#everytime i read this ask i went to go find my cat and bother her
nibbelraz · 6 months
Demonic Norwegian forest cat. He is so big and fluffy and powerful. He can pull a sled. His claws are like black diamonds. MQF knows that thing can and will mercilessly slaughter anyone it deems a threat. How in the name of fuck did shang-shixiong adopt one. "Eh? Well, he's just a little kitty. Sweet baby cat, very cute. Full of fluff. Ham head bee belly, maker of biscuits. Jelly bean peets (paw feets) and poof tail." Thank you shang-shixiong that was incomprehensible
He's bringing this beast baby to the peak lord meetings and it's met with pure fear the first couple of times until they pet it and ah they understand
Yes indeed look at his poof tail and jelly bean peets...
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mianaissante · 9 months
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KISS ME — genshin impact, xiao 🩰
tags: xiao/femreader!!, fluff, angst, heartfelt, cute, lowercase, dancing under the moonlight, confession
“𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠 𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑘𝑦 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡.”
It is recommended to listen to Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer whilst reading ୨୧
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love, what an insufferable word that one may ever encounter.
what even was love? how does one experience, better yet, realize love?
to xiao, love was something mere mortals may only experience, it was their design.
he never once considered, that an adeptus, an immortal being higher than humans, like him could be trapped in the chains of passion and jealousy, utter haze and drunkenly consumed love.
xiao never truly understood feelings, emotions, why humans could ever bother themselves with such trivial interferences of their minds.
in any shape or form, how did he ever find himself in a situation with the very thing has solely tried to avoid?
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he hated that you cared.
he hated how your eyes would soften with the way he'd linger, he hated how you of all people were oblivious to his damned feelings.
aren't humans supposed to be an expert at this? he wondered how you have not caught up with him, maybe you were stupid? maybe slow? maybe you didn't understand the concept of love at all, like he did.
in the end, he would wind up standing by the balcony of wangshuu inn, secretly gazing at you as you work the day endlessly.
how, how did his heart flutter at the thought of you? you..you..you.
he stifled a small sheepish laugh, audible to himself and the winds only. he didn't know how to feel, was he mad at his own feelings? or did you drive him mad?
it all started the day you interrupted him from his duties. green grass absorbed his heavy footsteps, huff after huff, his breath heard atop the clouds.
it was a normal day to say the least, to him. xiao was focused on doing his daily patrols that he didn't notice you potentially harming yourself by having enough courage to hike up juyeun karst yourself, a mere mortal.
his eyes squinted with the way the wind was thrashing his face, the trees swaying with the song of its whirls, when suddenly a tree branch cracked like bones.
xiao sighed and rolled his eyes, “ what are you doing?”
“ what?” you replied so recklessly. the adeptus travelled his eyes to your hands which equipped a picnic basket.
“ i know you're following me, stop acting like you don't know what you're doing.”
“ calm down, i don't bite...unless you want me to.” you tease, great. xiao furrowed his eyebrows, crinkling his forehead and sighing. “ verr godlet just asked me to do something for her”
“ what is it she asked you to do, so that we can get it over with.”
“ oh divine archons wait! you're such a grumpy cat.”
“ did you just call me a cat?”
“ here.”
xiao eyed down the dish, confused.
“ you do know adepti don't eat.”
“ pftt like i didn't see you tear this dish down the other day. don't be shy now mr. adeptus, this'll be my treat.”
you smiled so wide your cheeks puffed as if you were a greedy squirrel stuffed with peanuts. the adeptus hesitated taking the almond tofu from you, but you interrupted his stare.
“ if you don't start eating this now, i'll be the one to feed you.”
he huffed and took the dish from you and ate it slowly.
“ i cooked that, so eat it well xiao! have a nice day.”
you turned your body away from him and merrily went down the hill like a toddler. he shook his head, taken aback from this sudden encounter.
xiao initially thought it would be this moment only, but boy was he wrong.
because today marks the day where chaos caused by you would start, and every passing day would be you butting in his duties.
“ where are you going, mr adeptus?”
its been an hour..maybe more, but you've been following the poor adeptus like a dog begging for a toy bone. xiao could only heave an annoyed sigh everytime you blabbed like a crazy woman.
“ for the last time, just call me xiao you mad woman!” his temper, it was firing up, riling up since you started it. he grumbled under his breath yet you only laughed at his frustrated expression.
you were playful, too playful for him! he could not, for the life of him, keep up!
“ i already ate your almond tofu, what more do you need from me?” he asked then turned himself to face you, hands on the curves of his waist as his weight leaned on his right leg.
“ hmmm, nothing, i just...like following you. to be honest, you're the first adeptus i've ever seen, it's all too exciting!”
“ it would be more exciting if you leave me be.”
“ now where's the fun in that?”
he didn't respond, he turned his back and continued to scope the area with his sharp eyes.
“ please for the love of archons, leave me alone.” and to his surprise, you shook your head and jumped on his back so suddenly. “ i'm never leaving your side mr. adeptus!”
“ get away!” he panicked and toppled over you, his face quivering as he sees you.
sprawled on the green grass, your rosy blood spreading across your cheeks and on top your nose. your hair in a disarray and your lips tugged in a huge grin.
sunlight hit your face and he caught his heart skipping a beat. oh fuck.
“ you'll never make me leave,” you laughed.
his eyes squinted, crazy. you were pure crazy!
“ you dumb idiot! you risked yourself with that stunt you pulled.”
“ but i'm fine aren't i? you held me close, that proves just how good you are at your job.”
that was in fact, correct. xiao had his arms around your back, which protected you from the fall.
“ if I didn't react quicker you would've injured yourself.”
you laughed, again. “ i'm fine, quit worrying!”
birthdays were never a big deal to xiao,
not until you made it a big deal to everyone.
usually he'd spend his day by doing the usual thing, keeping guard in liyue and protecting its land.
but...why is it now did this tradition change...and why was he inside a cardboard box?!
his day started with him sleeping by a hill near juyeun karst, he didn't want to admit it at all but he was fatigued. too tired to even do anything at the time. and so suddenly was he shoved in a cardboard box where god knows where he'll be transported to.
“ what are you doing to me?” he gritted through his teeth, fuming.
“ don't you worry, mr. adeptus. you're in great care, this box has fragile stickers all over it.”
you could hear his face palm, and so, you laughed. “ was shoving me inside a box to transport me in where, wangshuu inn? a good idea to you?!”
“ yes.”
“ fuck you.”
“ it'll be a good day for you, but first i'll put you in my room.”
he sighed, letting you do whatever you wanted to. he was too tired to deal with you.
time passed and you closed the door of your room, opening the box you see xiao burned up and hot. face red and eyes heavy. he was sleeping his life out as if he has never tasted a lick of slumber ever.
you gasped, holding the back of your hand on his forehead. “ you're scalding hot, xiao!”
you dragged his body up on your bed and started undressing him to atleast let air flow through his burning skin.
in a panic, you flinched when you felt his delicate fingers wrap around your wrist, stopping you from undressing him.
“ i can do it myself.” he grumbled.
of all things, xiao hated being vulnerable, he hated how he, a being of power, was weak like any mortal right now.
he hated to show it to other people, he hated being a nuisance, to him, he should only show the good parts of himself.
the responsible, not the hindrance-self.
but there was nothing he could do, he has shown it and he is ashamed.
and in some magical way, you could sense it.
“ is this why you don't show yourself to much people? to show how you're weak?”
he didn't answer, you took it as a yes. you had a bucket of lukewarm water and a handkerchief that you'll use to wipe his body with.
“ you know, it's okay to show these parts of yourself, because..these parts are what make you...you. it's okay to be weak, it's okay to cry, or to be vulnerable. it's alright to feel like you want to scream, it's okay to feel like you want to be alone..because at the end of the day, you have a heart that needs to be protected..the way you protect us.”
you wiped his face gently with the clothe and felt his throat with the back of your hand.
“ i went through the same thing as you too, i know what it's like.”
xiao smiled, silly human.
“ that was the first time you gave a good speech, [name], i appreciate it.”
“ should i take that as an insult?” you asked, confused.
“ no, you shouldn't.”
much to your disappointment, the party you had planned for him was delayed, everyone was too busy and he was lying on your bed sick.
you massaged the temples of your head and sighed, “ are you okay?”
he didn't respond, instead shifted his sleeping position opposite to you.
drenching the clothe again, you wipe his back with care, feeling how the lukewarm water turns hot at the contact of his skin.
xiao wasn't sure why you took so much are into him, he wasn't family to you, in fact he's a complete stranger. there's a visible gap between the two of you yet you try everything to break through and sit with him.
why were you treating him like he was someone special to you? he was confused, leaving him to furrow his eyebrows with pursed lips and clouding thoughts of which he never thought he'd ever have.
all of this is new to him, having someone caring about him.
he was scared, that's for sure. not only was he scared of being vulnerable, he was also scared of this. feeling..things, feeling how his heart would stop then beat repeatedly with no warning, its as if he was trapped in cellophane suffering from your affection. and by suffering, it meant experiencing new feelings in which he does not know how to deal with.
as if a lost puppy strolling road after roads looking for a bone. he could not believe it, he could not bare the thought of liking you, it was something unlike him.
but was it now?
he has grown into you like gum on the sole of a shoe, he has grown accustomed to your company, to your voice, to you.
he has tried, numerous times in numerous occasions to forget you, forget how you stride on hard ground with feet lingering on the green grass, forget how you giggle or laugh, forget how you smile or the way your eyes would crinkle like moons, forget how you'd care for him, how you'd prepare his lunches even if he didn't need to, how you'd ask him about his day repeatedly even if it was annoying to him at first but as time passed he realized having someone asking about how his day went felt great, and fuck.
truthfully in everything he tried, he failed, and there he was lovelorn and lovesick.
how could he forget her? how could he after all this time?
for the first time in his life he was handled like a fragile being, a human. Not treated like a beast, or a god, or a powerful being. He was his normal him when he was with you.
the little things you did..to him those things were more than little, it was everything to him. you were everything to him.
he became so fond of you he'd purposefully forget to eat his almond tofu in wangshuu in just for you to go out of your way to meet him with the food. heck, verr godlet knew his intentions and teased him for it.
its the thought of you that scares him, he's scared of how you aren't scared of him. he is capable of ruining you, destructing your innocence, yet why weren't you flinching? why weren't you shaking because of him?
he burrowed his head further on your pillow, feeling your scent float through his senses, you smelled like home, he did not have any home, but you were there.
“ xiao, i'm just going to change this water so i can manage to lower your temperature further, i'll go no-”
“ stay.”
with a sudden turn, you found yourself wrapped around burning arms, and thick hot breath fanning on the nape of your neck. “ h-hey what's wrong?”
“nothing, let's.. let's stay like this for a moment please.”
you spoke of nothing and obliged, you were stuck with him in your bed, him embracing your waist and you curled up into a ball. it was intimate, and it was feverish. almost like a daydream that may never end.
sometimes xiao reminded you of the moon, innocent and pure, he shone light even in the darkest parts of the night. everyday there would be new shapes of him, shades you'd never seen before. and what happened now...reminded you about it.
he was as attractive as the moon setting down to let the sun shine in the morning breeze, reflecting how he truly is as an adeptus, protector of the lands of liyue and its people. He puts others first before himself before he hides his selflessness once again . yet again sitting in the dark all by himself.
he was gentle, gentler than the lightest whirls of barbatos' winds, gentler than deers prancing 'round the deep forests, gentler than the slow waving currents in rivers.
with every passing moment spent by you and his alone, the more this affection seeps and drips, the more its scent lingers on the walks by the shore, the more it is embedded within one's soul.
to [name], he was her moon, and to xiao, she was his sun.
the night of the lantern rite has finally arrived. bustling crowds making their merry way to purchase lanterns filled the streets of liyue. it was a beautiful night, only the moon, crescented, and stars glittered the horizons above. not a single thing can ever ruin this moment for the people of liyue and for travellers alike.
they say this festival is a festival which is celebrated with your loved ones to celebrate the accomplishments and glory of gods and adepti, but what if you had been spending your night away with a certain someone?
" i won't try to deny it anymore."
he said, the wind scowling over our bodies. as you and him spoke under the starry night, only the moon's light casted shadows on xiao, something felt different about him, as if he wanted to say something important.
" i can't hold it anymore," he followed, seeing the desperation in his eyes, a pent of frustration evident in his golden hues.
he looked at you in a way he never looked at before, his eyes softened, not like before, something was different, something changed.
" it is you who i want, who i love, who i adore, who i want to be with." he close his lips as he gazed into your eyes, " will i ever know how you feel for me? do you feel the same?"
he trailed his stare onto the ground, " how can you possibly reciprocate my feelings, i'm a mere immortal who'll live for years even after you pass on. is it troublesome? i understand if you ca-"
a peck from your soft plump lips grazed onto his, eyes widened and he was stunned in place. he felt you travel your hands on both of his cheeks, tracing circles on his sensitive skin with your thumbs. his eyelids slowly started to give in and falter, he absolutely felt like jello as soon as your skin touched his.
a peck turned into a kiss, a passionate kiss. he himself had his hands on your waist, pulling you close, closer to him. he felt warmth for the first time in over a hundred years, he felt safe, at home. hot breaths fanned on one another, pulling back from the kiss, touching foreheads.
" for a grumpy adeptus, you sure do blabble a lot," you smiled.
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f4iry-bell · 5 months
Request !?
Maybe reader moving into the house with avery (whatever reason why is up to you) and jameson like being totally down bad for her. like she doesn’t really notice cause she thinks hes outta her league (other way around tbh cause we’re all hot) but jameson just being like a huge simp.
maybe the readers like a bit of a book girly too, and he likes to bother her while she reads (i lowkey hate when this happens but id let him <3)
jameson hawthorne x oblivious reader.
thank you for requesting. hope you like this it's kind of dialogue heavy. and past events there. also sorry it took some time!!!
After hearing stories about the great Tobias Hawthorn and his games from Avery she was intrigued about him and his games. Now that Avery is going to host her own games, she couldn't hold back. She asked Avery if she can help, Avery knows she is a sucker for murder mysteries and has written some of her own. After reading them Avery thought she'd be useful for the games. So, she invited her to Hawthorne House and to help her plan the game along with the boys.
When Jameson read her works he was definitely fascinated by it Nothing keeps Jameson Hawthorne interested more than a mind that sees things the way they aren't supposed to be and makes the thing something else.
He tried to find her in Hawthorne House but it was hard, he only saw her during dinner and lunch. Everytime he tried to woo her but she showed no interest. Though when they talk she has a lot to say, just not what he needs to hear from her though. Everytime she talks his mind goes blank and all he can think about is how to win her heart.
“And that's how I came up with that idea. I swear if it wasn't for the cat I wouldn't have written my recent work. I should credit it.” She was explaining how she got the idea for her short story because Jameson asked her.
He always has something to ask her.
“You look lost.” Jameson stated.
“I'm not, I have the blueprint on my phone.” She showed him the picture.
Jameson smiled. “Why a map when you have a guide?” He asked in a flirty tone.
She frowned. “Hawthrone House had its own guide?!” Her tone filled with surprise and not a clue that he was implying himself.
Jameson nodded. “Yeah, actually they're on vacation.” He pursed his lips.
Jameson was staring at her the whole time while she was explaining how to plant clues for the game in the Great Room and didn't pay attention to what she was saying. She did notice it and confronted him after everyone dispersed.
“It's really disrespectful to not listen when your teammate is explaining something.” She sounded mad.
“You weren't paying attention to what I was saying. If you hate it just say it. Don't make me look like I'm talking to the wall.” She
“Wait, no. I wanted to listen, I was just…let's say distracted by something.” He gave her a frisky smile, stepping closer to her.
“Crap! I knew I should have rehearsed before I told everyone! My presentation skills are very bad, I'm so sorry that you got distracted because of my lack of skill to keep someone focused.”
Jameson thought how can someone who is as smart as her could be so oblivious about his signs?
He found her in one of the libraries reading alone.
“What are you reading?” He asked after grabbing a book and just simply flipping through the pages.
“Book.” She answered after a few seconds.
“I know that, what book?” He took a seat next to her trying to peek. She immediately closed the book and kept the book behind her.
“Contemporary romance.” She admitted not wanting to explain further and went back to reading after opening her book.
Jameson was quiet for a while and then spoke again.
“I thought you were a mystery person.” He said.
internally groaning, she spoke. “I like romance too. Sometimes all a girl needs is a corny romance book.” She shrugged. “And since you know I'm reading, please leave me be.” She added.
“Just a book?” He raised an eyebrow.
“What else?” She rolled her eyes at him, unaware of what he was trying to imply.
“Real life corny romance. With someone.”
She chuckled. “Who? Almost every guy I know is taken or wouldn't be interested in me and I don't go out often so I don't meet people. It's almost impossible for me to experience romance.”
“Not true, not everyone is taken and not interested.” He was hoping she'll get a hint.
“Yeah. Sure. Like who?” She chuckled again.
“You're an idiot.” He said.
“Why?” She frowned, taking a bit of offence.
Jameson kept quiet, and then realisation hit her.
“Wait! Your brother Grayson?!”
Jameson made a disgusting face. “What? No!”
“Then who�� Oh my god. Tell me I'm wrong.”
“You did not say anything.” He rolled his eyes.
“You?” She prayed to every God that it's right or else she would have to change her whole identity and leave the country.
“Finally! Took you long enough.” He sighed.
“You like me? So you were flirting with me!” She exclaimed.
“So you did notice that I was flirting!”
“I thought you weren't though it sounded like you were!”
“Because I was!”
“You're lying.” She shook her head.
“Why would I lie? After all the signs I gave you?” He asked.
“Because! you're you and I'm me, why would you like me?”
“Exactly, me being me obviously I like you because you are you!” He explained in her own terms.
“But what?”
“I don't know. It's not believable.”
“That I like you?”
“Would a kiss make you believe?”
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
The Take Down- ML Prompt 1
@worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry​  asked:
Hey! You asked for prompts so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do some Alya redemption? I really like Alya despite her occasional terrible choices 😅
So here’s what I’ve done for this prompt. I may have gotten a little carried away and it became a full blown take down Lila thing but hopefully you’ll enjoy it :D
"Look, girl, I get it. Lila has some amazing stories but that doesn't mean you have to feel threatened by her," Alya sighed as she sat at her computer. She was on video chat to Marinette and was trying to convince her how amazing Lila really was. Everyone else could see it but Marinette just couldn't and Alya just couldn't understand why. Lila was one of the kindest people she had ever met. She constantly complimented her friends, telling them how good they looked. She worked with multiple charities and was willing to help out her friends. She was even willing to give Marinette multiple chances, despite the fact that Marinette seemed to hate her. "If you just gave her a chance, you'd would find that she's just like you,"
 "She is nothing like me, Alya," Marinette gasped. "I'm not a liar for one thing!"
 "Marinette, Lila is not a liar and we've talked about this," She sighed, rolling her eyes. "You can't just accuse her without proof. I know you want to blame her for your expulsion but she didn't do it. My money is on Chloe,"
 "And where's your proof that she is telling the truth?!" Marinette growled, clearly annoyed. "And if Chloe wanted me expelled, she just threaten to call her father. Not try and frame me,"
 "Can you be certain?" Alya asked, frowning. "And I know Lila is telling the truth,"
 "Oh so you have proof then?" Marinette asked, crossing her arms. Alya frowned as she didn't but why would Lila lie to her? What could she possible achieve with lies? "Well?"
 "Well what?" Alya asked, frowning.
 "Do you have proof?" Marinette asked again. "Have you got hold of Ladybug and asked her do you know Lila Rossi? Or did you find Jagged Stone and asked him about his so called cat?! Hm?"
 "Well... no but I know-"
 "If you're that bothered about it, why don't you find proof that I'm wrong?" Marinette growled, making Alya frown. "After all, you always say a good reporter checks her facts!"
 "Marinette, come on. I know that," Alya sighed but Marinette looked pissed.
 "Then why am I the one to get proof?! You're the reporter!" She growled, making Alya frown again. Marinette looked to the side and picked up her phone as it vibrated. Her eyes lit up slightly as she looked at it before she turned back to Alya. "I have to go and Alya, stop trying to force me to be friends with Lila. If you want to be friends with her then that's your choice but I want nothing to do with her and nothing you can say or do will change my mind. Good night,"
 "Marinette, wait!" Alya gasped but she hung up, shutting down the video chat. Alya sighed and got up, heading into the kitchen to get a drink. She grabbed a cup from the cupboard and filled it up with water before taking a drink.
 If you don't have the proof then it's not the truth... Marinette's words were running through her head. She frowned to herself as she thought about the words. Marinette had also mentioned that a good reporter checked their facts. Another thing she had said. Alya frowned even more. Even though she didn't want to admit it, Marinette was right to a certain degree. Alya didn't believe that Lila was a liar but Marinette did. An idea popped into her head. She owned it to Lila to prove that she wasn't a liar. Taking her phone from her pocket, she opened her messages to Marinette.
 LilMissWifi: Hey, I know you said you had to go but I had an idea. Why don't we both get proof about Lila? I'll gather proof that she isn't a liar and you gather proof that she is?
 DesignQueen: Why should I gather proof that she's a liar? I'm not the one who's insisting that I give her a chance, despite the fact that every time I say something, she spins it make me look a bad person. 
 LilMissWifi: Oh come on, Mari. If you don't have the proof then it isn't the truth. You don't have proof that Lila is a liar...
 DesignQueen: And you don't have proof that she isn't! And I know she's a liar since she admitted it when she threatened me in the bathroom!!
 Alya's eyes widen as she read it but it suddenly disappeared.
 DesignQueen deleted a message.
 DesignQueen: Stop trying to make her my friend. I told you I don't want to be friends with her
 LilMissWifi: What do you mean she threatened you in the bathroom?!
 DesignQueen: ..... you saw that before I deleted it....
 LilMissWifi: Yes! Now explain!
 DesignQueen: What's the point? You won't believe me anyway and you'll just demand proof..
 LilMissWifi: Mari! You have to tell me!!
