#everybody that liked guys in Hawkins had a crush on Steve
morganbritton132 · 2 years
I need more of Eddie’s reaction to Steve kissing Tommy once
Eddie following Steve around the house with his phone, asking questions: Did Tommy kiss you first? Was there tongue? Is he a good kisser? Was it only once or like, a lot? Did-
Steve: It wasn’t - like, it wasn’t in a gay way.
Eddie, looking like that was the best possible answer he could have got: Please explain to me how you made out with your violently homophobic best friend in a straight way.
Steve: I don’t know, we - there was nothing to do. We were bored.
Eddie: Oh my god
Steve: Kissing is just kissing! People kiss all the time and it means nothing.
Eddie: To you, maybe. Not to the guy that’s harboring a massive hard on for you
Steve: Not this again. Not everybody had a crush on me, Eddie. Tommy didn’t!
Eddie: No, he just suggested that you guys should make out for fun, huh? Because he suggested it, didn’t he? He did. I can tell from the look on your face. That guy was in love with you, babe. It was super obvious. The only person with a bigger hard on for you was Billy Hargrove
Steve: Not this again.
Eddie: Steve. Stevie, baby. Sweetheart, you’re so naive. It’s adorable. A guy coming up to you in the school showers and saying he wants to fuck you is pretty gay. And your best friend that aggressively hates all of your girlfriends for no reason and suggests you should make out when you’re alone is also pretty fucking gay.
Steve, changing the subject: I’m hungry. Go get us lunch
Eddie: how long were we screwing around before you realized we weren’t just ‘bros being bros?’
Steve: Im going to order pizza
Eddie, calling after Steve: Hey, isn’t Tommy fucking some twenty-some year old twink that looks exactly like you?
Steve, from a different room: Him and Carol got back together!
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oatmilk-vampire · 8 months
Canon things I've learned about Eddie thanks to Flight of Icarus.
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Spoilers under cut. 👇
He's not a virgin. He's had sex with at least three different girls, and had a girlfriend---Paige Warner. Hawkins High, class of '82.
He had a best friend named Ronnie (Veronica Ecker) since he was eight. She's always been taller than him and they have a Steve/Robin dynamic. She might be aro/ace, she stated she didn't think she'd ever have a crush on anybody when he kissed her at age thirteen.
Eddie is eighteen as of 1984.
The van is his father's, or was.
His dad, Alan, is the reason he got into selling.
His father is also the reason why no one in Hawkins likes him. They look at him as Junior, that he'll be a "fuckup" just like his father. Plus Hellfire Club adds on to the trouble of it all.
Eddie didn't fail high school the first time, he dropped out. He was being blackmailed by Principal Higgins that he would get Ronnie's full-ride NYU scholarship pulled.
He got into music because of his mother, Elizabeth Franklin, who was from Memphis and got sick and died when he was only six. Only then did he understand sad lyrics and why people would want to write and listen to songs like that.
He's always stood up for the little guy, even if it gets him hurt or in trouble.
Gareth and him have a Dustin/Steve dynamic.
He stood up for Will when bullies were calling him Zombie Boy. He invited him to join Hellfire Club when he gets to high school.
He doesn't feed himself, or so Wayne believes. When he was still living alone, Uncle Wayne dropped him off groceries every two weeks.
Eddie flirts with everybody. Woman or man. It's the Munson magic that he's learned from his father. Big smiles and winks and "big boy" comments. He does it when he's scared as a defense mechanism. It's how he intimidates.
He used to work as a barback at the Hideout.
He recorded a demo with Corroded Coffin and got offered an audition in Hollywood for a record deal--only for himself, not the band. Which he missed because of the mess his father got them involved in. Thats also why he started working with Reefer Rick.
There's probably way more but that's all I can think of at the moment.
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fizzigigsimmer · 10 months
Moonwood Part 4
|Part 1|
Just in case Steve somehow missed the fact that Schiller takes its basketball team very seriously, there’s a big plaque above the gymnasium door the proudly proclaims he’s in the home of the Schiller High Timberwolves, state champions!
The memo about the coach only drafting moonie guys doesn’t seem to have gotten around because Friday afternoon tryouts come and it looks like every guy in school who can tie his own shoes has had the same idea as Steve and has come out to try and earn their spot on the bench - even some guys who look like they can’t tie their shoes. He does see a good handful of moonwood guys though - including two of the guys who tried to jump him. 
The number of guys he’s got to compete against doesn’t make Steve too nervous, but the amount of people who seem to have shown up just to watch makes him a little jittery as he leaves the locker room and heads into the gym. He saw at least a dozen kids sitting up in the bleachers on his way in and there’s bound to be more by now. The bleachers were never empty at a game back in Hawkins, but everyone knew that had more to do with the limited number of thrills to find in their small town on a friday night than school spirit. It’s different when he knows people are watching because they expect the team to be good. Better than good - state champions!
Steve warms up and joins a couple of the guys who are shooting hoops at one end of the court, showing off while they covertly scope out the competition. It helps actually. Once he’s got a ball in his hands and has made a couple of shots it’s easier to relax and have fun. He makes most of the shots he takes, unlike some. This kid Hank is clearly the best though. Guy is easily six feet tall and sinks shots from half court like it’s easy, but Steve’s far from the worst. He can totally do this.
It’s fifteen after when a shrill whistle finally interrupts the sound of balls thudding against the hardwood. Steve tosses Hank the ball and turns towards the sound, and his heart skips a beat when Billy strides onto the court, flanked by Dave and Chet. Billy stops at about half court and blows the whistle between his lips again as if he doesn’t already command the attention of everyone in the gym, and Chet sets a box full of red and blue numbered jerseys on the ground at his feet.
“Alright listen up closely guys cause I won’t repeat myself. If you don’t already know I’m Chet, co-captain, and this here is Billy,” Chet gestures to Billy with a sardonic twist to his lips. Cause everybody there knows who Billy Hargrove is. “He’s team captain. There are only a few spots open on the team and a lot of you so come over and take a jersey.”
There’s an immediate scramble for the box. Steve doesn’t get what the rush is, but there’s something about the energy in the room that has him pushing forward without thinking and elbowing his way into the crush to make sure he can snag a jersey. It turns out to be a good thing, because the box empties and there are six guys left empty handed looking like they might cry.
 “Red team you’re home court, blue team you’re the visitors side. Hopefully we don’t have to tell you which team you’re on.” Chet instructs, and there’s some nervous laughter. Steve pulls his jersey over his head - he’s B3.  He’s excited to see that Hank is also on the blue team. They’re giving each other high five’s and clapping each other on the back as one of the guys who got left out, clears their throat and asks what the rest of them should do.
Steve’s mouth falls open in shock when Billy scoffs and sneers, “I don’t know, jerk off? I don’t care what you do. Scram.”
Billy being an ass isn’t the shocking bit, it’s the way the extra guys actually start to leave and nobody stops them.
“Wait a minute. They don’t even get to try out?!” pops out of Steve’s mouth before he can stop himself, and it’s like darts to the chest when blue eyes snap to him and Billy stares at him like he’s trying to peel back his skin.
“They either didn’t want it bad enough or weren’t strong enough to fight for it. So no they don’t get to try out. But you’re welcome to give up your shot if you want to.”
Steve can feel six pairs of hopeful eyes shift towards him. He grits his teeth and guilty does not meet any of their gazes. His gaze snaps back to Billy when the other teen speaks again, full of smug delight. Steve wants to be there, too much to give it up to someone else and Billy seems to relish that. His gaze is too intense and too probing.
“Any more questions Princess, or can we get on with the next test?”
Yeah Steve’s got questions. And he’s gonna ask them too cause fuck Billy Hargrove.
“What do you mean test? And where’s the coach? I’m not here to get my chain yanked Hargrove.”
Hank gives Steve a look, obviously shocked that he has the nerve to go up against Billy but kind of low key impressed too. Steve doesn’t get it. Yeah Billy’s built and he’s top of the food chain, but Hank’s not small. Six foot, wide shouldered, and muscled, Steve doesn’t even need to ask if he’s from moonwood. He just has that look. Steve’s starting to get used to it and the more he does the weirder it is to him that everyone acts like they’re scared to cross Hargrove. 
Sweaty palms and weird heart palpitations aside, Steve is not afraid of Billy Hargrove. But the dark glower Billy fixes on him at being challenged warns him that maybe he should be.
“Aww, don’t say that. You’re gonna break Billy’s heart Harrington.” Dave teases, and a couple of the other guys snicker. Those watching in the bleachers follow their cue and the gymnasium buzzes with amused sounds.
“Shut up Dave.” Billy grumbles without venom. He saves all of it for Steve as he snaps out, “Lap-ups, now! All of you pipsqueaks. Anyone who stops before I blow the whistle can hand over their jersey and take their sorry ass off my court.”
There’s some groaning but the guys immediately start shuffling towards the boundary lines to start their laps around the court. Steve hesitates for a fraction of a moment, caught in Billy’s gaze. Billy stares back at him unblinking, daring, and Steve thinks for a fraction of a second that his eyes don’t look human anymore. It’s like staring into the gaze of a predator. It sends a shiver down his spine.
He’s snapped out of the moment by Hank’s hand landing on his shoulder, the taller boy leaning close as he urges Steve to come on, explaining, “the team captains always run the first half of try-outs. It’s tradition.”
Steve frowns. It seems odd to him, especially for a winning team, for the coach to be absent for half of the try-out but what does he know? The Hawkins Tigers never won a regional title, let alone a state championship. 
The red and blue teams run laps around the court. Dave passes each of them a ball to dribble under the visitors basket and Chet catches their rebounds at the home basket. He passes them to Billy, who passes them back to Dave in between his shouts for them to pick up the pace or stop dribbling like grandmothers. 
Steve and Hank fall into stride next to each other, until one or the other has to pull ahead to catch a ball or take a shot. But they always fall back into step after, and Hank makes conversation with him. It makes it easier to ignore the burning in his legs, and the eyes he can feel digging into his back, so that Steve can just focus on showing off his control of the ball and making his layups. 
He’s a cool guy Hank. Laid back and confident with none of the usual highschool awkwardness. He kinda reminds Steve of his grandpa, which makes more sense when Hank admits he’s lived in Moonwood his entire life and has never been anywhere else.
