#everyone is busy which is good but I’m not and I’ll be laid in bed all day doing nothing
sebsrainbowbicycle · 23 days
There is literally no winning with me. Spent time with my friend and went shopping, zoomed around in a mobility scooter buying new sleep shirts and snacks and fun shit. Then we hung out here for an hour or so until I had to go lie down because pain and she left. Fun right? What I’ve been longing for?
So why is it that all I’ve done since she left is cry? I’m such a needy bitch at the moment and it’s so annoying. Probably also due to the fact that she and our other friend are going to the seaside tomorrow and I can’t go because - yanno - two hours of sitting put me in agony maybe.
I hate this.
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kunasthiast · 27 days
My God (4)
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Just when you know your week couldn't get any worse, the universe really decides to bring out the worst in you.
You might as well be near your boiling point and do some dumb decisions... or not?
a/n: sorry that this took a while for me to post – a lot has happened to my life lately lol dfhdshfs no worries, i'll be back to regular updates by next week!
Pairing: Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: banters + angst, Yakuza AU, Fake Marriage Word Count: 4.4k All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
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The morning sunlight streamed through the cracks in the curtains, casting dancing shadows on the walls of your bedroom. Your phone vibrated on the bedside table, jolting you awake from a very, very restless sleep.
The lingering effects of the past few days — the unexpected announcement and the whirlwind of events — had left you feeling exhausted and unsettled. Why does your life seem to deteriorate each day since that fucking party and announcement?
You rubbed your eyes groggily, still processing the reality of your situation. It’s that hard to move on, okay? As you swung your legs out of your comfy bed, your foot brushed against the plush rug beneath, grounding you for a moment before the chaos of the day.
Reaching for your phone by the bedside table, your heart rate spiked as you opened it — staring so long at the text messages waiting on your screen. It is indeed a lot of emotions already this morning. I’m just hungry… right? I haven’t eaten anything since last night.
Sukuna > good morning, princess ;) > so, where are we secretly gonna get married? > gotta have it on my calendar, u know I’m a busy man
A wave of dread washed over you. The reality of your situation hit you with full force, the weight of the impending ruse pressing down on you, and how the fuck you will deal with this. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you closed your phone and laid back down face-first on your bed to bury your face in your pillow. 
At least this pillow is soft enough, you thought as you continued to pound your head on it to at least try to escape the overwhelming sense of dread you’ve been having these past few days. The cool, soft fabric offered very little comfort, but at least it was something you could control. Or not.
You’re not ready to deal with anything this early in the morning, please. 
After a few minutes of futilely attempting to disappear into your pillow, you pulled yourself together and sat up, swinging your legs over the edge of your bed again. The creak of the bed frame seemed to echo in the silent room.
You opened your phone in hand, your fingers hovering over the screen as you contemplated your reply to the bane of your existence, as you often call him in your mind. 
You > will a civil wedding do? > i’ll have it scheduled around noon   > and please, no more morning texts 
You put your phone down and stand up, stretching your aching muscles. Comfy bed, comfy pillow, but still giving me these aches, you thought. The tightness in your shoulders and back was a reminder of the amount of stress you have. You ran a hand through your hair, feeling the tangled strands pull against your scalp.
“Holy shit,” you muttered as a sudden realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You immediately grabbed your phone, opened your calendar app, and scrolled through it with a sense of dread gnawing at your gut. And there it was — just as you feared. Yes, you did forget something.
There’s a fucking art gala tonight. Sponsored by your father.
Which meant… your father would be there, Sukuna would be there, everyone in the family would be there.
Worst of all? Satoru would be there. You just knew it.
Yeah, you’re skipping this one.
“There’s no way I’m going to the gala tonight,” you mumbled to yourself as you closed your phone and placed it screen down on the bedside table.
You walked towards your ensuite bathroom, and the cold tiles beneath your feet sent a shiver through you. Your disheveled reflection greeted you in the mirror, your hair sticking out in every direction, eyes slightly puffy from the lack of sleep. 
“I can’t deal with that hellhole tonight. Dealing with Sukuna is already enough of a headache,” you whispered to yourself, running a hand through your hair in a futile attempt to tame it. The strands slipped through your fingers like silk, but they stubbornly refused to cooperate. 
Your mind then wandered to whatever chaos you might be missing this evening. Yeah, there’s something that will happen tonight, you thought with a sinking feeling in your stomach. You gave up on your hair and splashed cold water on your face. The icy shock jolted you awake, but it did little to quell the unease bubbling inside you.
Sukuna’s footsteps echoed sharply against the marble floors, each step resonating through the silent, opulent corridors of the mansion. The walls, adorned with priceless art and gilded fixtures, only accentuated the coldness that seemed to seep up from the floor, biting through the soles of his expensive shoes. He paid it no mind, his thoughts already far ahead, focused on the confrontation that awaited him.
A faint buzz in his pocket broke the silence and paused his strides. Sukuna pulled out his phone, his eyes narrowing as he read your curt reply. He couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement at your attempt to try and take control of your situation like a kitten trying to catch the laser light but ended up tripping over nothing. 
He pocketed his phone, his smirk fading as he neared the heavy oak doors of your father’s office and knocked. Without waiting for a response, Sukuna pushed the door open. The air was thick with tension, the kind that clung to your skin and made it hard to breathe. But, not to Sukuna. 
Your father, Akira, sat behind his massive desk, the steam rising from a cup of tea curling into the air like tendrils of smoke. The faint aroma of peppermint filled the air, usually calming, and added unease that hung between them.
"Come in, Sukuna,” Akira’s voice was both tired and commanding. Sukuna stepped into the office, his gaze sweeping across the room, taking in every detail — the subtle twitch in Akira’s jaw, the way his fingers tightened around the teacup.
Yeah, he’s still brooding over last night’s drama, Sukuna thought.
"Sukuna," Akira began, his tone laced with disapproval, "I've heard about the incident last night."
Sukuna raised an eyebrow, his expression a perfect mask of indifference. "It was nothing," he replied, his voice calm and almost dismissive. "Just a minor misunderstanding."
Akira’s eyes narrowed to slits, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "Minor misunderstandings can have major consequences," he warned. “The fight with the Zenin clan was reckless, and you know it.”
Sukuna shrugged, his posture relaxed, almost bored. "It was necessary," he replied, his tone nonchalant. "They were crossing a line."
Akira slammed his palm onto the desk, the sudden sound echoing through the room. “Just what line are you crossing, Sukuna?” He demanded, his voice a low growl.
“Just because I’ve named you as the next head of this family doesn’t save you from your dumb actions. I can take that back anytime. You’re becoming too reckless, and it’s only a matter of time before your actions come back to bite us all,” he warned. "You can't afford to make any more mistakes."
Sukuna didn’t flinch at the outburst, clearly expecting this reaction from the current family head. He leaned forward, his gaze locking onto Akira’s with an intensity that sent a shiver down the older man’s spine. “I have everything under control,” he said, his voice steady and cold. The calm in his tone was more terrifying than any thread could have been.
Akira sighed, massaging his temples with his fingertips and evident frustration. "You think you have everything under control,” he muttered, more to himself than to Sukuna. “But you're forgetting one thing."
Sukuna tilted his head, waiting, his eyes narrowing slightly and silently waiting for the rebuke.
"Your actions affect more than just yourself," Akira reprimanded, his voice regaining its firmness. "Your choices have consequences for the entire family. I won't stand by and watch you dismantle everything I've built."
Sukuna took a sit down, legs crossed, the chair in front of Akira’s table, a slow smirk spreading across his face. "You're getting emotional," he said with a hint of offense.
Akira’s jaw tightened, his fists clenched at his sides. "I'm being realistic,” he shot back, his voice rising. “You need to start thinking with your head instead of your ego."
Sukuna chuckled a dark, humorless sound. "And you need to stop babying me like I'm some helpless child,” he retorted. “I know what I’m doing. My reckless actions are the reasons you chose me over your daughter. Or have you forgotten that?”
For a moment, the room fell into a tense silence, the words hanging in the air like a loaded gun. Akira stared at Sukuna, his expression a mixture of anger and reluctant acknowledgment. He knew that the young man was right in a sense, but it didn’t make them any easier to swallow. 
After what felt like an eternity, Akira spoke again, his voice calmer but no less tense. "Yes, your past actions played a part in your selection,” he admitted, his gaze never leaving Sukuna’s. “But, that does not give you a free pass to do as you please without regard for this family. We are not invincible, Sukuna, and your recklessness will catch up to you eventually.”
Sukuna’s smirk softened slightly, a rare moment of sincerity flashing in his eyes before it was quickly buried beneath its usual bravado. "I get it," he said, his one more subdued, though still laced with that infuriating confidence.
"Good," Akira nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly and his voice still stern but with a hint of relief. "Because this family can’t afford any more of your antics. Not now.”
Sukuna rolled his eyes, raising his arms in a playful gesture of surrender. “Alright, alright old man,” he drawled, his smirk returning in full force. “I'll try to keep my antics in check."
As their conversation shifted to the upcoming gala tonight, Sukuna’s thoughts began to drift. He listened to Akira’s plans with one ear, already calculating his next move.
By the time he left the office, a sense of satisfaction settled in his chest, and couldn’t help but chuckle in satisfaction. He had defused the situation, at least for now. But he knew that old man would be watching him closely, waiting for him to slip.
It’s a game of patience, Sukuna mused. A game I’ve been playing for years. And I’m so close to winning.
“Well, fuck,” you muttered under your breath, staring at your reflection in the vanity mirror. You were bathed in soft, ambient light that did little to calm your nerves.
As much as you hated the idea of attending the art gala tonight, you didn’t have the heart to miss whatever you felt would happen. The feeling is too strong to dismiss, okay?
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart as you adjusted your hair for what felt like the hundredth time. It had been at least 40 minutes since you started getting ready. Usually, you would take less than 30 minutes to get yourself to look presentable, but tonight was different. The clock on your wall ticked away relentlessly, reminding you that you were on the verge of being late.
With a resigned sigh, you puckered up your lips to readjust your dark red lipstick before accepting the inevitable. The deep red dress you had chosen clung to your frame, the fabric shimmering subtly with your movements. It was a beautiful dress, one that made you feel powerful yet vulnerable all at once. I look so good though, you thought.
But, even as you admired the way it complemented your skin, it didn’t ease the knot of anxiety in your twisting in your stomach.
“Just a few more minutes,” you whispered as if convincing yourself could somehow delay the night’s events. Grabbing your clutch, you cast one final glance at the mirror, hoping to see confidence reflected back to you. Instead, all you saw was a woman teetering on the edge of uncertainty. 
The drive to the gala was a blur of Tokyo’s city lights and quiet streets. You could feel the nervous energy bubbling under your skin, but you forced yourself to focus on the road.
When you finally arrived, the gala was already in full swing. The grand hall was filled with people, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. Art pieces adorned the walls, each more elaborate and expensive than the last. Normally, you would have taken the time to appreciate them, but tonight, they were just background noise to the chaos in your mind.
The air was thick with the scent of expensive perfume and the undercurrent of power plays masked by polite smiles. You wove through the crowd, trying to find a quiet corner where you could collect yourself.
But before you could escape, the grand hall plunged into semi-darkness. The sudden shift sent a ripple of unease through the crowd, punctuated by the commanding, firm voice you know all too well. You froze, your pulse quickening as the tension in the room spiked.
“Where have you been?”
You turned sharply, your breath catching in your throat as you faced your father, Akira, whose presence was as imposing as ever. His eyes bore into yours with a mixture of frustration and concern. He didn’t need to raise his voice to command attention; the weight of his words alone was enough to make your heart pound.
“I—” you started, but he cut you off with a curt wave of his hand.
“This is not the time for excuses,” he said, his tone cold and clipped. “Do you realize how important tonight is? You were expected to be here on time, not wandering in whenever you felt like it.”
You clenched your fists at your sides, trying to maintain your composure. The tension between you and your father had always been thick, but tonight it felt suffocating, more suffocating than your last confrontation. “I’m here now, aren’t I?” you replied, your voice strained. “Isn’t that what matters?”
Akira’s expression darkened, his jaw tightening as he spoke. “Your presence is the bare minimum. I expected you to support the family, to be an asset, not a liability. You can’t keep running away from your responsibilities.”
His words struck a nerve, but you refused to back down and remain as composed as ever. “I’m not running away,” you retorted, your voice rising despite your efforts to stay calm. “I’m trying to deal with everything you’ve dumped on me, including this ridiculous charade with Sukuna.”
Akira’s eyes flashed with anger, his voice lowering to a dangerous whisper. “You’re lucky I chose him over you,” he hissed. “Do you think you could handle the pressure of leading this family? You can barely keep your emotions in check.”
The sting of his words was like a dagger to your heart, the familiar ache of inadequacy tightening its grip on you. You clenched your fists, fighting the urge to lash out. 
“I won’t tolerate any more of your outbursts tonight,” Akira continued, his voice dripping with authority. “Do what you’re supposed to do, and stay out of trouble.”
You didn’t respond, knowing that anything you said would only escalate the situation. Instead, you turned and walked away, the weight of your father’s expectations pressing down on you with every step. The air felt heavy, almost stifling, as you made your way through the crowd, trying to clear your head.
But as fate would have it, your search for solitude was cut short by an all-too-familiar voice that made your blood run cold. 
“Ah, there’s my favorite fiancee.” Gojo Satoru’s drawled, his tone oozed with arrogance and mischief, his presence as infuriating as ever. 
You stiffened, fingers tightening around your glass as you slowly turned to face him. Satoru stood before you, exuding his usual air of effortless confidence. His stark white hair contrasted sharply with the tailored black suit he wore, and those piercing blue eyes behind his sleek sunglasses sparkled with the same irritating delight that always set your teeth on edge. 
“Satoru,” you replied, barely able to keep the venom from your voice. The sight of him is enough to make your skin crawl, your eyes narrowing in distaste. You absolutely can’t stand him.
“Don’t look so thrilled to see me,” he teased, leaning in closer than you liked. “You know, we’re supposed to be making this work. Or did you forget about the message I sent you last night?”
You glared at him, refusing to be baited. “Why are you here, Satoru? Shouldn’t you be off charming some other poor soul?”
A chuckle rumbled in his chest, his voice dropping to a whisper. “You do admit you’re a poor soul,” he said in amusement. “But funny you mention that — I was trying to reach you, but it seems someone decided to block my number.”
You crossed your arms, meeting his gaze head-on, “I don’t have to justify myself to you.”
Before Satoru could reply, a low, dangerous voice sliced through the air, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Am I interrupting something?”
Sukuna’s presence is always an overwhelming one — dark, powerful, and very impossible to ignore. He stepped into view, his crimson eyes narrowing slightly as they flicked from you to Satoru. His sudden appearance even made Satoru’s jaw clench in thinly veiled annoyance.
“Sukuna,” Satoru greeted, his tone light, but there was a sharp edge to it. “Just having a little chat with my fiancee.” He emphasized the last word, as if laying claim to you in front of Sukuna. Oh, if only you know, Satoru, you thought.
Sukuna’s gaze lingered on you for a moment as you stared right back at him, and then his eyes shifted back to Gojo. “Doesn’t look like she’s enjoying it,” he remarked, his voice calm but carrying a subtle challenge.
You know the tension is too tense, and you were caught in the middle of it all. Before you could try to break the ice, Sukuna continued with his tone still calm but now laced with unmistakable authority, “Well, if you’re done, I’d like to have a word with the princess here.” 
His gaze bore into Satoru, making it clear that he wasn’t asking for permission. Satoru's smirk faltered slightly, but he didn’t back down, his posture remaining relaxed, though his eyes betrayed the simmering annoyance beneath.
“Princess, huh?” Satoru’s lips curled into a mocking smile as he looked back at you. “Well, I wouldn’t want to keep you from your royal duties.” His tone was laced with sarcasm, but there was a flicker of something darker in his eyes before he finally stepped back.
“Don’t let me keep you, darling,” Satoru said, his voice deceptively sweet, but the undercurrent of hostility was unmistakable. He brushed past you, his shoulder grazing yours as he left, the brief contact sending a jolt of irritation through your body.
As he walked away, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding, your entire body tense from the exchange. Sukuna remained silent beside you, his presence as imposing as ever. You could feel his gaze on you, heavy and unwavering, but you couldn’t bring yourself to meet his eyes just yet.
Finally, after a long moment of silence, Sukuna spoke, his voice low and with a hint of amusement, “A civil wedding, really? How is that discreet enough?”
You finally looked up, meeting his eyes, searching for any sign of mockery. But what you saw was something else — curiosity, maybe, or perhaps a challenge. As he always has.
"It’s the easiest way to make it legal without drawing too much attention," you replied, trying to sound more confident than you felt. "Besides, it’s quick, and we don’t need an audience."
He tilted his head slightly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “And here I thought you’d want something grander, with all the bells and whistles,” he teased, but there was an edge to his tone as if he was testing you.
You shook your head, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. “We’re not doing this for real, Sukuna. It’s a ruse, remember? The less attention we draw, the better.”
He considered your words, his gaze never leaving yours, as if weighing your resolve. “So you think a quick signature and some paperwork will fool everyone?” he asked, his tone soft but laced with skepticism.
“It’s not about fooling everyone,” you countered, your voice firm. “It’s about keeping things under control until we figure out the next step. This marriage is just the beginning, not the endgame.”
Sukuna’s smirk widened, a glint of amusement flashing in his eyes. “You’re serious about this,” he observed, sounding almost impressed. “I didn’t expect you to be so... committed.” 
You held your ground, refusing to back down despite the proximity. “I’m not naive, Sukuna,” you replied, your voice firm. “I know what I’m getting into.”
He watched you for a long moment, his eyes searching yours as if looking for something hidden beneath the surface. Then, with a slow, deliberate nod, he finally relented. “Alright, princess,” he said, his voice low and smooth. “But you might want to ease up on the seriousness. You’re making this sound more like a business transaction than a scheme.”
You rolled your eyes, feeling the tension in your shoulders beginning to dissipate, just slightly. “That’s because it is a business transaction, Sukuna. And I’m pretty sure you’re not one to shy away from deals.”
He chuckled, the sound rich and dark, and it sent a strange thrill through you. “True enough,” he conceded, stepping closer until there was barely any space between you. “But don’t you think it’s time to relax? We’ve done enough plotting for one night.”
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest as you looked up at him. “And how exactly do you propose we do that?”
Sukuna’s smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “I have a few ideas,” he said, leaning in slightly. “How about we start with a drink? You look like you could use one.”
You hesitated for a moment, but then nodded, realizing he was right. You could definitely use a drink. “Fine,” you agreed, uncrossing your arms. “But just one.”
Sukuna’s grin was almost predatory as he led you to a secluded corner where a small bar was set up. The bartender looked up as you approached, and Sukuna ordered two drinks without even asking you what you wanted. He seemed to know exactly what you needed—something strong, something that would take the edge off the evening’s events.
When the drinks arrived, Sukuna handed you a glass, and you took it, eyeing the amber liquid inside. You took a cautious sip, the warmth spreading through you almost instantly. It was stronger than you expected, but somehow, it was exactly what you needed.
“To our little charade,” Sukuna said, raising his glass in a mock toast.
You couldn’t help but smirk as you clinked your glass against his. “To whatever the fuck will happen,” you replied, before taking another sip.
The alcohol burned pleasantly as it went down, and you could feel yourself beginning to relax. The tension that had been coiled tight within you all evening was starting to unravel, and you found yourself leaning back against the bar, feeling a little more at ease.
Sukuna watched you closely, his eyes never leaving your face as you drank. “Feeling better?” he asked, his voice low and intimate.
“A little,” you admitted, swirling the liquid in your glass. “But don’t get any ideas. This doesn’t change anything.”
He chuckled again, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. “Of course not, princess. But it doesn’t hurt to enjoy the moment, does it?”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at your lips. “You’re impossible.”
“And you’re stubborn,” he shot back, his tone playful. “It’s a wonder we haven’t killed each other yet.”
“Give it time,” you muttered, though the edge in your voice had softened.
Sukuna raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. “Is that a challenge?”
“Maybe,” you said, finishing off your drink and setting the glass down on the bar. “But let’s see if you can keep up first.”
Sukuna’s eyes gleamed with amusement as he signaled the bartender for another round. “Oh, I intend to.”
The drinks kept coming, and before you knew it, you were both laughing more easily, the sharp edges of your words softened by the alcohol. The tension that had weighed so heavily on you earlier seemed to melt away, replaced by a surprising sense of camaraderie.
“Tell me,” Sukuna said after a while, leaning closer, his voice conspiratorial. “What was the real reason you chose me for this scheme of yours? Was it because I’m the only one who can handle you?”
You snorted, shaking your head. “Please, don’t flatter yourself. You were just the least annoying option.”
“Least annoying?” he repeated, feigning offense. “I’m hurt, princess.”
You rolled your eyes, but there was no malice behind it. “Oh, don’t be so dramatic. You know exactly why I chose you—you’re ruthless and cunning, and you don’t get sentimental.”
Sukuna’s gaze intensified, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your breath catch. “And you think that makes me the perfect partner for this little game of yours?”
You held his gaze, refusing to back down. “It makes you dangerous,” you said quietly. “And that’s exactly what I need. I kind of trust you, too.” It’s the alcohol speaking, is it?
For a moment, the playful banter between you faded, replaced by something heavier, more charged. The air between you crackled with unspoken tension, a challenge hanging in the balance.
Then, with a slow, deliberate smile, Sukuna leaned back, the moment of intensity passing. “Well then, princess,” he said, his tone lightening once more. “Let’s see how dangerous we can really be.”
The night wore on, and the drinks continued to flow, loosening your tongues and blurring the lines between ally and adversary. You found yourself laughing more than you had in a long time, the weight of the world temporarily lifted by the alcohol and Sukuna’s surprising wit.
By the time you realized just how much you’d had to drink, it was too late. The room was spinning slightly, and your movements were less coordinated than they should have been. 
But somehow, it didn’t matter. The knot of anxiety that had been twisting in your stomach all night had finally loosened, replaced by a warm, hazy contentment.
Oh well, might as well enjoy the rest of the night, right?
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starlight-library · 8 months
Opposites attract | MV1
pairing: max verstappen x technical theater!y/n (they/them)
summary: you visit max after a long tech weekend, which is in time for the miami gp
warnings: fluff, google translated dutch (so sorry), me geeking out about my profession, maybe accidental OOC??, suggestive
a/n: reader is AFAB gender neutral! request open! sorry in advance cause there's no proofreading, im dying like a man. also first time writing don’t kill me ❤️
wc: 1.3K
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Tech was the best and worst time of the year. The best time since the actors, director, crew, and creative all come together to finally put the show together. The best time because the show is officially handed over to the stage manager. It was also the worst time because of such long hours, lots of hold, and the stage manager’s sanity is holding on by a thread.
The first day wasn’t so bad. You arrived at the theater at 8am. You found your table and laid everything out. Your ASM and PA, your life line and team members, made sure everything else was set up. The other technicians arrived at 9am as they stated on the schedule and finally actors arrived at 10am. You had everyone in a circle introducing themselves to the new group: name, pronouns, role, fun fact. Then the director stated you guys would be going from top of the show and this was your time and your rehearsal. It was long but quick.
The second and third day were killer though. It was painfully slow as techs were. You spend most of your day here. Stage managers were the first ones in and last ones out and this tech was a 10 out of 12 (breaks for lunch, obviously, but you spend literally 12 hours in a dark theater just stopping and going while they add lights, sound, props, costumes, etc.) What’s worse is because you’re running the show you have to stay on top of everything, unless an emergency of course.
That includes not being able to really talk to your boyfriend.
You and Max were very keen on communicating and checking in since both your jobs were so demanding. Sometimes you guys could talk for hours while others it was a simple ‘hi dear, hope you have a good day’ ‘hi schatje, hope you’re sleeping well’ but when you were in tech it was a miracle if you sent a good morning text to inform him you were alive.
It’s around one am when you arrive back to the housing provided by the theater. By the time you get ready for bed it’s one thirty. You’re exhausted and your body is so desperately craving the sleep it’s been lacking but you will yourself to check your phone.
10 am:
Good morning, schatje ❤️. I hope you have a good day at tech today.
Make sure you eat something today, please. I know how busy things can get sometimes. I’ll send you money to eat. I cannot believe the theater isn’t providing food for you or the crew. I can call them and give them a piece of my mind.
Why did tech have to land on this weekend? It’s different with you not here. Are you watching at least?
…you know I can pay for you. You don’t have to work if you don’t want.
Practice was okay. The random rain shower made things interesting for sure. Not my best time but I managed.
I miss you.
