#evie hawke
thedosianexplorer · 22 hours
1 for each, for Evaine Hawke!
ahahahahahaha yes enable me with the DAII brainrot, it only strengthens me <3
Rest under the cut!
Eros 1: Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionery? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
She would give it a try if she were more inclined to spend money on ‘frivolous’ things. Evie has a hard time remembering that she has Money now because most of it exists on pieces of paper Varric wrote up and sent somewhere important and poverty habits are hard to break. She wouldn’t ask for flowers or chocolate, though she can get some on the cheap. She’s pretty sure she owns part of a bakery, either that or she always gets free pastry there because she smuggled some Orlesian caster sugar or something to them back in the day. When she was poor in Ferelden she could pick flowers in a field and give them to someone special to remember her by. Gifts of flowers are too much like a goodbye for her since she moved so often. Now that she’s rich in Kirkwall (allegedly, according to Varric) it seems absurd to spend gold on fleeting gifts when she could get Fenris something he actually needs. If she’s going to give him a bundle of plants it’s going to be in the form of a healing potion because the jackass (affectionate) ran headlong into danger again.
When not chucking elfroot and spindleweed concoctions in Fenris’s direction, she prefers to spend her time with him, rather than her coin.
Philia 1: Does your OC have a Best Friend? If they do then how long have they known each other and how did they meet? If they don't then do they have a close group of friends they love equally? Or are they more of a loner?
Evie has heard the story of how famed author Varric Tethras met the Champion of Kirkwall, boldly pinning a pickpocket to the wall and offering the job that changed it all, but that isn’t how Evie met her best friend. Sure, something like that happened but back then he was a dwarf with a job, like many other Carta affiliates Evie knew. Things changed the first time they met up at the Hanged Man. Against her better judgment Evie opened up for the first time about coming to Kirkwall and losing Bethany. Against his better judgment Varric told her about his parents. Brothers were always a sore subject but easier acknowledged with pints of genuinely terrible ale. When the Hawke estate had been won but ownership tied up in legal proceedings and Gamlen’s apartment became too stale and resentful and cramped, Varric let her stay with him in the Hanged Man. She wouldn’t let him pay for a room of her own; she was saving up for that expedition and she didn’t want another expense on her ledger. She slept on the floor and better than she ever had at Gamlen’s. She never stayed a night there again. Months later she walked back into the Hanged Man, brotherless with the last of the lyrium-dusted mud in her boots and her mother’s sobs ringing in her ears. She could have left then with enough money to buy a house in Denerim, but she went to Varric’s room instead. What they talked about in the ensuing weeks stayed between them but his place in her heart was secured.
Storge 1: Did your OC's parents love them unconditionally? If so then has this helped them feel confident as an adult? If not then how has this affected them? What were the conditions their family attached to their relationship?
The Hawkes loved each other, and they loved their eldest daughter very much. They only had each other on the road and a limited network of trusted folk who helped them move around the country. They had to be everything for each other and sometimes that meant the twins needed a mother when Leandra and Malcolm worked in the fields. Sometimes Leandra needed a friend and Malcolm an accomplice. Leandra loved her eldest daughter so much she taught her how to keep her face calm in the Chantry and on the street, how to ingratiate, how to lie, especially since the twins were too young and she already had such a talent for it. Malcolm loved his eldest daughter so much he taught her how to make a fire, how to whistle up a wind, how to suddenly make a pursuer’s footsteps as heavy as lead. Most importantly, he taught her to spot silver-and-blue armor, and with it the face of the Rivaini man whose arrival in Denerim heralded their flight from the city. Wardens are more trouble than they’re worth and their affairs too dangerous for a family of apostates.
Others would say that keeping one mage child, let alone two, was the height of folly. Templars could as soon cut down an entire family harboring apostates to prevent possession as they could take everything- children, gold, horses- in exchange for Andraste’s mercy. But Malcolm and Leandra loved their eldest daughter, and because of that love they were sure to impress on Evie how important it was that she never, ever prove those people right.
Agape 1: Does your OC wish to make the world a better place? How far do they see that as being their responsibility? What lengths would they go to in order to help achieve this?
Evie is the definition of “introvirtuous”: someone who would rather be home drinking tea and working on a hobby but instead is patching a broken city back together one chipped piece of masonry at a time because no one else could be arsed apparently. She wants to live in a world where people can worship as they choose (or don’t), and being a Fereldan born with magic doesn’t mean being consigned to legal slavery* and she doesn’t have to worry about her friends’ lives every waking minute. Unfortunately that’s going to involve sacrificing her home, health, and too many lives that aren’t her own. After a life on the run she might go down swinging but she has to try.
*the Chantry takes control of properties owned by mages, controls their reproductive freedom, restricts their movements, profits off their unpaid labor by creating a group of lobotomized magic specialists to enchant goods for wealthy donors, and can force them into battle for the interests of Church and State. Don’t know what the fuck else to call it honestly.
Ludus 1: Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Does meeting your future husband while on the drunker side of tipsy and then yelling, “FUCK!” really loud when he rips a man’s heart out of his chest count? Isabela thinks it’s the best line she’s heard actually, since it gets the point across in a single word.
