#everyone who doesn’t like her is tasteless im sorry
washmchineheart · 3 months
nesta was really calling a 500 year old fae warrior an overgrow bat and telling everyone she is a witch. Im afraid she’s the funniest character ever
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140. Starlight (5.688) Highest score was 8; Lowest score was 0 (@inweedsferociously) 
Taylor’s Kennedy fanfiction unfortunately doesn’t cut it for a lot of people. At a stretch, this song might be considered a precursor to The Last Great American Dynasty with its focus on historical storytelling. But where TLGAD has a strong thematic link to the rest of the album it belongs to (we’ll go more into that when we get to her!), Starlight is definitely an outlier in Red, and perhaps that contributes to the not-so-positive feelings towards it.
Highlighted comments: @inweedsferociously: “This song has always sounded super tacky to me and reminds me so much of the melodic composition of another song that already exists - hence the zero” @yourivysgrows: “She's cute but forgettable??” 
138. Untouchable & The Man (5.700) Untouchable: Highest score was 8; Lowest score was 3 The Man: Highest score was 9; Lowest score was 1
We have our first tie! Untouchable is the only cover that I included in the rate, and for good reason - Taylor transforms this song so much from the original that she was even granted a writing credit for it! Taylor truly made this song her own.
Highlighted comments: @corneliaavenue: “I dont think I can describe the disappointment I had when I learned this song was a cover”  @yourivysgrows: “I had no clue this was a cover but it's beautiful”
As for The Man, there’s a lot I could say about The Man, but I won’t because I’m not trying to start fights here (well, I am, but only the fun kind of fights, not the serious kind of fights). It is a delight to hear Taylor drop her very first instance of “bitch” in a song though! And irregardless of what you think of the music video, the makeup work in it deserves all the accolades.
Highlighted comments: @treacherousdemo: “the bridge is the saving grace of this one.. does not excuse the production though” (once again, we have something to blame Joel Little for) @corneliaavenue: “the lyrics are great, the production is god awful” (see above!)  @liabilitys: “i overhyped it when it first comes out. its a good song as long as we dont view it as a feminist anthem.” 
137. I’m Only Me When I’m With You (5.763) Highest score was 7.5; Lowest score was 3
It’s time for me to be mad again! If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from doing this, it’s how much you all play Debut and Fearless dust. This is a bop! It’s fun and happy and deserves better than you lot!
Highlighted comments: @yourivysgrows: “The personally made video 🥺” (yes! Here is the link for the uninitiated)
136. How You Get the Girl (5.772) Highest score was 8.5; Lowest score was 2
The best thing to come out of this song was the tour performance, to be honest. For a long time the love for this song in the fandom felt overblown because of it, but it seems like the hype has mostly died down to a regular level.
Highlighted comments: @yourivysgrows: “A manual that most men don't use sadly 😭”
135. epiphany (5.788) Highest score was 9.5; Lowest score was 1
Sigh... I suppose this was to be expected. epiphany has always kind of been the unloved child of the otherwise very-much-loved folklore parent album. I think this is a beautiful song that discusses death in a very nuanced and timely manner, but I can respect why this song isn’t for everyone.
Highlighted comments: @corneliaavenue: “as an online med school student, there is a lot that med school isn't covering right now” @yourivysgrows: “Had no right to make me cry”
134. Beautiful Ghosts (5.919) Highest score was 10; Lowest score was 0 (@itspeterlosingwendy)
This song’s biggest sin is that it reminds us that the Cats movie exists, and that Taylor willingly chose to be a part of it. And it’s very transparent Oscar bait (and transparent Oscar bait that didn’t even work, at that!). Be grateful that I didn’t force you all to listen to and rate Macavity.
Highlighted comments: @itspeterlosingwendy: “look.... it's just...... not good. i'll go a round with anyone who gives this higher than a 4″ (there’s plenty of you out there who did, who wants to volunteer for a 1v1 with maddie?)  @treacherousdemo: “if it weren't for "chonces" and being associated with cats this could've been like a 9 rip”  @liabilitys: “this fandom ignores this song sm but lyrically its such a good song!” (unfortunately i think that’s a consequence of us just ignoring the entirety of Cats lol) 
133. It’s Nice to Have a Friend (5.931) Highest score was 10; Lowest score was 0 (@tobesolonely)
In an album of bops and bangers, It’s Nice to Have a Friend stands out for its understatedness and non-traditional structure. It fits perfectly as the penultimate song on the album - after the rollercoaster that is the Lover tracklist, it’s a calm interlude before the final act of Daylight. In my mind, INTHAF is essential to the album, but alas, many of you are tasteless and here we are.
Highlighted comments: @tobesolonely: “this song literally just sounds incomplete and the disdain i have for it is unreal.” @yourivysgrows: “I like how different it is”
132. Teardrops on My Guitar (5.934) Highest score was 9; Lowest score was 1
Another example of Taylor holding nothing back and straight up naming this guy she had a crush on (and who already had a girlfriend!). The story about Drew eventually showing up at Taylor’s house after this song released, only for Taylor to be like “not interested anymore sorry!” is honestly hilarious. Poor Drew.
Highlighted comments: @itspeterlosingwendy: “it's just.... not it” @everfolk: “this song is such a banger and it STILL holds up today like the talent?? even on her debut album” @yourivysgrows: “Probably my favorite off of debut”
131. Everything Has Changed (ft. Ed Sheeran) (5.956) Highest score was 8.5; Lowest score was 1
The fandom’s hatred of Ed Sheeran rears its ugly head again, as this song places a lot lower than I believe it otherwise would. It’s funny to think of how positively people viewed Ed back in the Red era, when “Sweeran” was well-liked. As someone who neither likes nor dislikes Ed Sheeran, I do wonder if he and Taylor are still friends, and if not, how the rerecording of this one is gonna go.
Highlighted comments: @everfolk: [after giving the song a 1] “please im begging”  @yourivysgrows: “My favorite Ed x Taylor”
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wormmomma · 4 years
MIDSOMMAR SPOILER REVIEW: this movie fucking broke me
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“Midsommar” is a grimm fairytale of sorts. A fairly different homage to the cult film the “wicker man”. “The wicker man” is about a european cult being investigated by a british christian cop, “midsommar” avoids the christian indictment of pagan/occult religious practices. midsommar attempts to be an out and out horror film unlike the a genre bending murder mystery/horror/thriller roots of “The wicker man”. Director ari aster obviously wanted to add to the annals of folk horror by creating an ambitious beautifully horrific and sometimes downright psychedelic film. Ari aster wanted to make a film where you can’t hide from the horror as it all happens in front of you. It's also a breakup movie for some reason? As someone who has seen the theatrical cut twice and the director's cut once I can assure you it misses the mark when taking both concepts. If you're wondering  whether not to watch the film i think that on a technical level “midsommar” is beautiful and has amazing cinematography, but the answer is yes, but no. Jordan Peele was shown an advance copy of the film and told Aster "I think you’ve made the most idyllic horror film of all time" that high praise. But that  being said for personal reasons this will be my final time seeing the film. I think the director's cut is a gorgeous and amazing three hour film. But as someone personally affected by rape, pedophillia, and the victimization mentally or physically handicapped people i cant reccomend this film wholeheartedly. I'm far from squeamish and love films that revel in shock, horror and extremity but I cannot in good conscious recommend a film I almost walked out on. I think Ari Aster has backpedaled immensely in his ability to create horror that exhibits empathy for his characters and the triumphs and tragedies that he subjects them too. “Hereditary” had an amount of emotional pathos for its characters that was almost completely removed from “Midsomer”. The fim feels unreasonably cruel even for a horror movie. Although enjoyable, proceed with caution “Midsommar” is a beautiful, slow, horrific but ultimately controversial mess of a film. 8/10
 (the rest of this review is a plot synopsis and a meditation on the more controversial passages in the movie and is to be read for those who have actually seen midsommar. Spoilers abound!) 
So what’s it  about? 
Midsommar is about Dani, an anxious and vulnerable young woman dating an emotionally abusive and reserved boyfriend named christian. After her bipolar sister commits suicide and murders both there parents, Dani goes on a european excursion with cristian with his anthropologist friends as they study a swedish cults midsommar summer solstice tradition. Dani reeling not only from having her parents taken from her by their favorite child, but also from the lack of any real emotional support goes on a gorgeous, psychedelia, induced nightmare of the cult horror variety. Immediately after touching down on the swedish cult's beautiful grassy commune christian manipulates dani into taking psychedelics. Christian although quite emotionally stunted and quite meek at his core is very sly and amazing at working people. Watching Christian make Dani do psychedelic drugs (mushrooms i believe) to make her clear refusal to take them into something that not only affects christian but also his friends and everyone around them is almost scary in its hilariously methodical toxicity. This leads to dani having a panic attack and from there the hits just keep on coming. Dani then has to watch as two cultist commit ritual suicide. This traumatic incident further escalated when one jumped off the mountain on his leg and needed to have his head crushed by cult members till it turns to meat and dust. To make a long three hour story with icelandic pacing short lets race to the finish line:
Christian begins to be pursued by a cult member named maja. Dani still reeling from seeing two people commit suicide has her worries invalidated by christian and all of his anthropologist bros. The anthropology bro argues about who deserves to break basically every rule of basic anthropology as they try to see who gets PAID for perverting a culture they were invited to study not disturb. Christian eats one of majas pubes. After pissing on a ceremonial tree for the dead, and taking photos of the forbidden religious text (written by an inbred autistic oracle boy) our two american secondary characters are chopped off. Dani and christian are the final outsiders left standing. Dani joins a dance competition (yes really) and becomes this year's may queen. forever to be immortalized in the annals of white female faces shown in portraits plastered in the sleeping quarters of this matriarchal cult commune. Christian is then raped as we discover how all the bodies of our other character are disposed of. Dani, inebriated and vulnerable, discovers christian being raped by the cult and forced to sleep with the 16 year old maja. Disgusted dani vomits and syncs her cries of pain with the cult sister and finally has her trauma validated. She is given the choice to then murder christian as hes trapped in a paralyzed state. Dani decides to burn christian alive in the body of a bear, finally defeating and overcoming her emotional abuser. Dani smiles as the cult writhes in pain from the death of the cult members burning alive with christian.Dani is happy. She has family. She is home.
So lets (finally) talk about maja
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“Look at it from an academic perspective it would provide a unique glimpse into our sexual rights.”
“Can i not have a unique glimpse without participating?”
This is a conversation that is awkwardly cut from the theatrical version of midsommar. Christian is being offered to have sex with maja. Maja is a sixteen year old girl. The closest aster ever comes to revealing this fact is offhandedly mentioning maja having her first period. Christian refuses sex and is raped by maja, and the cult while a fourteen year old disabled child watches. There's a lot wrong with this scene. I’ll be honest for personal reasons I was really disgusted by this scene. I feel like im projecting but rape and pedophellia are really delicate topics and should be treated sensitivity. Ive seen alot of extreme very difficult horror films, i've seen rape, pedophillia, and violence explored in meaningful interesting and empathetic ways even ari asters own work like “meet the johnsons”. But watching maja rape christian with what i would assume are her older siblings, aunts, grandmothers, mother and other cult members as a 14 year old boy watches just made me feel fucking dirty. The weird part: it isn't horrific. While cristian was being raped, the audience I was watching it with were laughing. It wasn't scary. it was funny. It's a cognitive dissonance. The audience isn't aware of christians being raped or majas age. Most people assume he's cheating and deserves to be burned alive by dani. Making christian the bad guy of his own a rape is horrific but i shouldn’t need to hunt down that information and watch the film three times to understand that. It makes the movie feel as if its really bad at relaying basic information, at worst it's dishonestly hiding it to make the film more palatable. After putting all the pieces together I was disgusted. Ari aster crossed a line. I felt queasy and never wanted to see this film ever again. The fact ari aster could have made maja of age, or take the disabled 14 year old out the scene entirely, or not have had christian be raped in the first place while reaching a more understandable and tragic ending annoys me to know end, it feel like i watched these characters be used and mistreated for no reason. Just to shock me. It lacks value, it’s  gross and uninteresting. much like christian and everyone involved i feel violated and it's really hard for me to enjoy watching what is an otherwise (although flawed) very interesting and compelling work or art. I’m  still morbidly curious of the next film ari aster makes but i really hope he learns for this mistake and doesn't objectify children in another weird fetishistic male rape comedy routine. It just leaves me confused, disgusted and only makes it more challenging to analyze the more interesting implications of the film. I really appreciated hereditary as someone who has a very emotionally abusive family and has a very hard time processing death. I found hereditary horrific as it is cathartic. As someone who had to quite recently confront a pedophile, midsommar just left me hurt, and trapped. I was reliving some of the worst parts of my trauma as an audience sits around and laughs at it. It all felt so tragic and meaningless. I want to actually give ari asters work an honest critique but he's produced the only work of film that really hurt me and left me feeling violated. I really love his work and I know I'm exaggerating but I hope art never has such a negative effect on my mental health or anyone else’s ever again. I don't blame Maja or christian or the actor who portrayed them. I respect their performances although I have zero respect for how utterly tasteless midsommar ended up being for me. I think I need to learn how not to take art so seriously and try not to invest myself in other people's work. It's a difficult habit to kick. Needless to say, I cannot recommend this movie. If you're able to separate art from the artist and read this whole review without watching the film you're not a bad person for watching it, midsommar is a compelling, difficult experience.
