#everything has more flavor when there's yuri
ghostlylicious · 5 months
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my contribution to lesbian week happy birthday lesbians 🎉🎉
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megoomy · 1 year
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got a request for my vesperia berseria au designs and i do have character sheets for them so: everyone is free to draw these if they want! credit is nice but, well, these all heavily reference official tales designs so i dont want to take too much credit for them lol. you can also write about the au and take any amount of what we've come up with, i really don't care, it's all for fun.
UNDER THE CUT: a vague summary of the concept. warning for Profound Self Indulgence and Somewhat Half-Assed Worldbuilding (world...changing? world editing? whatever)
okay basically flynn and yuri met as kids in a village that basically serves as the lower quarter of the au, but after spending a few years together daemons attack the village and nearly everyone dies. yuri survives, but in the process he’s become a daemon. flynn also survives, but is deeply traumatized and gets picked up by the exorcists (conveniently too late to save anyone in typical form). neither knows the other survived. to make matters worse, flynns trauma causes some memory loss…he still definitely remembers that time in the village but its very fuzzy now and as he gets older that only gets worse. and like he thinks all those people died so hes not really trying to remember them.
flynn becomes an exorcist (some flavor of legate) and is going around eradicating daemons when he runs into yuri. he doesnt recognize yuri but yuri is pretty sure he recognizes flynn. but yuri isnt about to say that when flynn is trying to kill him LOL. the general arc is that yuri keeps slipping away and flynn keeps seeing more about him in his efforts to hunt him down, realizing that this strikingly handsome strangely familiar daemon is actually...very kind? takes care of children? helps people for no gain? and this calls into question everything that he thought he understood about the world which is quite troubling.
you can think of them as similar to velvet and eleanor. but I think when flynn joins yuri it's by choice, not because yuri's forced him to be a vessel or because flynn's a spy or anything like that. or at least, he's been thrown out by the abbey for one reason or another and joins yuri instead. (we've tossed around quite a few versions of this. we love playing in the space.)
we've bounced around ideas about the rest of the cast but i only have a sheet for estelle, who is a malak controlled by the abbey ala phi. assigned to flynn, ends up with yuri one way or another. i think rita sees that malaks are people and while she wants to coordinate with them to use their strength she doesn't like how they're treated as tools (the way she feels about blastia more or less).
if you're curious about why flynn and yuri have different fates, like, in terms of lore compliance. i think yuri seeing the thing he holds most dear, the community that cared for him, destroyed in an instant, would probably fill him with malevolence no matter what, especially depending on the circumstances. (like, if the abbey was manipulating things to create daemons or therions) yuri's like...a deeply conflicted character full of self loathing, so, being a daemon really suits him. i think that malevolence would only grow as he sees the world and the abbey for what it really is. unlike someone like rose, yuri NEVER feels unconflicted about Doing Murders.
flynn in canon is pretty conflicted himself of course but i see him as similar to eleanor who can sometimes produce malevolence but has a certain purity of heart that keeps them as pretty good vessel material. nowhere near someone like sorey or rose, and definitely wouldn't have had enough resonance pre-artorius' plot to see anything. also i think the brain trauma and being picked up by the abbey leads to him having very clear purpose and a black and white view for some time, so that helps. (look, let me be real with you, half of the impetus for this au was "it would be funny if flynn had like, religious trauma")
design notes not on the sheets: - yuri's daemonblighted skin is cooler to the touch than his regular skin. but he's a guy with cold hands regardless - i've got purple highlights in his eyes but i think of them as glinting purple in the light. like an animal i guess? - yuri's outfit is mostly inspired by his spirit gear in rays, aside from his normal game canon outfit. - estelle is pulling from a lot of different abbey associated characters but mostly her own design...i didn't want to give her something weird like A FUCKING COLLAR especially bc she's not given to A WEIRDO EXORCIST but i wanted some kind of symbol of captivity so i went instead for a golden mask. pulling from the common malak's gold mask/helmets and seres' mask. in canon a lot of estelle's arc is about being sheltered so i feel like covering her eyes feels, appropriate? idk. - i think yuri still gives estelle her nickname but she wouldn't start out as estellise so its more like yuri gives her a name - you may notice she has the flame of purification (does that have a different proper name? blanking on it) which kind of implies that she's connected to innominat. please don't ask me to elaborate on that point because i literally don't know yet. i think if i were to make her a normal elementally aligned malak she'd be water like her spirit gear in rays, but it feels like she should be Special just like how she's a child of the full moon in canon. we just, haven't really figured out, does the berseria cast still exist, are we replacing them, what would that look like, etc. sorry that stuff should be more important to the concept but we are simply playing with the dolls. teehee
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rikeijo · 3 months
Today's translation #676
Go Yuri!!! Go, official fanbook, Tominaga Keisuke interview
Part 3.
-- What was especially important to you in creating music for this show?
Tominaga: When I read the project proposal and storyboards in the beginning, I felt that the story, dialogues and characters - everything is very intricate and has a lot of depth. At the same time, my impression was that is also very easy to understand, very strong-flavored, as if everything was drawn using bold lines, and I thought that it was a very important point for this show. Inspired by this, in creating music for this show, my aim was to use similar 'bold lines'. For all tracks, I can say that the 'rhythm' was what I paid special attention to. One aspect of figure skating music is that it's also dance music, so before we started the production, I analyzed the rhythm of various tracks that have been used as figure skating music. What I noticed is that music in triple meter highlights the physical performance - the turns, jumps, spins and flexibility - beautifully. On the other hand, quadruple meter music is upbeat, energetic and focuses mainly on entertaining the audience and more spontaneous emotions.
Looking back at the score, I think soundtracks that include so many tracks in different triple meter variants are rare: History maker (6/8), Stammi vicino (6/8), Yuri on Ice (12/8) , On love ~Eros/Agape~ (6/8), Guang Hong's SP (3/4) and JJ's FS (6/8). In addition, in BGM tracks other than the music used for programs, we used a lot of waltz. This is probably why I felt as if I was dancing waltz all the time, when producing this score. Throughout the whole production process of each track - the music performance, vocals, arrangement and mixing - all the time, we were working, sensing the rhythm and moving our hands and legs a lot, to make sure that the music is good to dance to - even if there is no beat, does the strings' groove alone make the music pleasant to dance to? Do the vocals make the music dancable? Is the pleasant circular melody of the piano undisturbed? Does the variation in strength of the performance create a nice groove in the music? etc. Because of this, I feel like the music production was mainly me dancing all the time (laugh). Thanks to this, I think I'm much better at conducting now, compared to one year ago.
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Of course of course we love the femritters on this blog
-they tried to start a band once and only got one live show which they were booed out of because they were soooo bad
Candice was vocals/guitar
Bambietta was backing vocals/keyboard
Meninas was bass
Giselle was drums
Liltotto didn't want to join in but sometimes she'd just be like tambourine or something
-they were mostly punk rock but sometimes did like… soft rock
which sounded better than the punk stuff
-Candice kept ruining stuff with her guitar solos…
-whenever they watch comedies Candice cackles like a maniac every like 3 seconds and Giselle just talks through the entire thing so everyone else can't understand what's happening
- Giselle talks through every movie ever cause she’s just like me
-they also could never decide a name for the band but several ideas that were thrown around:
Candice & The Electrosuperdeath Girls
The Bombers
All Quincy Rejects
Dead On Arrival
Guys I Don't Think This Will Last Longer Than A Month At The Highest Do You Not Remember When We Tried To Make A Movi-Wait Meninas Stop Copying This Down This Isn't A Fucking Name You Dumbass
- on Bambietta's birthday once everyone thought it'd be a genius idea to literally just put a bomb in her cake
- Giselle wanted to be in the cake but they wouldn’t let her (they didn’t understand her genius smh)
-For christmas everyone got each other coal, this wasn’t planned, they all individually thought of it
- Giselle also put a bow on her head and said she was the group’s gift, and only Meni thought it was cute
- Candice once considered showing up entirely wrapped in bows and literally nothing else but she realised that would not help her against the slut allegations so she chose not to
- Christmastime is always the most chaotic for the girls
- Meni is the only one who buys thoughtful gifts
- Giselle once gifted Liltotto a rotting arm
- halloween they usually do nothing for because last time they dressed up bambi and candice argued for hours over who was sexier in their costume
it ended with a group vote which resulted in zero votes for both of them
- for an experiment Giselle once faked her death to see what the others would do and after a week she came back and literally nobody noticed she left
- Meni like… noticed but she wasn’t worried
- Liltotto got a snack stash everyone is aware of but she doesn't know they're aware of it and thinks she's kept it secret
- Giselle keeps taking everything grape and blue raspberry flavored
- Lil plays gacha games, like.. it’s an addiction
- Meninas plays cookie clicker games
- Bambi speed runs anything and everything
- Candice plays yaoi visual novels
- She picks bad routes to see men suffer and plays good routes to giggle when the men kiss
- Giselle does the same but for yuri visual novels
- Giselle plays games like ddlc so often.. like the most fucked up ones you can find.. like you and me and her. And corpse party
- Candice listens to punk rock
Bambietta listens to classic rock
Giselle listens to breakcore (and idol music)
Liltotto listens to idk
Meninas listens to folk and pop music (another idol music enjoyer)
- Giselle has literal skeletons in her closet (The animal ones are sourced ethically but the human ones…)
- during blackouts Candice uses herself as a generator but ONLY for the stuff she uses regularly and nothing else
Jeez that one was long! Sorry we haven’t posted in a while, we’ve both been a little occupied. I hope you like the hcs tho! :3 - Giselle
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amemenojaku · 1 year
Shinmyoumaru for the character ask prompt
I got several asks about her... thank you everyone for allowing me to go completely batshit insane
General opinion/How much I care about them: GAHHH I love her SO MUCH it's unbearable!!!! I think nowadays I wouldn't be able to say who's my number 1 favorite touhou character between her and Seija... There is a very special place in my heart for Shinmyoumaru Sukuna T_T I love the play on a classic otogizoshi (making the descendant of Issun Boushi a princess AND the ally of a horned demon at the same time is sooo good) and I love that she has this brave and regal aspect to her personality while still being a little bastard and I love her design and the atmosphere of her fight scene in DDC and her heart and everything else!!! She is cool and cute and funny god I wish Shinmyoumaru were real I have so much affection for this silly little character
A ship I love: (puts on my clown makeup) I made myself known here as a seishin artist many years ago and I'm happy to say they're still my absolute favorite pairing in the series! toxic yuri wins!! The way I see them has changed a lot over the years and thanks to the surprisingly big amount of material we got in the spinoffs and the books but at its core it's still the same... Lonely people who created unforgettable memories together and changed each other forever... And you can go so many different ways with them... But I guess my all-time favorite seishin flavor is best summed up in this unrelated quote (more people should read Fafoo):
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seishin fans also manifested grimoire of usami into existence which I think is incredible enough on its own to mention
A non-romantic relationship that I love: With Reimu!!! I think we all agree that their interactions in Forbidden Scrollery were perfect and that Shinmyoumaru is an excellent addition to the Reimu solar system. There's something so touhou-ish about them living together after DDC and Shinmyoumaru sewing that small kimono as a gift for Reimu and then later hijacking the danmaku festival so bad that Reimu has to step in. Literally textbook case of Reimu dealing with another little rascal yet befriending them in the process. Speaking of I think they genuinely are good friends, not just danmaku or drinking buddies... I love to imagine their daily life together when Shinmyoumaru stayed at the shrine......
