#everything i know about buddhism is in cn
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markiafc · 4 years ago
so, a thought about how the star wars fandom tackles sw & buddhism.
people love making meta on this with zero focalization, which results in meta that’s shallow, insubstantial, and unproductive.
buddhism is an ancient giant of a religion, it’s massive and old and incredibly diverse. there are two (or three, or four, depending who you ask) main branches of buddhism, hundreds of sects under each, numbers of subsects under said sects. then throw in the many buddhist movements throughout history, and we get an extraordinary amount of buddhist schools. naturally, their beliefs and practices would be distinct to one another, fusing with the region’s pre-existing ideologies, developing to accommodate their own societal and cultural matters, changing across long histories as the locals undergo their own struggles. 
if meta is to be made, isn’t it natural that awareness should be given to what the term ‘buddhism’ even means in your meta?
like, star wars canon itself is pretty ambiguous on this too. it’s true. there’s no official mention detailing where and what was borrowed over. but we do know star wars was inspired off japanese films featuring samurai, so there’s reason to believe sw canon works off bushido / 武士道, which also indicates zen buddhism. which also also indicates mahayana buddhism / 大乘. (it also also also indicates daoism, confucianism and more but we’re only talking about buddhism here.) and there. that’s a designated playing field with infinite potential. 
you don’t need to be hyper-specific. you can, of course, generalize things. but if your sources are cursory, then meaningful insight is a pipe dream.
eg. let’s talk about 法印 / dharmamudra / dharma seals
from this sole concept of dharma seals, we have:
三法印 / the three dharma seals
derived from the text:《大智度论》/  the treatise on the great perfection of wisdom
the three seals being:
“all 行 / sankhara / formations are impermanent”
“all 法 / dharma / buddhist ways have no self”
“nirvana is calm / quiet / peace”
三法印 / the three marks of existence
tmk this is the non-mahayana version
derived from a different text + is grounded in a different buddhist school of thought (possibly theravada...?)
lies outside of my area of expertise orz
so taken from the wiki, it states
sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā
"all saṅkhāras (conditioned things) are impermanent”
sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā
"all saṅkhāras are unsatisfactory”
sabbe dhammā anattā
"all dharmas (conditioned or unconditioned things) are not self"
四法印 / the four dharma seals
is basically a re-interpretation slash alternative of 三法印 / the three dharma seals where a fourth seal is added
derived from the text:《增一阿含经》卷18 / ekottaragama sutra, section 18
the quote: “ 一切诸行无常,是谓初法本末,如来之所说;一切诸行苦,是谓第二法本末,如来之所说;一切诸行无我,是谓第三法本末,如来之所说;涅槃为永寂,是谓第四法本末,如来之所说。是谓,诸贤,四法本末,如来之所说“
and for short:
“every 行 / sankhara / formations is impermanent”
“every 行 / sankhara / formations is suffering”
“every 法 / dharma / buddhist way has no self”
“nirvana is to surpass / go beyond everything”
五法印 / the five dharma seals
this is also outside of my expertise, there’s only a handful things i know about it but nothing in depth
is another re-interpretation slash alternative of 四法印 / the four dharma seals where a fifth seal is added
it tacks on the idea of emptiness, that gets expounded in the《维摩诘所说经》/  vimalakirtinirdesa sutra
the five seals being:
“all 行 / sankhara / formations are impermanent”
“all 法 / dharma / buddhist ways have no self”
“the 色 / rupa / physical / external / tangible is empty”
“nirvana is calm / quiet / peace”
it’s something along the lines of  “true emptiness is...” (?)
another thing i’m not familiar with so i’m unable to translate
this is not an exhaustive or educational list on 法印 / dharmamudra / dharma seals, of course. but from this alone, it’s evident there are a number of versions for just this (1) concept. the same seal with the exact same phrasing of “涅槃寂静” can be understood as “nirvana is calm / quiet / peace” or “nirvana is to surpass / go beyond everything”. all versions of the dharma seals share similar and repeated ideas, such as “诸行无常; all 行 / sankhara / formations are impermanent”, but that does not make all these versions the same. even the two different forms of 三法印 / the three dharma seals mentioned share very similar ideas and the exact same title, but they still differ greatly depending on the branches of buddhism it exists under. 
none of them listed can be mistaken for the other. they each came about and continue to exist for their own intents and purposes, and are used in practice in various ways too. this is in spite of how similar the lines stated may seem, repeated or no.
if you want to comment or dig into anything, you have to be aware of what a dharma seal is and which interpretation of the seals you’re thinking of and why this? there are so many different and nuanced understandings of the dharma seals, why would you look into three dharma seals instead of the five dharma seals? because the five dharma seals re-contextualizes it all with a greater focus on emptiness? now how would that change the lines repeated in both variants? simply picking out what in star wars resembles a dharma seal will bring you nowhere.
