#evil 1.06
evil-ot3 · 3 months
kristen: if you believe all that about the catholic church, how can you work for them?
ben: I don’t work for for them. I work for david, and I like david. and you
kristen: oh shucks 🤭
the ot3 be ot3ing since s1 I fear
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thesorcerersshadow · 15 days
“he’s evil.”
“it’s not that simple.”
this exchange is so interesting to me. on the surface, this could read like gaius saying it’s not simple to intervene because edwin is blackmailing merlin (via gaius?) and i definitely think that’s a valid reading.
but gaius also says this right after gwen (not knowing most of the context) insists edwin is Evil, and because this is an episode where gaius is having to contend with his inaction, his own complicity, his guilt—i do think it’s fair to say that gaius probably does know it’s much more complicated than edwin being “evil”, even if he ultimately does condemn him for using “dark magic.”
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love-me-a-lotta-whump · 7 months
살인자o난감 - A Killer Paradox - Whump List - 🇰🇷
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Whumpee: 이탕 (Lee Tang) played by 최우식 (Choi Woo Shik)
Synopsis: The story follows Lee Tang, an ordinary college student, who gets into an argument with a customer during a part-time job at a convenience store at night. He is attacked and unconsciously swings a hammer, killing his attacker. Suffering from guilt and fear of murder, Lee Tang learns one day that the person he killed was a serial killer and slowly realizes that he has a supernatural ability to identify bad people. He soon becomes a dark hero who punishes people who committed unethical evils in the past. (MDL)
Genre/Tags: Thriller, Cop/Crime, Little to No Romance, Vigilante, Superpower, Trauma, On the Run, Constant Emotional/Mental Whump, Beaten
Watch On: Netflix (Original), DramaCool, KissAsian
⚠️ CAUTION: attempted s**cide at 38:00 in ep. 1.02⚠️
1.01 : slapped, beaten, (flashbacks/present day: bullied, scared, kicked, fighting back, scared), panicked, fell, visual/audible hallucinations, crying, (imagination: in handcuffs, scared, manhandled) ::: anxious, paranoid ::: anxious, crying ::: anxious ::: visual/audible/tactile hallucinations
1.02 : woke up with blood on his face ::: anxious ::: stressed, threatened ::: implies he hasn’t eaten in 4 days ::: attempting s**cide multiple times, concern for him, manhandled, punched in the stomach, fell to his knees, groaning, holding his stomach, isolating himself ::: emotional ::: woke up with blood on his face, stressed
1.03 : anxious ::: stressed ::: nearly hit by a moped, fell, hurt his arm, concern for him, groaning ::: in an ambulance, cut lip, holding his arm ::: arm treated in the hospital ::: arm in a sling ::: anxious ::: (flashbacks: beaten, fought, beaten, fought, collapsed) ::: (flashbacks: unconscious, helped to walk, laid on the floor of his apartment) ::: concern for him
1.04 : (flashbacks: homeless ::: asleep) ::: (flashbacks: unconscious, helped to walk, laid on the floor of his apartment)
1.05 : (nightmare: visual/audible hallucinations) ::: anxious ::: visual hallucinations, scared, chased, tripped, scared
1.06 : (nightmare: choked out) ::: thrown over a table, kicked, hit repeatedly, held down with a hand over his mouth, stumbling ::: bloody mouth, crying
1.07 : crying ::: emotional
1.08 : at gunpoint, shot at, fought, at gunpoint, concerned for someone, scared, emotional, crying, at gunpoint, nearly stabbed, saved ::: at gunpoint, shaking, fell to his knees, sobbing, shaking, in a burning building, scared, crying ::: anxious ::: held by police
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scoobydoodean · 9 months
hi! i read your misogynist post and while i haven't read it all to analyze, this one stood out to me the most:
In 1.06, Sam cuts Dean off before Dean can accept an offered beer from Rebecca, but then as soon as Sam needs Rebecca out of the room, Sam asks her to not just bring them those beers... but also fix them sandwiches. Rebecca says, "What do you think this is, Hooters?" and Dean mumbles, "I wish" and we somehow lose sight of the fact that Sam literally just asked a woman to make him sandwiches which is possibly the number one misogynist man trope.
while that i'm not justifying or defending, the thing about this section is he ASKED rebecca those things to distract her and not have her come back in the room right away after grabbing the drink, because he needed to DISCUSS with dean what he just saw on the camera without freaking her out because that was her brother. i would have done the same thing, and i'm a girl.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would read posts fully before responding to them. That said, of course there's a context to Sam's comments. I in fact stated in the very portion of my post that you yourself quoted that he wanted her out of the room:
then as soon as Sam needs Rebecca out of the room, Sam asks her to not just bring them those beers... but also fix them sandwiches.
Misogyny almost always has a conversational motive/context. It isn't usually cartoonishly and randomly spewed. There's a context to Sam's request. There's a context to Sam lying to the women he loves and intends as life partners, and using the word "bitch", and usually being bad with women more generally, and tending to view women Dean might be interested in or who might be interested in him as loose distractions. But if you think the writers weren't aware of exactly what they were writing when they specifically went to sandwiches, I think you're wrong, and Rebecca's immediate objection to Sam's request lends to the author's awareness.
The context of that entire section of the post is not to demonize Sam, but to state that fans who push this narrative that Dean is a huge misogynist (in an effort to erroneously demonize him) are almost always contrasting him with Sam, who they believe to be some bastion of progressive morals who has never so much as looked at a woman lustfully (because that would be Evil and Bad™️). When shades of misogyny in Sam (that he is very very unaware of) are intentionally written into the script from the Pilot.
Kripke appears particularly fond of giving Sam an air of moral superiority that often backfires on him when he endeavors to judge Dean. 1.16 "Shadow"—another Kripke episode—is also a great example. Sam at one point criticizes Dean (who has gathered all of their major leads up to this point) for not "thinking with his upstairs brain", because Dean dared get a bartender's number while asking her questions about the victim. Sam, meanwhile, has been floundering reading books and getting nothing. Later in the episode, Sam peers up at Meg in an upstairs window as she undresses, and gets called a creep by a woman who passes by and sees him leering. It's again—a situation where Sam's initial intention isn't any brand of misogyny. He thinks Meg is bad news and is tailing her, but then can't help... looking... and then looking again. But it's so blatantly intentional from Kripke—especially the contrast of Sam peering in at Meg upstairs while Sam sits in a car below—downstairs.