“Really? Like not even on vacation?”
Hank shrugs his big shoulders and grins.
“What for? Got a beach if I want to swim and a whole national park on my doorstep. Plus it’s hard, you know, for folks like us planning around the cycle.”
Steve has no idea what he’s talking about or what he means by ‘folks like us’, and he doesn’t get the chance to ask because a ball comes flying towards Hank fast and hard. The other boy just barely manages to catch it, but the loud way it THUDs against his chest makes Steve wince in sympathy. Hank stumbles and his head snaps up, and Steve swears an honest to god growl rumbles out of his throat as his eyes lock with Billy.
“Stay alert ladies!” Billy mocks before he brings the whistle to his mouth and blows it sharply for everyone’s attention. “Alright game of knock-out, red against blue. Follow me!”
Billy sets off toward center court without looking to see if anyone will follow - knowing they will.
Hank mutters something under his breath that Steve doesn’t quite catch but it sounds like ‘alpha, dick-head’.
They don’t get much chance to talk after that. Billy announces that only the winning team will make the cut and continue on with the tryout.
“That’s not fair Hargrove, they’ve got Hank!” one of the guys on the red team complains. It’s this big lunkhead named Brian, one of the guys who tried to shove Steve into a locker. His pal Virgil nudges him in the side and shout whispers for everyone to hear.
“Yeah but they also have the pipsqueak. Harrington will be an easy out.” 
“Not as easy as your mother Sanchez. I’d watch how I was running my mouth if I were you.” Billy drawls in reply. Not even a snap or a bark, but still there’s something in it, like a growl, that makes the hair on Steve’s arms raise and his throat feel tight like there’s a hand squeezing the back of his neck. And he can tell it’s not just him by the way Virgil and Brian immediately clam up and avert their eyes. 
The game starts, one player from each team taking a shot from the key line at the same time until one of them makes a basket. It’s up to the next player on their team to try and out hoop the opposing player and knock him out. The last team standing wins.
Steve tries to just have fun with it, but pretty soon it’s a whirlwhind. Steve’s ears are full of the sound of pounding feet and his frantic heartbeat. A strange electric rush fills his blood as the competition heats up, the stands alive with cheers and heckling as the game becomes a chaotic scramble to try and stay one step ahead of the guy in front of him. It’s dizzying. Steve can barely focus and Billy doesn’t help.
If it’s not - “What was that? Come on Harrington! My little sister could have made that shot with her eyes closed.”
Then it’s - “You’re damn lucky Reeves has got his head up his ass today Pretty Boy. You’d be out if you were shooting against anyone else!”
Fuck you, man. Steve thinks more than once. Nearly says a couple of times. Has to bite his tongue to keep the words in when they are three blue and two red and his first shot falls off the rim and he’s a hair too slow on the rebound.
“You’re out!” Billy snaps before the red player’s ball has even made it completely through the net. “You deserved that Harrington. You call that a hustle?”
Steve calls this cruel and unusual punishment actually. He has sweated through his shirt, his face is flushed, and his chest is itchy with heat. He’s got the strangest urge to march up to Hargrove and sink his teeth into him.
He can just imagine his mom’s humiliation if she gets called to the school because ‘Stevie bit another boy’ like this is the second grade all over again. And then he remembers that he’s eighteen and technically an adult and he could get sued or worse, and keeps his teeth to himself.
Even without him the blue team wins, largely thanks to Hank. While the rest of his teammates celebrate, Steve can’t help but feel a little glum. The hour is ending, the coach never showed and he knows there’s no way in hell he’s making the cut. Not after the way Billy rode his ass the entire time. He’s kinda bummed about it because despite everything he had fun. It was challenging, but in a good way. Like it made him wake up or something. There’s something about this place that makes Steve feel more alive.
After the red players have filed off the court in defeat, Billy, Dave, and Chet have the blue team line up and congratulate them on their win.
“Really good job guys. We saw some great stuff out there today.” Chet praises and the tension in the room releases. Steve can feel the way the other guys start to relax, chests puffing out with pride and trading tired grins.
“The good news is, all of you are moving on.” Dave leads and Steve jolts. He can’t believe he heard that right. Does this mean he’s on the team?
“The bad news is that means you’re going to have to spend a week smelling each other's farts.” Billy adds dryly and some of the guys chuckle.
Steve frowns in confusion. He doesn’t understand. The try-out isn’t over? And what does he mean they’ll have to spend a week smelling each other’s farts? 
As if he can hear Steve’s brain racing Hank leans down and whispers, “The basketball team goes on a retreat at the beginning of the year. It’s like boot camp. Coach will finalize the roster after the retreat.”
“They let the basketball team take a whole week off school to go camping?” Steve asks a little weirded out. It just seems unusual to him, but this wouldn’t be the first example of special treatment he’s witnessed the basketball team getting.
Hank nods.
“The volleyball and soccer teams too. Though the soccer teams go in spring. Don’t worry. Most of the teachers will give you your assignments in advance so you don’t fall behind.”
Steve supposes that makes sense since it was early in the semester. And he supposes when the athletic teams are actually good, the school sees it as an investment in the students' futures. He’s willing to bet there is a lot of scholarship money to go around for state champions.
“Basketball camp is mandatory for the entire team, not just the rookies.” Chet explains to the group. “Dave is passing around a permission slip. Your parents need to sign it for you to get on the bus.”
“The bus leaves at seven A.M. sharp Sunday morning. If you’re not on it, tough titties.” Billy finishes. 
Sunday morning…right after the bonfire.
|PART 5|
Friendly Tags for those who expressed interest: @darleenjade @sweetwaterangel @dragonflylady77 @natchula @tip-tap-tired @sparklingsprinkles @adelacreations @bluetree76 @deadfromtheneckdown @heavensfinest @marklee-blackmore @slightlydepressedmelon
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dixons-sunshine · 2 years
Doomed from the start-Eddie Munson xFem!reader
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Summary: Eddie knew that he was doomed from the moment his eyes met yours during one of his monthly cafeteria speeches. The princess of Hawkins High, with perfect grades, perfect life and douchebag friends, and, not to mention, Steve "The Hair" Harrington's little sister.
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of drugs/weed, Steve being an overprotective older brother (I can't think of more right now. If I should add anything, let me know)
Eddie Munson was never one for caring much about things that others generally would. Popularity? Couldn't care less. Grades? Something he's tried caring about, but to no success. And relationships? Hell, that he never really cared about nor saw in his immediate future. Being the designated school freak never really gave him any willing suitors either, so he tended to stray away from romantic settings and events.
But that doesn't mean that having a crush was lost on the Munson boy. He knew damn well, maybe even more than others, what having a crush was like. He's had crushes before, but none of them were as strong as the crush he had on you.
In his eyes, you were the definition of perfect. Not even the dictionary definition of the word came close to how utterly perfect you were to him. You had perfect grades, well on your way to being the valedictorian. You had perfect charisma and you were a cheerleader. And not one of those mean cheerleaders. No, you were actually nice, something that most jocks and cheerleaders couldn't use to describe themselves.
He'd kill to be able to have a mere conversation with you. Unfortunately, and he knew this better than anyone, your social class was way above his. You had been dubbed the "princess of Hawkins High" while he had been dubbed "the school freak".
So, he had settled for admiring you from afar. That was the safer option, in his opinion.
Your laugh had to be the prettiest thing Eddie had ever heard. He looked up from his plate to look across the cafeteria where you sat with the rest of your friends. You were smiling brightly at something your best friend, Chrissy Cunningham, had said, before leaning towards her, seemingly to whisper something in her ear.
Eddie barely remembered that he was in a conversation before he stopped to look at you. The only thing that reminded him was a slap to the arm. His hand moved to rub the spot where it started to slightly burn, glaring at the culprit.
"Dude, what's up with you? You've been spaced out for a while," one of his friends, Dustin Henderson, asked him, raising his eyebrows in confusion as well as suspicion.
Mike Wheeler, who sat next to Dustin, simply scoffed and shook his head. "Isn't it obvious? He's staring at that Y/N over there. The person he's been crushing on?"
Eddie scoffed and looked down, fighting the blush that was starting to appear on his face. "Please," Eddie said, "the day I start crushing on a cheerleader is the day I stop listening to Metallica and give up my guitar."
Everybody at the Hellfire table looked at their Dungeon Master, some fighting a smile while some simply shook their heads.
"It's okay if you like her, man. I mean, how many of us hasn't crushed on a cheerleader before?" Gareth asked, looking at the rest of the Hellfire members, silently asking them to back him up.
"I haven't, actually," Mike said, to which Dustin nodded, agreeing with Mike. "Yeah, me neither."
"The point is," Gareth started, glaring at the two younger Hellfire members, "it's okay if you like her. Just don't get your hopes up. You know that she won't ever go for someone like us."
Eddie nodded slowly, feeling his mood deflate. "You're right," he said, "and I know that. But that doesn't mean a guy can't dream, right?" He let out a disheartened chuckle before getting up from his chair, confusing everyone at the table.
"Where are you going?" Jeff asked. Eddie slung his bag over his shoulder, picking up his food tray and turning to look at the people he's come to consider his friends.
"I have a biology test tomorrow. Might as well head to the library to get the book," Eddie said. Truth be told, he just didn't really want to sit there while they made fun of and/or gave him disheartening comments about his non-existent love life.
"Since when do you care about biology? Or studying, for that matter?" Mike asked. Eddie threw him a sarcastic smile.
"Since I realized that I don't wanna redo this year again, Wheeler." With that, he turned and left, heading in the direction of the library.
Eddie speed walked his way out of the cafeteria, sighing with relief as soon as he closed the doors. He took a moment to calm himself down, before ultimately heading for the library. "Might as well make the best of tomorrow's test," he muttered to himself. Luckily he had a free period after lunch.
As soon as he reached the library, he started looking for the biology book. Finding it was more complicated than he had originally thought. He scoured the entire library for a while before accepting defeat. He put the book he was flipping through back on the shelf, picking up his bag and prepared to head out, before a voice caught his attention.
