#everyone else sees part of this happening and thinks fit has lost it
ludaroace · 4 months
assuming madagio is good headcannon that madagio and fit end up having this god/champion dynamic but it's actually just like the most petty relationship in the world . like everyone else who has a god/goddess ? good terms, love it when they show up, trust in them entirely . madagio and fit ? worsties <3
madagio picked fit out of pure necessity and fit keeps working with them because he has to and neither of them are happy about it . they antagonize each other . fit sends more data but includes a message that tells madagio to go fuck themself . in retaliation madagio very clearly follows ramon for no reason despite having better things to do, not even for information just because they can . fit tells madagio he cannot send information on a certain day because it is his anniversary . fit gets yoinked mid date as a fuck you (he ends up getting put back, but it was to prove a point) . fit argues with every cat he sees and wakes up to his house filled with them . madagio hears pac wanted to adopt them and makes a point to just be there sometimes to be in the way, fit decides to be even more insufferable on purpose .
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ddarker-dreams · 1 month
Lock I need you to share something about Gojo. Jjk is getting worse with no hope in the future. Plis just a tiny part is god. 🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Gojo Satoru x F Reader x Geto Suguru.
Warnings: Mild not SFW implications, Gojo and Geto are Not normal about you, exhibiting possessive behavior. Word count: 1.2k.
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"—Excuse me, miss!" 
The exclamation barely registers amidst the crowded street's ambiance. Everyone has a destination they're eager to reach, and you're no different. Unlike those native to the area, however, you're more likely to get lost; hence your current conundrum. 
You examine the mess of squiggly lines, blocks, and patterns intended to function as a map. 
Kagurazaka, Kagurazaka... c'mon, I know this one... it starts with the kanji for god or something, right? 
While you scrutinize the map, the same voice from earlier calls out again, this time beside you. You glance around, not wanting to respond if he’s trying to flag down someone else. In doing so, it becomes increasingly obvious that you’re who he’s been trying to grab the attention of. 
From the looks of it, he’s a man in his late thirties, wearing a suit that could use a good ironing. You can’t recall meeting him before. Then again, you’re not privy to everything that happens back on campus. Meetings with influential figures frequently occur without your knowledge. You only ever find out about them later when Satoru loudly voices his critical view on everyone who attended. You are wearing your uniform, it’s recognizable to those in Jujutsu circles. 
You’d rather not stir up a scandal by unintentionally snubbing a Zenin or someone equally important. With this in mind, you politely inquire, “Can I help you?” 
“That uniform… you’re a high schooler, right?” 
You nod, figuring that this confirms your hypothesis. 
“What year?” 
This question makes less sense. Maybe he wants to know your proximity to Suguru, or, far likelier, Satoru. These types always have their own designs for the pride of the Gojo clan. 
“I’m a second-year.” 
“I see, I see,” he begins rummaging through his blazer’s inner pocket. He procures a business card and holds it out. “How about a job? From the looks of it, you’d make a good fit.” 
You blink. 
Are you… allowed to do freelance work? You’ve heard of specific sorcerers being requested for jobs, but that’s always been through the school. Besides, as a Grade Three, you don’t think you can go on unsupervised jobs. Not wanting to seem rude, you reach out to accept the card— 
—Only for it to be intercepted. 
“Sorry, she’s completely booked,” a voice that sounds the furthest thing from apologetic chimes in. 
Gojo Satoru stands to your right, adorned with his circular sunglasses and trademark grin. He rips the card in half without so much as a second thought. You stare at him, incredulous. Questions swarm around your head. When did he get here? How didn’t you notice him until now? Why does his cursed energy have such an unnerving quality to it? 
He bends down and hangs his arm around your shoulder. “You’re somethin’ else. Ignoring Suguru and I’s calls, chatting up strange men in Kabukichō… I swear, we can’t take our eyes off you for a second.” 
“Wh— I’m not chatting anyone up!” You whisper yell. His infinity nullifies enough for you to jab a finger at his chest. “Why can’t you give better directions?! ‘West of the Edo Castle’ doesn’t tell me anything, it just sounds like a TV drama!”
Satoru shrugs. “Should’ve just asked an auxiliary manager to drop you off.” 
“You might treat them like a personal taxi service, but I’d rather not. Taking the train’s fine.” 
The man finally overcomes the shock inflicted by Satoru’s audacity, taking a step forward. “What are you, her boyfriend or something?” 
“Bleh, no!” 
“Future husband.” 
Yours and Satoru’s responses come out simultaneously. 
“In that case—” 
“Excuse me,” A new presence interrupts the increasingly irritated man. Suguru wears a friendly smile which somehow comes across as more menacing than Satoru’s wolfish grin. He places a hand on the man’s shoulder. “You are aware that it’s a minor you’re trying to recruit, correct?” 
The man flushes at the accusation. “Listen, I dunno what you’re trying to accuse me of—” 
“I’d hate to see you get in trouble for a mistake like that,” Suguru cuts him off again, raising his voice ever so slightly. This attracts the attention of some bystanders. “Who knows what consequences that’d result in, especially for a married man like yourself…” 
Huh. You hadn’t even noticed the gold band on his ring finger. Suguru’s nothing if not perceptive. 
Nearby commuters whisper amongst themselves while eyeing the scene. The man’s gaze flits between a self-satisfied Satoru and an overly polite Suguru, eventually settling on an escape route. Wordlessly, he departs, although you swear you overhear him muttering ‘crazy kids’ and ‘doomed girl,’ along the way. 
“Yo, Suguru. Took you long enough.” 
“Unfortunately, not all of us can teleport.” 
“Your curse did a better job at tailin’ me than you.” 
Ignoring the jab, Suguru dusts his hands off while honing in on you. “You alright? You weren’t answering our calls.” 
“And you’re late,” Satoru whines. He helps himself to searching through your purse, taking your pink Razr hostage. “Huh. Battery’s dead.” 
Suguru appears content. “What’d I tell you?” 
“If she’s blocked me before, the same could happen to you.” 
“I wouldn’t block Suguru.” 
“She wouldn't block me.” 
This time, it’s you and Suguru who speak concurrently. Satoru pouts, putting his hands up like he’s under attack (which he probably believes himself to be). You snatch your phone back without issue, unlike when he last stole it. He unblocked himself and dangled it above your head until you promised you wouldn’t do that again.
“And here I was, about to treat you both to pastries,” Satoru sighs, melodramatic as ever. 
“While we were waiting for you, I noticed creampuffs and macaroons on the menu; which would you recommend?” Suguru inquires, not bothering to acknowledge Satoru’s complaints. 
“That depends on what you want from the experience,” you mimic his decision. “Creampuffs tend to be one flavor, whereas macaroons come in multiple, so the variety’s nice. When I get a variety pack, I always end up disliking one of the flavors and wishing I’d just gotten my favorites instead.” 
Satoru sighs as loud as he can. “Right, right, I’m just a walking wallet. Let’s get going before someone else solicits [First].” 
“Eh?” You turn your head to face Satoru. “‘Solicits?’ As in…?” 
Suguru slaps a hand over Satoru’s mouth. “What he means to say is that this isn’t the best area for a high school girl to linger.”
“W-Wait, hold on! I thought he was like a… er, how would you say that… sorcerer employer?” 
They both stare at you. 
“You do know what Kabukichō’s famous for, right?” Suguru tentatively asks. 
“Hm? ‘Kabuki’ is a type of traditional theater, isn’t it?” 
“Let’s just show her what we mean,” Satoru bends down, picking up two halves of the business card he split in half earlier. “It’ll be a good lesson. I’d rather not have to come fetch her in this place again— oh.” 
Suguru inspects what has the power to shut Gojo Satoru up. You watch as his eyes move back and forth, his face shifting while he does so. His lips narrow into a thin line when he pulls back. Curious, you stand on your tiptoes, hoping to catch a glimpse yourself. Thankfully, there’s yomigana above some of the kanji you don’t recognize. This eliminates any possibility of you misreading the card’s contents. 
‘Oh’ indeed, you think. That poor guy…
It’s a business card for the company that oversees AKB48. 
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quin-ns · 2 months
The blue (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Series summary: JJ has a secret, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold onto it. He discovers his breaking point when his best friend starts to show interest in you, his step sister, who he’s already fallen hard for
Series tags: step brother!jj, dual pov, jealousy, one sided john b x reader, drinking, inappropriate relationship, public sex, oral sex (f receiving)
A/N: first series I’ve finished and I could not be more excited to share! please read the tags and if the subject matter is uncomfortable to you, you do not have to read. this one is a wild ride guys, I can’t wait for you to see what I have in store 🫶
Series masterlist + OBX masterlist
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JJ didn’t really understand how this happened, but it did. When he tried to trace it all back, there wasn’t really one big moment. Just a bunch of small individual moments that amounted to… this. This feeling. This thing that kept him up at night that he couldn’t seem to get rid of.
He’d never been in love before, so it took JJ awhile to realize that’s what he felt for you.
Or maybe it was the denial. The moral part of his brain telling him it wasn’t normal. Your mom was married to his dad, so according to everyone else’s rules that made you his step sister—even if he didn’t think about you in that context anymore.
He used to, when you both were younger, before your mom got arrested. A large part of why JJ was so happy when you came into his life was because his dad eased up on him, finding some semblance of happiness with your mom.
But she wasn’t exactly perfect. To be with his dad, JJ always wondered what was wrong. As it would turn out, she had serious issues, but what they got her for was being a tax cheat. It added up how they could’ve met after that.
It was getting to be around… what, a little over a year since that happened? JJ couldn’t really keep track of the months, and you never liked to talk about it.
As much as JJ loved his father, he knew he wasn’t a good guy, even if he wanted him to be. So it surprised him when his dad still let you stay with them, but you’d been around since you were both about thirteen, so even if his dad didn’t think of himself as responsible for you (or even JJ), he at least cared enough to not throw you to the street.
That was about the same JJ got from him, and recognizing that is what brought you closer to him.
Sure, you’d been sort of close growing up, but not really. You mostly spent time with your mom and your own friends. Then, when everything went down, you lost your mom and your friends followed not long after. He saw the puffiness in your eyes when you’d come home and go to your room for the whole night. No one to hang out with after school and nowhere to go on a Saturday night. They had ditched you, apparently deciding that mocking you was more important than being there for you. It made his stomach hurt to see you in such a state. You didn’t smile for days.
So JJ, being the good step brother that he was, stepped in. He took you under his wing and brought your smile back.
You fit in well with his friends, easily becoming a part of the group. They liked having you around, and JJ felt like he got to know you in a way he hadn’t ever before.
It was selfish, but you made being at home easier. You kept him company when he stayed up too late and made sure to wake him up in the morning so he wouldn’t be late to work whatever odd job he had at the time.
Whenever his dad hit him, which started again not long after your mom was locked up, you were there to take care of him.
You were so sweet with him, eyes full of care and touches gentle as you cleaned his cuts or iced his bruises. It made it hurt less.
After one night, when his dad hit him, leaving a cut from one of his rings on JJ’s face, you came to his aid as you frequently did. His dad stormed out, so it was just the two of you as you cleaned his face. You had him sit on the couch and stood over him, one hand holding his face while the other held a cloth to make sure the cut was clean.
As JJ stared up at you, your frustrated words about his father falling on deaf ears, one jarring thought crossed his mind.
You should kiss her.
He’d immediately stood up, snapping himself out of whatever daze he was in, and went to his room. You’d tried to talk to him, but he brushed you off and said he was tired. When he asked to be left alone, which was rare, you did.
He didn’t sleep most of the night, staring up at his ceiling wondering where that thought had even come from. He’d never had it before, but from that moment on, JJ started to become much more aware of everything you did—everything you did for him.
Of course his friends loved him and cared about him, and he did the same for them, but with you, something about it just felt different. You were by his side nearly every moment of the day. You saw things they didn’t, and you were there when they couldn’t be.
You became everything to JJ. There was no other way to put it.
That was a couple months ago, and since then, his realization had morphed into something far more.
JJ was deeply, madly in love with you, which was not something a guy should be with his step sister, but he was. He didn’t really deal with it, just shoved it down and tried to ignore it. It was hard, especially when he was around you every single day, but JJ had done his best.
JJ would catch himself staring at you more than he’d admit, but no one seemed to notice. No one would suspect what he was thinking anyway. He made excuses to touch you, like a hand on your back when moving past you to get something or draping his arm over your shoulder and leaning on you jokingly. The latter made you laugh, and he’d join you, but he’d still feel a loss when you playfully nudged him away and told him you weren’t an armrest.
Sometimes, when he didn’t care how pathetic it was, he’d let himself drink too much, just so he could lean on you when you’d help him inside. When he pulled that stunt, sometimes he’d get lucky and you’d even stay by his side to make sure he went to sleep comfortably. And of course, whenever his dad struck, fists full of misplaced rage, you were there, easing the pain.
JJ resolved to take what he could get, and eventually he’d move on.
At least, he hoped that’s how it would go. Maybe he’d get lucky and—
“Hello?” You waved a hand in front of JJ’s face. “I’m talking to you.”
JJ blinked. He looked at you, zoning back in. In an instant, he remembered what was going on. You and him, along with his three best friends, were all on the beach. The others were in the water, while you had been sunbathing on shore and JJ… well, he’d just been sitting by you, wanting to be in your proximity (and sometimes steal glances when he couldn’t help himself).
But now you were on your feet, leaning down as you dropped your hand. JJ’s eyes fell from your face to your chest, and he swallowed when he caught a glimpse down your bikini top.
His eyes flicked back to your face. Was that too obvious? He hoped not.
“Sorry, what?”
You gave him a confused look, but laughed and straightened up.
“Do you wanna get in?”
He knew you meant the water, and in the distance he saw his friends waving for the two of you to join them.
JJ shook his head, and the action felt as if it were in slow motion. Kind of like when he was high, but much less carefree.
“Um, maybe in a bit.”
If he got too distracted he’d probably drown in the ocean—if the guilt of keeping his secret from you didn’t do it first.
You shrugged, not able to read him the way you usually could.
“If you’re scared, there might be some floaties somewhere,” you teased as you turned your back, heading for the water.
JJ couldn’t formulate a comeback, too focused on the swing on your hips as you walked away from him.
