#everyone i know who liked vld LOVED bnha so my friends and i made a point to hate it and the grudge just stuck
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hey!!! don’t worry about dropping off the radar for a bit, you’re totally fine! how do you like bnha? I’m the same way in that I love the show but think that the fandom can be kinda 😬😬😬
you are too sweet and i love u and ur my best friend🥺thank you for being so understanding!!💜
as for bnha... im not very far yet so its been kinda a mixed bag, but overall I have to say im liking it a lot! honestly a lot of it is sooooo dramatic to me which can be really cringey but its always nice to watch something that does a good job of balancing light heartedness with a good story/a topic that’s taken seriously, so overall its been great (esp since the fandom is active and i dont have to beg for content)...
I also think THe fighting and yelling is a little weird too but i think it will get better the more i watch, which im super excited to do!! i also want to pick up the manga eventually which may help.. overall i just need to get over my hatred of high school LMAO and then it wont be so awkward for me!! Its sad that all the characters are babies.. im not even that old but still... being 15 is like being a babby practically.
honestly tho, now that we’re here... i think my hatred of the bnha fandom stems back to 2016/17 when i really liked voltron legendary defender (which is actually so funny lmao)... bc to this day, VLD is the only show/fandom i’ve had to leave due to fandom issues and i think at the time, i was just salty bc a part of me felt like the annoying VLD fans just moved on to bnha... since ive always been sorta picky abt fandom depictions of characters in shows / animes, this was scary to me for a lot of reasons and still is since .. more fans = more interpretations...
however.... now that some time has passed im just hoping i can find a good part of the fandom to hang out in so that i can enjoy the show IN PEACE the way i deserve!! im finally ready to forgive bnha for. being annoying🥰🥰🥰 (lmao im jk) and overall excited to think abt my own interpretations u know?
#u are so sweet im in love with u thanks for asking#i know i talk a lot but i just love responding#i also havent decided if i like sub or dub better either so i just switch between the two like a moron#i cant tell which is more popular... usually i hate dub but this one isnt bad#anyway#dude the vld fandom was sooooooooo bad#i didnt even have beef with anyone i just thought that the way ppl talked abt characters was so rancid#lmao its so funny tho bc my voltron fanfic still gets views on deviantart#i feel sorta similar abt bnha but im hoping i just wont see shitty fans#everyone i know who liked vld LOVED bnha so my friends and i made a point to hate it and the grudge just stuck#but honestly if i stay pretty lowkey abt it i think not much can go wrong#esp if i start writing for it the way i want to#or at least just think about it#but WHO KNOWS#everything aside im always active on tumblr so like#if u need anything im here#esp if u wanna talk abt fandom shit bc i HAVE NO FRIENDS#hahaha#and also sorry for writing like 100000 paragraphs LMAO I just get carried away#a-vast-african-plain
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Merry Christmas!! I hope you are happy, and have a good New Year! 😁
Thank you!!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year too!!
Anon said:aaaaawwwnnn the good ol' platonic (or not, depending on the interpretation) bak*deku
I’m not anti anything anon, so you never gotta worry about that! I have ships I like and ships I don’t and ships I’m indifferent about, but I’m a firm believer in the ship and let ship principle~ sadly bkdk is strictly platonic for me (I see them too much as sibs for it to work in a romantic way, at this point), but I do adore their relationship and the way Horikoshi is writing it TT^TT it’s def one of my favorite Bakugou relationships, such a wonderfully complex story 💕
Anon said:Have you ever thought about drawing Bakushima as different ships? Like, from different shows. Put them in their outfits and such? I thought that wouls be pretty cool. Sorry if someone has already suggested this! I thought maybe Black Butler style ? Fruits basket, Death note, ect. ❤
I have in the past drawn them in AUs inspired by characters from other fandoms, if that’s what you’re asking! At the top of my head I can remember drawing them as Black⭐Star and Tsubaki from Soul Eater, Doumeki and Watanuki from xxxHolic and Jacuzzi and Nice from Baccano!, but I’m sure those are not the only ones... I’m never against that sort of AUs, if you have anything you’d like to see ask and I’ll see if I know the fandom you’re thinking about! :D
Anon said://squints// did your.... Did your lineart imPROVE??? holy maples Fran ur killing me with ur art I wanna survive my last 7 months of high school--
If you think so, then I’m seriously happy and glad to hear it! Thank you so much!! I feel like I’ve been getting sloppier actually, ngl, but I have been trying new tools for the line, so maybe that’s the difference you’re seeing!
Anon said:Gonna say anonymously caz' i'm too embarrassed to reveal myself for now, but I love your blog and art so damn much!!! Been following you for two years and you really inspired me to draw and really to stay in touch with bnha. Again, love you so much and hope you a merry Christmas!!!
Ahhhhh anon thank you so much!!! I’m happy I can make you keep up with bnha, ngl!! And I hope you’ve had a wonderful amazing christmas too!!!
Anon said:Sero with the long hair can murder me
He wouldn’t!