The NOTP: For better or for worse she's almost exclusively shipped with Seija which is fine by me!! I've never liked seeing her with anyone else (save for a onesided Shinmyoumaru -> Reimu crush).
My biggest headcanon about them: THERE'S TOO MANY TO LIST..... I have pages upon pages of Shinmyoumaru & kobito-related headcanons because she is constantly rotating somewhere inside my brain but I can share a few ones: her family is not only a descendant of Issun Boushi but also a descendant of Sukunahikona; none of the kobito have last names except the ruling family who takes on the most sacred one - Sukuna; there's actually a little bit of Issun Boushi's spirit remaining in the miracle mallet, he doesn't exist there anymore or anything but it's like a warmth that Shinmyoumaru can feel when she wields it.
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: I have a lot of wips that I probably won't ever finish sadly... But I -would- love to draw some kind of comic or writing/art mix where I could include all those headcanons someday, with her past and especially a study of her relationship with the mallet
Something that makes me think of them: Hedgehogs :) and forget-me-nots!
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cookierunauprompts · 6 months
Sun & Star dynamic (Arcane + Golden):
Yay!! Let’s talk about this once tragic yuri, the girlies of all time! We’ve all heard of the sun and moon dynamics in all sorts of mediums, mayhaps even the rare moon and star dynamic as well. But never the sun and stars, never them. So… what would this dynamic be like? To answer that were look at the pair no one expected in our small little community, that of Arcane egg and Golden Butter. Let’s see how they fit into this lovely polycule- let’s go!
Important note: these notes / document sections will mostly be going over the dynamic of the main storyline and after the three get together. There will be brief mentions of before the fall- but unfortunately we don’t have much info on Goldie be for the fall. Besides that before the fall the two had a very close friendship, like very close! 
-first of all, no one saw this coming. So to say the least this is a very low-key dynamic. No one really saw this coming- not even the parties involved.
-but this relationship makes sense. Their very similar to each other so they mesh well, and where they do differ from each other they still mesh.
-their both kind and considerate people, both have very bubbly excitable sides, their crafts are very similar in quite a few aspects! Even if arcane has many, MANY crafts. (She’s very flexible) etc.
-Like the sun and stars their made of the same stuff, there's a warmth to the two of them. A vibrancy!
-they are both introverts! But they’re two different flavors of introverts. Golden is what one might call a more… traditional introvert. quiet, a bit more soft spoken, private about their feelings, social interactions tend to drain her batteries, etc etc. While arcane need’s social interactions a lot more, she tends to be loud, a bit clumsy, she has a long array of friends, etc. but she’s still very much an introvert.
-as a result when they're not recharging by themselves they tend to recharge together. They usually pop in a movie and just chill, they might do something with their hands. Arcane might chatter quietly mindlessly, but she doesn’t expect an answer; she just does that naturally. Otherwise they just bask in each other's presence. It’s soothing really, basking in each others natural light~ (I’m so cheesy :D)
-and even in their differences they compliment each other, arcane is more emotional / feels their emotions very strongly. As a result of this and their strong empathy they pick up the mood shifts in others easily, even if they can’t really identify what’s wrong. So they are able to sense when something is bothering their precious Goldie. Really helps their very emotionally intelligent, even if they don’t word it quite right sometimes.
-Another thing from Arcane is that she's a very silly cookie! Not the obvious type of silly and theater kid that shadow milk is, but she is silly. Example when you hug her she can choose to make squeaky toy noises. It entertains Golden immensely!
-Now, for Golden. She’s a very… peaceful cookie is how I would describe it. Arcane finds peace with her, her buzzing mind quiets around her. If only a little bit. Goldie’s very presence actually helps Arcane sleep, for even when she isn’t haunted by an otherworldly force. She’s a bit of an insomniac.
-Golden is also a fellow creator! They get to share that joy together, go through the process of making and then redrafting over and over- together! Her more….stoic nature helps arcane a lot as well, arcane doesn’t have to be anxious around her. She doesn’t feel shame, it puts Arcanes heart at ease.
-… the two do… envy each other, if only a little bit. Or they used to.
-Golden was envious of Arcanes' vibrancy, her morals, her creations at times even. She was like the sun, warm, enviting, and energetic. Her will though- that was the real kicker. Her defiance, her willingness to dream of a better world. Her fire to make it so… she was everything she never was….right? She was just a star, a small blip in the sky. Arcane was the sun- she was not.
-But Arcane was envious as well, sure she was the sun! But… but everyone loved her, they loved Golden's light. She was like inspiration herself, she inspired creation. They all loved her too! They spoke of her gentleness, her kindness, her grace, her… her everything. But Arcane…? She was TOO much. Her robotics were… unnerving to cookie kind, her dealings with the spirit world? Too weird, too creepy. She was often described as too intense, a little destructive at times with how enthusiastic and clumsy she could get.
-………. Hell….. her precious moon was in the same sky as her- they…. They were perfect together….. they were perfect without her…. maybe the sun was always destined to be apart from the glittering night sky- from her moon. From her star…. How tragic…
-or, maybe not. Maybe… the stars and sun could learn from each other? Share their light? Their warmth? Yeah… they may be able to reconcile yet- they're from the same thread after all. They can get each other in a way most couldn’t, quitely.
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so? Wha chu think? Anything you want to add, I really want to add more but my brain is not cooperating! Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Have a good one!
YURI!!! i love them, i love them so much
tbh they deserve to be happy together. love that for them
also this is the funniest gbc timeline because they both left Shadow Milk in the dust in favor of Yuri and honestly that's a girlboss moment. Shadow Milk dies because of the power of yuri/j
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danieyells · 3 months
Hear me out, Jiro baby trapping but he gets pregnant jajdja
I'm thinking something like Yuri experimenting on them and stealing a little bit of bone marrow and creating a Gamete and coaxing Jiro quite a bit, you already made some things in case we wanted to do this again! Might as well use them!
His reasoning here is only half selfish and he should be rewarded in his eyes! Jiro, one of the few people he believes are competent enough to be his assistant has such a cute crush on the PC it's almost painful to watch and would hate for him to sulk while investigating important things + he has seen some boys getting close to them so this is the best thing can do help.
Two months after their check up Yuri calls them to his office to tell them to start stocking baby supplies because he won't allow them to be a deadbeat and leave poor Jiro alone! Cue a surprised Jiro who thought this was again using Yuri's DNA and nit his crush. This flavor of baby trapping has three people in it but only one full consented
Re: Jiro sympathizing with baby trapped pc
Jiro's already had one child! What's one more??? It'd be irresponsible for the inspector to have one, they have to work with all the other houses, but Jiro and Yuri don't go on as many missions and attend all of their classes every day so Jiro can afford a couple-month mission hiatus and maternity leave, right? Yuri is such a good captain and boss, he'll take care of everything once Jiro okays it. The small details don't need to be considered, they've done this before after all.
Yuri is just helping his partner stay close to the person he likes! He should be thanked--lauded for his genius, even! Such a considerate captain.
Now, they previously adopted the child out but since the child is between two loving partners wouldn't it be better to simply raise it together? Darkwick has the necessary facilities. Sure neither of them were expecting or attempting to do this but being in a relationship comes with challenges. Like unexpected pregnancies, apparently. Unexpected assisted pregnancies.
Yuri, comically, has an expectedly low desire to be involved with the child beyond inspection, observation, and note-taking. He was just trying to help them achieve their relationship goals and make sure they get and stay together so Jiro isn't so pouty and absent-minded while he works because he misses his crush! Your IVF doctor is rarely part of your family, they're just there to help. But he's also a matchmaker along with a fertility doctor! Like a relationship counselor, but with more direct action.
The attachment to their child takes longer for Jiro and the PC than normal because. . .this was heavily decided for them both. And Yuri keeps scolding them for being so unenthused and anxious. They need to be good parents. Good parents love their children. Be better.
(Jiro gets used to it first since he did know it was happening, just not that it wasn't gonna be Yuri's. He's not. . .as unhappy one might expect, knowing it's PC's. But Yuri's making it sound like he expects them to raise it this time. He doesn't know how to do that. They sent the first one off pretty quick. He doesn't know how to be a mother. Or a father. Or a hybrid of both for that matter. He doesn't think he has the emotional capacity for it. Isn't that bad for a baby??? He's going to fail at motherhood which is a normal thing for him to worry about.)
(The PC is still trying to understand how this was even possible in the first place. Like, how did this happen? When??? This shouldn't be anatomically possib--what do you mean Jiro has a successfully transplanted uterus???? What just in there???? Not in a jar or something just. Among all of his normal guts. Okay, sure, he has some non-normal guts in there too but the point is--okay but the sperm. . .when did he get their bone marrow???? The PC spends the whole pregnancy trying to process things and by the time they're mentally ready for the pregnancy the baby's already being born and they're losing their mind again. This is too much! But they can't abandon Jiro to do this alone in good conscious!!!!)
This is simply an expansion of the previous experiment, Jiro! They tried with two ghouls, but a human and a ghoul could theoretically produce different results! Think of it as work and a productive start to their new relationship!
