#everyone keeps turning up their hands and apologizing like no oh my god just. FIX the issue maybe
butchyena · 11 days
okay i know i harp on my bad luck a lot and tell lots of stories but i think if i explained what was happening rn with my short term disability you all would think i was straight up lying
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xxdark-obsessionxx · 4 months
I’m a big sucker for Psych Au fics. Reader is a cis female doctor who treats Tord with kindness. He becomes obsessed with her. Refuses to talk to any other doctor.
Tord is always on his best behavior for her which leads her to let her guard down.
I was supposed to be asleep five hours ago but I couldn’t until I finished this. Just know that in my heart, this takes place in Arkham. Also I'm super rusty so I apologize if anything feels off/wonky.
CW: Noncon
Dark themes ahead, please read at your own discretion and keep yourself safe. This is a work of fiction and I do not condone or support scenarios like this in real life
“You dropped this.” 
The man stares at you wide eyed as you hand him his lighter. He stands, rigid. You give him a gentle smile and press it into his palm, your other hand curling around the back of his hand. 
“I know there’s no fluid in it, so you don’t have to worry about me taking it,” you say to him. You pat his hand and step away.
The man turns fully towards you and you’re able to read the name sewed onto his shirt. 
“I-” the man- Tord- swallows hard. He quickly pockets the lighter. “Thank you.” 
You give him another smile and walk past him. He had seemed to be going the same way as you but he never caught up. Nor did you hear footsteps behind you. Once you reach the director’s office, he leaves your thoughts. You were absolutely determined to make a good first impression on your first day of the job. 
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The man you met earlier had turned out to be your first patient. And oh boy, what a patient he was. Like you had promised yourself you weren’t going to judge any of these people but god damn. His file was thick. At least twenty papers were inside the manilla folder you had received from the head director’s office. Maybe even more. 
You’d never know if you kept standing outside the director’s office gawking at it. You take a deep breath. Going through it sitting down was probably a good idea. As you make your way to the breakroom, your grip on the folder is tight, trying your best to make sure you don’t drop it and reveal your patient's file. 
Thankfully, it doesn’t take you long to get to the breakroom. A few people were there but they paid you no mind. They sit, hunched over lunch or their own files. You sit and start to read. 
Løvik Tord
3 7 2 5 9
DOB: 1995
Age: 28
Hair: Dark brown with lighter brown roots
Eye: Silver
You end up skimming through this until you get to the bottom of the page. It wasn’t… pretty. 
Tord is a violent man. He is aggressive, manipulative, and has a short temper. Many doctors have tried working with him to no avail. He does not respond kindly to Dr.Casey (see page 5), Dr.Bonnie (see page 8), Dr.Roxy (see page 12), or Dr.Harley (see page 15). 
He is extremely aggressive towards Dr. Bruce (see page 20). 
You stop reading there, your chest feeling tight. You flip to page twenty. It’s not the last page like you had hoped. There were still…. Quite a bit in the file. 
Dr.Bruce has tried everything he can to help Tord. He has tried finding common ground with the patient. Has tried being lax and strict with Tord’s schedule. Has tried working with Tord and letting him sit outside. Tord had found every loophole and burned every bridge until Dr.Bruce stopped lenient treatments. Tord stabbed Dr.Bruce fifteen times before guards made their way into the room. 
It is unknown how and where he had gotten his hands on a sharp long blade. Tord was seen licking the blood of-
“Don’t worry if you can’t fix him. At this point, Doctor Markman hands his case off to fresh blood to showcase this place. No one expects you to be able to tame him.” 
You startle at the voice, goosebumps raised on your arms. “I’m sorry?” you ask with a polite smile. Anger clouded your fear. What the hell was this person talking about?
The doctor, Alice, her name tag reads, smiles at you. 
“Nearly everyone has tried working with him at this point,” she continues. “No one expects him to ever get better. He's here for murder, after all.” 
You give her a tight smile in return. “I’ll just have to see for myself.” 
Before she can keep going, you straighten up the papers and close the folder. 
“I appreciate the advice, but I must be going now,” you lie through your teeth. What bullshit! What kind of doctors run this place? 
You actually hadn’t needed to be anywhere for another thirty minutes but if this conversation continued you wouldn’t be able to hold your tongue. Everyone can be saved. With compassion and kindness and help, no one was beyond redemption. Or too far gone for help. 
You storm out of the breakroom and wander. 
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“I was hoping I’d see you again.” 
Tord grins at you as he’s escorted in. His hands are cuffed and before he can sit down, the guard pats him down. 
It makes your stomach churn but you keep your face kind. 
“It’s nice to see you too,” you greet. You watch cautiously as he sits down in the plush chair. The guard leaves the room. 
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
It’s silent enough to hear the clock as the two of you study each other. He seems to drink you in, eyes wandering up and down, seeming to take in everything. You’d do the same if you weren’t a professional. 
“You used to dye your hair?” 
Tord raises an eyebrow. He tilts his head a little, eyes focused solely on you. It unnerves you almost as much as his file had. No patient of yours had ever stared at you so intensely in the past….
After a moment, he answers. “Yes. I fancied black quite a bit.” He gestures towards his roots. “It’s been a while since Bruce got me more dye. No one else will.” 
“I could look into it,” you clasp your hands, jumping into this opportunity. “I can’t promise anything, but I’ll talk to Doctor Marksman.” 
“And what do you want from me in return?”
“I’m sorry?” 
His gaze hardens. “What. do. You. want.” He grinds out, his body rigid in the chair. His hands were clenched.
Without thinking, puzzlement falls across your face. What did he mean? What did you want? For him to get better, obviously. 
“I want you to be at ease with your mental health,” you answer, still looking puzzled. “I don’t want anything else from this job but that. I’m not dangling hair dye in front of you in exchange. I want you to feel comfortable in your skin and at home here, Mr.Løvik.” 
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. 
“Is that really what you want?” Tord asks, an emotion you can’t quite place in his voice. “To help me get better?” 
Whatever it may be, you smile at him. 
“Of course. I want nothing but to see you succeed and be happy here.” 
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Things were easier after that first session. You always started off kindly, asking Tord how his day was going. If his favorite show or movie had aired on the television today.If his favorite food had been served that morning or afternoon. If he slept fine through the dreadful storm. 
(“I know I wasn’t,” you had laughed. “I tossed and turned, jumping at each sound all night.”
“I’m sure your boyfriend was quite displeased.”
“Oh,” you chuckle. “Well, no. I have a cat but no boyfriend. I was too busy getting my decree to ever really mingle like that. Though, my poor little man was also distraught at all the thunder last night. He yowled at my door until I let him into my room and he curled up on my bed. I’ll bring pictures next time.”) 
Too well for you and only you. Tord refused to talk to anyone but you. He would sit in silence or insult other doctors during his sessions. In one instance, he broke a new doctor’s nose. The poor guy had quit on the spot, cussing Tord and the whole place out as he was escorted to the medical section. 
You were tense the next few sessions but that violent man was nowhere to be found. He kept his cuffed hands right in front where you can see them at all times. He never lunged from you. In fact, barely ever moved in his chair. 
Tord was easygoing. Polite, charming, even. He took any medications he needed obediently and put up no fuss when you’d have him describe in later sessions how he was feeling and if he was feeling any negative side effects. 
He asked about your cat. About how your favorite show was going. If the movie you were looking forward to has come out yet. If your favorite restaurant down the street from your apartment was still closed for renovations. 
Eventually, enough time had passed that you relaxed. You stopped keeping your eyes trained on his hands. You stopped worrying yourself sick about his body language. You focused on his treatments and his mental health. 
If he was going to hurt me he would have done so by now, you thought to yourself after your latest session with Tord. He was doing so much better than he had been doing six months ago. It seemed as if you were really making a difference, helping him improve. 
It had been three months since he last fought another patient. Two months since he assaulted another doctor. And five months since he refused treatment of any kind. 
You step outside the building and take a deep breath. A dopey smile sticks to your face as you walk to your car. Becoming a doctor was the best choice you’ve ever made. Nothing was more rewarding than helping people. Not even this cloudy weather could bring you down. 
In fact, nothing tried to drag your mood down. There was no traffic on the way home. Some asshole hadn’t parked in your assigned parking spot again in the parking lot of your apartment. And your sweet cat hadn’t knocked his little box over again. 
You happily reheat your leftovers and watch tv for a while before you get ready for bed. Unfortunately, your mood does come crashing down. 
In the middle of the night, thunder wakes you. You jolt up, scrambling for your phone. Your hands come up empty. Shit, you think. I left it charging in the kitchen. Ugh. Oh well, you don’t need to look at your phone to see it is late and storming. 
Another loud sound booms through your apartment. Only this time, it sounds like a crash. 
“It’s just thunder,” you tell yourself. “Nothing to be afraid of.” You lay back down. Your eyes shut and you’re just about drifting to sleep when your door creeks open. 
You bolt up, knowing damn well that your cat can’t open doors and you freeze. 
Your heart races as your mind tries to process just who was in front of you. 
“Tord?” you whimper, hands shaking. But that can’t be. That was impossible. He was supposed to be sleeping soundly in his room with the soundproof headphones you got him. He didn’t like storms. The thunder reminded him too much of gunshots and made him restless. 
Useless information floods your brain. 
“I’m home, sweetheart,” he rasps. His grin is soft in the moonlight. He reaches over to flick on your bedroom light. 
He’s gentle he’s kind he’s sweet he’s-
He’s covered in blood.
Tord steps forward and you’re frozen in bed. His eyes are wild as they drink you in. There’s blood on his hands. In his hair. Splatters on his face. 
“Oh honey how I’ve dreamed of this,” he croons at the foot of your bed. “Your apartment is just as cute as you described.” 
He grabs the edge of your blanket and pulls it off. His smile grows sappy. “You did go for the red pants like I suggested.” He giggles, staring between your legs. “I wonder if there’s a match beneath them.”
That snaps you out of your shocked stupor. You scramble off your bed, slamming your head hard against your nightstand as you try to avoid Tord’s lunging grasp. 
You lay fetal on the floor, tears in your eyes as you clutch your head. “Fuck,” you hiss.
Tord clicks his tongue. He slowly climbs off your bed, crouching next to you. “My poor clumsy sweetheart.” 
You feel his hands in your hair. 
“What do you want?” you gasp. Fear and pain mix as you start to cry into your carpet. 
His hands stroke your hair. 
With that, you’re powerless to stop him as he scoops you up into his arms. You thrash as he dumps you back onto your bed, pinning you down. 
“I know you're scared but it’s ok. I’ll be gentle, my love. So gentle.”
Your mind can’t wrap your head around what’s happening. Tord isn’t supposed to be tying your wrists to your headboard. He isn’t supposed to be kissing your neck and grinding his hard arousal between your legs. He isn’t supposed to be in your home. 
“Such a good girl, staying still for me,” Tord says softly as he pulls back. He slides your pants down. Disappoint clouds his eyes when he sees your panties aren’t red but it’s deepened when he pulls those down and you’re barely wet.
“It’s ok sweets. I’ll figure out what gets you going. There’s nothing to be ashamed of in needing help.” 
Anger wells in your chest as Tord fishes for something in one of his pockets. How dare he. How dare he parrot your own advice back at you. As if this was a simple therapy session. As if you were the patient and he was the doctor wanting to help. 
“Get off me!” you snarl. “You know this isn’t right Tord. Y-you’re sick! You need help!” 
Tord stops what he’s doing to stare dead eyed at you. He plucks a clean rag off your nightstand and stuffs it into your mouth. 
“Enough of that,” he scolds. “You need this as much as I do. In fact, doctors orders.” 
He grins at his own twisted joke. He fishes through his pockets again and pulls out a small bottle of lube. “Yes, just what my love needs. A good thorough fuck.” 
You desperately try to spit the rag out but your mouth is too dry. You twist and tug your wrists but to no avail. This was happening. Your gentle, sweet patient was going to take your virginity. 
Tord carefully squirts lube onto his fingers, rubbing them together. He parts your folds, humming appreciatively as he rubs your clit. 
“That’s it, my good girl. Get nice and wet for me.” 
You feel sick. Against your will, his crooning and his touches stir up arousal inside you. You close your eyes as he gently fingers you as if he was searching for something. 
A minute later, your eyes fly open as he jabs something horrible. Your pussy grows slick from it, pleasure building in your lower stomach. 
“There it is.”
You shake your head violently. Not there, you try to plead with your eyes. Anywhere but there! 
But Tord merely smiles at you and ruthlessly abuses that spot. Over and over his fingers jab and curl,  rubbing it. You squeeze your eyes tight, small moans making their way out of your throat as pleasure jolts through you.. His thumb strokes your clit and you cum embarrassedly fast. You stare at the ceiling and wish you hadn’t wanted to cum at all. 
“Good girl,” Tord praises. He pulls his fingers out, eying them appreciatively. He sticks them in his mouth and sucks, moaning. “So sweet. But I’m too impatient to try it from the source. You’ll have to forgive me, my love.” 
Panic jolts up your spine as you feel his tip pressing against your entrance. You try to climb up your bed rest but you only achieve getting a little higher up on your pillows. Tord sighs and presses forward. 
“It’ll hurt for a moment but I promise this will feel good,” Tord tries to soothe. He picks up the lube and squeezes more into his palm and strokes himself. 
You hate him. You hate him with all your heart. 
He pushed forward and once again, you squeezed your eyes tight. His hand roughly grabs your throat. 
“Eyes on me,” he snaps. “I want to see how good I make you feel.” 
The fear overturns the pain and you quickly open your eyes. He pushes further in, reaching down to run your clit. 
Tord rocks his hips a little, eyes starstruck as he stares down at you. “You’re getting wetter,” he mumbles to himself. A grin spreads across his face. 