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I hope you enjoyed this review and I'm sorry if it got wayyy too personal in the end there. The movie clearly struck a raw nerve for me. if you enjoy this or any review  i've dones let me know. I may reveiw hereditary in the future.if your also having issues with death, rape, abuse or mental health i hope this review didnt make it worse. Everyone is deserving of love, family, community and I hope everyone can find that. Have a good day, and have a safe quarantine.   
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lateasalways · 4 years
(Damn, I had to make a new post because something weird happened to the cut when I edited, it went into the ask itself and isn’t working and I can’t fix it lmao, sorry!) 
Anon asked:
it would be interesting to me if you made a post about the elton books you have read. like how they differ and your opinion on them. ive only read Me but im interested in finding some other reads
Hi!  I’m sorry this took so long, I’ve suddenly been CRAZY busy with work now that there’s proper concerts happening again (and yay for that), but Anon, you have no idea how much I would like to answer that question and I’ve been thinking about it all week lmao, I think it’s super interesting to look at the differences between them. So of course I went amok and wrote way too long so just bare with me.
I’ve read 5 books in full and I’ve listed them in the order in which I read them.
1. Me by Elton John. You’ve all read that so I don’t have to explain it. It was the first one I read and my fav thing about it is how funny it is, and of course it’s very personal and therefore more emotional than some of the others. I absolutely love it and I honestly haven’t read a book that has engaged me so much in yeeeeaars, I would recommend that book to anyone, not only Elton fans.
2. Captain Fantastic by Tom Doyle. This book focuses on the 70s (but also includes his childhood/youth). I thought it was a great supplement  to Me, because many of the same stories are in there, but since the time span is shorter, it’s more detailed, and we get to hear other people’s versions of the events. What I particularly found interesting is the part about Elton breaking through in America. He’s always described it as sheer luck and being at the right place at the right time himself, and I’m sure that’s his experience of it, but that’s not what happened. I find that extremely fascinating. Here we get to hear from his first American label who basically got Empty Sky for free because it had been rejected by many others. Before they got the chance to release it Elton John came out which is obviously a step up production wise and they dropped everything and started pushing that album instead. Everyone at the label thought it was so great they really went all in with the promotion and managed to create a hype even though he was a complete unknown and that’s how he got the Troubadour gig. This book in several ways I think show that Elton is too humble when it comes to his talent, like you don’t get to headline over established and popular artists before the most important people in the industry as an unknown by sheer luck. It happened because the album was so great, the label were convinced he was going to be a star and they went for it. I really liked the book in general. Even though there is no shocking new info there, it shines a different light on several stories from Me which I find very interesting.
3. Sir Elton by Philip Norman. This book is about his life up until 1991 and it’s really long and super detailed, like some impressive work went into this one. (I listened to the audio book on scribd as they had a 30-day free trial because of corona, I don’t know if that’s still an offer but if it is I really recommend it.) It’s  a bit weird because on one side the author managed to detail and capture Elton’s personality SO well (he’s said so himself too) and the way he writes makes some of the stories so vivid it almost felt like watching a movie. I actually found myself getting as emotional as I did reading Me at several points, like I literally shed tears here and there. But then on the other side, there are several things that bothers me a lot about this book. First of all it seems like Norman for some reason think Stanley was a great father and is trying to convince us that Elton is wrong about everything he’s said about him. Like, why? He’s clearly talked a lot with his 2nd wife Edna and her perspective is obviously very different from Elton’s. But some of his points are just really weird like f.x. he says that Elton says his dad didn’t care about him but this is wrong because he actually had a framed photo of him in his room when he was in the RAF. Like….????? How does that prove anything? As long as Elton didn’t know about it, it means fuck all! You don’t get a gold star because you keep a framed photo of your only son wtf? Another example: One Christmas after the divorce Elton didn’t get a present or a card or anything. But this was because they had very little money and their new son was ill. Well that’s sad, but Elton didn’t know that? You could at least have called and explained it or just sent a card to let him know you were thinking of him too? The whole problem is that he didn’t SHOW that he loved him or was proud of him, he can have as many framed photos he likes but that doesn’t matter when you never show any kind of affection. Another example cause I’m on a roll: Edna says Elton in fact enjoyed his visits to them (which he himself has said he hated) she says he used to sit alone and play with their typewriter. That sounds sad AF??? Why are you trying to convince me this is great parenting? I know it was a different time but fuck! One thing I do believe though is that Sheila probably helped along the narrative that Stanley was awful, I think it’s very likely that she has exaggerated or even made up stories about him, but that’s not Elton’s fault. Another downside with the book (imo) is that Norman is apparently the world’s biggest fan of Dick James and there’s just sooo much boring stuff about Dick James there, I’m sorry but when he starts talking about Dick James I recommend you fast forward. The whole point is to set up the court case between him and Elton that happened in the 80s (in which he clearly thinks Dick was in the right) but I’m just not interested in that at all. If you are though, this is the book for you lol. Then there’s the things the author got wrong. First of all, he didn’t know about Elton’s drug use which is quite essential. Although you can easily read between the lines of what the interviewees are saying, so it’s not that distracting. Second, he seems to believe that Elton is actually bisexual which he obviously isn’t (and before I get accused of bi-erasure, he has said so himself time and time again that he’s never been interested in women and his coming out as bi in 76 was a “chicken out”) and it really bothered me cause it reads a bit homophobic to me as he seems to believe Sheila when she said that he “wouldn’t have been gay if it weren’t for show business.” So I’m a bit conflicted about this book. It has more negatives than the others but the good parts are SO SO GOOD. I would be very interested in hearing other people’s opinions about it.
4. Elton John by David Buckley. Another one I listened to on Scribd. This is a quite new one so certain things have come to light which makes it more accurate. It’s another book that didn’t have  a lot of groundbreaking new information, but he’s for some reason the only one who’s talked to Gary Osbourne and he has a lot of interesting things to tell. I think Gary deserves more credit and he was very close to Elton in a very interesting part of his career/life so it’s worth reading for that. This book is also about his whole life but way shorter than Sir Elton so obviously not as detailed, but there’s some fun stuff and new anecdotes in there.
5. Elton, my Elton by Gary Clarke. Gary was Elton’s on/off boyfriend between 1982 and 83 (ish) and obviously knows him in a way these other authors don’t. I was a bit unsure about reading this as I think it’s a bit tasteless to expose someone to that extent (and he goes into some seriously intimate details), but otoh I felt like it was kind of the missing puzzle piece so I bought it in the end (on ebay) and I can’t really say if it actually answered the questions I had or just gave me more. I thought Elton was weird before reading this and it certainly didn’t make me think he’s any less weird. It starts kind of cute, it almost reads like one of those self-insert popstar fanfics at first (not that I’ve ever purposely read any of that but you know, it’s hard to be on tumblr without stumbling upon that stuff now and again) but then it gets really dark. Which is because Elton apparently was clean when they first met but then after some time he started spiraling, so it’s just… it actually made me a bit nauseous tbh and it’s so frustrating too, I genuinely yelled “Elton, no!” out loud at one point lmao. But I have already talked at length about this book, particularly what I found disturbing about it and you can find that post here. If you’re interested in reading this book though, you should be warned there’s some rapey content, (though to be clear, that has nothing to do with Elton) and dubious consent.
So anon, since you’re looking for some further reading, these are all good and interesting books I think. It’s a bit hard to say which one I liked best because obviously, for every book I read there’s less new info. But then all of the books have stories I hadn’t heard before so they’re all worth reading if you’re crazy obsessive like me and wants to know absolutely everything lol. I really enjoyed reading all of them (well enjoy isn’t the right word for Gary’s book but yk.) so I guess you should just consider what sounds more interesting to you and go for that :) If you take away the negatives I think Sir Elton is probably the one I enjoyed the most, while Elton, my Elton is the most revealing. Elton John is more complete while Captain Fantastic is really good if you’re more interested in the 70s and his breakthrough.
Thank you so much for the ask! I hope you found what you were looking for and enjoy some further reading! To anyone else who might be reading this: if you have thoughts on any of these books or things you want to discuss, please, my inbox is open! :D
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Cold and Broken Hallelujah (chapter 3)
Oof, sorry for the long wait, folks. Here it finally is, the conclusion. (As promised, I fixed it as best I could. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy the ride)
Link to Chapter 1 (masterlist)
Tagging  @blujicky @saphirawaffle @swanheart69 @ojedieu @gryssenielsen @totallysilvergirl @stiicck @stonequiet @giulisetta @livgg15 @collgeruledzebra @tonystark5ever @imposter-human @sharoto @guess-im-a-good-omens-blog-now @saphirawaffle @ginpaa @erdediekatze
Chapter 3
 “Crowley?” The name is a hesitant, pleading whisper that catches somewhere in the middle as it slips past his lips.  
 “Crowley!” The second call of his lover’s name rips from his throat in a harsh, broken sob, steeped in denial.
 A hurried snap of his fingers, and the holy bindings pinning Crowley to the wall fall away, leaving behind a mess of burned, bloodied skin.  The demon drops, limp and boneless, into Aziraphale’s trembling, waiting arms; the hilt of the sword that still protrudes grotesquely from Crowley’s chest pressing uncomfortably against Aziraphale’s ribs.  
The angel yanks the sword out, unthinking.  Tosses it away as if the very touch of it burns.
 Crowley doesn’t react. Doesn’t so much as twitch in response. Only his blood begins to gush faster, unimpeded, from the gaping wound.
 “No,” Aziraphale murmurs – a futile moan of protestation against the merciless truth of reality, “no, no, no….”
 And, suddenly, his legs no longer seem to have what it takes to hold up his earthly corporation, and so he sinks heavily to the floor, his precious burden cradled protectively in his arms.
 He tries, oh, God Almighty does he try.  Presses his hand against the gushing hole in Crowley chest, trying his best to ignore the blood that coats his fingers, seeming to seep under his very skin, branding him like the murderer that he is.  And he pours all of his healing energy into it, channels every particle of his angelic being into one single mission – heal, heal, heal.  And he prays, and he prays, and he prays.
 “You don’t… really think it’s going to work, do you.”
 He doesn’t turn around at the sound of a familiar mocking voice.  He doesn’t need to.  He knows what he’ll see if he does: the looks of glee, the smiles of depraved pleasure. He remembers them.  Remembers them all too well.
 “You’re almost as ridiculous as that demon of yours.”
 He hears footsteps behind him, measured, deliberate, slow – a predator circling its prey, moving in closer and closer with every pass.
 “Do you know that this pathetic creature pleaded with us to spare you?  Begged me to keep you ignorant of what you’ve done?”
 Gabriel laughs behind him, sharp and grating, even as Aziraphale hunches in on himself, crushed by the weight of the damning words.  His fingers tremble splayed out against the awful wound, his focus slipping. He flicks his gaze up to his beloved’s face – ghostly pale now, its features hopelessly slack.  Blurred for him by the ever-thickening veil of tears that fogs his vision.
 “Why would you do this?” he whispers brokenly, pulling his hand away from the wound to brush a blood-covered finger against Crowley’s cheek. Flinches, his lips trembling, as he stares at the smudge of crimson his gentle touch left behind – so vivid, so nauseatingly stark against the near-translucent skin.  “Why would you–?”
 Another sob rips from his throat, cutting off the rest of the words, and he squeezes his eyes shut, tugging his lover’s too, too still form tighter against his chest.
 He knows why.  Of course, he knows.  Because it’s Crowley.  The demon who burned his feet on consecrated ground to rescue him.  The demon who defied Heaven and Hell time and time again for his sake.  The demon who… who loved him.  Enough to forgive him, enough to let him go.
 “It’s quite amusing, really.”
 Gabriel’s voice slithers once more into his grief-clouded consciousness, and he feels something inside him stir and shudder in response.  Something dark and ugly and terrifying – a dangerous savage beast, awoken after a millennia-long sleep.
 “Watching you skewer the serpent was entertaining enough, but watching you torment yourself over it now is just… well, it’s just so delicious!”
 There’s a loud, obnoxious cackle above his ear, a horrifyingly tasteless expression of perverted pleasure at the expense of his grief.  
The beast inside him roars in agony, slashes wildly at the chains of restraint holding it hostage within the shattered confines of his bleeding soul. He moans in anguished pain, arms and wings wrapping tighter around Crowley in a futile attempt to shield them both from the waves of twisted, noxious glee that permeate the room, poisoning its very air. Tries his best to ignore the archangel, to tune out the cruel words, his whole body trembling with the effort of reigning in the dark tempest of grief, rage and despair that brews inside him.
 It’s of no use.
