#everything had to be horrible for everyone
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johanna-517 · 2 days ago
"Special and unique"
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A few months passed, your life in the mansion remained as empty as ever.
You still had no interaction with Bruce, you never spoke with him, and of course, it was the same with your brothers; they never sought you out, and you never sought them out.
You always used to see them all together from afar, talking, smiling, and laughing like a happy family. And you weren't part of that happy family, of course.
Every time they saw you, everyone would instantly look away. One thing that remained unchanged during these months was undoubtedly everyone's indifference toward you.
None of them ever apologized for what they did to you in the past, none of them cared about you, probably none of them were aware of you yet, probably even they already forgot what they did to you, the way they treated you, the pain they caused you... They forgot and left it behind, as if it didn't matter, as if it had never happened.
But you... You still haven't forgotten. You'll never forget what they did to you, ever. You refuse to forget the suffering each and every one of them caused you.
Even if you act indifferent to them now, it doesn't mean you don't hate them, because you really do.
You stayed in your room most of the time, locked between those four walls as if they were your safe place. They weren't, of course they weren't, since you definitely still hated this room. But you had no choice; it was best to stay here alone with Toti. This was better than walking around the mansion and running into one of your siblings outside. Because, you had to learn this the hard way, but you finally understood... No matter what, any interaction with them would go horribly wrong, and everything would be ruined even more instead of improved.
However, unfortunately for you... you finally had to start attending school. Because when you arrived, you still didn't speak English very well and were still depressed about your mother, Alfred allowed you to stay at the mansion for a few months without attending school, only until you were ready.
You still remember the day Alfred walked into your room, leaving your school's fancy new uniform for you on your bed. You asked him what it was and tried not to grimace when he told you you'd now be attending a school in Gotham.
You definitely didn't want to, you didn't feel like going, studying at a huge school, and being surrounded by rich and privileged kids almost wanted to make you scream in frustration.
But you also knew you couldn't refuse, education is necessary, and no matter how much you want to, you can't avoid going to school forever.
Your first day... It was an unpleasant day for you, to tell the truth. Alfred led you to the school gates, smiling at you, seeming happy to be taking you to your first day of classes in Gotham. While you... You were almost dizzy seeing such a huge school, with students of similar ages to yours everywhere.
You found it awkward to be in a large classroom filled with so many students, you sat alone at the back, not wanting to draw anyone's attention on your first day. However, as soon as the teacher introduced you as (y/n) Wayne, all the glances you were trying to avoid instantly turned to you.
The students whispered among themselves, wondering if you really were Bruce Wayne's daughter.
The simple fact of having that last name made several of your classmates want to get close to you, pretending to be kind and wanting to be your friend simply because of your last name.
But you knew, you saw through their fake kindness instantly, so you just looked away and ignored them.
This... It was definitely very different from your old school. When you went to school in Mexico, it was better. You enjoyed attending that small but colorful school. You got along with all your classmates. The teachers adored you. You always found it easy to get very good grades. You never felt bad there. Everything was peaceful and happy in that small school. You loved going there. Every day there was as amazing as the last.
But now... You're no longer in Mexico, you're no longer at that small, colorful school you loved so much, now you're in Gotham, at a new school that you definitely don't like. But there's nothing you can do about it... You just have to get used to this and accept it, even if you don't want to.
Your first few weeks at Gotham High School were boring and unpleasant. You were always distracted, never paying attention in class, which is why your teachers scolded you regularly. You always stood apart from the rest of the students, with no interest in making friends.
It's okay, you're not surprised that you don't get along with them. Even more so because you know they don't actually like you, because of your eye color. You definitely noticed the way they stared at your eyes, the way they murmured to each other about your strange, weird eye color whenever they saw you. You even noticed the grimaces of disgust some of the teachers made when you stared at them, as if they didn't like seeing your strange eyes fixed on them.
But, the real nightmare at school soon began... And his name was Noah.
He was a student just a year older than you, quite conceited and self-centered, the son of the owner of one of Gotham's largest hospitals, and... He started getting too close to you, harassing and teasing you as much as he could. There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't make mocking comments about your eye color, your poor grades, and basically criticize absolutely everything about you.
You tried to ignore him, but he wouldn't let you, going to extremes that were impossible for you to ignore.
Remember when, one day at dismissal time, you had to stay in your classroom alone for a while longer because you were the only one who didn't finish the activity the teacher assigned today. As punishment, your teacher decided to leave you there until you finished.
However... You noticed Noah enter the room with his friends, and they closed the door. At that moment... Noah took advantage, this time starting to physically attack you. First, he pushed you, and when you fell to the floor, he started kicking you hard while his friends just laughed.
That time you returned to the mansion covered in bruises, Alfred asked you what happened, but you were in so much pain that you simply decided not to say anything and go to your room.
Another time, Noah threw a bucket of dirty water on you, claiming it was an accident. The teachers let it go and ignored the situation.
Plus, Noah used to pull your hair hard whenever no one was looking. He also used to hide your notebooks and homework, just so the teachers would scold you for it.
He once caught you with his friends, and without hesitation, they started using their pens and markers to scratch your face and clothes. You still remember how difficult it was to get the ink out of your face that time.
Another time, Noah even tried to put gum in your hair, and by sheer luck, you managed to avoid it. Not knowing that that wasn't actually the worst thing Noah could do.
The next day at school... Without saying anything, Noah pulled you by the arm and dragged you toward a small storage room in one of the hallways, where no one would be able to see you. You tried to resist, but you couldn't stop him from pulling you into the storage room.
He hit you, leaving countless bruises on your skin again, he also cut your arms a little using scissors, leaving thin lines of blood on your skin.
When he finished he just walked away, leaving you there alone.
You were shaking, tears streaming down your cheeks, your eyes wide open in complete shock as you took in all the marks on your skin. This time, he hit you harder, so the bruises were going to last longer than last time.
You stand there for a while, staring into space as you try to ignore the intense pain that runs through your body.
"It hurts... It hurts so much," you mumbled softly, trying to stop your hands from shaking. It's not fair, you have to suffer and go through this when you haven't done anything wrong.
Your mom used to say that... You always had to behave and be kind to others, that if you were good, no one would have a reason to hurt you. But that was a lie... Because, even though you never did anything wrong, all you get no matter what is contempt.
Everything in Gotham is suffering for you. Whether you're at the mansion or at school, it seems like you can never stop suffering.
'Why me?' you asked yourself, wondering what you did to deserve being hurt by everyone.
Shaking slightly, you got up as best you could, trying to avoid thinking about the burning and pain caused by all those wounds on your skin.
You were wearing a long-sleeved sweater to hide your injuries as you walked out of school, and Alfred picked you up. He asked how your day went. You gave a short answer, and that was it, without giving any further details or telling Alfred what happened.
When you arrived at the mansion, you quickly headed to your room and stayed locked there for the rest of the day.
You were wondering what you should do... You wanted to deny it, but deep down, you knew you were afraid Noah would keep hurting you. He didn't just insult you; his harassment went so far as to even physically hurt you, and that was too much.
You were scared... Scared of him, scared that Noah's bullying would get much worse later, you couldn't take it anymore.
You think and think... Should you tell Alfred so he can find a way to help you? Maybe. But... You heard that Noah's father was close friends with the school principal, so it won't be easy to get the principal to listen to your situation and expel Noah.
Then, at that moment, an idea crosses your mind... What if you tell Bruce? If you find him and tell him what's going on, he might go personally to speak to the director. Then, the director wouldn't be able to directly ignore the prestigious Bruce Wayne, and he'd finally do something about the harassment you've received from Noah.
You know Bruce is your best option, yet... You hesitate for a moment, you literally haven't spoken to him in months, you just saw him from afar every now and then, but you never tried to find him or get close to him again, and of course, he never approached you either.
You promised yourself you'd never go after him again, that you'd never ask him for anything at all, but this is a big deal. So, even if you don't really want to do it... You have to if you really want Noah's bullying to finally stop.
So, that day you waited until it was dinner time, since Alfred told you Bruce would arrive around that time and be here for dinner with the others. Even Jason and Dick would be here for dinner.
It was one of those rare occasions when everyone gathered for dinner at Wayne Manor.
In fact, you never participated in these 'family moments,' you never wanted to, even though Alfred told you to join in and attend. However, you will participate in this dinner, simply to talk about it with Bruce.
If you bring it up during family dinner, Bruce won't be able to ignore you, right? It's simple: just go to family dinner, bring up the subject, and ask Bruce to do something about it. Everything will be fine, right?
That's what you try to tell yourself, trying to calm down a little while you comb your own hair, just a few minutes until you get down to the dining room.
"I can do this, I can do this," you repeat to yourself with determination. When you're finally finished getting ready, you walk over and give your beloved Toti a small kiss before placing him on the bed and finally walking toward the door, leaving the room.
You were wearing a long-sleeved black blouse, of course, to hide the recent injuries Noah inflicted on you. You haven't even told Alfred about them until now.
You walk slowly, trying to ignore the growing feeling of nerves and anxiety in your chest.
Finally, you reach the dining room. And you see them all there together. You almost flinch when they all turn to stare at you, not expecting your presence, since you didn't usually attend family dinners. Or maybe they were just surprised to see you here right now because they forgot you existed, right?
You sigh softly as you approach the large table. Alfred smiles at your arrival and guides you to your place at the table. Unfortunately for you, Tim was sitting on your right and Stephanie was sitting on your left.
You didn't like it... You didn't like being here, near them. But you have to endure the unpleasant feeling of discomfort, just for now, just because this time it's about something important and this is your only option.
You stare at the plate of food in front of you. Alfred's meal looked as amazing as ever, but for some reason, no one felt like eating right now, not even you. Maybe it's because of the tense atmosphere at this so-called 'family dinner.'
Okay, never mind. You didn't really come to spend quality time with your so-called family, and you didn't come to eat either. Your goal was simple: talk to Bruce and ask him to come to your school to speak with your principal so your classmate would stop bothering you.
"Father..." you began, definitely feeling like fainting just from having to call Bruce that, but you'll have to bear with it just this once. "I... Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something. The thing is... I'm having some trouble un the school, and I was hoping-"
At that moment, you were interrupted by Stephanie's laughter, when you turned to see her she simply looked away, trying to hide her laughter.
Just then, Jason spoke up. "Oh, the weird little girl is having trouble at school... What's wrong? Is it because no one wants to be your friend?" he asked, a smirk on his lips.
"If you have a problem with that or your grades, it has nothing to do with Bruce. Do you expect him to fix your bad grades or the fact that no one wants to be your friend?" Tim spoke up, frowning slightly as he looked at you. How dare you try to ask Bruce to fix your trivial school problems?
You remain silent for a moment, looking down. They... They didn't even let you finish speaking. They don't know what you're going through at school, they don't know the countless bruises and wounds you have thanks to one of your classmates.
"I-it's not because of that... I just wanted to-" before you could continue speaking, you are interrupted, this time it's Bruce who intervenes.
"If you have any problems with school you can tell Alfred, I'm busy and I don't think I can go to your school" he stated with a serious expression, without even looking at you.
