#everyone keep their fingers crossed for me i need this to work fo my sanity
lottieurl · 6 months
update: gonna teach my dog to pee on a pad 👍
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vxltrxn-imagines · 7 years
The Voltrons- Heathers AU- KeithxReader
(A/N: Real talk, Candy Store is such group number goals. If only I had friends IRL who would learn the choreography with me DD;)
Chapter 2- Candy Store
(Y/N) sighed as she found a quiet place in the hallway to take a breather. It’d been three weeks since she “befriended” The Voltrons and it was exhausting. They constantly were asking things of her, and asking her to forge so many papers and notes. She knew she had to do exactly as they ordered her though, or else Shiro would ruin her reputation down to even worse than where she started out this year. Everywhere she turned though, one of them would be there, demanding something of her. She hated it.
To make matters even worse, she hadn’t seen Hunk in forever. She had to cancel out on food night twice in a row. Hunk kept saying it was okay, god bless his innocent and kind soul, but (Y/N) felt awful about it. He always told her she looked beautiful or gorgeous whenever he passed her, but she’d done nothing for him or to preserve their friendship.
She sighed again as she sat against the wall, thanking god silently that she had even a moment to herself to regain her sanity. Unfortunately, she saw Pidge sauntering up to her,
“There you are (Y/N)! Stop playing Hide and Seek. Shiro said to haul ass to the table.” She said as she crossed her arms and (Y/N) sighed,
“How very..” She mumbled, and cursed in her mind that her moment had to get interrupted. She straightened up, and walked to the lunch table, where Shiro was waiting very impatiently with Lance standing silently,
“About time. You know I hate waiting, Get out some paper and Pidge bend over.” He ordered, pointing at Pidge, who frowned and sighed. She hated the humiliation factor of it since there was a table right behind them but did as she was told as (Y/N) pulled out a piece of paper,
“What do you want?” She asked, as Shiro glared,
“Wait until I’m done talking to ask questions. I need a note in Julia Child’s handwriting.” He announced causing (Y/N) to blink,
“The famous TV chef??” She questioned, as Shiro got closer to her face,
“Is that going to be a problem?” He asked condescendingly, causing (Y/N) to shake her head,
“N-No. Not at all.” She replied quickly, and fearfully.
“Good. I need it to say this ‘Hey sweetie, I’ve heard of your amazing recipes and dedication to me. I’d love to meet up with you at your friends homecoming party. See you soon. Julia’ and part a heart after her name”. He spoke, not caring it was hard for (Y/N) to keep up with the pace he was talking. She stood up when she was done, allowing Pidge to get up to and looked up at him,
“Who is this for??” She questioned, knowing it was never good to question Shiro, but felt a bad feeling in her stomach over this note, causing the group to laugh maniacally,
“I found out Hunk Garabagetuck loves watching her.” Shiro chuckled,
“Well..yeah. A lot of people do.” (Y/N) replied,
“Yeah well not all of us believe she'll notice us.” Lance laughed more, causing all the group to laugh even more sounding like demons.
“He's admired her for years! You can't do that. Not to Hunk.” She held the note close to her to try to prevent them from stealing it, but started to get scared as Shiro snapped,
“Are we gonna have a problem? You got a bone to pick?” He asked as he started walking towards her menacingly, “You’ve come so far, Why now are you pulling on my dick?” He snapped in her face, “Normally I’d slap your face off, And everyone here could watch. But I’m feeling nice. Here’s some advice. Listen up, biotch!”
He yelled, as Pidge and Lance stood behind him and..they started dancing? (Y/N) stepped back confused as Pidge and Lance started singing backup for Shiro,
“I like!”
“Lookin’ hot Buying stuff they cannot” He started singing as well. His voice actually sounded good, but it had the same menacing quality to it that scared the living hell out of her,
“I like!”
“Drinkin’ hard Maxin’ Dad’s credit card” He pulled out his dad’s credit card as if flaunting it before putting it back away with a smirk,
“I like!”
“Skippin’ gym Screwing her Scaring him” He winked at a girl as he sang, causing the girl to fall over swooning
“I like!”
“Killer clothes..” He started before Pidge and Lance joined in,
“Kickin’ nerds in the nose!” All three sang and did a high kick, causing (Y/N) to backup more, due to just how high they could kick. In another universe, she was almost certain that those kicks could be used to do some actual damage. Shiro backed (Y/N) up against the wall and sang in her face,
“If you lack the balls You can go play dolls Let your mommy fix you a snack”
“Woah!” Lance and Pidge sang in the background, devious smirks on their faces as well at how terrified (Y/N) was.
