look together in the church . Kissing each other passionately after announcing them as a husband and wife. My heart suddenly started to beat so fast and I began to struggle breathing , while sobbing quietly.
Suddenly i felt a warm coat landed on my head, shoulders and has familiar manly scent ..
my face were swallowed, especially my eyes and nose. I was slow to react and realizing that this coat belongs to him…. And only him. Victor..
I felt strange feeling , i was happy and relieved that i was able to meet him again.. and that happiness give me strange feelings in my tummy . I believe that’s what they call “butterflies in the stomach” , I felt really warm. I don’t think it’s because of that coat. But him. Who give them his scent and body temperature
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“ * sigh helplessly at the view* Dummy.. what are you doing here in this condition ? Don’t you know it’s dangerous area, especially in this hour? What if someone came for you ? Or even decided to kidnap you ,taking you away ? What are going to do? I searched everywhere for you and I couldn’t find you its like you weren’t in this earth from the beginning , WHERE THE HECK YOU WERE??? ………. But most importantly are you okay? Did something happen?……… Duckie , are you crying? “
my eyes couldn’t stop the tears from coming out when he were talking in such an sharp voice, he was really worried so he was furious to see me in such a state alone , but when he noticed that i was crying so hard, sniffing and wiping my eyes his voice turned so soft and calm
he grabbed my hands and hold them between his hands to warm them up
I refused to talk or face him because i wasn’t looking at my best right now, he just kneeled down to my level like prince charming and looked at me, he noticed how swallowed and red my face are.. he reached with his hands to hold my cheeks while massaging my under eyes
“ do they hurt A lot? “ he said quietly ,
I nodded while looking in the ground, my eyes fell upon his shoes trying to avoid his glare.
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine too. Lets go home first … its getting late” he said..
I nodded because i was too tired to reply using sentences . I stand and remembered my broken heels and slightly injured foot.
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Before I could explain, Victor carried me bridal style , I didn’t needed to explain anything. I felt warm , safe and happy, that I forget that I’m being held between his arms . I gave up to the warm sensation and fall asleep.
Victor put me in his car gently , wrapping my body with his big coat then went to grab hot tea and body warmers from the super market near by.
i took some time to wake up, when i wake up i was still in his car , the car was really warm. I didn’t find Victor on the driver seat so i looked outside.
i saw him tapping on his tablet working and answering calls . I also noticed that we’re near the sea and its 12am . I took my time appreciating the view , then i knocked at the window. Victor saw me and returned to the car.
“ you wake up, how do you feel now ? “ he asked with a soft voice
“ i am better now , sorry for making a scene back there. I was really upset about something so i was drunk , angry and upset thats why I decided to be alone , sorry i worried you and caused you trouble “i said while looking into his eyes.
“ dummy… And why did you drink? “ he said angrily ..
“ please don’t be mad i was just so upset, can’t you just allow me to drink only this time?” I said
“ yes, i am angry at you… but also glad to see you safe and better. After all , i can’t ask for more from dummy like you” victor said then poked the tip of my nose lightly with his fingers , after that he patted my head gently, smiling at me .
“ its late, let’s head home” he said
After few minutes driving i realized that we are in different path and its unfamiliar to me.
“ where are we going “ i asked hesitantly ..
“ to My home” he said
“ to your home??”
“Well, only if your apartment was nearby like my home. Its late already, just sleep tonight in my house” he said calmly
I nodded in agreement.
After few minutes we arrived.
Victor opened the door for me , i entered inside . His home was big but also felt so warm and cozy . Victor turned to face me “ go and take a hot shower, then dry your hair. Don’t get cold. I asked them to prepare you clothes. If you need anything ask me “ he said
i went to the room. It was big as expected and has a fancy bathtub. After i finished showering and preparing for bed. When i was about to head to sleep, I suddenly heard knocks on my door .
“Get in “ i said
The door was opened and it was victor, he was wearing his classic black pjs
“ as expected, you didn’t even dry your hair yet you headed to sleep anyways“ he said..
“What if you get cold?” He added
He went to grab a hairdryer from the drawer . Then turned to face me
“ come here” he said
I understand what he want so i sit and give him my back. He started to dry my hair, touching my hair so gently. After he finished drying my hair he took a hair tie and started to tie my hair.
“ there’s something I wanted to say to you” he said
“ hmm? “ I replied
“ i will get to the point “ he said
“ I might not know what exactly that got you so bothered like that , but you must know that there are a lot of circumstances in the world that are out of our control. The causes and reasons behind every circumstance is complicated. In a world where it’s impossible to know everything, it’s normal that we experience things we cannot understand and find difficult to accept. Even so, we have to accept it. There are many ways to accept it. Crying is also one of them. However, only for one night. ( he took my hand that was planning on reaching my face)…. And don’t rub your eyes, it will be better if you leave it and take a good sleep “ he added .
After leaving, he leaned to kiss my head .
“ good night “ he said
“ wait! “ i said
His eyes locked into mine , waiting for me to say what I want to say.
“ why did you went to the banquet, with her? “ i couldn’t stop my curiosity so i asked him .
He chuckled quietly then pinned my chin forcing me to look at him..
“ you jealous? “ he said
A bold idea came up to me ,
“Yes..i am! “ I didn’t wasted time and answered his question seriously.
He was frozen in his place , stopped chuckling and has a surprised face expression .
I gathered all my courage to say the three most difficult words ..
“ i love you victor! “ i said , while looking into his face..
then reached to his face and give him a quick peck on his lips ..
“ don’t make me feel this way again, I hate it !“ i said and then went for another kiss . But He didn’t kiss me back , still surprised by my bold move.
“ when i saw how you looked to her when she was talking to you . You were smiling while and looking into her eyes , I wondered if you ever started to lose your feelings towards me , i was really scared of losing you.. i even started to imagine how you would look in your groom suit .. standing beside her in front of everyone… i was so scared “ my voice cracked at the end.. i felt the tears forming in my eyes
“ I really… really don’t want to lose you . I did my research about her, She won countless times and even has the f-“ my speech were cut off with his hot kiss .
He closed his eyes and rested his one hand on the back of my head and the other on my neck.
He pulled his lips away from mine when he noticed how i was struggling to breathe.
“ … you talk too much” he said while maintaining his sharp eyes on me.
“Since when you had these thoughts on that little brain of yours? Instead of using it on useless things, apply this effort and worry about your unfinished weekly report instead. You thought I haven’t noticed how distracted you were ?“ Victor said.
“ relax dummy , Lili is just an older sister to me. She asked if i can company her since her husband on business trip outside china. Lili is busy in work but also dealing with three kids at the same time. I was just helping her manage the deal she had with SJ company , you don’t have to worry that little head of yours on such matters “ victor added.
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“ Duckie, i searched for you, and luckily after 10017 years i was able to meet you again. The little head of yours could never imagine how bad I wanted to see that silly smile of yours again. I waited for so long , and you better make it up to me. In other words , Be mine” victor said , while holding my left cheek and went for another breathless kiss ..
“ i —-love —-you——-, Dummy “ he said between his kisses ..
“ don’t close your eyes, look at me when iam talking to you. You know that i love when you’re bold with me, right?” he said smiling at me then slightly biting my lower lip ..
“I was so happy when i met you, in the end of the banquet . I thought you went with her“ i said while having a big silly smile on my face
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“ There is only one thing you should be happy about……. It has always been you and only you” he said while looking at my eyes and holding my hot blushing cheeks in his big hand .
After making out sessions for straight two hours , he lay me down on the bed pulling the quilt over my body.
“ go to sleep, and NEVER think about theses useless matters . if you want to ask me something Just ask me directly ... Goodnight dummy” he said ..
“Good night” i replied softly
He smiled then give me a final forehead kiss and went outside the room after dimming the lights ..
In the next day i went to LFG to submit my weekly report , suddenly i received a call from Kiki
“ boss, i made a surprise for you!! you are going to thank me for it . Don’t overthink about it, and just enjoy the surprise” she said while giggling in mischievous manner.
She closed the call, i was nervous and curious at the same time but I didn’t pay much attention on that because I didn’t have much time left, i have weekly report to submit! . I hurried to victors office and luckily I arrived on time but I found my secret love letters has been opened on victors office already and he had one of them on his hand , taking his time reading it while drinking his coffee ..
he noticed me standing near the door , surprised and embarrassed . Victor smirked in anticipation
“ You have a lot of explainings to do , Producer Duckie “ he said while giving me smirky face
what a Great start to my day.
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The End
Thank you for reading, see you next time!
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ontowanderlust · 4 years
heyo:) i saw ur Victor ficlet and i decided to submit one^^
so if it isnt any trouble- would vic + cuddle (comfort) be okay? thank you<33
Cuddle., v.
The house is quiet. Too quiet.
Victor's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he placed his shoes neatly near those pair of shoes she favored to use for work.
Ever since she started living with him, he had started coming home to sounds of ruckus that can be heard even in the garage.
So for him to come home to a silent home means two things: either she pulled an overtime- which is unlikely since she would definitely let him know about her schedule for the entire day or...she's sleeping which is quite early even for his standard.
He won't admit it but a flash of dread and panic rushed through him as he picked up his pace, searching the rooms she frequent in, his emotions flaring when he couldn't find his beloved. He was this short to calling Goldman when he finally found her buried in numerous duvet, curled up in a fetal position on the cold hard floor of the balcony outside of their shared room.
This dummy, he shook his head at the sight, calming himself inwardly before he decided to let her know of his presence. He had half a mind to chide her, to scold her for letting him think of the worst situation, deciding against it as he watched her unmoving figure.
Letting out a small sigh, he shrugged off his blazer and loosened his tie as he walked over to where she is, unceremoniously sitting on the floor just next to her.
Together, they reveled in the silence between them. If there's anything he is known for-aside from his sharp tongue, it was his patience especially for her and so he waited until he felt her scooting over him, cutting the distance between them, him reaching over when she's just an arm's length from him, gently scooping her over to his lap- not caring if it's a bit uncomfortable nor cold because all he cared about was her and her well-being.
"Do you want to talk about it?" his voice was uncharacteristically soft and gentle- a tone he only used for her and her alone, his arm reflexively wrapping around her, his hand stroking over her duvet covered head.
She let out a small hum, shaking her head as she shifted to a more comfortable position, snuggling her head to his chest while he let out a small hum of his own.
He won't admit it but there are some things she does that leaves him baffled and confused and while he is not used to doing things such as comforting and cuddling especially on a hard floor, if it's for her, he would try.
"Je n'aime que trois choses," he began, knowing how much she adored his voice- much more if he speaks French. "Le Soleil, La Lune, et Toi."
He looked down, watching her as he recited the poem, hoping he could convey what he felt for her, hoping he could give her the comfort she needed.
And when he finally saw her close her eyes, he let out the breath he's holding, pulling her closer as he dropped a small kiss on top of her head.
“Je n'aime que trois choses,” he whispered. “Le Soleil, La Lune et Toi...pour toujours.”
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Okay. I’m definitely okay. So... just a bit of fun fact: the poem Victor was reciting was a poem I did uh...months back. Not to shamelessly promote that poem but see, when I saw your prompt I was like... heeeeey this one could work with the prompt! So I shamelessly used it and well, if anyone’s French, please let me know if it’s grammatically correct. I’m still trying to learn French through duolingo so yep. lmao. 
I hope you like this one! I’m just uwu-ing the entire time I was writing this. 
Send in some prompts my way!