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yurimultiship · 8 months
Fateful Encounter
For this Femslash February, I'd like to talk about ships I like through the lense of particular ship tropes.
But I'm already starting with something that's a bit up to interpretation for the ship I chose, with the notion of "fateful encounter".
When we think of that, there's an aspect of "destiny" to be taken into account. But when looking at it from more of a meta level, we could also perhaps be talking about the big encounter between the two main characters of a story that starts everything and is the basis/center of what the plot will be about.
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So today the ship is Ai/Sarasa from Kageki Shoujo!!
Their meeting happens in the first chapter/episode, in front of a beautiful cherry tree. The two characters are about to see whether they'll be admitted to the Kouka academy, a school dedicated to the art of theater and the first step towards joining the Kouka all-female troupe, which references the real life Takarazuka Revue.
What they don't know is that there is a rumored curse about the Kouka cherry tree: anyone who stands in front of it before being admitted will never be a top star!
The scene starts off with Ai (ex-idol with a traumatic past, wants to join Kouka mostly to get away from the presence of men) being attracted by the sight of this lonely, beautiful tree. Someone calls out to her, talking about taking a picture and startling Ai who accidentally let go of her application paper, blown by the wind into the tree.
Ai describes the girl she sees in front of her as having long arms and legs like a graceful gazelle, sparkling eyes full of stars and more importantly being terrifyingly tall!
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Enters Sarasa (otaku, wants to join the Kouka revue to play Lady Oscar from Rose of Versailles) who effortlessly picks up the paper stuck in a high tree branch with a beautiful and impressive jump, before turning back to Ai and asking her to take photos of her under the cherry tree so she can send them to her grandpa later. This leaves Ai quite baffled (since she probably feared someone was wanting to take her photo, as a former idol), especially with Sarasa being very, very energetic and taking poses for way more than one picture.
Of course, they are then admitted to the school. And of course, they end up being roomates at the Kouka dormitory! It's like fate is pushing them together or something, to Ai's horror because she is looking for peace of mind and can't really deal with Sarasa's bombastic personality at this point.
So it will take a little bit of time for Ai to warm up to Sarasa and for Sarasa to get past the barriers Ai has between her and other people. But despite being initially annoyed by Sarasa's antics, it's clear that Ai is also fascinated by her from the get-go. An attraction that will lead her to find new purposes in life.
While Sarasa does have a bit of a complicated boyfriend relationship with a secondary character, her and Ai are still very shippable. Sarasa references some yuri-flavored work that makes it feel like she could be into girls too and Ai especially is so easy to interpret as having feelings for Sarasa.
Outside of the cherry tree curse, there might not really be any in-story association of their encounter with "fate" but it still has such a great vibe of a life-changing meeting and makes for a beautiful and impactful first encounter, "romantic" in its aesthetic but also with a side of comedy that will stay present in their relationship. And the development of it that comes after that is as enjoyable, some of the content in the manga going past what the anime adapted even shaking things up between them in interesting ways!! From that very first meeting on, they are full of surprises.
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kalena-henden · 1 year
I enjoyed the brisk fun of XO Kitty. The theme of this season was Secrets & Lies. While Kitty started out as a truth teller, she quickly was sucked into the web of things that must be hidden. It definitely gave the characters road blocks to overcome and laid the foundation for the series, but I do not want this to be a continuing theme going forward. Kitty’s strength has always been assessing the situation and speaking the truth. There should be room for questioning and doubts to produce personal growth. However, you don’t need to lie in the meantime. I hope all the characters have learned that lesson so we can move on to other things. 
Overall, I really loved the new cast. They were interesting and fun bringing their own flavor to the mix. On rewatch, it hit me that we got to see not just hear about the family dynamics of all three of Kitty’s love interests giving us insight about who they are. Dae has a loving family but is insecure about his place in society. Yuri is the opposite in that she knows who she is in the world but feels isolated from her family. Minho’s parents are off doing their own thing. This has made him a bold in a good sense by not being afraid to speak the truth but also in a bad sense that he can be a jerk. 
Ultimately, it’s Minho’s truth telling that has me firmly on his team. Looking back he’s the only one of the main characters who doesn’t lie. Except when he said he doesn’t speak “Englishie”. lol He’s not ashamed about things that other people would try to hide. After seeing what his parents have been through, he’d rather be open and honest even if it may be brutal. In the beginning, he has a distain for long-term relationships as he’s seen firsthand how they often don’t work out.  This seems to be the main reason he didn’t like Dae’s relationship with Kitty because he wanted to protect Dae from the eventual painful breakup. He is a really loyal friend, intervening in ways they don’t always want or appreciate but it is with the best intentions. Though he’s annoyed with Kitty’s presence at first, he makes peace that she’s infiltrated his friend group fairly quickly and respects that Dae still has feelings for her. When he finds the sleeping webcam video of Kitty, he let’s Dae know so he can tell her. Even though Minho’s reluctant to let her stay with them, he doesn’t take long to befriend her after she’s moved in. And once those walls were down, it took like 2 seconds for him to realize he has feelings for her. It’s interesting that, despite witnessing the whole Dae-Kitty-Yuri mess first hand (and he doesn’t even know the half of it), getting to know Kitty better makes him realize it might be worth the mess to be in a “real” relationship. Minho then protects her like he does with all his friends, only a little more ardently. I love how he got on the plane with no expectations other than to spend time with her. He assumes that she worked things out with Dae but he still asks because he cares about her and wants to know what’s going on with her. But when Kitty confirms everything is truly over with Dae, Minho is surprised but doesn’t hesitate to express his feelings the first chance he gets. In many ways, they are opposites, but in the important ways they are similar by boldly expressing truth, fiercely loving people they care about and taking big chances to go after what they want in life. They deserve to be endgame. 
But Kitty is not ready to date Minho. He wasn’t even on her radar since she was trying to deal with her feelings for Dae and Yuri. She’s now given Dae the send off. Next she needs to work out whatever will happen with Yuri. I really really hate cheating storylines so I hope they don’t go there but there is plenty to explore if certain people break up. So in the meantime, I want Kitty to turn him down and for them to continue to support each other as friends. And I don’t want Minho to wait around for Kitty. I want him to date someone else for awhile and learn to be a good boyfriend. Then in the future, when they are both available, I want them to have feelings for each other at the same time and realize they were meant for each other. 
I didn’t mean for this to be so long but I have thoughts. lol This just wouldn’t leave me so I had to write it down. I have to say I really miss Kitty’s glasses. They were such a part of her aesthetic. I understand she’s grown up now and wants to wear contacts. But all the early morning rolling out of bed moments or late night moments, she should have been wearing her glasses cause you don’t sleep in your contacts. Or it’s really bad if you do. Anyway, I hope this show gets more seasons.
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Jook 죽, a Korean rice porridge, is a popular dish that can be eaten as a light meal or when one is sick because it is easy to digest. This creamy porridge is one of the best comfort foods commonly served to the sick, elderly, and babies. Jook is commonly used as baby’s first foods, known as "Iyushik" 이유식 in Korea. Now that my baby has started to transition into more thicker consistency foods, it is a perfect way to add more texture and to introduce different proteins.
There are many different variations on this Korean porridge recipe made with different grains, proteins, and vegetables. This vegetarian jook recipe is a healthier twist using lentils and brown rice. You can also use chicken or beef broth, as well as add different meats & seafood for different flavors and textures. Also, try saving some of the stock and using it to make different Asian soups for more flavor!
Brown Rice Vegetable Porridge 채소 현미죽
1 ½ cups of brown rice
¼ cup of lentils (I use green)
1 tbsp of sesame oil
1 medium carrot
2 cups of spinach
1 cup of broccoli
For the stock
1 yellow onion (cut in ½)
⅓ of daikon radish (cut in ½)
8-10 dried anchovies
6-8 garlic gloves
5-6 green onion stems
6 pieces of dried kelp about 2 inch squares
10-12 cups of water
1. Wash & Soak the rice and lentils for about 120 minutes.
2. Place all the ingredients for the stock in a large pot. Cover the ingredients with water.
3. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to medium high for about 90-120 minutes.
4. Strain the broth & discard the solids.
5. In a separate pan, heat the sesame oil over medium heat.
6. Saute the carrots, spinach, and broccoli for 2 minutes until it is slighty soft.
7. In a separate pot, heat the sesame oil over medium heat and add the rice and stir fry everything together for another minute.
8. Add the vegetables to the pot and stir fry everything together for another minute.
9. Add the soup stock so that it covers about ½ an inch above the ingredients. Bring it up to a boil.
10. Reduce the heat to a simmer, give it a stir, and cook at low heat for about 30 minutes.
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#koreanbabyfood #babyriceporridge #healthybabyfood #firsttimemom #motherhood #momlife #asianmom #itsamomthing
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Ah, thanks for the compliment author! ☺️ But I could never be as good of a writer like you! Besides, I really enjoyed that Irene and Seulgi piece, especially with the multiple endings!
Anyways, here’s another prompt for another headcanon, but this time for a Royal AU with Kwon Eunbi. Hope you enjoy! And please and thank you in advance!
Queen Eunbi? It seemed like just a few days ago she was Princess Eunbi, some low-ranking member in the Royal Court.
Well, at least she was, before she decided to stage a coup, violently disposing of the Royal Court, the loyalists to the monarchy, and the Royal Family.
Your family.
But she didn’t manage to execute you, the last legitimate heir to the throne.
She’s managed to pull the rug out from under you. Your family, your friends, everything that you’ve known gone in an instant, your life upended overnight.
An empire at your feet and you’ve lost it all.
And now she’s searching for you. Reports from your last remaining loyal servants have suggested that she’s not looking to kill you if it meant risking making you a martyr and causing the people to rebel against her. No, she’s looking to either force you into marriage to legitimize her consolidated power. Or, if you don’t comply, she’ll turn you into her political prisoner.
Maybe living in a palace has made you soft. Harsh words? Perhaps. But be honest, do you think you deserved it? If you had been a little more vigilant, maybe you would still have a family and a throne.
So, what’re you going to do about it, your Imperial Majesty? How will you make your mark on this wretched world? Will you go along with Eunbi’s plan? Or will you take back what is yours by force?
Careful. Whatever you do will have a ripple effect for years to come. So choose wisely.