 DesignQueen has logged off
 Alya sighed and tried to call Marinette but it went straight to voicemail. She sighed again before dialing Lila's number. It rang a few times before someone answered.
 "Hey, girl," Alya stated but it wasn't in her usual tone.
 "Alya, I'm so sorry but I'm really busy right now. I have a video chat with Prince Ali in five minutes-"
 "Oh that's ok. I just want to ask you something," She muttered.
 "I'm not sure how to say this but Marinette mentioned that you threatened her in the bathroom..." Alya muttered, frowning. Lila remained silent for a few seconds. "Lila?"
 "I'm sorry Alya but she's lying," Lila gasped. Alya frowned as it sounded like she was crying. "M-Marinette... she was the one who threatened me!"
 "What?" Alya gasped in shock. Marinette was not the type to threaten someone but Lila wasn't a liar. There was no reason as to why she would. "When?"
 "A c-couple of d-days ago..." She sniffed, making Alya frowned. "D-During our free period on Tuesday..."
 "Why didn't you tell me?!"
 "S-She's your friend," She sobbed. "I didn't want to come between you two by telling you that she was bullying me..."
 "Bullying you?!"
 "Y-yes... she's been sending me horrible texts for ages and then she threatened me in the bathroom! She said she was going to take my friends away from me if I didn't stay from Adrien!" She cried, making Alya frown. "She's just so jealous that Adrien likes me and not her!!"
 "Lila, if that's true, you need to go to Mr Damocles-"
 "What do you mean if that's true?!" Lila gasped, clearly upset. "Y-You don't believe me?"
 "Of course, I do..." She muttered, frowning. Did she? "It's just..."
 "M-Marinette is your friend... of course, you wouldn't believe me over her... I can't believe her threat is coming true..." She sniffed, making Alya frown even more.
 "Lila, that's not the case-"
 "I'm so-sorry, Alya. I have to go... The video call is about to start and I don't want to talk about this anymore," Lila cried but suddenly hanging up. Alya frowned deeply as she heard silence. She put her phone down and frowned deeply. She didn't know what to think right now. Marinette didn't seem like the type to bully. After all, she knew what it was like to be bullied. Chloe had bullied her for years and Marinette didn't even stand up to her until she met Alya and when it came to jealous... well, Marinette was known to be affected by it but everytime she realized her mistake and came back to reality but Lila wouldn't lie and Marinette did seem to hate her but would she really go as far to threat to take away Lila's friends and bully her? Alya wasn't sure anymore. Lila was such a sweet girl so it made no sense for her to make up stuff about Marinette but it also made no sense for Marinette to bully Lila since she was just as sweet. But if Marinette was bullying Lila... well, Alya couldn't just sit there and do nothing. What if this turned Lila into an akuma? She had already been one and Alya knew how stressful it was. She didn't want to see her friend become Volpina again but she also didn't want to see Marinette become an akuma. What if Marinette wasn't bullying Lila and it was all a massive misunderstanding? Yes, that had to be it. After all, neither girl were capable of been mean. Marinette was probably just stressed out. After all, she did take on a lot by herself so it might be that she is just lashing out. She had snapped at Alya a few times. Yes, that had to be it. Marinette was simply lashing out due to stress and Lila had gone caught in the crossfire. There was no way Marinette was a bully after all. This was just one big misunderstand. She nodded in conclusion but something bugged her. Why would Marinette mention that Lila had threatened her in the bathroom then just the delete the message? Also Lila didn't seem to be one to keep things to herself so why didn't she mention that Marinette had threatened? Well, that could be explained easily. She was clearly frightened. She frowned and sighed to herself. She didn't know what to think.
 "What's wrong with you?" Nora's voice brought her out of her thoughts, making her face her. "You look... torn..."
 "I just found out that Marinette might be a bully..." She muttered, frowning but to her surprise, Nora laughed. "Nora, it isn't funny,"
 "I'm sorry... it's just... Marinette a bully? Really?" She laughed, wiping her eyes. "That girl couldn't hurt a fly. She's way too much of a goodie goodie to do so,"
 "Well, according to Lila, Marinette has been sending her nasty texts for ages, bullying her and threatened her in the bathroom," She replied but she couldn't be feel weird when she said it out loud. Marinette and bully were just two words that didn't go in the same sentence. It just felt wrong to say it. Nora frowned at her little sister's expression.
 "Have you seen the texts?" 
 "No... this is the first time Lila mentioned them,"
 "Ok what was the convo that lead to her telling you?"
 "Well, I phoned her because Marinette sent me a message then deleted it and I wanted answers," She muttered, frowning. 
 "What message?"
 "Well, I was trying to convince her that Lila isn't a liar and that we should both gather proof so we could prove our points," She muttered, frowning. "She ended up saying that she knew Lila was lying because she admitted it when she threatened her in the bathroom. Literally, a few seconds later she deleted it and sent a different message but I had seen it and tried to get her to talk about it. I tried to phone her but it went to voice mail so I phoned Lila and asked her if she had threatened Marinette. Lila then told me that Marinette was lying and Marinette had been the one to threaten her. Lila mentioned the texts as well but it's just not like Marinette. I didn't even know she had Lila's number. I asked Lila when it happened and she told me it happened during our free period on Tuesday and I asked why she didn't tell me. She said she thought I wouldn't believe her because Marinette is my friend and she didn't want to go between us by telling me she's a bully..."
 "This girl only mentioned that Marinette had threatened her after you asked her about her threatening Marinette?" Nora asked, getting a nod of Alya. "Well, that seems odd. Are you sure this Lila girl isn't lying about Marinette?"
 "No, Lila wouldn't lie," Alya stated firmly before frowning. "But Marinette has been saying she's a liar for months. She's even convinced that Lila was the one who got her expelled but she hasn't got any proof that Lila was behind that or that she was even lying. I've tried to get her to give Lila a chance but she just won't have it. She keeps on insisting that she's a liar, despite that she has no proof that she is,"
 "Do you have proof that she isn't?" Nora asked her, making her look at her with surprise. "You say that Marinette has no proof that this Lila girl is a liar but do you have any proof that she is telling the truth?"
 "Well, no... but... Lila wouldn't lie..." Alya muttered, frowning.
 "And would Marinette?"
 "No, of course not!" Alya gasped. "Marinette hates liars but I just don't get why she hates Lila. Lila isn't a liar... what do I do?"
 "Well, right now, it's Lila's word against Marinette's and you can't do much without proof," Nora mumbled, giving Alya an idea.
 "Then I'll get proof! I can prove to Marinette that Lila isn't a liar and help Marinette and her mend the bridge since I think this is one big misunderstanding!" She gasped. "I bet that Lila simply bumped into Marinette in the bathroom and Marinette snapped at her. And since Marinette doesn't want to be friends with Lila, she probably told her so through text and that's what Lila means! And while I'm at it, I'll find who framed Marinette! If I can prove it wasn't Lila then Marinette will see how nice she really is,"
 "I'm not sure that is going to work," Nora muttered. Marinette might not be a bully but she was stubborn and then there was the possibility that Lila wasn't telling the truth. However, her words fell on deaf ears.
 ~Next Day at School~
 "Oh, it's so nice that you want to defend me but it's really not necessary," Lila gasped, making Alya frown a little. She had told her plan to prove to Marinette that Lila isn't the liar she thinks she is. "While I would love to be Marinette's friend, she just doesn't want to be mine. I understand why though. I'm so close to Adrien and so successful in my chosen areas that she is just jealous,"
 "Which I don't get," Alya admitted, making Lila frown. "Well, it's not like Marinette isn't unsuccessful. She is Jagged Stone's personal designer, Mr Agreste personally chose her design for Adrien to wear, she was offered an apprenticeship with the Audrey Bourgeois, her great uncle is a famous chef and she almost got the role of Ladybug in Clara Nightingale's music video! Oh and her parents' business is famous!! I just don't get why she would be jealous of you and if it was the Adrien thing, why isn't she like that with Chloe and Kagami? It's a known fact that both of them have a crush on him and are super close to him,"
 "Well, I didn't want to mention anything but Marinette stole my designs..." Lila frowned, making Alya look at her with shock. "It's part of her way of bullying me,"
 "Lila, there's no way Marinette would ever steal anyone's work," Alya stated, frowning. Her frown deepened as Lila began to cry. "Are you sure it was her? Did you see her? Have you got proof like the original drawings?"
 "I knew you wouldn't believe me," She sniffed. "Just like you didn't believe me about her threatening me!!"
 Alya went to say something but Lila rushed off, crying. Nino frowned as he came over and sat down.
 "Hey, is Lila ok?" He asked, getting Alya to look at him.
 "I don't know..." She muttered, frowning as Mylene and Ivan joined them. "She said that Marinette had threatened her in the bathroom, that she's been bullying her and that Marinette stole Lila's designs but I didn't even know Lila was into fashion design and when I asked her if she was certain it was Marinette and if she had proof, like if she had seen her and had the original drawings, she just said she knew I wouldn't believe her and rushed out..."
 "Maybe you should go check on her," Nino suggested, frowning. Alya nodded and got up before heading towards the bathroom. She was expecting to hear Lila in tears and sobbing her heart out but to her surprise, she heard talking.
 "Oh, Miss Bustier, it's awful!! Marinette's been threatening me for months and now she's trying to take away my friends!! She's turned Alya on me and I fear she'll target everyone else next..." Lila cried, making Alya frown. Had Miss Bustier found her? She waited for the teacher's reply but it didn't come. Instead, Lila stopped crying and giggled to herself. "Of course, she'll buy that. Dumb teacher... Alya will be much harder to convince... hmm... she wanted proof right? Well, I can easily get her proof that Marinette has been sending me terrible texts. Yes, that will work but I better make sure she doesn't try to prove to that goody two shoes that I'm not a liar,"
 Alya covered her mouth as she listened. Lila had no idea that she was there so of course, she was showing her true colors and the worst thing, Marinette had been right. She felt awful and betrayed. Marinette had tried to warn her but she refused to listen. How could she had been so stupid and trusting? She gasped and quickly hid behind one of the lockers as Lila began to leave the bathroom. Even the way she walked was different when she thought she was alone. Gone was the weak, fragile girl and in her place was a bold, confident bitch. The sound of fluttering got Alya's attention as an akuma forced it's way into the locker room. No doubt it was here for her because of the betrayal she felt but hell be damned was she going to give into Hawkmoth. It fluttered closer to her but she focused on positive thoughts. Yes, she had been a fool and had been betrayed and had hurt her friend but she could fix it. She had hope because she knew the truth now and this wasn't a bad thing. It was a good thing. The butterfly fluttered away and went to look for a new victim so Alya glanced around to find a way to contain it as Lila reached the door. However, Lila stopped in her track as she saw the butterfly. Alya thought she was afraid of it until she saw the girl's expression. It wasn't one of fear but one of excitement. A dark smile appeared on Lila's face as she looked at it.
 "Perfect," She muttered, causing Alya took out her phone and began to film as she reached for the akuma, much to Alya's horror. She placed it in one of her bracelets and stood still. Alya held her breathe as she filmed. "Hello again, Hawkmoth,"
 The color drained out of Alya's face as she recorded Lila talking to Hawkmoth as if he was an old friend. She thanked her sense that she filmed this as she realized if she tried to tell anyone, no one would believe her. Lila laughed as she was covered in the classic smoke and transformed into Volpina before she left the classroom. Alya shakily switched the camera to herself.
 "I just saw Lila Rossi willingly take one of Hawkmoth's akumas, greet him like an old friend and transform into Volpina," She stated the date and the time as well and ended the stream before rushing out of the room. Ladybug and Chat Noir were already on the scene so she began to film the fight.
 ~After the Fight~
 "Lila?" Alya called for her as the Italian girl got her things from her locker at the end of the day. The fight had been done quickly so there was no need to retreat home straight. The teachers had asked Lila if she wanted to go home. They offered to call her mother but she had chose not to, stating her mother was busy at work. Alya wondered how much of that true but still, Alya consisted herself a fair person and believed in chances. Lila turned to her and gave her usual smile, only now Alya could see how fake it was.
 "Oh, Alya. I hope I didn't hurt when I was akumatized," She gasped, fake tears in her eyes. "I don't remember what I did,"
 "You didn't hurt me," Alya muttered as she hadn't. "Um... could I have a word with you though?"
 "Of course," Lila smiled as the last of the students left. She continued to pack her bag. "Shall we walk home together?"
 "Oh... it won't take that long," Alya muttered, making Lila frown. "Lila, I know that you lied and I want you to come clear to the class and apolygize to Marinette,"
 "Alya, I don't understand," She gasped, fake tears in her eyes again. "W-Why are you accusing me of lying?"
 "Lila, I know you're lying," She stated, making Lila frown again.
 "Is that what Marinette has told you? She has it out of me. She is bullying me and-"
 "Enough! I know you were lying because I came to check on you during lunch! I heard you practicing talking to Miss Bustier and how you were going to get me 'proof'! I can't believe you would even consider faking texts just to make me turn on Marinette! And worst of all, Lila, I saw you take the akuma willingly!"
 She half expected Lila to make up some excuse or trying and bargain with her but instead, Lila smirked.
 "Who's going to believe you hm?" She asked, crossing her arms. Alya looked at her with surprise. "No one believed Marinette including you so what makes you think they'll believe you over me? I'm Lila Rossi, the kindest, sweetest girl in the school. I volunteer at lots of charities and have disabilities. It's my word against yours, Cesaire and they'll take mine every time,"
 "But you're lying!" Alya gasped, making Lila giggle.
 "Alya, I only tell people what they want to hear," She stated. "It's not my fault that they're dumb enough to believe. After all, you did. Did you really think I knew or even liked Ladybug?"
 Alya looked shocked at Lila's confession.
 "Of course, I don't but you believed me anyway because it was what you wanted to hear, even when your good friend Marinette tried to tell you otherwise," She laughed. "You see people can't resist when they hear what they like to hear,"
 "I'm going to expose you!" Alya gasped but Lila laughed as if it was the funniest thing she had ever heard.
 "You do that and I'll turn everyone against you, just like I did with Marinette," She smirked, making Alya gasp before she suddenly grabbed her arm. "I like you, Alya. Having you around is useful so I'll give you one more chance. You're either with me or against me but mark my words, if you're against me, I will make sure you end up alone and everyone will hate you,"
 She smirked evilly at Alya, who wasn't sure what to do.
 "I hope you make the right choice, Alya," She stated, turning on her heel before putting on her sweet persona. "Ciao, Alya. See you soon,"
 With that, she waved and left, leaving Alya shaking. Marinette had been right all along. With a horrified expression, she realized that Lila had threatened Marinette and that she had never wanted to be Marinette's friend. The truth was Lila hated Marinette, which was why Marinette was acting the way she was. It all made sense now. Alya went from been horrified to righteously outraged. Not only had Lila threatened Marinette but she was also using her friends. Suddenly, those 'compliments' didn't seem like compliments at all. In fact, they were insults disguised as compliments and she didn't even work for any charities. Alya frowned as she had an awful feeling of where the class donations had really gone. No one why Marinette refused to put to. And all the 'chances' Lila had given Marinette. Of course, they weren't real and if they were ones that involved Alya and the rest of the gang... well, before she knew, it looked like Lila would just mention something innocent and Marinette would get wound up about it but now she knew, she realized Lila had sabotaged her attempts every time. Alya shakily took out her phone as she walked out, bringing up Marinette's number. She dialed it but it went straight to voice mail. Panic ran through her mind. Was she too late? Would Marinette forgive her?
 "Mari, it's Alya. Please call me back. We need to talk about Lila so when you get a chance to call me, please do. It's important," She stated, leaving the voicemail message before walking home. Once she got in, she went straight to her room and pulled up the video on her phone. This was her trump card but if she was going to expose Lila, she had to get more then just this. This only proved that she willingly took an akuma but knowing Lila, she would make a sob story out of it. Maybe even try to claim it was fake. No, Alya needed to be clever about this and she also needed to let Ladybug know about it. She jumped as her phone began to ring and saw it was Marinette. She answered it and placed it to her ear. "Marinette-"
 "I will say this one more time, Alya," Marinette gasped, sounding annoyed. "I do not want to be Lila's friends so drop it!"
 "That's not why I called..."
 "You said it was about Lila and I told you I don't want to be friends with her," Marinette replied, making Alya frown. "So what am I suppose to think? And if it's not about Lila, why say it is?"
 "It is about Lila but not for my usual reasons," Alya gasped before sighing. "Marinette.... you were right. Lila is a liar,"
 "Marinette?" Alya gasped, frowning. Again, she didn't answer. "Marinette?!"
 "Hey, Alya right?" A guy's voice answered. She frowned as she recognized it. "Can Marinette phone you back in a few minutes? She needs a moment or two,"
 "Uh... sure but who are you?" She asked but he hung up. She blinked. Who the hell was that? Why did Marinette need a moment or two? She frowned but her phone vibrated again. She looked at it and saw it was Marinette. She answered it. "Marinette?"
 "Yeah... uh sorry about that, Alya. You kind of shocked me," She muttered, making Alya frown. "Did you really say I was right?"
 "Yeah..." She muttered, looking down before taking a breathe. "I am so sorry, Marinette. I know now that Lila is a liar but I shouldn't have pressed you either. God, I have been an awful friend,"
 "You must hate me so much but I don't blame you-"
 "I was awful. I believed Lila and tried to get you to be friends with her! Even when you tried to warn me, I demanded you get proof that she was lying! But I'm suppose to be the reporter! I should have fact checked! Oh, god! She really did frame you!!"
 "Alya!!" Marinette shouted, making the reporter go quiet. She blinked as Marinette took a deep breathe.
 "C-Can you forgive me?"
 "I... I can, Alya but it will take time," Marinette stated, getting a good of the girl even if she couldn't see. "I get why you believed her. Sure, it hurt that you didn't believe me but I do understand why you believed her,"
 "Really?" Alya gasped, surprised.
 "Yeah," Marinette confirmed. "For one, I never told you the full story about how I knew that she was lying or that she had threatened me. Plus with how our class is and the way Paris is, her stories didn't seem so outlandish and if I didn't know for certain, I would have believed her too,"
 "How did you know?" Alya asked, making Marinette sigh. "I remember you telling me and Nino that you saw her talking to Adrien but you didn't actually say how you knew,"
 "If you have to know, I saw Ladybug calling Lila out on her lies," Marinette sighed. "But I'm more interested in how you found out..."
 Alya sighed and then told Marinette everything. From last night's conversation to Lila threatening her after school and everything in between. Marinette listened to everything. 
 "She really is a monster and I can't believe I fell for her lies," Alya sighed, shaking her head. "And I don't know what to do. I can't just sit back and let her continue, especially now I know that she's a liar and willingly took an akuma but knowing how she is, she'll spin it and make it look like she had no choice but to be akumatized..."
 "Alya, you're a reporter right?" The guy's voice returned, making Alya frown. She forget he was there. "So collect evidence against her,"
 "And how do I do that, whoever you are?"Alya replied but both the guy and Marinette giggled.
 "Alya, it's Luka," Marinette stated. That explained why he seemed familiar but since when had Marinette start to hang out with Luka. "Also we can do it together. We need to meet up, write down her lies and expose them. This can be a way to work on our friendship and screw what Adrien said,"
 "Adrien?" Alya questioned, confused.
 "Oh right. You don't know," Marinette answered. "Adrien knows that Lila is lying but advised me to take the high road. He said it didn't matter if she was lying as we both knew she was and her lies weren't hurting anyone,"
 "He what?!" Alya gasped, angered then she realized that Marinette did actually stop calling Lila out of her lies. Until recently that was. "You followed his advice, didn't you?"
 "For a little while, yes but Luka helped me realize that he was wrong," Marinette replied. "As for the video you mentioned of Lila taking an akuma willingly, you should try and inform Ladybug. I'm sure she'll answer if you put out an emergency post on your blog,"
 "That's a great idea, Marinette," Alya gasped, smiling before frowning. "But what about exposing her?"
 "Well, it's Saturday tomorrow so let's meet up and make a plan," Marinette suggested. "Luka can join us as well,"
 "Sure," Alya agreed, feeling a lot better. Lila would not win this time. "So tomorrow outside the bakery at 12pm?"
 "Sure, we'll see you then," Marinette agreed before hanging up. Alya instantly put down her phone and logged onto her blog. She posted a quick blog, calling for Ladybug and stating that her blog was going to be under a review. Once that was posted, she went to the Lila interviews. She added a warning at the beginning, stating that these were nothing but lies and at the time of them been posted, she had believed it was truth, along with an apology. She knew Lila would try and deny that she had said anything and may even try to claim that it was planned. She played it and began to write down every lie in the interview. She was knocked out her thoughts as someone knocked on her window. She walked over and opened it, letting Ladybug in and to her surprise, Viperion joined her.
 "We got your message," Ladybug stated as Alya stared at the two heroes in awe. "Alya?"
 "Sorry... it's just... Ladybug and Viperion!!" She grinned before shaking her head. She grabbed her phone and held it up. "Firstly, thank you for coming so quickly and secondly, I think you really need to see this,"
 With that, she played the video. The two heroes frowned as they watched it. Alya felt sick watching it again before the two heroes frowned when it finished.
 "Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Alya," Viperion stated as Ladybug nodded in agreement.
 "I've known for a while that Miss Rossi is a liar and that she teamed up with an akuma to take me down but I've had no solid proof until now. Can you send me the video?" Ladybug asked, taking out her yoyo. Alya sent it to it. "I will have to get in touch with the police and see what they can do but this should be enough proof that Miss Rossi is dangerous-"
 "Not so fast, Ladybug," Alya gasped, making the heroes look at her. Viperion rose an eyebrow at her. "Lila is very clever and I know she'll spin this to look like she's the victim. Not just that but this only proves that she willingly took an akuma. She could easily claim that Hawkmoth threatened her beforehand and people will believe her..."