a lot of buddhism works this way, where it’s essentially the same thing echoed all over the place. but so much of it is at the same time distinct, and different. because what matters is the interpretations and the applications. the why of why this variant exists, how is it used, what makes it different will be what brings forth insight and meaningful conclusions.
the tens of thousands of meta love throwing around 八正道 / the eightfold path and 四圣谛 / the four noble truths in their observations, while providing a blanket definition, a surface explanation to the vague one-liners. but without a focus and the full context of the concept at hand, it’ll never be anything more than saying x = y. you’ll never be able to go beyond one for one comparisons and parallels. and for an american franchise made by and for americans, a one for one parallel between star wars and actual buddhism simply does. not. exist. the entire resulting meta would be worthless because it is wrong. 
examples of a lack of focalisation leading to meta that says nothing includes this tumblr post and this twitter thread (what’s the point of telling me dooku’s name equates to duhkha that means suffering, it’s an observation that goes nowhere and is unproductive. what is the point.)
examples also include the dharma of star wars by matthew bortolin, where he makes simple comparisons, takes a general buddhist concept and slaps it with a selected aspect of star wars. and then explains how it is the same while giving zero insight to anything star wars or irl buddhism. 
like at one point, he brings up the concept of 蕴 / skandha / aggregates?
Buddhists further subdivide mental elements, bringing the total number of aggregates that comprise a sentient being to five: (1) physical form or body, (2) feeling, (3) perception, (4) mental formations, and (5) consciousness.
and goes down the list to explain each, while using a star wars analogy (which is already demeaning and weird to do, because why would you use an american and appropriating franchise as a case study for anything buddhist, especially so when your purpose is to be a primer for buddhist philosophies first). 
but alongside the concept of 五蕴 / five aggregates, he never makes a peep about 十二处 / twelve ayatana or 十八界 / eighteen dhatavah, which are concepts that come hand in hand with the five aggregates. 
why. just why? when these concepts, in practice and when discussed by actual buddhists, are so tightly woven together, they are a package deal! they literally belong in one big web, as you can see below. 
the five aggregates, inclusive of twelve ayatana, inclusive of eighteen dhatavah. there's so much overlap and interweaving connections. the combination is the full idea, is the full picture, is the complete purpose of 五蕴 / five aggregates concept.
Tumblr media
matthew bortolin also has a major issue with terminology.
at many occasions, he straight up uses the phrases & words star wars made up for their fictional universe to explain buddhism. it’s terms lifted right out of the movie lines like yoda’s “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” and he proceeds to adopt the structure and progression described in that line to teach buddhism as well. or he uses the term “dark side” to explain buddhist concepts of suffering when the “dark side” does not exist in buddhism, it is not a buddhist concept at all. he uses terms a white man made up for his white man movie to directly explain buddhism, a religion that exists in real life. which is very, very, very strange at best. deeply problematic and disgusting ignorance at worst. 
and sometimes he just says things like this:
Buddhist philosophers describe three types of desire that, when grasped or rejected, cause suffering. The three types are desire for things that are pleasant to experience, desire for something to not be the way it is, and the desire to have more or to be more.
which includes no terminology, as far as i can tell. i have no idea what he’s talking about. is he referring to the three types of 贪爱 / tanha / desire? is he talking about the 三毒 / the three poisons? i will never know. what he references is too vague, too general, too meaningless.
but tying this back to the original point: he introduces a buddhism that has no focalisation, and no awareness for the thousands of different interpretations.
matthew himself is a part of 十四項正念修習 / thich nhat hanh’s order of interbeing, a buddhist school under 禅宗 / zen buddhism. and they have their own main beliefs and concepts called the fourteen mindfulness trainings. but funnily enough, these fourteen ideals never make an appearance in his book. 
what does make it into the book are generic buddhist terms like nirvana, dharma, karma, samsara. the sanskrit terms suggesting he’s either referring to buddhism in its most broad and non-specific form, or theravada canon (whereas using the chinese terms would have signaled to me straight away that he’s tackling mahayana buddhism). 
he describes mindfulness and meditation, but that is yet again an all-inclusive buddhist trait. it indicates nothing. he also goes on to mention 八正道 / the eightfold path and 四圣谛 / the four noble truths, as well as 四正勤 / four right exertions, and gives a general textbook explanation with no nuance or meaningful wisdom. he does mention 二谛 / the two truths which was the only thing that was recognizably mahayana focused, but even then it went nowhere.
the use of sanskrit terms, plus the mess of vague buddhist concepts and explanations and the sudden (1) mention of a mahayana concept is... confusing. the buddhism he presents is scattered all over the place. it jumps from one big umbrella to another. i have no idea if he’s aware that clear distinctions exist within buddhism. it’s as if anything goes as long as it’s under the universal label of buddhism. which is, of course, exactly the case. the answer to ‘why this?’ is simply because it is buddhist.
he presents an incredibly blurred image where nothing substantial can be made out. though nothing he says in his book is wrong (other than the afterword where he proceeds to rationalise how a strictly non-violent religion like buddhism can sometimes allow murder and violence, yes, buddhists can have a little murder if they think it’s right, as a treat), nothing about it is right either. there’s simply no substance to it, so it falls in the grey area where no judgement can be placed upon it. nothing can be said about it, it sparks no discussion. it is very simply, utterly nothing.
thanks for nothing, matthew.
and everyone else who has proudly made buddhist & sw meta that serve no other purpose but to stroke your own ego.
