#everyone does :)
dazzling-raven · 2 months
This was basically the last two seasons, right?
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I can forgive my father for all his wrongs against me, if only he had treated my mother differently. It is an echo, of what my mother says, "He may not be a good husband, but he is a good father." How do I tell her that one cannot exist without the other? He will never be a good father. He is not good to my mother.
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syunkiss · 21 days
I know something no one else knows. Kouyou Ozaki from BSD fucking hates terfs
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lemuel-apologist · 3 months
i think it's an important part of growing into who you want to be on your way out of what you were raised in. whether it's making black out poetry with a book of mormon that you kind of wince at years later or fashioning your string lights into a crown of thorns or nodding a little too hard at the thought of watching south park or "more like LIEble, lol," you're going to go through that phase of oh-so-edgy post-christian atheism. it's a part of growing up. and you'll look back at yourself years later, chuckling at the same jokes with more peace than righteous agreement, knowing you're okay now. it's okay.
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elemental-plane · 7 months
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parachutingkitten · 5 months
Girl, everyone hates the writing for the character they stan.
You're not special.
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shadowqueenjude · 7 months
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Ma'am @zenkindoflove you deserve an award for these tags😂😂😂
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noxexistant · 6 months
my loves once again “west endsies” does not exist you can call it countless things but it was not on the west end
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itsatorchwoodthing · 1 year
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this is so specific but also so true
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lulila-safu · 8 months
A SH trailer 95% focused on COMBAT is very... sus
When was the combat a special or important feature on silent hill 2? This game's main features are the atmosphere and storytelling
I'm afraid they made this decision to catch new audience with """"more action stuff"""
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alpydk · 4 months
I’ve seen a lot of anon hate knocking about, so I wanted to balance the scales and show what the anon option should be used for.
I’m going to drop into some inboxes and explain what it is about your blog (and you) I love so much.
You offer support to other people even on days when you're struggling.
You're open and honest, and that is reflected in your writing.
You're ability to write beautiful angst and pull out emotions from your readers is wonderful
If you want to keep it going, do the same thing to some blogs (and people) that bring you sunshine.
Have a wonderful day.
To Anon
Beautiful anon; always in the shadows behind the curtain.
Throughout their life, they had done so much, said and seen more than any other person ever had. They’d kept their spirit alive in so many ways: messages of love and hate, pictures to make a friend laugh, confessions they were too embarrassed to say to anyone, and sometimes simply harassment just to feel something; anything other than the crushing despair that came with loneliness.
They’d seen their questions become written deconstructions of characters right down to the minutest details, all backed up with metadata they could never find. They’d watched as their little idea sparked grand works of art loved by thousands and they read as their humorous prompts had created literary perfection: stories of beauty, of pain, of passionate nights under thousands of different skies.
And yet to everyone they were just anon.
All they would get as a reward was the passing thank you, possibly a humorous gif, maybe even sometimes blocked if the need deserved it. They were faceless, lost amongst the seas of others like them. Alone in a community of their own creation. They thrived off their anonymity, feeding off the emotions of those they sent asks to, knowing their skills as muse, as tormentor, as anon meant something in this digital age. And because of this, each would never admit who they really were as they paid compliments to the writers, or trolled the artists, the ones they either liked or disliked. They would just continue to be alone; always to be forgotten as hero or villain.
And so today anon, I write this to you. I believe that you are beautiful; with your words and ideas, with your emotions that you need to share with each passing moment, with your humanity of love and pain and feeling that in a world slowly being destroyed by social media we desperately need. You keep us all alive by connecting with us and for that, I am grateful.
Thank you to every anon for existing, for being who you are.
I love you, all of you.  
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hayscodings · 10 months
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svetlana yevgenivna in 8x05
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And to complete the pain that is that Vox doesn't want to be away from Alastor. One of the two people that used to entertain him and naturally keep him away from Alastor is dead, and the other is Nifty, which is technically the right hand of Alastor.
Charlie is not sure of what to do because the Vees have let is slip that he has improved there, so it would be maybe not the best to send him with them full time.
In the end, it is decided that having him is to split time between both of the groups.
Maybe he improves less for all the changes, but what else can she do?
Things just get so much more complicated because of Valentino and Angel's relationship. If the Vees were just some random overlords with no connection to the hotel, that'd be one thing, but one of them literally has one of Charlie's dearest friends under contract and is constantly making his life even more hellish than it already would've been, for no other reason than his own satisfaction. The Vees clearly love Vox, but how can Charlie hand Val such an easy victory right under Angel's nose, even if Vox's current situation has nothing to do with their relationship? Also, we the audience know that Val isn't abusing Vox in RAM, but Charlie doesn't! After what she's seen from him, why should she trust him with another vulnerable person, even one he claims to love? She's trapped between her ideals about love and redemption and the practical reality of wanting to reduce as much harm as possible.
She hates doing it since it feels so manipulative and it could go so wrong if her reading of them is inaccurate, but her ultimatum to the Vees is to either let Angel out of his contract or she's never giving Vox back. Val will probably accept– Vox is 20-times more important to him than Angel ever was– but it won't exactly foster good-will between the two sides.
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strawglicks · 1 year
graham doesnt slay graham isnt cute graham isnt hot he is stupid and pathetic and a sopping wet cat in a cardboard box and i wouldnt have it any other way
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trilliastra · 1 year
if anything, i hope the one lesson you learn from watching OFTS is that Rio de Janeiro is not Brazil's capital
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