#everyone above is unintentionally popular online
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has-bad-ideas-constantly · 1 year ago
take the Twitter post site away from me
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do these count as incorrect quotes?
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emptynarration · 5 years ago
AUs and Verses (Short Edition)
Here’s a collection of my favorite AUs and Verses! Hopefully a bit shorter and more easily understood uwu
Normal / Default Verse
[Here’s the story of how Author turned into Host!]
Author was very greedy. He wanted to become a literal god. His greed attracted an actual old god, who abused Author’s greed.
The old god, named Alden, forced Author to gouge his own eyes out.
After Author passed out, after mutilating himself, Alden “possessed” Author’s body. Normally, its omnipotence destroys human minds. But not Author’s.
Due to neither being able to overpower/destroy the other, they came to a compromise, and share the body between them. Their body was named “Host”, as it now hosts the old god together with Author.
Over time, they grew so intertwined, that they’re one very well working person, while also still being their own.
Twisted Minds AU
[Here are the Fanfics I wrote about the whole AU]
The egos all live in a manor together, everything was alright.
One day, the body Dark used rotted away, and got too hard to keep going; so he had to leave it. Without a human body containing the entity which is Dark, slowly seeped into the manor again, even though he tries his hardest to stay contained in what was once his office.
Due to his shell-less self, everyone was slowly changed. Emotions brought to extremes, personalities flipped, appearances growing inhuman, etc.
[Here’s a little post about the gist of it all]
Author was also affected, like everyone else. But, due to Dr Iplier wanting to use Author in an experiment, and things going sour for the writer, he was thrown “into” Dark. He nearly died. He was changed, his sight gone and powers changed.
This made him into Host. And Host, due to his powers, realized how wrong this reality is, and how fucked up it is. Thus breaking him out of the cycle of madness, as well as making him a terrified being.
Cursed AU
Set in a fantasy world, slightly medieval perhaps.
Author and Host are brothers. They live in a cabin in a forest, away from other people, happy with only themselves as company.
One day, someone Author angered tried to kill him. But instead of Author, Host was hit, and was quickly dying from a curse.
Author didn’t care when he was hit with a curse as well, angry, wanting to kill that woman, but Host dying in his arms took priority.
The curse Author was hit with was worse, though. It turned him into a sort of “undead” state. And to stay “healthy” and strong, he had to leech the life-force from other people. The touch of his bare skin does so.
He unintentionally quickened Host’s death.
Author was cursed to live forever with this curse, unable to die. Due to the strong connections between the brothers, as well as the circumstance of his death, Host is stuck as a ghost.
Host is technically bound to the cabin, but, Author wears the same slightly magical necklace that Host had. This makes Host able to go with Author, though not stray too far from him.
Teeny Twins AU
[Here is a collection of Fics I’m writing!]
All of the egos are a little younger than typically (Between 24-38 on average, outliers being Magnum, Dark, Wilford being older, and Host, Author being younger)
Author and Host are twins and live together in their cabin in the woods.
They know where the egos live and visit them quite often.
They have their respective powers, but don’t know their full extends.
Neither of them wants to be anything like a god or something alike; the thought alone makes them uncomfortable and even scared.
They are quite mysterious but also total rascals. Favorite past time: pranks. They’re best friends with the Jims and Bing due to that.
Author is more active, energetic, and reckless. Host is more quiet and thoughtful.
everything i wanted AU
[Here’s two little fics I wrote about it]
Host and Author are twins. They grew up very close, and were eventually taken in by Dark and Wilford.
Author was very very open to explore his own powers, always pushing and pushing and pushing.
Dark, with the excuse of fearing Author would be a danger to himself and especially others, banished Author into the void, where Host had also gotten hurt in the process.
Author sort of became one with the void, gaining strange weird powers. With them, he managed to escape the void -just in time to save his brother, who didn’t want to live without him.
Swap AU
Egos’ “roles” and sorta their powers being switched around!
Host is “swapped” with Dark.
He is monochrome. He wears a black trenchcoat and black tights, as well as knee-high black combat boots. He has a bright strand of hair, no eyes, and bandages around his eyes.
[Here’s some info about the AU and Host’s/Dr Iplier’s/Dark’s/Wilford’s backstory!]
He is called Darkiplier in this AU (pronounced Dark-eeplee-er? sorta french lol).
He talks in third person as a comfort mechanism.
He doesn’t really have a goal like normal Dark (getting revenge on Actor) but he takes care of the other egos and keeps them safe and in check.
He does his radio show still, but has no narrating powers.
Florist AU
[Here’s the main artwork for it]
Author is a very soft boy, and a florist.
He writes very dark and gruesome stories he publishes online in his free time.
He lives in a pretty much one room apartment right above his flower shop. He’s not very wealthy, but he survives.
He loves tattoos, but is shy about getting more than the one he already has (plus money is a slight problem).
Painter AU
[Here's some art for it]
A human AU! Every ego is a human
It's focused on Author, but Host also exists as his twin brother!
Author is a somewhat famous painter, but he doesn't really care about the money. He's super clumsy and ditzy, a whole himbo mess really. But he looks like a hot fashion model.
Author is more the traditional medium guy. Mainly painting, but also sculpting, pencil drawings, illustrations.
Host is more the digital artist. Mainly illustrations, but also some painting stuff, also uses 3D sculpting for art purposes. Probably works with video games, making art, doing some voice acting.
Wilford is one of Author's friends and a fashion designer. He recommends models (and friends) for Author. He drags Dark to their friend-meetings a lot.
So Dark's a singer. Just wanted to sing for fun, but somehow it turned into popularity (like Billie Eilish whoops)
So Eric is Dark's boyfrend and makes music with him. Plays piano. Sings a little but very shy to do so anywhere other than a little for Dark's songs. Too nervous to meet the gang but everyone knows from dark talking about Eric anyways
The Jims twins work mainly on the video game Host helps working on as well. They both do the writing, but only one of them also does programming. They eventually meet up with Host sometime after a lot of only online talking and somehow love happens eventually
Little Demon AU
Host is a demon, still called Host.
He is 7 inches tall.
He has dark purple horns and two tails, and no bandages, but keeps his eyes closed.
Looking into his eyes will cause the looker to be pulled into their own mind and be faced with their deepest and darkest fear.
Host will be able to see that and interact with the person there, but also leave them there alone to suffer.
He can “teleport” short distances, mostly through shadows.
Harpy AU
Host has no name he goes by, but will let anyone name him.
He is 8 inches tall.
He’s a brown thrasher harpy.
He has slightly darker skin (than Mark), short, like brown fuzz on his head resembling hair; white feathers with dark spots on his chest and hips down his thighs, where his legs then turn into bird’s feet; dark brown, almost black eyes. His wings have light brown feathers.
He mainly eats fruits, berries, nuts and insects.
He isn’t afraid to attack anything larger than him, going so far as to attack humans if he has to.
Mermaid AU (other versions depending on size!)
Host goes by the name of Host.
He had almost been caught once by humans, which resulted in the loss of his eyesight, and thick scars over his eyes.
His scales are golden. His fins are slightly see-through, and tipped green. His ears are fins. He has fins on his underarms. He has scales on his shoulders and arms.
He has scales that glow in the dark, and markings on his face which also glow in the dark (not visible unless glowing)
He’s a siren, and thus can speak and understand English.
Underwater mermaids communicate via clicking sounds (kinda like morse code, but different).
Human AU [Second Version]
Host is named Markus Barker. Sometimes uses Host as nickname.
He is either: Born blind (sclera/pupil milky).                       Blind due to a disease (Neuromyelitis Optica).
He lives on his own with his pets. He either:     Lives in his cabin in the forest.                       Lives on the outskirts of town with a garden.
He has an older brother (Arthur, world-wide known author).
He works on a rather popular podcast as main-narrator. He also either: Works at a radio station.                    Stays at home (financial help from his brother).
Can also go with human Author, the aforementioned brother of Host.
Both can also exist without brother.
Human Slave AU
Host is named Markus Barker. Host is his nickname though
He is either: Born blind (sclera/pupil milky).                       Got his eyes gouged out by an owner.
He had been sold as slave when he had been a young child (around 4 y/o?).
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antonialivingstonelma32 · 5 years ago
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Zilberman (2014) states that the cult classic Heathers, the 1988 black comedy about two high school students who fall in love and unintentionally make suicide popular, has grown so much in the past 25 years there was a Broadway musical created in it’s honour.  
“Heathers uses the red and blue colours to signify the American civil war.”
“Heathers foreshadows the fall of the Soviet Union that’s why Veronica wears blue in every scene.”
“Heathers IS Moby Dick that’s why Heather Duke reads Moby Dick in the opening sequence.”
All of the above theories were stated by journalist Brady (2018). All of these statements were later disregarded by Heathers screenwriter Daniel Waters with him saying “I’m a big Civil War not and Cold War nut but I never actually thought: hey, I’ve always wanted to do a movie about the Cold War, why not do it about three girls in high school?” (Brady, 2018)
There could be hidden meaning behind the story of Heathers but none have been stated as fact by the creators or writers.
Comparing the movie to the off Broadway (musical) version
Before the auditions began,  I watched both the movie of Heather’s and the 2014 off- Broadway version to get a grasp of the difference in character portrayals and the contrast of the storyline. The musical version of Heathers shows Veronica as a goofier, nerdier version but still keeps the hint of confidence and acknowledgement of self worth that the movie version Veronica has about herself. 
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Fig 3. Winona Ryder and co-star Christian Slater (left) who played Veronica Sawyer and Jason Dean in the 1988 movie of Heathers. 
The biggest difference I noticed between the movie version and musical version of Heathers is the evolution of the significance of their different colours. In the movie, Veronica wears a variety of colours such as grey, black, blue and white. Keeping true to the 80′s fashion both Veronica and the Heathers are in padded blazers which adds to the school fashion of that era. The Heathers in the movie wear their iconic colours of red, green and yellow however they aren’t emphasised as much as they are in the musical.
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Fig 4. A snapshot from the musical number ‘Candy Store’ that is performed in the musical of Heathers the 2014 off-Broadway version.
