#everyone deciding to stay for shiemi is just too cute
lesbian-myth · 1 year
Fav parts of the aoex new chapter (spoilers)!
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Bon’s little clap at koneko and Izumo 😂
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Rin and osceola cooking together 🥘 🤭
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Yuki not understanding cooking AT ALL (plus shima calling him yuki lol) 😭😂
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Lots of rin and yuki bonding ❤️❤️❤️
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alitaimagines · 5 years
request: “could i have an imagine for gaara and rin okumura? naruto and blue exorcist? like them falling in love, asking them to marry them, and finally the wedding? thanks!! it doesn’t have to follow canon if you’d like!” 
 rin okumura x fem! reader (au?)
fandom: blue exorcist / ao no exorcist  
note: no one has requested naruto or blue exorcist, i’m doing both but on different imagines
falling in love 
You knew Rin through Shiemi. You were the louder best friend as Shiemi tended to be the quieter one of the two. The two of you were biology partners and she offered to help you whenever you were falling behind. 
“Shiemi, you haven’t watched the documentary?” You half screamed as you stopped her in the middle of hall. “The Beyonce documentary was life changing! Are you kidding me? Even Izumo watched it!” 
Shiemi laughed, “I don’t have Netflix, I’m sorry!” 
“Enough of that, you at least have to listen to the album! It’s a life changing experience.” You shoved your headphone in her ear and started blasting it. 
You were dancing through the halls, Shiemi noticed the friends she had been meaning to introduce you to. Not wanting to stop you from dancing, she walked to them and questioned who the new girl was. Rin felt his face go red. He had never met Shiemi’s cute friend before. 
“Hey, why’d we stop?” You asked as you seen the new people in front of you. She had told you about her other friends before but you never got around to meeting them. The group was an odd one to say the least.
“(your name), these are my friends. Rin and Yukio are twins. You know Izumo. The rest of them are Ryuki, Shima, Suguro, and Konekomaru.” Shiemi said quietly as you shook their hands. “This is (your name), my Biology partner.”
“Are you finally showing her the Beyonce album?” Izumo asked jokingly as she took the headphone from Shiemi’s ear. “Great album, right?” 
“Sure.” Shiemi responded as Rin finally worked up the courage to finally talk. “Is it the Homecoming album? I just finished it!” 
You spun around to Rin and grabbed the poor kid by the shoulders, “Wasn’t it great! Tell me! Beyonce is a god, right!” You were excitingly talking to Rin as the others sighed in defeat. They had just shut Rin up about it and now here you were talking about it. 
“YES!” Rin screamed back just as excited. “Those transitions!” Both you and Rin squealed as they all groaned. They knew it was best to leave the two of you alone but decided otherwise and dragged you both to lunch. Shiemi had you in one hand as Yukio had Rin in the other. 
Since that day, Rin was hooked. He waited for both you and Shiemi outside of the Biology lab. At first he claimed that he needed to talk to Shiemi but after a while, he started to talk to you. On the days that Shiemi wasn’t there, he still stood outside with you. 
With whatever money he had, he’d make enough food for you now. Yukio could tell his older brother was starting to fall in love. He was happy for Rin. The two of you were exactly alike in terms of personality and interests and although you weren’t seeking Yukio’s approval, you had it. 
Shiemi approved on Rin’s behalf. She preferred that you dated him. It beat the last relationship you were in. She still had nightmares of seeing you so heartbroken over some idiot guy. Now all she had to do was beg Izumo to threaten Shima for going after you. 
Rin’s problem came in when he had to finally ask you out on a date. He knew that he could cook you a meal and just talk but he felt inclined to do more than that. Shiemi and Yukio were able to tell that Rin was starting to panic about the idea of having to ask you out. 
“(your name) is a simple person.” Shiemi explained. “She doesn’t need some kind of elaborate plan. Just make a lot of food, she could eat more than you think.” 
“Here she comes!” Yukio screamed as he pushed Rin into you and the two of them scurried away. 
Rin tried to think of the excuse he was going to but couldn’t come up with one by the time you got to him, “Where’d Shiemi go? We usually get together on Friday nights and watch Netflix together.” 
“Well, you see!” Rin tried saying. “I was wondering if you’d like to come over to my dorm! I’m making food and I’d like for you to try it!” 
“Yeah sure, just text me your dorm number and I’ll stop by!” You said calmly. “But it’s lunchtime now and I’m starving! So?” 
“Breakfast food?” “You read my mind!” 
Evening finally came and you made your way to the boys dorm. You knocked on the door and Rin screamed for you to come in. For Rin being the unorganized mess he was, the room was in pretty decent shape but maybe it was Yukio that did all of the cleaning.
“So what are you making me, Okumura?” You asked as you helped Rin to the kitchen. A few students were leaving the kitchen as the two of you entered it. “Sukiyaki, it’s my best dish.” 
You cheered as you sat across from Rin. He pinned his hair back as he slipped on the apron. He threw you the extra he had and helped you tie it from the back. 
“You’ll be helping me cut the vegetables.” Rin instructed as he handed you the various veggies. You slowly started to cut the carrots as he turned the stove on. “Make sure you don’t cut yourself!” 
“I can cook!” You said as you showed him your proficient cutting skills. “Okay, maybe I can’t cook as great as you can but I know how to cook some things!” 
Rin laughed as he let the things in the pot start to simmer and went over to you to help you out. 
As time continued, the kitchen was was getting extremely hot but Rin knew it was about to be done. “Go wash up and by the time you’re done, the food will be on the table!” 
You smiled as you went towards the bathroom. Rin ran to his room and grabbed the note he had written beforehand. 
“Go out with me?”
By the time you got out of the bathroom, Rin was setting the utensils down. He pulled your chair out and pushed it back in before he went to sit down himself. Before you had gotten there, he pre made dessert. Shiemi had told him that you loved any kind of cake but red velvet was your favorite so he made you that. 
As you were about to grab a napkin, you noticed a paper fall from the napkin. Picking it up from the floor, you opened it and read it. You could feel that your face was extremely red as Rin looked at you nervously. 
“Rin, of course!” You laughed as you grabbed his hand over the table. “FUCK YEAH!” 
Rin asking you to marry him. 
The two of you were out of True Cross Academy and still going strong. He couldn’t lie, he knew you were it for him. No one else on this god forsaken earth could handle him better than you could. Not even Yukio or Shiro for that matter.
You dealt with him no one was able too. Rin did have his moments where the two of you even wondered if the relationship was even worth it but whatever hurtles came in the way, Rin made sure the two of you got through it together. 
For the first time in a while, everyone finally had a chance for a vacation. To the normal person, they would have just thought that it was a regular vacation but Rin knew this was the perfect time to propose to you. He decided a few days in Paris wouldn’t hurt so he surprised you with the tickets.