He squeezed his eyes shut and swallowed again, questioning his own self what was wrong with him. He’s never experienced such a desperate feeling before. What were you doing to him?
When he opened his eyes, you were in the water, and he had no answers.
He tried to focus on the sand, the water, the sky—anything but you. He even tried to look at Kiara just to see if it would work, but his eyes always drifted back to you, the ache in his chest growing with each passing minute.
JJ didn’t think much of it when he saw Kiara suddenly haul herself up onto Pope’s shoulders, but he felt like he got kicked in the stomach when you climbed onto John B’s.
John B’s arms locked around your legs, the two of you laughing loudly as you steadied yourself. JJ could hear it from shore—you weren’t that far out. JJ knew he was focusing far more than necessary because he saw the way your hands brushed John B’s hair out of his face as he tilted his head back to look up at you.
Even from where he was, JJ could see how you smiled down at John B. It was innocent and friendly, and it made him incredibly jealous.
You and Kiara started to go at it, trying to knock the other into the water.
JJ didn’t think anyone noticed when he stood and walked down to the edge of the sand.
“You’re going down!” Kiara shouted, her hands interlocked with and pushing against yours as you both refused to budge.
You laughed loudly. It was like music.
It took one exchanged look from you and John B to formulate a plan. It was the kind of silent communication that JJ thought you reserved for him.
You let Kiara lean a lot of weight on you, and that’s where your advantage was. In an instant, you relaxed your grip and John B stepped to the side. The other girl, and Pope beneath her, wobbled. It was over in a second. The two shouted right before they crashed down into the water.
“Ha!” you exclaimed, raising your hands in the air while John B whooped and hollered in celebration.
Kiara and Pope emerged, both rolling their eyes. It was their turn to share a look, and as JJ waded into the water, he figured out their plan.
With the two of them jumping at John B, it was easy to knock him off his feet. JJ’s eyes went a little wide when you fell into the water with a crash.
“Did you see that?” Kiara yelled with a grin when she spotted JJ.
“Kinda hard to miss,” he responded, looking around the water. It had been a few seconds and you had yet to reappear.
“They’re just messing with us,” Pope commented on your and John B’s absence, but his words started to sound less sure by the end.
Another long beat of silence passed. The waves grew still.
“This isn’t funny anymore!” Kie shouted.
JJ felt a twinge of panic, awful scenarios flashing through his head. It didn’t matter how unlikely they were.
Suddenly, water erupted. John B arose with a splash, with you clinging to his back. He roared dramatically while shoving water towards Kie and Pope. They screamed as the waves hit them, trying and failing to shield themselves.
“Revenge!” you yelled in a maniacal manner, chin on John B’s shoulder.
“Truce! Truce!” Kie and Pope both yelled, spitting out saltwater.
John B paused, and JJ noticed how close his face was to yours when he turned his head.
“Should we forgive them?” John B deferred to you.
You hummed thoughtfully. “I think they learned their lesson,” you decided. Your gaze, which had been focused on John B, shifted past him. “Hey, look who made it!”
JJ realized you were talking to him. He forced a smile, smothering the jealousy he felt at seeing you and John B in the position you were in. It seemed weirdly close for you two. You and John B weren’t usually touchy-feely-piggyback-ride friends.
John B seemed to pick up on JJ’s shift in demeanor, because his smile was a little more contained as he said, “Hey, man.”
JJ figured his friend didn’t get that he was jealous, which was for the best. Everyone knew JJ was protective over you, and John B probably thought JJ was questioning his intentions as your brother. Why would it be anything else?
“Nice victory,” JJ replied, having nothing better to say. He didn’t even grit his teeth, so he counted that as a win for himself.
Tension eased as you all decided to just chat and relax in the water until the sun set.
Although, JJ kept an eye on John B, noticing how his friend kept an eye on you.
When it got dark and you all began to head back to the shore, JJ found himself at your side. Your steps fell in line with his as you looked up.
“You feeling okay?” you asked lightly. You must’ve sensed his attitude shift, even if it was subtle. “You’ve been quieter than usual.”
JJ couldn’t help the urge to smile at how well you knew him.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he lied, not wanting to concern you. He liked when you worried about him, but this was the one time when he didn’t want you pressing for him to open up. “Are you?”
JJ reached to ruffle your damp hair. You swatted his hand away before he could do any real damage.
“Very funny,” you grumbled. Your expression shifted to a smile, then softened. There was something careful about it. “If something was up, you’d tell me, right?”
JJ swallowed, trying to avoid the way your eyes searched his. He had to look forward before he could answer.
“Yeah, of course,” he assured.
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JJ didn’t remember falling asleep on the couch, but he remembered everyone sitting around the living room.
Wait, no. That wasn’t right.
The porch. Everyone has been sitting on the porch, drinking and laughing together. He recalled cramming himself into a chair next to you, playing it off like a joke. Everyone had laughed, and he got to be close to you, so it worked out.
He also remembered following Kiara and Pope inside, expecting you to be behind him.
Everything clicked.
You and John B had elected to stay outside, and JJ had been sitting on the couch, watching through the window, trying to make out what you were saying through the small opening where the window was cracked for the nighttime breeze.
He must’ve dozed off while waiting for you. That didn’t sound like him—he would’ve been focused on watching you, making sure you made it in. Maybe he had been worn out or you stayed up way too late, or both.
JJ blinked a few times. He was just concerned for your safety, like always. Fenced in porches with lights and his best friend keeping you company could be dangerous…
Yeah, he didn’t even buy that.
It was easier back when JJ believed his own lies and self justifications.
Sitting up, JJ peered out the window. It was the early hours of the morning, right around when it was still dark but you could just tell the sun was about to begin rising. His heart sped up when he found you missing from your chair. You weren’t in any of the other chairs in his view, either.
He stood up, feeling more awake than ever, and went right for the door. He didn’t care about waking anyone inside up.
“Jeez, man,” John B said suddenly, sounding surprised as he looked at him. JJ had just barged out onto the porch out of nowhere. “You good?”
JJ took a second to observe his friend. He half-sitting and half-laying back on the couch against the wall, which made sense because he’d been sitting there before. From inside, JJ couldn’t see him, but he didn’t even think about John B’s whereabouts until he stepped out.
Maybe he was a bad friend for that.
He didn’t feel that guilty, though, because he saw where you were; sleeping on John B with your head on his thigh. You were curled up on your side, facing away from his body, and JJ could see how steadily you were breathing.
JJ looked back at his friend, ready to lash out, but the word ‘irrational’ popped up in his mind and resisted. Just from the scene in front of him, it’s not like he had anything to be mad about.
Jealous, maybe, but not mad. But he couldn’t act on that feeling either. If he acted jealous, that would invite too many questions that JJ didn’t have a good answer for.
“Fine just…” He ran a hand through his hair and then shook his head. “You guys good?”
John B furrowed his brows a little, but chuckled.
“Yeah, we’re fine. We were just talking and she started to fall asleep and I just let her. She seemed tired and it wasn’t a big deal so...”
“What were you guys talking about?”
“I don’t know, stuff?”
JJ leaned back in the doorway. “Like what, though?”
John B tilted his head a little, shaking it ever so slightly.
“Just… life and stuff. Does it matter?”
“I guess not,” JJ replied, giving the appropriate answer. He looked down at you, noticing you hadn’t stirred. You looked comfortable, and that was very conflicting. All of this was. It made his head hurt. “Has she been asleep long?”
John B met JJ’s eyes when he looked back up from you.
“You sure you’re okay?” John B asked, sounding almost concerned. Or at least confused. Maybe both.
But the answer was no. No he wasn’t.
“Yeah, man,” JJ answered with a shrug. “She probably won’t wake up if you wanna get up and go get some sleep.”
John B looked down at you, then at JJ.
He slowly started to move, being extra careful with your head, making sure to put a cushion beneath you before standing up straight.
John B gave a light, awkward smile to JJ as he neared him. He brushed past to go through the door, turning to face JJ.
“You coming?”
“Actually, I think I’m gonna sleep out here,” JJ answered, fighting the urge to look at you. He gave a shrug instead and said, “It’s nice out and I can’t get comfortable on the couch anyway. You can have it—plus I think Kie’s in your bed, so…”
“Right…” John B agreed slowly, glancing at you on the couch again. “You know nothing happened, right?” He looked back at JJ. “We were just talking.”
JJ wasn’t expecting something so direct. “It’s cool man, I know,” he found himself replying. “We’re good.”
John B nodded, albeit slowly. He entered the dark house, and JJ shut the door behind him. As a courtesy.
He then turned, spotted the comfiest chair, and resolved to sleep in that for the night. You had stretched out on the couch and looked too peaceful to disturb, even if he did want to take John B’s place from before.
It worked out perfectly, because it gave him a clear view of you as he decided to let himself go back to sleep.
As his eyes closed, he wondered if John B would peek through the window just as he had.
If he did, he’d see the content smile on JJ’s face as he drifted off to sleep. For yet another night, JJ got you all to himself. He didn’t want it any other way. He wasn’t sure what he would do.
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gangsteri-aine · 6 months
Kind of obsessed how the whole QSMP, in the end, resolves around love.
The island is full of murderer, cannibals, escaped prisoners and other kinds of people with questionable morales and they aren't exactly good people but they will do anything for each other when needed. Especially when it has to do with one of the eggs.
It takes a village to raise a child and that really shows. Anytime the code and now the eye workers show up, everyone is there to fight and to protect their kids.
After Empanada died, Bagi was enraged and incredibly sad. Pac, Fit and Ramón tried to do anything they could to help her deal with it. Fit said multiple times it wasn't her fault, it was the eye workers fault, no one else's. Pac was ready to help her get revenge. Ramón, the egg who never really liked physical contact or hugs if they weren't from Fit, hugged her and didn't leave her side until Em was back.
After the initial rage and panic, Bagi started thinking about ways to protect the eggs. She was worried because she didn't know how to build an enderpearl stasis chamber and was instantly told by others not to worry about it, Bad will help her.
And Bad did. As soon as he heard what had happened. He showed Bagi his idea to protect the eggs and said "don't worry, I got the technical part. All you need to do is react when needed".
You can also see this with the egg quests. More often than not, a lot of the stuff is ready to go (we thank Bad, Phil and Fit for that) when people log on.
Not all the islanders trust each other (people mentioned in this are not an example of that) but they will do anything for the eggs. If you ask for help, you will get it. And most of the time the people giving you that help are not considered "good people" but there's a good change that you aren't either.
I think I kind of lost the point already but idc I just love found family so much and QSMP is just full of people who have nothing but each other to fight against all the bullshit that the island throws at them.
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ghouljams · 8 months
Ok so I know you don’t write Keegan into your AUs but I had a thought about the cowboy au like Keegan dating a barrel racer maybe she’s one of gooses friends but I see him with no one else other then a crazy horse girl .
It's funny that I keep thinking Goose is a barrel racer, but honestly she's probably in either bareback or saddle bronc riding. She is absolutely friends with every rider in the circuit though. This is also maybe sacrilege to the cowboy au point but I don't think Keegan has horses. I think he's a sheep farmer, so he's got dogs. Does that stop him from admiring a pretty barrel racer or having a thing for crazy chicks? Nope.
You kiss your filly's nose for about the hundredth time, her ears flicking back and forth with excitement. Everyone has their rituals, and yours win you buckles. You hold your horse's big head between your hands and assure her that if she wins this for you she can have as many carrots as she wants. That seems to spark her attention. Her big wet eyes staring into you with all the trust in the world. You give her another kiss for luck and turn to lead her to your gate.
There's a man in the center of the action, looking around like he's lost. Must've wandered in from the fair, that happens sometimes. As soon as the man lays eyes on you though he's making a bee line in your direction. You squeeze your horse's reigns and lean a little closer to her. Men don't usually approach you, or really any of the other riders in your division. You have a bit of a reputation.
The crowd parts for him. The glare in his eyes clearer the closer he gets. You wonder if maybe you accidentally blew this guy off at some point? Maybe he catcalled you and didn't like how you talked back. You gotta stop taking pointers from bronc riders.
The twisting white skull print on his mask distracts you from the dogtags. It's only when a man jumps out of the way of him that you notice he's holding a dog. That takes some of the scare out of his glare, and you laugh a little when it wags its tail. He stops in front of you and holds out his free hand.
"Keegan Russ," he introduces, his voice rumbles pleasantly in your chest. You stare at his offered hand, still wondering if he's here to enact some sort of revenge. "I don't bite, much." His eyes crinkle at the edges, it softens his face tremendously. Enough for you to take his hand and offer your name as well.
"Your dog looks uncomfortable," You point out, eyeing the large German shepherd that Keegan is carrying. The dog is resting almost limp in his grip, looking around at the horses with keen interest. It sniffs towards your filly.
"Him?" Keegan points at the shepherd under his arm, the dog wags its tail and licks his fingers. In response Keegan shifts his grip, hauling the dog up to his chest to hold like a baby. You don't miss the way his biceps flex, and tighten his sleeves. "He's fine."
The dog does look fine. Perfectly content to be carried around however his owner sees fit. You think it's a little silly looking, but that's all the more reason not to tell him to stop. You giggle, and quickly stop yourself. Oh god he's got you giggling.
"You're not supposed to bring dogs in here," You tell him, you're sure he would've seen the signs outside the doors.
"That's why I'm holdin' onto 'im." Keegan raises his brows, daring you to kick him out. Somehow it makes you smile. The full sentence really drives home the gruffness in his voice. The rough rumble that makes you think he could get anything he wanted from you if he just kept talking like that.
"Did great Riley," Keegan sets the dog down outside, and scratches between his ears, "gonna get you a mom in no time."
"Do you ride?" You ask him, trying to suss out what he'd come over for.
"Don't need to," he sniffs, "I got sheep."
"Really?" You grin, somehow you can't imagine this man with something so... cute. He nods, raising a questioning brow.
"Something wrong with that?" You shake your head.
"No, I just-" you turn to hide your laugh, stroking your filly's nose, "Why're you in here then?" You turn back to him, catch the tail end of another eye crinkle. It makes your chest feel warm and fuzzy.
"This is where the pretty girls are," He tells you plainly. You feel your face heat, a giggle rippling through your chest at the compliment. Keegan switches Riley to being held under one arm again and pats his pockets, drawing out a business card with two fingers. He holds it out to you, and you try not to think about how big his hand is as you take it.