Evie disagrees. As far as she’s concerned pick-up lines are not for her, but she does enjoy workshopping lines with Varric and the rest of the gang. Prospective lines (ranging from ambitious to crude to outright grotesque) are jotted down on parchment, folded up, and then Varric’s victims friends and trusted quality control team take turns drawing one and delivering it with utmost sincerity (first to laugh buys the next round) to the judges, Varric and Isabela. Winner is whoever goes the longest without cracking up and they gets to decide which line makes it into a future Varric Tethras novel. Evie is extremely pleased with herself for the hard work and sacrifice it took to ensure Varric had to employ the phrase, “blubbering tumescence” in Swords and Shields.
Pragma 1: Is your OC in a committed long-term relationship (or relationships)? If so then what has contributed to this relationship lasting so well? If they are not in such a relationship, then is this something that saddens them or which they regret?
Evie met Fenris when she thought her days of running were behind her. She took to him immediately, well, after the initial surprise (see above). He wasn’t happy to see a mage extending a helping hand but then he didn’t turn her over to the Templars, so she decided to keep an eye on her soon-to-be neighbor in Hightown. If slavers were operating openly in what was again her family home then he’d need all the help he could get. He was tired of running, and Evie found herself looking at Kirkwall in a new light. If she was going to encourage him to make a home for himself here then she would have to take her own advice. Somewhere between surviving the Deep Roads, staking out potential hide-outs, and cleaning out the corpses of his new home, she made a friend. That friendship balanced on the simple truth that they looked out for each other. Some years after weathering every heartbreak Kirkwall heaped on it (with plenty of help from both of them), the jagged edges smoothed out into a love they took with them on the road.
Philautia 1: Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature?
Evie’s family and the overwhelming Chantry presence in Southern Thedas raced neck-and-neck to see which group could fuck up Evie’s self-worth the fastest. That’s how it feels at least. Growing up an apostate meant that the only “potential” discussed in conversations too easy to overhear was the potential for disaster. Her father shared the burden with his daughters at best he could but while Bethany prayed for the Maker to remove a curse, Evie was thankful for a connection to the world around her she couldn’t imagine being without. Not being sorry for it in a society that wanted her freedom in apology left her with a broken pride. When Evie is at her most depressed the currents of those past conversations drag her down. It’s hard sharing her achievements with the empty chairs at the table.
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haledamage · 2 years
OKAY. Now that I'm home: Dragon Age questions Essentials 7 + 8, Life 3, 6, 10, Party 7, Codex 10 + 11 for all of them, and then whichever question you'd like to answer most for each of them from the game-specific sections. :3
Essentials: 7. How do they dress in their downtime, while fighting, in formal settings, etc.?
Cait Cousland: in her downtime, she's a basic shirt-and-breeches girl. low effort, easy to move in. she usually wears her Grey Warden armor while fighting, leather with a light metal breastplate and chainmail, and she also has basic leather armor for when she needs to appear unaffiliated. but she's still a noblewoman, and knows how to dress to impress; she has a collection of nice dresses for fancy needs (mostly blue or grey, the girl has a color palette and is sticking with it), as well as a few suits for when she prefers to be fancy but also wear pants.
Carah Amell: robes. robes, robes, robes for every occasion. comfy robes for downtime, fancy robes for formal settings, slightly-armored robes for combat that bear the Grey Warden insignia. there is a reason mages where robes and that reason is that they are comfortable as hell. her colors are green and blue
Evie Hawke: Evie likes to have fun with clothes. no real preference between pants and dresses, but she's definitely the type to wear sneakers with her formalwear or show up to the Hanged Man way overdressed for a card game. and she's a mage, so she doesn't differentiate much between "day clothes" and "fight clothes". her colors are red, black, and orange
Bran Trevelyan: despite the big hammer and androgynous name, Branwyn is the girliest of all of them. she wears heavy armor while fighting, though usually scalemail rather than full plate, for the sake of mobility, but outside of combat she loves a pretty dress or a velvet waistcoat. in game, she wears the Venture Capital variation. her colors are pink and white
Essentials: 8. Do they have any notable scars, markings, tattoos, etc.?
Cait is covered in scars, but the most significant are the one on her forehead (from the Landsmeet. Shield Bash sucks when you are on the receiving end), one below her left collarbone (darkspawn arrow, Ostagar), and a sort of Lichtenberg figure-like scar up her spine from the Archdemon (I headcanon that even though Morrigan's ritual kept the Wardens from dying, the Archdemon's death still left a physical mark on all the Wardens near it when it died)
Carah is a Spirit Healer, so she doesn't have many scars. the only one she really has is the same Archdemon one Cait has. but as far as "markings" go, what she lacks in scars she makes up for in freckles. just. so many
Evie has the same freckles as her cousin, as well as the same magical specialization, so she only has one major scar (well, two: an entrance wound and an exit wound. she got lightly stabbed by a certain Arishok. lightly). I feel like she has tattoos of some kind, but I've never really figured out what they are beyond the fact of their existence
Bran has a few scars on her face (one that crosses her right eye and another across the left side of her lips) that she got by taking a really stupid dare as a kid. she also has a nasty scar along her right hip and thigh from That One Fall when Corypheus attacks Haven. and, y'know, her left arm is amputated below the elbow post-Tresspasser. but considering that she's a career soldier, she has surprisingly few scars. she also has a tattoo that takes up most of her right bicep, it's a knotwork variation on the Trevelyan family crest, and has a series of green dots tattooed around her left eye that she got after she joined the Inquisition
Life: 3. How many languages do they speak? Do they have any sort of accent?