"Hey, it's Eddie, right?" Eddie turned to look at the source of the voice, finding the person he had been pining over since the year prior. Y/n Harrington. You were much more beautiful up close, Eddie decided then and there.
He barely acknowledged that you spoke, and only remembered that when you spoke again.
"Are you okay?" you asked, concerned for the boy in front of you. He stood frozen for a moment, eyes wide before snapping out of his trance and vigorously nodding his head.
"Um, yeah! I'm okay," Eddie said, trying to hide his nerves with a smile. You smiled back at him.
"That's good. I thought you were having a stroke or something. And it is Eddie, right?" you asked, repeating your previous question.
Eddie looked at you, surprised that you knew who he was. "You know who I am?" You simply smiled at him, although it looked more like a smirk than an actual smile.
"With the frequent speeches you give in the cafeteria, I'd be surprised if someone didn't know who you are," you said with a small laugh, making Eddie chuckle.
"I almost forgot about that. I was just freaking out that the Y/n Harrington knows who I am. I mean, you're practically royalty at this school while I am but a mere peasant, not worthy to be in your presence."
You frowned at this. "Don't talk about yourself like that. You're not a peasant," you said.
Eddie simply chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't know if you've been living under a rock for, I don't know, a couple of years, but people don't exactly see me as royalty at this school," Eddie said, adjusting the bag on his shoulder. You scoffed.
"Well, fuck what people think. Nobody ever got anywhere by thinking inside the box, anyway," you said, turning around to try and reach a book at the top shelf.
Eddie smiled at that statement, nodding his head. "My thoughts exactly." He noticed you struggling to get the book, "Hey, you want some help?" You smiled.
"Yes, actually. Can you please get that book over there?" You pointed at the book that you needed.
Eddie nodded his head, reaching to get the book. As he brought the book down from the shelf, he realized that it was the exact same book that he was originally looking for. "Oh, well," he thought, "I was probably gonna fail either way."
"Here you go," Eddie said, handing the book over to you. You smiled at him, causing butterflies to erupt in his stomach.
"Thank you so much! I owe you," you said. He scratched his neck, shaking his head.
"Don't mention it. It was really no problem." He played with one of the cool, metal rings on his fingers, something that he does whenever he's nervous.
"I need to make it up to you somehow, otherwise I'm gonna feel bad. Aren't you in my biology class?" You asked, to which Eddie nodded.
"Yeah, I am."
"How about I help you study? I know damn well how hard Pierson's tests can be," you offered. Eddie looked at you, surprise written all over his face.
"No, it's okay. I don't want to bother you. I'm not really that good at biology," he replied, casting his eyes to the floor.
"Believe me, you won't be bothering me at all. I'd much rather help you study tonight than have to go to some lame ass party that Jason Carver is hosting at his place," you said, rolling your eyes at the mere mention of Jason Carver's name. Eddie chuckled at that.
"What, you don't like him?"
You scoffed, shaking your head. "Please, if he was on fire and I had water, I'd drink it."
Eddie laughed at this. "Okay, if it helps you avoid Jason, you can help me study."
"Great!" You said, "you can come over to my place?" Eddie nodded.
"Yeah. I can drive us."
"Then it's settled." Picking up your bag from the floor, you started to head for the exit, "I'll see you later, Eddie!"
Eddie waved at you, watching your figure depart from the library. He smiled to himself, doing a small victory cheer before heading out as well, having heard the bell ring. His mood had brightened by a tenfold, and he couldn't wait to spend more time with you.
The minutes for the last period of the day was ticking by way too slowly for Eddie. He should've been paying attention to Ms O' Donnell, but he just couldn't. He was way too excited to focus on anything at that moment.
The moment the bell rang, Eddie practically jumped up from his seat, speed walking towards the door. He didn't want to make you wait for him, although he knew that you probably wouldn't care. He made a quick stop at his locker, putting the books that he didn't need back into the locker before shutting it and heading towards his van.
He sighed in relief when he saw that you weren't there yet. He leaned against his van, checking his watch. He reckoned that you'd be a few minutes late, considering that you probably had to tell your coach that you wouldn't be at cheer practice today.
Eddie didn't care if you'd be an hour late. All he cared about was that he'd be hanging out with you, something he never thought would happen.
"Hey, man!" Eddie was brought out of his daydreaming by Dustin, who had seen him leaning against his van, as if he was waiting for something- or someone. "There isn't a campaign today. Why are you waiting?"
"Someone's gonna help me study for tomorrow's biology test," Eddie replied. Dustin nodded, opening his mouth to speak before being cut off by someone calling Eddie's name.
"Hey, Eddie! I'm so sorry I'm late. I had to go tell my coach that I wouldn't be at cheer practice today and then I had to explain to Chrissy and Jason why I'd be missing tonight's party- don't worry, I never mentioned your name. All I said was that I had to tutor a student," you rambled on, out of breath.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it, sweetheart," Eddie replied, giving you a small smile of reassurance.
You fought a blush that wanted to appear on your face. Sweetheart. You weren't one to be swooned by cute nicknames, but Eddie was different. He wasn't some guy on the basketball team calling you a nickname with hopes of getting into your pants. He said it simply out of niceness, which was a good change of pace for you.
Dustin looked back and forth between you and Eddie, mouth agape. "Um, Eddie? What's happening right now?"
Eddie had forgotten that his younger friend was there. He gave Dustin a tight lipped smile. "She's my tutor. She's gonna help me study for the test."
Dustin nodded slowly, turning to leave. "I'll leave you guys to it, then. Bye, Y/n. Bye, Eddie."
"Bye, Dustin. Tell Steve that he still owes me a milkshake when you see him!" You called after him. Dustin gave a thumbs up over his shoulder. "Will do!"
Eddie looked between you and Dustin's retreating figure in confusion. "You two know each other?"
You started moving to the passenger side of the van, giggling when Eddie rushed to open it for you. "Yeah. We've been through some shit together, so I'd say I know him pretty well. Shared trauma and all that jazz," you said, closing the door.
Eddie headed to the driver's side, getting in and starting the van. Whiplash by Metallica blared throughout the van. Eddie shot you an apologetic smile, turning it off. "Sorry," he said, grimacing at the thought of having you judge his taste in music.
"It's okay. Metallica is a cool band," you replied, leaning back into the leather seat as Eddie turned out of the school's driveway.
Eddie looked at you in surprise. "You like Metallica?" Eddie asked in surprise, causing you to chuckle.
"Yeah, I do. They're amazing. I don't get why people hate on them so much. I mean, Creeping Death is a fucking masterpiece!" You said, waving your hands around in exaggeration.
Eddie nodded in agreement. "Yes, exactly! It's ridiculous how they can hate on something just because it's different. And personally, I like Master of Puppets more, but that's also a good song," Eddie said.
"My thoughts exactly! It's absolutely ridiculous. And that's why I don't like most of the people in my friend group," you said, pulling your feet up to rest on the seat.
If it were anyone else, Eddie would've flipped out at them for putting their feet on his seats, but it was you. For you, he'd make an exception.
You and Eddie talked throughout the entire drive to your house. You occasionally interrupted the conversation to give directions to your house, but ultimately returned to the conversation at hand.
"Steve's home early," you said, furrowing your eyebrows. Your brother's car was sat in the driveway, confusing you. Steve had previously told you that he was working a late shift down at Family Video, so you didn't expect him home this early.
Eddie suddenly felt more nervous than he previously had. It wasn't like he was scared of Steve Harrington, it was more that he knew how overprotective he could get over you. One of the guys on the basketball team once sported a broken nose when Steve Harrington was done with him. Eddie couldn't blame him, for the guy wouldn't get the hint when you rejected him more than once. But that whole ordeal gave Eddie a newfound respect for the older Harrington- no matter how much of a douchebag Eddie thought he was.
"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, noticing how Eddie seemed to be tense.
Eddie smiled at you, taking a deep breath and opening the car door. "I'm okay, sweetheart. Don't worry about me," he said while getting out of the car.
You went to open your door but Eddie beat you to it. He opened your door for you, bowing in an overdramatic manner, causing you to laugh.
You and Eddie entered your house- a mansion, in Eddie's opinion. He looked around, noticing that it was way different than he had expected. There was a dirty laundry basket at the end of the hallway, shoes were scattered by the door and as you guys walked into the kitchen, he noticed that there were dirty dishes in the sink.
It was odd. He thought that your family would have maids at their beck and call, but it appears that he was wrong.
"I'm so sorry about the mess," you said with an awkward smile, "it's Steve's week to clean the house but he had to work the late shift this week, so I have to clean up after school."
"Can't your parents hire a maid or something? I feel like that would be so much easier than having to clean up after school every day," Eddie said. Confusion was written across his face.
You couldn't blame him for thinking that. Your parents love making it known to the rest of Hawkins that they're financially well off. "No, my parents could care less about what happens here. They're barely ever here anyway so it's just me and Steve. And they would kill us if we ever used their money, so Steve and I are technically living off of the money he gets from his job and the money I get from working on the weekends, Summers and whenever there isn't school. My parents really wouldn't give a shit if one of us burned the house down."
Eddie let out a silent 'oh', not having expected that at all. For the first time in his entire life, Eddie Munson was speechless. He didn't know what to say in this situation and he certainly didn't want to make the situation worse.
"But it's okay! Steve and I are okay, I promise. I mean, who needs parents who'll love and support you, am I right?" You said sadly, letting out a sarcastic chuckle, trying to hold back tears that were threatening to fall.
Eddie noticed your change of mood instantly, wrapping his arms around you in hopes of providing some comfort. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay," Eddie said, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
You hated feeling like this. In your mind, if you could fight a Mindflayer, a demogorgan and a denodog, something as stupid as this shouldn't be making you cry. But you just couldn't help it. You felt like you barely even knew your parents. The closest thing you ever got to parental figures in your life was Jim Hopper and Joyce Byers, but with the chief of police dying while fighting the Russians to close the gate and Joyce now halfway across the country, that was history too. You just couldn't handle it anymore.
And just like that, you lost the battle. Tears started flowing down your cheeks, ragged sobs racking throughout your body. Eddie tightened his hold on you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
He held you like that for a while, allowing you to cry. You calmed down after a while but still stayed in his embrace. It was a weird feeling for you. You barely knew Eddie, but he made you feel safe, at home. You couldn't explain it.
