#everyone in their beanies except max in the cap
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leclercskiesahead ¡ 5 months ago
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A very tiny throwback pic
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innytoes ¡ 1 year ago
OMG the generator game me Gilmore Girls and flower shop. This seems ripe for so many things. Taylor would be insufferable about regulations
So everyone knows that either Stars Hollow attracts weird people, or if you live there long enough you become Like That.
Taylor was a little apprehensive when he heard that the building next to Doose's market was bought by a bunch of former rock stars. Okay, so they only had the one album before the lead singer blew up at the record company for not letting him have creative control, their rhythm guitarist ran off with half their songs, and the other two went 'fuck it this isn't worth it anymore'.
(Lane breathlessly tells Rory all about this when she finds up three fourths of Sunset Curve is moving to Stars Hollow.)
They also bought a big house on the edge of town, with some land.
Nobody is exactly sure who lives where. Like, do the drummer and his cute skateboarding husband live in the house and the other two live above the flower shop? Do they all live in the big house? Is the apartment above the flower shop just storage? Are they growing something illegal up there?
(Taylor tries to get up there so many times will all kinds of HOA and town bylaw nonsense and they never let him. Luke Danes encourages this. And maybe trades tips with Alex about how to further annoy Taylor.)
In fact, they all live in the big house but also sometimes above the flower shop (it's Luke's Writing Den. The suspicious activity that Taylor thinks is Weed is really just Reggie trying to breed a new type of lily. They sometimes crash there after town festivals or when one of them needs some alone time.)
Reggie is the person who mostly runs the flower shop. He likes talking to people and he likes making bouquets, he took an online class!
Some old lady eventually takes pity on him and teaches him how to do it correctly. And tells him what thorn strippers are.
Alex does most of the gardening. He finds it relaxing. Sure, not all of their flowers and plants are home-grown but it keeps him busy. He also likes taking dance classes at Miss Patty's.
Luke actually has nothing to do with the flower shop except that he hangs out there a lot. But he also does that at the music store. And at Luke's. It's very confusing to everyone for a while. Some people have started to distinguish them as 'Beanie Luke' and 'Baseball cap Luke' or 'Coffee Luke' and 'Music Luke'. Or even Luke-Luke and Luke. (Luke Danes is of course Luke-Luke and he hates it.)
Luke tries to play for tips ones and nearly comes to blows with the town troubadour.
He really likes Hep Alien though and encourages them whenever he can.
Luke (Patterson) quickly rises to Gilmore levels of 'should not have coffee but will get it anyway because he doesn't take no for an answer'. Except where Lorelai and Rory usually plague the diner in the mornings, Luke comes just before close.
Alex and Willie would go so hard for the dance marathon. Reggie would beg Luke to be his partner and they'd drop out after like two hours because Luke never actually went to bed and has been up for 24 hours straight and Reggie got distracted because someone brought their dog.
Okay but you know that in between Max and Luke, Lorelai tried to date Reggie and Lane nearly exploded because YOU COULD HAVE A MEMBER OF SUNSET CURVE AS YOUR NEW STEPPARENT RORY and Rory was like: yeah no I'm pretty sure Grandma made him cry at Friday Night Dinner and he and Mom are better off as friends.
Reggie is Very Relieved when he and Lorelai break it off after like two weeks and Diner Luke stops glaring at him and will make him hot chocolates again.
Miss Patty and Babette have this bet going who will have the longest slowburn, Luke and Lorelai or Other Luke and Reggie.
Luke and Lorelai actually win and get together first and the only one who called it was Alex.
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step-possum-vents ¡ 2 months ago
Pls look at the state of the closet I live in
Trigger Warning: hoarding, mild mention of loss of appetite, nudity and loss of privacy mention
Precursor: Joanne is not her real name, I will never use real names for anyone mentioned, everyone has a pseudonym.
So this is the kitchen and dining room, and believe it or not, this is post cleaning. Step Mom cleaned the counter behind the camera and that corner on the left of pic 1 a few days ago and this is its new state. In pic 1 you can see my water bottle on the left, and in pic 2 there's a green crossbody bag that is mine. Everything else is not mine (okay, except that yellow-orange bowl in the sink. I ate rice and forgot to put it in the dishwasher. Wait, my bad. In pic 3 I have two hats there for when I walk the dogs. I don't think you can see them, though, a grey beanie and dark grey cap.)