I love you Schatje. I’m going to head to bed. Wish you were here with me. ❤️
Your heart pulls reading the messages. You quickly type out a few replies to Max:
Hi darling, I’m okay Yes, I made sure I ate today. No you don’t have to call the theater. It’s fine.
That’s called a sugar baby, darling. Not that I wouldn’t mind… I miss you too. I wish tech was over already so we could talk more :(
Well that’s Florida for you. But I’m sorry. I bet you still did amazing. I love you too. I’ll talk to you soon love, sleep well ❤️
You put your phone down after and let yourself drift off to sleep.
“Alright Jonathan, I’ll talk to you later…bye now.”
Pocketing your phone when the conversation ends, you shuffle around your room as you get dressed. You’re thankful practice and qualifiers are late in the day giving you the extra sleep you need. Checking yourself out in the mirror, you do a spin. Sneakers, skirt, and one of the many fan designed Red Bull shirts you bought. This one was based off of Taylor’s Swift ‘Eras Tour’ but instead had pictures of your boyfriend and said ‘Verstappen’ instead. Grabbing your sunglasses, bag, and paddock pass you triple checked everything before heading off on your adventure.
Arriving to the paddock you easily scan in and navigate your way through. You keep your head down eyes glued to your phone and nobody really bats an eye to you. Thank god. You didn’t want the surprise to be ruined. Your eyes scan before you find the Red Bull garage. You slow your steps as you scan the garage not spying your boyfriend. A frown pulls to your lips as you step in, sunglasses being pushed to rest on the top of your head as you find Christian.
“Christian,” you call out with a smile as the principal turns. You make your way over and give him a quick hug.
“Oh Y/N,” Christian says and you see relief wash over him, “thank god you’re here. Max has been a fucking terror so far.” The remark makes you laugh, “I’m serious! He’s been extra grumpy since we arrived. I had to threaten to ban you from the garage to get him to tone it down. Handle him. Please.”
“I will when I find out exactly where he is.”
“Driver’s room.”
“Thank you. Promise he’ll be ready for tomorrow.”
“He better!” You hear Christian call out as you leave the garage. It does not take you long to find Max’s room and you know on the door.
You hear some shuffling and swearing in Dutch before the door swings open. You’re met with a “what?” and a scowl which causes you to smile brightly. “Fancy seeing you here,” you tease and watch Max’s scowl fall as it takes him a moment to process before you’re yanked forward.
You crash into his chest and laughs. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you bury your face in the crook of his neck as he hugs you tightly. He pulls away as he cups your face.
“I—schatje! What are you here? I thought you were working all weekend?”
“Between rehearsal and tech, we reached 42 hours. Jonathan said it wasn’t worth calling equity up to try and get overtime. So, he gave us the weekend off,” you beam and burst into laughter as he smothers your face in kisses, smiling widely.
“I’ve heard you’ve been very grumpy these past few days,” you remark through giggles.
“I have,” he replies bluntly, “you’ve been so busy and this Grand Prix has been testing my patience,” it’s his turn to bury his face in the crook of your neck. Your eyes flutter close and you let a breathy sigh escape feeling his lips leave feathery kisses along your neck.
“Missed you,” Max mumbled through kisses as he works his way up your neck to your jaw, “missed my good luck charm on my arm,” he kisses along your jaw, “missed having you wait for me in my driver’s room,” he makes his way up to your bottom lip and nips, “we have so much catching up to do..”
Turning your head away, giggling, “you have practice and qualifiers to get through first, mister,” You say earning a very small pout from the Dutchman, “how about, you place top five for qualifiers and I’ll spend the night at your hotel.” You let a finger gently trail long his jaw, down his neck, and to his chest before he drops.
Max follows your finger eyes darkening as he sticks his tongue out slightly to lick his bottom lip. Looking back up at you, “and if I get pole?”
Smiling innocently, you bat your lashes, “why do you think I wore a skirt?” A voice rings out for Max. Max groans as he squeezes you. He leans down to kiss your cheek before murmuring in your ear, “I expect you back here after qualifiers, bent over, skirt up for me.”
A shiver runs down your spine. He smirks and you want to wipe that smirk off his face. The voice is closer and you quick Max a quick peck with a grin, “good luck, sweetheart.” You purr softly and turn out of his grasp and disappear to the motorhome to enjoy the last few hours of your ability to walk.
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naturesapphic · 9 months
can you write something about alcina finding out her s/o (reader) is super ticklish
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Tickle spot
Alcina dimitrescu x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff :)
Sunlight was peeking through the curtains of the castle of lady dimitrescu and birds were chirping to wake anyone and anything. You stirred slightly in your sleep at the bright light in your eyes and you slowly opened them to reveal that it was morning and it was time to get up. You pouted and turned over to your girlfriend Alcina dimitrescu who was holding you in her arms. She was still asleep and you admired how peaceful and calm she looks during this moment. You love things like this where you get to wake up first and admire your beautiful girlfriend in a peaceful state where she isn’t stressed about her wine business or about Miranda and her siblings.
“Darling, you’re staring.” Alcina said with a deep voice as she started to wake up. “I’m not staring. I’m simply just admiring a beautiful masterpiece that is staring at me right now.” You stated cheekily and she chuckled at your comment. “Mhm okay…whatever you say dear.” She replied gently and pulled you close to her chest as you let out a yelp at her hands on you. “What’s the matter dear? Did I hurt you?!” She exclaimed as she pulled her hands away and started inspecting you. You giggled “no baby I’m not hurt. You just tickled me is all.” You reassured her and she let out a sigh of relief but not soon after, a big smirk graced her lips and she put her hands on you again.
You smiled up at her, not knowing her evil plans, and didn’t move away from her arms. Alcina put her hands back to the spot that made you squirm and started moving her fingers. “AH! Alcina!” You laughed out and squirmed in her grip as she starts to tickle you. “I have found thy tickle spot!” She jokingly said and that comment made you laugh even more. “A-alci! I can’t breath!” You kept giggling but that didn’t stop her from tickling the fuck out of you. “Who loves you?” She said as her fingers slowed down and gave you a breath. “Hmmmm.” You smirked. “Miranda?” You teasingly said and she gave you a growl and started tickling you more. “Ah! I’m j-joking! You! You! You love me!” You laughed out and squirmed again in her arms. “That’s right. I love you. Good girl.” She stated and pulled her hands away from your sides.
You laid there on the bed breathless and with your girlfriend looking down at you with a love struck grin on her face. “Well…that was…enjoyable.” She confessed and you gave her a look. “Yeah fun for you!” You pouted up at her and she cooed at you. “Awww I’m sorry my darling. I’ll leave you alone for a while. At least until I tell the girls where your tickle spot is..” she grinned and your eyes widened. “Hell no! If you do that no sex for three months!” You threatened and alcina gasped out loud and placed her hand over her heart, in offense, playfully. “No sex for three months? That’s preposterous!” She replied with a fake look of hurt in her eyes. You rolled your eyes and pouted more. “Only if you tell the girls about it. They will torture me for days!” You explained to her and she nodded her head in agreement.
“That’s true. Fine…I won’t tell them.” She finally agreed and you smiled big up at her. “Thanks alci.” You said as you leaned up and gave her a big kiss on her cheek and she gave you a look. “Ah ah ah!” She said and guided your lips to her plump ones and gave you a big kiss on your lips. Now you were a blushing mess and completely melted in her arms. She gently poked your side which made you pull away and yelp. “Hey!” You pouted and she giggled at you. “It’s time to get up and dressed not sweetheart. We can finish that later.” Alcina stated with a look of lust deep in her eyes and you blushed even more as you got up out of the bed to get dressed with your girlfriend following close behind you.
A/n: I hope the anon who requested this enjoys it and I hope everyone else does too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all! :)
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Curiosity (Yandere Tsukishima)
This was a Quotev request!
Title: Curiosity
Pairings: Tsukishima Kei x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, suggestive themes, non-consensual touching, seriously creepy vibes from Tsukishima
Summary: Tsukishima seems like a normal guy, except that he’s always writing in that journal of his. When you decide to see what he’s up to, you learn that he’s anything but normal.
a strong desire to know or learn something:
 DAY 1
It’s the first day of school again. (Y/n) looked beautiful as ever today, I missed seeing her in her school uniform. Of course, I’ve been following her around town over the summer, but I missed seeing her in a skirt. This is the last year I see that until I make a move, as I doubt she’ll wear skirts to university.
I’ll do my best to draw what she looks like, since this is a special occasion, but there’s no way my art can do her justice.
Tsukishima Kei was a quiet guy, which, you supposed, was common for smart kids. You hadn’t known him well throughout high school and you doubted you’d have much time to get to know him, since the end of your third and final year was nearly upon you both.
One interesting thing you always noticed is that he was always writing in a journal of sorts, sometimes sketching away in it instead of writing.
You always wondered what it said.
DAY 17
(Y/n) smiled and waved at me today. She does that to everyone, I know, but I couldn’t breathe when she turned her divine attention on me! I felt like, even for a second, I had her undivided attention! I’d do anything, ANYTHING to get that on me again. I’d fucking kill everyone she knows if that means she’ll look at me and only me.
Tsukishima always gave you the distinct vibe that he wanted a friend, especially after his only friend moved away last year, but that he didn’t know how to approach anyone. You sensed a sort of longing when he looked at you and you wondered if your friendliness appealed to his loneliness. Perhaps he was awkward or shy?
You felt bad that you hadn’t had time to talk to him, but life really was just too busy. You always tried to be friendly when you passed him in the halls or made eye contact. 
It was the least you could do.
DAY 33
I love (Y/n) so much that I was willing to dig around in her trash can to find that lip gloss she’d thrown away. How many guys would do THAT for their girlfriends? She only wore it a few times since she didn’t like it very much, but that just meant I had so much of something her precious lips had touched.
I felt like I was in heaven putting it on- like I was kissing her! I had dreams about doing just that and I woke up feeling happier and more refreshed than I had been all year. I need more.
You’d always felt like someone was following you and like your things were disappearing, but you wrote those feelings off as paranoia. Maybe you should take those things seriously, but who had time for that? You were on the student council, an honor student, and preparing for college.
Why didn’t you see the red flags?
Were you really so colorblind?
DAY 52
I went to her house and climbed in through the window. Thank goodness she’s on the first floor.
I went straight to her bed and just laid on it and inhaled her scent from the pillows and blankets. She’s on vacation and I miss her so much, so I really couldn’t help doing all this. It’s her fault for leaving me.
I wonder if she wants our room to look like this or if she has a better one in mind. I’m not a fan of the color but, if she likes it, who am I to disagree? I just want her to be healthy and happy with me. I’ll make her.
You were a naturally curious person. That’s probably why you did so well in school- you had a thirst for knowing why and how that many people your age didn’t care for. You never just wanted to accept things without an explanation. Better to be informed.
Sometimes you were called nosy or told to mind your own business, but you couldn’t help it. You also had a bad habit of eavesdropping and “investigating” on your own. You’d do great in a Nancy Drew book, but it annoyed real-life people.
It’s really no surprise that, when you went to grab Tsukishima’s left-behind notebook, you couldn’t stop yourself from peeking inside and reading some of the entries and looking at the drawings.
DAY 82
I peeked through her window at just the right time and caught her getting undressed for a shower! I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. Words can’t describe the experience, so I’ll draw what she looked like instead:
You felt sick. For once, you wished, desperately, that your curiosity was nonexistent. If you could take back everything you’d seen in the last few minutes, you would.
You’d just go off to university, blissfully unaware, and never see that freak ever again. How could he write and draw such things? How could he violate your privacy like that? How dare he-
“You read it, didn’t you?”
The empty classroom went so silent you could hear a pin drop. Your horror felt like metal weighing down your stomach and throat. You couldn’t swallow, you couldn’t breathe.
Tsukishima was right behind you, inching closer each moment, but you couldn’t hope to turn around or run away. You were petrified, rooted in place like you were a statue. A statue with wide eyes and terror etched into your features.
You wanted to claim you hadn’t but the journal was still open in your hands, opened up to a disgusting drawing of yourself and your eyes couldn’t tear themselves away from it. Even if you wanted to futilely make up an excuse, your mouth wouldn’t form the words. You couldn’t so much as squeak.
As he stands directly behind you, his hands caress your waist, finger pads sinking deep into the flesh through your shirt. You shudder in disgust, but that’s the most movement your body can even make.
Even as his fingers dance at the hem of your shirt, daringly searching upwards against bare skin, you can’t move or make a sound. You wished you were a fight or flee kind of person and not a freeze.
You feel his lips brush against your earlobe and you violently shudder as he speaks into your ear a few chilling words.
“Don’t you know what curiosity did to the cat?”
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appalesbian · 6 months
hello tumblr, I have another silly korrasami ficlet for you, courtesy of a reply chain with the lovely @korrasamibottles about Korra being insatiable and Asami’s hands getting tired. brief spiciness ahoy btw
“Ow, fuck!” Asami hissed, dropping the wrench in her hand. It clattered loudly to the floor, nearly missing her foot. That would teach her to forego proper footwear on the factory floor again…
“You okay, boss?”
That was Chahna, one of the new assembly technicians Asami had hired. She was even younger than Asami, sharp-minded and mechanically skilled. Unfortunately, she also had a knack for making everyone else’s business into her own.
“Yes, Chahna, I’m okay. Saw this hubcap looking a little loose on my walkthrough and wanted to take care of it before I forgot.”
“It sounded like something hurt,” Chahna prattled. “Do you need to see a doctor or something?”
Asami tried to shake out her hand, but stopped when the pain, instead of quieting, radiated down toward her elbow.
“Maybe that’s a good idea. I was about to take lunch anyway— I’ll be right back.”
When Asami arrived at the clinic in the Dragon Flats neighborhood, she knew she would attract attention— she wasn’t exactly the usual clientele for the clinic in the humble working-class neighborhood— so she went around the back and rang the bell at the employee entrance.
A moment later, a familiar face appeared at the door.
“Oh, hello, Asami!”
“Hi Kya. Can you look at something really quick?”
“You know you’re dating a healer, right?” Kya asked.
“Yeah, but… you know, I didn’t want to bother her.”
Asami sat on the makeshift exam table while Kya examined her hand and forearm. Now that Asami looked at it, her right wrist did look a little swollen compared to the other one.
“My guess is a repetitive stress injury,” Kya said as she pulled some water from a skin and began to bend it around Asami’s hand. The cool blue energy felt immediately soothing. “Usually associated with doing the same movement too many times in a row. Have you picked up any new hobbies?”
“No,” Asami answered cautiously. “It’s been way too busy for that.”
“Interesting that it’s only the one hand,” Kya muttered. Suddenly, the flowing water stopped in place around Asami’s arm.
“How’s Korra doing?”
Oh spirits.
“Great,” Asami said too quickly. “She’s doing great, we’re… we’re great!”
“Mm-hm.” Kya had the faintest hint of a smirk on her face. “Have you gotten to spend much time together lately?”
“Well, no,” Asami said. “She’s been so busy with the spirit portals, we barely got to see each other at all until… last weekend.”
“Uh-huh.” Kya’s grin was now across her entire face. “I think I understand what’s happened here.”
Korra was starfished across the bed, sweaty and trembling, her hair a mess and her eyes watery with the onslaught of pleasure. Asami’d had her in several positions throughout the evening but this was definitely a favorite. They could kiss like this, and look into each other’s eyes. One hand held Korra’s wrists tight over her head while the other worked furiously between her thighs.
“Fuck, oh, fuck, Asami, I’m—ahh!“ Korra’s back arched as she came apart on Asami’s fingers with a wordless, shuddering cry. Asami stroked her through the aftershocks, until she felt the strong body beneath hers stop fluttering with the remnants of orgasm.
Asami had to catch her breath too.
“How many was that?” she asked, giggling and kissing Korra’s cheek.
Korra clearly had to think for a moment.
“I think maybe… eight?” Her pupils were blown wide and she smiled dreamily up at Asami.
“That’s pretty impressive,” Asami said, shaking out her right hand, which had first started to feel tired and was now solidly in “aching” territory, not that she’d ever admit it. Korra took her hand, kissed over each knuckle, then laid it once more on the patch of curls at the junction of her hips.
“Want to make it nine?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Asami said, wishing it came out more convincing. In hindsight, maybe it hadn’t been the best idea to celebrate their first date night in weeks by testing just how long exactly Korra could go, but she’d never expected quite that level of stamina…
“Okay, hon, whatever you say.” Kya gave the water one last burst of charge. “We’ve all been there, you know.”
“Really?” Asami couldn’t help it, the question was already out of her mouth.
“Oh yeah,” Kya chuckled. “Women can be insatiable, I get it.”
Asami felt her cheeks burn even more than they already had been.
“You know you have other options, right? It doesn’t have to be, well, all in the wrists. Maybe check out one of those little shops on 16th and see if anything catches your fancy. In the meantime, let’s get you a brace.”
“Hi love,” Asami said, pulling Korra into a one-armed hug while she balanced her bag of takeout in the other. “How was your day?”
“Pretty good,” Korra said. “Hey, did you see the evening Republic Post?”
“No,” Asami said. She had little use for the speculation and gossip of a trashy tabloid.
“It was you again,” Korra explained. “They might have gotten you on your lunch break. You had something on your hand, apparently people were saying they thought you’d been in an accident or something.”
“Interesting,” Asami said, feigning nonchalance as she set down her bags.
Korra giggled.
“And you’ll never believe the store some ‘eyewitness’ said they saw you walking out of.”
Asami blanched. Dinner might have to wait.
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 3 months
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A girl and her crush!
Part 2
-With the last week of school approaching, an event from Tara’s past comes back to haunt her. Wanting to find complete closure and move on, she seeks out her friend Mindy to help get Tara back on the saddle.
(Tara’s pov) After a few rounds of back 4 blood. I didn’t feel in the mood to play any longer. My stomach was already starting to hurt real bad “G-guys. I think I’m going to get off for now. I haven’t been feeling well today…I’m just going to lie down.” Mindy and Chad understood and told me to text them later. After they disconnected, I went up to my room and laid on my side in bed, letting my mind wander off.
‘Love? Why are you so worried about where I always am?’
Tara closed her eyes ‘Babe. I’m sorry if you think I’m stalking you but I’m not. It’s just that….we haven’t gone out in a while and I haven’t got much calls or texts from you recently. Did I do something wrong?
He shook his head ‘No baby it’s not you….look I just haven’t been myself and needed some space from the things I was going through. I’m all better now If you want to go on a date…we can go Friday.’ Tara smiled and kissed him passionately, though was a bit hesitant to return it.
‘I’ll try to not be so clingy most of the time baby. But you know my freckles and I still need your kisses from time to time’ she said. He smiled and gave each of Tara’s freckles a kiss. “I know.”
I shook my head and felt a few tears fall down my face, hugging my big stuffed dinosaur which was given to me on our last and final date.
(Sam’s pov) On the way home from the store, Richie was chatting on the phone with his family, who were going to be present for their cousins graduation at Woodsboro high. ‘My little sister is also graduating, along with her friends. Damn. I don’t think I told Tara about me staying until her graduation’ I thought.
The drive home didn’t take long as we made it and got the groceries out of the car in no time , setting them on the counter. “Thank you sweetie. Richie and I can take it from here.” Stu said, then whispered to me “I just want to give Richie the “dad talk” don’t worry, I’ll make sure not to scare him away.” I rolled my eyes but smiled and said ok.
Leaving the pair to it, I went upstairs to check on Tara. The video game controller was l on the couch but I didn’t see my sis, so I went up to her room.
When I got there, the door was locked so I knocked on it “Tara? It’s Sam, do you need anything sis?” I didn’t get a response for a bit so I went to sort out my clothes in the guest room.
I could have sworn I heard some faint crying behind the door or maybe It’s just me hearing things. Whatever it is, I’m not going to find out today. I guess I’ll just wait until tomorrow.
As I was setting my clothes on their hangers, I felt someone hug me from behind. I turn my head back a little “Baby! How’d it go with my dad hun?” Richie kissed my cheek before speaking “Wasn’t too bad. He said he doesn’t hate me. I think that’s a start.”
I nod “He’s always been one for humor.” Richie took some of his clothes and put them on his hangers “Your dad also said I can sleep in here with you. Just no funny business, he told me he “See’s and hears all.”
“I rest my case” I said, wrapping my arms around Richie’s neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
(3rd pov) Later that night Tara was still on her bed with the dinosaur plushie clutched in her arms. She hears a familiar knock on the door once again “Sammm please go away.” She heard a loud sigh “Tara please. You can’t skip out on dinner and besides, dad made your favorite meal.”
Tara tightened her grip on the Dino “Sam look. I’m not feeling good today. Can you please just leave me alone, god?!” Sam was taken back by Tara’s sudden outburst “Ok…I’ll leave you alone I guess. But I’m here if you want to talk about anything going on….or if you need some Pepto.”
Sam walks away and goes downstairs to eat dinner. Stu was just putting the portions on everyone’s plates as Sam and Richie sat down. “Hello love birds….hey where’s your sister Sammy?” Sam took some utensils for her food “You might want to wrap up Tara’s plate for later, dad. Tara won’t be joining us because she told me she’s not feeling good.”
“Hmm” Stu said, raising a brow as he went to get a small Pyrex to put Tara’s food in “Does Tara need any Pepto or ginger candy?” Sam shook her head.
“Honestly, I don’t think has a stomachache dad.” Stu looked confused “I mean that, Tara has locked herself in her room and won’t open the door. When I went to fold my clothes, I could have sworn I heard her crying….something’s bothering her and she won’t tell us.”
Stu shook his head “It’s always been hard for Tara to open up. I usually don’t force anything out of her unless she did something wrong but I think she’s just having a bad day.” Then looking over at Sam “I say we wait until tomorrow for her to talk if she wants to. I’ll save Tara’s food if she gets the munchies later on.” Sam nods as the family continues to eat.
(Later in the middle of the night)
(Mindy’s pov) I lost my footing on the ledge trying to climb to Tara’s window. But I managed to grab the brick that was sticking out and kept my balance as I knocked on her window. “Ok T. You better have a real good reason for calling me up here and making me sneak in through the window at let’s see here….two in the morning” I said as she let me In, rubbing my arms.
“Mindy….he’s back again.” I raised a brow “Who is?” Tara was about to speak but one look at the dinosaur in her arms was all I needed to know “Lemme guess? Your cheating ex is haunting your dreams again?” She nodded and went over to the bed, patting the empty spot looking up at me.
I sat down on the bed next to Tara and hugged her. Tara hugged back while letting the tears pour from her eyes “I know you’re upset and hurting T, but you need to let this go and move on. I’m not one to be harsh or upfront but this isn’t good for your health even if it’s only been two months since that happened.”
Tara looked up at me “Th-that’s easy for you to say Mindy. He was my everything, he was there for me when my mom died and my dad was too drowned in his own sorrows to help me. I thought what we had was special!” I kept my embrace “You thought T…you thought. Hell I even believed it myself but then I realized what a dirty liar and a cheater he is.”
I wiped up Tara’s tears and gave her a tissue. “He doesn’t deserve you or your love and you know it. You deserve better than that Tara. It’s why we kicked him and Amber out of the group.” Tara sniffled a bit “Amber…she was my best friend. They both b-betrayed me.” I caressed her hair “You know I could have gotten Chad to have a talk with them. But you didn’t want him or his fists getting involved. Heh, my brother was already furious when he found out about your ex and Amber. I’m surprised she’s even with him given their history but ,you could imagine what Chad was going to do to that bleach haired boy.”
(Tara’s pov) I laughed a bit. At least Chad and Mindy are still in my life to this day and have no means to leave or hurt me. I look down at the Dino still in my arms “You need to get rid of that plushie Tara” Mindy said.
I looked at it a bit more. “This is my favorite dinosaur Mindy, he always knew what to get me.” Mindy facepalmed “See? There you go again. You’re still thinking about him when you should be moving on!”
I made a sour face but Mindy just smiled “If you want me to help you then let me help you.” She extended her hand out “Here, let me take it.”
I was a bit hesitant at first but I handed the toy over to Mindy. She went over to a window where the dumpster was just below us, dropping it. I didn’t like it but I knew it was for the best….i guess.
“I know you loved that plushy Tara but it’s for your own good. I’m not about to let my friend become depressed over a filthy cheater.”
I nod and stretch my arms out, yawning. “Looks like you need to go back to bed. I’ll see my way-“ As Mindy was about to climb out the window, I quickly jumped up and held her arm.
“Stay with me?” Mindy shook her head “Tara…” I felt more tears coming on “Please….I don’t want to sleep by myself tonight.” Mindy took one look at the carpeted floor “fine.” She said heading to the closet and placing a pillow and blanket on the floor.
