#everyone has to find the burner on their own its a rite of passage
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dismas-n-dismay · 5 months ago
Yuurivoice Twt <3
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writeforfandoms · 1 year ago
I, absolutely love your writing, I think I've read born for greatness like 4 times now, along with all your other shifter stories ;w;
I dont know if you do requests but I had to get this put down somewhere and I feel like you would be the perfect author to present this idea I had to just, prent it to you in a little glowy box with opera coming from within.
So- everyone knows how marine parks like SeaWorld or marine land used to catch their orcas yes? The rounding up of pods and then the separation of calves from their mothers.
I present to you the tidbit of brain that said to me me last night 'Human 141 who work at a marine research/rescue center who get a call about an orca being kept in a holding pen at a dilapidated waterpark that had been abandoned a few months earlier. It's a dire situation as the orca being kept has been alone and starving for a couple weeks. The 141 set out to save this orca and sucsessfuly bring them back to be taken care of and nursed back to health. In this time they find out their a shifter and speak to them about their life. After that they make it their goal to reunite the orca shifter with their pod- because -
(interesting tidbit time) orcas are known to live just as long if not longer then humans, they also have their own dialects! (This is why an orca from Japan can not communicate with an orca from Off the coast of Cape Breton) and this means that technically calves who had been stolen from the wild could (theortically) be rehabilitated and set free once more, they would find their pod and reunite with their family.
The 141 end up reuniting the orca with their family who are absolutely ecstatic to have found them again, the the orca shifter dosent wana leave, so the 141 (who's owns baste amount of sea that they've procured as protected land) propose the pod live in the protected waters. So now everything the 141 steps outside their little cottages they see a large pod of orca shifters happily living right outside their facility, one who regularly shifts back to be around their saviors on land
I just had to get this down somewhere, and thought this would be perfect idea to present to you, even if you dont do anything with it lol! Love your works, keep up the good work!
First, thank you so so much! I know you sent this in weeks ago but I needed to read this this morning. So thank you. This means more to me than you know.
Second, sorry for hanging on to this for a bit.
Third... this is brilliant. I love this. So much. I love the idea of orca shifters! They spend most of their lives shifted but occasionally become human... probably for prank purposes. Its probably like a teenage rite of passage kind of thing. Which is just adorable.
And the 141 finding her original pod for her?? My heart!! And then offering the protected waters and watching out for the pod. Just. All of this is absolutely heart warming. This is absolutely my kind of idea. Good bit of angsty hurt with a solid dose of comfort and happy ending.
I'm gonna put this on a back burner for now because life is a wee bit too much right now BUT trust me I absolutely adore this idea!! I'm writing it down in my ideas folder to keep track of. Because I want to revisit this.
I'm already thinking of why the abandoned park had a shifter, and shift-preventing devices, and the utter callousness of leaving her because anyone else would remove the device and she could get a lot of people in a lot of trouble... mwahaha.
Thank you so much friend!
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bosselona-blog1 · 8 years ago
Wrote this a while back. It's about being decent, fighting inner turmoil and Breaking Bad..
The Moral Code: Keeping Your Heisenberg From the Door It’s really good Breaking Bad you know. It is the slowest of slow burners mind. I had a two year hiatus from it after finding the first two seasons slower than Rickie Lambert on his first day back to pre-season. However, what follows, what follows has stayed with me in quite a disturbing way recently if I’m honest. Make no mistake, Breaking Bad is no more a darkly humoured criminal drama as it is a modern-day tragedy. It deals with all the ugliness and evil that lurks under the parapet of modern society. Greed, murder, deceit, money, drugs, violence, oh, the violence. Not much new there then you may think, like an episode of PMQ’s with a little more decorum about it you could argue. I am up to the last two episodes of season five and I’m a mess. I’m pulled pillar to post on a weekly basis by its Proteus leading protagonist Walter White. He’s got some chimp, that fella. Bryan Cranston is absolutely nonpareil in playing the disturbing transformation from an estimable, down on his luck commoner to an underworld, nefarious sociopath. Walt is the reason why I’m constantly walking around fretting and shaking my head in disbelief. In the opening gambits, he is someone we all can relate to. Towing the party line, fighting a never-ending battle to be morally decent only to get to a certain point in our lives to question our programming and lifelong decision making. This is all for what? What is its end game? What is the point in all this? What this then does to Walt unearths a monster. A ghoul of catastrophic proportions overtaken by a liberation of heinous criminality. Prompted by his own catastrophic event, he’s broken the monotony of being decent with no reward. Of time endlessly repeating itself with mundane connotations forming over and over again. However, watching him poses a continuous