#everyone wants a dragonborn lover i mean come on~ //shot
royal-writer · 7 years
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The married spouses, the engaged couple, and the budding romance~
A bunch of cuties from the dnd campaign I’m in; I only own Essie ofc.
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eeveevie · 5 years
the lover, the thief: fiona x brynjolf masterpost
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Affectionately known as “I shall taunt you a second time” : A collection of one-shots or short stories featuring my Female Nord Dovahkiin, Fiona and her relationship~ with Brynjolf. Stories can be read in any order, and take place at various times along the Skyrim (and Thieves Guild) timeline. Below they are listed in "chronological order", based on my personal canon. 💗🗡
series started: 9.28.2018 | Ao3 [x]
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Second Time Around | Ao3 | 1364 words 
Brynjolf and Fiona meet for the first time. Or so he thinks.
The Type | Ao3 | 1110 words
When two people are good at playing the game, who is more likely to get fooled? A look at Brynjolf and Fiona's first *actual* kiss.
Sweeter Than Honey | Ao3 | 1593 words
When Fiona explains her plans for the next job in Solitude, Brynjolf can't help but fall for the classic honeypot.
Falling | Ao3 | 2524 words
Fiona literally cannot with her feelings. Brynjolf’s grand romantic gesture only further complicates matters. Falling in love is inevitable, it seems.
Ambush | Ao3 | 4133 words
Our favorite thieving pair are attacked on their way to Rorickstead by vampires. While they are lucky to get away with their lives, Brynjolf is gravely injured. Fiona faces overwhelming guilt, and other emotions of the heart, while tending to him.
Revelations (Part 1)| Ao3 | 3306 words
Just as Brynjolf is coming to terms with his true feelings for Fiona, he learns about her true identity thanks to a dragon attack on Riften. She is the Dragonborn. Emotions run high, and he questions if anything they ever shared was real. Just when things couldn’t get worse, Mercer decides this is the best time to take Fiona to Winterhold for a mission. Can her and Brynjolf’s already ambiguous relationship recover from this betrayal of trust?
Revelations (Part 2) | Ao3 | 1704 words 
With Mercer’s news that Fiona is dead, Brynjolf must deal with the guilt of their last conversation and the regret of words unspoken for the rest of his life.
Betrayal and Forgiveness | Ao3 | 2829 words 
After the events of Snow Veil Sanctum, Brynjolf battles with an inner turmoil of emotions he is not used to.
After the Storm | Ao3 | 3862 words
The Guild is still reeling from Mercer's betrayal. There's work to be done, and questions to be answered and all Brynjolf wants to do is kiss Fiona again.
Yours and Mine | Ao3 | 1848 words
A nightmare, a break-in and an abundance of emotions. Fiona says “I love you” for the first time.
Together | Ao3 | 3142 words
Nightingales at last, it is time to discuss who will take over as Guildmaster, and for Brynjolf to deliver a "heartfelt confession."
Dream of You | Ao3 | 3638 words (explicit)
Fiona struggles to discern dreams from reality. When she thinks she has a handle on the truth, she is surprised by Brynjolf--who is equally surprised to see her in such an...interesting state.
Reporting In | Ao3 | 2772 words (explicit)
Fiona finds a report from Brynjolf on the Guildmaster's desk, except its contents aren't exactly what she was expecting.
To Be Needed | Ao3 | 1806 words (explicit) 
On the way to Mzinchaleft, Brynjolf discovers that Fiona does not take to being left alone in her bedroll very well.
Mara Finds a Way | Ao3 | 1599 words
Brynjolf and Fiona find themselves facing similar hesitant emotions when it comes to taking the next big step in their relationship. Mawwiage--I mean Marriage. Good thing there are people around them to help them see the light.
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The Lover, The Thief: Short Stories & Prompts (ongoing) 
A collection of short stories and prompts for Fiona x Brynjolf. Stories are in no particular order, but are all part of the main series.
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List of prompt responses: 
Safe | 567 words |  Prompt: “I’ll keep you safe.”
Hideaway | 456 words |  Prompt: Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys
Fever | 804 wrods |  Prompt: “You’ve got a fever, of course I’m not going anywhere.”
Predictable | 581 words |  Prompt: “routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing”
Sound Advice | 699 words |  The way you said "I love you": loud, so everyone can hear.
Effortless | 733 words |  Prompt: "Wanna dance." and "Damn. You clean up good."
