#evil bisexual y'all.
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gunsnpie · 2 years ago
just remembered god is canonly an evil bisexual.
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indooroutdoorboyfriend · 19 days ago
slowly getting into wh40k rogue trader and finding out heinrix is supposed to be straight has me like walter white falling to the ground crying in the new mexico desert
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I'm totally normal about these two.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years ago
I'm sorry but you people have demeaned the word lesbian so badly... the LITERAL definition of a lesbian is a NON-MAN who likes NON-MEN. How is that so fucking hard to understand? Not you specifically, but people like you have made it into something it's not; the whole "bi lesbian" and "straight lesbian" shit, saying trans men can date lesbians (which is literally just transphobic), straight up just saying lesbians can date men???? MEN???? DO YOU NOT HEAR YOURSELVES?
And now the whole butch discourse lmao. Sure, maybe in days long past it was a broader term, but today when someone hears the word butch, I can guarantee their minds will jump to a butch lesbian. If y'all want it to be the GBT community so bad then just say so
Also I can guarantee that you were one of the mfs laughing at lesbians who used he/him or he/they pronouns back in 2020 lmao performative ass bitch
Definitions of words do not descend from Heaven straight from the lips of God. We make them up! So I simply disagree with your definition of lesbian, as do many others. Personally, I enjoy the definition of "queer love/desire for women." For one, it centers lesbianism around women, instead of centering it around the exclusion of men. And two, "non-men loving non-men" is a definition which utterly erases nonbinary people. If an agender person is dating a neutrois person, they are not lesbians- or gay men- simply because y'all cannot get your head out of your binary asses for five seconds. "Non-men loving non-men" is a definition that attempts to be nonbinary-inclusive but only succeeds in making nonbinary & genderqueer identities palatable for radical feminism and political lesbianism. Honestly, I would prefer someone who defines lesbian as "woman loving woman" but understands that many people have complex relationships with womanhood while still feeling attached to the label of lesbian, than someone who uses this "NB-inclusive" definition and goes absolutely feral over genderqueers who are Doing It Wrong.
Anyways, speaking of radical feminism: acknowledging male lesbians and mspec lesbians is not "making lesbianism something its not." It is just recognizing the beautiful complexity that has always existed within lesbianism.
The lesbian community- which I'm using to refer to all kinds of communities organized around queer relationships to women & womanhood- has always been a haven for a lot more people than cis women exclusively into other cis women. The idea of sexuality-as-identity is very recent, and the idea of drawing a hard line between people who only like people of the same gender and people who like the same gender and more is also extremely recent. Beyond that, trans men and nonbinary people have always taken shelter under lesbianism. "Butch" in the context of lesbianism has always been a trans* identity, a way for people with a queer gender to find community and safety.
The reason why we have this idea of lesbianism as a strict category with hard borders is..... you guessed it..... radical feminism! And specifically "political lesbianism," which essentially placed woman-only relationships as the only true feminist relationship you could have. "Lesbian" became a political identity because of its focus on woman-woman relationships. But that meant that, for political lesbianism to be acceptable to radical feminism, it needed to conform to radical feminist beliefs about what makes a good feminist. Which meant:
No trans women or fems (because they are too male and probably predators)
No trans men or mascs (because they are too male and also traitors)
No bisexuals (because they are too male by association and are also traitors)
No penetrative sex, or at least no strap ons (because it imitates men)
No kinky sex (see above but with bonus "kink is evil" flavoring)
No butch/femme roles (because they imitate heterosexuality; everyone has to be neutrally androgynous).
I believe that much of modern lesbian discourse comes from trying to marry lingering radfem beliefs with modern attempts at trans-inclusivity. So you adapt the blatant transphobia: now, trans women are allowed in (as long as they are palatable to cis women), because they're women! And nonbinary people can also be allowed in- at first they were woman-aligned, and then later as long as they weren't man-aligned. Being butch/femme is Back In Style, but we have to soothe the gender anxiety that butches cause by assuring everyone that only True Lesbians can be butch, and butches are always women, even if they kind of aren't, but regardless they're definitely not men, because butch has always been a lesbian term (except it hasn't.) The discourse is haunted by the ideas that lesbianism is constantly under attack, more than anyone else, and that lesbian culture is unique and special and must be guarded from (male/-aligned) invaders who are probably also sexual predators.
To say that this is all just "days long pasts" ignores both that, in physical queer spaces there very much still are male lesbians and bi lesbians who are accepted parts of their local communities, and that you only see those days as "long past" because of the impact of radical feminism on lesbianism. The only reason you see these changes as a good thing is because you've swallowed radical feminist ideas without realizing it.