Cait speaks Ferelden, Common, and knows a tiny bit of Orlesian and Antivan, but that's really it. She has a pretty standard Ferelden accent, though it still gives away her noble background even though she hasn't been a noble for a decade now
Carah speaks Common, Ferelden, Orlesian, Ander, Antivan, Tevene, and a bit of Elvish. you've gotta find some way to occupy yourself in the Circle. she has what I call a "Circle accent" which is vaguely Ferelden in her case, but with bits of other accents picked up from other mages.
Evie speaks Common, Ferelden, Orlesian, and a little Tevene. Free Marches languages, essentially. she has a Ferelden accent, though it goes a bit Marcher after a decade in Kirkwall
Bran speaks Common, Ferelden, and Orlesian, and has a thick Marcher (Scottish) accent, like Sebastian's.
gonna put the rest under a cut because this got really long 😅
Life: 6. Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
Carah and Evie don't have much attachment to their birth cultures. Carah doesn't remember the Free Marches, and everything she knows about Ferelden she learned after she became a Warden. Evie has always lived expecting to either have to run away or get taken away when people find out she's a mage, so she never let herself get attached to Ferelden or its people much.
Cait and Bran are both very proud of where they're from. Cait shares her country's love of dogs and freedom and the stubborn prejudice against all things Orlesian, and she loves the rainy season even when it rains for two weeks nonstop. Bran shares the Marches love of independence, but specifically Ostwick seems to have a love of whimsy and drama that she shares.
Life: 10. Have they ever been seriously injured? What was the outcome?
I answered this for Cait here!
I don't think Carah's ever been seriously injured, actually. except for at Ostagar, of course.
The Arishok kicked Evie's ass. to this day, she still has no idea how she won that duel
Bran almost died escaping Corypheus's assault on Haven, and got pretty fucked up during both the mages' and templars' recruitment (yes, I headcanon that she recruited both. peace should have been an option, dammit. I think it would have been more interesting if both Samson and Calpernia were there as well)
Party: 7. How did their relationship progress? If they’re a canon romance option, is their story different from the way the game presents it?
Carah was smitten with Leliana from the moment she first saw her. there's no real drama or issues with them when it comes to romance, they just slowly fell in love while on a mission to save the world. wlw fairytale romance stuff, fluffy and sweet
I did all the DA2 romances with Evie, and I love all of them, but I think her canon romance is with Fenris. which was... rocky, to say the least. every time they tried to get together, something came in and tore them apart. but they never hid or shied away from how they felt, and they do eventually find their way to a happy ending
Bran and Blackwall are very flirtatious from the beginning. the most sexually charged, even more than Cait/Zev. she takes the whole Rainier reveal pretty calmly, all things considered, but Blackwall/Thom insists that they start over after the truth about him comes out. so Bran, lucky lady that she is, gets courted twice; once by Warden-Constable Gordan Blackwall and once by Thom Rainier
(I also ship Bran/Barris, but I haven't figured out many details about that other than THEY'D BE REALLY CUTE OKAY)
I put Cait last just because she has 3 "canon" romances and I can't pick which one I like best. her actual-in-game-canon-romance is Zevran, who she falls into bed with pretty much immediately. they fall in love much more slowly, and are even slower to admit it.
not-possible-in-game-romance #1 is Nathaniel Howe, who Cait was romantically involved with when they were teenagers until he went to the Free Marches. he comes home to find his home belongs to the Wardens, and the one in charge is his old girlfriend. childhood friends to lovers to enemies to friends to lovers
not-possible-in-game-romance #2 is Loghain Mac Tir, who Cait ends up befriending accidentally after she spares him at the Landsmeet. they have similar bleak practical outlooks on the world and get along surprisingly well, leading to a close friendship neither of them expected. it takes a long time to admit any romantic feelings, for lots of reasons (like the fact that they've tried to kill each other several times, and the huge age difference), but they get there eventually
Codex: 10. Are there any animals they have a particular love or hatred for?
answered here for Cait!
Carah loves cats. and nugs. she and Leliana probably have a ridiculous amount of both
Evie is also a cat lover (and of course loves her mabari, Rex). hates deepstalkers so so so much. their faces are creepy and they sneak around in the dark and just... gross. no thanks
Bran specifically hates Lord Woolsley. bloody demon goat bastard.
Codex: 11. Do they have any interest in folk tales or folk songs?
Carah does! not just because her girlfriend's a bard, but she's always enjoyed poetry and songs and the stories people tell to explain the unexplainable
Cait has always liked war stories, or stories of great heroes. except the ones people started writing about her. could do with less of those
Evie knows a bawdy tavern song or two but beyond that her favorite stories are always Varric's
Bran also likes Varric's stories, and Maryden's songs, but she's recently gained a particular appreciation for "less popular" stories about famous heroes. not the stories of the grand things they did, but stories of little things. the day to day lives of people before they became famous.
AND THEN, for a specific question for each of them:
Cait Cousland:
Origins: 17. What did they think of Anora? How did they feel about her betraying them?