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1taiwan-blog · 8 years ago
why Messiah was used? only brains can move is he was a pop star and rich followed him as Jesus his ex dead daddy and younger brother or family pets HE types! be Catholics to worship! Messiah was followed and appeared in Buddhism meaning Buddhism was after Messiah. generally, it's called Herstory per religion claims to find Messiah! so messed, Buddhism says they have messiah the GOD and the Buddha but why did they kill Christians?? no one found Messiah and Messiah ignored dame Christians got Buddhists killed them 這世代!過去含未來。無人敢稱彌賽亞為義! 沒有了彌賽亞教會或現彌賽亞教徒。 猶太人永遠不相謀,耶穌是基督。 耶穌教徒 基督教徒 彌賽亞教徒 神說,耶和華們創世。 但是耶和華們皆非真神。是外星人! GOD and BIBLE say, Jehovahss they created for the one real true and truth GOD! Jehovahss are or were ET ETS Aliens. None of them is or was GOD my invocation is who no one says they're not fake Christians but the Messianic MESSIAHISTS?? 假基督教徒 與 真彌賽亞教徒!! 天主教會崇拜耶和華家人,卻以教皇為謊!! 基督的弟弟的子嗣在哪?? 基督木匠兄妹父親的遺族在哪? 神隨隨便便撿破爛拾起一條狗狗嗎? 鄰居怒了!7萬箱「蝦味先」棄空地 日曬雨淋飄惡臭 | 三立 無奈?? 對岸判唯一死刑! 賭贏40萬美金回台 入境沒收38萬 my Benediction is ETS are your Gods, Buddhas but no one is the real God my Benediction is ETS are your Gods or Buddhas but no one! None of them is the real God. this explains why he didn't go to Taichung miss mission and whoever came here to take photo of me and the neighbor Mission Office for Allah and he did make TPE Temple this trash shows you the Mormonism whispering is as fake as Chian in meditation Buddhism both buy HE types! the ET ETS Aliens garbage. see me is enough 【佛說:愛了,是續寫前世故事。恨了,是了卻前塵仇怨】 Thus, both Buddhism and BIBLE force people to hate 紅塵中,一個捨不得,耽誤了多少人; 佛法中,一句無所得,難倒了多少人。 they knew they were grass bums and they can do is to memorize TV to hand scripts for them to act on talking shows to live it's only because all 4 of them wanna be nuns mayor to sacrifice under KMTers my invocation is you must know it's awesome to experience been or be proposed 曾被譽「怪物右腕」…少年投手患性早熟 走過創傷更愛棒球 | 三立新聞網 | of course they had tried CN medicine but they needed the real not fake one and NHK is non profit to be very evil to service fake governments and when you still watch pokemon through digital and many different local Japanese channels offer quiet vary local TV commercials not as Taiwan's kids programs have non kids targeting advertisement for giant markets the Lunar's going to be JU Jun 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29. then back to twin 6-01. 6-02 not only for funeral the traditional wedding has to be like Taiwan Nation had their wedding last Sunday as all black sedens and Twitter blue wedding dress 【18禁】4男女在沙灘上活春宮 眾人興奮圍觀 | 即時新聞 | 20170708 | 蘋果日報 True! USA My BENEDICTION is hello! welcome to GHOSTS worldwide who does not know? she speaks as Sam as Saudi Saffiyah when she isn't often to see GODS inside Temples this idol gets my face after Lin died Lotus had no ghosts business although you suspected to assume her disciple Lin who stopped tankers construction but the temple never ask her to restart Lin generations old business besides my disciple who goes to the root temple once per year and she was asked to be in charge of as the President if the owning couple will be gone and the business card is their wardrobe which Allah wears again today and she was so so so happy that I'd prepared my wardrobe like we all did twin weeks ago she's yellow and we met last year's before pink face king GOD of foxconn theirs she started to dream of me ten day before Red Sea Foxconn birthday and the banquet is always seven days and three more days at advance to come the first day she had seen Foxconn to come with bunch of GODS at her first time inside the temple. she was born by the second house next to the temple and she had never seen and Foxconn GOD and other GODS all told her those three days during daytime their GOD is coming to the city's she was my disciple and she worked with Lin thousand generations over ten years ago that Lin her eyes looked differently at old when her face is round and be no more scary 銀行員太正網友狂開戶 洋男友氣炸報警 Foreigner boyfriend is brain damaged 探訪樂視總部��門口躺滿討債人 旗艦店大門緊閉 Allah likes new iPhone and one finger or twin are not very proud that new of my oppo runs slower than mi but Mi is very bad to type as LG. Samsung Galaxy and all Samsung's no any damage but battery must die and who would spend for expensive batteries ? Maybe Allah will HTC died the worst design power control and fix for NTD 1k to above [新聞] NBA》搭上奪冠列車!林書豪前隊友加盟勇 but Nick Young has signed days early 5千年前就有巨人! 山東出土發現「高人族」 so sad, Bible Giants were so so so short (short) [新聞] 法國宣布在2040年取締汽油車和柴油車 I'm proposed and I said no too thick and Allah's still smart which we go to EU and French to buy twin cars before 2040 for made in 1996 then wait for brend bread new vehicles be swapping Trump must pass the Sam LAW and Allah will buy 20 x 1996. I'm showing you be kidding USA Founder always get many free why hate GOD? Allah I bless Japan and why hate GOD? my Benediction is JU Jun 6th was proposed and today's 7th has invocation at Love U! 