#everythingggggggg is my fault
pink-lemonadefairy · 10 days
i truly can’t stand my mom sometimes oh my fuck
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prideunbi · 5 years
Ah, yes!! Of course day6 comes back with yet another great song (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ I've still gotta listen to the album but i'll get to it~~ aH!! Taeyeon ♡ Im excited as well, she was/is one of my first biases in kpop when we first got into snsd so im always lookin forward to her stuff (≧◡≦) ♡ Ooh~ One of my friends is actually thinkin about gettin a tongue piercing so i was curious ^^ I heard Kit has the next week off so im guessing you do as well?? 1/?
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Ahhhh yes Day6 was super good! Tayeons come back! What did you think of it????? Tell me everythingggggggg!!!!
Kit and I both had the last week off cos of Halloween! I guess Ireland takes it very seriously hmmmm???
I saw ad’s for abominable but I didn’t go see it! I’m not a fan of a lot of animation bar Scooby Doo but it looked really cute! I’m glad you enjoyed it and hopefully it brightened your mood’s!
Did yall go for gelato eventually? Hopefully you did and enjoyed it a lot! What flavour? I looveeee mint choco!!!!
Hopefully you’re not too busy with everything and are taking time to relax like you deserve. If you have any particular cat videos you enjoyed feel free to send them my way, please. I could always do with my cats in my life!
I love you so much!!! Ahhhhhhh I miss you and it’s entirely my fault for being an awful responder <333 pls forgive me and know I’m sending you all my love always. I love you I love you I love you!
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slytherbun · 3 years
I would LOVE to have Hotch back. Like honestly, I miss him.
I would also like to see my babies Garcia and Spencer happy and not in distress, especially Spencer. These two deserve. It would be nice to see Spencer have a baby genius.
Emily having children would be cute, especially if she adopts or something similar. In season 3, I think Emily was ready to take in a teenage girl whose parents and brother had been killed. She's always been good with kids
Also, more of Matt, Luke and Tara.
I think the only person I'm indifferent about returning is JJ. I honestly feel like her storylines have been played out.
I would like Alex to return -I loved the relationship between her and Spencer.
Maybe we could even have appearances from Elle Greenway and Derek.
Is this all too much to ask for ?? 😂😂
alex and elle yes! maybe an update from kate too??
i'm hoping for derek to come back as a main even for a bit 🥲 love him w all my heart
yeah w jj.. 😬 i hated the way they did the storyline in s14 w spence. they should of done that one a lot earlier cause it didn't seem fair to him at all even tho it was an unsub's fault.
but yes i totally agree with everythingggggggg you said. they need to tie up some more.
i wonder how much of a time jump they'd do?? cause i'm assuming they'd give it at least a month for penelope to get settled in w her new place...unless they make it so she comes back to the bau?? lol
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thedianakrol · 4 years
i was getting abused and he made me believe it was all my fucking fault
it took me...nearly 10 fucking years to realize this shit. 
emotional abuse is deep and so real. 
he just fucking tormented me for 3 years. 
i literally dated a psychopath. 
just....im in such shock over so many fucking things.
i FINALLY met joey last night. unexpected. fun. realy high.
Kathleen is a psycho lol.
Demonic is....just...laughable. I am finally fucking free of you you fucking BEAST.
Finally free from all the harassment. No more nasty evil hateful texts from “my aunt”.
I need to be focused. I need top tier. I need THE BEST. I need and want it all.
I cant really explain it but its like a spark of ambition, motivation, ideas, goals, etc. have popped into my head and theyre just swirling around none stop.
im still battling depression even though im off xanax for a year now. the depression is deeper and different. im a different person. whoever i was before, she is gone. that girl died in October 2019....whoever she was....im kinda of glad parts of her are gone...but there are also new parts now....handling life and trying to basically walk again after being a fucking vegetable mentally...has been fucking...just....indescribablE!!!!
thats just it! i cannot put it into words. no one will ever understand all the shit i went through and how hard this shit was (psych med induced anhedonia.) besides the people in these benzo awareness support groups and psych med support groups. just crazy.
ugh i am just so restless now.
i want so much more. i need a man. i need a new car. i need a house. i need EVERYTHINGGGGGGGG 
I smoke way too much weed now. Weed saved me. It saves me daily. Music and weed are my medicine. I need to change my diet completely. 
Sometimes i wish i didnt fucking need anybody. Scratch that, not sometimes. 
Allllllll the time. I dont want to fucking need a single fucking SOUL.
I just want to need me. 
Me myself and I.
I dont wanna ever be vulnerable. I dont want to like...lose myself anymore in yet another worthless loser.
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