I looked at her in confusion “Um, What are you doing?”
“Umm making a bed for…myself?” She said fluffing the pillow, I shook my head laughing “No you can sleep on the bed with me Minds. It’s big enough for two people.”
Mindy didn’t budge “If this is your way of coming onto me, then i rather take my chance on the floor.” I held my hands up in surrender “I insist Mindy. I’ll stay on my side while you stay on yours, nothing weird.”
Mindy rolled her eyes “The last time I shared a bed with you, I woke up to you kissing my ear.” She said, putting the blanket and pillow back into the closet before joining me in the bed. “I don’t move around in my sleep anymore and at least I didn’t kiss you on the lips-“ I felt a hand on my mouth “OkAY that enough. Go to sleep Tara.”
I shook my head “Fine.” Before closing my eyes.
“Gotta say, this bed is really comfy. The next guy is going to be blessed, fucking you on this bed.” I playfully smacked her arm, blushing “You told me to go to sleep, so let me sleep.”
“Sorry” Mindy said, turning off the lamp.
(The next morning)
(Sams pov) my eyes shot open as I check the time. ‘Not even 7 yet.’ I tossed and turned, trying to get back to sleep but I couldn’t. I got up and gave Richie a kiss on the head. ‘Might as well go make a coffee and breakfast for the family.’ I headed downstairs to make breakfast but I head a loud rustle coming from the kitchen.
That made my blood run cold because Stu and Tara were still asleep. So I sneak over to the nightstand and pull out the gun I hid in there. Quietly loading the gun, I walk slowly over to the kitchen.
Then I peered around the corner and aimed the weapon “Hey! Sam no! It’s just me, Mindy.” I quickly put the gun away “How did you get in here?” Mindy poured a bowl of cereal “Tara let me in through the window. She just needed a friend to talk to.”
I scoffed in annoyance “and you couldn’t just knock on the door and wait till one of us let you in?” Mindy tapped the bowl “weeellll yes, no, maybe. Look Tara made me go through the window because she was worried you and Stu were going to be mad at her for dragging me here at two in the morning.”
I got some coffee beans out of the cabinet and the filters “Makes sense I guess but I need to ask….is Tara ok?” Mindy nodded “She’s fine, I calmed her down a bit and spent the night with her.”
“So, do you know what’s bothering Tara?”
“I do but Tara wanted me to keep it a secret. Sorry Sam but it’s too personal for her to talk to anyone else other than me about it. All I can say is that she is doing fine. I already solved her problem.” Mindy said, finishing up her cereal and putting the bowl in the sink.
I was a bit offended that she chose to talk to a friend over her sister but my biological father at least told me “Friends are like family, well most of them sometimes.” Before I could speak, Mindy beat me to it “So let’s see here, you see a person like me in your kitchen, you immediately pull out a gun and try to kill me” she said, laughing.
I pinched the bridge of my nose “You really had to say that did you?” She shrugged “Hey, had to get that out of my system” I took a sip of my finished coffee “If that’s what you think that was, then you are surely mistaken.”
“Eh maybe. But since I’m here, can I help make breakfast? I make killer omelettes and bacon.” I nodded “Ok but try not to go crazy with the eggs. I just bought these last night and they were expensive.
Mindy laughed, cracking the eggs on the pan “So is that Rover you have parked in the driveway.” I threw the shells in the trash “That’s Richie’s car. Well I helped pitch in for it so I guess it’s our car.” I smiled “Ok you’ve made your point. I’ll leave the chef to her work while I set the table.”
(Mindy’s pov) As I was putting the seasoning on the omelettes, I heard the sound of light footsteps coming down the stairs. “Tara? Is that you?” I didn’t get a response back until she got to the kitchen “Good morning Tara.”
“Good morning Mindy, Sam” Tara said, going over to the fridge and grabbing the orange juice. She rubbed her eyes as she sat at the table. “Ok ladies, the food is just about done. Get those plates ready and those lazy ass boys down here.”
(Tara’s pov) I laughed a bit as Sam went up to call the other two down for breakfast “So Minds, any plans on what you’re going to do after this last week of school ends?” Mindy placed the food on the plates “As cool as acting is, I rather be a movie writer. Honestly these new horror movies are too predictable and have shit stories. Maybe I can fix that with my incredible storylines I saved in my journal.
“Well I can’t wait to see what new movies you make, on the big screen.” Mindy nodded “Don’t forget to take a date with you lover girl.” I felt a sting in my stomach “Oh gee, if only it were that easy to find a partner out of thin air or a snap.”
Mindy scoffed “Try being a lesbian, you’d be surprised on how shitty my luck is compared to yours.”
I folded my arms “I’m bisexual Mindy. I’ve been that way since middle school you goofball.” Mindy giggled “Sorry, I forgot you used to date that girl….Emily? Yeah I was surprised that she’s shorter than your neck. I remember all too well when she had to stand on her toes just to give those pretty lips of yours a kiss. What happened with her? She wear you out?”
‘Sigh’ “More like I wore HER out. Emily cheated on me with some dude she met two days ago at a coffee shop and had the nerve to apologize, saying it was her and not me.” I took the plates to the dining room “I got so mad that I cussed Em out and told her to never see or contact me again. I also threw my iced latte in both of their faces, biding them a fuck you.”
“Seems like they had it coming.” Mindy said as she put a hand on my shoulder “and don’t worry about you know who either. I know you will find someone better than him, hell maybe by the time graduation hits.” I tilt my head down “I’m not really that pretty mind-“
Mindy interrupted “MY ASS YOU AREN’T PRETTY. Your the hottest girl in school and every guy/girl wants a piece of your action.” I blushed “Jesus Mindy, do you have to be so subtle about everything?”
Mindy grinned “Hey, that’s just my specialty.” I shook my head smiling.
(Stu’s pov) When I got downstairs, I was surprised to see a big breakfast setup. The omelettes looked good enough for seconds…for me at least “You girls really went all out on breakfast today.” I took a gaze around the food “Looks like there’s enough here for bunch and dinner today, no cooking for me today. Yippee!” Both girls laughed before going to the dining room. Well Tara at least “Just a minute Mindy, I need to talk to you.”
She looked a bit nervous “Mr. Macher…lovely day isn’t it?” I clicked my tongue “Well, I mean yes it is isn’t it. But no, I heard that you came over last night, through the window.”
(Mindy’s pov) If my nerves weren’t already shot, then they sure as hell now. How did he know about- “I know what you’re thinking Mindy. I have a little thing called security around my house. “Oh”
Mr. Macher put a hand on my shoulder “Your always welcome here anytime young one. Don’t sneak in through the window, just ring the bell next time and someone will answer.” I smiled “Thank you Mr. Macher”
“You can call me Stu, sweetie. No need to be formal, I dealt with it enough from my in laws and signing paperwork.” He said, leading me to the table to join the rest of the family.
(Tara’s pov) My dad told me to slow down but I couldn’t help it, Mindy does make a mean omelette. But I only got the enjoy the food for a little bit when I saw Richie feeding Sam her breakfast.
I gritted my teeth ‘I never got fed like that from any of my relationships let alone LOVE. I always had to feed myself!’ But I let some harsh words slip “Hey! Can you stop that? She’s not a kid anymore, bozo.” Richie’s face fell as he put the fork down and went to eat his food, Sam shot a glare at me.
Mindy laughed “Looks like someone’s a little-“ I tossed an orange at her before she could finish. “Tara! Don’t throw things at your friends. You know better than that pumpkin.” My dad said.
I suddenly felt everyone’s cold stares on me, leaving me to sink down into my chair “I’m sorry….its just-I’m having a really bad day that’s all.”
My dad was just about finished with his plate “Well. We’re all here ready to listen if you need to TALK about it, not be punching bags. You can start by telling us why you locked yourself in your room the whole day yesterday.”
I nod as I took a breath, venting on what happened with my last relationship and him cheating behind my back. Ooh boy was my dad angry, including Sam “It’s bad enough that fucker cheated but who breaks up with someone over TEXT?” She said
“Well one thing I know for sure, they are both banned here and from talking to you again.” My dad said, pulling me into a hug. “I just want real love dad….is that too much to ask for? Sam has one but I don’t? It’s not fair! It’s not-” My sister joined in “You’ll find someone one day Tara, someone way better. You just need to be patient sis, please be patient.”
I didn’t say anything, keeping my embrace on my father.
(Three days later)
(Mindy’s pov) This is it! Only one more day until graduation and I couldn’t be more relieved to get out of this place and chase my career in college. If you ask me, high school should be paying us to just sit and “listen” to the boring useless lectures the teachers give. Now we have to work menial jobs just to pay for college and the sweet tuitions.
I heard a locker door close next to me “Tara! How were you classes? See any cute boys/girls you want to say hi and goodbye to?” Tara shook her head
“Nope! All of them are taken and the ones who aren’t, are fresh broken hearts from their partners going to different universities and not wanting to do long distance, go figure.”
I nod “Yeah…Chad is one of those people too unfortunately.” Tara puts her backpack around her shoulders “Really? I thought him and Liv were going to do a long distance.”
I walk outside with Tara “Well Chad wanted to do a long distance but Liv told him she couldn’t bear the feeling of that. I don’t blame her either which is why I need you to help me smack Chad upside the head and focus on his career in football. Matter of fact, you need a smack too.”
“Ok first of all, rude! and I’m not going to hit Chad for you, Minds. I’ll help in any way I can but a “smack upside the head” is out of the question for us.” I grinned “Fair point but HEY, he’s single and you’re single. What do you say lover girl?”
“I am NOT dating Chad. As attractive as he is to all the girls in school, he is not my type. More like an older brother to me” Tara said.
I shrugged “Worth a try but if you feel anything, then by all means go for it! I trust you more than any of those past girls Chad used to bring home, including Liv.”
Tara laughed “Will do Minds. You’ll be the first to know If that does happen.” I gave her a high five and took her to a decent ice cream shop before it closed.
(The next day)
(Tara’s pov) Well this is it…..todays the day I’m no longer going to be a high school student. After tonight, I’ll be starting a whole new life and so will my friends. Even if we end up going to different colleges, we will still be a family no matter what.
Feeling a bit nervous, I excuse myself to the bathroom to wash up. After splashing a bit of cold water on my face, I head back. I got a bit zoned out, worrying that I might run into Wes or standing near him. The second I turned my head in a different direction, I ended up bumping into someone head first, knocking us both to the floor. ‘I hope that wasn’t him. Oh god please don’t let it be him!’
I slowly opened my eyes and felt a bit of relief when it wasn’t but now I got another problem. “I’m so sorry about that! I got a little distracted and I didn’t-“ As I extend my hand to help the person up, he rubbed the bump on his head and looked up at me. ‘Wow….He’s cute!’ Wait, did I really just say that in my head? It didn’t help when I felt an explosion go off in my chest. But I shrugged it off and helped the boy up.
He stood tall ‘well I’m shorter than an average person’ and had brown curly hair that almost covered his beautiful brown eyes ‘like mine’. He wore black converse sneakers, black jeans and a denim jacket that had a bands logo. ‘Hmm he’s not dressed for graduation. Does he even go to my school?’
“It’s ok. I should have been looking where I was going but I TOO got a little distracted” He said, laughing a bit before extending his hand again “I’m Ethan.”
“Tara” I said, shaking his hand. “I don’t think we met before. Do you go to Woodsboro high?” Ethan shook his head
“Oh no, I go to a school in Modesto. I’m just here with my family to see a cousin of ours graduate.” I nod “Ah ok.” I giggled “Thats a long way from home Ethan.”
He made a shy smile ‘I could have sworn I saw a little blush from him’ “Yeah it is.” He checks his phone for messages “Dang, I got to go. Don’t want to keep my family waiting. It was nice meeting you Tara.”
“Y-you too Ethan.” As he nodded and walked off, I felt my cheeks heat up, staring in awe until he was out of sight out of mind. “Tara…Tara!” I heard my sister shout, causing me to turn around “What?” Sam frowned “Well. I have been looking all over for you. Since I found you, you need to hurry and join your class. They are about to start the speech and the line for diplomas” she said.
I waved my hands “Ok, ok sorry. I just needed to use the restroom, I’m heading that way now. See you out there Sam” I said, then dashed backstage to join the others.
(Mindy’s pov) Graduation is about to start but still no sign of Tara…where the hell is she? My question was answered when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around “Tara? Where have you been?”
“Just needed to use the restroom” she said, catching her breath. I looked at her for a minute then busted out laughing “You’ve been gone a pretty long while Tar. I think you need to lay off the seafood for a while, those poor shrimp and crawfish” I pinched my nose.
Then I felt a light smack on my arm “Shut it! Look, on my way over here, I bumped into someone and we both fell to the floor. I um…helped him up.” Those words alone got my attention “Ah I see. You bumped into a boy and helped him up. I assume he was a cute one too?”
“Yes! No…maybe so?” Tara tried hard to hide her blush but failed “I mean…I don’t know Minds, I guess he was.” I raised a brow “Mindy look It doesn’t matter, he only came here to watch his cousin graduate. He lives in Modesto so It’s not like I’ll see him again.” (Little does she know)
I shrugged “You should have got his number or social status. I’m sure that would have helped you out in the long run.” Tara slapped her forehead realizing that she should have done so. I wrap an arm around her “It’s ok Tar, maybe you’ll see him again….If you get lucky and go to the same college of course or you’ll realize that he isn’t the one for you.”
Tara shook her head “After what happened with Wes, I think my destiny is for me to be single for the rest of my life, so be it.” I shook my head “No that won’t happen. Don’t forget I’m single too so I guess we will have to wait till college. But tell me the name of the Modesto boy who caught your heart.”
She looked up at me “Ethan, his name is Ethan.”
I smirked “So I take it his full name is “Ethan doesn’t have a last name and is in love with my bff? Got it.” Tara laughed a bit “That’s a really long name. I don’t think you could fit that on a student ID or a drivers license”
(Tara’s pov) I waited in line with my former classmates to receive my diploma. We listened to the speeches the faculty gave to the students and the slideshow of pictures we all took throughout the years. I felt a shiver in my bones knowing that the next step will be going to college and having frat parties! That’s what I’m most excited about.
Then it was time for us to step out on stage and receive our diploma. It took a while for them to call my name because I was in the T section but I did cheer when Mindy and Chad got theirs. When my name got called, I walked high and mighty, listening to the cheers from my family and Richie’s. I could have sworn I saw Ethan sitting next to Richie, waving to me? Well anyways, I couldn’t be more proud when I had my high school diploma in my hands, and a handshake from the principal.
Once all the former students got called, we threw our graduation caps in the air when it was time, as the crowd cheered. Then we all went to meet our families to receive more congrats from them, My dad and Sam were both giving me hugs while I got a little noogie from Richie. I giggled as he went to go give his cousin one too.
Looking around, I saw Ethan again. Only he’s with a girl with long orange hair who’s wearing a black tight dress, giving him a hug. ‘Hm? His girlfriend I assume?’ “Tara didn’t you hear? The school is throwing us a graduation party! May not be as much fun as a frat party but everyone’s going.” Mindy said, shaking my shoulder.
I blinked twice and looked over at Mindy “Aw come on. Why the long face T? We aren’t chained in high school anymore, free to live our lives however we want, when we want!”
I set my gaze on Ethan and the girl as they talked, which Mindy took notice “That the “cute” boy you were talking about?” I nod slowly.
Mindy snickered “Ok one. That dude is the absolute dorkiest looking kid I’ve ever seen. Don’t know what you see-“ I threw my hands up in frustration “Mindy stop it! I don’t judge any of your crush’s appearance so why do you have to judge mine?” Mindy was taken back but continued
“Ok my bad but as for two, don’t even think too much on that. I mean there’s a chance that girl may just be a friend or another relative of his.”
I took another look at the pair but didn’t see a slight resemblance to one another. “No I’m almost certain that’s Ethan’s girlfriend.” Mindy tried to hug me but I stepped back
“It’s ok Minds, I’ll be alright. Just going to take your advice and Sam’s on being patient with romance and focus on my career instead. Love will come naturally, I can’t force it when I need or crave it.”
Mindy patted my shoulder “I’m proud of you T. Take those baby steps and learn to have a little fun in your life. You can start by going to this party with me like it’s our last.”
I rolled my eyes, grinning “Ok. Let’s go dance our pants off.” Mindy shook her head “I don’t think anyone says that anymore Tara”
The party was actually pretty good. The school had all kinds of food and refreshments laid out, along with some live entertainers performing on stage. I may not be talking about this too much, I’m gonna go have fun and sing up there with Mindy and Chad.
Of course graduation ended with the dance party. Everyone was having fun dancing with one another so I decided to let my walls down and have a little fun, by joining the dance floor. Mindy and Sam were both surprised that I was really getting into the “groove.” But they didn’t realize I was wearing both my airpods, listening to my music while dancing. The schools music selection was pretty awful. Thank you Spotify!
Ok maybe they did know because they started to follow my moves, including Ethan. We waved at at each other again before getting lost in the crowd. ‘Shit! There goes my chance again! Oh wait I forgot he’s taken. Never mind.’
I felt my chest pounding. ‘I guess there’s a chance things may work out for me. I mean, I may be single but at least I’m working towards my future along with my family’s support. I sure hope I get into Blackmore but only time will tell what my future holds.’
One step at a time Tara….one step at a time
To be continued
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 1 month
Hank, Trudy, Al Oneshot - Sick
Requested by @kamryn1963
So sorry this took so long, but I hope you like it!!
Al woke up in the garage, as always, rolling over to hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. He groaned. He hadn’t had much sleep the night before due to the pressure in his sinuses. He felt like he could barely breathe.
When moving to get up, the room seemed to spin. He groaned again, leaning back on the couch he had made his bed. He knew he would have to tough it out, but it was hitting him hard - harder than when he was younger. It seemed each time he caught a cold or the flu it hit him harder than before. He blamed his own body for betraying him.
When he finally got the strength to stand again, although unsteady, he got dressed and grabbed a banana and an orange as always, although neither seemed particularly appealing. He didn’t grab coffee, but instead elected for tea to soothe his throat and a pocket pack of tissues for his sniffles.
As he drove into the office, he put on dark sunglasses. The world was too bright for him. He just wanted to be in bed and asleep.
As the day dragged on, his symptoms got worse. He was freezing the whole day, but sweating beneath his layers. He felt like he couldn’t get warm but was simultaneously hot. The chills was the most obvious symptom, along with the color being flushed from his face. Ruzek was deeply concerned, as was anyone else who took notice of Al hiding his symptoms. It was days like this he was glad he was practically invisible to the others most of the time.
When Hank got in from his ComStat meeting, he seemed stressed, walking by everyone and into his office, shutting the door. Seeing as they didn’t have an open case at the moment, everyone busied themselves with paperwork. Al could hardly focus to get one report done.
“Hey, Al,” Adam whispered across the desks. “You look like hell, man.”
“Tell me about it,” Al mumbled. “I feel like hell.”
“Maybe you should go home. Good day for it. We’re not working a case. I think all the bad guys were driven inside by the coming storm.”
Al sighed, massaging his face in any attempt to relieve his sinuses. “I’ll take care of it.”
Adam nodded a little, hoping Al meant it. When Hank came out of his office a moment later, walking toward the bathroom, Al got up and quickly followed despite getting dizzy from the sudden rush. “Hank.”
Hank stopped, turning to Al. When he got a look at him, he furrowed his brow. “Al, man, you okay?”
“I think I’m gonna go home. We don’t have a case and I’m… not one hundred percent.” Al was stubborn. That was as close as he could get to admitting he was sick.
Hank was shocked, looking Al over to check for anything more major before nodding. “Alright, yeah, do what you need to. Want me to get someone to drive you?”
“Nah, I got it. Thanks.” He patted Hank’s shoulder, then went to his car, driving home.
When he got there, he was met by Meredith, who was concerned he was home so early, but he brushed her off. He could barely admit to his best friend he wasn’t feeling well, let alone his wife who practically hated him. He walked into the garage, peeling off his layers of clothes, grabbing meds as he did so and downing them with a stray bottle of water he’d left. He put on something more comfortable, then laid on the couch, falling asleep sometime later.
The next time he opened his eyes, it was already dark outside. He was feeling better, though still generally sick. He sat up, blowing his nose and groaning at the pressure, which had barely relieved. He decided a hot shower would do him some good.
After getting dressed again, Al laid back on his couch, flipping on the TV and trying to find something to watch. He wasn’t particularly tired, seeing as he’d just slept something like eight hours. He grabbed the banana he had in his jacket pocket from earlier, opening it up and eating a bit of it. He knew he had to eat something. He just didn’t feel hungry. Though, he was thankful nausea hadn’t hit him this time.
After an hour and half a banana eaten, Al was finally drifting back to sleep to some documentary about horses. A soft knock came to his door, one he could identify naturally as a woman’s, which he ignored. He didn’t feel like dealing with Meredith.
A second knock, harder this time, more like a man’s knock. He furrowed his brow and opened his eyes, looking at the door. He grabbed his gun from the end table beside the couch, getting up and walking over to the door. A third knock, a persistent one, and a voice rang out. “Al, it’s Hank and Trudy. Put your gun down.”
Al let out a breath, then shook his head, putting his gun in his waistband and unlocking the door. When he opened it, he saw the two of them in the Chicago winter, their breaths clouding out before them. “Hey, what’s going on? You need me?”
“No,” Hank replied, pushing past him and inside. “You still look like hell.”
Trudy nodded and walked in as well, setting a bag down inside on the nearest open surface she could find. “Brought you some soup.” She glanced at the half-eaten banana, then at Al. “If you’re up for it.”
Al shut the door, walking over and plopping back down on the couch. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Trudy replied, handing him a to-go bowl of soup and a plastic spoon.
Al took it with only a silent nod in gratitude, opening it up and eating a spoonful.
Hank sat down beside him. “Al, you did the right thing coming to me. You know that, right?”
“Mmhm,” Al hummed, watching the TV, though listening intently to Hank.
“And I would’ve wanted you to do the same thing even if we had a case.”
Al nodded, still eating the soup carefully and looking at the TV, only casting one glance at Hank when he put a hand on Al’s shoulder.
“Get some rest. Let me or Trudy know if you need anything.”
“Yeah, man,” Al replied with a nod.
“And stay home tomorrow too. That’s an order.” Hank smiled nudging Al playfully, though he was serious about him staying home to rest. He got up, standing beside Trudy. “Need anything else before we leave?”
Al looked up at them, shrugging. “A new nose would probably help right about now.”
Trudy laughed, shaking her head. “I can’t help you with that one, Al. But there’s more soup in this bag for you. That’s the best I got.”
“Thanks,” Al said with a small grin as Trudy and Hank finally left, letting him rest for the night.
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writingpiecesak · 5 months
Title: Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
quick mini imagine that I had in the chamber for a while
Imagine: You don’t want Katsuki finding out you do asmr. Too late.
‘Peacefulness and tranquility’ was your number one priority when filming your videos. You always made sure to film between the hours of 2am to 5am, it’s when everyone is asleep and if not asleep half the college dorms are out to other parties and frat houses. Your roommate was out for the night which made this the perfect opportunity to film your asmr video.
Your content consists of a lot of whispering, clicky trigger words, ear to ear mouth sounds and positive affirmations. You began this channel as a joke back in highschool but the surprise of surpassing 50k subscribers in under a month made this now a side job. Within a few years those 50k subscribers multiplied into a whopping 2.1 million subscribers. And so you made a small career out of it, your friends encouraged it and though it was hard and almost weird to explain to family how the process is and how much your channel has grown, they were happy for you nonetheless.
However there was one person you didn’t want to know.
*bang bang bang* “Hello~ I know you’re in there.”
Interrupted mid recording your eyes snapped wide and the sudden harsh knocking at your door. Immediately you stopped recording and looked at the time, it was nearly 3am. You looked towards the door with a confused expression spread across your face, your roommate was out and had known you were filming so it couldn’t be her. You waited to hear another knock.
“Pipsqueak! Open up while I’m being nice.”
Oh no. Oh yes. The one person you didn’t want finding out about this little embarrassing secret, Katsuki Bakugou. He’s a known friend and study buddy sometimes but he’s also the last person you expect to be knocking at your door at this time. You got up from your desk and disconnected your mics. Your palms turned sweaty and you quickly needed to think of an excuse.
You propped the door open just a smidge, “What? I was sleeping.” You fake yawned.
“Uh huh sure, listen I need my notes I lent you back.”
You mentally cursed at yourself for not copying them earlier. You sighed, “Actually, I haven’t copied them yet. Can I give them to you at class tomorrow?”