"You're giving me your card?" You question, seems like a strange way to conduct business, but sure.
"My number," he corrects, "if you ever need wool, or dinner." He thinks for a moment, "or dick, 'm pretty good with it."
You open your mouth to respond and close it just as quickly.
"Good with my mouth too," Keegan tugs his mask up, and you get the briefest flash of silver on his tongue as he flicks it out. His mask is pulled back into place quick enough you think it might've been your imagination. "If you're interested."
The loudspeaker calls your name, and you glance up at it then back to him. You stuff his card in your pocket and give him a quick apology before leading your horse towards the ring. You wish you could promise to see him afterwards, but the thought makes you nervous. You've never had someone come on that strong before, you're not sure how to respond.
This guy better not fuck up your run.
Keegan watches you lead your horse towards the gates, swinging up onto the palamino with effortless grace. You were prettier up close, although he shouldve known that would be the case. He doesnt bother with trying to wait for you, you'll call. He's got a sense for these things.
It's an easy walk out of the holding area. People always jump out of the way for him, have since he was in basic. Now that he's outta the army it's funny to watch cities do it.
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thelikesoffinn · 3 months
Honestly, Solomon is the type of guy that makes me wanna go full social worker on is arse. Like, what the ever shitting fuck is his damage.
Why the fuck does he hate his nephew this much? Sebastian is trying everything to save his sister and all Solomon does is swoop in and go "ROOOAAAARRR! NOOOOO!" *angrily destroys whatever cure the boy has found*.
Just let the kid try, for fucks sake. It's how he copes. It's part of the grieving process. The boy is fifteen and may be about to lose his sister after he already lost his parents. Give him a break.
And also, Anne was clearly excited about that cure. So why bother with throwing a fit? What could possibly go wrong? She's in debilitating pain already, it's hardly going to get worse.
And, on top of that: Mr. Super-Auror is awfully quick to abandon Sebastian the second it gets convenient. I'm not sure about you, but, as a caregiver, when I see my charge drift, I try to intervene. Try to catch him and find a reason why this is happening.
Because we are well aware that Sebastian isn't evil. He's desperate. That's a difference. And anyone with more than three braincells should be able to notice that. So when Solomon sees him cast that damn spell, he should have grabbed that boy, given him a stern shake - maybe a good slap to shock that old system - and a fucking hug to try and reel him back into the light. He needed fucking real talk and stability. Stability! But he just throws him away, which leaves Sebastain homeless and quasi orphaned. Wtf.
And then in that final show down he gets hit by one fucking basic cast that he literally provoked out of that desperate fifteen year old nephew of his and he thinks the logical next step is "fire tornado". On both Sebastian AND MC. For some reason.
And while literally trying to fry those two fifteen year old dumbarses alive, he yells shit like "You're no friend of my nephew!" and "It's your fault he went down that path!" to MC which is like bitch wtf. He was like that when we got here, we just didn't toss him aside like apparently everyone else did.
And that bastard is one to talk, pointing fingers while actively trying to turn his nephew and his nephews pal into two piles of Ash.
That guy is so deranged, it's not even funny.
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sky-is-the-limit · 9 months
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It's pretty simple, really. Don't get romantically involved with a fellow soldier. The task force is a unit, a second family. Any other relationship developing could create unnecessary, dangerous complications and you know damn well you cannot afford that. You worked hard to fit in, you worked hard to prove that you, a woman, can do as much as the next man in line for the job. Hell, in your case, even better.
CW: F!reader x Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick +18/NSFW/F!Masturbation
P.s I'm not a writer!
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Rules, rules, rules.
Your Captain's words ring in your head every time one of these unwanted thoughts creep into your mind. "One of the best sniper shooters I've ever got to work with." You're proud of your accomplishments, of your resilience and brain when it comes to work, always giving your best self to get the task done, to make sure you have your team's back, to never let anyone down and above all, yourself.
No one can be perfect though, right? Everyone has an Achilles' heel, a weakness strong enough to take the bravest man down, to make someone forget all the important attributes that make an obedient soldier and that's exactly what he was to you. A weakness. The name that answers to all your desires, a thought engraved permantently in your brain, never disappearing no matter how hard you've tried. And you have.
Countless nights when you had given in the advances of a drunken stranger, hoping that it will be enough to forget him, to get lost in the moment with someone whose name or face don't even matter. The only reason you let another man kiss you, taste you, touch body.. is so you can feel something real. Something that isn't your imagination where he's the only one always present.
The worst part of this? It's not just you indulging into this madness. Perhaps if it was one-sided, it'd be easier for you to bury it in the depths of your mind. Only allowing yourself to feel it late at night when you're alone in your bed, the only witness to your secret being your fingertips and his name leaving your mouth softly, like a desperate prayer for salvation. It's not just you though.
/ / /
"That blondie over there is practically undressing you with her eyes, Garrick."
There it is. That uncomfortable feeling in your stomach that makes you want to disappear from the surface of the earth. It happens every damn Friday when you and the boys hang out at the nearest pub. Always the same scenario, always a different girl, never you.
You should be used to it by now, and yet the way Soap nudges him to go over and leave with someone else tonight still stings. You want to punch that smirk off of Johnny's face but it's not his fault. You wish for that woman to fall on her ass, embarass herself but it's not her fault. You crave for him to finally snap, forget about the rules and drag you back to his car so he can fuck you with all that desperation that has been building up inside both of you. He won't though and it's not his fault.
"Nah, not my type mate." Any other woman would feel relieved to hear this. Hear the man she wants so badly turn down the chance to leave with a pretty girl for the night but not you. Maybe it'd be easier if you got to see him flirting with a stranger, his hand finding it's way to her waist, flirty whispers foreseeing a promising night between them.. Maybe something would crack, maybe jealousy would work it's trick and get you to stop thinking about him. Not Kyle though.
He spits out that sentence like it's no big deal, his piercing brown eyes staring into yours, never breaking eye contact as the words leave his mouth. If Soap wasn't so distracted, mumbling with frustrated jealousy that Gaz always gets the attention of the prettiest girls, he'd be able to see why he always turns them down.
He knows damn well what he's doing. Like there's an unspoken bet between the two of you, of who's gonna break first and he has to win it. The look in his eyes, confirming your suspicions that he also thinks of you when he's alone, the way his lips part slightly every time you stand up to go get another drink, the sight of your barely covered thighs right in front of him.
He wants you and that's the worst part. Just like every night, this one ends the same. With you two parting ways in the cold corridor, your only company his presence in your thoughts. At least his room being next to yours could mean that you fall asleep facing each other and that's adds some sense of comfort to your loneliness.
/ / /
Another sleepless night finds you alone in your sheets, the moonlight being the only thing illuminating your room as the soft sound of the rain pours down outside, reminding you that Autumn is finally here. It has become your habit, a lonely, desperate routine where you just lay there, thinking of him. Quite frankly, you don't even care that his room is right next to yours, that if the walls are thin enough maybe he can hear you touching yourself to the thought of him.
It's a deluded way to cope with all the desire filling up your body, feeling your core pulse and twitch as your fingertips find their way down to your clit and you wonder. How would his touch feel, how would he do it..
"Fuck, Gaz" a soft whine escapes your lips, your movements picking up the pace, making your hips back up and down against the bed, craving friction, craving him.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick is a passionate man. Whether it's a mission, a workout, hanging out with his friends.. He always lives in the moment, full of energy and a tremendous thirst for adrenaline. Always so eager for action. There's no doubt in your mind that that's exactly how he'd do you.
"I need you, fuck-" You admit to yourself breathlessly, sucking on your own finger before slowly bringing it down to wet your nipple, sending a shiver down your spine as you drag your fingertips through your own slick arousal.
You're a mess. Suddenly the cool temperature of the room turns into unbearable heat, sweat dripping down from your forehead, hair messy against your pillow as you buck up your hips against your palm, biting down on your bottom lip in an unsuccessful attempt to be quiet but as you get closer to your climax, you can't control it.
"Gaz-" Your mind travels back to earlier in the afternoon when you walked in on him working out at the gym, a pair of black shorts hanging low from his hips with a matching bandana on his forehead to keep the sweat from dripping down on his face. He caught you watching, your eyes were glued on his defined arms, occasionally wondering off to his chest then down to his abdomen. How can you not when he looks like that?
"Alright there, Y/L/N?" God, that smile will be the death of you, the sight of his fangs driving you insane that you can't help but wonder what they'd feel like sucking down on your neck. It'd be funny to think that you could ever scarcely deal with the attraction you feel towards him.
Suddenly it's hard to breathe, your thighs start to tremble whilst your fingers stroke your clit faster, you can feel it coming. God, his hands, his fingers.. The thought gets you to bring one finger back to your mouth, wetting it with the tip of your tongue. Would he do that? Stuff his fingers in your mouth while he's buried deep inside of you? A soft moan fell from your lips at the thought of it, pinching your nipple as your eyelids flutter to the sensation.
You're so lost in pleasure that you can barely hear the first knock on the door, thinking that it's your imagination playing tricks on you. The second one is louder making your hand jolt away from your thighs, a swell of embarrassment rising inside you.
"Shit." You mumble quietly before throwing on the oversized t-shirt that you normally sleep in before checking the clock on the wall. It's way too late for social calls unless it's an emergency. Another knock on the door snaps you out of it and without making sure that you're presentable, you open it.
"Gaz?" He doesn't look distressed, quite the opposite with his arms crossed over his chest, head titled to the side as he takes in the sight in front of him with the same smirk that makes your knees want to give in every time. So, no emergency then.
"It's late, what are you doing here?" You try your best to appear as if you were asleep, that would justify the-
"God, you're a mess Y/N." He may have his usual playful look on his face but his tone suggest something different. He's not teasing you for your state, not this time. It's like he's trying to catch his breath, eyes travelling down to your bare thighs and back to meet yours before he takes a step forward, leading to you taking one back.
"You're not as quiet as you think you are." Oh.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You mumble quietly, trying to avoid his gaze. Though your alone time was cut short before you could finish what you've started, the anticipation and thrill fill your body once again, like you never stopped touching yourself. This is what he does to you.
"Thing is, Y/N.." Kyle takes another step towards you, closing the door behind him without breaking eye contact like his life dependent on it.
"When you start a game.." His hand reaches out to caress your wrist softly before taking it into his hand, lips parted as his suggestive voice spreading a warm heat on your cheeks.
"Be brave enough to finish it."
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farfromstrange · 10 months
Just Let Me Love You | Matt Murdock x Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader (f!Reader heavily implied)
Summary: You're struggling with your body image and Matt notices
Warnings: Angst, TW: allusions to an ED, self-deprecating talk (Reader has internalized fatphobia toward herself), not proof red (I was too emotional for that)
Word Count: 2.1k
A/n: So, my body is changing and I hate it. As someone who was the Fat Funny Friend growing up, I got inspired by the song. Now I wasn't sure if to tag for a plus-sized reader because when I wrote this, I had myself in mind, and I'm not even sure what "category" I fall into, so this is pretty universal and I think any of you who are struggling with body dysmorphia might appreciate this. Heed the warnings before proceeding and don't forget to eat if you haven't already! (Also, I used my tag list to tag for this, but don't read it if this triggers you, please!)
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Our brains are wired to function in a certain way. But not every brain is balanced in chemistry. 
For the longest time, she thought there was something seriously wrong with her. She never fit in anywhere, so she tried to make herself fit. Change her attitude, change her behavior, change her hobbies, and change the way she looks. She did it so many times, she lost count. 
She relied on humor, telling funny little anecdotes to make whatever friend group she was a part of at the time laugh at her. But that was all she could do. Make them laugh. She lit up the mood, lit up the room, but she seemingly never lit up anyone’s heart the way her friends did. 
They talked about their relationships, talked about their families and friends, and she played along. She listened. When she talked about her likes, they pretended to care, but within minutes, they lost interest. She thought it just wasn’t that important. Not as important as how beautiful they all were, anyway. And they were striking, she thought. That’s why everyone always chose them and never approached her. But she swallowed it to at least be a part of something. 
She always helped everyone but herself. She was there when no one else was, but even when she was a part of something, she never fully fit in. There was an impossible standard looming over her head, and she couldn’t possibly reach it. 
Don’t be too loud. Don’t be too silly. Don’t say no. Don’t talk about your problems, only listen to everyone else’s. Don’t believe that he wants you because he is too good for you, and all he wants is your best friend who is ten times prettier than you. And don’t believe that personality and humor will get you anywhere; you will end up miserably alone the same way people who look like you always will. 
The same voice, over and over again. Word turning into knives. It was exhausting to fight against the demons within her because they just sounded so damn convincing. 
When she met him, the man who stole her heart, she never thought he would ask her out. When he did, she was dumbfounded. In every possible situation, he found himself assuring her that he wouldn’t drop her for the pretty blonde in the office, or his psychotic ex-girlfriend who just happened to have the most beautiful body known to man. To her, at least. Everyone around him was just so beautiful, and he was even more so–he was the prettiest specimen in the world, and everyone desired him. Of course, she grew insecure. She couldn’t help it. It was a reflex.
She fell in love with a man who finally saw her for who she was and he loved her despite—no, he loved her regardless. For who she was. He took her, accepted her, and began seeing her as the most beautiful person in the world. For the first time, she felt appreciated, loved, and not so miserably alone. 
Yet, the fear continued to linger. The fear that one day, he would notice that perhaps, a woman of average looks wouldn’t be enough for him anymore. That she was, indeed, as unconventionally unattractive as everyone said she was from the first day she actually understood what was being said to her. She was just a child then. 
The funny friend. The awkward friend. The weird one. The girl without real friends. The girl with the silly clothes, the silly smile, the slightly crooked teeth, the belly pouch… The girl who lost weight, the girl who gained weight, and the girl who shouldn’t be so proud of herself because she had nothing to be proud of. 
“Sweetheart?” he asked her, yanking her out of the downward spiral that only continued to get worse over time. “Did you have anything to eat yet?”
He stood in the kitchen, the sleeves of his dress shirt bunched around his elbow. It was hot outside, too hot for her liking, and even his clothes were slightly stained with sweat. 
She looked up from the couch, still wrapped up in a blanket despite the high temperatures, a book resting on her thighs. He met her eyes with a smile. 