 The metaphorical chains snap – the sound so loud in his ears, he’s sure everyone around him can hear it – and the beast breaks free in a powerful, blinding explosion of Light that bursts forth from him in every direction, furious, scorching, decimating.  A flashover of smiting angelic vengeance.
 He thinks he hears screaming, loud wails of pure agony. Gabriel’s, the other archangels’, perhaps even his own….  But it’s all lost, swallowed up in the searing maelstrom of Light, and the angel sways and cries at the epicenter of it, white wings wrapped protectively around a lifeless form that no longer requires his protection, shielding Crowley as Crowley had always shielded him, while the world around him burns, and burns, and burns.
 And then it’s over, and the Light goes out like a candle snuffed out by an abrupt gust of wind.
 Aziraphale slumps, drained, his cheeks wet, his throat raw from screaming he doesn’t remember having done. He isn’t aware of the sudden absence of their tormentors, of the scorched emptiness of the room.  Nothing exists for him anymore but Crowley, pale and lifeless in his arms. Dead.
 Three years.  Three years is all he’s been given to experience the true joy of living he hadn’t known in all of the millennia that came before it.  The joy he’d been denying himself and Crowley all that time.  Because he was a coward! A bloody coward who foolishly believed that what he was always taught was true; that Heaven was always right, as was the Great Plan they blindly followed; that demons were all inherently evil, soulless creatures, incapable of compassion, of empathy, of love…
 He knew… in his heart of hearts he’d always known… that Crowley was an exception.  No soulless creature would challenge so bluntly the Great Plan, appalled by the idea of wiping out thousands upon thousands of the human race, drowning everyone, including the…
 “Not the kids. You can’t kill kids!!!”
 Wouldn’t look so devastated, so sickened by the sight of that young carpenter from Galilee getting nailed to the cross for nothing more than trying to get humans to love one another.
 Wouldn’t risk his own life over and over to save Aziraphale’s.
 Wouldn’t… wouldn’t have that look in his eyes whenever he glanced toward Aziraphale, the look of love – pure, unadulterated, beautiful love. The kind Aziraphale was always told demons weren’t capable of.  And yet Aziraphale felt it from Crowley. In abundance.
 And he pushed it away. Pushed Crowley away.  Despite the fact that every fiber of his being longed to be closer. Warded himself away from both Crowley and his love because he was too afraid of what Heaven would do if they ever found out.  Cowardly protecting himself from what he was sure would be a wrathful reprimand.  
 And he hurt Crowley in the process.
 He wasn’t blind. He saw the brutal impact his rejections had on his then friend.
 “Friends? We’re not friends. We’re an angel and a demon. We have nothing in common. I don’t even like you!”
 Saw every poorly hidden flinch, every dejected droop of the thin shoulders, every pained twist of the lips that didn’t quite manage to form a smile, every note of anguish in the tired voice disguised by the ever-crumbling mask of sarcasm.
He saw.  And he hated himself for every moment of pain he had inflicted so cruelly on the demon.  Vowed to himself, once he finally worked up the courage to do what he should have done thousands of years ago, that he would spend the next millennia making it up to him.
 He got three years...
 His hand trembles as he cups the back Crowley’s head.  Gently, reverently lifts it up to press an equally trembling kiss against the sweat-stained temple.  A benediction, a plea for forgiveness, a final goodbye.
 “I’m sorry, my love,” he chokes out, taking a moment to bury his tear-stained face in the matted auburn hair, to breathe in Crowley’s scent for one last time.  “I am so, so sorry…”
 He doesn’t know what he’s going to do next. Doesn’t know if there’s anything left for him to do. His one true constant, his anchor in this vast, tumultuous universe, the heart and soul of his existence is gone, and there’s nothing tethering him to this earthly world.  Nothing left for him in Heaven either. Not anymore. Not after this.
 Perhaps it would have been better if he Fell.
 “Aziraphale.” The voice that calls his name is achingly familiar and one he hasn’t heard in over 6,000 years.  One he yearned to talk to all those years he’s been on Earth.  One he begged would answer him when… before it was too late.
One he no longer wishes to hear.
 “Aziraphale,” She repeats, softer this time, and he can feel Her heavenly light even through his tightly squeezed eyelids, “angel of the Eastern Gate.”
 Slowly he raises his head, squints toward Her with a tired glare.  “Why are You here?”
 She smiles at him – a soft crinkle in the otherwise flawless glowing skin.  “It isn’t often one of my children erases three archangels from existence,” She says, and his eyes widen momentarily in stunned disbelief.
 He glances behind him, as if to make sure, even though he knows She wouldn’t lie to him.  Not about something like this.  
Turns back to her, head raised in defiance.
 “You’re here to cast me out then?” he challenges. Because he’s ready for this. Willing even. Would gladly embrace the pain that comes with the Fall with both arms if it would drown out even a little bit of the agony that’s tearing apart his soul.
 She raises an eyebrow at that.  “No,” She denies, sounding surprised.
 He shakes his head. Raises his hand to wipe away another errant tear that trails down his cheek.  “I believed in You,” he murmurs dully.  “I trusted in Your Plan, in the goodness of it, even when others… when he…” He glances briefly down at Crowley, tucked safely against his chest. Blinks away another tear.  “…when he questioned the goodness of destroying thousands of innocent souls.”  Admits in a quieter voice, “Even when I myself questioned it.”
 He looks toward Her again, a bitter smirk twisting his lips. He knows he’s pushing it.  Knows he shouldn’t speak like this to Her. And some part of him wonders with morbid glee whether She might just smite him on the spot instead if he pushes hard enough. He finds himself craving the instant relief that would bring.
 “I believed in Your Love and Your Mercy.  But I was a fool.” His chin wobbles ever so slightly, words sticking in his tear-swollen throat. “You’re not merciful… at all.  You’re cruel.  You watch humans commit atrocities against one another, and You do nothing.  You encourage your archangels to be callous and vengeful, allow them to go about plotting the destruction of an entire human species just for the sake of settling an old score. And You do nothing! And the one archangel who loved Your creations, the one archangel who cared… You cast him out and tossed him into a pit of boiling sulfur for nothing more than questioning the righteousness of Your actions.”
 He sucks in a breath, arms tightening impossibly around Crowley’s still form, and words continue to pour out of him – an unstoppable torrent of rage and grief.
 “And when he came to Earth, a demon, and You saw that he still cared despite all odds, that he still had the capacity to love, which You told us none of the demons do, You abandoned him!  You made him think he wasn’t worthy of Your love.”
 “I won’t be forgiven. Not ever. … Unforgivable, that’s what I am...”
 “You let Your other children torture him and… and kill him and… and I... I…”
 “I won’t make you Fall, Aziraphale.” Her calm, soothing voice interrupts the sob-broken ramble of his words.  
 She’s standing right before him now, Her warm, motherly gaze soft and inexplicably, apologetically sad. She seems tired somehow, he thinks absurdly as he watches Her shift Her attention to Crowley, reach a delicate glowing hand toward him.
 He tenses despite himself, moving to pull Crowley out of harm’s way, but Her touch doesn’t burn the demon, doesn’t engulf him in smiting, punishing Light.  She merely smoothes Her fingers over the unruly flame-red locks, slowly and lovingly as a mother would when she soothes her child to sleep for the night.  Smiles down at him with that same gentle, wistful smile.
 “I never meant for him to Fall either,” She confides, Her smile growing brittle as She rests her hand against Crowley’s cheek.  “It was a different time back then.  I was… young. I thought I knew everything, had it all figured out, everything set in motion as it was to be.”
 Absently, She runs her thumb along the smear of blood on Crowley’s cheek, the stain disappearing underneath her touch.
 “And this… bright, bright child of mine, he challenged me, asked me questions no one’s ever asked before, questions I realized I wasn’t ready to answer. And it… embarrassed me, made me angry.”
 Her hand drops back down to Her side, softly shimmering blue eyes rising to meet Aziraphale’s, and he’s surprised to see a hint of tears there, a pained flash of remorse.
 “I reacted poorly,” She admits, regret creasing Her features, making Her appear older, careworn.  “And it took me a little while to realize that.”
 “A few millennia?” he quips, but there’s no bite to his words, just an overwhelming weariness. Because none of this matters anymore, does it. Because Crowley’s still dead.
 Her lips twitch again, sorrowful.  “Something like that.”
 Aziraphale nods, closing his eyes against that unbearable softness he sees in Hers, a softness that looks and feels too much like pity. Swallows thickly against an ever-present bitter swell of tears.  “Why tell me all this now?” he wonders, voice empty. “Where were You when I… when he… when we both needed you,” he thinks, bitter.  “What is the point?”
 Warm fingers brush the side of his face, the touch – a soothing balm against his ravaged nerves, and he jolts, his eyes flying open in surprise as he feels that divine warmth flood into him, melting away all traces of anger and despair and filling those spaces with reassurance and hope.
 “I can’t change the mistakes of the past, Aziraphale,” She acknowledges in a regretful murmur, her fingers still lingering against his skin as flecks of golden light fall from Her hair, dancing in a shimmering mesmerizing veil in the air around Her.  “But I can make a clean slate for the future.”
 She leans down a bit to Crowley’s level, brings her lips to the demon’s forehead, pressing a light kiss against the cold, pale skin.  Gentle and chaste like the blessing of a mother’s love.
 She pulls away, the skin around Her eyes crinkling with contentment as She watches a speckle of golden light dance on the surface of the demon’s skin where Her lips have touched him a moment ago.  The light lingers for another heartbeat or two before it slowly begins to seep deeper into the skin until it disappears altogether.
 She nods, pleased; turns Her gaze back to Aziraphale, who’s been following Her movements with bated breath and desperate timorous hope.
 “Be well, my children,” She tells him, “be… Loved.” And then She’s gone – a blinding supernova that flashes instantly out of their plane of existence, leaving behind a halo of golden flecks that flutter about, shimmering, as their light, too, slowly fades away.
 Aziraphale pays them no heed.  For in that moment, in that very moment, he feels a small shudder go through the lifeless form in his frantic embrace, and his breath hitches on a sob of gasp as he watches the deadly wound knit itself closed, the gaunt chest beginning to move, haltingly at first, but steadier and steadier with every subsequent breath.
 “Crowley?” he calls, a pitifully hopeful squeak of a whisper. “Crowley?”  And nearly chokes in giddy, dizzying relief when the dark eyelashes flutter weakly in response, a thin sliver of yellow peaking out.
 “Oh, Crowley, oh, my darling, oh, thank God!”
Crowley shifts slightly within his grasp, his hand rising feebly to touch the angel’s face, a barely audible moan of frustration slipping past his lips when his hand drops will-lessly back down before making contact.
 Aziraphale catches it mid-fall, captures it gently in his own. Raises it to his lips to press a deep, reverent kiss into the trembling palm.
 “I love you,” he murmurs, leaning in to lay more grateful, tearful kisses on the dear face. “I love you s..so much!”
 His voice catches, unsteady, and he buries his face unashamedly in Crowley’s neck, his body shaking so hard, he barely registers the equally unsteady, clumsy brush of Crowley’s fingers against the back of his head as the demon tries to comfort him the best he can.
 “S’okay now, angel,” he huffs out breathlessly above Aziraphale’s ear.  “S’a…all gonna be okay.”
 He nods mutely against the side of the demon’s neck, feeling the reassuring hum of life underneath his skin.  “Thank You!” he whispers fervently in his mind, hoping that She can hear him, hoping She knows, sees how much it truly means.  
He lifts up his head once more, hungrily drinking in the sight of his beloved – still weak, still alarmingly pale, but alive, alive, alive!  Moves in to seal an embarrassingly wet, lingering kiss against his lips, his soul quivering with pure, unbridled joy when those lips move feebly in response.    
“Thank You!”
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anti-tony-god · 5 years
hi, rroma anon again, what I meant to say was that I hate how everyone seems to not give a shit about southern asians specifically, like, if elizabeth olsen were cast as storm there'd be outrage, but because wanda is rromani and jewish, its perfectly okay because of both the lack of knowledge in western culture on rromani (besides magical beings akin to unicorns or fairies or something) and the racism against rromani, so its justified because the american idea of a rromani is either the 1
dirty thieving g*psy who abuses their kids stereotype, the mystical old lady in the caravan who’ll read tarot cards and tell you your fortune but also rip you off, or the sexy esmerelda stereotype, though the last one is common i think amongst all non white women and colonization’s fetishization of non white women. but my point is there’s no seeing rromani or southern asian people in general as a diverse group of people with their own beliefs and lives, instead its just what you said with what marvel does, gross fetishization of non white women, “oooh spooky oriental stuff that can be appropriated for my white character”, like stuff like that, poc will hold onto these characters because there’s potential (wanda is my example here, she’s deeply rooted in rromani stereotypes, a g*psy witch who you can’t trust because she’ll turn on you, pietro’s better, though the sociopath thing is odd because if you ask me there’s white characters in 616 who sure seem like they could be described as sociopaths, but whatever i suppose, but there’s potential there, two kids who’s jewish father and rromani mother, fuck the retcon what retcon, met during the holocaust could be something, but nope, marvel just can’t hire poc writers, or they do, but then they turn out to be weeb white guys pretending to be japanese lol, im tired, and done talking, having a nice night, or day, or whenever you read this
This is such a good ask I really wanted to answer it properly!