Anon said:what do you think of bakukamijirou 👀
I don’t ship it, sorry :( as far as shipping Bakugou goes, I only ship him around if Kirishima is involved - I do have a few Baku ships I like just for the aesthetics (like with Jirou, or Todoroki!) but I wouldn’t really call it “shipping”, I just like to see them next to each other cause their designs work well together haha
Anon said:Hello? Yes. Hi. Dave I love. Thank you.
I’m so happy to hear that!!! TT^TT thank you so much!!!
Anon said:Kamijirou cures my depression :3
Anon said:Have you every considered a voltron au for your ocs? I know youve made a voltron au befores so i was wondering if you ever did it for anything else (i really love all your art have a lovely day
I’ve never, actually :thinking: the vld fandom is very scary to me so I try to keep away from it, ngl! I’ve also not watched past the first season of the cartoon itself so by now I don’t think I have the necessary information to make AUs based on that fandom, but the concept of my kids in space or piloting mechas is a wonderful one nonetheless haha
Anon said:Ah man I love dav so much. It makes me so happy when you post your sweet green haired boy. Day: brightened.
:sob: thank you SO MUCH!!!! TT^TT it makes me so happy to hear you like my boy!!
Anon said:I love and appreciate every variety of your ocs
Anon said:You: This is my boy. | Me: I love him so much and his hair and his shirt- 👌
Thank you so much!! His hair and clothes make less sense every time I draw him, but I have fun with it so I’m glad you like them anyway hahaha
Anon said:Hey! Who is he? He looks cool
Thank you so muuuccchhhh!!! His name is Dave!! He doesn’t really have much of a story, but he’s a uni student and likes music, philosophy and cats! He has a bunch of friends I draw him with now and again, and they mostly spend their time avoiding studying and being generally ridiculous :D
Anon said:Just wanted to let you know your art style is GORGEOUS. You're one of the few people on this site whose art always makes me excited to see it. I'm a huge Bakushima fan to begin with but your Bakugou is just...oof. lol I don't know if it's the hooded eyes or the undercut but you make him HAVE it!
That’s such high praise oh my god! TTOTT I’m glad you like how I draw my boy, he makes me so happy to doodle !!!!! 💞💞💞
Anon said:The two art post with "An unexpected sappy thought" and "Bunch of stuff from yesterday I finally managed to finish" were both flagged. i tried to send them to u, but couldn't. Just thought you should know if you haven't been notified yet! sorry that i cant be much help. (also the protest starts in like 10 min for me, so youre probably off already if youre doing it) sorry for bothering!
Anon said:hey your post (a colored fanart) of kirishima and bakugou cuddling w/ song lyrics as the caption got flagged, just thought i’d let you know if you didn’t see it :( stupid tumblr
These are pretty old asks at this point but I wanted to thank you for the heads up anyway! I have gone through my posts twice already and new flagged things always pop up, so the fact that you took the time to let me know was seriously huge help! Thank you so much!!
Anon said:hi i just saw your year summery-thingy and i just realized that i have followed you for more than a year now and i just want to say thank you for all the beutiful art i have seen !! you are truly one of my favorite artist i hope that you are well
Ah man thank you so much!!! I’m so so happy to hear you’ve been following me that long, it’s incredible to me!! I hope I’ll manage to get out of the slump I’ve fallen into soon enough orz meanwhile thank you for sticking around!! 💕
Anon said:Seeing your art summary makes my soul feel the urge to have your beautiful kiribaku art in a book. Have you ever thought about making a little zine with some of your illustrations? Or selling prints ;___; You're absolutely amazing!
Oh heck thank you so much for being interested in something like that! I’ve actually thought about something of the like, but if I ever did it would be a small zine with pieces made specifically for it! I have to research the whole thing a bit more, but in case I’ll reach a point where it’s a concrete possibility I’d first post something to check the actual interest in it between everyone! ;^;
Anon said:... Why BakuJiro tho?
Why not! They are good friends, have a nice dynamic, and their styles match together well! And Jirou’s so tiny next to him, I like the idea of Baku hugging her a whole lot as it might have become obvious by this point haha
Anon said:7w7r I see you there
I dunno what this is about but !!! neat!!
Anon said:Soooo,,, DabiHawks or Hawks single? I have curious for how would a drawing of them be made by you
I’ve said this a couple of times before, but I’m really only interested in dabihawks if Dabi is Touya at this point! I might change my mind if Hori develops their relationship more, but right now that’s how it is... and until I have more concrete proofs of Touya and Dabi being the same person I don’t wanna get too involved with the ship, in case I end up disappointed haha
Anon said:Fran, have you ever posted a selfie before? For some reason, I imagine you looking a little more like Kuroo from Haikyuu!! Haha.
I haven’t! I prefer being behind the camera instead of before it hahaha a couple years ago you would have been right! By now I have too much hair for it, tho lol also, I wear glasses and have a bunch of piercings and earrings that Kuroo doesn’t have (but should have, cause it’d be hot 👀👀👀)
#fran answers#i wanted to post something colored today but my health said no#*sad*#instead i finally got around to answering the asks#a lil bit of productivity is always better than none at all haha#anonymous
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1 - 30 😗
you’re insane, anon. love u. go big or go home
things i learned from answering this: i guess i didn’t write that much fic this year? at the very least, i didn’t publish much.
list of my fics i mentioned:
Flare Signal (BNHA), a wip longfic wherein Izuku is a villain, but he wants to be a hero. More Than Friends (PJO), a “wip” two part fic about classic PJO tropes!these old bones (VLD), a completed one-shot exploring Keith, told in three parts.what if this storm ends (and i don’t see you as you are now, ever again) (VLD), a short one-shot after Shiro’s breakup, when he is comforted by Keith.