He was taking Shiemi and Yukio along to make the proposal run smoothly. Rin had found a quaint restaurant near the Eiffel tower to make the proposal. All he had to do was lure you near the Eiffel tower and he’d act like he just found the restaurant and go in for the kill. 
“Rin, you really didn’t have to do all of this.” You said as you held his upper arm. “Traveling anywhere in Japan could have done justice for a vacation. Lord knows we needed it.” 
Rin chuckled, “Who wants to stay in Japan when we had the opportunity to go to another country?” You nodded finally agreeing as the two of you passed the sign that read “Eiffel Tower up ahead”. 
“Babe, I’m hungry. Before we get there, we should get something to eat.” Rin said nervously. “Yeah sure, I could go for some food. I just hope it’s something edible. The food we ate this morning still has my stomach turning.” 
Rin let go of a breath he was holding and walked you to the destination. You found it a bit odd that he had already picked out a restaurant but you didn’t question it. Maybe he actually wanted to be prepared this time. 
The two of you got to a restaurant that was smaller than others. You wondered why there wasn’t much traction to it but you didn’t want to jinx yourself. 
“Party for Okumura.” Rin said as he discreetly gave the signal to the hostess who immediately knew what was about to happen. “Right this way, we have an opening on the roof if you’d like.” 
Rin turned to you and nodded as the hostess gave the signal to the waitress. She went up to you and had the two of you follow up to the roof tables. You were mesmerized by the lights and cute scenery that the roof had offer. 
“I’ll be back with your menus!” The waitress said as she excused herself. “Rin, it’s beautiful, now I for sure have to plan a better vacation after this.” 
Rin chuckled as he waived you off, “I don’t think you’ll ever top me.” 
Just as you were about to retort, you could have sworn that you had seen Shiemi and Yukio but before you could question it, the waitress had came back. 
“We have an offer on all couples tonight, a free bottle of wine of your choosing.” The waitress said as she showed you the variety of wines. You looked at them before turning to Rin. “Whatever you want is okay with me.” 
You laughed and picked out a random red wine, “This one is okay! Thank you so much!” 
“No problem. Have the two of you decided on a meal?” She asked as she turned to Rin. “Yes. we’re both having steak tonight.” 
She nodded and took the menus from your hand. 
From that point on, all Rin had to do was the actual proposing. He was going to wait until after dinner when Yukio gave him the signal that all parties had left the rooftop. He was going to have Yukio on standby with a camera hoping he’d catch the perfect moment. 
The dinner had went smoothly. You weren’t suspecting a thing and by the end, you were already dozing off sleepily. 
“Hey, if you’re tired, we just need to do one thing and we can head back to the room.” Rin said as he looked over to Yukio. “Just trust me on this.” 
Rin grabbed your hand and stood you up as he went down on one knee.
“Through the cram school and every shit storm that followed, you were there for me. Not only for me but for Yukio and everyone else as well. I knew the from the minute that we met when you were screaming about that Beyonce album that you were the one. You taught me things that I would have only learned from you and I hope that once this journey hopefully continues, you can teach me a lot more. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming the next Okumura?” 
That was the moment Yukio captured the moment. Tears were falling down your face as your hand went to your mouth. You were entranced by the ring before realizing that you still hadn’t given Rin an answer. 
“Yes Rin, of course!” You screamed as he finally slipped the ring on your finger. Once he knew the ring was secure, he grabbed you and lifted you up. “Yukio, Shiemi, the two of you can come out now.” 
You turned around to see the two and ran straight into Shiemi’s arms as she congratulated you. Yukio gave Rin a ‘bro’ hug before going over to you and giving you another hug, this one much more affectionate. 
Wedding day. 
Planning for a wedding was a lot harder than you thought. You were arguing a lot more with Rin than you had originally thought but finally after months of arguing and bickering to no end, the day finally came. 
The wedding was held at Rin’s old monastery, much to everyones surprise. The two of you had preferred a small wedding with just clothes friends and family. Most of your family along with everyone who raised Rin and Yukio and everyone in the cram school. 
The colors suited the wedding nicely. Dark blue and white were the only colors that the two of you had agreed on. The reception, being that it was a decently warm day was going to be in the back of the monastery. 
You were shoved into one of the spare rooms to do finishing touches as Rin and Yukio stood at the front of the monastery. 
“Never thought the day would come, huh, Okumura?” He heard Bon say. “Yeah man, I’m glad all of you were able to make it.” 
He gave Rin a smile as Shiemi came in running, “It’s time! She’s ready! Everyone to their places!” 
They all listened to the frantic Shiemi and got to their places. Rin stood at the end of the alter as he fiddled with his bowtie. The minute the music started playing, he stopped and straightened up. 
The doors opened and you were at the front of the aisle as everyone stood up and awed. You gave Rin you familiar wink as your parent held your arm. Once you got to the end of the aisle, Rin thanked your parents and took your hand. 
This was it. Everything that the two of you went through finally paid off. 
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Believe Me
Chapter 11/??
Relationship: Rin x Reader (Your/Name) , (Full/Name)
Summit: Inside the class there was the same confusion of always, Rin and Bon were fighting over something stupid, Shima and Konekomaru were trying to stop them while Shiemi and Izumo were laughing for the scene. Everything was as always. Until the bell rang. The Exwires notice that the professor was late, but nobody knew why. When the door opened… A new student arrived to the True Cross Academy. She’s smart and strong, still a quiet and solitary person. Moved by a strange feeling, Rin would like to know her, help her if he can but nobody would think that that student was someone so… special.
In the following days, after training, Rin comes to your place to play, talk and swim in the pool, or to drag you out somewhere he would like to go. Shura notices a huge improvement in Rin and his ability to control flames, so she decides to follow him and know the truth. She was caught by Yukio and his students, so she dragged everyone with her.
They followed Rin in a rich and beautiful villa.
<<What the- Who lives here?!>> she screams whispering, and Yukio tells that (Y/N) is the owner of the house, <<Hah? You’re kidding!>>
<<I’m not. She lives here with her brother.>> he adjusts his glasses and turns his heels, <<I’m not going in.>>
<<Why?>> the woman is curious to know what Rin do when he’s with you.
<<It’s rude to enter without announcement.>> “And she hates it. I don’t want to deal her again.”
<<Let’s go guys!>> Shura and the students break in the propriety and follow the demon carefully.
The group hides in the flowers and looks at Rin relaxing in the pool, while you are in a room watching the TV with a giant wolf. You look so nervous and your eyes are glued on the screen. What are you watching?
<<Ah, Yatsufsa it’s him!>> you pointed at the TV joyfully and Rin comes near too.
<<Is Shion’s turn already?>> he asks going out the pool, <<Woah, that’s an awesome costume!>>
You increase the volume to hear what your brother will say, even if you know that too well. He always says a phrase before the performance, and those words never fail to drive the audience crazy.