Cait adores Anora. she's shrewd and intelligent and a good queen, who understands the balance she has to maintain between what the people want and what the country needs. the two of them become good friends
and Anora didn't betray Cait at the Landsmeet. Cait followed through on the promises she made Anora, and Anora returned the favor. funny how that works
Carah Amell:
Origins: 13. Did they help protect Redcliffe? What happened to Connor? How did they deal with Jowan?
look, you know I had to do the Jowan question 😁
Carah protected Redcliffe, and managed to keep everyone alive overnight. for Connor, she brought in mages from the Circle, and went into the Fade herself to get him un-possessed
for Jowan, I go a little off-canon. she convinces him to leave while she deals with the Connor situation (because she doesn't want the Circle getting their hands on him), and then they meet up again later and he travels with the party for a while. he's her oldest and best friend, and she's going to protect him dammit
Evie Hawke:
DA2: 5. What was their remaining sibling’s fate?
Carver became a Grey Warden, and he and Cait become besties (after a bit of an initial personality clash). he also, once he has time to grow up outside of his big sister's shadow, becomes a great leader in his own right, and mends his relationship with Evie
bonus, DA2: 12. How did they feel about becoming the Champion of Kirkwall?
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Bran Trevelyan:
Inquisition: 4. Do they approach the Mages or the Templars for help? Did they conscript or ally themselves with their respective faction? How do they feel about their rival (Calpernia or Samson)?
as I said, I headcanon that she was able to ally with both factions and then literally sits down with Fiona, Barris, and her advisors (and maybe Cassandra and her sister Moira, who is a mage and part of her inner circle) and forces them to have an adult conversation and reach an actual compromise
but in-game, Bran sides with the templars. while I personally think the mages are the "right" side, I like the templar quest better, and I find Calpernia and Barris more compelling characters than Fiona and Samson. she choses to ally with them, not conscript them, and she understands Calpernia's motivations and sympathizes with her. they manage to part of peaceful terms, and I like to think maybe become penpals someday after Calpernia returns to Tevinter
and also Inquisition: 8. What did their Nightmare appear as in the Fade? What was on their gravestone?
The Nightmare: Branwyn... the leader of the Inquisition. Herald of Andraste. Do you think this will finally get your parents to notice you? They haven't even realized you're gone...
and her gravestone reads: Branwyn: Uselessness
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lying-on-floors · 19 days
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Chat? Do I have a type? Bc I feel like I do but I can't explain it...
Wanted to add more, but I had no more room😭
(Asami Sato from TLOK, Imane Khelif, Emma Watson, Sophie Thatcher, Kat Dennings, Lois Griffin from Family Guy)
Inspired by those "smash" cakes on tiktok.
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veylia · 1 year
Here they all are!!!
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I skipped the vallaslin on Raven, too complicated. But I'm so happy with them!!!
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amatres · 1 year
OCs as Siken Poems
rules: take this uquiz as your ocs would answer and post their results!
tagged by both @transprincecaspian and @demandthedoodles, thank you both for inflicting this on me! I highlighted lines I felt fit the ocs I used the most, so enjoy.
This time I won't tag anyone, but feel free to take this as a tag if you want to do this yourself!
Surana: I had a Dream About You
There’s nowhere to go, I thought. There’s nowhere to go. You were sitting in a bathtub at the hospital and you were crying. You said it hurt.
You said Will you love me even more when I'm dead? and I said No, and I threw the pills on the sand.
I went to the riverbed to wait for you to show up. You didn't show up. I kept waiting.
Gwynnever Calear: Straw House, Straw Dog
you wanted an adventure, so I said Have an adventure. The straw about to burn, the straw on fire. Here you are on the TV, saying Watch me, just watch me.
I don't really blame you for being dead but you can't have your sweater back.
You can sleep now, you said. You can sleep now. You said that. I had a dream where you said that. Thanks for saying that. You weren't supposed to.
Allyn Hawke- Boot Theory
because you thought it would follow, you thought there would be some logic, perhaps, something to pull it all together but here we are in the weeds again,
You go to work the next day pretending nothing happened. Your co-workers ask if everything’s okay and you tell them you’re just tired. And you’re trying to smile. And they’re trying to smile.
A man walks into a convenience store, still you, saying: I only wanted something simple, something generic...
Adelaide Oftedahl: Self Portrait against Red Wallpaper
Take it or leave it, and for the most part you take it. Not just the idea of it but the ramifications of it.
I clawed my way into the light but the light is just as scary. I'd rather quit. I'd rather be sad. It's too much work. Admirable? Not really. I hate my friends. And when I hate my friends I've failed myself, failed to share my compassion. I shine a light on them of my own making: septic, ugly, the wrong yellow. I mean, maybe it's better if my opponent wins.
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galpalaven · 1 year
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writtenbyevie · 2 years
Heyy for the ask thing maybe 3 and 9? <3
storm my love 🤍!! Thank you for the ask I hope you’re well my darling 💐
3. list the top five books you read this year
this made me realize I need to read more. But, nonetheless, my top 5 books were:
Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (self explanatory)
Everyone You Hate is Going to Die by Daniel Sloss (hilarious and insightful)
A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking (I'm a nerd)
No Quarter by Polly Stenham (a very dark but deeply moving play)
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood (listen lemme live it brought me laughter during a real sad time)
9. your spotify top artist
in a shock to absolutely no one, my top artist is Taylor Swift. Love of my life. 9, 790 minutes! Second is Phoebe Bridgers (2,444 minutes) and then Glass Animals (1,736)
thank you so very kindly for the ask storm!! sprinkling love on your head like rain 💙🦋
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malefilus · 2 years
I am 100% willing to give up having a protagonist who has a voice actor if it means we go back to the Origins dialogue format where there’s a shit ton more options.