The damned indifference in his voice was evident to you... Did he really not have time for you? Couldn't he care even a little about you, at least this once? You're his daughter. But... No one here seems to hear you. No one knows the seriousness of what you're going through, no one can understand you. No one even tries to understand you.
You grit your teeth, clearly annoyed. You've literally been beaten and bullied at school, and you... You don't even have a father who can defend you? Okay, that's to be expected. Bruce hasn't saved you even once so far. Why did you think this time would be different?
You wanted to scream, you wanted to argue and tell Bruce you wanted his help because it was a serious situation. But then... The cold indifference in the air reminds you it's not worth it.
"Okay, I understand. I think I lost my appetite, I'm going to quit now," you said, getting up from your spot and starting to leave.
It doesn't make sense, right? No matter what, they still don't care about you one bit.
You reached your room, took slow steps, and approached one of the pieces of furniture, taking out a small photograph of your mother. You sat on the bed, holding the photo of your mother against your chest.
"Mom... Someone's been bullying me at school. He hits me, he makes fun of me, and he harasses me every day... I don't like it, I can't stand it anymore. So, I tried to ask my dad for help, but he... He doesn't have time." You stated softly, looking up at the ceiling of your room.
"And... my brothers didn't listen to me either. Tim said I shouldn't bother my dad with that stuff, Stephanie made fun of me, and Jason called me weird again." You let out a small sigh, ignoring the familiar way your eyes watered with tears.
"But Mom... I really can't take it anymore. I can't, I don't want to put up with this anymore. But not even Dad listens to me." You sobbed, tears of despair rolling down your cheeks.
"Si papá no me escucha... Tú si lo harás, ¿verdad madre? Te lo suplico mamá... Por favor, aleja a Noah de mí, para que ya no me haga más daño, por favor" You pleaded, holding the small photo of your mother tightly. Surely she'll listen, won't she? Your mother loves you; she can always protect you, even now.
That night you cried yourself to sleep, holding Toti along with the image of your mother next to you.
And then... When you had to go back to school, you were completely nervous, wondering how Noah was going to bother you today. But... You heard other students talking, and then you found out... You found out he and his family had recently moved to another country. You almost wanted to cry with joy when you heard it.
Noah's no longer here, your main concern is gone. You don't need to fear him now, he's gone and no longer around to hurt you. Not anymore.
Your mother did listen to you, didn't she? Of course she would. She loves you, she'll always love you.
You almost laugh when you remember trying to ask Bruce for help. When in reality, you never needed it; you just needed to turn to your real family: your mom. She listened, and you know it. Even if Mom isn't here, she still listens to you somehow, right?
Of course you did, you knew it, Mom would never abandon you, she would never be indifferent to you like Bruce.
From that day on, you felt calmer and happier. You didn't care at all about the mocking comments from your classmates or the constant scolding you received almost daily from the teachers. The only thing that mattered was that you no longer had to worry about Noah, because he wasn't here. He was gone, and now you're fine.
While at the mansion, Alfred asked you what had you in such a good mood, you simply smiled and replied, "It's because Mom helped me. I'm happy about that."
Alfred felt a little confused by what you said, but he didn't question anything else, instead he was just glad to see you so cheerful.
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Now, more than a year has passed. It really surprises you a little how time has flown; you were already ten years old.
What's changed since then? Well, probably not much.
You were still not close to Bruce; he never even had time to say a word to you. And let's not even talk about your siblings; you still had a bad relationship with each of them.
Luckily, you hadn't had any major problems with any of them yet, because during this period you had made an effort to avoid them all in the first place. Avoiding each one of them meant avoiding problems with them. So it was perfect.
And it really worked for you, too. They were so caught up in their own personal lives and their vigilante identities that they never sought you out. You went completely unnoticed by them during this time.
You also had a few hobbies that helped you pass the time when you were bored in your room. You loved to draw, and your drawing technique improved over the months. You regularly drew certain types of flowers, landscapes, animals, and sometimes you even tried drawing portraits of your mother.
Another thing you did was crafts. You found making paper flowers very fun and relaxing; you loved experimenting with different materials and creating different things. So, your room, which you'd previously considered empty and depressing, slowly became warmer to you.
On your walls hung some of the colorful drawings you'd made yourself. All the crafts you'd made up until then also adorned your room.
Now, you felt more comfortable here, and you were always happy to add another new decoration related to yourself to your room.
And of course, you still kept in touch with your aunt and cousins. You used to call them twice a week. It really kept you calm and happy whenever you spoke to them, because it meant they still cared about you. That you were still important to them.
You loved when Erick told you he missed watching movies with you.
You smiled with joy when Abel told you that he missed playing with you in the yard.
And most of all, your heart felt warm when your aunt told you how much she missed you and that she hoped to see you again soon. She told you to take care of yourself and to tell her if you had any problems.
Although, you never told her, you couldn't tell your aunt that you were practically completely ignored by this family, even by your father.
You didn't want to tell her how much you suffered at first because of your father and brothers' attitude. Because you didn't want to worry her.
Anyway, you know she must have her own problems, you didn't want to burden her with yours.
Besides, right now your life at Wayne Manor was relatively peaceful, so everything was fine for now.
Oh at least it was until today.
You were definitely quite surprised as soon as you heard it. Alfred told you that a new member of the family would be joining today: Damian Wayne. He was also Bruce's biological son, your new brother, and he was about the same age as you.
You shuddered slightly, unsure what to make of it. You didn't know whether the news should excite you or worry you.
Well, when you were little, you always used to tell your mom you wanted a brother. You wanted a blood brother, one you could be close to, one you could spend a lot of time with. At the time, you were never going to have one, and you truly believed you'd never have a blood brother, but fate has shown you that you will finally have the blood brother you dreamed of when you were little.
But... Something makes you doubt. Because, even if Damian is your blood brother, that doesn't guarantee that he won't really ignore you like the others, right?
You didn't know what to expect, but you knew that no matter what, you had to accept it because, like it or not, he'd start living here too. And he's part of the family, too.
Finally... You met him. You stared at him for a moment, noticing the pretty green in his eyes. You'd say he was pretty, but Damian ruined your thoughts as soon as he started insulting you.
He started complaining about how weak you looked, the strange color of your eyes, and basically everything about you. You were almost shocked to see that he seemed to literally ooze hatred even though he was your age.
And... Damian didn't just lunge at you because Alfred was there to stop him.
You didn't even stay long, you just decided to go back to your room, not wanting to hear any more of your new brother's insults.
You downplayed it, as it wasn't surprising to you that you weren't getting along with your brother. And you assumed everything would be fine as long as you avoided Damian as much as possible, to avoid unwanted encounters. That way, you wouldn't have any problems with him.
But how wrong you were...
Even if you wanted to, you just couldn't avoid him completely, not when you literally started going to school with him. You're both close in age, so of course when he started your school, he was also in your grade, and you even had several classes together.
It was so awkward having to ride with him in the same car as Alfred drove them to school, it was annoying having to deal with his constant comments about how inferior you are, listing each of your flaws as if he actually knew you that well in the first place.
You tried to ignore him, you really did. You tried to ignore his insults about your eye color, ignore his blatant contempt for you, ignore the way he tried to lunge at you like a wild animal. You tried to ignore the way he treated you with contempt even at school, while the other students watched and laughed at you, amused by how pathetic you were to be publicly humiliated by your own brother.
You were irritated, and you definitely wanted to yell at him, insult him back, and hit him too. But you couldn't do it. Especially considering Damian was a genius with swords, a prodigy expert in attacking and fighting. You knew that if you tried, he'd defeat you in seconds. So you quickly pushed the idea aside, not wanting to take any chances.
Okay, you can tolerate it, you can still try to tolerate it a little longer, right?
A few months after Damian's arrival, there was another family dinner. You didn't want to attend, remembering the tense atmosphere of the last family dinner you attended, but this time, Alfred managed to convince you.
You don't know how he convinced you. Maybe it was because he seems to genuinely want you to get along with others and spend time with them, too. Because they're supposed to be your family, after all.
You can't tell Alfred how much you hated them, not when he's been so good at looking after you all this time. So, you agreed to attend, only because he asked you to.
You finished getting ready, putting on a short-sleeved blue dress. You look in the mirror, studying your arms for a moment.
You don't even have a single scar left from the wounds Noah inflicted on you before. You truly swore some would leave at least a small, lasting scar, but it seems you were wrong.
It's a little strange how perfect your skin is, how your body managed to make all the wounds you've had disappear without leaving even a small mark.
You shake your head slightly. You don't need to worry about that now, it's not the time. Rather, right now is the time to think about how to survive this family dinner.
"Esperame aquí, Toti... Volveré pronto". You say goodbye to your precious teddy bear, giving it a little kiss before placing it on the bed and finally leaving the room.
As soon as you get to the dining room, you see everyone already there. You notice Jason bothering Damian a bit, Bruce talking to Dick, Tim talking to Stephanie, and Cassandra looking calm in her seat.
Wow, they really do look like a real family together... without you.
You walk over to the table, and as soon as everyone sees you, they fall silent, staring at you.
Gosh... You just remembered how much you hate it when everyone looks at you at the same time. It's so awkward and annoying.
You maintain a calm expression as you choose to sit in the chair furthest away from the others. You're definitely mentally grateful that the dining room is extraordinarily large and you can get a spot away from the others.
After all, this time your only condition for coming to dinner was that you could sit wherever you wanted, and Alfred agreed.
You still remember how awkward it was last time you had to sit next to Tim and Stephanie. So, this time you're not going to take any chances; you'll keep the necessary distance.
You remain silent, looking anywhere but at anyone at the table.
Your plan to survive this dinner was as follows: remain unnoticed, don't speak, don't look at anyone, and leave as soon as you finished eating. Simple, right?
But your plans are ruined as soon as Damian gets up from his place, going to sit right next to you.
When you look at him, you notice the mischievous smile on his face. He's doing it on purpose, isn't he?
And then, he opens his mouth... Starting to try to annoy you again.
"Why do you sit so far away from the others? It's because you're a weirdo who likes to be away, right? Well, it's understandable to want to stay away from others by having eyes strangers like yours..." Damian stated in a dismissive tone, speaking confidently as if he were right.
You stay silent, not even looking at him, trying to ignore him. This obviously angers Damian greatly, not liking the fact that you ignore him as if he weren't even there.
"Even if I'm nice enough to come here and talk to you, you just ignore me. That's very rude. Didn't your mother raise you well? Well, she probably didn't, because she's already dead anyway..."
Instantly, you freeze, your hands clenching at Damian's words. How dare he mention your mother? He has no right.
Your expression tightens as you stare at him, trying to resist the urge to hit him.
"Well, at least... My mother is dead and that's why I'm here, because I can't be with her, but she would never have left me here if she were still alive. Not like you, who were too annoying even for your mother and that's why she abandoned you here and she left, because she doesn't love you" you answered with a cruel tone while you looked away.