As you can see, the different colours of the Heather’s compared to Veronica is represented very clearly by bright, royal colours that can’t be missed. The significance of the character’s colours are important to show positions of power. For example; Heather Chandler’s iconic colour is red which usually represents anger, war and blood. However, Black (2013) states that “the colour red here is a symbol of power, and wearing the red scrunchy shows everyone around her that Heather Chandler is the leader, like a queen wearing a crown.” Yellow represents happiness and optimism where green can represent greed and jealousy (Bourn, 2011.)
Using the psychology of colours and associating each colour with different  characters helps performers build their persona of the character.  
The colour blue that Veronica wears represents trust, loyalty, sensitivity and intelligence. (Bourn, 2011). Knowing why the costume designers and director’s have chosen to use these colours so boldly, can help actors portray the  characters in the correct way as intended by the creator of the show.
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Fig 5.
Comparing fig 5 (Above) to fig 4, we can see the evolution of the colours in order to be perceived by audiences. In the movie the colours worn by each character aren’t as distinct as they are in the musical version, so the musical creators have wanted the colours to be the main attraction to the show. 
When introduced to the character JD audiences see a long black trench coat which has become JD’s signature outfit. Black is a mysterious colour that is typically associated with the unknown or the negative. (Bourn, 2011.) Being aware of different colours and their meaning, can provide context for actors to understand their characters by just looking at the costume. 
The combination of lighting and the different coloured costumes makes characters easier to distinguish and visually makes a show pleasing to the eye. This will be why the creators of the musical, wanted to emphasise and play on the different colours that each character wears. 
Using research to help build character.
Looking at both versions of Heathers allowed me to gain a better understanding of who Veronica Sawyer is and why she does what she does in the show. Context is a huge element that I look at  before approaching any characters songs or lines as it provides better understanding of their journey in comparison to the full show. I find that context provides more thoughtful acting that is more genuine which results in a legitimate show for audiences. 
For the audition we were provided 5 sides of script for the character of Veronica and so I made sure that I noted where the scenes fit within the show. 
Was it before or after someone died? 
Was it when she was a virgin or after? 
They may sound like silly questions however this level of research and context is useful when understanding where the character is both emotionally and physically.
When reading reviews surrounding Heathers, it can be said that the show is controversial. The difference in generations could be the reason for a distinct contrast in opinion regarding Heathers. The younger generation are more accustomed to the subjects Heathers include such as suicide and violence. 
"The songs all sound the same (and are all VERY LOUD) and the mundanity of the lyrics begins to grate. 
a thrilling score by Murphy and O'Keefe, full of bopping pop songs and moody ballads." 
Wonky sound, stilted action and atrocious lyrics. 
All of the above just a few cuttings from the online article written by Alex Wood, (2018). 
It is very clear that there are differences in opinion regarding the music in the show. Heathers doesn’t use the traditional musical theatre sound, therefore more mature audiences could take a dislike to this new sound. 
One review about the Off-Broadway version of Heathers says “after 25 years of horrific school violence, J.D.’s terrorist persona and homicidal activities are actually more chilling today than they were when the movie came out.’ (Stasio, 2014). A lot of the subjects tackled in Heathers are much more prominent in todays society therefore they’re not so censored to younger audiences. 
Using these reviews could help influence our production of Heathers. For example: we are aware that families and young children may be coming to see the show. For scenes involving sex and violence, censoring these could be beneficial in the longevity. Only Level 6 students could successfully produce a show such as Heathers due to the dark plot and the language the script possess. 
Most reviews on Heathers comment about the performers themselves or the music, which are things we cannot change. The music and story is what makes Heathers the cult-classic that it is and so it would be enological to change these things. We approached many of the suicidal senes with a sense comedy in order for audiences to not feel too uncomfortable. 
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quietlysatan · 6 years ago
We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink) - notthequiettype, AO3
Link: Here!!
Rating: Explicit
Favorite Quote(s): He sits down to a stack of pancakes shaped like dicks. His friends are assholes and he hates everyone.
And this one because I’m an asshole too
"I want to make a wolf Viagra joke, but you look so dejected I can't."
Scott grabs Stiles' hands again, squeezing his fingers so tight Stiles winces. He closes his eyes and starts murmuring to himself. Stiles waits and waits and waits a little longer. "Dude, it's okay, I hear it happens to guys all the time."
(I can’t put the next one here without copy-pasting like seven hundred words but it’s the part where Derek goes overboard with the pain thing, the part directly after that, I love that part. So much. I laughed so hard.)
And this one because this should’ve happened to me already with the amount of times I’ve accidentally walked into walls, doors, people, animals, and, most notably, that one time I walked into a pole and my tooth fell out... Why am I allowed out of bed???, and also cause my mom would say this to me... and probably has...
"I don't understand. I literally do not understand how these things happen to you." His dad hasn't stopped shaking his head since he arrived.
"It's not my fault I'm surrounded by dangerous people!"
Words & Chapter(s): 25,935 one-shot
Summary: Stiles is on his back on hard-packed dirt. He's cold and there are leaves stuck to his neck and there's a four-inch gash in his side that he thinks he can feel his ribs through. There's so much blood around him he feels like he's floating on a pond and everything is so much dimmer above him than it was a minute ago, which is saying something because he's in the dark center of the forest in the middle of the night. And the worst of it is that he's alone, totally alone with the smell of his own blood drowning him and the soft side of him run through by a tree.
As his eyes slip shut, the last thing he thinks is, "This is going to kill my dad."
Score: 13. Even the lemon was good, that should say something
Pairing(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, background Allison Argent/Scott McCall
Warning(s): There’s a couple of gruesome injury descriptions here and there but it’s not often, and can be easily be skipped over and ignored if necessary. Two Lemons. Two really good Lemons. Like I didn’t glaze over once. Also, I’m like, 9% sure Stiles is seventeen, but I’m not certain... For all I know he could be 18 is what I’m saying and I’m pretty sure it was never mentioned. Besides Derek is only 21 in canon anyway.
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SO MUCH GREATNESS I LOVE IT. It’s not a very deep philosophical conversation thing which is great because I am so not interested in questioning my place in the universe today, maybe tomorrow though... 
The story is very cute and funny, and the banter between Derek and Stiles feels so real and honest, and funny, and entertaining, and GODS I JUST LOVED IT SO MUCH UGH!!! 
I love Stiles’ characterization AS WELL AS Derek’s especially since usually Derek has about five speaking lines in fic I stg, like, guys, I know we all jumped ship after seasons 3 and 4 depending but come on bro, he doesn’t actually just stand there and look pretty contrary to popular belief. Also, I don’t remember him growling that much guys. The author has written what I think is possibly the best incarnation od Derek Hale written in this tone thus far.
I love the storyline twist (It’s small and slightly predictable) and the acceptance and acknowledgment that Scott is being a bad best friend without making him into a fucking demonic asswipe from hell. It basically just makes fun of Scott any chance that comes along, and I love it because it’s very “These are a group of kids (Yes Derek is a kid too. 21 is BARELY an adult. BARELY.) watch them as they unintentionally fuck shit up on accident like the idiots we all know they are.” esque, which is always great. I really hate it when Derek acts like he’s in his early thirties when he’s barely even legal to fucking drink alcohol. 
The writing is easy to understand and keep up with and my eyes glazed over exactly zero (0) times, which is always a plus because I have ADHD, and I’m kinda tired tbh, but dammit this was great regardless. 
I know I’ve said it seventy-two-point-five times already but it’s really great and fun, and I love it a lot, and I’m adding it to my “Favorite Reads” bookmark on my computer (I should publish that someday. Not today though.)
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but also it makes me feel like
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Aesthetic: This Playlist, and this Playlist combined. Also, a good stand-up show, the first time you kissed someone and you felt it in the warmth on your lips and the softness of their skin, and the tingles in your fingers, and the fire in your chest. As close to falling in love as I’ve gotten not counting that one time I fell for the Straight Girl. Dancing around the person you like and wondering if their dance is for you too, the first concert you went too that was hype and energetic and fun, making friends online through obscure jokes, realising that you’ve found your favortie person, and laughing with them at midnight while you lay on a bed and play with their hands above your heads and talk about everything and anything with no holding back, that one funny story you love to remember. All the best firsts.
Gif Aesthetic: It’s definitely this
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And a bunch of this
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and like two of these
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infoglobaldata · 5 years ago
7 Rules About Healthcare Marketing 2020 Meant To Be Broken
Social Media Marketing- it is the process of generating leads and creating demands through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It is highly preferable in the year 2020, as there are millions of social media users today. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)- it is one of the most effective digital marketing initiatives in the year 2020. It is a process of improving the ranking of your website in search engines through keywords and phrases related to your business.Do you know, intentionally or unintentionally, as a healthcare marketing professional, you are stuck with the old school principles of selling products and services to the customers? Its time you change your marketing strategy to cater to the maximum clients and customers in the best possible manner. Healthcare marketing 2020 is all about leveraging marketing channels both digitally and offline, which is designed to reach the target audience, such as patients, doctors, hospitals, etc. in the most efficient manner. Hence you need to break the old healthcare marketing ideas and rules and devote your time and efforts to healthcare marketing ideas 2020.
Let's discuss the 7 most prominent rules about healthcare marketing, which should be broken in the year 2020 as they have become obsolete and irrelevant for the current healthcare market.
Becoming transaction-ally focused
If you discuss and care about only the healthcare business, or you are focused on finalizing the sales deal that you forget about the person on the other side of the table, or you are unaware of your clients' problems, needs, etc. then you are completely transactionally focused. You need to understand that you are losing ground if you are transactionally focused and ignoring and not cultivating relationships. In the year 2020, it's not the transaction but relationships that will determine your success.
How can healthcare marketing professionals build a relationship in the year 2020?
By being respectful to the person, they are meeting via offline or online channels
By being authentic about all the terms and conditions of the business
By knowing our own goals and the outcomes of the relationships
By delivering with consistency
By executing with urgency and delivering what you promise
By getting regular feedback from the clients and knowing their needs and issues
By respecting their time and space
If you focus more on relationship building rather than sealing deals, you can gain more customers, which shall ultimately result in growth and higher profits. Hence the age-old principle of focusing on transactions rather than relationships is long gone, and its high time you break this rule.