Stargazing | 473 words |  Prompt: Stargazing
Fire Within | 701 words |  Prompt: Something fluffy (author's choice)
Take Back | 535 words |  Prompt: "That shirt or other item of clothing that the other ‘borrowed’ and never gave back and it became theirs"
Alone Together | 622 words |  Prompt: Accidentally falling asleep together
Daylight Hours | 498 words |  Prompt: Good morning kiss
Lost and Found | 847 words |  Prompt: “I almost lost you” kiss
Work to Do | 764 words |  Prompt: trying to turn the other on
Return | 1092 words |  Prompt: Hello kisses
Night Cap | 962 words |  Prompt: Love Bite and Swimming
Gladiolus | 271 words | Micro Prompt: You pierce my heart
Simple Pleasures | 384 words | Micro Prompt: Simple pleasures
Temptation | 542 words | Micro Prompt: Temptation 
Intuition | 454 words | Micro Prompt: Foresight
Be There | 435 words | Prompt: Having a bad day and the other noticing
Hands On | 827 words | Prompt: There’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close
Trust In Me | 1297 words| Prompt: “Do you trust me?”
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lissaremade · 7 years
alek’s backstory
i post a lot about my dnd character, alek, so here’s his entire backstory up until the very end of the campaign
it’s gonna be ONE HELL of a long read because A LOT has happened over the course of his backstory and the campaign, so heads up this will be EXTRAORDINARILY TEXT HEAVY
this will be focused on alek’s arc for the most part! the campaign has a lot more going on in it, lots of character arcs, lots of small details and lots of worldbuilding.
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(PICTURED: the first ever reference i drew of alek, drawn over a year ago)
alek desona was the first dnd character i ever made. he’s a firesoul genasi sorcerer who’s lawful neutral. he has four siblings: two older brothers (arun and ciro) and one younger sister (luce). his parents are named roshan and kamara; they the leaders of the genasi clan they live in. 
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(PICTURED: my very first reference of milo)
milo soryn, another oc of mine, has a backstory very much intertwined with alek’s. the same age as alek, and an only child, his parents were merchants who traveled around the continent selling goods. about once a month they stopped by alek’s community, which is how the two met at a pretty early age. 
milo and alek are pretty much the childhood friends into lovers trope. alek considers milo his closest and most trusted friend, and milo feels the same.
when they were 18, milo was drafted into a war against a neighboring country full of dwarves. not wanting milo to go alone, alek followed him to ensure he stayed safe.
they fought together as foot soldiers until they were both 22, when milo was killed in combat, protecting alek from an oncoming attack. alek lost control of his powers after being overcome by grief, and razed the entire battlefield, leaving behind nothing but himself and a broken sword - the very sword used to kill milo. 
ashamed, he immediately fled the scene, never looking back. 
he traveled around for a bit before running into two half-elf men called rufus and roy at the bees and brambles tavern. there, he met the people who he would travel with for the course of the campaign. they were assigned a mission to retrieve an artifact from none other than a goblin brothel. 
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(PICTURED: art by @kay-o of, from left to right, rosamythe, daegal and alek)
other player characters in the campaign include:
daegal, a tiefling ranger
rosamythe, a half elf cleric
batholomew “spudman”, a human bard
khepri, a dragonborn rogue
after some shenanigans in the brothel, and running into a mysterious cultist named miss princey, they manage to retrieve the artifact. but, are forced to fight their way out. alek gets the finishing blow on the boss, but after the fight ends miss princey, the cultist, murders a goblin named bluechest seemingly in cold blood, claiming he had betrayed the cult. 
our cleric, rosamythe, who was drunk at the time, decided to immediately enact revenge by killing miss princey, sending her body hurtling off a cliff. a small puff of white energy left her body as it fell, rising into the air. we thought nothing of this, until we were receiving our promised payment when everything went black.
and that was the story of how we survived the ending of our first world.
(the rest will be VERY shortened to save space btw)
basically, we were tasked with finding and killing the guardians of the world at first, after running into a guardian posing as the god deneir and basically brainwashing his followers. we were able to kill him because spudman impulsively killed an old lady who told him he had to kill her because she wasn’t supposed to exist. (we later found out that the only way to kill a guardian is to first kill someone who isn’t supposed to exist)
daegal’s brother/uncle (it’s complicated) waegal appeared on behalf of daeg’s demon grandfather, varius. he started to fuck shit up in the capital, pretty much brainwashing people by telling them everything was fake and nothing was actually real. 