Wanda especially has pissed me off for awhile especially with how they chose to introduce her in the mcu. Like it really makes me sick to think that they made her work for actual nazis (I don’t want to hear the whole she and pietro didnt know because the directors did). Like that’s such a tasteless decision and so incredibly disturbing.
I do think a lot of anti tonies are kinda wanda apologists and kinda gloss over the whitewashing. and idk how anyone can like the character knowing that she’s whitewashed.
With basically all rromani characters in marvel the whitewashing is so extreme to the point that I literally had no idea that they were rromani until I actually started reading comics. Like they color them white, they only bring it up in footnotes or to make them play into stereotypes, they use it to make the character exotic (which is yikes). Like with Doom i was so surprised to read that he was rromani because I literally had no idea (I’m sorry I keep using Doom as an example i havent read much with wanda cuz I avoid avengers stuff). It doesn’t help that he’s literally whitewashed in all of the movies he’s in.
It’s so frustrating to see all of these characters whitewashed and no one say anything about it. Like Wanda is generally a well liked character but she’s whitewashed, Pietro in the xmcu (and ig the mcu too but he’s sorta dead) is also p popular like ive seen people praising him when he’s literally whitewashed. Like its so sickening that people are just okay with this 
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loucifieri · 6 years
Disaster disaster chatfic (v3 HPA AU)
I… I made a chatfic tie-in of my HPA AU. It’s to make up for the lack of exposure of the other v3 kids in the comics ;w; also, chat fics are fun (and easier) to write (since my strength is with dialogue– I’m not really good at writing descriptions that’s why i just draw them lol) 
The groupchat was created around 2 weeks after the start of classes.
04/21/18 07:19PM
Akamatsu Kaede added Saihara Shuichi, Yonaga Angie, Chabashira Tenko, Harukawa Maki and 11 others to the chat.
Ouma Kokichi: WHOMSTVE???
Harukawa Maki: for what is this, akamatsu?
Akamatsu Kaede: Hi guys!! I just thought that a group chat would be a great way to even get to know each other.
Ouma Kokichi: we live in a dorm together, we all go to class together… what MORE do you want piano baka
Amami Rantaro: she just needs an excuse to talk to a someone
Yonaga Angie: oooh Angie wonders who that might be~~
Akamatsu Kaede: Amami-kun, shut
Akamatsu Kaede: Okay, maybe a groupchat is redundant but
Akamatsu Kaede: the upperclassmen have one per class and it sounds fun??
Harukawa Maki: they're just going to use this to send each other memes
Ouma Kokichi: spot on assassin-chan!! you know us so well already, how sweet
Harukawa Maki: die
Momota Kaito: harumaki we talked about this
Harukawa Maki: but this is Ouma we’re talking about
Momota Kaito: fair enough
Ouma Kokichi: OI
Akamatsu Kaede: Okay, I don’t mind you guys using this to fool around but please don’t text during class!!
Iruma Miu: booooring,,, didnt think ud be a stick in the mud bakamatsu
Ouma Kokichi: yea ikr
Ouma Kokichi: lets fix that
Ouma Kokichi removed Akamatsu Kaede from the chat
Iruma Miu: LOL
Amami Rantaro: what a power move
Saihara Shuichi: Please don’t be mean to Kaede-san, she’s doing her best
Saihara Shuichi added Akamatsu Kaede to the chat
Shirogane Tsumugi: Saihara-kun used lesser revival potion! Akamatsu-san’s back with 25% HP
Akamatsu Kaede: this was a mistake, making this groupchat and being resurrected
Gokuhara Gonta: Hello everyone! Gonta just went online and is happy to see that we have a groupchat! Gonta wants to be better friends with everyone!
Akamatsu Kaede: Actually! I regret nothing now.
Saihara Shuichi: Hi Gonta-kun
Harukawa Maki: finally this groupchat seems bearable
Shirogane Tsumugi: Gonta-kun is best boy!
Gokuhara Gonta: Thank you Shirogane-san!
Ouma Kokichi: k this is getting boring so lemme spice it up a bit
Ouma Kokichi changed Ouma Kokichi to Lord Panta
Amami Rantaro: first sign of the apocalypse
Lord Panta changed Amami Rantaro to imma meme
imma meme: no complaints here
imma meme: its pretty bland actually,,
Lord Panta: is that a challenge
imma meme: if you're going to make an avocado reference then don't bother
Lord Panta: damn
Lord Panta: i'll think of something better but for now youre a meme lord
Lord Panta changed Harukawa Maki to stabs ppl
Lord Panta changed Momota Kaito to stab me Maki
stabs ppl: fuck you Ouma
stab me Maki: u lil shit
Lord Panta: boi im bein a wingman here
Shirogane Tsumugi: Let their romantic development happen naturally!!
stab me Maki: yeah what she said
Lord Panta: whatever boring ppl
stab me Maki changed stabs ppl to Maki Roll
stab me Maki changed stab me Maki to starlord
Lord Panta: rly wanted to strangle starlord in Infinity War ykno
Maki Roll: I still dislike this name but its kind of Ok
starlord: :D
Chabashira Tenko: I go online and this is what welcomes me
Chabashira Tenko: a degenerate harassing a beautiful girl
starlord: i wasnt harassing harumaki!!!!
Lord Panta: tone down the gay there chabs u already have yumeno-chan
Yumeno Himiko: ….....nyeh
Chabashira Tenko: gtfo shota
Chabashira Tenko: And dont call me chabs
Lord Panta changed Yumeno Himiko to Jingle Jangle
Jingle Jangle: …......thanks..... i hate it
Shirogane Tsumugi: do you still watch that hot mess of a series
Lord Panta: nah stopped watching ages ago, thats the last time im taking series recommendations from Angie-chan
Yonaga Angie: Pardon my french but Atua says you're a b i t c h (ಠ_ಠ)
Shirogane Tsumugi: how much of the audience do you think would get that reference then
starlord: shirogane wat
Jingle Jangle changed Chabashira Tenko to chaotic lesbean
Jingle Jangle changed Jingle Jangle to Do You Believe In Magic
chaotic lesbean: Tenko loves it!! thank you yumeno-chan <3
Do You Believe In Magic: np.............
Lord Panta: wow is it me or is the atmosphere here getting gay
Lord Panta: hey hey akamatsu-chan did you intend for this to be a breeding ground for couples
Akamatsu Kaede: No???
Saihara Shuichi: Don't mind him, he's just bitter he doesn't have anyone to be gay with
Akamatsu Kaede: hasahshhaha OMG
imma meme: asdndals;dskbdbjk
Yonaga Angie: Even Atua did not see that coming!
starlord: hahahahaha thats my sidekick!!
Maki Roll: nice
Lord Panta: i'll have you know i have ranty!!
Lord Panta: right babe? ;)
imma meme: went offline
Lord Panta: >:C
Lord Panta: hmph back to name changing then
Lord Panta changed Akamatsu Kaede to dumb blonde
Lord Panta changed Iruma Miu to dumb blonde slut
dumb blonde slut: h-huh
dumb blonde: OUMA-KUN
Saihara Shuichi changed dumb blonde to Treblemaker
Saihara Shuichi: I gotchu
Treblemaker: Thanks Shuichi-kun!
dumb blonde slut: hey what about me
Yonaga Angie changed Yonaga Angie to bitch I am the WAY
bitch I am the WAY: (◔◡◔✿)
Shinguji Korekiyo: Well this has been an interesting conversation so far.
dumb blonde slut: whoop the stalker's here
Shinguji Korekiyo: I've always been here, from the very beginning. Just... Watching.
chaotic lesbean: Tenko is filing a restraining order tomorrow
bitch I am the WAY: Also!! Angie thinks your nickname suits you Miu!~ Atua does, too~~
dumb blonde slut: eeeeehhhh
Treblemaker changed Saihara Shuichi to The Only Hope For Me Is You
The Only Hope For Me Is You: eeeeyy thanks Kaede-san!
Lord Panta: geez we get it, you're both so gay for each other
dumb blonde slut: someone's salty
Treblemaker: What no
Treblemaker: I am gay tho
Lord Panta: OwO)???
chaotic lesbean: GLORIOUS NEWS!!!!!!!
Maki Roll: isn't @The Only Hope For Me Is You an MCR song?
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Harukawa-san gets it
imma meme: “Still in their Emo Phase” Solidarity!!
Maki Roll: not another word from you Amami
Do You Believe In Magic changed Shinguji Korekiyo to Kork
Kork: …
Kork: I suppose this will suffice.
Kork: It's not as tasteless as Iruma-san's nickname.
dumb blonde slut: EEEHHHHHHH
bitch I am the WAY: she is truly screaming
Maki Roll: it's bordering on a moan actually
Idabashi Keebo: I hear an unsettling distress call... what seems to be the problem?
starlord: theres no problem keebs just ignore it
Gokuhara Gonta: Hello Keebo!
Idabashi Keebo: Greetings, Gonta-kun.
Shirogane Tsumugi: This is so Pure™
Lord Panta: Do you ship it
Shirogane Tsumugi: stop
Shirogane Tsumugi changed Shirogane Tsumugi to [anime reference]
Lord Panta: ehhh boring!!
Lord Panta changed Idabashi Keebo to Do Robots Have Dicks
Lord Panta changed [anime reference] to Nani the FUCK
Nani the FUCK: kdajkdjdsl; OUMA
imma meme changed Nani the FUCK to Weeaboo Mastermind
Weeaboo Mastermind: Rantaro-kun you baka we're Japanese
imma meme: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Do You Believe in Magic changed Weeaboo Mastermind to ShirogaNYEH
chaotic lesbean: that's wonderful yumeno-chan!
ShirogaNYEH: this will do for now I guess ;w;
Do Robots Have Dicks: I do not like this name :(
Lord Panta: its a valid question keeboy
starlord: why do i hear sobbing from the next room
Treblemaker: Look what you've done Ouma-kun
chaotic lesbean: do you want Tenko to break his legs
Treblemaker: Uh, no need Chabashira-san!
Treblemaker changed Do Robots Have Dicks to Robot Rights Activist
Robot Rights Activist: Thank you Akamatsu-san!
Robot Rights Activist: I am sorry for crying
ShirogaNYEH: constant mood
Robot Rights Activist: But next time I won't be tolerant of such discrimination against my robotic creations!
Lord Panta: whatevs
Tojo Kirumi: A pleasant evening to everyone. I just got back from grocery shopping and re-stocked the pantry. If any of you require my assistance, you may reach out to me through this group chat.
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Welcome back Tojo-san
Lord Panta: MOM!!! did you get me something from mcdonalds??
Tojo Kirumi: I told you, we have food here.
Treblemaker: She did buy a single black coffee from Mcdo though
Kork: Well then
chaotic lesbean: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Lord Panta: uuuuuuuuuuu eeven mmom is bullyinnng mmmme :'((((
Lord Panta: i hhaaaate thiisss faaaamilyyy uuuwaaaaaaaaa
Maki Roll: then leave
Lord Panta: wow no need to be a cunt, harumaki
starlord: oy im the only one who can call her that!!
Maki Roll: only Momota can call me that
Lord Panta: cunt or harumaki???
Maki Roll removed Lord Panta from the chat
starlord: NICE
Maki Roll: do you want to die shirogane
Kork: Good riddance.
Do You Believe In Magic changed Tojo Kirumi to Mother Knows Best
Mother Knows Best: I suppose I will just have to contend with this nickname as most of you do act like children.
Imma meme: dont worry tojo-san, akamatsu-san will be there with you every step of the way :3
imma meme: OH SHIT SHES BREAKING INTO MY ROkjdjksfbjksdkladladhrwt4eqio
chaotic lesbean: he's good as dead im sure
The Only Hope For Me is You: Uh where's Hoshi-kun? He hasn't said anything yet, I'm worried...
Gokuhara Gonta: Oh! No need to worry Saihara-kun! Hoshi-kun is with Gonta out the garden, he didn't bring his phone that's why he is silent here!
Gokuhara Gonta: We are catching some fireflies!
The Only Hope For Me Is You: That is so pure oh my gosh
starlord: its not manly but there are legit real tears in my eyes
chaotic lesbean: you must be protected at all costs!!! the only non-degenerate male here
The Only Hope For Me Is You added Lord Panta to the chat
chaotic lesbean: WHY
starlord: this betrayal... whyd u do it sai
The Only Hope For Me Is You: I'm sorry, I'm not... strong enough
starlord: and this will make you strong??
Lord Panta: he means hes not strong enough to resist my charms *finger guns*
starlord: sure jan
The Only Hope For Me Is You: He's right
Lord Panta: wait rly??????
bitch I am the WAY: Atua did not see this coming too!