question to me: Do we all have an inner Heisenberg? I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve been a person who has had bad thoughts, I still do. I have had feelings of darkness where I can’t see a lot of light. I have felt anger and resentment. I have felt trapped by life and by my own self authenticated kismet fate. I think this is common in everyone in some form. We’ve all had these emotions, these doubts. It is a part of living, a rite of passage to growing and becoming wiser with age. We take a deep breath, recycle and reaffirm our desire for life and we go again. The fact I often use the expression “I could kill….” Mostly relating to my better half and her inability to cross a road without me having to worry and be informed doesn’t mean I will strangle her to death with a bike chain and dissolve her in a bath of acid (although I have on occasion looked at the amount of chemical solution required to do the job). However, if we look at Walter White’s eventual demise at the time his criminal empire begins to crumble, try telling yourself you weren’t still routing for the mass murderer, the man who poisoned a child and done nothing about another child getting shot dead in front of him, because of him. You, like me, were still justifying his actions with some internal, drummed up hyperbole about how he was a good person doing this for his family who he will shortly leave behind. What does that say about our own moral code? There’s a lot to be said for getting to a point where you can’t see a person you’ve become and your principled lines become so blurred you let things spiral out of all proportion under some pretence justification. It can happen a lot easier than we think. How many things do we read where an on the surface exemplary member of society has done something heinous? How many people have you heard say afterwards “I’d never have thought he/she was capable of something like that”? Don’t get me wrong, no one wants the be the person always being rained on. Sometimes it’s good to be angry, there’s a lot in life to facilitate such feelings; the establishment, the economy, Nigel Farage. No one likes to feel like they’re being had off or conned in any way, but therein lies it, maybe we need to acknowledge are inner chimp a bit more for our own good instead of spewing vile on platforms such as Twitter, where the most innocuous of topics can truly bring out the worst in society. This, as we know, is a hugely more transient, migratory generation then the one before ours. There is a lot less conformism, the idea you get married and have children before you’ve hit 25 because that’s just what normal decent people do is now seen as antiquated by the majority. We are a lot more liberated then we realise. The idea you can feel trapped in life is common and caused by any number of different situations which can play a huge part in causing the Hyde to our respective Jekyll’s. I’ve never been entirely convinced by the argument some are simply born evil. I believe there is a lot of things that can distort a person’s mind-set and psyche. I admit it takes a certain type of mind to do some of the things I’ve seen in life, but born that way? I’m not sure anyone is. The effects of your own destiny and life decisions can manipulate everything about your personality, your outlook, your anger and resentment and ultimately the path you take in life. Simultaneously, there are things way out of our control that can turn our lives on their head at any given point. What this poses is the conundrum of what we’re all striving for: Happiness and fulfilment. I am a staunch believer in doing a lot more of what makes you happy in life, as we know it is hard enough. However, we can all feel superannuated by a vast amount of life’s every day’s like marriage, relationships, work, friendships, image, money. That feeling of being redundant or regretful about any of life’s expected standards is enough make any clear mind clouded. That longing for our yesterdays, time feeling like a flat circle, how to break the vice that mere existence has on so many of us? There’s no real answer for any of this, we all live and die by our own decisions in life and no matter how much we try, there are just some things we cannot undo. How do we combat that inner Heisenberg? We find our own peace of mind in whatever format we can in our lives: Building a family, a career, being liberated, socialising, travelling, talking, being honest to yourself, whatever works for you. Keeping the lines as clear as we can without always pursuing our Shangri-La while life is already happening. We constantly run the risk of having the “my life will be better when” outlook, only to likely feel empty and disappointed in the outcome should whatever it is bare fruition. Whatever it is that keeps you happy in the now and replenishes your soul along the way, then do a bit more of. Make no mistake, there is a social responsibility on all of us to be decent people, and rightly so. We all need to be a bit nicer to ourselves as well as each other to get by especially in this uncertain existence we find ourselves in. But remember how easy it is for things, both within and beyond our control, to get to a point where you’ve lost the ability to recognise where your line begins and ends. Walter White is an evil man, of this there is no sinew of doubt. A man who attempted to justify a cruel and destructive means with a noble and worthy end. These two things will never go hand in hand in any walk of life. “A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!” If we heed the lessons of Walt and so many others, then we’ll never ever put ourselves in a position where our doorbell rings.
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