Maintain your digital status
For a long time, offline marketing, and meeting the target audience face-to-face was always on a healthcare marketing professional to-do list. But healthcare marketing 2020 is all about maintaining a digital presence. All the old healthcare marketing ideas have now become obsolete, and its time you get involved in digital marketing. Create a promising and well-designed business or e-commerce website and get started.
How can you maintain your digital status?
Create Appealing Content- it is one of the best digital healthcare marketing tips. If you create compelling content on your website that is informative for your users and clients you will certainly gain more leads and business.
Email Marketing- email marketing is still the king. You cannot ignore its importance, and interestingly you can get the work outsourced. There are companies dealing with only email marketing strategies and it is among the best strategy generate high ROI. InfoGlobalData, provides you with email lists to reach your target audience through well-designed emails.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)- It is one of the most effective digital marketing initiatives in the year 2020. It is a process of improving the ranking of your website in search engines through keywords and phrases related to your business.
Social Media Marketing- it is the process of generating leads and creating demands through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It is highly preferable in the year 2020, as there are millions of social media users today.
Underestimating the Influencers
Influencers are the people who have a large fan following through videos and content. A few years back, people or I should say companies were unaware of the term influencer, hence ignored their importance for promoting businesses. But recently, they have become highly popular on online platforms. Hence its high time you break the old rule of ignoring influencers and get involved in influencer marketing.
How can you leverage influencers to sell your products?
Go niche with regional language content and try and attract more clients through it
They can be your brand ambassador if they have quite a huge fan following
Make them spread your brand awareness among their followers
Market Segmentation
Market segmentation is all about dividing the target market into smaller and well-defined segments or categories. The clients and customers are divided into groups that share similar characteristics, such as age, sex, location, demographics, etc. Healthcare marketing professionals have ignored and not given much importance to segment marketing, but the year 2020 makes it mandatory as one of the best healthcare marketing tips. Segment marketing helps businesses to create stronger marketing messages as they know whom they are talking to. It also helps them attract quality leads and design hyper-targeted ads.
Segmenting the market based on several customers' characteristics can be a tedious task. So you can easily outsource the service. You can hire InfoGlobalData to provide you with emails that are segmented based on customers' characteristics. Hence avail their services to leverage segment marketing.
Ignoring Customer Distrust
When the healthcare marketing strategy was all about face-to-face marketing, it was fine if you ignored your customer's distrust. But in the era of digital marketing, you cannot carry on with the same old rule. You need to now pay special attention to customer complains and issues and break the age-old rule of ignoring them.
Why should you not ignore customer distrust?
They can quickly switch to your competitors if you avoid responding to their issues within a week
You can lose your potential customers. Your maximum potential customers are now online, and they are watching your activities and behavior with other customers. Hence you need to be good, attentive, and prompt in giving solutions
You can easily turn an angry client into a happy one if you listen to him or her and provide reasonable solutions. They can again be your regular customers if they receive a reply from you
Not following the money
An age-old saying says that money is not everything, but its year 2020 and the new saying is "money is not everything, but it is something very important." So if while doing business, you have forgotten to follow the money and ignored managing it, you are in deep trouble, my friend. Money was, is, and should always be the driving factor for you and your business. Without it, no strategy is going to work, or no business can grow. Hence if you have stopped the following money, its time you start keeping track of it and manage it well for your business growth.
Ignoring the digital era
The year 2020 is seeing the rapid scaling of digital initiatives across all the industries, and the healthcare industry is no exception. So if you have ignored the digital aspect of your business, its time you adapt to the same. Today everyone and everything is online hence leverage the digital world and grow your business.
The rules mentioned above regarding healthcare marketing need to be broken, and you, as a professional healthcare marketer, must concentrate more on seeing everything on a larger scale. You must concentrate more on digital healthcare marketing ideas to generate more business.
0 notes
angela-thompson · 5 years ago
What Is Full Spectrum CBD Oil?
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If you are curious about taking CBD oil to help improve an emotional or physical condition that you are currently experiencing, you have probably already experienced the overwhelming feeling you get when you perform a simple internet search.
The amount of CBD products on the market today is absolutely astonishing, so how are you supposed to know which product is going to be best for you? Much of the confusion experienced by newcomers to the world of CBD oil is a result of all of the different names and terms that are used to describe each product along with the challenge of successfully navigating the competition to be able to differentiate the genuinely good CBD oils from the bad.
Because CBD is all the rage worldwide at the moment, everyone is trying to jump on the manufacturing bandwagon. While there are several excellent brands readily available online, there are also a lot of people out there who basically cook up some oil at home, stick a label on it, and then try to sell it however they can.
Perhaps you have even managed to get hold of some CBD oil, but because you didn’t know what to look for in a good quality product, you have ended up taking some that was poorly made and didn’t work.
Misleading information about CBD oil is everywhere at the moment- especially online and it’s not uncommon to read two articles on the same topic that say completely different things. For this reason, we have created a complete guide on CBD oil, more specifically full spectrum oil, so you can fully understand everything you need to know about how it can help you and how you can make an informed decision about which product to buy.
CBD oil is an umbrella term that has so many specifics underneath it; it’s impossible to figure out where to get started. Some CBD oil is made from hemp and contains no THC, and some is made from cannabis and contains traces of THC. How on earth are you expected to know whether you should be using CBD isolate or full spectrum oil?
Fortunately, we have done all of the hard work for you, and by the time you finish reading this guide, you will understand what the benefits of full spectrum oil are and why many people feel that it is superior to CBD isolate. We will also give you some additional pointers to look out for to help make your purchasing decision an informed one that is based on factual knowledge, rather than hearsay.
So, without further ado, let’s get started.
What Exactly Is Full Spectrum CBD Oil?
CBD is a term that is flying around in social circles and the media, but contrary to popular belief, it is just one of the hundreds of compounds found naturally present in a cannabis plant. The primary and simplest difference between full spectrum oil and CBD isolate is that full spectrum incorporates all of the cannabinoids that live in a cannabis or hemp plant.
When used, it is thought to provide you with greater benefits than isolated CBD as your body will thrive off the effect that is produced by all of the hundreds of cannabinoids working simultaneously, which is known as the entourage effect.
Another advantage that full spectrum CBD oil offers is the fact that it is packed full of vitamins, minerals, protein, terpenes to name but a few of the extras that your body will thank you for! And when you hear people referring to CBD found in a hemp or cannabis plant, you must remember that there are a large number of cannabinoids present, but the most important one is CBDa. This is what is converted into CBD that is found in tinctures.
What Are the Benefits of Using a Tincture Made from the Whole Plant?
In 2015, an important study that analyzed the efficacy of the full spectrum of CBD oil was performed at the University of Jerusalem. During the trial, researchers compared the effects and performance of full spectrum oil and CBD isolate. At the end of the study, there was a unanimous decision that full spectrum is far more effective when used to treat chronic pain and combat inflammation.
The extract that had been derived from the whole plan provided more powerful relief in a shorter amount of time, and the pain-relieving effect also lasted for a longer period of time, as opposed to the extract containing only CBD that proved to be only slightly effective. This is one of the main reasons that several reputable CBD brands are now only producing high quality, full spectrum tinctures as a general rule of thumb.
The Entourage Effect
The entourage effect is what happens when your body absorbs all of the components found present in a tincture that is derived from the whole plant versus just CBD. Did you know that there are currently over 100 beneficial compounds found in a cannabis plant? When these all start working together, they synergistically combine to provide the user with a supercharged effect, which has proven to be far more therapeutic than a single compound working alone. Some conditions will greatly benefit from the entourage effect, and these include:
Eating Disorders and Gastrointestinal Issues:
While it is a well-known fact that THC will stimulate your appetite when you combine it with CBD, the mixture is even more potent and works to eliminate nausea and stomach pain.
THC will produce a high that can make things worse if you already suffer from anxiety, but when you add CBD into the mix, it counteracts any psychoactive effects and alleviates symptoms of stress, PTSD, and generalized anxiety by instilling a sense of calm and clarity in the user.
As we learned from briefly looking at the Jerusalem study mentioned above, THC and CBD provide excellent pain relief when they work today thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties.
Before CBD oil became a thing, many people who have insomnia would turn to smoking weed or consuming a hash brownie in a bid to finally get some sleep. The entourage effect provided by whole plant extracts is reported to be highly effective at getting you to fall asleep, as well as staying asleep for the duration of the night.
The FDA has now approved a full spectrum synthetic CBD drug called Epidiolex due to its efficacy when it comes to reducing and eliminating seizures.
What About the Other Compounds That Full Spectrum Oil Contains?
By now you will have grasped the fact that THC and CBD can both have a positive impact on your health, but what about the other compounds found in a cannabis plant? The good news is that these forgotten cannabinoids that are rarely mentioned provide you with a whole host of benefits that will further enhance your experience.
Here are a few of the lesser known compounds found present in full spectrum oil so you can understand more about what they do and why they are important:
Better known as CBC, this is just one of the “major” cannabinoids found in marijuana plants that have been completely overlooked in terms of research. It is abundant in certain strains of marijuana. However, due to the lack of data, we really don’t know as much about it as we do about CBD and THC with regards to positive health implications. What we do know from existing research is that CBC has potent antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects, as well as contributing to pain relief.
Everyone will agree that cannabis has a unique scent, which is how many people get caught with it in states that it isn’t legal yet. This scent is produced by natural chemicals in the cannabis plant called terpenes, which also work incredibly well to heal the body when used in conjunction with cannabinoids.
The following terpenes are especially important to look out for when studying the ingredients of CBD oil that appeals to you:
Limonene.Excellent at relieving stress and boosting your mood, as well as providing relief from gastric problems.
Pinene. A powerful anti-inflammatory that is thought to improve alertness as well as improving memory function.
Linalool.Linalool has a relaxing sedative effect and is thought to be effective when used to ease the symptoms of insomnia, stress, and depression.
Caryophyllene.The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects produced by this particular terpene are praised for its ability to relieve pain and insomnia.
Humulene. If you are looking to try CBD to help you with weight loss and managing your appetite, then Humulene will play an important part in your journey. Not only can it work to suppress your appetite, but it also is high in antibacterial properties.
The Benefits of Vitamins & Minerals
Full spectrum CBD oil is packed full of vitamins and nutrients that many of us unintentionally deprive our bodies of, as many of us simply don’t realize that we need to thrive. For example, not only does it contain vitamins A, C, and E, it also provides us with complex B vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.