It was the first time you'd responded this way to one of Damian's comments, but this time he really went too far with what he said. You couldn't stay silent. You wouldn't let him continue to talk carelessly about you. Much less dare he even mention your precious mother.
After you said that, Damian's expression darkened, he definitely didn't like what you said, and instantly... He lunged at you to attack you.
In just a few seconds I throw you from the chair to the floor, starting to try to hit you.
He manages to land a direct punch to your face, almost making you want to cry in pain. Gosh, he's definitely strong...
Luckily, before he can attack you further, the others finally act and take him off you. Dick manages to separate Damian from you.
You slowly stand up, bringing one of your own hands to lightly touch the area of your face that Damian hit.
Did it hurt? He definitely hit harder than you imagined. It was impossible for it not to hurt. In fact, you're thankful that he didn't have one of his swords nearby at that moment, because otherwise, this could have ended worse.
Do you regret it? Of course not. He was the one who started it; he asked for it by talking about your mother, and you don't regret saying what you said to him.
At that moment, Bruce approaches you, and... You don't like the serious, disapproving expression he has on his face.
"You shouldn't have spoken to Damian like that," he said, in his usual authoritarian tone.
You roll your eyes at his scolding, really... You haven't spoken to him in a while, and he only speaks to you to scold you for responding to Damian? It's not fair.
To be honest, when Damian first arrived you really wondered if he would be ignored by this family just like you.
And to your unpleasant surprise... It seemed more like he'd always belonged here. You tried to ignore the ache in your chest when you saw that Damian was so easily accepted by everyone, while you... They didn't even look at you when you arrived.
Even though Damian had a difficult attitude, he received support from everyone, even Bruce. And that's okay, because Damian is his son, but... You're also his daughter, and he was never good to you.
You didn't know if it was jealousy or just plain disappointment you felt when Damian arrived. Gosh, even Dick was so understanding and nice to Damian, and most of all, he actually gave Damian some time. Unlike you, who just made false promises and never followed through, never once seeking you out to spend time with you. You're also his little sister... So why does he only seem to notice Damian and not you?
You arrived first, and yet you still got nothing from this family. Damian arrived after you, with a haughty attitude, and yet everyone accepted and included him.
But that's okay, you don't need them, not now... So, not wanting to stay and listen to Bruce and Dick rant about how cruel your comment to Damian was, you decide to leave, quickly turning around and walking away.
Before you leave, you clearly hear Tim muttering behind you. You heard him clearly call you 'immature.'
From his perspective, you're probably just a rude little girl running away to avoid the scolding you deserve, aren't you? Well, he can think whatever he wants.
The fact that Bruce never chases you is great in situations like this, because you can just walk away without him claiming you and that's perfect.
You return to your room, reminding yourself not to attend any family dinners from now on.
You hug Toti and fall into bed. Once again, your encounters with your family continue to end badly, but honestly, it doesn't surprise or affect you like it used to.
So, you finally start sleeping peacefully... Without expecting what would happen the next day.
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❦: (Here is the chapter, sorry for the delay, I hope you liked it, and thanks for the support♡).
✯/Tag list: @hopingtoclearmedschool @simpingpandas @ryuushou @ninihrtss @soulsire @artistwithcreativeburnout @the-dumber-scaramouche @khalinda-ev @sillysealsies @moon0goddess @bunniotomia @twismare
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dazed--xx · 3 days ago
Too Far....
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Member: Changbin x Reader
Genre: Angst
T/W: Jokes at a friends expense, insecurity, groveling
A/N: I've officially moved and have wifi I'm also in the process of getting furniture and stuff but I'm excited for what the future hold hope you guys enjoy this one wanted to make one basically full of groveling. Also don't mind these little things for a while like the word count I plan to go through and fix everything
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When do jokes go too far?
Y/N wondered, as she sat in this diner across from her boyfriend of 4 years best friends who continue to make subtle jestful jabs at her expense. Could it be when the punch line is hurtful? She bit her cheek as she stared at the table as the pair continue to laugh together at an embarrassing moment Y/N when she first met the pair. While Sol-i's beauty was enough to make any woman insecure with her closeness to their boyfriend, Y/N had apologized over and over about her rude remarks when she first met her. Daehyun hadn't been there, yet he speaks about it like he was. Y/N couldn't understand the dynamic of this friend group.
While she knew her boyfriend was the glue that held this group together, she couldn't understand the appeal. They constantly belittled each other and stabbed each other in the back. Especially the pair that sat in front of her at this moment. "I'm just saying though, Y/N you were just so adorable with that little jealous pout on your face" Sol-i states condescendingly. Her hand slowly brushes her brunette locks off her shoulder as she takes a sip of the soda sat infront of her. Daehyun chuckles slightly "I bet it was, especially with her tiny self like what was she going to do?"
Y/N couldn't stand them at this point, no matter when she saw them; No matter what was going on in her life these two just never let things go. "Honestly Y/N, you're kind of lucky you're cute and smart" Sol-i says arrogantly. "Otherwise Changbin would have probably left your adorable ass in the dust by now" she continued with a proud honest smirk on her lips as Daehyun decides to input his own opinion as well, "True, with her temperament it's not like she'd be able to find someone as good as Binnie"
Y/N's eyebrows furrow "Coming from the pair that take turns fucking each other's boyfriends?" Her voice laced with venom "I'm sorry, Sol-i when did you study relationship counseling? Also what about your pathetic crappy relationships that always ends with the guy cheating on you? Do you really believe you have the qualifications to make assessments about me and my relationship?" She growls before turning to Daehyun "And you...a queen who's in fucking denial about the fact that they live vicariously through their best friend and can't stop seducing her boyfriends because that's how badly you wish you were Sol-i? You have no right to make a judgement about me when you both have never once even taken the time to actually get to know me." Y/N's voice was laced with venom as she felt her body growing hot.
The pair sat quiet, bewildered, as Y/N began to grab her things. "What the fuck did you just say to them?" Y/N hears from behind her. Rolling her eyes, as she turns to look at her boyfriend. He stood their with a fire in his eyes as he clenched his fists at his side. His eyebrows furrowed as he glared at her. Scoffing she crossed her arms over her chest and shrugs "You heard me..." Changbin looks even more angry at her nonchalance.
"Did you think this shit was okay?" He questioned trying to maintain his calm.
Y/N scoffs "Of course you're going to defend them"
"Yeah! I'm going to defend them, not everyone is some selfish bitch that can just shit on people the way you do, Y/N. Not everyone would be cool with you talking to their friends like their beneath you"
She stares at him stunned as she jumps up from her seat "I've been telling you for years the horrible shit they've said to and about me!" She exclaims in frustration before stopping herself, feeling no point in explaining herself as Sol-i tries to interject in their conversation. Her voice hesitant and small "B-Bin, w-we may have crossed a li--I don't care shut up and stay out of this" Changbin cuts her off before turning back to his girlfriend who was in the process of grabbing her things. "Yup. Leave....run away like you always fucking do when shit gets hard for you, Y/N."
"I'm not fucking dealing with this shit right now changbin. You want to be an asshole then fine but I'm done" She growls at him as she shoves her purse onto her shoulder and pushes past Changbin and out of the diner door. Changbin stood there confused but resigning to letting his girlfriend calm down a bit then talking to her. Sol-i stared at her friend feeling guilty as she looked at Daehyun who sat there bewildered by the whole situation and how a small simple joke went too far.
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Changbin went too far this time...
He felt it in his stomach, he had been torturing himself for the past 6 weeks. That night after the huge argument with Y/N, he had to hop on a plane and go on a 6 week tour. During that time he hadn't heard a peep from his girlfriend. At first he was angry, how could she not even come to say goodbye the next morning? But as the time passed and her responses continue to not come in, he felt worried. Worried about her never responding again. Worried he had ruined things forever with his hot headedness. Worried she was serious about being done...
He couldn't go on not knowing. If things were over he needed to hear it from her. Just the thought alone sent a sharp pain through his chest. He felt so guilty, he'd understand if she did choose to end things but he prayed every night she didn't. He didn't want to--No, he couldn't lose her. So as soon as his feet touched the ground in Korea, he rushed to her apartment. He needed to see her, to hear her voice. He'd never been this desperate for another person's presence as he was at this very moment.
As her building pulled into his view his heart raced with excitement. He was going to see her again. He was going to fix things and let this 6-week bump in the road be just that in the story of the rest of their lives. As he stood infront of her door he felt nervous. What would she say? What would he say? Is she doing okay? His mind raced a mile a minute. He brings his hand up to knock when the door opens and a dressed-up Y/N exits her apartment.
Changbin's heart soars as she stood in front of him surprise etched on her features. "Baby...hey" He breathes out as he stares at her lovestruck. "What are you doing here, Changbin?" Y/N questioned taking a small step back away from him and looking away. Her hands shift behind her back as she bit her plush bottom lip. "What do you mean? I just got back. I thought we could hang out...like we always do" he states hopeful.
Y/N stares at him confused "What? Why would I want to do that?"
Changbin feels his heart crack at her harshness "I'm your boyfriend..a-and I just got back from tour. Didn't you miss me, babe?" He asks sadly as he takes a small step toward her. His hand caresses her forearm and slowly runs down to capture her hand in his. Y/N stares at where they meet.
"You should go home, Changbin."
Changbin stares at her in disbelief "Y/N...Are you breaking up with me?"
Her eyebrows furrow in confusion "We broke up that day before you left for tour" Changbin shakes his head in denial "No. No we didn't...y-you were just mad a-and said stuff you didn't mean like I did" Y/N crosses her arms over her chest as she scoffs "No. I meant it when I said I was done. Your friends were blatantly being rude to me whether they were joking or not I don't care and like I told Sol-i when she reached out to me 'I don't care what you have to say you should have listened to what I had to say instead of being such a dick.' Because you would have known that your friends crossed a line." Y/N states ferociously as she looks away from Changbin. Her arms crossed over her chest as her blood boiled. They stood in silence for what felt like an eternity before a small sniffle pulls Y/Ns attention toward Changbin.
Her heart ached as her stomach sank at the look on Changbin's face. All the color was drained and tears filled his eyes. His shoulders were slumped as his breathing grew rapid. His hands reach out toward her. "B-Baby...p-please, I know I was wrong. Please don't--don't leave me. Don't do this. I'll do anything please give me a chance" he pleads desperately. She stood frozen in shock at his reaction to her words. His hands find hers as he drops to his knees resting his forehead against the back of her hands as his body trembled. "Please! I can change...I was wrong I should have listened to what happened instead of freaking out. I'm sorry please I'm so sorry. We've been together for 4 years please don't throw it away like this" He urges as he continues to sob harshly.
"Changbin...stop okay?
He shakes his head rapidly "N-No" He sobs, his cries growing more and more desperate "Why are you being like this? Why can't we talk about this? Please.." He urges. Y/N shakes her head softly "We should move on...you should be with someone you love. With the way I'm always thrown under the bus with you...I can't trust that I'm that person"
Changbin felt like his soul was ripped from his body at her words. "You are! Baby I love you...I want to be with you. I'm sorry if you feel like I've thrown you under the bus. I should have listened. I'll be better, I can fix this I promise you I can fix this please let me" his voice was laced with guilt and desperation as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Changbin stop...you can't do this here" Y/N states looking around her parking lot hoping no one saw the idol knelt at her feet.