His hips snap forward, setting a firm pace. He stops rubbing your clit to grab under your thighs. He lifts them up and pushes until they’re almost touching your breasts. 
He thrusts harder and- 
You squeal, bucking your hips as he hits that horrible spot. You can’t stop bucking your hips, jolts of pleasure stabbing your stomach and stars in your eyes. 
Tord pressed closer to you, caging you in. He holds your gaze intensely, panting a little. His eyes dart between your face and your bouncing tits. 
Like earlier, you cum fast. This one hits you harder. And Tord doesn’t stop. 
You cum again and he pulls out. “Move and I’ll beat your ass with a belt,” he growls. He pulls out a switchblade and cuts the rope off your headboard. He’s quick to tie your wrists together. 
You find yourself on your stomach, ass up. Tord firmly holds your hips. He enters again, pressing down against you. Caging you against the mattress as he pounds into your pussy hard. By the time you’re cumming again, he finally cums with you. 
You’re crying by this point. Overstimulation has you cringing, your pussy tingling as he pulls out. Once again, you start to panic. Tord had come inside you. You thrash underneath him. 
“Stop that,” he hisses, slapping your ass hard. You cry harder as he does it another three times. And another, until you finally go still. 
You hear Tord sigh harshly. “I need to be patient with you,” he mumbles to himself. He gets off of you and you hear him leave the room. 
He’s back within minutes, holding a wet hand towel. You’re gently turned over onto your back and he softly cleans you up. You can’t look at him. 
Your heart jolts. Your cat jumps onto the bed, purring as Tord pets him with his clean hand. Traitor. 
“You rest while I pack,” Tord says softly. He leans down to press a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll grab everything you need and love for our new home.” 
He climbs off the bed and leaves the room again. He comes back with duffel bags. Your cat paddles up to you and curls up next to you. He purrs hard as you sob your eyes out.
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gretavanbrie · 11 months
Landslide (J.T.K.)
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Summary: You’ve loved him for as long as you can remember, does he feel the same?
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x F!Reader
Warnings: no smut for this part just pure ANGST ;), established friendship, swearing, unrequited love, light portrayal of anger, jake & y/n are a little dramatic but aren’t we all?? mentions of childhood, alcohol consumption… if I missed anything lmk, I’ll fix it no issue!!
A/N: I’m actually really excited for this one!! This is based on the winning answer of this poll I did, if you guys are looking for a bit more context on what this is about. I may have hurt my own feelings a couple times amidst writing this, I had my Jake lane friend read it and she was not too happy with me so hopefully this will strike a nerve for you guys as well!! If not that’s cool too! My writing is pretty sporadic so I’m gonna try and put out as much content as I can if you guys end up liking this story. I’m a waitress so my hours are long and unpredictable I do apologize in advance lol. I’m debating on if I should leave this as is, or make two long parts, or even start a mini series…not too sure yet but lmk what you think!!! Also this is vaguely proof read. If there are any mistakes, bare with me.
Part 2 | Part 3
Here you were, standing in front of the mirror, clammy hands nervously smoothing down the fabric of the dress you adorned. You made it a point to pull out all of the stops today, you’d washed and beautifully dried your hair. You gave one last look at your makeup before running your hands through your hair and heading to grab your bag. You let out a shaky breath picking up your phone.
The boys were back from tour and some mutual friends were having a little gathering as a welcome back. Any other time you wouldn’t have been so uneasy but the conversation you had with Josh had been replaying in your head the entire time they’ve been gone.
“Are you ever going to tell him?” You immediately recognize that voice.
Everyone was outside as the small farewell party for the commence of the tour had somehow migrated towards the backyard of Josh’s lovely home. You clear your throat in an attempt to rid the uneasiness in your voice.
“Excuse me?” You turn setting down the bottle of wine you were going to pour for yourself. He stood at the entryway of the kitchen as you feigned a confused expression to which he saw right through.
“Y/n..we may not hang out as much as you and my brother do but I still know you just as well. If not more, it seems” you just stared at him for a moment trying to find a good way out of this before quickly turning around and finished pouring yourself a glass. With your back still turned you speak up knowing there’s no use in hiding it anymore, if there was one person you could trust with this information it would be him.
“It’s just not a conversation to be had, he’s my best friend nothing more. It’s just a silly crush it’ll go away” you waved your hand to seemingly brush it off as you turned to face him. Not the whole truth, but not necessarily a lie? God you didn’t even believe yourself, how could you expect him to. You brought the glass to your lips letting the smooth red ease your nerves.
“A silly crush that’s lasted since senior year?” The minute those words left his mouth your eyes widened in shock. Quickly swallowing to refrain from spitting your drink all over his nice white shirt.
“What do you mean by that?” you stare inquisitively not knowing he was privy to just how deep this ‘silly crush’ had run.
“Oh c’mon don’t play coy. Like I said, I know you. We were friends first..lest you forget.” You giggled recalling the vague memory of 2nd grade recess, he stepped further into the room before continuing on.
“You keep too much to yourself, you’ve gotta stop sacrificing your own needs for the sake of what you think the other person wants. Disregard me as his brother for the time being, right now I’m coming to you as a friend. I’m not here to pressure you into telling him anything, that is your own decision to make. I just want you to ask yourself if this is what you really want. I mean come on your twenty-seven now y/n. You think I haven’t noticed that you’ve refused to see anyone since summer going into senior year?’
“That’s not true” you cut him off, defending yourself.
“I wasn’t completely celibate I was seeing that one guy Liam for some time… a-and Henry my sophomore year of college. I’m just not looking for anything.” Truth was, you were at one point. You convinced yourself getting under someone was the only way to get over another. Until you realized neither of them were Jake and that’s why you could never see them as a part of the long haul.
“And did you ever make it official with them? Or better yet, did they last any longer than 8 months?’ He challenged. You looked down at your feet defeated knowing there’s no use in denying any more. You know he knows. There was a beat of silence before you spoke up once more.
“I’d rather him be my friend than nothing at all, Josh.” you said quietly looking up at him as he embraced you in a hug running his hands through your hair.
You hear him sigh before he quietly speaks into your hair.
“I know.”
You shut your eyes and shook your head as if to rid the memory. You had wracked your brain enough about it. Josh was right and you knew it, it’s been nearly 10 years but you hadn’t always had feelings for Jake. For a while actually you would nearly gag at the mere thought. Albeit there wasn’t much room for romance during the pre-pubescent “cootie” stage of your life.
Your parents and the Kiszka’s became rather close throughout the years. You and the Kiszka clan wreaked borderline havoc growing up. With all the trouble you got into it was only a matter of time your parents would cross paths. Once they realized the five of you were inseparable they decided there was no use in staying strangers. Danny and his family soon came into the picture and you considered yourselves a bond to never be broken from that point on.
Although Jake had deemed you guy’s best friends summer going into 5th grade year, you were closest to Ronnie in high school. You were girls together. During the time of first periods and finding out boys can be attractive you migrated towards each other and found solace together within the testosterone-tainted group you had formed. You’d always struggled making friends, you didn’t normally speak unless spoken to. You weren’t necessarily shy, you just always felt like you didn’t really fit in with all the rest.
Once you crossed paths with Josh 2nd grade, he left you no choice but to be his friend. He was overly inviting and basically dragged you to join him on whatever crazy idea him and his twin had gotten into next. You chose to not complain given he was actually nice to you and took time in making sure to include you.
You had remained school friends for the years following, hangouts limited to recess and lunchtime until around the summer before 5th grade when you moved a few houses down from their own. You saw them playing outside from your bedroom window one day and begged your mom to run down there and greet your friends.
You and your ponytail came flying out of the house screaming “Josh! Jake! It’s me!!! From Ms. Crowley’s Class!!! I live by you now!!!”
“Y/n!! Is it really you!! We can play at home now!!” Josh exclaimed, his twins' smile growing ten fold.
“You have to meet my brother and sister, we can all play together now!” Jake said, calling out for Ronnie and Sam. You were quickly introduced to the two and although they were a couple years younger, you were kids, and found joy in whatever silly games you had come up with together nonetheless.
As you sat up against the tree cooling off from the intense game of freeze tag you all had just played, you saw Jake walk up and sit beside you.
“I can’t believe you moved close to my house, loser. Today was fun.” the boy said, ruffling your hair.
‘Hey! Quit! I’m not a loser.” you laughed pushing his arm away.
“Yea-huhh, that’s why you couldn’t catch me during tag.” he mocked, you squint your eyes at him playfully before pushing him away from you.
“That’s why you have cooties!” You retaliated feeling defensive now.
“See! Sore loooserrr” Jake sing-songed.
‘You’re being a meanie now Jakey, it’s just a game” you pouted looking to your feet. You probably were just being sensitive but you hadn’t known better. His expression softened realizing his words might’ve stricken a nerve.
“Oh come on, you know I’m kidding, you’re my new best friend. Especially now that we live so close” he said, lips tugging into a shy smile as he softly elbowed at your side. You whipped your head up to look at him
“You think I’m your best friend? You promise?” You said as hopeful eyes met his own. No one had ever made it a point to deem you as such. A friend is one thing, but a best friend was something far more special in your mind.
“Pinky promise.” he assured, hooking your smallest of fingers with his own.
The sentiment was sweet and you were thankful you had friends like them growing up, it made life a little easier knowing you had a constant. Easier until teenage hormones came into the picture and Jake was no longer your boy-ish ‘best friend’ and had started growing handsomely into his features. His face became more chiseled, his chest a bit more filled out, voice dropping a couple octaves lower and not to mention he grew taller. It all happened too fast for your awkward teenage self to process. One day he was regular old Jake and the next he was…hot.
So, you did what you thought was best. Denied any and all attraction and gaslighted yourself into thinking it would go away. It was Jacob for fucks sake, your life-long friend who you considered a brother to you. You and Ronnie had gotten suspiciously closer that year, you brushed it off as ‘needed girl time’ but as years passed you realized you were just trying to distract yourself from Jake in hopes that if you saw him less, the attraction would eventually metastasize.
Boy were you wrong because Jake was adamant on including you in every hangout as he began to gain popularity. You had convinced yourself things would drift off throughout high school, thinking the boys would deem themselves ‘too cool’ to hang with you now and the silly pinky promise he made would be brushed off as immature to him. But it wasn’t, he instead kept his promise. His friends soon becoming your own, girlfriends never lasting long because ‘you and Ronnie are more important to me than any other girl’ he says. Finding yourself at their house more often than you had expected for this new chapter of your life and before you knew it, you had grown closer than ever, and your growing crush more suppressed than ever.
You were shaken out of your thoughts as your phone began buzzing. An incoming call from none other than Veronica herself. You quickly picked it up, bringing the phone to your ear.
“Girl where are you?! You promised you’d be here by the time I got here” you heard her whine on the other end. “Everyone is already mingling, the boys are late yet again and I have no one!” You laughed into the line knowing she was just exaggerating.
“Oh come on Ron, it can’t be that bad you know Mike a-and Dave’s girlfriend.” You tried reasoning, knowing you’d be just as anxious if your friends hadn’t showed up just yet.
“I’m sure they’re already there, talk to them for a little bit okay? I’m sorry, I’m leaving now I just got caught up finding what to wear” you continued, not necessarily a lie although you didn’t want her to know the real reason you were stalling was because today could possibly change the entire trajectory of your life. Dramatic to say the least, but true.
“It’s okay y/n, I was giving you shit. I’ll be fine… wait a minute. Did you say you were looking for something to wear?? You’ve never cared about that stuff, who are you trying to look good forrrrrr?” she teased.
“‘Oh hush Ronnie, it's just been a while since I’ve gone out and felt hot. Just needed a boost of confidence today is all, no secret fella or anything” you giggled.
“Yet…” she laughed.
“Yea yea whatever, let me go so I can head over” you said grabbing your keys and slipping on your shoes.
“Okay okay, byeeee love you!” She said before quickly hanging up.
“Love you too” you said to no one in particular, smiling to yourself at your dear friend's abruptness.
There was no reason for you to be so nervous, it’s just the boys and Ronnie. It was Jake that had you so uneasy. You had replayed yours and Josh’s conversation enough times to knock some sense into yourself. You weren’t going to lay it on him full force but tonight was your chance to let your guard down and not shy away from him. Maybe even flirt, as best you could anyway, if things were smooth sailing. He’s been single for some time this was your chance to maybe plant a couple seeds. You wanted to see if there was even the slight off-chance he may just like you back and you’d be able to look back at how foolish keeping it from him was.
It was easier said than done as you started second guessing your entire look. You felt as though everyone would think you were trying too hard but that wasn’t the case, you’d gone out in more extravagant looks than the white linen sundress you settled on. It was flowy and stunning, casual but beautiful enough to make you feel at your best. Your hair cascaded beautifully down your back from your blowout, you put on your expensive perfume. You felt great, the only significant difference was that you wore a little extra makeup and you took the time to do your nails. You knew it was purely the anxiety talking. Plus, no one even knows how you feel about him other than Josh.
In attempts to calm yourself, your hand reaches for your phone as you stop at a light. Opening your Spotify you hit shuffle on your playlist. You sighed and smiled as the familiar guitar from Cannock Chase by Labi Siffre started playing. You and Jake loved this song, singing it on too many drunken nights to count. It truly was a beautiful song. You decided to just enjoy yourself and let the evening take its course rather than stressing out about it.
You pull into the long driveway of your friend Spencer’s house seeing all the cars parked out front. You find a good spot and walk up to the door seeing a few others talking by the front steps, you recognize his fiancé and smile politely walking towards her.
“My god, y/n is that you? You look absolutely stunning.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around you before pulling away and linking arms, guiding you towards the entrance of her and Spencer’s shared home.