最新》蔡英文到寺廟贈匾 反年改群眾抗議 駕駛擋路:or any colo has ghosts stars 超強生化武器 這種昆蟲每小時殺85人 here our products are we re do youth line Colo and Taylor's Swift's black ghosts stars and for comin next week's Closed God's is me birthday had pink face the pink Colo till ten days later with no more 7 mother GODS but 15 100 year old mother GODS Like the new oppo phone but it's under above twin new phones my brother's back has wings not fake Mormonism can you all possibly to wear her black ghosts stars shining Colo? I like my new purchased house and will move soon plus Allah got my family's new iPhone and new Mi and Allah doesn't like complicated MacBook laptops but Microsoft is dangerous for wanna cry and I use Apple tv for YouTube and Apple books for FacePhone UFOLine accounts. LINE beats Facebook is you don't need who are weirdly and Facebook users are peeking and tracking others and Twitter can have private line messages 2, never to disturb any use as LINE 3, long posts as LINE then Twitter by keywords are not trash as Facebook moon at cancer is bad for dark to enjoy very short minutes of selfishness. Sagittarius is better than Leo and Sagittarius is priority then Scorpio and Libra. my ascended is cancer, too. so I'M more is a cancer than a Libra. Venus is Virgo isn't bad but has to be a very hungry Virgo. forgot where's my mars but now Allah fights to win and build kingdoms totally Virgo is very very bad with Scorpio Allah hates Virgo the most! my moon is cancer (cancer) 96. Taiwanese be a HTC phone to beat all single EYETH cameras to win French international photo gallery and a KMTer to be a Mi its 4G or 3G 64 are much cheaper than OPPO but OPPO selfie to help to reality sells and he's an Asus when ghost used him to show YouTube closed caption is 18 better to believe than 17 evilness she complained wall street journal TV WSJ to drop Peter Jennings to live and arranged bold and ugly white meaning she's something doesn't PARTAKE humanitarian to advertise themselves again by cheating fans will stupid good bless? bless you to be fools to all sit morons to punish you and say you're sinners but DON'T pay GODS pay black ghosts fake pastors! last year the train station temple did send 7 gifts with orchestra to deer haven to plan and they had refused to take the saint medical word paper and when North Haven temple and New Haven temple to be around that they do refuse be joining!! they say their wood idol is the oldest in Formosa but the Tainun city's has been the official as national temple before Japanese LIN is called Tsunami Tsunamlin Da Hi is his Nick name by aboriginal word my Benediction is you can use my creation to image that we're only happy together about the university male student to dream a ten years old who was killed over ten years ago that the death she had been over few years to cross many spaces not for her to suffer to lose her memories by long DPP forces wash first eggs if you looked at me then simultaneously Allah looked back when you use eyes to call my or our food are ready then you got mute to try to ask why the supernatural power by Samsung's copy Samsung's and you must bow and offer free dish to Allah! or you saw we sat far then you walked out then the first isle you could see U.S. and Allah looked promptly you must no stop your heart minds brains to stop you to say marvelously and be directed to ask are you Allah?? the convenient store manager must ask how they were thrown or gave who or did food still be inside when no pay for pigs owner not till weeks later to check surveillance and they didn't ask them not to after the first scene which the store is guilty 7 is very weird because they don't want this happens which the most 7s refuse to offer and sell to pig owners to pay for pigs our okay USA had asked Allah was it o.k. to give to a mother but the problem was we could sell much much cheaper for still earing not to give by one was that mom would be only waited to get plus after midnight we must not give about one of possible nights it could be she got sick or she sued U.S.. even late night shift had to sign if they ate to get sick that we could be no guilty!! we did allow late night shift to share with their classmates but not for a regular mom or who didn't sign as you and strong.. the neighbor Hi life couple owed lots money and they never offered 60 percent off for the Sam day food although sometimes we did at early 4 P.M. or that day's morning to try to get rid of stuff and that couple just brought everything home!! even gym counter sometimes happened cash was short but how about they both moved hospital funds to their personal packets!!! 1, Buddhism isn't religion 2, when you are not 100 percent vegetarian you can force your dog's be 110 percent vegetarian. at noon there's a vegetarian dog who grows old and it still love US U.S. 3, KD is Klay Thompson's USD 2,500