Kwon Eunbi headcanon - Royal AU! - Royal! Reader trying to take back the empire from Queen!Eunbi
Requests are open
Hello again! I'm really thinking that you're a human storage of greats prompts for headcanons. And the Au details give that spicy flavor, because in this way I could try new things. Also, thank you again for your kinds words, I hope the result satisfy you.
Royal!Eunbi X Royal!GN!Reader
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The plan
The world how you knew it was now gone
One night was enough to transgorm you from claimant to the throne to a fugitive
A lump in your throat while you think to all people you lost few days ago:
Your family, your friends, whoever was on your side
You have seen death them by the hands of Eunbi
A a person whose existence you sometimes forgot
But from now you will never forget about her, nor you will forgive her
It could be the last thing you will do, but you will have your revenge
But you can't beat an entire empire alone
Luckily you are not alone, because you have still few friends you can rely on
Humble but loyal people
You knew them since your childhood and even now even now that so many years have passed, you can still count on them
You never stopped writing letters to them and sending castle resources when they need it
So, when that night you managed to escape from the castle and you knocked on their door, they didn't hesitate to let you enter
Now you are still there and they are all with you: Yena, Yuri and Chaeyeon
You could have been too soft maybe in these years, but you are always been the best in making strategies.
So after spending an entire night making a plan, the next day you were ready for action.
To the castle
The first part of the plan was the easiest: enter the walls
In fact Chaeyeon everyday deliver straw for the animals of the castle, so the guards should let her enter with her cart
A cart where you and the other two were hidden
At the big front door the guards searched the cart, but they had found nothing because you were hidden under the double bottom
So Chae left you in the yard and went away, done with her part of the plan
Now that you three were in, the second part could start
To sneak towards Eunbi position you needed a distraction
And the best one to make a fuss is for sure Yena
Like, she's not a bad girl, but she's really innocently chaotic, if it makes sense
So while you and Yeri were hidden in the first storage space you found, Yena started running, screaming, singing and other 100 noisy activities that attracted almost all the royal guards to her
Honestly it was fun watching that little bean escaping with no difficulty from a mob of men armed and twice her height
But you can't waste precious time, you needed to take advantage of the distraction
You and Yuri left Yena on her mission, confident of the fact that she would have managed to escape
You two ran in castle with agility, thanks to your knowledge of the castle and of the laws
In fact you remember clearly that only someone with blue blood can love in the royal rooms
Or someone married with someone with blue blood
Thus Eunbi should have been in old, low-ranking member of the Royal Court room, even though she has the power now
That's the reason she's searching for you in all the realm
But you were far few minutes to her
At the beginning of hallway of the Royal Court member you separated with Yuri
She stood there as a lookout
Before parting you gave her your trusty sword, because she needed to defense herself
After all you didn't need it, you had with you the dagger that your grandfather gave to you the day you became an adult
You and Yeri hugged tightly, you knew that you can count on her, but can't help to worry for her
Just watching in her eyes remembered you the feelings that you had for her since you were a child
But now there was no time for that
That was the time for your vengeance
So you started walking slowly towards Eunbi room, the last on the right
Silently you turned the knob and walked in
She was there, sat with her back turned
She was brushing her hair, unaware of your presence...
...or at least that was what you thought
"Well, look what the cat dragged in. My favorite claimant to the throne" she said looking at you through a mirror in his hand
The thing surprised you, but not too much because the situation was still the same: you two were alone and you were armed and her not.
"Yah, Kwon Eunbi, how dare you speak to me when you still have the blood of my family on your hands?" You loudly shout to her
"Don't worry, Y/N, I washed my hands, I'm a clean person, you know? So, So... what brings you to my "humble" establishment? You finally decided to turn yourself in?" She said looking directly at you this time
You laughed impressed by her boldness, "You would like. No, you filthy traitor, I'm here to end you here and take back what's mine".
With saidyou closed the distance that separated you and now the blade of you dagger was on her neck. "Do you have any final words?", you asked her, ready to do what was needed.
"Oh, actually yes: don’t you ever get tired of failing?", she didn't have the time to finish her question that from behind you someone entered in the room.
It were Yuri and Yena, both with their hands tied and with a sword pointed at them. Behind them, wielding the sword, a royal guard and... Chaeyeon?
"Chae, what are you doing? Are you crazy?" you asked her baffled. "Shut up, Y/N! You know nothing", she answered with sad but angry eyes.
While you were distracted talking to your former friend, Eunbi took the opportunity to steal your weapon.
"Thank you for the gift, Y/N! However I know something instead: in fact this smart girl yesterday night contacted me through one of my spies and informed me about your silly plan". Said Eunbi, this it was her placing the blade of the dagger on you neck.
But at that point that was something secondary. "But why? I thought we were friends, Chae!", you asked, in the verge of cry.
"That's what YOU thought! You always put me in the last place, Y/N. Since we were child. Yena was your bestfriend, Yuri was your crush, and I? I was the other one, I was useful only to not be in an odd number. I always thought that it was a child thing, you were immature, but you are still the same. Yesterday when you came to our house I was the last one you said hi. That's why!, she ended her discourse, shouting at this point.
"Yes, very sad. However", Eunbi at this point has got your back against the wall, "time to finish this drama! Here's the deal: guard, take these two rascals and put them in prison for a few days, then throw them out", she said looking at the guard.
Now she was looking at you with a strange glare. "And as far for you, now that you're here you will marry me so my power will be officially recognized by the laws. Lucky me, you are stupid, but you are hot!".
She kissed you with passion, to claim her property. On the other hand you didn't resist, probably heartbroken over too many betrayals in so little time.
Your plan failed. Now a future as the partner of the usurper was waiting for you. Is that the end of your story?
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snowywrites · 3 years
Natsuki x comedic!reader
summary: this was a request from someone on quotev, reader is gender neutral!
word count: 3k
You set your bag down next to your usual chair in the Literature Club room before taking a seat in one of the desk chairs. Stretching your arms up high over your head, you suppress a yawn; being stuck in school for an extra hour or so wasn't all that bad, considering you got to see your friends whom you didn't really share any classes with.
"Ugh. You're never the first one here."
A familiar irritated voice catches your attention, and you turn around in your chair to grin at the one and only Natsuki. Your expression brightens even more when you notice what she's carrying.
"Aww! Are those for us?" You coo, rising quickly from your chair to hurry over to the short pink-haired girl standing by the entrance to the room, examining the tray of muffins in her hands.
Immediately Natsuki recoils away from you, reminding you so much of a stray cat who never received enough love in their life. The thought makes you snort to yourself as she even straight up hisses, "Wh- these aren't for- I mean- they're for the club! But they aren't for, like, you and me!"
You listen to her fierce but confusing denial politely, your smile softening but never completely disappearing. She could get so riled up sometimes over the tiniest things.
Natsuki's blush is apparent, and you're highly tempted to make some sort of joking comment comparing her to something, when she suddenly backs up too far and collides with the doorframe of the classroom behind her. She squeaks, the tray suddenly seeming very shaky in her hands as she struggles to regain her balance to keep herself from toppling to the floor.
Not missing a beat, you reach out to catch the tray just as it slips from her hands, only narrowly managing to avoid watching the muffins spill all over the place.
Feeling pretty proud of yourself for that nice save, you hold the tray up triumphantly with one hand, showing off just a little bit as you smirk at Natsuki. "Well, what do you think? Have I earned the right to have at least one of these most-delightfully-baked-goods?"
She's fumbling for a response, ego most definitely wounded.
You lower the tray again, adding teasingly, "Alas, if you can't spare even one little muffin, I suppose we could work out some kind of arrangement?" You pause and hum, tapping your chin thoughtfully with one finger from your free hand, pretending to think for a moment. "How's about, say, three years of your devoted friendship? That about equals the rescued lives of- onetwothreefourfiveand... six muffins, wouldn't you agree?" You say, making a small show out of counting them.
Natsuki glares at you with scorching magenta eyes, stuttering over her words so much ('don't compare her to Yuri even as a joke, she will kill us right here and now, Y/N.') that you start to worry if maybe you've gone too far in teasing her today- not everyone appreciates your jokes, but you usually got the impression that Natsuki actually kind of liked them... even if she acted like she didn't. Normally, you could literally see her trying her best to fight back a giggle, but this time she seemed more sensitive for whatever reason.
"Ah, Natsuki-"
Whatever half-assed attempt at an awkward apology you were about to come up with was interrupted, of course, by your ever-excitable mutual friend Sayori launching herself into the classroom with all the unrestrained joy of an elementary schooler, exclaiming, "Y/N! You're never here this early- and you brought snacks??"
Sayori leans too close into your personal space to inspect the muffins before deciding, "Wait, no- these look too good to be yours, I bet Natsuki-" She glances over her shoulder to see the baker in question and exclaims, "So you did make them! Hey, thanks!"
Natsuki, still attempting to recover from her previous flustered state, huffs, refusing to look at either of you two. "Y-Yeah, it's no big deal..."
Sayori is already reaching over to snag one of the muffins; you have no doubt in mind that she was the reason Natsuki made six treats instead of five.
You try to catch Natsuki's eye so you could feign some good ol' exaggerated exasperation with the way Sayori ate like such a child, and how tactless she could be, but the short girl was doing her absolute best to continue ignoring your entire presence.
Yikes, maybe you actually had seriously offended her... or maybe it was just something else entirely that had upset her so much...?
Before you had the chance to really think too much about what could be bothering Natsuki, the other members of the Literature Club arrived for the usual after school meeting, first Yuri and then shortly after Monika, both apologizing for being tardy even though they weren't that late at all.
"Oh, Natsuki brought snacks?" Inquires Monika as she notices the muffin tray you had set down on a desk a couple of minutes ago. "Let's all have them before we do any reading or discussions today."
Sayori beams at the club president's words, having already polished off her first muffin and now eager for yet another. You didn't blame her, Natsuki was a great baker, but sheesh, with the way Sayori had inhaled it, you wondered if she even tasted it at all.
You try yet again to send Natsuki a warm smile in the hopes of cheering her up somehow, but she was still steadfastly pretending you didn't exist, apparently, and so your efforts were futile.
Resigned to your fate, you help Monika push some of the desks together to form a makeshift table that everyone settled down at, each club member taking a muffin for themselves and starting to dig in.
"No complaints, Sayori?" You hum after the first bite when you realize what the flavor of these particular muffins is.