"You think I care about that? Do you think I care if people see us together? Y/N I've never hid you...I love you and I will do anything to make this right please give me a chance...we've been together for 4 years that has to count for something right? We can't just end like this. I'm so fucking sorry" his face was glistening with his tears as he stared up at her like a kicked puppy. "What will I do without you? I'm sorry I was an ass I won't do it again" Y/N felt her heartache at his pain. While his words hurt 6 weeks ago, she could see the pain she was causing Changbin was almost worse.
She felt guilty for doing this to him, she knew she would forgive him eventually so why did she feel the need to dig the knife in deeper to his heart? Maybe it was her way of getting back at him for all his backhanded compliments and insulting jokes throughout the years. But now? She felt sick to her stomach at her actions, how could they move past this? Why did she bring it this far?
As she stared at the tears streaming down his cheeks her resolve began to crack. "D-don't be like this..." she muttered and Changbin looked at her even more hurt. "Y/N, please don't end things like this...I-I'll do anything I didn't mean to hurt you or upset you please just give me a chance..." He sobs as he clung to her hips, his face soaking her shirt as his body trembled. "I'm stupid and terrible at communicating and I don't think I just act most of the time and I'm so fucking sorry please don't leave me...I can be better. I'll never do this again please give me a chance..." he plead as she felt tears streaming down her cheeks.
"I-I'll think about it...."
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Taglist: @yangbbokari @lovesunshinefelix @threeopossumsinacoat @isabellah29 @hope-maine @minhwa @tr-mha-fan @whoa-jo @kibs-and-bits @your-favorite-pirate @summercoldstuff @bx-lov3 @multi-fandommaniac @yunho-leeknow @ka0ila @seungminsteddybear @jaquisos @nchhuhi @havenwithleeknow @galaxy4489 @hannahhhhs-things @captainchrisstan @skzfairyyydreamz @kyrennetwork
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eeuni · 2 days ago
deserved ᮫࣭﹆ֹ b.e
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fluff & iheart radio awards btw guys i haven't written anything in a long time so sorry if it's horrible
you could spend all afternoon writing about what your girlfriend's last album had done emotionally to everyone, but you'd never be able to finish. from the moment they told you that you would be able to present her with the award for album of the year, you could do nothing but try to keep your mouth shut and not say a word to billie.
you wrote your words to present to her in an old notebook, which you knew billie wouldn't see. it took you an entire night; it was so difficult to put all that majesty into simple words.
on the day of the ceremony you wore a simple black dress, with a chain elegantly decorating your neck. your girlfriend, on the other hand, wore the complete opposite, baggy and comfortable clothing, yet she wore a small suit to sing.
"you're going to do fantastic!" you exclaimed to her, excited to hear her sing wildflower.
billie's performance was fantastic, it was a true demonstration that no matter if she took home an award or not, nothing would change the fact that this woman touched souls deeply. she kissed your lips, standing on her tiptoes as she left the stage and you grabbed her hand to run off and get to her dressing room.
"how can you run in heels!?" she raised her voice so you could hear her, you both laughed.
"i have superpowers, baby."
you joked. you and billie entered the dressing room, quickly changing billie's clothes as they paused and named other winners. you two left the room kissing, returning to the event. you two sat next to maggie, patrick, claudia, and finneas. the table was filled with compliments for billie and finneas, emphasizing how talented they were. a member of the event staff came to you; it was your turn to speak.
"wait, babe! where are you going?" your girlfriend asked quickly, almost standing to follow you.
"i'll be right back, bils. stay here." you smiled reassuringly.
billie let go of your hand and you walked backstage. there were only two minutes left until you came out and announced the winner of album of the year.
"okay, go." said a robust man, guiding you to the stage.
you stood there, the lights came on, and you noticed billie's surprised look. you smiled with foreknowledge. the applause rose when they saw your recognized figure.
"f'me hit me hard and soft is more than just an album. is the album of the year, the one of the best created in the entired history of music. it moves you like nothing else ever done, it resonates in your soul and helps you heal it. it's a work of art that doesn't usually receive the praise it deserves because there are no words to describe the wonderful majesty it offers, it is ineffable."
everyone listens to your words, some people nodding, others with their hands on their chest, eyes full of tears and smiles of confirmation.
but billie's eyes were glued to your body, listening to every word you said. the words traveled through her veins, reaching her heart and piercing her soul. her eyes became teary. her lips pouted, turning to look at finneas and holding his hand.
"and i have the good luck to know the two people who made this album possible. a talented young man who adds color to everything he touches, finneas." everyone applauded once more. "and also to the most perfectly real and human soul, the most beautiful girl in the world billie eilish."
billie's trembling hands made her let go of finneas's hands, biting her lip to keep her tears from falling.
"thank you for making our album of the year: hit me hard and soft."
now they stood up from their seats, the award in their hands, and thousands of people cheering all over the place. they came to the stage, still not believing what was happening. finneas was the first to hug you, whispering a small "thank you."
now your girlfriend, whimpering a little at your kind words, hugged you by the waist, burying her head in your chest, jumping with excitement.
"you made me cry like a fucking bitch." you both laughed. "i love you, mama."
"i love you more, love." it was the last thing you said to billie, now in front of the microphone and with eyes full of tears, she thanked all the people who were in the process of making the album along with finneas.
you stood to the side of the stage, admiring how beautiful billie looked, as always, and you couldn't wipe the smile off your face.
"and you!" she turned around, looking at you with a smile. "you're like fucking amazing, you're beautiful, and i can't believe i'm with you—it's like, whoa. you know?"
the whole place laughed at billie's nervousness, her cheeks red and her words escaping her lips.
"okay, sorry. i love you. i love you all, bye!"
she came back to your side, hugging you very excited. finneas joined in the hug, and the three of you happily walked off the stage.
after a few moments and when you were all in your places at the table, everyone was congratulating billie, but she kept a hand on yours, squeezing it whenever she needed to relax. on the way home, in her car, she couldn't help but look at you when the traffic light turned red.
"did you really write all that for me and finn?" her voice was soft, almost unwilling to get her hopes up.
she turned to look at you once more, placing her hand on your lap, looking at you with those eyes that expressed love and gratitude.
"yes, of course baby." you responded instantly.
"you're so gorgeous, my girl." she kissed your shoulder.
"yours." you whispered.
and the traffic light was now green.
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ifixateonstuff · 2 days ago
Which is gayer, gay people or the fact that Mayu still thought of Bokushi after Oreshi returned, hesitated to receive Oreshi's pass "Huh are you (Bokushi) really sure?" at first, yet he might have fell for Akashi little too hard at this point that immediately went "But if the you now (Oreshi) said it then I'm sure it'll be fine"? I don't remember how he smiled in the manga guys but this is so full of love. Hope Akashi never realized the "not-so-bad year" his senpai said also included those last 5 minutes so he'd pine for Mayu forever.
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jackiespurnell · 1 day ago
my yellowjackets oc !! ⋆.ೃ࿔🌸*:・
(note: i’ve never made one of these before sooo shh sorry if its bad)
name: adriana martinez
relationships: lottie matthews (romantic) travis martinez and javi martinez (siblings) natalie scatorccio (best friend during crash)
face claim: dafne keen (teen timeline), aubrey plaza (adult timeline)
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about her: oldest martinez sibling, a little bit self absorbed, lottie’s on again off again gf, currently alive in adult timeline, tries to be positive, tries to be motherly figure to her brothers, sarcastic, protective, kind of obsessive, would listen to lana del rey if teen in modern timeline, kind of a mix of jackie, nat and lottie
pre crash (tw - sex work mentioned): 18, apart of the student council and volleyball team, dealing with undiagnosed anxiety and bpd, typical ‘overachiever perfectionist’ stereotype, had applied to columbia and got in on full scholarship, hides the fact that she’s broke from people, formerly worked at strip clubs before crash to get her family some money, had sex/relationships with a lot of shady/older people,
during crash: wasn’t as good as hunting as travis and nat but could still do it, so whenever one of them wasn’t up for it/couldn’t do it, adriana would step in, would usually pretend everything’s okay and would try and keep a smile on her face but when javi died, and travis wouldn’t talk to her, adriana started breaking down and isolating herself, sad cause she lost both of her brothers
relationship with lottie during crash: they got together between s1 and s2. once everyone started worshipping lottie, she would give her less chores and special treatment since adriana was her gf, which pissed off plenty of people (especially mari since she wanted lottie’s attention and shauna since she wanted leadership), lottie was very possessive of adriana and adriana was very possessive of lottie, but their personalities clashed often, and in between lottie and nats leadership, adriana took over after a fight with lottie, and she was one of the people who suggested the ‘drawing cards and hunting’ in the first place, so she blames herself for javi’s death, and when adriana was obviously in no place to lead, everyone suggested they follow lottie again, which is when lottie suggested they follow nat instead, which strains her relationship with nat but ultimately adriana still supports her in hopes that’ll get her and travis back together
post rescue: after the rescue, she also got sent to a psych ward, but a different one then lottie, nowhere near as exotic as in switzerland, she still gets horribly treated though, adriana and lottie don’t really keep in touch but occasionally they do get involved, she tired sending adriana money as well since lottie knew adriana’s financial situation, but adri declined, she tries and keep in touch with nat and travis as well but they’re dealing with their own problems so she’s kind of alone, found out about lottie’s death through misty separately/before the other yjs, even though she doesnt trust misty really she immediately agreed to help mistys investigation of lotties death(travnat is canon for the majority of the teen timeline but i imagine right before nats death her having a convo with adriana that implies her and misty are sort of a situationship)
sorry about the length!! i kind of got carried away lol (btw adriana was based off of these hcs i made last month)
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One time in s9 the Hermits decided to have a sleepover for an entire week, and it went horribly wrong. They chose Gem’s castle because the only other Hermits who offered their base was Tango (Deepfrost Citadel is an amazing build, but not exactly a good place to spend the night), and Doc (no one wanted to sleep on bedrock or anywhere near Doc’s machines).
On the first day Evil X somehow showed up, completely uninvited. Nobody really questioned it, and he wasn’t the one causing the biggest problems, so everything was chill with him.
A few Hermits kept vanishing for a few hours, and all of them refused to explain what happened. Etho was the only one who had it happen to him multiple times — but no one paid as much attention to his disappearances because he already wanders off a lot after sunset.
Bdubs yelled at everyone every night to shut up and let him sleep, Grian kept leaving hissing creeper plushies everywhere to scare people, Cub tracked in some sculk, Impulse accidentally discovered the murder basement, and Tango ended up sleeping in the fireplace instead of a sleeping bag.
Also no one really wanted to eat at Gem’s dinner table, especially not with the armor stands wearing Etho heads sitting around it.
All in all, everyone died at least twice, they all kept finding feathers and ash in their clothes for an entire month afterwards, and no one wants to have another sleepover like that ever again.