MLQC Dictionary Prompts
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | sunday morning
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I recently (well~like three months ago) got into this game called Mr Love: Queen’s Choice, and after doing some ‘research’ aka gaming, I felt confident enough to write something. So, here’s a little headcanon about a blissful Sunday morning with the boys~
Warning(s): ever so slightly NSFW (insinuations of a dirty-minded author), profanity/swearwords
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Victor’s quite the workaholic, as we all know
like this man will be working 60-70 hours a week, often bringing work home with him 
you’ll be on the couch in pajamas and acting like a total bum while he’s literally next to you wearing glasses and breezing through 50 reports and documents
you steal his laptop and glasses when he starts criticising your report 
“Victor noooooooo~work mode OFF!” as you zoom past him with his prescription glasses (he got them fancy glasses with the blue light filter because he’s A WORKAHOLIC and he’s always staring at a computer)
needless to say, this man doesn’t usually have time to spare
sunday mornings are yours though
Victor doesn’t necessarily take the entire day off, but after a certain dummy’s whining, he has agreed to try and have a lie-in on sundays
he *usually* still wakes up before you, because he functions on like 5 hours of sleep (lemme tell y’all, it’s a curse and a blessing in one) 
Vic’s a total tsundere, but these moments definitely show off his #SoftCEO side
his little lovebug is sleeping peacefully, wearing one of his pyjama shirts (I bless you with the headcanon that Victor sleeps in silk pyjama pants sans shirt because he runs HOT)
actually, you’re drooling a little bit but even though Victor’s going to pretend he’s annoyed, he never is
oOOhh, also canon that this man is the big spoon in sleeping positions. he naturally gravitates towards you and holds you tight because he’s NEEDY
sometimes you’ll sleep facing each other. Victor holds you against his chest and just cradles your body in his like his life depends on it
100% will entangle his long ass legs with yours
strokes your hair and presses kisses on the crown of your head to wake you up in a gentle way (despite his demeanour, he’s actually remarkably gentle y’all see why i call him #SoftCEO?)
as you wake up, he’ll mock your bedhead with this incredibly fond look in his eyes baby boy these words don’t match your actions
you guys actually get up rather soon after, cos you are both busy people...
fun times in the bathroom not like tHAT well actually kinda~ but for legal reasons everything you do is PG, please spare author-nim who’s still ~barely~ underage
you take a shower and belt your favourite song that’s playing from the built-in speaker (did Victor get a built-in speaker because you thought it was cool? yep. did you ask? nope. did he do it anyways? yehep.) while he goes through his simple morning routine
you probably have more steps in your skincare routine, but he uses a serum, cleanser, moisturizer and some eye cream on the daily
has given you permission to do his skincare at night whenever you both have time
to reciprocate, he dries your hair after your shower you guys HAVE listened to the Right Beside You ASMR, right? ...it’s on YT for free because we’re poor, i know
also canon, blowing raspberries on Victor’s bare back while he’s brushing his teeth will make him choke on toothpaste. tested and approved by MC
“Dummy. What on earth are you doing?”
he hangs around and waits for you to get ready if he’s already done, you do the same. time is something Victor knows all too well, so the precious time he has, he wants to spend with you.
you guys DON’T shower together in the morning because really you’re not getting cleaner ahhh author-nim should really stop
afterwards, you get dressed in some relatively casual clothes (i’m talking a dress shirt without a tie or a polo shirt because no way that this man owns actual t-shirts) and have a simple breakfast
he cooks, obviously. 
always makes a balanced, Chinese breakfast (congee or wonton, noodles, tofu pudding, etc.) because he wants you two to start the day well, even on a slow sunday
also, he travels a lot, so he likes eating Chinese food whenever he’s home
ahh...waking up with Victor just sounds like a dream
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i’m a bit biased on this bitch because he was my first favourite in the game so this might get long. might not. just,,,we’ll see
Lucien is a bit like Victor, where he doesn’t sleep much and works a lot
On the other hand, his work is...ehem...shadier, so he usually works in his office when he’s at home
you’ll both have your own space to do whatever you need to do
days off for Lucien are rare. he usually powers through until he drops
for someone who constantly reminds you to take care of yourself, he’s mediocre at doing exactly that
after getting to know him better, which wasn’t an easy feat because damn this man has more layers than an onion he’ll also make you cry more bUUT we’re not ready to unpack that suitcase, you start noticing when he needs a day off. often even before he notices
you lock his office door and force him to take the FULL day off at least
he could technically open his office again, but he loves you and he’ll humour your attempts
Lucien wakes up before you. always. you’ve seen him asleep like 3 times in your entire relationship. 
Luci sleeps like 8 hours,,,a week.
he watches you sleep i feel like that makes too much sense for his character. we love a creepy boy. and wholeheartedly feels at rest with your sleeping figure by his side
in his sleep, Lucien lies on his back, holding you by the waist as you sleep on top of him. your leg is often slung around his middle, so you’re enveloping him. he likes the weight of you on top of him; it keeps him grounded and he likes feeling like he’s yours as much as you are his.
on another note, Lucifer—ah whoops—sleeps butt naked. i honestly can’t imagine him wearing clothes in bed. he’s not shy about his body and feels absolutely no need to cover up for his significant other. 
you, however, don’t usually sleep naked. well...nowadays you end up sleeping naked more often than not because alright author-nim’s horrible. can’t help it, he’s a fucking scorpio?
because you guys take a day off, Lucien’s content with waiting and watching until you wake up
he feels you stir on his chest and honestly your drowsy eyes make him swoon
“Already awake, my beautiful butterfly?”
his slightly husky morning voice *really* does things to a person tbh
you guys stay in bed for a good half hour after you wake up, just cuddling and talking, also sneaking in a kiss here and there
you have the same habit of tracing each other’s bodies with your fingertips
his fingers flutter over your waist, you trace his chest or hands with your index again, it’s a very grounding experience to Lucien
when you do get up and head to the bathroom, first thing you do is shower together
he likes washing your hair
bathroom bits might happen, but surprisingly, it’s not a thing that happens a lot so don’t come at me. we’re being wholesome
Lucien’s incredibly intimate and his love language is touch. Yes, he has a way with words but he’s also a really good manipulator
he’s used his words for evil too often and therefore can’t trust words anymore. so he uses physical intimacy as a way to show love.
Lucien has a skincare routine of dermatologically approved products. a double cleanse, serum, essence and moisturizer. he uses anti-age sometimes to prevent later wrinkles.
they’re also one of the reasons why he smells clean and fresh
will tickle you when you’re rinsing your mouth. you’ve sprayed water all over the bathroom mirror before. he loves the reaction. 
if you’re having a day off, you’ll probably just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt or a sweater. Lucien’s closet is relatively plain but clean. he has the best cable-knit sweaters/cardigans though.
your breakfast consists of western things like yogurt or oatmeal. Lucien likes having fruit at the start of the day
the rest of the day is spent relaxing and lounging, walking in the park, biking, reading, drawing, whatever you’d like
maaan...i wish i had more days off
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Gavin’s actually a decently laid-back person on weekends
like, sure he has to work a lot, but his job doesn’t necessarily force him to work from home, so you pretty much have his full attention at home but also he can’t bear to not give you his full attention so what are we expecting
the nasty thing about Gavin being a police officer is that sometimes, he gets called up and needs to work at unconventional hours
also, he gets injured. most of his injuries are minor, but that doesn’t stop you from worrying.
but anyways, he’s not a total busy bee when he’s at home, and relaxing isn’t exceptional
sunday mornings are...well...active. Birdcop goes on a run/hits the gym every morning, so he’s awake by 6am. what did y’all think i was going to write
afterwards, he takes a quick shower and joins you in bed again. 
Gavin sleeps in a pair of basketball shorts and a singlet. he’s somewhat shy about sleeping shirtless, and god forbid he sleep naked. but it’s all good and he respects your boundaries. besides, he’s comfortable in his sleep and that’s all that matters.
you spoon in your sleep. sometimes, he’s the big spoon because he likes being able to ‘protect’ you in his sleep. other times, he relishes in the comfort of being the little spoon and feeling you pressed up against his back. 
very important headcanon! you’ve learnt to sleep with the bedroom window open. on workdays, Gavin gets home late and jumps right into the bedroom. it’s become a typical habit for you two, although you used to be grumpy about not being able to sleep with the noises of traffic. 
you’re usually awoken by the sound of the shower and Gavin’s humming it’s canon that he hums now, bitches. also I bet his singing voice is amazing
so it’s less ‘sleeping in’ and more ‘lounging in bed like the lazy bastards you are’ i’m kiDDING
if he’s able to, Gavin might convince you to go on a run with him....but let’s be honest, you rarely agree
Gavin’s a total cuddlebug though, so be prepared to spend the next forty-five minutes in the tightest hug ever (to be fair, you’re not complaining)
he’s completely soft for you and you’ll have to wrestle out of his grip to get to the bathroom
you don’t shower in the morning, so everything’s pretty quick
Gavin doesn’t actually have a good skincare regiment tbh...he’ll slap on some cream and that’s it. probably washes his face in the shower with body wash...AND HIS SKIN STILL LOOKS AMAZING
you like making funny faces in the mirror while brushing your teeth and making Gavin laugh while he’s watching you in the doorway. he loves how you just make his day with the smallest things.
you guys both dress in really casual clothing, like hoodies and shorts/sweatpants/pj pants unless you’re going somewhere
Gavin has them grey sweatpants, if you know what I mean okay I’ll chill, sorry~
you wear his shirts a lot because they’re super big on you and Gavin secretly not-so-secretly thinks you’re adorable in them (a good thing about Gavin is that he’s easy to read; he blushes rather quickly)
“Ahh...it’s just—you look so tiny and cute.” guess he’s not the only one blushing now
i see Gavin as a ‘bun for breakfast’ kind of person. he picks them up at the stall a couple of miles away when he heads home. sometimes he does so running, other times...well he’s not called Birdcop for nothing
you guys have 2 buns each for breakfast because they’re delicious 
lounge time is often spent gaming or cleaning the house (you’re both busy people and Gavin tends to get messy because he just chucks clothes on the floor after a hard workday)
you make the most out of your sunday, hoping Gavin doesn’t get called in
who wouldn’t like being domestic with Gavin?
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Kiro, unsurprisingly, has an incredibly busy schedule
one that, similar to Gavin, isn’t really decided by himself
i suppose his situation is a tad bit worse than Birdcop’s, since his workdays don’t even actually end when he gets home. he constantly practices choreos, singing, etc. at home
so, full days off are few and very, very far between
this makes them extra precious
it helps to have a lazy morning once in a while though (in Kiro’s case, lazy sundays are most likely a bi-weekly thing)
you wake up first! Kiro needs his beauty sleep, and damn this boy can knock in 16 hours of sleep if need be
you’ll probably lay in bed for a while and then attempt to get up and ready for the day
until...you feel Kiro’s arm tugging you back
for a skinny, lithe boy, he’s remarkably strong. he pulls you back to bed with the groggiest, cutest sleep-laced voice EVER 
“Mmm, Miss Chips, it’s not time to wake up yet, is it?” 
he snuggles into you and refuses to wake up unless you give him kisses
during the night, Kiro sleeps in actual pyjamas with cute characters on them. when he feels lazy, he’ll probably just slip on a t-shirt and some boxer shorts, but he likes putting in the effort to wear matching couple pyjamas
Kiro cuddles with you 24/7, and sleep makes little difference here. he’s often the little spoon because he does like feeling your presence and your grip on him. he moves around when sleeping, so you might end up out of each other’s embrace, but Kiro subconsciously always touches you in some way or form, like holding hands or intertwining legs. he’s a man with many identities and needs your presence as a reassurance that he’s still the man that you love
he loves to pepper your face with kisses after getting home from rehearsals/concerts, claiming that it gives him energy
you do the same in the morning, anything to hear that sweet giggle of his
he’s deceptively cute though, and innocent morning kisses tend to spiral into...something more let’s just be honest, his stamina is something else entirely i’M SORRY 
morning exercise? check. Hotel? Trivago. non-sponsored~
you guys don’t shower in the morning. Kiro’s used to showering after practice, which is late at night, and you shower in the evenings to help you relax
however, on a rare occasion, you’ll draw a nice bath together and play around with bubbles and scented bath bombs so fun and relaxing
Kiro totally has a 14-step skincare regiment. you don’t get that beautiful baby-smooth skin without some effort.
he has the best ‘mid-range to high-end’ products on the market, and loves sweet and floral scents for his skincare and makeup. you guys try to line up each other’s routines to be able to do them together every morning.