Also, "if you say butch most people will think of butch lesbians" is an extremely silly argument. Literally who fucking cares. If you say "man" there are still a lot of people who will immediately think of exclusively cis men (see: every feminist who says shit like "if men could get pregnant). Does that mean that trans men should just give up their identities because other people don't understand them? You dork?
Anyways. The funniest part of this ask is how damn confident you are that I was apparently hating on he/him lesbians three years ago. Idk how to tell you this but I'm a boygirl gaylesbianbisexual and have identified this way for years. I have been personally terrorized by shitty lesbian identity politics, the same ones you are repeating now, which told me that if I was even 1% male then identifying as a lesbian made me a disgusting predator. Which caused me years of suffering because no matter how hard I tried, I could not ignore my multigenderedness and how that affected my sexuality. Sowwy but you look silly as hell and your argument is bad and you should feel bad </3
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thestrangestthlng · 6 months ago
I just read the most asinine thing I think I've read this week... and I've been on Buddie twitter.
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"masc4masc men are literally always so evil and more often than not, intensely homophobic."
Intensely homophobic you say? Kinda like that comment.
Stating that we don't need more masc4masc representation in the media is a fucking take. Literally stupid as hell. We have VERY little masc4masc representation in the media... especially when it comes to bisexual men.
I don't know who needs to hear this but: "femme" and "twink" are not synonymous with "bottom".
Also, for someone y'all claim to hate so much, you certainly do spend an awful lot of time thinking about him. That's fan behavior.
I will say, however, that you are right. Eddie is not masc4masc, because he's fucking straight. Hope that helps. 🥰
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stujet9rainshine-blog · 2 months ago
Okay. I'm putting the Tigerghost/Nicktoons Unite AUs im working on in this master post. (If there is one y'all want me to put out first lmk)
The links to works that are posted to AO3 are attached!
Nicktoons Unite: TigerGhost (feat. JimmyTimmy, JennyVega): College/Soulmate AU, all same universe. (Title: Desert of My Heart, Manny Rivera, Oil on Canvas) Completed draft. Posting in progress.
JimmyTimmy: Fantasy/D&D au. Jimmy is a high elf without magic. After consulting mages Cosmo and Wanda for Magic help he falls for their adoptive human son Timmy. (Title: Round Ears) In Progress.
TigerGhost: No Powers Air Force AU. Danny and Manny both join the US Air Force for different Reasons. One to fly, one to run. They find each other amongst the chaos of Basic Training. (Title: One Day Closer to the Stars)
Nicktoons (TigerGhost, JimmyTimmy): Canonverse(???) au, all grown up, the story of Manny joining the team and falling for Danny. (Title: One Tragedy Away from Becoming the Villain)
Nicktunes Unite: Band AU, all grown up, NSFW. Tigerghost (feat. JimmyTimmy.) Nicktunes Unite travel to Miracle City for a Concert and they meet their Opening Act the Atomic Sombreros Feat. Manny as a male lead Singer. (Title Atomic Energy)
General Danny Phantom: Danny growing up and transitioning FTM from Maddie's prospective (Title: TBD)
TigerGhost: Canon ages au. The Summer before his sophomore year of HS the Fenton's go on a haunted road trip to Miracle City to investigate the reports of very heightened supernatural activities in the area. Heavy Angst. Feat. Bisexuality Crisis Danny (Title: TBD)
Nicktoons: Tigerghost (feat. Jimmytimmy) Evil!Manny au. After being high school sweethearts, they're suddenly separated without a word. Danny can't get back to Manny's dimension. Manny falls into despair and joins Sartana and becomes a villain. [Based off of Epic's Will You Fall in Love with Me Again.] (Title: The Rift)
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citizensun · 1 year ago
Queerness and the House of Usher (spoilers!)
See I just added these Thoughts to the tags in @quecksilvereyes 's post but now I have Feelings too
TFotHoU (or HoU, as I will refer to it here), as expected from a Mike Flannagan show, has a bunch of Queer Rep™ to talk about. HoU is, also, about remarkably evil people - amoral capitalists who'll step over anyone if it means they'll get something from it. And look! Some of them are queer! Kinky too!
That's bad queer representation... right?
The show isn't that clear when stablishing sexualities, but we see that at least three of the Usher kids - Napoleon, Camille and Victorine - have same sex SOs/assistants with curious job descriptions. Prospero's taste for orgies probably implies queerness too, but honestly I don't remember if he gets it going with any guys in the story. I honestly have no idea about Tamerlane's voyerism thingie and Frederick is the only one with a "traditional family" going on.