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1taiwan-blog · 8 years ago
熱翻了!12:08大武飆38.2℃ 刷新今年高溫紀錄 | 三立新聞網 | 倫敦大火 住22樓台灣網友分享逃生經歷 | 三立新聞網 if you have Weibo and international Weibo news APP applications then you DON'T bother me to be the 1st to tweet and that black guy had said one month ago his broken refrigerator fired Greene Greener tower and Naomi Taiwanese Li Lee led her story when she lived at the 22nd floor but she ended to be the Sam floor but someone's house where that was the farthest for bottom fire and she kept her weird British phone named CHTCTH on U.K. Google to live for burning fire images to decide they saw the roots of fire and by live at one and a half hours later to walk down with her neighbors and they had experienced to use the stairs not like no death who believe Allah all got saved but damn Christians they had listened to stay inside or to pray so loud when they worshipped elevators had 're dog Jesus image and cried to eat in and swallowed lots smoking to save others burn fake papers for them and they only took 5 minutes to come down from 22nd to the low 5th floor to meet rescuers 騙人類的大馬扁騙遍政府 騙人類的大馬扁騙遍政府 騙人類的大馬扁騙遍政府 & 騙人類的大馬扁騙遍政府 Cindy born a tornado (tornado) when low people complained they also complained foreign heat waves death tolls and Taiphone, Tsunami, Toronto, TORNADO luckily, Jesus is a dog not white but red dog 3 stands news use CNN but not breaking news is named anytime to renew by leading on CNN's tomorrow's news at the earliest my Benediction is you're likely to love better and truth. 人身難得? 不會。 但是外星人是高湯非珍珠。是奶茶。 遇到了什麼,就變成了什麼類聚之一。 創造是一開始。亂!複雜!!什麼皆有。叫混蛋。渾沌。。 之後才簡化,至最遠才是最老的。 如果一開端的設計圖不是合理的,哪成基礎晶片能被分門別類??歸皈依。 不會有人一下買一些蔡菜,洗到一半,說第七天了。我們眾耶和華要睡了!之後,瑪雅人祖神去逛了兩卍萬年才再臨審判。 看,大廚,什麼都不欠。西風,北地,南火,東炁都很足。 年年有耶穌基督是一條木魚! 看電視! 都有偶!! This has been proved by anchors and seen for drama stars on worldwide t.v. networks Japanese and Korean often see they have LINJU then whatever name's and not be surprised the Allah my name's LIN, Wang, or Hi.. Allah I get business and creation. incarnation or InUFONations are JU WHO remembers everything out she's not a dead ghost in central and South Taiwan not LAMAS to cheat she was a pig last iLife then had be one of the real sisters two generations ago by those duo ERAS were posted her to tell not real as incarnational InUFOnations. you have to be remembering last life as you can sing languages you never learned by New environments!! but transmissioned transmigration is The Thai singer who said I've been in th firing hotel 20 years ago who uses new Thailand's words. not LAMAS no learn new or have had details for old only by chances and algebra (bra) statistics LAMA can do very bizarre stuff and some Hindi Hindus might be able to copy or do differently for LAMA are not human DNA and RNA which in Taiwan you DON'T lie yourself as LAMA are Sam and Justin to be blessed LIN in Japanese church had surgery in her one brain last year soon after Allah I made first visit and bishop said then all missionaries agreed that she often said bad words about bishop and many of others but Allah I saved for miracles but what we learned from scientology that Tom Cruise was so inspired to say and did he only visit Taiwan in Asia for his revelations about no one will watch in CN. Perfectly Purim is the Jews shares the Sam and Justin LUNAR calendar when this is or theirs was last year had twin month by 13 months a year's! today's summer arrives and we still have cold win winter at nights when duo JU Junes to expand hot waves by daylights not at nights!! BayJin has 100025 10025 zip codes. (code) Allah didn't turn the situation for Jews V. killers the local GODS as the land ground Lords at JE who controlled per nation as the housing household had battles. FTV is in the center by TVBS is at right and the world's universities sports events their tents restaurants at left my Benediction is fake BIBLE says twin to pray so what's!!? Allah I order you to make prayers oftenly with self, insiders, family and fried friends (fried)! because BIBLE is saying when you are cheated by genie or heart and the person who's next to you can save you like one sees ghost but the other's not afraid and ghosts DON'T scare both of you like missionaries to one watch over the other's others!! pray me and pray for me very very often to bless Allah. is true that you love at first then you do get love back when it goes that you need to love undecided to many then some will do are enough connections. pig funeral made all Buddhists to shut up besides the last burn so slowly to come out 1000 particles. he be becomes it the gold moth and you missed to burn UFOS with my operation instructions.. how could you ever waste to listen to mainland Chinese with 90 year-old accent to make up fake Buddhism?? does L.A. love Lopez or the right way is does LBJ love Lopez?? the high salary will turn very funny about F3 F4 F5.. Mike Coney wins the highest salary who's over LBJ so far