Kiro also has a huge bedhead in the morning! it’s your job to get this sleepyhead styled for a fun day
even Kiro’s casual loungewear is top-notch hip and trendy. he has fun sweatpants with chains, belts, patches, you name it. he likes holding a little fashion show with you, no matter what you two are wearing
old jeans? strut it. thrifted shirt? vogue, honey.
Kiro’s on a strict diet, so usually he has a smoothie and some tofu pudding for breakfast. on occasion, you’ll indulge him in something decadent, like French toast or pancakes. on moments like these, you swear he loves you juuuuuust a little more but don’t tell Savin!
you guys are a relatively active couple, so unless you’re inside gaming or busy working, you’ll spend some time in thrift stores or karaoke bars, arcades, fun fairs,...
just thinking about Kiro brightens my day...
As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this! I’ll try to bring out more content for K-Pop idols, otome characters and anime characters during the holidays. Requests are still open, so don’t be afraid to send a little message in my ask-box!
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ellie-winthrope · 4 years
Attached Memo - [Victor]
Christmas is coming and I am supposed to be working on a fanfic for the Secret Santa event 😱, but here I am posting another random inspiration that wouldn’t leave me be 😆. Dearest recipient, I promise I will get your present ready by Christmas, by hook or by crook 😂.
The inspiration for this time’s one-shot would be from an in-game message of the same title that I received from Victor. A fellow tumblr mate @caesurables​ had also made a fanart related to this same in-game message, which you can check out. She also made other amazing fanarts for MLQC and other fandoms 😍.
This one-shot also contained a very slight mention of my previous one-shot for Victor, “An Echo of Innocence” at the end. Even so, you can still read this one-shot independently from that one.
Hope you all enjoy it ~
Words: 1616 words
By every month-end, the girl would need to submit a report, which consisted of her company’s financial performance and its plans for the coming month, to Victor.
Since there wasn’t anything particularly complicated about this kind of report and she usually had more than enough time for completing it, she was confident that she would get it done within two days at most. She had never expected to be unable to write up a single satisfactory sentence regarding the company’s future plans, even after spending four days at racking her brain for ideas.
At that moment, she was starting to worry that she would end up having nothing to submit to Victor when the CEO returned from his business trip. Even though she had received countless criticisms from Victor for her past reports and show proposals, she had never missed out on submitting her tasks on time, let alone not submitting anything.
To make things worse, on the day when Victor was leaving for his business trip, she had proclaimed to him on the phone that the report would already be on his desk by the time he returned to his office. Having spoken so confidently at that time, she could not possibly face Victor with a blank report now …
Why, oh, why did I say that at that time?
Of course, she knew full well the answer to her internal wailing.
Having constantly been on the receiving end of Victor’s sharp-tongued remarks, she thought she could at least show him this time that she wasn’t a dummy, that she could carry out her task efficiently!
Grrr...This is all Victor’s fault!
At this point in time, having wasted days without making any progress, her frustration had reached the limit and she didn’t want to think about her report or the approaching deadline anymore. Instead, she decided to vent out her pent-up frustrations from the past few days in the way she knew best.
She started scribbling.
It had been quite some time since she last drew something. Having been so busy with producing shows and writing reports to LFG, she hadn’t really sat down and done something fun without having her mind occupied with work-related matters.
Since the source of her frustration was the unfinished report, it wasn’t surprising that she would end up ranting about the recipient of the report in her mind as she roughly sketched out the unamused expression of a certain CEO’s face on the back of a rejected report.
Demonic, poker-face boss! Always assigning me reports and bringing forward the deadlines on a whim!
While complaining about Victor, her hand that was holding the pencil had picked up pace and she vigorously sketched out another image of Victor, a more cartoon-like and comical sketch of the CEO with an angry look, on a torn-off page of a memo pad.
Erase, draw, erase, draw.
Every time the sketch seemed imperfect to her, she would erase the line and redraw again. She didn’t know how long she had been doing that, but she wasn’t frustrated with the repeated attempts. Instead, she would sometimes laugh at the imperfections she had made on her sketch, such as when she drew Victor’s eyes smaller than actual or when she accidentally drew Victor's face too wide. When she was finally done with her sketch, she had held up the memo paper and admired it with a proud smile.
Now that I look at it, even though it’s an angry face, it did seem kind of cute… unlike the actual person.
She laughed at her own thoughts.
Stifling a yawn, she then rubbed her eyes and placed the memo paper on her table. It was nearly midnight and since she had been pulling all-nighter at home after work for four days straight, she decided to just go to sleep.
I will just work on the report tomorrow night.
Perhaps, the time she had spent on the random sketches was exactly the short break that her mind needed, as she started making good progress on the report on the very next day. Much to her relief, she managed to complete everything by the deadline. After compiling her report, she had rushed to LFG and managed to place the report neatly on Victor’s desk before the latter was there.
Phew, mission accomplished.
Heaving a sigh of relief and feeling as though a weight had been taken off her shoulders, she left LFG and decided to head to her company instead. It was when she was halfway from reaching her company that she received a message from Victor, informing her that he had noticed her report on his desk.
While she was thinking about making more silly sketches of Victor to break out of a slump next time, a thought had suddenly occurred to her, which caused her to halt her steps.
Speaking of sketches, where was that sketch that she had made of Victor nights ago?
The first possibility that instantly came to her mind was her greatest fear.
It can’t be that coincidental … right?
Having returned from the overseas business trip, the first place that Victor went to was LFG and the first thing that caught his eye in his office was a stack of papers that were held together neatly with a binder clip and placed at the center of his desk. Unknowingly, a corner of his lips had tugged up slightly at that sight.
Looks like she did keep her words after all…
After sending a short message to the girl, he sat down by his desk and spent a moment looking through the report. He was going to start looking through the fifth page when he noticed something peculiar at the bottom of the page, which made one of his eyebrows arched elegantly.
On a memo paper that was stuck on crookedly at the bottom of the page, there was a pencil sketch of a man. A cartoon drawing, to be precise, which was so out-of-place among the pages of the report. Moreover, it wasn’t just any man, the more Victor looked at it, the more he realized that the face somewhat resembled … himself?
The revelation made him wonder, just what exactly was that girl thinking when she drew this?
Is this how she viewed him?
Just when he was pondering over the sketch, he felt his phone vibrated once within his pocket. He checked his phone and realized that it was a message from her.
[Hi...Is there a memo in the report I sent you?]
Without hesitation, Victor sent back a brief and concise reply within seconds.
[A memo and a scribble.]
Victor didn’t need to see her face to know her expression at that moment since anyone could easily imagine it from her following message.
[Okay, that’s the end of the conversation...I wish you a fabulous day!]
Escaping right after causing trouble? Victor didn’t give her that opportunity as he instantly replied by sending out one message after another regarding the question that was lingering on his mind upon seeing the cartoon sketch.
[Tell me what’s in your head when you draw it.]
[So, this is how you picture me?]
There was a brief pause before she replied with a hint of meekness.
[It’s a cartoon, so it’s a bit exaggerated…]
Victor was not exactly convinced by that. So, he decided to push further.
[That’s why there are flames in my eyes?]
[And my eyebrows are standing.]
[When did I look so fierce?]
There was a brief pause again before she replied.
This time, Victor could imagine her averting her eyes away from him while muttering those words indignantly.
[Maybe I can draw better if I observe the model a bit more.]
Not knowing what to say, Victor decided on the most direct and fitting reply.
Even the “…” could not fully express how baffled Victor was by her sudden shift of meek obedience to defiant indignance. Somehow, it reminded him of the past from many years ago. With a resigned sigh, he then sent out another reply.
[Observe more and hand me a better one next week.]
Perhaps, she wasn’t expecting this from him because it had taken her nearly a minute to reply back.
[Humph, alright! Let me make it clear, my creation will be based on objective facts only. So, I won’t make you look too handsome!]
Victor wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be offended or to laugh at the absurdness.
Just like before, this reply of his was followed by another sentence.
[I’d like to know the objective facts in your mind.]
This time, he kept his phone away and didn’t wait for her reply.
Looking back at the cartoon drawing of him on the memo, he let out a soft chuckle.
“It seems that, after all these years, her drawing skills have improved.”
After a moment of thought, Victor bent forward and pulled out the second drawer under his desk, he took out a small zip-lock bag containing a folded paper that had turned yellowish-brown with age. Carefully, he took the paper out from the bag, unfolded it and smoothened it before placing it right next to the cartoon sketch on his desk. There was a fond smile on his face as he looked between the faded childish sketch of the stick figures on the yellowish-brown paper and the cartoon version of his face on the memo.
Despite the simplicity and the roughness of the details of these sketches, they were considered by Victor to be far more precious than the finest artworks.
After all, these were the one-of-a-kind artworks by a certain dummy that were made with him in mind.
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victorxproducer · 4 years
Pairing: Victor/MC
Warnings: none; just fluff
Word Count: 1,998 words
Summary: Victor requested for you to meet him at LFG to discuss some issues about your latest report. Unaware that you are busy, Victor was surprised to find someone to come along with you.
A/N: After two succeeding angst, I guess I better write one that is a little of fluff. An AU one. I wonder if you have some prompt to share with me so don’t forget to drop your requests. Unfortunately, explicit NSFW is not my forte. We can say that I live for the angst instead? But, I am planning to write some other AU that will involve aviation and flying that I love. As always, forgive me for the grammatical errors.
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Victor knows that today is your day-off. He knows that your day-offs are those you called ‘me time’ that Victor never understands at first, but slowly get used to. After all, the time that the two of you started living together, spending the weekends, always end up the two of you being less productive than intended. Though both of you don’t mind spending time together, me time is important to your routine even before meeting Victor. Hence, the day off.
Despite him not wishing you to halt your ‘me time’ while he was busy attending meetings, reading reports and answering to e-mails, your latest report doesn’t sit well, now that he is re-reading. When you’ve reported the said document last time, he wasn’t able to concentrate because of some clothes issues. That’s why, a thorough read today made him find a flaw.
And for a man such as Victor, no time to waste. Especially now that his mind is completely set to it.
He actually struggled if he’ll contact you now or just deal with it at home. But after the two of you agreed that work that will involve the two of you must not be done at home. Though bringing work at home is accepted; what is only forbidden is your shared involvement. So that leads him to contact you.
He sent you a message, requesting your presence at LFG in two hours. Again, Victor doesn’t know what you are doing today, and he believes that two hours is enough.
Instead of an affirmation of you coming, you replied that you are preoccupied.
If you only saw how Victor’s face turned to that deep scowl, you are sure that you’ve caught the devil at a wrong time. But he is insistent, and promised a week-worth of your favorite caramel pudding.