 "She has a point, Bug," Viperion pointed out, making the spotted heroine nod before he looked at her. "I take it you have an idea,"
 "My whole class think she's a sweet heart and that my friend Marinette is jealous of her. Lila tried to claim that Marinette had been bullying her to me and I'm not sure who else she has told. The class needs to know that Lila isn't who she said she is. She threatened and framed Marinette and she's threatened me.; I tried to give her a chance to do the right thing and she basically laughed in my face and then threatened me," Alya admitted. "The thing is if she lied about been your friend and Marinette... then what else has she lied about?"
 "A good point..." Ladybug agreed. "I can't hold this from the police for long but if you were to expose her then she would probably be akumatized again... it would be best if we were there..."
 "She will probably try and go for an akuma too. More proof that she is working with Hawkmoth," Viperion agreed before looking at Alya. "How quickly do you think you can get evidence? The sooner we get her in custody, the better,"
 "Well, I think I can get a good amount through the weekend," She stated, getting a nod of the superheroes. The two went to leave the room but Alya gently grabbed Ladybug's arm. Ladybug turned and faced, frowning a little as Alya let go of her arm and looked down, playing with her hands. "I'm sorry, Ladybug... I should have checked with you if that interview was correct and never had posted it... god, I'm such a fool. I hope you can forgive me,"
 "Alya, I accept the apology, Alya but it will take time to earn back my trust," She stated, getting a nod of the reporter. "But you are starting to and I should have come to you to explain that Lila was lying so I hope in turn you can accept my apology,"
 "Ladybug!!" Alya gasped, tears in her eyes. "Of course! You're not the one at fault! I'm the fool an-"
 "And I should have come to you as soon as that aired but I didn't," Ladybug sighed before smiling. "But we can both work on been better. Come on, Viper. We better leave Alya to it,"
 "R-Right," Viperion nodded but Alya could see the look in his eyes as he watched her. It was one of pure love, devotion and respect. A look that she had never seen in Cat Noir's eyes. The look in his eyes wasn't bad but seeing how Viperion looked at Ladybug, Alya realized the way Cat looked at her was one of lust and wanting, not love and devotion. Viperion smiled and waved at Alya before following Ladybug out the window. Alya walked over to the window and closed it before logging back onto her laptop and began to work on collecting evidence. 
 ~Next Day~
 "So what have you got so far?" Marinette asked as she slipped her drink. Alya, however, was looking around, confused as to why they were sat in the restaurant area of the Grand Paris hotel. Marinette wouldn't be seen dead in here right? And surely, Chloe would have come down by now and demanded they leave. "Alya?"
 "Oh right...  well, it was a lot harder then I realized but I managed to drag up some of her past," Alya muttered, taking out a file and handing to Marinette, who opened it. "It's not pretty,"
 Marinette's eyes widen as she read over it before handing it to Luka. His eyes flicked across the page, frowning as he took in the information. Alya bit her lip as she watched his reaction. When she had come across it, she felt worst then before. 
 "Luka?" Marinette asked, gently as he closed the file and slid it back to Alya. He looked calm but then she noticed his hand shaking. She may not know him as well as Marinette did but she did know he normally had steady hands. She looked up into his eyes and noticed they were burning with rage but he was doing his best to control it. An akuma would not help the situation. Marinette gently placed her hand over his. "You ok?"
 "Yeah... I just..." He muttered, frowning. "We need to take her down permanently and I think we're gonna need a lot more then just us three,"
 "I'll text Chloe," Marinette muttered, taking out her phone. Alya blinked. Since when was Marinette friends with Chloe. Clearly, she had missed a lot.
 "I was able to get in contact with Ladybug last night," Alya mumbled. "She has the video of Lila taking the akuma and I think they want to take her down on Monday. She also admitted that she didn't know Lila,"
 She suddenly snapped her fingers and frown.
 "Alya?" Marinette asked, putting down her phone.
 "I should have got it on film," She muttered, causing both of them to frown.
 "Well, I'll get Ladybug to drop by again tonight," Marinette stated, making Alya look at her in surprise. "Alya, I was able to get her to give you that interview remember?"
 "Good point," Alya nodded as Chloe and Sabrina walked into the restaurant. They looked around before spotting them and walked over. Alya felt weird as she and Chloe weren't friends but Marinette jumped up and greeted her. To her surprise, Chloe greeted her back and even smiled before the two girls sat down. Marinette returned to her seat as Chloe blinked and looked at Alya.
 "Marinette?" She asked, concern in her voice.
 "Alya knows and has apologized," She stated, getting a nod of Chloe. Alya, however, was still shocked of Chloe been nice. "We're planning to expose Lila and Alya found some really interesting information that you might be interested in reading,"
 Marinette nodded at Alya who cautiously slid the file over to Chloe and Sabrina. Chloe read through it and narrowed her eyes before handing it to Sabrina, who cupped her mouth in shock as she read it.
 "Oh my god," She gasped, closing the file and pushing it back to Alya. Chloe looked at Alya with a hard to read expression.
 "You found this?" She asked. Alya nodded. "And you checked to see if it was real?"
 "I tracked down everything I could and even contacted some of the people involved. The comments you read were them telling me the story. They were more then happy to tell me when I told them that Lila was up to her usual tricks," Alya confirmed. "I also checked the sites it was reported on were legit sources. Trust me, I've learnt my lesson regarding fact checking,"
 "Good," Chloe stated before smiling. "Welcome to the Marinette protection squad. Now Kagami is working on changing Adrien's mind but I'll tell her to speed it up since we are taking her down on Monday. Now because I am amazing and hated Rossi for a long time, I have obviously dug up dirt on her and was able to get in contact with certain celebrities who she claimed to know. I have their statements but told them to resist suing her for now. However, if we are all in agreement, I will get in contact with them and have them informed of our plan and tell them to have their lawyers ready with the papers to sue her on Monday as well as video evidence of them not knowing her. Sound good?"
 "That sounds great, Chloe," Marinette smiled. "I'll get Ladybug to drop by yours tonight, Alya and you can film her stating that Lila is not her friend,"
 "Yep," She mumbled before looking at Luka, who seemed to be the only person who didn't have a job. "What are you going to do?"
 "I'm the emotional support musician," He deadpanned, causing everyone to laugh including himself. "Also I have talked to Penny and Jagged about Lila. I messaged this morning and Penny is more then happy to help us take down the liar and Jagged been Jagged insisted on coming to the school to personally deliver... as he put... the rock and roll justice that the little liar creature deserves. Mum also wants to join in as Juleka has been affected by Lila's lies. I don't know if anyone else but Marinette knows but my sister is now in therapy again, thanks to Lila. Jules has always had problems with her weight and how she views it and Lila convinced her that if she wanted to be a model, she needed to weight and gave her "tips" on how to do that. Thanks to her, Jules is back to been anorexic and was briefly hospitalized for it,"
 "Is that why she wasn't in school for a week?"
 "Mum gave her a week off. She was only in hospital for a couple of days but we agreed to give her some time before returning her to the school and we got her one of the best therapists that specializes in anorexia and other eating disorder, thanks to Jagged," Luka sighed, making Chloe and Alya frown. "I'm pretty certain that's why he wants to come to the school as well. Oh and we've been talking to our lawyers. We're suing her for Personal Injury,"
 "You got good lawyers?" Chloe asked, getting a nod of Luka.
 "Jagged provided his, who will also be suing her on behalf of Jagged and Marinette too," Luka explained, making Alya raise an eyebrow. "Problem?"
 "Oh, not at all," She gasped, holding up her hands in defense. Luka relaxed his shoulders a little. "I was just wondering how you knew Jagged so well and why he was willing to give your family his lawyers but if you don't want to tell me, I get it,"
 "He's my father," Luka stated, shocking Alya.
 "He's your what?!" She gasped, completely shocked. Marinette giggled slightly as she had a similar reaction. "Is he Juleka's dad as well?"
 "Oh no," He stated, rubbing his neck a little. "Technically, I'm Juleka's half brother as we have different fathers but that doesn't matter to me and Jagged has basically adopted her as his own anyway,"
 "Wait... are your mum and Jagged... back together?" Alya asked, eyeing him up.
 "Oh, god no!" Luka gasped, shaking his head. "No, they're just friends and Jagged is trying to be a 'better' father to me and decided that my sister is basically his honary daughter like how Marinette is his honorary niece,"
 "Well..." Alya mumbled, nodding before looking at everyone. "It's great that we have Jagged on our side then and I really hope Juleka will be ok,"
 "She's getting there," Luka nodded before returning back to the business at hand. "But with all of this information, we have and the new bits Alya has brought to us,"
 "Plus the video of her working with Hawkmoth," Marinette added.
 "And all of the celebrities testimony that they don't know her," Chloe nodded before clicking her fingers. "Oh while I remember. Sabrina!"
 "I got access to her mother's number and had a lovely chat with her," Sabrina declared, taking out her phone. "I simply asked her about any possibly disabilities, illnesses or allergens Lila has as I do with all the parents when Chloe is planning to throw a party as we want to make sure our guests are safe and we are prepared for anything, giving that Chloe is the mayor's daughter who runs the best hotel in Paris. We don't want a terrible incidence such as someone been unable to come due to a disability. As it turns out, Mrs Rossi confirmed that Lila didn't have any. No tinnitus, no arthritis in her wrists, no known allergic reactions. She is as fit as a fiddle. I also asked questions regarding akumas again for the mayor's and Chloe's safety and asked Mrs Rossi if Lila was known to have an akuma form or triggers. According to her, Lila has never been akumatized and I quote 'if those incompetent heroes were able to deal with akumas better then you wouldn't have to ask these questions, Lila's school would have been opened sooner and Paris would be safe'. I asked to explain farther as I had to be certain what she meant and she explained that our school had been closed for the three months Lila told our class, and I'm guessing Mr Damocles, that she was in the kingdom of Achu,"
 "Did you tell Mrs Rossi the truth?" Marinette asked, concerned but Sabrina shook her head.
 "I simply thanked her for giving me the information I needed," Sabrina smiled, getting a nod of approval from Chloe.
 "It's a shame we don't have a recording of it," Alya sighed but Sabrina laughed.
 "Of course, I have a recording of it and it can be used in a legal court as I had Mrs Rossi's permission to record in case anyone tried to blame the mayor for something," She stated, impressing everyone. "I double checked with Dad to make sure,"
 "Good work, Sabrina," Marinette grinned, making the smaller girl smile.
 "Me and Chloe also got Mr Damocles update the information for Mrs Rossi at the school," Sabrina explained, getting a nod of approval from Alya.
 "With all this evidence, there's no way Lila can get away with this," Alya gasped but Luka was frowning.
 "But she could still blame Marinette or you for it," He muttered, making everyone frown. "We need one more bit,"
 "Go on," Chloe stated.
 "Well, this is going to be really hard for everyone to swallow, especially since Lila has convinced everyone that she is innocent and Marinette has been tormenting her," He stated, making everyone frown. "Well, if we had proof that it's the other way around then it would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak,"
 "We need CCTV," Alya muttered, making everyone look at her. "From the day Marinette was expelled. There's cameras everywhere, apart from the toilets for obvious reason but there are ones in the locker rooms, pointing towards the lockers. There are blind spots if you know where they are but not when it comes to the lockers as they were installed to prevent thieves, meaning that Lila was probably caught on camera putting her necklace in Marinette's locker,"
 "It would also show if she really was pushed," Sabrina stated, getting a nod of everyone. "But how do we get it?"
 "We can't," Marinette sighed, looking down. Everyone sighed as well but Alya had an idea and snapped her fingers.
 "But Ladybug can!" She gasped, making everyone look at her. "She can use the fact that there was a mass akuma attack that day as reason to look at the CCTV. I can suggest it to her tonight,"
 "Alya, that's brilliant!" Marinette gasped, making the reporter smile.
 ~Monday aka Take Down Lila Day~
 "I'm nervous," Marinette muttered as she walked with Alya and Chloe. She had managed to secure the CCTV footage and gave it to Luka, who would be making an appearance as Viperion. She had also given Chloe the bee miraculous as a back up to buy her time to transform. They were all certain that Lila was going to be akumatized or at least try to be. Jagged was already on his way with Penny and his lawyer and Sabrina's father was also on his way. He had an interesting conversation with Viperion and Ladybug early that morning about Miss Rossi and had been shown the video. Mrs Rossi was also on her way to the school and she should be arriving round about the same time as Roger. Marinette nodded to Alya and Chloe who had gotten up and walked over to Miss Bustier.
 "Miss Bustier, we have something extremely important to share with the class," Alya stated, making the teacher frown. Everyone was there and it was all ready.
 "I'm sorry, girls but could this wait til later?" Miss Bustier frowned. "I have to teach my lesson. Please take a seat,"
 "I don't think my daddy will like that," Chloe stated, making Miss Bustier frown.
 "But I really have to do my lesson," She gasped but Chloe ignored her and pressed the call button as Marinette's phone vibrated. She looked at it.
 FangtasicJazzman: I'm here with Roger and Mrs Rossi. We've just grabbed Mr Damocles and heading to your class. Get ready for trouble and not the good kind
 Marinette looked up for her phone as Miss Bustier tried to convince Chloe to hang up and did a slight nod, signalling to Alya that it's about to begin. A few seconds later, the door opened and Viperion walked in, followed by Officer Roger, Mr Damocles and Mrs Rossi. Lila gasped and stood up in surprise as she saw her mother.
 "Mama, what are you doing here?" She gasped, surprised. The woman walked over to her.
 "I was invited to the school," She stated, rising an eyebrow as Viperion walked over to Alya and handed her a memory stick. She nodded in return. "Apparently, this young hero has something that he needs to share with the police, myself and the school, which is concerning,"
 "Extremely," Viperion agreed. "Miss Bustier, I suggest you allow Miss Cesaire to talk to your class,"
 "Um of course," She mumbled as Alya placed the memory stick that Viperion gave her into the computer and put a second one in the port below it before grabbing the remote and pressing the button. She brought up the video of Lila accepting the akuma and played it, shocking the class. Of course, Lila started to cry and sob in terror as the class looked at her.
 "I'm s-so sorry but I didn't have a choice," She sniffed, trying to get the snake hero on her side. "H-He threatened my mama, saying he would hurt her if I didn't accept his akuma,"
 "We thought you might try that," Viperion stated, surprising everyone with his harsh tone. 
 "You heard, Lila!" Kim gasped, standing up. "She's the victim here!"
 "Mr Chiến Lê, Lila Rossi is a known liar," Viperion stated, making everyone gasp. "And a danger to everyone in Paris
 "Mr Viperion, as much as I respect you as a superhero, you can't go accusing students of been a liar and a danger,"
 "Yes, my bambina would never hurt a soul," Mrs Rossi argued, hugging her daughter to her. Viperion didn't miss the wicked smirk the girl shot him when she thought no one else was listening.
 "Then it's a good job we have proof, isn't it?" He stated, amused by the color that drained out of her face. "Miss Rossi has actively been threatening two of the students in this class, sexually harassed another, placed another student's life in danger, has committed truancy and fraud. She has been lying about pretty much everything she has said since she came here. She does not know Ladybug, Prince Ali, Clara Nightingale or Jagged Stone. She has never been to the kingdom of Achu and the school was never closed any longer then one day during akuma attacks, she has been akumatized four times. Once as Chameleon, thrice as Volpina, she framed a fellow student which resulted in their expulsion, humiliation and a mass akuma attack so yes, I do consider her a threat and yes, I have proof of all of this. Miss Cesaire, can you play the videos please?"
 "Of course, Viperion," She nodded before bringing up the multiple videos and statements that Chloe had provided. All of them were of the celebrities denying any knowledge of Lila Rossi. He smirked as the Ladyblog one came on.
 "Thank you so much for agreeing to this Ladybug,"
 "No problem, Alya," She smiled. "I'm glad we can finally address this issue but before we do, I'd like to apologize. I should have addressed it sooner,"
 "I shouldn't have believed it either,"
 "We're both in the wrong," Ladybug sighed before looking directing at the camera. "My name is Ladybug and I'm here today to put an end to a rumor that has been told about me. According to one Lila Rossi, I am her best friend and we are like this,"
 She held up her fingers to the camera.
 "Well, I hate to break it to you but we're not like this," She stated. "Actually, Lila and I have never been friends and the first time I met her was because she lied about me to a boy. I just happened to be passing and heard her stating that she was my best friend, that I saved her life and that she was the descendant of the fox hero. Admittedly, I could handled the situation better but I came to her and called her out on her lies, declaring that we were never friends. She was akumatized into Volpina that day and yes that was my fault. I tried to apologize to her but she refused to forgive me and allowed her anger to fester. She went on to be akumatized three more times. The rest why I state this is because I stayed quiet for too long and I suspect that she might try and say that the reason why I'm denying our "friendship" is to protect her but I will state this here and now. I have never known Lila Rossi in or out of the mask. I am not stating this to protect her because until that day, I had no idea she even existed and I would also like to add that she hates me with a passion. To the point where she tricked Chat Noir into thinking she was hurt, leaving me with the akuma Oni-Chan who she had convinced to try and kill me,"
 Everyone gasped at that as the video came to a stop. Lila began to cry again.
 "O-Oni-Chan threatened me," She gasped, making Viperion and Alya roll their eyes as someone knocked on the classroom door. Viperion answered it and let Jagged in. Lila's eyes widen in surprise as he shook the hero's hand and was followed by two women. One she recognized as Penny but she had no idea who the other was. Viperion turned to them.
 "Mr Stone, do you know this girl?" He asked as she instantly went back to the tears, hoping to make the rockstar feel bad for her.
 "Never seen her in my life,"
 "I should hope not," Mrs Rossi stated, glaring at him.
 "So you never wrote a song about her and she never saved your cat?"
 "Why are you targeting me?" She wailed but Jagged shook his head and explained that he never had a cat in his life as he was loyal to fang and that the only women he wrote about was Ladybug, his ex girlfriend and Penny. "Why?!"
 "Mr Viperion, is this necessary?" Mr Damocles asked, looking around nervously. "Lila is sick-"
 "About that," Alya stated, getting everyone's attention. "We have proof that she lied about that too,"
 With that, she played the phone call between Mrs Rossi and Sabrina. Lila blinked at surprise as the faces of her peers and teachers started to become angry. She knew she had to win them back so she did what she did best.
 "M-Marinette is behind this!!" She gasped, pointing at her. "S-She's using this poor superhero and Alya to get revenge for me telling the truth about her bullying me. She's trying to break me! All of this is a frame up!!"
 However, no one said anything as Alya had put on the most shocking bit of evidence. The multiple news articles that stated about a student who had killed themselves after been bullied by Lila. They had been through the same thing as Marinette and in the end couldn't handle it. Lila turned around and gasped.
 "T-That wasn't my fault!!" She gasped, looking at everyone. "She didn't kill herself because of me! She was a bully too!! Just like Marinette! She threatened me in the bathroom, stating that she would take away all of my friends!! And now she's gotten a hero in on it!"
 Mrs Rossi went to say something but stopped the moment Alya played the CCTV. It showed Lila planting the answer sheet in Marinette's bag, breaking into her locker and planting the necklace and finally walking down the stairs and pretending to have been pushed. Lila's face paled as she watched. The teachers and the class looked at her.
 "I'd like to add that Lila threatened me in the locker room when I tried to give her a chance to come clean and apologize to Marinette," Alya stated. Lila went to argue but Alya played the footage of that. "She also admitted that she had threatened Marinette but that we don't have video proof off,"
 "Y-You can't use any of that anyway!!" Lila gasped. "You don't have my permission to be on camera and you don't have my mama's permission to use that voice recording!!"
 "Actually, we can and we will," Viperion stated as the unknown woman walked up to her.
 "Lila Rossi, you have been served," She stated, placing the papers in her mother's hands. 
 "Also you are under-arrest for multiple charges of harassment, Truancy, personal endangerment, defamation, stalking and working with a known terrorist-" Officer Roger stated as her mother read through the papers, covering her mouth as she did. However, an akuma fluttered into the room and Lila made a dive for it. Her eyes were widen in glee and her hand was reached out but before she could do anything, Viperion's lyre slammed against her head, knocking her out cold and Chloe trapped the akuma in a jar, which she handed to Viperion. Mrs Rossi stared in horror as Officer Roger lifted the girl up and brought her outside. Viperion turned to Mrs Rossi.
 "I highly recommend you get a good lawyer, Mrs Rossi," He stated, making her frown. "I'm sure there will be a lot more papers then just that,"
 "Viperion is right," Adrien stated, looking at the woman coldly as a gentleman in a suit came in.
 "Mrs Rossi I assume?" He asked. She nodded and he handed her more papers. "These are the termination papers for Miss Rossi' contract and these are the papers on behalf of r Adrien Agreste. Your daughter is been sued for sexual harassment, physical harassment and stalking. This is the paperwork for the restraining order. The terms of it are included and I highly recommend your daughter follows them. We will see you in court,"
 With that, he turned on his heel and faced Miss Bustier. He handed her and Mr Damocles some papers as well.
 "You are both been sued for negligence," He stated, nodding to her before turning to Jagged's lawyer. "I would recommend your clients suing these two for negligence as well,"
 "Yes, we're already on that," She stated, shaking his hand. Mrs Rossi ran out of the class and everyone else left. Marinette couldn't help but smile as the class began to ask for her forgiveness. Life was good and Lila was finally gone. She shot a smile towards Alya and Chloe before asking to be excused. Miss Bustier just nodded and Marinette walked out. Once out of shot, she transformed and found Viperion waiting for her. She purified the butterfly and smiled for the first time in ages.
 "Well, that went better then I was expecting,"
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jungwon-crush · 3 years
(1) home - enhypen
(listening to the song while reading the chapter is recommended~)
rolling green hills stood before me. i closed my eyes as i laid on the wet grass that dampened my hair, while cool breeze flew around my figure. i should appreciate this type of weather since winter is starting to approach, i thought to myself. i want to laze in autumn forever.
"byeooolll!!! byeol byeol byeol byeol byeol!!!!" a nasally voice exclaimed. i internally sighed at the call of my name. there goes my relaxation time.
i stood up from my position, whilst the setting sun gazed at me, and began to search for a hiding spot. i need to at least give him a hard time looking for me, as compensation for ruining my moments of being alone. i barely get the chance to be by myself in nature.
as i looked around, i finally found a shrub to conceal myself in. so, as quietly as i could, i made my way to the bush.
i attempted to place myself inside it, forgetting the fact that i was a complete eighteen year old.