X and Joe have recently started planning for another one in season 10.
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pathological-runaway · 3 days ago
what about light creatures and terms of endearment in different realms?
imagine islanders calling their significant others bird. or fish. imagine passage guide looking at kids running amock and thinking silly baby birds. imagine an ancestor telling their friend see that manta carrying a boat? that's what you are to me and their friend starting to sob
or maybe imagine prairie and the abundance of creatures there. your extremely talkative and extraverted best friend is a bird. the polite little kid that greets you every time you pass by is a whale. your newborn grandchild is a manatee because they do look like one. your first love is a butterfly and the adults used to call you and your friends jellyfish when you were doing silly stuff as children
or maybe imagine foresters praising their best students and calling them birds because one day, they will surely fly very high. imagine them using the names of all those beautiful and majestic creatures that inhabit (or used to inhabit, before everything went wrong) those lands as pet names for their partners. my whale, my jellyfish. imagine a parent calling their child little crab, playing and jumping around, not a care in the world. imagine these terms of endearment being considered old-fashioned during the industrialisation, and then coming back when people start trying to undo the damage they have caused
imagine valley, where animals are seen as inferior to people, and where no one really calls people they care about these silly things. and yet, there is no word that suits your amazing partner with the most mesmering voice ever better than songbird
imagine wasteland, where whales and mantas have been replaced by monsters made of pure darkness. still, the elderly call the new generations mantas and birds and whatnot, because these children are precious, they are their last chance to get out of this mess. imagine telling your friend bleeding out on the battlefield that they are as strong as a whale and will surely make it, and imagine them calling you a manatee because you are saying utter nonsense
imagine that there are no light creatures in vault, not really, but the day the scholars discover the first ghost manta, every single person in the building is referred to as such
and, even if eden is too much for any light creature to really live there, imagine seeing some passing by sparking hope in a young parent's heart. imagine them calling their newborn a bird, or a manta, or whatever, because they wish for their baby to fly away from this horrible place and have a happy childhood and a happy life in general elsewhere
imagine sky kids calling each other everything nature-related because they love everything and everyone equally. imagine ancestors looking at them and wishing they had done so, too
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daenerys-apolog1st · 3 days ago
Why is it that every terrible thing that Alicent does is ok in TG’s eyes because she’s “protecting her children” but whenever Rhaenyra does ANYTHING “protecting her kids is no excuse.”
Alicent forces Aegon onto the throne to usurp Rhaenyra, something she knows is going to start a war where many—including people in her circle—are going to die?
“She had to! Rhaenyra was OBVIOUSLY going to murder Aegon and Aemond for just existing, this was just to protect her children!” (even though putting Aegon on the throne and Aemond in the midst of battle ENSURED that Rhaenyra would have to eventually kill them, but they’ll never admit that)
Alicent goes after a 5 year old with a knife to maim, and likely kill (going by the angle of the knife), him for an accident that she should’ve held the ADULTS responsible for? And then she injures the literal heir to the throne, which is treason?
“Aemond just lost an eye! She’s a mother! Did you expect her to just do nothing? She was protecting her children!”
Alicent threatens a rape victim into silence to make sure that her son faces no consequences for his actions, then doing nothing to stop something like that ever happens again besides just saying "stop," before changing the topic of conversation to how they're family and need to stick together- (but dw, pookie, it's still fine to bully your brother, I don't care)?
"Well, what did you want to her to do? It's not like she, or anyone else, can punish him, he's a prince! She's just protecting her children!" (even though we've seen Daemon actively punished for less than raping a serving girl, and Rhaenyra be punished and lectured by Viserys, so clearly they CAN be punished. Not to mention that TG wants Rhaenyra punished for everything under the sun without a single mention of her being a princess so she "can't" be punished)
Rhaenyra has a gay, implied to be infertile, husband but still needs heirs to the throne so she has children with another man, with her husbands consent to ALL of it---and then, because it coming out that her kids aren't Laenor's would LITERALLY result in them being killed, she lies about it to protect them?
"Well she should've just TOLD THE TRUTH! What did she expect? She should've been faithful to her husband and this wouldn't have happened! Whore! Slut! Liar!"
Rhaenyra says ONE thing about how Aemond should be QUESTIONED (not tortured, clearly) about where he heard the bastard rumors as a RESPONSE to Alicent saying Lucaerys' eye should be taken out as revenge, therefore just trying to take the attention off of him and protect him?
"She OBVIOUSLY meant that Aemond should be TORTURED! What a horrible person! What a horrible sister! How could she say that? He's just a CHILD! Bitch! Maegor with teats! She deserves everything that happens after this!" (even though Lucaerys was also a child, and way younger than Aemond, but they'll never critique Alicent for going after him with a knife)
Rhaenyra moves away from King's Landing to Dragonstone in order to protect herself, her husband, and her kids because Alicent and the other Greens have made their lives a living hell and also made it clear that they ARE willing to hurt them in any way they can?
"Rhaenyra is so STUPID and DUMB! She left the seat of her power over a petty little fight! Alicent didn't abuse her! No wonder she got usurped, she deserved it! Moron! Dumbass! Bitch!" (Despite the fact that Alicent's abuse is literally shown on screen multiple times, and it's implied to have been happening for a long time, so she definitely DID abuse Rhaenyra)
Rhaenyra's actions don't hurt anyone else, but she's the worst fucking person ever no matter what she does---but Alicent's actions hurt EVERYONE around her, but she's a saint and above all criticism because how dare you imply she's anything less than a perfect pure victim at all times.
Like...do y'all seriously not see the double standards here?
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ddlydevotion · 2 days ago
obsessive! Lee Russell x fem reader hcs…
warning: nsfw content ahead
currently listening to: click here 🎧ྀི !
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- anyone who has ever watched the show knows that he will do anything to get what he wants. His incredibly ambitious attitude comes in handy when it’s time for him to make you his. If you’re already taken by another, he’s not above fabricating stories about your partner that paints them in a horrible light. He’ll plant seeds of doubt in your mind and bring your partners ��horrible actions’ to your attention. Of course he’ll be there for you after you leave them. he’ll offer a shoulder for you to cry on, a tongue for your pretty pussy to cream on, and a bed that has more than enough space for you.
- but, if you’re single when he meets you then perfect!
- He most definitely has an entire file on you filled with each and every little detail about you. He has an excessive amount of photos of you in his file. He has little ‘fun facts’ about you scribbled onto the pages just so he can remember certain things about you. Oh, he just so happened to get your coffee order spot on (even if it was his first time ordering it for you)? Wow, what a coincidence!
- Lee desperately yearns for validation. The validation he never got from his father or from any of his family for that matter. He loves being at the very center of your attention, receiving heartfelt praise. He wants to hear you tell him that he’s doing good no matter what it is that he’s doing. Tell him that the dinner he made tasted amazing. Tell him his new cologne smells wonderful. Tell him he’s the best principal the high school could’ve ever had. Tell him that his sister’s opinions of him don’t matter.
- He just wants to know that he’ll always have your love despite all of the questionable things he’s done.
- if he doesn’t want you to go somewhere out on your own, then he will do everything in his power to make sure you stay home with him. He’ll come up with tons of excuses like:
“I just don’t feel good, could you please stay here with me?”
“I was thinking that we could do somethin’ of our own! Your friends can figure somethin’ out, c’mon, baby.”
- he’s not above using his father’s passing as a way to manipulate you to get you to stay home. You wouldn’t leave your grieving husband all on his own, would you?
- Lee quite literally just wants to be seen as the best at whatever it is that he’s doing. But, it’s important for him to impress you. He goes all out when it comes to birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc. Tell him you’ve never had anyone care for you as much as he does and he’ll melt on the inside.
- He prides himself in being able to take proper care of you/provide for you. Sometimes you have to remind him that he doesn’t have to spend an unnecessary amount of money on you to prove his devotion to you. As I mentioned before, Lee desperately craves validation and he needs to get confirmation that he’s treating you well. That you’re happy with him and could only ever lead a happy life with him.
- he’d be damned to see you wander off with any other man. He knows you’d never stoop that low to get with any other lowlife, but sometimes the insecurity rooted deeply within him can’t help but seep through his skin.
- constantly brags about you at work. Doesn’t shut up about the fact that you’re the one who packed his lunch, and wrote a little letter with a kiss mark to compliment it. needs everyone to know he has someone who loves him at home.
- most certainly is the type to steal your panties.
- I’d say he’s most definitely the touchy type. He’ll have his arm wrapped around your waist, hug you from behind when you’re doing the laundry, mold his hand into yours when he needs to feel something warm. He’s also a bit of a perv though so please don’t be surprised when he grabs your ass at the most random times.
- Anyone who has ever watch Vice Principals knows that Lee is a bitch and isn’t afraid of spewing some vile insults. He wouldn’t be so rude towards you but he’d definitely remain true to his slightly sassy attitude. His bitchiness comes in handy when it comes to putting those who have disrespected you in their place. You’ve seen him cut people down and you’re just glad it isn’t you that he’s yelling at.
- hates everyone that has done you wrong but he hates them as if they directly insulted him.
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a/n: part two is most likely coming soon 💌. Requests are always open.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 days ago
Hi nalyra!
Regarding your latest post about going into the tags, I've been having a similar experience to be honest, especially lately. Definitive factors are the lack of news and s01 and s02 leaving us for 4+ years with this "tale". So much so that I've been actually starting to take it as face value too. Because really what does one have to say otherwise? Hints? Hints are not canon yet so they can't count as proof -also we don't know how they are going to be used.
Promised revisits? Yeah we saw those in season 2 and they definitely did not help change the tale. Contradicting promises and half truths from cast? It's not enough to rely on. The responses are often more about how the actors interpret their characters motivations not what the writers actually write and how they see the characters.
I really don't wish to be negative but I think it's equally possible that season 3 will infact not turn everything onto its head and this is largely based on the creative decisions taken so far. So many relationship dynamics were changed to their core eg. Armand-Louis.Core events altered completely, murder scene, trial scene etc.
And may I just add here a comment about rolin and not everyone has to agree this is just my impression, but listen to the way he talks.
Nickistat is a "super emo relationship", lestat is always described with epithets like "messy" "volatile", the world "sexy" was used a lot. Emphasis is given on how this is the Monster Vampire Show where everyone is equal in monstrosity because that's how monsters monster.
I really don't mean to dump all over anyone's dreams here but when people speak they show you who they are and what their intentions are. How hannah reacted to the 1x5? That's who she is and what she believes and what she writes stems from this.
When they spoke of the 1x5 revisit they were speaking like they somehow altered the whole series and its trajectory when infact no? The scene interpretation and its fall out stays exactly the same. Has stayed the same for the audience!
In no interview did they mention about setting up how lestat functions as the hero in the VC universe, not because to use a quote "this guy is a mess" but of how horrible things keep happening to him (some based on his bad decisions but others not) and he keeps going some times with existential angst others with a joie de vivre.
They did not mention or give emphasis on how the core of iwtv was parental grief, and how it WAS supposed to be about claudia.