The bar always looks like this, and the closest chair has never been used as a chair. When we eat dinner, one person stands and two sit. If I sit by myself, about 70% of the time I have to lug crap off the chair to sit, and make space in front of me to set my plate.
Last week we had a lot more boxes on the dining room floor, but someone cleaned it up (genuinely don’t know who).
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Now for Step Mom's office and the hall. Again, believe it or not, but the office used to be worse. That shoe pile used to be a lot higher and lot harder to step over. I typically don't go in here because it's a mess and stressful (and I know the person who touches everything in here doesn't wash their hands after taking a piss.) Also, nothing in pic 1 belongs to me, and I'm pretty sure none of these are my clothes in pic 2. I don't do my own laundry because Joanne has a monopoly on the washer and dryer she paid for.
For the hall, that's about all of the hall. To the left is a very tiny closet filled with jewelry, towels, and crap, and to the right is the hall bathroom. As you can see, the ironing board lives in the hall, and that doorway acting as a clothesline is the washer and dryer's closet. I have never seen either door close. Every doorway upstairs is used to dry clothes that don't go in the dryer itself. (They need to air dry.)
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This is the hall bathroom. This is our second of two total showers that has never been used and likely never will be used because I've been told I'm asking for too much for it to be cleaned for use. Inside is 15 years of dust, and the rod is for Joanne's clothes that I've never seen her touch or wear, and also... stuff at the bottom that's been there for a while. I shower in the main bathroom, and have to lock the door because Joanne will let herself in otherwise (and thoroughly complain later for being locked out) despite my nudity.
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Now the bedroom I have to walk through to get to the bathroom for a shower. Mind you, dad sleeps alone, I'm sure you can tell why. Joanne sleeps on the sofa. This one is actually one that's gotten worse. The two tower dressers are for my dad, and the rest of his stuff is on the floor. Everything else is Joanne's. No, I don't think that vacuum has ever been used. (Our old one smelled terrible in use and I believe it was so old it was a vacuum bag one. Its last use was probably ~2016.)
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And time for the bathroom! 99% of the counter space is taken by Joanne's make up and assorted crap. The drawer, likewise, is her crap. We have a scale that has been out of batteries for about 8 years, a candy corn halloween pot (I don't recall ever seeing it before) and assumed dirty clothes. Every knob and doorway has something hung on it, and the closet in this bathroom is in the mirror, but the laundry is piled just below the towels. I only put my clothes in there when I shower, and have my own hamper in my room. Also, we have green towels, as shown below. Those have been the towels we use for 15 years, and hell will freeze over before Joanne will replace them. Google say 5 years max. Go, Joanne! There's got to be a world record you can beat!
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... oh my god there's the scissors she was looking for earlier.
Also, I'm not dissing hoarders or those living with them. I'm shaming and dissing Joanne not because she's a hoarder, but because she's a terrible person even with the hoarding out of the picture. I know hoarders have a serious problem and it's a hard habit to shake, and it's hard on the people they live with.
Joanne refuses to acknowledge the severity of the problem, and will stand on every hill she makes to assert that this is normal and she won't be cleaning it, nor will she allow me to clean it for her. She says, and I quote, "if you don't like it, leave." I have offered to pay rent since she pays bills and she said "you don't pay rent", but she "doesn't need my money, I should save it." Dad says he is tired of living like this, but ultimately, I haven't seen continuous change, so I reckon he told her once, and she cleaned the counter, then made it messy, and she chose to do something else. (She requires constant hounding to clean thoroughly.)
I've cleaned up for them before, tidying and wiping down the kitchen counters and dining table, but within 3 days, it was back to its original state, as Joanne sets her stuff down that she will "clean later" and later tends to be in about 150 years when everyone in this house is already dead.
This is the constant state of the house, and I do my best to keep my space clean. My therapist wonders why I stay in my room where I'm responsible for it and it stays organized (I can literally see 90% of my carpet, the only thing on my floor is a late Christmas gift I need to wrap. It's there so I remember, because I will forget.) Do you get why I'm in my room and not the rest of the house?