<<Now, the prodigy ice skater!>> the commentate is so enthusiastic to introduce Shion, <<He’s a rather quiet person and rarely talks. However, whenever talking about music he always mentions how “fate is written in the stars”. Interviewing his coach, we discovered something new about this mysterious and charming boy! He’s extremely dedicated to his duties to the point of suffering emotional breakdowns->>
<<Yukiya you piece of shit! You didn't have to say that!>> you are throwing chips to the screen, <<Now if Shion loses his change to get the medal due to this shit, I swear I’ll kill you when you come back home!>>
<<Why don’t you go with your brother?>> Rin asks stealing a few chips, <<You train him, right?>>
<<I can’t, Shion is too- Wait a second.>> she turns facing the friend, <<How do you know that?>>
<<Ops… I’ve never said that to anyone!>> he quickly takes a few steps backwards, <<Nobody knows that you’re his coach and prepare everything for him, from the music to the choreographies!>>
<<Double torture for Yukiya when he comes back.>> now she’s focusing again on the competition.
<<He's very hard on himself, as he believes he has to do anything to prove that he’s a valuable member for his brother. He eventually let down his guard and openly smiles and jokes around with everyone, but he is very close to his brother Orion.>> the skaters are warming up while the commentate is taking his time, <<Let’s remember him for a moment. He made his first and maybe last debut with his little brother two years ago, Canada. They performed with a new skate style and they conquested all the world with their voices, songs, and moves! Their win was declared with their duet song, “Immortal Inferno”.>>
<<Yeah, yeah, I remember that! C’mon, let me see my boy win against those idiots!>> Yatsufsa too is moving his tail faster, impatient to see Shion.
A young man skates on the court and stops in the center, the crowd goes complited silent, <<Ladies and gentlemen, Shion is here!>>
He’s still and silent with a microphone on his ear. The silence is cruel, but nobody tries to make a noise to not disturb and not hear the sweet voice of the skater, <<The stars have led me to you; now, whisper my name.>>
The music starts and Shion begans to skate gracefully on the ice. His voice is so deep and hypnotic, even Rin is staring at the TV with wide opened eyes. You sing along with Shion and move a bit your body to release the pressure to watch him trough a screen. The jury is focus on every movement, jumps, the position of the hands, the arms; they are stricter than usual.
<<You can do it…>> you hug tight Yatsufsa and continue to stare at the TV, praying that he doesn’t fall or makes mistakes. You know if that happens, Shion will blame himself for everything and will avoid you for a while. You don’t want it, you want he comes back home, hug you and show at you his pure smile.
Shion sings like a melodic instrument, jumps with an angelic harmony, spins like a top but he hasn't done yet. When the music stops, he stays still, the chest is going up and down with a crazy rhythm.
The audience is quiet like your living-room....
Suddenly, loud screams born into the arena and on the ice court there are so many flowers, flags, sweets, stuffed animals.
<<SHION! SHION! SHION! SHION!>> the entire stadium calls his name like one person.
<<Wow!>> exclaims Rin, he has never seen something like thath before, <<If he won, what->> you’re too focus on the jury. “Shion is really important to her. Look how she is praying for him.”
<<Come on, he did everything perfectly…>> your anxiety is almost palpable, <<Please…>> you close your eyes and hide your face in Yatsufsa’s fur.
<<Oh my goodness! That’s a new world record!>> the commentate screams joyfully, and you raise your head to see the score, <<He took a full score! And we know what this mean!>>
<<Oh my god Yatsufsa!!>> you jump off the sofa and join your hands firmily.
<<LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! OUR STAR SHION, RISES AGAIN! HE’LL GOES TO THE WOLRD CHAMPIONSHIP!>> after that scream, the entire stadium explodes with the loudest cheer of all the time.
<<YES! YES! YES! HE DID IT! HE FUCKING DID IT!>> you and Yatsufsa are celebrating the boy’s win; the wolf runs all over the room barking, while you’re crying tears of joy watching Shion’s doing the same on the screen.
Rin is clapping enthusiastic for him. He skated amazingly, his voice was like a blessing, the lyrics too… He deserves the first place more than anyone. Moved by an unstoppable happiness, you jump in Rin’s arm and hug him. He didn’t see you at all, so he loses the balance and both of you fall in the pool.
<<(Y/N), are you crazy?>> he scolds the partner, but you’re too busy on celebrate with Yatsufsa, which is in the pool too. “She is so pure… How can her presence be a catastrophe, I really can’t understand that.”
<<I must text hi->>
<<Not so fast girl.>> Rin grabs your shorts and pulls you back in the water, <<You’re gonna pay for this.>>
<<Wanna fight?>> with an invisible jump, you get on the edge of the pool and with a simple snap, the water is moving like a snake, <<Bring it on!>>
That tecnique hits Shura and her group's attention. They don't know anything like that. You didn't say any sutras or mantras, so what did you done to create a water wall so easily? The questions and dubts about you and your identity grows more and more. Are you an enemy? A spy? Who are you?
<<Woah wait!>> the blue exorcist jumps out and looks at the liquid, <<It's not fair!>>
<<Why?>> you hold the water still with a finger, <<I did the same the other time too. What's the problem?>>
<<Last time you used your swords! What is this?! How can you do that?>>
<<Hahaha look at your face!>> she laughes and moves the liquid, <<I told you at the exam before the mission, remember? I can manipulate Elements, which means I can use fire, water, wind, lightning, ice, light, darkness, earth and steel.>>
<<....Those aren't->>
<<These aren't japanese nor exorcism tecniques, you're right. I learned them in my village. Traditions, you know.>>
<<If you can control them bare handed, why do you use swords?>> Rin is curious, you are so new to him, like a strange but still affascinating lands, <<You told me that you’ve more than two weapons.>>
<<He, it's a secret, sorry.>> you avoided the topic and concluded the issue putting the water back in the pool with a smile, <<However, you’re weak Rin.>>
<<You depend too much on  your powers. First, learn how to use a sword.>> going near him, you hit him for adjusting his posture, <<Can you divide the water with a single swing?>>
<<...Like what?>>
<<Ah...>> sighing, she leaves an arm hanging, suddenly, moving it like a clawed hand, she raises it and a strong wind comes... <<Like this.>>
<<....What the hell are you? Really!>> Rin is speachless, all the water leaks from the pool and on the garden there is something like a path, the air you moved was too strong that crushed the grass on the ground, <<You were unarmed too!>>
<<If you move your body like a gear, you can do it too.>> calling Yatsufsa, you order him to bring two training sticks, <<Your sword skills are very bad buddy.>>
<<I'm not that weak!>> Rin protests, even if he knows that is true.