“Mmm and you always smell amazing, have you been inside yet? We missed you like crazy, Ronnie’s been inside waiting. I think the boys are here already though-“
“Thank you Claire, I appreciate it. I’ll be sure to find them” you cut her off smiling gently as you gave her hand one last squeeze before stepping inside. Claire is a lovely woman but has a bad habit of rambling, you find it endearing but others seem to tire of her rather quickly.
Upon crossing the threshold into their home you’re immediately greeted by the short brunette.
“Finally! The boys are here, come on, we've been wondering where you were.” You nervously laughed as Ronnie grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the backyard.
You weave through the small bunch of people gathered in the living room and kitchen before you walk through to the sliding door, stepping onto the patio. Josh spots you and immediately heads over to give you the warmest of hugs.
“I knew it was you, I’d recognize that perfume anywhere. Glad you could make it little one” you smiled in his embrace at his terms of endearment, your cheeks warmed at the sentiment.
“Thank you Joshy, I’m so happy to finally see you. It’s been far too long.” you smiled up at him before you were quickly swept away.
You startled as you felt strong arms wrap around your waist from behind lifting you up and twirling you. You laughed recognizing the familiar cologne, you see his chestnut brown locks as he sets you down.
“And who might this lovely lady be?” Jake jokes, stepping back to get a good look at you.
“What an extravagant greeting, I see you’ve been gone long enough to forget about a girl like me” you joked back, hand coming up to rest on our chest as you feigned a look of hurt. Your favorite bit with him now taking it’s course.
“Ahhh, nonsense. A girl like you? Unforgettable'' he assured in his familiar cockney accent flashing you that infamous smirk you’ve grown to love. You looked down bashfully as you blushed yet again. You’ve almost grown sick of how quickly he can turn you into mush, you know he means nothing by it. You can’t help but wish maybe he did.
“Oh come on, you’re just saying that.” You laughed as you walked over to pour yourself some wine. Opting for a white this time given your attire. God forbid your nerves get the better of you and you spill it all over yourself.
You can’t help but notice you and Jake had accidentally coordinated outfits. He bore a cream colored blazer, akin to his cream colored pants. The muted brown button up he had on underneath was unsurprisingly left open with a couple of his pendants decorating his chest. He looked handsome, to say the least.
“Hmm you don’t sound so excited to see your lifelong friend, I’ve been gone for months and this is the treatment I receive?” He exaggerates, giggles escaping between words not able to take himself seriously.
“I thought we were besties y/n” he laughs, feigning a hurt expression knowing that would make you crack.
You can’t help but let a giggle escape your lips, the joke now running dry.
“Alright, alright. I guessss I missed you '' you say, wrapping both your arms around his waist. He gives the quickest peck to the top of your head.
“It’s good to see you sunshine, been too long” he gives you one last squeeze, you smiled at the old nickname he called you as you pulled away.
“Did you forget about us?!” You hear Danny exclaim. You whipped your head towards the back door sliding closed as the self-proclaimed “better half” of the band stepped outside.
“How could I? With the million random voice notes I’m sent a day…not a chance” You tease walking up to hug Sam.
“Glad I could aid, you look fantastic y/n. Definitely better than when we left” Sam teased tapping his chin as if in deep thought.
“Hey! Not cool man.” you jokingly retort as Danny comes up to give you a side hug.
“Yeah your hair’s longer or something or..you put on blush? Fuck, I tried. I don’t know what girls do but you look great” Danny says pulling back to examine you, you blushed at all the sweet gestures.
“She’s always been a looker!” Josh blurts in his exaggerated Midwest accent, raising his brows giving you a cheeky smile. You giggle at his candor.
“Yeah? You’re like…glowing, I’m glad to see you so happy. Also I didn’t tell you when I saw you but I don’t know why you were nervous on what to wear, this dress looks beautiful on you” Ronnie says smoothing out the flyaways on the top of your head. You and Josh make eye contact, he flashes you a look knowing exactly why you were nervous before averting his eyes and taking a sip of his mixed drink.
“Thank you guys I really really appreciate it, but this is a celebration for you! We haven’t seen each other in quite some time, let's make the most of it yeah?” You say raising your glass.
Jake would never say it out loud because he loved teasing you, but you did look rather beautiful today. Sam was right, you looked different. Good different. Maybe it was the hair, or maybe it was having some stress-free months without them. Jake knew they could be quite the handful and maybe this time away from each other caused this new glow, so he thought.
Whatever it was, he admired the way your hair blew softly in the wind. How the midday sun had created the perfect glow on your skin. He especially loved how the sweetness of your perfume matched your sweet personality. He was extremely proud to have you in his life.
“Cheers to that!” Sam exclaims raising his seltzer can.
“Alright! First order of business now that we’re all here "Josh butts in, waving a finger in the air. We wait patiently for his supposed plans, all you hear is the faint music for a second before he speaks up again.
“Yeah.. I’ve got nothing. Although it is a rather beautiful day..” he continues looking around at the beautiful midday sunlight. The six of us break into laughter at his wit.
“Doesn’t Spencer have a pool table? I say we play a couple rounds and catch up?" Sam offers looking around for approval.
‘I’m in, everybody down?” Jake speaks up, moving to stand beside you. Hums of approval circulate as we all migrate inside towards the billiards table. Before you fully enter Spencer’s spare room you feel a hand on your lower back. Turning, you're met with Jake's familiar caramel eyes.
“Hey.. whenever you’ve got time, you mind if I get a word alone with you?” He asks. You should feel worried given the question but he seemed…excited? You couldn’t precisely read the emotion clouding his irises.
‘Um, sure. I-is everything okay” you couldn’t help the anxiety that burned in your chest.
“More than. Just gotta share something special with you.” He says flashing you a warm smile, quickly easing your nerves.
“Okay then, I’d love that.” You smile before you two make your way inside the room seeing a couple of others have also decided they wanted a go at pool. You spot Ronnie sitting next to Danny on the loveseat and plop down beside her. Taking a long sip from your wine.
“Thirsty?” She laughs, boy she has no idea.
“Yea just needed some refreshment in my life, you know?” you wink at her before setting your glass on the table beside you. She giggles before continuing her conversation with Danny. You watch as the boys argue over who gets solids and who gets stripes.
“You ever gonna learn how to play pool y/n?” Jake teases knowing you’ve never been the best at it. You decide to entertain it.
“Only if I come across a good enough teacher.” You quip smiling up at him.
“Come on then, I think I know a guy” he smirks, reaching his hand out to help you up. You gently take his into your own, pulling yourself onto your feet. Josh takes your spot on the couch as Jake walks you both towards the table and hands you the stick.
You smile at Sam on the other side of the table. You immediately try and get into position going solely based on what you’ve seen. You hear a chuckle behind you as Jake presses himself against your back and adjusts your aim so it’s pointing towards the white ball. Your breath hitches in your throat at the proximity. He clears his throat before abruptly stepping back and shoving his hands in his pockets. Weird.
“Your position was correct, but you were pointing at the black one..you definitely don’t wanna shoot at that just yet” he laughs. “The white one does your dirty work, use it to bounce a striped ball into the closest hole. You and Sam will take turns shooting at your respective balls unless-“ you can’t help but snort, you quickly cover your mouth realizing you’ve interrupted him.
“Hey, get your mind out of the gutter” you just shrug as he smiles. He continues on demonstrating and explaining the rules until you feel confident enough to play a match by yourself. You were grateful Jake has always been so patient with you.
‘You got this y/n!” You hear Ronnie cheer, flashing you her bright smile. You blow her a kiss as Sam initiates the game. Your turn comes and you throw your hair over your shoulders and lean into position. Jake quickly averts his eyes to be respectful although Josh wasn’t shy with it at all.
“Damn mama, lookin good.” he playfully winks, raising his glass to you.
“Oh hush” you laugh before making your first shot that unfortunately didn’t go in but after a couple tries you got the hang of it and you and Sam were down to a close match. You hear Danny and Josh narrating the match like some football game as it comes down to the last few balls on the table until eventually only the 8-ball remains.
This was it. You were one hit away from winning, if you missed this Sam would win and you wouldn’t let that boastful man win any time soon. You may have calmed down over the years but you were still just as competitive as your younger self. You adjust the stick between your fingers, closing one eye to aim just right.
Point. Shoot.
The familiar thud of the ball falling in sounds. You swiftly turn to the long-haired man standing behind you.
“I did it Jake, I did it!!” You exclaim getting lost in the short high of your win. Letting your excitement get the best of you, you tackle him in a hug wrapping your arm around his neck.
“Can’t believe it took you so long to give in and actually play” he says, arms still wrapped around you, pulling back and staring at you. The realization settling in that you may be way too close for comfort. You swore you saw his eyes flicker down to your lips, you brushed it off as wishful thinking. You allow your eyes to run across his face a couple times. Seeing how the tour has treated him. His stubble subtly grew atop his lip, focusing on how soft they looked. His hands tighten around your waist as his breathing picks up. You realize you’ve lingered for too long as silence washes over the room.
You loosen your grip on him and step away from his embrace. You look around seeing everyone had dispersed talking with others. Suddenly feeling very awkward, you clear your throat adjusting the fabric of your dress before combing your fingers in your hair in an attempt to recollect yourself seeing as you now feel incredibly flushed. You clear your throat before speaking up.
“I think I’m gonna step out for a sec” you smile meekly, grabbing your glass.
“N-no yeah, by all means” he gestures towards the door adjusting the lapel of his coat that you had so desperately clung onto moments before.
You rush out smiling politely at everyone you pass on your way to the back deck. The sun has started to set, the beautiful golden hour shining brighter than ever across the yard. You step outside feeling the breeze brush past your skin, quietly thankful there was no one out here. You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as you sit on the porch swing.
You stare off trying to process whatever the fuck that was. God, he just made your heart flutter without any thought. The way he leaned up against you. The way his eyes seemingly locked onto your lips for a split second. It was all too much, were you being delusional? Either way you needed a breather before you made any mistakes. He was your friend, he would never deem you as anything more. He’s seen all your ugly awkward phases, there’s no way he’d see you in any sort of romantic light especially with the amount of beautiful women he meets, he could have anyone.
“Can we talk?” You heard his voice as the sliding door shut. You turn and meet Jake’s eyes as he steps closer in your direction.
“Of course! Sorry, I didn’t mean to just run off. I think the riesling might’ve gotten to me a bit” you force a laugh.
“Come sit” you continue as you pat the spot next to you on the swing. He adjusts his coat before taking a seat and running his hands through his hair.
“Ahh don’t worry about it, I just figured I wanna tell you sooner than later. This is special to me and I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while” his tight-lipped smile showing as he toys with his bracelets before looking up and turning to face you.
He grabs both your hands in his and your heart beat quickly accelerates.
“You’re important to me, y/n. And I think it’s time I share this with you, I can’t hide it any longer. I've been avoiding it because I couldn’t find the right words to say…” he says as his eyes lock in on your own, his thumb gently rubbing over your fingers.
What the fuck is happening? You think to yourself.
“What is it, Jake? You can tell me anything you know..” you say hopeful eyes gazing up at him.
If this was going in the direction you’d hoped, all your dreams would come true. You quickly brushed it off not wanting to get your hopes up.
“I know, sunshine.” He chuckles softly.
“Um, I wanna start by saying I value how close we are which is why I need to make this known..”
Oh my god, is he…
“I’ve been deciding on wether or not I want to pursue this and I don’t think the answer could’ve been clearer, its been in front of me this whole time for fucks sake” he gives a breathy laugh as he scoots closer, eyes boring into your own. His eyebrows furrow for a moment like he’s unsure if he should continue but it's quickly replaced by a smile.
This is it.. is this his way of telling you he feels it too?
“Fuck it I’m just gonna say it..”
Please say what I think you're gonna say..
“Yeah?” You prod, the hope in your tone making you internally cringe.
“..I started seeing someone from our crew…i really like her y/n” he smiled looking at his shoes.
The minute those words left his mouth your world seemingly went mute. Your ears rung like you had just been dunked under water. Your smile faded as your face became agonizingly hot and your throat tightened. How could you be so foolish? You should’ve known better. Of course he wasn’t about to confess his undying love for you as you would to him, you let your hopeless romanticism take over and now you’ve hurt your own feelings. Your dress suddenly feeling too tight on your body. You hair was touching all the wrong places. There probably was no need for the internalized dramatics but you wanted to crawl out of your own skin right now.
“Earth to y/n? Aren’t you gonna say anything” he laughs, scanning your face for any sort of emotion. You’d learned how to keep a good poker face dealing with his plethora of girlfriends. You faked a bright smile as tears threatened to spill over.
“Y-yeah!” You clear your throat realizing your voice has broken.
“Is everything okay?” He asks cutting you off before you could continue on. You still kept the insufferably wide fake smile on your face.
“Everything’s great! I'm just so happy for you Jakey, she must be a very special girl and I'm glad you’ve found someone who can put a smile like that on your face” you said, taking your hands from his grasp and rubbing his arm. You made sure to bring out your old nickname for him to convince him you were being sincere.
Jake was listening intently but knew you were lying. He’s known you for years, if he had know any better he’d say you looked heartbroken but decided not to press on it.
‘There’s no way she’s upset, she sees me as just a friend.’ Jake thinks to himself.
“Y-yea i just wanted to tell you today ‘cause she’ll be here any minute now and i’d love for you and Ronnie to finally meet her” he says, now seemingly unsure of himself.
“Wow! Y-yeah.. I mean I’d love to!” You say nervously running your fingers through your hair. God, how were you gonna get through meeting her so soon after the love of your life, who didn’t know he was the love of your life, had just single-handedly shattered your heart.
“Great, i'm so happy you’re my best friend sunshine” he says standing up opening his arms signaling he wants a hug. You rise and give him a quick embrace.