Also, living room is not shown due to its occupancy. If I took a picture in front of Joanne, she'd ask questions, and be very upset people knows this is how I live; it's not acceptable to show to others, but acceptable to live in (to her.) Also, it might show my dad, and compared to Joanne, my Spawn Point (Carol, mother) and Demon Spawn (Frank, half-brother), he is a fucking saint. (Again, not real names.)
Alright, just noticed I only ate a bowl of rice today and I'm actually hungry again. Time to go scavenge. (The way I could write a novel about our pantry and fridge but this is long enough.)
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AU where everything is the same except everyone wears hats. Nino has his cap, Adrien has his Marinette-made derby hat, Max has one of those caps with the propeller on top, Chloe has her sunglasses(that's totally a hat shhh), Marinette has a fedora, Alya has a beanie, Alix switches between her little cap and her skating helmet, Sabrina has that hat Chloe bribed her with in Evillustrator, etc. (Ladybug has little antenna and Chat has his cat ears)
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xluckytheninjax ¡ 7 years ago
Watch Dogs {2} - An OC
Wondered whether Watch Dogs OCs are a thing.And they are - there aren’t a lot of ‘em,but eyyyy.Thus,I threw my OC in the Watch Dogs world.I mixed it with some altered Need For Speed Undercover backstory because why not.I am aware NFS:U doesn’t take place in SF,but it does take place in a fictional area near a beach with big skyscrapers so yeah,moved it to SF. I personally love NFS:U,because well,not even two minutes into the game and I already have at least 6 police cars on my tail.Along with that,some South African background cause well….that’s my homeland.Pretty great hellhole over here.
Have a drawing {Don’t repost/remove all this writing/claim as your own/you know the drill} and some random BS I wrote down playing WD 1 and 2 at like 11 PM/midnight/1 AM over the weekend.
I am ready for anything,anyone that wants to bitch about this or argue about stuff.
This is obviously OC stuff,so if you dislike it,feel free to go look for another post or blog or whatever the hell you want to do.
I used a reference for the ‘pose’ {I wouldn’t call this a full-on pose,but -shrugs-}
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Name ‘n’ surname: Kayla Horizon
Screenname/Hacker alias: N1nJ4 {Ninja}
Nicknames: Ninja,Kay,Lucky,Ghost
Age: 23 years old
Gender: Female,of course
Cares a lot for her family,friends and workpals {who’re also friends}
Loyal to DedSec
Not easily influenced 
Overthinks everything
Not easily intimidated {Or so she claims}
Happy with what her life is,even between all the stress and overthinking.
Has some trust issues.The type where she gets this feeling in her gut telling her whether a person can be trusted or not.She trusted her workpals immediately,she trusted Ray immediately…as an example of who she didn’t trust,Horatio’s co-worker.And she wasn’t even on that mission.
Usually keeps things that wouldn’t be important to the current objective(s)/mission(s) to herself
It’s a good thing her face is blurred out like the others’,cause she’s camera shy.She hates getting photos taken of her,she hates looking at the camera…unless of course,she’s the one taking a photo of scenery or of friends.If you’re gonna point a camera of any sort to her face,she will not hesitate to break it.
Very protective over the things and people she cares about.So,you wreck her car? You insult DedSec or target her pals? You mess with Sitara’s artwork? You kidnap other DedSec members? Mess with DedSec’s systems? You mess with her dog or drag her family into things you shouldn’t?  You better start running then,pal.And make it fast.
Trained herself to not cry in front of people.It’s harder than it looks.Anger also gets bottled up.One day she’ll snap….probably.Then all chaos and hell will break loose.
Loses a lot of sleep thinking
Stresses over nothing
Reckons anything can be solved by an asskicking
Takes her job seriously,but,in between she likes messing with people
Claims she doesn’t care,but she cares too much
Honesty,loyalty,respect and trust are big things to her.As explained before,she follows her gut on who to trust and who not.If you’re gonna betray DedSec,you might end up dead.Everybody lies,it’s human nature,but that’s where trust and loyalty comes in with honesty.The three walk hand in hand,really.Respect? You respect her,she respects you,as easy as that.