"owww!" i quietly screamed to myself. even though i wore a lengthy brown skirt, i somehow managed to get pricked by a thorn on my right knee. i guess my kilt moved around a lot while i was trying to adjust my stance.
unanticipatedly, the same voice that yelled my name just a short time ago appeared behind me.
"wh-what are you trying to do? imagine being so stupi-"
"shut up, jungwon!" i turned around to see the boy staring at my situation. his two hands covered his mouth, as if he was struggling to hold in his laughter.
"i hope you know that you look like a cat stuck in a tree. except you're a really big cat and that's a very small tree." he giggled.
"oh, be quiet! if anything, you're the cat. now, get me out of here!"
to be honest, i did not need much assistance. i was just in the mood to bother the boy who kept snickering at my condition.
he sighed at my request. nonetheless, he continued to move towards me. his hands found his way to my waist, while i placed my own hands onto his shoulders to steady myself as he lifted me off the hedge. he then placed me back onto the moist grass that i was previously laying on.
once he let go of my frame, i started to dust off my skirt and shake off the coarse leaves on it. i suppose jungwon took that as a cue, because he began to brush the strands of grass out of my braided hair.
with a hue of pink spread on his cheeks, jungwon complained, "and you wonder why others assume that i am older than you! i really do need to stop babying you.."
i crossed my arms and stuck my tongue at him. in return, he mirrored my actions and ruffled my hair.
"it's already sunset, byeol. we should go back home before it gets dark." jungwon said as he forcibly took my hand and led me out of the plain.
i rolled my eyes, "i thought you said that you needed to stop babying me? come on wonnie, please let me stay here a little longer! you can go back home by yourself so heeseung doesn't get worried."
"i'm not leaving you alone in this area. why were you not at your house in the first place? everyone's noticed that lately, after school, you always seem to be out. these days, i constantly look out my window and expect you to be in your usual spot in the living room, but you're never there."
i tugged at the long sleeve of his button shirt, "i don't wanna talk about it, how'd you know i was in the pasture anyways?"
"jake told me he saw you coming here after he finished his classes, he sounded concerned so i came to look for you. and talking about it helps, you know that. i've never allowed you to bottle up your emotions, i've listened to every single word you've uttered since we were kids." jungwon glanced at me with hope written in his luminous eyes.
"i hate how persistent you are. are you like this around other people too? you should take care of yourself too, wonnie."
"don't change the subject. let it out, byeol."
when it comes to yang jungwon, i can never resist.
i huffed into the air, "my dad... he... he  told me he'd return to lutton last saturday, and now it's thursday a week later yet he's not back. he sent me a letter saying that he's still in the city, his boss asked him to work for an extra amount of days there."
"mr. sun's gone again?" jungwon questioned. he moved closer to me in order to put his left arm around my shoulders. i realized that he does this a lot, especially when he notices that someone is under stress.
"mhm," i replied dismally, "i don't blame you for not noticing though, whether he's in lutton or not, he's barely at home. i think we all know that ever since my mom died 6 years ago, my dad avoids staying at the house for too long because our place is filled with memories of her."
"he's been coping like that for too long, when will he come to his senses? does he ever consider the fact that his daughter has been going through a hard time too?" he commented as they reached a district near their neighborhood.
"wonnie, you know his excuse. he always pulls the 'i work hard because of you' card. i can't even argue with him about the issue because, like i said, he's never home. i just want to distract myself from him because this matter has been getting to me a lot. so, recently i've been wandering outside our community. i don't want to disturb you guys with my troubles as well. i don't like seeing you lot get constantly frustrated over my issues."
jungwon grumbled, "byeol, suddenly dissappearing makes us fuss more. we share our problems, remember? whether they're big or small - when niki's bike got stolen it wasn't only him who went looking for it. all of us put effort into finding out who robbed it. we all know that your father's always been... something else, which is why we're here for you. anyways, forget him, have you been sleeping alone? what have you been eating for dinner? most importantly, are you doing your homew-"
the moment those questions left his mouth, i immediately put my hands over his lips. "everytime i mention my dad being gone in a conversation, you start nagging! sometimes i wish you would stop talking."
jungwon let out a muffled,"im gonna lick you." accordingly, i placed my hands back to my side again.
the boy annoyingly flashed his middle finger towards my direction. however, he quickly stopped due to an old lady passing by who gave him a judgemental glare.
it was hard to hold in a sneer.
he hurriedly picked up the discussion again while he scratched the back of his neck, "you still didn't answer my questions."
"i've been surviving on instant noodles and spam."
"heeseung would approve, but i don't. so, you're gonna eat with us at sunghoon's tonight."
"i'm not gonna oppose that, sunghoon's mom makes the best carbona." my stomach rumbled at the thought of pasta.
jungwon screeched as a response, "i know right! and the garlic bread she makes too? she's a five star michelin in my eyes."
i nodded my head in agreement. we were nearing our vicinity already.
"moving on, what about sleep and homework, byeol?"
"i sleep just fine. i'll probably ask sunoo to stay over tonight though to help me with homework. thank god we're both in the same class this year."
i glimpsed at jungwon to see his reaction, but instead of wearing an accepting look, his brows were furrowed and he looked... displeased?
"i bet sunoo hasn't even done the homework, after school today he went to niki's house straight away. all they do is just watch recorded shows - i can help you instead." he suggested.
"trust me, sunoo did the work."
at this sentence, jungwon's tone became a bit more aggrivated, "how would you know?"
"he did the assignment in our study period while i was sleeping. i saw him finish it when i woke up. he sits directly in front of me, conveniant, isn't it?" i grinned.
jungwon answered with a disheartened mumble, "fine, byeol, you do you."
why's he so irritated about sunoo doing homework for once? i wondered, isn't it a good thing that he's finally starting to put effort in school?
due to me spacing out, i did not register that jungwon and i already arrived at our neighborhood.
after bidding goodbyes (the goodbyes being another lecture of how to take care of myself from jungwon because i am already a legal adult), jungwon reminded me to go to sunghoon's house for dinner. he was about to unlock his front door until i ran up to him and pulled his form into my arms.
his arms went stiff for a while, but they ended up finding a way around my lower back - like they always do. he placed his chin above my head, this way i was in the perfect position to nestle in his chest.
"in all seriousness though, thank you wonnie. for always taking care of me." i whispered.
he clicked his tongue, "there's no need to thank me, byeol. i know by now that my prescence is a blessing."
i chuckled while he played with my  tangled hair underneath the nightfall. his fingers intertwined between the locks, then he released me.
he gently pushed me using his shoulder and said, "now go change for dinner."
taglist: @wonwobbles 
a/n: hiii first chap!!! i kinda hate how i wrote this so i'll probably redo it when im free again djdjdj. anyways the rest of the characters will be introduced in the next chap <3
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yanderepuck · 3 years
please don't hurt yourself. if it would help distract you i would love to hear about your ocs and their interactions with each other/the residents. I know you've already done so many, but they are always so interesting to hear.
I fell asleep like minutes before this. But I can never pass an opportunity to talk about my OCs.
Oddly enough I had a dream about Nicoleta last night.
But I don't think I've ever talked about Nadya. Mainly bc she has a vv tragic backstory. A good bit of my OCs come from dreams that I've had, and I wake up like I LOVE THAT IDEA. With Nadya I know she was in a dream, but I wish I knew wtf I did before going to sleep bc of all the shit that happened
Nadya is a werecat. She is what I call a Dimidium or a Dimidietas to be more specific. She has animal and human traits and the animal she represents is a Snow Leopard. She has fur covering parts of her body, but if she is fully clothed, besides her tail and ears she looks human. But she does have cat eyes and long claws.
When she was little she made friends with a human named Enzo. now Humans and Dimidiums don't really get along. Humans see them as lessers since they are part animal and treat them as such.
But Enzo just saw her as another kid and wanted to be friends with her and to play. But as they got older they drifted apart because he had more responsibilities for his village.
Side note: they live in snowy mountains and its roughly 10th century
They went two years without seeing each other. and when they did meet back up Nadya kissed him. Enzo knew this was bad, and that he can't be seen around her, but turned out he had feelings for her too.
They started meeting up again nearly everyday after that. Then Nadya came up with the idea of her moving in with Enzo in the village. Obvs that isn't a good idea. But they were both turning 18 soon, and Enzo was expected to get married and start a family. Nadya explained that she can trim the fur on her tail and body, and she was sure she could somehow hide her ears. But even doing that, there were still her eyes, her cat eyes.
Well, they made it work and even got married. They got their own place which made it easier on Nadya. She didn't always have to wear something on her head to hide her ears, or have to be ontop of trimming her fur. Normally she would hunt for herself, but instead she was in charge of cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. She stayed inside most days and couldn’t even bring up the idea of going hunting with Enzo. This didn’t bother her at first, but as years went by it was eating at her that she couldn’t do anything.
After 10 years of being married and Nadya not aging, she was becoming unhappy. She realized she can't live around humans. She brought up the idea of him being turned into a dimidium, (it is similar to the werewolf lore of getting bit and getting turned) but he wasn't sure if he wanted that.
As one can guess this broke her heart, he asked her if he could thinking about it, but she ended up leaving in the middle of the night. She went farther into the mountains than she ever did more, questioning if he ever even loved her. She was willing to do whatever she could to be with him, but he wouldn't do that same?
She should have known better than to get lost in her thoughts when she didn't know the area, she ended up getting stuck in a trap.
more in the undercut bc there are mentions of SA
The man who trapped her kept her drugged so she couldn't use her full strength. He kept her nails short so that she couldn't cut him. He kept her chained to the wall on a leash so there was no way she would be able to leave.
She refused to break and kept fighting him. He told her that he's now her master and she's his slave, but there was no way she was going to let that happened.
Everytime she tried to attack him, he would beat her. She refused to give up, but with being drugged it didn't take much to take her down. She threatens to kill him and she just gets pulled by her hair and beat more.
She wouldn't take any of his shit and always tried to fight back, until the day he violated her. She still didn't give up, but that day she realized what he was really capable of.
It was like that everyday for 8 months. She sat in a dark unlit room, naked, with only small beams of light coming through the cracks of the door. During that last month it was safe to say she was broken. She stopped trying to fight back. She didn't get beat as much due to that.
Because she had been such a good girl he decided to take her out with him. She was on a leash being led through the market where there were plenty of others being treated just like her. Suddenly she felt her tail being pulled and instinctively spun around and clawed it. It happened to be a little boy, who was now on the ground, his cheek gushing blood.
Needless to say she got beat in the middle of the market and taken right back to her room. She tried to fight back again. Her claws grew back since the man was no longer trimming them she she wasn't attacking him any longer, he lost track of how much time passed.
More months went by. When she didn't think beatings could get worse, they did. Her wounds didn't even have enough time to heal. Covered in blood and bruises. She hasn't been bothered in a few days, which has given her time to rest, but she can hear the screams from others in the house. She didn't know there was anyone else around.
Turns out that other scream came from Enzo. Only a few days after Nadya left he ran into a dimiduim in the mountains and begged to be turned. He was looking for her for over a year and he also got caught. He learned that mortals capture and sell dimidiums in a slave trade. The only reason why Nadya hasn't been sold is because she hasn't been broken.
But a few days after the two reunited they were sold. They were in separate cages in the same carriage. Turns out a King bought them to be servants in the castle. But there was more. They wanted to get the women pregnant so that they could have children born into the slave trade and have less animal instincts, hoping to sort of domesticate them.
Obvs Nadya did not want to go along with this, but Enzo explained to her that the only reason why he is, is because she won't be in danger. She reluctantly agrees and just tells him to be gentle with her.
Even with being pregnant, Nadya is still hit around and occasionally raped. She can tell she isn't getting it as badly as the other women. Rumor has it that they will kill you here if you don't obey.
Nadya follows the King around. She did get to see more of the kingdom than most and was able to go into locked off sections of the castle.
Now I'm sure you are wondering how she gets out of this. She's had to deal with this for 3, nearly 4 years. This ties into the story with Ambrosia and Abigor.
As stated, she has been able to go to locked off sections. One of these sections include where mortals do experiments on transcendents, which in short is basically any supernatural being.
They were trying to figure out how to kill them, since they all have different kinds of weaknesses. Ambrosia and Abigor got themselves captured on purpose so that they could finally find the location of this place and save everyone. The two happened to underestimate the mortals in charge of the project however.
Nadya happened to see Ambrosia, who she thought was just a dead body tied to a table. Ambrosia was weakened, but still alive and jumped back into consciousness when Nadya touched her.
Turns out the two didn't even know what dimidiums were, so if Nadya hadn't been there in that moment they wouldn't have been saved at all.
Abigor happened to kill the King and they were all able to get out.
That is sorta where I have Nadya's story ended bc then it goes much into Ambrosia and Abigor and what they do.
But that's Nadya. If you happened to read all of this.....sorry for the trauma
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makczio · 5 years
Maxence Danet-Fauvel's interview for EntourageS with Kevin Elarbi part 2/2
Last line was by Kevin: : So now we'll talk about the series you picked. First we're going to talk about an amazing serie, and OCS serie called Westworld and the a scene without visual effects but I think you'd like with Anthony Hawkins, a philosophical scene from the first season
The scene is about a character telling a story about a dog chasing after a cat. This is a story about freedom
K: Yes so a great serie. Season 1 and 2 available on OCS, and waiting season 3 coming in January 2020 and I'd love to see the cast on EntourageS. How did you discovered Westworld, what do you like about that serie and who are you favourite characters?
M: So I discovered Westworld the day after a party
K: Unusual!
M: Haha yes! Because I didn't had OCS and...
K: Not good!
M: I know! I know haha! 
K: OCS that we kiss (again, we say "we kiss" in France when we mean we salute)
M: OCS that we kiss obviously. So I discovered OCS at a friend's called Chloé and she's the one who discovered the serie, she probably already watched a couple of episodes and we decided to watch from the beginning and we watched all of it. And what was the second question?
K: What do you like about this serie and the characters that you liked the most
M: Ah first I'm a big fan of Anthony Hawkins, a really big fan. I think he's an excellent example of acting, we see everything in his eyes, he's an actor that you can see he knows his text and a rich subtext. You can see in this scene that everything is crazy, every monologue scene you feel that he worked them for hours, weeks or even months. Because when you watch them you can feel everything he says like he really lived them. He's really a phenomenal actor… Fucj I'm losing myself so I forget the questions 
K: Haha no it was what you liked about this series and characters that you liked
M: Haha so I answered the last one before. But what I love about this serie is the thematic. Dystopia, I love it. I'm a big fan of Philip K. Dick, Globalia, all his books I spend hours reading them when I was a teenager. I loved it! And I think it's subjects that seems fat but not that far, and it's something that can happen if the worst happens, and I find it really cool
K: Not really that far
M: Yeah not really that far when you watch the news nowadays but it's crazy! But I was a little bit spoiled
K: Who did this?
M: My best bud
K: Ah that's not cool, that's why Westworld it's important to watch it the day the episode is out 
M: But for me it was just the context that I've been spoiled. We discover it very fast but he told me "Wow watch that serie it's awesome because…" I won't say because I've been told and I didn't liked it but it's also what made me wanna start it
K: Yeah we discover it fast, it's in the pilot if I remember well
M: Yeah it's not a big spoil and it's also what made me wanna start it. That dude also did it with Lost, he told me about the… about the small cage
K: Be careful about what you'll say
M: Haha yeah so he told me about the small cage, so he explained me just this thing and it's what made me wanna start it too, and I binge watched it in 3 weeks
K: (talking to the listener) So I you advise you to start Westworld, binge watch the first 2 seasons before season 3 in January. I hope I would be able to talk about with the cast, it's in negotiation right now. So we're going to talk about another serie, a serie that I love. I chose a scene from season 1, a symbolic scene from True Detective. If you like this serie, there's a book coming up this week wrote by a certain Kevin Elarbi about the discussions with all the cast. It wasn't with Matthew McConaughey that I spoke with it was Stephen Dorff. We're going to watch a scene with Matthew McConaughey and you'll react about True Detective, also on OCS
The scene is 2 detectives in a car talking about the crime scene they just saw, religion and pessimism.
K: Yes so Matthew McConaughey in True Detective. The season one is a wonderful season, the second one is more weak and that's why they took some time to come back with an amazing season 3. So in my book I talk about this conversation with Stephen Dorff who is a GREAT actor. Have you seen season 3?
M: Nope
K: You have to see it. It's really amazing
M: I haven't seen the second either
K: You just saw the first one? It's the best one. So tell us what you liked about the first 
M: What I liked about the first one… hm… Yeah I was going to talk about actors again but that's my passion 
K: And that's why you're here
M: Yeah because Matthew McConaughey is incredible, he amazes me everytime! Even with a scene like that he kills me because there a lot of things were I found myself in True Detective. I know it doesn't seem like it but I also am a pessimist person. Without the shell of this character but I kinda have the same thoughts about our society haha
K: It's not being pessimistic but realistic 
M: Yes, yeah that's what he says. So that and what I really liked in this serie is that I found it amazing because there's so many clichés! I mean the two cops not liking each other, the cheating stories, you could think "It's all the crime serie clichés, I won't watch it" but it works so well, it works because the actors are incredible, the directing is crazy and the plot is catchy. I mean I started True Detective and I binge watched it in one night
K: Oh yeah the 10 episodes?
M: 8
K: 8 episodes yes, 8×55
M: I think I started around 4 and I went to bed only when I finished it
K: We're going to watch another scene from one of the series you picked. We have to be fast because we're short on time, the control room reprimand me
M: Oh no!
K: But I would love that you react to some series, a few quick words. So we already talked about Westworld and True Detective. Earlier I said in the introduction that Skam made me think a lot with your love scene about Euphoria 
M: That's such an amazing compliment 
K: Euphoria that I a GREAT queer serie, but not only. A serie that we discovered last summer and got huge and we're thankful about that. A few words about Euphoria and what do you like about this serie?
M: So I discovered Euphoria a Wednesday morning at one of my young coach and friend called Titouan Gautier. You know him?
K: Yes
M: Really? That's awesome! Titouan Gautier is an amazing human being and I went to a party spend the night at his place. And in the morning he asked me if I watched Euphoria and he told me "I watched everything yesterday but I don't mind watching it again today" and I was like "Are you sure?" and same I watched it all
K: Oh you saw all the episodes on the same day? You're lucky!
M: Yes all in one day, I had a lot of luck because I missed the information the time that every episode went out so I watched all of them in a day
K: Zendaya is incredible 
M: Pff wow!
K: And the prologue scene, the bad trip ones. It's for me one of the best prologue we had in a serie for a long time
M: Yes, and after playing a bipolar character in Skam France, I can say that the actress and the realisation of the scene are amazing. But the scene were she has a phase were she's a detective is mind blowing, really really mind blowing 
K: So lucky for you that you haven't seen this serie before playing a bipolar character because you would've been inspired 
M: Totally!
K: But it didn't scared you to watch knowing you would play Eliott after again?
M: I didn't knew she was bipolar (side note: max u dumb it's in the first episode in the first five minutes haha)
K: But when you realised, you didn't thought "Oh no I don't wanna see that yet"? You wanted to watch it again
M: I wanted to watch it again because I thought her interpretation was 1000 times better than mine. It's crazy 
K: But it's two interpretations very different 
M: Yes that's true but I thought she was very impressive in these scene, and I forgot the name of the other actress that I also found really, for a first role really… What was her name again?
K: … I forgot it too...
M: Anyway I found her excellent too, and I think it was her first shooting, and honestly I was blown away, really talented 
K: Okay so we're going to be fast because I would love to play a scene from Peaky Blinders because I can't leave you without talking about it. But I bother me because… Nevermind. How I met your mother, I chose a scene from Barney but again, we don't have enough time. Himym is a serie that is still a bestseller, with Barney's books in bookstores. A few words about this serie, favourite characters.
M: This serie I watched it I was with a girl called Élise and...
K: We kiss Élise!
M: We kiss Élise yes! And we were chilling watching this serie, we weren't doing anything, and well we did season 1 to 9, and again, and again, and again… And I think I watched it in total more than 15 times, every seasons. We also went to a point where we were like "Season 3 episode 17". We knew everything, everything, from the beginning to the end of the episode! And How I met your mother is my good mood serie, hungover day, depressed phase, the beginning of the winter… You watch Himym and it's better than a chimney fire
K: I feel that you watch a lot of serie when you're hungover or depressed, I totally understand! I hear in my earpiece that Zendaya's partner in Euphoria is Hunter Schafer and with that...
M: Yes Hunter Schafer putain!
K: With that theme of a trans person that isn't mentioned, and thank Euphoria for that. That's why it's such a good serie, it's because it isn't something they talk about, it is, but it's not...
M: Yes that's awesome. Like Skam, it's not a big deal and it's so good
K: Voilà! You understand now why I made a link!
M: Yes yes I understand!
K: Be careful, now I know you'll be mad to have just a few minutes to talk about it and I understand 
M: Oh God you're going to talk about Tree of life 
K: No (he's showing the logo of the show Betaseries) you know what comes from this logo? From Breaking bad, we can't not talk about it. Obviously an important serie from these last few years. A few words about Breaking bad?
M: hm...
K: How did you discovered it?
M: No no no! It's the same haha, again putain 
K: So what did you liked about that serie?