“Yea… me too.” You say as you try and fight off the tears once his arms wrap around you.
You excuse yourself to grab another drink. You rush inside but of course you just had run into Josh on your way to find the strongest bottle of alcohol this house could provide.
“Woah slow down little lady— hey… you okay?” he says, noticing your glossy eyes.
“Peachy. Now, if you’ll excuse me for just one second” you say trying to squeeze past.
“Ah-ah-ah, not until you tell me what’s got you in such a hurry.” He says grabbing your wrist.
“I just need a second alone, please josh..” your voice trails off into whisper, you were trying your best to stay composed but the more he kept poking and prodding at this fresh wound the more afraid you were of completely imploding.
“Oh, okay..” he complies, releasing his grip as he watches you snatch the entire bottle of wine and make your way to the guest bathroom. You were gonna need some liquid courage to withstand meeting whoever this chick is. You didn’t mean to be so sour but you felt foolish.
You sat down on the closed toilet seat after locking the bathroom door and thanked whomever that this wine bottle was a twist cap. You took a few sips before processing everything.
10 years.
10 years of convincing yourself that this would go away, but it somehow only grew stronger.
10 years of being irrevocably in love with one of your closest friends.
You were stupid enough to think he would feel the same way when he’s legitimately touring the world and has any girl he chooses at his feet.
Why couldn’t it be me?
I should’ve spoken up sooner. It’s all too late. Would he have even liked me back?
You let your head drop as tears clouded your vision, you succumbed to just letting them fall freely now that you were in private.
You wept for your inner teenage self knowing all she wanted got squashed right before your eye. Life can turn on a dime, you shouldn’t have wasted so much time hoping one day he just might make a move. I mean josh was right, you pathetically remained single because you only had eyes for his brother… for the most part. You’ve mingled but none of them could ever truly get your mind off of him. And for what? He’s just a guy. Albeit, a guy who is incredibly kind to you, knows all your in’s and out’s. How you like your coffee, all your favorite songs. He knew that you had to sleep with one extra blanket in bed because the only way you can fall asleep is if you're wrapped up in it. He knew that you would only ever accept flowers if at least one of the petals has wilted because lest we forget, we too are all but a little damaged. He’d grown to know all your weird habits as if it was second nature to him. He was what every girl desired.
You'd devoted yourself to him, built your life around him almost. Your earliest memories are plagued with him and his family and now everything has come crashing down faster than you can handle. You had a feeling deep down that you needed to get over him years ago so who are you to sit here and feel sorry for yourself. You knew better than to think he could ever love you back. You knew blind faith would come back to bite you in the ass.
It was stupid to wait so long with all these bottled up feelings towards him, you feel like you’ve wasted so much of your time helplessly hoping in silence and now who were you meant to seek advice from. You can’t tell your best friend he’s just broken your heart because you’ve been madly in love with him since you were seventeen. You can’t tell Ronnie because, although you’re incredibly grateful for it, she would come to your immediate defense and the last thing you wanted was a big fallout at their welcome home party. You’ve never been in more internal conflict than now.
You allowed yourself to shed a couple more tears before touching up your makeup and chugging down some more of the cheap Riesling. They would come looking for you any second now.
You collected yourself taking one last glance in the mirror before exuding a shaky breath as your hand reached to turn the knob. Stepping outside your met with Josh leaned up against the wall. Was he waiting for you to get out?
“There you are..” he whispered, swiftly grasping your arm and dragging you right back into the bathroom.
“J-josh what the fuck? What are you doi-“ you were cut off by him shushing you and locking the door.
“Listen, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think he would actually make it official with her. I thought she was some fling of his. If I had known I would’ve warned you.”
“So you know about our conversation?” You softly ask, trying to tame the lump growing in your throat.
“Yea, she’s here and Jake said you ran off after he told you he wanted to introduce you to her”
“Oh my god, I probably embarrassed myself. I wasn’t thinking Josh, I was just afraid I’d lose it in front of him” You say bringing your hands up to rub your temples. Josh reaches to grab your wrists, holding your arms in front of you.
“Hey, hey.. stop stressing yourself out. Everything happens for a reason, okay? You didn’t embarrass yourself, no one suspects a thing. I just wanted to make sure you were alright, it's pretty big news for you” he says, thumb rubbing gently on your forearms. The waterworks were conjuring up again, a small tear slipped as you met his eyes.
“I waited too long Josh…” you whispered.
“You were right. I shouldn’t have done this to myself. I-I mean, am I crazy for wishing someone could love me the way I love them?” You questioned rhetorically, your teary eyes staring into Josh’s pity-filled ones. You hated how he was staring at you. You didn’t need pity, you knew the mess you got yourself into.
"Not crazy at all, sunshine.” Hearing Jake's nickname for you coming out of Josh’s mouth felt wrong. Especially right now.
“Come on. let's take a deep breath and greet the guest, shall we?” He offers. You inhale a sharp breath before nodding your head in compliance, it was gonna happen one way or another, might as well man up for now and wallow in the privacy of your own home.
You both make your way into the living room seeing everyone gathered around the couch. A few people seemed to have gone home, there were a lot less people than when you showed up. Sam, Dan, and Ronnie sat on one couch.
Your eyes peered over to Jake in the kitchen talking to a beautiful blonde. She was wearing black silk blouse and some mom jeans. It was casual but elegant, you envied how effortlessly pretty she was.
“Hey.. stop getting in your head.” Josh whispered in your ear. Claire and Spencer waved for you to come join everyone. You took your seat as Ronnie got up from her spot next to Sam and came over to sit next to you.
“Where were you? You like..disappeared” she giggled. You smiled at her as best you could.
“The wine wasn’t sitting well, I needed a breather” you laugh hoping she believed you.
The only reason you never told any of your friends about your feelings for Jake was because at first you were convinced it would go away, so why embarrass yourself by telling someone something only for it to not be true in a few weeks and potentially jeopardize an entire friendship. Then as the years went on of you gaslighting yourself into thinking it would go away, all of a sudden 10 years had gone by.
“Ugh I feel you, Sam made me the nastiest marg earlier. I thought I was gonna yak” she says clutching her stomach. You laugh along with her, thankful she didn’t pry any further.
You were broken from your conversation as Jake walked in the room, his hand locked in hers as he guided her in.
“Alright everyone, this is Laura. My beautiful girlfriend.” He says leaning in to kiss her cheek. Jake seemed like he’s had one too many, his words slightly slurring but you don’t question any further. She politely smiled and greeted everyone. Jake notices you, his eyes twinkle before shining you a bright smile and gesturing for her to come meet you.
“Y/n, Laura. Laura, y/n.. this lovely lady has been one my best friends since elementary school” he introduces, slurring his words a bit gesturing towards you with an open palm. You smile wide and rise to give her a quick hug, Josh watching you intently. Your hospitality is admirable.
“Oh my gosh! You’re y/n! I've heard so much about you, I love your dress” she compliments.
Fuck. She’s actually really nice, it sounds terrible to say but you were secretly hoping she was bitch so you wouldn’t feel as bad for being so upset. Your moral compass however, refuses to allow you to feel negatively towards anyone undeserving.
“Thank you, you're so kind. It’s a pleasure to meet you” you smile bright as your cheeks flush from the sincerity of the compliment. She excuses herself to the bathroom, as Jake gestures for the two of you to take a seat yet again. The constant sitting and standing was starting to wear you out.
“Soooo what’d you think?” He says
“Short interaction, but she seems like a great girl Jakey. As long as you're happy I’m happy.” You give a tight-lipped smile, toying with a loose string on your dress.
“That’s it? That’s all you're gonna say?” he asks, stumbling over his words. There’s a certain tone he brought on that you didn’t like.
“W-well I don’t know what you want me to say… a-are you drunk right now?” You say, now adopting a confused expression.
“You could at least act a little more enthused for me. I mean do you even care at all? I was excited for the two of you to meet” he says, scooting back in his spot. He seemed offended, where was all this coming from?
“I-I’m sorry? I don’t know why you’re getting so upset with me. What do you want me to do Jake?” You say lowering your tone so the others around you do catch wind of whatever disagreement this seemed to be.
“You know what…just forget it, you could at least act like you care.” He spat, harshly grabbing his drink and abruptly leaving from his spot beside you. You sat there in shock.
What the fuck.
Your face suddenly felt hot, your throat tightened aggressively. You needed to get out of this house. You did care, too much. That’s why you felt your entire body go numb as tears clouded your vision. Why was he being so mean? Today has been the worst day ever. You swiftly get up from the couch and collect your things. You think you’ll make it with a successful Irish goodbye but of course with your luck, Josh catches you just before you slip out the front door.
‘Hey, where are you going” he asks.
“I can’t josh, I need to leave. I’m so sorry I just- I don’t know what came over him or how much he drank in the amount of time between our conversation and now but suddenly I’m the bad guy?? I don’t even know what I did wrong, apparently I don’t care enough? When you and I both know that’s far from the truth. I just wanna go home josh…please. I think I really fucked it this time and I need to process everything a little bit, okay? I really don’t mean to ruin your welcome home party, truly. I’m so glad to see you guys and maybe you and I could grab lunch this weekend to make up for me leaving so soon and bringing this drama.” You ramble, furiously wiping the tears streaming down your face. Josh doesn’t say anything, he just frowns and pulls you into a much needed hug.
“Alright mama, don’t worry about it.. you haven’t ruined anything. He probably had too much to drink. As far as I’m concerned I’m the only one who knows about this little fallout. Text me when you’re home, okay? Are you sure you’re okay to drive?” He questions.
“I’m okay, I was only kinda tipsy and that whole thing really sobered me up.” You let out a pathetic laugh at how humorous this all was. He rubs your arm before allowing you to make your way out.
You felt guilty for leaving so early, you didn’t mean to make it about you and you would’ve stuck it out but given Jake's newfound attitude towards you, you didn’t feel very welcomed anymore. Maybe you could’ve been more enthused but this was also heavy news for you. You start feeling regretful as you realized you had been a bit insensitive. You would have shown more joy for your best friend but how were you meant to give any more than that?? I mean she left for the bathroom in the middle of the greeting for fucks sake.
You sighed feeling at a loss. Granted, your feelings weren’t his responsibility but how exactly was he expecting you to react? You weren’t necessarily jumping with joy at the idea. But then again, he had no idea about your feelings. In his eyes, his best friend wasn’t matching his energy on something he deemed important. You start wracking your brain on everything you could’ve done to avoid this, essentially kicking yourself while your already down.
You make it to your car, hoping to just go home, have a night of reflection in a warm bath. As you sit down your phone vibrates in your hand.
Message from: Sam Wam Bam🕺🏻
-some friend you are..
Sam?? What the fuck? Why is he saying that?
Message from: Jake ❤️
-don’t even bother reaching out anymore.
He must’ve said something to Sam. Now sam probably thinks you were being a shit friend and ditched him and his brother at their own welcome back party after sharing the news with everyone.
You dropped your head to rest on your steering wheel as you realized you seemed inconsiderate to the people who didn’t know about your repressed feelings for the man. You felt like you ruined everything. You knew better than to get your hopes up, why did you think today would be any different and he would spontaneously have feelings for you? Foolish.
You let out a sob at their messages knowing this whole situation has been misunderstood. Because of it, everything was crumbling down around you.
So…thoughts? How we feelin’?
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sun-stricken · 4 months
Hello. I absolutely love your Fairy Tail head-canons, especially about demon slayer Gray. Feel free to take or leave these little ideas. Always love when you post <3
Imagine Team Natsu has to rent a vehicle or something and they require actual legal paperwork like a birth certificate and address or something like that (more than just “guild business! Gonna need this!”). Lucy doesn’t want to rent it because there is no way she’s going to be responsible for the inevitable damage. Erza, being the leader and a good friend volunteers. A few minutes later she comes back out, puzzled.
Erza: “why would they need a birth certificate? Shouldn’t me being present be proof enough of my existence?”
Gray starts snickering in the background. Natsu goes in next but comes out even earlier than Erza, cause at least Erza had a probably legal address at Fairy Hills, Natsu on the other hand lives in a house in the woods.
By the time Wendy goes in the receptionist is exasperated. “Yes I understand you are with Fairy Tail but that isn’t until page three of the paper work. None of you have made it past the first page.”
Gray finds this all very amusing.
Lucy: “Since you find it so amusing why don’t you go register, Gray!?”
Gray: mutters something
Natsu: “What do you mean you’re legally dead?!”
Cause you know, Ur just found a kid (the only survivor) and just decided to keep him. Oh, no official rescue crews didn’t show up until two days later? My kid now :)
The search and rescue teams never found any survivors in Gray’s old town so everyone was pronounced dead. The magic council or whoever is in charge of that stuff is also disorganized enough that no one realized that Gray Fullbuster is both a famous wizard and supposedly dead. So, just, Gray technically being considered legally dead the entire time he was at Fairy Tail.
Also, the slayers all going out on a job together(the dragon slayers had to drag Gray). The job turns out to be a trap (surprise!) and the floor just opens up revealing a giant vehicle.
Dark mage: “Ha-ha! I have bested the dragon slayer! The most powerful mages-“spots Gray just chilling, perfectly fine and not motion sick. “what are you doing?” Cause the guy was planning to capture dragon slayer, not whatever a demon slayer was (the dark mage didn’t even know demon slayers were a thing). Gray defeats the dark mage but holds it over Natsu’s head for a week.
After that anytime a large group of dragon slayers takes a job together they take Gray along for “extra security during transportation” or just extra security in general.
I also head-canon that each type of slayer magic has its own unique weakness. Dragon slayers get severely motion sick. God slayers are claustrophobic. Demon slayers cannot handle sweets. If Gray gets even a whiff of cake or any other dessert his gag reflex acts up and he gets really nauseous and other stuff like that. He of course hid it at first (he was afraid Erza would disown him) but eventually everyone learned about the weakness of demon slayers. Natsu teases him about it but never pushes it too far to the point of accidentally making Gray really sick.