You pulled away from his embrace, giving him a small smile. He gave you a smile back, rubbing stray tears off your cheeks.
"And what, if I may ask, is happening here?"
You and Eddie jumped away from each other, turning to look at a very wary Steve Harrington. He raised his eyebrow before noticing your tear stained cheeks, mind instantly thinking of the worst possible scenarios.
"Oh my god, Y/n! What's wrong? Did he hurt you? I swear to god if he hurt you-" Steve didn't have time to finish his threat because you cut him off, coming to Eddie's defense.
"No! I was just upset and Eddie comforted me, that's all. Don't worry, Stevie. I'm okay, I promise," you said. Steve nodded, glaring at Eddie over your shoulder.
"If you say so. Besides," Steve said, heading over to the fridge to get a bottle of water, "what are you doing here anyway, Munson?"
"I'm helping him study for the biology test I told you about. You should know how hard Pierson's tests are," you said to Steve, tossing him the keys that he was motioning for beside you.
"Ah," Steve began, "okay. Glad that's all he's doing here." Steve narrowed his eyes at Eddie, causing the Munson boy to grimace.
"Even if he was here for another reason, I don't think that would be any of your concern, Steve," you said defensively, crossing your arms over your chest.
Steve raised his hand in mock surrender. "Okay, okay. Sorry. Just don't do anything too crazy while I'm gone."
"Where are you going?" You asked him.
"To Robin's. She's having some, uh, problems, if you know what I mean," Steve said, glancing at Eddie.
You nodded, understanding what he's grasping at. "Okay. Say hi to her for me!"
"Will do!"
With that, Steve closed the front door, leaving you and Eddie alone. You turned to look at him. You gave him an awkward smile before motioning him to follow you.
The two of you walked upstairs to your room. When he saw your room, it was safe to say that he was surprised. Your room wasn't what he expected it to be. It wasn't girly, but it also wasn't boyish. It was so you. It had everything that complimented your personality. From your bed to your dresser, everything complimented you.
"Nice room," Eddie said awkwardly, not knowing how to strike up a conversation after that confrontation in the kitchen.
"Thanks," you said, smiling at him. You walked towards the beanbags at the corner of your room, plopping yourself down in one of them. You motioned for Eddie to sit on the other one.
"So," you began, "let's begin, shall we?"
It was safe to say that after that, you and Eddie grew closer. Eddie passed the test, getting a B+. He ran to you that day in the cafeteria, practically engulfing you in a hug, shocking everyone nearby.
"Y/n!" You turned when you heard your name being called. You didn't have time to think about it, because the weight of someone crushing into you knocked you back a couple of steps. You looked at the person who engulfed you in a hug and you were pleasantly surprised to see it was the Munson boy.
"I passed! I actually passed!" Eddie said, pulling back and showing you the paper. You took it and saw a big B+ written in red ink.
"Oh my god, Eddie! See, I told you that you could do it," you said, pulling him into another hug. He hugged you back tightly, never wanting it to end.
"Um," your friend, Loraine, said, "what is happening here?"
It has been a couple of months since then, and you and Eddie were attached at the hip. Because of your social status at school, people began to back off from making comments about Eddie, something you couldn't have been more grateful for.
In the few months that you and Eddie have spent together, it was safe to say that you started to grow feelings for the Munson boy, although you never acted upon them, choosing to keep your friendship instead of potentially ruining it by acting upon your feelings.
Little did you know, Eddie felt the exact same way.
You and Eddie were hanging out at your house. His uncle Wayne was working that night, and Steve was out, so you decided to invite him over for a movie night. The movie night included popcorn, some beer, and weed.
You and Eddie were sitting opposite each other on the couch, Tom Cruise's Top Gun playing in the background long forgotten. The two of you were playing a harmless game of Truth or Dare, or so Eddie had called it.
"Okay. Truth or Dare?" Eddie asked. You pondered for a minute.
"Truth," you finally said. Eddie clapped his hands together once, thinking of a possible question.
"Okay. Who do you like at the moment?" Eddie asked. He actually really didn't want to know. He didn't want to hear about some stupid jock you had a crush on, but he would never say that out loud.
"Well, you know him, actually. You know him really well," You began. Eddie smiled, but his heart shattered at the possibility of it being one of his friends.
"He has long, thick brown hair that is really fun to play with. He has the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes that I could get lost in forever. He plays guitar, and get this, he managed to perfect playing Master of Puppets on the guitar in a matter of months. And he has an amazing sense of humour. He never fails to make me laugh. He's honestly the best guy ever."
You internally cursed yourself for almost outright admitting that you liked Eddie in a romantic sense, but the weed and beer had made you a bit more confident.
Eddie stared at you in surprise. He was so damn sure that you were talking about him. "You like me?" he dared to ask, hoping that you were.
You smiled. "Yeah, I've liked you for a while now. Just didn't know how to tell you."
Eddie stared at you. You smiled awkwardly, motioning for him to say something.
"Can I kiss you?"
You looked at him in surprise, nodding your head nonetheless.
Eddie leaned in, pressing his lips against yours. Your lips moved against each other's, slowly at first, before you became a little bit more confident, leaning into the kiss a bit more.
Eddie moved you to lay on the couch, hovering above you, lips never leaving yours. Unfortunately, breathing was still a thing, so you had to pull away.
He looked at you. "I like you too."
You laughed, pulling him into another kiss. You moved your hands to play with his hair, one of his hands moving down to cup your face. Neither of you wanted the moment to end.
However, the same couldn't be said for a fuming Steve Harrington.
"Munson, you're dead!"
Hello beautiful people of Tumblr! Hope this doesn't suck as bad as I think it does. I really wanted this to go in a better direction, but in the end I ended up with this. I hope you like it nontheless!
I'd love to hear your opinions on this (please don't be too harsh 😅). Likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
That's all for now. I hope you guys stick around and I'll see you beautiful people next time. Bye!
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robinbuckleysfringe · 4 months
There's No Place Like Hawkins
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pairings: steve harrington x oc, steve harrington x henderson!oc
warnings: nothing beyond the canon of the show, slow burn?? takes them a while to get together.
words: 1k, bit shorter than normal
Chapter Four (episodes: S1.E4)
prev. chapter | next chapter | series masterlist
The Body
Having planned to stay home from school the next day, despite her mother’s wishes, Catherine somehow managed to drag herself into school. She was feeling horrifically low after the previous night’s news, but Nancy had called her talking about Barb’s disappearance and so she forced herself to cycle to school. Now, Cat found herself standing in her usual smoking spot in the alleyway next to the gym and sports field. Only, this time she was joined by both Nancy and Steve as the former told them about what she had seen the prior evening when she was searching for Barb.
"So, wait a sec. I don't understand. You went back to my house?" Steve questioned.
"To look for Barb." Nancy stated, nodding her head slightly.
"Yeah, okay, but why didn't you just talk to me? That's crazy."
Cat shook her head, lighting a fresh cigarette. “Be honest, Harrington. Would you have helped?”
Steve stuttered, unsure how to answer as Cat stared at him blankly, blowing smoke from her lips. “Y… Yes. ‘Course I would’ve.” He turned back to Nancy. “Why didn’t you talk to me, Nance?”
"I don't know, I... I was scared." The brunette answered honestly.
"You seriously think you saw a guy in a mask just hanging out in my yard?" Steve asked.
Cat scoffed. "For such a large house, it's quite easy to break into. Apparently.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Clearly, you need a better security system, Harrington."
"I don't think it was a mask." Nancy said, looking between her boyfriend and her best friend.
"But he had no face?" Steve questioned.
"I don't know! I don't know, I just... I have a terrible feeling about this."
"Oh, this is bad." Steve muttered. Cat raised an eyebrow at the boy, thinking for a moment that maybe he actually cared about their missing friend. "This is really bad." He muttered again, taking a step back, leaning against the other wall.
"What?" Nancy asked him, taking a step towards him.
"The cops... they're gonna want to talk to all of us now."
“So?” Cat raised an eyebrow at him, not understanding the boy’s self-obsessed ways. Involving the police gave them a higher chance of finding Barb, didn't he understand that? She took another drag of her cigarette, blowing out more smoke from her lips.
"Tommy, Carol, Henderson over here," he pointed to her, "everybody who was at the party." Steve continued.
"Okay... and?" Cat asked, not quite understanding what he was getting at. Surely the cops would help them find Barbara.  Right? Nancy crossed her arms over her chest, frowning at the boy.
"My parents are gonna murder me!" Steve exclaimed.
"Big deal!" Catherine sighed throwing her arms up in the air, irritated with the boy.
"Are you serious right now?" Nancy asked.
"You don't understand. My dad's a grade-A asshole."
"Doesn't mean you have to be." Catherine snapped, blowing smoke directly towards his face.
"Barb is missing! And you're worried about your dad?" Nancy yelled at him.
"Okay, just... When you talk to the cop, just... don't mention the beers. It's just gonna get us all in trouble, and Barbara's got nothing to do with it, okay?" He stepped closer to Nancy, and Cat couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Why did she have to crush on someone who doesn't care about anyone other than himself and his stupid reputation?
"Actually, some of us didn't touch the stupid alcohol..." Cat mumbled, taking yet another drag of her cigarette, resting it between her fingers.
Nancy scoffed. "I can't believe you right now." She started to walk away, having had enough of the conversation. "I can't believe you."
"Nancy. Nancy, wait!" Steve called out to her, watching helpless as she walked away.
"Well done, asshole." Catherine snapped, throwing her cigarette to the gravel and hurrying after her friend, hoping she would be able to provide some comfort to her.
During their second lesson of the day, both girls found their names being called by the principle, where they were led to the empty cafeteria. Cat felt simultaneously upset and relieved that her mother hadn’t been able leave work to join them as she was questioned by the two cops first. Unfortunately for Nancy, her mother was sat next to her, arms crossed, and a worried look plastered on her face. Time seemed to drag on and on as officers Powell and Callahan questioned them about the night of Barb’s disappearance. Cat had made it clear how she’d left early on into the party, and therefore she didn’t know anything that might have happened. Now the cops had begun to mostly focus their queries towards Nancy.