“Or you could come smoke Pound some rum and coke In my Porsha with the quarterback” Shiro sang and lightly pushed her before walking back to rejoin Lance and Pidge
“Woah! Woah! Woah! Honey, whatchu waitin’ for? Welcome to my candy store” 
They all sang in unison for the first time, and (Y/N) hated to admit that they sounded amazing together, All their voices blended so well. They had grabbed the attention of everyone in the cafeteria at this point. Everyone was interested and watching amused, 
“It’s time for you to prove You’re not a loser anymore Then step into my candy store”
Suddenly, it seemed like Shiro for once was taking a back seat as he started to sing backup and let Pidge and Lance sing the main chorus,
“All fall!”
“At your feet Pay the check” Pidge started, looking over at Lance to finish,
“Help you cheat”
“All you” Pidge and Shiro sang again, before Pidge took over,
“Have to do” She started, before it seemed like Shiro got tired of her singing and picked up where she left off,
“Say goodbye to Shamoo” He finished, earning a soft glare from Pidge before she got back into song, having learned her place,
“That freak’s”
“Not your friend I can tell in the end” Lance started,
“If she” The others joined in momentarily before Lance took over again,
“Had your shot”
“She would leave you to rot!” All three sang in unison, before Lance snickered and continued, stepping forward to be close to (Y/N)’s face.
“‘Course if you don’t care Fine! Go braid his hair” He teasingly wrapped a piece of her hair around his finger, “Maybe Sesame Street is on”
“Or forget the creep” He sang as he backed away from (Y/N), but not without stealing the note that she was holding close to her chest from out of her hands. (Y/N) hadn't even noticed it missing before he handed it off to Pidge who flaunted it,
“And get in my jeep”
“Let’s go tear up someone’s lawn” Shiro smirked at the work of his two “minions” as they walked up to where Hunk was quietly standing in line trying to avoid the mess,
“Woah! Woah! Woah!” They all sang as they sneakily placed the letter on Hunk’s lunch tray, (Y/N) was about to run up to warn him, before they all yanked her back and started singing as they were circling her, effectively trapping her, “Honey, whatchu waitin’ for? Welcome to my candy store You just gotta prove You’re not a pussy anymore Then step into my candy store” 
They parted from the circle, but only to get in their little triangle formation again as Shiro started singing lead again,
“You can join the team”
“Or you can bitch and moan” Pidge and Lance sang from the background, mimicking a little crying face,
“You can live the dream”
“Or you can die alone” They both sang eerily and acted like they were stabbing themselves in their hearts. The sudden change in the lyrics defiantly scared (Y/N). Out of all topics, casually mentioning death scared the hell out of her.
“You can fly with eagles” Shiro raised his arms gently, as if beginning a flying motion before lowering them gracefully and staring at (Y/N) as the others joined in with him,
“Or if you prefer”
“Keep on testing me” He sang with venom laced into his words as Pidge and Lance finished,
“And end up like him!” All three pointed at Hunk before acting like they weren't and being casual as Hunk ran up to (Y/N) excitedly,
“(Y/N), look! Julia Cook wants to talk to me at Ram’s homecoming party! This proves she’s noticed me!” He exclaimed excitedly to her, with a sing song voice that very well could have matched the group that was just singing.
(Y/N) started to object to try to stop Hunk from the impending embarrassment of everyone in the cafeteria that was watching, but she looked over to her side and saw The Voltrons all staring at her. She genuinely felt fearfully, especially at the fact that they had just mentioned death. Before even thinking, she blurted out,
“Color me stoked..”
“I’m so happy!” Hunk cried, as he ran out of the cafeteria. The guilt of what she had done was beginning to set in, and (Y/N) started to run after him, before stopping dead in her tracks and The Voltrons had resumed singing,
“Woah!” They all joined in one by one, before Pidge stepped out of line and started to try to sing as a big solo,
“Honey, whachu waiting fo—”
“SHUT UP PIDGE!!” Shiro yelled as he pushed her back into place, and took over the big solo,
“Step into my candy store!!” He sang, continuing to sing high “ooooh”s and “woaaahhs” as Pidge and Lance sang the mine chorus of the song in the background,
“Time for you to prove you're not a lame ass anymore”
“Then step into my candy store!” They all sang before getting in a line and intimidatingly walked towards (Y/N) with evil smirks.
“It’s my candy store It’s my candy It’s my candy store It’s my candy It’s my candy store”
They finished off in dramatic poses as everyone in the cafeteria applauded, except for one kid in the corner wearing a red and yellow jacket. (Y/N) titled her head softly at the thought that someone wasn't as mind washed about The Voltrons as everyone else in here, and sighed softly, as she headed to go talk to him
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