<<Even Shion can beat you. The son of Satan can't lose against a human!>>
<<Shion can't beat me, damn it! I'm more used to fights->>
<<I trained him for self-defense. He knows martial arts very well and can use a few weapons just in case.>> the student crosses her arms and makes a playful grin, <<You can barely use your body correctly->>
<<Ok, I get it! Yukio and Shura are enough!>> Rin sits on the grass and ignores you, <<Fuck.>> a light weight hit him on his blue hair, <<What?>> he has such an angry face, it's kinda cute.
<<I can teach you if you want.>> you pass him a long wooden stick, <<It's not a bother for me, and it’ll save your life one day. I'll make each lesson funny for you, don't worry. I understand which is your best learning method already!>>
<<You’re pretty secure, aren't ya?>> he stands up again and grabs the weapon, <<I'm in your hands again, (Y/N)-sensei!>>
Starting slowly, you show him the basic movements to loosen muscles and joints of the body. Being flexible is a fundamental requirement for learning martial arts. 
As the first lesson continues, Shura and the others decide to retire for the moment, go back to the Academy and reflect on what they have just saw. Rin knows about you more of them, but what exactly? What was all that force that came out of your arm in that istant? Rin said you have more than one sword... So it means that you’re used to fight with various types of weapons and how to take advantage of them. Right now, for the team, the main questions are: who are you and can they trust you? Making an immediate report to Mephisto, the principal decides to tail and watch the two Exwire until holidays are over. As soon as they'll come back, a very complicated mission awaits them.
Shura continues to follow the son of Satan, but one day she finds a powerful barrier surronding your house. Not knowing how to break it, she calls Yukio and the Exwire avaibles to formulate a plan. When they were speaking, the second gate opened, (Y/N) cames out the house and waits with Yatsufsa. While she’s waiting, a young boy suddenly appears next to her.
<<I checked everything, he isn't here.>> he says putting an arm on your shoulder for rest a little, <<If Yukiya finds out the truth we’re all in trouble, you know that, right Master?>>
<<Don't worry Raika.>> you rest your head on his arm, <<I made this barrier for Shion and you guys. I feel something weird in the air today... Bare with me a little longer.>>
<<I’ll be always by your side.>> Raika pats your head and adds sighing, <<Master, you need to sleep more.>>
<<Geez not again...>>
<<I know I'm a pain in the ass, but I'm worried about you. That man broken your peace and I can see that in your actions and your eyes. Do you want to move again?>>
<<No, Shion really likes here. Let's stay a little longer.>>
<<Master, you should stop to carry the burder all by yourself.>> Raika strokes your hair sweetly and his voice is so gentle, <<We’re here with you, so share it with us.>>
<<I'm only afraid, you know that.>> with a sad sigh you raise your head and cross your arms, <<I don't wanna be happy... When I'm too happy, something terrible always happens...>>
<<What you’re afraid of is quite stupid, Master. You’re the strongest in the world, and so we are... We don't go anywhere (Y/N).>>
<<If I'm lose all of you... I'll go crazy... I can't take it; another member of my family who dies on me... Never again...>> deleting all the sad memories, you add: <<You said my name. Call me that more Raika->>
<<Master, Shion is back!>> the boy points at the horizon and a car is moving to your place. Raika goes into the house to prepare something fresh and cool for your brother, today is hotter than usual so it will help him.
A car stops in front the gates and Yukiya is the driver for the occasion. Shion get off with a smiley blondy girl next to him.
<<Shiemi?>> you’re pretty surprised to see her, same as the team that are still watching your movements. Shion says that he finds the classmate on her way here, so he accompanied the young lady to her destination.
<<(Y/N)-san, I'm sorry for the disturb...>> Moriyama is a little embaressed.
"What was that?" you heard something, so smiling, you encourage the two to enter while you will check what was that sound.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
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ai-araki · 7 years
Taking Chances
Word Count : 2333 
A/N : Manage to write this during breaks at work ;u; Also, sorry for my grammar and can anyone give me a name for their Manga Cafe?
Description : Grand Opening of the store!
Chapter 001 
I never realized it before, on how much I love watching her.
A cup in hand and a clean cloth in the other, tending the counter was my duty today but my eyes can never focused at the task in hand. I’m sure I’ll get a scolding or two once she catches me daydreaming during work hours yet, it seems all my sense are directed at her and only her. Averting my gaze to the glass door only to see the street covered in shadows; the sun is still hiding. It was an hour before our grand opening yet our doors are already opened, eager to accept and attend customers, providing them their desired drinks and meals to start their day. I was heading to the kitchen when I felt her gaze, and when I turned to look at her it seems like I have gotten a glimpse of worry.
“Yes? What is it Izumo?” I asked, curious at the prior expression she have. “Nothing, I just find somehow strange that you seem… quiet today.” “Oh, it’s nothing really.”
Even after stating my answers, her gaze was still on me, somehow I felt she either didn’t buy it or thinking if she should say something. Before I know it, my plan to visit the kitchen was gone and my feet are walking towards her. Her eyes were staring back at mine – not blinking, as if she is studying my every move. I don’t know why, but I feel somehow conscious, giddy even. Stopping in front of her, I opened my mouth in an attempt to start a conversation only to be left with nothing, I have nothing to say at all and this leads me to scratch the back of my head due to my futile attempt. This seemed to gain her interest though.
“You know, I haven’t told you this but I was surprised when you asked me to run this Café with you.” She started, her gaze leaving me as she checked her notebook. “I mean, why me? Why not Yukio or Renjo or even Shiemi?”
“I don’t want to bother Yukio, besides he wants to be a doctor and I promised that I would support him with that. I mean, That is his dream and I want Yukio to achieve his dream.” I still remember the day when he first told me he wants to be a Doctor, I cannot describe the emotions I felt that day. I was so happy, so proud, it was just everything for me at that moment. In that moment I knew Yukio will achieve his dream and I also don’t want to be a burden to him. I wanted to be his supportive Brother no matter what. “As for Renjo, we are not that good when it comes to records, budgeting and stuffs. I believe Shiemi will inherit their shop so she is out of the question.” The moment I thought I was done explaining everything to her, was also the moment I looked at her and saw her staring at me like she wanted to say something, but I stopped her.
“But, you were really my first choice, Izumo.” “Because I was the only good option?” She asked, though her voice contains no malice. “No… I actually have a different reason.” I confessed, staring at my feet in order to avoid her eyes. “My reason is stupid.” I added as I scratch the back of my head.” “Huh? And what reason is that supposed to be?” She asked, raising an eyebrow again.
“It’s…” Even without looking at her, I could feel her gaze drilling holes into my body. Growing nervous, my mind searched for anything I can use as an escape goat but it is still futile. I was stuck like a deer caught in headlights. Slamming my fists on my pockets and stumbling through my words, “I’ll tell you later, once we close.”
“Why can’t you tell me now? There is no difference Rin. There are no customers yet.” She demanded.