Unrelated, but: Leo is definitely cheating on his bf Julius. Completely dismissing about his worries for him too. And for his cat. That's objectively evil, clearly. Vic literally killed her fiancée Alessandra, though she didn't stuff her under the floorboard, which is an L when compared to Poe's original. Cam doesn't believe in true love. Perry blackmailed his sister in law. Mean. He's also got a surprisingly high kill count for the family's disappointment, but since unlike Roderick he only killed rich people, we stan. I don't belong in Kinky spaces so I haven't got a big take on Tammie, only that - well, she's completely dismissing of her husband and sees him as a prop, just like the sex worker she hires.
See, the nature of a story called "the fall of X family" is that X family is going to be the main character. The title kinda implies that they're falling for a reason, ergo, they're despicable fucking people. And they're queer! They're very queer. Many flavors of gay. They're the main characters, and they're monsters, and they're gay.
No, that's not bad rep.
Queerness as a movement, a community and a theory is very focused on scaping a cisheteronormative society's binaries (ie man/woman, husband/wife, public/private) and creating living conditions to those who fall outside of these categories - mlms and wlws, the trans, the nbs, the aros and aces... we are all queer, strange and estranged from this weird and limited worldview. And so we create a community for ourselves. It's very focused on care and anti-stablishment. Since a cisheteronormative society tends to be very white, rich and western, it's also focuses on anti-racism, anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism. Y'all know that, this is Tumblr and we love leftist Discourse.
I also know many, many gay people irl who are not like that at all. Libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, terfs, completely apolitical people and the like. Sexuality at it's core is personal, not political, so there are gay people out there who are perfectly comfortable with their sexuality on an individual level but do not see the point of getting involved in the broader context. They're queer, but are they...?
Not to mention there's lots of asshole gays out there! Don't you have a shitty ex? Have you never been almost run over by a drunken butch who blew cigar smoke into your face? I have! Life experiences are just like that. Maybe you should touch more grass. You'll probably find a lucky gift from your neighbour's dog, who is an astrology-obsessed bisexual and also really hot but stopped making out with you at a party once she found out you're a pisces (the neighbour, not the dog).
(Granted, none of this is as bad as implanting an experimental heart contraption into the fiancée you just killed because she dared to have ethical principles and then being so consumed with grief you stab yourself in front you'd your dad but you know how it goes. We're not the 1%.)
My point is, queer people are people. We are complex. We fuck up, and sometimes there's still times to fix things and sometimes... there isn't. We're consumed by jealousy and regret and sometimes we're so locked into our own head we stop believing the rest of the world is real too. Just like any other people, because unfortunately, queerness isn't a sign of morality.
And even if queerness does mean community, kindness and acceptance, tell me... Where the hell would the Usher kids get those from? The people around them are not really peers – they're ass-istants, blowjob-giving apartments, orgy mates, heart surgery providers, hired fitness moneybags, perfect housewives. Even if the partners are all shown to care for the Ushers, there's still a distance, a power gap, that makes the relationships fundamentally wrong.
And the partners? Arguably they're the good queer rep in the show, but look – even when Julius and Alessandra are shown to be good people (or at least people with an ethical boundary), they're not the good gays, they're simply the good SO's to a family of psychos. Exactly like Bill and Morrie, who afawk are straight people.
Which leads us to HoU's parameter of morality - Auguste Dupin. He refuses to drink the Amontillado, symbol of all the Usher opulence over the years. He got screwed over by the Usher twins and by the Raven herself, but he refused to cave in (except for the informant part, admittedly). He's not a good gay guy; he is gay and he is a good man.
The fundamental difference between our show's main tragic yaoi couple isn't that Auggie is a happily out gay man (and therefore is good) while Roderick is a sad divorced hetero (and therefore is bad). Auggie is the richer man because he is a good man; he has a spouse and children and grandchildren he loves with all his heart. He has a family and a community and he has found a sort of happiness no money can buy. Roderick owns the world – but what does he really have? What do his children even have? How could they ever build communities for themselves if they were never in one? Their father made them compete for his love. He never nurtured their bonds, he just showered them with money and excess until it was too much for them to handle. Juno herself pointed out - they were never a family. The House of Usher was only that. A house. It is empty and soulless.
What is queerness without a community? How could the people who represent the relentless corporate normativity and cutthroat capitalism ever be good queer rep? How can they even be queer?
Hear me out: on the most individual, simple level, being queer is still about not fitting in. These kids are bastards. They are are PoC and women in a predominantly male and white dominated space. They're on top of the world, but they're still outsiders to their own House. How could they not be queer?
And yes, I know this discussion takes a different turn when it comes to representation in media, but it's not like Flannagan fell into a Hays Code-era flamboyant villain trope. Queerness is just there. Just like Victorine and August are both black people in (arguably) the opposite ends of the morality spectrum, there are queer characters of many kinds here. The story just happens to be about the fucked up ones.