You didn’t waste time. Letting Victor win. And giving you the satisfaction of victory as well the moment that you arrived while tagging someone with you.
Giggling upon seeing his expression, him frowning in curiosity when you walk in and then pouting the next, you say, “I told you that I was preoccupied.”
Victor didn’t expect that you’ll be preoccupied with having to take care of a baby.
Of all things.
The only reason that you’re taking care of a baby, as you’ve explained to him to help him get over with his shock, is that a close friend of yours had called for some emergency. And since you’re also one of the godparents of the baby and you’re on a day off, you agreed to take care of him—a bubbly seven-months-old baby boy with growing jet black hair and brown round eyes. Now, the two of you are here after being called by Victor.
Victor looks at you as you explain. And he can’t help but gape at the sight of you holding the baby on your arms and gently swaying to ensure that the baby will not wake up from its sleep, you having giddy smile, too. For a moment, he thinks you are perfect.
“Dummy,” he mutters, “you could’ve just said that you’re preoccupied with taking care of…” He ushers a hand at her. Dropping his hand, he sighs heavily, looks away and covers his mouth as his voice softens, “You go home and we can deal the problem with your latest report tomorrow. I’ll ask Goldman to call the driver to bring you home and buy some things for me.”
“Wait,” you stop him before he could even call Goldman. You remember the poor assistant’s face upon seeing you earlier today. He completely assumes that the baby with you now is your son. “I’ll do it. And do you know that it is stressful for the baby? We’ve just arrived and you’re asking us to leave? Not to mention that the place she is right now is closer here than your house. I can tell her to pick up Art here.”
“But the baby is sleeping most of the time. Surely he’d been sleeping like a log,” he says.
“Well, it is also stressing me.” You pout. “And if only I can set up a blanket on the sofa with his pillow in order to lay him down … then we can deal with my report.”
Without any other word, Victor stands from his seat and draws closer to the backpack. “The blanket and pillow is in here, right?” Before you can even answer, he is already searching through the bag for those items. And once he’d found them, he carefully unfolded the blanket to the nearby couch, placing the pillows next. “Is that fine?”
You meekly nod, a little surprise seeing that he did all of it without even you asking him. “Thank you,” you answer and lay the sleeping baby on to the blanket. “My friend told me that he usually sleeps like a log, just as you’ve mentioned. And he isn’t restless when it comes to sleeping, so him falling is not a threat.”
He scoffs. “Compared to a certain dummy I know. The kid seems to have some restrains than you do.”
You look at him, not amused. “Yeah, whatever. So, what are you going to ask me to buy?”
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As you head on to buy what Victor asked of you, he returns to his work. To be honest, he can’t actually focus on his work, knowing that there is a baby to watch out for. Too afraid that even he was assured that Art isn’t a restless sleeper, well, there’s always a first time for everything.
Such thoughts disperse when he heard the cry. The baby crying. With you less than ten minutes away for the errand. And poor Victor, unaware of how to deal with a crying baby.
At least he understands one thing: that when babies cry, they are usually restless. He immediately draws closer to the baby. To be honest, he hesitates, but upon seeing the baby’s actual tears and suddenly making eye contact before crying much more, he decides to take Art from the couch and carries him, imitating how he’d seen you do it earlier. He is clumsy, but he’d never held something so precious as this little boy, and slowly get the idea of it as he also slowly sways as if to calm the crying babe.
He sighs heavily when all his swaying and hushing with his gentlest voice possible didn’t contribute much. He is sure that the crying could be heard even outside his office, even passed Goldman’s and throughout the entire floor. And now, everyone surely has the assumption that the baby is his and yours.
Victor is about to call for Goldman but then remembers your warning to be cautious of his assistant regarding the baby. He somehow gets the idea what could be the reason. So, he dialed your number, hoping that you could have the answer for this crying mess.
“Hello? Victor?” you immediately answer. “Wait. Is that Art crying? What have you done?”
There’s a threatening note at your last question. And because he is so close to panicking now on what to do, he asks, “How can I make him stop crying? And Dummy, it isn’t my fault that he is crying. He just woke up and then cry like this.”
“Well, try feeding him! I remember that I already have mixed a bottle for him,” you say. “Victor, calm down. The more you panic, the more the baby cries.”
“I am calm.” He gulps in hard. “So, the bottle is on the backpack, too?” He is already searching through the bag. “Dummy, you only have a bottled water.”
“You blend him some. There’s this formula dispenser. Mix it. Sprinkle few drops on the inside of your wrist to test if it is warm. Not hot nor cold. Warm.”
“I know what is warm.” He lays back the baby, sitting close to keep a close watch, and takes the items to prepare the formula. After doing as you’ve said, drawing the bottle to Art, he notices that the child pushes the bottle away. He grits his teeth. “He won’t.”
“What do you mean ‘he won’t?”
“He just won’t!” He places the bottle onto the table and carries the baby again.
“Then check his diaper. Is it full or does he soil it?”
He does as what you’ve said and concluded that the diaper is not the issue. “No. Not the diaper. And what’s taking you so long? Hurry. This baby’s crying is starting to be this floor’s radio.”
“I just left the nearest store, and the magazine that you’re asking for is not available there so I’m heading to the mall. Have you tried giving Art his toys?”
He shuffles through the backpack again and hands it to the baby who’ve somehow calmed down a little but ends up abandoning it, crying much louder this time. “MC, just… please, return to LFG. Right now. Just a few minutes dealing with how to resolve his crying is tiring.”
You smile a little. “I’ll be right there before you know it.” And you end the call, much to Victor’s dismay.
He tries contacting you again but you didn’t answer. Since calling you will not stop Art from crying, Victor decides that he’ll just have to deal with it. He thinks that the baby will stop crying the moment that he grows tired of it. Still holding Art on his arm, he loosens his tie, sighing as he says softly, “You know, you’re a strange little guy to cry after all I’ve done to try calming you.”
Suddenly, Art stops crying.
Victor blinks, surprised why Art, out of the blue, suddenly calmed. When he feels small hands trying to grasp the lapel of his suit and his tie… it seems that Art had found a toy. He inquires, “You’re interested in my tie?”
Art made a small sound as his clumsy hands try to tug his tie.
He smiles fondly. “You’re really a strange one, little guy.”
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You return to LFG about an hour and a half later with the magazine. And you are surprised to return back seeing Victor sleeping in the middle of working hours. On his arms, snuggled protectively to his chest is Art, teething on Victor’s loose tie.
On cue, Art turns to you and you press a finger against your lips. You head on to Victor’s wardrobe, take another of his favorite neckties and place it on his table, next to the magazine and the coffee you’ve bought for him. You draw closer to them, your mind suddenly having imaginations of how perfect of a father Victor will be, making you blush. You gently pry Art from Victor’s arms, and the action causes the CEO to stir awake, waking up to see you already carrying the baby still enjoying his tie as a toy.
He rubs his eyes. “What took you so long?”
“The magazine is rather hard to find,” you explain with a smile. “Well, you manage to calm Arthur.”
“Arthur?” He notices the magazine, coffee and the necktie on his table, and then take the necktie to replace his stolen one. “Ah… Of course. Arthur.”
You giggle as you look down at Art now on your arms. “You two seemed to be getting along.”
“It appears that you’re teaching the little guy how to be a dummy.” He grins.
You pout.
“Let’s deal with your proposal tomorrow. That kid had drained much of my energy. No need for another dummy to drain it twice fold.”
You and Art let Victor continue with his work as you stay in his office, already alerting your friend that you’re in LFG.
When Victor finishes his work and seeing Art off with his mother, you two heading to his car, Victor suddenly says, “You know, I didn’t think that a dummy will be a good mother.”
You smile. “Well, I also didn’t expect that a domineering CEO will be a good father.”
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For more of my works, see masterlist.
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thedummysdummy · 1 year
Can I have a cup of latte with some sweet cream and yes hcs of our CEO dealing with a pregnant wifey 🤧🤌🏻 Pregnancy reveal to labor that will be a thank you.
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In his Victor way, he immediately sensed her presence and looked up from his work. Seeing the grin on her face, he immediately knew something was up. “What has gotten a dummy so riled up?” he asked, pausing as he glanced farther down and spotted the pregnancy test in her hand. He jumped up from the couch and hurried to her side, his large hand reaching for hers to grab the test. She relinquished it with no struggle and Victor stared at the little window. A laugh started deep in his chest and made its way to the surface, emerging as he wrapped his arms around his wife. 
“See? All that worry for nothing! I told you that we just had to be patient! We have to celebrate. What would you like for dinner? I’ll make you anything you want. And I’ll call up the doctor to make an appointment. This time everything will go smoothly.” Victor scooped the girl up into his arms and buried his face in her hair. 
She squirmed a little and squeaked indignantly, but Victor only laughed louder and carried her out of the office and into the living room. “I can walk, you know,” she insisted, his joy soaking into her soul and making her laugh as well. “But really all I want for dinner is a nice butternut bisque. I’m a little too nauseous for much more than that…” 
Victor immediately set her down at the dining room table and went to the cupboard where he kept the tea and coffee. Soon the scents of ginger and peppermint filled the air and a steaming cup of tea appeared in front of the girl. “Drink this first while I make dinner, then. But give it a few minutes to properly steep before you greedily gulp it down.” 
“It’s too hot to gulp anyway,” the girl protested, but Victor merely shook his head and began his preparations. She watched his strong and slender form as he cut, cleaned, and drizzled olive oil over the resulting chunks of squash. The edges of her lips twitched in a pleased manner and her heart felt almost too big for her chest. 
In this moment, she was the luckiest girl alive. She picked up the teacup and inhaled the fragrant steam before blowing a soft breath over the surface of the liquid. As long as she had the love of that man, she had the entire world in her palm. 
His baby wasn’t a bad addition, either. 
The cup of tea was gone long before the squash had finished steaming, but the girl was content to sit at the table and just watch Victor work. He often glanced over at her and his dark eyes glittered every time he caught her staring. She enjoyed watching his skillful hands transform the hard vegetable into a smooth and creamy soup which soon he ladled into a bowl and placed in front of her. It was followed by a thick slice of toasted sourdough and another cup of tea. 
Only once she was served did Victor dish up his own meal and join her at the table. “Are you feeling any better?” he asked, dipping his spoon into the silky soup and blowing gently to cool it. The girl nodded and tore off a bit of the bread to dip into her soup. It was delicious, as was to be expected, and she didn’t even need to ask the ‘secret ingredient,’ because she already knew exactly what it was. 
Two months passed by as a moment and a lifetime simultaneously. The girl lost count of how many times she’d had to run out of a filming shoot, returning to the concerned looks of her coworkers. 
Finally, Kiki pulled her aside. “Boss, we’ve all noticed that you’ve been ill a lot lately. Is everything okay?” She looked into the girl’s face with concerned eyes, seeming to seek the answer in her boss’s expression. The girl fought with herself for a long moment. Was it too early to make an announcement? She knew it would be another month before she was out of the most dangerous portion of the pregnancy, but if her coworkers were already getting worried…she knew she wouldn’t last another month without telling them. 
“Yes, I’m fine. It’s just…don’t spread this around, okay? But I’m pregnant.” 
A look of wild excitement filled Kiki’s face. “Oh my goodness! Congratulations, boss! How far along are you?! Has anyone planned a baby shower yet? Are you having a boy or a girl? How does Victor feel about it? This is so exciting!” 