Might seem really confident,and she really does seem to be that way,but in reality,her self-esteem is pathetic
-Because she keeps a lot of things to herself,a lot of her personality remains a mystery.
{At least half of these are some of my personality traits}
Working for: DedSec,what did you expect? She was going to go work for those dumbass monkeys,or the rat cult? Pff,nah.
Hair color: Original hair color is dirty blonde Currently ombre:Brown - Dirty blonde - Blonde
Hair style: Long hair,shaved shorter on the right side.Leaving it loose or tying it in a ponytail or something depends on how she’s feeling,and whether it’s mission time or not.Can’t work if you’ve got hair in your face.
Eye color: “Not every day you see someone with heterochromia.” Left eye is blue,right eye is green
{My persona’s had this since she got created a million years back so obviously,no matter what universe she’s in,she’s always gonna have that.}
Height: 5'11
A lot of ear piercings on both sides,and a tongue piercing
A bunch of stars on her left wrist,a small 'x’ on top of her right wrist,and a ’=D’ on her back {right shoulder}
Scars and other skin-related things:
Huge scar through her left eye,and a small one through her lip on the right.There are some other faint scars here and there,nothing too major though.
Lots of freckles
Any other dayjob?: Works at a huge gaming store on some days {Every second day except for weekends}.It’s just a temporary job for now.She ended up applying for some programming job,like her parents wanted.Just waiting to hear back.
Romance?: Single,no crushes or anything of the sort. “Had to leave everyone behind since we moved here….went to uni,didn’t find anyone that’s my type…and some things that happened in the past leave me in this state where I am against romance I guess? Not like an abusive relationship or heartbreak or anything like that…just things I’m not gonna talk about.”
 -Personal car is the Ford Ranger truck she got ported in from home. It’s white with black decals and raptor kit.The thing’s a beast.
{Hope to drive one of these some day}
-Other car she keeps in the garage is the Lotus Elise she used to streetrace with.Purple with a white stripe down the middle.This thing is upgraded to the max {of course what garages can do,plus some things only a hacker can pull off}.Best part is,it doesn’t look like it belongs on the /shittycarmods subreddit.
{My NFS:U car on both PC and Playstation}
-During the day,while on missions,she has some randomass car/truck/four wheeler/motorbike she 'borrows’ or the one car she’s been putting some DedSec decals on {Sitara’s design,of course}….Then there’s the DedSec police cruiser too.
{While playing I prefer chopper bikes,the DedSec police cruiser,this car that looks like a Mustang and the movie car the bunch stole}
Pets: She has a Great Dane named Trompie.Her parents watch the dog during the day {or night depending on missions} and if she has to stay at the Hackerspace/work on missions all day,she takes him along.He behaves,and doesn’t annoy anyone…unless he sits on the couch.He’s got his own little space,with food,water and a blanket to sit on,plus newspapers.Even got toys.He’s 7 months old,and like his owner,he has heterochromia.The name’s Afrikaans,since well,can’t forget your roots,can ya? Wears a DedSec bandana over his collar.Pretty smart,but he has a thing for chasing after the drones and little RC rovers.Was not a big fan of Wrench Jr.
It took a few weeks for Wrench to get used to the dog.He didn’t even notice it until it was lazing on the couch next to Mickey while she was working.It was a scene to experience.
He doesn’t go along on missions for obvious reasons {Micks doesn’t want him to get hurt/killed…and she’s pretty sure he’d be in the way…or set off an explosive or something}.
{-shrugs- One of the best parts of Watch Dogs 2 is being able to pet the dogs.}
Some history: Born South African,moved to San Francisco.Parents also in SF,while sister moved to South Korea with a friend.Been living there for 5 years.Hacking’s been a big hobby since she was younger.She kept it a secret from her parents,to avoid being lectured and banned from her computer.Big gamer since she was a teenager.Became an intern at a police station while still at university.It doesn’t make sense why an IT student would decide on working at a police station,but eyyy,whatever.Got promoted for solving some huge computer related cases through hacking.Two years back she was called to investigate something not even closely related to hacking computers.They reckoned she would be able to handle it.Went undercover.Had to take on dangerous 'jobs’ and compete in races in order to infiltrate and take down a ruthless international crime smuggling syndicate, consisting of illegal street racers and car thieves.She ended up leaving her temporary job because of the amount of times the police chased after her for street racing,resisting arrest and all the property damage.Y'know,going too deep undercover.Wrecked a lot of cars,got rid of a lot of thugs,hacked a lot cameras,streetlights and other things to finish her job and to get away.After that was over,she made sure to erase all of that off her profile on the ctOS database.Had to do a lot of things,a lot of dangerous things,to get noticed by DedSec,and eventually got in.It wasn’t really necesary that she put her life in danger like that,but she did anyway.Go big or go home…I won’t go much into detail about that because I haven’t thought as far.