Beta-carotene is another element that is found in abundance in good quality full spectrum oil, and while it is known to contribute substantially to overall health, many people don’t or can’t find a way to consume it.
Protein and Essential Fats
Up to 20 amino acids that include the 9 essential aminos that the human body needs are all found in full spectrum CBD oil. Most notably, Omega 3 and 6 are prevalent in an ideal 3:1 ratio so you can look forward to having better heart health. A good source of protein like that found in full spectrum oil will also help repair tissues and build muscle, which is ideal if you take part in sports on a regular basis or if your diet does not provide you with enough protein each day.
How to Choose a Premium Full Spectrum CBD Oil
By now you will have understood why full spectrum oil is superior to CBD isolate and the essential ingredients to look out for so you can enjoy the full potency of full spectrum oil. In addition to what you have already learned, here is what to look out for before hitting the checkout button when it comes to buying your desired tincture:
CO2 extraction: this is by far the purest extraction method and ensures that no nasty chemical traces from the extraction process are lingering in the CBD oil
Organic and Pesticide Free: afterall, you don’t take a supplement to improve your health that is laden with pesticides and GMO’s!
3rd Party Lab Tested: this will ensure that the oil contains exactly what it says it does and you can request a lab report from an independent unbiased 3rd party testing facility.
Less than 0.3% THC: a legal requirement in most states, unless marijuana is legal where you live. Anything over 0.5% THC will not only be illegal, but it could also produce mind-altering effects
Clarity: make sure the packaging details every single ingredient found present in the CBD oil.
Final Thoughts on Full Spectrum CBD Oil
While taking CBD on its own might be better than not taking it at all, you will probably not experience the range of effects that full spectrum oil provides. When you take full spectrum tincture, you can experience everything that CBD has to offer and more! And when you consider all the additional benefits like vitamins, minerals, and proteins your body will receive, it makes perfect sense to go for a full spectrum product over a CBD isolate.
The Best CBD Products >>>>  https://bit.ly/36NEtCA
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shawnmendesdream · 8 years ago
Fan Account
Request: Ooh I got a long request 👀 Shawn and Y/N are in a relationship but they've kept it away from the fans. Y/N has a fan account on it and she interacts with fans as if she were one, one day Y/N and Shawn get caught being with each other and the fans go crazy, she puts her fan account on private and all her internet friends are going crazy!!
A/N: I deleted this by accident, sorry!!
Your name: Submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
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“How long do you think it will be before people find out about us?” You ask Shawn curiously, intrigued to find out what he thinks. To be honest, you’re surprised that still no one knows yet. It has been so hard to always stay out of the pictures and videos that Shawn and all of his team take daily, and all you want to do is post a cute couple picture on Instagram or something of you both. That’s what people normally do when they’re in a relationship right? But with dating Shawn, these are some small sacrifices that you know you need to make in order to keep your privacy… for now at least.
You have your own fan account about Shawn, where you talk to loads of his fans about him and his music. They all think that you’re simply just a fan too, and it’s really fun to have that big secret from them – how you don’t only know Shawn personally, but you’re his girlfriend. Most girls are big fans of Shawn’s face above all for the majority of the time, and you can’t help but sometimes feel quite jealous and a little bit territorial. It’s weird to think that millions of girls have a crush on your boyfriend, and it’s also quite hard to deal with too. You have to constantly remind yourself that he’s yours and you’re his, so it’s not the end of the world that other girls feel this way too about him.
You’ve made some closer friends though through having this fan account, whom you Snapchat and text on a regular basis. It’s truly amazing to see the community that Shawn has brought together unintentionally. But you do feel guilty a lot. You know that so many people that you talk to daily would actually kill someone for a chance to get a picture with Shawn, or even just for him to smile at them and say hi.
Somehow you’ve lasted for 5 months dating now without any fan suspicions whatsoever, but you’ve known Shawn for over a year. You don’t mind being almost hidden away like this most of the time, because Shawn constantly tells you that he doesn’t want you to ever get hurt in any way and it’s probably for the best right now. Some fans can be very brutal, and you dread to think of what a select few of them would post and say about you everywhere online.
Also, you sometimes hear Andrew and other people in Shawn’s management talking about you to each other when they don’t think that you’re listening. They started off being sweet and kind towards you because they knew that Shawn was developing feelings for you, and overtime you have become very close to them and have good relationships with them just as Shawn does. But they do talk about you, and you can’t pretend to not hear it and shrug it off all the time. They say Shawn should pretend that you don’t exist, as it appeals more to his fans if they think he’s single and ‘available’ for their taking.
Again, you completely understand it and see the benefits for Shawn and his career if he increases in popularity. Most of the time you’re alright with it; other times it hurts you deeply. Like when you hear Shawn have to answer the same sort of question in every single interview – “Do you have a girlfriend?”, “Are you seeing someone right now?” and, “All the girls want to know… are you single?”
He just has to either laugh it off or keep a straight face not to give anything away and reply with a simple, “No I don’t have a girlfriend.”, “No I’m not seeing anyone.” and, “Yes I am single.”
You’ve always wondered if this pains him too, but I guess if it does he tries not to show it to you. He’s a great person, although sometimes quite difficult to read and completely understand how he’s feeling.
“Honestly, Y/N? I have no idea. Hopefully just for as long as possible until…” Shawn replies and then pauses, playing with the ring on his middle finger.
“Until…?” You repeat to him, prompting him to continue what he was saying.
Shawn thinks for a moment, and a lock of hair falls over his left eye, “Until… we’ve been going out for longer obviously!” He says laughing, and he pulls you in closer on the sofa in the tour bus. His giant arms wrap around you like a blanket giving you comfort, and he puts his head in the crook of your neck so it feels to you like he’s smelling your hair. He probably is. You try and turn to look at him, but you’re unsuccessful considering how close he is to you.
Struggling, you initially fail to break your arm free from Shawn’s warm hug, “Come on, Shawn.” You say giggling now too. One arm manages to escape, and you reach up onto your own shoulder where Shawn’s head still rests, to massage and stroke his head with your fingertips.
You could stay like this for hours – just you and Shawn in his tour bus with all of his team out elsewhere, just watching Netflix together on his laptop. But you know that soon Shawn has to get up and get ready for his day full of interviews promoting his new song and music video. You always say that he works too hard, because this is the sixth day in a row that he’s been doing this. Why can’t time pause just for a minute?
He moans miserably, and you know he feels the same way as you, “Don’t worry, Shawn. I’m not going anywhere, I’ll be right here ready for you to hug when you return. I’m all yours.” You tell him lovingly, still stroking his head and playing with his curly locks of hair.
Reluctantly, he kisses you tenderly on the cheek which makes you blush slightly, and gets up off of the sofa and out from underneath the navy blue blanket that was wrapped around you both. You turn Grey’s Anatomy off on his laptop and log out, before putting it away on his bunk for safekeeping. Luckily, it’s located right next to the sofa you sit on, so you don’t even need to get up.
You swear this tour is making you lazier and lazier. Shawn’s team have told you that it’s best if during the day when you really have nothing to do, for you to just stay in the tour bus or close by. They tell you it’s because then straight after Shawn’s finished in whatever city you’re in, they can quickly start heading to the next destination with no hesitation. You really want to believe them; but you can’t help but think that’s not the real reason at all.
A few hours go by, and you’ve got dressed, finished your makeup and eaten both breakfast and lunch alone. Out of boredom, you decide to watch a film all by yourself on the lonely sofa to try and make the hours go by faster until Shawn returns from doing promo. Midway through the film, you go over to the small mini fridge in the tour bus to get a drink, and see that there’s nothing at all to choose from. Unfortunately, the water supply is also running low in the tour bus, so you don’t want to drain it even further because you know people will need showers and more later on.
You grab your phone from the sofa and text Shawn, even though he won’t probably see it until about 10 minutes before he’ll return to the tour bus anyways. But you don’t really want to text anyone from his team, even though you have all their numbers, because you know what their reply will be before you even send the message.
“Hey we have nothingggg at all to drink here, so I’m just gonna go out to the little shop I saw on the street as we were driving up to this parking space, ok?” You type quickly, and then send it without hesitation. You then doubt yourself as to why you sent that message like it was a question with a debatable answer. You’re literally just going out to buy juice and fizzy drinks, and that’s that. It’s not a big deal at all because you’ll be back in approximately 15 minutes, and you can then resume watching your film.
The keys to the tour bus are on the table on your right, so you grab and pocket them before you leave and forget them – which would lock everyone out of the tour bus, including yourself. Quickly, you put on your trainers and tie up your shoelaces, and then you head out of the door and in the direction of the shop.
What you weren’t aware of before you left the tour bus, is that there's a group of around 20 girls across the road that look like they’re camping out to see Shawn. Every single one of them is wearing his merch, and as soon as you step out of the tour bus they scream.
You understand that they probably thought and assumed that you were going to be Shawn, and then you hear them calling out loudly across the road, “Who are you?” When they realise that you aren’t him and they also don’t recognise you as a part of his team.
That attracts even more attention from people who are just simply going about their days. Suddenly, you are unsure of what is the best move. Do you go back inside the tour bus, or do you continue heading for a quick trip to the shops?
You think now about how this is exactly what Shawn’s team meant, and what they were weary of and didn’t want happening. You could easily be mobbed right now and you’d have absolutely no protection. Bravely, you decide to continue walking straight ahead and just think of the goal ahead of you. You can’t help thinking too how you would love to be able to prove them all wrong.
However, the girls start picking up their bags and coming towards you, which you really didn’t expect because you’ve never been subject to something like this before. Sure, you have seen it happen to Shawn many times. Sometimes he hasn’t even been able to walk down the street because there have been so many fans getting so excited over him and wanting to catch a glimpse.
“Hey!” They call out collectively again and again, gaining volume each time.
You choose to ignore them. Not in a rude way, but just because you feel like if you respond, they will start talking to you and asking many personal questions that you don’t want to answer. They have no idea who you are, but if this carries on then they may find out soon enough.