and the young Taiwanese half son paid Parsons for how much?? Allah has to say those young who watched pig funeral as news or all old to them was a lesson and they still talk it outside but gym had be quiet to workout more by no education wonderful women!! why not burn twin UFOS?? a very old and ugly Mercedes-Benz was it a paper made with paper MarJian?? Safiyyah didn't understand when TPE Dao temple to find her bike and those sushi stayed inside ETS Ghostbusters had no walk out and their Ghostbusters slavery slaves did which they didn't have any from heavenly to pop out iWalls. You bow so hardly to idols and images which I'd they don't own gangsters anymore and do they create secret services?? why butler's? it's the SAM and Justin that bullets bulls don't waste at high needs fresh young and if LBJ really leaves for he cares GM business? like Parsons that LBJ had interrupted boss to eat or create money! it's very impossible to trade k PG he plays so awesome by so young. Allah I'm impressed for those 188 CMs 6 of them to pick his Jersey to prove 3 and 5 years ago!! anyone knows nets must sell Lopez for money including to save money and not to lose if he would be free to (nobikes) b to operate. The majority American citizens decide USA is gone and is dead 被診斷為淋巴癌末期,每天吃自己所種的〃優遁草〃複診時醫生竟說他的癌細胞不見了!! 急件 ! ★請緊急通知: 各位朋友請注意, 即日起不可食用泰國製之各類罐頭食品,包含臺灣品牌泰國生産者,尤其是泰國罐裝水果食品。 泰國200多名愛滋病感染者在患者的首腦的指揮下湧進泰國各家罐頭食品廠裡用自己的毒血滴到罐頭。 此事今天早晨已被泰國政府衛生部證實, 為了避免人民食用受感染,泰國超市有多款式罐頭已經全面下架。 例如: 菱芝,紅毛丹, 馬駘,龍眼, 芒果布丁等等, 收到後馬上發給你關心的人 FTV must check and find who and where to spread bad news by cops very weird the ancestry CN didn't fry potatoes or yams or EARTH ground melons. you're not supposed to eat potatoes chips although at 7.55 P.M. last night the bookstore emporium had discount vary products but ET ETS Aliens said.... get no harm worry or no killing criminals like DPP and KMT politicians to serve army including the recent banker ONLY GOD can kill GOD is true or by animals like fresh lost at animals. Zeus told you and US and U.S. Zeus Jehovah and Jehovahs died that his beloved only son Jesus is bad and has been bad and lives Allah I'm so wonderful not as you have no gym to pay and be near at downstairs to see win Windows or block the iPhone cases section when Allah is here which all come to see wonder and wonderful. You have no life or purchase or purpose to waste times before 8 P.M. alarming! Greeks and LAMA wear the Sam hats Greeks and LAMA wear the Sam hats Wonder woman 1 says she was transmigration eve who gets satisfied by U.K. van and 24 story guy says he's over the average when last time she was born as eve had asked Jesus the Adam and Jesus answered no one could compare and trees had snakes lived in and wisdom word from Jesus was 3 female cockroaches could bear bears and youth cockroaches. Explains, Formosa wonder women islamic island never needs men but that one guy at actress her youth because Safiyyah and Zeus who built fresh don't need sex to deliver reality kids on EARTH The history wonder women tells US that Jesus is bad bad bad to make WWI WWII Japanese and German and American Elephants Zeus and all his GODS or not his GODS but GODS love you which his only son Jesus hates all human and beings! You know it's anti science for all over the BIBLE but it's still higher than other religions borrowed ET ETS Aliens to cheat! Why wonder women can live the tiny Formosa Taiwan island and the BIBLE battle from God's son and sons with EARTH fresh and wonder women if you see as Allah sees the Samaritans the wife who's 85 year-old but her hairs are as 18 messed black and true black but she DOESN'T see it's blessing when she worries to live longer 馮小剛:中國垃圾電影多 因為垃圾觀眾捧場 | 三立新聞網 | plus the lazy, lousy, and cheaper cheaters editors!! More at the lying commercial agents to use fool dealers and fake religions stayed inside all dead 127 times 3 was 360. 200 died The moon is watching not public can't follow the unique WiseALLAH, when GOD I'M forcing tv news editors to post then people and audience will pay the attention!!!! Taiwan he no way to recover economics by any uselessness textbooks due to rich in TPE all become poor by housing turning to be useless and local Richmond who only invest in South Asia for double housing revenue like Japan had grown rich Taiwanese In the last decade plus CN don't buy in TPE and bad enough had said 3 days ago besides those 56 who were approved by herself and new applications must be rejected to leave only old rich who fear south Asia to keep TPE New TPE mortgage to live my city had the most gays burnt to make the worst fire at department tragedy Dao ends at 2012.12.21 with MAYA for before 2013 that Dao was the universes which some are rich or poor or interrupting to change as helpful angel sometimes called itself Adidas or Adam or Jesus. but nothing can predict after or started 2013 when things are out upgraded super universes computers!! BIBLE has the book of diesels Dan trash are all over trash are all over trash are