– nickname guide Lord Panta: Ouma The Only Hope For Me Is You: Saihara Treblemaker: Akamatsu bitch I am the WAY: Yonaga starlord: momota shirogaNYEH: shirogane Mother Knows Best: tojo imma meme: amami Maki Roll: harukawa Do You Believe In Magic: yumeno chaotic lesbean: chabashira Kork: shinguji Robot Rights Activist: idabashi dumb blonde slut: iruma N/A yet: gokuhara & hoshi NDRV3 HPA AU Character Design Masterlist here and background information here [Facebook] [Instagram] [Twitter] [Blogger] [Kofi] will probs post this on AO3 too idk lol
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rebecassssss · 6 years
The therapist
“she’s just one of those rare beautiful people, you know?”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean, she just has a beautiful soul. i don’t know if i’m making sense, but i don’t really know how to explain her. She lost everything and somehow she still manages to smile and be kind to everyone. absolutely everyone. somehow, even after all the hell she has been through, she still has faith.”
“in God?”
“no. well, yeah, that too. but i mean in life. she has faith in life.”
“that’s beautiful. so does she inspire you?”
“of course she does. she’s a fighter.”
“and so are you.”
“it’s different.”
“it’s the way she deals with it, man. she’s just pure light all the time.”
“It made an interesting contrast with you.”
“It did.”
“and that’s why you’re so lost now.”
“i don’t know what to do.”
“she’ll come back to you.”
“i’ll die if she doesn’t.”
“you’re not gonna die.”
“i would rather die than living without her.”
“don’t say that.”
“it’s true. i don’t see why keep going if not for her. with her.”
“well, do it for yourself. lovers come and go, you’re gonna find someone else eventually.”
“she wasn’t just a lover, man. she was my life.”
“you didn’t had enough time for it to be that intense.”
“it’s not about how long we were together. can’t you see? it’s way bigger than that. she became my whole world and now I’m fucking destroyed.”
“i’m sorry.”
“me too, man. me too. what do i do?”
“what do you want?”
“i want her.”
“lets do this. i want you to tell me more about your relationship.”
“it was perfect. there’s no other way to describe it.”
“there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship.”
“no, i’m serious. it was some yin-yang shit. we were perfect together.”
“ i’m guessing you were the yin.”
“i was.”
“see, that’s a problem. you can’t keep doing that. you’re harming yourself. i just don’t know if it’s on purpose or not.”
“this thing that you do. it’s making you sick. you keep seeing yourself as a dark and negative individual, and I don’t know if you really believe that, but it’s keeping you from being happy. see, you keep saying that she was the only thing that mattered in this world and that you would rather die than living without her, but you keep forgetting your worth and how you need to love yourself before trying to love anyone else.”
“it’s who i am, man. i can’t change that. trust me, i tried. do you think i like seeing myself as the worst thing in the world? i don’t. i fucking hate it. but i can’t change it.”
“see, that’s the thing. it’s not who you are, it’s just how you see yourself. i just don’t know why. you have no reason to think so low about yourself. you’re a successful person with a good background. people look up to you.”
“i guess i’m just naturally messed up.”
“there’s no such thing.”
“then how do you explain me?”
“you’re not a bad person, you’re just lost. you keep blaming yourself for all the bad things that happen to you and everyone else in your circle, but if you actually look at the situations and not think so negatively about yourself, you’re gonna see that you blame yourself for things that aren’t your fault. just like the end of your relationship.”
“im sorry but you’re wrong.”
“okay, then tell me, if you’re such a bad person, then how could someone like her fall in love with you? if she’s pure light and positive energy, then how could she love you like she did?”
“i don’t know. maybe she just likes a challenge, and when she realized it wasn’t worth it, i wasn’t worth it, she gave up. on me. on us.”
“see, it doesn’t even look like you’re talking about the same person you were talking about before. the girl you described me would never do that. what could have happened was she getting tired of you not seeing what she was trying to show you, and then deciding that her mental health was more important. she just chose herself. not because you weren’t worth it, but because seeing you hating your own self was hurting her. she loved you as much as you loved her, maybe more, and seeing you feeling so miserable about yourself was making her sad. you may think she didn’t noticed, that your acting was good enough, but she knew everything. and she just couldn’t take it anymore.”
“tell me what to do. please. i’ll listen to you this time.”
“you need to fall in love with yourself again. do the things you used to enjoy and even though they don’t feel as good at first, i think tasteless is a good way to say it, you’re gonna learn how to enjoy them again. learn new things. read. eat. travel, if you can. meet new people and reconnect with the old ones. buy flowers to your home. get a haircut. it’s the small stuff that make it worth living. and trust me, life is good, my friend. once you realize that, love is gonna find you again.”
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writesbatty · 6 years
days 14-29
complete with unedited content notes from the facebook group i’m in
i love to rewrite the classics
to make persephone send hades running
(keep that 'rewriting the story of persephone as a love story’ shit several hundred miles from me, thanks.)
to give echo back her voice
to let arachne weave her tapestries once more
rewrite pride and prejudice so lydia bennet does not marry a rapist
get jane eyre out of her aunt's home sooner rather than later
find ophelia a therapist
remind everyone that tragedy can still have a happy ending
  28/30 content warning: mentions/discussions of sex and consent. this is very vulnerable and im uncomfortable and DOING IT ANYWAY rip
i tell my boyfriend i think we should start scheduling sex
but that this is not some indication of failure in our relationship
i know he worries that my complicated relationship with sex is some reflection of how attractive i find him
(it doesn't help that the past few years seem to have taken my ease of flattery away from me
i don't know when it got so hard to tell the love of my life he looks good in tank tops
and black jeans like the ones he wore when i met him)
but it's not that
it's that i don't think about it, the same way i don't notice i am hungry till i'm starving, don't notice i'm thirsty till my head aches and spins, don't notice i am anxious until i am already in the middle of panic
it's that i was in a relationship where i never thought about the word no, it never occurred to me as an option, and now i end up consumed with pointless worry that i do not really want this
i try to talk to my therapist about these things, but i never really know what to say
how to explain my ex never set out to hurt me and half of it was my fault, but i am still feeling the aftershocks years later
without sounding like i am making excuses
(maybe i am, i don't know, i have always had a hard time with blame, with holding others accountable)
but at the same time i never want to imply what happened was more serious than it was
nothing like a genuine violation, nothing that should label me victim or survivor
nothing like what others have gritted their teeth and fought through
maybe some of it is the meds
it's hard to tell
how much is the meds and how much is the trauma and how much is just me
and why has it been six years and i still can't
-casually tell my boyfriend he has a nice ass
-sit in my boyfriend's lap
-fearlessly messily uninhibitedly make out with my boyfriend
because some paranoid corner of my mind is afraid to say 'no'
(nothing would happen if i said no, because everything would stop happening, it's not fear that makes me question, it's the idea of disappointing someone i love, and that's all on me, not on him)
my boyfriend is an angel with a nice ass
(seriously, i am not overstating this, he has a very nice, round butt)
and when i tell him
i think we should start scheduling sex
he kisses the top of my head
and talks about how bob and linda on bob's burgers schedule sex, and they have like, the best marriage on television, so clearly we're in good company
and pulls me over to the couch to feed me ice cream and scratch my back
  27/30 warning for like. harry potter/jkr 'discourse' or something i guess?
listen, we all should have known jk rowling was going down in flames the moment she made harry james potter a fucking MAGICAL COP at the end of the series
i have a list of problems with the deathly hallows epilogue that is longer than the actual epilogue and this is at least three of them
will somebody cut harry a fucking break?
why on earth would someone punish this abused, traumatized, exhausted person by giving them a career that will repeatedly remind them of every bad thing that has ever happened, which is most things that have happened to harry potter
harry potter should have been the defense against the dark arts instructor
harry potter has intimately seen both sides, every inch of light and dark
and he saw them as a child, he grew in them like a weed in brackish water, an in between neither fresh nor salt
(but he chose good, he always chose good, and it was always a choice, and it wasn't always easy)
let him teach other children to protect themselves
let him eat lunch with neville longbottom so they can discuss their students and make sure no teacher ever treats kids the way snape treated his students
the way snape treated harry and neville
let harry spend his weekends in hogsmeade with friends both old and new remembering only the light spots in the dark days of his schooling
let him know the joy of helping a struggling student
(this is how he will carry on remus lupin's legacy; that and the bar of honeyduke's finest chocolate in his desk)
let harry potter retire and spoil the ever loving shit out of all of his grandchildren
let harry potter put the past behind him
consider the fact that we don't all want to devote our lives
to fighting the demons we met in childhood
nightmare at 20,000 feet is the most terrifying episode of the twilight zone
and what an apt title
what an apt metaphor
because what could ever be more nightmare then knowing the worst is just outside the window
but no one else can see it
25/30 this ends like super abruptly but idk how to end it Properly and i need sleep so. shrug emoji.
it's like a bad joke, this harmless word that never stops following me
you know those tasteless reddit posts about trigger warnings? how there's 'no way' someone could be traumatized by something so normal
so small
that's me. i am that joke.
a man at the aquarium calls his young daughter pumpkin and i–
i swallow a wave of nausea
i try to ignore the way my skin begins to crawl
and my heart speeds up
and i can hear the sound of his voice
it's like time travel
it's like a curse
just say 'pumpkin' and i fly back in time and it's like my body does not know that he is dead
that he hasn't called me pumpkin in nearly a decade
you would think it would be the mocking, the insults, that would ring like shots through my echo chamber brain
it's that fucking petname
it's 'i'm sorry, pumpkin' in his voice and the look in his eyes as he digs the hole in my chest just a little bit deeper with another fake apology
an apology all for him
when he came to my high school graduation there were rules
-he could not drink
-he could not apologize
-he could not call me pumpkin
it's funny
this disconnect between the me i know and the me other people know
at home i pace the floor, building up the courage to call for a cab
at work they tell me i am good with people, that i am no nonsense
at home, i twist my hair in my fingers as i struggle to tell my partner of nearly six years i need something to eat
at school they called me confident, self assured
i wonder where this other me is when i need them most
where is this confident and self assured version of me when something actually happens?
when someone is in trouble?
when someone gropes me in the street?
when someone needs them?
when i need them?
weirdly specific sections i wish i could find at the bookstore:
unconventional sci written by women and queer people
dystopian fiction that ends hopefully
non-ableist romance novels with disabled protagonists written by disabled people
young adult romance novels about lesbians and magic with happy endings
poetry for queer girls who really like artemisia gentileschi's art
collections of personal essays about hospital waiting rooms
college kids from dysfunctional families getting their shit together and falling in love
narratives about found families of misfits
young adult novels about queer romance and theatre kids
the exact novels you needed to read at 15 when you were scared and alone and will still make you cathartically sob while reading in a public park
(this last section is real except it's just the francesca lia block shelves in the young adult section)
how to guides on how to be a person when your body and the world you live in are crumbling to pieces rapidly
advice on how to make your best friends move out of state to be closer to you
novels where the protagonist goes through hell but they come out the other side and are still an essentially good and optimistic person despite their trauma because the world is a terrifying place and we need fiction and narrative to remind us of the potential for hope
edit: i just word vomit typed this directly into the comment box and it got weirdly long so Be Aware
elle woods is my personal hero
i'm blonde
'yes sarah'
i'm sure you're thinking
'i know, i have seen you'
but it's more than that, okay? i am blonde on the inside. my heart and soul are blonde. i talk to people and they say 'i can't imagine you not blonde' because the concept of me any other way is absurd
maybe because its the one thing everyone always loved about me. when i was a kid, everyone wanted to play with my hair. i had barbie hair, disney princess hair. long blonde waves like strands of gold.
i grew up telling blonde jokes, so everyone would know i was Smart and Cool. i got teased for being a nerd and a four eyes and for awhile everyone called me 'dictionary' because i knew how to spell zombie. smart was more important to me than cool, but i still told blonde jokes. the blonde swims ninety percent of the way to the other shore, gets tired, and swims all the way back, and god if that isn't a metaphor for my life. god if i haven't spent 25 years fighting not to be the blonde who turned back.
when i almost failed math in my freshman year of high school my father told me i should give up and become a playboy bunny because i didn't have a future. a childhood friend asks when i will grow out of the color pink.
i am a blonde the way i am pink. spiteful. elle woods walking malibu barbie through the halls of harvard. elle woods taking notes in pink sparkling pen. elle woods handing in her scented resume printed on pink paper.
elle woods saying
'what, like it's hard?'
i tape my thesis pages to the wall with glitter tape and pin my blonde hair back with a flower clip and i wear baby pink leather heels with bows on them.