M: No I'm saying bullshit, I was my ancient roommate called Julie George that I kiss a lot because I miss her, she's in New York
K: So series with you are something that you share
M: Yes i discover a lot with people, because I'm almost never alone and i see a lot my friends, like all the time. Breaking bad is something people have to watch because the scenes are AMAZING. I make it very quick. But, once again I'm going to talk about actors because that's something that kills me. The duo from Breaking bad is the quintessence of my acting method. It's really… They're phenomenal. I learned a lot, I'm talking about acting techniques, about illustrations, it's something I learned at the Actors Factory, about… yeah I'm not going to talk about it forever about the method. But it's really a serie with excellent actors, they're complete, they're really actors with a good method… Anyway the serie is magnificent. That's a cliffhanger, it's the magic formula 
K: I agree. We're going to play another scene, a 15 seconds scene, it's not a lot but I want you to see it so you can talk about it easily because really wanna talk about it before the podcast ends. It's Peaky Blinders. But before I'm going to respond to what you just said, that the Actors Factory looks like Group Theater, I'm thinking about Marlon Brando, Lee Strasberg, and it's not theater, and I think it's really close and that you're the new generation, and I say it with all the love I have for Group Theater 
M: I believe it and I hope so
K: I believe it. So a scene from Peaky Blinders
In the scene, Thomas Shelby is talking to Danny about the man he killed. Telling him that the brothers of the man are ready to kill him
K: It was so fast sorry! So Peaky Blinders, I know it's the first time you see it in French (of all the scene showed, this one is the only one that has been translated in French) I'm sorry
M: Yeah, yeah please watch series in the original language 
M: Yes because it kills the actor's work if you watch it with another voice
K: It kills the actor's work and we agree that it takes 50%, no it takes 85% of the charm 
M: And when a GREAT actor plays even if you take out the sound you can understand what they say, so watch in the original language 
K: I agree watch it in the original language stop with the french! So Peaky Blinders a few words about this aerie, how did you discovered it, why… no we're going to do something else for this serie. Why should people watch it? Especially young people that follow you
M: Fuck, this time I would've said...
K: Then do both!
M: Why should you people watch it? Because first it talks about a historical period that's a little forgotten, between the two wars, we hear a lot about the 30 years post war (the second), but it's nice to see what happened for the middle class in Birmingham, it's so interesting. Also the directing is crazy
K: And the lights
M: What? Oh yes the lights! No, everything! It's really mind blowing, every scene, the slow motion, wow that's crazy! The actors once again, the two brothers Cillian Murphy (funny, he pronounces it Sillian) and, fuck I'm bad at actors names
K: Yeah and me too
M: Anyway, you see in Breaking Bad
K: Peaky Blinders 
M: Haha yes Peaky Blinders sorry, it's really a serie I would've love to play in
K: Ah! Which character?
M: Well the character of… Is that a joke I wat had an episode yesterday? Well the one played by Cillian Murphy!
K: But you know this kind of serie can come in France, Arte (a Franco-German TV channel) love producing that kind of fiction, that doesn't cost that much if there's not a lot of extra. It would be nice 
M: Yes, and I went for a casting with them on Monday, and they forgot me!
K: Well it was Monday...
M: It was a Monday morning, so I came there, I open the door and say Hello, and there was nobody! So I come back there next Monday 
K: Oh you couldn't okay!
M: No they didn't came! So next Monday and it's for something from the old time like that! But Cillian Murphy's character is completely crazy. But this man is a Greek God he's so beautiful I'm so jealous. And everything, the costumes, the decor, the gang with… anyway
K: There's an excellent bar called The Shelby...
M: Tommy Shelby yes! That was his name!
K: … I should give you some adress. Remember that alcohol should be taken with moderation
M: Haha
K: Thank you Maxence for being with us for the first episode of EntourageS, you have to come back 
M: Oh yeah that's true I'm the first!
K: Yeah you're the godfather! So you have to come back because we didn't talked about Breaking Bad a lot I wanted to show a scene, How I met your mother either
M: And we didn't talked about cinema putain!
K: We didn't talked about cinema but it's about series even if I would love talking about cinema
M: Okay
K: But you really have to come back because you told me there was shooting in the beginning of the year
M: Yes there's shooting until April
K: So it means a little promo at the end of the season 2020?
M: What promo? Skam?
K: There's Skam and the other series
M: Skam for sure but the other series I don't know if there will be a promo
K: Promise you'll come back for Skam?
M: Promise I'll come back for Skam, for everything, I'm so good here!
K: Well I'm glad, thank you Maxence it's a gift having you has a godfather! So I bring back that you're currently shooting Skam France, you also said there was other projects but that's for the beginning of the year so we'll see later. Go follow Maxence on social networks, he shares about his cinema and series tastes. It's more interesting than following some influencers haha
M: Haha thank you
K: Go follow Maxence it's important. He loves classic cinema we can see it and it's amazing. You also love good series so that's cool I think there would be a lot of young people who would watch them
M: Cool
K: Yeah now probably 100 young people would wanna watch Peaky Blinders and that's great! I'm saying a 100 but I hope it's more. 1k will watch Peaky Blinders, another 1k Breaking Bad and another 1k How I met your mother. And for the one who haven't seen Skam and afraid that it would be a teenager serie, you saw the scene it's with complete actors, a great team, go for it! It's a serie that will be important for the LGBTQI+ community and is becoming a cult, 4 seasons in 2 years that's amazing! Even I watched this serie maybe with preconceptions and I was blown by the technique, the team and the actors so watch it! Skam will impress you as much as Euphoria will
M: Woaw I'm emotional 
K: I really think it!
M: That's nice!
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lapishasproblems · 5 years
“You two can’t be serious.” (Post-reveal love square fic)
<Previous Part [PART THREE] Next Part>
(Original idea right here by @livanarose , ps, I never told you how grateful I am for letting me use your idea so thank you, thank you so much :)))
My self-esteem is so goddamn low, I thought the notes were going to drastically dip right after the first one. BUt NoPE. So thank you to everyone who are still reading. Believe it or not, I still read the comments every damn time. It brightens up my entire day, yall. You’re the reason I’m even still writing.
One person mentioned that there are not many people who write fics about the aftermath of the reveal back in the previous part. Well, for that, you might want to thank the person who gave me the inspiration for this fic ;))
Alright, enough with the babbling. Please enjoy this next part (I wrote partially at the movies. I regret nothing)
Plagg took it as a chance to mock him. “Come on, Adrien. You’re not letting this girl beat you again, right?”
“That’s rude,” Tikki mentioned.
“I know.”
“No, I mean to Marinette. She has a name, you know.”
Adrien groaned. Pushing back the pink chair he was sitting on. Sure, he was sick of losing to Marinette all the time, but he could never hold back the smile that starts to blossom everytime the girl beats him. Whether it was a video game, or an akuma attack, or anything, really. The fact: Adrien likes getting his ass beaten by this girl, in whichever form she’s in.
“Alright, Agreste, ready for round two?” Marinette turned.
Adrien smirked, ready to test his luck again. “Absolu—“
The girl turned just in time to spot her mother pop her head through the trapdoor, a plate of croissants in her hand. The two kwamis that were lounging on the table moved to hide behind Adrien’s back.
“Your croissants are ready.”
Marinette put down her controller and went over to get the plate from her mother’s hands, giving the woman a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks a lot, Mom.”
Sabine smiled back at her daughter and turned to the blonde boy still sitting with a controller in his hand. “Adrien, will you be staying for dinner?”
Will you be staying forever? Marinette thought briefly before shaking herself awake from it.
The boy nodded. “Of course, if that’s okay with you.”
“Of course it is,” Sabine nodded, turning to Marinette. “Come down for dinner soon, dear.”
“We will, Mom.”
The baker’s wife nodded before disappearing through the trapdoor again, closing it on her way down.
Marinette straightened from her crouching position before waking over with a plate of croissants in her hand. The two kwamis who were hiding earlier came out from behind Adrien’s back and zoomed away to the direction of the pink chaise lounge nearby.
Marinette and Adrien have been dating for a couple of weeks now. So were Ladybug and Chat Noir. This far, the plan worked perfectly, no flaws. Sure, Marinette wasn’t a really good actor and Adrien constantly recieved death glares from the girl when he nearly let the truth slip, but nobody suspected a thing. Everyone was oblivious.
It didn’t take long for the media to find out about Adrien’s girlfriend. What took forever was for them to find just who this girl is, exactly as planned. Adrien (and Marinette) were in the news today. As the boy expected, the headline, in bold.
The plan aside, Marinette was beyond glad that everything worked out. Adrien often stayed at her place for dinner, finally feeling love and acceptance since the last dinner he had with his mother. Marinette of the other hand received advices and feedbacks on her designs from Gabriel Agreste. Video games, holding hands, kissing, movies together, and little cuddle sessions were the other little things she loved.
Ladybug and Chat Noir were pretty much the same, just with a little more cat puns and flirting and a little less ice cream dates and talking at school. Akuma attacks were no longer excuses for Chat to see the lady of his dreams. What for? They meet each other everyday at school. But those times they spend in battle with each other were also reminders of how strong their bond was.
“Did you make these?”
The question brought Marinette back to the present as she placed the baked good-filled plate on her table before sitting on the empty chair next to Adrien.
“Yeah. I just asked Mom to watch over them while they bake,” she shrugged, picking one warm pastry. “How did you know that, though?”
Adrien smiled, picking one croissant. “By now I know that everytime I come over, you bake stuff for me.”
Marinette stiffened, her cheeks suddenly burning. The girl suddenly found her pink shoes interesting, not wanting to meet the pair of green eyes that were staring at her intently. She picked at the warm, fresh pasty in her hands, unable to function properly.
Finally, the girl eyed the croissant in Adrien’s hand.
“Uhm, well...is it good?”
Adrien nodded.
“Y-you haven’t even good it yet, how do you know it’s eaten?” she blurted before realizing her mistake, correcting it quickly. “I-I mean, you haven’t even eaten it yet, how do you know it’s good?”
Adrien chuckled. I wish it could be like this forever.
“I don’t need to eat it to know it’s good, Bugaboo. Everything you make seems to be good, whether it’s your baking or your design.”
Marinette was sure her face looked like a big tomato now. She didn’t even bother eating the croissant anymore. She simply covered her face with her free hand and shut her eyes, facing the other way, too embarrassed to even look at the blonde.
Adrien on the other hand, wasn’t sure whether to laugh or to coax her to start playing again before Sabine calls the both of them downstairs for dinner. He eyed Marinette’s chaise lounge, finding Tikki and Plagg there, giggling uncontrollably. Well, Tikki actually looked like she wanted to help the flustered girl, but Plagg was holding her back, the two giggling all the while.
The model leaned forward, taking Marinette’s hands. “Hey.”
“Adrien, don’t—“
“Uh, sorry to interrupt this beautiful interaction.”
The third voice brought both Marinette and Adrien to their senses, turning to the chaise lounge where the cat kwami was eagerly trying to catch their attention, which he succeeded in doing. The ladybug kwami had flown over to the window, looking at whatever is out there, if not the Parisian landscape.
Tikki finally turned to the two.
“It seems that Paris needs you both right now.”
Ladybug leapt to a rooftop, studying the akumatized victim not far from the Eiffel Tower, as if looking for something, her back facing the red clad superhero. The victim was a teenage girl around her age, with a black bodysuit and platinum blonde hair tied back into a tight ponytail. She had something like a staff in her hands.
“What do we have here, Bugaboo?”
The girl turned, finding her partner standing casually behind her.
“Let’s get closer, see what we’re working with here.”
Chat Noir nodded and the two heroes leaped from rooftop to rooftop, looking at the damage the victim caused around the Parisian streets. Ladybug swore she caught sight of people in other black bodysuits running like ninjas around the streets, as if looking for something while she threw her yo-yo for another momentum.
“She’s turning people into these spy-looking things, My Lady,” Chat blurted, still using his baton to leap around.
The duo stopped close enough to inspect and listen to the akuma victim better, but not too close that she would immediately spot them and pounce.
“Yes...yes! My minions, find Adrien Agreste and bring him to me!”
Ladybug eyed her partner. “What did you do?”
The woman with the black bodysuit and platinum hair turned around, finding the red clad superhero about to leave her hiding place and strike, looking like a deer in headlights.
Ladybug froze. Not because she just missed her chance for a stealth attack, but because the victim had these ugly pair of sunglasses on her face. As a designer, the blue-haired girl took her time to flinch.
“Ladybug! How nice of you to join us!” The woman sighed in delight. “I’m the Paparazzi and I have a special mission for you.”
“Yeah?” The girl spinned her yo-yo as a shield. “Do tell me.”
“Go and find Adrien Agreste’s girlfriend for me. What was her name again? Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
Ladybug scoffed, tensing up all the while. “And why would I do that?”
“Because you have no right to decide.”
Ladybug was ready for an attack, deflecting it with her yo-yo, but before she realized anything happened, she was up in the air, catching a swift black shape beforehand, taking her for a leap. Once they landed on a different rooftop, she turned to look at her savior.
“Thanks, kitty.”
“No problem,” he shrugged, pulling out his baton. “Mind telling me what you did that angered this akuma victim?”
“Wasn’t this your fault? She was looking for you!”
“You too.”
“Doesn’t matter—“
“AHA! THERE YOU ARE!” the Paparazzi turned and spotted the two on a rooftop, not far from where she was standing. “And with Chat Noir too. I shall make the both of you my minions.”
The akuma victim raised her sunglasses and Chat Noir quickly looked away, closing his partner’s eyes with his free hand.
“Don’t look at her eyes, she’ll turn you into one of her ninjas,” Chat warned, grabbing her cheek and urging her to look away with him.
“Where’s the akuma?”
“Purr-haps the sunglasses,” Chat Noir shrugged.
“Great, I’ll try to distract her while you use your cataclysm,” she replied, ignoring the pun.
“As you wish, My Lady,” Chat Nor replied before leaving her on the rooftop, leaping to another building using his baton.
Left alone, the red clad superhero racked her brain, trying to find a plan.
Without looking at where the voice was coming from, she groaned, extending her yo-yo to get as far away from the Paparazzi as possible. Just as she was ready to swing herself away from the rooftop she was standing on, a pair of hands grabbed her by the shoulders, pinning her down and holding her wrists.
The blue-haired closed her eyes shut, knowing that she’d be unable to fight if she opened them and looked at her opponent’s.
“Come on Ladybug, join my army,” the akuma victim said. “All you have to do is look for that girl for me. I’d even accept her alive or dead.”
Ladybug turned her head to the left, not wanting to be face-to-face with the Paparazzi, despite the fact that her eyes were still shut tightly.
“Or, I can just take these—“
The heroine felt a hand on her right earlobe.
“—and you don’t even have to be one of my minions.”
Her opponent’s hand took the earring on her right ear, making Ladybug thrash and squirm within her grip, her transformation slowly dropping.
“Mind if I join in?”
The Paparazzi looked around, trying to find the source of the third voice. But before she could even pinpoint the person she’s looking for, a black-gloved hand reached for her sunglasses from behind, immediately turning it to dust. The akuma victim quickly found her attacker, facing the other way, letting Ladybug finally open her eyes safely.
Despite the fact that her vision was still blurry, she should’ve been able to see the akuma anywhere, but she couldn’t find it.
“Wrong target, My Lady,” someone shouted from behind the opponent that was still pinning her down. “It’s not the sunglasses.”
Ladybug took the chance while her opponent was distracted with Chat Noir and grabbed her earring from the Paparazzi’s hand, putting it back on her right ear. The red clad superhero was sure that the platinum-haired villain was going to go back and focus on her, but she was wrong. Paparazzi stood up and charged at Chat Noir, who was still looking away.
And everything seemed to go slowly when the Paparazzi whacked Chat Noir with her staff, so strong that the force was enough to drive Chat to the edge of the rooftop.
And Ladybug saw as Chat lost his balance and fell.
I was honestly expecting a lot of diabetes-worth fluff but this turned out to be a somewhat angst. I just let the ideas float, man. This wasn’t planned.
Bruh, the plan was just to create phase three but here we are.
Again, thank you for the love you all have shown for this fic. The previous parts recieved lots of notes and there is nobody else I can thank but you all. You guys keep me alive and writing.
But honestly, I suck at writing fights. I had to rack my brain to come up with this certain akuma victim with those certain powers. I also had to think intensively to come up with those fighting scenes.
Okay so I’d like to apologize for taking two (one and a half?) days before I continue. I’m watching the Promised Neverland (thanks to the person who recommended it to me in the other post, ps, I LOVE IT SO FAR!) and I’ve been so distracted. Do forgive me.
I’ve also been thinking to start mentioning people who want to keep up with the fic. So give me a “:))” if you’d like to be mentioned for the next parts.
Alright, that was part three for all of you! Thanks for keeping up with the story! Anyone up for part four? Don’t forget to leave your thoughts, advices, and feedbacks down there! I’d love to hear from everyone :))
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everything-person · 6 years
Not All Talk part 2
Summary: Best friends plan their lives together from time to time. It’s all pretend, just for fun. Until its not.
You can read the first part here.
Emma dropped the last box on the floor. She stretched her aching muscles before collapsing on the couch letting her legs dangle over the arms.
"We still have unpacking to do, love." Killian leaned over the back of the couch, looking down on his best friend.
"We can do that tomorrow," she replied with out even opening her eyes.
"Then we have to at least organize the furniture."
"Let's do it tomorrow."
"Is tomorrow going to be your answer for everything?"
"Ask me tomorrow."
Killian let out a huff before rounding the couch and plopping down next to her head. He looked around the space. It was small place but it was theirs. "We finally did it. We moved out and got an apartment. We are now roommates."
"Yup. And I say as our first day in our apartment we have done enough work and should take the rest of the day enjoying our place."
Killian smiled. "There's a sandwich shop down the street. How about we grab lunch?"
"That sound great," Emma replied sitting up.
Emma looked up from the book, she's been trying to study. She heard footsteps coming her way before Killian opened her door leaning on her doorway. "I thought you were going to do the dishes today?"
"Oh yeah. Sorry. I'll do them tomorrow."
"You said that yesterday, love."
"I'm sorry. My classes have been picking up and work is crazy-"
"Forget it lass. It's okay." Killian left closing the door without looking at her.
Killian heard his name over the sound of gunfire coming from the tv. He averted his gaze from his show to see Emma emerge from her bedroom and make the short walk to the living room. Pausing his show he asked, "Swan?"
"Can you keep it down?"
Killian raised a questioning eyebrow at this. He didn't think it was that loud.
"Come on, Jones. I'm trying to take a nap before my shift. You don't need the volume on 40."
"Lass I only have it to 25. If I turn it down I won't be able to hear them talking."
"Can't you watch it later then?"
"I'm in the middle of an episode. Let me finish this then I'll turn it off."
"Fine," Emma huffed returning to her room. Killian didn't turn it off after one episode.
Emma nearly dropped her laptop on the floor at the sound of her name. She looked up to find a wet Killian standing at the entrance of the hallway wearing nothing but a towel clutched around his hips. "What the hell Killian?"
"Did you by any chance take a shower today?"
Emma's face scrunched up in confusion. "Yeah. I took a shower."
"You couldn't be bothered to inform me you used all the hot water. Again."
"How was I suppose to know? The water was still warm when I got out."
Killian looked like he was going to say more but stoped himself. He let out an aggravated sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose. Dropping his hand he looked back at her, "How about just warn me everytime you take a shower?"
With that he went back to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
His head snapped up from the book he was reading at the sound of his name. Only a fews seconds later Emma burst in the door.
"Where did you put the mail that was on the counter?"
"I put it in the bin. It was all junk mail."
"My check was in that pile," Emma screeched.
Killians eyes widen slightly, realizing his mistake. "Oh."
"Stop cleaning shit up! This is like the fifth thing of mine you've 'cleaned up' and has been thrown away or just disappeared."
"Swan it's just in the recycling."
"That's not the point." Emma left the room slamming the door.
Emma jolted awake. Her heart racing at the sudden wake up call. Once she heard her bedroom door slamming open she sat up, turning toward her roommate.
"Did you eat the rest of the fish Nemo brought over?"
"Did you eat the fish Nemo brought over?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I was planning on eating that. I've been looking forward to it all day."
"I'm... sorry?"
"Ha I've heard that one before."
"What do you want from me? I ate it, it's gone."
"Next time ask. Or at the very least warn me that my food is gone."
Emma rolled her eye and turned over laying back down with her back to him. She heard him huff before closing the door leaving her room.
"We barely see each other. Killian is always either working at the docks or at the bar. I'm at class or working. But when we are home together one of us is mad at the other. All we do is fight." Emma explained to her adoptive mom. Ruth placed a mug of hot chocolate with cinnamon in front of her while she herself enjoyed a cup of tea. "Oh and he has this mysterious girlfriend, he refuses to talk about."
"It's only been a couple months, Honey. Give it time. You two are still learning how to live with each other," Ruth calmly said, deciding to ignore that last comment.
"We have been talking about living together forever and known each other for longer. You'd think we know how irratating the other was by now."
"Emma." Ruth didn't say anything until Emma looked up at her, "Talking is the easy part, doing is a whole different thing. Killian is still the same boy you knew before but now you're just seeing a different side. Now it might not be one you always agree with but you have to decide can you live with it."
Emma knew she was right, but she didn't know what to say. Thankfully Ruth changed subjects, "so tell me about this Graham fellow."
Killian offered to help Nemo on his boat, they were well away from the shore when Nemo asked about Emma. Killian was in the midst of airing his grievances to his uncle when he was cut off. "Killian you need to calm down and take a step back. This is Emma you're talking about."
"Aye and she right infuriating lass. She's so damn stubborn and nonchalant-"
"And she was like that before you decided to move in together," Nemo said cutting him off again.
Killian stopped at that. He knew that but roommates was so different then just being friends. It was a change Killian wasn't prepared for.
Nemo came up to him and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's been difficult. But you have to ask yourself, what is important? Living shipshape or living with Emma?"
When Killian didn't answer Nemo changed subjects, "Come on let's get back to shore."
Killian was walking back to the apartment in deep thought. He thought about what Nemo said and he thought of all the arguments he and Emma had. They definitely needed to talk.
He unlocked the door hoping to find Emma home so they could try to work somethings out. But when he opened the he found more than what he was hoping for. Emma was sitting on the couch with a towel bundled up in her lap and if he looked close enough he swore he saw the towel breathing.
Emma looked up at him giving him a soft smile. "Hey," she all but whispered.
"Hey." He pointed to the towel. "What's that love?" Almost as soon as he asked a soft 'mew' was heard come from the towel. Killian walked over, leaning in to see a tiny kittens face poke out of the towel.