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cadaveerie · 3 months
(canon, player characters...)
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𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐚 (MY CANON)
circle mage · elf · female · she/her · mage (entropy)
Romance: Alistair (main romance. broke up at the end), Zevran (fwb)
Ship names: Aliwarden (fandom), Eviestair (oc) / Zevwarden (fandom), Zevie (oc)
Main companions: Leliana, Alistair, Morrigan
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𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐞 (MY CANON)
apostate Mage · human · male · he/him · mage
Romance: Fenris (friendship)
Ship names: Fenhawke
Main companions: Fenris, Anders, Varric
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𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐢'𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧 (MY CANON)
dalish keeper apprentice · elf · "female" (DAI) -> non-binary (DATV) · she/her -> any pronouns · mage (knight-enchanter)
Romance: Solas
Ship names: Solavellan (fandom), Numisolas (oc)
Main companions: The Iron Bull, Cole, Solas
𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐜 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐚𝐧
circle mage · human · male · he/him · mage (rift mage)
Romance: Dorian
Ship names: Pavelyan (fandom), Isaarian (oc)
Main companions: Dorian, The Iron Bull, Sera
𝐂𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐥 𝐋𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧
dalish keeper apprentice · elf · male · he/him · mage (necromancy)
Romance: The Iron Bull
Ship names: Bullavellan (fandom), Cyrabull (oc)
Main companions: The Iron Bull, Dorian, Varric
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𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐚 (MY CANON)
antivan crow · city elf · non-binary · they/them · rogue (duelist)
Romance: Lucanis
Ship names: Rookanis (fandom), Lucante (oc)
Main companions: Lucanis, Neve?
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benilos · 5 months
we forgot how good she-ra is
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jungle-angel · 5 months
The One Where The Boys Think They're In Star Wars (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett love your little boys, especially when they let their imaginations run wild
Warnings: Parenthood, mentions of pregnancy etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @withahappyrefrain @bradleybeachbabe @sorchathered @bradshawsbaby @sebsxphia @attapullman @callmemana @kmc1989
"Alright get'em on in there!" Royal ordered.
Rhett, Rip, Kayce and the others herded the cattle through the chute, loading them up onto the trucks in the hopes that the auction would be better than last years. None of them were looking forward to the two hour drive from Bozeman to Billings, let alone the auction itself.
"Lookin good Dad," Rhett said, dismounting from his horse.
"You get'em all?" Royal asked him.
"Yep," Rhett answered. "Looks like it's gonna be a better year than last year. Hopefully we can get some more milkers."
"We'll see son, Abigail's already a handful and so aren't the calves," Royal chuckled.
When all was said and done, the men hung around the fence while the hands retreated back to the bunkhouses until lunch. As they talked Rhett could hear giggling coming from the kids along with strange noises. He turned around to find them all wearing their Halloween costumes from that year and play fighting with sticks.
"I find your lack of faith disturbing young Skywalker!" Tatum chirped.
"You'll never take me alive Vader!!!" Tanner shrieked before chasing his brother with a stick.
"Oh my God," Rhett laughed under his breath.
"Are they.....?" Rip asked him.
Almost all of them pulled out their phones and began filming the kids and their shenanigans. For them, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!" Evie Wheeler cried out, pretending to be dramatic.
"Hey I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you!" Tanner exclaimed as he ran up to her.
"No Han Solo needs to come and rescue me!" Evie told him.
Jake Dutton and Colt Tillerson came running out of the bushes, one in his Han Solo costume and the other pretending to be Chewbacca while Amy, Tate and Rosie Hawk ran at them from behind a tree.
"Ya'll remember doin stupid shit like that?" Rhett laughed.
"Oh my God, we had more fun doin that than most kids we knew," Billy answered.
They could've watched the kids and their stupid antics for hours, completely forgetting that the date was May 4th. Later that day when Rhett came home, he showed you the videos, the two of you sharing a long, good laugh on the matter and never forgetting the priceless memories your children were already making.
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chadtheroyalidiot · 1 month
descendants: original trilogy characters full names [canon & headcanon]
didn't give mal & uma a last name because i felt like their parents wouldn't have one.