'what, like it's hard?'
why do the aliens always want to kill us?
why do we always build a giant weapon?
why can't the aliens come to earth to help us?
why aren't scifi movies about healing?
ode to vestibular stimming
i do not like metal music
i'm sorry, it's just not my thing
but good god do i understand why people head bang
and why people mosh
when i was a kid i loved jumping on the trampoline, and the way it made my heart and brain jump and soar and bounce
now i can't jump on trampolines anymore but
i can listen to british pop music in my living room and laugh and feel that soar and jump and bounce as i swing my head from side to side and up and down and sometimes, for extra fun, twist my torso around a little
like i am so much energy and so little body but finally it has somewhere to go as my hair swishes against my face and an unstoppable grin spreads across my face and
don't you ever wanna just let go?
don't you ever wanna shake your head until the dizzy chases everything else away?
i like to talk to the creatures in the tanks when i do my aquarium rounds
the old man of an octopus in the floor tank i call gramps
my favorite sea star, a purple velcro star in the touch tanks, i call zippy
mostly i just call everything 'buddy'
'hey buddy, how ya doing today?' or 'come on buddy, scootch down from the top of the glass'
i apologize to the anemones when they close up because people have touched them too much
and i apologize to the jellies when it takes me more than one try to scoop them out so i can change their water
in middle school i noticed a rip on my baby doll's neck so i made her a neck brace from the sash of a build a bear robe and propped her up on pillows every night, so she wouldn't rip anymore
i am nearly 25 and i still feel guilty when my stuffed animals fall to the ground
i am nearly 25 and i keep multiple stuffed animals in the bed i share with my boyfriend of nearly six years
a common misconception of autism and other similar social disorders is that people on the spectrum do not experience empathy
and in some cases this is true
but an often ignored aspect of these disorders is that anything you could lack, you can also have too much of
hyper-empathy is when you are so receptive to others feelings they become your own
they become so much your own it causes you physical distress
and everything
has feelings
i once got sad about throwing away a pair of pants because i had them for just... so long
i once cried on an apartment balcony because my neighbors i had never met, never even SEEN, were fighting
today i watched a young boy scare simon, a seagull who hangs out by the aquarium, by screaming at him
and it broke my heart a little even though i not especially fond of birds and am, in fact, kind of afraid of them
sometimes i sit and think about the things my dad experienced and my aching too big heart thinks
maybe it was okay
maybe the things he said were okay, because of what happened to him
my aching too big heart always forgets
things happened to my mother, too
things happened to me, too
and neither of us turned out like that
articles on the internet talk about hyper-empathy like a super power
call it 'being an empath'
to me it has always felt more like a bruise
like my aching too big heart just can't stop pumping blood to the tender surface of my skin
a very angry letter to a lady who came into the aquarium yesterday. less poem and more just 'complaining' but wow, i am still mad like 36 hrs later
for the love of god, lady
what is your fucking problem?
you are a grown adult. you have multiple children, some of whom are teenagers, and this is how you behave, in public, in front of your family?
are you incapable of basic human decency? did no one ever teach you manners?
yes, there is a disabled person and their caretaker in this aquarium, and yes the person is making noise. people make noise. you are in a fucking public place. children scream in here literally all the time. the seals scream. parents scream. sometimes the people who work here scream, because it is the only way you can hear us over the damn seals.
so why, lady, do you feel the need to make some rude ass comment about a person you don't even know, and look at me like
you expect me to play along
i wish i could say something to you but i am an employee and that is not polite but
if i was just a person i would tell you to shove it
but i wish i could have been a staff member AND told you to shove it
so i could have told you, hey, lady
this person helping you, telling you all this information about sea stars, is also fucking disabled
and your rude as hell eye roll and 'oh great, here we go' and 'really?' and loud scoffing is not appreciated
and frankly you can kiss my autistic ass and get the fuck out
capitalism is broken
and the reason i know this is because of jurassic park
not the franchise but the canon, the universe it exists in
every time i complain about the jurassic park universe
demanding to know why, for the love of GOD, do people keep opening these parks full of dangerous dinosaurs
someone always tells me 'the money, obviously'
as if capitalism was a reasonable excuse for making a super t-rex that eats people
as if money were an excuse for making yet another death trap
yet another super dinosaur that's going to –inevitably– escape and eat and/or traumatize someone
the idea that the people who built jurassic world looked at the events of jurassic park and thought
the money is worth it
we won't fuck up this time
is completely fucking baffling to me
i suppose maybe i am meant to see this as a heartwarming representation of the american refusal to fail
if at first you don't succeed, try try again, after all!
but i think about the news article i read last night
about how insurance companies worry curing diseases is not profitable
and i think about all the lives lost and therapy needed because everyone in jurassic world refused to learn from john hammond's mistakes
and i don't think any of this is saying americans refuse to fail
it's just saying we don't care how many times we kill people if there's good money to be made
16/30, inspired by how affectionate the characters on new girl are with each other
all through high school i did theatre, and i don't know if this is a universal theatre kid thing, or just something we all did
but we were all about physical contact
we were a bunch of misfit touch starved pets
piling seven teenagers on one sofa, every part of you touching somebody, every part of you warm
and i miss that
all that platonic but physical affection
i am a very affectionate person, and i find myself fighting to seem 'normal' in social situations
reminding myself not to wrap my arms around people, or rest a hand on someone's leg, or call casual friends babe, or offer people bites of food
this is how i lived all of high school
sitting in laps, holding hands in the halls, kisses hello, shared drinks and forks
i miss it
i don't understand our desire as a society to deem intimate touch romantic
why shouldn't i kiss my best friend on the cheek? why shouldn't friends hold hands?
we are social creatures, after all
we don't start out like this
we sleep in heaps at slumber parties, we play doctor, we play house, we do each other's hair
why does all that stop because we get old enough to want to kiss people?
doesn't that seem silly?
15/30 write more love poems about your friends guys. love your friends tell people you love them. i love telling people i love them. i love u. all of u. here's a poem about my best friend aka the greatest human on earth, the guildenstern to my rosencrantz
so i've known my best friend since 9th grade
except actually i met her in 3rd grade and didn't know it until 10th grade
and she wasn't my best friend until college
except she was, i think, maybe the whole time and we just didn't know it
on my fifteenth birthday she came with me to get my nose pierced and gave me a hand drawn birthday card that quoted my favorite green day song
once we spent six hours on skype drawing bad caricatures of celebrities
and when i left to grab a snack she yelled after me
"don't you go where i can't follow"
our senior year we read "rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead" for ap english and we started calling each other rosencrantz and guildenstern
and when she gave her senior project speech on william faulkner she cried, not because she was nervous, but because she loves faulkner and she got emotional
she is exactly 12 days older than me, and a taurus, and she plays a bunch of different instruments and one day we're going to start a folk punk band called the rebel amish
last summer we went to the deyoung together and laid in a shag covered bean bag chair watching the light show in the summer of love exhibit for like an hour
and we took a selfie in some giant gold antique mirror
and when i picture my future, she is as much a part of it as my boyfriend
this other love of my life, this girl with the bright eyes and the once broken nose and who is always willing to sit and talk about books
or the shitty people we went to high school with
or weird titles for potential memoirs
this amazing person, who is the only person i would trust to drive me through marin county while eating a mcdonalds cheeseburger
it is a different kind of love, sure
but it is a love story
and it is ours
14/30 which i wrote but forgot to post because i was playing video games
i wish my own mysteries were this easy to solve
just look for the spot that glows
and unearth what's hiding
no crying
no years of therapy
no buried memories
just point and click
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nicesideburns · 7 years
imma post this here ab my 2 cents abt the animu 
srry my text is for ants on this blog heres a link where its more readable
Devilman Crybaby [SPOILERS]
OKAY I JUST WOKE UP AND PROBABLY FORGOT MOST OF THE STUFF BUT LETS DO THIS SHIT So, I personally enjoyed Devilman Crybaby FULLY as I've been one of the many devilman friends that have been dying for material that stay loyal to the material. And surely Crybaby DID deliver. Although some aspects have been translated to a more 'modern' approach opposed to the 80s. I know just about EVERYONE is like where's the SIDEBURNS and as someone who loves sideburns...sorry that trait kind of burned out way back then. So, I can understand what they were doing with the designs because its Modern times. Especially in anime, there's more different hairstyles that are IN right now that hasn't been the classy 80s look. So, it was bound to change in that aspect. My advice, if you can, indulge on the original material crybaby is based off of. Although some warnings because people have been rightfully mad about the portrayal of the women in the source material (which I will try to cover) as it's heavily present back then as well. Go Nagai has been Known about this issue with his series, so it's sad to say that this was also to be expected. Anyway, I'm getting side tracked just a bit. But the source material and modern Adaption are the same yet different. Also to keep in mind that Devilman was NEVER meant to be happy in the end. Just in case people are upset about the ending Crybaby IS, as I've stated before, the modern take of Devilman and because of that factors to the original story itself has been changed up. In my opinion, it's not a huge issue as I've read all of Devilman and even the OVAs, I believed they touched up on each arcs well. Even translating them into episodes despite making some adjustments to it. Personally, as each episode developed I could easily remember that certain arc of the series and be like God this takes me back. They're different, yet they play parallel with the original source material. I also REALLY can't complain about the pacing because Devilman itself did go that fast (with some bits of moments). In fact, it was one of the key things I was worried about with them dragging certain aspects too long and making things worse. Now let's see one of the things I wanted to touch. The explicit horniness of said subject matter? Primarily how 100000x hornier the demons, typically Sirene, get to gain their Raw Energy to fight. Which I thought was very Weird, since it wasn't like that in the original. Mainly it was, if I'm remembering correctly, left with Akira becoming Devilman. It's kind of a like a more Upped the scales puberty hitting him like a bus because his personality DOES change and he DOES get 10000x hornier. I guess they tried to convey that through the normal teenager looking up porn, masturbating, and engaging sexual activities. Not saying it was right to convey it like that or necessarily wrong because in the original Akira HAS made rather crude remarks toward Miki and even groped her. So it's like I guess this is better. I GUESS. But having it contribute to come demons, like Sirene, felt really I don't know off? In my taste. Especially Sirene because she was Amon's lover before Akira took him away and she wanted him back. I felt they just, as CJ puts it, that horny single desperate housewife opposed to the deadly yet beautiful being demons looked up to. IDK I guess what I'm saying is that it felt weird not acknowledging Akira as Not Amon but instead Amon and engaging with him before attempting to kill him. Even though in the past she KNEW Amon was taken from her and even acted out to take Miki from Akira to (imo) 'prove a point' of having a loved one taking from you. Literally her whole arc is focus on murdering Akira to bring Amon back because thats her lover. Not just...I'm horny n miss that sweet demon dick. When it really was, why did a human TAKE the one powerful thing I've loved type of deal. But I still love her... Another thing I wasn't too happy about was the whole Ryo thing. I guess they didn't want to explore to much on him because it was just 10 episodes and little time to cram everything. But Ryo (like prior to like ep 8 n beyond I think), has done some personal exploration on himself and patching things together on himself. I literally wasn't happy myself when they changed the aspect of him being adopted by some doctor in the original material, but instead some dude he found in Peru. It kind of killed his development and mystery in a sense because in the crybaby verse he's famous and well loved by all. When in the original it was different in terms of that (I can't really explain because my memory is hazy), but he does start off as NORMAL like Akira. (TOUCHING ORIG SPOILERS) Had a dad he believed to be his dad and raised based on research until he noticed his father was being strange. That's why he sought Akira because of the outcome of his father and the research he was doing, so he wanted to dig deeper. But of course, way later in the story as we near the apocalypse, Ryo began to patch things on his own to the relation to his father and the way he talked to him. Not heavily specific but I remember the one famous scene old fans remember when his father attempted to murder Ryo and Ryo remembered it as him going 'mad' from the demon. Yet upon later reflection we come to figure out while what happened to the father is TRUE, the father himself grew to knew that something was wrong with Ryo. That Ryo never was his son and was something Else. Hence, the keypoint of us and Ryo realizing that the father was right and Ryo is something else. It was a shame that had to be cut back and adjusted heavily with Peru to explore that aspect. They did touch on this a bit in crybaby with how Akira struggled being Devilman and facing his own demons, Ryo spent his time reflecting and researching to find out what he was. This wasn't explored as much as I would fancy, but again, 10 episodes. But this has been touched on in the manga where a portion of the time it was Akira's dilemma then to Ryo's. It's probably because they wanted to build onto Akira's character as well as the supporting characters to highlight their importance to one another, especially with Akira. Which I can say I was satisfied with because I appreciated being attached to said characters. I can say for sure I enjoyed their approach with the track team and the focus on familial relationships. I would also like to briefly touch on that rapper guy, Koda or something. I didn't like his approach being the token gay man to later join the demons. It felt tasteless in my eyes to make him like that. But I did enjoy his struggles being a devilman and the loss he underwent to see that, like Akira, still have their human heart and experience grief much like Akira. It was a really nice touch. Also, we gotta talk about the big elephant in the room: Ryokira. Crybaby didn't really focus too much on how close the two was in my opinion and only briefly touched it in the beginning half before shifting more on Akira and his relationships with the others. WHICH IS A SHAME... But people are complaining about how they didn't focus on the gay enough and blahblah fujoshi stuff. But it's limited time. But the two have been shown to be Very close to each other and even points where Akira, himself, would stand up for Ryo even if Ryo clearly did something wrong. Which caused tension between him and Miki because he held Ryo at a high standard than anything which can be shown in old material stuff. The same can be said with Ryo because he legit does like Akira in that aspect (coughgay) but its shown in other portion of the Devilman saga and whatnot. but Ryo is KNOWN to actually LOVE Akira to the point he found Miki distasteful (yeah one of Go Nagais token problems) around him and Akira. Espcially with the final episode, with the whole Mad At Myself scene because it highlights his regret killing the one being he truly loved. It was a damn shame their relationship wasn't explored much to gain that depression strings unless, like me and others, are familiar to the original material and very well known about this beforehand. But it was pretty Vague in crybaby imo. ANYWAY I think I've got some of the key points because I'm worn out and tired.There's probably more I'd like to explore and briefly point out especially with how ass and tiddy it is. But to keep it short and simple it's literally has been like that with Go Nagai's materials sadly and one of his many problems. But I can't touch on it much due to me being sick and my foggy memory but im sure there are others that can expand on this. I've overall personally enjoyed Crybaby as it didn't disappoint and I really did enjoy the new approach on some materials and execution. It's not Perfect perfect but at least it doesn't exaggerate too much with the material like the OVAs have done. The OST was good as hell too. Overall Abel score I'd give it...an 8/10 that's what I'm feeling
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carinareviews · 7 years
Steam/PC: The Charming Empire Review
Tumblr media
He’s a cutie <3
Final Grade: D+/C- TL;DR: Not great. OST was very mediocre. A little above average visuals. Storytelling was terrible. Voice Acting (VA) was the only saving grace for this game. UI is terrible/no improvement from the mobile version. Characters were great but development was non-existent in many of the routes. Couldn’t stomach the game to play through everyone’s Good ending…I just did Happy Endings which were still just mediocre ends.