along the way, shortly after arriving at the capital and shortly before shit started hitting the fan, alek was turned into an ash genasi by some wind elementals because we tried to threaten the captain of a ship who was part of an underground organization. (we later joined said organization but that’s another story)
after killing the guardian, we decided to follow a map alek received in a special christmas one-shot where we were transported to the town of christmas to help restore holiday cheer. the map provided insight to a way alek might be able to become a fire genasi again.
while en route, waegal appeared again in front of the ship. after provoking him, he cast fireball on the ship. alek realized his map was still inside the cabin of the ship, so he ran for it at the last minute. while he was running, time slowed down for him and he heard a voice inside his head asking him if he could have one wish, what would it be?
so he responded “for things to go back to the way they were in the past.”
alek was suddenly transported back to his childhood home. he was the same age, however, and all his siblings appeared to have aged accordingly as well. he found out milo was coming around to visit. 
it turns out that there was a surprise - milo’s family would be staying in the town, meaning they could spend all their time together. something was fishy about this however. and upon confronting milo about the strangeness of the circumstance, milo got a little aggressive. 
eventually, this escalated and it became very clear that something wasn’t right here. carrying a fire orb alek needed to return back to the “real” world, milo turned into a wind genasi, and alek was forced to fight him. 
not wanting to harm him, alek turned invisible and tried to grab it from him. (i’m pretty sure i rolled a 2 and our dm rolled a 1 when i tried to do this lmao)
alek was forced to come to terms with the fact that he couldn’t un-do the past, and that milo was gone for good. and by turning his back on this fantasy world, he was accepting that milo was gone and letting go of the past. i cried a lot during this whole encounter ok
eventually, he found out that this was all the doing of a genie who had granted alek’s wish to go back to the way things were. the version of milo was a guardian, and alek was able to defeat it because the genie ceased to exist (since genies aren’t supposed to exist in the world)
upon returning to the real world, we traveled through the desert, following the map alek received. we came across a phoenix namyed alcatraz who turned out to be the ancestor of all genasi. (in our campaign, genies aren’t the source of all genasi, but phoenix are) 
by using the last of his power as well as the fire orb milo had held (which he still had when he woke up), alek was turned back into a spicy fire boy.
we fled the desert after a bunch of demons appeared from the sky, and after some travel through a forest where daegal and rosamythe were put on the spot for backstory stuff (we found out daegal killed rosamythe’s dad under the influence of varius, his demon grandpa) we were forced to fight varius. eventually the final blow was dealt by some mysterious beings who appeared from the sky. 
with varius gone, we moved on and eventually ran into none other than aboran, the town we appeared in. except we were in the old world, and aboran had previously been in the new world. the two worlds were somehow merging.
we had to rescue our half dead npc son, lance, from a dragon who hoards souls. during the fight with the dragon, milo’s soul, which was taken by the dragon and in its lair, helped us out A LOT by inflicting an exponential amount of damage on the dragon and then pulling a mipha’s grace on alek by reviving him to 1hp when he got ko’d by the dragon’s last desperate attack
after that shit REALLY started hitting the fan, as the world around us began to end in itself. robots invaded, and all the people who had survived the end of the original world began becoming possessed by the god rahat, who we found out had created the very world we were in but was unhappy because we all forgot about him. 
after hearing about the fact that a queen from the old world was possessed and we had to take her down, we traveled there where we ran into none other than alek’s brother ciro, daegal’s mom, and another character from daegal’s backstsory. ciro told alek that the rest of the family was dead - after the world ended, their mother hadn’t stopped aging like everyone else and passed on due to old age. luce, their youngest sister, had become possessed and killed their older brother, father, and milo’s parents, before ciro was forced to kill her. he then left, and ended up traveling with his companions.
(this was originally intended to be much darker, as our dm, josh, had planned for us to have to fight a possessed luce at some point had the campaign gone on as long as it was originally supposed to)
we killed the queen, but then were forced to flee to an alternate version of reality (”what the world really looked like” apparently) in order to save the ending world. upon entering this alternate version of reality, everyone else we knew was killed in the onslaught of enemies which overwhelmed the world.
we were transported quite a bit after that, ending up in the tavern we originally started our campaign’s journey in - the bees and brambles tavern. the world around us was gone. nothing was left. thus, we had survived our second world ending.
we were forced to confront the god rahat, in the form of the fused form of roy and rufus, the half elves who had given us our original quest that brought us together. angry and feeling betrayed by the people he had created from himself, we managed to calm him down and convince him to restore the world to its previous state.