mal → maleficent bertha II
↳ maleficent → latin → causing harm
↳ bertha → german → bright one
jay → jaaved al-ṣādiq
↳ jaaved → persian → eternal; immortal
↳ al-ṣādiq → arabic → the truthful
evie → ermengarde liselotte thekla habsburg
↳ ermengarde → german → whole; universal
↳ liselotte → german → god's promise; little; womanly
↳ thekla → greek → god's fame
↳ habsburg → german → ____
carlos → carlos oscar de vil
↳ carlos → spanish → free man
↳ oscar → irish/norse → god spear; deer-lover; champion warrior
↳ de vil → spanish/portuguese → from vileness; from villainy
uma → sanskrit → splendor; tranquility; fame
harry → gawain james hook
↳ gawain → celtic → white hawk
↳ james → latin → supplanter; replacer
↳ hook → english → someone with a hooked/crooked nose or bent back
gil → beaumont legume
↳ beaumont → french → beautiful mountain
↳ legume → french → vegetable
dizzy → ombeline aglaé tremaine
↳ ombeline → french → bright warrior
↳ aglaé → french → brilliance
↳ tremaine → celtic → town built with stone; stone settlement
celia → celestina facilier
↳ celestina → latin → heavenly; from the sky
↳ facilier → french → derived from the french world facile meaning easy
squeaky → sterling jasper smiegel
↳ sterling → english → valuable; silver penny; excellent; little star; bird
↳ jasper → persian → treasurer
↳ smiegel → polish → to move swiftly
squirmy → skipper arthur smiegel
↳ skipper → english → boss; ship's captain
↳ arthur → celtic → bear
↳ smiegel → polish → to move swiftly
ben → lysander benjamin florian de villeneuve
↳ lysander → greek → liberator
↳ benjamin → hebrew → son of the right hand
↳ florian → latin/german → flourishing
↳ de villeneuve → french → new city/town
audrey → audrea gwenaëlle angèle capet
↳ audrea → greek/english → noble strength
↳ gwenaëlle → celtic/french → blessed; generous
↳ angèle → greek → messenger of god
↳ capet → latin → chief; head of state
chad → thierry mattias henri kitson baptiste christopher louis corentin nicholas maxime perrault
↳ thierry → french → the ruler of people
↳ mattias → greek/hebrew → gift of god; gift of yah
↳ henri → french → home ruler
↳ kitson → english → son of kit
↳ baptiste → latin/greek → one who washes
↳ christopher → greek → bearing christ
↳ louis → french → famed warrior
↳ corentin → french → tempest; hurricane
↳ nicholas → greek → victory of the people
↳ maxime → french → greatest
↳ perrault → french → rock
jane → aelfdene ancien
↳ aelfdene → english → from the elfin valley
↳ ancien → french → old
lonnie → fa li jaw-long
↳ fa → chinese → to send; pass; beginning
↳ li → chinese → reason; language; power; capability; beautiful
↳ jaw-long → chinese → like a dragon
doug → douglas diamant
↳ douglas → scottish → black river; dark stream
↳ diamant → german → diamond
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veylia · 1 year
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Two more updated thumbnails!! Dragon Age "Pieces" and Mass Effect "The Greatest Reward"!
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amatres · 1 year
'They're a 10 but…' Tag Game
tagged by @demandthedoodles, thank you! I tried to make them all funny at first, but then I just gotta kinda weird with them. Oh well lmao
Surana: She's a ten, but she's always trying out different poisons on her own body out of curiosity and thinks this is a great way to spend a date. You'll have to carry antidotes with you everywhere, and one of her animated skeletons will be just close enough that you know they are watching you as you administer it.
Allyn: She's a ten, but getting her to rely on you will be like pulling teeth. Getting her to admit she is even a little bit hungry will be an uphill battle, good luck.
Evie: She's a ten, but the narrative is consuming her as we speak. Are you sure you're in love with her ? Or just the icon being put in her place?
Aurora: She's a ten but she's literally cursed to turn into a monster if she kisses you and her weird aunt will try to trap you in a deal where you sign your soul away to help her.
Gwynnever: She's a ten but… wait, what do you know about her? You ask her about herself while at the bar, and wake up with a terrible hangover and a much lighter purse the next day . Who were you talking to last night again?
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blahblahblees · 8 months
ヽ`、☁ヽ`─── READ YOUR MIND
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aka who i write for & masterlist
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my life with the walter boys
cole walter
alex walter
danny walter
jackie howard
lab rats (elite force)
adam davenport
bree davenport
chase davenport
mighty med
skylar storm
wizards of waverly place
justin russo
alex russo
max russo
good luck charlie
pj duncan
teddy duncan
gabe duncan
girl meets world
riley matthews
maya hart
lucas frair
farkle minkus
zay babineaux
suite life on deck
zack martin
cody martin
austin and ally
austin moon
kickin’ it
jack brewer
kim crawford
jerry martinez
high school musical: the musical: the series
ricky bowen
nini salazar-roberts
gina porter
ej caswell
mack alana
cobra kai
miguel diaz
eli “hawk” moskowitz
robby keene
tory nichols
samantha “sam” larusso
anthony larusso
demetri alexopoulos
tori vega
andre harris
beck oliver
jade west
robby shapiro
cat valentine
trina vega
henry danger
henry hart
the summer i turned pretty
isabel “belly” conklin
conrad fisher
jeremiah fisher
steven conklin
taylor jewel
cam cameron
gen v
marie moreau
jordan li
emma meyer
sam riordan
luke riodan
cate dunlap
school spirits
maddie nears
wally clark
simon elroy
xavier baxter
that 90s show
jay kelso
nate runck
diary of a wimpy kid
rodrick heffley
mal bertha
carlos de vil
ben florian
zed necrodopolis
wyatt lykensen
teen beach movie
high school musical
troy bolton
gabriella montez
chad danforth
sharpay evans
masterlist yipyip!
wattpad fanfics!
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brewed-pangolin · 1 year
Drabble request for Super Soap Sunday:
Origin story of the Soap MacTavish mohawk, 500 words or less...GO.
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First Flight of the Scottish Hawk
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Ooohhhh I love this!!! I may be one of the few that actually loves Soap's hawk, and this just gives me full range to go creatively nuts with this. Thank you!
Warnings: Mentions of loss at the end. Nothing more than ridiculous MacTavish household shenanigans throughout.
This turned into something I honestly didn't see coming. I couldn't stop writing, and I let the creativity flow through me. If you all like it enough I will expand on it more. Much love 💛
Massive thanks to @deadbranch and @d3athtr4psworld for your input.
Word count 1.4 k (Oops, got carried away again)
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If there is one thing you should never do, don't ever dare John MacTavish to do anything. Period.