The girl slapped a hand over Kiki’s mouth, but that did little to quell the other woman’s excitement. “I’m only eight weeks along, but Victor and I are both very happy. We won’t know if we’re having a boy or a girl for quite a while.” She giggled and her other hand went instinctively to her stomach. “It definitely is exciting. But!! You have to swear not to go announcing it to the entire world, okay? I’ll tell the others after the shoot today, then you all can gossip to your hearts’ content with each other.” She shot Kiki a serious look, and Kiki straightened into a salute. 
“You’ve got it, Boss! I won’t tell a soul!” 
It was a promise which lasted approximately twenty minutes before the news was nearly enough to make Kiki explode. “But you have to act surprised when the boss tells everyone after the shoot, okay?” she whispered after spilling the beans to Willow. 
“Oh, obviously,” Willow insisted. “And we’re also obviously going to plan a surprise party.” Kiki agreed wholeheartedly and the pair went back to the shoot. The day seemed to drag by even slower than usual as the secret burned a hole in their mental pockets. They did their best to look innocent every time the girl was nearby, but the moment she turned her back, the pair could barely contain their excitement. 
By the time the shoot wrapped up, everyone was completely exhausted except Kiki and Willow. They were still hyped up on the high of their secret and practically vibrated with excitement when their little crew was called together. 
The girl looked at each one of her friends and smiled. “I have a bit of an announcement. I was going to wait a little longer, but I have no doubt the cat would get out of the bag sooner rather than later. So here it is: Victor and I are expecting our first child.” 
Cheers of congratulations filled and echoed around the mostly-empty set, making it feel as if the girl were surrounded by an army of well-wishers. 
“But the casual white shirts go on the blue hangers, and the formal ones go on the black ones!”
The girl began pulling all of the clothes that Victor had hung up off their hangers and tossed them on the bed, her arms moving in far more exaggerated circles than was entirely necessary. Victor watched with exasperation, his arms crossed over his chest and his brows furrowed. “Why does it matter? Besides, they are my shirts. Shouldn’t it be my opinion that counts when it comes to putting them away?” 
He may as well have declared the instigation of World War 3. The girl looked at Victor incredulously and threw the hanger she was holding to the ground. “Fine! If you’re so opinionated about it, I’ll just let you put them away yourself! And the closet can be a mess.” 
“I already put them away myself once, and you pulled them all back out. That seems like you caused the problem, not me.” Victor’s exasperated tone only earned him a look that could kill a nation before his wife stomped out of the room and disappeared into the darkness of the rest of the house. 
Victor took a moment to breathe. Why was everything a fight lately?! Good grief, it was the color of hanger for crying out loud. He’d thought putting away the laundry would make her happy, not cause yet another argument. He glanced over the pile of shirts on the bed and wondered where exactly he’d gone wrong. 
A cloud settled over his heart as he picked up the shirts and ensured they were on the ‘proper’ hangers before putting them back in the closet. Every now and then he glanced at the bedroom door, half expecting to find her standing there watching. However, she never appeared. It didn’t take too long to fix the shirts and make the bed for good measure; only after that did he dare go seeking his wife. 
Perhaps ‘seeking’ was the incorrect word. Victor was pretty sure he knew exactly where he’d find her. He easily crossed the dark house and opened the nursery door, standing in the doorway. Moonlight filtered across the carpeted floor and landed on the chair on the opposite side of the room, highlighting the small amount of dust which drifted back and forth as sand in the ocean. 
Sure enough, the girl was curled up in the rocking chair, clutching a shiba plush. Even in the moonlight he could see the glisten of tears on her cheeks and he sighed. “Dummy,” he whispered, crossing the room in three long strides. She looked away, hiding her face behind the golden fur of the shiba. But Victor pushed it gently away and lifted her chin. He wiped away one of the tears with his thumb and kissed her forehead. “I love you, my little dummy.” 
While the words were simple, they seemed to be the magic words which unlocked the door. A torrent of tears ran down the girl’s cheeks and she flung herself into Victor’s arms. “I didn’t mean to yell at you,” she sobbed, burying her face in his shoulder. “I don’t know why I’m like this! It’s like I can’t even control myself and I hate it!” 
Victor ran his fingers tenderly through her hair and held her close. “It’s just the pregnancy. You’ll feel better soon. Only six weeks left, hm? I’m not going anywhere, no matter how moody you get. So stop beating yourself up and come to bed.” He slid one arm under the girl’s legs and scooped her up. “You need your rest if our little one is going to be healthy.” 
It was dark when the girl waddled into the office. She groaned a little and shifted on her feet, trying to find a position that didn’t hurt. Unfortunately, there was no such thing at this point in the pregnancy. Her hand went for the lightswitch and she wondered idly how she was the first one there for the meeting. Anna had seemed quite insistent that it was incredibly important, and even Victor had seemed keen to get her here on time. 
The lights caused her to go momentarily blind and she squinted as they adjusted. A jubilant shout of ‘SURPRISE!’ caused her to jump, but once she was able to open her eyes again, she was met with a room full of pink and blue balloons and streamers. Everyone she loved sat in chairs around the room with bright grins. Cupcakes decorated with pastel frosting and baby bottle sprinkles made up a large centerpiece, surrounded by various other snacks, while another table was absolutely loaded with brightly wrapped gifts. 
A hand softly on her back propelled the surprised mother-to-be into the room; it was connected to a smirking Victor. “Come on, get in there. Your friends didn’t organize this just for you to stand in the doorway with your mouth hanging open.” 
She broke out of her stupor and joined her loved ones for an evening of ridiculous games, eating, and opening of gifts. The sheer amount of love she felt from everyone in the room was a warm blanket which encircled her heart with tender softness. Each hug, each gift, and each kind word helped erase just a little bit more of the pain and discomfort of being eight and a half months pregnant. 
And when Victor noticed that she was beginning to tire, he took her hand in his big, warm palm and addressed the room. “Thank you, everyone, for the party and the gifts. We very much appreciate it, but my wife is going to fall asleep in her chair if I don’t get her home soon.” She gave his hand a squeeze and with those they loved trailing behind them with arms full of gifts to load into the car, the happy pair returned home with far more than just a new mountain of belongings. 
Of course it would be the middle of the night. The girl got up for what felt like the fifteenth time that night to use the bathroom, only to feel warmth running down her leg. “Too slow…” she muttered as she waddled into the other room. 
However, it soon became apparent that this wasn’t a middle-of-the-night bladder leak. An intense pain gripped the girl’s stomach and she curled up on herself, letting out a strangled squeak of pain and surprise. It wasn’t incredibly loud, but loud enough to cause Victor to rocket up from the bed. His sleep had been poor for the last week already, just in case this exact thing happened. 
“Is it time?!” he exclaimed, looking quite silly with his dark hair tousled upwards and his boxers slightly twisted. All it took was a single nod for him to spring into action, tossing on the clothes he’d specifically kept on the chair next to the bed for easy access and grabbing the hospital bag they’d lovingly packed together. 
Minutes later the girl was dressed as well and Victor helped her into the car. His hands trembled as he buckled her belt, though out of fear or excitement was up for debate. Probably both. He hustled around the front of the car and into his seat, turned the key, and soon the pair were speeding down the road toward the hospital. 
Each time a new contraction hit, the girl fumbled for Victor’s hand. “I’m right here. Just breathe,” he soothed, running his thumb over the back of her hand. “We’ll be there soon. I’m right here.” As Victor was wont to do in situations involving his wife, he drove with a reckless abandon in regards to the speed limit. They soon walked into labor and delivery, where the girl was whisked away while Victor paced the waiting room. 
Luckily for everyone in the hospital, Victor was only made to wait until his wife was dressed and put in her delivery bed before he was allowed to go back with her. “It will probably still be a little while, Mr. Li. The contractions are still ten minutes or so apart, and she’s only at an eight. We’ll check in often, but why don’t you try to get a little rest while you can? When the contractions are two minutes apart or less, we’ll get the doctor in here.” 
Victor nodded, though he knew there would be absolutely no rest for him tonight. Not until those sweet cries filled his ears, and that sweet bundle filled his arms. He sat at his wife’s bedside and held her hand as she did her best to remain calm through round after round of contractions. “I’m positive we’re having a boy,” she murmured. “I regretted deciding to wait to find out for sure, but now that it’s time…I think it’s even more exciting this way.” 
“I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, as long as we get a healthy baby.” Victor placed his hand on his wife’s belly and was rewarded with a solid kick. “They’ve definitely got your attitude…” 
The hours passed by painfully slowly. Painfully being the key word. By morning, the girl was convinced this labor thing was never going to end. That was, until she was hit with contractions five minutes apart. Then two minutes apart. Victor pressed the call button repeatedly and the nurses soon arrived, the room filling with motion and excitement. The epidural went in and warm, blissful numbness took the place of the hot pain which had been filling her existence. 
The doctor arrived and, after a brief examination, smiled. “Alright, love. It’s time to push, okay? Three breaths and push for me on three. One, two, push. One, two, push.” 
Time felt like it stood still as Victor watched his sweet wife’s face flush, and her hand crushed his with each straining push. The doctor kept checking repeatedly, his voice encouraging. “You’re doing great, mama. I see a head! Keep pushing for me. Not too much longer now.” 
And he was right. Two pushes later, the shrill sound of a baby’s first cry pierced the air. The nurses rushed forward with a towel and a clamp for the cord, while the doctor checked over the new life for signs of health. “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Li, it seems you have an absolutely perfect little boy.” 
Victor wasn’t even embarrassed about the tears that ran down his cheeks as the doctor wrapped the still-mucky little boy in a towel and handed him to his father. He was a chunky little man…and the most beautiful thing Victor had ever seen.
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lilith-sp · 4 years
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So I received this special request, and although I’m not a huge fan of writing with toxic scenarios, I really felt this person needed this, so hey! I really hope this makes you feel a little bit better! 
Never Alone
Victor x Reader
This was it, you were done for the day… 
"What the hell is this?! Are you really the head of the company?!" You hear your mom yelling at you as you started to leave home. 
"Hey! look at me when I talk to you!" she said once again. You really didn’t want to turn your back to her. Although you loved her and had worked so hard to help her out, although you were about to lose your company’s founding but  managed to convince Victor to give you a second chance, although you’ve revamped your dad’s tv show and had gained popularity again, the only things she could see from you were your flaws.
You can’t remember the last time you had a “normal” conversation, nor the last time you actually had fun together. Ever since dad wasn’t there, she had changed so much and became a complete stranger that had made your life harder and harder each day.
"What else do you want from me mom?!" you asked her desperately, trying to hold back your tears as much as you could.
"I don’t need nothing anymore, you can’t even look at me, you can’t even do that right so, forget it…" She replied with that disappointed voice now you're used to hear from her "If you want to leave, leave then, I don’t need you".
Inside, you felt like a million thorns were stabbing your heart, you felt alone, like there was nothing that could make you feel better. The idea of moving out has crossed your mind but right now, it wasn’t the time, not until your company’s numbers got better and Victor had recovered his investment.
You stood on the door a few seconds holding your phone, thinking about calling him, but you felt so embarrassed about the same situation happening over, and over again... You really didn’t want to run for his help anymore, although he's never told you there's anything wrong with that.
The truth is, you wanted to prove you could overcome anything. If you couldn’t handle your family situation, then, how could you handle your own company?
You squeezed your phone hard on that last thought and left your house once again, walking into the nothingness, waiting for her to calm down so you could go back home and have a rest for another day.
As you walked by the street on your way to Verdant Plaza, your phone suddenly rang. It was Victor. You felt your heart going up to your throat and started feeling anxious as you answered,  trying to stay calm.
"Are you ok?"
"Uhmmm… yeah, why do you ask?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, totally fine!" You managed to say faking a smile. 