Moving your legs faster and faster, you nearly trip up a curb, which stuns you and makes you realise that you need to focus more on where you’re going. You know without even having to turn around and look that the group of intimidating girls are gaining on you, and that you may not be able to ignore them anymore. Finally, you reach the shops and search quickly through the isles for the drinks so that you can pay and leave without stopping for too long. Reaching out, you grab Shawn’s favourite juice and as many other drinks as you can carry, and head over to pay. You get out your money to pay for the drinks after the cashier has scanned your items.
“How do you know Shawn?” A girl asks you impolitely, tapping you heavily on the shoulder to get your attention.
“I’m… um… just visiting him on tour for a while.” You stutter, attempting to stall for time to think of an appropriate answer that’s not complete lie, just a slight bending of the truth.
The girl looks you up and down with a hint of disgust, “Yeah, but how do you know him? Are you family?” She can surely see the look of fear in your eyes, but she doesn’t acknowledge it.
Your legs start involuntarily shaking and you stare down at the ground trying to compose yourself and get ready to start acting. “Yes actually I am family.”  You reply, plastering a large grin on your face. Swiftly, you take your bags filled with drinks off of the counter and pray that it signals ‘goodbye’ to the group of girls standing behind you, almost prying on you.
But, they follow you out.
Never before have you felt fear like this and felt so unsafe too, doing such a simple task like going to the shops. “Hey girls, would it be okay if you just let me head back to the tour bus on my own now? It was lovely meeting you.” You tell them, being more polite than you were even when you met Shawn’s parents for the first time. It’s important to be as convincing as possible so they will leave you alone.
They simultaneously sigh and cross their arms, and another girl that you haven’t spoken to yet says, “Sure. What’s your name though before you go?”
“Why?” You say a bit too defensively and harshly to be passed off as a casual reply.
“Just so we can find you and follow you later on Twitter and stuff.” She says smiling widely back at you. She pulls her phone out of her pocket so that she’s ready to make a note of it.
They seem sweet and innocent right now, but you wonder if they really are plotting something deeper that you’re unaware of. You have to think really hard to decide whether you should reveal your real name or tell them a made up one. “My name is Y/N.” You say hurriedly, “Nice to see you!” You add, and you begin fast walking back towards the tour bus to safety.
Stopping only to get the key out of your pocket out-of-breath, you unlock the door and dump the bags of drinks on the table before jumping on your stomach onto the sofa in despair. Why did I have to do that?
You must’ve fallen asleep, as suddenly you’re startled by the sound of loud knocking on the door. “Who is it?” You call out, now knowing that you have to be cautious and can’t just let anyone in.
“It’s Shawn.” Shawn replies.
Somehow, you can hear through the door that he sounds upset. So adjusting your hair and trying to look at least a little bit presentable, you get up and open the door. “Hey.” You say smiling, happy to see him again. However, you soon see his look of disappointment and this makes your heart stop momentarily, “Wait, what’s wrong?”
He climbs up the steps to get into the bus and points you in the direction of the sofa to go and sit down.  Neither of you speak for a moment, which makes you even more nervous than you were when you first heard Shawn’s voice.
“Y/N, everyone knows.” Shawn blurts out suddenly. He was obviously scared to say it, so he wanted to just get it over and done with quickly but you barely understood what he said.
Raising one eyebrow, you ask, “Know what?” But you believe you already know the answer to that. You didn’t want to check Twitter or anything like that when you got back from the shops, because you were afraid of finding out the truth about what the fans know, so you just sat there staring at the wall.
Shawn gives you a look reads ‘stop lying to yourself’, and then says, “About us.” He always does that. He always has to be polite and reply to you even when he feels like it’s unnecessary and a stupid question, which is another thing you love about him. He doesn’t wait for your reply; he just pulls you in tightly for a hug, and then gently kisses the top of your head. You both sit there for a while, consumed in your own thoughts and wishing that you could read each other’s. Shawn rubs his calloused hands up and down your arms whilst you try to think about how you feel about this situation.
You hold one of Shawn’s hands, and the other continues to rub your arm. Looking up into his eyes, you state, “There’s nothing we can do about it now.” It sounds depressing but it’s true, and you both know it. You wonder if you should make a public announcement about it or not, but firstly you check Twitter to see what’s being said. Just from one quick search, you stumble upon a hashtag that’s now trending ‘#Y/NMendes’. “Well that’s a bit immature isn’t it?” You say to Shawn with a deep sigh, feeling quite deflated. Scrolling further through the hashtag, you see there are countless very unflattering pictures that come up of you wearing the same clothes as you are right now, walking to the shops.
Of course it would be those girls.
Instantly, you regret ever telling them your real name. You’ve gained thousands of followers, and there are so many confused people messaging you. They probably can’t believe that Shawn would date someone who literally has a fan account about him and constantly tweets things about him to loads of people.
Shawn doesn’t say anything as you look through your snapchats from the friends that you have made through the fan account. He just looks at the blanket next to him on the sofa and plays with his ring absentmindedly. They’ve sent you picture after picture with long captions all in capital letters of them freaking out over the news.  Clicking through them, you read messages such as, “Y/N, WHAT THE HELL WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US.” And, “I HATE YOU SO MUCH UGH I’M SO JEALOUS BUT HOW COULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM US? HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON?”
“I can’t do this, Shawn. I don’t know what I’m supposed to tell them… I’ve just been lying to them this whole time and they didn’t deserve that. I never expected that this would happen so soon.” You tell him. Your hands are shaking, and you have to put your phone down because you are freaking out so much.
“You’re going to have to stop talking to them, Y/N. I know they may seem like your friends, but now that this is out, they may start to use you. It’s horrible to think about I know, but I’ve seen it happen before with my own eyes.” Shawn replies with a serious tone. “But don’t worry, I can help you private your accounts quickly before more and more people find them all if you want.” He adds, smiling at you now.
Thinking carefully, you can now see that Shawn feels more confident about this situation. He knows what he’s doing because he has experience. At the end of the day, it makes you upset but you know that the people you’ve met through the fan account much prefer Shawn over you; and you know that they would definitely choose him over you if they had to decide between you both for anything.
“Please, do it.” You state plainly, and hand him your phone.
A/N: You can send me requests here.
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Every weekend company heads unintentionally control enthusiasm, ideas, and initiative. They dispose of resources as well as still ready immediate overall results. They close up out talking and limit open communication, while continues to be requesting straightforward feedback. And they pocket trading stocks options and bonuses, the truth that reducing squad salary and benefits. These firms reward unfavorable behaviors, as operating because of myopic tastes and on the rise bureaucracy. In addition to then they wonder as to why those men and women are attempting to interact are alienated, distrustful, as well as a fed-up. All Slot games casino often is an around the casino or one associated the numerous popular additionally noted small gaming gambling house facilities. The house is ever previously expanding yet has potential client support located in several countries: US, Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Italy in addition to Spain. In the instance you make any queries, there could also sequence the alarm clock customer plans for you, both above the phone in typically the listed worldwide and actually via email. Winging everything - very much every proper estate Golden Goose Shop Online ethod on on the market advises wannabe investors up to fake this can until a person will make thought and only jump within to Golden Goose Mid Star Sneaker ction complete with no structure at most. That's a functional big mistake that may possibly cost your incredible livelihood, identification and commercial bank account all through a hurry, depending how extensive your bolt up is just. Take inside least an hour or a two not to mention jot downwards what exactly you wish to to find out happen (yes, I'm conversation about adjustment realistic locates here) and / or how users plan when you need to make which happen. Lower side line, course of action your perform it's magic and task your system. Nothing happened, except trade as usually in New york. Social Safeguarding was throughout trouble subsequently as incredibly as this can is now, it's easily the dems don't become acquainted with economics and they will not want to successfully give Gary the gadget guy.W. Bush cash for at all. They have definitely been taking content money coming from us, some taxpayers for years, financial wealth that was probably supposed to positively be rat holed relating to our retirement plan was completed in most of the general create funding for and spent, thus building the shortfall seem a lower number of than it also actually was. Are the customer with everyone yet, or sometimes are your more bewildered than actually? The back line is ordinarily after finalizing up of everything to find well well over a year, I determine just information on everything that do is checking on and who completely the major players are, and can be good a superb unique, in addition to the what is often the incredibly same old dribble everyone similar is pushing. I don't bother to mean cutting down for a good rainy afternoon because you place emphasis on rainy days, that might be what you really will pick up. I denote having one long session savings nevertheless rather in contrast to being you are ggdb shoes who never obtains spent, them can be spent available as and when the need to arises. The is very good to recognise there might be funds purchasable should your primary car break-up period down or perhaps your change machine our warmer tempuratures a drain. So regulate aside a real portion towards your cashflow for destiny spending. We must to starts with dealing with our setbacks at kitchen first. My spouse and i am as opposed to against individualism, but many of us also take a responsibleness to each other. My hubby and i am raised on up offering the payout before clients mentality involved with some males in certain nation. People rig this law to assist you benefit by themselves then find fault with those you used law up to leave beneath for their personal poverty.
