joannalannister · 5 years
@everyflowerneedspruning asked:
so often it seems like people forget how much Tywin cared for [his mother] and his treatment of the mistress who had the nerve to wear her jewels and gowns and act as if she were a replacement.
Hi! So first of all, I want to say that I love this ask, thank you for sending it to me! I’ve broken it up into two parts to make it easier for me to answer. And second, I do headcanon that Tywin loved and cared about his mother! That being said, I think it is just a headcanon. I don’t think people “forget” because I don’t think there’s a lot of textual evidence that Tywin cared for her. 
I don’t think GRRM intended for us to view Tywin’s treatment of the mistress in any sort of positive light, or to come away from it with any sort of warm feelings about Tywin and his mother. I don’t think the incident with the mistress is about Tywin loving his mother. 
This is the information we have from Kevan about Tytos’s second mistress:
Our own father was gentle and amiable, but so weak his bannermen mocked him in their cups. Some saw fit to defy him openly. Other lords borrowed our gold and never troubled to repay it. At court they japed of toothless lions. Even his mistress stole from him. A woman scarcely one step above a whore, and she helped herself to my mother's jewels!
And from Cersei:
when Lord Tywin's father died he returned to Casterly Rock to find a . . . a woman of this sort . . . bedecked in his lady mother's jewels, wearing one of her gowns. He stripped them off her, and all else as well. For a fortnight she was paraded naked through the streets of Lannisport, to confess to every man she met that she was a thief and a harlot. That was how Lord Tywin Lannister dealt with whores. 
The first thing her father had done on his ascension was to expel his own father's grasping, lowborn mistress from Casterly Rock. The silks and velvets Lord Tytos had lavished on her and the jewelry she had taken for herself had been stripped from her, and she had been sent forth naked to walk through the streets of Lannisport, so the west could see her for what she was.
Though she had been too young to witness the spectacle herself, Cersei had heard the stories growing up from the mouths of washerwomen and guardsmen who had been there. They spoke of how the woman had wept and begged, of the desperate way she clung to her garments when she was commanded to disrobe, of her futile efforts to cover her breasts and her sex with her hands as she hobbled barefoot and naked through the streets to exile. "Vain and proud she was, before," she remembered one guard saying, "so haughty you'd think she'd forgot she come from dirt. Once we got her clothes off her, though, she was just another whore."
And from Kevan again:
In their father's final years, after their mother's passing, their sire had taken the comely daughter of a candlemaker as mistress. It was not unknown for a widowed lord to keep a common girl as bedwarmer … but Lord Tytos soon began seating the woman beside him in the hall, showering her with gifts and honors, even asking her views on matters of state. Within a year she was dismissing servants, ordering about his household knights, even speaking for his lordship when he was indisposed. She grew so influential that it was said about Lannisport that any man who wished for his petition to be heard should kneel before her and speak loudly to her lap … for Tytos Lannister's ear was between his lady's legs. She had even taken to wearing their mother's jewels.
Until the day their lord father's heart had burst in his chest as he was ascending a steep flight of steps to her bed, that is. All the self-seekers who had named themselves her friends and cultivated her favor had abandoned her quickly enough when Tywin had her stripped naked and paraded through Lannisport to the docks, like a common whore. Though no man laid a hand on her, that walk spelled the end of her power. Surely Tywin would never have dreamed that same fate awaited his own golden daughter.
While we might imagine that Tywin felt something for his mother during this incident, it’s not mentioned in the text. There’s nothing from Tywin or Kevan showing concern for how their mother would have felt or anything. 
Everything we get from the text is about the mistress occupying a social position in which she did not ~belong~, wearing jewelry and clothing that wasn’t hers, because it belonged to the former Lady of Casterly Rock. The mistress “came from dirt” but she was impertinent enough (from the Lannisters’ POV) that she voiced her opinion on political matters. This is a threat to the established social order, a threat to the nobility’s very existence!1! ~~Smallfolk? Having a voice in politics? It’s fucking ridiculous!!1!~~ Even Tyrion thinks democracy is ridiculous, as we see in AGOT, with the mountain clans. 
This mistress, this woman, this “““whore”””, the lowest of smallfolk, had too much power, and she was taking what by the laws of gods and men belonged to House Lannister, a house of kings before the dragons came. She was taking the trappings of power for herself. She was speaking on behalf of the Lord of Casterly Rock, occupying the seat that Tywin is eagerly eyeing for himself!! People were “cultivating” this lowborn woman’s favor instead of, oh, I don’t know, Joanna’s. The mistress was taking power and influence for herself. That’s literally what Kevan’s complaint is, when we’re in his POV, that this woman was bossing people around! The insolence!! The lack of respect!! The humiliation and shame she inflicted on House Lannister!! Only Lannisters get to be vain and proud!! The humiliation!!