It's simple, really. All it takes is a few choice words and a push in the right (or wrong) direction and John MacTavish will go full beast mode.
You can thank his sister, Charlotte for the crested motif.
After completing basic training at the tender age of 16, John returned home with nothing but a triumphant chip on his shoulder and, more noticeably, a trimmed line of peach fuzz along his scalp.
While his mum and dad couldn't be more proud, his siblings on the other hand were chomping at the bit to get a rise out of him.
Hamish, the oldest of the boys, chimed in first.
"Ye look a'that, mum. Lil John's come back all growned up." He jabbed, before wrapping his arm around his neck forcing him into a tight headlock.
"Not n'the kitchen, Hamish! You'll break tha bloody cabinets!" Mum exclaimed while pushing her two oldest boys into the hall.
"Got'a test tha' strength ma! Can't..oofff" He was swiftly cutoff by John's elbow into his stomach. The two were now fully engulfed in a standing wrestling match.
"Fuck. Off. Hame!" Each of John's words were grittngly emphasized as he wrapped his hands around his older brothers arm.
"Gonnae be a whippin' fer the both a ya if ya donnae knock it off." Mum's warning fell on deaf ears, as this went on for another 10 minutes. By the end of it, both boys had endured the verbal wrath of a furious Catholic Scottish Maiden. (COs can't hold a candle to a pissed off mum)
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The twins, Michael and David, couldn't be bothered with real world nonsense. They were too busy with the neighborhood boys playing their own version of 'modern warfare' deep in the backyard woods.
Albiet mildly gruesome in itself, fellow parents enforced a strict 'no guns' rule within the ranks. Imagination would rule the day once more. Sticks were a better option, anyway. And video games were non existent in the MacTavish household.
"Git out me sight, tha' lot'aya!" Patriarchal Rules over all.
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Last, and on both ends of the birthing spectrum were Charlotte and Genevieve. John found them in their usual hiding place, the knitting room.
Genevieve, or Evie, as she was so lovingly referred to was only 4. A 'precious surprise' dubbed by mum, and the absolute light of John's eyes.
"How's my favorite lit'le lass, eh Evie?" He could never strain above a whipser when he called to her. And as he knelt down his arms stretched out and awaited her usual 'mighty bear hug'.
But it never came. As she looked him over, her precious green eyes began to water, her face slowly began to contort into a seldom seen melancholy, and then she cried.
"Smooth, Johnny." The sarcastic venom in Charlotte's words was immeasurable, yet still held within it that familiar sibling banter.
"Ooh, no Evie. It's still me. Still yer Johnny." He pleaded as he quickly tried to console her.
"Git out ya arse! Ya makin it worse!" Charlotte chided him as she knelt down to pick up her now inconsolable sister.
"Ah, c'mon Char. Donnae be like that."
Heartbroken is the only word that came to her mind. And being the oldest, she now had two 'children' to console.
"Jus' giv'er a minute, Johnny. She's only seen ya at home. Not like, this." She waved her hand at him, accentuating the difference in his appearance and demeanor. She also lessened her tone, for both their sakes. She'd make a good mother one day.
"Ya think I look tha' different, Char?"
"T'me? Nah. But I knew why yer were gone, Johnny. Evie didn't."
Of course, he'd ask only her this question. Besides their usual sibling rivalry, John looked up to his oldest sister the most. Craved for her approval above all others. Even more so than his parents at times.
"Aye. Is it tha hair, ya think? Bit of a shock t'myself if ya ask me."
"It donnae help yer cause, Johnny. Ya do look like a fuzzy bowling ball."
"Haud yer wheesht, Char!"
The playful jesting slowly began to smooth the lot of them. Evie's sobs eased into soft whimpers as she turned to face her brother once more. Her forehead rested into Charlotte's neck as her eyes once again roamed over her brothers familiar face.
"I donnae like it, Johnny." The high-pitched quiver in her voice nearly broke him to tears. He swallowed hard, forcing those feelings down into the newly formed gullet deep within his chest.
"I know, Evie. It's only fer a little while." His soft blue eyes matched hers, glistening in the dim light as they continued their conversation in wordless speech.
A slow tremble began to form in her lower lip. Quickly she released her grasp around her sister's neck and stretched out to him. It may not have been the bear hug he was expecting, but the comfort of her on his chest more than soothed that aching heart within him.
"The people've spoken, Johnny. What'ya give'm, eh? A typical buzz cut, stylish pompadour, a fricken mohawk?" Charlotte's jab struck a nerve, the evidence all over John's face as his brows furrowed in utter bewilderment.
She answered with her own expression, that sly curl to her lip that John was all too familiar with.
"Donnae do it, Char. I'm warnin' ya."
She had to. In the presence of Evie, Charlotte knew not to speak such fowl language. Silently, she mouthed and provoked him.
'I. Fucking. Dare you.'
That's it. That's all it took. The right words in the wrong direction, by the right person. John couldn't refuse. And like a baited fish, Charlotte swung him in and quickly mounted her victory atop her mental walls.
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Six months passed before John returned home again. Military life suited him well. So did his new hairstyle.
It was the typical MacTavish family reunion; mum and dad always the proudest parents in all of Glasgow, ridiculous hairdo aside.