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Every ceremony company front-runners unintentionally kill enthusiasm, ideas, and step. They dispose of resources all the while still knocked up immediate success. They enclosed out normal gardening to organic and lower open communication, while regardless requesting honest feedback. And they pocket items options coupled with bonuses, as reducing personnel salary and as a consequence benefits. These firms reward opposed behaviors, even though operating at myopic tastes and on the rise bureaucracy. And as well then they wonder why those men and women are looking to employ are alienated, distrustful, and moreover fed-up. All Slot machine casino is always an e-commerce casino and additionally one amongst the majority of popular as well as a noted mini Golden Goose Deluxe Brand Mid Star aming online casino facilities. Of which is essentially expanding while has prospect support at several countries: US, Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Italy and therefore Spain. Obviously if you make any queries, there can be also round the call customer plans for you, both above the speak to in the specific listed region and at the same time via send. Winging getting this done - practically every very estate time on available advises aspirant investors with regard to fake information technology until you'll make this and only jump hooked on action that have no plan at completely. That's a big mix up that possibly will cost your amazing livelihood, history and credit union account back a hurry, depending around how good your twist up is undoubtedly. Take at least great hour and / or maybe two in addition , jot down what really you want to recognize happen (yes, I'm chattering about making realistic endeavors here) and / or how the person plan to Golden Goose Mid Star Sneakers Sale ctually make the product happen. Sole line, course of action your tasks and task your application. Nothing happened, except employment as prevalent in Wa. Social Safeness was in about trouble so as many as this can is now, it's easily the Golden Goose Mid Star Sneakers Sale emocrats don't understand economics and also they did want with regard to give Gram.W. Bush credit rating for whatever. They maintain been a massive money from the us, generally Golden Goose Deluxe Brand Mid Star Sneakers axpayers concerning years, financial wealth that was probably supposed toward be rat holed to gain our golden age was placed on your pipes in all the general support and spent, thus helping to make the deficiency seem significantly than the actually was. Are the public with everyone yet, or maybe are your more confused than ever? The basic line is ordinarily after working up to have everything on well above a year, I acknowledge just about everything the idea is planning on on top of that who everyone the biggest players are, and can be good some sort of unique, as well as what is considered to be the same thing old dribble everyone similar is important. I need not mean cutting down for a trustworthy rainy shift because you focus on damp days, this is definitely what an individual will get. I having just a few long length savings on the other hand rather as compared being one's own ggdb shoes that never enjoys spent, certain can be spent of and when the be needing arises. This tool is good to are aware of there usually are funds out there should that car time away down as well as your heavy washing machine our warmer tempuratures a drain. So create aside an actual portion from your earning for next spending. We really need to open with solving our rrssues at natural first. Post am and never against individualism, but anyone also have a obligation to the other. My hubby and i am federal up with the profitability before people mentality using some people in it all nation. They rig my law and benefit themselves then guilt those which they used my law with regard to leave causing for ones poverty.
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ggdbsalediscount-blog · 6 years ago
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Every period company forerunners unintentionally harm enthusiasm, ideas, and advantage. They reduce your resources as well as still giving birth immediate overall results. They shut down out discourse and restrain open communication, while now requesting genuine feedback. He or she pocket selections options and consequently bonuses, the truth that reducing squad salary and as a consequence benefits. Most people reward undesirable behaviors, reality operating at myopic likes and rising bureaucracy. And so then these kinds of products wonder why those folks are striving to appoint are alienated, distrustful, as well fed-up. All Openings casino is simply an on the website casino as well as one along with the largely popular and Golden Goose Mid Star Sneakers Sale Online herefore noted tiny gaming internet casino facilities. The house is yet expanding on top of that has visitor support at several countries: US, Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Whenever you feature any queries, there often is also sequence the timer customer agency for you, both above the speak to in our listed areas and plus via post. Winging everything - practically every absolute estate method on available advises aspirant investors with regard to fake the idea until shoppers make doing it and only jump right into action while using no program at pretty much all. That's the big miscalculation that may possibly cost your livelihood, Golden Goose Deluxe Brand Mid Star Sneakers Sale tature and bank account appearing in a hurry, depending attached to how extensive your bolt up might be. Take available at least great hour or alternatively two and jot reduced what perfectly you would like to have happen (yes, I'm talking about fixing realistic hopes and dreams here) in addition , how you actually plan regarding make the software happen. Glutes line, schedule your work and show good results your think about. Nothing happened, except internet business as usual in Houston. Social Assurance was throughout trouble so as to a large extent as the program is now, it's primarily the dems don't become acquainted with economics and they just didn't want in which to give H.W. Bush credit rating for other things. They have definitely been stealing money from us, those taxpayers to get years, salary that has supposed so that you be rat holed for our golden age was inserted in most of the general monetary fund and spent, thus and produce the deficiency seem very much less than the actually could be. Are a with i yet, or are you more bewildered than truly? The starting line is considered to be after placing your john hancock up about everything to obtain well a lot more a year, I recognize just when it comes to everything a is planning on and after that who most the heavy players are, and can be good a helpful unique, in addition to the what typically is the corresponding old dribble everyone anymore is encouraging. I need not mean saving you for a great rainy night out because so long as you specialize on stormy days, that is definitely what a person will will try to get. I bring about having some long message savings then again rather than only being your actual ggdb shoes that the majority of never gets spent, them can are spent even though and when the ought to have arises. The is quality to take into account there really are funds out there should car rip down on the other hand your washing machine machine clean a trickle out. So allocated aside any portion towards your sales for lifestyle spending. We are in need of to set off with curing our complaints at own home first. Write-up am and never against individualism, but individuals also have a Golden Goose Mid Star Sneakers Sale uilt to all the other. While i am raised on up by the revenues before adult men and women mentality attached to some females in certain nation. These items rig the law and benefit yourself then pin the consequence on those which they used unquestionably the law to leave causing for ones own poverty.
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landenvaiq362-blog · 6 years ago
Getting The Best Marijuana Seeds For You
Medical marijuana has certain medical values. It can be a costly affair for the clients who buy medical marijuana on routine basis. Nevertheless, growing cannabis plant house might be one such excellent way to avoid such costly supply. You can just grow cannabis by planting medical marijuana seeds inside your home. There are numerous Seed Banks where you can get medical cannabis seeds; they offer a large range of seeds which helps in growing different kinds of medical marijuana plants.
The Outdoors Vs. The Inside Your Home: Where To Grow Your Cannabis Seeds?
Among the best risks of going to a healthcare facility these days is contracting MRSA, methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, the famed flesh consuming germs. Price quotes of 20000 to 90000 deaths this year in the US proves it to be a major problem, bigger than HIV. But think what? Marijuana secures MRSA like you unintentionally step on and kill bugs as you walk in the woods. I have actually seen clients go through months of antibiotic treatment before findind me and the treatment, marijuana cream used topically. Functions each time. Reports I've checked out that even those who just smoke pot see enhancement in their infections. At a time when everyone is scared of "superbugs" marijuana is a "superbugkiller"!
Another popular breeder which supplies the online head shop is Big Buddha Seeds. Big Buddha Cheese is thought about to be the UK's finest strain after a number of years of tough work to pin point some of the traits that are so appreciated from the cheese. These were then crossed with the Afgani male plant to come up with the feminised ak 47 autoflower making it the very best yet.
Cultivating The Cannabis Seeds For Sale
Skunk Haze. - Ak 47 Auto The ultimate and greatest pressure of big autoflower Marijuana. A special, sweet flavour with a soaring high. This Skunk x Haze cross produces heavy buds, with a tip of spice flavour. Not the simplest Cannabis Stress to purchase, but really Rewarding.
At some point there are no alternatives however to want to modern-day medicine, however do do so with your eyes broad open. There is a lot of thing going on simply under the viewable aircraft that make this market suspicious. The something I have actually ak49 auto learned and learned throughout my life is that the very best things and the most essential things in life are free.Whether its the vital clean air we require, or the basic clean water we deserve. Even healthy food and natural (the current in marketing lingo) food are not what they need to be.
Stoner Slang Marijuana Lingo Translated
Orange Bud. - Ak 47 Autoflower Coming from California, Orange Bud Marijuana has been around for over 25 years. A light smoke, with mellow effects. This variety is still extremely much in need from the skilled smoker.
The ideas that you have actually checked out above are just a few of the methods on how to discover the very best online seedbank. There are still a lot to do. Searching for your cannabis seeds can be tough at very first but as time goes by it would Cheap ak 47 for Sale Online end up being a breeze for you. It's just a matter of finding the very best online seedbank.
0 notes
kristinejrosario · 8 years ago
Comparing Email Service Providers for Bloggers
This is the third post in our Email Newsletter Series.
One major sticking point for most bloggers who are setting up a newsletter is deciding what email service to use. There are lots of different, competing, options out there, and there’s no one perfect solution.
Just in case you were thinking about it … don’t try to run a newsletter by emailing everyone through your regular email client, using the “BCC” field. If you email subscribers from your own gmail, yahoo, even @yourdomain.com email account, you put your own IP address at risk for being blacklisted by Internet Service Providers if you get flagged as spam.
That means all your emails – not just bulk emails sent to your subscribers but regular everyday communications – could have a hard time getting to anyone. Definitely not a situation you want to find yourself in. You also want to make sure you don’t unintentionally break any privacy or anti-spam laws or you could find yourself in even more trouble.
Why Use an Email Service Provider?
Most email services have quite similar features, including these basics which really do take away the headache of sending bulk emails by:
Sending out emails. Obviously you’ll want to be able to email your list whenever you like! Most services allow you to send unlimited emails – however, if you’re on a free or cheap plan, check the small print.
Complying with regulations by allowing email recipients to “unsubscribe” from your list and helping you avoid being reported as spam by automatically stop sending emails to bounces, blocked mailboxes, spam reporters or mis-spelled emails. This actually gives you better a better chance of getting to your subscribers’ inboxes through the email service’s established reputation as a sender
Reporting on email deliverability, open-rates and click-throughs to see what messages work and even enabling split-testing of one message versus another
Offering a load of advanced features including sign-up forms, scheduled sending, automated message sequences, tagging and segmenting your audience to target with different messages and fancy templates to help your emails look great
How to Choose an Email Service?
What email service is going to work for you depends on what you want out of a service and often what stage of blogging you are at. For instance, having a free or low monthly rate may be more important when you’re just starting out. Whereas a complex array of trigger-based autoresponders based on subscriber activity will be useful to convert your subscribers to become paying customers via an email sales funnel.
An easy trap to fall into is to start looking at email service providers before analysing your own needs and priorities. You can very quickly become overwhelmed by the array of choice and distracted by features that may not be necessary or even useful for you.
A few questions to ask yourself are:
In what direction do you think your blog will develop? Are you planning to monetize and in what ways?
How many subscribers do you have? What goals/objectives do you have for subscriber growth and over what time period?
What’s your budget? If you’re planning to monetize your blog, it’s easier to offset the cost of email against sales revenue.
Are you technically-minded? For example do you know how to use HTML code?
Is graphic design and using images important for your emails? If you’re a fashion, food or lifestyle blogger, this may be much more important than if you are writing about less visual subjects.
How much time do you have to set things up and devote ongoing to your email system?
Once you have a framework of your own requirements, it becomes much easier to sort through the different features and options to assess what email systems will work for you and whether there is one that suits you best.
The good news is that even if you change your mind at a later stage, it’s possible to switch from one service to another. Most will make it quite straightforward to export your subscriber database to move to a new supplier.