“I noticed your leftovers are still in the fridge. Could smell them,” he clarified. “I was just wondering whether that was on purpose or not.”
Worrying fit it better, she thought to herself. He always worried too much. 
She closed her book. “I might’ve forgotten,” she said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. 
His eyebrows furrowed. “You forgot?” There was a hint of amusement in his voice, but it never reached his eyes. 
“Yeah. I probably got too caught up reading or something. It’s no big deal. I’ll eat later. Or drink another latte.”
He hummed. “You know, iced coffee is not considered a healthy diet. Your body needs fuel.”
“Jesus Christ, Matt,” she raised her voice, “I’m okay!”
“You don’t look okay,” he stated as a matter of fact. 
“And how would you know?”
“I just do.”
He approached, his muscles straining against his shirt. It wasn’t fair, how good he looked. How well he carried himself. And he still had the audacity to look at her and tell her she had much more going for herself than just her humor. That she was beautiful. Pretty enough. 
“Hey,” Matt lowered himself on the couch beside her, “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, huh?”
“I forgot to eat, I told you,” she said.
“I don’t believe you.”
“But it’s the truth.”
“Not if you did it on purpose.”
The book landed on the coffee table and she got up, pacing the small space of their shared apartment in the heart of Hell’s Kitchen. He could hear her heartbeat pounding against her ribcage, the pent-up tears, and the tension, and he wanted nothing more than to reach out. But he waited. He gave her the space she needed to collect her thoughts.
“I forgot,” she repeated. “At first. And then I just happened to pass by a mirror and…and I looked at myself. I mean, really looked at myself.”
“Oh–” He sighed. “Baby…”
“I’m smaller when my stomach is empty, you know. And I thought it wouldn’t hurt me to, uh…cut back a little?”
He was about to respond, but she cut him off. “I don’t mean that I’m starving myself. I just…I forgot to eat, and then, when I remembered, I remembered what I saw and I was just…I’m not hungry anymore. I…I don’t think it’s a big deal. I’m not doing it on purpose, I’m just…”
She stopped pacing. She met his unfocused hazel eyes that held so much pain when he looked at her. He reached out, not saying a word, and she extended her shaky fingers toward the lifeline he was throwing. 
“Oh, God,” she whispered. She realized then why he looked so hurt. “It’s getting bad again, isn’t it?”
The question hung in the room as he pulled her toward himself. 
She didn’t protest when he pulled her back onto the couch, his arms engulfing her and pulling her back against his sturdy chest.
“What makes you think that you need to hurt yourself to fit some unrealistic beauty standard?” he asked softly, his voice merely a breath tickling her ear. 
She whimpered, not wanting to answer. 
“What makes you think that not being healthy is the solution to the way you see yourself? Wouldn’t that just make it worse?”
“I just…” She took a deep breath. “I just… I just want to be enough.”
“But you are enough,” he answered in a heartbeat, placing his hand on her neck and turning her face to him. He missed her face with his gaze, but she could still feel him in every fiber of her being as he sat there and felt her pulse, and she matched her breathing to his. 
A tear rolled down her cheek. “You don’t understand what it’s like,” she whispered back. “You don’t understand what it’s like to be only seen as the comedic relief in every relationship you have ever been in while your friends pulled the guys you wanted. Because they never wanted you, and they never saw competition in you either because you were just never the center of anyone’s attention.”
He was silent for a moment. The taste of her tears reached his tongue, and he visibly recoiled at the pain she held inside of her. Matt pulled her closer, holding her a little tighter. She melted. 
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of leaving her to deal with her thoughts, he placed his lips against her ear again. “You’re the center of my attention,” he said. “Of my world. My universe. And I couldn’t care less about the way you look.”
“That’s because you’re blind,” she shot back, a sob rippling through her body. 
He shook his head. “No. Those who reduce you to your looks are blind, and they don’t even deserve you in the first place. What matters most is this–” his large hand found its way onto the left side of her chest, above her heart. “What’s in here is what makes you beautiful, not what covers the outside.”
“But that’s not enough, is it?”
“To me, it is.”
“Not to me, Matthew. Like I said, you don’t get it.”
She struggled against his grip, but he wouldn’t let her go. “Then let me rephrase it,” he tried again, pressing his hand further against her chest. “I care more about who you are inside because I love you. But I don’t need sight to appreciate your physical beauty along with the sound of your heartbeat. Your breathing. Your touch. You know why?”
She shook her head. “Enlighten me.”
“Because I can feel you, sweetheart, and you are the most breathtaking human being I have ever had the pleasure of laying my hands on.”
If words were enough to make a person pass out, this would surely have been her breaking point. 
“You mean that?” She turned around, her tears now glistening with a taste of hope. 
He brushed them away with his thumb and nodded. “Every last word.”
Her eyes fluttered closed at the ghost of his touch. “I don’t like my body,” the admission came quietly.
In response, Matt nodded. “I know, but you have nothing to be ashamed of. That body deserves to be loved. You deserve to be loved.”
“I feel like…like I don’t deserve you. I don’t want you to leave me for…for Karen.”
The mention of her name caused him to frown. “Karen?” he asked. She nodded. He sighed, forcing her head to his chest, forcing her to listen to his heartbeat the same way he always did to her. “Don’t even think like that,” he told her. “I would never leave you for someone else. For no one, for nothing. I need you to stop assuming that, sweetheart. It’s not true.”
“It feels true,” she cried. 
His lips brushed the crown of her head. “But it isn’t.”
“I love you,” he said, a bit more insistent this time. “Only you. I would rather die than never be with you again. And I mean that. Bring me the poison and I’ll prove it to you. I’ll get on my knees and worship the ground you walk on if that’ll make you believe me, but I won’t leave you.”
She clung to him, her nails digging into his shirt. Matt shushed her, his fingers brushing through her hair. The rhythm was soothing. 
She sobbed until she had nothing left to give. She cried because she knew he was right. She knew she was overthinking, but she was powerless to fight it. He was the only one who could open her eyes, and even then, she more often than not slipped away. She hated it. She hated the way her brain was wired, the things she was taught, and the things she continuously and wrongly kept teaching herself. 
Eventually, though, she slacked in his arms. 
“I don’t really like myself right now,” she confessed. “But I don’t know how to stop it.”
Matt chuckled softly, his chest rumbling. He tilted her chin up. “Then let me help you,” he said. 
“How?” she asked. 
He leaned down, his lips brushing against hers in a gentle kiss. “Just let me love you.” 
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Tagging from Matt Murdock Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @linamarr @itwasthereaminuteago @mattkinsella @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @ravenclaw617 @thychuvaluswife @schneeflocky @imjustcal @pipsqueakkitten
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crazyk-imagine · 3 months
Part I: When We were Young
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Wife!reader
Characters: Sirius Black, Wife!reader, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew
Briefly mentioned: Sybill Tawnley, Lily Evans, Harry Potter
Warnings: Flashbacks, angst, mentions of one's trauma, flashback to when the Potters died and Sirius was taken, reader's nickname is little bird, I might have made Peter more of a little shit and traitor, this is going to gut you the more you read, Sirius protecting everyone, reader scared of being alone, Sirius and reader are a power duo, this will make you all cry, the reader having special witch abilities
Word Count: 2,357
You close your eyes, listening to the pitter patter on the roof, reminding you when you lost... everything.
You stop forcing yourself to close off your mind and let go, allowing everything you’ve been holding in, to be free.
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He stares at you with a clenched jaw.
"Don't go," you plead with him. "Please, don't leave." You clutch onto his forearm.
He stares at you with furrowed brows, upset with himself for making his little bird cry. "I have to."
“Something is going to happen- has happened. I don’t want to lose you too.”
His hand brushes across your cheeks, wiping away your tears. “You’re not going to lose me,” the corner of his lips twitch. “I’ll be back before you know it.” A lie, he knows it well enough now (James told you two the same thing yesterday).
You don’t want to force him to stay if he doesn’t want to, but you can’t let him go, not when you’ve barely had him. “… please.”
“I have to do this.” The corner of his lips tugged upwards giving you more of a small smile. He nods, as a way to reassure you, silently promising to see each other soon, partially for you but mainly for himself. He turns around, his back facing you.
“You won’t make it back to me and- and Remus. We’ll be alone. We’ll be alone if you leave.”
He pauses, his shoulders tensing at your words.
Only your friends knew of the visions, it was too dangerous for anyone to know but you could always rely on them, they just never knew the extent to what you could see.
Another reason you keep away from Sybill, not wanting to put her in danger if she knew the extent of her powers.
“Do you know what happens?” He asks, over his shoulder, letting his hair cover you from the corner of his eye.
You shake your head. “I- I only know you don’t come back. Where you go after or what happens to you isn’t clear and I’m absolutely petrified that that means you’ve died or something much worse,” your voice trails off into a whisper as you tell him your fear. “Please don’t leave me alone. We never got to tell them-”
His shoulders begin to shake.
Your brows knit together, and you think he’s crying; belly aching laughter fills the room instead of gut-wrenching sobs.
He turns around, clutching his stomach, throwing his head back as he laughs as if you’ve told him the funniest thing.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Of course, you don’t see me coming back. I’m probably going to die.” His laughter dies down a bit after actually saying it out loud.
Your face turns sour. “And you think that’s funny?!”
“A bit, yeah. Of course, I’m the one who dies. It’s only fitting after everything-” he’s cut off.
A small echo reverberates off the walls.
He places a hand on his cheek, rubbing the now sore spot. He turns to look at you.
“You think it’s funny to joke about something like this... you- you dying is funny!” You run your fingers angrily through your hair. “How- no, no-” Your hands fall past your face. Your shoulders are tense, and your fingers are spread apart in anger. You could never understand why he was acting this way. “Why would you think that?!”
“What else am I supposed to do?”
You scoff. “For one, don't joke about you dying because it absolutely terrifies me.”
“I’m sorry, little bird.”
You nod, unsure of what to say next. “We should come up with a plan, right?”
“A way to make sure James and Lily are okay before we go in there unprepared and potentially die.”
“I’ll go check on them and make sure everything is okay while you stay here and wait for me to come back, yeah?”
You blink once, glaring at him soon after. “You must be out of your damn mind if you think I’m going to let you go there alone.”
“You're staying here where it’s safe.”
“No!” You roar.
“Just listen to me-”
“You want me to stay here while you go over there without any backup. I’m not letting you go there alone.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“Like hell I can’t.”
He cups your cheeks, forcing you to look into his eyes. “You... are... staying... here. I don’t want to be distracted because I’m worried that when I turn around, you’ll be dead.”
“What about me!” You cry.
“You need to stay here.” He places his forehead on yours, enjoying the warmth and thinking of how happy you two were the day before; you close your eyes, thinking of his face when you finally agreed to go out with him and how ecstatic you both were.
You place your hands on top of his. “Please don’t go,” you plead once more.
He slowly moves towards you, hands resting on your cheeks. “I can’t wait for tomorrow and hear that my friends are dead when I knew I could have done something tonight.”
“Let me go with you. Don’t make me stay here alone,” your grip tightens, digging into his skin, clinging to him for as long as you can.
“I can do this.”
“What has James always told you?”
He understands what you’re implying. “It's best to have backup.”
“I can be your backup. We work well together. We can do this, we’re husband and wife now, we’ll look out for one another like we’ve always done.”
He shakes his head, tears pooling in his eyes, blurring his vision. “I can’t let the woman I love come with me.”
“And I can’t let the man I love go into a death trap. I can’t bear nor stand the thought of not seeing you again. Please... don’t push me away and force me into staying here. Don’t make me live here… alone, without you.”
He swipes his thumb across your cheeks.
Your vision becomes cloudy due to the tears getting trapped in your lashes as more pool in your waterline. Your heart is heavy, as if on the verge of breaking, shocking it hasn’t already broke.
“I love you, that’s why I’m doing this for us.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I’ll be back before you know it.” He removes his hands from your cheeks and steps away.
“Sirius, please. Don’t go. Don’t go.” You sob, reaching for him. You wipe away your tears, but it becomes a complicated task as you continue to cry, and more tears are stuck in your lashes.
“I will come back to you, little bird.”
"Sirius! Don't leave. Don’t leave me. Please, don't go!" You’re right behind him, hand reaching out for him.
He tries not to tear up but fails, watching as you chase after him, reminding him of when you were children, but it was him doing the chasing… except for when he absolutely pissed you off.
He can’t leave.
You didn't know what went through his mind that night but, he was brought back to the last time he pissed you off, just before he asked you out.
A pleasant time for him because he knew that day and, in that moment, it was time he stopped being a chicken and ask you out.
“So, why are we running now?” Remus asks, barely breaking a sweat as he and Sirius pass by their other two friends (and members).
The other two glance at one another, the lighter haired boy shrugging his shoulders.
“Padfoot, where are you going?” James shouts, falling behind because he’s confused and has no idea why they’re running.
The mother hen of the group grabs the remaining member of their group, pulling him along as he protests along the way.
The boy with the longest hair out of the group, looks over his shoulder and smiles, catching the sight of your body turning the corner. “We’re running.”
“Sirius Orion Black!” You shout.
“Run, Pads Run!” James calls out to him as he pulls Peter beside him, blocking you from getting him.
In his eyes, you looked so ethereal as you try and push past his brother, even more beautiful than Aphrodite herself.
He stops in front of you, remembering that day fondly, cupping your cheeks once more, pulling you closer, kissing you with everything he’s got.
Sirius continues to pull you closer towards him, needing to let you know he loves you one last time because you, you are his everything and being in a world without you is not a world to live in at all and he’ll be damned if he didn’t give you a proper goodbye.
You clutch onto him; afraid this is the end of your beginning even more so as your intimate kiss is powerful enough for you to see into his mind and see all of his memories revolving around you. You two part when you need to take a breath.
He can never keep his mouth shut. “Wow.”
You tilt your head, “what?”
“I mean I- I always knew you’d be good and maybe a little part of me expected you to be this amazing, because you always are and- wow.” He stares into your eyes, shifting from one to the other feeling as if he was losing more of his breath.
You smile. “Must you always be such a charmer.” Your face falls when you realize what’s happening. “You’re still leaving,” you sniffle.
He nods, “I have to.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do.”
You ignore him. “We can- we can come up with a plan and figure out how to stop he who shall not be named and protect everyone.”