"This argument you and Barbara had?" Powell began, "What exactly was it about?"
"It wasn't really an argument." Nancy told them. "Barb just wanted to leave. I didn't, so, I... I told her to just go home."
"Then what?"
"Then I went upstairs to put on some dry clothes."
"And the next day, you went back and... saw a bear, you're thinking?"
"I don't know what it was, but... I think... I think maybe it took Barb." Cat could sense her friend getting upset and so she gently held Nancy’s hand in hers and squeezed it comfortingly.  "You need to check behind Steve's house-"
"We did." Callahan cut her off. "There's nothing there. There's no sign of a bear."
"And no car." Powell added.
Cat's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Nancy let out a "What?"
“What do you mean?” Cat queried. “There has to be some sort of sign as to where she went. Maybe you didn’t look properly.” She huffed.
"Look." Callahan started. "We figured that Barbara came back last night and then she took off, went somewhere else."
"But she wouldn't do that. She wouldn't just leave. That's-" Catherine cut herself off, distressed as to why her friend would just leave her without saying goodbye. If that was indeed the truth.
"Has she ever talked to you about running off? Leaving town, maybe? Maybe she mentioned it to you, seeing as Miss Henderson believes that's not something Barbara would do." Powell asked Nancy.
"No." Nancy answered, confused. "If Barb ever spoke about wanting to leave, she'd have said something to the both of us." She told the officers, gesturing to herself and Catherine. "Barb wouldn't do that, ever. She wouldn't just leave."
"She wasn't maybe upset about the fact that you were spending time with this boy?" Powell asked. "Uh, Steve Harrington?"
"What?” Nancy exclaimed, shocked he would even suggest that. “No!"
"Maybe she was jealous because she saw you go up to Steve's room?" Callahan added.
"It wasn't like that." Nancy stated.
"Like what?" Callahan asked her, though Cat guessed from the look on his face that he already had an idea of the answer.
"Steve and me, we're... we're just friends. We... we just talked."
"Now was this before or after you changed out of your clothes?" Callahan asked, glancing down to his notepad. Mrs. Wheeler stared at her daughter in shock as the police waited for Nancy to answer.
After school, Catherine found herself walking with Nancy through the center of town as they headed towards the funeral home. All Nancy had said to Cat was that she thought she knew what had taken Barb and that it was important they find Jonathan. Having excused himself from the funeral director, the three teenagers headed into the quiet hallway as Nancy pulled out one of the ripped-up photographs Jonathan had taken during Steve’s party. This one was of Barb sitting on the diving board, unbeknownst to the group mere moments before she had disappeared. Nancy had taped the pieces together, forming a complete photo once again.
Taking a seat on the only bench in the corridor, Nancy handed the picture to Jonathan. Cat took a seat on his other side, looking over the boy’s shoulder to see. “It looks like it could be some kind of perspective distortion, but I wasn’t using the wide angle.” He explained as they stared at the faceless creature on the side of the image. He passed the picture back to Nancy. “I don’t know. It’s weird.”
"And you're sure you didn't see anyone else out there?" Nancy asked him. “And you’re sure you saw absolutely nothing when you left Steve’s?” She turned to Cat.
The girl shook her head, a frown on her face. “No, nothing. She was still in the bathroom when I left.”
Jonathan nodded his head in agreement. “There was definitely no one else out there. She was there one second and then, um… gone.” Cat drew her hand up to her mouth, beginning to bite anxiously at her nails. “I figured she bolted.”
"The cops think that she ran away." Cat told him. "I- That can't be the truth. She wouldn’t do that.”
"But they don't know Barb." Nancy added. "And I went back to Steve's... and I thought I... saw something. Some... weird man or... I don't know what it was." It was quiet for a minute before Nancy spoke again. "I'm sorry. I... I shouldn't have come here today or dragged Cat with me." She picked her bag up from the floor by her feet. "I'm... I'm so sorry." She stood up from the bench, starting to walk away.
"What'd he look like?" Jonathan asked, causing Nancy to stop in her tracks as Cat’s movements paused.
"What?" Nancy asked, turning to face the boy.
"This man you saw in the woods. What'd he look like?" Jonathan asked again.
Nancy stammered. "I don't know. It was almost like he... he didnt have-"
"Didn't have a face?" Jonathan asked. Cat’s eyes widened as she stared between her two friends in confusion. She was still yet to see this creature, the photo distorting its image.
"How did you know that?" Nancy asked him.
“I’m still not fully sure what it is you’re talking about.” Catherine admitted, leaning forward in her seat. “And it sounds completely crazy, but I believe you. There's something weird going on in this town and we need to figure out what it is. And save Barb."
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sixofpomegranates · 2 years
☠︎ 𝚅𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚜 ☠︎ -𝙴.𝙼.
⚡︎{Eddie’s Masterlist}•{Requests/Feedback}•{Guidlines}⚡︎
Summary: Duffer Brother-Esque pain. You’d be perfect, but the stars don't favor your love.
A/N:  !Body, Ethnicity & Skin color Neutral! I just Duffer Brothered myself. It's a retelling of what happened to Eddie with an x Fem!Reader element.
CW: All Angst - No Happy End! 18+ | Mentions of Bullying/Jealousy/Eddie's Parents(abuse/neglect)/Underage Drinking/Tattoos (y/n & Eddie), Drugs & selling & use of (Weed), Pining/Childhood Crush, Death, Blood, slight gore, Major Character Death,
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*picture does not describe the looks of the reader*
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My entire life, I'd been in love with Eddie Munson.
It was something about his smile, about how he seemed scary and insane but was actually a weird sweetheart. Whenever he smiled, my heart skipped a beat, and when he laughed, a soft warmth spread through my body.
Once, I was nine, I fell off my bike and scraped my knee. Eddie had noticed it, seen me from afar, and stopped to check on me and hand me a band-aid. He had lots he carried around, for moments when he got into fights, for moments he accidentally hurt himself, or for when his father had been abusive and he'd left his home in a hurry.
After child protective services finally gave custody over him to his uncle, Eddie had lost his brown curls. His uncle had to shave his head because nobody had taught Eddie how to care for himself; it was full of knots and lice.
Everybody knew, and kids were teasing him and staying away from him, making him an outsider. Yet, he never lost his smile or humor.
I found it endearing.
The first time I realized that my childhood crush was still there and had only become so much bigger, was a month before it came back.
Robin and Steve had taken me to a party hosted by one of the basketball players from Junior College. None of us had wanted to go, except for Steve, but he'd been right when he told us that although we saved Hawkins, we needed to move on and live the life after it as well.
Robin, lastly, just went to see him get rejected by college girls...
At the party, I'd met plenty of guys, either drunk, or high, or both. None had piqued my interest, so I just grabbed a beer and snug outside. It'd been too full to find my friends anyway.
The front yard was almost empty, some guys hanging out on the porch, buying drugs. I sat on the white Hollywood swing, drinking my beer. The men passed me, one sitting down next to me.
I'd already counted on this guy hitting on me, but instead, a familiar chuckle came from him. "Hey, [y/n]."
I looked to my side, Eddie sitting there, lunchbox in his lab. "Hi," I gave back. "I thought you didn't like parties?"
"Oh, I don't, but they're good for business."
I nodded, taking a sip from my beer, while Eddie lit himself a joint. I watched his coarse hand full of big rings lead the joint to his lips, the other one brushing through his curly mane. He was handsome.
Not the type you took home to meet your parents, but the type of beautiful that gave you butterflies nonetheless, making you forget that the stars could maybe not favor the both of you together.
"Want a hit," he suddenly asked, having caught me staring. I nodded, taking a hit while he still held the joint for me. "You're graduating this year as well, right?"
I nodded, taking a sip of my beer. "Yeah. Class of '86."
"It's a good year."
"Is it?"
He nodded, a boyish grin on his lips. "Absolutely. I can feel stuff like that."
I handed him my beer, offering him to drink just as he shared his joint with me. The loud music was barely as annoying as it had been inside. Sitting there with Eddie was nice.
"They have zero taste in music in there, now do they?" Eddie asked appalled, seconds after the third song of The Bee Gees started to play.
I giggled. "You don't like it?"
Rolling his eyes, he couldn't help but grin. "Awful."
Staring at him while he took another sip from my beer, I started biting the pillowy part of my bottom lip.
He flashed me a smile as he noticed it. "Careful," he said, coming a little closer. "I might end up thinking you have the hots for me."
"You're so full of yourself, Munson," I snickered, softy hitting his chest.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "But wouldn't you like to be?"
We stared at each other for a moment and then burst into laughter.
"This was the worst pick-up line I've ever heard," I exclaimed, watching him wipe the tears from his eyes.
"It's the worst I ever used," he admitted. "I feel dirty, and not in a good way."
As we collected ourselves again, he began swaying us back and forth on the Hollywood swing.
"I like you, Eddie," I told him gently. "You're always so happy and sweet."
Pressing his lips together, he began to blush, "Thanks."
"Just tell me you're getting flattered easily?" I gently teased him.
He nodded, solely becoming redder. "Flattery works with me very well."
"Kay, I'll remember that."
As both joint and beer were finished, we simply continued talking.
"I don't know if you can remember, but when I was eleven, I saw you fall off your bike and hurt your knee. I was kinda the first responder."
I nodded, "Yeah, how could I forget? You gave me a band-aid with tigers on it."
"Y-You cried, and I didn't know what else to do."
Eddie carefully laid his hand on my thigh, and I began playing with his rings. They were cold, forming a harsh contrast to his warm hand. I liked the feeling.
As another Bee Gees song began to play, he curled his nose, shaking his head a little. "Hey, would you- would you like to dump this party and go eat a burger instead? My treat."
My first instinct was to say yes, but instead, I said, "I- I'm here with friends..."
Eddie quickly nodded, pulling his hand from my grasp. "Yeah, sorry. That was stupid of me. I- It's the pot, you know. Makes me a little dumb." He jumped up. "I need to go anyway. Got some homework to do. See ya around."
"Eddie, I didn't mean..." He'd already run away.
I felt a knot form in my stomach. I should've talked faster and said things differently. I would've loved to grab something to eat with him.