HoU is a poignant critique of capitalism and a surprisingly funny adaptation of Poe. We'll judge it by that. It happens to be queer – more things should be.
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televisionenjoyer · 6 months ago
Y'all too comfortable living in an age where you can snort at a line on a sabrina carpenter song where she says she wishes she were gay or whatever like yes it's cringy and might be trying too hard as you guys say but like my parents lived under a military government where saying something like that in a song would get you killed and that was what. fourty years ago?? and this is still the reality in many countries while y'all are arguing if women calling themselves bisexual lesbians are the root of all evil 😭
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herestomyhaters · 9 months ago
i have remained silent for too long. i forgot to post this so here are my thoughts on 2x06/2x07!! as always brought to you by a bisexual black girl 🫡
i understand it's a teen drama so cheating is bound to happen but lorddd i was really hoping they wouldn't do that w/ noa cause i hate that bi stereotype. atp it's just bad writing bc why would she want to be w/ jen after all the batshit crazy things she's done ???
call me crazy but i Do Not think shawn punched that whole in the wall and even if he did i still don't trust jen (why would anyone 💀)
also were they expecting him not to react after noa's been cheating since JUVIE, all the lying and the stealing ???
hope i won't need to backtrack here (that'd suck) but why are ppl so obsessed w/ christian being evil/related to bloody rose somehow?? like besides being too obvious i really don't think they would do that to tabby again. also it feels jarring that ppl want to assume the black guy is the threat
i want more 1:1 moments between the girls!! the only dynamic that's been explored so far is tabogen (we got faran/imogen crumbs last week). praying for that in s3
is it me or are all of imogen & johnny's scenes just her trauma dumping myyy god. don't get me wrong i like them together but it just sends me, i also wish they'd explored the whole "player" trope a bit more it could've been interesting to see. i just don't know how believable it is to go from THAT to loverboy in the span of an episode but i guess we have the 8-episode season aspect to blame
redemption house was CRAZY. it was giving "is this fucking play about us?" tbh it ate
speaking of crazy kelly has fully lost it. imogen clocking her was one of my fave moments in the episode. looove imogen she's easily become my top 3
there is also no way kelly's dead
"HENRY, you're a dancer. most of your friends are GAY"
faran and greg: where to even start. i saw this ship coming before the season even started and (hear me out) i do not think they'll be endgame. i personally don't hate greg (maybe it's just elias' charisma) but it feels very contradicting to the show's values to pair faran & greg together. still, it is a semi-realistic situation. i just hope they proceed with caution & are smart about whatever happens next. i do not want faran to be babysitting him into becoming a decent human being
just need to bring up the "my cousin kevin, who lives in riverdale" moment cause i was crying w laughter. this show is so unserious sometimes (shoutout kevin keller tho)
speaking of gays i was quite surprised bi noa wasn't canon already?? might be bc maia has spoken about it many times but i always assumed she was already out 😭
besides that, the fact that NONE of them called noa out for cheating??? they were like "yesss queen slay 😍". i can't, feeling so sorry for shawn atp
also imogen bursting out laughing when noa brought up the "throuple" thing even she was weirded tf out
bloody mary playing while they raided redemption house was ICONIC
that bloody rose reveal was INSANE. imogen tearing the mask off??? bailee's emmy worthy scream queen moment (AGAIN)??!
do y'all have any theories for tabby's final girl moment/who br is? how are u liking the season so far? lmk your thoughts and we can kiki 🫶🏽
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silviakundera · 7 months ago
Snowfall watch comments ep 11-12
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Ep 11
Vamp Daddy is feeling violated and would like some clothes now, thx. "You keep staring at me. Even if you don't feel embarrassed, I do feel a sense of shame."
Sorry, the villain is erotically, psychotically obssesed with you, so no
Loser Li: "Aren't you a big shot? Aren't you a socialite? You think you're above me just because of your wealth and power?"
Vamp Daddy:
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Literal army observing the toxic gay happenings: ... um I think that was supposed to be your inside voice
Mu Lihua is obviously making excuses to herself to use the magic yang ring, which is killing her
BACKSTORY: in which it was all the fault of Vamp Daddy'd grandma for deciding to burn alive both his dad's chicken killing concubine and also her son. Sorry grandma, burning a small child alive while he screams for his big brother is uncool and I'm not surprised she went berserk and killed y'all. 🤷
If that kid grew up to be our mildly evil doctor bestie, I think u 2 should hug it out and say bygones are bygones. Yes he gave you some vampirism but also, you survived 100 years to experience some great fashion choices and meet an incredibly weird blind girl who is very into you. It's not all bad.