“I-” He starts off, unable to take it anymore; he can’t hear you ramble on any further. “I’m doing this for the people I care for!”
“I can’t just let you go empty handed! You and I both know it’s always best to have someone by your side.” You grab his hand, clutching it knowing this is the last chance you have to keep him here, with you. “I want to be by your side for better or for worse.”
“And I want you to come with me. Merlin knows but I can’t stay in a world where we are afraid someone is going to come after us. I want you to stay where you’ll be safe. I’ll be back before you can say I’m gone. I always come back to you.”
“Why can’t you listen? Please don’t go,” you gasp, unable to hold in your sobs.
“I have to.”
“I’m scared.”
“So am I... but as long as I know that you’ll still be here by the time I come back, I’ll be okay.” He cups your cheek, thumb brushing against your cheek. “You are my hope.”
Your bottom lip quivers. “You’re mine too-”
“Then it’s done. You’ll see me tomorrow at the latest.”
You clench your jaw, more tears pooling in your waterline. “Fine.”
He nods. “Good. I will come back to you one way or another.”
“I know... I love you,” you whisper.
A smile tugs at his lips but he resists the urge to do so. “You couldn’t admit it before until I came to your rescue back at Hogwarts and now that I might die, you admit it again. Always a stubborn one, you were,” he jokes before the humor falls from his face.
“And I love you.” He makes his way towards the fireplace in your shared apartment.
You run towards him. “You know I don’t want you to go alone or at all. But please just- just- come back to me, Sirius.”
He nods, standing in place. “I know... this is something I have to do… for us. And you know I will. I always come back to you.” He winks then he’s gone.
Your lips twitch as your vision sways; the room spinning to the side making you wonder if your body moving the same way before collapsing onto your knees.
The pain in your limbs is there but you're too heartbroken to focus on the danger that's close to you as you plead with all your might to any god, wizard; whoever might be listening.
“Come back. Please come back.” You beg, banging your fists onto the floor. Too into your head, you’re unaware of who's that’s arrived.
“Heartbreaking, truly,” said the voice.
You froze, your entire body tensing at the voice (the voice of a traitor that is).
Then came the first time you thought you weren’t going to make it through the night.
"Have I interrupted your pity party?"
Your eyes widen as he steps closer, the moonlight being the only light illuminating his figure. "Peter?" You fully turn to see your so-called friend, standing for the opposing team; how could he have fallen so far and joined the side here to ruin lives.
Peter ignores your heated and confused gaze, opting to look at the picture behind you, remembering when you all were younger. His lips twitch before curling into a smirk full of hate at the memories of the way his friends treated him. "Do you know why I'm here?"
You don't say anything, still shocked the boy you all considered a friend nay a brother, is here to kill you.
"Still speechless?" He turns, the smirk turning into something more sinister, just for you.
"Not for you." You stare at the rat.
"She speaks."
You push yourself off the ground. "You won't win."
"I think you underestimate what they have in mind... for you."
“I won’t join you,” you sneer.
“I never said anything about you joining… little bird.”
“You don’t get to call me that!”
“Why?” He feigns a hurt expression. “Is it because only your precious husband can call you that?”
You're taken back, eyes widening. “How do you-”
“It was obvious, everyone knows.” He clicks his tongue, "so much for keeping it a surprise."
A fit of laughter follows Sirius as he’s taken away to Azkaban to fulfill his sentence.
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You groan and roll over in bed, upset with the sun for peeking through the clouds, disturbing your slumber.
Continue to: Part II
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@twinkletwinklenotastar @kmc1989 @imthebadguyyy @abaker74
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thisonehere · 3 months
hello, ello !! can i pretty please request for some childhood headcanons of the Lin Kuei Brothers? (Bi-Han, Kuai Liang & Tomas.) Fluff, of course !!! Thankies !!
Childhood drama and nightmares
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A/n: Omg, this sounds so cute!!! 🥺 I hope you don't mind, I added a little bit of angst for Tomas's part, give the fact that his family was murdered, I thought that might've needed to be addressed first before got to the fluffy stuff. Okay, that all❤️
Tags: Mk1, MK AU, fluff, request
C/w: none.
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He didn't like you. That's at least what he wanted you to think. He was a cold and harsh person even when he was a child. A lot of pressure was put at such a young age.
The Lin Kuei were harsh in raising it's warriors, it was even harder to him than ks to the fact that he was was to inherit the role of Grandmaster some day. This caused him to develop quite a hard shell.
He had a soft side, but that was reserved for his brother, Kuai, and sometimes Tomas, it really depended on how he felt that day. He was scared to share this with anyone else, he thought he was able seen as weak and he was not weak.
So he never hesitated to put others down and hurt them with his words. You, unfortunately, were one of them.
Everyday without fail Bi-Han would find a way to put you down, either by mocking you or berating, whatever would work to hurt you.
But truthfully, Bi-Han admired you. You were kind, everyone loved you, no one judged you, he envied that. He tried to ignore your charming nature, but your warm disposition slowly melted away his icy cold shell.
He sees how good you and his brother get along and he gets jealous. He wants that, he wants to be able to talk to you the way he does, be near you the way he does, male you laugh the way he does.
You notice the strange way he looks at you two whenever you and Kuai are together. Like he can't seem to make up his mind on whether he wants to join in or attack Kuai. When you inquire about that then get gets very defensive.
He got very defensive a lot of times around you a lot of times. You were inching in closer into his heart and that scarf him. You made a part of him melt, you grew on him, he...liked you. But don't let anyone know he feels this way or he'll break your face!
Kuai Liang
The most loved of the Lin Kuei, the golden boy. Kuai Liang had a light around him that made people just adore him. You were different. If you didn't like him before, he charmed you with a bright smile and friendly attitude.
Though the Lin Kuei were harsh on him, he never lost his smile. You loved his smile. Who wouldn't love his smile? (probably Bi-Han)
You were close, Kaoi always macking sure you were seen, that you included even when the other kids didn't want you to be. He stuck for you many times against bullies. Either he'd use his family name to intimidate them or just beat them up for you.
You always appreciated how much he looked out for you. Though you couldn't help but wonder whether they did it because he was just a good soul or because he might have likd you.
Kuai always spooked you with love so you couldn't tell if it was out of friendship or some stupid little childhood crush he has done you. You couldn't tell. But if Kuai did have a crush on you, he'd tell you...right?
Anyway, Kuai was always thoughtful when it came to you. He'd bring you smack he remembered you said you liked, give his toys to you even though he really liked them, eyc. He really liked you, so he was willing to go the extra mile for you.
You two would talk about what you'd do when you were grown up. Kuai didn't exactly do what he wanted to be, but he did know that he wanted dall four of you to be together and friends for ever. And that would surely happen, right?
A shy kid and an outsider, Tomas didn't fit in much. Thanks to the death of his mother and sister, Tomas couldn't be a normal kid. He was too traumatized to ever act normally again. That's why you and Kuai always made an effort to be there for him.
He was quiet and always soft to the corner. Whenever he did speak it was in a soft spoken voice. Unsure of itself with every word. He was so fragile that sometimes you were worried he'd be at the break of tears.
Tomas was so hard to be consoled when he broke down. Too scared to let someone get that close to him else they'd be taken away from his just like his family.
But somehow, you always managed to calm him down. You had that special touch, you were able to get to him where many others failed. He'd cry in your arms and he'd feel better afterwards. You'd find a way to cheer him up, either by telling a joke, reminiscing an old story,or just holding him.
You were with him most of the time. Bi-Han was cold to you, Kuai and you were close, but you and Kuai just seemed to have clicked much more compared to him. But that's okay, the three of you still hung out, Kuai led while you two followed.
Whenever Toma was bullied you'd be the first to rise to his defense. Threatening to do terrible things to them if they didn't leave Tomas alone. You would especially be very violently defensive if it was Bi-Han, what was his problem anyway?
There was a chance that you two liked each other. You always looked at each other's sort of lovey dovey stare. But this way slept between the two of you, if you did have feelings for each other, none of you spoke up so no one knew. But one thing was known: you'd be together till the end.
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imnotsimpingyouare · 1 year
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NSFW Headcannons - Minors DNI
For Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Hantengu Clones
I think it's so funny putting writing like this underneath some stupid meme or some shit. Like I can't even. Why is it so funny to me.
Also sorry but something about Gyokko is fishy to me so I'm replacing his little hand-having Muichiro-torturing ass with Kaigaku in the next bit.
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This man is the demon king. I hope you're not expecting him to be nice with you, cuz you're wrong.
He's a dom.
And a bit of a sadist.
But how can you hate him for it? Especially when he looks like that.
I know this man LOVESS to have you under him for hours at a time. Like bro will not leave you alone until you physically cannot go anymore. At least he has the decency to listen to you when you safeword out.
He's evil, but not like... evil. Yk?
He especially loves to punish you when you do wrong. And getting a rise out of him is fairly easy, so one wrong step and you'll be over his lap until you can't even remember what you did to set him off.
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Kokushibo is a dom, but I can see him getting off to you trying your best to take control. He adores that you try so hard to prove your worth, but I think both of you know it's not gonna happen.
He loves to listen. Sometimes he becomes eerily quiet, lost in the sounds you're making while he's absolutely annihilating your poor cunt.
He's a huge fan of receiving also. Not that he won't eat you out whenever you ask, but I feel it would be..... uncomfortable for his lower pair of eyes?
Are they closed? Are they open? Can he even close them separately?
I'm sorry for bullying you Koku.
He can't get enough of seeing your head between his thighs, trying your best to take him all with that tiny human mouth of yours.
He's mean with punishments though. He's not easy to irritate like Muzan, but if you tease him too much you'll find yourself edged for hours, with only a 50/50 chance of getting to cum (depending on if you beg right). Moreover, he mainly thinks it's sad how his lovely little human has done something to upset him when your track record was so good.
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Absolute sadist. Look at this devious fuck. He'll do anything to make you beg, anything to hear your beautiful voice beg him for more.
Oh he started soooo vanilla. Sweet nothings like "Are you okay, flower?" "I'm not hurting you, am I love?"
But one day he dug his claws in a little too hard, and your whine at that burning sensation..
🔒🔑 sadist UNLOCKED
From that moment on he made it a point to leave as many marks on you as possible. Bites, hickeys, scratches, anything that proved to everyone else that you are HIS. And ONLY HIS.
He'll even present you to his followers that way, proudly demonstrating that you've been "chosen by him to aid his spiritual work."
He reeeeeaaaaally needs to do a better job at knowing when to stop. Demons have unlimited stamina, and you feel so good around him, he'll only stop when he's noticed your moans have ceased, and you're passed out under him. WHY DID YOU EVEN CREATE A SAFEWORD.
It just feels so good, you know? You have to REALLY get his attention when you want him to stop, or so help me god he will get lost in it.
It's because of this that he is one of the best at aftercare. He'll clean you up, cuddle with you, do anything he can to appeal to his pitiful, fucked-out human.
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Look at him. You know him.
The most vanilla MF ever.
He's so gentle and sweet with you, taking his time on every little thing.
He prefers to have control over the pacing, and that's why he fits into the dom role. He doesn't like to go too fast, or graze over the most intimate parts of the act.
This man will die to give. Don't get me wrong, he'll take some good head any day of the week, but it can't compare to seeing your expression from between your legs when his tounge laps at your overstimulated clit.
He'd never tell you, he's your brave Akaza, but he's SO scared of hurting you in ANY way. He's always checking up on you, making sure his grip isn't too tight, he's not going too fast, you're properly prepared... ect.
He's the aftercare KING 👑
No one can match up to this man. He has cooked you FIVE STAR MEALS at the mere words "kinda want a snack"
He'll hold you in his arms and will NOT LET GO. FOR ANY REASON.
He's just so happy to be connected with his sweet little human. Can you blame him for that?
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Roughest dom to exist. He wants nothing more than to absolutely destroy you, what better way to release his anger? Not that he'll ever truly be not angry, anyway. But you help.
I feel like he's one for routine. He doesn't want to change things up, because why would he change something that's already so good.
Does not know how to be gentle with you. He BITES YOU. When he wants to KISS YOU.
Beware of the fucking dog. Man needs his own damn sign.
It all starts when you wear a skirt that's a LITTLE too short. You don't even notice. But he does. He notices.
One minute, you're making dinner, and the next moment, you're bent over the kitchen counter, taking it while he marks up your neck and shoulders.
From then on, he's unafraid to take you anywhere. In the forest. In a STRANGER'S(victim's) HOUSE. HE DOESN'T CARE.
As free-use as he is, he refuses to allow any one else to see you coming undone for him. He'll only take you if he knows there's a 0% chance of being walked in on. Not only will it turn him off, it'll make him so incredibly angry he'll rip off somebody's head.
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Boy is a switch. 100%
He just wants to be in you, he doesn't care who's doing the dominating.
He's loud.
Like, bb tries so hard not to make any noise, but how can he not, when you're bouncing on his cock like that?
Whines and whimpers all the way. I literally have not seen anyone deny this. It's a fact.
He can't handle when you talk dirty to him. It's like a spell. ESPECIALLY words of encouragement. He just wants to feel validated by you, poor guy. He's literally depression if depression was hot and if you wanted depression to fuck you over in another way than figuratively.
He loves to give you head as much as he loves receiving it. He wants to see you melt to his touch, he wants to know that he's the only one who can make you feel this way.
Aizetsu lives in fear of you yearning for one of the other clones instead. That's why his mission is to be as nice to you as possible. Not... *slow* nice, just *gentle* nice. He'll cuddle with you, he'll kiss you, he'll keep his cock in you for as long as he wants. Only when you're absolutely spent he'll be done with you.
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Man is the pleasure clone.
He knows EXACTLY how to get you off. It only takes one time for him to learn the ins and outs of your body.
He just wants you to feel as good as you can. He'll keep your legs pinned for hours, not caring when you tug his hair or beg him to stop. If you're not safewording, you can take more. That's his motto.
He'll cum where he wants, he'll fuck where he wants, in any position he wants, he's selflessly selfish, if you get the juxtaposition.
He loves to switch it up every now and then. If he has an idea you'll partake in, you're doing it. As long as it's with you, he's open to whatever.
Karaku is the king of teasing you. He's not going to let you cum until you're BEGGING. Like capital B Begging.
