#everything went from unlikeable to loathsome and still boring
nthflower · 2 years
Umbrella academy has something so repulsive and it gets worse as the seasons go
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kbrown78 · 6 years
Top 5 Wednesday
Topic: Worst Love Interests
Since this month has been full of shade I thought I would continue that streak. This week was a freebie so I decided to pick worst love interests. There's many books where I'm not invested in the romance, but I don't have strong negative feelings about the love interests, and then there are books where I hate the romance or the love interest. As I was writing this list I realized that there were some things in common that make for a bad love interest. One is if they are flagging for abuse or any destructive behavior, which is unacceptable in any format, both in stories and in the real world. The other doesn't necessarily guarantee a bad love interest, but it does help push things in that direction, and that is when their isn't any romantic chemistry. If the relationship just arises out of nowhere, it can already be hard to ship, but if the two people are incompatible because one of them is a jerk, than it's definitely a love interest and romance that I don't like. The other is not something that I dislike in itself but does come up in almost every single entry on this list and that is love triangles. There are plenty of love triangles out there that make sense, and a few that I even like. I admit though, that it is very common, which in itself can be irritating, but when some, if not all, the characters are annoying, than that sinks the love triangle (I should really make a post on unlikable character's). Now, without further adieu, here's my list of at least 5 of the worst love interests.    
Edward from the Twilight Saga: Yes, upon recently rereading the entire Twilight Saga, I had to put this person at the number one position because Edward and Bella's romance is so toxic. First there's the fact that he's a vampire that has to constantly fight the urge to drink her blood. Also why is a century old vampire going to a high school? College would have made more sense and there wouldn't be the issue of Bella starting out the series at 17, being underage (and yet possessing the maturity level of a 13 year old). Supernatural aspects aside, he also stalks her and watches her sleep, before they were even dating! He's also fairly possessive and controlling, not wanting her to be around any male that isn't a family member. The story tries to portray Edward as a nice guy with a dark side, but there are several things he does that I think are unacceptable as a love interest. I suppose I could talk about Jacob in this post too cause I also does some things I don't like but I choose not to because I'm just wiped out by the Twilight Saga and Bella never really considered him as a love interest, he was just a friend.
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2. Kartik and Simon from Rebel Angels:  This is an example of a love triangle where I hate both boys and I don't understand why Gemma likes either. Kartik was introduced in the first book and I preferred him of the 2 but I can't ignore the fact that he stalks and lies to Gemma, all while he's plotting to kill her. He's also pretty snarky and has this air of superiority that makes him unlikable. On the other hand is Simon, who was okay at first, a bit boring, then my opinion took a direct nose dive toward the end of the book. There's a party where both him and Gemma are high on something, and he tries to force himself onto Gemma. This was the point where I gave up on the book (and series) but I heard that he doesn't apologize for his behavior, Gemma does. Also Gemma says she can't be with him, and he doesn't take no for an answer. So in less than one book Simon went from someone who was just meh to someone I would immediately get a restraining order on. Again both doing shady things that makes me wonder why she's interested in either of them.
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3. The Dragon from Uprooted: Many, many people love this book and I don't understand why, in part because of the Dragon. I hated him as a character, as a mentor, and as a love interest. He needs everything to be ordered,  looking pretty, so he's a real snob. Combining that with his cold, detached demeanor made him a loathsome character. I get that he needed to be Agnieska's mentor because he was the closest wizard, but he didn't actually teach her anything. Everything she achieved was through her own will power and natural abilities. To top it all off he makes no sense as a love interest. Granted the romance was kept to an absolute minimal (which is the only reason it's not higher on the list), but it still made no sense on either end. Agnieska is the epitome of everything the Dragon hates and he's emotionally abusive to her. He belittles her, insults her, criticizes everything she does, and I don't think he ever once says anything nice to her. He's a real ass and I just don't understand why Agnieska gives him the time of day.
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4. Joseph from Three Dark Crowns: Joseph has got to be one of the most annoying love interests I have ever read. I didn't like him the first time I read this book but the second time I was so irritated by him. The only purpose he served was to create the majority of the petty drama in the series, and how does he do that? He is essentially a f**kboy, who keeps going back and forth between 2 girls, despite assuring one of them he only has eyes for her. I won't spoil what happens in the second book, but I'm so glad it does.
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5. Cal and Maven from Red Queen: I swear I don't hate love triangles, despite several being on this list. If the love triangle makes sense or I liked both parties I am totally fine with it. I don't hate either of these guys enough to want to constantly bash on them (and it's been awhile since I've read Red Queen), but the first one is just bland as stale bread and deceitful, and the other is a crazy mama's boy and deceitful. It's a love triangle that I don't like because it makes zero sense. There's no chemistry between anyone and everyone keeps betraying the other, there's just no way that anything is going to work out, and I quite frankly don't want it to work out for either boys.  
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Thank You Everyone
Keep Calm and Keep Reading
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