I understand that, but I have this feeling residing in my stomach that tells me it will be awkward during work once I tell her. Though it won’t make a difference if I told her later, there will still be this awkward atmosphere between us after. “It’s stupid.” I repeated to her. Taking a deep breath, a gathered all the courage I could master. “I just feel, we are not spending enough time together. Like, after graduation then what? Yukio said everyone will be busy due to work and tend to spend more time with their colleagues. I know it will hard for me to go after the same Job you wanted, I know I am not the smart too.” After telling her my reason, it dawns to me on how stupid and selfish I was, knowing this I began to lower my voice to save me from the embarrassment. “But… I just wanted to spend more time with you and if we have the same Job then I can be with you.” I know that the volume of my voice is becoming a whisper and I could see from the corner of my eye that she is getting closer in order to hear me.
“What?” She asked, unsure if she didn’t heard me or giving me a second chance. “I wanted to be with you…” I repeated. “And, doing this is the only way?” She mused. I nodded to this, it was the only way I could think of. “Though, it is also my dream see people eat my cooking and I found out you like manga too, so I thought of a Manga Café.” I added.
I feel like a kid whose parent caught him doing something he was not supposed to do. I was mentally preparing myself for any kind of reaction, whether it was a laugh, a mock or simple a dismissive opinion. Yet, there was silence and when I turned to look at her, her cheeks had resembled the color of a Sakura flower. She had opened her mouth and I quickly stood straight, ready for her attack but she had only closed it again to only turn away and head towards the kitchen.  Bewildered, I was torn if I should follow her, explain everything further or keep my silence – or stay here and leave her be, and patch everything up later. Thinking the later would be better, yet I quickly decline that thought and decided that the prior is probably the best only to be dismissed with the sudden realization that I don’t know her that well yet.
   Three hours had passed already since we opened the store for customers. The aroma of the coffee combine with the sweet scent of the pastries had invited more customers that we could imagine; considering we had forgotten to give away flyers and discount for our Grand Opening. Though at the moment our little Manga café is more like a café that a Manga and Internet shop due to our guest just ordering beverages and foods on the go rather than staying at one of the table to read, nevertheless there are still customers who would grab one of tables and take their time to eat.
Happiness and contentment filled me as I watch everyone smile and chatter through the counter window. We had agreed that I will be mending the kitchen and the Espresso machine while she attends customers and the counter, even so we will be handling the inventories, cleaning and all the other task together. A smile slowly edge on my lips as I watch a little kid point at the chocolate truffle at one of our stands while pleading to her mom to buy him that sweet. His looks was damaging, it can destroy walls after walls of anyone and leave them to surrender and on cue the mother gave in with a sigh and bought half a dozen of the treat. I was about to say something, planning to throw in another treat when I caught a glimpse of her defended face as well. Her right hand was in front of her lips, trying to hide her strained smile yet she didn’t bother to hide her flush cheeks. In this moment I was confused who had lose – if its them from the kid’s cuteness, or me who was defeated by her expression. ‘Regardless it is a foul move for me.’ I thought as I continue to watch her.
 “Hey, Izumo. How about our lunch?” I asked her, we are the only two people here in the store. Curious if we will be having lunch together and close the store for a while or take turns with our lunch, though I will be lying if I said Its okay if we take turns – I wanted to eat lunch together. “What do you mean? It is still an hour and a half before noon. Are you hungry?” She asked, turning to look at me. Clearly my stupid confession earlier is not an issue. “No, But are we gonna take turns or eat together and close the store for a while?” Understanding the situation, she contemplated on what to do. “I want to eat lunch with you. I brought some bento for both of us.” I added, based on her reaction she was surprised and I began to think that she had brought her own bento. Feeling defeated, I can’t help but stare at the ground. “Is it a wrong move?” I asked, anxious for her answer. A moment of silence filled the space between us but it was not something heavy. “Will see.” “Wh-what?” Confused by her answer. “I mean we will see. If there are customers then we will take turns, if not then we will have lunch together.” ‘Practical as ever’ I thought, but looking up and be graced with her warm smile. I couldn’t help but mentally pat myself at the back for a job well done. Turning back to the kitchen, I can’t help but think that the next customer will be getting something extra today. ‘What a lucky guy.’ I thought as a grin escaped my lips.
   ‘I never should have told him about this.’
I thought as a large group of people are planning to visit my Brother’s café. He never really mentioned to anyone that their Grand Opening will be today due to the fact he was all over the place running errands. He was also surprised when I pointed it out that he had never mentioned it to me until the last few days, though I did verify it to him that he did spoke of his intentions on opening up a café but I never though he will pursue it and it will this soon. I was also one of the few that told him that that career choice would be wise – he was a talented cook but I did worry on how he will handle it. At first I thought of helping him, aid him with anything that involves managing finances stocks and agreements with suppliers. Before I could offer my help, he had already mentioned that he wishes to work with Izumo. At that moment I am not sure if he realized it since he had said it in a whisper but his solemn expression yet determined eyes state that his decision was final. Silent for a moment, I had concluded it was the best course of action, offering my help would be great but considering my situation and aim job. It will be hard for the both of us, aside from my studies I am also working as a tutor, even so I cannot help but fathom why he didn’t asked me. Then again, I don’t need to dig deep to know the reason why.
 “Who ever thought that Izumo would agree with Rin’s antics?” Renjo stated too loud for my ears. This had also piqued my interest, I never had the chance to ask her why she agreed though I am not in the position to ask her why. I was about to join the conversation when I saw a familiar figure running towards us. When I dashed towards her it seems this caught everyone in surprise including her, but this was not enough to stop her from showing her excitement with the good news. Her blonde hair is slight disarray, hinting that she might had run upon receiving my call yet she still managed to look clean and neat. A long sundress with a shade of green topped with a white cardigan is hiding her petite yet lush body. Eyes glistening with happiness, she clasped her hand together which had caused to look at her.
 “Is it true? Rin had opened up a store?” She asked for the fifth time. Nodding, she stood straight. “Then we should go and visit him!” “Them actually.” Renjo pointed. “Rin partnered up with Izumo to help him open up a Manga Café.”
After hearing the added news, she had inhaled deeply before covering her mouth. “Then what are waiting for? Let’s go!” She yelled, tagging us along and leading the way. She could be all over the place sometimes, smiling to this I noticed she had tied her hair in a side ponytail. I don’t know why, but something is telling me that she- Shiemi had dressed up for him. I felt a light torn pierced my heart but quickly shoved it aside, these kind of emotions are not necessary right now. I had planned this after all. I had planned to Invite Shiemi to visit Big Brother - Rin since I know the emotions he has for her and knows this will make him happy. I just never thought He would overhear and would announce it to everyone. Then again, it might be for the best that everyone is present, then at least I could mask my emotions.