"I found him when I took out the garbage. I heard him crying, I thought he was hurt but when I found him and crouched down he came right up to me and started licking my fingers and head butting my hand. I looked for mom or any signs of other kittens but I couldn't find any. I brought him in and cleaned him up in the sink. I was drying him off when he fell asleep," Emma explained.
Killian couldn't take his eyes off the little creature. He couldn't have been more then two, maybe three weeks old. "Have you fed him yet?" When Emma shook her head he got up and went to the cupboard. He found a can of tuna, opening it up he dumped it on a plate mushing it up a bit more before placing it on the island separating the kitchen and the living room.
"Put him up here, love." Emma picked up the towel with the kitten inside carrying him the short distance to the island. Once placed up there she freed him from fabric. Seeing the food the small animal walked on wobbly legs slowly making its way. When he was close enough he layed down again half on the plate half off. They watched as his little tongue licked at the food occasionally taking a bit of food in his mouth.
Killian spoke first, "we should take him to the animal shelter in the morning they have a vet that can look him over and proper food for him."
Emma just nodded in response. She didn't dare take her eyes off the poor little creature. But Killians next question made her.
"We should decide if we are going to keep him or not before we do."
Emma darted from her friend to the fuzzy creature on the island between them back to her friend. "Well, he isn't the fox we agreed on but he's awfully cute. I'm okay if he stays."
"I thought 'cats were mean'." Killian threw her words back at her with a smirk never leaving his face.
"He's not a cat. He's a kitten," she said matter of factly reaching forward scratching the kittens head lightly.
"He's going to need a name. If it even is in fact a he."
"How about Todd or Foxy if he turns out to be a she," Emma offered. Killians smile was his only answer.
The next day while Todd was getting checked out the roommates had a talk. They told each other what bothers each other, little pet peeves the other does. They made a set of rules and both agreed to try harder at living together. As days turned to weeks and weeks turned to a month things got better. Besides Todd growing, nothing eventful happened.
Until one night Killian came home drunk. Emma was mindlessly watching tv when he stumbled through the front door. That was the night he told her about Milah. His mysterious girlfriend was apparently a married woman who visited him at the bar. That night she came to the bar ending whatever relationship they had. “The whole thing was ridiculous really,” he said when finished.
Emma stared at her friend for a moment as the sat on their couch. She was facing him her legs tucked under her with her arm leaning in the back of the couch supporting her head. “Thats not ridiculous. You want to hear ridiculous?” Emma went on to tell him all that conspired between her and Graham. How she encouraged him to leave his abusive girlfriend. When he did and came to her, she got scared and ran away.
“Seems as if we have drifted quiet bit lass.” 
“Yeah. We have.”
“Well thats going to change. Every... What day is it?”
“Right. Every Sunday, I say we order in and have a movie night. Just roomates. What do you say love?”
“I say the sandwich shop is open 24/7.”
It was one such movie night when it happened. They were all sitting on the couch. Todd in Emmas lap, Emma leaning into Killian with her head on his shoulder. The movie playing was some ridiculous rom com, both of them too comfortable to be bothered to grab the remote and change it.
“What kind of date would you take me on?” Emma asked suddenly.
“What kind of date would you take me on? We always talked about our kids, and we planned our wedding. We even made up our Disney themed apartment. But you never told me what kind of dates we would go on.”
Killian thought for a moment before he answered, “Our first date I would take you to a nice restraunt. Then I think a nice walk by the water, maybe even taking you out on Nemo’s boat. How does that sound?”
Emma lifted her head to look at him, “That sounds nice.”
Killian looked at his roommate, his best friend. Looking into her shining green eyes he realized he never wanted anything more than to take her out for dinner as more than friends. He was silently hoping maybe she would want the same when Emma spoke up. 
“I would picked have you.”
“I would have chased after you”
Emma leaned forward pressing her lips against his. He kissed her back. When they broke apart she said “what would our second date look like?” 
Killian smiled and replied, “That is a surprise.” Before kissing her again.
And thats all she wrote. Hope this is a decent “sequel” there will be a third part to this story. Also this second part is dedicated to @superchocovian hope you enjoy. 
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knightiss · 6 years
Questions, Answers, and Cheesecake
I had fun writing this commissioned story for @thedorkyastra!
The sun was high and the radiation was low, the perfect day to move to the center of the commonwealth. Piper was filling out the final paperwork in the mayor's office. Her ears were sharp, ready to grasp on any sign of a story.
“It’ll be nice to have something to new to read for once.” A man’s voice said. Piper turned around to see something she only ever shot at. A synth. But this one was different he was wearing detective clothes, and was smoking a cigarette.
“Nick, please no smoking inside.” Geneva said, Piper could hear a flirty tone in her voice.
“Oh sorry Geneva.” The detective took a final deep breath crushed the cigarette in his hand. “Now you don’t need to look at me like I’m a three headed Brahmin. Names Nick Valentine. I met your sister down stairs nice kid.” He flicked the cigarette out the large window, and reached out to shake her hand.
“ Piper Wright.” She took the hand slowly. There was only one way for her to describe the feeling. Weird. Because it felt like metal, but at the same time felt like genuine act of kindness.
“Now I’m sure you have questions. But I have some business to attend to with Mcdonough.” As he spoke the doors to the office opened, and a large cheery man walked out. The second Piper saw him she heard alarms go off in her head. Something wasn’t right about him.
“NICK! So good to see you my friend. Did you get that information I sent?” McDonough forcefully grabbed both of Nick’s hands and shook them roughly.
“Yea yea. Sent me on a wild goose chase. Next time you should try fact checking everything.”
“What’s this now?” Piper asked intrigued.
“Now Now Miss Wright, was it? While having a paper in town will surely be appreciated by everyone. Try to realize, personal matters should stay personal.”
“Oh of course Mr. Mayor.” Piper said, mocking Geneva’s tone.
“Now then, Nick if you please.” McDonough motioned towards his office, and the Synth nodded and went on in.
“Nice to meet you again Piper.” He gave a final wave as the doors closed behind him.
“Now let's finish that paperwork shall we?” Geneva wasn’t in a flirty mood anymore.
A few days passed and Piper and Nat seemed to final moved in. The previous tenant left behind books upon books. Some well kept over time, some newer self published books. The two of them were organizing them. Trying to figure out what to keep, to sell, or to donate to the school. “What’s this?” Nat held up a leather bound book. It simple said New Testament.
“I think it's a bible. Put it on the table we’ll see it the pastor across the street wants it. So, that Valentine character. What do you think?” Piper asked.
“I donno. I mean he seems nice. Gave me a Nuka Cola.” Nat said as she sat the bible down. “You got an itch?”
    “You know it. I did some digging. He’s some kind of local legend. He saved the last mayor’s kid. But still, he’s a synth.” Piper fingers were tapping on the book she held. “But he acts human?” She looked at the book she was messing with. Wizard of Oz. One of the few books their dad would read to them. “Maybe he’s like the tin man.”
    “Why don’t you just talk to him?” Nat fell back on the bed. “Worst he can say is no.”
    “Nat Nat Nat. You gotta know the target. He’s a detective. He knows people, knows how to use his words to get what he wants. Nick may be a synth, but he’s charismatic. If I go up to him, he could read what I wanted from a mile away.”
    “From the sound of that I’d say you to are a lot alike.”
    “Hmm. I’m going out. You should get to bed. School starts tomorrow.” Piper grabbed the bible on the table and headed out the door. The last thing she heard was her sister groan.
    “Thank you Piper. This will be helpful if anyone wants to know more about the christian god.” Pastor Clements took the book. “Now I have a feeling this isn’t just a social call.”
    “Hey just trying to be a good neighbor.” Piper said.
    “Right. I already know you’ve been digging for info on good old nick.”
    “Can you blame a girl for being curious?”
    Clements laughed. “Listen. Nick, he’s a good man. He never tries to hide who he is, and well. Sometimes I think he’s more human than the rest of us.”
    “But he’s not human. He’s. a. Synth.”
    “Listen. Piper. You gotta think more with your heart than your head. Everybody and everything has a chance to live and do things. They can be good, they can be bad. Nick is one of the good ones. You may think him being a Synth makes him evil. But I’ll tell you this, I think the only other person around here who is bothered by him being a synth, is Nick himself.”
    The words the pastor spoke ligerned in Piper’s head. She took a drink from the beer in her hand. Maybe he was right, maybe she was digging too much into this. But she couldn’t get rid of the itch. In fact, the itch was getting worse by the minute.
    “Heard you’ve been asking about me.” Piper jumped a bit when Nick sat himself at the stool next to hers. “Vadim. Beer please, and you better not replace it with moonshine again!” Nick narrowed his eyes at the troublemaking brother before returning his attention to Piper.  “You know, you could have just asked the source.”
    “Well, you can understand why I didn’t.”
    Nick laughed as he opened the beer with his hand. “Of course I do! You think your the first person I’ve done this song and dance with. Everytime a new person moves into the city, they think there gonna be the one to dig up all my secrets.”
    “So you do have secrets?” Piper smirked.
    “You don’t?” Nick took a deep drink from the bottle. “Secrets are secrets for a reason. We don’t want people to know them. Sure, some secrets are dangerous. But some are just secrets for a reason others won’t understand.”
“You going to spill any of them?”
Nick tapped his fingers and smirked. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you one question a day. We can meet up, you can come to the agency. I’ll be hundred percent honest. Detective’s honor.”
“What’s the catch?”
“I expect the same from you.”
Piper considered the offer. She remembered what she told Nat. It seemed like they were both true. Nick was trying to work that charm of his. But she didn’t get that feeling she got with McDonough. “Alright Nicky you got a deal.” The two of them shook hands. “Alright, How the hell are drinking that?”
“Same as you. With my lips.”  Nick smirked. Pipers eyes narrowed at him. Nick laughed. “Right right. Sorry. I’m not like those hunks of junks you see digging around the wasteland. Whatever the institute shoved in me they wanted to try to make me human as good be. But, as you can see.” Nick gestured to himself. “Didn’t work out.”
    It wasn’t a good answer, but it was an answer. Piper sighed. She needed to think about this. “Now then I do believe it’s my turn to ask a question.”
    “Ok Tin Man shoot.”
    Nick gave her an annoyed look but ignored it.“If you could try any food to ever exist what would it be?”
    “Excuse me?” Piper almost laughed. Was this a joke to him?
    “I wanna know.”
    Piper shook her hand. “I guess I would wanna try.” Piper trailed off. She remembered a cookbook she found in her new house. “Cheesecake.”
“Good choice.” Nick said. He chugged the last of his beer. “Oh and in case you're wondering, I can’t get drunk.”
“Depends on who you ask.”
A few days had passed and they learned things about each other. Piper learned how Nick had the memories of an old detective, Nick learned Piper liked Jazz music. When Piper asked about how he found his way to Diamond City, he told her the story of living with a settlement, then when he decided to leave he ran into some raiders who kidnapped a young woman. She almost laughed at the stupidity of the raiders who believed Nick was a bomb. Nick wanted to know if she was more of a cat person or a dog person.She couldn’t choose between the two.
She knew what his plan was,and she didn’t mind that it was working. Nick just wanted her to be his friend. But she still wanted to know about the institute. Sadly she wasted one of her questions asking about what it was like there. Only for him to say he didn’t remember. Piper told him her favorite season was fall.
Piper was walking back into the city with a bag full of ink she managed to get from local stores. All of it was expired. But it would work. She brought it into her house and sat it by the printer. “Nat? You home?” She should have been back from school by now.
Piper walked into the street to see if she could find her sister, it didn’t take long because Nat was sat at Power Noodles waiting as Takahashi sat down two bowls of noodles. When the robot moved, the other one was revealed to be sitting next to her.
“Hey Piper! Did you find the ink?” Nat said with excitement. “Nick fixed the printer. We can finally post a story!”
“Oh really Nick?” Piper asked.
“Hey I told you, I’m looking forward to reading something new.” Nick said. “We need another bowl Takahashi.”
“I was thinking Piper! We should look into Sheng Kawolski. He’s real shady. I mean how is a kid running a water purfaction center?!”
“Just like your sister huh?” Nick chuckled. “So you got a question Piper?”
Piper thought for a minute. Before she answered Nat spoke up. “Can I ask one!?”
“Yea you can have this one.” Piper took a bite of the piping hot noodles.
“So your last name is Valentine. Can you love?” Piper almost choked.
“What it’s a question?!”
Nick laughed. “No it’s fine.” Nick stopped and thought for moment. “I think I can. I mean it’s just another emotion. I don’t know if I can feel the love a husband feels for a wife, mostly because I couldn’t put anyone through that. But the love you two got.” He pointed his chopsticks at the both of them. “I know I can feel that. Because that kind of love doesn’t mean giving half of yourself. It means you already share something. Something no one can explain. Science may try to say it’s because you share DNA. But I say it’s something more. Maybe it’s a soul, or maybe it’s just a need. A need to have somebody to care about other than yourself. I know I have that feeling.  Because if I didn’t, well I would have you take me out back and take care of me like the other synths.”
Piper stared at the synth sitting there. She had spent the first weeks of her new life trying to ruin his. She finally got what Pastor Clements was telling her. Nick was human, even if he didn’t think so. “Your quite the poet Nicky. I’ll give you that.”
“So, you got a question for us then?” Nat asked excitedly.
“Yea.” Nick bent down to his side and pulled up a cooler. “You want some cheesecake.”
“HECK YEA!” Nat screamed happily. Nick started to open the cooler.
“Where the hell did you get that?” Piper asked.
“I have a buddy who lives in Vault 81. Had to rush over there early this morning, and he hooked me up. Consider it a housewarming gift, sorry its late.”
Nick started pulled out folks and plates. He cut a piece and placed it on the girl’s plate. “Wait.” He reached his hand into the color and pulled out a glass jar filled with a red gooey liquid.  “Strawberry jam.” He placed a spoonful. “Gotta hand it to Vault 81, they got the good stuff.”
Nat took a big bite of the cake, her eyes seemed to sparkly. “It’s so good! Nick aren’t you gonna eat any.”
“Sadly dairy never wants to work with my system. Go on Piper have some.”
Piper took a bit and it was as delicious as she could have ever imagined. “So what does it taste like?”
“Taste like Home Nicky. Taste Like Home.”
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dearmyblank · 6 years
dear justin,
   i have quite a lot to say honestly. im also pretty sure you will never read this, which is fine by me. i wish i could pour out all my feelings to you like i used to, but all that is gone. I threw the relationship away, and i regret it more than anything. You truly loved me and i reciprocated those feelings back. but at some point we just, stopped talking. I was busy with graduation and you were busy with school as well. part of me was afraid to text you for some reason. i guess i thought i was annoying you somehow. It started on valentine’s day. so many useless things i remember. To be honest, i was a complete wreck over thanksgiving break. last year that was the time we really got to know each other. remembering that made me go into a complete breakdown. crying and  shaking…. yknow the usual. the weird thing is that i mourned our “loss” so late. Right after we broke up, i was lying in bed crying. Not sobbing. The next day i woke up. Then the following week, i went to school. No one knew. I acted normal as i always did. Shit, my parents didnt even know i was dating in the first place. I was busy. Graduation and finals had me by the neck. I never broke down because i literally couldnt. Too many things were at stake. I had too many responsibilities that i could not just ignore. So, i got through it. Then, during the summer, i went to dc. it was fun i must admit. It was a good distraction from what was in the back of my mind. Then they passed by, June….July…August….September. September. September 30th. Our birthday. How great, my ex has the same birthday, i couldnt forget even if i wanted to. Feelings began to bubble, only a little. But i was able to hold them down, new have interests kept me occupied. October was fine. It was a fun month and honestly i feel absolutely wonderful around my friends. We’ve really connected this year. Then, the thanksgiving break comes up. I absolutely lost it for whatever reason. I remember last year’s break very clearly. That’s probably why. I’m okay now. But of course im writing this letter for a reason. I miss you immensely. I wish we could have met at least once. I was never able to hold you in my arms or kiss you or do any of the things i was dying to do because i loved with every part of my being. I’ve had a few faint dreams of you, one of them being yesterday. I dont know if they mean anything but i love you still. We confessed to each other on christmas, i will cry this christmas night to myself, where nobody will see. i wonder if you feel the same? i presume my emotional self is the only one still sad, still upset, still broken, still wet with tears down my face. im sure you’ve moved on. You had lots of friends. You even had a girl you liked im sure. while those thoughts absolutely destroy me, i am happy for you. I am happy that you were able to do something that i will probably never be able to do. you were my first love. I know i wasnt yours, so you were able to move on easily, right? if not, the  am also glad. Im glad im not the only one. i still have your number, it has collected dust over these long months. i probably never call or text you. Fear is my greatest. You understand of course, we were like twins weren’t we. We were the same age, same birthday, we had so many things in common, we were practically the same person. Maybe that’s why it didnt work out. I guess we were like magnets. 2019 is approaching. what are your plans? i dont have any yet. You know im still on twitter? i changed my @ of course. But if your memory is good you can find me easily, im not locked. emily and i are still mutuals. I wonder if she realizes im the same person? i dont know what happened to rylee, her account is silent so im not gonna bother dming her. I thought about asking emily, but that’s probably a dead end. Plus, i dont want to bother her with my old problems. Remember how you confessed to emily and got rejected? Rylee told me. Sorry, it was supposed to be a secret but not like that applies now. plus youre not even fucking reading this. Hello to the random person reading my life story. Dont feel bad, there’s millions with the same feelings as me right now. back to justin. im shaking i type this all out. Did you know my muscles tense up and shake uncontrollably when im nervous or excited? it’s quite the feeling. i often got like this when i was talking with you. Everytime my phone would buzz i would get so excited. i also apologize for all the times i fell asleep on you. Justin, you were such a bright light in my life. Please live your life. Live healthy and happy. I hope your mom is doing well. Your dad as well. and the cats. i dont really know what else to say. I dont want this letter to end either. it’s almost like a last chance. if you’ve been contemplating contacting me, do it. Even if you just came back to spit in my face and tell me how much i hurt you, i’d be happy. If you hate me, its okay, i still love you.i still love yakuza btw. also whenever i see akagi or anything related to mahjong i think of you. the thought of you is very bittersweet. Yet i still eat it over and over again. i go by jayden now. i also think im nonbinary now. i remember when i was thinking of changing my name from “ j ” to “jaden” you were so supportive. i didnt deserve you. oh well, it all in the past. if you dont want to contact me thats fine by me. but if you want to, please go ahead. Please find me. Im desperate, i know. but i miss you. “I love you,” that was the last thing we said to each other. you remember right?
                     With love, j.                        
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unending-happiness · 6 years
In My Blood
For @light-bow. I love you as much as you love angst. (A bunch...a whole bunch)
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Read on AO3 here
Alec ran his hand down the lapel of a gray jacket that he hadn’t seen Magnus wear before now. “You look amazing,” he whispered, drinking in the sight of him.
“But-” Magnus said, his eyes sparkling in the way they did when he was about to tease him. “Do I look like the man of your dreams?”
Alec smiled and pulled him closer, leaning in to whisper, “You keep joking, but I was very serious about that.” The last word muffled by a kiss to his boyfriend’s neck.
“I know you were,” Magnus agreed, tilting his head so Alec could kiss along his jaw. “Alexander, we don’t have to go tonight. We can stay in and I can live up to my reputation,” he said as he reached up to loosen his cravat.
Alec captured his hand in his own before he could start undressing. “We have to go, Magnus.” He knew that he was dreading the party, but he had no choice, and Alec was going to help him get through it.
“You are going to have to stop kissing me then, Angel. I only have so much self control,” he said as he pressed his body against Alec’s, making things harder for both of them.
Alec sighed, then reached up and loosened the cravat himself. He simply couldn’t resist. “I think we can arrive fashionably late, if you promise to magic our clothes back on after,” he said, waving a hand around in the air as he often did when referring to Magnus’ magic.
“Deal,” Magnus said, sliding his hand along Alec’s back and tucking his fingers under his waistband. “I love you.”
Alec looked into those golden eyes, “I love you too, Dreamy.”
Water dripped onto his hand, snapping him out of the memory. He pressed his fingers into the cool marble of the counter and slowly opened his eyes. He breathed in deeply, as if that would actually help the inevitable pain, and lifted his face to the steamy mirror. The drops of water running down the glass mimicked the ones running down his face, and he realized that he had forgotten to dry his hair after his shower. He could barely feel the damp spots of his clean shirt sticking to his skin. He could barely feel anything at all except the desperate ache in his chest.
Some days the memories made him stronger and hope fueled his steps. Other days he found himself standing in their bathroom and staring down a bottle of Magnus’ cologne like it was his worst enemy. In a way it was, but it was also his lifeline, just like every other thing in the way too quiet loft. Classical music and laughter had been replaced with a silence so thick that it made him feel like he was drowning in it.
He told himself that smelling Magnus’ cologne wouldn’t keep him from falling over the edge of despair, that it was a sad substitute for the real thing, but his hand reached out and grabbed the bottle anyway. He liberally sprayed the scent into the air and breathed it in, allowing it to give him a few rare seconds of relief. He’s going to kick my ass when he gets back, he thought, picturing the disgruntled look on his boyfriend’s face when he returned from Hell to find his favorite expensive and rare cologne all used up. If he even comes back. His heart stuttered at the unwelcome thought, and he ran a towel across his hair a little too roughly before throwing it in the basket.
He padded into their bedroom on bare feet. Truth was, he hadn’t lived here long enough to really feel like any of the other rooms were his, but Magnus was his, and this was where they slept. He would give anything to wrap his body around him tonight and feel the warmth of his skin. He rubbed a hand over his face trying to wipe away the thought before it consumed him, and realized that he forgot to use his iratze to heal his palm. Normally he could throw himself into work during the day and cope that way. He had a job to do, people to take care of, but today all he could think about was the fact that the one person he wanted to care for most could be in serious danger. He had been way too distracted with his thoughts all day and it showed. First there had been the cut to his hand when he got in the way of Jace’s seraph blade, and then the meeting in which he’d zoned out, resulting in a condescending comment from Raj.