Route Order I followed: Yoshimine, Togawa, Tanba, Sera, Soshi.
Route Order I recommend: Yoshimine, Tanba, Sera, Togawa, Soshi Though it honestly doesn’t matter since none of the storylines are that closely related anyways….I’d say Soshi for the beginning or end since his has the most “answers” in it. His route is pretty painful to save for last though….
Here are the route reviews: Ratings for the routes in this game will be actually higher than expected. I'm not saying these are "good" routes but the overall game is pretty kusoge (shit-game) so I'm rating them based on the low standards the overall game has set already. That being said, if you're use to fully fleshed out otome games, which I'm spoiled with...since I tend to play console based ones and not mobile based games, this game is pretty garbage. However, if you just want some light fluffy writing with tolerable visuals and a simple UI, this game is perfect. I originally played this game cause Tsuda Kenjiro VAs onii-chan... but holy shit after the first route I wasn't sure if I could make it through all the routes.
Luckily all the routes are pretty short....thank god. I didn't bother with the Normal ends cause the lackluster CGs with the shitty auto mode really made me want to kill myself while playing. Without further ado.. Here are the individual route reviews. Each written after completing the Good end.
Yoshimine 6/10
Angry Tsundere Shota >_> Uhhh def not my type. So I chose this to be my first route cause I saw the character pictures and this looked like no.1 not my type I tend to play the routes I don't think I'll like first then end with the best. He's an okay tsun-shota type. He def has some cute moments but it was really hard to get into his character since the kusoge didnt really give him good character development His idle sprite also looks really awkward too so that didn't help. Overall his VA really made up for the shitty character writing he had and semi brought his character to life. Oh yeah... the plot "twist" at the end...was so obvious.... holy shit.
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Wtf is this idle..... something looks off....
Togawa 7/10
Okay... from what I see so far... this game is mainly a setup for the Soshi route at the end... I'm kinda okay with this. This route was sweet due to the bachelor being such a sweet cinnamon roll. Luckily his sprite wasn't as awkward to look at. His CGs were pretty weak as well. I think there was like 1 good CG. Augghh this kusoge with the shitty character development. I'm glad this character had some "history" with the MC though that made the lack of character development better. There were some interesting translation differences IDK were meant to be in there like switching black tea to just Earl Grey tea.
Tanba 8/10
So I really like Tanba Toki's design and the fact that his VA is also Prompto from FFXV's VA is even better.The VA suits him really well and his character development is on point. There was some questionable OST choices for certain scenes... there was "happy" music when you were helping the rebels... like whhaatt? THEN THE MAIN THING THAT MADE ME UPSET. NO CG FOR THE CONFESSION PART HOLY SHIT IM SO PISSED. THIS GAME IS KUSOGE WTH D: Then after the confession scene theres an awkward Kiss CG which look sssoooo weirrdd >_>
Overall though, this is my favorite route so far. He had the best writing so far. I think the fact that the MC doesn't get to be with him all the time really helps. There was def. slight character development written in for both the MC and Tanba. The trend of setting up for Soshi is still very prominent in this route...anddd still no connection to any other characters expect for Soshi. I really hope Soshi's route is good to make up for all the rest of these mediocre to shitty routes. (Spoiler…it didn’t) Sera's route next.
Sera 7/10
Alright, I'd be lying if I was going to say that I didn't enjoy this route. ITS STILL A TERRIBLE FUCKING ROUTE. Writing is very mediocre and storyline/development is downright garbage. BUT I fucking love Sera's character trope. Stoic quiet big guy who's actually a fucking cinnamon roll inside. He also holds the knight card as in he must protecc. Seriously, if he had glasses he would be perfect for me. HOWEVER, the VAing in the beginning was a little forced. I think Takuya (the VA) was trying to force himself to have a deeper voice at times and it didn't sound good. Then there was the sprite of Sera... wtf is this hand shit going on his idle sprite?!??
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Besides that shitty idle hand...I love his character design. A LOT of the scenes (including the ending) were not satisfying at all....they could've done so much more with his scenes. The sewing scene pissed me off the most....WTF IS THAT "he said thanks" end scene. The best part of this route is that Kagamitsu Togawa actually exists in this and Yoshimine Kei is hinted at...finaaaalllly other characters being shown. I'm also glad of Soshi's end in this route compared to others. Lots of good but lots of bad in this route.... Soshi for last bois.
Soshi 6/10
I'm. so. sad. I was super hyped for this last route cause there Soshi was the only route that was hinted at in ALL the other routes. This route was a whole lot of disappointment though :( In fact... Togawa was kinda the only saving grace of this route. Arrgggh I tried so hard to like this route I really did but the story telling was soooo bad. I mean after playing the other routes you kinda are just waiting for the "twist" that was shown before...so the precursor to it is literally like WHY?! WHY YOU GOTTA BE LIKE THAT SOSHI KUN?!Also there was some fucking weird ass development or something messed up in the translation.... WHERE THE FUCK DID THE TEA PART COME FROM!? DID I MISS SOMETHING!?!?!AS IN (Spoiler alert)
WHY THE FUCK DID SHE TRY TO KILL HIM?! I'm sorry this is the only major spoiler I had to mention cause I was so confused when it happened. Then the writing got even weirder when the "Happy end" scene played where she literally started to call him "Onii-chan" and she's been calling him Soshi the whole time.... even Soji at some point IDK why....top of that...why the fuck was Soshi allowed to do what he was allowed to do at the end like no you were still the ruler howwww?....This route was just full of weird plot holes and shit that just didn't make sense. Since the route was very shitty to begin with the CGs were equally lackluster. Boring scenes got boring CGs except for the last CG but by then I was just so sad and done with the game. Tsuda Kenjiro's VAing talents were wasted on this kusoge and kuso-chara.
The Pros:
Artstyle/Character Designs- I really enjoyed a lot of the Character Designs. In fact it was the VAing and Character designs that made me eventually pick up this game. The art is vibrant is really nice to look at. Sadly some of the CGs weren’t the best of quality and some sprites could be improved. However, overall the art is very pleasant and well suited for the time period it is set in.
OST- OST was decent too. For a mobile game that ported to PC. I was decently surprised that even after trudging through so many routes the OST didn’t get annoying or repetitive. Granted there were some questionable timing on when to play certain tracks but the songs themselves were still pretty good.
VAing- So many good voice actors involved in this game. Tsuda Kenjiro is literally my favorite VA and they had the voice of Prompto too? Man good shit. The VAing did not disappoint. They def. made the game 100x better. If this game didn’t have VAing I would’ve been so sad and I don’t think I could’ve played through it all.
The Cons:
UI/UI Functionality- My BIGGEST GRIPE about this game. I get it shitty story/development, budget art, etc. BUT WHEN YOU CANT EVEN GET YOUR UI TO FUNCTION/LOOK GOOD?! COME ON! The UI is directly a port from the mobile game so it looks clunky and jenky. Not only that Auto doesn’t work as auto normally does in otoges. It acts more of a skip button which was SO FRUSTRATING. I sometimes multitask when I play otome games like check my phone/send messages to people, so I love having it on auto especially with VAing. Additionally I don’t know if it was only a bug on my game but my settings would NEVER save when I would start a new route… holy that pissed me off.
Development of Characters- Do I even have to touch on this? There was little to no development of the bachelors at all… Most of their characters were just thrown together and you were to just nod your head at some of their “developments” as in they would say “I’m partially a cat” and your character would go “Oh cool”. End of story sequence. I wanted to just punch the screen sometimes…
Tasteless CGS- Artstyle==cool. CGs==terrible. The CGs were at really weird timing and sometimes I wished there was a certain CG at a certain time but there wasn’t. I don’t know if its because there wasn’t enough memory to put in CGs for the mobile release or what not, but regardless the game did not have CGs at good times. Leading the CGs to be at awkward moments, except for the “core” CGS aka the “meeting” CGs and the “ending” CGs.
Main Character- She’s weak willed and not a fun character to follow. She just takes things as is, except maybe in Tanba’s route. I hated “being” her… I wanted to make choices at times when the games doesn’t give you a choice.
Bottom Line:
This game is just pretty garbage. I just want to move on my life and pretend that Tsuda Kenjiro wasn’t VAing in this game. If you’re thinking of buying this game..buy it on sale…like 50% or more sale or some shit. The routes are short and not fun to play through. There are def. better choices of otome games out there for PC. Of course not a lot of them are voiced by cool Japanese voice actors but this one is pretty shitty you might as well pass. I would highly recommend Nightshade on Steam or if you’re looking for something more comedy-esque and risqué… Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome. For good artstyle I’ve heard good things about OZ-Mafia too. Or just save your money up for a PSTV for those sweet sweet PSVITA games. ;)
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Kurt Eichenwald doesn’t give a damn about offending Clara Jeffrey
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/kurt-eichenwald-doesnt-give-a-damn-about-offending-clara-jeffrey/
Kurt Eichenwald doesn’t give a damn about offending Clara Jeffrey
It’s no stretch to call Mother Jones and Vanity Fair liberal publications, but an online scuffle between Mother Jones co-editor Clara Jeffrey and Vanity Fair contributing editor Kurt Eichenwald seems to show the two jockeying to prioritize liberal ideals. Can we allow just a little bit of sexist language if it advances the cause of gun control?
Jeffrey offended plenty with her ghoulish reaction to the murder of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, tweeting, “So much for good/talented guy with a gun being able to stop mentally ill guy with a gun.” She wasn’t pleased, though, when Eichenwald steered readers to a blog post entitled, “Clara Jeffrey is a Bitch.”
.@kurteichenwald So you think you’re making the world a safer place by pointing your followers to a post that calls a fellow journo a bitch?
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 8, 2013
“@kurteichenwald, Contributing editor, Vanity Fair;NYT bestselling author.” And endorses post titled “Clara Jeffery is A Bitch.”
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 8, 2013
@vanityfair has lost me as a subscriber. Shameless ref to Sandy Hook victim having jaw blown off by contributing editor while
— BusyChasingNick (@BusyChasingNick) February 8, 2013
Insulting editor of another magazine I read via Twitter is offensive. @vanityfair used to be great. Really gone downhill in past few years.
— BusyChasingNick (@BusyChasingNick) February 8, 2013
Twitchy’s original post on Jeffery’s tasteless tweet managed to compile quite a few people who expressed their disgust in fewer than 140 characters. Eichenwald, who never even called Jeffrey “the B word,”  needed quite a few more to respectfully disagree. Reading them all earns you 3 credit hours toward a gender studies degree.
@busychasingnick @clarajefferye Before u make a decision based on Clara’s lying depiction of my impossible to misread tweet, read it urself.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@billgifford @futuretwitblog @brianlandreth @clarajeffery Let’s see, I said using bitch word was wrong, but point about unseeliness…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@billgifford @futuretwitblog @brianlandreth @clarajeffery …of using Kyle death to make point attacking NRA guard argument was right….
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@billgifford @futuretwitblog @brianlandreth @clarajeffery …particularly when it was like comparing apples to trapeze artists. No one can..
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@billgifford @futuretwitblog @brianlandreth @clarajeffery ..reasonably question where I stand on guns, but Im also committed 2 human decency
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery Clara, I can disagree with u. I have the right. & I can disagree with how he attacked u. I have that right. I was clear.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …if u think I should be forced to defend what u SAID when I disagree, just like I disagree w/ what he SAID, then u have…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …dramatically different standards than me. His stupid and atrocious headline and repeated use of the word was wrong. But…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …that doesnt mean I cannot say that the criticism of what YOU said was also wrong.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery I separated myself from the hateful rhetoric. But I saw the conversation devolving into solely being about his terrible use…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …of a terrible word. And I condemned that. By saying his critique of what u SAID was valid does not mean I am therefore…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …supporting the very word I condemned.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery ..was ONLY a post attacking Clara, and never raising a point as to why, then thats wrong. I said the EXACT…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …same thing the other day when people on my feed were making the same argument re: Kyle killing. And…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …given where I clearly am on the gun issue, the idea that u would try and wrap up my point….