The goal of the writing team in writing in these moments certainly isn't to make me think of Sam as some horrible evil man. It's simply to give him flaws with a fascinating and rich context that make him far more interesting than the Mary Sue some of fandom is obsessed with rewriting him to be. Sam's misogynistic moments don't endeavor to villainize him any more than Dean’s do—they provide fascinating insights into Sam’s relationship with and clashes with Dean, and add to other incidents where Sam takes on a morally superior air—perhaps, in some ways, out of subconscious jealousy. I won't link you to every single thing I've written adjacent to the subject, but for example, this post on how Dean earns money, how Dean pimps himself out for information, and how Sam and Meg both minimize Dean's contributions to the case in "Shadow" while Dean actually gets all of the leads (similar minimizations occur in 1.10 "Asylum"—which is another excellent example of Sam floundering while Dean repeatedly displays his brilliance, only for Sam to ultimately accuse him of having no mind of his own).
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samanthamulder · 2 years
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EVIL — 1.06 "Let x = 9"
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thehylianbatman · 9 months
The Missing Episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
This post has nothing to do with Disney or their movies.
Hello. Star Wars is extremely close to my heart, and extremely important to me. As a narrative and a creative work, I believe Star Wars is unique and distinctive. I believe that Star Wars is now in an unfinished state, and will more than likely remain so forever, but my anti-Disney tirades can go in another post. For now, I simply want to inform you about Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and share my theory that there are episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars being hidden from us.
All information in this post is publicly and freely available from Wikipedia.
Here is a list of every episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars released before production was cancelled by Disney in 2014, along with seasonal notes.
SEASON 1 (2008) - This season contains 6 standalone episodes, 5 arcs of 2 episodes, and 2 arcs of 3 episodes, covering episodes 1 through 22 of the series. The seasons opens and closes on standalone episodes. As the first season of the series, these formats are all appearing for the first time.
"Ambush" (1.08)
"Rising Malevolence" (1.07)
"Shadow of Malevolence" (1.09)
"Destroy Malevolence" (1.11)
"Rookies" (1.14)
"Downfall of a Droid" (1.02)
"Duel of the Droids" (1.06)
"Bombad Jedi" (1.05)
"Cloak of Darkness" (1.10)
"Lair of Grievous" (1.12)
"Dooku Captured" (1.16)
"The Gungan General" (1.20)
"Jedi Crash" (1.22)
"Defenders of Peace" (1.24)
"Trespass" (1.25)
"The Hidden Enemy" (2.01)
"Blue Shadow Virus" (1.26)
"Mystery of a Thousand Moons" (2.02)
"Storm Over Ryloth" (1.15)
"Innocents of Ryloth" (1.17)
"Liberty on Ryloth" (1.19)
"Hostage Crisis" (2.04)
SEASON 2: Rise of the Bounty Hunters (2009) - This season contains 4 standalone episodes, 2 arcs of 2 episodes, 3 arcs of 3 episodes, and 1 arc of 5 episodes, "Senate Spy" to "Brain Invaders"; this covers episodes 23 through 44 of the series. The seasons opens and closes on 3-episode arcs. The 5-episode arc is appearing for the first and only time.
"Holocron Heist" (1.23)
"Cargo of Doom" (1.13)
"Children of the Force" (2.03)
"Senate Spy" (2.05)
"Landing at Point Rain" (2.07)
"Weapons Factory" (2.08)
"Legacy of Terror" (2.09)
"Brain Invaders" (2.12)
"Grievous Intrigue" (2.14)
"The Deserter" (2.06)
"Lightsaber Lost" (2.11)
"The Mandalore Plot" (2.13)
"Voyage of Temptation" (1.21)
"Duchess of Mandalore" (2.16)
"Senate Murders" (2.10)
"Cat and Mouse" (2.17)
"Bounty Hunters" (2.19)
"The Zillo Beast" (2.22)
"The Zillo Beast Strikes Back" (2.23)
"Death Trap" (2.15)
"R2 Come Home" (2.18)
"Lethal Trackdown" (2.20)
SEASON 3: Secrets Revealed (2010) - This season contains 3 standalone episodes, 5 arcs of 2 episodes, and 3 arcs of 3 episodes, covering episodes 45 through 66 of the series. The season opens and closes on 2-episode arcs.
"Clone Cadets" (3.01)
"ARC Troopers" (3.02)
"Supply Lines" (2.24)
"Sphere of Influence" (2.25)
"Corruption" (3.04)
"The Academy" (2.26)
"Assassin" (2.21)
"Evil Plans" (3.03)
"Hunt for Ziro" (3.05)
"Heroes on Both Sides" (3.06)
"Pursuit of Peace" (3.07)
"Nightsisters" (3.08)
"Monster" (3.10)
"Witches of the Mist" (3.12)
"Overlords" (3.09)
"Altar of Mortis" (3.11)
"Ghosts of Mortis" (3.13)
"The Citadel" (3.14)
"Counter Attack" (3.15)
"Citadel Rescue" (3.17)
"Padawan Lost" (3.16)
"Wookie Hunt" (3.18)
SEASON 4: Battle Lines (2011) - This season contains 1 standalone episode, "A Friend in Need", 1 arc of 2 episodes, "Mercy Mission" and "Nomad Droids", 1 arc of 3 episodes, "Kidnapped" through "Escape from Kadavo", and 4 arcs of 4 episodes, covering episodes 67 through 88 of the series. The season opens and closes on 4-episode arcs. The 4-episode arc is appearing for the first time.
"Water War" (3.22)
"Gungan Attack" (3.23)
"Prisoners" (3.24)
"Shadow Warrior" (3.19)
"Mercy Mission" (3.20)
"Nomad Droids" (3.21)
"Darkness on Umbara" (3.25)
"The General" (3.26)
"Plan of Dissent" (4.01)
"Carnage of Krell" (4.02)
"Kidnapped" (4.03)
"Slaves of the Republic" (4.04)
"Escape from Kadavo" (4.05)
"A Friend in Need" (4.06)
"Deception" (4.07)
"Friends and Enemies" (4.08)
"The Box" (4.09)
"Crisis on Naboo" (4.10)
"Massacre" (4.11)
"Bounty" (4.12)
"Brothers" (4.13)
"Revenge" (4.14)
SEASON 5 (2012) - This season contains 1 standalone episode, "Revival", 1 arc of 3 episodes, "Eminence" through "The Lawless", and 4 arcs of 4 episodes, covering episodes 89 through 108 of the series. The season opens on a standalone episode and closes on a 4-episode arc. This is the first season since Season 1 to open on a standalone episode, and the first season to open and close with episodes/arcs of different lengths, as well as the first season to have fewer than 22 episodes; it contains only 20 episodes.