Loser Li is literally crying here, just barely hanging into any dignity by a thread, while Vamp Daddy calls him out as looking heartbroken. 🌈
MORE BACKSTORY: Loser Li ran into Vamp Daddy when a teen and naively thought this rich dude could magically fix his sister w his rich people powers. Except some people shot up the joint and Vamp Daddy ran away and his sis died. No magic fix for his sister. No one else to blame, so he hates himself and the (handsome) stranger that he'd unrealistically pinned his hopes on.
Loser Li has all that pent up rage bewing inside, yet still takes time out of his busy gangster schedule to sit on bed beside Vamp Daddy and removing his muzzle, "If you want to escape, that's fine. We can both die together if it comes to that."
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More flirting, angst, bars
"You did well."
oh... kay
Loser Li's boss wants to just dispose of Vamp Daddy if the scans don't show anything else exciting. I do not think Loser Li is gonna accept this.
Any more than I can accept more screentime for nepo baby. At least it smoked out doctor bestie!
Jin nepo baby is kinda being used as a plausible deniability There Is A Hetro Explanation For This on Loser Li's character. Except not really, because his behavior and words are also internally consistent with her being a childhood playmate when a sevant kid, who now he wants to draw the line with for multiple reasons (the best one being, he's a murderer & active criminal). Also, bisexuality exists.
Ep 12
We're bringing the gf and doctor bestie along for the ride! Thanks Loser Li, I missed them.
I can barely recognize my fav loser in brown leather.
The trio reunited!
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Doctor Bestie is so annoyed that Vamp Daddy keeps being defeated by Loser Li, when he could simply solve this all by killing him
Is Doctor Bestie gonna clock the Mu heir?
Vamp Daddy offers Loser Li both money and 🌈 friendship 🌈 and he's soooooooo shook
Mu Lihua having more seizures because she can't let go of her mood ring. smh.
Midly Evil Doctor Bestie: some people evade all responsibilities and some people bear them all, to feel alive. He's the latter.
Me: and you're the 1st kind, right? right????
Really love his chill. I want to know what's behind it. 🕵
Vamp Daddy alone in a room with Loser Li and very deliberately seducing him while pretending not to: "I will perish together with you." It's the guy I care about, not the girl. People can want & feel multiple things at a time. I didn't know you then but I do now - we know each other.
seriously - the way the actor for Li Yingliang does this swallow at him saying they know each other well now and then Vamp Daddy nods in assent. The body language and his face.👌👌👌
Fuck, Vamp Daddy knows he hooked him
Vamp Daddy and Sus Doctor play Mahjong with the villians and I'm fairly certain they're just fucking with them.
Loser Li looks annoyed to be losing yet again in life but tbh what result do you expect when gambling with someone 100+ years old
The allusions to his brother !!! Is the doctor his brother???? If so DOES HE SUSPECT?? ?????
Vamp Daddy trying to hard sell Loser Li until the last moment. Run away w me and join my polycule. I have riches and also, I'm me 👁👄👁
I think our fav villainous bisexual is just scared to take what he wants.
He is convinced there's no way back after you sell your soul to the local warlord and is scared to contemplate the alternative; if he walks away now, that means he could have found a way to walk away before - which means he's partially culpable for the wrong he's done.
They're staring at each other thru the window now. It's very romantic.
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saturnsmocha · 3 months ago
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Hey y'all! Remember when I said I had a Lucky Contestant FC of my very own? Well, here they are! They mainly appear wearing the mask, but I wanted to show off their face for this bio so y'all can get a taste of what they look like.
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Onto my Contestant...
Leni Sorensen had it all. They were the star athlete/gymnast at their high school, found the perfect man and moved in with him in a nice house after graduating. But then, something crashed and burned in their mental state and now they've turned into a bitter adult who lives in a crappy rundown apartment, has gone through a breakup, dealing with a smoking addiction, and is struggling to find a job. Desperate to get their life back together, upon hearing that if you managed to find a VHS tape in one of the Frankie's Fruit Flake boxes, you'll be granted to participate in a private indoor gameshow with the promise of 5 million dollars, they obsessively remuage through every box for the to be signed up and luckily for them, they finally found it after 769 boxes. They even toke rehab to get rid of their addiction and train really hard so that they can regain their parkour skills in time for the game. Under the impression that it was a simple and harmless yet goofy gameshow like Wipeout, they quickly realize upon being accepted that this "gameshow" is actually a streaming podcast located in the dark web AKA a "red room", where sick fucks pay money to watch people get sliced up by saws, have their skins melted by toxic slime, and be hunted down and killed by monstrous versions of the mascots. With Leni being the only surviving "contestant" able to outwit the monsters with her athletic gift and win the prize, they ended up making the red room more money and is now forced to remain imprisoned at the Parkour Palace until the next season arrives, rather they accept the offer or not.