“You had them for the whole day. What kept you so busy?” His annoyance peered through his eyes, which trailed to look behind you. Instinctively, you stepped out by closing the door behind you. Katsuki was taken aback.
“Stuff.” Such a lame excuse.
Though yes most of your friends encourage your channel and even watch it from time to time, this isn’t that type of friend. Infact, on your side, Katsuki felt like more than a friend and you wouldn’t dare crush your possible chances with him by exposing him to your clicky words and whispering. What if he thought it was weird? What if he judges you and makes fun of you for it? Sure it was petty to think that, but after all you’re just a girl crushing on a boy.
“Right…fine you can give them to me tomorrow but not a day later pipsqueak.” He warned.
You nodded your head and shooed him off. He bids you goodnight and heads back to the elevator. You gone back into your room and decided to continue filming, editing will be rough but you’re on a schedule.
Later that night, after Katsuki returned to his dorm room, he laid on his bed and immediately put on his headphones. Just as his roommate walked in, disorderly.
“Oh shhii, my bad were you sleeping?” His red haired friend asked, stumbling into the bathroom.
“Not yet, about to.”
“I’ll be quiet.” Kirishima held up his finger and drew it to his lips as a hushed sign.
“You're good shithead, I’m just watching videos, they help me sleep.”
“Like white noise?”
“Something like that.” He turned away from his friend, brought his blanket closer to his chest and laid his phone propped up as he listened to one of his favorite asmr videos, particularly your positive affirmations one.
He figured in due time you’ll tell him, but for now he’ll keep his secret from you as long as you keep him from yours.
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merv606 · 1 year
Ok. So we know Terry confronted Daniel in the sauna for several reasons, most of which was to show Daniel “I still got it, baby” - and let’s face it, Terry’s always made it a point to be creepy and inappropriate to friends and foes alike.
In Mercy, do you think Terry burning down Mike’s store was HeyThisIsBusiness!Terry, or Jealous!Terry?
Either because he’s paranoid Mike has an attraction to Daniel, or he knew for a fact Mike did during TKK3 (never mind Mike would never act on it now, being a good man who is loyal to and in love with his wife, the daughter of the man who saved his life).
Either way, now it’s clear he has to send Mike a message to stay away from what’s his — because Terry is irrationally paranoid and will not stand anyone trying to steal his boy from him (hell he thinks Daniel’s own children are a threat to their life). Did Barnes really think that giving him that lawyers’s number was going to get him into Danny’s bed? But clearly Danny forgave Mike if he went to him for help. Why forgive Mike and not him?
One thing’s definitely consistent in canon/fiction: Get in Terry’s way of getting to Daniel, and suffer the consequences.
I kinda hope Terry “interrogates” Daniel about the men in his life down the road. I’m sure he’s been wondering how much of a rival for Daniel they really are, and why Daniel was so willing to forgive everyone but Terry.
It’s still so odd that the writers decided a sauna of all places would be a great place for that confrontation.
I don’t know if this means they are aware or it just proves their complete lack of self awareness 🤔
Consider to, that they never show Terry below the waist with the towel around his shoulders - leaving us to wonder if Terry is, in fact, striding in with his wang out - like a peacock strutting - I mean if it’s proportional (which I think it is) - total power move.
Then poor Daniel (Ralph) in his bathrobe done up to this throat (bless).
That’s what drives the boys crazy Daniel - like Victoria times when you’d show ankles and men would lose their minds.
Said it before and I’ll say it again: Always down up like some vestal virgin - like a Victorian maiden of good breeding.
We know Terry wanted to be Daniel’s friend - bless that TIG interview - and the apology was sincere.
So it must sting to know that not only would he not even hear Terry out but that he forgave every one else - and to his mind, probably for worse offences.
I mean to Terry’s view - he says his behaviour was unacceptable but look at what Mike did - he terrorized and laid hands on Daniel (Terry never touched Daniel) but Daniel accepted HIS apology.
So I think some of the hurt and jealousy did influence his decision to burn his business down.
It is endlessly fascinating to me - Daniel’s capacity to forgive those who apologize (and those who don’t even though they should cough cough Johnny - you almost killed the boy and no, it’s not a joke) no matter what they did to him.
Chozen tried to kill him and Mike stranded him at the bottom of a cliff plus a bunch of other brutal stuff.
No amount of physical harm was ever done by Terry - at the point it time when he tried to apologize - Terry never laid a hand on him.
But he did something that I assume Daniel thinks is much worse.
Terry did something to him no one else did.
Terry lied to him.
I used to think that was it - that was the difference between them - no one else lied to Daniel (although I guess Mike is a lie by omission in a way) BUT I think now, that there is more to it - it’s that Terry made Daniel face a hard truth- there is, without a doubt, a little cobra Kai in him.
You liked it.
And the truth is - Terry was right - Daniel did like it - he was raving to Jessica all the stuff he could do and how it was so different from miyagi. He was on some sort of high in that scene.
He realized it was wrong after and is guilty, but in the moment he 💯 liked it.
This is also confirmed in CB when he talks about being SEDUCED by cobra Kai and how it felt.
There’s always been a little cobra Kai in you.
Daniel strikes first.
He knows there is no such thing as a fair fight.
There is so much anger in him.
Arguably capable of murder (re: end of season 3) and also ask if Miyagi why he didn’t commit murder against Kreese - they’re in a park of full of witnesses and murder is wrong Danny-boy.
ALL Cobra qualities.
Terry also made him think he was a friend - which, considering he is never really shown to have many friends - that must have hurt.
I mean Daniel says you tortured me - but let’s be honest - all his men have - Chozen tried to fight him to the literal death - but the key to my theory is what he says to Terry in the mini Mart - you turned me into something I’m not.
And Terry - no he’s not having that - he’s not letting Daniel try to lie to himself or to Terry - to try and hide behind that.
Succinctly pointing out - no, I didn’t - that anger was always inside you - you just don’t want to admit there was always a little bit of cobra Kai in you.
That hits a nerve - Daniel just staring - shouldering past Terry.
What more could he say?
Hard to counter the truth.
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lemonduckie · 2 years
Lost Boy
“Help! She’s been injured!” Peter was holding his dying aunt in his lap, encircled by an inescapable wall of flames. “Someone, please get help! Someone please…” He sat, watching the life drain from her eyes through the steady flow of tears. The flames were closing in, and just as they reached him he woke up, his face streaked with tears. This is the 8th night in a row he has woken up crying from the same dream. Ever since his aunt May died, he couldn’t sleep at night. He laid there, staring at the ceiling wiping the tears from his face. After he was sure his face was dry, he got up to eat breakfast with his dads, Tony and Stephen. He got pants on, nearly tripped down the stairs, and sat down at the table. “How are you feeling, Amber?” Stephen asked as he flipped a pancake. He let his head slip from its perch in his hand and fell onto the table. “Sleep doesn’t exist anymore for me. I have the same dream, her dying in my arms. Can’t you do a mind thing on me to make it stop, Stephen?” He knew what Stephen would say, but it didn’t hurt to ask. “Amber, if I were to do that, the very memory of her death would be eradicated from your mind, and I’m not doing that.” He paused, looking at his daughter. “Grieving is good for you, everyone’s body processes grief in a different way. Let your body process it through and you will eventually begin to feel better about it.” Peter rolled his eyes. “I know this, I just don’t want to. Sleep deprivation over a course of a week isn’t good for a crime-fighting hero, you know.” Stephen slipped a stack of pancakes, drowning in syrup in front of her. “Maybe this will help, Amb.” He hated it when they called him Amber. Amber was a girl, he wasn’t. He was Peter Parker, male hero locally known as Spider-Man, not Spider-Woman. He sighed, and said; “Maybe, let’s see.” He dug a fork into the pancakes and shoved it into his mouth. He sighed with delight. “Honestly, these are helping, thanks.” Stephen smiled, clearly feeling like he accomplished something. Peter looked around the kitchen, and noticed that Tony wasn’t there. “Uh, where is Tony? I haven’t seen him in a few days.” His dad sighed, and said; “He is setting up funeral things for May. He also has a few business calls to attend to and we probably won't see him until tomorrow.” Peter sighed. “He is never around anymore. I’m going to go and see him in his office.” Stephen tried to advise him against it, but without success. Peter got up, put his remaining pancakes in the microwave, and set off to find Tony. He searched all of his offices until he found him in the one furthest from the kitchen. He stood there until his dad noticed him. “Yea, meeting next week - can you give me five minutes? Thanks.” He put the phone on hold and turned to face Peter. “Hey, Amber, what's up?” He flinched at the name, but ignored it otherwise. “I came looking for you to see if you wanted something to eat with us, you haven’t been out of your office in a few days.” He hung himself from the frame of the door, letting his hair flow towards the floor. Tony smiled at him. “Yea, I’ll come eat, just let me end this call, sweet pea.” Peter smiled at him and left the office.
After they ate, he went back up to his room. When he opened his door, he saw a black dress sitting on his bed. He heard some grunting and saw his best friend, Ezra shoving their way through his half open window. He began to laugh. “Oh man, this is good. My best friend, stuck in my window.” He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture. “No! Oh god, just help me?” Ezra was still trying to push themself through the window the rest of the way. He rolled his eyes and pulled him the rest of the way through. “A dress? Who sent this?” Ezra was trying not to laugh, but failing to do so. Peter rolled his eyes. “I have no clue. FRIDAY, who had this dress sent to me?” “That would be Natasha Romanoff, Amber. She said you would look pretty in it.” He sighed, while Ezra snickered. Peter shot him a death glare, which shut him up immediately. After a moment without speaking, Ezra spoke up. “ Do you want me to get you a suit? I’m sure I have one you can borrow, I’d just have to go back to my house and get it.” Peter was tempted to take them up on their offer, but he didn’t want to offend Nat. “No, if I did, it’d offend Nat. I don’t want to do that.” He couldn’t wear his binder or his boxers with the dress. If he wore the boxers the dress would stick to it, making it obvious. “C-can you leave while I change?” They both blushed, and Ezra darted out of the room. He picked up the dress and almost vomited. He couldn’t wear this, he just couldn’t. He threw the dress and slipped on a hoodie, making it to where he was just wearing a hoodie and boxers. Just as he went to open his door, Stephen was on the other side, his hand up like he was about to knock. “U-uh, hey Amb. I was just coming to see how Natasha’s dress fit you, but it appears you haven’t even put it on yet.” Peter sighed. Although it wasn’t his dad's fault, he still felt like he wanted to punch something. “Yea, I was about to put it on. Can you give me a minute?” He slammed the door and whipped around to stare at the dress. He took off his binder and stuck on one of the few lace bras he kept when he couldn’t wear it. It fit as he thought it would. “OK, I’m done!” He called for both Ezra and Stephen to come back in. When they stepped in, he wanted to die. “Honey! You look amazing! I’m so glad it fits!” Stephen was all over him, making tiny adjustments. While he was doing that, Ezra was standing in the doorway doing everything they could not to laugh. “Y-you look great!” was all they managed to get out without breaking. He couldn’t take the incessant fussing over him. “Ok that's enough let me change back.” Peter shoved the two out of his room with a sigh of relief. “So, are you actually going to wear that?” Loki had slipped into his room unannounced. He turned to look at him with a playful glare. “I have to. If I don’t I will hurt Natasha. I don’t want to do that!” Peter didn’t want to hurt anyone, but he didn’t want to hurt either. Loki didn’t understand. “Why don’t you just tell someone? It would be easier for you.” Peter had thought about telling his dads, but could never actually do it. “I-I can’t. What if they don’t think it’s right? What if they take away my binder? What if-” Loki grabbed him by the shoulders. “You’re spiraling, Peter. I don’t have any reason to believe they won’t accept you and help you transition.” Peter knew this was true, he just wasn’t ready. “Ok, I will sit them down after the memorial. I don’t want to burden them anymore.” Loki just shook his head. "Acceptable, but now would be better. See you at the funeral." And with that, he was gone.
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crazygirl0152 · 2 months
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(Here’s my finished drawing) Title:”Gonzales sisters face the Nephilim and the family”
Kalos, Elizabeth’s penthouse 3:00 PM nobody’s POV
The sisters are packed up to go unova to apologize the champion, elite-four and gym leaders in person as GIF after they apologize in 4 regions by past months including their work schedule hours so Eliza said “Good thing I did pay the tickets since noon hours ago so we all know what we can do.” Melissa is about to agree with her sister but the maid interrupted their conversation “Um Lady Eliza and Melissa Mr nephilim is already here with his family but they’re at living room so they wanted to talk to you both.” Eliza just said “>Sigh< I’ll come down with my sister.” The sisters went down to the living room.
Living room
Gonzales sisters saw the nephilim and his family which is they’ve been guessed but eliza said in usual “Oh Mr Nephilim >Chuckles< it’s been awhile.” So he said “Evening Elizabeth and Melissa I see you two together full grown up but very beautiful.” As the man compliments the two then Melissa said “Thank you Mr Nephilim Now what’s the problem with us?” Eliza said to remind “I thought I was very clear about this to I never show my face with my sister in your home region again.” Grimsley says “We aware of this Liz but your sister and you are decent people then more importantly we want is…” grimsley lets the older sister says “So what do you want? Because me and my sisters have the best of best qualities as business, pleasure and alliance enterprises.” Nephilim gives an offer to only just Eliza “Yes right… all we want is you start convincing your fans and people by the truth to stop all this pariahs in our home region and other regions because it’s getting out of control because of you.” Eliza is spellbound and shocked by his answer but the older sister said “! I kinda did overboard with my minions and colleagues in orders to make the pariahs a living hell same way I had suffered in trauma.” Nephilim is angry with Eliza and said “Here is the deal with you, world’s strongest woman and acrobat by the next morning you’re gotta go up in stage and tell everyone the real truth if you don’t obey this I’ll never give you my autograph.” Eliza did wanted that autograph from piers’s dad so she had gave in for first time in sad tone so he can hear it “Ok sir.” Nephilim grabbed her hair and face besides her height is 8,1 then says “Good oh one last thing after you tell everyone about you did I suggest you and your sister quit this ‘Killing all team organizations’ operation by mission.” The sisters had no choice to obey Nephilim by plan
Next morning Elizabeth’s Hideout 7:00 AM
As Elizabeth, in her favorite cashmere goddess dress(Skunktank) did order her minions to live video when she told everyone by internet and social media as real truth about little overboard to make pariahs a living hell and rest is history when the video ended minions are curious and ask Eliza “?:Hey boss why the long face?” Eliza announced “Minions and fellow workers this is our last and goodbye I’m closing down mission and operation’Killing all team organizations’ forever because people are going haywire about me and my sisters what we did and our control but for now you all pack your bags for your new lives.” The minions and fellow workers are very understanding so they left to leave the sisters alone in their hideout where they found arecus holy water in lifetime supply. Eliza is depressed by dismissal, falling her knees, and laid down her black rose flower bed as Nephilim and his family is little happy except the sisters are depressed with sadness when they feel sympathy while the rest is to comfort Melissa so piers went to Eliza to comfort but his shock of her eyesight is lifeless then her makeup is ruined “Mornin’ Liz and you did well but my dad says he’s sorry about last night and he went too harsh.” Eliza says in little smile while her eyes still lifeless “It’s okay piers and Mr nephilim but it’s all clear now and out of bag then me and my sister will get it over in 3 days.” But piers don’t want to wait anymore and says while carcass her face “Elizabeth! I can’t stand you sad like this and I do like the real you as kid so please don’t take pity and overwork yourself too hard but it’s not okay and healthy for you to do everything then I’m asking you as friend…no…a boyfriend!” Eliza realized and her eyes are full of life but immediately hugs the father and son gently then piers loosen the hair bun and then saw longest black/hair but straight mixed with curly. However Nephilim says “It’s official now Eliza I insist you have surgery today.” Eliza ask “What surgery?” The father replied “Muscle/fat liposuction.” Eliza reluctantly as first about doctors but she agreed to his opinion then grimsley told Nephilim in last night that Eliza, world’s strongest woman is too good to destroy everyone who has debts but never ending killing machine so she had no choice to retire even though despite the sisters had Pokémon circus birth tattoos one is on the tummy and the other is the back on the neck.
The end.
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cael-dori · 3 months
don’t really know where else to put this, but I just gotta vent for a bit at a place where at most 3 people will see it
I opened up an LGBT business last year - on my trans wife’s birthday, in fact - to celebrate the community I’d always felt supported and a part of. Don’t want to give too much info, but we do a year long creative endeavour, raise money for the community, rinse and repeat. I make no personal money; everyone’s voluntary, even me, the owner, out of a shared love of the community.
Someone was hired on really without my say so or knowledge, which is a big no-no, because it’s illegal. I managed to onboard them, but the stress of that really started the working relationship off on the wrong foot - however, asking for legal documents at a business you are employed by is pretty par for the course. However, we managed to resolve the weird tensions, and seemed to be doing okay. I’m quite a crass/crude person (ie, I usually swear to let those around me know a noun is approaching); and at an interpersonal it’s served me okay. If someone asks me directly to not swear so much, of course I’ll give an effort, but no promises. This person took serious umbrage with my level of swearing, but never raised it with me at all.
I stepped away from the business briefly - 1 week - to propose to my wife on a holiday, which would just be about us. In this time, this person had decided to spread all sorts of insane rumours about me, namely
1. I threatened to ‘murder’ a friend of mine (my actual words were “man, I’m gonna be so mad if you let me down on this one”, and when it happened, I wasn’t even that mad)
2. I tried to illegally fire a volunteer, which I hadn’t spoken with, ever, about any disciplinary procedures or anything much at all. The volunteer in question had the same name as someone else I fired because they didn’t report to work for SIX WEEKS, but a very different position and role.
3. I was a racist and didn’t speak to any non-white staff (this person purposefully kept me away from day to day business activities, such as changing meeting locations and forgetting to tell me), so I barely spoke to anybody. When I did go to events I wasn’t tripped up on, I was always friendly to anyone who popped over to talk to me.
4. When I brought up the various amounts of misconduct done, he rallied people to threaten a walkout if I fired him, 2 weeks to project completion date.
So I took all this disrespect whilst trying to do a good thing because of my love of the project. For the belief that our aims were good, overall. This culminated in people I had never spoken to personally, one on one, giving me death glares, side eye, and whispering behind their hands when I walked past. I never said anything to anyone, or confronted them about it, because I really didn’t want to engage in any pettiness. The project completed, it went well, I let them go after the end, and didn’t want them to do handover with me. Just wanted to wash my hands if it.
Because we attracted quite a crowd, we also attracted someone with COVID-19. Im immunocompromised, so I got it really bad - 10 days I was laid in bed, trying to feel human, but everything would be resolved when I was better. No rush, I had 3 months before the next cycle. I opened up to see complaints on my public page that “why haven’t you released the figures yet? Thought this was for charity, are you cutting and running?” … yeah, got accused of stealing money from charity. Never mind most companies do their accounting at month end, never mind any of that. This seemed like a valid complaint that a few people, mostly former volunteers, had seemed to agree with. After explaining hello, I’m working on it, I’m just really sick, but it’s incoming, I basically got ignored.
So I released the figure, hoping people would leave me alone. They did, but the rumours about me continued. Mostly in the student community in my local town, which is small and insular, and a community I am not part of. I’m a local to the area, I live here and have a day job. Word travels fast.
I know it’s bad to let one person get you down, but now I’m so paranoid and distrustful of everyone around me. I see LGBT events and panic, because what if they think what this absolute cunt of a person has said is true? They’re prominent in the community, and they don’t like me personally. I overthink my actions and words, I am overly defensive, which makes me come off as off putting and strange. Nothing I say is ever right. I work remotely, and I don’t even want to leave my house anymore. I feel nauseous. Anyone who knows me knows the rumours are bull crap, but nobody’s particularly going out to defend me. I am terrified of other people and feel like they’re mad at me. Before this, I was confident and didn’t give a shit what people thought of me, and it’s all just gone. I feel like I’m 12 and in secondary school and getting bullied.
When I tried to vent my thoughts on a personal account I run to just explain I’d had some difficulties (small follower count, mostly my family and closest friends) and how I was feeling, I got told that me even SAYING I had a horrible time made some people feel “uncomfortable”, and I should delete my post. I feel like I’m not even allowed to be a human being anymore, and I don’t particularly feel like one anymore. Just excessively hollow.
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wrongtimezone · 2 years
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The alternate universe
Part 7 - Plot twist @rewritethestarsxx 
The daze that was left from the holidays quickly burnt out as everyone jumped straight into January -the longest month of the year- to start their activities and calendars. Which meant Todd having to take off to DC for a lot of meetings that he was not looking forward to attending. 
He wasn't excited about them only because they were always long activities that included seminars and too much lobby talking when his job was a lot more exciting and required him to be on his toes constantly, but now there was another factor that didn't make any part of this trip exciting and that was the redhead that sat on his couch as he took care of the last details regarding his bag and things he should bring. Of course, the two weeks of holidays, and somewhat of a celebration between them was nice, but the man would have wished to have the time he'd use in DC to spend it with her.
First / Prev / Next / All
"Okay, I don't think I'm forgetting anything," said Todd as he placed his things at the door before slipping on a jacket, all while yawning. 
Just the thought of this trip was exhausting and he couldn't wait to get to his hotel and sleep the night away. But he was thankful that Vixey would be able to see him off at the airport and that she'd take care of Roxie. The woman had become one of the pup's favorite people quickly, warming up to her in no time; he knew she'd be in the right hands and not lonely like other times. Not like Copper didn't do the best job at babysitting the golden, but it did give him comfort to know Roxie would have cuddles, scratches, and treats while he was gone. 
"I can't wait for this trip to be over," said the man as he brought the redhead closer, wrapping his arms around her and leaning his head against hers to rest his eyes for a minute.
"Can I just cancel last minute? I'm sure no one will notice me not there," he teased, knowing that skipping this was not an option. "But, the one thing that it's worth it is that by the time I'm back, we'll be closer to Valentine's Day. And I don't know about you, but I am ready to wow you out. You thought the record for Christmas was good? You've seen nothing," said Todd with a wink as he placed a kiss on Vixey's forehead. 
"Okay, let's get down with this," said the man as he pulled away, walking closely to Roxie's bed where the dog was already laid down with sad eyes at Todd for leaving.
"Alright sweet girl, I'll be back before you realize it, okay? You'll have fun with Vixey, she'll stay with you, walk you, give you scratchies. All good things. You be good and guard our home, okay?" said Todd as he leaned down to press a kiss on Roxie's head, earning him a lick from her. 
"Alright, let's go."
Vixey was eager to help Todd get ready for his trip. She obviously would've liked to have more time with Todd, time that was peaceful and uninterrupted by the holidays, but she knew absence would only make the heart grow fonder. Plus she was basically going to be living in Todd's apartment with Roxie and his super comfortable bed for the next 3 weeks so aside from missing Todd, she couldn't really complain. 
The redhead smiled as Todd pulled her closer, cherishing every second they had together before seeing him off. Her arms rest around his neck and she placed a short and sweet kiss against his lips. 
"I can't wait for it to be over either," she replied with a smile, "But this will be a good opportunity for you and a good chance to network," which was something Vixey was always about in the business.
"Plus, Roxie will be in good hands." 
The thought of Valentine's day made her a little nervous, it would be one of the first Vixey had a companion since high school. She smiled as Todd talked up the holiday. Christmas was a real treat so she could imagine that he had something brewing for their first Valentine's Day, especially since he'd be gone for the few weeks leading up to it.
After Todd and Roxie said goodbyes, Vixey checked her app and saw their uber was about to pull up, just in time. 
"Alright, Rox, I'll be back in a little bit and then we're going to take a nice long walk." She smiled and scratched the pup on her head before heading back to the door.
"And just in time, our ride is just down the block." 
Vixey held the door open for Todd, offering to help him with his bags even though she knew he'd decline. The ride to the airport was uneventful and thankfully traffic wasn't too light - though Vixey would of course love more time with Todd, she also knew that when she was catching flights she got nervous. She was the 'get to the airport 4 hours before the flight' kind of person. 
The whole ride she kept her hand in Todd's and despite being nervous even though she wasn't the one traveling, the warmth of his hand on hers soothed her. 
Todd easily took his bags as the couple made their way downstairs and to the Uber waiting for them, watching the city out the window on the way to the airport. His arm wrapped around the redhead's shoulder all the way, his hand tangled with hers, soaking all the physical touch he could get before the man was left with almost three weeks of nothing. And he already knew they were going to be the longest weeks of his life, already counting back the days left to get back to his home, his bed, and his girlfriend. 
"Are you going to miss me while I'm away, superstar?" he asked, teasing mostly to kill the time while they made it to the airport, which was a good solid hour if the traffic cooperated.