"Revival" (4.26)
"A War on Two Fronts" (4.15)
"Front Runners" (4.16)
"The Soft War" (4.17)
"Tipping Points" (4.18)
"The Gathering" (4.22)
"A Test of Strength" (4.23)
"Bound for Rescue" (4.24)
"A Necessary Bond" (4.25)
"Secret Weapons" (5.04)
"A Summer Day in the Void" (5.05)
"Missing in Action" (5.06)
"Point of No Return" (5.07)
"Eminence" (5.01)
"Shades of Reason" (5.02)
"The Lawless" (5.03)
"Sabotage" (5.08)
"The Jedi Who Knew Too Much" (5.09)
"To Catch a Jedi" (5.10)
"The Wrong Jedi" (5.11)
SEASON 6: The Lost Missions (2014) - This season contains 1 arc of 2 episodes, "The Disappeared, Part I" and "The Disappeared, Part II", 1 arc of 3 episodes, "An Old Friend" through "Crisis at the Heart", and 2 arcs of 4 episodes, covering episodes 109 through 121 of the series. This is the first season to contain no standalone episodes.
"The Unknown" (5.12)
"Conspiracy" (5.13)
"Fugitive" (5.14)
"Orders" (5.15)
"An Old Friend" (4.19)
"The Rise of Clovis" (4.20)
"Crisis at the Heart" (4.21)
"The Disappeared, Part I" (5.16)
"The Disappeared, Part II" (5.17)
"The Lost One" (5.18)
"Voices" (5.19)
"Destiny" (5.20)
"Sacrifice" (5.21)
The series had 5 seasons conventionally constructed, intentionally sequenced and released weekly on television, and 1 season released in bulk on a streaming service, Netflix. Altogether, this covers 121 episodes of the series released before Disney's interference.
However, this is not all of the information we have. You'll notice that, next to every single episode title, there is a sequence of two numbers. This sequence is that episode's production code; the first digit is the production block, while the next two digits are the episode's particular order within the production block. This information is more pertinent for a look at the series from a production standpoint, so here is that information put together:
BLOCK 1 - This block contains episodes from Seasons 1 and 2.
1.02 - "Downfall of a Droid" (S1E6) 1.05 - "Bombad Jedi" (S1E8) 1.06 - "Duel of the Droids" (S1E7) 1.07 - "Rising Malevolence" (S1E2) 1.08 - "Ambush" (S1E1) 1.09 - "Shadow of Malevolence" (S1E3) 1.10 - "Cloak of Darkness" (S1E9) 1.11 - "Destroy Malevolence" (S1E4) 1.12 - "Lair of Grievous" (S1E10) 1.13 - "Cargo of Doom" (S2E2) 1.14 - "Rookies" (S1E5) 1.15 - "Storm Over Ryloth" (S1E19) 1.16 - "Dooku Captured" (S1E11) 1.17 - "Innocents of Ryloth" (S1E20) 1.19 - "Liberty on Ryloth" (S1E21) 1.20 - "The Gungan General" (S1E12) 1.21 - "Voyage of Temptation" (S2E13) 1.22 - "Jedi Crash" (S1E13) 1.23 - "Holocron Heist" (S2E1) 1.24 - "Defenders of Peace" (S1E14) 1.25 - "Trespass" (S1E15) 1.26 - "Blue Shadow Virus" (S1E17)
BLOCK 2 - This block contains episodes from Seasons 1, 2, and 3, tied with Block 4 for the most seasons within a single block.
2.01 - "The Hidden Enemy" (S1E16) 2.02 - "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" (S1E18) 2.03 - "Children of the Force" (S2E3) 2.04 - "Hostage Crisis" (S1E22) 2.05 - "Senate Spy" (S2E4) 2.06 - "The Deserter" (S2E10) 2.07 - "Landing at Point Rain" (S2E5) 2.08 - "Weapons Factory" (S2E6) 2.09 - "Legacy of Terror" (S2E7) 2.10 - "Senate Murders" (S2E15) 2.11 - "Lightsaber Lost" (S2E11) 2.12 - "Brain Invaders" (S2E8) 2.13 - "The Mandalore Plot" (S2E12) 2.14 - "Grievous Intrigue" (S2E9) 2.15 - "Death Trap" (S2E20) 2.16 - "Duchess of Mandalore" (S2E14) 2.17 - "Cat and Mouse" (S2E16) 2.18 - "R2 Come Home" (S2E21) 2.19 - "Bounty Hunters" (S2E17) 2.20 - "Lethal Trackdown" (S2E22) 2.21 - "Assassin" (S3E7) 2.22 - "The Zillo Beast" (S2E18) 2.23 - "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back" (S2E19) 2.24 - "Supply Lines" (S3E3) 2.25 - "Sphere of Influence" (S3E4) 2.26 - "The Academy" (S3E6)
BLOCK 3 - This block contains episodes from Seasons 3 and 4.
3.01 - "Clone Cadets" (S3E1) 3.02 - "ARC Troopers" (S3E2) 3.03 - "Evil Plans" (S3E8) 3.04 - "Corruption" (S3E5) 3.05 - "Hunt for Ziro" (S3E9) 3.06 - "Heroes on Both Sides" (S3E10) 3.07 - "Pursuit of Peace" (S3E11) 3.08 - "Nightsisters" (S3E12) 3.09 - "Overlords" (S3E15) 3.10 - "Monster" (S3E13) 3.11 - "Altar of Mortis" (S3E16) 3.12 - "Witches of the Mist" (S3E14) 3.13 - "Ghosts of Mortis" (S3E17) 3.14 - "The Citadel" (S3E18) 3.15 - "Counter Attack" (S3E19) 3.16 - "Padawan Lost" (S3E21) 3.17 - "Citadel Rescue" (S3E20) 3.18 - "Wookiee Hunt" (S3E22) 3.19 - "Shadow Warrior" (S4E4) 3.20 - "Mercy Mission" (S4E5) 3.21 - "Nomad Droids" (S4E6) 3.22 - "Water War" (S4E1) 3.23 - "Gungan Attack" (S4E2) 3.24 - "Prisoners" (S4E3) 3.25 - "Darkness on Umbara" (S4E7) 3.26 - "The General" (S4E8)
BLOCK 4 - This block contains episodes from Seasons 4, 5, and 6, tied with Block 2 for the most seasons within a single block.