“Stealing” Lannister jewels is almost an afterthought, from the way Kevan mentions it: “She had even taken to wearing their mother's jewels.” It’s like the jewelry “theft” is the cherry on top of the cake; it’s really not the main problem here, the way Kevan puts it at the end of her list of “crimes”. 
The main problem is this woman’s lack of respect for House Lannister, her social climbing, her refusal to know her ~~proper station~~ in life. 
It had to be stopped, in Tywin’s opinion, and that’s what he did: “that walk spelled the end of her power.” 
In a world where reputation is a currency as valuable as gold, Tywin shamed her. He shamed her, in an effort to make her humiliation commensurate with his own.
When Tywin ended this woman’s insolence, he reasserted House Lannister’s stranglehold over the westerlands and put everyone in their “proper place”. (Tywin likes everyone in their place, which is kowtowing to him.) 
This whole incident is meant to be horrifying. It’s about about misogyny and power and respect and shame. And it’s meant to be a tragic irony that Tywin would do this to a woman, and then Kevan uses his example for this to be done to Cersei. It’s a part of House Lannister’s tragic self-destruction, crumbling under the weight of its own terrible misogyny and classism and dehumanization and bigotry. 
So I really, really don’t interpret this incident as being about Tywin’s feelings of affection for his mother, and I don’t think it’s fair to argue that people are “forgetting” about Tywin’s relationship with his mother here, when I don’t think the text really shows us that. If that’s your own interpretation, that’s cool, but I can’t agree, I’m sorry to disappoint! Like I said, I do imagine that Tywin cared about his mother, but I personally cannot point to this in what GRRM wrote. 
I answered the other part of your question here. 
More posts relating to Tytos’s second mistress:
Why did Tytos take a mistress?
Tytos Lannister was an irresponsible, selfish asshole and I don’t blame the mistresses
the power in the relationships lay significantly more with Tytos than with any peasant woman
Tywin, the mistress, Tysha, and Shae
House Lannister has a (fittingly) predatory relationship with its servants
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asoiafrarepairs · 4 years
Garlan Tyrell/Leonette Fossoway. From the moment he saw her, he knew, she was the one he’d crown his queen of love and beauty.
Added to our prompt page!
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ladystarks · 5 years
Garlan and Leonette?
They're cute but I'm not such a giant fan just bc I don't really think about them often!
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sayruq · 6 years
I feel like so many people interpret Rhaella expelling Joanna Lannister from court as her throwing Joanna away for seducing Aerys, when all I can imagine is Rhaella protecting her childhood friend in the only way she can. Rhaella calling Aerys out on his abuse and tendencies to take what he wants would only put Joanna in more danger. If Joanna was Aerys’ “mistress”, odds are she was a fellow victim alongside Rhaella. 1/2
2/2 Rhaella banishing her on the ground of Aerys making her into a “whore” was the real option that would call the least harm down on Joanna. She’d suffer in terms of reputation, sure, but she’d be out of King’s Landing and away from Aerys. I’ve seen so many people make the statement genuine and have Joanna be a seductress when all I can see is Rhaella standing up to her abusive husband and saying “No” on behalf of her childhood friend who was just as much at Aerys’ mercy as Rhaella.
That’s an awful interpretation. Aerys sexually assaulted Joanna and Rhaella would understand that better than anyone. Her sending Joanna away isn’t due to jealousy or insecurity, Rhaella was just doing what no one ever did for her. No one protected her, no one stood up for her, she was literally on her own since she was 12. Aerys was king and held all the power in the relationship, there was no way Rhaella could stop him from hurting her or hurting others but she could use the one avenue he couldn’t control- deciding who can be her lady in waiting. I can’t believe people read Rhaella embracing her granddaughter despite her racist husband’s disgust and thought she’d throw away her friend for a man who abused her. Urgh this fandom!
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wickedjaime · 5 years
Garlan Tyrell/Leonette Fossoway “He looked at her, and she felt like she was enough.”
Nearly nine moons had passed; the petal was a meadow now, all abloom within her. An ethereal haven on the inside — a green, gladed oasis, jade vines and sunlit blossoms shaped into flesh, her sweet growing flower, theirs — but swollen and stretched on the out. Leonette was not the slender maiden she once was, but somehow, whenever the worry creeped in, Garlan’s lips would find her round belly, soft chestnut eyes holding her gaze. There was never any disgust in those deep shades, only warmth, and pride, and love. He sees me, she’d think every time that earthen gaze drew closer so that they may hold one another, caress and inhale each other’s breath. And it makes me feel enough.