Hamish greeted him with the classic headlock, which again was followed by the verbal chastising of their Iron Maiden mother. (John would tell her one day she'd make the perfect Drill Sargeant)
The twins were currently grounded in their room for saying 'naughty words' in school. John didn't poke too hard, but got this gist it was something about 'God forsaken homework.' The usual teenage behavior.
He sought out his two favorite lasses with overwhelming vigor, finding them yet again within the walls of the knitting room.
"How's my favorite lit'le lass, eh!"
"JOHNNY!" Evie's squeal may have nearly burst his eardrums, but he would gladly go without all sound just to remember that beautiful voice.
He had barely crouched down before she swung her arms around his neck, throwing that much needed 'mighty bear hug' against him.
"Easy Evie, ya ain't such a lit'le lass anymore." His playful strain made her tighten the death grip around him, and he gleefully recipricated.
“Ha? Th’army turnin out softies now, eh?” Charlotte called from the corner as she effortlessly hung her newest knitted masterpiece on the wall, a large afghan in the most brilliant forest green hues.
“Awa’ an bile yer heid, Char.”
“Watch it, Johnny. Tha lit’le rapscallion on yer shoulder gotten a knack fer echoin th’lot of us. Gonnae be eatin soap fer dinner if she keeps it up, yeah.”
Evie strained her neck and forcefully stuck out her tongue in retaliation. The banter was a welcome grief to John. He’d never admit it, but he missed his daily chastising from his oldest sister during those hard days in the field. CO’s could learn a thing or two from the scolding mouths of a MacTavish woman. 
“Ya lookin good, Johnny. Besides the rooster crest. What’re they callin’ya, ‘Mornin Wood?’”
“That’s classified.” The bite in his retort didn’t go unnoticed.
“Ohh, look a’mister fancy pants ov’r here.” Charlotte threw her hands up in taunting surprise. She’d never admit it, but she missed throwing those playful insults at him below the chest. It was an ebb and flow that no other seemed to be able to grasp.
“Donnae matter, Char. Only needs one approval, yeah. What’ya think, lass?” John turned to face the green-eyed angel within his grasp, her eyes slowly studying the features of him, finally focusing on the thick crest atop his head. 
“I like it.” 
“Thas’all I need. Gonnae keep it, yeah. Jus’ fer you, Evie.”
“Pinky swear?”
“Aye. Pinky swear.”
Her voice was the lullaby that tamed the savage beast. The silent tempest on the shores of a violent sea.
John wrapped his finger around hers and gave into the overwhelming power she had hung over him. Evie smiled, and buried her face within his neck. The vice-like grip around him doing nothing but melting that hard metallic soul growing within him.
“Ya gone’n don’it now, Johnny.” Charlotte’s quip was sharp, yet softened as it flowed freely through the air.
John responded in equal softness, an eerily reminiscent silent jab.
‘Fuck. You.’
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25 years and a full military career later, Captain John ‘Soap’ MacTavish sat lonely at the bar, pondering the ice within its liqoured embrace and watched as the waves of liquid slowly melded within themselves. He was within pleasant company, something he had truly missed over the remaining years of his career.
He heard the cadence of footsteps first, their possesor non other than the legendary John Price himself. 
“Ya know ya got to drink it for it to work, yeah.” 
“Aye. Jus’ takin my time with it.”
A somberness flowed freely through them, no longer wanting or needing to keep old wounds bound and at bay. Price scanned the crowd once over before returning his gaze to the scarred and crested veteran, both looking more worse for wear within the golden age of their careers.
“Ya know, Soap. I’ve known ya for over 20 years. And somehow I never thought to ask.”
Price paused as Soap brought the cold and perspiring glass up to his lips.
“Why do ya keep the mohawk?”
Soap turned to face his war hardened comrade. A silent shock washed over him as the quiet memory of her surfaced into the realm of his periphery. He sat motionless for a moment, spinning the glass within his hands as her name gracefully returned to the soft tissue of his lips.
“Evie. I kept it for Evie.” It felt like a hymn, to speak her name again after so many years of silence. The sound of it wafting into the wooden rafters before cascading and disappearing into the boisterous cacophony around the bar.
“Who’s Evie?”
“She was my sister.” Soap’s chest tightened as the words fell out of his mouth. 
The slip of the tongue caught him off guard. Soap met Price’s gaze and held within it a cold blue steel. 
“Touchy subject.” Price titled his glass, and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder before leaving him alone again at the bar with his thoughts. 
An ache formed within his heart. A void that was filled with her memories and locked away from the world's prying eyes. 
His fingers slowly turned the tumbler on the weathered bar while his eyes slowly began to focus on the smallest finger of his hand. Bringing it up to his face he studied its features as a chemist studies the inner workings of molecular bonds.
The slightest curl of a smile formed on the corner of his mouth as the sound of her voice ricocheted within the recesses of his mind. And the green, those bright green eyes like the mossy hills of the Scottish highlands. 
Edited 2/5/24 to include remastered Soap Squad 🧼
“Pinky swear, Evie.”
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@deadbranch @sofasoap @d3athtr4psworld @punishmepunisher @jynxmirage @glitterypirateduck @astraluminaaa @shotmrmiller @obligatoryghoststare @homicidal-slvt @ghosts-goldendoodle @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @writeforfandoms @tacticalanxiety @simpingoverquestionablemen @queen-ilmaree @havoc973 @foxface013 @sadstone-s @haurasha @mykneeshurt @designateddeadend @luismickydees @kkaaaagt
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