4.01 - "Plan of Dissent" (S4E9) 4.02 - "Carnage of Krell" (S4E10) 4.03 - "Kidnapped" (S4E11) 4.04 - "Slaves of the Republic" (S4E12) 4.05 - "Escape from Kadavo" (S4E13) 4.06 - "A Friend in Need" (S4E14) 4.07 - "Deception" (S4E15) 4.08 - "Friends and Enemies" (S4E16) 4.09 - "The Box" (S4E17) 4.10 - "Crisis on Naboo" (S4E18) 4.11 - "Massacre" (S4E19) 4.12 - "Bounty" (S4E20) 4.13 - "Brothers" (S4E21) 4.14 - "Revenge" (S4E22) 4.15 - "A War on Two Fronts" (S5E2) 4.16 - "Front Runners" (S5E3) 4.17 - "The Soft War" (S5E4) 4.18 - "Tipping Points" (S5E5) 4.19 - "An Old Friend" (S6E5) 4.20 - "The Rise of Clovis" (S6E6) 4.21 - "Crisis at the Heart" (S6E7) 4.22 - "The Gathering" (S5E6) 4.23 - "A Test of Strength" (S5E7) 4.24 - "Bound for Rescue" (S5E8) 4.25 - "A Necessary Bond" (S5E9) 4.26 - "Revival" (S5E1)
BLOCK 5 - This block contains episodes from Seasons 5 and 6.
5.01 - "Eminence" (S5E14) 5.02 - "Shades of Reason" (S5E15) 5.03 - "The Lawless" (S5E16) 5.04 - "Secret Weapons" (S5E10) 5.05 - "A Sunny Day in the Void" (S5E11) 5.06 - "Missing in Action" (S5E12) 5.07 - "Point of No Return" (S5E13) 5.08 - "Sabotage" (S5E17) 5.09 - "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much" (S5E18) 5.10 - "To Catch a Jedi" (S5E19) 5.11 - "The Wrong Jedi" (S5E20) 5.12 - "The Unknown" (S6E1) 5.13 - "Conspiracy" (S6E2) 5.14 - "Fugitive" (S6E3) 5.15 - "Orders" (S6E4) 5.16 - "The Disappeared, Part I" (S6E8) 5.17 - "The Disappeared, Part II" (S6E9) 5.18 - "The Lost One" (S6E10) 5.19 - "Voices" (S6E11) 5.20 - "Destiny" (S6E12) 5.21 - "Sacrifice" (S6E13)
Looking at this list, gaps are plainly evident. 1.01, 1.03, 1.04, and 1.18 are all missing, and Block 5 is 5 episodes shorter than the previous 4 blocks. Where are these episodes?
The missing episodes from Block 1 are easy; they were cannibalized and stitched together to make the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film. The film is 98 minutes long, while episodes of the series are typically around 22 minutes long; 22 minutes per episode times 4 episodes is 88 minutes total runtime, 10 minutes short of the film's runtime. Those 10 minutes are likely the credits and polishing for the film's theatrical release, if not simply the episodes themselves being slightly longer.
Therefore, we can add these to the list:
1.01 - The Clone Wars Film (FILM) 1.03 - The Clone Wars Film (FILM) 1.04 - The Clone Wars Film (FILM) 1.18 - The Clone Wars Film (FILM)
This resolves the issue of the missing episodes from Block 1, meaning that all of the episodes produced before 5.22 were released. This gives us a total of 125 episodes. But what about Episode 5.22 and the rest of Block 5?
This is where the trail gets murky. Fans of the series who were around when it was cancelled may recall The Clone Wars Legacy, the plan to release content from the series in different means in order to not waste the work that went into it. Some may think that this simplifies things. In fact, it does the opposite.
Here is a list of all the content from The Clone Wars Legacy:
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir, a comic adapting a 4-episode arc covering Darth Maul's story after getting captured by Darth Sidious at the end of "The Lawless", released by Dark Horse Comics.
Dark Disciple, a novel adapting either an 8-episode arc or two related 4-episode arcs covering Asajj Ventress' story after her last appearance in "The Wrong Jedi".
Crystal Crisis on Utapau, a rough story reel of incomplete episodes of a 4-episode arc, covering the emotional fallout of Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order after the events of "The Wrong Jedi".
The Bad Batch, a rough story reel of incomplete episodes of a 4-episode arc, intending to work as a backdoor pilot of sorts to a spin-off series focusing on the titular Bad Batch.
Those keeping track of the numbers will quickly spot that we have the content of 20 episodes released as The Clone Wars Legacy. This does not easily fill in the gaps we have, nor does it finish things off neatly.
The production codes of the original episodes adapted into the material for The Clone Wars Legacy are known. The production codes of the in-production 20 episodes are listed below:
BLOCK 6 - This block has 16 known episodes.
6.01 - "A Death on Utapau" (REEL) 6.02 - "In Search of the Crystal" (REEL) 6.03 - "Crystal Crisis" (REEL) 6.04 - "The Big Bang" (REEL) 6.09 - "The Bad Batch" (REEL) 6.10 - "A Distant Echo" (REEL) 6.11 - "On the Wings of Keeradaks" (REEL) 6.12 - "Unfinished Business" (REEL) 6.13 - "Lethal Alliance" (BOOK) 6.14 - "The Mission" (BOOK) 6.15 - "Conspirators" (BOOK) 6.16 - "Dark Disciple" (BOOK) 6.21 - "The Enemy of My Enemy" (BOOK) 6.22 - "A Tale of Two Apprentices" (BOOK) 6.23 - "Proxy War" (BOOK) 6.24 - "Showdown on Dathomir" (BOOK)
BLOCK 7 - This block has 4 known episodes.
7.05 - "Saving Vos, Part I" (BOOK) 7.06 - "Saving Vos, Part II" (BOOK) 7.07 - "Traitor" (BOOK) 7.08 - "The Path" (BOOK)
While we can add these to the list of produced episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, this raises more questions than answers. Not only was there a Block 6, but there was also a Block 7 as well. Block 7 is nearly entirely unknown, while Block 6 also has gaps, and, to top it all off, none of the things we gain from this are in Block 5, meaning those episodes are still unknown as well.