Robin soon found me still sitting on the Hollywood swing, and although she loved to tease me for not acting on my feelings towards the metalhead, this time, she solely listened and held my hand while I talked myself crazy.
Then the Upside Down came back to haunt us, and it also began haunting Eddie. He was now a wanted man, searched for murder in the name of his satanic cult.
He'd done nothing wrong and yet paid the price. I wished that it wouldn't be a common pattern in our fight against this other side, but it was.
As we met for the first time since hell broke loose, it was at Skull Rock. We stared at each other for a second, and I knew he wasn't sure if I, as well, thought him to be a monster.
Only after he'd eaten and found out that I was in on everything, he felt brave enough to talk to me. I'd welcomed it, helping him catch up with all that happened since the night Will had disappeared.
"So, you guys do that often?" he asked me, trying to sound casual while we walked through the woods.
I nodded. "Steve, Nancy, and the kids more often than me, though. I joined them at the freaking 4th of July disaster."
"So, Billy Hargrove, the mall...?"
"And this girl, Eleven, doesn't have her powers anymore, making us basically defenseless..." he concluded while looking around, clearly overwhelmed.
"It gets easier," I assured him. "Well, first it gets worse, but then easier."
"Because you get used to the crazy?" he chuckled, making me giggle.
"Yeah, kind of."
"Awesome. Can't wait."
As our laughter ceased, his hand wrapped around my wrist. Eddie stopped walking, making us stay behind and out of hearing distance.
"I- I didn't-" he stopped, swallowing roughly. "I didn't hurt Chrissy. I- I didn't kill her. I could never hurt anybody like that. I- I don't even like confrontation when it isn't just being a dick from afar."
"I know," I said, noticing the tears he held back. "I never thought you did it."
Within a second, his arms were wrapped around me, his face buried in my neck. At first, I was shocked, just standing there, but as a shaky sigh escaped him, I immediately relaxed. I wrapped my arms around him, and he pulled me even closer.
His clothes smelled like they were in desperate need of a wash, but I didn't care. My heart was nearly jumping out of my chest, my stomach was full of butterflies, and for a moment, nothing else mattered.
'I could get used to this,' I thought. But sadly, he let go of me after a while, quickly turning his back to me in an effort to not have me see his tears.
"Hey," I cooed, laying a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find a way to fix this."
"Everyone thinks I'm a murderer, [y/n]," he said, turning around. "How would we fix this?"
I pressed my lips together, removing my hand from his shoulder. "I- I don't know," I admitted, making him scoff.
"Yeah, thought so."
Eddie turned in the direction the others had gone and, again, ran. He ran before I could say anything else. Before I could come up with a plan, or at least a lie, that would buy me time.
This was a mess, a mess so bad that it had probably not only killed but also buried my chance ever to be more to Eddie than just an acquaintance he was saving Hawkins with.
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Distraction. Eddie, Dustin, and I would be distracting the demobats, while Nancy, Steve, and Robin would hopefully kill Vacna with Max as bait.
A sense of dread overcame me as we prepared ourselves and our weapons in a field near the trailer park. We'd seen what those bats could do – attacking Steve like little, flying piranhas. We'd seen what Vecna was capable of.
After running around with Dustin, still able to laugh after all that had happened these past days, Eddie walked up to me. He flopped himself down on the grass next to me. Since he ran from our last, there had been no conversation solely containing us, and I'd actually thought that he would continue to avoid me.
"We made some pretty cool shields," he said, smiling at me carefully.
"Yeah, saw that," I smiled back.
His hand sneaked to my thigh, resting there. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, while my hand went down to his, so I could fidget with his rings.
"Premonitions," I mumbled.
Eddie frowned. "A gut feeling? You're having one of those right now, Sweetheart?"
I nodded. "We're in over our heads," I said, looking over at our friends laughing.
"You wanna tell the others?" he asked, but I shook my head.
Watching Lucas and Erica bicker, I giggled before feeling a wave of sadness crashing down on me. This little bit of normality shouldn't be so rare and pleasant to see.
"You know what's the worst part of all this?" I asked Eddie, and he shook his head. "Erica is eleven years old. This started when she was nine, and the boys were only twelfth. They're not at an age they should worry about dying while saving the world."
He looked over to the kids, seeing how Erica flung something at her brother, Steve stepping between them.
"They don't seem like they're worried... Except for Max. They're tough little shits," Eddie shrugged, laughing as the kids all attacked Steve, throwing him to the ground and making Nancy step in since he was still injured.
"Can you promise me something?"
"Anything," he whispered, leaning closer and staring at me with those beautiful brown eyes.
I swallowed roughly, looking away from his gaze. "I definitely wouldn't say I'm an adult just because I'm eighteen, but here, in this situation, we are the adults," I explained, licking over my lips and swallowing down tears. "It's our duty to protect the kids. They deserve the chance to grow up and move past this."
Before I could say anything more, Eddie interrupted me, "I- I know where this is going. [y/n], we're gonna make it, all of us. We have a plan, Nancy Wheeler is an insane person with guns, and you all went through this before."
He tried looking away, but I put a hand on his cheek, forcing him to keep eye contact. "If push comes to shove, we have to get Dustin out of there. He's with us; he's our responsibility."
Eddie took my hand from his cheek, holding it in both of his. He smiled gently in an effort to keep me calm, "We're all going to make it."
"Promise me that you won't play hero," I insisted, making him laugh.
"Sweetheart, you know I'm not a hero. I see danger; I run."
"Some situations need you to be smart and run. Just promise me you'll take Dustin with you."
He nodded, still having a boyish grin on his lips. "I promise. But like I said, we're all gonna make it out. Worst case, I'll throw the two of you over my shoulder and pull a speed racer."
Fair enough, this made me giggle again. Eddie's self-deprecating humor had me wrapped around his little finger.
"There we go," he chuckled. "You're so much prettier when you laugh."
"Now don't you start flirting with me, Munson," I warned him jokingly, having him raise his eyebrows and lean so close I recognized small, almost invisible freckles on the bridge of his nose.
"Why? What would happen if I did?"
His question knocked the air out of my lungs. I wasn't sure if he'd guessed my feelings, played with me, or solely wanted to keep our little banter up, but he drove me crazy in a very unknown to me but welcomed manner.
"I- I-" I stammered while his hopeful eyes fixated on my lips. "I would-"
"Guys, it's showtime," Steve suddenly yelled, having us look over. Everyone was getting into the stolen RV.
Eddie grinned at me, flirtatious. "Hold that thought, okay?" he said, helping me up. "We'll talk after we killed Vecna." Then he walked up to our friends.
"Eddie," I called after him, making him turn around and chuckle.
"Protect the kids. I know, Sweetheart."
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So close to disaster, I finally caught a glimpse of heaven. Eddie Munson was beautiful, and no matter how often I had seen him play at The Hideout with his band Corroded Coffin, I couldn't get over how beautiful he looked, wholly focused on his music.
Our distraction had become Eddie playing 'Master of Puppets' by Metallica, having him pull on every earthly string attached to my silly little doll-heart.
Hiding in the trailer, Eddie and Dustin began jumping up and down, excitedly yelling about having been part of the most metal concert ever. Eddie's arm wrapped around my waist, making me jump with them.
But soon, the bats came through the vents. We hadn't thought about the vents; how could we have forgotten? Outside the trailer, inside Eddie's room... there were thousands of bats trying to find their way to us.
Eddie and I exchanged a look, him pushing Dustin and me behind himself, his spear ready to protect us.
"We need to go," I told Dustin. "Climb, climb," I hurried him.
"They're just gonna follow us through the portal," the boy yelled, having me feel the same dawning premonition as when we were out on the field.
These bats couldn't come to our dimension. They'd wreak havoc on our town.
"LET'S Go!" Eddie screamed at us, the door to the bedroom starting to give in. "LET'S GO!"
"Just climb, Dustin," I told the boy, trying to hide my panic. "It's gonna be okay."
When he was safe on the other side of the portal, Eddie turned to me; spear still pointed in the direction of the door.
"Next you, Sweetheart," he said, but I shook my head.
"Dustin's right. They're gonna come through the portal."
He nodded. "We're gonna barricade it once we're out of here."
"That won't be enough, Eddie."
Our eyes met again, and I could swear he saw what I was thinking.
"GUYS!" Dustin called us. "HURRY UP!"
"I'm gonna distract them," I told Eddie, quiet enough that Dustin couldn't hear me. "You go through the portal, and if bats start coming through it... Just barricade it."
He shook his head, determined, "I am not going to leave you here."
"You have to."
"I don't have to do jack-shit," he scoffed. "Not letting you play bait for those things."
"You promised me we're going to put the kids' well-being before our own."
"[y/n]-" he started more gently, but I interrupted him.
"I'm going to be fine," I lied, looking into Eddie's big brown eyes one last time. "I'll see you later."
Storming out of the trailer, bats already started swarming me, scratching every inch of skin they could reach. The first scratch across my face burned terribly, but the next ones were dulled down due to the adrenaline in my veins.
I grabbed one of the bikes lying around and jumped on it, driving down the road as fast as I could. I was directionless, tears pricking in my eyes as the screaming bat came closer and closer.
Then they attacked, throwing themselves at me and the bike. I lost my balance and crashed onto the ground. Having nothing to defend myself with, I curled up into a ball.
The bats were relentless, biting, scratching, and tearing threw my skin. I screamed; in a weak moment as one wrapped its tail around my neck, even begging for the pain to stop, for them to leave me alone. The tail around my neck had me struggling, trying to get away, and lastly, departing my defensive position, allowing these monsters to tear into the vulnerable flesh of my stomach.
That was when the bat strangling me got flung away. Eddie entered my teary-eyed view, bloodied and mangled like me. He collapsed then and there, crawling closer and wrapping his arms around me as though he was still able to protect me.
After a long while, the demobats grew sick of us. They weren't like regular animals. They hadn't hunted us for nourishment. They had hunted and tortured us for fun. Now that we solely lay there, weak, defenseless, close to dying, we weren't interesting anymore.
They simply left.
I whimpered in pain as Eddie let go of me, both of us still lying on our sides and facing each other. "I- I know, Sweetheart," he croaked, coughing up blood.
"Where's Dustin?" I asked, and he smiled weakly.