A small awkward silence took place and then you heard Victor sigh heavily.
"Do you think a dummy like you can fool me? You didn't send me the report I asked and it was due an hour ago"
You stood frozen on place. That fight with your mom totally made you forget about your report.  Once again, you started to feel helpless, thinking that maybe, what your mom told you was true. You couldn't even do your work right, you couldn't even speak or come up with something smart to excuse yourself. You were disappointing Victor but most importantly, you were disappointing yourself.
Tears started to flow over your cheeks and you started sobbing trying to hold up, but it was useless. You had so much to be frustrated about, you didn't care what Victor would think about you at that point, you just needed him by your side to have hope again.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the phone, Victor was sitting is his car watching you from afar, silent, with a gaze filled with sorrow and anger but he wasn't mad at you. He knew how your mom was and how she mistreated you at times, so he guessed she was the reason behind your tears once again. Before this day, he decided not to interfere since he had respected every decision you've made so far of staying with your mom,  but that day, he had enough too…
"Turn to your right" you heard him say over the phone. You weren't sure why he asked you that but, as soon as you turned, you could see him walking towards you. 
You hung up and quickly ran right into his arms, finally feeling the warm embrace you were longing for so much, letting all those feelings overflow you completely. Victor was holding you tight with his strong arms while resting his chin over you head, stroking your back gently as you kept crying. 
"It's ok, I'm here now" he said with a tender voice that made your heart melt and feel you were at home. His scent invaded your senses entirely as you started to breath slowly trying to calm down.
"How did you know I was here?" You asked in an almost inaudible voice.
"I was on my way back from Souvenir and I saw a little idiot walking all alone by the street" 
"Why you keep calling me an idiot even in a moment like this?" You asked trying to hide a low chuckle while burying your head on his chest. You were actually glad to be with him.
"Why didn't you call me if you were not ok?" He asked with a slight concern in his voice "Haven't I told you to call me whenever you need me?"
"I thought you would be busy, besides, it was not that important" 
"So why did you start to cry all of a sudden? Am I that scary to you?" He asked with a warm yet sarcastic tone. 
"No it's not that, it's just –" you cut your own thought before finishing the sentence.  
“Dummy, it doesn’t matter what it is, you can always rely on me” he then gave me a sweet kiss on my forehead. The warmth of his breath made you shiver internally and your face started to feel hot, but then, your mind interrupted the moment, bringing back those horrible thoughts about not being good enough.  You weren't sure if it was a good time to ask what was truly on your mind but, you really needed to know his thoughts. 
“Victor, can I ask you something?” He looked at you a bit intrigued, patiently waiting for your question “Do you think... I’m useless?”
His eyes changed, suddenly his warm gaze turned into a much more cold and serious one. “Who told you that?”
“It doesn’t matter I just… need to know how you feel about me” you replied quickly. Your heart started to race a bit once more and your palms started to get a little sweaty. You know he’s no fool so, probably he knew what was going on, yet he never put you on more pressure or asked further about the issue.
“If you believe not sending your work on time is a synonym of being useless, then yes, you are”  you were shocked, did he really meant those words? “But, for me, the only way you could be useless is if you give up… and up to this day, you’ve kept on fighting despite the circumstances. So is not about how I feel about you, but how you feel about yourself” 
His words made a ton lot of sense. You stood quiet not knowing what to say and then he added “Don’t let what others tell you affect who you truly are. Just focus on being you, which is why I decided to give you a second chance.” He then grabbed your palm gently between his hands “It’s why I decided to be with you” 
His kind words resonated on your heart loud and clear. Victor has always managed to make you believe in yourself again. He made every single horrible thing to look tiny and insignificant, and he’s always helped you to become stronger. In that moment though, you remembered your mom’s words about not needing you and that made your heart ache a bit again. So you dared to ask Victor one last question: “Victor… do you… need me?”
Victor looked at you surprised, definitely he wasn’t expecting that. He closed his eyes for a brief moment while making a little smirk and moving slightly his head in disapproval “No, I don’t need you…” He took a step closer, still holding your hand “But I want you, always”. 
His soft lips finished closing the gap between you both. The warmth that you were feeling had dissipated the darkness that was inside, like the rays of the sun welcoming a new day.
“Now, you have two choices” He said after that kiss as he took your hand and started to walk with you “Either I take you home to pack your stuff or you just come with me with what you have right now”
“What?  but, why are you saying this?” you were really confused and weren’t sure what he meant.
“Looks like someone is very slow” He made special emphasis on “very” “From today on, I want you to live with me”
Your heart skipped a beat and your face immediately went red. Was he serious? Did he really wanted that so soon?
“But- I don’t want to be a burden! I mean, I- I…” You were flustered and overwhelmed by everything but also, very excited he asked you that.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got everything planned” 
“But my mom, I mean… I can’t leave her just like that”
“What are you, 13? you can make your own decisions now. Besides, I won’t let you stay with someone that doesn’t want to be with you” That last sentence made everything fall into place. It wasn’t new your mom was an issue, but you weren’t expecting he would take actions on the matter directly.
“Are you doing this only to protect me?” Even if he’d told you he wanted to be with you, the situation made you feel he was doing the whole thing because he felt pity and not because he actually wanted. 
“Weren’t my words and actions enough to show you how important you’re to me?” He said a bit impatient
“Well… maybe I just want you to tell me those things once more, just to make sure” you replied teasing a little
Victor sighed like giving up. He stood right in front of you holding your hands, and looked at you directly into your eyes “MC, I want to protect you from anyone that might hurt you, even if it’s your own family” Then his voice tone changed to a gentler one “But is not the main reason I want you to move in with me, I want this because…” He made a brief pause “I love you”
The final thorn remaining in your heart was finally released as hearing his tender voice saying those words. You couldn’t help feeling your emotions like a tidewave once more and decided to hop into Victor’s arms once again. “I love you too, Victor…”
He hugged you tight once again, like knowing you were accepting his proposal and his feelings too. Suddenly, every sound on the atmosphere got completely silent. There were no voices nor wind or steps to be heard at all.
“Why are you pausing time right now?” 
“I don’t want interruptions”
“Won’t we have the rest of our lives to hold like this too, without interruptions?”
He chuckled over that last sentence as he tightened his arms around your body a bit more. You could feel he was actually happy to hear that. 
“You’ll stay with me, forever, right?”
“As long as I live, you will never be alone anymore”
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timelessduet · 3 years
For Victor: 3rd Entry
Happiest Birthday to you, CEO Victor.
If there was one thing people wouldn’t get tired asking Victor these days… it was his personal life. He tries his best to remain stoic whenever the topic arises but of course, he can’t help but feel annoyed and offended.
It was one thing that people were curious about LFG’s bachelor CEO, but poking into his private matters was a different matter altogether.
LFG employees knew from the very start their CEO had no time for relationships. Although Goldman wants his boss to be successful in the field of love as well, as they say people can’t have everything.
Goldman: Boss, I was asked by G Company if you would be available next week from dates 11 to 13. You don’t have plans on the other days but 13 is your birthday. Will you be having any plans?
Ever since becoming Victor’s secretary, Goldman knew his boss considered his birthday as any other day. At times, he can’t help but feel sad since this was probably because work has always been his priority.
Victor: Have the meeting moved earlier so I'll be back by the 13th.
Goldman: Boss?!
Goldman couldn’t believe what he just heard. CEO Victor has plans for his birthday this year? Is this a miracle? The heavens has probably heard his plea for the single workaholic boss.
Victor: Did you not hear what I just said, Goldman?
Goldman: No, Sir. I’ve heard clearly. I’ll inform G Company to have the meeting days set on an earlier date.
Victor: And have my schedule cleared on that day.
Goldman: I’ll do just that, Sir.
Hearing his boss having plans on his birthday was indeed a shock to Goldman.
Victor: Is there anything else?
Goldman: Nothing, Sir. It’s just…
Victor: What is it?
Goldman: Enjoy the day, Sir.
Was it that peculiar for him to celebrate on his birthday? Victor thought as he looked at the retreating back of his secretary. Just as he was going back to reading the company’s monthly report, his phone pinged.
Is CEO Victor busy? Would he mind having lunch together?
Looking at the pile of reports he had to check on, he swiftly replied to the sender.
I have time. Meet me at Souvenir.
MC: Seems like boss is in a good mood today. Is it because it’s almost your birthday?
Victor: You’re definitely hungry seeming as to how you’re spouting such nonsense.
MC: I take it back. Mr. CEO wouldn’t feel excited over his own birthday. He’s so weird.
Victor ignored the girl and placed food on the table.
MC: As expected, LFG’s CEO is the best undercover chef there is in Loveland.
After eating, MC helped in washing the dishes since Victor was the one who cooker. This was an agreement the two of them decided upon ever since he didn’t bill her for the meals in Souvenir.
MC: Do you have any plans on your birthday? Will you be celebrating with your Dad and Auntie?
Victor: They’re currently out of town but they already sent their regards. And like you’ve said I’m not one to be excited over aging another year.
Realizing his answer, MC cannot help pouting. Victor was teasing her again.
MC: So CEO Victor has no plans or work? Does he mind celebrating with me?
Victor: I think a certain dummy already knows the answer to that.
Although Victor wasn’t comfortable when the public insistently pried unto his personal matters, he was very open to his family. This includes the girl he always held dear to his heart.
Up until this moment, everyone knows how he never really celebrates any kinds of occasion. Whether it was his birthday, Christmas, or even new year, it was just another day for him. Rather than celebrating it, there were far more better things to do. He was a busy man after all.
Until she came.
The girl who persistently wanted to celebrate with him whenever possible. At first, he found it tedious. Victor wasn’t exactly thrilled to suddenly have these changes in his life.
Except now, he unconsciously looked forward to the upcoming festivities no matter how big or small it was.
As time went by, his happiness only grew. And his heart... was filled with love.
Just like when he celebrated with his parents as a child, Victor anticipated the day he was born into this world. A day which was once any other day to him.
MC: Happy Birthday, Victor! I know you don’t enjoy blowing candles but at least make a wish for yourself this year.
The girl said pleadingly as she held the cake in front of him. Seeing how MC looked at him, Victor blew the candle before ruffling the girl’s hair.
Victor: Dummy. Stop worrying about my birthday wish. Put the cake down and let’s eat.
MC: Meanie. It took me ages to fix my hair for today. But wait… did you wish for anything? You blew the candle so fast.
Victor: There’s no need. It has already been granted a long time ago.
I never wished for anything before. Victor silently thought as he looked at the girl who he knew wanted to know his wish.
What could he wish for when she is already in front of him and by his side.
He only wishes that his happiness and love will always be by his side in this lifetime. There is nothing more he would wish for.
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otonymous · 3 years
Coming Soon: An Exclusive Series 👀🔥✍🏼
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Caught in the throes of passion - skin to bare skin - what are the thoughts running through his head?
Find out soon in Little Black Book, a series that will give you an insider's look into the thoughts, feelings and emotions of each of these often inscrutable men.
Coming soon to Patreon...💦💦💦
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janumun · 5 years
Drown in you, Angel
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Fandom: Mr Love: Queen’s Choice
Rated: NSFW
Pairing: Victor/MC
Words: 2598
A/N: Tried a little something different here. A short prologue before you’re able to choose your poison route (Victor or Lucien for this Halloween series).
She let out a low surprised whistle. “You look dashing, Count Lucien.”
Lucien’s response to her heated praise was a light chuckle before his dark red eyes – the contacts almost too genuine – settled on her attire, appraising. “You look lovely yourself. A pure angel.”