However, we do gain one answer from this: the production blocks got shorter. The last episode of Block 6 is 6.24, not 6.26 as one might expect from Blocks past. This makes Block 5's gap a little more clear-cut; it means we're only missing 5.22 through 5.24. That's 3 episodes, a common arc length. If Block 5 was as long as the other blocks, that would be 5 episodes missing, which could be either a 4-episode arc and a standalone episode, or a 2-episode arc and a 3-episode arc. All still common arc lengths, but not as clear-cut.
Of course, there's no definitive proof that the blocks got shorter. It's possible there'a 5.25 and 5.26 and a 6.25 and a 6.26. That would be a 2-episode arc missing from Block 6, as well.
The only "proof" I have seen stating that the blocks got shorter, besides the lack of trails for a theoretical 6.25 and 6.26 confirming that Block 6 remained the same length, and therefore Block 5 must have, as well, is a statement by Pablo Hidalgo on Twitter, stating that there is no 5.25 or 5.26. I do not know where he gets his information from, and his relationship with Lucasfilm is murky to me, so I'm hesitant to just accept it as fact. There's also the fact that he could be lying to cover Lucasfilm and/or Disney for the sake of money and employment.
This is not an allegation or a statement of belief, merely an acknowledgement of possibility.
However, the production blocks do seem to be 26 episodes long specifically just to cover the film initially, which leaves 22 episodes for the regular season; since Season 5 definitively got reduced by 2 episodes, it's entirely possible that the production blocks did also get reduced by 2 episodes, and the new season length merely reflects this.
All this does is muddy the waters, however. Without solid answers, we've got next to nothing to go on.
Except Disney.
Of course, Disney resurrected the rotting corpse of Star Wars: The Clone Wars to be completely sure that the money well within was completely dry, before discarding it and moving on to whatever live action thing they're working on now. These episodes do, however, give us some information. Listed below are the episodes Disney released:
6.05 - "Gone with a Trace" (DISNEY) 6.06 - "Deal No Deal" (DISNEY) 6.07 - "Dangerous Debt" (DISNEY) 6.08 - "Together Again" (DISNEY)
BLOCK 7 7.21 - "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (DISNEY) 7.22 - "The Phantom Apprentice" (DISNEY) 7.23 - "Shattered" (DISNEY) 7.24 - "Victory and Death" (DISNEY)
While these episodes have been "adapted" (read: scrubbed and censored) by Disney, the fact that they continue to use the original production codes leads me to believe that these episodes originated as original episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. However, they've been written or additionally written by Dave Filoni, who, aside from assisting with one episode ("Lethal Trackdown", S2E22, 2.20), was not a writer on the series until after Disney bought the property; he was a director. This tells me that the direction he took the episodes in was not their originally intended direction, but rather, the Disney-approved direction given to him. This says, to me, that we cannot pull any information from these episodes besides possibly basic premises, as these are not the original episodes with renewed production, but new "adaptations" of what was being produced when the series was cancelled.
However, this does give us new information, in telling us that the final episodes of Block 7 were the finale of the series. This feels too large of a fact to be new or changed; I feel that, while the content and direction of 7.21 through 7.24 may have changed, them being the series finale is just too big of a basic premise to ignore or change. If it isn't, then why make those episodes the finale of the revived series? Why not 7.01 through 7.04, or invent new numbers in 6.25 through 6.28?
Therefore, going off that conclusion, we have a solid ending point: 7.24, the end of the final production block, Block 7.
This also supports the idea that the production blocks get shorter with Block 5, as, while 5.24 is not known, both 6.24 and 7.24 seem to be the end of their blocks.
Therefore, with all this information, I feel we can see a basic roadmap of where Star Wars: The Clone Wars was going to go, and what Disney took from us. Looking at a list of the production blocks:
Block 1: 26 episodes Block 2: 26 episodes Block 3: 26 episodes Block 4: 26 episodes Block 5: 24 episodes Block 6: 24 episodes Block 7: 24 episodes
If all information is correct, this means LucasFilm were planning on producing 176 episodes of the series. Looking at a list of the released episodes before the buyout:
Season 1: 22 episodes Season 2: 22 episodes Season 3: 22 episodes Season 4: 22 episodes Season 5: 20 episodes Season 6: 13 episodes
This means that LucasFilm released 121 of their ostensibly planned 176 episodes. Adding the 4 episodes used for the film gives us 125.
Subtracting these two gives us a figure of 51 episodes remaining. These 51 episodes were likely in various stages of completion when the buyout occurred.
Looking at the seasons, Season 6 is not constructed like the rest, but rather, a bulk release of product. Assuming that Season 5 was intended to be the new model going forward, we can subtract 7 of those 51 unreleased episodes to round out Season 6 to it's intended length of 20 episodes.
This leaves us with 44 episodes. Divide that by 2, and you get 22 episodes. 22 episodes for a theoretical Season 7 and a theoretical Season 8.
Out of the 51 episodes not completed and released by LucasFilm, 28 have been adapted and released via other means. This leaves at least 23 episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars about which we know absolutely nothing, listed below:
5.22 5.23 5.24 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20
These include a 3-episode arc from Block 5, a 4-episode arc from Blocks 6 and 7, and almost the entirety of the middle of Block 7.
These numbers are not solid. It's possible that Blocks 5 through 7 were intended to be 26 episodes as all the others were. That would add 6 episodes, for 182 planned episodes, and 57 uncompleted, about which we know nothing about 29 of them.
It's possible that Seasons 5 and 6 were intended to be 22 episodes as all the other seasons were, and things simply didn't work out that way. This would mean 11 episodes would be needed to round out the seasons, rather than 0 for Season 5 and 7 for Season 6.
This could leave us with 40 or 42 episodes to divide between a theoretical Season 7 and 8. 2 seasons of 20 episodes, or a season of 20 and a season of 22.
There are many possibilities, wrapped in shadows and behind closed doors, regarding this series. We will likely never know the facts, simply because the facts are nebulous and were not, nor ever will be, solidified.
But we can know for sure is that the original intended versions of Blocks 6 and 7, plus the final 3 episodes of Block 5, will likely never be finished, and that we have lost George Lucas' original vision for this series. Those 51 episodes, while potentially getting adapted, will never be released or even completed the way they were originally intended.