He stopped and weaved on his feet a little and tried to remember the last time he ate. He at least needed to use a nourishment rune. He checked the clock. A few more hours. He had to be a functioning person for just a few more hours until he could end his day wrapped around Magnus’ pillow and surrender to the pain. He slid calloused fingers lightly across the blue silk robe hanging by the door as he left the room.
His phone chimed from the coffee table and he knew from the sound that it was Isabelle. He had spent the first two weeks answering his phone in a panic every time it rang, until Clary took pity on him and gave everyone their own special ringtone so that he wouldn’t think it was Magnus each time. Do cell phones even work in Edom? He asked himself for the hundredth time. None of the books in the Institute library had given him the right kind of information about the place the love of his life had disappeared to.
He didn’t even bother going to the phone because he knew that his sister was calling to ask him what he wanted for dinner, and he knew that when he didn’t respond, she would know it was an especially hard day and she would bring him his favorite pizza. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that he would never eat pizza from that place again after this, having associated it with missing Magnus. After this. He found himself wondering how long this would go on and how long he could go through the motions while waiting for Magnus to reach out and let him know he was okay.
He didn’t feel like company tonight, but he knew Izzy would show up anyway, no matter what he said. It was a sad routine, one that he had vehemently argued against in the beginning. He didn’t need a babysitter, but his family just kept coming by the loft every evening like clockwork. Each day it was a different person checking in on him, under the guise of bringing him dinner, as if he didn’t know how to feed himself until he met Magnus. He would open the door, give whoever it was a fake smile and sit in front of the T.V. with a takeout box, not really paying any attention to the conversation or the show.
Cat even got worked into the rotation somehow, although he suspected that was as much for her as it was for him. He was glad for her company though, because she never made him participate in small talk and she had a penchant for bringing things Magnus often cooked for him. Sometimes she brought Madzie along too, and that made him feel a bit better. Unlike most people, Madzie didn’t pretend everything was fine. She would ask endless questions about Magnus and where he had gone. Not long ago she had even asked Alec when he was going to “go and get him”. Catarina had quickly answered that one. “Shadowhunters don’t belong there, Madz. They aren’t of that world, and Magnus is very strong. Don’t worry. He will be fine,” she reassured her, as she cleared plates from the table. The look on Madzie’s face showed her skepticism, but she quickly dropped it and turned her focus to her dessert.
Shadowhunters don’t belong there. The sentence felt like a knife twisting in his gut everytime it rang through his head. He was very sure he belonged with Magnus, wherever that was. The real answer to Madzie’s question wasn’t the one Cat gave her, of course. The reason he hadn’t gone after Magnus was because he had made him promise not to. He had also made Catarina promise not to help Alec get into Edom, something that was a point of contention between them. Knowing Magnus, he had done the same with every other warlock in the city, and so Alec hadn’t even tried that avenue. Besides, he didn’t think he could ever trust anyone else with something as important as Magnus’ life.
“It’s been too long. Something’s definitely wrong,” he had said one night to Jace. His parabatai had stopped by very late, unannounced, no doubt a result of him feeling Alec’s extreme agitation through their bond. He knew that if he had been in a better state of mind, he would have felt bad for Jace having to experience all of this torment as well.
Jace shook his head, and reminded him, “Magnus said that time wasn’t always the same there, right? So it might just seem like a long time to you.”
Alec didn’t bother explaining to him that even a single day without Magnus seemed like a long time to him.
“What if it’s not? What if he needs me, Jace?! And I’m just here going to meetings and filling out reports. I’ve never felt so useless in my life!” His emotions got the better of him and he slammed his fist down on the table. A glass fell to the floor and countless shards scattered. He wondered if his heart would break exactly like that if Magnus never returned to him.
“He told you to stay, right? He has to know better than anyone what the best thing is to do here,” Jace tried to reason with him. They had been through this before, multiple times.
“I’m not going to do anything reckless tonight. I appreciate you checking on me, but you can go back home.” The anger went away as fast as it came and he was suddenly tired down to his bones. Tears stung the corner of his eyes.
“Just tonight?” Jace questioned. “Okay, well if you change your mind tomorrow and want to go raise hell, call me.”
“Yeah, because you need more trouble to get into.” Alec huffed. He wasn’t putting Jace or anyone else in that kind of danger. “I’m going to try to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning?”
When Jace left, he had leaned right there against the door and let his tears fall.
Izzy called again and Alec ignored his ringing phone, walking instead to the door to Magnus’ office. This was the one place he hadn’t entered at all while he was gone. The room was so very Magnus that it was almost a living thing, and he just hadn’t been able to do it before now. He stepped over the threshold tentatively. Somewhere in the back of his mind he reminded himself that this was a very bad idea, but he just didn’t know what else to do. He looked immediately to the right, at the exact spot where he last saw Magnus. His heart pounded in his chest and he closed his eyes, picturing him exactly as he had been that day.
They both knew it had to be done, that Magnus had to go somewhere Alec couldn’t follow, and Alec had been absolutely frantic with worry. Magnus, however, had been calm, his face a mask of strength and fortitude as he left Alec with clear instructions. Instructions that he wasn’t to try to follow him to Edom, no matter how long it took him to return. His voice had been steady and strong as he made Alec promise to wait here, and as he made a promise of his own. He would make it back, he assured him, “Why wouldn’t I? Look what I have waiting for me.” There was so much conviction in that statement that Alec had no choice but to believe him, but each passing day brought a new level of doubt and desperation that left Alec warring with himself over what he needed to do. Surely Magnus would have reached out to him in some way by now if he really was fine?
“Magnus, where the hell are you?” he asked aloud. It was one of those things he couldn’t explain to anyone else, but he felt that something wasn’t right with every fiber of his being. It was a tug, much like the one that had him turning his back on a wedded union rune and walking down the aisle to choose Magnus. He didn’t want to break his promise to him, but he had made an even bigger promise to take care of him. It was in each honest declaration, in each way they made love. It was in every single beautiful moment they spent together.
Magnus knew him well, and so he had to know that, no matter what, Alec would battle any odds, would risk anything and everything to keep him safe. He knows me. The thought slammed into him and adrenaline flooded his veins.
His mind was reeling as he ran around the loft gathering all the important things. He snatched up his phone, stele, bow and quiver and hopped around trying to put his boots on in a hurry. He didn’t even bother lacing them as he ran out to the balcony. He climbed up on the ledge, quickly drew a rune on his hand and stepped off of the building, falling gracefully with ease. He started running the moment his feet touched the ground, sprinting the ten blocks to where he was going. When he got there, he knocked furiously.
Catarina opened the door, a look of worry on her face as soon as she saw it was him, which changed quickly to an expression of understanding that he didn’t take the time to register.
“Listen, Cat”, he said breathlessly, “I really think something is wrong, and I have to go. I just have to make sure he’s okay. I can’t stay here without him...I don’t care what he said and I don’t care if I’m in danger there.....or if it’s a death sentence. I can’t not go. It isn’t in my blood.” He stopped briefly for a gulp of air and leveled his gaze to hers. “I’m sorry, but if you won’t help me, I’ll find someone else, but I am going to go get Magnus.” He waited in silence for her to throw him off her doorstep.
She looked at him with fierce eyes and said, “Well, it’s about damn time.”
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justmickeyfornow · 6 years
Ok so... I'm not rich but I'm not poor either. I have a comfortable life. Always had food on my plate, etc. I'm gay and it's a "secret" (my family doesn't know) And today, I woke up depressed. Almost 2 years ago someone broke my heart when they dumped me and it made me go into a depression spiral that just got me crazy and made me want to kill myself. Every now and then I think of them, check their social media etc and this morning I woke up feeling alone and lonely. And I just don't know :(
Not sure if I’m the best person to give advice out there, but I guess I could give it a try :)
Here’s what mostly works for me. The magic fix to all of this is just to fill your time. It worked for me and maybe it’ll work for you too. Don’t let yourself have the privilege of too much free time. Because that's your biggest enemy. The more free time you have, the more you’ll be thinking and overthinking shit. You’re either studying or you have a job right? Well the rest of those hours in the day try to fill them. Work on a project. Go to the gym. Hang out with some people. Read a book. Read Fanfiction!! Learn chess. Learn how to code (this is what I’m trying to do lately. So far, it’s fun! You should try it).
Actually the gym thing might be one of the most things that was able to keep my mind off of all the scary stuff. It’s the reason I started going to begin with. I had a lot on my mind, I was going a bit crazy and I hated sitting there and thinking about it at home. So I went for a jog and it took my mind off of it a bit. Next thing I knew, I was signing for a gym membership and going everyday ever since. It’s a huge stress reliever. Even if you’re not the type to go, do it anyway. I even pushed myself so far that I got one of those expensive memberships (That I really really couldn’t afford) just so that I would guilt myself into going everyday. And so far, I haven’t thought about that incident that shall not be talked about (scary harry potter style voice) in a long while (crap, I just thought about it now.....).
Do something that you’re good at and that you love. You’re good at drawing? Go fucking draw your heart out! Writing? Write stories until the end of time. Dancing? Singing? Playing a musical instrument? Whatever it is, do it. And there’s no such thing as “I’m not really good at anything”. So I better not hear you saying that. There’s always something that you’re really good at. Not perfect. Just good. Because if you’re just good at something, then eventually you’ll want to make it better and better until you get as close to perfect as possible. I had a friend once that lived her whole life with the notion that she wasn’t good at anything. She’s 23 and last year me and her found out - accidentally - that she can do math in her head in lightning speed. I randomly asked her what’s 12x32 and she did it in her head in less than two minutes, no pen no paper. And she was just as surprised as I was. She apparently thought everybody could do that (God knows I can’t!). So find something you’re good at and fill your time with it. I always complain about writing for Paranoia Incarnated, but the truth is it takes my mind off of the billion things that I’d rather not think about.
Social media. There's absolutely nothing wrong with cutting off from social media. Sit down and really think about it: When you browse through a certain social media account/page/thingy (I don’t even know what’s it called? I’m not really good at that stuff), what do you normally feel? Is it depression? Numbness? Endless scrolling of nothing? Jealousy? Then just delete it. It's so easy to delete an account its crazy that not more people do it. If you feel happy. You read things that make you smile. You rant about characters you like. Squeal at drawings someone drew. Smile at a cat picture. Then keep it.
As for being tempted to check up on that person that hurt you. Now, I personally believe in the opposite of Exposure therapy (concealment therapy?). If something bothers me or tends to stir up negative feelings in me, then I just make it disappear as best as I can. If it's a real person, I avoid them. If it's someone online then I block them. If it's someone I'm following, then I just unfollow them. If it's a situation, then I make sure I’m never put in a similar situation again. Yes, I know, not really a healthy thing to do. But, again, I’m a crazy person and healthy is not really something I’m very good at. So, if you really wanna go down my slippery slope, then just either unfollow or block the URL that takes you to her page. It’ll give you some peace of mind. Whenever you’re tempted to check up on her, then just get up and do something else. Open up Paranoia Incarnated and read the fluffy happy moments! There’s an idea! (Suggestions from PI? The pancakes for dinner conversation. Two penguins getting married at the zoo. Kara taking a nap for the first time in Lena’s office which is also the first time she tells Lena she’s beautiful. Leia’s chapter! The famous scotch cookies (I love this chapter!) and last but definitely not least because I was laughing my ass off while writing it: Lena trying to tap her head and rub her stomach and failing miserably!)
Now, let’s talk music. Choose one song that calms you down. Think of one song or one singer that every time you hear, you feel your mind drift from what you were doing just to properly listen to that song. Choose one singer whose voice can literally stop you from having a panic attack. Now, convince yourself that once you hear that song/singer that you'll be alright. I swear to God it works. If it didn't work for me I wouldn't recommend it. But it works for me.
Eden is that singer for me. I have a few songs for him that if I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack or any sort of scary nervous breakdown, I can put on my headphones and just play one of his songs and it’s like I could breathe again. If you’re interested in Eden, let me know and I’ll recommend which songs you should listen to first.
(Also, here’s a link to the Paranoia Incarnated Spotify playlist. There’re some songs on there that might help too.)
Speaking of music, your ask actually reminded me of this song that I adore. Put some headphones, close your eyes and listen to it. I have a feeling it might help ya out!
As for suicide. The only reason you're thinking about it is because you're keeping it as an option. I'm a practical person. I like to keep things practical. And simply not having suicide as an option can change your whole mindset.
Think of it like a bridge with water underneath it that you have to cross. This bridge is long and old and rusty and just slowly falling apart. But you have to get across no matter what. The water underneath is calm so it’s possible to swim there but it would still be hard. Both options are difficult but still both are possible. The third option is simple. Easy. You could just fly to the other side. Except you can’t. Because it’s impossible. It’s not an option. So you don’t think about it when you’re faced with the situation of crossing the bridge. Therefore you’re left with the other two options: cross the bridge on foot, even though you might fall down and get hurt. Or swim there, even though it would be extremely tiring and exhausting and time consuming and just plain difficult. But in the end you don’t have the option of flying.
Same goes with suicide. Don’t keep it as an option in your life, and you won’t think of it. Pretend that it’s impossible to suicide. Pretend that it just doesn’t exist. You do that, and I guarantee you won’t think about it as much.
There's no such thing as a permanent problem. Keep that in mind. Whatever you're feelings are towards this girl now, chances are they're gonna change in a couple of years.
I know you don't wanna hear this, but the truth is you're probably gonna go through so much worse to a point that this problem would seem like a walk in the park. And if you've really grown, you wouldn't think of suicide then either. Because you'd realize that you got over that first problem that once upon a time seemed like the worst thing you could go through. You actually got over it. You survived it. And you'll smile and think that you'll get over this too.
There’s also nothing wrong with feeling lonely. I wish I had a fix for you, but I still haven’t figured that one out yet. I tend to just ignore it (I’m starting to realize I live life by simply ignoring many many things. Maybe not the healthiest thing in the world....) As soon as I feel myself drowning in that feeling I simply get up. Do something. Anything. Go do the dishes. Hell, I sometimes get down and do 20 pushups to get my mind off of it (That usually works, seeing that once I reach 12 pushups I’m practically dead). Actually the pushups thing also acts as a sort of response treatment. Your mind will slowly realize that everytime it feels negative feelings you start torturing it with pushups and it stops pushing negative feelings towards you. Does that make any sense? I feel like that might not be the healthiest option. Maybe consult an expert? I dunno. I sometimes do it and it helps me, but I’m just a crazy person so I what do I know.
Other random things that I’ve done that were extremely helpful in changing my mindset:
1. Drink fruit water! Yup! I know it sounds ridiculous, but it kinda works. Grab one of those big water bottles that you take with you to the gym. Cut up a lemon (I prefer half a lemon), an orange, a cucumber, and some mint. Stuff them in there and fill it with water. It actually tastes pretty good. And it washes away the toxins in your body.
2. Dark chocolate! Not only is it healthy, but it releases dopamine (the little beautiful trigger in your brain that makes you happy) and increases your serotonin levels (the little beautiful trigger in your brain that makes you calm).
4. Buy a bulletin board. Put it up in your room and go crazy with it. Pin up your goals. Projects. Your resolutions. Whatever it is. Make sure it’s on that board so you could see it every single day.
5. Smile a lot.
I dunno if any of this is helpful. But most of this stuff worked for me so I’m hoping it’ll work for you. Just read a lot of fanfiction, spice up your life with some smutty ones too and you’ll soon forget about that girl.
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loonietunes · 3 years
This is going to be a massive rant against americans constantly barking about spaying/neutering cats on any and every online space so don't read further if that's who you are.
Let me explain the context of my rant. I'm Indian. Specifically a remote hilly corner of India that barely has any adequate medical facilities for humans, forget animals and pets. Some remotes villagers have to travel miles on foot carrying a sick/pregnant patient to get to a local hospital. So can you imagine the state of sick animals? In places like mine, state sponsored veterinary clinics have forever languished away in an awful run-down state with none/badly-trained staff and minimal funding. The vets that are available are trained mostly for commerical cattle/poultry farm animals, then for pet dogs and rarely for domestic cats/birds. Anyone who has ever visited these badly maintained and unhygienic spaces will probably want to take their chances keeping a sick cat at home instead of even considering a vet visit. There are vets here who don't even consider house cats as worthwhile pets and will tell you to get a 'loyal dog' instead, right while they're trying to treat one. Here feral and stray cats are the day-to-day normal, indoor-outdoor cats a growing reality, and completely indoor cats- almost a futuristic science fiction concept that nobody understands.
So imagine someone in this situation, who finds a helpless stray cat on the roads, hungry and sick, perhaps even pregnant, and brings her home. They try to feed the cat with whatever food they have in the house (because commercial cat foods are rarely seen in stores). Maybe a little rice, fish, chicken. A lot of people even give milk because they don't know it's bad for kitties. But then we have low cost internet even though we don't have good vets, so this person goes online to the magical place called the internet to ask for help from strangers all over the world. They ask about what to feed the poor kitty, how to keep it warm and safe, how to get rid of ticks and fleas and what to expect as their little furball grows. There is lots of good advice, even though quite a bit of it is impractical for their circumstances, but the person is immensely grateful to now possess enough knowledge to take care of their new found pet.
This is the good part. Now comes the ranty part. As the person goes through all the info diligently, they keep seeing a section of people (a lot of whom appear to be white americans in their bios) give the same answer to every cat question asked on the internet. It didn't matter if the question was about cat food, cat sleeping habits, cat play, cat poop or just getting a cat in general. All the answers were 'GET YOUR CAT SPAYED/NEUTERED ASAP'. Repeated a thousand times like a broken tape player. The tone was almost intimidating, like being held at gunpoint while being screamed at. This person from this remote corner of a poor country, where cats are not even regarding as proper pets, with no good vet clinics within a good distance, who was just trying to feed and shelter a lost cat, and who wasn't even aware that spaying/neutering is a legit thing done in many countries, keeps seeing these similar messages/answers wherever they look online for help. The ones answering didn't even bother to ask or find out where the OP was from. The only words in their vocab seemed to be 'SPAY/NEUTER'. The person tried to explain their circumstances, but it seemed like there was no room for understanding, not even a little. 'SPAY/NEUTER' they kept screaming in unison. 'HOW!?' asked the person. 'Should I get a knife and scissors at home and try to neuter it myself? There is no vet here, what do I do?'
'YOU ARE SO SELFISH FOR NOT NEUTERING/SPAYING YOUR KITTEN. YOU DESERVE TO DIE THAN KEEP A PET', they screamed back. The person found it strange and almost comical, how these privileged white americans assumed that the whole world resided in america. That there were efficient and fancy vet clinics, cat rescue shelters, and even low-cost cat surgery clinics in every remote corner of the world. They didn't ask, they just assumed. The whole world was either NJ, Texas or Cali. And of course these places have great low cost vets, did you not know? Here take this address of one I went to. Oh you said you stayed somewhere remote, here take these contacts of low cost vet clinics in Alaska. Oh you stay on an island? Must be Hawaii. Do other countries even exist?
I swear everytime I see someone post a well-meaning question about a kitten/pregnant cat anywhere online, I can almost immediately smell a bloodthirsty horde of white americans on their way to scream about SPAYING/NEUTERING in the answers. Heck, I don't even need cat whiskers to do it. It's crazy how absolutely narcissistic an entire nation of people can be, and how belligerently ignorant and dismissive of another person's set of circumstances.
Rant over.
Next time someone asks a genuine question about a kitty/any other animal, try to find out where they're coming from. Mould your answer to fit their situation, not just brag about how well-kept your own cats in a first world country are. If you can't do that, don't say anything. And don't go hysterically scream about SPAYING/NEUTERING in every unrelated question about a cat that's asked online. Know that some people don't have that facility readily available in the country they live in but are trying to do everything else to provide for their pet. I know I am. And I'll do my best to try to get them spayed/neutered when I can find a safe place to get it done. Until then maybe the americans can give their fingers some rest.
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maskyartist · 7 years
More Persona 5 AU Rambles
Hey seeing how you guys liked my Shadow AU ramble, i’m here to deliver another! It’s a follow up to a story I posted awhile ago, {Patience Is A Virtue}, and i’ve been wanting to elaborate more on it for awhile so HERE WE GO!
Trigger Warning: This AU contains murder, death, enjoyment of death, enjoyment of killing, and gore
Also this AU isn’t finished, i’m not sure what to do with Akechi, Shido, or anything like that so if you have any suggestions please send them my way!
The first part of the game goes exactly as normal except for a few things.
Morgana shows up at Leblanc before Akira goes into the metaverse
Akira never enters the metaverse
And no one ever figures out about the metaverse.
Got it?? Alright lets keep going.
After finding out about Kamoshida’s past, and Akira meets Ann and Ryuji and gets threatened with getting expelled, Ryuji, very jokingly, suggests “What if we just killed him? That’d be way easier then outting him without us getting in trouble.”....and a spark lit up inside of Akira. Akira welcomes the idea, saying “You know...that’s not a bad idea.” before he explains why. Akira believes that the dead simply don’t matter, once someone’s dead they’re useless to the world which is why they’re buried. So if Kamoshida was murdered, then he wouldn’t matter. Things would be better.
Ann, having watched Shiho try to commit suicide, struggles to find a reason why she shouldn’t do this. Ryuji on the other hand is panicking. He can’t get arrested for murder, he can’t kill someone, he can’t leave his mom alone anymore...but the more he thinks about it...the more satisfying the idea of watching Kamoshida’s eyes going lifeless from his hands becomes. Akira promises they won’t get caught, and if they do Akira will take all of the blame, saying he’ll claim them to be merely pawns in his game.
It takes a minute for Ann to slowly nod. She straightens up more and says “Alright. Lets do it.” Then all three, Akira, Morgana, and Ann, look at Ryuji waiting for his response. He tenses under the stares but nods as well. “As long as my mom never finds out, and this is the last one we ever do...then i’m in.”
So started the plan to kill Suguru Kamoshida, the sinner of lust.