Your energetic friend is probably eating too quickly to really notice, as you originally suspected, and she simply blinks at you, confused.
"What do you mean 'complaints'?" Natsuki pipes up sharply, though her voice is wavering which makes you think she actually cares quite a lot about what others- maybe even you in particular- think of her baking prowess.
You shake your head defensively, chuckling a little. "Don't shoot, don't shoot! It's just, they're blueberry. Sayori can be such a kid sometimes, so I-"
"Do you not like them?" Natsuki snaps, making you wish, not for the first time, that you could finish a sentence around these girls.
"Ah- nono, I do! It's really good! I just was- uhm-" You struggle to find the right words to defend yourself under her heated glare. Why was Natsuki taking everything you said so personally today?
"Y/N was only joking," Monika, bless her soul, steps in calmly with the patience of a saint to try and smooth out the situation before it was given the chance to escalate any further. "You know how they can be."
Wow, okay, ouch.
You dramatically place a hand over your heart. "Why, Monika! You wound me." And honestly, there was a teensy bit of truth buried and hidden underneath your dumb joke. Just because you liked to cover up any feelings of discontentment in an effort to find the tiniest semblance of humor in just about any scene of life didn't mean you went around purposely hurting the feelings of those around you. Or... did you? Shoot, now you weren't sure anymore.
Sayori laughs out loud at your over the top display, and you notice even Yuri is trying to hide a smile behind her muffin, her violet eyes almost unnerving with the way they follow your every movement.
But you aren't really paying attention to any of them at the moment, so much so that you don't even process Monika's reply. Your focus is purely on Natsuki.
She's not glaring directly at you anymore, but down at her hands which are clasped together in her lap.
You clear your throat; being serious wasn't your thing, but you still wanted to give it a try- for her. Softly, in the hopes of not letting the rest of the girl's overhear your words, you begin, "Natsuki, I..."
"It is strange, though." Yet again you are interrupted! If it had been Sayori, you would have been openly frustrated with her, but this time it's Yuri's shy self who has at last decided to share something of her thoughts with the group.
A beat of silence. “What’s strange?” Monika prompts when Yuri doesn’t continue her train of thought.
The violet-haired girl jolts a little, as if she hadn’t realized she’d spoken out loud. “Ah- just that- uhm- I was just thinking… Natsuki usually bakes cupcakes for us instead of muffins,” she explains timidly.
Huh. Weird observation, but Yuri kinda had a point.
Natsuki stiffens, sending a scowl in Yuri’s direction. “You don’t have to psychoanalyze literally everything, y’know. Life isn’t always like one of your dumb novels where you have to make up deeper meanings for when one doesn’t exist.”
You exchange a swift glance with Monika- lately, you and the club president had sort of been tag teaming helping each other lately to diffuse conflict within the Literature Club. Most often, the offenders were the same as the ones now: Natsuki and Yuri. Monika’s method of smoothing over issues was calmly and kindly, whereas you tended to take a more comedic route where angry grumbles could dissolve into grudging laughter.
Since it was technically your turn to step in and try to solve some conflict before either girl burst into tears, you interject with the first set-up for a joke that pops into your head.
“Heh, careful, Natsuki. I think you might give Yuri a new idea for one of her poems.” You face the taller girl as you continue, “Here, I’ll help you with the topic- ‘muffins- are they just ugly cupcakes?’ Yeah, just throw in some fancy language and stuff and-“
You can tell by everyone’s expressions that you’ve made a misstep somewhere here in your delivery, but then Yuri reaches up with one hand as she tries to mask her smile, and you’re intensely relieved you didn’t hurt her feelings.
Somehow, though, it seemed someone else was hurt.
Natsuki stood up abruptly from her chair, the sound of it’s metal legs grating on the floor causing you to wince. “Can you be serious for once?”
She doesn’t wait for your response, just turns on her heel to grab her cute pink backpack and then stalk out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her.
“Sheesh, what did I say….?” You sigh heavily, combing a hand through your hair. You were so frustrated with both yourself and Natsuki.
Sayori gave you a sympathetic pat on the shoulder, already standing up to go check on Natsuki, but Monika’s timelessly intelligent emerald gaze was fixed on you with a thoughtfulness that seemed beyond her years, and it did not move away from you when she spoke to Sayori. “No, let’s have Y/N go and talk things out with her.”
You cringe. “Won’t that just make things worse?” You worry, shaking your head. “I mean, call me crazy, but I don’t think I’ll be getting an award for being her favorite person anytime soon, Monika…”
A faint smile crosses Monika’s face. “Mm, I think you’d be surprised. Just go and talk with her, and please hurry before you miss her. I’d hate to lose a club member, especially one as talented as Natsuki.”
You stand up, a bit alarmed by the assumption your club president was making here. What, just because of one little spat it was presumed Natsuki would quit the Literature Club altogether? That would never happen!
….Would it?
You weren’t keen on taking your chances of finding out, so you hastily made your exit from the classroom, looking around the school halls and seeing just a flash of pink disappear around the corner to your right.
You hurry after Natsuki, glancing around uncertainly- you were pretty sure you weren’t allowed to roam the halls like this after classes were over, even if you were in a club. Plus, it seemed like Natsuki wasn’t actually leaving the school building at all, she was heading for the roof.
You don’t call her name for fear of being reprimanded by some annoying teacher or other staff, so you kept quiet as you trailed after your friend up some flights of stairs; if she was aware of your presence, she said nothing- you were mostly sure that she would’ve snapped at you to go away if she had noticed you.
At last you make it to the door that went out to the roof of the school building, which had just closed behind Natsuki. Tentatively, you push it open as quietly as possible and take a small peek outside to survey the situation.
Natsuki is sitting on a small bench with her back still to you, her attention apparently fixed on the horizon.
“Wow, they have benches up here?” You ask, finally making your presence known as you step out onto the roof and allow the door to drift shut behind you.
Natsuki starts, glancing back over her shoulder to see you, and her eyes narrow when you offer her a hesitant smile. “If you’re here to apologize, you can just leave.” Her voice is sharp, but you can sense that she sounds almost, defeated in a way.
You shrug, wandering over to sit down next to her, looking towards the sky. “Good thing I wasn’t planning on apologizing, then.”
She huffs, purposely scooting away from you so that she was right on the edge of the bench. “Look, what makes you think I want your company?”
“I dunno. Maybe I just wanted to explain what I meant for my own sake. My reputation and all that?”
She purses her lips together. “Go ahead then,” she mutters wearily.
“I never mean to offend you or anybody else with my jokes. I just kinda, joke around a lot, it’s not something I ever even think about doing, it just happens.” You pause, sighing dramatically as if the weight of the world has been taken off of your shoulders. “Boy, it’s been so long since I’ve held onto that secret. “So… now it’s your turn.”
At last the pink-haired girl looks at you, mildly confused. “My turn to do what?”
“Share a secret,” you clarify playfully.
Natsuki immediately shakes her head, a brilliant blush painting her cheeks. “Wh- never!”
You laugh. “Okay, alright, point taken. How about this then: how was your day?”
Natsuki calms down somewhat, apparently actually considering your question. You realize she seems… sad, somehow. “It was… whatever.”
“Did you bake the muffins this morning or-?” You ask idly.
“No, last night.” She pauses, glancing away again to stare at the sky, and you got the sense she was somewhere else in her memories, not fully present with you on this school roof now. “I was… going to decorate them this morning, but then I just. Had to leave.”
“Ah, so you’re one of those tardy students, aren’t you?” You tease as gently as possible.
She exhales in a long, frustrated breath. “For your information, I got to school a few hours early actually.”
You have very few puzzle pieces of this mystery to try and fit together, and you wish she’d stop being so- mysterious about this whole thing. You hadn’t noticed before today, but you knew very little about Natsuki, aside from the facts that she liked manga (probably anime too), baking, writing, the color pink, cute things… you didn’t know anything at all about her home life. You’re tempted to ask just why she was so early, why she couldn’t decorate the muffins, but just as you’re trying to work up the courage and the right words, she saves you the trouble.
“My father…” She trails off, sounding uncharacteristically insecure for once, and her eyes seem too-bright, as if shining with unshed tears. She’s being very vulnerable with you right now, and you’re intensely worried you’re going to mess it up with her somehow, so you keep quiet and wait for her to continue. “He…”
Her voice catches in her throat, not allowing her to continue.
Instantly you lean closer to rest your hand on her hand, causing her to flinch in shock at the unexpected touch.
She gives you a look like she wants to be angry, but at the same time, she’s not pulling away from you.
You really, really don’t want to see her cry. Not Natsuki, the strong-willed, determined, fierce Natsuki. You’re unsure how to comfort people, so you go with what you know best.
In a perfectly serious tone and a straight-faced expression, you say, “Do you want me to beat him up for you?”
For a second, you’re about 80% sure she’s going to slap you right in the face.
But instead, something miraculous happens.
Natsuki giggles, and as she does so, tears streak down her cheeks.
“Oh God- I didn’t mean to-!”
“No, no!” She cuts you off, tugging her hand away from yours and swiping at her face to try and wipe the moisture from her eyes, a smile still tugging at her lips. “You’re- you’re fine- I mean! Not you, I meant that, it’s fine. Really, it’s fine…” She pauses, and you think this is the first time Natsuki has ever gazed at you with such softness.
Have you really made her feel better? You’re pretty proud of yourself for that one. You would like to tell her that she can talk to you about anything anytime, or that maybe she can hang out at your house whenever she can’t stand being at hers, but she speaks before you can.
“Your jokes are terrible.”
You tilt your head to the side in confusion. Despite the insult, you can definitely hear the smile in her voice.
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Domestic AU Headcanons:
More headcanons for the Ranskahov bros as well as my ocs for the Veles Mafia:
[First Set Here]
A/N: I would like to preface this by saying that these are largely inspired by my boyfriend and his thoughts/experiences/feelings about moving from Russia to the United States and things that he went through growing up in Russia.
--------------- ---------------
- Anatoly can't spell very well and when he's texting in English, many words are misspelled and his grammar isn't correct.
- Vladimir is afraid of spiders.
- Valery doesn't like cats and has had to get rid of kittens as a child in Russia. This is the reason he doesn't like cats and will never have one as a pet. Bad memories for him. But he thinks that having a chameleon would be the coolest pet. Liliya deadpan tells him absolutely not.