Anyways, sorry for the long ask. Feel free to expand on anything. Always love some good slayer bonding head-canons and just Fairy Tail head-canons in general. <3
This was so much fun to make tbh so domt apologize, i love long asks <3 and thank for for what you said ant my posts! theyre fun to make so im glad ppl enjoy them
Oh, you have no idea how often ive though about Gray being legally dead, my personal favorite scenario is him trying to fix it and prove himself alive but cant
“How the fuck would i know my social security number??? i was eight years old! i had no reason to know!!!”
There was no dna or finger-print records of him or his family so he couldn’t prove it that way either. Apparently, declaring someone born or dead is easier than someone ‘resurrected’. To the law Gray of Isvan is dead and although Gray of Fiore bares similarities, they are two different people.
But ALSO to the law Gray of Fiore doesnt exist bc he has no birth certificate. And while hes adamant, he has no real proof beyond his word he is Gray Fullbuster of Isvan.
So basically, According to the law, Both Gray Fullbuster of Isvan and Fiore are dead and never existed, respectively.
tbh this sounds like an identity crisis waiting to happen, but what else is new with him
Erza probably tried to fix it after she was told bc she legally didnt exist for a minute either (never was filed as a real person, she was able to file for a late birth certificate on account that she wasnt claiming to be a ‘separate’ person and also Makarov did it for her) (dont ask why he didnt for Gray, i like plot holes). But quickly realized their situations were very different, him waiting over a decade to check in as a survivor with the proper authorities definitely weakened his case considering he was running around free before he decided he needed a birth certificate.
But hey, as long as he doesn’t need to rent something, or get a license or id, or work somewhere beyond Fairy Tail, or get married, or, god forbid, die again, he should be fine!
i wonder if he would be considered a ‘john doe’ if he actually died again since they have ‘no’ birth records
This also makes games like ‘two truths and a lie’ amazing
“alright so, im legally dead, i legally dont exist, and ive never physically died before” “Gray what the hell do you mean” “Guess the right one and ill tell you” “WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN THOUGH??”
i love everything to do with the ‘dragon slayers + gray’ dynamic
‘Extra security’ just turns into Gray babysitting a bunch of rambunctious dragons for hours. seriously, get this guy a reward for how he hasnt killed or maimed any of them yet.
Imagine them trying to convince Gray to walk to their destination instead of taking the train
“Its not that far!!” “its fucking 5 hours by train, How long do you think itll take to walk? Why would even you pick this job if you knew how long the ride would be??” … “nobody looked..” “are you actually serious.” … “oh my fucking god”
and thats the story of how one Demon slayer ended up having to babysit 4 very pitiful looking Fairy Tail Dragon slayers on a train. Dude had to drag them off it once it stopped too.
His side career of ‘Dragon Slayer Babysitter’ only gets harder when they realize holy shit! cold compresses can help nausea! and what do they have? a walking cold compress.
Taking a train trip with them just means second hand nausea AND embarrassment, and absolutely no personal space. A dream come true.
At least he gets to hold it over their heads
Tbh i like the irony of Dragon Slayers being motion sick because, yk, dragons can fly, so my hc for side effects for God Slayers and Demon Slayers were along the same lines
God Slayers being wide open space or flying since Gods are like the epitome of freedom? all knowing and have complete reign over everything, But claustrophobia works so much better for that same reason. It would cause extreme panic and rash decisions
And Demon Slayers was the dark because demons are supposed to be these evil creatures who thrive in the dark n stuff? basically it would send a Demon Slayer into a paranoid spiral.
But sweets being a weakness instead is such a silly thing that im gonna take it and run
Gray never cared for sweets in the first place, gave him a stomachache, but now he has to walk away from Erza mid conversation if she decides to indulge, which is almost everyday. She was absolutely heartbroken and devastated when the weakness was revealed, it was such a dramatic reaction one wouod think she was the one with the new weakness
When Gray pokes fun at Natsus motion sickness he’ll go on about how Gray is gonna have the lamest parties since he cant handle even the smell of sweets, especially cake.
A terrible realization for everyone involved with him, on par with when Gray realized he wouldnt be able to have ice cream comfortably again, thats like a staple for ice mages
heart wrenching, truly
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 12/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Fun fact:
I was supposed to include Heaven in this. The og plot was like Heaven was already friendly with them- like Luci's siblings, and they were supposed to be in the meeting back in chapter 4 and 5.
The argument would have been that Heaven is bound to help because Roo won't stop at Hell and it will eventually reach Heaven, making it their problem too.
But obviously I had a change of plans and I think this plot would be better.
A plot fit for a possible sequel, one might say.
Apologies for the shortness of the chapter but thank you still for the constant support! Your likes, reblogs, and comments are the things that give me inspiration to do this every day!
The good news is the problem has not reached any of the upper rings in his absence. The bad news? Sloth is almost devoured.
Overgrown roots have enveloped the main city's buildings, he can't even see the Goetia territory anymore. The blood-red flowers are still spewing black miasma and he can feel it slightly burn his skin.
Lucifer thinks that this is what real Hell looks like.
This means that everyone is just exerting enough power to keep it at bay but not enough to fully stop it. Lucifer was right in his decision to look for Goodie. Speaking of Goodie- the embodiment of good barely reacts. If she's being burned by the mist, she's doing a pretty good job of not showing it.
Goodie: Oh my. What trouble you are causing, Roo.
A fucking understatement but Lucifer won't argue. This is trouble, but a million times worse.
Lucifer: Let's go.
At one corner of Sloth, the Sins and the other higher powers of Hell have just finished another round of the sealing ritual. They've been going at it a month straight, there is no end in sight, and they are exhausted. Even Alastor is mostly drained as he is leaning a lot on his cane.
Beelzebub: Fuck! I knew this wasn't going to be easy but what the fuck?!
Someone scoffs.
Vox: Maybe if our dear king is here this would be over. Like, where the fuck is he huh??
Leviathan: Don't forget who you are speaking to, filthy sinner!
Vox: Oh boohoo. If we're all gonna die anyway, why should I be afraid of you? Should've known that absentee of a ruler left us all to rot after damning us here in the first place-
Vox suddenly finds a giant hand wrapped around his throat. It took him a few seconds of reconfiguration before he clearly saw who the fuck-
Vox: Fuckin- gah! Alastor!
Alastor has transformed into a taller, lankier, and more sinister of himself. Eyes turned into radio dials, face, and body adorned with glowing green stitches like a puppet whose master has on a string.
Alastor: Shouldn't frivolous televisions come with a silent setting?
Vox: Fuck! Off!
Alastor: Hahaha! What is the matter, Vox? You seem to have developed the illusion that you are the strongest person in the room. Shall I remind you of what came about your moth friend?
Velvette: You better let him go, old man!
Velvette yelled to back up Vox. She flinches as Alastor turns his head in her direction with a sickening snap of his neck.
Not wanting to back off, she was about to argue more when Carmila stepped in.
Carmila: Velvette! Cease this at once. Do you and the Vees have no self-preservation??
Velvette: Well- I- Vox's right and you lot know it! Great Lucifer called us all here, basically threatened us to help him fix a mess he caused, then fucks off to God knows where leaving us to practically kill ourselves for a mess, again, HE CAUSED!
The Sins and Goetia's have now transformed into their more monstrous forms at hearing the disrespect the lowly sinner said about their King.
Velvette and Vox are saved from near-permanent death by a commanding voice.
Lucifer: Kneel.
Everyone's bodies acted on their own. Their knees bled from the sudden contact on the ground.
None of them could move- try as they might. Their air became heavier, plus with the miasma, a lot of them were gasping for air. Nothing is coming in. They can't breathe. They can't-
They look up to see the King of Hell and an unknown woman. Unknown to most but the Sins very much recognize her as indicated by the widening of their eyes.
Satan: Goodie!
The woman giggles and waves cheerfully as if there wasn't a looming threat in the air.
Goodie: My, my. What big mouths you have~
What to look forward to in Part 13:
Some talks and reprimanding.
Another round of ritual.
The situation becomes worse.
Lucifer and Goodie's solution.
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harringroveera · 1 year
“We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington!”
“Yeah, eat it, Harrington.”
Steve pushed his sunglasses over his head, staring at the guy in front of him, with golden curls under the dim light of the room, beers dripping down his bare chest and stomach, making his skin glisten.
Billy Hargrove was his name, and he only knew it because he’d overheard it from Tina and Vickie when they were talking about his ass.
Blue eyes looked back at him, and Steve swallowed, tipping his chin up to exert confidence.
“Is that so?”
“Unless you wanna go against him,” Tommy quipped, egging him on further.
“So this is the King Steve everyone’s been talking so much about,” Hargrove said, taking a step forward. “I expected someone better looking at least.”
He widened his eyes, his lips parting in pure shock as Hargrove smirked at him, like the cocky asshole he was.
“And who is this?” His eyes darted away to Steve’s right side, his eyebrows raising in curiosity. “Why the long face?”
Before Steve could register what was going on—he could barely even react—Hargrove crossed the little space in the room, grabbing Nancy by the face, and he kissed her.
Steve’s stomach dropped at the sight, of Nancy clutching at Hargrove’s jacket, her nails digging into the leather. She didn’t push back, and Hargrove didn’t pull away.
And there Steve was, standing frozen on the spot like a stupid statue, watching some new guy kiss his girlfriend. Like an idiot.
The moment they broke away from each other, Steve finally found his voice to speak up about whatever had just happened.
“That’s my fucking girlfriend,” he murmured. “What the fuck, Hargrove?”
“Oh, shit,” Hargrove said, turning to him with the corner of his lips turning up. “Sorry, man, guess I gotta make it even now.”
He flattened his hand on Steve’s chest, shoving him against the wooden surface, before he kissed him.
To say he was surprised would be an understatement, and to say he didn’t enjoy it would be a complete lie.
Hargrove’s lips were soft against his, and wet, tasting of beer and smoke. Their mouths slotted together, and Steve found himself moving on his own, returning the kiss with the same passion Hargrove put into it.
No wonder Nancy didn’t push him away, because Hargrove kissed like a god, like he wanted to drink down the sound Steve made and consume him whole. It felt almost too forbidden for him to want more of it.
He splayed his hands on Hargrove’s sternum, feeling his damp and warm skin underneath his fingers, gliding them up to the curls of his hair and tugging at them, dragging out a low groan from the other guy.
The music was still blasting in the house, and he could hear the faint sound of surprise from some people around him, but he truly could care less. All he wanted was to kiss Hargrove.
“Don’t you dare,” Steve whispered against his lips when Hargrove pulled away, attempting to break off the kiss.
“Just taking a breath, Harrington. Don’t intend on stopping any time now.”
The smirk was sly, almost predatory, and Steve claimed his lips in another kiss. Deeper this time, with tongue, and he could taste Hargrove more clearly, feel his body flushing against him more warmly.
Hargrove’s hands were sliding down his sides, pulling at the belt of his jeans to haul him closer. The kiss was fervent and hot, stirring something in the pit of his stomach, and Steve did nothing but keep Hargrove close to him.
He didn’t want to let him go, or to end what was going on, which surprised him, to put it mildly.
Well, until something shattered loudly, and Steve finally yanked himself away from Hargrove’s incredibly tempting lips.
It was just some guy, apparently, who broke a precious vase in Tina’s kitchen, now listening to her scolding while he wiped his hands on the white cloth he was wearing, burping out a drunken sound instead of apologizing.
He looked back at Hargrove, at the pair of blue eyes that were fixed on him, at his swollen lips, and he was very aware of how Hargrove’s hands were still on his waist.
Of course, once he reeled back into reality, he remembered what had happened, and who was here.
He turned to look at Nancy, who was staring directly at them with her mouth slack and her eyes widening. The look of betrayal painted her face.
“Nance,” he uttered. “Nancy, wait, I can explain. I didn’t—”
“You know what?” Nancy held her hands up in the air, shutting him up instantly. “Have him, Hargrove.”
“Yeah, take him, whatever. I don’t care. You look better together anyway.”
“Okay, let me get this straight,” Hargrove said. “You’re giving me your boyfriend?”
“Why not? Seems like you two get along well, especially with that kiss,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “And I will go get drunk. Have fun.”
When she turned on her heels and walked away, Steve looked back at Hargrove with a scoff.
“Did she just break up with me?”
“You did kiss me, Harrington.”
“You kissed her first! And she liked it!”
“What? Are you saying you didn’t?”
His words faltered in his mind, and he gulped. “I…did not say that.”
“Good, I was hoping for that answer,” Hargrove said, cocking his head to the side. “Wanna go to the bathroom and finish what we were doing?”
“What? Now?”
“Unless you don’t want to.”
Hargrove withdrew his hands from his waist, and Steve frowned. He looked around the room, and no one was paying attention to them at all. Even Nancy was standing in the kitchen, chugging down the alcohol while Byers talked to her.
His heart drummed in his chest, and Hargrove was still waiting for him, patiently, with that damned smirk on his face, like he already knew what Steve was going to do.
He groaned, grabbing Hargrove by the wrist. “Fuck it, let’s go.”
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onmyknees4loak · 5 months
Teach me
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Lo'ak x Reader
Warnings: (Lowkey stalker and sub lo'ak) Synopsis : (Lo'ak cant seem to take his eyes off of the girl who teaches his nephew.)
Playlist I listened to while making this
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Reader's POV
"Good job muffin!!" Pxe'pe one of my youngest students finally gets her threading right. She runs off to show her mother.
I'm what Jake calls a babysitter but I like to think of myself as a teacher I mean that is what I do, people leave there kids with me while they attend to there duties and I teach them things like threading, scavenging, and even healing.