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askingexorcists · 7 years
the exwires as parents?
hmmm sorry this has been in my inbox forever and I really wanted to do it! But I forgot all about it, super late but I hope you like it!
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This boy will literally be the greatest father to ever father
He’ll be super worried about it at first though
He hopes he’ll do a good job but constantly worries about if he’s doing something wrong
He also worries about his child picking up his demon blood
Rin doesn’t want his child to be under threat by the vatican
He’ll have Mephisto seal the kids power in something when it’s still a baby
But he will tell the kid he/she’s a demon because he doesn’t want it to be raised not knowing like he was
When it’s old enough, he’ll decide when they should release the power
Would constantly make his child know that just because it isn’t fully human doesn’t mean it’s a monster
He enjoys cooking for the child
Making it snacks and preparing generally the most awesome food
He would make character lunches for them for school
He wants all the other children to be envious
He would want his child to have siblings so he would try have more then one, or even better, twins
He wants his children to share a very close relationship like he and Yukio had has
He would encourage his child to make as many friends as possible
If the other expires had kids they would all be friends
Rin wants to make sure his child doesn’t go on rampages like he did as a child
Would have Kuro with them at all times he wasn’t there
For protection and observation 
Asking Yukio to babysit sometimes
And to help tutor the kid with their studies
He’ll help too of course, but he understands Yukio could do a better job
He wants his kid to turn out just like Yukio
Tries to be the type of father his dad was to him and Yukio
Sometimes cries late at night after putting the kid to bed, because ehe realises he can never meet his grandpa
And because father Fujimoto will never see how much he’s grown 
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Would be so excited to be a mom
She’ll do so great at it
If she were to have a daughter, she would name it after her grandmother
Her children would have plant/flowers as middle names
She’d have Nee-chan look after them sometimes
And her mom too
If she had to run the supply shop her kids would play in the garden
Probably make flower crowns for their mom
She’d be so happy
Wouldn’t want the flowers to die so she crushes them down and puts them into photo frames to display around the house
She would teach her children to accept everybody for who they are
Shiemi would tell them stories about her grandmother and what a wonderful person she was
And would tell her kids how much she would love them
She would also try not to shelter her kids too much because she wants them to have a full and exciting childhood
They would help her with flower organising around the house
She’d literally just be the sweetest and most adoring mom ever
I don’t even ship RinShi but holy shit they’re so adorable together, they’re kids would be an actual blessing!!
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He raises his child with his religion
And within Myō'ō Dhahran
Wants his kids to be friends with the Shima brothers, and Koneko’s kids
And to go on the same adventures he did as a child
He will raise the kid with knowledge of their temple 
And he’d make sure his child is doing well in school
Would make sure they study
Is more then happy to help then study if they are struggling, or even if they wern’t and just want the extra support 
Will have his own parents very central to the child’s life
If he has an exorcist mission to attend too his parents will be more then happy to babysit for them
The child’s grandmother warns them not to dye their hair or get any piercings
Ryuji says the child is entitled to decorate themselves anyway they like when they’re of age
Because ‘your body is a temple, and a temple would be lame without any artefacts’ 
He takes his own kid to listen to Tatsuma recite the scriptures 
Izumo Kamiki:
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She is probably the most scared about being a mother
Won’t voice her fears though
She’ll want the best for her children
She’ll have more then one, because she wants her child to have siblings
She’ll tell the oldest ones to look out for the younger
Like how she used to look out for Tsukumo 
She’ll have her familiars look after her kids 
They love her children 
And her children love the ‘cute white foxes’
She’ll not want to spoil her children too much
But she wants them to have a comfortable childhood
Will make sure they are constantly under protection
Her favourite pastimes are taking them to the park and eating together
She loves pushing them on the swings and hearing their excited laughs
And she loves making them food from the heart and watching them enjoy it
She makes them kitsune plushies like the one she and her sister had as children
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Would raise his child the way he believed his parents would of raised him
He will take the child to their grandparents grave 
Tell them how much they would of loved us both
He raises his child in Kyoto
So he’s surrounded by all the others children too
So that his child always has more family around 
And Koneko has a community of good people for support
And a babysitter when he needs one
He’ll teach his kids not to judge a book by its cover
He’ll also educate them on general knowledge 
Is super proud on parents evening at school
Takes them out to eat at a nice restaurant as a reward
Tells everyone how they’re doing at school because he’s so proud of his child(ren) but he doesn’t do it in a bragging manner
He raises his kids alongside his (many,many, many…)cats
So naturally his kids grow up loving cats as well
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Would be the most apprehensive about being a parent 
But would also be excited
Loves his kid a lot
Feels bad that he’s not the best father
Tries his hardest for the kid
He wants more kids 
He wants a big family, just like the one he was raised in
He’s the sort to be friends with his kids rather then a parent
His s/o would have to be the authority figure because he just doesn’t have the heart to tell his kids ‘no’
If he were looking after them alone they’d either start to death, or eat microwave spaghetti and hotdogs 
He’d let them stay up past they’re bedtime
He’d constantly be playing with them
Try make an excuse like ‘Daddy’s tired now, can we stop playing?”
But shuts up as soon as he sees that little pout
He gives them piggy back rides everywhere
Tells them stories about demons he’s battled 
Wants them to know how ‘cool’ they’re dad is
The kids would probably pick up his sarcastic/joking nature
So the kids would basically turn out to be that sorta friend we all need
‘the loveable pervert with a good humour’
The kids would play with their cousins 
And be loved by their uncles & aunts 
When all of the Shima siblings are together with their children, Renzou’s parents couldn’t be happier but also low key done af because they have a billion kids running around their house, especially Shima and Kinzou’s kids which are little cunts
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Probably sues Durex
He hires a nanny to look after his kids when he can’t
He doesn’t speak to his kids much
But they still love each other
He’s working a lot and they understand that
He likes putting on puppet shows for them
Or maybe the puppets like putting on shows for them?
He’d make sure his kids have the most comfortable life
Gives them anything they want
Would raise them to become exorcists like him
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carrotcouple · 8 years
Ao No Exorcist: Rin and Izumo
With the new season of Ao no Exorcist out, I will say this because I have been thinking this over for months. I ship Rin and Izumo. It is probably the most obscure ship in the fandom since only manga readers knows how this came to be. I do ship Rin and Shiemi. It’s a very cute ship. However, although Rin and Izumo will probably never become canon, I will say that they are much more suited to each other than Rin and Shiemi. Of course this is just my own opinion. This will contain spoilers for non manga readers.
Most people simply do not understand Rin. Sadly, one of the people who understands Rin the least is Yukio himself. And several people are terrified of Rin. After the Amaimon incident, Rin is ostracized by everyone, even Shiemi, for various reasons. But Izumo just plops down in the seat next to Rin and puts all of his fears to rest. She tells him that she’s not afraid of him. He’s not the only person who’s the descendent of a demon. He’s not alone. She stands up for him and is ready to call others who avoid him fake friends and cowards to their faces. She cares and is a firm support for Rin who often pretends and behaves like he doesn’t need it.