"Just don't steal my dog, that's all I ask," added the man with a chuckle as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
When the car parked, the man unwillingly untangled himself from the redhead to get out and pull his bags out. The airport was busy as always, but thankfully they had arrived with enough time for him to get through security and wait for the boarding time with ease, with a small suitcase like his, Todd didn't need any extra time. And the man was not looking to extend his time in DC anymore than necessary; in fact, his return flight was the first of the day. 
"Alright, so I'll text you when I land and if my misery is too much," teased the man with a chuckle, but he wasn't lying. Todd would take any opportunity to text Vixey when things got a little too dull for him in DC, more than happy to share any meme that comes close to him. He leaned in closer to kiss the redhead as he let the kiss linger for a little while, letting it last until he knew it started to get to her before he pulled away. 
"I'll see you soon, babe," said the man with a wink before he grabbed his things and walked inside the airport.
The first days were miserable for Todd, with the man texting Vixey in between meetings and when the seminar was too much for him that he feared he was going to fall asleep instantly. 
Ugh, save me. This is not meant for someone like me, I am not designed to sit down for hours and hours listening to speeches. How's Roxie? How's the city? Is it still daylight outside?
It was a task for him to do so. The last time he'd sit through so much talking was back in school and it had been two decades since then. At nights, after stripping out of his formal uniform and was cuddled under the covers, he facetimed Vixey to check on her, things, and Roxie -and hopefully get an interesting story about her rehearsals. Those were always funny.
Soon enough the three weeks were over and Todd couldn't wait to get back home, clearly by the way he was picking up his things and making his bags in his hotel room, more than ready to get out and take a cab to the airport. The fact that the man knew that he'd be sleeping in his own bed by the time it was nighttime was a promising thought that kept him going through the check-in and security line at the airport. 
He just couldn't believe it had been a whole month, but at least it had gone by quickly, and Todd just wanted to get back to his life, his routine, his job and his time with Roxie and Vixey.
"I'm going to miss you so much." Vixey grinned. She was thankful for the lingering kisses at the airport.
"Tell me everything and we can definitely facetime every night," she told him, "So you can see Roxie, of course.”
Their goodbye was long but as always not long enough. The airport was the one place where when you felt that feeling, you definitely weren't alone. Usually Vixey rolled her eyes at the sight of couples kissing and silly little kiss & fly zone signs that were visible at the drop off outside of the building but for the first time she knew the feeling. With one last kiss and wave Vixey disappeared back into the Uber as Todd disappeared through the doors. 
The first week seemed to crawl by as Vixey settled into her new routine, the new routine was really just taking care of Roxie which she didn't mind at all, it was nice having time with the dog, but she could definitely tell she was missing Todd. 
"Don't worry girl, I miss him too.." she would remind the golden as she made dinner, watching Roxie lay on the floor by the front door. It wouldn't take her long to coax her back into the kitchen with a treat or offering to toss one of her toys around. 
"We're good for each other right now, huh?" she'd say, ruffling her fur around her ears. Both of them missing the same guy. Roxie's ears would perk up as she heard Todd's voice over the phone and Vixey always showed Todd her little tail wagging in the background. 
"I'm not sure who's more excited to hear from you today," Vixey replied before snuggling into bed to hear about Todd's day. She couldn't help but laugh when he'd complain about sitting through workshops and speeches, Vixey thankful she didn't have to do much of that for her work, not anymore. 
She brought up the theatre conferences she used to go to while she was in college or while she was still trying to get a job performing. She told him about the summer she spent working for the worst small theatre ever, in the middle of nowhere with not much pay. They did a performance of Into the Woods that ended up being a complete disaster and another show Vixey couldn't even remember the name of because she had probably blocked out the memory. 
The second week felt a little more normal, though Vixey was still missing Todd, and Roxie too, the pair had settled into a nice routine. Vixey even snuck Roxie backstage on one of her night's off with her understudy going on stage and she was very obviously a favorite. 
Miss you, babe. Roxie is great and I think she's getting a little more spoiled than normal and I apologize for that. We're both doing well and can't wait for you to come home and tell us about all of the useful things you're learning. What's D.C. like? You know I've never actually been there. Wonder if I could perform on the National Mall one day for the 4th of July... 
She smiled at her phone at every message and looked forward to every call every night. Though one night she lost track of time and had a bath because of course Todd's tub was nicer than hers and she drank a little too much wine and was mid drying off when the call came... 
Though.. that did make for a fun chat. And probably both entertaining and frustrating for Todd. Fun all around! 
When his day of arrival finally came again Vixey woke early to get Roxie out and the house tidied up for Todd. She had called him early to double check his flight time and confirm his pickup and everything and she was so excited on the phone all she could do was pace back and forth in the apartment. 
After the call she sat her phone down on the counter and grabbed her purse and keys. She was only away from her phone for 5 minutes tops, getting ready to head back and call for an Uber but noticed she had several missed calls from her mom in a row which was super strange. Just as she sat her purse down it rang again and she answered on speaker so she could open Uber over the wifi and chat at the same time. 
"Hey, mom! Is everything okay, I'm sorry I missed a few calls. I'm just getting ready to head to the airport, Todd's flight comes in soo-" her mom quickly cut her off, sounding hysterical.
"Mom, what is," cut off again by a sob this time. She took the phone off speaker and placed it to her ear in a panic. 
"Is it dad? Mom are you okay, what's going on? I need you to take a deep breath and slow down." she explained, giving her mom another minute to attempt to compose herself 
"Vixey your dad and I are okay. I'm so sorry I should've called you yesterday but," 
"But what, mom?" whatever it is now made her feel sick in the pit of her stomach. 
"It's Emily, sweetie." 
"Emily? My sister, Emily? I haven't heard from her in four years, minus some instagram posts of Abigail. What happened? Are they okay?" Vixey loved her mother so much but the woman was about as useful as a telemarketer in a time of crisis. 
"She's gone, Vixey." 
Silence. Vixey wasn't exactly close to her sister, not since she had run off with that man Vixey didn't care for, the guy who stole her sister away. 
"Baby, I'm so sorr-" 
"Mom, I have to go. I have to get to the airport to pick up Todd and I still have to get a car, can I call you back?" 
"Of course, honey. We definitely need to talk later." 
Funeral arrangements, of course. 
"Yeah, mom. I'll be able to do whatever you all need, Grace will cover for me for the rest of the week. I love you, mom" 
Thankfully there was an Uber close so Vixey was able to book one in no time and it was probably for the best that she wouldn't be alone. She felt really weird. At one point her and Emily were super close, they shared everything, at least what they could. And when they weren't sharing everything Emily was too annoyed with Vixey trying to copy her every move. 
You're gonna be a good actress one day, kid. She'd tease her. 
Then Paul came along and took her to Texas and gave her a baby. And Emily hadn't spoken to Vixey since last Christmas, not even this year. There was nothing. But Vixey couldn't think about that right now. She needed to focus on getting Todd back and then she'd talk to him when they got home. 
Vixey would probably have to go to New Jersey for a few days and she wasn't sure Todd would be able to go, and she didn't exactly want him to meet her parents with a funeral, but.. it was going to be okay and Vixey would repeat that to herself for a long time. 
Once she arrived at the airport she hustled to the terminal to meet Todd and she was just in time as the plane had just landed within the last ten minutes. Once he was finally off she greeted him with a big smile, putting on her best actress face. 
"Todd!" she called, opening her arms to hug him. 
"Sorry, I thought about doing a whole cheesy sign thing but then I ran out of time. How was the flight?"
The man had been so excited to get home, already counting down the minutes left on the plane once he had reached the airport. Thankfully it wasn't a long flight, and before he knew it he'd landed safely, bags ready and him eager to get out finally and get back to the city. 
Of course, when he walked through the doors, there was a mass of people waiting on the other side. Families, parents, children; some taxi drivers with signs waiting for someone important. Todd fixed the strap of his bag as his eyes scanned the place for the redhead, only to quickly spot her as she got his attention. He made a beeline towards her, dropping the bags at his feet once he was in front of her to lift her up in a hug as he twirled around once before pressing a kiss to her lips, pulling away enough to look at her. 
"I missed you so much," said the man as he now took care of his bags, with one free hand to hold the redhead. 
"It was okay, I can't complain. I got free water since the snacks are so expensive. It's a good thing the breakfast lounge at the hotel was packed. I wouldn't have survived on some chips," said Todd with a chuckle while walking out of the airport, thank god.
Once inside the Uber and with the daze of seeing Vixey after a month, the man finally had a chance to look at her. Of course, at first sight, she looked like any other day; relaxed maybe for someone who didn't know her so well. 
Even if Todd had only had a couple of months -and an extra one during the summer- to learn and know the redhead, it had been enough time to pick up on things she did. Like pretending she was okay when she wasn't. 
"Is everything okay?" he asked gently, a hand landing on top of hers to catch her attention just in case his words weren't heard. 
"Nothing wrong at home? Work? Roxie?" the man knew that if it had been Roxie, the woman would have called him immediately and Todd would have made it back in record time. 
But he knew something was off, either something happened before today or earlier. By this point, Todd's whole body had turned towards her direction, giving her his complete attention - and ready to dodge whatever excuse she could throw at him if she didn't spill the beans right away- both of his hands taking a hold of hers.
In public Vixey could hold her composure and fake it well, she fed off the energy of those around her and it made it easier so while they were at the airport she had no trouble pretending to be alright. She couldn't help but hold the hug with Todd a little longer than she normally would. 
Once they were inside the Uber and Todd caught on, VIxey considered lying for a little while longer, at least until they were in the comfort of Todd's apartment, but there wouldn't be any use. Though she had spaced out a little, she heard Todd's question and looked at him with soft eyes. Her fingers intertwined with his and she shook her head, "Nothing is wrong at home, I promise. Roxie is perfectly fine, she has been the best companion over the last few weeks." 
Vixey wasn't quite ready to cry, honestly she was just still in shock. She hadn't had time to process much of anything yet, and she wasn't sure where to even begin because she hadn't mentioned her sister to Todd, she hadn't really mentioned her sister to anyone outside of her family. It all felt so weird. 
"Work is fine, I promise Roxie is fine, too." she had already said that but for some reason she felt the need to reiterate and stall. She was thankful for the light traffic. Hopefully they'd be home sooner than later. 
"My mom called me right before I left for the airport.." she began, averting her gaze to the back of the seat in front of her. 
"She was freaking out and I was worried it was my dad or something but he's fine, they're fine" She found herself pausing to breathe slow deep breaths. 
"I don't talk about her much, mostly because we haven't really spoken much in the last seven or so years, but I have a sister, well- I.." she stopped, staring ahead. 
"My sister, Emily, something happened, I don't know what, I had to get mom off the phone so I could go but I've got to call her back. And I'll probably have to spend a few days in New Jersey with them setting up funeral arrangements.."
Todd looked intently at the redhead, feeling the touch of her hands but reading something more from them; as if she was holding on to avoid the breakthrough of a heavy burden, and the man could just rub the back of her hands with his thumbs to try and alleviate the unknown until he could finally learn all the details. 
He listened but didn't at the same time as Vixey began to mention all the things that were okay like his home, Roxie, or work, but he just couldn't stop the way his gaze softened at her as he tried to comprehend what was happening. 
Of course, this wasn't the most promising place to have such a talk, let alone he didn't want the redhead to start crying inside a random Uber in the middle of the street. There was still a considerable distance between them and his home; something told him that these were huge news, but worse still.
The man listened carefully when Vixey began to explain, him scooting a little closer to her. He wouldn't have been able to stop his breathing catching in his throat at the sudden realization of the news she had received, looking at her while Todd himself tried to let it sink as well. He, after all, knew this feeling of getting the worst call possible too well, the shock, the many questions, and the eventual breakdown that came crashing down after. And like her, Todd hadn't really had any chance to talk about his family at all -or the lack of one for that matter. 
"Vixey, I'm so sorry," said the man as his hands gently squeezed her hands, just to remind her that he was there with her. Present. No wonder she had looked a little off at the airport. Without him noticing, they had arrived at his apartment, with the man quickly getting out of the car and helping the woman out as he carried his bags. 
"Come on, let's get inside," he said softly at her, bringing them both inside. He wished he could have greeted Roxie with a lot more enthusiasm than he did, but even the pup had noticed a shift in the environment the second the woman had stepped inside, instantly moving to Vixey's heel after Todd had scratched her head.
"Hey," said the man as he wrapped his arms around her, now safely secured by the privacy of his home and Todd's arms as he hugged her tight. 
"If you need me to go with you to New Jersey, I can do it no problem. Okay?" he said softly as he rubbed her back gently. 
"You can stay here with me too, as long as you need. Anything you need, I got you," said Todd as he gently pulled away to look at her, placing a kiss on her temple.
Vixey was more than thankful for the safety and comfort of Todd's apartment. There was a feeling of instant relief once they had gotten in, Roxie also sensing something was off. The redhead collapsed into Todd's arms as he pulled her close. 
"Thank you," she said, face against his shoulder. 
"I don't want you to feel like you have to go with me, I know you've already been away from work so I don't want to make things difficult for you," she told him. It was going to be weird anyway considering the rift in Vixey's relationship with her sister and her mother. Vixey's father still kept up with Emily every now and then but like Vixey, their mom hadn't been a fan of the guy who she left with. 
"Mine and my mom's relationship with my sister wasn't exactly great." She didn't want Todd to feel awkward.
"But seriously, thank you, I really appreciate that, I think it would feel too weird being alone. I mean I'm sad, it's really sad, but it's also strange.. I heard from her last Christmas and it was a short facetime call and I had reached out a few times over the previous year but she never got back. It was weird.." Vixey explained the situation to Todd, moving to the living room. 
Just as she went to sit down her phone began to ring again. It was her mom calling again. 
"And it's my mom.. I told her I'd call her back later," Vixey was a little frustrated but it also felt wrong to be frustrated because this situation was entirely out of her control. 
"Hey mom.." Vixey's voice was soft as she sat on the couch, shifting her gaze between Todd and the floor. 
"We just got back from the airport, I'm sorry I was going to call you later." 
"Tell Todd we're glad he made it back safe." 
"Thank you, I am too." 
"Honey I hate to bug you but it would be better for you to get here sooner rather than later, tomorrow would be best. We need to talk."
That was weird. Of course they needed to talk, her sister was dead. 
"Well I know there's probably a lot to do but what is it that I've got to be there? Can we talk now? Or I can call you later? Mom, I'm honestly not sure what we need to talk about that can't be sorted later.." 
There was a sense of urgency in her mom's voice that made her uneasy. She heard her mom sniffle on the other end and her dad telling her in the background to go ahead and 'prepare her'. 
"Mom what's dad talking about? What does he mean by prepare her? Prepare who?" 
"Vix it's about Abigail. We're going to need to talk about living arrangements." 
"What do you mean living arrangements?" 
"Your sister had you listed as her conservator." The phone slipped from Vixey's hand and hit the floor.
"Vixey, it's no problem at all. This trip was work either way, so if anything they owe me for making me have to be away from the firehouse. Besides, I never really take holidays. I have enough days to cover as much as you need for me to stay with you," said Todd as he hugged the woman tight, giving her as much time as she needed to let it go before pulling away. 
"I just don't want you to deal with all of this alone. I know it's hard and it's tough," said the man, looking at her softly but talking from experience. 
Whether she'd want to know more about that or no, Todd was already decided in making the trip with her and staying for as long as she'd need. 
"Of course, babe. You can take it as slow as you need, and I'll be here for whatever. I'll make some tea for you, okay?" said the man after she spoke as they moved to the living room, letting her take the couch while he moved to the kitchen, and on right timing when he heard the phone ringing, knowing it was probably her mother and betting she'd need a couple of minutes alone to deal with that -as alone as she could be with the fluffy golden retriever setting her head on her lap to keep her company and give her support. 
The man busied himself setting up the electric kettle and the tea for the redhead, already knowing this would be a long and hard process not only for Vixey but for her family as well. And yes, in other circumstances, meeting her family would be a big deal, but right now he couldn't care less about the implications and expectations of it when she was hurting and funerals were a given to be an emotional turmoil. 
His own experience had been harsh enough, but also he was 18 and alone dealing with the funeral arrangements of the only family he'd known. At least Vixey had the support system of her parents; him and Roxie too. 
When he heard a loud thud noise hitting the floor, Todd quickly walked out of the kitchen only to find her phone on the floor and the woman sitting like a statue, with Roxie whining uncomfortably as a sign of alert as she looked at the man for any help. 
"Hey, what's wrong?" said the man as he took the phone and hang up the call for now; clearly she wouldn't be able to keep on talking for the next minute. 
"Vixey, are you okay?"
Vixey starred unblinking for what felt like an eternity but was probably only less than a minute. She could feel Todd close and the sound of Roxie's whining brought her back. The redhead found herself taking a deep breath and closing her eyes for just a moment, attempting to make sense of the thing her mom just said to her. 
"I think my mom is confused.." was all she managed, opening her eyes to look at Todd who was now holding her phone. 
"I think she's confused and I'm just going to have to text her that I'll be home in the morning but I can't talk to them right now."
Vixey felt like a crazy person and she wasn't sure if chalking it up to her mom not knowing what she said was a defense mechanism or not.. Which, Vixey was obviously experiencing early stages of grief over something she'd only known for a few hours so it wasn't exactly unheard of. She just felt like she was beginning to suffocate. 
Vixey stayed seated on the couch, her head in her hands, and sighed. "My sister has a daughter, Abigail. I think she's four now? Or almost four?"
Some people probably thought it was awful that she hardly knew her niece but it was only because her sister and fiance, more so the fiance, kept her from Vixey and their parents. 
"Emily met this guy while we were on a vacation down in Florida and I didn't like him very much, and he pretended to like me until he started dating my sister a few months later after moving to New Jersey.." It was so weird recounting this experience and as Vixey spoke she realized she had never told anyone about any of this. 
"He became very protective of my sister but she played it off as new love and I tried to not think much of it." She sighed again, bringing her head up to look at Todd now. 
"Paul, that's his name.. Anyway, they got married and moved to Texas and Emily and I were still in touch semi-regularly after she moved and a few months later she found out she was pregnant and we were so excited, I was going to be Aunt Vixey just like I had always wanted and it was going to be great and then Abigail was born and Paul got weird, again. He didn't want Emily to talk to me and the whole thing was just bad but she was hours away and I didn't know what to do.." It was going to be difficult to not place any blame on herself. 
"We heard from her that one Christmas and nothing else since. Mom would get emotional when I would ask if she had heard from her so a few months ago I stopped checking in. But now mom told me apparently my sister had me listed as a guardian for Abby but Paul is her dad so that can't be right." she ran her fingers through her hair, keeping her breathing steady as she spoke but settling farther back on the couch and pulling her knees to her chest. 
"I don't know, I'll just have to wait until tomorrow, I can't talk to any of them anymore today without being there." 
By this point Roxie had climbed up on the couch next to her and Vixey was able to rest a hand on the pup. If anything Todd and Roxie would be exactly the comfort that she needs.
By now, Todd had moved from crouching next to Vixey to taking a seat on the couch next to her as he placed the phone on the coffee table while looking at her with a soft gaze. Roxie was just as alert as he was, constantly trying to smudge her head in between the redhead's hands to lick her face while he tried to pull her back a little to give Vixey some space. 
It was clear that everything was beginning to hit her like a truck at the moment, and the man knew it was only going to get worse by the time the day went on. His hand moved to rest against her arm while his thumb gently caressed her skin, patiently waiting as she spoke and explained the whole situation. Of course, he didn't know a thing about her family because the redhead hadn't said much about them, but also they had been started dating just a month ago, so it wasn't exactly something so bad. And he wasn't one to judge her for that either. 
Todd listened carefully as Vixey explained the situation with her sister, her niece, and her brother-in-law apparently. Obviously, it all rubbed him the wrong way and understood the worry coming from her mother about the situation. He didn't have siblings, but having Copper all his life that acted like a brother to him gave him some sort of glimpse of what it was like, but Todd also understood that it couldn't be even close to the real thing.
He took a deep breath, as he placed a hand over Vixey's with a gentle touch. 
"Okay. Well, what we can do is take it one step at a time for now. So, when you're ready you can text your mom. I'm going to bring you your tea and we can stay here if you want, or leave. Or anything that you want to do, alright?" said Todd as he leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead before standing up and moving to the kitchen. 
The whole situation sucked, obviously and it was worse after knowing the whole story. From what he could tell -or assume really- was that probably something happened to the father as well, meaning that if Vixey was being contacted to be the guardian of this little girl, things would change. The man couldn't help but wonder if her niece looked like her at all, but who knew. He wasn't worried about that, in fact, Todd was more than ready to help and support the redhead in everything she needed, even if right now it meant to help her feel as okay as she could while thinking of the next step to take. 
"Here you go," said the mas as he handed her the cup, moving to grab the blanket thrown over the couch to wrap her shoulders with it. 
"And I'm sorry, but I think Roxie is on Vixey duty today," said the man with a chuckle as he watched the pup snuggle as close as she could to the woman, while Todd sat on the other side while bringing an arm around her shoulders.
While Todd busied himself making tea, Vixey texted her mom, letting her know that they'd be coming home in the morning but that she needed a little time this evening to process. Thankfully her mom was accepting of that and Vixey was thankful. She'd rather that than spending the evening feeling guilty for checking out. The next few days were going to be a lot though so Vixey was glad. 
"You're the best, and I mean that." Vixey said with a weak but sincere smile as Todd settled next to her with tea and a blanket. 
"I think I would rather stay here for the evening. Maybe we could get some takeout and watch a movie, or something that requires little thought processing." She definitely didn't want to be alone and she definitely didn't want to head home yet. 
"I'll need to go to my apartment and get some things for the next few days but I can do that later." she took a sip of the tea and leaned close to Todd. 
She was also going to need to make some calls to their production staff announcing her leave for at least the rest of the week and let them know that she may need more time but she would let them know. 
She hated stepping out of a show like this. People paid to see the show as a whole, sure, but people also definitely came to see the headliners. She saw a post on her instagram about it in her future. Not that she owed anyone anything but she did like for people to know she didn't want to be out. What a weird time to live in. 
"Thank you, I know I've already said that and I'm just warning you that I'm going to be saying it at least a hundred more times and I'm apologizing in advance. I'm also apologizing in advance for apologizing so much. I know I shouldn't and this is way out of my control but I just want you to know. I say sorry too much" It was a hard habit to break. 
"But I guess we can go to my parents in the morning. They're in the suburbs right outside of the city on the Jersey side, it's like an hour total from my apartment via transit. And you really don't have to come," she said knowing he would come regardless.
"I know you will but I just don't want you to feel like you have to."
"Alright, we can do that no problem. Roxie will be thrilled to know she gets you here one more day," said the man with a smile as he watched the dog snuggle her head in between Vixey's arm just so she could boop her nose against her cheek. 
"We can definitely come with you if you want some company while you get your stuff together. I actually think this girl right here left a toy at your place the other day. Might as well recover it while we can," said Todd with a chuckle as his hand gave the pup's head some scratches. 
The man also made a mental note to pack a new bag -much smaller than the one he took to DC- and call Copper so he'd come and check on Roxie while he was gone which he already knew he wouldn't say much about it since he loved the golden and she loved him too. Maybe he'd take her to his place as well. But he'd also need to call the firehouse and pull out every extra shift, favor, and seminar he'd been dragged to, to get a week off for this emergency. At least it was New Jersey so it wasn't that far either way if anything came up that required his presence in the firehouse.
Todd could only smile back at Vixey as she thanked him, apologized, and explained herself all in one sentence, making the man softly chuckle as he pressed a kiss to her temple. 
"It's okay, babe. I'll remind you that it's okay every time," said the man as he rubbed her arm gently with his hand. 
"And for your reassurance, I'm not going because I have to. I'm coming because I want to, and I want to support you through all of this. I can ask a favor and get the car from a friend to go to New Jersey. I saved him once from a fire, so he owes me big. That way we don't need to worry about an Uber being late and we can make it as quick as you need," said the man as he pressed a kiss against her shoulder. 
"I'm here for you," said the man before a bark interrupted him, making him chuckle as he booped Roxie's nose with his finger. 
"We're here for you, babe. Anything you need."
"I think a walk might be a good idea." Vixey smiled at the offer to walk to her apartment. She knew she could use the fresh air after this morning, even if it was a little cold. She gave Roxie's head another scratch. 
"If anything comes up with work and you've got to come home please know that's perfectly fine. I know you said it'll be okay but I just want you to know that I'll be okay." It was going to be a long week for sure. 