"miss miss miss" i hear a small voice from behind me and feel small hands on my leg, i turn around to be met with Kame'xar, one of my little ones.
"yes what do you need sweetie" i crouch down to be at his level
"i cut my finger" a little sob comes out as he holds his hand up, i see a small bright red cut nothing to serious but still it must hurt.
"oh no sweetie come on lets go fix that up for you" i extend my arms and pick him up, i start heading to the healing tent. i look down at his finger and as im looking away from in front of me i bump into a tall stiff figure. "Oh my eywa! I am so sorry" the figure turns around, i began to panic even more. The figure is Kame'xar's uncle.
"oh my goodness Lo'ak I apologize" i say hoping he wont notice the cut on his nephew's hand.
"oh no worries ...." he pauses trying to remember my name.
"y/n my name is y/n" i tell him.
"y/n... That's a beautiful name....Oh my god Kame'xar i didn't even notice you what's up bro, have you been crying what happened?"
He looks at me wondering what happened to his nephew,
"he cut his finger we were on the way to the healing tent to fix him up."
"oh well please let me walk you there its the least i can do" Lo'ak insists.
"I mean it is only right there but sure" we began walking to the tent which is already in sight.
Once we walk into the tent i set Kame'xar down on the floor and lower to my knees to grab the healing paste. I take his hand and gently rub the paste over his cut.
Kame'xar giggles "its c-cold!" he says in a fit of giggles.
"it is isn't it" i say laughing with him.
I can feel Lo'aks watching my every move. I stand up and turn around to Lo'ak.
"Well i should be getting Kame'xar back now." I feel Kame'xar put his now healed hand in mine and start pulling me to the opening of the tent.
"Thank you y/n, bye Kame'xar ill see you at dinner" lo'ak says waiting for us to leave.
"Bye" me and Kame'xar say at the same time.
As were walking I can't help but to keep thinking about Lo'ak everyone says he,s a bad influence and all he does is get in trouble but he seems so sweet and caring- ok y/n snap out of it he didn't even know your name and you got more important things to worry about.
Lo'ak's POV
'y/n.....y/n how have i never seen her around surly i would have noticed someone that beautiful. She's so different there's just something soothing and pleasant about her.
I walk out of the healing tent and start heading to our family tent,
Oh eywa i can't get that beautiful women out of my head. I need to see her again. I change my direction and start heading to where i know neteyam drops Kame'xar off every day. As i get closer i can hear the sound of children laughing getting louder, shes so good with kids. I hope to make her laugh like that one day.
I see my girl with kids running around her, there playing a game. I keep my distance and sit on a log where others are sitting and eating fruit.
I just sit there and watch her teach and play with the kids for hours. I turn away any time she looks in my direction hoping she doesn't realize that ive been sitting here for hours.
She would never want a guy like me an outcast.
Reader's POV
I finish putting up all the kids threading projects keeping them safe for tomorrow.
"Good Bye Vaylen! I'll see you tomorrow" now all the kids have gone home for the night, and i can start heading home. i turn around to start walking in the direction of my tent when i see Lo'ak sitting looking at me when he realizes I'm looking at him he turns his head the other way. Now that i think about it he has been sitting there since i got back from the healing tent.
'Should i go talk to him?' i ask myself 'I should.'
I start walking over to him with a smile on my face, he notices me coming over and i can see his body tense up.
"Hey Lo'ak what are you doing here?" i come to a stop in front of him.
"Oh i w-was ju-just uh chillin yk" he stutters over his words.
'my god, he's so cute, i want him stuttering over his words while i ride him' omg! what the fuck is wrong with me why would i think that.
I think he could tell i just got surprised with myself.
'y/n? Are you okay?" he asks as he stands up getting closer to me.
I can feel the tension in the air as his face is suddenly a few inches from mine.
"Yeah im good" i see his eyes move down to my lips as he licks his own.
He leans in intel our lips meet and he begins kissing me, i kiss back and start getting a little more aggressive i bring my hand to the back of his head and put my fingers through his hair lightly pulling.
"mMm" Lo'ak lets out a whimper/moan.
I pull away and bring my hand down " i cant do this Lo'ak im sorry" i look down to my feet.
"Why not baby?" he asks pushing hair behind my ear.
"What would people think if they found out, im not trying to be mean but your kinda know as a bad boy yk, and i dont want people to not trust me with there kids im sorry"
I turn around to leave and i feel him grab my hand and pull me back.
"Then Teach me, teach me how to be a good boy"
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strwbivy · 15 days
Im soooo obsessed with your writing, i just wanna let you know that you're my fave writer even if your fictions go short sometimes :'D.
If any chance you write for Kenma or Hinata OR Tsukishima, i would like to request something for one of them (or if you want all) with their date preference with reader who's in a romantic relationship with them? Like reader and character is new on their relationship and this is their 1st date? How would the character react? Or how they would initiate the date?
I hope it fits your criteria! I really love your fics so much!
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synopsis. being in a newly established relationship with him calls for a first date with him nothing could go wrong, right?
wc. 1.6k words | genre. fluffy | cw/tags. running around, amusement park date, hyper hinata, carousel, rollercoasters, fireworks
m.list // hq. masterlist
you've got mail ✉ ! hi anonn, omg ilysm i apologies that my fics are so shortt but i swear i'm trying to improve on making my fics more long!! also i was supposed to make all chars but i got too lazy and i wouldn't be able to finish it immediately anyways.
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♡ HINATA SHŌYŌ because of hinata's monster energy and scarily long stamina, which means that he would be the type of guy who loves going to active dates, something that requires doing physical activities in a fun way.
he's the type of guy who would take you on places/dates like amusement parks, indoor trampoline parks, bike rides, or just regular old volleyball. even if you make mistakes receiving the ball, he doesn't mind it at all, as long he gets to play his favorite sport he's contented.
but everyone knows that no one can keep up with his rampant energy.
ʚ 🍓 ɞ
shoyo grabs your wrist and pulls you to the large entrance of the amusement park as he ran at the speed of light, making you almost trample over your own foot.
now, finally reaching the entrance, you let out short puffs and pants while the hand that hinata didn't hold was on your knee. while you were breathing heavily, you heard a loud excited shriek coming from the orange-haired boy.
"ahhh!! yes, we're finally here!!" he exclaims loudly, while his eyes sparkled brightly with excitement.
"y-yea.. " you spoke, tired still in your voice. hinata then turns to you with an eager expression that turned into a more concerned one after seeing you panting state.
"[name] are you okay??" hinata questions as he helps you get up by pulling your wrist.
after helping you get back on your feet, you spoke. "yea, i just kinda got worn out cause you ran so dang fast.."
your comment made shoyo rub the back of his neck, chuckling awkwardly while doing so. "oh haha.. sorry, i get carried away sometimes, especially when i'm excited!" You chortled at him and said to him that it was all fine as you fixed your clothes as you got up.
"well, i think i'm ready now!" you announced, having a cheery smile displayed across your face. and once your words reached his ears, he excitedly pulled you. he was about to start sprinting, but his feet halted after getting reminded about what happened earlier, he lets out an awkward giggle, and he then walked with you further at the entrance of the amusement park.
and so, once you and hinata went inside the main part of the park, you both were ecstatic when you heard the sounds of rollercoasters scraping and moving along its tracks, and the loud screams of joy that came from it.
you both then immediately start going on rides. first, you both got on a rollercoaster, nothin' special, just a warmup. afterward, hinata pointed at a ship that was swaying side to side, each sway getting higher and higher as it went.
it's intimidating, you know that, but hinata reassured he'll hold you tightly, and you and him will sit at the middle seats. with his affirmation, you not so bravely marched up to the ride with him.
god, were you not ever more scared than you thought you would be. you were screaming your lungs out every time you felt your stomach disappeared when the ship would descend from it's highest point, while hinata was screaming just as loud as you but, it wasn't because that he was scared, it was because he was actually having fun without fear!
you chanted out prayers as the ride continued on for a few minutes, and when the ride did end, you were left in a shriveled state. your legs wobbled when you took a step out of the ship, and your boyfriend was panting in a joyous manner.
you whip your head towards the ominous ride, and your eyes glared at it as if it was a real person that you had hatred on. "i will never ride you again, you piece of ship." (yes ik it's a damn pun) you angrily mumbled to yourself, swearing that you will never, and never! come back to that ride again.
hinata never didn't noticed your annoyed expression to the already ridden ship. instead, he was deciding which rides he'd want to go to next.
glaring at the ship, you were unexpectedly pulled by your wrist once again, and of course, it was hinata, and of course, you were running at an insane speed. you tried to keep your still-wobbling legs with his pace while you got a gist of what will be happening for the next hours.
and you were damn right. hinata had pulled you up to all kinds of rides that made you exhausted every time you got off of them, but the cycle repeats, and he pulls you up to another one.
the cycle repeats until the sun is just a few away from reaching the horizon.
you tiredly walked up to a bench and plopped on it as if it was your own bed while hinata went off to buy some drinks. heavy pants fell from your mouth, the rides you went on have your energy drained. you swore that it was still morning when you and him came here and now it's almost dusk??! you sighed at the thought that time would easily slip by by just riding a few attractions.
while you were resting on the bench, hinata came back with yours and his drinks in his hand. as he went up to you, he immediately noticed your tired demeanor. he stretched out his arm to you and gave you the drink. you took it and almost drank it empty to how thirsty you were.
hinata looked at you as he drank his, gulping with worry and guilt as he swallowed down the liquid.
"s-shoyo.. are we done yet?" you asked, hoping that he would say yes. surprisingly, but expectedly, he says the opposite of what you hoped for.
"nope!" he replies as he gulps the last drop of his drink before facing you. "we have one moree thing to go on, but i swear it won't be like the other ones! so pleaseee let's go onn it??" he pleads to you, making you a bit shocked cause you never mentioned that you were tired or whatsoever.
but of course, who wouldn't say no when the hinata puts up his pleading eyes that will always manage to convince you? you let out a heavy sigh as you threw your empty can to a nearby trash bin.
"fine i guess, but i'd better now be like the other ones." you stated, to which he happily nodded and pulled your wrist, but now in a more gentle manner in contrast than .
a few minutes of walking later, you and him stopped at a ferris wheel. hinata turns to you with an excited look on his face, and you face him with a delighted expression.
you both then line up for the ride, which surprisingly to for only a short while to get through. hinata helps you get in the cart, and he lets out a giggle as he enters it.
the ride then starts to move at a slow pace. your cart started at the bottom, and you both rambled about random topics as your cart starts to reach its peak.
"yea and it was so crazy! also, when it was break time, i saw kageyama buying usual milk, and as he was drinking it, he suddenly coughed, and milk was spitted out everywhere!" he says, his arms animatedly describing every verb mentioned in his sentence.
you cackled at hinata's random storytelling, and he laughs too. his laughter then slowly falters into a smile.
"i know that today was a doozy, so uh, sorry for dragging you around." he scratches the back of his neck as he nervously laughs. you shook your head in reply, indicating it was fine.
"no-no it's okay! you know damn well i'm used to it by now." you say, having a gentle smile on your lips.
and just as hinata was about to speak, a sudden loud pop was heard from outside your cart. sprinkles of colorful light displayed on the dark colored sky, and more sparkles and bursts of light followed. hinata gasps, and you do too. it's almost seems like everything was intentional, that your cart was just at the peak height of the ferris wheel and the fireworks were lit at the right moment.
anyways, you both were shocked at the unexpected events, and you both turned to each others faces after pushing it through the carts' window.
"woah, the fireworks look really pretty!" you exclaimed, gawking at the sight of explosive colorful lights that were being lit up one by one in the air.
hinata nodded at your comment before a smug expression crept up to his face, he slowly turns his head to you and coughs up to get your attention, and as soon as he gets your attention he smugly looks at you and opens his mouth.
"sure these fireworks may seem pretty but, they aren't as beautiful as you~" hinata says in an odd almost poetic tone, he then awaits for your reaction, expecting there would be one but, he only met is your silence and the muffled popping sounds of fireworks.
you looked at him dumbfounded for a few minutes, trying to process what he said. and when you eventually managed to process it, you laughed at him! it sounded very much cringe and cliché at the same time.
you surely felt bad when you just suddenly laughed at him, but you couldn't help it at all! hinata then immediately retorts about you laughing at him, but you just continue to laugh, making him feel embarrassed.
the fireworks fizzled and popped into the background, as you and him shared a wonderful time talking and laughing on and on inside the cart.
sure the date didn't go so well, in your part at least, but at the end of the day, you without doubt had a great time with your very-oh-so-hyper-of-a-boyfriend.
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copyright © strwbivy ↣ do not copy, translate or repost.
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starsomens · 9 months
“Where did she go Nick?” Noah was frantic, on the verge of tears and just flipping the room upside down
“Listen even if I wanted to tell you I swore to her I wouldn’t say a word” the drummer raised his hands.
Things between you and Noah were rocky. Time, schedules, petty arguments, even to the point of just ignoring each other and Noah staying over other places. You just couldn’t take more arguments or nights spent alone crying….you left him a note, blocked his number and never looked back.
Noah came home to your things gone, and a cold dark home. He thought you were just trying to get back at him, until the hours grew later into the afternoon. You had blocked him, on everything. Your friends wouldn’t say a word to him, and Nick had apparently known about it. You made him promise you not to crack and tell Noah, and he kept his promise.
He loved both of you. Noah was his close friend and front man, but you had also grown on him like a sister. He saw how unhappy you were becoming, so he kept his promise
“Nick I swear to fucking God, all she leaves is this note and it doesn’t solve shit for me!” Noah begins to become frustrated as he waves the note you left for him in the air.