“A fallen angel,” she corrected, pointing to the fake bloody wings at her back. “I fell from grace.”
A corner of his mouth lifted at her enthusiastic denial. “Maybe from God’s but not from mine,” His words did nothing to calm the rising blush on her cheeks, making her stammer nonsensically at his sincerity.
She turned around at the sound of a familiarly dissatisfied voice at her back. “Victor, you came!”
He nodded briefly at the Professor before turning her way. “As the benefactor of your little charity event, I wasn’t going to pull a no-show now, was I?” Arms crossed at the chest, Victor looked at her, a tiny frown marring his handsome features, as if he thought her far too simplistic for even considering anything besides the current outcome.
Her cell rang just then, making her haphazardly sift through her small shoulder bag, fishing it out after much difficulty. “Hey Gavin. Yeah, he’s here.” Eyes drifting toward the large bear in the centre of the stage, singing a rhyme off key for the enthusiastic children gathered round, she nodded her head in affirmation. “Thanks for getting Kiro in here, safe and sound. The children adore him and his panda costume.”
“Yeah. Mmhm. Thank you so much, you can still come inside and enjoy the event, even for a little while, you know. Oh… alright, let me know if you change your mind.” Having ended her mostly confirmatory call with Gavin, she turned to see Lucien moving away from her.
“Lucien? Are you going outside?”
“Yes. As promised, I’ll help distribute the candies, along with Anna and Kiki. See you in a while.” Flashing her one last smile, he turned to leave, his Dracula cape fluttering behind him ominously. Even among all these people dressed for Halloween, if it were up to her, she would have handed Lucien a “Best Spooky Costume” award without contest.
Lightly slapping her cheeks in an effort to rouse herself for the long night ahead, she mentally pumped herself, vowing to do her best along with the four men who had helped her organize the charity ball so graciously.
-End of Prologue-
Character Selection
Click on either of the two options below to go directly to your Choice: 
Victor Route (Angel) -you are here-
Lucien Route (Vampire)
Victor was anything but calm if the girl was not in his immediate sights, especially when she had been, only but a few moments ago.
Roving frantic eyes across the crowded ball room, he took to rushing on quick long strides across the floor for the fifth time that night, wondering if she had somehow hurt herself and was lying helpless somewhere.
The unsolicited distressing thought injected a wave of exigency into his already fast pace, his head swiveling this way and that, seeking to find the one person his heart settled on every single time.
He couldn’t find her. Deviating towards the open balcony doors, having recalled her slurping one proffered whiskey after another, he hoped to find her out there - maybe she had escaped for a breath of fresh air - verbal arsenal at the ready to spew some caustic complaints of his own.
That idiot.
Suddenly, a hand shot out from behind a set of heavy velvet curtains, pulling him in towards the windows so fast and just as ferocious, Victor hardly had time to react before his fight or flight response kicked in. He moved to pin his would-be assailant, just as swiftly, to the window, arm across their throat, ready to stop time lest they try to grapple their way out of his grasp, before his eyes took them in and –
His grip fell lax immediately, the culprit’s hand coming around to rub at their throat delicately.
“You.” He almost growled, in frustration. Here he was, losing his damn mind over this absolute idiot and –
“Victor!” she squealed happily, apparently having recovered from his counter far too soon, moving to throw her drunken form, arms first, over him.
Her breath generously reeked of the alcohol she had so gaily ingested just earlier with her would-be clients.
Victor breathed out his vexation, moving to support her sagging form against his chest. “Did we or did we not talk about your positively appalling drinking habits, just prior to this party? Did you or did you not agree to be good and stay put? Well?”
Any and all attempts to shake the woman out of her stupor fell on deaf ears. She peacefully continued to slumber, leaning against his sternum as if it were a fluffy pillow and not really her boyfriend’s not very comfortable chest.
The front of her costume was beginning to sag, giving Victor periodic swift peeks of the top of her breasts. He turned his gaze away, awkward and hot. “Hey, wake up. It’s time to go home. Clearly, you’ve had enough business associations for the day.”
A poke to the forehead, to the cheeks, her chin. Pressing down onto her jaw as it fell slack at his touch, nothing seemed to rouse his intoxicated dummy.
Victor huffed out; a bungled sound, tinged in a pinch of amusement and a whole lot of frustration, before hefting her up into his arms, leaving their temporary sanctum of quietude and flowing red curtains behind.
A careful touch, gentle caresses across her temples, was what finally woke her up into sobriety.
“Victor?” she breathed, throat too parched to utter a word past paper thin weakness.
“Take this.” As if she had asked it of him in that single utterance of his name, a glass of water was in front of her, offered just as careful as the gentle hands on her face, mere moments ago.
She mouthed her thanks before moving to sit up; taking in large gulps of the most delicious drink she had ever tasted in her life. Water.
“Ease up before you choke yourself on your own spit, you walking piece of disaster.” His voice was low, chiding as he moved to sit beside her. Arm coming around, his fingers settled at her back to rub in round, soothing motions.
Once the empty glass had been safely extracted from her accident prone clutches, she turned her head to gaze up at him sideways.
The light of the moon cast into the room, hazy slanting patches of ephemeral existence painting Victor just as luminescent and painfully handsome within their hold.
He still drew a picture of impeccable order and perfection, his navy suit jacket the only thing unbuttoned, undone about him.
She absently noted the lack of stubble on his chin, a noticeable change from just the previous night when she had rapaciously licked a path along that strong jawline, feeling the delicious clench of muscles underneath her tongue.
Eyes sliding down towards his neck, his collar, she took in his silver bow, tied much too tight for her liking. Suddenly she very much wanted to disassemble this very perfect man.
Perhaps it was the glaze of the remnants of alcohol still sousing her system or perhaps, she was just that licentious – for him. Whatever it was, it was certainly making her see that - albeit beautiful - bow tie of his as a snick in his flawless mien.
Reaching out, she began unwinding it, fingers far nimbler and steadier than would have been expected of an inebriated woman.
Raising one perfect eyebrow was all of Victor’s response, a slow breath leaving him. “What are you doing?”
“Unraveling.” She responded, unhelpfully.
Victor rolled his eyes in silent riposte. “I have eyes, I can see that. But. I believe, ‘What do you mean to accomplish by doing so?’ would be a far better question for my simpleton.” He rephrased, tucking an errant lock of hair behind her ear, even as she stayed fully focused on the task at hand: undressing him.
Tie undone and discard, her hands were now busy at the buttons of his waist coat. Slow, swift, her movements altered with the whiskey’s still holding sway; her hands finally feathering across his chest just above his plain white shirt.
“Mm… perfection.” Her world seemed to have narrowed down to that one tiny, perfect word. Well, perfect and Victor.
“You look great in a tux, you know,” she admired, fingers gliding across the fabric at his firm shoulders, his biceps; thick corded arms exposed to sight by her ever busy fingers pushing up his sleeves. “I mean, you’re generally good-lucking but you look sumptuous in suits. Your work outfits are fine but I think indigo is your color, Victor.”
A corner of his mouth perked up in amusement at her babbling. “Great, and now I’ve got a talkative drunk on my hands.”
“A talkative and pretty drunk.” She nodded approvingly before pushing him down onto the bed underneath, hips straddling his.
“More like a pretty little foo - mph.” she planted her lips down on his, an audible smack echoing through the room at the contact. She didn’t like his mouth moving so much, not when she was trying to act coy. So shut he stayed.
Pulling away to stare into dark eyes, emotions shifting and wavering as his lust began to cloud them, surfacing up to where she could see. “That…” he remarked, moulding his hands to the lush of her hips. “…is not how you kiss.”
A firestorm. Engulfing and emblazoning her insides, charring her to ashes was what it felt like to be kissed by Victor. Lips hotter than the alcohol that had burned and fizzed on its way down her throat earlier that evening; he took her like a tempest at sea, hands indenting themselves into the flesh of her hips as he ground her against the steadily growing arousal in between his legs.
And when she opened her mouth on a groan, Victor stole that as well, breathing from her, wet and sultry.  His tongue pulsed against hers before moving over to lick at the partition of her mouth, the tiny notch below her nose, the tip of it, down to her jaw.
Hands equally invasive, moved to slide the fabric of her dress up and above her bum, briefly fingering the border of her panties before moving to slip in between her legs.
His tongue laved and sucked at a particular pulse point on her neck, making her push her breasts against him in surrender, body arching sharply into his.
Victor sought out the tiny patch of skin exposed within the fabric, right in between her breasts, swiping a clear, flat and wet path into the opening in self-approval, once found.
“Mm… Victor!”
She moved to push herself away, enough for her hands to come across her bosom, hanging right above his face. Fingers far thinner, lither than her lover’s, squeezed around her breasts, pinching at the hardened peaks in an endeavor for pleasure.
Victor watched the display, all rapt attention and sharp focus, pupils dilating, mouth parting a little as she pushed the fabric of forged angel feathers down her body, freeing her breasts in an erotic bounce.
Victor made haste, one hand snaking around her back to push her down into his waiting mouth, teeth taking one delightfully perky nip into his mouth, sucking her in.
She moaned just as gratefully, hands sifting through his carefully kept hair, now a mess well done, as she pulled at the strands, urging him on.
“…Touch me,” was all he murmured into her chest before diving back in for more but she heard. She heard and complied, hands reaching down to palm him through the fabric of his too tight trousers.
Victor let out a short low grunt at the contact, his own hand urging her onwards with a tight press into her slit through panties completely soaked.
She moved to free him of his confines, Victor letting out a breathy sigh, almost an ache at the relief.
Letting out a frustrated yelp, she moved back, needy and wanting towards his mouth, fingers reaching for and fisting into her own panties before she smoothly slid them down her legs, blindly throwing them off into some forsaken corner of the room.
“Victor…” she whined, taking him in hand to pump him a few times before positioning herself over him, her arousal now abundant and dripping, down her thighs.
Victor smirked up at her, a smug dishonorable thing, as he observed his pretty wanton fool, mad with lust – just as he was – for him.  
It made him harder even within her grasp as if pushing at her, begging her in actions to take him in, all of him. He needed her, this. Soon. Now.
“Never in my life have I happened across an angel this promiscuous.” He murmured, accepting the look of voracious desire in her eyes.
Red mouth parted and panting, legs a shaking mess, she was an avenging angel, a salacious succubus in disguise as she descended, rocking her hips against his with a vehemence that had Victor groaning and grasping at whatever his fingers would hold, could hold in their grasp.
“Ah…. Victor… Mm… so good.”
He wanted to tell her those were his words, stolen deftly from his tongue even as he moved to cradle her head in between coveting palms, pulling her down into his embrace, to sink into oblivion with this angel of his, white and bloody and glorious, body a tight, wet haven: it was all he knew in that moment.
A devastating thing of beauty, even in her graceless descent from Heaven.
Even as she fell, crashed, making him dance to her every whim, every thrust, until she wrecked herself all over him, around him; urging his own release to follow soon after.
“Bristly chins… 10/10 women down.”
Something soft pressing just under his chin, followed by a shy giggle was what pulled Victor from the dregs of slumber.
“Oh, he’s awake.” Frantic rushing, before he blindly grabbed onto his victim, pulling her down onto his chest.
Eyes still refusing to open, he tucked her head underneath his jaw, holding her tight. “Of course I’m awake, since a certain dumb-ass thought it was a great idea to assault a helpless sleeping man.”
A cry of protest. And then, “I did not assault you! What?! ‘Helpless man’? Why, I –” she scoffed, wriggling like a hamster caught in an unwanted grasp.