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1taiwan-blog · 8 years ago
my invocation for today's, what kinds of GOD you wanna be? there are existing fake fresh who already are fake ones and Buddhism call them the development but not Angels it's small and mix water no wonder some bad worshipping development cakes are watery taste (taste) 戀上12歲學生!女教師拋家棄子又坐牢 不倫戀轟動全美 | 三立 this is a guy who wants to be the new French (french) president and he was about her kids age and how would she get pregnancy twice inside jailing by she had 6 kids is the story Some of you must be GODS adding by GOD I have no better plan to choose the greatest performance my BENEDICTION, GOD I'm open numbers for yoy you to be my family's and my substitution for you to be GODS in BIBLE the many Jehovah's Jehovahsss THE King Arthur's story also happened In Tao DAO by you see and help GHOSTS and your karma is light and your MoneyBuckGOD'S are in Yin. empty is mine with spiritual waters but for black holes 空 工 穴 巾 十 宙 咒 帝 巾 巾 亼嗯 THE best motto are wonderful Mottos mottoes from the scene, GHOSTS have to keep speaking to you by your dream to like is only his wife's sleep then the physician doctor can a GHOSTS to use Buddhism time zone to sleep talking into brains!! very correct and why your WiFi open for slavery sleep (sleep) the film makes a great mistake by either way is when GHOSTS find and follow you which they don't scare you and IF YOU CANNOT SEE AND UNSEEN OR AIRS SCARE YOU FOR DEBTS THAT THEY KNOW YOU FEAR DEVILS OR GOOD RIGHTNESS FOR YOU DESERVE AND NOT BE FORGIVEN GHOSTS move cups and dishes but they cannot do tricks like this sick film to take grandmother's and they move stuff for living to help your knowledge or as thanks at CHU University that foreign dead male student to collect his own uniforms. the magic hidden is Lucifer can do no Ghostbusters! CHU University the local king GHOST to kill male students for slavery and you can check per dead student how they're doing for they l mean GHOSTS fear to leave their doggie mansions are the fake DAO to suck engineering energy (energy) this is saying 3 souls no the shares by ET ETS Aliens technology to be shown at many of many locations and death followed the Sam killer not the suspect 25 hours a day! so zombie can walk or move only they want to not your fake DAO CN WestRiver could make or in voodoo of south Africa's America because per smartphone has had the viruses protection but 66 year-old was sucking her for JU wanted into LIN 08 23 never had GHOSTS who cruise all the time especially for Mormon temple they had 1st group then other groups.. environmental would make them to choose days and because you could on t.v. or who would tell me and the Sun's never goes back the Sam circle which who kept falling but no the Sam spot and sometimes the repeat was the original film as if you talked to kids but train them be slavery for God's kingdom is and not copy their words even Taiwanese cat can answer you and not drop panda to kid to hurt restaurants GHOSTS and religious Ghostbusters are different b6t they all cruise and if you can have religious like to stay not far from constant worshipping bows and food you use your lower GHOSTS to block others at inside restaurants or Marts like Wal-Mart to have hungry GHOSTS Buddhism and old testamentss are saying the Sam for their times had no GOD or be MAYA MAMA YA! of the bad and fake GODS occupied!! however, my mercy was to allow them to stay at MY ways but not to be superstitioners! simply, you know your Harvard's accents are extremely terrible and you DON'T be Japanese to turn no way be camera Amera Walks to speak to NK or NHK. WHICH THEY ASKED IN BUDDHISM AND WHY? THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS THE HAPPY TIME GOD I BORN AND WITHOUT THESE GIFTS YOU TRY TO BE A nice who couldn't or can't control THE GOD's GOD. here you find lots of problems out Dao and no always ALL Allah. or perhaps those old theories were good enough to train you in per word in BIBLE. Seek by Seeing! how great you all art to be around me to grade the phenomenon then U.S. JU judges gives back Hillary's presidency when Trump his sonsss in laws are jailed but God I stop for I'M the new USA national president CEO UFO. Cubs 108 is Buddhism 1908 Buddhism 108 is Dao 60 and 72 my breasts are booming as baes God I have already delivered Buddhism has the 5th and 6th Buddhas and who is or are the Ancestry Buddhasss. words are GOD the Times WiFi. when TV talk shows at spiritual things and men guests had forgotten words by said strange stuff which opposed had finished their sentences by ET ETS Aliens contributed WiFi 1988.08.234 my breasts are booming as baes God I have already delivered Buddhism has the 5th and 6th Buddhas and who is or are the Ancestry Buddhasss. words are GOD the Times WiFi. world's changING Trump hates Muslims which Middle-class East gave hi to him by the sum of Obama's at 8 years 8 words. Trump is a Christian and pop pope hates him the family's blacks Black Knights Jeep 傳聞係金ㄟ?