platosarse · 2 days
Hoo boy the workload for this masters seems a lot bigger than my Philosophy MA, but I think that's because this MA has two live online 90 min seminars (not lectures, seminars that require 3 hrs of prep each) per week. The mode of teaching is very different compared to the OU, where we only had one live online lecture per module and the rest of the time we were entirely left to it. I much prefer that - two compulsory long seminars a week is too much for what's meant to be a flexible degree. I just want to be given the materials and left alone!
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platosarse · 9 days
CHRIST I just found out that Imperial’s running an online course in the history of magic and the occult beginning in October AND they cover the specific topic of the Victorian occult revival, which is directly relevant to my thesis idea.
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platosarse · 13 days
Okay, well, I got institutional online library access…but my access seems to be a lot more restricted than it was with the OU. Literally can’t get any of the 5 books/articles on my list.
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platosarse · 18 days
It’s almost 2pm on a Thursday, so naturally I have zero ability to focus on this article I want to read.
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platosarse · 1 month
Well I did get accepted for the masters, so I guess we’re starting that at the end of September! Just looking forward to having institutional online library access again tbh…
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platosarse · 2 months
Assuming that I'd be accepted onto the masters, I started compiling notes for my dissertation a few weeks ago and currently have about 14k words worth of notes. It was at this point in my Philosophy MA that I paused to take stock and write my proposal, but it seems to be a very different situation this time. I definitely don't feel like I've read enough to flesh out a dissertation, but I don't really know how to proceed...
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platosarse · 2 months
Fuck it, we’re doing another masters. Victorian Gothic, let’s go!
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platosarse · 2 months
Cannot let go of the idea of doing a part time philosophy PhD while I work. Waiting for sense to prevail, but it’s taking its damn time!
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platosarse · 3 months
Started a job mid June, so here we are! Managed to stay in drug discovery as well, who’d have thought.
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platosarse · 9 months
Applied for an epidemiologist job, so we’ll see how that goes. The advert said they’re looking for start dates throughout 2024, so there’s that.
Edit: Didn’t make it to interview. Was a long shot, anyway.
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platosarse · 9 months
Well I got rejected for the UKHSA job, so back to the drawing board.
Edit: turns out I was the second highest-scoring interviewee and the only reason I didn’t get the job was because I couldn’t start until May. Good sign for if I want to apply for a UKHSA job again.
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platosarse · 9 months
Well I got 86% for my diss and a Distinction overall for my MA, which was a VERY nice surprise. Cheers to that!
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platosarse · 10 months
Well, the biomedical scientist route is a no-go. However, I have an interview for a UKHSA job tomorrow, so we’ll see about that. Won’t be able to start until next May, though…
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platosarse · 11 months
Gonna feel like a very long wait until we get our result in December. In the meantime I’ve started a Coursera course on epidemiology and have emailed the IBMS asking them to assess my undergrad degree and tell me which (if any) supplementary modules I’d need to become a BMS.
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platosarse · 1 year
In an usual state of high motivation today. Read pretty much the entirety of Magic: A Very Brief Introduction and then started on The Last Days of Socrates. Read the main intro and the intro to Euthyphro.
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platosarse · 1 year
It’s officially deadline day and although I submitted my diss like a week ago I thought I’d celebrate and treat myself to a few new books 👀 Leviathan, Locke’s political writings, and The Last Days of Socrates.
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platosarse · 1 year
Submitted my diss! It’s done, over. Don’t get results until early Dec, so a long wait ahead!
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