“And just what has this little animal so lively and fresh, even after last night’s rampage?” That got her settled. Even though he still firmly had his eyes shut, basking in the warmth of her body fitted against his, he could almost picture the blush high on her cheeks as she recalled the events of the prior night in explicit  detail.
It brought a smile to his lips, unbeknownst to him.
“Um… I was just thinking I love your chin.” She muttered evasively but Victor put together the last pieces of the puzzle in place.
“In short, you don’t want me shaving so often. Love an unkempt man, just like yourself?”
That earned him a sulky punch to the chest but it did nothing for the smile that continued to spread across his face, content and relaxed in his happiness.
“…May be you’ll get your wish soon.”
“Really?” She sounded so hopeful, it made Victor want to do just as he wished.
“We’ll see for your reward after Wednesday’s presentation.”
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lia-jones · 3 years
Resistance - Evol: Chapter 2 - Fear
Time slowed down to a halt, as if he had done it himself, as if he had his evol back. He seemed to move in slow motion, blind, deaf, numb. The only thing that connected him to reality was the thumping of his heart, slowly drumming in his ears.
Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Ba-thump.
Victor wasn’t sure time had really slowed down, or if it was his thoughts going a thousand miles per hour. In the space of a heartbeat, his mind considered everything that call had meant: retribution was finally coming, they had found a way to hurt him, they had hurt his wife.
Another heartbeat. She was dead. Andrea. Please, please, don’t take her from me.
She was sprawled on the wooden floor of the hallway, the tight space full of people Victor didn’t care to identify. Owen was kneeling beside her, touching her face, crying. Someone, probably the nanny, was trying to keep him away from his mother.
Victor couldn’t hear them. All he could focus on was the heartbeat in his ears, and his wife on the floor.
Sound and color and reality returned suddenly, as if time had resumed its course abruptly, making up for the seconds lost. In another heartbeat, he was kneeling beside her, his fingers pressing against her neck, trying to find a pulse.
Please be alive. Please, please, be alive.
“Monsieur Lee?”
Victor jumped from his chair, anxious.
“How is she?”
“Monsieur Lee, my name is Dr. Fils, I am the medical director of this hospital and one of the physicians taking care of your wife. Your wife’s condition is stable, her blood pressure is normal and she is breathing on her own.”
A wave of relief coursed through Victor’s body, forcing out the breath he was holding.
“She’s alright?”
“She is still unconscious, and we are still conducting some tests to determine why she fainted. But other than that, yes, she seems to be out of danger.”
“I want you to test her for poison as well, or anything she could have somehow ingested to make her sick.”
“I will request them right away.”
“Just do it, anything you can think of. Whatever that costs the hospital, I’ll double it. Just make sure she is completely safe.” He commanded, in full CEO mode. “I also want you to reinforce security, wherever she is located. There should be at least three extra security guards outside her door at all times, at least until I provide it myself.”
“Of course, Monsieur.”
“When can I see her?”
“As soon as we’re done examining her, we will take her to a private room. I can assure you she is being taken care of by our very finest.” The doctor reassured him. “In the meantime, I invite you to wait in our waiting room on the second floor, you will be more comfortable there.”
“Is she breathing?”
“She’s pale as a sheet, check her breathing!”
“Someone get a doctor!”
He had to think fast, but all of the voices around him were a whirlwind in his mind, scattering his thoughts, mixing with his own fear and anxiety.
Think, Victor, think. She needs you.
He leaned over, trying to feel a breath, closing his eyes with relief as he felt the warm air softly touching his face. His hand touched her neck again, pressing on the same spot he had before. Her heart was still beating. She was sick, but she wasn’t dead.
And then he noticed all the people around him, and the sound of cameras going off. No, he had to protect her. She was vulnerable, and people would try to take advantage of it. He took his coat off, cradling her head on his arm as he covered her with his coat. Then he hoisted her legs with his other arm, picking her up from the floor.
“She needs medical assistance.” He spoke to one of his employees as he settled her in his arms. “Call an ambulance, I’ll take her to my office.”
He laid her down on the leather sofa, eyes observing her, trying to figure out the best step to take. What could he do to help her, how could he save her?
“Andy! Andy, wake up, please talk to me.” He patted her face softly, his other hand holding her wrist, checking her heartbeat one more time.
“Hold on tight.” He pressed his forehead against hers. “You can’t leave me just yet.”
She was still in the ER when the doctors told him he could see her. He found her sitting on the bed, still wearing the dress from the party. She looked healthy, like they didn’t have to bring her to the hospital in an ambulance. Like he didn’t hold her unresponsive body in his arms. Like it all had been a nightmare.
“Hey, handsome.” She smiled at him.
He had no words to say. He simply gathered her in his arms, holding her as tight as he could, his lips resting on her temple. Her warm temple. She was alive.
“It’s ok, Victor, I’m fine. It was all just a scare.”
“I will be the judge of that.” He lifted a brow at her. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling fine, I really don’t know what happened.” She caressed his chest, trying to soothe him. “I was going to get Owen, that’s the last thing I remembered. When I woke up, I was here. How’s Owen? Is he here with you?”
Victor backed up slightly to look at her, holding her arms, trying to figure out in her expression anything that could indicate that she was still unwell.
“He’s in the hotel, with the nanny. I spoke to him a while ago, he was going to bed.”
“Was he scared?”
“A little. I managed to calm him down. According to the nanny’s last text, he’s sleeping soundly as we speak.”
“That’s good.” She let out a sigh of relief. “That boy has been through enough already.”
“Do you remember anything out of the ordinary? Did someone talk to you, touch you, or do something to you?”
“No, nobody talked to me.” She looked him in the eyes, worried. “Victor, you don’t need to worry, I’m really ok. I don’t even have a headache anymore.” She flashed him a smile. “I have a stiff neck, but I guess the gurney is to blame for that.”
“The Director will hear about this.” Victor frowned. “I was told you would go to a separate room. Even if you weren’t sick, you’d probably catch something here.”
“I’m fine, leave the room for people that actually need it.” Her arms wrapped around him to pull him closer. He discreetly took her hands, releasing himself from her embrace. “Victor…”
“We are not exactly alone here.” He apologized. “When is the doctor coming to talk to you? I’ll ask a nurse.”
“The doctor will be here soon to release me, the nurse already told me that.” She squeezed his hand. “God, Victor, why are you so tense?”
Her question made him even more tense, fearing she would tell something was off. He couldn’t tell her he was concerned about his safety. He couldn’t tell her her life could be at risk. He remembered the vows made on their kitchen floor, fingers laced, eyes filled with love.
“For better or worse, we are in this together.”
Victor had never failed on his word, but this time he would have to. Whatever was happening to Andrea, it was due to his actions, to some vendetta against him, because she was the easiest and most effective target. That was burden enough. She could never know.
Like numerous times in his life, Victor would take the burden silently. Regardless of how heavy it was. Regardless of how scared he felt.
“I found you on the floor of our company, pale and unresponsive.” He snapped. “You were unconscious for over an hour. Do you think I have no reason to be tense?”
He slapped himself mentally for his icy tone. Andrea didn’t react, looking him in the eyes, a mist of determination and worry on her face. She was sick, she shouldn’t have to worry about him or his feelings. The cold feeling of guilt grew inside of him.
“Ok, that’s enough.” She jumped from the bed, closing the curtains of their booth for some privacy.
“What do you think you are doing?” He grabbed her by the arm. “You should be in-”
She turned to him abruptly, taking his face in her hands and kissing his lips. Victor wanted to pull away, tell her she should be in bed, worry about her and what could become of her if his enemies kept their promise. But the kiss took all his volition, and the cold in his heart vanished magically, giving way to the warmth she was making him feel. He forgot where he was and why he was there and he deepened the kiss, trying to make her feel as loved as he felt. They pulled away slowly, lingering on the feeling as reality trickled in, his eyes opening softly to find her gaze.
“Look at that.” She smiled softly. “It works on you too.”
He couldn’t lose her. She was the order in the middle of his chaos. She was all he had that was good. He held her hands, his fingers lacing with hers.
“The doctor will come and talk to us, and we will hear what he has to say. But in the meantime, there is no need to worry. I am well.”
She was. The fragile woman he saw before was long gone, this was his Andrea now, filling his life with love and light, giving strength and peace. He couldn’t forget the menace, but maybe he could feel hope. He pressed his palms against hers, fingers tightening their grip, enforcing their bond.
The doctor came shortly after to examine Andrea one last time and give them the test results. The blood tests were normal, no foreign substances had been found, there were no major health issues that could cause the loss of consciousness. His final diagnosis: Fatigue.
“I want a second opinion.” Victor stated immediately. “She was unconscious for over an hour. It can’t be just fatigue.”
“Although that would generally be cause for worry, the truth is we found nothing that could cause it. According to the exams and my examination, your wife is perfectly healthy. She can go home. I would recommend however that she gets proper rest, plenty of fluids and make sure to see a doctor if new symptoms arise.”
“No. Make the appropriate arrangements, she will stay for the night for observation.” Victor insisted.
“No!” Andrea complained. “You heard the doctor, I’m perfectly fine. Come on, Victor, I just want to go home.”
The battle of wits between Victor and Andrea was short and inequitable. Andrea had a health professional supporting her arguments, which was hard to beat as it was. On the other hand, Victor, who had the strongest argument, couldn’t present it, and insisting without the facts would just make him look like a stubborn brat. Consequently, he had to fold. Andrea won.
Maybe the doctor’s diagnosis wasn’t completely wrong. Andrea had fallen asleep practically two minutes after the driver started the car, and judging by her soft snores, she wouldn’t be easily aroused. That gave time for Victor to dwell on his thoughts, as he watched the city lights through his window, a protective arm around his wife at all times.
He couldn’t understand why someone would waste time making a threat they wouldn’t keep. It simply didn’t make sense, unless the goal was to show him that if they wanted, they could have hurt his wife. The other option was that they did try and do something to her, but maybe someone showed up before they could. Maybe she had been drugged by some substance that wasn’t detectable in the hospital’s blood tests, something that would block her memory of what really happened. No matter the possibility, the conclusions were always the same: they wouldn’t quit until they had their revenge. Andrea could be safe for now, but if Victor didn’t act fast, she wouldn’t be safe for long.
The driver stopped the car in front of the hotel, opening the door for Victor to exit, taking his wife in his arms for the second time that day. But this time, she wasn’t like dead weight in his arms. Her face was warm, pressing against his neck, her arm instinctively wrapped around him, all of her craving her comfort.
He laid her down on the bed, hoping the dress would be comfortable enough for her to sleep in. He then pondered if he should lay down next to her and get that much deserved rest, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to relax. At least, not without a drink first.
He walked to the living room, not before checking on his son, who was sleeping soundly, curled against the Mickey Mouse plushie he had bought at Disneyland. At least for now, his family was safe. Victor could breathe a little better again.
He sat on the balcony with a glass of whiskey, contemplating his old confidant, shining in the landscape. And just like many times before, the tower gave him strength and a sense of resolution. Whatever they wanted, they wouldn’t get. He would protect his world tooth and nail, no matter the cost.
He took his phone out of his pocket, searching for an old number in his contact list. The last time they had spoken had been… seven years ago. A male voice answered after the second ring.
“I need a favor.” Victor cut through the chase. “I need you to investigate something.”
“I don’t do that anymore.” The male voice answered. “Find someone else.”
“The information I need may interest you as well.”
“Same place, the usual time. Bring payment.”
Without another word, Victor hung up, his eyes getting lost on that mighty tower again. Whoever this was, he would be ready for them. And he would make them regret the day they were born.
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