- The Veles Russians all call squid calamari. "Squid in Russian is kal'mar! Calamari! It is not my fault that Americans do not call calamari the right name!"
- Liliya has a sweet tooth like no one's business and if it came between a snickers and Russian candies, she'd pick Russian with no hesitation.
- Matvei calls himself a functioning alcoholic and has said on more than one occasion that it's only because of having a job that he doesn't drink all day long.
- All of the Russians chase their vodka with juice. Liliya loves pineapple. Vladimir loves orange. Vera loves cranberry-mango. Anatoly, Matvei, Piotr, Sergei, and Valery don't really care too much about what flavor the juice is.
- If she could, Yulia would drop everything and do meth again. She'd sell her soul for it. "God I miss doing meth..."
- Vladimir's favorite food is sushi. This does not mean in any way, shape, or form that he eats it 'the proper way'. No, what he does is he takes his sushi apart and reassembles multiple different types of sushi to create his own unique type. Yuri is constantly offended for his wife, Yuriko.
- Anatoly sometimes wishes he could quit smoking but really, he knows that won't ever happen. Sometimes when he's stressed out, he smokes every fifteen minutes and has been known to buy multiple packs a day.
- Piotr is a speed demon when driving and is the only member of the Veles mafia to join said mafia accidently. As a kid, Piotr really wanted to move to the States and "always had this feeling deep down that it would happen." Vladimir connects to that feeling very well because he had it too as a kid.
- Look, Vladimir makes literally The Best potatoes known to man. This is no exaggeration. It is magic of some degree.
- Anatoly loves to play poker and many nights the Veles crew have been found chasing vodka with juice and playing poker.
- Vladimir loves sci-fi and wants a smart house. He would be the first to set up a google home in the Veles garage as well as his apartment.
- Anatoly loves the color gray. I've said it before and I'll just say it again.
- Sergei barely remembers things about Russian history and hates himself just a bit for it because he feels as though he should remember his history and culture and just.... doesn't.
- The Veles mafia and Tracksuit Draculas have had so many run ins with each other that it's a wonder Matt and Clint have had to fight their respective Russian mafias.
- Vladimir gets 'hustle' and 'hassle' mixed up all of the time. He also has the hardest time saying 'miso' soup. He usually pronounces it as "meezo" soup.
- To Vera, all noodles are pasta. Doesn't matter if it's ramen, udon, low mein, lasagna, or spaghetti. It is all just pasta to her.
- Valery calls spring rolls, egg rolls, dumplings, and crab rangoons wontons. He claims that they are all the same thing. Yuri is once again lowkey offended for his wife since she is not present to hear this.
- Anatoly was an awful student in school. He was very bored, sat in the back, and tended to goof off more often than not. Vladimir was the complete opposite and excelled in history.
- Yulia speaks and writes in English far more than she does in Russian and has forgotten some words. She is mildly embarrassed and annoyed with herself.
- Anatoly lowkey highkey wants a big ass aquarium in his office at the Veles garage.
- Sergei loves beer and will drink beer over vodka in a heartbeat.
- Vladimir is a human garbage disposal. If it's food, he will eat it.
- Anatoly loves trail mix and buys packs of it from stores, always adding in loads of cashews. Vera, Yulia, and Sergei call him a "squirrely fucker". He always threatens to fire them.
- Valery and Vladimir once took two hours to install a ceiling fan in the Veles garage. This involved very much yelling, cursing, and screaming. Anatoly was found by Vera, sighing out, "I hope they both get electrocuted..." While at that exact moment Vladimir could be heard yelling, "I know which one [the wires] is responsible for what!" And Valery screaming back, "Responsible?! Here's your responsibility, mother fucker! To turn the lights on, not shock me!"
- One of Vladimir's favorite movies is The Fifth Element. He also loves Eurotrip and Interstate 60.
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A/N: I don't know, may continue this with more headcanons in the future because I do have more I'm just a tad lazy right now and having an awful time with my laptop because I need a new one rip.
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thinkyoureholy · 4 years
Oceandust [6]
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Pairing : Kim Hongjoong / [fem] Reader
Genre :Angst, Violence, Language, FLUFF, Smut, Pirate!Au
Words : 3.1k
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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-Y/N’s P. O. V. [one week later] -
I sat down with a sigh, reaching for the bottle I kept on the coffee table but before I could wrap my fingers around it something blocked my hand. I cursed when my fingers crashed against the glass bowl, pulling my arm back. I looked at the hand that held the bowl, following the arm that was connected to it up to look at his face, a frown finding purchase on my face.
“I made porridge.” He simply said with a smile on his face, pushing the bowl towards me until I finally took it.
I looked down at the sad looking thing, the gray color unappealing, “I’m not hungry…”
“Just eat a little bit even if you’re not hungry, it’s not good if all you have in your stomach is alcohol.” He said in a light tone, the smile still on his face.
I looked up at him with a brow raised, a bit skeptical over eating something that looked like a gray blob, “Hongjoong really...I-”
“You either eat on your own or I spoon feed you.” He interrupted, the smile on his face gone as he went to grab the spoon but before he could I grabbed it firmly in my hand. I grumbled as I spooned some of it up, almost gagging at the thickness and smell coming from it. I grimaced when the substance touched my tongue, finding it difficult to get past the texture and flavor or lack thereof. I chewed the spoonful that was in my mouth as quickly as I could and swallowed, staring down at the rest of the bowl with a frown.
“Hongjoong do me a favor, yeah?” I asked, my gaze glued to the abomination in the bowl.
“Please never set foot into the kitchen ever again,” I said, completely serious, finally looking up at him, “This is horrendous. How do you manage to ruin porridge so badly?”
He chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he cheeks took on some color, averting his eyes, “Is it really that bad?”
I held a spoonful up, silently telling him to open his mouth so he could taste his own creation. His eyes widened slightly before he opened his mouth, letting me feed him. The moment it touched his tongue he froze, a shiver visibly going through his body as he tried to chew through everything that was going on in his mouth. I stifled a laugh, offering the bowl so he could spit it back out. He quickly spit it out, taking a few chugs of water to clean the horrid taste off his mouth before he plopped down onto the couch next to me. I let out a soft chuckle, putting the bowl down on the coffee table. I was tempted to grab the bottle of alcohol once more but I thought against it, sitting back. I glanced over at Hongjoong, grinning as I watched him stare down at his hands with his brow furrowed. 
Hongjoong had been here for about a week, claiming the couch as his overnight. After what happened his first day back I had offered him Yuri’s room but he refused, saying the couch was all he needed. I tried arguing with him that it wasn’t very comfortable on the couch but he insisted. After a while I had finally grown tired of arguing over it and I let it go, giving him a pillow and blanket to use. I was a bit less apprehensive towards him after the first day, quickly becoming used to his presence once more. I had told myself I offered him to stay to save him the money he’d have to spend to stay at an inn but that was far from the truth. I...wanted him to stay, scared of being alone, of being abandoned once again. It had been so long since someone besides myself was in this house and it had started getting a bit suffocating being alone for so long. I practically begged him to stay.
He hummed out in response, prompting me to continue.
I stared down at my hands on my lap, twiddling my fingers, “How long do you think you’ll be staying for?”
As soon as I asked I felt his gaze on me but I refused to meet his eyes. I didn’t want him to see the disappointment in my eyes when he told me he wouldn’t be staying for long. I know people like him tend to go from one place to the other, never staying in one place for too long. I mean, that’s what happened the first time so he can’t really blame me for being so guarded. Just as I was thinking this he reached over, grabbing one of my hands in his and with the other he cupped my cheek gently, lifting my face up so I could meet his gaze. 
“For as long as you’ll have me,” He said with a small smile, the look in his eyes a foreign one, “I meant it when I said I came back for you. I missed you so much I thought my heart would leap out of my chest with how it yearned to be by your side. I won’t leave until you ask me to and if I have to leave due to some unforeseen circumstances you’ll be the first to know, I promise. But to be honest I might try and convince you to come with me instead of leaving you behind like last time.”
I inhaled sharply at his words, my eyes darting from one of his to the other. I don’t know if he realized what he just said because if he did he wouldn’t be this calm about it. Ah, you’re killing me here Hongjoong… I groaned internally, a grin finding its way on to my face to hide how I was feeling. 
“You know that’s the cheesiest thing anyone has ever said to me.” 
The moment I said that his face went beet red. I laughed as he pulled his hands away from me, sitting back against the couch cushions. He sputtered for a second before finally giving up, covering his face with his hands as he let out a low groan. I grinned as I reached over to run my fingers through his hair but just before my fingers could touch a strand of his hair my hand froze in mid air. The grin I had on my face fell, a frown replacing it as I pulled my hand away. I averted my gaze, furrowing my brows as I stared intently at the coffee table in front of me. 
I can’t keep leading him on like this. I’m not stupid, I know what the look he gives me means but I’ve been ignoring it this whole time. As much as I would want to share his feelings and I’m sure the me from four years ago would’ve happily returned them, it's just-- I’m not the same as I used to be. Even though he’s stopped being as pushy as he was that first day he came back I still catch him trying to pull the old me back to the surface. I understand it might be hard for him to accept that the person he feels so strongly for is gone but she really is, after everything I’ve been through it would be more worrisome if I didn’t change at all. Though I knew that person would never come back I found myself trying to go back at times, maybe I was afraid he’d get sick of me and finally leave. And right now...being alone was the last thing I wanted.
I shook my head, ridding myself of those thoughts, forcing a smile back on my face as I rose from the couch, “C’mon, let’s go.”
He finally looked up, raising a brow, “Where to?”
“To get a decent meal. No offense but I don’t think I can stomach another spoonful of that thing.” I said with a hint of humor in my voice.
He furrowed his brows, a pout on his lips but he offered no words of protest. Instead he got up and grabbed his coat, opening the front door for me, “After you.”
. . . . . .
-Hongjoong’s P.O.V-
“You know when you said you wanted to have a decent meal I thought you meant we’d be going to a restaurant or something not...well not here…” I trailed off as I followed after her, maneuvering through the people in the pub.
“What do you mean? They have the best food in town here. Isn’t that right Archie!?” She yelled out towards the cook in the back as soon as she reached the bar, leaning against it.