“What does the note say?” Nick asks, before Noah could argue back “just read it”
“…..on the corner of first and amistad.”
Noah stares at his band mate and friend and it has finally hit him.
“….oh fuck…Fuck!” He grabs his jacket and speeds out of the door.
Where were you? When everything was falling apart…
He races down the street, making every turn possible to get to you as fast as he could. His mind was racing, his hands shook as he zipped through traffic. He had met you on the corner of a train station, and you were listening to The Fray, so it was always a reference you’d make….but this time it was different.
“Come on,come on” his mind races back to the days where he was stubborn, or when you were petty. How stupid those arguments were. How dumb it was to just ignore you, and now he was on the verge of losing everything he loved.
All my days were spent by telephone. That never rang, and all I needed was a call…
He makes it to the train station and park horribly. He’d probably get a ticket but that didn’t matter. What mattered right now was finding you, and stopping you from leaving. He could feel his chest filling with ache, his eye burned, and his head was pounding. He runs through the stations looking for you. Searching for you familiar face in the crowd
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me, lying on the floor. Surrounded, surrounded, why’d you have to wait?
Once he finds you, he’ll hold you, and apologize and fix every wrong he’d done. He cousins lose you! He refused to let you go. His eyes land on a hat he knew too well. The one he had gives you from his closet to keep you warm. He makes his way through the crowded platform, praying the train wouldn’t arrive before he could reach you.
Well, in the end, everyone ends up alone. But losin her, the only one who’s ever know. Who I am, who I’m not, who I wanna be…
“E-excuse me, sorry. Y/N!” He calls out your name, the sweet beautiful name he adores. Each time he said it he couldn’t help but smile. He regretted every time he’d say it with venom in his tone. Your name deserved to be spoken only with love “Y/N!!”
Now way to know how long she will be next to me…
He finally reached the end of the endless crowd and reaches out to you. His hand lands on your shoulder and you spin around. You pluck the ear buds from your ears and stare at him in shock.
“Y/N…I…I found you…” he said out of breath
“You….did…” was all you responded to him
“Y/N…please don’t do this. Not like this please just come home” he tells you as he looked at your luggage.
I’ve been callin, for years and years and years, and you never left me no messages…
“Noah. I can’t…not anymore” you didn’t look at him. Keeping you eyes down to the ground, or on the recaps waiting on your train “…I…I wasn’t important enough for you to take the time and fix things…so why now?” You asked him still keeping you gaze lowered
“I was stupid Y/N, please believe me I want to fix this I really do. I was….just…..lost and insecure…” he said as he realized exactly where you were
“….so why’d you have to wait?” You finally look at him “….wait until it was broken for you to try and fix it?! I…I loved you Noah…I-i…” it broke his heart to hear you so broken, to hear your voice cracking and breaking, the tears that ran down your blushed cheeks
“And I love you Y/N! I loved you then, now and I will forever please. I love you” you takes a hold of your hands and brings you close to him, resting his forehand against yours, holding your knuckles to his lips “I love you so much….please don’t leave….i found you..”
“You found me…” you reply back “where were you?”
“…just a little late”
“Why’d you have to wait?” You retreat your hands and take a step back from Noah. You take the hat off and hand it to him. You walk toward the edge of the platform as your train pulls in. He watched as you slipped form his fingers, his grip trying to hold on to your hands, before they finally slipped. The doors opened and you take your first step into the train
“Y/N! Please!” He calls out to you gripping the hat in his hand as tears ran down his cheeks. Your heart ached at the sight but you cousins gave him anymore. In fear that both do your tears would bring you both back to where it all started.
“To find me? (To find me..)”
You were gone.
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munsonology · 2 years
sav maybe its cause I'm like super horny tonight but:
Perv!BestFriend!Eddie. He can't help thinkkng of you as slightly more innocent then him. Of course it isnt that you don't do anything (or maybe you haven't), but you stay at home more often than not whilst Eddie goes out to the bar to play with the band. Eddie would go to high school parties dealing, whilst you would much rather go see a movie or stay home reading a book. He suspects you haven't done much but isnt sure, which is why he always brings up his escapades.
He has mentioned things he's done with girls (and maybe a few guys) and you haven't really mentioned much. He likes to watch you fidget and squirm, clenching your thighs together subconsciously. The way he can tell you are flustered without blushing, makes his heart skip a beat. But you're best friends!! It's okay!! To tell each other!! And hey!! You're best friends!! Let's talk about kinks!! Totally fine!!
So one day you come in to his room, sit on HIS bed, and are like "okay so we are best friends right?" Which he scoffs and rolls his eyes at, DUH of course you are! No one else would willingly hang out with "the freak". You go on to mention how you went on a date- his brain stops. You never mentioned a date. Now he's flustered and interrupting every two seconds "uh best friends don't keep secrets what the fuck". "Well I wasnt sure if it would work out, so I didnt want to mention it". Eddie may be a little pissed but you distract him by saying "I need a favor." "Sorry sweets, can't go on the run for murder again". You roll his eyes and grab his hand, staring deep into his eyes as you say," yeah no, don't need that, but Kyle said I was a terrible kisser snd I want to be better so can you please teach me how to kiss?"
Which is the last thing Eddie expects but of course he will teach you how to kiss!! Only best friends get that honor right?! And hey, let's teach you how to give a hickey too! And maybe once you start grinding on him subconsciously, he'll help teach you how to make a guy feel real good with his mouth
(not that you had any intention for this to turn out such a way I mean cmon its not like you've had a crush on the guy and had gotten off to the thought of him before)
OH MY GOD!!! Bestie your mind has me 🤯 one of my fav types of fics is the character teaching reader sexual things. There’s a fic on a03 I never saved and it was the first Eddie fic i ever read last summer and like the talent on this app, it was a MASTERPIECE! I can’t remember who wrote it tho 😭
The chipotle people hooked my bowl all the way up and now I got the itis so apologies if this is all over the place 😭
I feel like since season 4 came out everyone on this app has synced and we’re all horny at the same time 😭 i can’t be the only one who noticed
But back to you! I love pervy bff Eddie too! I think he assumes you aren’t interested in sex because he doesn’t see you with anyone or talk about sex as openly as he does. And it could be because no one is Eddie and it wouldn’t be the same with anyone else. So you focus on other things like school, your hobbies, etc
But when you go out on a date with Kyle (I giggled at this because there’s always a Kyle at school that does the most questionable shit 😭 was it just my schools??) Eddie loses his shit at the lunch table. He had to hear it in the hallway outside mrs. O’Donnell’s class so he couldn’t pay attention the entire class.
And suddenly you’re bringing this Kyle around the party. So he starts bringing his conquests around too. And even tells you in full detail how he fucked some girl in the alley behind the hideout or how he got a bj from the hot plumber fixing his neighbor Janice’s sink. It goes on for weeks like this, he watches how your thighs clench when he describes having a jerk off with Chase from the basketball team in the showers after gym and how Mandy from history class squirted all over the van seats (you did question why the floor was a little damp…). Each story is more than the next and eddie drops his pretzels on purpose just to pick them up (super weird for him because you’ve never known him to clean up anything at home!) and under the table what does he see? Sweet little you grinding your pussy and squeezing your thighs on the bench of the cafeteria bench. He notices the tremble when you cum too 😭
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But it isn’t until you ask him for help with that peabrain Kyle that he takes the opportunity to show you the ropes of sex. And not just fucking! He shows you how to kiss so good any guy would get hard from just that, and how brushes of the arm can ignite a fire. And it evolves to Eddie showing you how to give bjs and handjobs, and he fingers you, eats your sweet cunt (he’s saving your ass for a later time). It goes like this for months until finally you confess that Kyle ended things after 2 dates. You did all this to be closer to Eddie. And Eddie confesses he was showing you how he likes to be pleased, not other guys and especially not Kyle.
You wanna fuck him now! But he wants to take his time with you. Light candles around your room, scatter roses on the bed, worship your body how it deserves because you’re the goddess of his dreams! And you were right under his nose the entire time.
He’s super sweet when you finally have sex too. Guiding you through your orgasm, holding his until you’ve cum at least three times, cuddling. But in the moments after you ask “teddy can you show me what you like and not what you think I like?”
And this opens the door to every kink that’s ever run through his mind! He eases you into everything but he can’t wait to show you how he really uses those handcuffs! But over time he realizes you’re s freak too 😭 and now y’all can be freaky and nasty together!!!!
Which is what we all want right 😌 at least for meeeee 😭 lol
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Do you ever think about the similarities between Dean and Lucifer? Like, they're both obsessed with Sam. They both feel irrationally possessive over him. They both see him more as a thing they own than his own person.
I'm just... I think about it a lot.
Yes yes yes. Dean & Lucifer scrapping over Sam like he’s a piece of meat, my beloved. And I mean, is there even a better option for him between the two? Not that he’s really going to get a choice <3 but on the one hand, Dean needs to keep him docile and isolated from everyone forever just in case they give Sam too many ideas about finding another life. And on the other, Lucifer really really wants to keep Sam in a little birdcage to admire and occasionally take him out to squeeze him until he sings or to let him hop around with Jack until Lucifer is done letting them have time together.
And obviously they hate each other for everything the other has that they don’t. Dean irrationally being jealous of the hundreds of years more Sam has spent with Lucifer than him. Lucifer being jealous that Sam always picks Dean over him when he’s choosing who to run back to.
Can I get dark for a moment? Real quick, I promise. Cw in these next two paragraphs for noncon: but oh my god, Sam finally breaking down to Dean about what happened in the Cage and Dean nodding along, offering sympathies, while what’s whirring in his head is how dare the devil get a hand on Sam before Dean even got a taste. And this constantly buzzing in his head, turning to obsession, thinking all the time about Lucifer touching Sam, making Sam his, (did Sam want it? No. But it happened. And maybe when Sam’s confessing to the whole awful thing, he’s apologizing to Dean, too, because at some point he broke and begged Lucifer for it. And to Sam, he’s apologizing for weakness, but to Dean, it sounds an awful lot like apologizing for wanting it <3) and what I’m saying is eventually Dean has had enough, can’t stand it, and maybe the tipping point is one of their fights, one of those times Sam tries to put distance between them and get away and Dean can’t let him, so. You know. He get his teeth into the same wounds Lucifer made until he’s the one Sam is begging for mercy from.
And then when Lucifer comes back and sees that someone has been messing with his toy while Sam was topside… 😩 Sam getting yanked back and forth as they fight over something he doesn’t even want to give. Dean takes what’s Lucifer’s, and when Lucifer finds out, he dirties up what’s Dean’s, and when Dean sees that, he corners Sam to fix it, and on and on and on. Awful times all around. Love when Sam suffers, it is so fun for me.
Ahem. So. You know. Normal thoughts about the three of them. Sorry if that’s not what you came here hoping for 😅
(Genuinely my favorite thing about this fandom is being able to hold a dozen different interpretations of each character in my head and be able to find supporting evidence for any of them. Dean cares about Sam and regrets whenever he violates his autonomy AND Dean will do anything in his power to keep Sam close, not letting him die or find a life outside of Dean. Lucifer is incredibly respectful (for an angel) of Sam’s consent and waits for Sam to come to him AND Lucifer does need to own Sam body and soul and doesn’t care that much about how he gets it, only that he does and Sam submits it him eventually. I love this, it’s brilliant. Say what you will about spn’s inconsistent writing, but it leaves so much room to play around <3)
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generalsmemories · 1 year
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Generalsmemories have hit 1k followers !! (I DON'T KNOW HOW) Thank you very much for your endless support for this blog and overwhelming love for Jing Yuan so far - as a personal thank you for your patience and supprt, we're doing a simple event of prompt drabbles
There'll be two sections of prompts you can choose from: fluff prompts or angst prompts and all the prompts will be written out as drabbles!
the rules will be right below this announcement which details what you have to do and how much you can request!
p.s: i need a break from having to write more than 5+ characters each event i do give me some slack for the first event- if i hit another milestone in the future i'll debate adding more characters to events like these HAHA
duration for requesting: 1st September - 8th September
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You're free to mix up to 3 prompts (mixing sentences and scenarios works as well!) from both sections as you desire. but you're of course welcome to only request one singular prompt.
The reader will be gender-neutral, as such please address them as such when requesting for the benefit of everyone here!
please don't try to add more details along with the prompts - takes the fun out of it for me personally to conjure something up <3
If the request doesn't follow the rules I'll simply delete it without warning.
This is once again a Jing Yuan centric blog, but a certain Vidyadhara has been occupying my mind lately along with him, as such we're adding another character to the roster exclusively for this event!
As such, please request these two characters only if you wish for me to write something!
Jing Yuan
Dan Heng (Depending on how I interpret the prompts requested, I'll choose his forms if it's not specified!)
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prompts: (all prompts taken from @/novelbear)
fluff sentences:
"can you call me that again?"
"hey, sweetheart can you grab that for me?" "you're talking to me?" "who else would i be talking to?"
"no, you didn't just call me 'love' you said 'my love'. that makes a huge difference."
"is that like a friendly nickname or?" [sarcastic] "yes, i go around calling all my friends 'my dearest'." "oh, really?" "no!"
"no, i'm not going to give you a bite because i know you're not gonna like it. then you're going to ask me how the hell i like it, and i don't want to listen to that right now."
 “you’re so warm.” “i hear you, but we really need to get up, love.” 
“you know you’re stuck with me, right?” “thank god i am…”
“you’re going to get sick if you keep coddling me.” “and you’re just going to get worse if i don’t…”
"i'll choose you always. no matter what."
"something's on your finger. give me your hand, let me see.."
fluff scenarios:
making a little scrapbook of every treasured memory together and giving it to them
playing with their hair until they fall asleep
that warm feeling they get when they successfully make the other laugh out loud
not letting the sick one move an inch.
a simple scenario centered around kisses
angst sentences:
“that was probably the least sincere apology i’ve ever recieved.”