As Todd reassured her she smiled. She was nervous about what was to come, for her mom to tell her the thing about her niece something else had to be going on. And what if she was telling the truth? Vixey would have custody of a whole kid overnight. Vixey hadn't even given full thought to a family of her own someday, which was probably not standard for a thirty-six year old woman but she had always been so focused on herself she hadn't had time to think about someone else. Plus she had been single since meeting Todd so Todd was her first relationship where the thought might be considered. It was a lot to take in. 
"I'm very thankful for you," she smiled, leaning in to press a kiss against Todd's cheek. 
"And you too, Rox."
Knowing they could have a car helped a lot. Vixey had been planning on finally buying her own car but storage in the city was almost more than the car itself over time. She'd have to move to the suburbs before that happened. But maybe that was going to happen sooner than she thought. Vixey's one bedroom apartment was definitely not made for a kid. It was simply the perfect size for Vixey and really only her, that was partially why she liked staying with Todd at his apartment, and Roxie, of course.
Later that day, after they had ventured out in the cold to Vixey's apartment and she was able to pack a bag, she could feel herself growing more and more tired. It was definitely going to be an early bedtime night for her and that was probably for the best. She was going to need to be well rested for the days ahead. 
When the evening finally came that was just what happened. Vixey found herself with barely enough energy for dinner but Todd didn't seem to mind. He had done an amazing job being for her throughout the day, which with the exception of being tired, she seemed alright. 
Of course she was off and her head was buzzing with a million different things but she was still able to laugh and talk with Todd and play with Roxie and it was good to keep her mind occupied. She wanted to talk more about Abigail, at least of what she knew about the little girl, and show him the pictures her sister had posted, but she had been avoiding the topic, at least until she knew what was going to happen for sure. 
At least she could sleep well that night knowing she wasn't alone, and that the production crew were prepared to fill in for her absence. When she finally called their stage manager and director that afternoon they instructed her to take as much time as she needed, her stage manager even asking to put Todd on so they could make it clear to him as well, knowing good and well Vixey would jump back on stage in two days if she could just to distract herself. They wanted her to take her time and know that they'd have everything taken care of and ready for her return - whenever that would be.
Vixey woke the next morning groggy but well rested after an early night snuggled in bed with Todd and Roxie. She went through her usual routine of breakfast and coffee, something she probably wouldn't have done if she were alone, just the coffee, but she was trying to be conscious and take care of herself - Todd was going to make sure that happened either way and he was definitely helping. 
Before she knew it she was pacing around, playing with Roxie here and there to distract herself while Todd finished getting ready. 
"I'm sorry we're going to leave you again, sweet girl. Your dad just got back to you and I'm already stealing him for a few days." 
As the day went by, Todd had already made the calls to the firehouse as he explained the situation and his absence for the next week for now. He wasn't even allowed to say anything about his free days before his Chief cut him off mid-sentence and immediately allowed him to leave for as long as he needed, after all, Todd never missed a shift, worked extra and he was the one who constantly made the trips to seminars nobody wanted to attend to. The whole firehouse owed it to him; his Chief told him he'd cover for the next shifts and if any vital emergency presented itself, he'd call Todd. 
Then he called Copper to make sure Roxie would be taken care of while he was away and after some explaining, his best friend didn't need any more information to agree right away. 
"Hey man, listen. This is a huge step. I'm not doubting you or anything, but if you or Vixey need help I got you. I'm sure Mary wouldn't mind some playdates with the kids. That little girl would love some friends, I bet. And the kids have been asking for uncle Todd more than I wish to admit," said Copper over the phone as Todd turned around for a second to check on the redhead, 
"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. I guess I'll meet her first and then we'll see how it goes. But playdates are a must, with Roxie. They'll go nuts. But thanks man, I owe you one." 
"You owe me more than a million dollars but okay," said Copper with a laugh before hanging up.
Todd had taken care of the car and had everything ready the night before for the trip to New Jersey. Copper already had a key to his apartment, Roxie's bowls had fresh water and food, and he'd bought extra treats for her. She'd gotten extra snuggles that night, to which the pup took every advantage she could. After breakfast, the man had taken care of their bags before it was finally time to leave, already crouching down with Roxie. 
"It's okay," he said with a smile as he gave her scratchies.
"She's a big, brave girl. She knows how to take care of herself. Besides, uncle Copper will be here soon and you'll have fun too," said Todd as he placed a kiss on her head. 
"Alright, I'm ready," he said as he offered his hand to the redhead.
"You ready?" asked the man as he looked at her, knowing that was the start of a rough trip but at least she wasn't going to do all this alone.
Once inside the car, Todd drove away and to the New Jersey exit, putting out some soft music to ease up the mood knowing the redhead's head was probably a turmoil. His hand reached out for hers, as his thumb gently caressed the back of her palm.
"How are you holding up, superstar?" asked the man while he drove, taking a chance to pause on a red light to look at her. 
"Oh, by the way, I stopped on the way from gas to buy flowers for your mom. I thought it'd be nice," said Todd as he glanced at the sunflowers he'd managed to get, and managed to keep in good condition. 
It was a one-hour trip, they would be just fine until New Jersey. The man had also made sure to bring a toy firefighter helmet, from the firehouse. Figuring that would be a good way to break the ice with the little girl.
Vixey smiled as they said goodbye to Roxie. She had yet to meet Copper but he sounded like a great guy and Vixey was sure they'd meet sooner or later. She nodded as Todd asked if she was ready and helped him put their things in the car. 
Once she was settled in the car and they were on their way she gave his hand a squeeze and looked his way as he drove. 
"I'm okay, I thing, I guess as okay as anyone could be right now, you know?" she asked.
"It's so weird, I was close to her for a while and then not and it's just strange how that can affect someone and how you feel about them. I mean I'm really upset but I also hadn't heard from her in over a year so it doesn't seem real.." She knew it would though and it would be pretty quick. 
But she smiled at the flowers he picked up for her mom. "My mom will love them and she will love you, she already does and she hardly knows you." Vixey gave his hand another squeeze. 
"My mom is sweet but it's hard to tell how she's going to be this week. She'll still be nice but her and my sister, who was older than me by six years, had a strained relationship for some reason. I never quite understood it and I think Emily resented me a little, thinking I was the favorite." 
Sometimes she felt guilty for that, and now she especially did. 
"She's probably going to be a mess." the redhead sighed and looked ahead. 
"My dad will love that you came with me, and will probably show you his two vintage cars in the garage and talk to you about them for hours because he never gets to show them off anymore. Don't let him con you into helping him 'work' on them." the grinned.
"They're not really broken, he just wants an excuse to show you every part under the hood." The thought of him doing just that with Todd made her laugh softly and that felt good. 
Once they were across the stateline and close to the house, Vixey braced herself. She did finally find the courage to ask her mom when Abby would be at the house and she told her later that evening. They'd at least have a few hours to talk through things. She felt nervous but the feeling of Todd's hand helped calm her. 
"Alright," once they pulled up she looked at him. 
"Let's do this." 
Vixey's mom was already at the door ready to greet them, a corgi at her heels, the other one probably wherever her dad was. Her eyes looked tired and sad but she looked happy to greet her daughter and Todd. She opened the door and Scout came running to the redhead and her new friend, her little stub of a tail wagging behind her. 
"Vixey!" her mom reached for her. 
"Hi, Todd, I've heard so much about you."
She greeted him with open arms as well. The corgi kept sniffing Todd and Vixey's shoes, obviously smelling Roxie. 
"And I'm sorry we're not exactly meeting under happy circumstances but we are very excited to meet you and we're so thankful for everything you've done for Vixey, I know she keeps telling me she couldn't do this without you and she always sounds like she's glowing on the other end of the phone."
Todd listened carefully while driving, catching as many details as he could about her family story and all that had transpired; it would be helpful once the time to face it all came. It was a terrible thing that there would be a piece of her that he'd never meet, but it was the same for her with him as well. 
His hand gave her a squeeze as the redhead spoke about her sister resenting her. Obviously, he didn't know her, he never would and he'd never know her side of the story, but still; that argument was an ill one that he couldn't quite believe, not when the woman really didn't have anything on her to make her carry such a burden, let alone when the other part left her with that. 
"Well, I'll still say she's pretty and that I know where you got your pretty genes from," he teased with a smile to try and alleviate the mood and turmoil she was under. 
"I love cars too. So I'll ask as many questions as he wants me to and listen to him explaining them. Do they ride? I'd love to take a lap on one of them, if he lets me, of course. We both like vintage things after all. Him and his cars, and me and my records. But I am willing to earn as many points in my favor as possible while I visit your parents. It's a double mission," said the man as he smiled while looking ahead, his thumb caressing her skin lovingly to reassure her that despite the circumstances Todd was here to make it suck a little less.
"Let's do this," said Todd as well as he cut the power of the car and got out, already greeted by the fresh air outside of the city, the barks and butt wiggles of the corgis, and her mother's greeting. The man hugged her back with a warm embrace, one that said how sorry he was for it all, coming from someone who understood this experience better than anyone. 
"It is very nice to meet you, ma'am. And I know under other circumstances, this would be a lovely meeting either way. Oh! I brought you this," said Todd as he pulled away just to get the flowers out of the car. 
"Just a little something to brighten up everything, they managed to stay good the whole ride. Fresh from this morning," he said with a chuckle as he handed the sunflowers to Vixey's mom. 
Of course, he had noticed the small noses digging into his pants and shoes, knowing they were catching the scent of his Roxie. 
"And who are you little fellas?" asked the man as he crouched to greet them, letting them smell his hand and his scent before scratching the head.
"Why don't you two go ahead and I'll take care of these bags, hm?" said Todd as he nodded at Vixey, knowing they probably had a lot to talk about and it was probably best if they started that conversation sooner than later. 
Besides, a couple of bags was nothing that the man couldn't deal with. And something told him that those corgis hadn't had enough of him and the scent of his girl. 
"Are you guys going to help me with the bags too? Alright," said Todd with a chuckle as he looked at them wagging their whole bodies while opening the car.
Vixey knew Todd would be more than willing to do whatever was necessary to get along with her parents, and it wouldn't take much, they already liked him and they didn't even know him. Vixey's mom smiled brightened at the sight of the flowers. 
"Oh Todd you didn't have to do that but thank you, these are so beautiful and will definitely brighten up the kitchen." 
Vixey's mom admired the flowers, standing a few inches taller than VIxey with hair that was more of a strawberry blonde but you could tell her side of the family was where the red hair genes came from. 
"Hi Scout, hi Georgie" Vixey greeted the pups. It hadn't been too long since she had seen them but of course to them it felt like an eternity. 
She looked over her shoulder as she walked into the house with her mom, chuckling at the corgis watching Todd intently as he grabbed their bags. 
"It's so good to see you, Vix." Vixey smiled and put her purse down by the door. 
"It's good to see you too, mom, I'm sorry it couldn't be under other circumstances." The house was quiet and she was thankful for that. 
"Where's dad?" 
"He's out sorting some things with the funeral home for tomorrow. We want to get things done in a day, seeing visitors in the morning and going to the gravesite in the afternoon, we just want it over with." She could hear the strain in her voice.
"I'm so sorry, mama," Vixey walked over and pulled her mom into a tight hug. The pair lingered for a few moments longer but Vixey didn't mind. She knew her dad wasn't much for hugging like Todd was with VIxey so her mom probably needed the physical contact. 
The redhead felt the tears welling up behind her eyes but she looked up, doing her best to hold them back. She knew if she started crying her mom would and it just wouldn't be fun for anyone - not that any of what was happening was fun. Vixey would cry later.
Vixey's mom pulled from the hug as Todd was coming in and wiped her eyes before leading Todd to Vixey's room and Vixey was low key thankful she had redesigned her room a few weeks ago so it now resembled more of a traditional guest room as opposed to the room of a girl who was in high school in the early 2000s. 
"Here, dear, I'll show you where you're staying so you can drop those bags. And don't worry, no one else is staying here this week, the rest of the family are staying elsewhere so it'll be nice and quiet." she explained, showing Todd to the room, Vixey lingering down the hall to watch. 
"And thank you so much again for coming with our girl. I know she appreciates you and we do too. Things are about to change." she reached out and gave Todd's arm a squeeze before disappearing down the hall back to the kitchen, motioning for Vixey to follow. 
"Can I get you all anything? Tea, water? I just baked some bread so there's fresh bread and ingredients for sandwiches in the fridge if you'd like anything. I know the trip isn't long but it is almost lunch time."
Todd easily carried the bags inside, careful not to step or touch the courgis even though they were too rowdy -with reason with a new friend in the house that smelled like another dog- so avoiding any contact with them until his hands were free for scratchies was the goal. 
The man was careful not to touch anything or pass by anything with the bags, not wanting to add breaking an old vessel or a frame to the tensed-up moment that the family was living. He hadn't even noticed the women in the other room only when he heard Vixey's mother talking to him, while he just followed her down the hall to the room, not even mentioning anything about the teary eyes or the sniffles he'd manage to hear while passing by. This was their moment and he was nothing but to be respectful. 
"Thank you very much, and for welcoming me into your home too," said Todd with a smile as he put the bags down, his hand gently landing over the older woman's as he smiled warmly at her.
The man's eyes looked at Vixey before looking back at her mother, "I'll take a cup of tea, sure," he said with a nod as he moved next to Vixey, gently wrapping a hand around her back, just to make sure she was okay with everything going on now that it was more real than ever before he followed her mother to the kitchen. 
"So these little fellas here," said Todd as he nodded at the corgis that had managed to follow him to the room and back, on his toes and eager to get more of this new scent. He just knew they would go nuts with Roxie in the flesh, not to mention she was quite young as well. A year and a half, still a puppy at heart despite her size. 
"How old are they? They seem like they have energy for weeks," he teased with a chuckle, hoping to bring the older woman's attention to something far nicer than the topic that was the theme of the day and week for that matter. 
"I have a golden retriever named Roxie back at home. I got her just a couple of years ago from an adoption center, she's my little girl. She keeps me in shape too, eager for some early morning walks around the city."
"Tea sounds great, mom." Vixey agreed with Todd, leaning against him as he wrapped his arm around her. 
The corgis, who had settled a little now that everyone was inside, were switching between following Vixey's mom and sniffing around Todd and Vixey's feet. 
"Oh VIxey's told us all about Roxie, she sent us pictures of her while she was staying with her. She looks so sweet." Her mom busied herself with preparing tea for the three of them. 
"The darker brown one with the white heart on her butt is Scout. She's eight and mom's shadow. The lighter blonde one is George and he's five and still a little rambunctious. He bullies Scout into playing with him and he gets mad at her when she lays down and stops playing." Vixey explained. 
"We've always had corgis, ever since Vixey was little and insisted we adopt one, though it was difficult to adopt them because no one really puts corgis up for adoption unless they're new babies." 
"Scout is wide awake now but give her ten minutes or so and she'll be snoozing somewhere." 
Finally her mom turned back to the counter and placed two mugs of hot tea in front of them and took one for herself. She was quiet for a few minutes, but Vixey could see the wheels turning. She was avoiding the inevitable and Vixey knew it'd be better to get whatever it was over with. 
"So," Vixey spoke up, stirring her tea slowly. 
"The thing you mentioned on the phone, about Abby.. What did you mean by guardian? Why isn't Paul taking her?" Vixey was curious, preparing for the worst. Vixey's mom looked up and bit her lip before speaking. 
"I'm sorry, VIx I thought you knew.. He dropped out of nowhere a few months ago. They said it was a brain aneurysm. I didn't realize Emily hadn't said anything to you." 
"Emily and I hadn't exactly talked for the last year or so - at all." Vixey was trying to hide the hurt in her voice because it wasn't her mom's fault and she certainly didn't want to cause any strain. 
"So, with him gone, and his family wanting nothing to do with her, Emily listed you as her legal guardian should anything happen. We're old, we can't take care of a baby again for 18 years, Vix." 
Vixey stared down at her tea, watching the swirling liquid, unblinking. She had gone from Aunt Vixey to .. mom Vixey overnight. 
"Now I know it's a lot to take in and there is a lot to straighten out." Her mom was prepared to be as frank as possible which was for the best, "You could of course relinquish responsibilities, there'd be some paperwork - well, there's going to be a lot of paperwork regardless, but with that Abby could go into the foster system and we could try to get her but who knows how long that would take." 
"This is all so messed up.." Vixey whispered, her head beginning to spin. 
"Of course I'm not going to do that," 
"I know, honey, I just wanted to make sure you knew." Vixey was hearing loud and clear. 
"We've been in contact with the social worker. Abby will be here tonight but we've agreed to keep her for a little while so you can go home and straighten whatever you need out. We can help as much as we can but at the end of the day, she's yours now." 
"I think I need some air.." Vixey interrupted, standing from her spot and heading out onto the back porch. It was cold but the air was fresh and she was afraid if she sat there any longer she'd be sick, or pass out. She made her way to the porch railing, resting her elbows against the wood and her head in her hands.
Todd accepted the tea and listened as the two women explained it all about the corgis, how they got them, and their respective personalities. He smiled and chuckled at the stories, knowing that he'd had more about Roxie to share when the time was right. 
At the moment when the mood changed, the man simply sipped on his tea while looking between the pair. Todd recalled the detail the redhead had mentioned regarding Abigail, and that Vixey was her guardian. And as her mother went on to explain, his suspicions were only confirmed, making the woman the only choice for the little girl to have any sort of stability in between her own family, or at least the one that wanted her still. 
That was a harsh reality. Todd had been in her shoes almost 40 years ago but he was just a baby with no recollection of his parents; he couldn't even begin to understand how that little girl felt. Way too scared and lost without her mom or dad.
As they spoke, Todd made sure to catch as much detail as possible, reserving any questions for later when the mood wasn't so tense but catching whatever important information he thought would be helpful later on. 
But it was quickly becoming too much in so little time; for him it was overwhelming and he could only imagine what the whole process had been for them as a family. Sure enough, he felt Vixey stand up, watching her walk away suffocated from it all. 
"It's okay, I'll go," said Todd with a soft smile towards her mother before the man walked outside to search for the redhead. Once he found her, the man slowly walked up to her, leaning on the spot by her side. He gave her a minute before gently settling a hand on her back as if to bring her back to reality from her little bubble. 
"Hey," said the man while looking at her with a warm gaze.
"It's a lot, hm?" he said as his hand gently rubbed her back, still present. Still there. Todd had not moved an inch away from this whole process, nevertheless now that he knew all of the details behind it.
But the man was still there. "I just want you to know, whatever you decide on doing, I'm here. I got you," said Todd with a soft smile. 
He knew this was a lot, and probably something that would make any man run away from with so much pressure and sudden responsibilities set upon them. But for Todd, it didn't faze him at all, but rather just made him easily step into the role without a second thought. And it was also because he understood that little girl without knowing her yet and knew what she was going through.
Vixey had to lean against the railing because all of the sudden she felt like she was going to faint. She knew her mom only meant to inform Vixey of everything and like Vixey, her mom wasn't the best at holding onto information that someone else needed to know. It was a classic Addison family move to info drop too much at once. 
"Hey..." Vixey said, face against the palms of her hands, still leaning over. 
She was overwhelmed. She was overwhelmed with grief, with looming responsibilities, with the knowledge that her relationship was probably about to change.. It was perfectly normal for her to react the way she had but at the same time Vixey was mostly a composed person when things weren't going well. 
In times of panic she was usually calm and a voice of reason and she was proud of that so it was extra tough letting her guard down right now. She was just thankful it was in front of Todd and her mom and no one else. At least for now. Her internal monologue was going to have words of encouragement on repeat until further notice. 
Finally, she raised her head and looked at Todd. He was so sweet and sincere and reminding her that he was going to be right there and she knew he meant it but she still felt bad. 
"You know you don't have to, right?" she had to get these thoughts out of her head and it was better to do it now rather than later. 
"We've only been together for a few months, we're still getting to know each other ourselves and now I'm going to be a mom and I don't even get the usual nine months to prepare." Those months seemed like a luxury rather than a pain to Vixey at the moment.
"This is going to change things, a lot, a lot more than I think they will. I don't really have much of a choice and it's really difficult for me to not be angry right now.." she felt those tears welling up behind her eyes again and this time a few tears began to escape. She was almost positive this was the first time she had cried in front of him, at least fully. 
"I'm angry at my sister, and I feel really guilty for that because she didn't do anything. All she did was choose someone she knew would love the crap out of a kid and I'm angry at her. I'm angry at the powers that be that decided that her time was up, leaving a four year old with no one.. It's not fair.." she sighed, wiping her face with the back of her hand.
"You don't have to do anything. I won't hold it against you if you leave, you didn't sign up for this. We've hardly talked about our families with each other, let alone talked about a future together and what our plans or dreams are family wise - we don't know any of that about each other and I will have no hard feelings if this it for you." Vixey meant it, too. 
She'd never force someone to stick around with a kid on the way, especially a kid that existed because of someone else. Todd had no ties to this one and she wasn't going to force him to stick around if he didn't want to.
Todd's words were nothing but the truth as in his mind he had already decide to move in with this and Vixey and this little girl for the foreseeable future; the thought of stepping down or pulling out of it this situation never crossed his mind, so when the redhead began to say that he was free to go and to tap out if he'd wanted, the only thing the man did was move a little closer to her. 
His hand gently landed over one of hers as he let the woman talk all her points out -and practically she had assumed every worst possible scenario from that small conversation with her mother- and all that she needed to say, without interrupting and his face showing no judgment. When the first tear fell out, Todd gently wiped it away with his fingers, brushing a few of her ginger locks behind her ear. 
"It's okay to be angry," said the man gently, "It's okay to cry, feel frustrated, and confused. That's perfectly normal, babe. I'm not going to judge you for that," said Todd with a soft smile; the man knew exactly those feelings and what she was going through, knowing every step of grief.
"But," he said as he waited to have her attention, "Have I, at any point, made it seem like I didn't want anything to do with all this? With your situation? With your niece that will walk into your life to stay?" 
Todd looked at Vixey with nothing but warmth in his eyes as his hand moved to gently rub her back. 
"Vixey, I don't know why you go and assume what I'm thinking or what I'll do next," he said with a chuckle, this exact situation happening to them when they broke up the first time and when she stumbled into his apartment to make things up. The man hadn't said two words and yet the redhead had come up with a whole world in her head without him even knowing. 
"Stop assuming that I'm not going to play the part, or that I don't want to do this. I do. I'm not saying that I'll be here for you or that you got me out of courtesy. I truly am willing to help you with everything that is going on because I want to. So, stop trying to think or talk for me, and just let me help you, okay?" Todd's arms then opened as they pulled her into a hug, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"And as for the family talk, well," he said with a smile as he pulled away from her a little.
"We have a little bit of time to talk before your niece arrives here. If you're up for that. I mean we got tea," said the man with a chuckle.
Vixey listened patiently as Todd laid out his thoughts and she nodded slowly, still sniffling. Sure Todd had noticed by now but Vixey was definitely an "assume the worst but maybe the best might happen but also maybe not" kind of person. She hated that she automatically assumed the worst and tried her best sometimes to think otherwise. That wasn't happening right now, though. 
"I know." she replied, "I'm sorry for assuming anything. You've caught on but that's kind of how my brain works, especially when I get stressed." she explained, "But no, you haven't made it seem like you don't want to be here and you have no idea how thankful I am for that. It's going to be really difficult to do this on my own." 
So it was nice that she wasn't going to have to. "I guess you just assume during a situation like this that someone would run. Most men would say it's okay now but then when the delivery arrived, it would change. I can't see you doing that, I just want you to know that I won't hold it against you if you did." A few more tears escaped from her eyes but she kept her grip on him firm, "I'm just scared." 
He was right though, they had a few hours before anyone else would be coming around the house so they did have time to talk and now was probably as good of a time as ever. "I think I'd like that, a chance to talk." She smiled back at him. 
"We have a family room in the basement, half family room half dad's music room." Vixey explained, "We could go down there so no one will bother us." Her mom would be busy in the kitchen as baking was her coping mechanism, and her dad would probably be home soon. 
After wiping a few more tears away Vixey gave Todd's hand a squeeze before leading him back inside. Just as she thought her mom was busy putting together something in the kitchen and she smiled at the two of them. 
"I made a little more tea so it's still hot if you'd like some more." 
"Thank you, mom." Vixey went around the counter and placed a kiss against her mom's cheek and pulled her in for a side hug. 
"I think we're going to go downstairs and talk for a little while if that's okay. If you need anything just come and get me, and we'll come up when dad gets back, okay?" 
"I think I'll be okay up here but I will. You two take your time." 
She knew the two had a lot to work out and she could only hope for the best for them. Todd hadn't run away yet so that had to be a good sign. Vixey poured a little more tea into her mug and waited for Todd to do the same. 