His favorite thing is to see you riding him. It makes him feel so good inside when he sees your legs shake. His poor little human can't even handle riding him. How sad is that? But he's not opposed to helping you.
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Bro goes absolutely wild. Like.. he cannot get enough of you after the first time.
So incredibly loud. Grunts, moans, yells, man has no shame and no fucks to give because his only fuck has already been spent on you.
He's sensitive on his back because no one ever puts their warm little human hands back there. No one can reach because of his massive fucking wings. So when you massage him, preen his wings, anything that involves your gentle touch on his back, AUTOMATIC HORNY.
He doesn't even know how to articulate when he's horny. The only thing he can think about is fucking. Literally you'll just be cuddling and he'll start undressing you, no warning.
He's really bad at pacing. Like.. he has no routine, no rhythm, no idea when he's gonna cum or how he's gonna get to that point. You've really gotta help him out on that.
I feel like Urogi would have a hard time prepping you because of his massive, razor sharp fucking talons. Like he went to do it after you told him "dude I can't just take your whole dick out of the blue" and realized for the first time that having talons may be inconvenient when trying to be intimate.
No worries though, he gets equally horny watching you stuff yourself with your own fingers, wanting to put his hands all over you, but knowing the real fun will come soon.
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hey, not sure if you're down for writing a continuation of the “Megatron 'accidentally' adopting human Buddy who fears nothing” post. But there was a line “Rung has a line of bots that express the same worry for Buddy one day doing something dumb and not being able to come back from it.” that I think should be expanded upon. Dangerous things are constantly happening to the lost light crew and Buddy must have the devil's luck to come out of everything that happens unscathed. I'd like to see that luck run out. I'd like to see the crew panicking because Buddy got hurt badly and there's been no news if they'll recover or not. I want to see Megatron deal with the impending mortality of his newly adopted kid poorly. And I want to see everyone on the lost light panic even more because if Megatron doesn't start a war if this kid dies, Whirl absolutely will. P.s please let buddy live, I may crave angst, but not that much.
Have a good day, love your writing
Ooooh! Have you been peaking at some of my drafts? haha! I have been thinking about what would happen if Buddy ever got hurt on Megatron's watch. But now more bots are going to watch.
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron and Fearless Buddy who gets seriously hurt
SFW, familial, platonic, angst but happy ending, mention of injuries but nothing graphic or detailed, Human reader
As we all know Buddy fears nothing
And this put some stress on their friends and new dad, Megatron.
“Hey Megs!”--Rodimus
“Rodimus, don’t call me that.”--Megatron
“Yeah, not gonna happen. Anyways I was wondering if you’ve seen Buddy anywhere. They were supposed to show me something?”--Rodimus
“Show you what?”--Megatron
“Something about being a present for being Brainstorm’s ‘Guinea pig’?”--Rodimus
Buddy flying by on a jet pack.
“Hi Roddy! Hi Megs! Bye Roddy! Bye Megs!”--Buddy
“…”—Rodimus and Megatron
Both mechs start running
But as time continues to go on, their little antics are just normalized. Sure, there are still some bots that know the true fragility of the human life span. Such bots included but not limited to Ratchet, First Aid, Velocity, Swerve, Rung, Megatron, and Whirl
“Where are you going with those pilars?”—First Aid
“It’s nothing illegal, yet.”--Buddy
“What type of answer is that!?”—First Aid
But for the most part the crew thinks Buddy is almost as durable as they are. Yes, even Megatron has been guilty of this type of behavior. He isn’t too proud of that.
“C’mon Fleshy jump and do a flip!”—Random Bot
“I think not.”--Whirl
“If you break your dumb fragile bones who else is going to come with me on planet expeditions? Cyclonus? I think not. He sucks out all the fun.”—Whirl
“I am literally right here.”--Cyclonus
So, let the angst begin.
The place was being invaded by space pirates.
The pirates where taking the bridge and had successfully barricaded themselves in.
“Why can’t we just break the door down?”--Buddy
“The main room has delicate equipment. One wrong move…”--Megatron
“Okay that’s a bad idea then.”--Buddy
“We just need an opening from the main door and we can figure out the rest.”--Rodimus
“Hey, I’m tiny enough to fit through the crack under the door. I can open the door!”--Buddy
“Absolutely not.”--Megatron
“For once I’m agreeing with him.”--Whirl
“Hey, its not like we have many options here. Unless someone else has a better idea then I am quite literally the only thing stopping these guys.”--Buddy
“…go then…”--Megatron
He was going to regret saying it like that. The computers dashboard in order to unlock the door or at least give it an opening. So, when they were sure that the aliens weren’t looking, they sprinted over to the console by swinging up with a grappling hook to the chair and began running towards the buttons.
They had indirectly activated the plasma screens.
These were holoscreens all over the ship that would show what was happening on the bridge. Everyone had a front row seat to Buddy sprinting across the console. There where cheers as Buddy was coming closer and closer to the button
“They made it!”--Rodimus
“Way to go Buddy!”--Tailgate
“Just press the button.”—Ultra Magnus
“That’s my Amica—”--Whirl
It was right there…
The alien came out of nowhere…
“EW! A Rat!”--Alien
“A ra—"--Buddy
They swatted Buddy across the room in one swift movement. They’re tiny body hurdling across the room and off screen. A small sickening crack was heard.
It was barely noticeable.
But it caused a deafening sound across the entire Lost Light.
 Good news for the crew, Buddy’s shoe came off from the force of the hit and successfully pressed the button opening the door.
Everyone is lined up to take these aliens down.
Megatron and Whirl are at the forefront of it.
Megatron is trying to find Buddy while Whirl is absolutely destroying everything.
Megatron spots Buddy slumped over in the far corner of the room.
No motion, nothing
He is just frozen in place.
“Megatron! Move!”--Ratchet
Ratchet snaps him out of it as he is trying to help Buddy.
Megatron snaps out of it a cover him.
Buddy is rushed out an into the medbay.
Everyone is waiting.
The sudden gravity of Buddy’s mortality weighs heavily on the minds of everyone involved.
Megatron sulks in his room thinking about how he failed them. He can’t bear to sit by Buddy in the med bay. Ratchet understands and tells him that he when Buddy wakes up.
Whirl on the other hand, stays by Buddy’s bed side the entire time.
“Hey Tiny. It’s been a hot minute since you’ve open those little eyes… You mind opening them up?”--whirl
“Fine be like that…”--Whirl
“Well, you’ve missed a lot since you took that hit. One you have a ton of inner most energon by your room and a growing number of get-well gifts. I personally made sure none of you’re a secret bomb. Megs is still in his room and its giving everyone the creeps.”--Whirl
“… Don’t tell this to anyone… but we miss you, you scared the ever living Pits out of us.”--Whirl
Whirl has lost every good thing in his life. He is going to make sure that this one thing does go so soon.
Buddy does wake up
“Hye Whirly Bird?”--Buddy
“Why you looking at me like that? Someone died?”--Buddy
“You nearly did Tiny!”--Whirl
“But I didn’t, huh? It takes more than a hand to stop me.”--Buddy
“…I guess huh.”--Whirl
Megatron is zooming over when he hears. Buddy is trying to play off their injuries to try and keep the peace.
“Hey Megs.”--Buddy
“You okay? You look like you’re dying.”--Buddy
“… that was a poor choice of words.”--Megatron
“Yeah I guess— woah, Megs?"—Buddy
Megatron gently holding Buddy’s hand the best he can
“Just let me hold you please, just a little bit.”--Megatron
“Sure Megs.”--Buddy
As they are recovering Buddy is treated with a bit more respect than they had before. Good thing too, they did after all manage to save the ship after all.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
For the requests: heard of hearing and/or partially blind Steve + his parents realizing. Maybe they come home & see how their house has changed to be more accessible for Steve? Or something like that.
HONESTLY THIS ONE HURTED. But as usual, you provide the quality shit!!!! Poor Steve, but also if it ain't hurt/comfort, then did I even write it? Everyone loves Steve. Except his parents. His parents suck. But everyone else? Angels. Hope you love it darling!!! - Mickala ❤️
Concussions were a bitch.
Multiple concussions in a three year period were a bitch.
But the worst part was when he noticed he couldn’t hear out of his left ear. Robin had been talking to him at work on his left side, whispering about some customer that was walking down every single aisle as if they didn’t know what movies were out, and he didn’t even notice until she switched sides halfway through a sentence.
He pretended it was fine, that he’d heard her the whole time, but then she asked him a question he couldn’t answer. She walked to his left side and said something, and when he shook his head, she bit her lip, fighting back tears.
“It’s okay, Robs. I can still hear out of the other one,” Steve said to comfort her, but also to comfort himself.
If he lost it in one ear, he could lose it in the other, and then what?
She tried to convince him to get a hearing aid, but he didn’t think he needed one.
“Your parents sent you money for medical expenses, use it for this!”
But he couldn’t.
And then he started getting blurry vision in both eyes. The left was rapidly growing worse, and Dustin noticed.
“Dude, you’re squinting. Do you have a migraine? You could’ve had Eddie drive me.”
“Nah, just tired. Trying to focus.”
Part of that was true. The squinting helped him focus a little, but he knew he had to do something about it.
So he sat down with Robin and came up with a plan.
He hated every fucking second of it.
“You get a scan first, we need to know if this is gonna keep getting worse or what permanent damage is there. You get glasses-“
“I might not need-“
“You get glasses. Then you get fitted for a hearing aid.”
“Yes ma’am,” Steve rolled his eyes.
But looking back, he was grateful Robin made him do it.
The doctors had been amazed he was able to talk with the damage done.
“Will I lose my ability to talk?” He asked, realizing that not being able to hear, see, and talk was too much for him to deal with.
“I think we can work through some physical therapy type exercises to make sure that doesn’t happen. I’m glad you came in now and not a few years from now.”
Robin never said ‘I told you so,’ probably sensing that Steve wasn’t coping well with the news.
They told him he would most likely lose all hearing over the years, and his vision would progressively get worse, though it would most likely plateau and he wouldn’t lose it completely.
They said he needed to do vocal exercises every day, brain exercises as often as possible, and to come back the moment he recognized any change in his speech.
So he lived with the anxiety of not being able to communicate with anyone he loved every second of every day.
Dustin, Will, Mike, and Max had done research for weeks, finding things they could do to help him live in his house alone. Sure, they were there often, almost enough to be considered roommates, but that wouldn’t always be the case.
They would all grow up and leave.
Max had lost her own vision after Vecna, only able to see light and sometimes movement, but never any detail.
The day he got his glasses, she threatened him with murder if he didn’t wear them.
“The more you strain your eyes, the worse they’ll get. Wear the glasses. I’m sure you look just as cute as always.”
He didn’t have anything to say to that, but he didn’t want to piss Max off, so he wore them all day every day.
Dustin had found a way to wire the doorbell to the lights in the whole house, so if it rang, and somehow Steve couldn’t hear, he’d see the lights flash three times from any room he was in.
He’d done something similar with the walkie, so Steve would know if someone was trying to communicate with him.
Will figured out a light system for the phone, where it flashed with green while it rang and red if he missed a call that went to their voicemail.
It only worked if he was in the kitchen, living room, or his bedroom and paying attention, but the thought behind it made him want to cry.
He got debilitating migraines frequently, which left him bedbound, unable to even get up to use the bathroom on his own sometimes.
They figured out a signal for his walkie that he could push the button in a sort of Morse code to make sure someone knew he needed help.
If he couldn’t get to his walkie for some reason, Dustin programmed buttons on all the phones: *1 called Robin, *2 called Eddie, and *3 called Dustin.
All of his meds were moved to the drawer by his bed, with a reminder note in every room of his house, just in case he forgot.
Which was apparently another thing he had to worry about: his memory.
The doctors seemed to think he would be okay if he stayed active and healthy otherwise, and definitely needed to avoid another concussion, but they did say he could notice some issues as he got older.
Mike looked up what vitamins he needed to help boost his memory and vision, and increased his iron intake to hopefully stave off some of the migraines before they even started. He put the instructions with his medication reminders all over the house.
But what surprised him most was what happened when his parents came home early on a random Thursday morning.
He was dealing with a bit of a migraine hangover, the day before being a blur of calling for help, reaching for his meds, and Eddie arriving to make sure he stayed hydrated and made it to the bathroom as needed.
Eddie was still here, in fact.
So when he heard them banging around downstairs, his eyes flew open and he looked at a still sleeping, very shirtless Eddie next to him in his bed.
Nothing happened obviously. Eddie just ran hot.
But his parents had already been questioning him a lot about not having a girlfriend in a while and hanging out with “queers” like those two things alone could make him gay.
And if they saw Eddie like this, they would make assumptions.
Assumptions that would get him kicked out of the house that everyone just worked so hard to make accessible for him.
So he got up as quickly, but quietly as he could, ignoring the buzz in his ear where his hearing aid was loose from sleeping in it. He wasn’t technically supposed to, but he didn’t like anyone touching his head on migraine days so it stayed in.
Eddie didn’t budge, and he hoped he stayed that way while he tried to keep his parents busy.
Then the lights flashed and he heard the distant high pitched ring of the doorbell.
“What the hell?” His father asked as Steve ran down the stairs.
“Steven?” His mother asked as he flew past them and made it to the front door.
“Steve!” Dustin yelled excitedly as Steve glared at him.
“Dustin, not now.”
“Why? I saw Eddie’s van, so I figured-“
“Who is at the door, Steven?”
Steve closed his eyes and heard Dustin mumble ‘shit’, before he turned around to face his parents.
His glasses were dirty, but he could see that the looks on their faces were not impressed.
“Since when do you wear glasses?” His mom asked.
“Is that a hearing aid?” His dad added.
“Dustin, I’ll call you later.”
“Answer the questions.”
“I started wearing glasses and the hearing aid after a few concussions that caused a lot of damage.”
“What’s going on with the lights? Do they always flicker like that?”
Steve hadn’t really expected them to care much about him, but it still hurt a little how quickly they became concerned about the house instead of him.
“They’re a visual aid so if I’m not wearing my hearing aid or my hearing gets worse, I’ll know when the doorbell rings.”
“Is that really necessary?”
“Yeah, it is,” Eddie said from the stairs, luckily not shirtless.