“you haven’t changed.” “…do you mean that in a good way or bad way?”
“hey, no crying…i thought we said we wouldn’t cry.”
“why do you seem upset?” “why the hell do you think…”
“everything felt so empty without you.”
“you’ve been tossing and turning for the last forty minutes. what’s up?”
 “i don’t want to go to bed angry…can we please talk about this?”
 “you told me you’d be careful!” 
"it's okay, we can fix this..."
"wait, don't go, please.."
angst scenarios:
 catching the other one crying shortly after an argument and immediately feeling an overwhelming wave of guilt crash onto you.
 pacing around while debating whether or not you should text them after they’ve left the house for a bit 
really trying not to say anything at first, but the other can tell they're upset by their mannerisms and try to find out what it is that's wrong
breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much
needing to go to an event after a party and having to pretend as if they aren’t angry with one another the entire time 
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arianna-irwynarn · 25 days
Part seven.
Sorry for the wait guys, I've been dealing with work and pain from my fractured knee. But here it is and I hope you like it.
“Might need to get shadow heart to fix that though.” Karlach poked lily's cheek. A pain shot through her face. An arrow had brushed her face but managed to split her cheek open, she hadn't noticed due to the adrenaline.
“Oh!” Now she was aware of it, the pain started up. Raising a hand to her cheek she could feel blood running slowly down the side of her face from karlach’s poke.
Thankfully everyone else was unscathed. She quickly pulled out a potion, chugging the contents of the small bottle she felt her skin knitting back together.
“I thought we’d killed all those bastards already?” Karlach mused.
“It's just like goblins to hide when they see they are at a disadvantage.They couldn't run back to the goblin camp.” Wyll commented as he placed a pair of daggers into his haversack.
Lily made her way over to Astarion.
“Oh, hello and what can I do for you?”
“Uh, thank you, for rugby tackling me out of danger back there.”
A charming smile graced his face.
“Well I couldn't let our shy little leader get an arrow through the chest now, could I?”
Lily tried to keep her composure as she looked up into his ruby coloured eyes.
“Also for bringing me back to camp last night.”
“Well someone has to keep an eye on you and the others said I had to. As punishment for not revealing my true nature.”
He said it so flippantly, waving his arms around in a dramatic fashion.
Lily felt anger surging inside.
“Well I'm so sorry for being such a punishment for you. I guess you didn't like that ‘gift’ after all.”
With that lily turned on her heels and stormed off in the direction they were going, tears stung her eyes, another thing that had followed her from her human life. Did they all see her like that? Someone to make a mockery of? If that was the case then why even follow her? She would prove them all wrong.
The shadows were beginning to stretch like tendrils of darkness across the forest path. It was then that she saw something truly beautiful and horrifying. A shadow shaped like a nightmare passed through her, her silver eyes tracked the shadow upwards and her mouth fell open. A dragon, a real life dragon! It was a majestic beast the colour of blood, the wingspan was like that of an aeroplane. Sat atop was a Githyanki, his armour glinting in the late afternoon sun.
It told her that a big fight was on the cards if they continued that way.
The camp was set up quickly and as discreetly as they could make it. Everyone was inside their tents, except for lily who sat next to the camp fire reading a large book.
Monsterous creatures of Fae’run
An A-Z of most documented species.
V is for vampire.
“Darling, if you wanted to know about vampires you could have come to me.”
Lily snapped the book shut and placed it on the bedroll. Astarion looked down at her, a look of mock offence on his face. A laugh escaped lily's lips.
“My, have I offended you? My most humble apologies.”
She stood placing her hands on her hips. Wondering what he wanted.
“Well, actually, I wanted to… apologse for what I said. You aren't a punishment.”
His pale cheeks showed the slightest hint of colour. He was blushing! Apologising clearly wasn't an easy thing for him.
She couldn't help the soft smile that graced her face.
“Thank you.”
She wanted to hug him but something held her back. The memories of Cazador. That monster who turned him then sent him out to seduce people. She needed to respect his personal space.
“Why are you still up? The others went to bed ages ago.”
Astarion pretended to flick something off of his billowy cream shirt.
“Oh, well we were all so busy today and time positively flew by. Next thing I know everyone has gone to bed and I never got the chance to feed.”
His crimson eyes lingered on lily's pale throat as he spoke.
“Astarion, you can’t go hunting. Not here, there’s a red dragon and gods knows how many Githyanki roaming around.”
“Darling I didn't know you cared,”
‘of course I do.”
She lightly grabbed the sleeve of his shirt, careful not to touch him as she gently pulled him down to sit beside her.
Astarion had never really paid any attention to lily's tent before. It was cramped with two candles creating small circles of light. An old bedroll was laid out and the books they had found in the blighted village were in a pile. It bothered him, their leader sleeping in such conditions. She could have taken over any of the group's tents for herself. But she didn't. In fact she never complained once.
Lily weighed up her options silently. Astarion broke the silence
“You never complain do you, you're in this crappy tent with the rattiest bedroll I've ever seen and yet you could make it much better. I couldn't dream of living in such…” His voice trailed off, memories of that palace of pain and suffering, of Cazador beating him mercilessly. The feel of his blade as he carved into his flesh. The taste of bile reached the back of his throat, he swallowed it back down. He almost jumped when he felt the warmth of lily's touch on his hand.
“I'm going to go with you. If you have to go hunt, I'll be your uh, hunting wingman.”
Lily quickly released Astarions hand not really even meaning to touch him at all.
“You want to do what? Darling you are hardly the stealthiest warlock. I'll stand no chance of hunting anything with you following me.”
Her cheeks flushed but her face held a look of determination and stubbornness that was almost cute.
“This is not up for discussion. I am coming with you and that's final.”
A sly grin appeared as he looked down at her.
“All right but if I should come up empty” he leans down to whisper in her ear “you'll have to pay the price.”
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boonsmoon · 9 months
Be Your Inspiration
Request: Do more about Crimson(from Ragna Crimson) with reader fluff pls 🙇🙇
Happily😋BTW I'm on winter break everyone!! I've been made aware the anime is out; however, I have no idea how far along it is, so just incase manga spoilers
Request Masterlist Crimson x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🧪
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You're not sure how long you've been teamed up with Crimson, what you do know is you have been around long enough to know Crimson like the back of your hand. And recently he seems to be having some trouble that is going unspoken.
The new recruit shouldn't be to blame, he couldn't have known, but you can't help but associate some blame with Ragna. I mean, Crimson hasn't looked this stressed out since never!
Taking out the winged bloodline is proving troublesome, and the recent lack of progress must also be the cause of all this stress. But! Instead of theorizing on the various reason for Crimson's behavior, why not just ask?
A terrible idea really, I apologize for suggesting it. As expected, he avoided all your subtle hints, even changing the topic completely to get you to stop your interrogation.
Let's start again at square one, shall we? Crimson has a problem, but won't tell you the reason to that problem directly. So, how about this, you get the new and very valuable recruit to aid you in your quest by causing absolute mayhem.
After some convincing and cheering from Slime, Ragna agreed to cause trouble if the end goal made Crimson better. That poor boy is so gullible for being your bait, please apologize to him later.
Yeah he needs that apology right now, Crimson is giving Ragna the scolding of a lifetime. But luckily for you, Crimson is now ~vulnerable~ and definitely more willing to talk in this state.
Upon questioning him once more, you are hit with the sad reality of what it means to be leader. You did not expect this much venting when inquiring about recent trouble, but you're too deep in now.
"That idiot keeps ruining my plans! We're more than likely set back another 5 years at this point!" Yikes, Crimson ain't happy. Though it was the next line you heard that really broke you.
"Why do I even keep fighting at this point?" He looks down in shame, "if nothing goes my way and I can't even fix it, why bothering reaching for my goal?"
Oh no, no no no, we can't have the leader give up and lose motivation now. "Because it is your destiny to win, to let the world know who defeated the Dragon God."
"What if it's not? And this fool is a testament to put me in my place?" Crimson rebukes.
"I know it's not, because I've seen you and your abilities, and I know you can become more than you are right now. I'll help you find that flame that started your journey, and believe in you until the end of it." You were gripping Crimson's shoulders and looking into his eyes.
For a second you could've swore you saw him tear up before turning around. "We'll work on a new plan against Artemisia tomorrow."
Some sacrifices were made, but at least you got your Crimson back.
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ngl i struggled with the plot for a hot minute
if yall can't tell the ending was inspired by Find Your Flame :)
this also feels significantly shorter than the last fic but less cringe, why can't i pick a struggle
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twixtandshout · 2 months
I'm just thinking about him in the car. Watching movies with his hand around my shoulder. And I said "This is scary but I trust you, let's move slow" and he said "I don't need to worry about that, I want to go fast now." I said "You could destroy me with this if we're not careful but here's everything I can think of that would hurt," and he said "Lol okay" and then did everything on the list, and when I said "Can we talk about that?" he hit a few more on the way out. And I can't talk about it, any part of it, because it's been a month now and god, you're still upset about all this? He put a sun in his status and said he was moving on two days after everything was over, and I'm out here still throwing up from stress, but oh you can't say that because won't you consider it'd make him feel bad to know he hurt you? Don't you know opening your mouth is a violent act, that you can caveat and bubble-wrap yourself as much as possible but because it comes from your tongue it can be nothing less than calculated effort to some unseen conclusion of yours? I have been so much of his confidence and he has robbed so many words from me. "You wanted romance I couldn't give you. I would have rather been brothers." And you never said that with your face to me, I hate the words "led me on" but what am I supposed to think when you say you were addicted to using me, I would have been fine closing off any dream of romance so long as you put a hand on my head and said you cared, but I can't even say we "broke up" because even that is "pushing my agenda" and forcing you, offstage, into labels you never wanted. I have been turning myself inside out to understand you, to make myself less than the trauma nightmare you've made yourself to me, and god forbid my compassion be anything less than comprehensive when you only ever opened your mouth to tell me I've been grasping and needy and pathetic trying to apologize. I guess if you're not willing to come to the negotiating table every attempt at compromise is weakness. And when you pulled me close, arms around me – did you know, even as I said you felt like home? That if I said "Please treat me with basic consideration," you'd say "I didn't think we were serious enough for that"?
You said you'd hold me as long as I let you. I said I was terrified you'd throw me away as soon as I wasn't new or interesting anymore, and you spent weeks with "forever" as every other word out of your mouth in reply, swearing you'd wear my mark on bended knee. But I'm the one who was pushing too hard. Getting too many ideas in my girlish head. I was too invested, I shouldn't have been hurt by such a trivial thing; I didn't put enough effort into meeting your needs, I keep trying to fix things that should have just been given up on. You're getting me coming and going, you know? And forget all of that, every word you said and told other people but not me and everything you never said at all – the bottom line is, you treated me like I didn't matter.
And even if there was a way to tell you that anymore, I don't think you'd care. You said it already – I "wasn't that serious" to you.
(But none of this is the pristine immovitude expected of me. It's my job to stay steady, and saintly, and silent; we're not allowed to be a thing that hurts. Just think – if you have emotions, if you're allowed to feel and express things imperfectly, who could everyone else depend on! If only you'd just shut up and taken it, nothing would have had to change. You're so articulate. Surely, if you trip and grab for someone's arm – surely, if your nails dig in, if they unbalance under your weight, if you upend a buffet table – surely it must have been intentional, and never mind how many times you said you'd talk it out as many times as it took. What a kick in the pants, already out the door! "All you have to be is –" Perfect. Perfect, or nothing; or maybe just a fool for letting hope knock shyly in the first place.)
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Can you tell the story about the time some guy chased you around a camp on a mountain in the middle of nowhere screaming that you were a communist and a country ruiner and that capitalism feeds and houses the people?
Slight tw// really veuge mention of horrible guy? (For my friends on this app: mention of k)
I'm at this camp in 7th grade where they took us to the nearby mountain to stay for a week and at lunch they ask us if we want to sign up to tell a story or preform an act at that night's campfire and I'm like why not? You know, I gonna best social anxiety this time and tell a bit of a story on the history of anarchism and what it's about.
Day before I'd shook hands with this guy and we introduce ourselves and he's like "oh wait... are you *Ash*?" And I'm like "...yes?" And turns out he's friends with this guy who um. Let's just say he did really horrible things to me and my friends like he had to move across the state kind of horrible stuff and so this guy is all like
So obviously I like back up and fucking run my ass out of there to go talk to my friends and be like "GUYS???"
So, after I'm done with the whole speech thing and everyone's all like "wow that was really cool!!!" Bc I'm Hella good at bullshitting speeches out of nowhere (big vocabulary bc early autism special intrest) he basically chases after me after I'm heading back to my cabin and he's like
and I'm all like??? Where are you even getting communism from I just talked about anarchism first of all and second of all WHAT THE HELL??? so he's all like "capitalism feeds the people! Socialism puts people on the streets!" And I have to keep from like laughing my ass off at that but I'm also completely terrified and running for my life bc I might actually be in danger so I'm shouting back at him and getting angry because I was a stupid 7th grader the adults are doing NOTHING. and I eventually outrun him and make my way to my cabin and he like apologized the next day so, I didn't get beat the shit out of luckily.
But yeah!!! Super scary and when I say him in school from that moment on I'd look at my friend (who was/is a communist) and we'd shout "COMMIE BASTARD! COUNTRY RUINER!" at each other so at least good stuff came out of it.
(Don't repeat any of the things I did here they were all pretty bad choices that I totally could've fixed if I wasn't a stupid kid 💀, also sorry I type like an excited 2nd grader)
Summary: edgy 7th grader talks about anarchism and almost gets beat the shit out of by hyper capatilist guy who already had a vengeance against them
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