We cannot expect season 3 to magically alter all of That. The edited tale very likely will never change but instead "added upon" let's say with some revisits and clarifications.
As of right now 90% of the Fandom is confused and to that i say it's not because all the pieces are missing its because the pieces don't match.
The writers intentions vs the actual book arcs and characters don't match right now there is a dissonance.
I apologize for the offensively long post, of course anyone can feel free to disagree I love hearing how other iwtv fans are experiencing the series and fandom and their thoughts on the future season(s).
And massive thanks to you Nalyra for providing this space that is much needed!!
You're welcome.
I mean... I do think the revisits helped to change the tale? And massively so, because the "sales man" comment alone made it clear that there had been whole memories implanted.
Should have made it clear, I need to say though I guess, because that for example is what I meant.
People... don't take the mental step back to evaluate the tale they were told. They "waited" for the big revisits to change everything they had been shown.
And what the show did instead - was change key scenes... and it expected everyone to be able to follow.
To re-evaluate why Lestat in 1x05 did not have blood on his face outside or in the sky... but was shown in the revisit to have had blood all over - for example. Because it's an implanted memory!!! The hair styles also indicate that, I have talked about that at length before.
What really happened out there is up to interpretation right now, and I do think it has to do with the arc they try to do that Sam hinted at.
But this way of revealing things... and expecting people to have the mental capacity to reevaluate the whole show after the fact... THAT is what did not work.
At least for some.
Because I have seen enough fan reactions to know that it did NOT in fact stay the same for the whole audience.
I do not expect s3 to give us many more explicit revisits. I do expect a revisit to "murder night" because the words in Claudia's diary do not match and the revisit was hinted at before.
But Lestat did not go and contradict everything Louis said in his book - some, yes, but not everything?? - so why would s3 do that.
No the show is not the books, and yet it is.
It is an adaptation.
I do not like all of the choices... but what I do get is what they intended with the revisits and how these few key scenes do, in fact, actually do change the whole tale.
Go on, nonny, do a rewatch.
Look at Lestat's hair in Louis' memory, and notice the hair in what turned out to be a wrong memory... notice what Louis could not have known, but told of, and then... re-evaluate.
Because that is what this show wanted us to do with the revisits :)
Because it's all in there already... and THAT - as much as it frustrates me, given parts of the fandom not understanding it 😅 - is quite ingenious.
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artist-issues · 3 days ago
do you think that it’s bad for a people group to keep thinking about the impact slavery had on them in the past?
I think the only utility in it is learning your history: that mankind is depraved and can sell and buy one another, and treat one another like less-than-human, and so watch out for the signs that a society is starting to blur the line about what makes a human a human in the image of God.
and that’s it.
I have a friend who said something really good about this when we went to Togo. After we visited the historical site where the Togolese sold one another to the colonists and saw the places where those people were treated like hated cattle, we were discussing the topic. But my friend just sat there and didn’t join in. And we were all kind of wanting her to, because her family has lived in our hometown for generations, and our hometown was on the map at the historical site where the Togolese were sold out of. So you know. Odds are, her ancestors were from there, where we were standing. Or at least they suffered the same fate from ports like it all up and down the African coast. We wanted to hear her thoughts in particular. But she didn’t say anything.
And afterward I was nagging her about it, I was like, “you have to say something in moments like that, we all want to hear you!”
And she (is not your ordinary person) just laughed at me and said, “I knew it! Every time one of you said something (about the historical site and the slavery topic) it was like you would glance at me to see what I thought or if I was passing judgement. But why should I have anything to say? I don’t speak for everyone else. Especially people who died hundreds of years ago. It’s horrible, and it’s sin, but that’s (slavery’s) not me. That’s not my identity. It’s not yours either. Just look at what God’s done since then.”
I wish I could introduce everybody to this friend of mine. You’d see she’s like that all the time. I’ve known her for almost ten years now and she’s one of the most insightful, chill, wise, fun (she can quote all of Barnyard and SharkTale) people I’ve ever met in my life. I think she was totally right about this (she’s also been right about everything we’ve ever talked about, for context.)
I’m quoting her because if anyone had a right to be thinking about ancestral slavery any type of way, it would be my dear friend. We were standing in the place with a high likelihood of being where her specific greatx grandparents were stolen from their homes and brought to this country as slaves. But she thought about it healthily instead of unhealthily.
I mean we don’t do this when our family-history has a good, prosperous chapter in it, right? When your great great great great grandfather builds a thriving company from the ground up, and generations later the wealth of your family still speaks to the prosperity he had—but if you try and say, “I know about sacrifice! I know about hard work! My grandfather went through all this stuff to build this company!” Most people would roll their eyes at you and tell you you’ve been privileged, that just because your grandfather experienced and lived through some major stuff, that doesn’t mean you’ve earned the right to claim that major stuff. You didn’t go through those experiences.
That’s what we do with positive family history. But with negative family history, what’s going on? Why do we make that our whole identity? “My ancestors were slaves!” and then we don’t say “so that gives me authority to speak to this/so I know how it feels/so I deserve [this-or-that]” but we live like we’ve somehow inherited what happened to them.
And we haven’t. We just haven’t. We haven’t. It’s part of history. It’s not part of our experience.
When we went to that place in Togo they lowered me down into the hole the slaves were lowered into under the colonist’s house’s floorboards and had me squat there, in the dark, for just fifteen minutes, unable to stand up or stretch out or see, while they explained from the floor over my head that I should also be imagining that I’m naked, surrounded on all sides by crowds of frightened grieving people in the same predicament, packed in so close that we can’t even move sideways, either. And other horrors, of course, like the fact that there’s no bathroom, their own tribespeople helped put them in this hole, and the food only came from the hole itself, so if you were furthest away from it in the dark under-the-floor-of-the-house crawlspace, you could just starve to death because it never reaches you. You hope the other sufferers around you are kind enough to pass you food, but you don’t all speak the same language because you’re from different tribes all over the continent. And this is all before you’re even put on the boats away from all you’ve ever known. Just fifteen minutes, I curled up where they were forced to curl up.
Guess what I learned?
That it was just fifteen minutes.
That what I experienced in the moment I could get closest to their suffering was still nowhere even close to what they experienced.
That nothing in my life has ever approached imaginable levels of that suffering. And it’s arrogant and misguided to claim it as any part of my identity. That level of suffering is foreign to me.
And thank God it’s foreign to me.
If you want to claim other sufferings, be my guest. If you want to say, “I’ve experienced a feeling of not belonging as I waited in the line at Wal-Mart,” or “I’ve experienced my teacher using a slur to refer to me,” or “I’ve experienced the grief of a lack of justice” go for it. But it’s not the same as what they experienced.
Our ancestors who suffered through horrible things, do you think they’d want us to be going around, making our whole lives about their sufferings? Making all of our value-judgements on stories we’ve been told about what happened to them? I mean, geez, in fantasy movies when the defeated villain raises his son to burn with a lust for revenge, we think of that as a bad thing he did. He should’ve let his son grow up free, not saddled him with your hatred over experiences he was blessed enough not to have. But we don’t use that same understanding when it comes to unhealthy thoughts about our enslaved or abused ancestors.
It’s not “no thoughts at all.” It’s “think rightly.” What happened to them was an atrocity, and it should never be repeated, and if we see the seeds of that atrocity cropping up in others’ minds or our own minds—specifically a tendency to view one another as less-human-than-ourselves—we should nip it in the bud.
But we shouldn’t make that the crusade of our lives. It’s just turning yourself into a ghost. What happened to them isn’t happening to you. Live your life as if good has happened since then. You get to have friends, loves, communities, where your skin color or language or where you’re from doesn’t get to be the one thing that defines you. They didn’t get to have that. Don’t shackle yourself to an experience you never had; don’t assume that’s what your ancestors would’ve wanted you to do if they could somehow see a vision of you in the future.
It’s just common sense.
For everybody who wants to reply, “What are you on about, people groups today may not be enslaved but they are still dealing with the f***ing consequences of slavery!!! They’re still dealing with prejudices and racism and!!!” Knock it off. That wasn’t the question. The question was “should people groups who were enslaved still think about it.”
If you wanna ask me “okay then, should people who have ancestors that were enslaved/abused/massacred/discriminated against/ARE being discriminated against themselves in the present-day—should THEY think about it?!” then roll up and ask me that. But it’s a separate question. And I’m tired of this grandpa
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omgfangirlland · 2 days ago
Nameless here
Okay but, Dick crying his sorrows out?! Like bro was having 11 meltdowns, he curling up on the floor was the cherry on top.
"We messed them up so much they're looking for attention in older men" that was just funny and great i laughed my ass of for real real,
Jason is having the most fun he's had in his life by annoying the bat into a cardiac arrest
Damian just knows its a lie cause that's his sister (and he spied on her bya his mom but anyways) and he believes she has better standars
I love him so much, omg he mentioning Jon and his ma, i want some pie from ma kent!
Can we meet krypto? Pretty pleaseeeeeeee
I loved how Batsis just went "im gonna throw you into a black hole" its was funny, i love this
Kon: can i rizz you up?
Batsis: what?
Batsis stressed and so are her front and back backpacks: w-wh-what?
Batsis: I- uhm ( •᷄ࡇ•᷅ )ᵘʰᵐ FINE
Back backpack: EXCUSE ME?!
Front backpack: *glaring at kon*
(Back backpack is Damian and front backpack is Cass)
Nolan and Mark somewhere: my sister/daughter senses are tingling.......
Timothy Jackson Drake: *wakes up gasping* what a horrible nightmare.......... Unless..... unless its not a nightmare!!
-Nameless 💜
And his breakdowns will continue in ch 24 and ch 25 :) I'm not letting him go quite yet.
If Jason was in a private room, he'd be kicking his feet in the air like a schoolgirl in an anime- that man was happy his plan did what he wanted(he just hopes he didn't open opportunities he didn't mean to)
Kon-El, a 23-year-old who's been out of his mother's(Lex) womb(cloning equipment) for barely 10 years: I have lived life and seen what love is and my future wife being capable of killing me is kinda hot :D
Jon, knowing everyone will have a problem with this, but also the possibility of sister-in-law Batsis? Noice: That's nice. Don't let Damian find out- there are worse things than death :)
Kon-El, already making plans for everything: Can't hear you over the wedding bells, lil bro.
But also- Kon would be the type to bribe MC with the lil baby, and Krypto is such a friendly dog- one date won't hurt. (You're kidnapping the dog. Maybe a chicken too.)
If romance happens-
Cass will have a problem with Kon on one single thing- he's kind of a charmer to put it nicely, but the other options are murderous maniacs, so she'd probably take it upon herself to make Kon the perfect puppet husband :)
Damian just hates the idea of Batsis having a lover. Period. It could be the most perfect being to walk the earth- still not good enough.
Bruce will probably start going gray and day-drinking and scheming to not let anyone with a slight inclination toward romance near his baby. Alfred just starts tearing up at the idea of you in the vicinity of a wedding, let alone as the bride.