Once he was ready she led him down the hall and through a door that led to the basement. The space was open and airy, it didn't have a dark basement feel. Hardwood flooring covered the space, wall to wall, and two big doors with windows lead out to the backyard, under the deck they had just been standing on a few minutes ago. 
There was a large sectional couch with various pillows and blankets, and a coffee table along with a big chair and a tv on the wall above a fireplace. One half of the room was well stocked with various musical instruments like guitars, a banjo, a bass, and a violin, and the walls were decorated with posters from various festivals over the years and some old record sleeves. A smaller record player was in the corner with a shelf full of records from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Vixey sat her tea down on the coffee table and moved to turn on the gas fireplace. It wasn't freezing down there but it also wasn't as warm as it was upstairs. 
"If you can't already tell, this is also one of dad's spaces. In addition to cars he likes music. The posters are from festivals he went to with my mom over the years."
"We can be scared together. It's going to be okay," said Todd as he looked at Vixey with a smile on his face, his thumb rubbing the back of her hand one last time before he let her go. 
"A family room, that sounds like a nice place to hide for the moment," he chuckled as if her whole house wasn't family-friendly enough, it was the graphic description of any family sitcom he could think of. 
The man followed her back to the kitchen, where their tea mugs rested forgotten on the table as he watched the older woman already moving around. He readied his tea and followed the redhead around the halls until they reached the family/basement room. It was an instant shift, reminding him a lot of his own home in the city. Inviting, friendly, and he would have said cozy had the heat not being up and running yet, but when he saw Vixey moving to set the heater up the man already knew this was a great room.
"This place is amazing," he said while looking around, taking a closer look at the instruments, the posters, the record player. Todd was in his element, more than intrigued to know more about every object around the room. 
"I think I'll have some long talks with your dad when I meet him. I sure want to hear the stories about everything here," said Todd with a smile, pulling away from the observation pause to sit down on the couch, setting his tea on the coffee table as he waited for the woman to join him. 
"Well, family talk," said the man as he leaned back while looking at Vixey.
"So I guess you've noticed that I don't really talk about my family much. Or during the time we've been together. But I also met your parents and your family home in one day, so you got a head start here," said the man with a chuckle. 
"The reason is that, well. My parents are gone. They passed away when I was a baby and my grandmother took me in. She raised me back in Idaho and when I was a senior in high school, she made me move to the city so I could have a shot at a career and something better. That's when I joined the Fire Department and it's been that ever since. Unfortunately, my grandmother passed before I graduated. It was tough, and a really hard moment in my life, but Copper, my best friend, helped me through it," as he spoke Todd got more comfortable.
If he'd been talking about this when he was much younger, the man would have probably broken down at the memories and recollection of everything that had happened. But now, as a much older version of himself and a mature one, it was a whole different story. He didn't talk about it every day, but instead of opening a wound, talking about his past felt like opening a picture album. 
"I've known Copper my whole life. We were neighbors when we were kids and he's been like a brother to me. He moved to the city when I was really bad at dealing with my grandma's death. Copper got me into therapy and paid for it until I was finally okay. He's the best. He's got two girls actually, a 6 and 4-year-old, so I've been around kids my whole adult life. They like Uncle Todd more than they like their own dad," he said with a chuckle.
"So, I guess I'm going to be a lot more helpful with your niece than you thought."
"I think he'd like that a lot." The thought of Todd and her dad bonding over music and cars made her really happy. 
Once the fire was going Vixey settled on the couch next to Todd, pulling a blanket around her shoulders to get more comfortable. She was a little nervous about the talk but it was nothing more than a little anxiety compounded by everything that was happening, and the speed of which it was happening. Of course Vixey had given thought to her future but once she rose to stardom through her last show and hit the headline in Moulin Rouge over the last year those thoughts fell to the wayside. Her mom used to bug her about giving her grandbabies but once Emily had Abby those comments stopped, even though she hardly ever saw her grandbaby. 
As Todd explained his past, telling her of his parents and spending most of his young life with his grandmother she felt that familiar feeling of tears behind her eyes again. She had no idea - of course because they hadn't talked about it, but still. 
"Todd, I'm so sorry," she took his hand in hers, rubbing the back of his thumb slowly. Of course it had been a long time but that didn't make it any less sad. 
Her heart ached for him. And she knew Copper was a big part of his life but she hadn't quite understood the magnitude until now, or that he had kids of his own. Vixey didn't really have any close friends with kids, at least not friends who lived anywhere near New York. He was much more prepared to take on this new role than she was. 
"I'm really glad you've had Copper, and the Fire Department. And I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I can't imagine how difficult that was for you at that age." 
She knew they meant a lot to him and now she truly understood why. Those guys at the house really were his family and she had never felt more thankful for them. 
"I didn't realize Copper had kids, but that's very good to know." It was. Especially knowing they were younger. She was going to need other parent friends now. 
"You definitely sound much more equipped for this situation than I am.." she gave his hand a light squeeze before reaching for her tea. The warm liquid was perfect and the warmth from the fire was making the room much more cozy. 
"I can't say I've got anyone close to me in the city who has kids. Most of the crowd who attends the parties and stays for all of the fun are single or in childless relationships so those are the people I spend the most time with. My sister and I were all we had growing up except for around holidays when the rest of the family would visit. But now all of our cousins, the couple we have, are married and live all over. And they all had kids right out of high school or college so their kids are in middle and high school now." 
Vixey felt like she was way late to the party. "Thirty-six years old and I've barely given a family a thought. One because of my schedule since I started headlining a show and two because.. well, until you came along I was missing a part of the traditional equation of producing offspring." she added with a chuckle. 
"Have you thought about having kids of your own?"
"It's okay," said Todd as his other hand rested above Vixey's, smiling warmly back at her. 
"Before it was hard to talk about, but now I'm okay about it. And things did work out for the best in the end," said the man, knowing that even if the beginning of his life had been rough, down the road he got friends and a family that cared for him and that he cared for. More than he could have asked. 
"So yeah. I was an only child, my nana didn't have other kids besides my father. So I don't have siblings or cousins. My bloodline depends exclusively on me," he said with a chuckle, "Though I'm sure that if I give my last name to Roxie, I can start a new puppy branch."
"Oh yeah. Franny and Rose. Those girls are two little troublemakers, with so much energy and a huge imagination. I still keep every drawing they've made for me whenever I went to babysit. And I know more children's songs and shows more than I wish to admit. Everyone at the firehouse loves them. They love Roxie too. For her birthday, the girls bought her special treats," he said with a laugh as he could only remember how excited they were about giving his pup a party and presents and treats. 
Of course, then he knew that they never dropped the getting a puppy talk with Copper, to his friend's annoyance. 
"They traveled to see Copper's family for the holidays, but they made sure I knew how much they missed me," said Todd, knowing he'd gotten a text from them almost daily during the whole month they were away. It was probably because he was alone -as much as they knew- and figured their uncle was lonely. But for the man, it never had been an issue before.
As the redhead talked, Todd took his tea and sipped while listening. He figured not many people in the theatre had kids, some of them looked quite young, and with far too much energy on them to have a toddler on their shoulders; or with high schoolers with a foot outside the house all ready for college. 
"Honestly? I've been in the same boat as you. I never really had a relationship that became serious or close to it. Things didn't work out or they left, so I didn't have much of a chance to think far ahead. But also I never had a partner that would want to settle down or something close. I have to admit before my nieces came into the picture I never thought of kids, but after them, I guess I wouldn't mind having one of my own, I don't know if Roxie would like not being my number one though," he said with a laugh.
Vixey laughed softly as he cracked the joke about Roxie. It seemed like a lot, having the pressure of knowing you were the last one able to keep the family line going. Vixey got out of that by default with her sister having a baby and it was weird to think about it that way. 
Watching and listening to Todd talk about Copper's girls brought butterflies to Vixey's stomach. His eyes lit up, his smile widened, he really did love those girls and it was an absolute joy to hear him talk about them. 
"They sound amazing and I'm sure you're the best uncle." she added, sure that he did what he could to spoil the girls. She hadn't really pictured it before, mostly because the topic hadn't come up before, but now she could see Todd with kids and it seemed like something that was worth being a part of. Vixey just had so much doubt in herself. 
"Yeah," she nodded as he spoke about his similar situation relationship wise. "It's amazing what other people's kids will do to change your perspective.." she looked down at the mug of tea in her hands, the liquid still and calm representing the peace she'd like to have. 
"I used to think about them, in my twenties when my mother wouldn't stop asking me about them and, at the time I told her to get off my back and talk to my older sister who was newly engaged at the time.." she shook her head, recalling one of the times she said that and after she didn't hear much else. 
"I think she stopped bugging me about it because she felt sorry for me?" she couldn't help but chuckle, "That sounds bad but her and my dad met and married young so it was easy for them and I guess mothers think their own kid will follow a similar course, at least I think our parents' generation felt that way. I think ours is different and more open to non traditional ways.." she took another long sip of tea. 
"But I've definitely thought about it. I'm aging out of the young pretty ingenue category on Broadway, even though I've only just hit it big." 
It felt selfish of her to think about what this could do to her career, but it also wasn't impossible to be successful in the theatre and also be a parent. She knew plenty of people who had children and houses and spouses and were still killing it, they just looked more tired doing it. "I guess I just thought I'd have more time." 
Even though that was what she felt like she was running out. 
"So I guess we're doing this," she said, finally looking back at Todd, her hand still in his. 
"I can't believe I'm saying this, because it was only really not that long ago that I was asking you to be my boyfriend, and traditionally there are more steps between there and here but, Todd," she began, inhaling and exhaling softly. 
"Will you be my partner in beginning this journey of raising my sister's kid?"
"I suppose that's true. If we lived in the 50's we'd be probably married by now since our 20's and I mean early. But I've liked having this time on my own until now, to settle down with my career, my home, my routine. I would have not been able to take this responsibility had I been a 20 year old, I was definitely not emotionally stable to do something so big as this," said Todd as he sipped on his tea. 
Now that was in his mid 30's and closing to his 40's, the man had a completely different view of the world. The man could have not helped the chuckle that escaped him as he covered his grin with his mouth, "Well, let me tell you. You're aging like fine wine, so I don't see a problem there. I guess one thing that you won't need to worry about with work is the recovery from pregnancy and labor. My housemates had a baby a couple of years ago and she says so herself that labor was so much more intense than walking into a fire. And I'll take her word for that," he said while nodding. 
"Like you know women firefighters are strong. But you add pregnancy and labor to that? And my admiration is over the roof."
The man couldn't help but laugh at her comment, while he could only give her palm a gentle squeeze back at her question, his gaze warming as he smiled. 
"I think we're past the traditional part of this all. I did meet your parents before the baby, so I guess we're technically still in the traditional range. But I'm here for breaking stereotypes and having you ask the big questions. As long as you don't give me a promise ring, we're all good," said Todd with a chuckle as he teased her but scooting closer to the redhead still as she asked her last question. 
"Absolutely I will. I'm ready to spoil this girl rotten, and become her favorite," he said, leaning in closer to press various tiny kisses against her lips. 
"Oh, that reminds me. I did snatch a toy firefighter helmet for her. I'd thought that would be nice for her to warm up to me," said Todd teasing with a laugh.
Vixey nodded along with Todd. Everything he was saying was more than true. Vixey was definitely a bit of a mess in her 20s, complete with the terrible failed relationships. 
"I know what you mean, I definitely couldn't take on anything like this, even three or four years ago I just wasn't mature enough." 
Well, perhaps she had been mature enough but she definitely wasn't financially stable enough a few years ago, not without working several different jobs, anyway. She felt herself blush as Todd complimented her aging. 
"I don't know about that.." she laughed, and she couldn't even think about childbirth right now. 
"But that's some comparison to have to make. I appreciate the honesty though. I'd rather have women comparing and contrasting it to walking into a fire than talking about how it was the most beautiful experience of their life. Sure, the product of the labor may be the most beautiful thing but no one is ever going to convince me labor is beautiful." 
On second thought, she was thankful for the lack of the 9 months prep time right now. And the sleepless nights, though she knew some of those were on the horizon just because of the change. This wasn't going to be easy.
As Todd made his promise, and even with his joke about a ring, Vixey felt those tears again and by the time he finished and brought up the hat she was laughing through the tears falling down her face. Though they had said it before, hearing this final confirmation sent her over an emotional threshold. 
"I'm already crying, I guess I'm ready for this whole motherhood thing.." she gave herself a hard time but laughed again and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. 
"You are definitely going to be her favorite. And I'm going to be a mess." she said, "I'm also going to have to figure out my apartment because that space is just big enough for me, I'm not even sure I've got room for another bed in there, no matter how small it needs to be..."
Todd could only smile back at her, leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek after she had cleaned her face from her tears, happy and emotional ones but sure scary too. Like the situation that they were just a few hours to embark into. 
"You're going to do great, superstar. She's going to love you," said the man with a tender smile as his hands reached for her, squeezing them a little. At the sudden realization of Vixey's living arrangements having to change -and adapt to a toddler with her own room and space for her to play- Todd couldn't help but tilt his face as he thought a little. 
"Hm, that's true. She'll need a spacy enough room to play, and have her own things, so she's comfortable and feels safe," said the man as he thought out loud, considering also the factor that perhaps moving so much wouldn't be the best choice, thinking of them staying with him like Vixey had done so far for the couple of months they were together.
"Okay. Here's a thought and you tell me what do you think, if it's crazy or maybe it'll work," said Todd as he shifted on his seat a little to face the redhead a little more. 
"I do have an extra room in my apartment, I don't know if you've seen it but I've been using it as storage and somewhat of an office though I really don't need one. So, in the meantime, while you look for a place that's comfortable for both you and Abby, maybe you two can stay with me? We get rid of the things that are unnecessary in that room and get a small bed for her, maybe some toys? Make it as cozy as we can. That way you can focus exclusively on looking for a new place and dealing with the lease and the landlord while knowing Abby will have a place to stay, and I can look after her too."
Obviously, this was quite a step. And Todd had emphasized that this could be momentary -if she wanted- but the man truly believed that giving that little girl some sort of space and routine would be best for her to start feeling better about everything that was going on. 
"Your mom said Abby would stay here for a bit of time, right? We can use that time to set up a room for her in my place. You've lived in my apartment for a month already. At least you'll have somewhere to get your stuff safe while moving and other things that may come up," said the man. "Of course, if you think this is a good idea. But my apartment is an offer."
Vixey hadn't intended to prompt his response with her thoughts, she was more panic thinking out loud but as he went on about the room in his apartment that she hadn't really seen, and honestly hadn't realized was even there, it did sound like the most viable option. 
"I thought that room was a hall closet.." Vixey said, having never opened the door. Even though she shouldn't have, she still once again asked if he was sure about that. The truth with all of it was that they kind of had to be sure about it now. 
"Are you sure that's alright?" she asked, "I'm sorry, I know it is I just need more verbal confirmation, I guess. Things are moving so fast, I guess the moving in does usually precede the baby having and what not.." 
She couldn't help but laugh again at how backwards everything was going with them and how quickly things were moving. 
She drew in a breath and held it for a second before exhaling. "I think that's probably our best plan. And you're right, she's going to need a routine more than anything and that's our best bet for that right now." 
She almost added 'as long as that's alright with you' but of course it was because he had just offered it and she was going to have to become much more sure in herself and soon. 
"Mom said she'll be able to stay here for as long as we need and the social worker will be fine with that, as long as I sign some paperwork." 
So much paperwork. VIxey checked the time, they were getting closer and closer to finally meeting her niece. 
"I can't believe all of this is happening.. And we're going to meet her soon.. You know I've never met her, I've never even facetimed with or anything. All I've seen are some pictures, which reminds me," Vixey reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. 
"There aren't many, Emily didn't share much but here's one of them from last year" Vixey pulled up a photo of her sister and Abigail. "It's probably one of the only ones of them together."
"Yeah, it is alright with me. But I want you to decide on this since you kinda have the last call on the decision-making part. As I said, that room is ready to use for something that would actually be helpful rather than just getting more and more things I don't use," said the man with a nod, chuckling at her reaction because indeed things were a bit upside down when it came to the couple. They were certainly taking steps 3 and 4 before 1 or 2. But for him it was okay, 
"We really are taking this the non-traditional way, hm?" he said while laughing as well.
"Well," said Todd as he reached out to take her hands once again, his thumb caressing her palm to give her a little calm and peace. They weren't out of the storm just yet, not until that little girl was settled and happy, which was a long way to go. 
"For now, our priority is meeting her and having her like us, and then you work on the papers that need to be signed for your and your mom's ease of mind," said Todd as he looked at her with soft eyes. 
"After that is done, we can worry about the rest of this week with the funeral. I'll start looking for a bed and things to make that room a toddler's favorite place," he added with a smile. 
Of course, when the redhead pulled out her phone and he had a first glance at the picture, his face instantly showed how his heart was melting at the sight of that little girl, with her bright orange hair and cute face.
"Oh, she's the cutest tiny bean," said Todd as all he wanted was to make that little girl feel safe and loved. "She looks more like you, or your mom. It's probably the red hair," he teased with a chuckle.
Vixey hated that her mind went there but there was no denying it, "It's probably going to look better on paper if I've got a residence with another parental figure anyway. You know it really sucks that it's that way but the legal system loves a kid going to a couple." she admitted. But Vixey was fine with this arrangement and they really would be better together with her. 
"Thank you," she told him, "For everything. Like I said I'm going to keep saying it and I'm sorry but I really, truly would not be able to do any of this without you. I'd be a mess if I were alone right now." 
It wasn't a fun thought. Her worries seemed to melt away when she saw Todd's reaction to her picture, though. He had that same bright look in his eyes as he did when he spoke of Rose and Franny earlier and it sent the redhead's heart fluttering. 
"She's a real cutie," she agreed, "And yeah, my sister was very blonde and Paul had dark hair. After she sent the first picture of her hair to us my dad joked that it looked like she stole my kid, or cloned me. She looks just like me at that age, I know mom's got pictures galore upstairs." There were pictures of Vixey and her sister when they were younger all over the house. 
"She actually looks so much like me that when I introduce her to people who know me they're probably going to think she's my long lost child. The red hair runs strong in this family." she told him, taking one last look at the picture before tucking her phone away. 
It wasn't too long before Vixey could hear her mom shuffling near the basement door and that shuffling was followed by a few footsteps. The woman stopped just before the bottom few stairs and peered over at the couple. 
"I'm sorry to interrupt you all but the social worker just called, she said they'll be here in about twenty minutes. I wanted to make sure you all knew so you could get ready." Catherine didn't linger, instead she waited for Vixey's nod and then disappeared back up the stairs, no doubt to start cleaning something she had already cleaned ten times. 
The house was spotless as always. WIth that announcement, Vixey looked at Todd and took in a deep breath, and then had to remind herself to exhale so she wouldn't pass out. 
"Are you ready?"
"That's alright. You do what you need to do to give this girl a safe home," said Todd with a nod, knowing that the system was flawed and small insignificant details read more than the actual emotional stability from an adult ready to raise a child. It was trash, but also there was nothing that he could do but to support the redhead in anything else she needed while going through this process. 
The man only smiled back at her as he brought their hands up to kiss her knuckles, thumbs caressing her skin, "I'll just remind you that it's okay, superstar."
"Oh that's right," said the man with a chuckle, "I can't leave this house unless I see some baby pictures of you, and I get some nice embarrassing stories from your parents," teased Todd as he laughed, wanting to hear more of what her parents would have to say; by looking at it they probably had a lot of stories to share. 
The man looked at her mother, glad and thankful they had had some time to talk things out and prepare. Now that they had a plan, things didn't look as scary any longer -well at least until they actually had custody of Abby. So when Vixey turned to him and asked, the man nodded with a smile. 
"I'm ready. Let's get this little girl a safe home," he said as he pressed one last kiss to her hand before he stood up, bringing the tea mugs along as he followed the redhead through the house.
While doing so, and since there were still 20 minutes to meet Abby, Todd took a second after placing the tea mugs in the sink to look around the redhead's childhood home. 
He caught a glimpse of some old pictures of the family, instantly figuring out who was Vixey. The house was constantly warm and cozy, something that the man knew would help to get Abby at ease when she arrived, and something he wished he'd be able to replicate in his own home. Roxie would be thrilled to have a new friend, Todd already knew that the dog would be glued to the girl 24/7. It was a good thing that his pup had gotten used to kids since Franny and Rose came into his life. 
"The camera loved you, huh? Kind of foreshadowing the future, superstar," said Todd to the redhead with a chuckle as he pointed at one picture.
"Let's do it." Vixey nodded in agreement before slowly standing and leading Todd back upstairs. Once they were in the kitchen Vixey stopped to help her mother while Todd wandered, no doubt looking at the pictures that decorated the walls. 
After a moment she went to follow him, watching him admire what he saw. She found herself down the hallway towards the bedrooms when he stopped and pointed at a picture of her, it was from a dance recital and all Vixey could do was shake her head. 
"I was certainly a little diva." she said, "And that one behind you is from another dance show, The Nutcracker Ballet where I was devastated that I wasn't cast as Clara." she couldn't help but laugh. 
"I wasn't so good with rejection back then. But my mom made sure my costume sparkled and I guess that made up for it." 
The pictures varied from dance recitals and school plays to vacations and moments in the backyard. One of Vixey's favorites hung in the living room right above the fireplace, one of her and her sister picking fresh tulips for their mom for mother's day with Vixey's nose stuck in one of the flowers. As they moved about looking at pictures, Scout had found herself wandering with Todd down the hall and it wasn't long before her father's voice could be heard calling for the pup. 
"Scout! Come here, girl, let's get you back outside.." Within a few seconds he had rounded the corner coming face to face with the couple. 
"Dad! I didn't know you were home yet." She stepped forward and pulled her father into a hug. He was nearly her height and his dark hair had grayed out quite a bit but one could definitely tell a resemblance to Vixey in the face. 
"Of course, I wanted to make it back before the little girl made her arrival." As he pulled back from the hug he gave Vixey's arms a comforting squeeze. 
"Of course," the redhead turned slightly so her dad and Todd could finally meet. 
"Dad, this is Todd, Todd, this is my dad, Jeff" The man leaned forward extending a hand to Todd and greeted him with a big smile.
“Todd, it's a pleasure to finally meet the man who's making our daughter so happy. And I'm sure Catherine has already said this but we really do appreciate you for taking such good care of her, and for sticking around." He shook Todd's hand and looked back at Vixey. 
"I know your mother talked to you, I just wanted to say how proud I am of you for stepping up. Nothing about this is going to be easy, but your mother and I are here, for you both," he looked at Todd, "And are prepared to do whatever we can to help." 
"Not good with rejection. Why does that sound a little familiar? And the was a little diva? I don't know about that," he teased with a chuckle as he poked the redhead's side with his fingers before wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 
As they learned more about each other, the man became more and more comfortable teasing her and giving her a hard time now and then, a perk of becoming her boyfriend. 
"You make a nice and pretty ballerina, despite not being the main star of the show," said the man as he pointed at the brightly dressed little girl in the picture. He couldn't help but wonder if Abby liked anything that perhaps Vixey did; after all, they were family and related. Maybe she was a lot more similar to the redhead that the woman noticed. But time would tell.
It was then when Todd felt something pushing between his legs as he looked down to find the fluffy dog near his feet. 
"Oh, hello little one," said the man with a smile before he looked up at Vixey's father walking in. He was much shorter than him, but his presence sure showed the experience. Todd let go of the redhead before he shook her father's hand firmly. 
"It's nice to meet you too, sir," said the man as he pulled his hand away. 
" Of course. I know this is huge, and it will bring changes. But I'm here for it, I think we'll make a pretty good team for Abby," said Todd as he smiled while looking at Vixey.
"But Vixey told me you have a vintage car collection? I'd love to hear about those when you have the time. And I noticed a lot of concert posters too in another room, I bet there are some good stories behind them," said Todd with a chuckle.
Vixey rolled her eyes playful as Todd teased her. "I know, me, afraid of rejection and being a diva??" 
She earned the drama queen nickname well as a child. She smiled as he pulled her in closer, savoring every touch and every second of alone time they'd have. These intimate moments weren't going to go away, of course, they were just going to become less prevalent. 
"But thank you, I'm not the best dancer but I've learned a whole lot over the years." Her dance calls were not her strong suit, it was her voice that won her the roles she had, but she did learn fast and she at least had a sense of rhythm and that helped. 
As her father greeted them the look behind his eyes brightened and his smile was wide and sincere as Todd reassured him that he would be there to do whatever he could for Abby, and Vixey. Instant brownie points were earned. He nodded as Todd mentioned the car and music collection. 