BUT THEN bosharifal, rahat’s godly brother, busted in, angrily confronting us about stealing his brother from him. we managed to get the two to talk, however, and bosharifal realized how unwanted rahat felt back in their home, since no one worshiped him anymore. 
with this all settled, the gods decided to allow the world to exist, and all the people in it to exist as more than just parts of the god rahat, but as their own people with their own lives and journeys. all the dead were brought back to life, and our characters were able to live their lives in peace with their loved ones.
at this point, we were told to say goodbye to our characters, and goodbye to roleplaying them because their lives were their own now. we couldn’t control their destinies anymore. everyone was crying. i was like full on sobbing. they thanked us for bringing them to their happy ends, and the campaign ended. 
the end
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eeveevie · 5 years
"Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move" for your pairing of choice
Mara Finds a Way
I took a different approach to this and set it during their relationship, but still involves the two taking the next big step and being afraid to. 
from this list
Brynjolf x F!Dragonborn (Fiona)
1600 words (under a cut) | Ao3
“Looking for our lovely Guildmaster?”
It wasn’t the first thought that crossed Brynjolf’s mindwhen he entered the Ragged Flaggon that afternoon. He knew Fiona had traveledto Rorikstead on some small matter, but Guild business had kept him in Riften—afew days apart didn’t concern him like it did in the early days of theirrelationship. While he still accompanied her on most journeys, it wasn’t unusualfor him to occasionally stay behind.
His younger self might balk at how domesticated he’dbecome with Fiona in the recent years they’d shared together, transforming theGuild and building a life together in Riften. But he was a changed man and hewouldn’t have it any other way if it meant coming back to a prosperous Guildand home to the lass.
Brynjolf joined Delvin at his usual table with a shake ofhis head. “I know she’s working,” he explained. “I don’t need to know where sheis all the time.”
“Cute,” Delvin replied, pausing to sip at his tankard ofale. “Could’ve sworn I heard word about her arriving back in the city just now.”
Brynjolf raised a brow, wondering what his friend was tryingto imply. “And?”
“Right Vex? She was over at the temple of Mara?”
“The temple—” Brynjolf nearly choked on his ale.
For all the time he knew Fiona, she had never stepped footinside the temple. She had always shown an indifference to Maramal and the priest’ssermons at the Bee and Barb, so what had changed? What in Gods name was shedoing there? Perhaps it was a simple favor? It had to be. His heartraced and gut clenched when he thought that it could be something else.
He shot a glance over to where Vex was leaning at the soundof her snickering, to which she offered a shrug. “I don’t know what to say,Bryn. Looks like the boss is looking to tie you down.”
“Don’t—” Brynjolf swallowed the lump in his throat, unsureas to why he was suddenly so anxious. He was madly in love with Fiona—had beenfor years, perhaps longer than he cared to admit—but marriage? That wasterrifying. Even if he wanted to entertain the idea, the thought of asking hernearly made him faint.
Instead of laughing like Brynjolf expected, Delvin looked athim with a mix of confusion and concern. “You know, we’ve all been figuring youtwo would’ve gotten around to marrying by now,” he said with a smirk. “Evenwith you being you.”
Ignoring his friend’s comment, he ran a hand through hishair before pressing his palm against his forehead in thought. He hadbrought it up to Fiona once, earlier in their relationship, but it was such anoff-handed remark. Fiona had been betrothed once, when she was much younger,but had gotten out of it by simply running away. Brynjolf had asked if shewould ever consider marriage again—hardly a proposal, but after her cageyreaction and flustered response, he decided not to bring it up again. Brynjolfresided to believe that their dynamic was perfect the way it was. No amulet orring or blessing from Mara would change that—right?
“Do you want to marry Fiona?” Delvin asked whenBrynjolf remained silent, stuck in his own thoughts.
“It’s not that easy,” he replied.
“Bah!” Delvin replied, slapping his hand on the table. “Bryn,you two are insufferable. Both of you are Nords, this shit istraditional, right? Just grab one of those fancy amulets and ask her if she’sinterested!”
Brynjolf looked at him flatly. Nothing in hisrelationship with Fiona had been traditional. And while he considered himself aconfident man, he was suddenly overcome with doubts he hadn’t felt since theyhad first become committed to one another, when he first learned she was theDragonborn and was nearly immortal. What if he wasn’t good enough to be herhusband?
As if Delvin could read his thoughts, he grinned.“Don’t doubt Fiona’s love for you. Just go see for yourself.”
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Fiona made sure to change before going back to the temple,remembering how displeased Dinya had looked when seeing her Nightingale armor.It didn’t matter that Fiona was helping Maramal and the temple with a favor, orthat she was the Dragonborn, she needed to show Mara respect. And so, whenFiona arrived that afternoon after returning from Rorikstead, she made sure toswap her dark adventuring clothes for a more modest blue dress with a whitebodice.