Dick is too far in delulu land- what do you mean MC is an adult, with adult money, an adult job, and adult taxes? She's ten. A baby. His baby. He's locking her up away from the cooties of others.
Tim, looking at his spleen that is shaking in the jar he stole from Ra's: Something is wrong in the atmosphere. *squinting* Something is very wrong.
Barbara, Stephanie, and Duke would be the most normal about it, not because they approve of- well, anyone, but because it gives them points for giving the illusion that they are "normal" and definitely not plotting mysterious accidents that would sadly end in the death of whatever lover Batsis finds.
Jason starts bringing out actual bullets.
Nolan and Mark know you can take care of yourself- they'll still terrorize and mentally destroy every possible lover with any insecurity they can find.
Debbie, Talia, and Lois are making Pros and Cons tables, Lois is biased, but she's also just with the cons of everyone( Sorry Kon, but she's still a journalist with morals). Selina brings the gossip and other possible matches. She wants you richer and with a simp, love can come later along.
You're just trying not to mentally break at everything that will and has come crashing down so far.
Romance will probably happen, but I'm also biased toward certain characters (Wonder Woman and Thragg for example) on the simple fact that it'll be a crazy rivalry- may just write multiple endings, a few romance-based and one with no romance. Hmm, hm, thoughts and prayers, ig.
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tossawary · 1 day ago
The longer I sit on and look back at it, the more I unfortunately dislike "Star Trek: Discovery", especially the episode featuring the Kelpian homeworld. It's been bugging me. Sure, I'm maybe too soft on older ST shows comparatively, which are Trying, but also usually Should Have Known Better even back then; but ST:D happened at a point where the writers DEFINITELY Should Have Known Better, so I'm petty. Like, you have decades of people criticizing "Star Trek" for various reasons, so act like it.
So, spoilers for the Kelpian homeworld episode, because I am going to explain and then complain about it as best that I can remember it. Warning for discussion of character death, suicide, genocide, and non-consensual medical procedures. Long post.
One of the characters on the "Discovery" ship is a Kelpian named Saru, a refugee who escaped an oppressive homeworld and was permitted to join Starfleet. This homeworld is somewhat unique in that it has two sapient species: a prey species, the Kelpians, and a technologically advanced predator species that subjugates them in the name of a "necessary" balance. (I do not recall the name of the second species.)
At some later point in their life, all Kelpians experience something that I'll call Death Puberty. (It has a canonical name, I just don't remember it and this gets the point across to anyone without context.) Saru is not Human, but he is at a stage in his life that is equivalent to Human adulthood. When we first meet him, Saru has yet to undergo Death Puberty, which he believes will cause him to lose his mind and become a danger to everyone around him.
In his society, Death Puberty is when all Kelpians are required to present themselves to the ruling predator species so that they can be killed. It's the Great Balance.
Before we go to the Kelpian homeworld, there's an episode in which the ship encounters a sapient star. The star being emits some sort of signal that causes Saru to enter a premature / induced / unnatural Death Puberty. Saru is so completely convinced that he will go insane after this process that he tries to kill himself for everyone's safety. He persuades another character to kill him; and it's only the process abruptly being completed, apparently without ill effects, at the last possible minute that prevents Saru and his friend from going through with this.
Saru almost immediately concludes that his homeworld's narrative surrounded Death Puberty and the Great Balance is a lie. On one hand, this assumption makes sense, Saru is the one who actually had to experience this lie and surviving Death Puberty sane may have felt like everything clicking into place. Death Puberty also had the side effect of making Saru stronger, more assertive, and less afraid. I don't think it's unreasonable for Saru to feel angry and suspicious, nor was it necessarily unreasonable for him to emotionally jump to conclusions here.
On the other hand, I thought this was a little annoying (this is a really petty nitpick, I know), because Saru is supposedly a scientist. His Death Puberty, which neither he nor Starfleet have had the opportunity to study before, was unnaturally induced prematurely through an encounter with a sapient star, so his experience is presumably unique among his species. "What if my society is built on a horrible lie?" is a good question. I just wish that another character had brought up the uniqueness of the situation to Saru as a consideration, given that the future of a species may be on the line going forward.
So, in a later episode, the ship goes to the Kelpian homeworld to investigate.
Saru does quickly confirm that his society is built on a horrible lie. It turns out that the Kelpians were actually the predator species all along? Death Puberty does not cause insanity and is actually the process by which Kelpians enter their final, deadly form. The other species, which is actually a prey species of the Kelpian predator species, somehow became technologically advanced and created this "Kelpians are the prey species and must adhere to the Great Balance" oppressive setup. Final form Kelpians scare the shit out of them.
(The supposed logistics of evolution here are more than a little silly, but whatever. It's ST. Let's go with it.)
Plot happens and Saru and other characters end up in danger. The other species is more than willing to kill Saru to bury the truth and preserve their deadly lie.
I can't remember the exact order of events here, but somehow, the crew of the "Discovery" decide that the only way to save Saru's life and to forcibly push the truth through is to induce Death Puberty for the entire planet of Kelpians. Which they can somehow feasibly do using the signal they recorded from the star.
Supposedly, this planetwide forced Death Puberty for the Kelpians will scare the other species into backing down or some shit. After all, the other species can't just suddenly cull the entire planet, right?
This is one of those cases where I want to sit ST writers down and ask them: "Hi, what do you think that the in-universe Prime Directive actually means and why it might exist?" I don't know about you, but I think that the Federation probably has rules and regulations against subjecting an entire planet to a medical procedure that they did not consent to? I think that if you violate the bodily autonomy of a single person in that way, Starfleet should haul that captain up in front of a panel and say, "What the fuck??? What the fuck is wrong with you???"
Their solution is to VIOLATE THE BODILY AUTONOMY OF AN ENTIRE PLANET using an UNTESTED MEDICAL PROCEDURE that NOT A SINGLE MEMBER OF THAT SPECIES CONSENTS TO. (Not that a single Kelpian can consent to this on behalf of the entire fucking planet, but you get my point, right?) Ethical fucking nightmare.
This is also one of those situations where I have to put my head into my hands, because FUCK, the science fiction genre is never beating those "you guys sure love a White Savior (derogatory)" (and ST is never beating the "the Federation is just USAmerica in space (derogatory)") allegations at this rate. The "more advanced" and "more enlightened" Federation swooping in and getting to make decisions on behalf of these "less advanced" and "brainwashed" new worlds is essentially what "Deep Space Nine" was criticizing back in the 90s.
This random fucking crew is deciding what happens to these people's BODIES!!! I don't even think there's a doctor on the bridge when this is decided! Not that it would be okay if a doctor signed off on it! You CAN'T just subject people to a medical procedure they can't consent to! And with how often ST tries to say something about eugenics and sapient rights, this action SHOULD BE in-universe explicitly about a hundred different kinds of illegal.
Even if the entire planet of Kelpians sign off on that shit afterwards, it still wouldn't be okay. Everyone involved in making this decision and making it happen should be, at minimum, kicked out of Starfleet, on principle. Someone should be put on trial for this. You don't get to decide what to do with other people's bodies for them.
So, that's a problem. I don't think ST can meaningfully claim to be about seeking a better future if it's going to have a Starfleet ship violate the bodily autonomy of an entire planet without any consequences. But this action just flies casually by as though it's not one of the most hideous things that I've seen anyone do in a ST show.
But, you know, setting aside the violation of the bodily autonomy of an entire planet thing... Let's pretend for a second that this truly is the only option and that the captain of the ship is willing to accept the severe consequences for it... (And there's no opportunity for any other crewmembers to say, "Wait, this is wrong. You can't change people's bodies like this. I can't condone this. And, in fact, am morally obligated to stop you from doing this illegal thing.")
This is still an untested procedure. They don't even know if it will work when they do it. They're forcing a medical procedure on an entire planet and they don't even know whether or not it will work.
They're supposedly using a signal emitted by the sapient star, a remarkably unique being in many ways. There's no guarantee that this one ship will be able to perfectly replicate EVERYTHING that a sapient dying star did to induce Death Puberty in Saru, on a planetwide scale. Death Puberty has not been studied by Starfleet in more than a single individual, who had many unique experiences that his fellow Kelpians cannot have had, so it is not by any means well understood. If they fuck this up in any way, they could kill the entire planet.
Death Puberty is a natural process for Kelpians, occurring later in their lives. There is ZERO discussion of any potential health problems from inducing this change early in Kelpians. This could cause life-long, life-ruining health problems for even adult-equivalent Kelpians, and there is absolutely no mention of infants, of children, of juveniles. For all anyone on this ship knows, trying to induce Death Puberty in every single Kelpian on the planet could cause the agonizing death of every Kelpian child not ready for that process. They don't KNOW. They currently CAN'T know, because they haven't TESTED that.
But, okay, let's pretend that every single Kelpian survives induced Death Puberty with no health problems. The signal miraculously didn't affect child Kelpians at all. It was totally fine.
Remaining Problem: every single Kelpian has been raised to believe that Death Puberty will cause them to go insane and become dangerous.
Saru's initial reaction to going through Death Puberty was to kill himself. He persuaded his own friend to cut his throat before it could finish. His situation was one of unnatural inducement, but he didn't even have them lock him up in a cell to be sure of its ending first; he was CERTAIN.
Upon returning home, before everything goes to shit, Saru learns that his father naturally underwent Death Puberty while he was gone. As is tradition, before the process was complete, Saru's father surrendered himself to the other species and was killed. Kelpians are raised to believe their early deaths are necessary.
I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that the majority of the Kelpian population would panic during planetwide Death Puberty. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that a significant fraction of the Kelpian population, none of whom know what the fuck is happening, might try to commit suicide or murder-suicide. Even when the process completes quickly and they still feel sane, they might think, "Well, it probably takes a few minutes for murderous insanity to kick in. I had better kill myself while I still have a clear head, as per our planet's accepted spiritual tradition and for the safety of my loved ones."
Parent Kelpians trying to protect their children? Lovers trying to die in each other's arms? Some Kelpians reasoning to themselves: "Well, I'm still sane. But it's my civic duty to off anyone who seems like they're going insane." And the entire planet has just gone through what they understand to be The End Of The World, so everyone is probably panicking and probably seems more than a little insane right now.
Do I think the majority of the planet would turn murderous or suicidal? No. We don't really know enough about the planet to choose hard numbers. But the Kelpians have nevertheless all been raised to believe they need to be culled for the greater good, there was nothing like informed consent happening, and with Saru as our main and only example here, we can be pretty sure that the number of other Kelpians who panicked and died because of that panic is not zero. Personally, I think that the number would be sadly significant.
So, I think that Starfleet is directly responsible for some murders and suicides here. Even if there were no medical issues, which is a big fucking if that I do not believe, you are still up against generations of an oppressive death cult here. If you spring the apocalypse on these poor people, it will be bad. They did not consent to this. They're, according to the worldbuilding here, all going to think that they're dying!!!