(Although George Lucas has stated previously that Star Wars is "like poetry, it rhymes", this series does seem to be lacking in rhyming. Production blocks and season lengths both change midway through, and there seems to have been intended 8 seasons, which is annoyingly only 1 short from matching the intended number of Star Wars movies: 9.)
This is a tremendous shame, because Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a fantastic series which lovingly and accurately adapts a big-screen property for the small screen, tells a dense, varied, but cohesive story, and expands the universe that so many of us have loved since 1977.
We wanted to know about the Clone Wars since that time, and we finally got it. While we may never see the original, epic conclusion, we should still be grateful for 6 seasons of wonderful television.
This post was typed listening to the theme for Star Wars: The Clone Wars on repeat for about 3 hours. As stated at the top, all information is publicly and freely available on Wikipedia.
Thanks for reading.
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daenystheedreamer · 9 months
allicent is mother to me so I'm biased but 2 of the funniest scenes in the show happen in 1.06 imo. council meeting, rhaenyra using that ball as a fidget toy and allicent CANNOT look away (same babe) and then criston Cole spoiled cunt rant and she gives him that look and he's like whoops sorry girl. I know a lot of people feel some type of way about the time skip but I really needed it. like child bride allicent and groomed rhaenyra were good but it was so so so so so so so sad and I like that everyone took 8 years and decided to become gay and evil
ough i get what you mean!! like im leaning towards hater on the timeskip thing but i get it. those were their terrible terrible salad days and now they're 20-somethings getting to be evil
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deanwinchester-baby · 5 months
I think there’s something to be explored about how humane/sensible/sensitive the boys remain in spite of everything anf how vital that is. Like yeah this is season one they’re a little green (although far more experienced in the grotesque and evil than most people twice their age will ever be) and think it’s “sick” the mere thought of a shifter shedding (Skin, 1.06) but like, even in season five (and Dean’s just back from hell!!!) and they both look so grossed out at the eye soup. Or the references to Bobby taking them game hunting and them being unable to kill animals. Dean’s series long indignation at bunnies being screwed. They can do the job but they don’t dettach so fully that it doesn’t freak them out. And it’s not just the care about the big tragedies, but being able to maintain the uneasy feeling even when life does it’s best to beat it out of you so you can be a cold dead eyed killing machine… That’s the Human Disorder.
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tomwambsmilk · 2 years
I am now realizing I don't think I've ever really explained my Succession-Inferno analogy but it is something near and dear to my heart so. Buckle up I guess!
The whole thing is premised on the idea that Logan holds a lot of characteristics traditionally ascribed to the devil in literature. He's an excellent liar (far better than anyone else on the show), he goes out of his way to destroy relationships between other people because he can't stand it when people love others more than they love him, he presents himself as "uncle fun" to outsiders, he actively revels in sowing discord and conflict and betrayal whereas everyone else merely tolerates it. At the same time everyone around him treats him like a god. He deserves all their love, he is The Father who has created all they see, reality is manifested by his will and is simply whatever he wants it to be, he is all-knowing and all-powerful. But because their god is actually. you know. evil. the fruit of his continued power (and their continued worship of him) is nothing but misery and lies.
In Dante's Inferno, Dante goes on a journey through Hell, guided by Virgil. Virgil represents two things: the knowledge of morality necessary to understand what's happening in Hell and avoid being taken in by it, and the moral support and courage necessary to complete the journey. Dante journeys through nine circles that are meant to represent sins of increasing moral degradation. The first is limbo, who's actually just people who weren't bad at all but were never baptized and so can't go to heaven. That's where the pagan moral philosophers - including Virgil - are. After that, it's Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, and finally, Treachery. The order is very intentional, and rooted the belief that the early sins (sins of the flesh) are the easiest ones to fall into and ultimately are not as serious as the others - but, they also serve as gateways to the more serious sins. Each circle has sinners being punished in ways that are metaphors for the impacts of their sins. The devil sits in the ninth circle of hell, Treachery, where everyone (including the devil himself) is frozen in ice. The devil has Brutus, Judas, and Cassius in his mouth, and he chews on them for all eternity. Everyone around him betrayed someone they had an obligation to; the worse the betrayal, the closer to the devil they are frozen. The furthest away are those who betrayed their families (Cain); then those who betrayed their countries (Antenor); those who betrayed their guests and those who sheltered in their homes (Ptolemy); and finally, those who betrayed their masters, lords, and benefactors, which includes the three in Satan's mouth.
If Logan is Succession's Satan, then two things follow. First, Waystar becomes a metaphorical Inferno, where climbing the ranks to get closer to Logan requires climbing through the circles of hell and participating in greater and greater moral degradation. I think the character this most applies to, because we actually get to see his corruption arc over the course of the show, is Tom. And his arc, I think, arguably fits with that journey into hell. Season 1 gives us Gluttony and Greed, especially in 1.06 when he takes Greg to the restaurant and gives his spiel about how great it is to be rich. We also get his general obsession with nice things and with stuff, something which the Roys don't have, and something that seems to fade in Tom as his arc progresses. Season two gives us Wrath and Violence (Safe Room etc.), and Fraud (the cruise line scandal coming out). And then finally, at the end of season 3, we get Treachery. And I find it very very interesting that immediately before committing the act of Treachery, Tom asks Greg if he wants to make a deal with devil - something which turns out to mean both a deal with Logan, but also the act of betraying Shiv. Up until this point, you could argue that Greg had been riding along on Tom's coattails on this journey-through-hell - but the line "What am I going to do with a soul anyways?" means that, for the first time, he's actively consenting to what's happening. Sure, he doesn't know what's going on - but the line itself implies that it simply does not matter to him.
The second thing that follows, though, is that while Tom and Greg and the old guard have journeyed down to where Logan is, his children have been there all along. They grew up in a world characterized by Treachery, Fraud, Violence, Wrath, Greed, and Lust. Their arcs aren't about them becoming corrupted; their arcs are about whether they can escape the corruption they've always lived in. Everyone is frozen in that same ice together, but the ways they got here were very different.