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Rin helped Izumo out once and since then, although she is the perfect tsundere, has been being kind to him in her own way.,Coming from Izumo, I feel is a big thing. I applaud Izumo and Shima in the Impure King arc the most. They were able to put aside the fact that Rin was Satan’s son and realize he was just their good old goofy friend. I believe, without this pep talk from Izumo, Rin wouldn’t have been able to stay strong and pick himself up the way that he did. So far in the manga, this has been my second favorite scene.
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Shiemi is a wonderful girl and when she does learn what love is, I’m sure she’ll be fabulous with Rin. But...she will never understand the darkness Rin has experienced. A darkness, Izumo knows all too well. I believe, if Rin and Izumo could be together, they would be able to work together to pull the darkness out of each other.
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When In the Izumo arc, Izumo asks for help, I was in awe of the look Rin had when he heard it. No doubt this was because Izumo never asked for help before and more like refused help. But why I find this scene so important is because, although Rin had been refusing to destroy the zombies because they were people, even though the zombies had hurt others, he burnt through all of them to reach Izumo after hearing her plea, deciding, there was no other way to save those zombies. It’s as if, Izumo keeps him grounded ans help him understand things about himself and his own beliefs in ways others can’t. Shiemi might be the girl he likes and could probably make him really happy, but a girl like Izumo would really compliment and suit Rin.
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The way he stands in front of her absolutely infuriated about the way she has been hurt makes me sigh in happiness. This is my first favorite scene in the manga. And when he says:
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Aside from the fact that fire is spewing from his mouth, what he says is pricelesx. It gives me the feeling he implies (although he probably doesn’t cause he isn’t really smart, but hey, Rin is pretty insightful sometimes) that no one has seen that Izumo has always been crying. She was always crying and lonely and she desperately wanted help. Understanding that the other person is hurting or having difficulties in a relationship is important, especially if like Izumo they don’t speak much. I would know...
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Rin’s father died protecting him, Izumo’s mother died protecting her. This isn’t a very nice parallel, but the pain and guilt Rin once suffered alone with no one to understand him - not even Yukio - could become a hundred times lighter if he and Izumo tried to elp each other out. Of course, this could have opposite effects. It’s not a very pleasant thing to talk about so I’ll move on.
By reading her actions in the manga, I think Izumo already has a crush on Rin. But seeing how smoothly she handled Rin confessing to Shiemi made me think again. I think she might have a crush on him and not know anything yet. 
If we go with the ‘They fill in each others empty spaces’ idea with a couple, Rin and Izumo match a lot. I also like the idea of Rin having a strong girl partner. Not that Shiemi isn’t strong. She’s very strong...just a soft person. I’m not one of those Shiemi haters, I infact like her to a certain extent, but I definitely ship Rin and Izumo more.
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Believe Me
Chapter 8/??
Relationship: Rin x Reader (Your/Name) , (Full/Name)
Summit: Inside the class there was the same confusion of always, Rin and Bon were fighting over something stupid, Shima and Konekomaru were trying to stop them while Shiemi and Izumo were laughing for the scene. Everything was as always. Until the bell rang. The Exwires notice that the professor was late, but nobody knew why. When the door opened… A new student arrived to the True Cross Academy. She’s smart and strong, still a quiet and solitary person. Moved by a strange feeling, Rin would like to know her, help her if he can but nobody would think that that student was someone so… special.
You missed the last weeks of school before summer holidays. During those days you were unattainable, no matter who called, you’d never answered; you remembered the appointment with Rin at the last moment, so you decided to send him a message with your address. Hiding the fact at his brother, the demon takes the sub and walks until he reaches the place.
<<What the hell is this house?!>> he screams before the gate. In front of him there’s a huge villa, with a big colorful garden, a pool, and the house itself is enormous and modern. Pushing the gate’s doors and finding them open, he shyly walks to the main door.
Rin is staring at the door. Should he knock or ring the bell? He didn’t remember to call you, so he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable for his sudden arrival. He rings the bell and takes a few steps backwards.
“Why I’m so nervous?” thinks, “Sure the house shocked me… maybe she lives with someone? Is Shion? What’s his relationship with her? Boyfriend? Son? Brother? Oh god, what the hell am I thinking? Put yourself together Rin!”
<<I’m coming.>> a dull voice comes through the other side, <<Who is it?>>
<<I-It’s Okumura Rin! (Y/N) told me to come here today!>>
<<Rin…?>> the door opened slowly showing a young male with messy, light pink hair and purple eyes. Next to him, there’s a big white wolf with bright light blue eyes, <<Oh, I remember. Please come in.>>
He leads the way in a fashionable living room with a big TV, a huge window facing the garden, a big sofa near a cute low table and an armchair. The whole room is full of beautiful painting and pictures of that quiet boy and another charming man.  
<<I didn’t say my name; I’m Shion.>> he suggests Rin to make himself at home, <<Nee-san is coming soon.>>
“Nee-san?” <<Where is->>
<<Hi my beautiful M- Wait, she’s not here?>> another man breaks in by the window on the garden, <<This morning wasn’t here too. Where is she, Shion?>>
<<This morning she went to buy some stuffs, she came back a few minutes ago. Now she taking a shower.>>
<<Eh? Always like this!>> the man sits on the armchair and acrosses his legs, <<What a pain.>>
<<She hates summer. It’s too hot for her, especially in this Country the heat is higher.>> no matter what the topic is, Shion doesn’t lose his lifeless tone, <<Mh?>> he heard the bathroom unlocking, so he raises his voice: <<Nee-san, Rin is here!>> even if he spoke louder than before, why his voice is so dull?
Pure silence. The other man stands up and looks the window, <<Maybe she’s wearing earphones.>>
<<Don’t do that.>> Shion understands the man’s idea, <<She’s gonna kill you.>>
<<Nah, for a jumpscare?>> he hides himself behind the wall and waits until light footsteps are coming in his way.
You appear with a black towel around, another one is on top of your head and you’re holding a glass of cold water. Like the man said, you’re wearing earphones so you didn’t hear anything except for the music. You notice Shion and Rin waiting for you, but before you could greet them…
<<Ah jävlar in-fitta!>> you scream jumping, broking the glass and untieing your towel. When you realize what happened, you fix the towel and pick up the pieces of glass.
“What was that language? I’ve never hear that before.” sometimes Rin is childish too, but this is too much. Yes, he could do that prank but not with somebody with a towel that could remain naked.
<<Shion, could you bring some juice?>> you enter and carefully, pass the glass scraps at the boy, <<And three glasses please.>>
<<Sure, Yatsufsa come with me.>> he leaves and when the door is closed, you stare at the man. He’s laughing so hard that his legs are shaking and his eyes are watering.