At ProBlogger, we have just finished the process of changing our email service provider. We have used AWeber for approximately 12 years, alongside Mailchimp on occasion and we continue to do so for my other blog Digital Photography School. We took our time to investigate other email options, trialling a couple of alternatives and working out what will also work best with other systems we’re using. You don’t need to spend as long as we did in this process, but do enough homework to work out what suits you best. I’m an affiliate for the programs we use and the following recommendations include our affiliate links.
Which Email Service Should You Use?
The following list is an overview of popular email service providers that we have personally trialled over a long time. Each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses and are suitable for bloggers with different priorities and at different stages. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but hopefully it’ll give you an idea of some of the key options for running an email list. We’ve also compiled a comparison table of key features you can use to benchmark other solutions.
This is free up to 1,000 subscribers, and used by a lot of newer bloggers to get up and running. Mailchimp offers a really friendly interface, making it easy to create good-looking emails using their nice templates with a drag and drop editor. The Basic version isn’t so feature-rich as other options, but does offer some neat integration with Facebook and Instagram. Mailchimp charges an extra $199/month for their Pro add-ons which give you more advanced tracking, targeting and automation.
RECOMMENDED FOR: MailChimp could be a good option if you’re (a) just starting out with email and have under 1,000 subscribers (b) visual presentation and images are important (c) not yet ready to use lots of detailed features like tagging.
ALTERNATIVE: You may also want to consider the newer MailerLite which is quite a bit cheaper (once you get past 1,000 subscribers) and offers a few extra features.
This well-established service costs from $19/month for up to 500 subscribers, and has slightly different strengths and features from MailChimp. You can refer to our comparison table below for details. While AWeber’s user interface is a bit dated, it represents increasingly good value for money as your list grows and has useful functionality to take your email marketing up a notch. You can apply tags to your subscribers to segment them, trigger email campaigns and autoresponder sequences. AWeber also offers split-testing allowing you to test different subject line text or message content, even different sign-up forms to increase response rates. Otherwise, the AWeber reporting is a bit clunky to use and doesn’t measure much beyond open and click rates. AWeber do provide good customer service via phone, email and live chat which is above and beyond most providers who just give you an online library of resources.
RECOMMENDED: AWeber is a solid, no-frills option that has worked for many (ProBlogger included) for a long-time. It’s particularly cost-effective as you develop a large list to market to.
“Built by bloggers for bloggers” is the tagline of this new kid on the email block. We trialled Convertkit early on and were impressed with the system’s simplicity and recently added functionality which suits ‘professional’ bloggers. If you want to segment your list in several different ways (e.g. based on what links an individual subscriber has clicked), Convertkit has hosted, customizable landing pages and opt-in forms that allow you a lot of tagging options along with easy to use trigger-based email automations and sequences. However, Convertkit only does text based email. There are no beautifully designed templates here (unless you code it yourself): the focus is on sending simple, straightforward content.
RECOMMENDED: If you can budget for it, ConvertKit allows a lot of power and flexibility, and works very well to deliver a sign-up incentive (e.g. a free .pdf) – this is integrated with the “confirmation” email, so when your subscriber clicks to get their freebie, they automatically confirm their email address too. It’s simplicity allows you to get up and running quickly and if you are switching to Convertkit with over 5,000 subscribers, they offer a complimentary migration service.
ALTERNATIVE: GetResponse offers similar features to Convertkit but with more of a visual focus giving you designed email templates and a stock image library.
Drip is a bit pricier than the other options we’ve covered so far ($83/month for 5,000+ subscribers) but it has more features and comes with a money-back guarantee. You can compare it with other options here – though note this is Drip’s own comparison tool. Ultimately ProBlogger decided on Drip as it gave us the best insights into our readers, beyond email activity. Drip enables us to identify how valuable subscribers are, scoring each individual as a lead and also tracking their activity over on the blog. We can follow up on these interests with very personalized automated email workflows. Many similarly powerful systems require you to hire a consultant to navigate their complexities, whereas Drip is straightforward enough to tackle yourself with great learning resources including a Facebook Group and a supportive customer service team to assist.
RECOMMENDED: If you have an established blogging business and are looking for a powerful but easy to use CRM-type system check out Drip.
ALTERNATIVE: There are quite a few solutions in this top-end category, but none of them are cheap. Leading options include ActiveCampaign, Ontraport and Infusionsoft.
Want a handy comparison of the options we’ve used and trialled? Download the ProBlogger Email Service Provider Comparison for Bloggers, based on most of the the same criteria we used to choose our email service provider.
Whichever service you pick, the important thing is that you choose something and get started on building your list. Hopefully, the options above have given you some ideas of what might suit you best.
Got your list set up but still feeling stuck? Don’t worry. Next week, I’ll be taking a look at seven common newsletter problems … and solving them for you.
The post Comparing Email Service Providers for Bloggers appeared first on ProBlogger.
       from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ProbloggerHelpingBloggersEarnMoney/~3/ZLSGGBJDQgQ/
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Comparing Email Service Providers for Bloggers
This is the third post in our Email Newsletter Series.
One major sticking point for most bloggers who are setting up a newsletter is deciding what email service to use. There are lots of different, competing, options out there, and there’s no one perfect solution.
Just in case you were thinking about it … don’t try to run a newsletter by emailing everyone through your regular email client, using the “BCC” field. If you email subscribers from your own gmail, yahoo, even @yourdomain.com email account, you put your own IP address at risk for being blacklisted by Internet Service Providers if you get flagged as spam.
That means all your emails – not just bulk emails sent to your subscribers but regular everyday communications – could have a hard time getting to anyone. Definitely not a situation you want to find yourself in. You also want to make sure you don’t unintentionally break any privacy or anti-spam laws or you could find yourself in even more trouble.
Why Use an Email Service Provider?
Most email services have quite similar features, including these basics which really do take away the headache of sending bulk emails by:
Sending out emails. Obviously you’ll want to be able to email your list whenever you like! Most services allow you to send unlimited emails – however, if you’re on a free or cheap plan, check the small print.
Complying with regulations by allowing email recipients to “unsubscribe” from your list and helping you avoid being reported as spam by automatically stop sending emails to bounces, blocked mailboxes, spam reporters or mis-spelled emails. This actually gives you better a better chance of getting to your subscribers’ inboxes through the email service’s established reputation as a sender
Reporting on email deliverability, open-rates and click-throughs to see what messages work and even enabling split-testing of one message versus another
Offering a load of advanced features including sign-up forms, scheduled sending, automated message sequences, tagging and segmenting your audience to target with different messages and fancy templates to help your emails look great
How to Choose an Email Service?
What email service is going to work for you depends on what you want out of a service and often what stage of blogging you are at. For instance, having a free or low monthly rate may be more important when you’re just starting out. Whereas a complex array of trigger-based autoresponders based on subscriber activity will be useful to convert your subscribers to become paying customers via an email sales funnel.
An easy trap to fall into is to start looking at email service providers before analysing your own needs and priorities. You can very quickly become overwhelmed by the array of choice and distracted by features that may not be necessary or even useful for you.
A few questions to ask yourself are:
In what direction do you think your blog will develop? Are you planning to monetize and in what ways?
How many subscribers do you have? What goals/objectives do you have for subscriber growth and over what time period?
What’s your budget? If you’re planning to monetize your blog, it’s easier to offset the cost of email against sales revenue.
Are you technically-minded? For example do you know how to use HTML code?
Is graphic design and using images important for your emails? If you’re a fashion, food or lifestyle blogger, this may be much more important than if you are writing about less visual subjects.
How much time do you have to set things up and devote ongoing to your email system?
Once you have a framework of your own requirements, it becomes much easier to sort through the different features and options to assess what email systems will work for you and whether there is one that suits you best.
The good news is that even if you change your mind at a later stage, it’s possible to switch from one service to another. Most will make it quite straightforward to export your subscriber database to move to a new supplier.
At ProBlogger, we have just finished the process of changing our email service provider. We have used AWeber for approximately 12 years, alongside Mailchimp on occasion and we continue to do so for my other blog Digital Photography School. We took our time to investigate other email options, trialling a couple of alternatives and working out what will also work best with other systems we’re using. You don’t need to spend as long as we did in this process, but do enough homework to work out what suits you best. I’m an affiliate for the programs we use and the following recommendations include our affiliate links.
Which Email Service Should You Use?
The following list is an overview of popular email service providers that we have personally trialled over a long time. Each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses and are suitable for bloggers with different priorities and at different stages. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but hopefully it’ll give you an idea of some of the key options for running an email list. We’ve also compiled a comparison table of key features you can use to benchmark other solutions.
This is free up to 1,000 subscribers, and used by a lot of newer bloggers to get up and running. Mailchimp offers a really friendly interface, making it easy to create good-looking emails using their nice templates with a drag and drop editor. The Basic version isn’t so feature-rich as other options, but does offer some neat integration with Facebook and Instagram. Mailchimp charges an extra $199/month for their Pro add-ons which give you more advanced tracking, targeting and automation.
RECOMMENDED FOR: MailChimp could be a good option if you’re (a) just starting out with email and have under 1,000 subscribers (b) visual presentation and images are important (c) not yet ready to use lots of detailed features like tagging.
ALTERNATIVE: You may also want to consider the newer MailerLite which is quite a bit cheaper (once you get past 1,000 subscribers) and offers a few extra features.
This well-established service costs from $19/month for up to 500 subscribers, and has slightly different strengths and features from MailChimp. You can refer to our comparison table below for details. While AWeber’s user interface is a bit dated, it represents increasingly good value for money as your list grows and has useful functionality to take your email marketing up a notch. You can apply tags to your subscribers to segment them, trigger email campaigns and autoresponder sequences. AWeber also offers split-testing allowing you to test different subject line text or message content, even different sign-up forms to increase response rates. Otherwise, the AWeber reporting is a bit clunky to use and doesn’t measure much beyond open and click rates. AWeber do provide good customer service via phone, email and live chat which is above and beyond most providers who just give you an online library of resources.
RECOMMENDED: AWeber is a solid, no-frills option that has worked for many (ProBlogger included) for a long-time. It’s particularly cost-effective as you develop a large list to market to.