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naomimakesart · 5 years
everyflowerneedspruning replied to your post “I just drew Aegon the Conqueror naked and I will let you all in on a...”
Okay, but I gotta ask. How much dragon is he hiding?
I modeled him after Chris Hemsworth’s character in Vacation 
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the-based-brit · 4 years
Top ten bloggers, and name the reasons why
That’s a hard one because I follow a lot of bloggers and they’re all incredibly awesome people, but I can only list ten so I’m gonna have to leave out all the rest.
I also have to think about which order to put them in, and the reasons why lol but here goes:
1. @gaylibertariansc is definitely one of my favourite bloggers and the reasons why is because he’s just a really cool dude. Very laid back and open minded and we have a lot in common. We’ve been following each other for a while on Tumblr (and now on Discord) and he just seems like the kinda guy I’d wanna have a beer with. He also has some very good takes on certain issues. If you’re a libertarian-minded person, I highly recommend you check him out even if you don’t agree with some of his views.
2. @keyhollow is definitely one of my favourite bloggers, for a number of reasons. She’s smart, she’s beautiful and she’s a real sweetheart, who’s nice to everyone...so long as you’re not rude or disrespectful or anything like that, of course. She’s a scientist and she gets a lot of asks, most of which are profound scientific questions and I enjoy reading her responses to them. She’s a smart girl who knows her shit, and I’ve learned a lot from following her and reading her posts, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask her. Her inbox is ALWAYS open and you can ask her whatever the hell you want.
3. @everyflowerneedspruning is one of my favourite bloggers. He mostly does fandom content - specifically Game of Thrones. He’s a Tyrell fan, which is kinda odd because most GoT fans prefer House Stark and/or House Targaryen (myself included) but that doesn’t matter to me because he’s cool. We’ve also got a lot of similar opinions on most issues, but he only talks about them with me in private because he seems to prefer to keep his views to himself, which is totally understandable. We’ve been following each other for a while and he seems like a pretty cool guy. He’s nice, and he’s smart, too. If you like Game of Thrones, I recommend you check him out.
4. I recommend you check out @itsbarbiebitcheeees, too. She’s a really cute and sweet girl and she’s also a big fan of Pewdiepie uwu
5. @un-caffe-per-favore because she’s a really cute, pretty, adorable and sweet little lady. Emphasis on little because she’s very short and I enjoy teasing her for her height lol but she’s totally cool with it XD
6. @all-ringils-blazing because she’s a lovely girl, very attractive, pretty, cute, sweet and we have so much in common. We have the same taste in music and we’re both in the same fandoms (Game of Thrones, The Witcher etc.)
7. @robert-the-redhead-lover he’s a really cool guy, funny and we both agree on a lot of stuff. We also both love puns XD and he has an awesome taste in women. All those red-haired girls he posts are super cute.
8. @adaptive-manipulator she’s a very cute and lovely girl we’re both metalheads \m/
9. @kayrowsyrup she’s a smart girl and we agree on a lot of stuff. We’re both bisexual, neurodivergent, pro-gun, pro-free speech, pro-shipping, nerds who are into video games and anime.
10. @lastsonlost because he’s awesome. Don’t believe me? Check out his blog. This guy calls out bigots, sexists and racists both on Tumblr and in real life, he has HUNDREDS of sources and links to prove he knows what he’s talking about...and we both have the same taste in women, too lol
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A Dream of Spring Series
After the War for the Dawn, each of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros were granted independence, and the Iron Throne was destroyed. Gendry was legitimized by the King in the North and given reign over the Stormlands. Gendry Baratheon married his love, Arya of House Stark, and they ruled as King and Queen of Storm’s End.
"I have a son. You have a daughter. We’ll join our houses.” 
"You will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords.”
(Thanks to @everyflowerneedspruning for letting me run my ideas by you!)
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starkerforlife6969 · 5 years
some wholesome irondad spiderson with five y/o Peter wearing dresses for @everyflowerneedspruning
Tony’s in the middle of trying to explain why a shield around the world is a goddamn good thing, to what - as it turns out- is a complete group of morons, when Peter totters into the room.
He’s all cherub faced and delighted, and very out of breath. He’s so happy, undoubtedly, because he’s evidently managed to evade Natalie- his nanny- and made it down out of the elevator to this floor.