“Who the hell are you?” Steve’s dad didn’t waste time with pleasantries, he never did unless someone had something to offer him.
“I’m Eddie. Steve’s friend.”
“His friend?” Steve’s mom was hesitant to be obvious about what she meant, but everyone could understand where she was going with the questioning.
“Yeah, or would you prefer if we were boyfriends?”
Steve couldn’t help the snort he let out.
Eddie wasn’t the type to hide himself away, but he wouldn’t purposely make Steve’s life harder.
“Is there a reason you’re here?”
“I was taking care of him yesterday. It got late so I stayed.”
“Take care of him?” His mother turned back towards him. “Are you sick?”
“I get migraines.”
“We all get migraines, Steven,” his father said as he crossed his arms.
“But we all don’t get the kind that leave us crying and throwing up for hours on end because we can’t even see straight, do we, Richard?” Eddie asked as he walked closer to them.
“I don’t know who you think you are-“
“I told you, I’m Eddie. And as far as I’m concerned, I, and quite a few other people in town, are quite good at taking care of Steve. Unlike his parents.”
“Steve’s a grown man-“
“Yeah, now. But where were you when he wasn’t and got the concussions that caused this?”
Steve could feel his head pulsing, and he knew his migraine would be back at full force if he didn’t rest.
He took his hearing aid out for a bit of relief, the volume of his father and Eddie arguing going down considerably.
He massaged his neck the best he could, knowing that the release of some tension would at least keep the pain at bay until this could be over.
Then, he saw the phone start flashing green.
“What is going on with the phone?”
His mother directed the question at him, but Eddie stopped berating his father long enough to answer her.
“It’s so Steve knows it’s ringing if he happens to have his hearing aid out like he does now. In case no one is here with him and someone needs to reach him.”
“That explains not answering our calls.”
“I think that could just be that you don’t call at all.”
Eddie moved closer to Steve.
“Go upstairs, Stevie,” he said quietly into his right ear. “I can handle them.”
Steve was too tired, too frustrated, too borderline on a migraine to fight.
He walked upstairs, ignoring his father’s protests, his mother’s pleas, and Eddie standing in front of them both raising his voice to be heard.
Everything felt blurry as he removed his glasses and rubbed at his eyes when he made it up the stairs.
His room was dark still, the blackout curtains still drawn closed, lights off, like Eddie had suspected it might be a bad day again.
His pills were on the table, a cup of water next to them. He set his glasses down and took them, trusting that Eddie followed the instructions perfectly.
He always did.
He always took such good care of him.
He came at the drop of a hat, even if Robin was already here. He brought Steve’s favorite soda, insisted it helped with migraines even though it probably didn’t. He massaged the spot on Steve’s neck that always held the most tension, pulled him close until he fell asleep on the couch or in the bed, always on his chest.
He’d been learning and teaching everyone sign language too.
Steve had started learning immediately, and so did Robin, but Eddie had insisted on it too, and started teaching the kids. He’d been showing Max one sign at a time, putting her fingers and hands into the movement so she knew how to do it.
And Steve didn’t think he could love Eddie more.
But he figured if Eddie was interested in him, he would have made a move already.
He could very distantly hear Eddie’s voice saying something, but he wasn’t sure what. With his hearing aid out, he usually couldn’t hear anything downstairs from his room.
He closed his eyes, settling under the blankets so he could try to do what Eddie wanted him to.
He drifted in and out, tired, but not quite enough to fall asleep all the way.
At some point, Eddie had made it back to the room and got in bed, his hand running through Steve’s hair gently.
“It’s alright, Stevie. Your parents are gone. They won’t be back again for a while.”
He let himself drift again, safe with Eddie there.
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ssruis · 20 days
Hello welcome to yet another post that was 1) originally meant to be a short thing but it rapidly got out of hand 2) caters to me specifically 3) is all over the place because I kept finding more things I wanted to talk about
The way rui approaches emotions is so fascinating to me bc like. He approaches everything with a very rational/logical thought process instead of an emotional one and he tends to either ignore his emotions or view them as an obstacle/hinderance.
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(From his gleaming stars card story)
If he acknowledges that he’s upset or unhappy he tends to just go “oh well. What can you do.” & then berates himself for not wanting to be unhappy. I feel like a lot of that can be explained by his childhood alienation from his peers.
In RMD his reaction to his classmates refusing to take part in his play once he explained the tree jump stunt & them calling him weird is to blame himself:
Little Nene: Rui, what’s the matter? Did something sad happen?
Little Rui: Nene… No. That’s not it. I pushed my show onto everyone and bothered them.
(From RMD - TL by Arven Oven)
Which is pretty telling. To Rui, the issue is that he asked for too much, that he as a person is something that must be tolerated by his peers.
But ultimately he still has faith that he’ll find his people.
Little Rui: …That’s right. People like you, Nene, who would say that they like my shows, surely exist out there. I want to make my own shows. But as of now - I think it might be a little hard.
And he *did* keep trying to find people who would accept him for a while - Wonder Halloween shows that he continued to try to reach out even after the stuff that happened in RMD, but eventually anyone he got a little close to would end up leaving & reinforcing his idea that he was too different from others to form relationships.
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(From Wonder Halloween)
I’ve seen some people say him giving up on forming relationships was due to the events shown in RMD, but I think it was more of a result of him experiencing the same rejection over and over again. The definition of insanity is trying over and over again when the result never changes, and despite what his peers may think, Rui is not insane. I think he gradually lost faith in his parents assurance that he would find people who accepted him - he begins pushing Nene, the only person who hasn’t left him yet, away.
Middle School Rui: I’m working on a solo project… but I haven’t found anyone else like you that’s willing to help.
Middle School Nene: oh, I see…
Middle School Nene: then would you like to join the troupe I’m in…?
Middle School Nene: I mean, uh…
Middle School Rui: hehe. It’s nice of you to invite me, but there’s no need to pity me. I’m doing ok on my own, and it’s for the best anyway.
(From Wonder Halloween)
Why he pushed Nene away is sort of left up to interpretation - To protect her from himself? To leave her before she left like everyone else? - but I think the assumption that her invitation is out of pity show that at least part of his decision to push her away was out of the belief that she, like everyone else, was simply tolerating him. If he assumes everyone hates him/is scared of him right off the bat, he can avoid getting his hopes up and being crushed when he’s inevitably abandoned. It’s not unhealthy or detrimental to forming relationships he’s just recognizing a pattern and using it to predict the behavior of others (blatantly wrong).
Zombie Plushies: We can tell you’re just pretending to be friends! Deep down, you’re probably scared and disgusted by us too!
Zombie Plushies: We’ll never fit in with them anyway…
Rui: …! (Never fit in with them, huh…)
Rui: When I look at them… I remember how things used to be.
(WXS world link, TL by Haruka’s penguin)
He rationalized his loneliness with “I’m just incompatible with other people” which
1) ow.
2) if he’s incompatible with other people, there’s no reason to get his hopes up because he’ll never find people he fits in with
3) if nothing is ever going to get better, he should be content with being alone. There’s no reason to be sad over a fact of life. It is what it is.
4) being sad over this is inconvenient, unhelpful, and a distraction from following his dreams (on his own)
5) inflicting himself onto others is a selfish desire and he should just keep to himself. “It’s for the best, anyway.”
6) he’s perfectly fine on his own. He doesn’t need anyone for his shows, and he doesn’t need friends.
By the time the WXS main story takes place, he’s already fully convinced himself that he’s better off alone, and that Actually It’s Super Beneficial For Him & His Shows And He’s Fine Like This.
Middle School Rui: Solitude isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.
Middle School Mizuki: huh?
Middle School Rui: In fact, it has had certain benefits for me. It’s given me plenty of time to see plays and to think over ideas for shows, for example.
(Kamikou festival)
Rui: hehe. Unfortunately, we won’t be doing a show together.
Rui: you see, I like to work alone and with absolute freedom to stage any show I want.
Rui: as long as my shows fill my audience’s hearts with joy, I’m perfectly satisfied.
(WXS main story) (“I’m perfectly satisfied” me when I lie)
I feel like it’s overlooked that the only reason rui joined wxs was to get nene in the group. I’m probably going to talk about his continued pushing of Tsukasa’s limits/suggesting insane stunts and over emphasizing how dangerous they are at a later date - and how that was (imo) an attempt to find the point where Tsukasa would hate and leave him too -
(surely this is too good to be true, Tsukasa/wxs will be like all the others -> wait he’s not calling me a freak and leaving ok I guess I’ll go full throttle on the insane shit surely at some point he’ll get tired of me -> he got injured because of me and he’s still here?? what the fuck???? Well now I care about him & this group so I need to pull back I’m not going to get a second chance)
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(Wonder Halloween)
- but I would like to briefly mention that Rui literally suggests risking Tsukasa’s life right off the bat & when Tsukasa is like “?? I don’t want to die???” Rui just goes “alright I’m out of the group I guess bye. have fun nene!”
Rui: Don't worry, the device can be securely attached to the stage in a way that will keep the audience perfectly safe. Please make sure you don't touch it or you'll die.
Tsukasa: what about keeping ME safe?!
Tsukasa: I’m not going to risk my life on-stage!
Rui: but you said you’d perform any role I gave you to, quote, 12000%, unquote!
Rui: I'm afraid that I have no choice but to step down as a stage director. Nene, good luck working with these people.
(Wxs main story)
Unfortunately humans are a social species & emotions don’t follow (faulty) logic so rui *was* unhappy on his own and he *did* want to have friends. Which I’m sure he continued to call himself selfish/greedy for feeling. Rationalizing all of this was a way he could accept/make peace with being miserable (because it must be this way, because this is how it will always be).
Rui: I was the same a long time ago… I gave up on fitting in with anyone.
Rui: If they don’t understand me, that just can’t be helped, if they disagree with the way I think, that just can’t be helped… I would think like that.
Rin: Rui-kun…
Rui: - in reality, I really did want to put on a show with someone else. But people didn’t understand the shows I was making. On a subconscious level, I convinced myself it wasn’t going to work out and gave up on the idea.
(WXS world link)
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(Wxs Journey to bloom animation)
This added scene from the main story animation adds to this - why he leaves WXS did have to do with Tsukasa yelling at Nene, but the reason he doesn’t come back after Nene forgives Tsukasa is because Tsukasa’s self centered attitude is something that antithetical to a belief that Rui thought he’d given up on a long time ago: great shows *can’t* be made alone, no matter how many times you insist that you don’t need anyone else. As much as he denied it, Rui *did* still want to connect with people and be accepted - not just for the purpose of making shows, but to have a place where he belonged. For the first time in years Rui got his hopes up, started believing in what his parents told him, and Tsukasa proved to him that he never should have done so in the first place. Unlike the other times, though, Rui is the one to walk away first. & then tsukasa/wxs do the whole “true feelings” show etc etc we know how the main story ends.
That being said, I think that Rui still subconsciously believed WXS would grow to hate him and leave because he would finally be Too Much. Wonder Halloween showed him that this wasn’t true (Which is why it’s so important that the zombie plushies in the world link performed potato ghost to connect to the other plushies - it’s the show that was performed when Rui fully realized that wxs was not going to abandon him.) but I feel like that only cemented the fact that wxs would keep performing alongside him, not that they were his friends.
Rui also very clearly did not process or evaluate how his childhood impacted him.
Nene: When you talked about the old days, you seemed happy.
Rui: fufu. I don’t mind it anymore because it was so long ago.
(His RMD card story - TL by Rubilia Heartfilia) (me when I lie part two)
After so long by himself, with shows as the only thing he had, I think that having a connection to people *outside* of shows was completely unfathomable to Rui.
Which is why he’s kind of incapable of realizing why the idea of leaving wxs hurts him so much,
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(Curtain call)
why he doesn’t realize why he starts holding back in wonder Halloween or why he holds back on the cheer squad,
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(Cheer squad event)
And why he’s surprised that wxs cares for him not just as a director, but as a friend.
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(Festival bathed in twilight)
I make fun of him for taking a year to finally be like “yeah tsukasa-kun and I are friends” but I think it’s pretty reasonable taking his trust/abandonment issues into account. Accepting Tsukasa’s offer to join wxs (twice) changed his life drastically - he realizes that he can connect to others outside of shows, that it’s possible for him to form relationships with people outside of wxs. Rui just needed to make the choice to accept the outreached hands - not changing the parts of himself that people previously deemed too weird or strange (not that he was ever going to do that anyways) but changing his attitude of “it’s just impossible for me to be accepted.”
Rui: I had always thought that I could never properly understand everyone around me.
Rui: as I started doing shows at Wonder Stage with everyone, my way of thinking and feelings began to change.
Rui: now, I am able to understand and connect with someone without relying on shows, and I’ve come to value the beauty of laughing alongside others
Rui: that’s why — tsukasa-kun. Thank you for giving me the chance to change.
Tsukasa: but… it’s not only just thanks to me, y’know?
Rui: eh?
Tsukasa: think about it. No matter how many chances I gave you, if you had refused to change, you would never have done so, right?
(Pandemonium, TL by Tsukasa’s #3 fan)
This is also why he tends to berate himself for having the very normal desire to hold on to wxs. He’s never had something like this before, where he has people who accept and love him as he is. He’s never wanted to keep something as badly as this. He’s asking too much of them, he’s imposing like he did with his classmates in RMD, he should let them leave. It’s the mature thing to do. He spent so long on his own, he should be fine going back to that, isn’t it selfish and greedy to want more?
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(Curtain call)
(Talking abt wanting to keep doing shows w wxs and his actions in OHE) Rui: Now that I think about it, I’ve been pretty selfish.
(World link)
Rui: (…When the time comes, even I, too, will have to move forward.)
Rui: (…Moving forward, can I do that?)
Rui: (…Geez, I really lack a backbone. When will the time come when I find myself satisfied with the way things are?)
Rui: (While working to make my dream come true, together with everyone, I will make their dreams come true. A way to do that - let me think of one.)
Rui: (fufu, how greedy of me.)
(Curtain call - TL by Arven Oven & Tsukasa’s #3 Fan) (fuck you ensekai)
I think that, in future events, he’ll (hopefully) come to realize there are more people who will accept him (& get more trust ranks. Please.). I think it’s an impossible ask for him to be completely fine with wxs going their separate ways some day (and the same goes for everyone else in wxs), but I think when the time comes it will at least be bittersweet and with the knowledge that he can find other places to belong & that his relationships with the rest of wxs is strong enough to withstand not being in the same troupe. Things can’t stay the same forever, but change doesn’t have to be bad. Etc etc.