她控郭書瑤「臭跩」 曝光拒演《通靈》原因 | 三立 瑤是素人? 素食不是更快樂!! this afternoon GOD I watched the youth time and Liu spent cash for this film V. HBO paid psychic prophets and it's a big production to make both films by many told me they began to trust Safiyyah since she constantly showed on frog ghosts post in frog shows GOD I want to talk about the Isis Syrian boy who took 3 years to rebar and pointed his killer by identifying. 3 years that what he had seen were enough and he didn't see Allah which he promised to help the Ghostbusters society nd future fortune MoneyBuckGOD'S peace since 2017 you may say everything's spinning to spirituality and Buddhism has who sees GHOSTS are GHOSTS born as GOD I born GODS. but Buddhism has higher to describe who have less Buddhism defeating to help GHOSTS by seeing ET ETS Aliens or them Ghostbusters GHOSTS don't want to waste time to see other death by they really have curiosity at men! gravity Buddhism! leads GHOSTS hearts to I like most of you as GHOSTS but you have iPhones to get in 44D naturally not all of the GHOSTS and GOD I don't wanna you leave GHOSTS which I move them on and up cheers say cheese (cheese) we can tell Jeremy LIN shut garbage is moron when this kid should ask and manipulate GHOSTS like Safiyyah learned GHOSTS are very lonely. hahaha Hannah hahaha 37.26 this is devil or the real GHOST in BIBLE not death for Safiyyah sees death and they don't do like that but who post by post in to try to use environment is a death turns to be a GHOST or a devil has ET ETS Aliens power to change the worlds for HIGH technologies science 4200 per restaurant worldwide must have GHOSTS and some restaurants especially by bizarre cuisine one they don't set any idol when they pray inside to inside to assure the local Lord Jesus non related ancestry Dao worships or worshipped stones not for imagination that was the poor old time and they got Christianity visions for UFOS lasers (laser) 那叫 烙餅 是我爸以前做給天上黃皇吃的 Who do GHOSTS love to hide INSIDE the basements? NO! they're in NBA. they're too many but if household GHOSTS either they come out at 4.44 P.M. or be around for 25 hours at dark!! Who appeared at 4.44 P.M.? those ancestry but recent death are 25 hours to stay!! the 4.44 P.M. are using the Sam space and different times today's invocation is you must write at least one poem poetry for today's poems Day Jesus has zero fake younger brother it's not true but BIBLE loves to use Jesus his ex brother to show many ET ETS Aliens who steal just delivered bae to grow and till teenage that different ET ETS Aliens fallen angels be one to live Dragon 龍 立 月 耄 玥 岳 閱 悅 躍 肝臟腑 NASA proofs the 2nd 2rd and 3rd moons but how could your eyes can't see? this proves and provides the BIBLE is sickly truth for ET ETS Aliens the Jehovahss we made galaxies This photo shows the Dao Buddhism Christianity Islamism cross 10 isn't getting donations from 1 to 11!! For one gives then 2 gives double as rich RedSea Foxconn etc. 為阻止父親再婚 19歲女竟與父亂倫 | 三立 Buddhism says no sex all people!! reposts!! fake ghosts are not fortune tellers my Benediction from God I'M at my concert tonight's, PEACE! if God I know ghosts are coming which God I will be ready or they just carried a back bag to use one side to go through the inside gym escalator and I kicked Sam because at first GOD I would say what a rude member then you see he has no very clear lower legs after while he was passing and his shirts have been transparency colorful which I also knew or th initial was he moved way to light by faster to pass my side to arrive my front escalator steps but at dark night it's hard to tell only by my airs! ET ETS Aliens are easier because they act like a real person and you know their dumb WiFi to try to analyze knowledge!! 福地福人居! why U.S. have least problems because Ghostbusters know stupid Americans can't understand through trying hard waste!! to sell them leaving tickets for they have been uselessness fake GODS then you DON'T need to provide tickets when you ask them to leave if they DON'T by no food and they'll leave anyway!! San 3 DOESN'T eat which they depend thoughts! how they got occupied certifications?? either they were watching as the steel New born bae airs to land at delivery from pregnancy or their roots were part of the Dao temples or they got friendship to invite 666 Japanese Ghostbusters who didn't speak English and hanged out Texas! now it's even worse for they're still in lotus city! Jose died in Spain where he was born had his funeral but he came back Formosa in TPE to try few others before he got successfully through ET ETS Aliens at one family did call San 3. San 3 hanged herself in the hospital but she didn't stay in the hospital and when she was called by that PhD she used her Wechat to make videophone with him!!
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