{This mess….I’ll fix eventually.It’s random,it doesn’t make sense,it isn’t how real life works,but whatever.}
Clothing {aka rambles about clothes}:
Has a variety of beanies,snapbacks and caps
Has one pair of sunglasses,aviators,as the rest got broken
She wears glasses,unless out on missions
Has a lot of t-shirts and hoodies
Has a fair amount of long sleeved shirts
Has a lot of jeans,shorts and sweatpants
Owns a few pairs of sneakers and track-shoes,and two pairs of combat boots
Has a few bandannas/masks
Has literally one fancy shirt she wears with a vest,bowtie,black pants and sneakers
Went to Swelter Skelter as some sort of glow in the dark Matryoshka-fied skeleton
Doesn’t wear any jewelry apart from her piercings and some random bracelets
Carries a shoulder bag which is clearly bigger on the inside {otherwise,how would you fit a laptop,drone,RC rover,and some other stuff in there?} With some badges and Dedsec decals
Hoodies are 60% of the time oversized
PJs are a random t-shirt and boardshorts {Onesie in the winter over that}
Has a hoodie that says 'Ghost’ and '07’ on the back {Aka my favorite Mystery skulls song and lucky number}
Random shiz: And this is the part where those who hate self-insert but still decided on reading should go to another post.This is where stuff gets worse {Not angsty worse…Just more self-inserty}.This is also where stuff starts making less and less sense since this is where I went sleep-deprived mode {1AM-2AM writing hour}
Main hangout is the main Hackerspace from the game.Second being the Silicon Valley one.
Has gone on some missions with Marcus {the ones where multiple things need to be done or where it’s going to take more than one person to do,but it’s only one thing that needs to be stolen/hacked}.
When looked at with the profiler her profile says
ctOS.exe has stopped responding
Memes 'n Dreams
How 'bout nah
Also does the parkouring,climbing high buildings and messing with cranes
Likes the skeleton Dedsec paint on her cars/motorbikes
Almost shot Lenni quite a few times -  too many witnesses stopped her from doing so
Finds it entertaining to help Wrench {he’s a really amusing guy to be around,alright?}
Graffiti is great
Reckons a 'Josh protection squad’ should be made {Don’t harass him,pls}
Went on a mini murder and cop-calling spree after the Tezcas killed Horatio.Also caused a lot of fights between gangs to try wiping them out
Sees Ray as some sort of cool hippie uncle
Doesn’t smoke but always has a lighter to set stuff on fire if needed
Named her drone and rover she printed.Harvey for the rover and Zippy for the drone.Why,you might ask? Why not? Their names are painted on the sides of them. 
“There’s another reason I get called Ninja.It’s not just the screenname.“
Sneaking/Stealth skill +100
Parkour skill +90
Agility +87
Speed +85
Martial arts and self defence +90
Even with skill,she’s really damn clumsy
Is sometimes going out on missions instead of Marcus,if Marcus needs to rest or recover.Goes on own little side missions as well
"First day on the damn job and I get my hoodie stolen by my workpal.”
When out on missions during the day,she wears a range of shirts/hoodies.On nightly missions she wears all black.
Weapons of choice are:
*SVD/other snipers {Including the Stun sniper}
*Baseball bat
*Knives,especially flip knives
When hanging out at the Hackerspace {with nothing else to do} she’s sitting with her laptop or working on a PC.Either hacking,working stuff out,or searching useful stuff.
Her phone has a little charm hanging on the side.It’s a mini Deadpool logo
Always there to lend a hand
While she has told the others about the street racing stuff after first joining,she literally never talked about it again, hoping they’d forget
Isn’t one for cursing too much,but in some situations it’s needed to calm a person down…will not hesitate to swear in another language.