"Ah, now that's what I like to hear," He bumped his daughter playfully, clearly excited she had already told him about his collections. 
"The girls just don't appreciate the cars like I do but I'd love to show you. One in particular looks fantastic under the lights in the garage, the shine in the paint job is perfect. I'll take you out there later once the sun goes down. The light from the window just doesn't do it justice." 
Vixey found herself rolling her eyes at her dad but it was cute how excited he got when he talked about his projects. "And we've got stories galore from our concerts. We're hoping to get back to more here soon once things settle again. I'm also sure stories about those will come out with time. There are some even Vixey doesn't know all of." 
Scout began barking as the sound of a vehicle came within range. "And that's my cue." Jeff said, turning around and scooping the corgi up with ease to put her out back with Georgie. 
Supposedly Abby had been around dogs before but they figured it was best to keep them outside at least while they got inside and got settled. Their comfort would most definitely come in handy after a little while but a few moments of quiet with introductions was also going to be necessary. 
Vixey felt herself tense up and felt the knot in her stomach tighten as the sound of car doors closed. Jeff returned from securing the dogs out back and Catherine made her way to the front door to open it. 
Vixey gave Todd another look, one full of fear and also hope, and lead him back into the living room, not letting go of his hand. She was afraid if she didn't feel his touch against her she might faint. And she didn't want to make a bad first impression. The redhead inhaled slowly and deeply to ground herself and exhaled nearly right as the door opened.
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Could I request the Obey Me guys as well as the Now Dateables?
Perhaps M/C crawling into bed with them wanting to be held and to be touched.
Perhaps a little nsfw added in 🤤😉
note: this is the only imagine/scenario I will do for all 11 boys. cuz I’m a thirsty bitch. the rest of the time we will stick to the rules of HCs only.
Additionally, the plot has been changed slightly to ‘coming to their room at night’. Sorry. If you want NSFW stuff for a specific boy, based on the provided content, I’ll do it but 11 boys is too much even for my thirsty trappy ass.
Obey Me Boys + MC Crawling into Bed with Them
Lucifer sighed over his paper work. Would his turmoil never cease? 
Sometimes he felt like he had fallen into a lower level of the Devildom. Like the 13th circle of hell where the preferred torture method for lost souls was endless paperwork. A modern day Sisyphus, only instead of a boulder it was forms.
He heard the door to his room quietly click open & then close. He doesn’t look up from his paper work as he knew who it was. There was only one person, ok maybe two, who would come into his room this late at night without knocking. “What is it [Y/N]?”
“I was um...wait, you wear reading glasses?”
Lucifer frowned and looked up from his paper work now. “Magical reading glasses. For reading magical text.” They were required to read some of the magical scripts he was combing over. “What is it [Y/N]?”
The human squirmed a little when he asked again. Seeming to think over the answer, or more precisely how to explain it. “I couldn’t sleep.” They finally confess. “I was wondering if I could stay in here with you, but....you’re busy.”
Lucifer arched a brow slightly, but then moved some of the papers he had completed to make space for them. “Come on. I won’t be much longer.”
[Y/N] smiled at him and scampered over. Crawling in under the silk sheets, and as close as possible to him with him on top of them as they could. “Thank you Lucifer.”
“Of course, my dearest one.” He replied with a soft smile, leaning down to kiss the top of their head before returning to his work. Renewed in his commitment to get this done so he could spend the night with [Y/N].
It was late. It was almost 3:00 in the morning by the time he got home, and it had been a shitty night.
Mammon had been at the casino. Gambling, drinking, dancing, the usual. His luck turned sour around 11:00 and, stupid Mammon, had spent the remaining four hours trying to turn it around. That of course didn’t work so now he was even more broke, defeated, and feeling like crap for his failure; regretting Lucifer finding out and making him feel worse. Fuck it had been the worst night.
He rounded the corner to his room and looked up in surprise to see [Y/N] at his door. “What are you doing here?” His voice seemed to surprise them too as they jumped a little before turning to him.
“Oh I was…coming to see if you wanted to hang out?”
“Hang out?” Mammon repeated with an arched brow. “Ya know it’s like 3:00 in the morning, right?”
“O-Oh…is it? I guess I miss read the time.” [Y/N] began to fidget, then muttered some apology about going back to their room.
The demon reached out and caught their hand before they could get far. “Hey, what’s wrong? Nobody comes out here in the middle of the night without a reason.” Or they were out super late like him.
[Y/N] looked down, then decided to tell the truth. “I couldn’t sleep. So I wanted to see you.”
Mammon blinked behind his shades. He hadn’t been expecting that. Now it was his turn to fidget as he realized out of all the people in the world, [Y/N] had chosen to come see him.
“Yeah well…of course ya’d come to the Great Mammon for help. I uh…guess you can stay in here with me tonight.”
He showered to get the smoke & stink of shame off before crawling into bed with [Y/N]. His little human already drifting off just being in his covers. Mammon wrapped his arms around them and held them close. Maybe it wasn’t the worst night after all.
Of course he was awake when [Y/N] came to his room. The latest install of Kenji Momotaro: Demon Slayer Warrior Prince had just been released that day, and Levi he been playing it since he had gotten his hands on it. He wouldn’t be sleeping for a while.
When he heard the knock on his door, initially missing it over the sound of his game and tunnel vision, Levi paused for the first time in hours to go see who it was. “[Y/N]-chan?”
“Can…I stay in here with you?” They asked. Catching Levi by surprise. “I can’t sleep in my room.”
The blunette blushed violently, and covered his face. “Y-Y-You….You want to sleep in here with me??”
“Is…that ok?” They asked cautiously. Seeming let down by his reaction.
“No. I mean! Yes! W-What I mean is, I’m not going to bed right now. I’m grinding through my new game so….you might not be happy in here.” Plus, his bed was a bathtub. Which was only comfortable to him.
“Oh. Well…I don’t want to mess up your game. If that’s more important to you.”
“That’s not what I meant!” Levi outburst. Then quickly covered his mouth in embarrassment. “I…I just don’t think you’ll get a lot of sleep in here. I only like my room after all.”
“I like your room.” If Levi turned any redder, he was going to get a nose bleed. “It’s dark, which is nice. Plus the aquariums are really soothing. And…you’re there. I just wanted to be around you since I couldn’t sleep, but I guess that’s silly.”
The demon had to cover his mouth again. This time over threat of nose bleed. He was so red from embarrassment, but also incredibly moved by [Y/N]’s words, that he quickly responded, “you can stay with me.”
He moved aside and let [Y/N] in. Leading them over to his game area where he laid out some plushies as a bed, and pulled out a blanket to cover them. “I-I-I…I’m gonna keep playing since I’m not tired. But I’ll put my headphones on so I don’t disturb you. Y-Y-You can lay down here and i-i-if you fall asleep I won’t mind.”
“Thanks Levi.” He had to gulp at the cute sleepy way they said his name, before they tucked in and he went back to his game.
He couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the game, with [Y/N] so close. Choosing to use his leg as a pillow. Eventually he gave up and leaned back against the edge of his tub, not daring to disturb them and actually getting a good night sleep as well.
There were few things that Asmo considered sacred. Love. Vitality. The Louis Vuitton spring collection.
But the one thing he considered sacred most of all, was his beauty sleep regiment.
The Avatar of Lust had a strict sleep schedule to give his body the best rejuvenation possible, and amplify his beauty. Everyone knew about it, and choose to leave Asmo alone; per his wishes.
Which was why it was so frustrating when his rest was disturbed by a knock at the door.
Asmo grumbled under his sleep mask at the light rapping that wouldn’t go away. Irritated by the noise, and now the worry lines whoever it was was putting into his forehead. He pushed his mask up to his hair line and got up out of bed towards the door. “What?!” He said in a not cute, very moody outburst when he opened it. Seeing [Y/N] standing there, startled by his ugly display. “Oh, [Y/N]-kun. It’s you.”
“Y-Yeah. Yeah it’s me. Sorry to wake you, I’ll just…go.”
“Wait [Y/N]! I’m sorry. If I had known it was you paying me a late night visit, I would have been much nicer and answered the door sooner.”
“Well I….couldn’t sleep so…-“Ahhhh~! You couldn’t sleep so you decided to come to me?? How naughty!”
[Y/N] frowned and turned to leave, but Asmo apologized quickly for being cheeky. “Did you want to stay with me tonight? That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?” He could tell he was right, but the human was second guessing themselves on coming here. “I promise I’ll behave. Really.”
[Y/N] seemed to trust them, and came into the room & into bed with Asmo. He was practically giddy with them being so close, but was true to his word and supplied no funny stuff for the evening. Just rest and cuddles.
In the morning, he couldn’t wait to tell his brothers how he slept with [Y/N] last night. Causing quite the intentional misunderstanding and ruckus over breakfast that day.
Satan was getting ready for bed. Pjs on, teeth brushed, uniform set out for tomorrow, and on his bed reading one last chapter of his latest book, when he heard the knock at the door.
At first he thought it was a branch hitting the glass of his window. But when he heard it again, he knew it was at his door, and had a very The Raven moment before he went to answer it.
“[Y/N]? What are you doing here? It’s so late.”
“I know, I know,” the replied, scratching the back of their head. “I just…I couldn’t sleep. I tried but I just couldn’t get to sleep, and wanted to see you.” They look up at him with big doe eyes and ask, “can I stay with you tonight?”
Of course, he couldn’t say no. Not with a look like that. Or more importantly, he’d never say no to [Y/N]. Satan offered them a soft smile and nodded before letting them in.
“What were you reading?” They asked, as the climbed into bed first. Watching Satan put his book away for them.
“Oh, just a new fiction series I found. Simeon recommended it to me.” He said as he climbed into bed as well.
“What’s it about?”
He told them the premise of the story, and eventually read aloud the first few chapters to them as they curled up beside him. Falling asleep soon after.
Satan smiled again, and put the book back away, before leaning down to kiss their forehead and curl in beside them. Ready for bed now.
It was pretty late when he heard the knock on the door. And a miracle he heard it at all.
Belphie was the sleeper out of the two of them, but Beel wasn’t exactly a light sleeper either. Between his workouts, large meals, and having to get up early for his morning workouts, the red head was usually dead to the world when his head hit the pillow. But, still, when he heard the quite knock on the door he woke up. 
If he were a thinker like Satan or the others, he would have thought that it was maybe their bond that woke him. Instead he just trudged half asleep towards the door to open it. “[Y/N]?”
“S-Sorry....” They apologize and look towards the ground as Beel looked at them curiously. “I knew you were asleep, but I still woke you up. I’m sorry.”
“Is something wrong?” Beel asked. A bit more awake now that he knew it was them and they seemed distressed. [Y/N] shrugged. “Did you have a bad dream?” 
They pause for a while, but then shrug again. He might not be a thinker like the others, but he was smart enough to know what that meant. He reached out to take their hand and pulled them into his room. Leading them over to his bed and pulling them onto it.
“Don’t worry. You can stay here.” Beel said, holding [Y/N] to his chest in a horizonal hug. “I’ll keep you safe. You don’t have to worry while I’m here. Go back to sleep.”
His words seem to do the trick, and [Y/N] feel back asleep. Beel stayed awake a little while longer. Combing his fingers through their hair, before he too fell back asleep.
He heard the conversation from the door, but didn’t bother getting up.
The only thing that could break through when he was asleep was Beel and [Y/N]’s voice. So hearing them both woke him up pretty quickly, although it seemed to be handled. 
He tried to go back to sleep after hearing you settle in, but it didn’t work. The usually lazy demon kept fidgeting in his sleep, trying to get comfortable, and even counting sheep to try and go back to dream land. Nothing worked. And he knew why.
Belphie got up out of bed, hugging his pillow to his chest, and walked over to the over bed across the room and kicked it. When Beel and [Y/N] looked up at him half asleep he demanded, “move over.” He couldn’t sleep know that [Y/N] was cuddling up with someone else and not him. Especially in the same room.
[Y/N] huffed in their sleep and laid back down, scooching closer to Beel to try and make space. Beel, on the other hand, smile sleepily up as his twin and properly moved over; back pressed against the wall with [Y/N] at his chest to give him as much space as possible.
Belphie smiled back at him, then dropped his pillow to climb in. Instantly falling asleep. Holding on to his twin and beloved [Y/N] for the rest of the night.
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Those were the words that Simeon tried to live by
He was just about to slip under the covers happily, when he heard a small knock at the door. It was so faint & small, that he assumed it was Luke needing something. So he quickly went over to answer it without putting his robe on.
“Oh…[Y/N]….” The angel said, feeling his cheeks heat up and clinching for his imaginary robe to cover his pjs, when he realized it was you. “What are you doing here?”
He didn’t mean in the Hall. You were stay in the other dorm for a while as an infestation of some icky, demon creepy crawly, that just loved to nibble on humans was dealt with in the House of Lamentation. Luke of course had been thrilled you were staying with them, insisting that the change be made permanent to keep you away from those rowdy demons. Simeon couldn’t really agree on the demon part, but he wouldn’t be disappointed if you stayed here more.
“I…couldn’t sleep,” you tell him. “New surroundings and all. I was…wondering if I could stay in your room?”
The angel seemed to bristle in surprise at your words. Taken aback, but also in the warm feeling that was spreading through his chest. God have mercy…..
“I don’t know if that would be appropriate.”
“Please?” [Y/N] beckoned. He had to gulp down the lump, and instantaneous urge to say yes, building in his throat. “I just don’t want to sleep alone. I keep thinking about those things in my room back at the dorm. And being around you is so comforting. Just for tonight? I’ll sleep on the couch and everything if that’s a problem.”
“I wouldn’t let you do that.” Simeon insisted. He would never let them sleep on the couch like some vagabond. “Well….alright. But just for tonight. And just because you’re feeling unsettled.” He doesn’t know who he was trying to convince more: them or himself.
He didn’t get much sleep that night. Tense, and trying to remain appropriate even is they slept next to him. But, in a way, it was the best night he had ever had.
He always stayed up late. The late to early morning hours were the best time for magic. The witching hour. He was knee deep into his research & spell casting when he heard the knock at the door.
“I..saw the light on…” [Y/N] said when he opened the door. “Are you…going to bed soon?”
Solomon blinked for a moment, then looked down at his pocket watch. Oh, it was rather late. But….“No. I still have quite a bit of work to do.”
The other human sighed, then turned to leave from his door just as suddenly as they came. “Wait. What is it?” He asked, stopping them.
They turn, and seem to debate about answering before, “I couldn’t sleep and was thinking it might be nice to cuddle with you.” Solomon blinked again. In surprise this time. “Stupid, right?”
No, not stupid, he thought. It was just no on had ever asked to cuddle with him before. His body and cool demeanor might be misleading, but he was a very fierce sorcerer. Powerful, and awe inspiring. He had made cities tremble in his young days, and was powerful enough to independently bind one of the strongest demons in hell. Cuddles were not something that one usually thought of when it came to him.
He opened the door to let them in and said, “if you can’t sleep, I can make you a potion.” When that didn’t seem to go over well he corrected with, “or…I could lay down with you for a moment.”
The ‘moment’ turned into the whole evening, because the second his head hit the pillow, he instantly fell asleep. Lulled to dream land by his many late nights, and the warm embrace of [Y/N]. Perhaps there were better things than just getting research done.
He groaned in his sleep. Then rolled over on his side, immediately pulling [Y/N] in when he was in close proximity of them. It was a reflex at this point.
At first, he had tried to keep his distance from the human exchange student. No good would come from it, and it was inappropriate that the future King & patron of the program would be involved with one of the terrestrial candidates. But he couldn’t help it.
Their brightness. Their smile. Their hope for the program and just life won him over and now he couldn’t stand to be further apart from them than a second.
“It’s morning....”
Divaolo groaned and buried his head into the back of their neck. “Five more minutes...”
“We can’t. It’s morning.” [Y/N] insisted. Jutting their hips back against his front; which had the opposite effect of trying to get him out of bed. “If you don’t go, Barbatos will start looking for you. And if he teleports into my room it will be a whole thing.”
That certainly was a metaphoric splash of cold water.
The prince groaned again, and buried himself deeper for a second, before he compliantly agreed and got up. The little full bed in the student dorms joyful of his departure, as it squeaked happily as he tried to leave it.
“Can I come again tonight?” Diavolo asked, as he adjusted his ornate bed clothes. He never slept in them. Like most things in his life, they were all for show.
[Y/N] smiled at him from under their covers and said, “of course.”
His heart swelled at their smile and the promise of later. Surging forward he gave them an impassioned good morning kiss, and told them, “wait up for me.” Before he disappeared in a whirl of black smoke to his own bedroom.
It felt terribly cold now. But he only had to wait until tonight. That he could live for.
The work of a butler is never really done.
There were always things to do. More chores to complete. More tasks to do. Particularly in the life of the royal butler. But Barbatos never complained about his job. He was literally born for it, and took great pride in his work. No matter how small the task.
When he heard the small bell, harking a summons from on of the guest rooms, Barbatos stopped polishing the silver and immediately went upstairs to see what was needed. “You called, [Y/N]?” He asked upon arrival. Calm as ever, and ready to help. “How may I be of assistance?”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you up here.” They apologized. “I just….couldn’t sleep.”
Barbatos chuckled a little with a soft smile. “No need to apologize, [Y/N]. You’re a guest here, and a friend of the young master.” As well as a dear person to him. “I’m happy to help with anything you need. Might I make you some soothing nightshade tea? That seems to do the trick for most people.”
“N-No. No I…I was wondering….if you’d just sit with me for a while.” The human looked down at the ornate bed spread. Picking at the embroidery in a nervous manner. “Til I fall back asleep?”
The demon smiled again, and came over to sit on the edge of the bed. Holding them in the most comfortable manner possible with him on top of the covers, and them under them. “That is a simple thing.” He told them softly. “Close your eyes. I shall stay with you until you are asleep, and make sure you are taken care of.”
“Thank you.” [Y/N] said lazily. Already closing their eyes and falling back asleep with him close.
The work of a butler was never really done. But this was a task he was happy to do.
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volleychumps · 4 years
« Accidentally Lashing Out at Their S/O
genre: angst to fluff
format: scenarios
- includes: Akaashi and Sakusa 
Akaashi Keiji
“Keiji, please come to bed soon.” 
The snipped reply had the beginnings of a swirl of anger within your stomach, causing you to puff out some hair in your eyes in slight annoyance. This had been a week long occurrence, and you feared Akaashi may faint from exhaustion from how heavy he took on his workloads every night. 
“Y/N, please sleep. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Akaashi attempted to soften his tone, but an edge still remained that highlighted his irritability. You gnawed on your lower lip momentarily before taking a seat on the couch not too far away, reaching for your book. 
“When you sleep, I’ll sleep.” 
“Are you a child?” 
You scoff through your nose, feeling an argument on the tip of your tongue depending on how you responded.
“I just care about you, you haven’t slept before three in the morning in days, my love-” 
“Have you ever considered that maybe you being too overbearing is adding to my stress?” Akaashi’s voice raised the slightest in volume, making your chest sink at the rare circumstance you found yourself in. It was as if all the stress bubbling up in his stomach was beginning to simmer over. 
“Maybe if you stopped and thought for a moment you would realize-” 
You snapped your book shut. Akaashi’s pen stopped bleeding angrily onto the document as a silence of realization flooded the room. 
“Good idea. Maybe I should think more, because right now, I’m realizing how much of a prick you’ve been to me when I’ve been nothing but patient.” 
“I change my mind, don’t come to bed. Work yourself to the point until you pass out in that desk of yours.” Your tone didn’t waver, and you tried your best to appear unbothered-
but Akaashi heard it. Your voice crack.
You rushed out of the room before the blue-eyed boy could even rise from his desk, guilty apology in his throat. He sighed, following you into your shared bedroom as you continued your novel from within the sheets, seemingly unfazed save for your watery eyes. 
“Love, please look at me.” He sat carefully on the edge of the bed as you turn another page in disinterest. 
“Keiji, you know it hurts me when you aren’t healthy right? What if you get sick?” Your eyes didn’t look up from the ink on paper you weren’t paying attention to, but a tear slipped your eye. The defeated tone in your wavering words made Akaashi’s chest tighten even more. 
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Let me sleep with you tonight?” 
The novel now laid forgotten on your lap as you allow him to move closer to you, cupping your cheek carefully before pressing his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry for raising my voice. I’ll be better. You’re right, I’m way too exhausted-” 
“Then let’s get you out of work clothes-” You unloosen his tie, using it to pull him into you to which he responds immediately. His breath fans your lips, blue eyes gazing into yours tiredly and lovingly before you kiss him quickly. “And into bed.” 
He laughs once, soft smile gracing his handsome features before kissing your lips a second time. 
“There’s nothing I’d like more, my love.” 
Sakusa Kiyoomi
 “Go talk to him. It doesn’t matter to me.” 
“Kiyoomi, please-” You followed your tall boyfriend with exasperation on your features, making sure not to trip on your dress. 
“Did you forget who you came here with, Y/N?” Sakusa’s tone was coldly amused as your cheeks flood with heat with people beginning to stare. 
“Let’s talk in private.” 
Sakusa knew he should’ve listened. The rational part of him knew that he should’ve scanned the situation better, but that rational part was drowned out by the image of a flirty Atsumu talking you up near the open bar. 
“Why? You don’t want everyone to know that my girlfriend was flirting with my teammate at Hinata’s sponsor’s event?” He scoffed, but Sakusa’s lips soon find themselves sealed tight at the sight of the tears welling up in your eyes. 
You angrily wipe at them before trying to control your emotions. “You left me alone at a party where I hardly know anyone. You went to go talk to connections or whatever, making me feel like I was nothing but an accessory for you to bring. So excuse me if I found solace in a friend because my boyfriend abandoned me at a social event.” 
Sakusa’s dark eyes widened a fraction before you brush past him, bumping him in the shoulder with your own to dash down the hallway as far as your heels would allow. 
“Atsumu just wanted to make her feel comfortable.” Bokuto approaches his teammate, feeling guilty for having shown up a little late. “We were all going to hang around Y/N because this was her first event as your girlfriend.” 
“And you shouldn’t have left her alone.” Atsumu mumbled, barely audible for the party guests who were beginning to lose interest in the sparked drama. Sakusa’s jaw clenched before he winced, remembering your hurt expression before sighing and turning on his heel. He would deal with the annoying blonde later. 
He walked the same hallway you had ran down, feeling an unfamiliar emotion of guilt eat at his stomach. Was it because you were the first girl he opened his heart to? Was he really blinded by the anger of potentially losing you to someone who could make you laugh as easily as Atsumu did? 
Sakusa stalled at the sight of your heels laying by the balcony doors. He pushed them easily, heels in hand, before finding you nursing the soles of your feet in your dramatic escapade. 
The two of you stayed silent for awhile, the dark haired spiker kneeling down to your seated height before carefully picking up one of your sore feet. 
“Kiyoomi, it’s not clean-” 
“You’re hurt.” Was his curt reply before gently massaging it. You stare at your dark eyed boyfriend before your eyes begin to well up with tears again. 
“I’m sorry-” 
“No.” He cut you off, beginning to slip your shoe back on. “You did nothing wrong. I...I don’t know how to do this. Not with someone I love. I’m sorry if I made you feel as if you were nothing but a pretty accessory on my arm.”
“Although you are pretty-” He pulls down his mask and kisses your shin, causing heat to flood your cheeks. “You are so much more than that. I know I don’t say it often, but I hate seeing you cry. Especially if it’s by me. So teach me to love you properly, because I want to know how.” 
Your smile was so gorgeous in the moonlight, Sakusa cleared his throat before blushing underneath his mask, busying himself with the straps of your heels. 
“I love you, Kiyoomi.” 
And then he couldn’t help himself, tugging his mask down a second time to capture your lips with his own, closing his eyes. 
“You make my head spin, Y/N.” He whispers, causing you to shiver as his cold fingers touch the side of your neck. 
“But I think I like it.” 
Hey guys! I changed up the characters and I’m only writing for two because I’m easing back into writing normally. I’ve been on a break for awhile because there’s been some personal issues going on at home and in school. Thank you for reading regardless:)
General works: @takemetovalhalla  @faesbae  @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046   @let-me-have-my-own-name  @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite   @curiouslilbeast  @aprettyfruit   @wisepandaslimeland   @h0ngh0ngh0ng   @lmkjimin   @orangegiraffe7   @dai-tsukki-desu   @kac-chowsballs   @spikertrash   @yamaguwuchi   @lord-suneater-explosion   @holaaaf  @babyybokutoakaashi   @lexysclubhouse   @disneyloving-muggle   @kuuuuroo   @theonep1ece  @that-chick212  
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