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …to mean the exact OPPOSITE of what I said is quite disturbing. I believe in reasonable, coherent debate…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …on this feed, I knock down ppl ALL THE TIME for using words like that to attack ppl. And I knock them…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …down when I think they have made an unseemly point. U need to read what I write before launching into…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …an attack on me based on what u WANT to hear, based on ur own dictates of who can say what when, rather…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …than what I actually said.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery Because debate is not about the person who said it or how it was said. I agreed w/ his POINT, not with him.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery If we are 2 wrapped up in ourselves, rather than in the IMPORTANT issue at hand, then we accomplish nothiong
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …I believe that making unseemly arguments undermines the debate by purposely infuriating the other side…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …the photo on my page is of Noah Pozner, buried without a jaw or a left hand. THATS what I care about…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …not whether someone used improper and terrible words to make a valid point. I will fight for the kids…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …And I will say whatever I think needs to be said to make this country a safer place. And if that means…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@monikabauerlein @clarajeffery …agreeing with a point made by a pig, than thats what I’ll do. I care about Noah, not Clara’s feelings.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
.@kurteichenwald So you think you’re making the world a safer place by pointing your followers to a post that calls a fellow journo a bitch?
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 8, 2013
.@kurteichenwald Where’s the line for you? If he’d called me a cunt? A whore? A slut?
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery Clara, get over urself. I came in to move a debate back onto the issue at hand- was it unseemly 2 make the pt. u made. It was.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@kurteichenwald @clarajeffery When the headline is calling a woman a bitch that IS the debate at hand.
— Patrick (@SpringaldJack) February 8, 2013
Here’s the thing @kurteichenwald: all you had to do was tweet you disagreed w/ what I did. On your own. No post calling me a bitch attached.
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery Let me ask — I think it is HORRIBLE that u used Ryan’s death to make a valid point. If I say it in the context of that…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …discussion, then I am agreeing w/ Josh’s point. To do so, I have to separate myself from HOW he said it. Which I did…..
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …if that doesnt meet up with ur beliefs on how everyone should behave, Im sorry. But this issue is too important to me…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …than to stand by and watch ppl turn it into a sideshow about the use of the word “bitch.” Because, when it comes right…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …down to it, Noah’s jaw wasn’t blown off because someone was mean to u. It happened because we have been unable…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …2 bridge the gap between 2 sides of a political debate, because both try as hard as they can to outsleaze the other.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@springaldjack @clarajeffery Yes, what matter is the word bitch. Not whether we can bridge a divide to keep kids being killed. Shame on u.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@springaldjack @clarajeffery Folks, get the point. If u dont like what I did, fine. But try to recognize where it came from. Cause….
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@springaldjack @clarajeffery …from the moment of Newtown, I havent given a DAMN about offending ppl, if it is done with respect…..
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@springaldjack @clarajeffery ….whats his face didnt do that. Which is why I condemned him for it. But if u weigh the use of the word…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@springaldjack @clarajeffery …bitch against making a point, that in my belief, makes it harder to get protect kids, I know which one…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@springaldjack @clarajeffery ….matters the most to me.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@digby56 @clarajeffery I did not retweet his post. I responded to the last tweeter. Is ANYTHING u ppl say based on what happened?
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@scottmadin @clarajeffery Clara, if u believe I was endorsing the word bitch — which i specifically said i wasnt — then I apologize….
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@scottmadin @clarajeffery However, I wont apologize 4 endorsing an argument that what u did was unseemly. Cause I believe it is destructive.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
This is unbelievable. U ppl are attacking me for point I never made, because I made an argument in a way u didnt like. I cant apologize …
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …what I said cause I still believe: use of the word bitch was terrible. But point about unseemliness of using Ryan murder…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery I apologize for appearing to endorse the word bitch. I NEVER did. But again, this issue is so important to me that I care…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery ….FAR FAR more about whether the debate on gun control stays on track. And because I believed ur point knocked things off…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …track, I had to give voice to that. Appearing to endorse whatever his name was was apparently a misleading way to do it….
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery …but I wanted to get that conversation back to being about what I consider the issue that literally can mean life and death.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@awoo_ @clarajeffery I cant truthfully apologize for my main point. I can ONLY apologize for apparently not being clear that word was wrong.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@clarajeffery If that was sincere (tweet sarcasm’s sometimes hard 2 read), thank you for ur kudos. I will not relent on the gun topic. Ever.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@awoo_ @clarajeffery How can I apologize for saying the use of the word bitch was wrong, but the point about unseemliness was right?
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@digby56 Last time. I was trying 2 put a conversation back on track 2 the important topic. I specifically CONDEMNED his use of word bitch.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
Here’s the thing: PPl can disagree w/ me about whether the point vis a vis the Ryan death is right. That is what my feed is about: debate..
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@anneturner79 @clarajeffery …but to try and put words and meaning in my mouth when I said the opposite is wrong.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
Im going to say this 1 more time, then stop. I did not endorse the post. Ever. I agreed with the point that using Ryans death was unseemly.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@musicaltypist I am happy to answer questions about what I was actually saying. There are several reasons I believe it was unseemly…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@musicaltypist …the Ryan shooting was an exceptional circumstance, one with facts that dont fit into any broader pattern. When u use…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@musicaltypist …it to make a broader point, u are opening a door to vast arguments about an irrelevancy. Just like when gunners…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@musicaltypist …use points that undermine their own arguments. My goal is to win over those who believe everyone is after their guns…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@musicaltypist …based on the delusions sold to them by the NRA. When gun control folks make arguments that seem to be belittling a man…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@musicaltypist …(sorry, the DEATH of a man) considered by gunners to be almost a hero, a wedge is being driven in that feeds into the….
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@musicaltypist …next NRA newsletter. They are ALWAYS looking for ways to rile up their members. That is the only way they can make money..
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@musicaltypist …so when that door is opened to allow for the NRA to use a new wedge, I want to fight it. And that is what is most …
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
@musicaltypist …important to me.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 8, 2013
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 8, 2013
Yes, @kurteichenwald: You alone feel the horror of Newtown. You alone are our muse. You alone choose the high road. (Sexism not included)
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 8, 2013
.@kurteichenwald. Seriously, for the sake of all of us, stop digging.
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 8, 2013
It’s a bit too late to stop digging, or to prevent the sideshow. So, this is what the national conversation on guns looks like from the Left?
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/02/07/kurt-eichenwald-doesnt-give-a-damn-about-offending-anyone-apologizes-for-not-calling-clara-jeffrey-a-bitch/
0 notes
shxt-real · 8 years
The Real Housewives Of Atlanta | Season 9 Episode 12
Starting the episode off with Kenya and Pheadra in a camping store because apparently the ladies are going on a "Glamping" tip, whatever that means. And im still not sure why Kenya and Pheadra are still pretending to like each other but what i do know is that Pheadra needs to STOP telling Porsha's business to Kenya. Along with Kenya acting like she never did anything to Porsha to cause her to act the way she does towards her. This season literally started off with Kenya insulting Porsha's FLAWLESS natural face. During this scene we get a cut scene to Porsha in her anger management appointment, Now when he was talking to her he used the word "Bully". I don't think that these women are bullying Porsha i think that they just wanna make sure that she's 100% good and not popping off on anyone at any giving moment but like i said before every action has a reaction and the only person that really seems to be questioning Porsha is Kenya who has provoked he on multiple occasions.
Next Scene, we have Cynthia and Matt....
Can somebody please explain this scene to me, Yes You are older and somewhat wiser but Ma'am you're going through a D I V O R C E! Who relationship you trying to fix. Cynthia is one of my faves but i think that this is one she should have sat out just because o her situation. While Matt did admit to smashing Kenya's windows "CLAP CLAP BRAVO" He's still saying that he loves Kenya and wants to Marry her. This is where i throw down my red flag, if you have something going on within yourself you shouldn't be taking that out on someone you claim to love an damaging their property like Kenya said in a previous episode you keep apologizing for breaking things but its not always gonna be glass it might be "Kenya i'm sorry for beating your ass." i don't really think that this conversation helped at all but we'll see where this goes because we now know that Kenya and Matt aren't together and he has a new girlfriend so...
We have Kandi throwing Shamea a surprise all white engagement party, i personally think that Porsha should have been throwing this event since Shamea is her best friend but that's just me. Now apparently everyone that was invite got the ALL WHITE memo but the women with the Peaches, because they came in there in whatever they wanted to wear and Kandi just looking at them with that face like "you hoes knew the theme." AND WHO INVITED MARLO?! Still trying to wrap my head around when her and Sheree became so close but that a palm tree for another day. Porsha not attending the event to me was complete and utter BS she had her best friend sitting up there crying when she should have been enjoying her party. Nobody should have gotten in the middle of you being there for your friend of 19+ years, its very heartbreaking that she let Kandi prevent her from being there. Now here comes Miss Messy Boots, Sheree telling Shamea that Porsha didn't defend her when Pheadra called her all types of Husband F***ers. Yes Porsha should have spoken up on that subject but for Sheree to bring that up at her ENGAGEMENT party was tasteless as hell.
Miss Twirl,done pulled up to Cynthia's lake house with her dogs. Friends or not I feel like its extremely nasty to have your dogs revealing themselves all over someones yard without permission with permission all that. And then Kenya hadn't even rang the doorbell to let Cynthia know she was outside Cynthia saw the puppies from her window just dropping loads.
Here's where this scene gets S T U P I D
Cynthia brings out her note pad with her notes she had taken when she spoke to Matt earlier in the episode, She explains to Kenya what Matt had to say about their relationship and before Cynthia can finish her sentence Kenya starts throwing a tantrum. Just overreacting like the Drama Queen she is. Cynthia listen to me this is a SIGN to get out of this "Friendship"
We Finally see Porsha and She's at Shamea's house. Shamea has every right to be upset with Porsha and she was right when she told her that what she and Kandi had going on shouldn't have prevented her from coming to celebrate her. She even told her as much as she doesn't like Pheadra she would have been there to support her if Pheadra through Porsha an event. Shamea also bought up what Sheree said about how Porsha didn't defend her at lunch. Porsha was really sitting there with a blank face like she didnt recall what happened but she knows she swiveled her straw in her drink and act like Pheadra wasn't outta line
Its the day of the "Glamping" Trip
Still a stupid name but then again this is RHOA, There's two meet up spots. Sheree's House and Kenya's house. THEY LIVE DOWN THE STREET FROM ONE ANOTHER. Why couldn't there have been just one meet up spot? Anyway, Cynthia arrives at Kenya's house she brings up the argument that took place at her house. We switch over to Sheree's house and a car pulls into her driveway... WHY IS MARLO HERE AGAIN?! She doesn't have a peach i just don't see a reason for her to be there but that's just me if you like it i love it honey. While Marlo isn't dressed for a camping trip she does look good I'll give her that. We switch back over to Kenya's house and Pheadra arrives. Fishy but that's actually none of my business. Porsha and her Sister, Lauren arrives at Sheree's house. You see this back and forth you can just image how the editing went it was too much. Porsha pulls Sheree to the side, she asks her about the whole Shamea thing and Sheree lets her know look we told Pheadra what Shamea said its only right that i told her what Pheadra said.... M E S S Y. For once i agree with Sheree, everyone needs to stop talking about each other behind their backs or she shouldn't have to be Eye Witness News and report back to everyone. We're back at Kenya's house now and Kenya shows up with her friend Hazel, trying to figure out where the plus ones came from but you know that's how these women work. Pheadra throws some shade that we'll get into in the next episode because it'll make more sense.
Bus arrives at Kenya's House everyone packs into the bus, Porsha, Lauren and Sheree almost got caught being nosy while they were skipping down to Kenya's house. again still don't understand why there was two pick up spots. The Bus gets to Sheree's house the remaining ladies pack in the bus. Pheadra let the ladies know the agenda for the night, the bus is full of S H A D E hunty. Cynthia asks why Lauren was in attendance and Porsha pulls out a doctors note from her Anger Management Coach, Pheadra reads the letter and it basically says that he recommends that she had a support system with her on the trip so in case somebody does pop off on her she has someone to talk to and keep her calm. Everyone jumps on Porsha....
This episode honestly gave me a headache i think that Kenya needs to worry about herself and them spray painted cameras at her house and leave Porsha alone before she drag her again. Cynthia needs to end things with Kenya. Kandi is doing fine. Pheadra might have hands coming towards her next week but we don't know yet. Sheree needs to mind her business and stop being a reporter and Leave Marlo at home...
That's it for this episode of Real Housewives of ATL
Lysha Maurice Out
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