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Extended Bio:
Full name: Magdalena Sorensen Nickname: Leni and Maggie (but if you value your life, don't call them that. Just don't) Age: 24 Gender: Nonbinary (goes by any pronouns) AFAB Nationality: Dutch-American Orientation: Bisexual Family: Mother and father, older sister named Amelia (26) and younger brother James (20) Personality: Leni is as confident and boisterous as they are arrogant. They often act rude, dismissive, and sarcastic. They have an ego the size of Jupiter, they know that they are a gifted athlete and won't let others forget. They believe in "survival of the fittest" and looks down at the more weaker ones, blaming them for their shortcomings and willing to leave them behind if they were in a survival setting.
Leni in general isn't the most pleasant person to be around, which was why they don't really have friends, not that they wanted any to begin with (or do they?). But… They are not without a few redeeming qualities… Right? Yes, their negatives do outway their positives, but Leni's not evil. The whole reason they wanted to enter the gameshow was not just because they want a better living space, but to also have a better living space and makes things right with their ex Brett, so they are capable of feeling remorse. Deep down, Leni does long for companionship, but they don't know how, and because of their crass attitude, no one's willing to tolerate them. Needless to say, they are one tough nut to crack.
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Fun facts:
🐇Leni has near vision so she wears glasses, but she does sometimes wears contacts. They wore contacts during the gameshow. They hated wearing the mask and if they have an opportunity to take it off they will. 🐇Leni didn't have the best homelife. Their parents (although they love all three of their kids squally) have jobs that require them to work for long hours, so they're rarely at home and when they are, they are exhausted. But that is not the worst part, they often leave her at home with her older sister who makes it her goal to make Leni's life a living nightmare. James however, is the only one who sees the good in them (and still does) and has looked to them his life, but has unfortunately inherit some their boasting which they nowadays try to discourage. 🐇Before moving out, Leni was the one who does all the chores around the house and prepare food. Amelia is more concerned with being on the phone and James was little at the time, but as he grew up he tried to help their older sibling out. 🐇Outside of a boyfriend, Leni did have a small group of friends at one point, although they all got fed up with their prideful nature. 🐇When they're not training for season 58, Leni would try to come up with plans to escape, lay in bed all day, thinking back on their time with Brett and their friends in guilt or trying (and failing) to avoid conversing with Frankie. 🐇James refers to Leni as his "brother". Amelia and their parents refer to Leni as their "sister" and daughter. Brett referred to them by they/them pronouns. Frankie and Henry also refers to them by they/them pronouns. That was when they came out as nonbinary and say they don't mind being referred to as a "he", "she", or a "they". 🐇Leni sleeps in a fetal position and always hugs onto their pillow or blanket. 🐇Leni has a soft spot for animals, although she has a fear of rats, or atleast used to. It helps that every animal she comes across like her, or atleast don't mind her presence. 🐇During their imprisonment, they noticed an injured rat. Despite their phobia of rats, pity overcomes fear within them (and because they were desperate for a companion to stay sane) and they toke it upon themselves to try and nurse it to health. The rat started to imprint on them and they ended basically adopting it. They haven't thought up a name for it. 🐇Leni does become a amicable person in the future. The gameshow shattered their pride and made them question their motto especially regarding the Noob Noobs and eventually Henry. There are still a few bumps in the road, but they are trying their best to be nicer. Leni isn't fond of children. 🐇They hates anime and sees them as overrated and stupid. 🐇Leni thinks that vegans are pathetic. Leni is a big eater. 🐇Their favorite food are ramen noodles and their favorite drink is strawberry and cream soda. 🐇It's possible that her rudeness and sarcasm is also a defensive mechanism. 🐇They haven't been to college. 🐇They are suffering from nicotine withdrawals.
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[ NOTE: This Blog Contains Spoilers For Multiverse Of Madness ]
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Testing.. Testing...
Alright, greetings interweb. As you all probably already know, my name is Stephen Strange. (Dr. Strange to all of you, Stephen's just for buds.) I've saved the world countless times, traveled the Multiverse, and have neutralized the all-powerful Scarlet Witch .. not to say I'm bragging, but those are braggable feats. You'd think I'd be free to do as I pleased, however, winning is such a fickle and complicated bag of worms, one that doesn't come without consequences. The Scarlet Witch destroyed the Darkhold across every dimension, but the essence is.. sticky. I did what I had to to defeat someone who threatened the Multiverse, should I have not used the wretched book to do so? Probably. Am I willing to admit that to the ones I'm closest to? ..Not so much. The power of Darkhold is safe, believe me. There would be no one better to keep this gif-curse with.