Doesn’t drink coffee or tea,or hot chocolate.She drinks soda,lots of water,energy drinks from time to time {very seldom} and that’s about it.
Pepsi lover
Always carries one of her flip knives with her.
Hates alcohol,smoking and drugs.Thus,she doesn’t drink at all,she has never smoked,never done drugs or vaping or anything of the sort.
Never reveals location of her house or her parents’. Usually kills the cameras temporarily in the area when she’s driving home.
Night owl/always exhausted pigeon
Summer/Autumn person
Likes fire and setting things on fire {Do you know how great it is to set gangs’ supplies ablaze just to spite them?}
Also a fan of explosives.Don’t give her any though….she’ll probably blow stuff up she’s not supposed to.
Not that good a swimmer.She can swim well enough to keep herself from sinking,but she ain’t no olympic medallist.
Likes camping
Probably became part of the team a bit before our boy Marcus.A few weeks before,probably. {-dives behind barricade-}
Dislikes needles of any sorts….and thus,not a big fan of hospitals
References to movies/games/songs and puns 100%
Loves animals,and pets every single dog she can
Doesn’t have the cleanest resume.Street racing,property damage,murder,hacking,breaking into private property,stealing {data,high-tech weapons,etc},car theft,resisting arrest,the list goes on.
Wishes grappling hooks were actually a thing {simlar to those of JC3 or spy movies}
Loves Deadpool
Always has earphones in the ears if not listening to others talk or on missions,and still hears everything she’s supposed to around her. {I own this skill,so it ain’t impossible}
Loving the zombie apocalypse/post apocalyptic stuff
Loves drawing,that’s why graffiti is also great
While she dresses like a hipster/geek {with some badass Dedsec stuff in between} most of the time,she’s an emo/punk soul.
Can’t dance to save her life
Reckons that her haircut is shit,and that it’s the product from getting drunk with friends.Thus,the hate for alcohol grows stronger
Likes Vaperwave and Retrowave stuff
Avoids clubs of any sort
Mosquito magnet
Can program and reprogram a lot of things,such as robots,drones,hell,if she tries hard enough she might be able to do the same to cars,but building/rebuilding/re-engineering things…that’s difficult.The only building related skill she has is upgrading and modding her drone and RC rover,along with fixing up/upgrading/modding cars.
Learned a lot about cars while undercover.
Did some graffiti work for Sitara.Got a badass galaxy DedSec design on the side of some building.
Was very disturbed when that whole thing with the DedSec parody and strip club owner went down.Almost had a heart attack when Marcus told the bunch that the Bratva threw him in the trunk of a car that’s in the process of being crushed.
{My actual reaction to the No Compromise DLC}
When threatening people {Bad people,'course} she likes saying that she’s going to snap the person like a stick
House isn’t as big a mess as one would think {Compared to Ray’s old place/the silo and the motel room where Aiden lived before it got blown up}.The hacking related things,such as her computer,laptop,at least nine monitors,a ton of harddrives,etc,are in her room,and there’s no sign of anything of the sort outside of that.
Parents still oblivious,still don’t know she’s a hacker,still don’t know about her street racing ways.She prefers it that way….that’s why nobody sees the garage or bedroom.
Not a fan of attention,would rather keep a low profile and let her workpals get the fame.But of course,when there’s some bad stuff on DedSec,she won’t be afraid to show off her opinion and stick with the others
It’s great being sometimes-partners with Marcus
It’s also great going off on missions on your own
“Screw you,you son of a bitch.”
*Proceeds to flip person off as it’s the worst she’ll do before it switches to violence and knife threats*
“Viva La Resistance/Rebellion” in a really bad French accent
“You see this knife? It’s my knife. What I’m gonna do with it? Shove it down your throat if you don’t shut the hell up.”
“The name’s Dead Inside.How ya doin’?”
“You look like a terrorist.”
“I promise you,I am NOT a terrorist.”
“What are you then?”
“A ninja.”
“Are you some kind of weirdass goth person?”
She has abandonment issues,that’s why she prefers doing missions solo.Means she can’t lose anyone while on missions or get betrayed/left behind.
{Hm,guess who has those}
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