"Safe. Made sure he had to stay on the other side."
I sighed, looking at Eddie's face, tears running down my cheeks and burning in my facial wounds. He began crying as well, his hand full of rings, brushing hair out of my face.
A louder groan escaped me as my rips began filling with deep-seated pain. The adrenaline was leaving me like it had left Eddie earlier.
This was it. This was how we were going to die.
"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I- This is my fault."
"It's not," he whispered back. "Protect the kids, remember?"
Pulling a pained grimace, Eddie nodded, letting out an agonized grunting noise as he cursed under his breath. "Fuck."
I whimpered the only thing I could think of, "I don't wanna die."
We were still kids; our lives hadn't even fully begun. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that we had to pay the ultimate price, although we'd never done anything to deserve this.
I wanted to graduate, go to college, experience love, get married, and have a family of my own... But I was going to bleed out in the Upside Down.
There was no happy ending this time.
Eddie seemed so angry and scared, cradling my face in his hands. As he assured himself I was looking into his eyes, he said, "I love you."
A shockwave of butterflies erupted in my chest as he continued, "I loved you ever since you shared your lunch with me when I was ten because mom didn't care enough to make me one. I- I started driving the same way home as you after that, although it took me twice as long, but I never had the courage to talk to you."
"I love you too," I cried happily, one hand rising to his cheek and the other to his softly beating heart. I had so long dreamed of hearing and saying these words.
He clenched his jaw, "I should've said something earlier, but every time I got the chance to be alone with you, I got scared and ran. I never would've thought you'd feel the same."
"I wish I would've gone with you when you asked me to leave the party with you," I told him.
Edie shook his head a little, "I should've asked you out properly. I'm sorry I never did, but- but I didn't run away this time."
I started becoming cold, unnaturally cold, and my eyes became heavy. "Eddie... hurts," I whimpered. We both knew that we ran on borrowed time.
"I know, Sweetheart," he assured me, pulling me close to his chest, his forehead resting against mine.
Is heart became weaker, and all the happiness left my body. We would not get to be together. We would die before we could graduate, go on our first date, or even have our first kiss.
"I wish I could've made you happy," Eddie cried, pulling me the tiniest bit closer and pressing his lips on mine.
Everything hurt as he did, it pained him as well, but it was a kiss, so soft, so sweet, so innocent. It was like a false promise that the stars could still start favoring us.
"I wish we would've had more time," I whispered against his lips, and Eddie rested his forehead against mine again.
"I'm glad you are the last thing I'll get to see," I smiled sadly.
He chuckled, clinging to his last moments, "I love you so much."
"I love you too, Eddie Munson."
Breathing became hard, and as the light left Eddie's eyes and the heart under my fingertips stopped beating, I closed my eyes and let go as well...
We loved each other, we would've been perfect, but the stars simply didn't favor us.
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lovesickrobin · 2 years
Little Bit Distracted | Robin Buckley x Reader
Summary: Your crush suggesting everyone to strip down after being drenched in bat venom is definitely not how you thought your day would go.
Word Count: 0.8k
A/N: so this is my first fanfic I’ve written in hmmm maybe 2 years? I’m still getting used to it again so I’m sure I’ll get better with time. I used to write fanfics every single day and that’s gonna be a goal I pick back up! If you know me you know Robin is my biggest crush so writing a Robin fanfic again was amazing! I hope you enjoy! :)
Warnings: Nudity
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The Upside Down.
Filled with floating orbs, killer bats, and apparently four people who have zero clue what they’re doing.
You are way too busy stressing over your millionth near death experience with the bats to even remember your intense, head over heels, if you could you would be clinging to her every part of her body, crush on Robin. But she’s certainly about to bring that thought back to the forefront of your brain soon enough.
Steve and Eddie are doing this thing that looks like arguing, with it being an obvious cover for them to flirt and dance around that sexual tension everyone could see a mile away.
“Harrington, I’m just saying, the amount of moose and hairspray and shit you probably have in your hair, I honestly expected it to stay in place much, much longer!”
Eddie reaches to mess with his hair even more but Steve ducks, shooing his hand away.
“Oh I’m sorry I let down your expectations as I was BATTLING DEADLY BATS!” Steve says as he turns to face Eddie.
“Okay guys, not to break up the fun, but we have god knows what on us- probably venom, and it could be seriously poisonous. We need to get out of these clothes before our body consumes whatever bat shit liquid this is,” Robin interrupts.
Suddenly you were brought back down to earth- well not earth, since you’re technically in the upside down, which is probably not classified as earth, but whatever.
You pause as Robin takes her backpack off her shoulders and hands out spare clothing.
“Damn Robin, you were really prepared,” Steve says, taking the clothes from her.
“Gotta be ready for anything,” she responds.
You stand completely still, unable to move as Robin hands you your clothes. Somehow your hands are able to grab them though, despite your body feeling like it had already shut down.
Everybody rushes, Steve and Eddie both lifting shirts over their heads in quick time, obviously understanding the dangers of the situation, but your brain is a little preoccupied to fully understand those dangers.
Robin pulls her shirt off, quick but delicate, and tosses it to the side.
You swear your jaw is laying on the floor as you watch the fabric leave her body, revealing a small red bra, cris crossed in the back. Her boobs bounce as she shimmies her pants down, tossing them to the side as well. You can’t believe it. Robin Buckley, the hottest girl in Hawkins, is standing in front of you in nothing but a bra and panties.
Robin lets out a breath, lifting her hair off the back of her neck with her fingers, some hair still sticking to her damp skin. She picks up the spare clothing, and begins to put it on when you soon realize you have been starring for way too long. As much as you would love to stare at her gorgeous figure or imagine your hands caressing her soft skin, you unfortunately have more important things to do. And yes, they are somehow more important than gawking over Robin Buckley half naked in front of your eyes.
You notice Steve looking at you as you snap out of your trance, a knowing smirk on his face that he shakes off into a laugh. He knows just how massive of a crush you have on Robin, and he also knows how terrified you are to ever tell her.
You shoot him a look before shaking off your feelings and stripping down.
“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” Eddie asks as you all walk through the upside down.
He looks at Robin who is talking with Steve up ahead.
You blush, hanging your head down.
“Is it that obvious?”
Eddie laughs. A comforting, reassuring laugh.
“You sorta haven’t taken your eyes off of her since we began walking.”
You squint your eyes shut with the words.
So you really weren’t that great at hiding it, huh?
“Well,” you say “what about you and Steve?”
You get a smirk out of Eddie as he cocks his neck down to the side. He laughs before lifting his head to speak.
“You’re seriously in love with this girl, aren’t you?” Steve asks Robin as they walk ahead of you and Eddie.
She scoffs while rolling her eyes.
Something you failed to notice moments ago was Robin stealing glances as you slipped out of your clothes.
When your shirt hit the ground her eyes quickly looked. She was in awe. Her cheeks grew warm and she looked away with a small smile before Steve gave her that same look he gave you, with an added eye roll.
“Yes I’m in love with her, how could I not be?! But it’s not like she even likes me.”
Steve stops in his tracks, his brows furrowing as he sighs.
“Wow, you’re both oblivious. It’s like you were made for each other!”
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munsnz · 3 years
Bittersweet Critic — Steve Harrington ☘︎︎
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TW: Cussing??
Requested: None
Pairing: Steve Harrington x GN! Reader
Lydinous Radio: Bittersweet— Kennen
Summary: Steve is sick and tired after working at Family Video for months after the Starcourt incident. Christmas break comes up, meaning more people coming over to their homes. Unlike him, a witty college student comes by for an odd request, making him look like that douche from years back. Days later, he finds this person again, wanting to apologize for the prude actions from the previous..
Masterlist — Requests are open!
Another boring day.
Cold everywhere.
Showing where the bathroom was.
Rummaging through movie posters.
Checking out the pretty girls.
Organizing VHS shelves.
Another Thursday in the cold mornings in Hawkins, Indiana. Steve Harrington had been sick of working at Family Video after working here for 3 months since the incident in July. Now he and Robin were taking different shifts in days and rarely got time to work together at the same times. Watching the customers coming in and out of the store, he sighed due to boredom working there. He would’ve been off to college, possibly coming back for Christmas Break since everyone was coming home for Christmas. More families and couples came in and out of the store now, happy-looking faces, and cheerful moods. Steve realized how lonely he was, after his heartbreak with Nancy, the rejection from Robin, just grew on him, leaving him with the group of kids he mentally adopted. Where was he going with his life now? Was there a possible future for him? Is there-
“Hello? Are you deaf or something?”
The voice made him snap out of his thoughts and feelings to find a conventional rather good-looking person who stood upon him. Steve shakes his head to focus on his attention. “Sorry I was..... I was.....”
”Distracted?” You smiled at him and tapped your fingers on the counter.
Steve nods at your response and shrugs, “I suppose you’re correct.”
“I’m always correct,” You boasted while trying to sound humble about it. There was a silent chuckle shared between the two of you, but continued with the silence, “Anywho, I was wondering if you could give me a good movie recommendation.”
”A what now?” He questioned while being throughly confused by the weird request given by this person who he had just met in 5 minutes.
You sigh at his reaction and lean closer, “I need a good movie recommendation.”
”Oh... Oh...Right,” Steve looks around, trying to remember the movies he’s seen. Although working at a video store, it was hard to keep up with the most popular movies nowadays. He snaps with his fingers and looks up at you, “Back to the future is a good one.”
”I’ve watched it and it wasn’t that good.”
Well, there went one shot. Steve tried to keep concentration in this memory from the last film he saw while dozing off to look at you. Realizing another movies, he chuckles, “Star Wars?”
”A new hope?” You say, furrowing your eyebrows. It reminded Steve when he first got the job at this shithole.
”I don’t really know,” He mumbles, digging his fingers into his hair and watches you cross your arms.
“Well isnt this store supposed to have good staff that actually know a bit about film?”
Steve squints his eyes and clicks his tongue, “Well, I’m just a teenage boy who couldn’t get into college and is trying to earn a living, so I don’t know much.”
“Oh,” You sigh, looking down at your feet, and slide your paper from a notebook harshly across the counter, “Thanks for the help dipshit.”