Finally, the Virgil character is very important, because he doesn't have a corollary in the Succession half of this analogy, and that highlights what none of these characters have. None of them have a strong moral compass, and even if they did, none of them have the kind of support and moral courage to resist the allure of temptation. This is far more devastating for the Roy kids, though, because they've never had the opportunity to encounter a Virgil, whereas everyone else had to pass through Limbo - where Virgil is - before they could start going through hell. Or, in other words, with Tom et al. at some point there was an active choice to reject the moral compass and reject the moral support, which the Roy kids never had. But once you reject your moral compass it's hard to get it back again, hence why the further you get from Limbo the harder it is to find your way back.
#succession#didnt include this in the main post bc I didnt want it to be too long BUT#I also think there's an interesting tomshiv angle here#where. if shiv has been immersed in this world of corruption and moral degradation her whole life (ie frozen in that ninth circle)#is there really a world where they can be together and tom doesn't end up in that same corruption?#shiv isnt the one who corrupted him. not at all. but her whole world is corrupt and so entering into it is the only way to get close to her#its not her fault he entered into it in the first place bc he clearly did before he met her#but once he marries her he ends up even more committed and its even harder to get out#I also think there's an interesting angle re: dante journeying through hell to get to beatrice#who represents true pure selfless love#BUT he can make it through hell bc he has Virgil. so he DOESNT get sucked into the corruption and he DOESNT get stuck in the ninth circle#and HE gets to pass through the other side of hell and head towards heaven#I have a creative writing piece I started forever ago where tom has to take a dante class in college and over the course of the show begins#rationalizing his choices as part of a journey through hell where on the other side is beatrice ie: love#bc he's so invested in being in this world and his marriage is part of the world#and then finally realizing oh fuck actually im in the ninth circle and there is no beatrice on the other side#there is no redeeming quality here and I dont think my marriage can be saved#and that leads into to the choice to betray shiv#because you're already in the devil's domain and you have no virgil to help you out. what else can you do#not that the situation justifies his actions. but it creates the moral apathy required to go through with it#bc genuinely I do not think he would have betrayed shiv like that in season 1 or season 2#so the question is what about him changed#and I think the progression of his corruption arc is a big part of the answer to that question#not the whole answer but it is important#maybe I'll finish it one of these days lmao
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screencapsontherun · 2 years
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Evil | 1.06 "Let x = 9"
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darlenefblog · 22 days
57 Seconds - 2023
"57 Seconds is a 2023 American science fiction thriller film directed by Rusty Cundieff, written by Cundieff and Macon Blair, and starring Josh Hutcherson and Morgan Freeman. It is based on the short story "Fallen Angel" by E.C. Tubb. The film was released in theaters and on digital by The Avenue on September 29, 2023."
"57 Seconds follows Franklin Fox (Josh Hutcherson), a tech blogger with a deep interest in the potential of AI for healthcare. His life takes a dramatic turn when, during an interview with visionary CEO Anton Burrell (Morgan Freeman), he inadvertently thwarts an attack, after which he discovers a mysterious ring belonging to Burrell that allows him to travel 57 seconds back in time. Determined to use this power to address past wrongs, particularly against a pharmaceutical company responsible for a personal tragedy, Franklin embarks on a risky journey that tests his morals and ambitions. Alongside, he navigates complex relationships, notably with Jala (Lovie Simone), using his new ability to influence and manipulate various outcomes. As Franklin delves deeper into the corporate world, he must decide how far he is willing to go to use his power for what he believes is right."
The promotion blurb makes the movie sound more interesting than it was. Morgan Freeman is on screen for what seems like a hot minute, not enough for his character to be fleshed out. Parts moved so slow it almost stopped. 1 hour and 39 minutes pretty much wasted even though it was a free movie weekend. There was such potential, time travel, good vs evil, revenge, depression, love, money & power. It never achieved that potential. The numbers don't lie.
*What was the budget for 57 Seconds? 7.7 million How much did 57 Seconds earn at the worldwide box office? $1.06 million* *Information from IMDB movie FAQ.*
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spoilertv · 1 month
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아일랜드 - Island - Whumplist - 🇰🇷
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Whumpees: (GIF) Johan/ 강찬혁 (Kang Chan Hyeok) played by 차인우 (Cha Eunwoo) and 반 (Van) played by 김남길 (Kim Nam Gil)
Synopsis: Won Mi Ho is the only daughter of her father who runs Daehan Group. Her arrogant and selfish attitude causes her to make a big mistake that eventually angers her father into banishing her to Jeju island. There, she is assigned to work as a high school ethics teacher. Unbeknownst to her, the island is where evil roams free. She meets other individuals on the island and together, the characters join forces to live. (MDL)
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Found Family, Mystery, Supernatural
Watch On: Amazon Prime, KissAsian, DramaCool
Notes: We may be getting a season/part 3!!! Also as per the poll I had a while ago, I am uploading this as one part as well as the fact that the streaming platform that created this show (Amazon Prime) has it listed as one season.