And you know what? In this episode, the main characters force Death Puberty on an entire planet, in order to scare the other species into letting the Kelpians be free or something, and it doesn't work. The other species immediately activates the emergency "Explode The Planet" system they had installed, in order to kill all of the final form Kelpians. Inducing Death Puberty just made the other species panic.
So, the captain of the "Discovery" essentially has to threaten the fear-motivated other species into submission, or something. I don't remember how this episode ends exactly. I think that the captain more or less says that destroying the planet with make them the enemies of the Federation and that the Federation is a very scary enemy, scarier than the Kelpians, so it's better to stop this and be the Federation's ally instead. Or something like that.
The other species backs off on destroying the planet and the Kelpians are free, maybe. They all went through Death Puberty and learned they were living a horrible lie, so they have a lot to work out. No mention of health side effects or panicked suicides, but I don't believe that these consequences didn't happen out of an entire planet of potential bad reactions.
And no one on the "Discovery" suffers any serious consequences for forcing an untested medical procedure on an entire planet conditioned to view it as being worse than dying. I know that the other species wasn't really open to friendly dialogue and there was a time crunch of sorts, but I still think "blustering the enemy into backing down by threatening them" should have been attempted maybe a few more times, before the "violate the bodily autonomy of an entire planet with an untested medical procedure that will make them think they're going insane" option. I think maybe that's not okay to do to a single Kelpian, much less an entire planet of Kelpians, even if Saru's life was on the line, actually.
"The ends justify the means" is another thing that past "Star Trek" has repeatedly criticized. It's especially insulting to have the characters do this shit without any of them bringing up any of the potential risks in their stupid, condescending plan. I want to like these characters, but shallow writing like this makes me hate them. It makes all of Starfleet look like hypocrites. They're supposed to be scientists??? No one here has taken an ethics class, apparently.
They really just... forced an entire planet through Death Puberty, potentially killing or hurting any Kelpians who weren't ready for that, probably killing a significant number of Kelpians who didn't know what was happening and panicked, even though they didn't know whether or not it would work and could have killed everyone, and nearly got all the Kelpians killed anyway. This clusterfuck should be both against countless Starfleet regulations and EXTREMELY illegal under Federation law. But we can file this under a "whoopsie daisy!" because the professionals involved panicked and meant well?
Fuck off. Awful episode. They definitely killed a significant number of innocent people here, even if they didn't show those deaths because the writers apparently didn't think about the obvious medical and social risks, and what these characters did to the Kelpians wouldn't be okay even if everyone miraculously lived. Don't mess with other people's bodies???
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hemeruni · 3 days ago
man. its so strange how KC will run into the arms of kits enablers and claim her art was ALWAYS about incest and whatever else kit might be hiding I don't think squeak or squeaks enablers really understand is that??? squeak has long since crossed the line of coping, if it was already leeching into buns art from the BEGINNING unknowingly having people draw bun fanart of family members interacting normally but fen just being like "oh this is defo incest <3" is like. bad actually, we understand that fetish mining is bad, right? especially if fen has had several predators past and present behind the scenes egging fen on to draw more and more not really caring about fens own mental state in the process thus. enabling fen I've lost any and all hope for KC to get her head out of her ass because its become crystal clear she doesn't WANT to get better, she doesn't want to put in any effort if it means finding other ways to cope thus having her stuck in her trauma getting deeper and deeper until what we have today, shes repeatedly lied to everyone (including survivors of the thing she jerks it to), continued to profit off of it through merch, patreon, commissions, and those fuckass adopts she made not too long ago, but is surprised it blew up in her face. Kittycorn be so for real right now, I think somebody needs to go outside for more than 20 minutes a day, not even like doing anything physical just sit on the porch or SOMETHING
As much as I want this to have SOME sort of "happy" ending (I couldn’t really think of another word but basically KC just. Leaves the internet) I feel like it wouldn’t be. Enough.
If we go by the Preboot mention, this has been going on for almost a whole decade at this point. That’s fucking horrific and the worst part is that, despite everything, KC. Doesn’t change. KC would rather have the world change around kit rather than kit change kitself. It’s horrible because at this point I don’t think there’s any point trying to change anything. The most we can figuratively DO is report the patreon because maybe THAT will snap some sense into her.
And even then, what would we do next? KC will probably just move to another site to get more people’s money to feed MORE into this shit. She isn’t getting out and I think she learned that long, long ago.
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lesbian-sunshim · 58 minutes ago
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with few exceptions i don't ship any of the m6 with any of the princesses but I wanted to challenge myself and do exactly that; I combined a bodyguard au and an arranged marriage au and came up with this! - an au where bearing an element of harmony comes with a union to one of the princesses, and serves functionally as both a spouse and/or adviser, and a bodyguard.
been calling this either the harmony marriage au, or the elements of marriage lol
Rainbow immediately addresses the elephant in the room and all but volunteers to form a union with Luna; something she does partly to prove she isn't afraid of anyone or anything, but also because… look man she said she was sorry and she's gonna start her new rule with everyone against her - someone has to be there for her. Celestia especially approves of this union, as, even if these marriages are largely political, the element of Loyalty would make a true companion for a pony like Luna. Despite that, I think their start would be difficult, given all the ways the two are opposites… but ultimately flying by moonlight is just as nice as flying during the day, and the long stretches of peaceful nights give them plenty of time to get to know each other.
Cadance solves the unbalanced issue and forms a union with both Pinkie and Fluttershy. There's no limit to virtues that are compatible with Love, but Laughter and Kindness just have that little something extra that catches her attention, nevermind how stinkin cute they are. All three take to their new marriage well. It’s especially helpful that Pinkie and Fluttershy have a pre-established friendship that could easily remain platonic, or turn romantic or queer-platonic; there’s also the fact that Cadance herself was once a humble pegasus raised by earth ponies before being thrust into this royal life, which could be why they caught her eye in the first place. 
(Shining is still here, as someone needs to train these girls in the art of guarding, and their relationship is still active (although PinkieShy would not be considered his wives); bc if there’s one thing I’m going to do with the princess of love, it's show off some poly pride!)
Twilight would, at this point, ““have her choice”” between Generous Rarity or Honest Applejack; either would be fitting for her new title as the princess of Friendship, and both are good ponies who she could rely on. However, given just how much Twilight’s life is about to be upended with new, well, everything - ultimately Rarity turns out to be her best match. She’s generous with her patience and tact in a way AJ isn’t quite, and more importantly she understands the ins and outs of the high class, making her a real asset in Twilight’s transition to royalty. Nevermind that the two were maybe already a little smitten before their union even took place…
This leaves Applejack sort of “auto-paired” with Celestia. At first Applejack seems like a horrible choice for a princess who is practically a queen, given how very little she knows about this life, and the way the upper class look down on her, but it ends up that her more open/harsh honesty that would have maybe been too much for Twilight in her new role is actually perfect against Celestia. It takes Applejack a bit to learn how to hold her tongue in royal public but she learns to play the game in her own way, and her willingness to speak openly and bluntly with Celestia - in private - is so refreshing to Celestia, who hasn't had a pony tell her like it is in ages. That said, i think this learning curve takes quite some time to even itself out, and in the beginning they spend a lot of their marriage clashing with each other, though ultimately i see Applejack as a respectful enough horse that her southern charm does just that, charming the princess in a way she couldn’t expect.
The six are still all friends with each other, although given the sister pairs some of them see each other more often; Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy are a bit closer in that sense, while Applejack and Rainbow consider each other best friends. I’d be willing to say maybe something is going on between them, if i didn’t think that went against what the element of loyalty stands for, but there’s definitely rumors…
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lottiesnotebook · 23 hours ago
OC Tag Game
Thank you, @dialmformud for the tag, and for introducing us to the gorgeous Sparrow! Now, you know her, some of you even love her, it's my Horrible Nepo Rook, Cara Hawke Laidir!
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Name: Cara Bettina Hawke-Laidir
Alias: Rook, Princess, Carissima
Gender: Cis woman (she/her)
Age: 23
Languages: Trade Tongue, a smattering of Rivaini and Tevine
Sexual orientation: Chaotically bisexual
Occupation: Lord of Fortune
Color: Turquoise and gold
Entertainment: Dancing, breaking wards, and finding new streetfood to try
Pastimes: Sailing, riding, and anything else that doesn't involve sitting still for too long.
Food: Hot chocolate, banana bread, tiramisu
Drink: She has her own personal cocktail concocted by @the-font-bandit which I will be trying on Friday that involves rum, honey, lime, cherries, and glitter, all of which I think she would LOVE.
Has She
Passed university: She stopped attending school at the age of nine when her father blew up the Chantry in Kirkwall and she and her mother went on the run, so no, she's never been to university. XD As a Lord of Fortune she has studied with some Rivaini seers, though, and she is a particularly talented spirit mage (due to being half-spirit, which is cheating)
Had sex: YEP. I feel like by the time she has to leave the Lords of Fortune to help Varric out, she's cut a bit of a swathe through everyone vaguely attracted to her, leaving a trail of hearts broken to various degrees in her wake. Isabela unfortunately thinks this is funny and will Not rein her in.
Had sex in public: Yeah she has no sense of shame and loves an adventure.
Got piercings: She looooves jewellery, so she has her ears, nose, lower lip, and belly button pierced, and usually has ridiculous hoop or medallion earrings in.
Got tattoos: A little compass on her shoulder, a ship on her right thigh
Ever been heartbroken: The (as yet unnamed) member of the Lords of Fortune who broke up with her right before she was (temporarily) kicked out was her first ex to get angry enough to actually list her flaws. She was blindsided both by the breakup and by someone systemically laying out everything terrible about her so neatly and irrefutably, and this idea of her own toxicity definitely contributed to how badly she misjudged the situation that got her sent to stay with Uncle Varric for a little bit…
Is She
A cuddler: She loves to be snuggled up and initiates 90% of the cuddlepiles that occur when she and the Veilguard are camping.
Scared easily: Not much scares Cara, but fire scares her to the point where she won't use it in spells, and she'll freeze up for a second if it shows up in a fight unexpectedly.
Jealous easily: Romantically or sexually, no. In general, she can be a little:
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Trustworthy: Cara is neither particularly trustworthy nor particularly dependable, partially due to being a spoilt princess and partially due to being a born Slitherer Outer (a la Book!Howl MovingCastle). She will help in the end, but only if she has no other choice or has tricked herself into believing it's the only option.
Parents/Close relatives: The daughter of my Rhiannon Hawke, Anders, and Justice, she's born after an ill-advised Deep Roads hook-up and her parents get married when she's about two. She screams through the whole wedding. <3
Siblings: Considers Orana her adopted older sister.
Children: I have not considered Cara with kids, predominantly because I don't think any children deserve to have her inflicted upon them. It might happen eventually, but it will either be Definitely An Accident or because Neve or Lucanis bring home a kid and That's That.
Pets: Collects wisps, stray cats, and one (1) wyvern with gleeful abandon until they run out of space.
Tagging @adainesjacket, @the-font-bandit, @teine-mallaichte (if you haven't done this for Storm yet), @kierarhawke, @the-bear-and-his-sunbird, and @griffongrey if you want to play too.
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