Trigger Warning, death, murder, bludgeoning with baseball bat, and pulling out an organ from a dead body under cut 
The plan was simple, Kamoshida always goes to his office after teaching the volleyball teams. The four of them would simply hide in the office, lock the door on him, Ryuji would use a baseball bat they would’ve brought from the gym equipment to knock him out, they’d tie him up, and have at it. Ann went first, kicking him in the sides, stomping on his chest, and even crushing his crotch with the heel of her shoe, all while wearing a wicked smile. Akira never got to know Kamoshida for long, but he still hated him. Hated the smug grin he wore everytime he walked by the supposed criminal. He’d take a few swings at him, and even let Morgana claw at his face (by throwing the cat onto him). The last to go was Ryuji. At first he was very shaky, he kept staring at Kamoshida then the door as if someone was gonna just barge in, they’d get caught, and he’d be an even bigger disappointment. But when he looked back at Kamoshida....he was glaring. He was glaring at Ryuji. He was still looking down on him, even in his condition. That made Ryuji finally decide to have his way with the bastard. Ryuji lifted the bat and swung it at his head. He tried to stay as quiet as possible, but continued to say how shitty Kamoshida is, how much of a bastard he is, how he wished for the day he would die, and how he’s grateful he gets to be the one to kill him. 
After it’s over, and Ann actually has to pull Ryuji off of Kamoshida’s now dead body so his face doesn’t become too disfigured, everyone in the room is breathing heavily. Ryuji drops the bat, flinching as it clatters to the floor, and slowly sinks down. It settles in on everyone. They just killed someone. They all assisted in killing a person. And while that thought is very scary...the worst part is that they don’t feel anything. Each and every one of them feel nothing for Kamoshida’s now lifeless body. They took a life, but they don’t care.
Akira is silent as he pulls out a small pocket knife he carries on hand (supposedly for self defense) and gets over Kamoshida’s body. Ann quietly asks what he’s doing before letting out a small yelp as Akira pulls Kamoshida’s shirt up, and begins cutting away the skin above his heart. He ends up making a big enough hole that he can reach in and rip the still warm organ out of his body, which he then sets on Kamoshida’s lap. He stands up and goes into Kamoshida’s desk, pulling out a thing of wetwipes and cleaning his hands, along with the pocket knife before putting it back into his pocket.
Ann questions how they’re supposed to leave, in a very quiet tone, slightly afraid of Akira after what he just did, but Akira just answers they’ll leave through the office door and go out through the front of the school. If they’re stopped, they’ll just say they had to help out with cleaning the bathrooms. Ann nods and goes to comfort Ryuji, not bothering to say anything because she knows no matter what she says the guilt will stay. After regaining their senses the team would leave, and Akira would invite them to Leblanc. Sojiro would’ve left Akira with the keys much earlier then in canon. Ryuji would instantly agree, knowing that he can’t handle being alone right now. Ann would agree as well, wanting to be there so they could discuss what they just did.
Once at Leblanc, Akira would pick up Morgana and sees he dropped something in his bag. It’s a metal. An Olympic Metal. Ann suggests selling it, seeing how there’s no point in keeping something like that from a trash person like Kamoshida. The words “trash person” surprised Ann, because they slipped past her lips so effortlessly, but she doesn’t bother taking them back, because what she said was true. Akira agrees but thinks they should do something with the money. Instead of the buffet, they decide to just order a shit ton of food and have a good time in the attic.
Once they’re eating, Ann asks why Ryuji keeps looking at his phone. He quickly puts it away and tries to deflect the question but Ann ends up pushing him so he tells. He answers, rather shamelessly, that he was looking up other people much like Kamoshida so they could...do what they did before..again. After all, since Akira left behind a calling card that claimed them as the Phantom Thieves, he feels they can’t just...leave behind the name of Phantom Thieves after just one time. The others are obviously shocked that Ryuji, the one who was more reluctent to do this, wants to continue with this under the Phantom Thieves name but he quickly explains he doesn’t just want to kill random people, he wants to kill horrible people. People like Kamoshida, who were the scum of society. Ryuji pulls his phone out and shows an article he was reading about an artist named Madarame, claiming that he plagiarizes his work and abuses his students. Ryuji explains he wants to go after him next, so he can help avoid others getting hurt like he was.
Akira’s the first to agree, stating that the rush and thrill he got from Kamoshida’s death was too much for him to just abandon it after one time. Once he confesses that, Ann says she felt sort of the same way. But she felt proud of herself for having gotten rid of such a problem that constantly plagued not only her, but her friend Shiho. Morgana simply lets out a rolling purr as he lifts himself up and strolls over to Ryuji, plopping himself in his lap and purring louder as Ryuji answers his silent ask for pets. They all give a small grin before they go back to eating the mountain of food they were able to order with the money they got from selling the metal.
And with that, the Phantom Thieves Of Hearts began gathering members after each kill, their trademark being the removed heart from each victim starting after Suguru Kamoshida. 
......yeah that’s about it. I could go on for longer but I felt this was long enough. If you have any questions about it please send them my way! I’m a huge fan of murder AUs so I really like talking about this one!
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Hold on Loosely  Part 2
Summary: A new face shakes things up at Hawkins. Scarlett (OC) never asked to move to the seemingly small quiet town, and she definitely didn’t ask for the events to follow.  Pairing: Steve Harrington X OC (Slow burn) Warnings: Some cursing, underage drinking, minor sexual misconduct, minor violence A/N: If anyone out there was actually waiting for part 2 my apologies for the lateness. Life, what can you do? Thank you to all the likes, and follows! I would love to hear what you think, so don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask!? (Is that what it is? I am new to the Tumblr)  Word count: 3.5 K (It was going to be longer, but for the sake of posting something I cut it in half) Part 1
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A jean jacket clad arm found it’s way above her head, trapping her between the metal wall of lockers before her, and the person behind. With all hope of actually opening her locker gone she spun around to face whoever was demanding her attention. She cocked a brow in question at the smirking alpha-male before her. She knew their type, back home they ran a muck. In fact, Billy Hargrove looked as though he would be right at home at the muscle beach down the way from her once home.  “Hey there, Scarlett right? Rumor has it you and I were practically neighbors.”  “Is that so?” Her voice had risen slightly in pitch and her face dawned a coy smile to match. In return his tongue dragged across his lower lip, eyes turning predatory.  “Yeah L.A., you?”  “Santa Monica,” she answered and he gave her a wolfish grin.  See, what’d I tell you, neighbors.” “I thought you looked familiar,” she played along with a smile giggle, tucking a calculated strand of hair behind her ear. Billy let his arm fall, rocking back onto his heels slightly, relaxing into the conversation now that he was confident in his capture.  “So listen, everyone keeps talking about this Halloween party. Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t think these back woods fucks knows how to have a good time. I thought maybe having a familiar face might make it at least bearable.” He drawled, giving her a wicked smirk.  Humming softly she pretended to think it over, making a show of dragging her bottom lip between her teeth. His eyes lowered to her mouth, and he leaned forward slightly, and she faintly recalled Jessica’s words from earlier, causing her to smirk a little. When in Rome... “Well, what kind of neighbor would I be if I refused? Pick me up at 7 at the end of Maple Drive?” She asked and his grin turned triumphant.  “I’ll see you then, Santa Monica.” “Later L.A.” With one final look over his shoulder Billy moved off down the hall, whispers already spreading the gossip through the small town High School. Scarlett turned back to her locker only to be interrupted yet again.  “I thought you went solo to parties,” Jessica drawled, leaning against the lockers to Scarlett’s right as she changed out her books. “You are so full of shit!” She teased, shoving her friend slightly and Scarlett rolled her eyes.  “Well you know, when in Rome and all that” she mused, slamming the metal door shut. “Besides, weren’t you the one who was just saying Billy was who I should be pining after?” She asked raising a brow as the two of them began to make their way down the hall and towards the parking lot.  “Well yeah but fuck, I didn’t think you would move that fast!” The brunette exclaimed.  Rounding the corner Scarlett shrugged, pushing down the pride that was swelling in her chest at the girls praise. “No time like the present,” she fought to keep the air of cool in her voice, even though part of her wanted to squeal like the school girl she was. Back home while not unpopular, Scarlett found herself on the outer edge of the ‘it’ crowd. Here in small town Hawkins, Indiana she was the top of the food chain, and it felt good.  The two of them pushed through the front doors, revealing the normal bustle of the after school parking lot. Bidding each other farewell, Scarlett moved off towards the green Corolla that her father had tried to use as a bribe when she had first arrived. He didn’t seem to understand that a car couldn’t undue him  picking up and starting a new family thousands of miles away.
Pulling into the driveway Scarlett shut off her car and slumped back into the drivers seat, hands resting on the wheel. Her lips tugged into a frown, and she couldn’t  help nervously chewing at the inside of her cheek. No matter how hard she wished, the traitorous clock had continued to move forward as she drove around town, killing time until now it read 4:57. Her stomach twisted in unease as she mentally prepared herself for the confrontation that was almost guaranteed when she stepped into the house.  Trish wasn’t a bad person, not really. She had tried to be welcoming when Scarlett had showed up on their porch, bags in hand and chip on her shoulder. For a time she had bent over backwards to try and win the angry teen over, but everytime Scarlett looked at her all she could see was the reason her dad had left them.  Whenever she walked down the hall full of family photos she couldn’t squash the jealousy that clawed angrily from the pits of her stomach, tearing her apart from the inside out. This wasn’t her home, only a cruel reminder of what could have been.  4:59 With one last deep breath Scarlett gave up putting off the inevitable. Every step she took filled her stomach with dread and by the time she had reached the front door she was sure she was going to hurl. Slowly she turned the handle, creeping into the front entry way.  “Richard I...What do you mean you have to stay through Monday?” Tip toeing further into the house Scarlett peered around the corner, finding a tired looking Trish slumped over the kitchen table, one hand held the phone to her ear, while the other tapped nervous patterns onto the table.  “No, no Rich...I understand that you can’t control...She’s your daughter I need help...Richard no, you don’t understand...” A soft tugging on her pants tore Scarlett from her eaves dropping. Leaning back around the corner she looked down, face softening at the wide brown eyes that gazed up at her.  Sophie’s chubby hands left the hem of her pants and instead reached up for her “Uppy,” was her simple command. While the teen rolled her eyes, she acquiesced all the same, setting the toddler on her hip.  “What did we talk about Miss Sophie? It’s ‘up please’. You’re getting too old for baby talk.” The toddler nodded and Scarlett brushed a stray curl behind her ear before shifting the girl to her other hip. “Did you eat dinner yet?” A nod. “Alright well how about a bath before bed then?” The small girl grinned and nodded, clapping her hands together.  “She needs her father, Richard!” Scarlett paused at the foot of the stairs at Trish’s out burst. She threw a glance over her shoulder, frown tugging at her lips.  “Sissy?” Whipping back around she grinned at the child.  “What do you think Sophie-ophie, should we add bubbles?” With an excited cheer the half-sisters made their way upstairs, Scarlett fighting to keep her face from falling. She recognized the look on Trish’s face, it was the same one her mother wore when she thought Scarlett was asleep the first few years after her father had left. For the first time since she had arrived back in August she felt the anger, and jealousy subside, as a dull ache of guilt took it’s place. 
Halloween night saw Scarlett locking her bedroom door and turning the radio to a low hum. Spinning on her heel she faced the vanity to give herself one final lookover. She had raided Sophie’s toy chest and borrowed a pair of small black cat ears, and with a little eye liner she had drawn on matching whiskers. A small black top that bared her midriff and a pair of high waisted shorts completed her half-ass costume.  The door bell rang and she moved towards the window, tossing her black heels out before sliding her jacket over her shoulders. Carefully she swung first one leg out, then the over, lowering herself over the sill. Her toes found the top of the gazebo, and she let go of the window. Once on the Gazebo she made quick work of lowering herself the final couple of feet before jumping off into the grass of the back yard.  Snatching up her heels she padded her way to the side of the house and quietly let herself out the gate, before doing her best to fall into a crowd of passing trick’or’treaters and made her way away from the house. Once she was at the end of Maple drive she stepped to the edge of the sidewalk, and tugged on her shoes. Moments later a familiar rumble echoed in the distance.  Headlights flashed and screeching tires on pavement signaled Billy’s arrival. The passenger door popped open, rock music blaring from the Camaro. Her fellow Californian  was leaning across the passenger seat, grinning up at her.  “Well Me-ow, looking good Santa Monica!” He complimented as she lowered herself into the car, giving him a cat-like grin.  “You’re not so bad yourself L.A.” she purred and he visibly inflated at her flirtatious compliment.  The two made quick work of crossing town; Billy’s driving while not necessarily legal, was effective.  As they pulled onto Tina’s road they could tell the party was already in full swing. Rowdy, costumed teenagers littered the front yard, red solo cups in hand. Once parked Billy guided the two of them into the house with a firm, territorial arm wrapped around her shoulders.  Music blared through the packed house, and Scarlett was already shedding her coat, the pulsating crowd making the temperature skyrocket. Several glassy eyed teens called out greetings to the two transplants, which they returned as they pushed their way into the kitchen.  Billy made quick work of filling a cup with a questionable foggy liquid, handing it to Scarlett. She gave him a “thanks,” not bothering for more as it would be lost in the crowd. She tipped her head back, taking a large swig from the solo cup.  The drink burned it’s way down her throat before settling into her stomach. Her lips pursed, eyes squinting slightly as she shook off the initial recoil with a “Woo!” Billy tugged her into him, grinning down at her after taking a large drag of his beer.  “You’re my kinda girl, Santa Monica. We’re going to have a hell of a time!” The two clinked their drinks, a Cheshire like grin pulling at Scarlett’s lips, before they threw back another large gulp.  “Dance with me,” Scarlett commanded. Her body hummed at the excitement that buzzed through the air, rolling intoxicatingly off the  bodies that pressed against them. It was going to be a good night. 
“Chug, chug, chug!” The group of boys chanted, cheering Billy on as he performed his keg stand. Scarlett leaned heavily against the rockery, sipping on her seventh...or was it her eighth cup of ‘pure fuel’. She had honestly lost count, especially with the way Billy had a talent of never letting her have an empty glass.  “We have a new keg stand king!” One of the boys proclaimed as Billy finished off his ‘record breaking’ keg stand. He soaked up the praise of his peers, reaching out to Scarlett. She pushed off the wall, world spinning slightly as she took a few small steps towards her date. His arm wrapped firmly around her waist as he tugged her into his side, and she allowed herself to be his trophy, mostly because he helped keep her upright.  He lit up a cigarette dragging harshly on it as the two of them made their way back towards the house. She reached up pulling the smoke from his lips and matched his hard drag. Her head swirled like the smoke as she exhaled it from her lungs, and she was faintly aware of a rough kiss pressed to the corner of her mouth. Sluggishly she batted him away with a giggle, passing back his cigarette. A familiar head of hair bobbed into view and Scarlett felt her vibe drop as the boys surrounding her and Billy quickly descended on the newcomer.  “We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington.” Tommy sneered, slapping a heavy hand on Billy’s shoulder. Their group closed ranks on Steve and his date, who looked like she would rather be anywhere else in the world at that moment. The two girls rolled their eyes as Steve and Billy squared off and Scarlett stepped away from Billy’s overbearing frame. “While I looooove a pissing contest as much as the next girl, Imma need a refill. You look way, way, wayyyy to sober to be here. Care to join me?” She slurred slightly, offering Nancy her hand. The Brunette hesitated momentarily, tossing a glance over her shoulder, only to see that the boys were still too wrapped up in puffing out their chests to take notice of their dates. With a small scoff she turned back to the drunk blond, and took her offered appendage with a tight smile. “I could use a drink,” she admitted.  Scarlett tugged her towards the kitchen, stumbling occasionally with a laugh as her world fought to stay in focus. “’M Scarlett by the way. My friends call me Letty, or they did.” She added, almost as an after thought. All her old friends back home called her Letty, but here she was just Scarlett.  “Nancy, nice to meet you Scarlett.” With one final shove the girls staggered into the kitchen and Scarlett bee-lined for the punch bowl, ladling up an overly full cup and passing it to her companion who raised a brow in question.  “What is it?” She asked, holding the beverage out tentatively. Before Scarelett could answer a toga clad boy beat her to the punch.  “It’s pure fuel!” He hollered, tossing back the rest of his drink. The blond giggled holding out her now refilled cup.  “To new friends,” she toasted. After a moment Nancy clicked her cup against Scarlett’s.  “To being stupid teenagers.” Had Scarlett been sober she may have caught the notes of scorn laced in Nancy’s toast, but as it was a steady hum had started in the back of her head and words were quickly getting hard to process.  The two girls chugged their drinks, Nancy’s face scrunching as the alcohol settled heavily in her stomach. Soon she was passing the cup back to Scarlett, face determined. Scarlett refilled the cup and couldn’t help the surprised “holy shit”  as Nancy tossed back her second drink just as fast as the fist, holding her cup out once more.  Steve appeared as Scarlett was passing Nancy back her third drink, brown eyes filled with concern as he stepped forward, pulling the cup away from his girlfriend.  “Hey, hey, hey slow down,” he warned, eyes flashing to Scarlett for a moment before returning to Nancy.  “We’re just being stupid teenagers for the night; wasn’t that the deal?” the two locked eyes and Scarlett felt her stomach recoil, though she couldn’t tell if it was from the alcohol, or discomfort at the intimacy of the moment she was suddenly intruding on.  Faintly she registered that she should find some water, and so with a muttered “K bye” she pushed off the counter, quickly retreating from the couple and their stare down. With great effort she began to totter her way back through the crowd and towards the yard where coolers awaited. By the time she stumbled out back she was leaning heavily against the side of the house for support, as her world twisted violently before her.  “Babe there you are, I’ve been looking all over for you,” A voice purred in her ear. He spun her around and she staggered forward into him at the sudden movement. Billy’s arms wrapped around her waist, securing her against him.  The Keg stand had done it’s job and the muscle clad boy was thoroughly ‘sheet-faced.’ “Mmm Billy need water,” she murmured hoping that he was a little more sober than her and could help her make it the last couple feet to the coolers. His response was not one she was entirely prepared for. His mouth crashed onto hers as he caged her against him. The taste of cheap beer and Tobacco laced his breath and she recoiled.  “Billy, Billy stop,” she tried as his sloppy kisses made their way down her jaw line. While they were surrounded by people the only support she found was for Billy, in the form of cheers and cat call’s by the inebriated group. “C’mon Santa Monica, We’re just having a little fun,” he breathed in her ear, and she let out a small cry as she felt one of his hands slide down and roughly grab a handful of ass.  His lips found her mouth once again, and she panicked as she pushed harder against his chest. Her head was reeling, alcohol dulling her senses but heightening the emotion’s of fear and embarrassment that were quickly overwhelming her. She needed to get out of here, and fast.  His tongue roughly forced its way past her non-responsive lips and before she even knew what she was doing she was clamping down on the unwanted appendage. Billy recoiled instantly, practically throwing her away from him with a snarled “Crazy bitch!” The sudden force, coupled with the heels and drunken state sent Scarlett toppling. She felt her ankle twist painfully and she cried out as her knees bounced against the concrete. In an attempt to break her fall she had reached out, which only served to skin and bruise the palms of her hands. “You bitch, what the fuck is your problem?” Billy raged, spitting a mouth full of blood out, while taking a menacing step towards her. Murmurs were rising in the crowd that surrounded them, and Billy was quick to point fingers. “Psycho tried to bite off my fucking tongue!” he accused.  Hot tears were already cascading down Scarlett’s cheeks, whiskers running in lines of black as she wiped roughly at her face. She was faintly aware of the dull ache in her knees and ankle, but more immediately she was made aware of the judge full looks of peers. Frightened green eyes searched the crowd for a friendly face, but none stepped forward to offer her a hand up, or even ask if she was O.K. The world was spinning again and it was getting harder for her to breath as wave after wave of emotions crashed over her. The music that once was so loud she could barely hear herself think, had turned into an undertone for the jeer’s and whispers aimed in her direction. Her mind reeled, trying to catch up to the sudden turn in events that had led to this moment, but the only thing it could come up with was ‘run’. So she did. The amount of alcohol and adrenaline in her system allowed her to ignore the pain that accompanied getting to her feet. Her stomach churned violently and she shoved her way through the crowd.  “yeah, run away!” Billed sneered after her quickly retreating form.  She stumbled down the driveway, ignoring the many looks she was receiving from other party goers who had missed her humiliation. With every step she took she became more aware of another more urgent matter that she needed to attend to.  Falling forward her arms shot out, bracing herself against a random car parked on the sidewalk she hurled. Between the painful heaves she mentally patted herself on the back for wearing her hair up in pony tail. Once the last wave of vomit left her system she did her best to spit out the remaining taste.  Leaning back against the car that had become her home base for the moment she swiped the back of her hand across her mouth, sucking a deep breath of cool night air into her lungs. She let her eyes fall shut, and she tried to focus on steadying her world. Between the fresh air and vomiting she already felt herself beginning to sober, though she had a long way to go. As she continued to lean against the car she felt her heart rate slowly starting to drop, and as the adrenaline from earlier left her system she became distinctly aware of three things.  One, it was freezing outside and she had no idea where her jacket had wound up. Two, she was now ride less and on the opposite end of town from home. And three, her left ankle was throbbing quiet painfully. Looking down she winced and decided that the latter was the bigger of her problems.  Even in the dim lighting Scarlett could see the beginnings of bruises littering her scraped up knees, as well as the swollen ankle that was attempting to liberate itself from her shoe. Reaching down she tugged the heel off, sighing in relief when her foot met the cold concrete. Getting the other heel off proved slightly more painful, as she found that weight bearing was not an option, but she did it none the less.  Now barefoot she leaned against the vehicle once again, dreading the long walk home. A ride home from Billy was completely out of the question, and the thought of going back into the party to try and find a friendly face to give her one after she had made such a dramatic exit was far from appealing.“Scarlett?” Her head whipped around at the sound of her name and her stomach dropped at who stood before her. Karma it seemed, was not doing her any favors. 
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