⚠️CAUTION⚠️: In episode 1.03: trigger warning for attempted unaliving/self harm at 26:40 - Abuse of women and children
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1.01-1.02 : none
1.03 : drunk
1.04 : scared, protecting someone, using himself as a human shield, fought, thrown against a tree, strangled, picked up by his throat, kept hanging by his throat (semi comical), choking, cut down, fell, coughing, struggling to get up, fought, restrained (magic), concerned for someone ::: fought, kicked in the chest, fought, grabbed by the throat, choked, struggling, dropped, coughing, concerned for someone
1.05 : strangled
1.06 : emotional, desperate ::: emotional, thrown against a wall ::: someone punched through his stomach, emotional, thrown up against a wall, coughing up blood, concern for him
1.07-1.10 : none
1.11 : fought, thrown though theater seats, chugging up blood, weak, groaning, thrown, weak, defiant, cut up and bloody face, thrown through 2 pianos ::: found barely conscious, hanging from metal impaling his stomach, concern for him, semi held, weak, heavily lidded eyes, coughing up blood, passed out
1.12 : asleep with an oxygen mask on, face still cut up, sweaty, bandaged face, writhing, (flashbacks: thrown though theater seats, chugging up blood, weak, groaning, thrown, weak, defiant, cut up and bloody face, thrown through 2 pianos) ::: asleep, oxygen mask, looked after, concern for him ::: fought, (flashbacks: bandaged chest, glowing eyes), glowing eyes ::: concern for him, fought ::: fought ::: fought, glowing eyes ::: fireball thrown at him, groaning ::: fought, exhausted ::: hearing aid reveal (caused by hearing loss during the fight), took his shirt off to reveal a scar
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1.01 : fought, heavy breathing ::: momentarily fought
1.02 : fought, impaled ::: fought, impaled
1.03 : none
1.04 : angry, fought, restrained (magic), transforming, fought, cut his hand ::: fought, restrained (wires), wires start burning his wrists, burned, defiant, freed himself
1.05 : self inflicted wound: stabbing his own arm
1.06 : fought, held against a wall, choked ::: collapsed, coughing up blood, passed out
1.07-1.09 : none
1.10 : fought, bloody ::: stabbed
1.11 : fought ::: emotional ::: concerned for someone ::: concerned for someone, grieving
1.12 : fought, stabbed, groaning, wincing, fought ::: burning, in pain ::: emotional ::: fought, thrown ::: fought ::: stabbed with a sword, died? (Lowkey probably not. The drama left it kinda open)
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oakdll · 8 months
this is my controversial opinions on the final bounties for the straw hats
1. robin - 6 billion (robin is the only person who can read poneglyphs, i think she will be more than luffy and also that it will be a big controversy in the fanbase)
2. luffy - 5.6 billion (56 is go-mu in japanese, he’s very sad about not being number 1 though)
3. zoro - 3.33 billion (very happy he’s above sanji, and there are three 3’s because he uses 3 sword style)
4. sanji - 3.2 billion (and he’s very upset that he’s behind zoro, also 3 and 2 can be read as san-ji in japanese)
5. jinbei - 2.5 billion (he’s just happy to be here :3)
6. go d usopp - 1.5 billion (following his trend of getting crazy high bounties that follow luffys bounty. he’s at 500 million rn so next jump is 1.5 billion)
7. nami - 1.06 billion (she is very important as the navigator, also keeping up the 6 motif from her previous bounties)
8. franky - 994 million (keeping up the trend of being juuust behind big milestones, he’s very upset he’s only 6 million away from 1 billion)
9. brook - 945.45 million (45 in japanese can be read as yo-mi like his devil fruit)
10. chopper - 911 million (not a 9/11 reference, 1 can be read as hito in japanese so it’s there twice for his fruit. also chopper is very happy to have a big bounty for once)
also just because i can hope, here’s some honorary straw hats
yamato - 2,310,100,000 (2.31010 billion because you can read 3-10-10 as ya-ma-to in japanese and i think he will return for the final war)
bon clay - 222 million (because they are mr 2 :3 i love them and i do think they are coming back from their cover story, but sadly i don’t think their bounty will be too massive)
vivi - 5 billion (she is related to nefertari d lily and is a big problem for the world govt rn, it’s gonna be massive)
carrot - 836,100,000 (the 8 is kind of meaningless, but 3 can be read as ka, 6 can be read as roku (ignore the ku part i’m struggling for meaning) and 10 can be read as to so it reads as karo(ku)to)
bartolomeo - 666 million (he causes a lot of trouble, is a big ally of the straw hats, and he’s been perceived as evil and a cannibal hence the 666)
hajrudin - 1.2 billion (no meaning for numbers i just think it’s gonna be high)
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thaiamulets-co · 1 year
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alexanderslists · 2 years
Episodes 2023
Total: 1065
24 1.01 - 1.13
Ally McBeal 1.01 - 1.07
The Americans 1.04 - 1.13 2.01 - 2.13 3.01 - 3.13 4.01 - 4.13 5.01 - 5.13 6.01 - 6.10
The Blacklist 8.01 -8.22 9.01 - 9.22
Blockbuster 1.07 - 1.10
Bodies 1.01 - 1.08
Bones 1.03 - 1.22 2.01 - 2.10
Boston Legal 1.01 - 1.09
Brothers & Sisters 1.01 - 1.02
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1.01 - 1.12 2.01 - 2.05
Candy 1.01 - 1.05
Charmed 1.01 - 1.22 2.01 - 2.22 3.01 - 3.22 4.01 - 4.22 5.01 - 5.23 6.01 - 6.05
Chicago Fire 1.01 - 1.05
Chicago Med 1.01 - 1.05
Chicago P.D. 1.01 - 1.05
Cold Case 1.01 - 1.23 2.01 - 2.23 3.01 - 3.23 4.01 - 4.24 5.01 - 5.18 6.01 - 6.05
Criminal Minds 1.01 - 1.22 2.01 - 2.07 16.01 - 16.10
The Crown 6.01 - 6.10
Cunk on Earth 1.01 - 1.02
Desperate Housewives 3.01 - 3.23 4.01 - 4.07
The Diplomat 1.01 - 1.08
Endeavour 9.01 - 9.03
The Fall of the House of Usher 1.01 - 1.08
Family Law 2.01 - 2.10 3.01 - 3.02
Fleabag 1.01 - 1.06 2.01 - 2.06
Grey’s Anatomy 4.01 - 4.17 5.01 - 5.14 19.07 - 19.20
Harry & Meghan 1.03 - 1.06
Homeland 4.01 - 4.12 5.01 - 5.12 6.01 - 6.12 7.01 - 7.12 8.01 - 8.12
How I Met Your Father 1.03 - 1.10 2.01 - 2.10
Jack Ryan 1.01 - 1.08
The Lincoln Lawyer 1.01 - 1.10 2.01 - 2.10
Manifest 1.12 - 1.16 2.01 - 2.13 3.01 - 3.13 4.01 - 4.20
Mare of Easttown 1.01 - 1.07
Monique Olivier: Accessory to Evil 1.01 - 1.05
Not Dead Yet 1.01 - 1.13
Prison Break 1.01 - 1.04
Queer Eye 7.01 - 7.07
The Recruit 1.01 - 1.08
Riverdale 7.01 - 7.20
Selling The OC 2.01 - 2.08
Selling Sunset 6.01 - 6.11 7.01 - 7.12
Sex Education 4.01 - 4.08
Sleepy Hollow 1.01 - 1.13 2.01 - 2.02
Station 19 6.07 - 6.18
Strike 5.01 - 5.05
Suits 3.06 - 3.16 4.01 - 4.16 5.01 - 5.16 6.01 - 6.16 7.01 - 7.05
Supernatural 1.01 - 1.10
The Witcher 1.01 - 1.08 1.01 - 1.08 2.01 - 2.08 3.01 - 3.08
The X Files 10.01 - 10.06 11.01 - 11.10
You 3.01 - 3.10 4.01 - 4.10
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