He’ll have to talk to JARVIS about it. About not letting his son go wandering wherever he likes, but the AI has a soft spot, and to be honest- so does Tony.
Besides, everyone in the room’s gone all soft at his five year old, the tension draining, and Tony leans down to scoop him up.
“Daddy!” Peter shrieks with laughter, kicking his little feet, as Tony sets him on his hip.
Peter is decked out in a bright pink princess dress and a sparkly gold tiara, waving a little fairy wand. “You a princess today, buddy?” Tony asks, kissing his cheek and rubbing the scruff across his face in a way that tickles his son.
“I’m a fairy princess.” Peter corrects, still laughing, and he turns to look at everyone else in the room- his huge doe eyes taking them all in. His little face scrunches up in displeasure. “How come Uncle Bruce is here and-and he didn’t come and say hi?” He stage whispers, and Tony snorts, and Bruce goes all bashful and apologetic.
Tony sets Peter down, so he can launch himself into Bruce’s legs (he’s not jealous, not at all) “I’m sorry,” Bruce murmurs, lifting Peter up into a hug. “Your daddy’s been yelling at us for the past hour.”
“Ohhh,” Peter nods, toying with Bruce’s curls, even as his own tumble into his face. “Did daddy put you in time-out? Did you break the rules?” He looks around, craning his neck till he spots Steve. “Daddy says you break the rules a lot.”
Tony snorts and Steve huffs a laugh- still a little bitter- but mostly enamoured. “Occasionally. Only when it’s right.”
Peter furrows his eyebrows together, waving his wand: admonishing. “Daddy’s always right.”
Tony puffs out his chest with pleasure. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tel them all morning, Petey.”
Peter nods enthusiastically. “Daddy yelled at all the mean boys at school and now I can have any toy from the box!”
The others look confused- Natasha looks angry: “The mean boys?” She repeats, eyes narrowed, “do I need to be having words with-“
“Mr Stark!” Natalie gasps, racing into the room, desperately out of breath and embarrassed. “Oh god! I”m so sorry- he just ran off and-“
Tony grins, plucking Peter back into his arms and peppering kisses all over his face. “No harm done. He just missed me, huh, bud?”
Peter is making faces over Tony’s shoulder at Clint, who’s making them right back.
“I’ll come up in a few hours,” he promises, and Natalie smiles, taking Peter into her own arms because she doesn’t trust him not to run away again to go exploring.
As soon as they’re gone, Natasha leans forward and her voice is low. “Was he getting bullied?” She hisses.
Steve rears back in surprise. “What? Who would bully Peter-“
Tony doesn’t want to explain it, but he knows that everyone in this room loves Peter more than anything, so he does.
He explains how Peter had come home crying and Natalie had tried everything- his favourite cake, cartoons, and stories but nothing had stopped him. Tony had come home to his usually happy little bundle, crying and crying and his heart had broken.
It had taken a while for Peter to calm down enough to explain. Sat on his father’s lap and being hand-fed some re-heated lasagne, he’d said how some mean kids on the playground had called him a girl for liking dresses and dolls and they’d pulled his hair and said he wasn’t a real boy-
Tony had barely managed to restrain his anger as Peter babbled- “I tried playing with the toy car, daddy, I d-d-did, but it wasn’t fun and- and- and am I not a proper boy?” and he’d burst into tears all over again.
Natalie had smashed a glass in the sink.
He’d fixed it, of course, because nothing is more precious than his son. An ironman suit or two, or three, okay, seven, landing in the playground holding a couple of Malibu beach house sets, and some furious, cold words over the phone to parents, and stern looks to the other kid’s- Peter had felt much better.
Especially when a boy called Ned had wandered up and said- “I have Lego! It’s not barbie, but I bet we could make your doll a house!” And Peter had tripped over his own feet in excitement.
“Okay,�� Natasha says, once he’s explained, “I’m sure you did your best. I’ll visit the kids myself.”
Tony frowns. “No, I already fixed it. Didn’t you hear? Seven ironman-“
“Please,” she rolls her eyes, “they need to cry the way Peter cried-“
Clint grabs her arm and laughs nervously. “Or maybe we’ll give the very small children another chance to learn from their mistakes.”
She doesn’t look happy about it, but she sits down.
Steve taps his fingers against the desk thoughtfully. “Maybe Captain America should visit their school.”
Tony groans. “Leave it. I’ve parented brilliantly myself, thank you very much. I’ll ask if assistance is needed. Now can we get back to it- the world needs to be protected.”