“Damn right!  What can I get for you?” He asked, stopping what he was doing to give her a massive grin.
She mirrored his smile, her whole face lighting up, “Surprise me.”
He nodded and turned back to focus on what he was doing. I turned to her, opening my mouth to say something but before I could get a word out someone else beat me to you.
“What have I told you about coming here on your day off?” Eunwoo asked, giving her a stern look as he cleaned a mug.
She turned her grin to him, “Oh, c’mon you know you love having me around.”
He rolled his eyes but I could see the corners of his lips curl upwards the tiniest bit before he forced his lips into a frown, “What’s the point of me giving you a day off if you just spend it at the pub anyway? It was hard enough to convince you not to work for one day during the week, at least stay home and rest. One of these days I’m going to ban you from coming in here.”
“You say that but you always have my favorite drink ready for me,” She said, her grin somehow growing.
He sighed heavily, setting down a mug full of what I assumed to be her favorite drink, “Go easy this time. I don’t want to have to carry you home like last time.”
She chuckled softly, grabbing the mug, “Thank you, Eunie!” 
And just like that she turned on her heel. I followed her with my eyes, watching her take a seat by the window. I sighed and turned back to Eunwoo, glaring at him. He chuckled at seeing the look, shrugging his shoulders.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that. You know how hard it is to say no to her.” 
“That’s not what I’m glaring at you for, ‘Eunie’. Since when have the two of you been so close?” I asked, unable to stop the jealousy from oozing out of my tone.
He quirked an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips, “Oh? What’s this? Don’t tell me you’re jealous?”
I flinched at his words, having to hear them out loud had a blush crawl its way up my face. He snickered as he set the mug in his hands down in front of me. I took it begrudgingly, taking a swig of the ale he had poured inside. 
“She’s a beauty I’ll tell you that much. But sadly for her and fortunately for you I prefer my significant other to have something extra in between their legs if you catch my drift.” He said as he placed his hands on the counter and leaned forward, glancing down for a second before bringing his eyes to meet mine, “Wait actually now that I look at you closely you’re pretty easy on the eyes.”
I froze for a moment, placing the mug back down as I cleared my throat, “Please, you wouldn’t last a day with me.”
Eunwoo smirked, “You think so?”
I mirrored his smirk, leaning in closer so our faces were inches away, “Oh I know so.”
I chuckled as I leaned back, taking the mug of ale and began to head over to where Y/N was but before I could take a step in her direction Eunwoo’s voice stopped me, “If you’re jealous over every man that talks to her then I’m assuming you love her more than words can describe, right? I mean why else would you come back and stick around...”
I sighed heavily, turning back around to face him, propping an elbow on the bar, “I do. But she doesn’t feel the same…” I trailed off, lowering my gaze, “But I don’t really care if she doesn’t love me back, I’m satisfied with being by her side.” I said with a smile, looking back up into his eyes. 
He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, “If she doesn’t even remotely feel the same way she wouldn’t be staring at you like a lion staring down its prey,” He said with a look of amusement in his eyes, a grin playing at his lips, “Look, I can't exactly say what she feels for you but there is something there. The look she has in her eyes now is the same as the one she had years ago, around the time you came around to be exact. And… I have to admit it’s nice seeing her smile without having to force it.”
I gazed out over the pub, my eyes meeting hers. She gave me a brief smile, lifting her mug before bringing it to her lips. The corners of my lips lifted ever so slightly, the look on my face probably the fondest look I’ve ever worn. 
“She’s had it rough these past few years and she hasn’t really opened up about it. We’ve tried but we don’t want to push her away or to have her push us away. I think you have a good chance at getting her to talk and somehow get past the trauma she’s been through.” He said, sound concerned. 
I gave him a small smile, reaching over to give him a pat on the shoulder, “She’ll talk when she’s ready. I’m just glad she’s still here, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I came back only for her not to be here anymore…” I trailed off, a lump forming in my throat at the thought. I rid my mind of the thought, shaking my head before I pushed myself off the counter, finally leaving to head back to Y/N but what the sight that greeted me was a bit of a shock. 
Y/N was sitting exactly where I had last seen her but this time she wasn’t alone, she was surrounded by members of my crew, the most notable one was Seonghwa who seemed to be whispering something to her in her ear. I wrapped my fingers around the mug in my hand tightly, seeing the smug smirk on his face as he pulled away from her, glancing over to where I stood. That little shit, he’s doing that on purpose, I thought as I walked over, grabbing the back of his collar and pulled him away from her. 
“What are you scheming this time, Seonghwa?” I asked, well, hissed out really. 
“Me? Scheming? Never.” He scoffed, feigning innocence, going to put his arm around her shoulder but I grabbed his arm before he could. 
I narrowed my eyes as I squeezed tightly, “Don’t just touch her without her permission.”
“Why? You do it all the time.” Y/N interjected, her words catching me off guard. 
“Huh?” I was caught off guard, the hold I had on Seonghwa’s arm loosened as I stumbled over my words, flustered by how nonchalant she was. 
I could feel another blush crawl up my face as I finally said something, “I… I’ll stop if it makes you uncom-“
“Hongjoong.” She said, cutting me off as she reached over and combed her fingers through the hair on the back of my head, “I’m messing with you. It doesn’t make me uncomfortable, at least not when you do it.”
Her words rendered me speechless, the blush I already had on my face only deepened. It was then that I finally noticed the shit eating grin her and the members of my crew were wearing. I was confused, feeling as if I was missing something. 
“You were right, Seonghwa.” She said, her grin mirroring his as they shared a knowing look. 
My eyes darted from her to him then back again, a groan falling from my lips as I covered my face with my hands, “I hate all of you.”
They all laughed, ignoring the glare I was giving them. Just as I was about to walk away Y/N got up from her seat and came to stand behind me, draping her arms over my shoulders and hugged me from behind, her chin resting atop my head. 
“Oh c’mon we’re just teasing. You never told me you had people like this in your crew.” She said as she leaned further down so her lips were mere inches away from my ear. 
“I didn’t mention them because then you’d want me to introduce them to you. And I knew you on Seonghwa would click immediately and make my life hell,” I murmured, tapping the side of my head against hers gently, “But if it makes you happy then I guess I’ll just suffer silently.”
She laughed softly, her breath fanning my ear, “Thank you.”
I raised a brow, pulled away slightly so I could look at her properly, “For what?”
“For not giving up on me. I know I’ve been a handful and that I’ve said...some choice words to you since you’ve been here but I am grateful for you. I don’t know how long I would’ve lasted living the way I was if you hadn’t come back,” She said in a low voice, a bashful smile on her face as her eyes showed more than one emotion, I couldn’t keep up, “I know I’ve told you time and time again that the old me is never coming back but...with your help I think she just might, even if it's just a small part that comes back.”
I looked at her in shock, her words causing something in me to stir and before I could stop myself I leaned forward and captured her lips with mine, already thinking up an apology for when I pulled away. I ignored the whistles and jeers from my crew and cradled her face in my hands, deepening the kiss. Even if she could no longer be the person she was before I loved her, I loved the person she was before and I loved the one that I came back to. Whether she turns into a complete stranger to me I will continue loving her, And I will help her get through this. I’ll make up for all the time I spent away and for being gone when she needed me the most. I just--I wanted to make that look that had just crossed her eyes for that split second of time to disappear for good.
Series tags : @myjiminmychimchim @atinyarmyx1​ @shaniquacynthia​ @utopiakys​
General Tags : @mirror-juliet​
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Comic buff with a thought, I notice the P5MM art and composition is more striking and closer to p5's art and style than the other manga, which is fine, but kinda... flat. (I find myself thinking there's something missing when I read it, then I look back at P5MM and I notice how there's more clever paneling, imagery, and stylistic choices akin to the games in it (like that one goro panel ya had a rant about) and I realize what's missing) That could be why P5MM is brought up more, just a guess. I dunno how you feel about all that though, I'm curious.
Under the cut cause it gets long cause of pictures:
I am very big on art style and visual presentation. I do actually judge a book by it's cover (manga, game, movie, show, yadda). If I find something pleasing to my eye I'll read it.....even if the contents are trash. Domestic Girlfriend is one, horrible manga (didn't finish, was holding out for Momo, aka best girl, and getting closure for her....then I bounced). Didn't watch the anime (didn't need to I was way ahead in the manga I think), but I know that opening is wasted on it. ldskfjaf Don't invest your time into it, it's not worth it, you would probably learn better morals from P5.......probably. But yeah I found the art style pleasing enough to try it out (I's not amazing by any means, but I like looking at it....or did.....that writing man....dat was bad ;w;).... *waves hands vaguely in air* yeah.
Fun fact, it's why I got into Persona. I happened across an ad for P4 on the PS2 in the Gameinformer magazine, it showed a screenshot from an animated cutscene plus one of the fully body art for the chars and I was like "Yes this is my jam!" (which only doubled down when I read what it was about, and it was a murder mystery and the article also talked up "the mystery of the glasses" which fakldjsalkfs yeah). So yeah it really clicked for me.
Tbh it's why I'm probably going to get back into freaking Bleach, and it's why I got into it and Naruto over One Piece (I don't think I'll ever read ON I'm sorry). Tite Kubo has sexy art what can I say? Can't trust a thing that man writes now but eh. It's also the reason I read a lot of Shojo (and now Yuri) manga, cause their art style is usually what I find very appealing (even if I've read the same gd shojo love story just by a different name for the 1000th time, give me the flowers and sparkly eyes! they are my life blood!)
And I've mentioned I really like Saito's art style. I've (attempted) to color some of his pieces on top of animate some manga frames (most of which I haven't actually published......I...I should....get around to finishing those up....haha...aha....haaaa). I really like his art, it's pleasant. But even with good art, I can still see past it and see what BS it's peddling and it can hamper my enjoyment of it. If I don't look at the context of the scene or the words on the page, I can be down with it. But when I'm reading.......I get annoyed. I balk at anything with Goro. I guffaw whenever Makoto's on screen (cause Saito nails her from P5, she acts useful but really she's useless but the narrative views her as useful it ironically makes her useless......it's the weirdest thing I've ever witnessed >.>). Like Saito really.....gets P5 it seems, down to it's flaws even (tho he can actually make the good parts of P5 shine, or at least parts that P5 failed to execute....execute in a way). But he also makes the flaws.....shine that much harder for me.