With that out of the way, I'll be using this odd forum as a journal of sorts, hard to keep track of my thoughts these days. If you stumble upon this blog, use my words as newfound knowledge, but tread lightly.
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[ Mod, RP Info, & Character Bio Below Cut !! ]
Mod Notes
Sup! Welcome to yet another pathetic man's blog. I'm Randy, I use he/him pronouns, I'm twenty, and I'm So Normal about Marvel. So So Normal.
RP Info
I've been hooked on the idea of Strange slowly turning evil for quite some time now, but now seems like a great time to bring out the ol' warlock. Completely open to plots, character dynamics, random asks, and rp memes! Crossovers as well as (over 18) ocs may interact, of course :3c. As the man told y'all, Steven has been 'infected' by the Darkhold, since he was the last to technically use it before it was destroyed. You'll see his morals start to spiral downwards, and a villain begin to appear.. I'm so excited guys.
This blog will contain alcohol, substances, unbased opinions, and nsfw material*, so minors begone! Bigots, proshippers, and other such weirdos are not welcome either, hate will be taunted and giggled at! Drama-makers can look elsewhere, I want none of that!
*NSFW will be put underneath a cut with the tag #[ nsfwrp ]
#[ the holder's ramblings ] - Stephen's textposts
#[ watchful eyes & chattering voices ] - Strange answering asks
#[ a shattering dimension] - Roleplays, open ones as well as threads
#[ a potential follower ] - Stephen interacting with other blogs
Untagged - Main Universe; His descent is slow but adamant, journeying to acquaintances to tame his rotting being. He's pleasant to be around, for the most part- as time goes on, this might not be the case.
[ vrs; the time anomaly ] - Made with @/starredshield; Stephen accidentally transported Steve Rogers out of the 40's a year before the events of Infinity War, staring out at eachother's throats, but growing softer as Strange realizes he has deeper feelings. Having to let him go, he goes back to normal life- going through the Darkhold events before finally reconnecting with Rogers in a much worse headspace. [ !! DARKER THEMES WARNING !! ]
A Holder Of Ancient Magic
Name: Stephen Strange
Age: Currently Forty-Six
Gender & Pronouns: Cisman, He/Him
Sexuality: Strange is far too busy with the possible incursion he caused to be worried about labels. (Evil Bisexual </3)
Home Universe: 616 Adjacent (If your character died during End Game, no they didn't /hj)
Relationships: Stephen has a couple of close friendships, one being Wong, the Sorcerer Supreme. He hadn't been the most open about his new-found powers after the events with the Scarlet Witch. He's cut contact with Christine entirely, far too upset about how their relationship ended, how happy she seems with someone else. Him and the Avengers are on good terms, though he tends to keep quiet about the Darkhold.
Current Appearance: Strange looks a bit more disheveled than he did in Multiverse Of Madness, eyes sunken as if he'd been spending far too much time in the Sanctum's library. Occasionally, there seems to be an odd slit in the center of the Doctor's forehead- mentioning will make the line disappear. He looks more akin to Sinister Strange at this point.
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aletterinthenameofsanity · 11 months ago
This Rotten Work Has Been Published!
Do you like Carry On or NBC's Community? Do you like messy lesbians in an enemies-to-lovers dynamic? Do you want to know what happens to Chosen Ones after they defeat their villain? Do you wish for a version of Harry Potter that isn't transphobic, homophobic, antisemitic, and racist? (Did you enjoy the seventy million fics I wrote about the mentors coping with the aftermath of the Hunger Games?) Do you like messy background poly bisexuals?
Well, here it is, y'all: all of the edits are done and my book baby has been published! Rachel and Daiyu are finally here for y'all to meet! I'm ordering my own copies now (and will definitely update y'all with photos when they arrive, especially now that I can get a photo with BOTH of my books), but for now, I just wanted to give y'all the link so you can check it out. I'm going to put the blurb below to those who are confused as to what this might be!
Amazon.com: This Rotten Work: 9798879537734: Jenkins, Kenna: Books
The moment Chosen One Rachel Barsky finally kills her magical high school’s evil Headmaster, she’s out. No pressure, no politics, and certainly no more death tournaments for her. She ditches the Magical Realm for a far more chill Normie community college with her two best friends, determined to finally get some blessed peace and quiet—maybe even a good nap. It’s what she deserves after giving up her teenage years to a prophecy that nearly killed her more times than she can count.
But of course Rachel can’t catch a break. Her first day of classes, tragedy arrives on campus in the form of Daiyu Nightbane, Rachel’s archrival and the annoyingly attractive daughter of the now-dead Headmaster. Daiyu’s acting suspiciously normal, Rachel is pissed, and her friends are preaching forgiveness and peace. What gives?