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
Flare Signal, hands-down. i’m just having a good time!
2. least favorite fic you wrote this year
probably More Than Friends. i just didn’t execute it well!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
tbh i debated about answering this bc it’s not published yet (spoilers for FS!):
“I may not be a hero,” Izuku said lowly, limping forward, “but I refuse to die a villain.”
4. total number of words you wrote this year
tbh i don’t know bc a mix of projects and wips and stuff. but about 90-100k!
5. most popular fic this year
according to ao3, ruins with 6,622 hits this year, closely followed by Flare Signal with 6,613 hits!
6. least popular fic this year
these old bones, with 402 hits this year
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year
complete?? maybe 3k, these old bones.
8. shortest completed fic you wrote this year
it’s probably an ask fill/request from tumblr, which usually round out to anywhere from 1-2k. on ao3, it’s what if this storm ends (and i don’t see you as you are now, ever again)
9. longest wip of the year
Flare Signal for sure. right now it’s at 72k!
10. shortest wip of the year
More Than Friends...? technically it’s complete since each chapter is a standalone, but it’s a two-parter that i never really. wrote the second part. 3k.
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
i’ve been popping the biggest bottles in bnha! i just think the world and the characters are a blast to play with.
12. favorite character to write about this year
izuku lmao, what’s new!
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
probably Melodrama by Lorde, or kobasolo!
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
like, all of them, i bet! Flare Signal again; it’s much longer than planned (i thought it was going to be 50k, and then i realized it was going to be 100k, and now i’ve just given up guessing, though i have all chapters planned.) i honestly didn’t even expect to be sucked into bnha but here we are.
15. something you learned this year
i have to give props to past!me for writing this question. good one. i think.... something i learned is that i’ve improved! and i’ve come a really, really long way. i’ve been writing since about 2012/2013, and for the past few years i’ve personally not noticed much change in my writing. but someone pointed out to me how much i’ve improved comparing one of my fics from around 2017 to my most recent wip, and it’s really gratifying to hear that and to make the realization that yeah, wow, i did improve.
16. fic(s) you completed this year
i don’t finish anything tbh but:
17. fics you’ll continue next year
Flare Signal is the only planned fic that will continue next year! my vld fics are on unofficial hiatus, and i’ve really just been focusing on fs right now.
18. current number of wips
last time it was like, 21. this time it’s gotta be at least 30. maybe. who knows!
19. any new fics to start next year
nothing set in stone! i’m playing with a couple bnha ideas in my head that i think would be fun, but i don’t know. we’ll see :D
20. number of comments you haven’t read
i’ve read all of them in my email and in my fic comment section! however, ao3′s official count is 439.
21. most memorable comment/review
this is only one of many but...
"This. Is. SPARTA!!! YEET"
I never thought I'd have those two phrases go through my kind at exactly the same time, yet here I am.
22. events you participated in this year
honestly? i have no sense of time and i don’t really remember like, when 2017 ended and when 2018 began writing-wise. i was in the wild fyre keith zine, which was in the works last year, i believe, but finished this year. invictus/paladin magazine. riordanverse zine. lancito! zine. i think that’s it! a lot of projects were really long, so.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
plenty plenty as always. uhhh something called the “distance soulmate airport percabeth au” which is fun and ridiculous and i love it! a different mortal percabeth fic where they meet in a sleepy beach town by chance years after breaking up as high school sweethearts, and they solve mysteries as they fall back in love. and a time travel percabeth fic called step forward, step back!
and plenty more. but let’s stop here.
24. favorite fic you read this year
i can’t stop at one. i particularly enjoyed Yesterday Upon the Stair by PitViperofDoom, but also every bnha fic i bookmarked! good stuff. oh and classic PeaceHeather coming back to hit me with Rend and Rebuild for that good, good, good merlin & arthur fic.
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
maybe by fandom?
bnha: could i but teach the hundredth part by terra_incognita on ao3.the penumbra podcast: Hyperion City, 5:30 AM by grantaire_dont_care on ao3.critical role: now seek the far horizon (sister, sail) by Attilavld: Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by wingedflower
26. number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
hmm, don’t have one off the top of my head! maybe mysterytwin, writing for trollhunters.
28. longest fic you read this year
probably Yesterday Upon the Stair, a hefty 365k. delicious.
29. shortest fic you read this year
idk :( i read a lot of fic all the time!
30. favorite fandom to read fic from this year
bnha! like i said in the beginning, i just think it’s a lot of fun. and there’s some good dads, and some good whump. could use more whump.
#asks#shoutout to anon#ask games#fanfic end of year asks#this took me forever omg#long post#anonymous
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