“Like Peter,” Bruce hums thoughtfully, reaching for one of the contracts.
Tony blinks, and smiles softly. He nods.
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chardwic · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me @damcrows
Rules: Post 10 photos that describe you.
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I tag: @allmybattleships @ghostgetters @everyflowerneedspruning and @sunbeamsandmoonrays
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l0vegl0wsinthedark · 5 years
You’re an amazing writer and I love your fics so much! I’m hardly in the HP fandom like I used to be but I enjoy your fics immensely and always come back to them when I’m in an HP mood. That anon and any other assholes/anons who wanna hate on you are all jackasses.
@everyflowerneedspruning You should know that this ask made me feel so so light and happy. I'm grateful and honoured AF. Thank you so much, love 💖💖💖
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joannalannister · 5 years
@everyflowerneedspruning​ asked:
Do you have any thoughts on Jeyne Marbrand? Any headcanons on her as a person? 
I do have some headcanons! 
As I said in the other part of my reply to you, I think Tywin loved his mother. But I also think he was a little afraid of her. She was definitely the disciplinarian of the family, not Tytos.
Jeyne wanted everything to be perfect. 
When the Lord of Ashemark first told her she was going to marry Tytos, Jeyne felt rather disappointed. Like a lot of girls in the westerlands, Jeyne had hoped to marry Tion and become Lady of Casterly Rock. Her wish came true, but not exactly how she wanted; it made her feel guilty. 
Though she was “solemn” and “shy” as a child, she became much more outgoing as an adult, in part because of her need to compete with Ellyn Reyne. She threw lavish parties, which she used to network and gain influence. She also used them to try to do some damage control for Tytos. 
She was gracious and generous, but not overly so. She gave money to just the right number of causes in Lannisport, just the right number of motherhouses in the west. 
Knowing that Tytos was eager to please, Jeyne used this to her advantage whenever she could, and she got her way. It worked better in the beginning of her marriage than toward the end. 
She shared her plans with Tywin that Genna would marry the eldest son of Roger Reyne and become the Lady of Castamere, but she hoped in her heart that Genna would marry the king’s grandson. (Genna dodged a bullet there.)
“his weeping wife demanded to know why he would marry their only daughter into a House far below the Lannisters in power and prestige” --> power and prestige were important to her, and Genna’s botched betrothal was a great blow for her. It was difficult at the Lannister court for a while after that, but she held her head high and soldiered on. 
Jeyne was both pleased and relieved when Tywin became Aegon V’s cupbearer, because he was becoming unmanageable, even for her. 
Jeyne was instrumental in arranging for Kevan to squire at Castamere
Marla Prester, who became like an older sister to Jeyne, helped her out a lot with Casterly Rock stuff. 
Jeyne hated Ellyn. Hated her. Like, “An Old American Southern Lady With A Grudge” kind of hatred. Tywin knew of this hatred and he adopted it as his own on his mother’s behalf, well before she died. 
Like Cersei, I think Tywin was angry at his mother for dying. Her death, combined with Tywin’s belief that “Lannisters are better than everyone,” firmed Tywin’s resolve to take a Lannister wife “who won’t die” like his lady mother. In this, as in so many things, Tywin was wrong. 
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asoiafrarepairs · 4 years
Willas Tyrell x Meredyth Crane - She always knew how to make him laugh, he saw the wit behind her merry jokes.
Added to our prompt page!
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ladystarks · 5 years
Garlan/Leonette? Mace/Alerie?
Garlan x Leonette - yes they're so cute! I wish we had more supportive, in love characters in the books!
Mace x Alerie - I don't really think about them so I'm gonna have to say no, I don't ship them.
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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hereyesblueasice · 6 years
Funky Tag Game
I was tagged by @jonsnowbrooding THANK YOU!! I love doing these 😁 Woot!
Relationship status: single!
Favorite color: lavender
Top 3 ships: Jonsa, Braime, and Gendrya
Otp: Han and Leia ❤
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick plz
Last song: "Hungey Heart" by Bruce Springsteen (my absolute favorite song ever)
Last movie: Either Bridesmaids or Black Hawk Down, I honestly can't remember
Currently reading: GRRM's "A Storm of Swords"
Tagging @everyflowerneedspruning @lilbreck @ichooseviolence @nothinghappensinalstonville @mygoodqueensansa
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naomimakesart · 6 years
“Maegor and ALL OF HIS WIVES”, you just made my life!!!!!!
Whoops! I just saw this! (Hopefully I will draw them someday!!!)
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