“Built by bloggers for bloggers” is the tagline of this new kid on the email block. We trialled Convertkit early on and were impressed with the system’s simplicity and recently added functionality which suits ‘professional’ bloggers. If you want to segment your list in several different ways (e.g. based on what links an individual subscriber has clicked), Convertkit has hosted, customizable landing pages and opt-in forms that allow you a lot of tagging options along with easy to use trigger-based email automations and sequences. However, Convertkit only does text based email. There are no beautifully designed templates here (unless you code it yourself): the focus is on sending simple, straightforward content.
RECOMMENDED: If you can budget for it, ConvertKit allows a lot of power and flexibility, and works very well to deliver a sign-up incentive (e.g. a free .pdf) – this is integrated with the “confirmation” email, so when your subscriber clicks to get their freebie, they automatically confirm their email address too. It’s simplicity allows you to get up and running quickly and if you are switching to Convertkit with over 5,000 subscribers, they offer a complimentary migration service.
ALTERNATIVE: GetResponse offers similar features to Convertkit but with more of a visual focus giving you designed email templates and a stock image library.
Drip is a bit pricier than the other options we’ve covered so far ($83/month for 5,000+ subscribers) but it has more features and comes with a money-back guarantee. You can compare it with other options here – though note this is Drip’s own comparison tool. Ultimately ProBlogger decided on Drip as it gave us the best insights into our readers, beyond email activity. Drip enables us to identify how valuable subscribers are, scoring each individual as a lead and also tracking their activity over on the blog. We can follow up on these interests with very personalized automated email workflows. Many similarly powerful systems require you to hire a consultant to navigate their complexities, whereas Drip is straightforward enough to tackle yourself with great learning resources including a Facebook Group and a supportive customer service team to assist.
RECOMMENDED: If you have an established blogging business and are looking for a powerful but easy to use CRM-type system check out Drip.
ALTERNATIVE: There are quite a few solutions in this top-end category, but none of them are cheap. Leading options include ActiveCampaign, Ontraport and Infusionsoft.
Want a handy comparison of the options we’ve used and trialled? Download the ProBlogger Email Service Provider Comparison for Bloggers, based on most of the the same criteria we used to choose our email service provider.
Whichever service you pick, the important thing is that you choose something and get started on building your list. Hopefully, the options above have given you some ideas of what might suit you best.
Got your list set up but still feeling stuck? Don’t worry. Next week, I’ll be taking a look at seven common newsletter problems … and solving them for you.
The post Comparing Email Service Providers for Bloggers appeared first on ProBlogger.
       Comparing Email Service Providers for Bloggers
0 notes
silvino32mills · 8 years ago
Comparing Email Service Providers for Bloggers
This is the third post in our Email Newsletter Series.
One major sticking point for most bloggers who are setting up a newsletter is deciding what email service to use. There are lots of different, competing, options out there, and there’s no one perfect solution.
Just in case you were thinking about it … don’t try to run a newsletter by emailing everyone through your regular email client, using the “BCC” field. If you email subscribers from your own gmail, yahoo, even @yourdomain.com email account, you put your own IP address at risk for being blacklisted by Internet Service Providers if you get flagged as spam.
That means all your emails – not just bulk emails sent to your subscribers but regular everyday communications – could have a hard time getting to anyone. Definitely not a situation you want to find yourself in. You also want to make sure you don’t unintentionally break any privacy or anti-spam laws or you could find yourself in even more trouble.
Why Use an Email Service Provider?
Most email services have quite similar features, including these basics which really do take away the headache of sending bulk emails by:
Sending out emails. Obviously you’ll want to be able to email your list whenever you like! Most services allow you to send unlimited emails – however, if you’re on a free or cheap plan, check the small print.
Complying with regulations by allowing email recipients to “unsubscribe” from your list and helping you avoid being reported as spam by automatically stop sending emails to bounces, blocked mailboxes, spam reporters or mis-spelled emails. This actually gives you better a better chance of getting to your subscribers’ inboxes through the email service’s established reputation as a sender
Reporting on email deliverability, open-rates and click-throughs to see what messages work and even enabling split-testing of one message versus another
Offering a load of advanced features including sign-up forms, scheduled sending, automated message sequences, tagging and segmenting your audience to target with different messages and fancy templates to help your emails look great
How to Choose an Email Service?
What email service is going to work for you depends on what you want out of a service and often what stage of blogging you are at. For instance, having a free or low monthly rate may be more important when you’re just starting out. Whereas a complex array of trigger-based autoresponders based on subscriber activity will be useful to convert your subscribers to become paying customers via an email sales funnel.
An easy trap to fall into is to start looking at email service providers before analysing your own needs and priorities. You can very quickly become overwhelmed by the array of choice and distracted by features that may not be necessary or even useful for you.
A few questions to ask yourself are:
In what direction do you think your blog will develop? Are you planning to monetize and in what ways?
How many subscribers do you have? What goals/objectives do you have for subscriber growth and over what time period?
What’s your budget? If you’re planning to monetize your blog, it’s easier to offset the cost of email against sales revenue.
Are you technically-minded? For example do you know how to use HTML code?
Is graphic design and using images important for your emails? If you’re a fashion, food or lifestyle blogger, this may be much more important than if you are writing about less visual subjects.
How much time do you have to set things up and devote ongoing to your email system?
Once you have a framework of your own requirements, it becomes much easier to sort through the different features and options to assess what email systems will work for you and whether there is one that suits you best.
The good news is that even if you change your mind at a later stage, it’s possible to switch from one service to another. Most will make it quite straightforward to export your subscriber database to move to a new supplier.
At ProBlogger, we have just finished the process of changing our email service provider. We have used AWeber for approximately 12 years, alongside Mailchimp on occasion and we continue to do so for my other blog Digital Photography School. We took our time to investigate other email options, trialling a couple of alternatives and working out what will also work best with other systems we’re using. You don’t need to spend as long as we did in this process, but do enough homework to work out what suits you best. I’m an affiliate for the programs we use and the following recommendations include our affiliate links.
Which Email Service Should You Use?
The following list is an overview of popular email service providers that we have personally trialled over a long time. Each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses and are suitable for bloggers with different priorities and at different stages. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but hopefully it’ll give you an idea of some of the key options for running an email list. We’ve also compiled a comparison table of key features you can use to benchmark other solutions.
This is free up to 1,000 subscribers, and used by a lot of newer bloggers to get up and running. Mailchimp offers a really friendly interface, making it easy to create good-looking emails using their nice templates with a drag and drop editor. The Basic version isn’t so feature-rich as other options, but does offer some neat integration with Facebook and Instagram. Mailchimp charges an extra $199/month for their Pro add-ons which give you more advanced tracking, targeting and automation.
RECOMMENDED FOR: MailChimp could be a good option if you’re (a) just starting out with email and have under 1,000 subscribers (b) visual presentation and images are important (c) not yet ready to use lots of detailed features like tagging.
ALTERNATIVE: You may also want to consider the newer MailerLite which is quite a bit cheaper (once you get past 1,000 subscribers) and offers a few extra features.
This well-established service costs from $19/month for up to 500 subscribers, and has slightly different strengths and features from MailChimp. You can refer to our comparison table below for details. While AWeber’s user interface is a bit dated, it represents increasingly good value for money as your list grows and has useful functionality to take your email marketing up a notch. You can apply tags to your subscribers to segment them, trigger email campaigns and autoresponder sequences. AWeber also offers split-testing allowing you to test different subject line text or message content, even different sign-up forms to increase response rates. Otherwise, the AWeber reporting is a bit clunky to use and doesn’t measure much beyond open and click rates. AWeber do provide good customer service via phone, email and live chat which is above and beyond most providers who just give you an online library of resources.
RECOMMENDED: AWeber is a solid, no-frills option that has worked for many (ProBlogger included) for a long-time. It’s particularly cost-effective as you develop a large list to market to.
“Built by bloggers for bloggers” is the tagline of this new kid on the email block. We trialled Convertkit early on and were impressed with the system’s simplicity and recently added functionality which suits ‘professional’ bloggers. If you want to segment your list in several different ways (e.g. based on what links an individual subscriber has clicked), Convertkit has hosted, customizable landing pages and opt-in forms that allow you a lot of tagging options along with easy to use trigger-based email automations and sequences. However, Convertkit only does text based email. There are no beautifully designed templates here (unless you code it yourself): the focus is on sending simple, straightforward content.
RECOMMENDED: If you can budget for it, ConvertKit allows a lot of power and flexibility, and works very well to deliver a sign-up incentive (e.g. a free .pdf) – this is integrated with the “confirmation” email, so when your subscriber clicks to get their freebie, they automatically confirm their email address too. It’s simplicity allows you to get up and running quickly and if you are switching to Convertkit with over 5,000 subscribers, they offer a complimentary migration service.
ALTERNATIVE: GetResponse offers similar features to Convertkit but with more of a visual focus giving you designed email templates and a stock image library.
Drip is a bit pricier than the other options we’ve covered so far ($83/month for 5,000+ subscribers) but it has more features and comes with a money-back guarantee. You can compare it with other options here – though note this is Drip’s own comparison tool. Ultimately ProBlogger decided on Drip as it gave us the best insights into our readers, beyond email activity. Drip enables us to identify how valuable subscribers are, scoring each individual as a lead and also tracking their activity over on the blog. We can follow up on these interests with very personalized automated email workflows. Many similarly powerful systems require you to hire a consultant to navigate their complexities, whereas Drip is straightforward enough to tackle yourself with great learning resources including a Facebook Group and a supportive customer service team to assist.
RECOMMENDED: If you have an established blogging business and are looking for a powerful but easy to use CRM-type system check out Drip.
ALTERNATIVE: There are quite a few solutions in this top-end category, but none of them are cheap. Leading options include ActiveCampaign, Ontraport and Infusionsoft.
Want a handy comparison of the options we’ve used and trialled? Download the ProBlogger Email Service Provider Comparison for Bloggers, based on most of the the same criteria we used to choose our email service provider.
Whichever service you pick, the important thing is that you choose something and get started on building your list. Hopefully, the options above have given you some ideas of what might suit you best.
Got your list set up but still feeling stuck? Don’t worry. Next week, I’ll be taking a look at seven common newsletter problems … and solving them for you.
The post Comparing Email Service Providers for Bloggers appeared first on ProBlogger.
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