Now the Reg manga? it's nothing special art style wise, in fact it starts off VERY wonky, and while still wonky, has gotten a lot....better/cuter (esp Ryu). Not like shojo cute just.......I wanna squish their wittle faces cute (at times when it's not serious).
Like when it comes to Reg Manga these are the two pieces that have appeared in it that I feel kinda hit the P5 mark in terms of style:
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(look at Mona, coming into this world like the pustule that he is 8U)
Which isn't much, but it's something. At least Reg's AOA is better looking than the anime. 8U
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But I dunno, as the chapters go on, the Mangaka allows for more cuter expressions, and I just like their neat:
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(btw I colored that page)
I dunno, it's not as overtly cutsey as Saito:
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But they are still charming in a more simple way (without out having them go full chibi), it subtle but it gives it flavor. "Silly why are most, if not all those pics of Ryu and Anne?" I dunno guys maybe you should ask them how their backs are doing, cause they're the ones who are carrying the Reg manga when it comes to this! 8U
Tho I do think the first ch or two of Reg does a better job capturing P5's feel than the rest of the chapters, I think the mangaka is just.....bogged down by exposition and the game's BS that a lot of text on their pages so it almost reads like a novel:
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ALots of text, not the most dynamic of framing with the panels. It's kinda eh. I haven't really read the manga past the 2nd dungeon tbh (I mean......as the residential #1 Makoto hater, I think that's fair.....that I'd start to zone out during my least fav dungeon....and then continue zoning out during my 2nd least fav dungeon askfdjaflk)
But during the first two dungeon arcs, I liked how.....bad the PT were at thieving, I liked how green they were. It was obviously a learning process. I also like some of the fight choreo (Saito did the best hand to hand one in the series in P4U's Yu vs Sho....which I actually animated....spoiler.....no I have no released that...my dumbass wants to tempt fate and see if I can redo it in color even tho it took me 4 days non stop to get that animated in just black and white.....but I am a fool so alas 8U). I mean it's not mind blowing, but it was simple and decently thought out, which is more than I feel like we usually get (esp with the anime shows....or at least P4/5's).
But I think what draws me in is....it's lack of P5 style. P5 style has them being still oh so cool despite being new at everything. It's tired me out. P5's how identity is style. It's....style over substance (gonna rile some feathers with that....Cvit(?) vid title). But P5 is overtly stylish, to the point it......weighs on me. Drags me down. Tires me out. I don't think they're cool, I'm bored with it. Ironically, Reg manga lacks that, which......def would make someone (and me usually) give it much of a passing glance. It's very basic I guess. But.....consider me, being in P5 hell, surrounded by all it's nausea inducing stylishness, sees a small break in the hellish hurricane to see.......normalcy. It kinda makes me connect better with the kids (kinda, it's still P5).
They feel like normal kids, trying to do their thing (sometimes trying to look/act cool and failing), and.....it's just the absolute antitheses to P5's brand......and I think that's why I like it. KLFJDSAFLKJA;
Anyway, who knows, maybe when I catch up on Reg in english and re-read MM with the official translation I might change my mind about a few things, or at least how I rank them. But for post length sake, and my sanity sake, I think I should keep the anime and mangas out of the "Which entry do you hate least" post......because I should just make another post where I go into both mangas as well as compare and contrast the anime! :D I'm just delaying some insanity for later haha....
Wait.........I just remember Day Breakers exists......and I liked it....still do....don't have much issue with it. Well shit, that is probably the one entry I hate the least. fklsdjfalkjdfkla;jsL;FJljsfdlskafaj *sobs* nO NO, I committed, and that's just a sad loophole. fdklsajflakfj *sobs* I still need to the game thing, cause let's be honest, the games are where it counts.
So right now my ranking for manga/anime is:
Daybreakers>Reg manga> MM>>>>>>>>>>TV Show Anime and it's OVAs (may the burn in the hell fire from which they spawned)
Oh, one last thing, forgot to put it in but I dunno where to put it now. I like how the manga tones down the pervyness some:
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I mean Ryu is a fellow monkey. u_u .......but it's for the best I don't have to see his ape expression. ;w; (iirc the pyramid scene was a lot shorter/faster, but that's by the grace of reading and books rather than animation I suppose).
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elmaxlys · 4 years
21 QUESTIONS FOR JUOKA, LETS GO! 3 4 5 6 11 12, also 20 because I am acutally curious ! (i shall ask the other ones in another question)
3) What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?
Fav trope is obviously enemies to lovers because come on XD
But favorite AU, oh boy. I have so many of them how do I choose... But probably any canon divergence AU in which Juo survives - be it against his will (as in Yuri got close enough and grabbed him by force) or because his “don’t want to die”-ness was strong enough to overshadow his convictions and he took her hand. The infamous Redemption Arc AU that lives in my brain and I haven’t written one line for because I have too many versions of the same thing lmao i just really like that AU
HOWEVER I can’t not mention the Juo’s Apostle AU here. I rarely ever talk about it but damn... Rika as Juo’s Apostle... I don’t even have any definite or real idea for this AU other than “wow. that’d be dope” but jesus christ the simple idea of it puts sparkles in my eyes
4) Do you prefer canon ideas or do you have your own headcanons for them?
I’m gonna go with canon, here. Miura’s characters are pretty solid yet, in Juo’s case, vague enough to allow hc to fit in without disrupting canon. And their storyline is why I ship them so much in the first place. Also they both incredibly stick to character all along and that’s very hot of Miura to stay consistant in depiction. We say “Thank you Miura”
5) Favorite canon moment of them?
*inhales* YOU ASKED *talks about the Juo arc for so long you’ve stopped reading after the first few paragraphs but it goes on for 50 pages*
I’m only half kidding, because my fav canon moment of them is every single of their interactions and I could go on so long... They’re constantly trying to outsmart the other, to try to manipulate the other into lowering guard, but they’re so evenly matched both in terms of brains and in terms of raw power that they just can’t and they’re stuck and jfc the tension, the undressing, the shameless flirting. The entire phone conversation. 
Tho if I really have to chose, it’d be either “If I have a demand, it’s you” or both of the “I surrender please don’t kill me”. 
6) Least favorite canon moment of them?
It’s kind of fucked up on my part but I love the ugly parts of their relationships. That’s what it’s like to ship enemies. I can’t answers the threats, the manipulations or the murder attempts because that’s what their interactions are made of and that’s what I like. For the first seconds they saw each other they already went the full “hey let me just point a gun at your face while you manipulate me into not killing you despite how much I really should do exactly that”. I saw that and went “nice 👀” 
11) If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?
The mask proposal and then boom- careful it gets long
It’d go approximately like this: canon divergent of course but: Juo manages to stop Okihara from destroying the mask or kills Okihara so he doesn’t use the mask he kept for Rika. Then they get on the helicopter and Juo gets the code before allowing Rikuya from seeing it. Having seen the code, Juo is strong enough to resist the Administrator who took Rikuya’s body (then if okihara isn’t dead yet, Admin kills him because heh). Then either Juo pushes him off either Yuri just shows up for their fight and takes them elsewhere. We now have 2 almost full gods + one complete devil. Yuri fights the Admin, defeats him and becomes the new Admin, leaving our final two god candidates to the last level (that we actually don’t know of. how fucked up is that)
So. Judges VS Juo. Juo is like “whatever I only wanted the code because it sounded fun you can be God if you want” and the Judges are like. Bitch we went through all this just for that? And Juo’s like *shrug emoji* “I wanted to test something tho” *takes out his mask* “I want a proper fight with Rika-kun” and Rika is like dude seriously? i sorted my intensities, I’m as strong as the mfing Judge here why would you want to make me wear a mask to then fight me and Juo really doesn’t care because come on that’d be so fun. and they do fight. Rika becomes a 2nd Juo and Juo is having fun. But they’re of equal power. Juo has some vague thoughts of “ah I don’t want to die” like every time but then he realizes that it’s the last fun thing he could do. he’s so powerful no fight will ever have flavor again, you know?
Fighting Rika was his goal and he accomplished it, he didn’t get him to beg but he’s fulfilled but also really really empty now that it’s over so they’re both like huh. I can’t kill you you can’t kill me what up with that and Rika refuses to give up because hey his family, man. So Juo. Man Juo would tell Rika to kill him. No irony, no fake smile, just a tired but honest one, if a little sad, and Rika lowers his hammer like. No. I won’t give you the satisfaction of having me kill you. You were right from the beginning, I won’t kill an unarmed human that’s not resisting. And Juo is like “dude there can’t be two Juos anyway that’s against the rules” and rika is like “that was your idea in the first place wtf” and yuri is like “i make the rules” and, just like she was so ready to give him a second third chance in canon when she jumped to save him, she fully recognizes both Juos as one (like the Judges, you know?) and Juo is like okay yeah I was wrong, that’s nice. And he has an excuse to hold onto Rika because none of them can stand straight on his own
Bam, they’re married by the Admin power and they work through their issues together and Rika slowly accepts his title as Juo - which would be a metaphor of accepting the actual Juo - and they become real close and none of them really confesses they just. you know. are together. It’s smooth, they move in nebulous waters when it comes to their relationship. they don’t have an anniversary etc. But yeah, they’re together
12) If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?
I’ve only watched the first season but probably the Walking Dead. It’s gore, it’s violent, it’s post-apocalyptic - it suits them.
20) What made you decide to ship them?
I actually have no idea sskksk I think I’ve shipped them for approximately as long as they’ve been seen interacting so I can’t remember exactly but it probably was a mix of the following elements:
“I’ve been thinking about you all this time”
man, the sexual tension in this room o_O
man, they’re both hot, they’d look well together and also I’m crushing hard on both of them so, you know,,,
“If I have a demand it’s you”
“I’m glad to see you, Rika-kun”
everything about Juo
his every line
how alike they are
shipping my faves together because why the hell not  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
UTAREN VIBES HOLY SHIT (was my ultimate otp at the time etc but that probably was on a less conscious level than the one i’m writing here because I’m a dumb idiot that only realized the similarities recently)
I just really like the bad boy x good person trope, okay? even more than the actual enemies to lovers (that I enjoy a lot)
all of that buried under the stupid guilt of “yo hey why would I ship them that’s so messed up haha,, ha :’)))” that made me deny to myself that I shipped them for a loooong time 
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