Dinya was sweeping near the altar, pausing when she noticed herarrival. For once the priestess offered a more generous smile, eyes glancingover Fiona’s attire as she approached.
“Were you able to reunite them?” Dinya asked.
Fiona nodded, thinking of the spirits she witnessed in theopen glen. “Yes. It was a…remarkable experience.”
Before either could continue, the front doors to the templeopened. They both turned, and while Fiona expected to see Maramal, she wassurprised instead to see Brynjolf. He idled in the doorway, glancing every-whichway for several seconds before finally settling his gaze on her. He seemed stoic,pensive, and incredibly uncomfortable—clearly this was the last place hewanted to be. But then why had he come? And who had told him she was here inthe first place? For once she was disappointed in the footpads’ keenobservation of the city’s operations; if she had any idea it would mean theywould be spying on her dealings. Before she could ask him why she wasthere, Maramal made his appearance from a backroom.
“Ah! Visitors! And the Dragonborn no less,” he exclaimed.“Fiona and…” he paused, waiting for Brynjolf to reluctantly step forward towhere they were grouped near the front altar. “Brynjolf. I must say that whileI don’t necessarily agree, your organization surely has helped our cityprosper.”
Fiona offered a supportive smile, but faltered when shenoticed Brynjolf’s furrowed, anxious brow.
“My lovely Dinya tells me that you have completed animportant task,” Maramal continued, fixing his attention towards Fiona instead.“Uniting loved ones and spreading Mara’s blessing across Skyrim.”
Fiona flushed as she felt Brynjolf’s eyes on her—she’d haveto explain in detail exactly what she did for Maramal and Dinya later,as like any priest, his dramatic flair dared to stretch the truth.
“You’ve been so kind to the people here,” Fiona explained. “Itwas the least I could do.”
A warmth came over her as she pulled the amulet from herpocket, revealing it to Dinya. Out of the corner of her eye she swore she sawBrynjolf’s face grow paler. She understood the implications of what carryingaround an amulet of Mara could mean, especially if one was a Nord—doublyso if one was already in a committed relationship.
It wasn’t that marriage hadn’t crossed her mind—Divines,she walked past the temple everyday on her way to the Cistern! Her past wasn’tunknown to Brynjolf, but she had never seriously thought her life would end upon this sort of path. She was the Guildmaster, Dovahkiin, had so manyresponsibilities—and yet she was more afraid of asking about marriage thanshouting down a dragon from the sky. She wanted to be with Brynjolf, perhapsfor the rest of her life, but every once in a while a small voice of doubtquestioned if he wanted the same.
“This belongs to you,” she said meekly, praying the elfwould take it. Instead, the other woman placed both hands over hers, coveringthe amulet. A soft glow emitted from her hands and warmth ran up Fiona’s armfor a few moments.
“No,” Dinya answered, pulling her hands away. “The amulet isyours.”
Fiona was at a loss for words, knowing she had enchanted itspecifically for her use. Instinctually, she looked to Brynjolf, her heart skippinga beat when she found he was already staring back, those dark green eyes of hisjust baring into her soul.
“We are blessed to have your protection, Dragonborn,” Maramalspoke, calling her attention back. “You once told me that you were born underthe sign of the Lover, like my beloved Dinya.”
The priest eyed the two of them with a small, knowing smile.“You are a lucky man, Brynjolf, to have a woman born under the sign of theLover. They are women of grace and passion, but not of much patience.”
Fiona raised an eyebrow, before feeling her cheeks grow hotas he glanced to the amulet then directly at Brynjolf. As embarrassed as shefelt, she could only imagine how he was feeling in the moment. Dideveryone scrutinize them in this way?  
“Perhaps one day, you will be lucky to have her as yourwife,” Dinya finished.
Fiona was about to against that Lover sign and reprimandthem but froze when Brynjolf’s hand reached out to wrap around her own. She stareddown at their grasped hands before looking up at his expression—it was stillshaky, but a little less petrified than before.
“Aye,” he answered. “Perhaps one day.”
Fiona blinked, speechless.
Outside the temple, she inspected the amulet’s glow under thesunset’s glow.
Brynjolf squeezed her hand, stepping closer to her. “Whatare you going to do with it, lass?” he asked.
“Keep it somewhere safe, for now,” she explained—they both stillneeded time. She tightened her grip on his hand, threading their fingerstogether as they walked leisurely back towards the Cistern. “I might need itone day.”
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