<<Son of a bitch…>> you crack your fingers and walk towards him, <<Where do you think you’re going?>> now his way is blocked by a terrifying woman.
<<Ehm… I would go to the car and wait for Shion.>> he realized that the prank was too much, Shion was right, <<Please?>>
Smiling, you sit on his abdomen and close your fist, <<Grit your teeth. I won’t go easy on you today.>>
You punched him until he was begging; Shion was his savior. When he came, you stopped right away and stand up, so the victim did the same. He sits on the armchair, while you go near his ear and whisper:
<<Do that fucking shit again, and the next time nobody will save you.>> with a smile you add, <<I’m going to put some clothes on. Sorry Rin for the hustle.>>
<<S-sure. Don’t worry!>> the demon answers with a little blush, <<Take your time.>>
<<Make yourself at home.>> you open the door, <<Feel free to use and do whatever you want. I’ll be back right away.>> and left the room.
<<Jesus, it hurts so much…>> the man is touching his face, <<Why she’s always so violent?>>
<<Because you always provoke her.>> Shion is placing the glasses, <<Do you like tropical flavor?>> he asks to Rin before serving him the juice, <<If not I’ll bring you another one.>>
<<Don’t worry!>> Rin moves his hand quickly and take the glass full of the beverage, <<Thank you!>>
<<Then, I’m going to take my bags. Yukiya, wait me in the car please.>>
<<Yes sir. Take your time to check you’ve take everything you need.>> the quiet boy left too, leaving the man and the Exwire alone.
A strange and heavy silence reigns in the room. Rin drinks for avoiding the look of the other one, but suddenly he speaks with a cheerful voice.
<<You are (Y/N)’s boyfriend?>>
The demon spits all the juice in his mouth, <<W-w-w-what?! N-no! We’re j-just friends!>>
<<Are you sure? You looked at each other a little too long to be “just friends”.>> he adds with a big smile, <<Don’t worry buddy, she’s likes you too. When she came back at home she was so happy and peaceful.>>
<<Peaceful…?>> “Wait, he said that she likes me too? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!”
<<She never slept until she fainted, even Shion tried to calm her down during the nights but it was futile, she always screamed in pain, cried frightened… But not with you. Strange, right? You’re special.>>
<<W-what do you mean?>>
<<(Y/N) knows her strength outclasses the human’s one. But she believes that you’re stronger than her, she can show her weaknesses around you without worries that somebody will betray her.>> he drinks the juice and continues: <<She trust nobody except for us, but she trusted you from the start, so she saw something in you. Something special.>>
<<……>> Rin stays silent and thinks about you and your actions around him.
<<When she came back she talked about you with Shion. She looked so happy, relaxed and safe. She’ll never betray you, she’ll die for you. In this family, none of us could create the peace you’re giving at her. If you love her, please don’t leave her side no matter what. She’s afraid, so show her that you’re different.>>
<<These fears are born with the “father fact”?>> Rin asked starring at his glass.
<<She has her secrets too, for this topic she’ll tell you the truth. The only thing I can say is… The past is hunting her and she’s doesn’t have the same strength of before… Please, protect her. You are the only one.>>
“What? What he’s talking about?” <<So… Who's Shion?>> Rin can’t take that topic anymore, it makes him sad and useless. He doesn’t like those emotions.
<<Her brother and pupil.>> Yukiya answers pointing at some pictures, <<Shion is a skillful ice skater, but he doesn’t skate normally.>>
<<Please don’t tell her this. It’s a secret, ok?>> he goes near the demon and whispers, <<It was (Y/N)’s idea: Shion skates and sings at the same time. All the songs and choreographies are made by (Y/N). For a huger impact (Y/N) dressed herself up, skated and sang with him.>>
“So the man near Shion in that picture, is her doing cross-dressing?” <<…She can sing, play an instrument, skate, fight, speak different languages…>>
<<You’re forgetting painting.>>
<<Even that?!>>
<<All the painting in this house are all her works.>>
<<Then there is something that she can’t do?>>
<<A lots!>> Yukiya stands up and pats Rin’s head, <<She loves horror stuffs but she can’t handle them, if is with ghosts, you can bet your ass that she’ll laugh, scream and swear like a machinegun.>>
“Wait, those things scare her, but still she’ll face them?”
<<She can’t stay in a place full of people, she can’t fight against the heat, summers are her worst enemies, she can’t win a tickle war her body is too sensible. If you touch her a little higher on the shoulder, she’ll jump like a spring. In the other spots… Probably she’ll die. And the last one that I can think now is… You.>>
<<W-what…?>> Rin didn’t understand that phrase. What is it even means?
<<She doesn’t know how to behave herself around you. She wants to stay by your side but she’s scared, so she keeps the distance. She wants to show that she’s strong, but sometimes the mask falls. And guess what? (Y/N) doesn’t like it.>>
<<Why? I don’t mind what she’s doing, If she likes it I’m fine with it. She doesn’t need to hide herself from me.>>
<<Maybe it’s too early. When the time comes, you’ll understand why she is hiding->>
Yukiya takes a few steps forwards but quickly turns back and hits something on the floor. He’s blocking the intruder with his whole body. Pulling his arm backward, he asks: <<Who are you?>>
<<Mephisto?!>> Rin stands up and scolds at the principal, <<Why don’t you use the door like everyone?>>
<<Hehe, I wanted to talk with (Y/N)-san, but she didn’t reply at my texts, so I came here. Okumura-sensei too.>> he looks at Yukiya and with a smile, adds: <<Would you kindly free me? You’re quite heavy and strong.>>
<<I’m sorry for the intrusion. I’m Yukio Okumura.>> the teacher walks in and introduces himself, <<Can you please->>
<<Who are you people?>> the man has beat Yukio too, laying him down on the floor in a blink of an eye, <<What do you want from my Master?>>
Explaining the situation politely and with patience, the professor manages to calm Yukiya down. He doesn’t trust them at all and Rin is staring at him.
<<What?>> Yukiya doesn’t like when people stares at him.
“He defeated Yukio and Mephisto so quickly!” <<How did you get so good at fighting?>>
<<I grew up on the streets.>> he replied with a dramatic pose, <<It was the only way to survive, the only way to eat, the only way to get money. In order to protect myself I->>
<<Someone stole his juice box in fourth grade.>> you say while you’re rest your shoulder on the wall, <<Am I wrong or there are more people now?>>
<<Why did you break my beautiful image?! You’re so cruel, (Y/N).>>
<<Just go into the car; I don’t wanna see your face after what you’ve done.>> the man exits while you sit, <<So...>> crossing the legs, you look at Mephisto and Yukio, <<Why are you guys here? I didn’t invite you.>>
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
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