Rachel expects to have to grit her teeth and soldier through the annoyance of her rival haunting her early retirement, but she quickly learns that expectations are never made to last. After an explosive duel that ends up with one of them knocked off of their feet, Rachel is forced to see a kinder side of Daiyu than she ever glimpsed during high school.
Over a school year filled with Shakespeare, lightning magic, and quite a lot of kosher BBQ, Rachel finds herself toppling head-over-heels into an unlikely romance with her rival while she struggles with nightmares, grief, and lingering questions from her high school years. Is it possible to finally make a life for herself? Can the Chosen One really have a happy ending with the golden girl that ruled the school?
And to all those who have been following this saga (or liked my fics with similar premises/themes), I think I've managed to gather all of your usernames here for the official publishing!
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xtiredbansheex · 14 hours ago
Have some of my Liu and Jeff (and sully) Headcanons + a Sketch I'm working on coloring
Lugh (Liu) Woods
-Twins with Jeff
-In my "AU" Jeff and Liu are IRISH, moved to the USA when they were 10 years of age.
-They(him and jeff) are currently 23
-Liu still retains the Belfast accent whereas with Jeff he tends to repress it. ( sounds like a fucking idiot doing so )
-Very sweet and kind, tends to take part in a lot of soft comforting activities like knitting, crochet,, etc. etc.
-Really enjoys Ireland and its culture ( misses home) , can speak Gaeilge, but chooses only to speak it to jeff when they want to have private conversations ( jeff pretends he doesn't understand what Liu is saying)
-however due to bullying he stopped spelling his name as Lugh and changed it to Liu cause Jeff pressured him into
-Not an alter of DID in my AU Sully is a being of "celestial background" that came to Liu the night he was attacked by Jeff
-Sully is an Angel who was sent down to protect Liu from whatever tries to put him in harms away.
-Kind of an asshole but only because his whole thing is to "ward off evil"
-Has a slight Belfast accent only because when he speaks it IS via Liu's tongue. You can always tell when sully has taken over due to him sounding rougher .
Jeff Woods
-Ok you HAVE to hear me out he's actually NOT an asshole.
-He is Really confused and angry all the time about being bullied/their past homelife and he just has accidentally committed to unhealthy coping and he tends to take out on others, which he can SEE he's doing which in turn ,pisses him off even more which makes the cycle repeat.
-Due to him and Liu getting bullied for their accent, jeff tries his BEST to not have one or to associate with Ireland at all.
-METALHEAD (wears band tees but he doesn't listen to the bands, but pretends he does)
-Him and Liu are still VERY CLOSE , Liu forgave him after the attack. They are almost never seen without each other.
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I will... Flesh these out more in the future if y'all want more...
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butterflyacademia · 6 months ago
I'm ngl I'm so insanely against the HBO reboot of HP it's actually consuming my entire mind atm like what do you mean you're platforming a terf and rebooting movies that aren't even 25 years old and putting kids through that AGAIN did we not learn from Tom Felton or Dan and Emma distancing themselves and publicly going against JKR like? Could we not?
Y'all could've gotten the same amount of profit from a half decent tv series based in the HP world with her nowhere near it and instead you recreate what's been adapted already...bc jkr is sad some bits were left out?
Maybe I'm so immersed in the world of HP fanfic (don't ask me what I read I have trauma and I am a bisexual gifted child I am already ashamed dw) that I don't see a audience craving this but I rly think it's not what any fan (as much as anyone can truly be a fan at this point with how diabolically evil jkr has become and how inherently problematic the worldbuilding was) would actually ask for
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spencer-vqmp · 7 months ago
TCOVT sexuality headcanons.
Vlad: Bisexual, asexual.
Henry: STRAAAAIIGGHHTTT but fruity with Vlad. /hj
Meredith: Straight. 😻
Joss: Bisexual in denial.
Snow: Bisexual, asexual.
Em: Pansexual.
Dorian: Pansexual. (Confirmed).
Eddie: Gay. (Confirmed).
Kristof: Straight. (He literally has girls worship him. He's straigher than Henry.)
Sprat: GAY. (Idk, he's just so zesty to me.)
October: Bisexual.
Andrew: Aroace.
Tomas: Straight. (Would do some gay stuff if his evil plot called for it.)
Mellina: Straight but definitely did some experiments in the 80s.
Vikas: Bisexual. (I'm 90% sure this is canon cause I read somewhere that he and Tristian are together.)
Tristian: Gay. (Same thing as Vikas.)
Y'ALL, I RAN OUTTA CHARACTERS. 😨😭💀 Please comment if you think I'm way off. 😭😭
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