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blainesebastian · 2 years
words: 2,475 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (request from @lovvelylivv) “hidden co-star relationship“ where austin and female reader are doing press tour 4 elvis and the interviewer is like low key flirting w her and austin is clearly jealous but he can’t do anything bc they’re not public yet.  notes:  masterlist posted here!  warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell
It just sort of happened, that’s what you tell your closest friends.
You’ve been in plenty of films before to know the drill—showing up, doing your job and doing it well, going through the motions of before and after a movie wraps, the interviews, the parties, the events, the awards. You know for the most part what to expect.
But what you didn’t expect was Austin.
Your agent comes to you with this great opportunity, to be in a film that’s not quite a biopic but something more than that, a story that needs to be told and shared about Elvis Presley. You’re not quite sure how you fit into this thing or even if you can carry out something that’s so important to this man’s legacy. But you’re a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and so when you get the part from your audition, you know you’re not going to take anything for granted.
Working with Austin is just the icing on the cake. You knew of him from similar circles, but you didn’t understand how incredibly talented and dedicated he was until working with him firsthand. Not only that but he’s extremely humble, thoughtful, and sweet. Not only was running lines and scenes with him easy, but he also became a fast friend that you could talk to about the film, the industry and just general things you’d been going through.
You knew Austin had lost his mother when he was younger, he’s always been rather open about that with regards to his Elvis role, but you don’t quite have the words to be able to say how much he was there for you when your dad got sick. Right in the middle of filming too. So much of your world was spinning off it’s axis and Austin was the only person that made things slow down, still. Your father eventually got better, but it was an incredibly rocky few months and you don’t think you would have made it through without having someone to lean on.
So it’s only natural that a month or so after that, you two started seeing one another.
At first it was just kissing—electrically charged moments leftover from emotionally vulnerable states, the connection you two felt over shared experiences, shared pain. But it obviously blossomed into being something more than that because your feelings didn’t have anything to do with finding an escape.
Kissing turned into spending the night, which turned into dates, which turned into introducing friends and family—even though your father already knew Austin well from all the time he visited in the hospital. The relationship is serious, yet very private. Both of you know what it’s like to have your lives turned inside out by Hollywood, to constantly being under the microscope of the public eye and…you both want to focus on what’s important, which is right now Elvis and all the hard work you’ve put in over the years.
Your relationship is your business and yours alone, Austin agrees that there’s a time and place to go public. For now, it’s minimal PDA that doesn’t go beyond close friends and the real intimacies behind closed doors. Austin’s a gentleman naturally, so most of the time his mannerisms towards you are easily explained.
It makes sense, though it doesn’t mean it’s always easy.
You walk out of a small back room to an interview space, mostly a red-curtained area that has the ELVIS movie logo behind two tall chairs that you and Austin are going to sit in. You’re not mic’d yet, so small conversations are able to be had as everyone else runs around to get ready for the interview. You give Austin a small smile, his hand along your lower back as you walk to the chairs,
“You gotta help me climb onto these things.”
A soft laugh rumbles in his chest and well, these chairs are slightly awkward. They’re elevated from the ground but especially if you’ve got heels on? You kinda got to hold onto someone else as you hoist yourself up and get situated.
“What would you do without me?” He teases, holding onto your hand and helping you up. “You good?”
“I think,” You shimmy around to get comfortable, adjusting your blazer that you paired with black skinny jeans and black studded heels. Austin’s just got a simple black t-shirt on, pleather pants but…the man could wear grocery store paper and still look great.
“Don’t be fallin’ over in one of these things.” His hand lingers along your hip and brushes your arm as he moves to take the chair next to you and you try not to think about how easily he adjusts with his long legs. One is bent just slightly as his heel rests on a rung of the chair.
“Right, would hate for you to show up at my mom’s house tonight for dinner without me.” You grin, voice an octave lower just in case.
Austin smiles, licking his lips as he runs a hand through his hair, “Your mom loves me—she probably wouldn’t even think twice.”
You snort, shaking your head. Honestly…that’s a bit true. Guaranteed she probably made an extra special dessert or something for him since she knows he’s coming to dinner. You straighten your shoulders as the interviewer comes out behind the red curtain, sitting in the other chair. A slew of other people follow, putting mics on both you and Austin, makeup people padding a few spots on your faces and finally asking if you’d like water or anything else to drink.
The interviewer’s name is Max and he’s this really chill guy from Brooklyn who has his own YouTube channel and podcast and you’re able to talk with him a little bit before getting started, cameras being turned on and intros being swept out of the way. Max does a great job at ping-ponging the questions back and forth to you and Austin, which you really appreciate. Sometimes you’ve been in interviews where questions are mostly for Austin—and that’s totally okay with you, but half the time you’re not even asked a second question in a half hour or hour span of time.
Austin makes sure you’re always pulled into the conversation though too, somehow turning questions about him, his craft, or his experiences, to loop you right into responding. It constantly makes you want to lean over and kiss him on the cheek for being so thoughtful. Max balances the questions out without being prompted, which makes the interview far more interesting to be a part of.
“So, I just gotta pause and say, Y/N, you were incredible in the film,” Max says, “I mean, just as often as I was blown away by Austin, I was astounded with you as well.”
You smile, still not used to taking compliments but you’re always appreciative to hear them. Your cheeks flush a soft pink and you can feel rather than see Austin smiling too in your direction, that sort of proud awe look he’s reserved for you many times over.
“Thank you,” You curl your hair around your ear, “It’s definitely a marathon race kind of movie, twists and turns, all good things though, astounding experiences.”
“What was the most difficult part for you?” Max begins to ask but then touches the earpiece he’s wearing, “Oh wait—hold on. Seems like we’re getting feedback from your mic. Sorry about that,” He stands from the chair, “Gonna need to switch it out.”
“Oh,” You look down, beginning to unclip it from the blazer you’re wearing. Austin picks up his water during the small break, taking a sip as Max gets another mic and helps you switch it out. Your hands brush as you exchange mics but you’re having trouble pinning it back on the lapel of your blazer without it falling.
“Here—let me…” Max trails off, stepping into your personal space. You can see Austin out of the corner of your eye watching, but trying not to, the interaction. You’ve gotten pretty well at sussing out Austin’s body language in this time together, as he’s come to know yours, so it’s clear that he’s not thrilled with how close Max is standing to you.
Though maybe it wouldn’t have been half as bad if Max would have kept his mouth shut.
“Sorry we interrupted your questions,” His fingers loop the mic chord underneath your blazer a bit, “Mic must have short circuited from your beautiful voice.” And while that is definitely the cheesiest line you’ve ever heard to flirt with you, it’s harmless.
Austin, however, definitely rolls his eyes.
You smile lightly, not wanting to be rude when there’s still an interview to get through. “I’m sure that’s not the case—I didn’t have enough caffeine today so maybe it can pick up on me screeching a little.”
Max laughs, pulling back, “Trust me—you got the whole beautiful package goin’ on.”
Austin clears his throat, loud enough that it seems to get Max’s attention and reminds him about what they’re supposed to be doing. He smiles in your direction again and turns to go back to his chair. A soft smile tugs at the corners of your mouth at Austin’s displeasure and while Max has his back in your direction, you quickly rest your hand along your boyfriend’s thigh and squeeze comfortingly. Austin’s hand covers yours, a quick motion as he readjusts himself in his chair, both of you back to normal when Max sits down again.
The questions continue seamlessly, that same back and forth action to talk about specific scenes, musical numbers, costumes, the whole nine. Towards the end though, Max kind of hesitates before another question comes out,
“So, Y/N, I just want to ask—we know your dad got sick in the middle of filming and I was just wondering what kind of effect that had on you as an actress and how that might have impacted how things were handled on set.”
You pause for a few reasons—for one, it is astounding to you that interviewers, no matter how unassuming they may be, can just presume they can ask really intimate and personal questions right at the drop of a hat. Luckily this isn’t live, so they can stop filming if need be, but also the fact that you don’t want to act like some sort of diva that randomly leaves interviews just because you don’t like the question. Secondly, you can feel Austin bristle beside you even though he doesn’t say anything, his face remains neutral other than a muscle in his jaw clenching, and you can see the sharp line of his shoulders where he was relaxed before.
He does not like the personal direction the question is in either.
“Uhm, well—” You trail off for a moment, trying to figure out how best to respond to this. While the question seems alright on the surface, it’s worded incredibly obtuse in a bunch of ways. It’s obvious having a sick dad had an effect on you as an actress, why does that need to be addressed?
Austin, sensing your discomfort, moves his hand to touch your wrist, “Hey maybe move on from that question man, that’s her dad—there’s other things you can ask her.” He’s already a bit riled up from before, so there’s an air to his voice that he’s putting his foot down, this is not a conversation.
You can feel yourself let out a slow breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding, unable to find the exact words to either respond to the question or tell Max you couldn’t talk about it. Obviously your story ended up good, your dad is fine, on the road to recovery and getting stronger every day. But that doesn’t mean what happened is easy to talk about, or anyone’s business either. It’s out there, clearly, because Max felt comfortable enough to ask about it…but you really appreciate Austin jumping in like that.
Max at least has the decency to look embarrassed, nodding his head, “Of course, my apologies—we’ll cut that.”
Austin’s thumb runs back and forth along your wrist as they continue to film, a few more questions finishing up the interview.
He doesn’t remove his hand.
Once the interview is over and you’re in the back of an SUV, pulling out into traffic, you can feel the full force of frustration coming off of Austin’s body in waves. He’s rarely the type of person to get angry or irritated for long stretches of time, but clearly Max has gotten underneath his skin. You let him have a few moments to himself, looking over some texts from your mom about dinner. Eventually you reach over and settle your hand on his, running your thumb along his knuckles.
“I’m okay,” You want to assure him that you’ve definitely been through worse lines of questioning in your career but you’re pretty sure that’s not going to help. “Max was just overeager—I think interviewers start worrying that they’re gonna end up askin’ the same type of questions everyone else is, so some of them overreach.”
“He did not know when to quit; not to mention the amount of flirtin’ he was doin’ while fixin’ your mic,” Austin’s voice has this twang to it when he sometimes talks too fast, when he’s wound up, leftover voice impressions from Elvis.
You smile just a little, can’t quite help it, “You know…I consider jealousy a base emotion but it’s actually kinda hot coming from you.”
Austin turns his head to look at you, his eyebrows drawing together as his visibly struggles with his next words. A laugh bubbles in your throat, slipping out of your lips and instead of saying anything, he moves to grab onto you, tugging you across the center seat and against his chest. You’d attempt to move if you really wanted to, but you don’t, grinning as you tilt your chin back to look up at him.
“No one’s jealous here.”
You purse your lips, reaching to cup his cheek. Running your thumb down along his lower lip, you reply, “No of course not—not at all.”
He presses a kiss to the pad of your thumb, settling back into his seat. He’s relaxed a bit since you first got into the SUV, the harsh line gone from his shoulders, his eyes a calm blue instead of a restless sea.
“Just protective.” He mumbles and your stomach flutters at the warm sentiment. “Next time I’m tellin’ interviewers like Max exactly what’s on my mind.”
You laugh lightly before kissing him, stealing as much time as you can alone. Knowing how polite Austin is, you understand that probably won’t be the case, but the words mean just as much anyways.
Thank you so much for the request! I hope you liked it :) thanks to everyone who read, if you’d like to be added to a general Austin x reader masterlist, please let me know!
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stickynotelovers-art · 10 months
Rottmnt Masterpost
Here's a list of all my different things. I've realized I have a lot of stuff that kind of gets lost in the shuffle of everything.
#non turtle art and #reblogging myself are where you can find my other art.
Also, I do have a RedBubble shop in case you're interested!
Family Connection AU
This my own au of what happens after the events of the movie. It's only been a few days following the invasion and everyone still has a ways to go to recovery. During this time Mikey starts being able to see and communicate with the Hamato ghosts of Casey Jr's future timeline versions of themselves.
Flares Bonus
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1
Chapter 2: Part 2
Chapter 2: Part 3
Future Leo and other sillies
Future Donnie Design
Future Donnie Updated Design (2024)
Mikey's initial response to the ghosts
Future Donnie finds about the Present Donnie becoming a spaceship
Baby Casey Jr Things
(I feel all my bad future stuff belongs with my au)
Get Dadded Leo
Get Dadded Leo Bonus
Baby and Uncles 1, 2, 3
He Tiny
Death of Cassandra Jones
Mama Casey
Future Donnie (Uncle Tello) doodles 1, 2
Squish the (face) Baby Cheeks
April Fool's Day
Chaotic Uncle Donnie
The future kiddies
Asks involving future versions
Donnie has been given Uranium
Donnie was given Uranium: The Sequel
Donnie being bribed for a hug
Donnie possibly stealing nuclear launch codes
Other People's AU
Cass' Apocalyptic Series
Baby Mutant Casey
Between the Raindrops Animatic
Emotional Damage Crit Shot
Peepaw Multiverse
Freshly Tramatized
Peepaws Get Wrecked
thegunnsara's future Mikey design
burgersaucee's adventuring in babysitting, but it's the apocalypse
Mutant Mayhem x Rise
The whole fam meeting their Rise counterparts
One Shot Comics
Who's Older (Disaster Twins)
Watch Your Language (Brains and Brawn Duo)
Donnie's Social Tolerance (Brains and Brawn Duo)
What If Mikey Just Picked Raph Up? (Sunset Duo)
Raise Your Standards, Leo! (Baja Blast Duo)
Don't Mess With Mikey(Smarts and Crafts Duo)
Raph Knows (Raph Centric featuring Draxum)
Raph Meets Princess Peach
That's Not How Food Allergies Work (Raph Leo Duo)
Everything Else (I think)
#color palette challenge
Baby Raph AU
Local turtle Dad and his teenage self
In your fit art challenge
First sketchbook doodles
They share a voice actor
Find the Keyblade
Shadows tutorial
Yoshi/Lou/Splinter "I was today years old when I became a father" Jitsu/Hamato: 1, 2
Volatile Raph
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