”Are you a movie critic or something?” He desperately blurts out, wanting to continue to talk to someone,making you turn back to him.
In awe, you look at him up and down, sternly as you said, “I’m not, but I’m studying to work in the film industry in the future as if I’m here to fill out this assignment about the public’s perception on movies, but it’s okay if you don’t want to help, you don’t seem like it.”
”No! It’s actually okay,” Steve apologizes, softening his face and extended his hand to give him the paper, “I really got nothing else to do.”
You watched his hand, almost with pleading eyes to do something in such boredom he was in. After a hot minute of decided, you smiled and breathed to walk away to the exit of the store, “No thank you dipshit! Just remember first impressions are important!”
”What?” Steve gasps, with his mouth open at such rejection, watching you swiftly walk outside into your car to drive off. First impressions were important, he had looked like a total asshole in front of them. Now this was just a huge blow for him, no luck.
☘︎︎ ☘︎︎ ☘︎︎
“So..... what are you doing tomorrow?” Dustin questions, shuffling his feet in the snowy cement, putting his small hands in his pockets to avoid frostbite.
Steve sniffs, watching the people inside relaxing inside the cafe on a Tuesday morning in Hawkins, it was still Christmas break and now both guys were going to have their own day after the holidays.
”I don’t know, I’ll probably catch a movie,” He sighs, shivering in the snow falling on his hair. Watching the people inside, he sees that one familiar person. That movie critic. Different it was though, the person looked awfully stressed with a huge amount of papers scurried everyone on the table, not that one put together person he saw a few days back. His stomach dropped at the sight, not wanting to interact with them, “oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, can we cancel this? I’m not comfortable.”
Dustin looked up at Steve, “Why not? We get a free time to hang out together, I heard they give the best hot chocolate!” Seeing Steve flustered, Dustin turned to see at what he was looking at before getting so weird, it seemed to be a person, somewhat Steve’s age, good-looking meanwhile scribbling notes onto sheets of paper. He hangs his mouth open and nudges Steve with a sly smile, “Oooooh! Someone’s got a crush!”
”Shut up,” He snaps, making Dustin stop giggling like an idiot. Steve gulps and feels a bit anxious about it, after all this time, why did he feel this way?
“Try talking to them,” Steve’s friend advices, both of them watching her through the window in deep concentration, “Until you feel the electricity.”
Steve glances at Dustin, “Don’t use my advice against me.”
”It’s not that bad, Steve,” Dustin claims, moving his jacket around a bit, “Maybe this is your chance.”
”Chance,” He scoffs at the comment, “I haven’t felt like this in months, what ever happened to the glory days where everybody would fall for me at first sight?”
“They probably like you,” Dustin shrugs and looks up at his friend hopelessly sigh, “What’s the matter? Do they not?”
“Well......” He mumbles, trailing off, “I made a really bad impression on them, they came over to the store and I seemed like an asshole, they don’t like me.”
After peering through the window, both boys noticed that same person’s eyes meet theirs. Panicked, they looked away rapidly, trying to not make the situation awkward. The person they were eyeing went back to their task, Dustin ran to the door, dragging Steve inside, “Go talk to them.”
Steve flattened his jacket and breathed deeply, feeling Dustin’s pudgy hands push him forward, making the bell ring as soon as he walked inside. Feeling awkward, he slowly trudged towards the table where you were sitting.
”Hey,” He shyly whispered, ruffling his hands inside his sweater, you looked up to meet his warm, brown eyes, confused of who this might be.
”Hey?” You watch him stand weirdly in front of you, feeling a sense of awkwardness in the air, “Take a seat if you want.”
Steve pulls the chair back to sit, scooting himself forward into the table. He looked over at Dustin who was grinning from the outside of the cafe, “How are you?”
”Fine, but have we met?” You squinted, trying your best to remember him, although you couldn’t, then went back to scurrying through your assignments.
”I believe so,” He watches you scurry through more and more assignments, writing quick notes on each page, “What are you working on?”
After finishing the second to last pair of notes, you reply, “Assignments, it’s crazy how college still wants to make you work your ass even though you’re on break. And how have we met?”
”Film student right?” The comment he made making you look up, he was correct. You nodded, watching his every move on how he knew, he sighs and goes on, “Well I’m that asshole that couldn’t do your stupid assignment for college.”
Wide eyed, you nodded your head and breathily giggled, “Oh yeah, the dipshit.”
”The dipshit,” He nervously repeated, remembering the brood impression he made on you, “Yeah so...... how did that go?”
”No one else wanted to do it,” You huffed as the memories of what dick he had been towards you, he seemed sorry for you, rapidly making sharp eye contact and looking away.
Steve watched your expressions changed as your thoughts did too, “Sorry about that.” Was all he said.
“It’s whatever,” You shrug, getting irritated a bit, but before you could comment anything else, he blurted out.
All you did was giggle at his flustering comment he gave you, he looked so hopeless and dazed off. Taking a sip of your French Roast coffee, feeling the bitter taste touch your taste buds, a new burst of energy filling you, you scratched your head, “Not so easy..... Dipshit. A. I don’t even know your name and who you are, B. you’re desperate.”
”I- w-what?” His words tumbled off his mouth, denying the answer, “I’m not, I-I just wanna help you.”
His dumbfounded expression made it harder for you not to laugh, “It’s okay, I was just teasing you. And I’m free around 4, if that works out.”
”O-oh, yeah I mean I have work but a day to skip won’t hurt,” Steve chuckles, feeling tingly around his hands, he had never felt this for years on end. Cliche much right?
You raised your eyebrows up and a tiny smile escaped your lips, “Okay, just so you know, it’s going to be a challenge to warm up to me.”
He nods his head, bringing his hands together in front of you, “Well I’m up for that challenge!”
”You dipshit.”
”You movie critic.”
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neonponders · 3 years
This isn’t what @memes-saved-me had in mind for this post but lol (read their tags, they’re delightful) 
Thinking about a younger Billy and an older Steve today ✨
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Billy scratched at the hair on his nape. He wanted to grow it out; really had always wanted long hair. And now, as he peered at the other sophomores trying to fluff themselves bigger to match the juniors and seniors, he just might.
Long hair was in. Mullets, rock star manes, extensions - even the opposite. Women with buzz cuts and pixie faux hawks. Pleasant little surprises in Hawkins, Indiana, and Billy might finally indulge in that.
Plenty in this town was backwards as all hell. Girls wearing white stockings like it was the fifties. Boys and girls alike clearly letting having learned hair styling from their out-of-date parents. Two girls with beehives sat in his English class.
But it was fine, because there was plenty of present-day styling, and Billy wouldn’t get any shit at home for matching his peers.
Cherry Lane. The most backwards spot in Indiana.
But that’s okay, too, because small town people need occupations. Parties.
A cool senior with teased, black hair walked right up to him and handed him a neon orange sheet of paper. He saw others holding similar invitations all day. 
Party on Friday night. Address, dress code, and everything.
Caught him by surprise, that a dress code would be needed for one of these things, but the invitation just said ~casual attire~ and someone in his Advanced Biology class told him that Tina hosts the best shin digs, often with costume themes.
So he went. The late summer evening was still humid as all hell, making the party split between the massive house and the matching yard a convenient way to start a weekend.
He’d had alcohol before. Enough to know he preferred tequila drinks over vodka and gin, but the safest way to wake up the next day was to just stick to beer. No matter how bitter or sharply carbonated some of it was made.
Maybe that’s why he heard people hollering about King Steve.
Keg stands weren’t original to Hawkins, but Billy preferred them next to a bonfire on a beach. But people were really yelling for this king to do the damn thing - 
“Steve, why are you even here? You graduated in May,” Tina’s voice cut through the din.
“I live down the street! You really think you’re making this much noise without me noticing? And all of you shut the hell up! I’ll do a keg stand the day one of you dip shits can actually beat my record.”
Another surprise:
Steve Harrington.
Billy’s dumb luck had him three years behind, so he couldn’t look at that face in the hallways. Sit behind that head of glossy, bouncy hair in European History. He still lived in town, apparently. Right down the street. Billy asked around and discovered he worked at the mall and attended the community college -
“Heard you been asking about me.”
Billy stared wide-eyed over his beer. He recovered quickly, but not before Steve bounced on the balls of his feet, smug. That hair was really distracting.
These people really gossip about everything.
“I didn’t think anybody actually went by a title like that.”
“I didn’t put it on my resume, that’s for sure.” Steve’s smirk grew into a smile. Christ, the guy really had that Indiana, home town handsome thing to his face.
That was dangerous. Billy’s gut told him so, the way it bruised like someone had poked it. And wanted to be poked again.
“Let’s do this properly. Steve.” He held his hand out.
It wasn’t queer to accept a handshake. “Billy,” he replied.
“Jesus,” he scoffed involuntarily, releasing Steve’s large hand. His weight shifted over his feet. “Everybody knows everything here.”
“Not everything,” Steve said. His voice sounded...reassuring? But the way his eyes blinked...and a darkness slipped behind his eyes like a curtain. Adults liked to call it maturity. Wisdom beyond years. Billy called it ghosts. Everyone had ghosts behind their eyes. But...he had a hard time imagining what ghosts this pretty senior in suburban America would already have.
Then again, Billy knew better.
Except, as the party progressed and the weekend flowed into a new week, Billy really couldn’t imagine what made Steve slouch a little, and what made his eyes fade out of a conversation. Billy probably should have put more attention into how much he’d begun seeking the guy out.
He worked in the ice cream parlor at the mall. The uniform was equal measures ridiculous and hilarious, but his coworker was cool as hell. Robin. Not Steve’s girlfriend, even though they carpooled to work and community college.
Steve’s house proved just as luxurious as Tina’s, with a pool to boot. A house which supposedly stayed empty more often than it hosted its own family. Steve notoriously didn’t host parties, which....seemed uniquely odd.
Apart from Billy visiting the ice cream shop, it seemed Steve’s only other visitors were high school freshman. Which was weird. That’s weird, right? Then again, Billy was ball and chained to eight hours a day, five days a week to high school. There was plenty of time for Steve to be with friends his own age.
Except he showed up at the next party on Halloween.
Tina’s house boasted a surprising number of Hawkins graduated seniors, forcing the party all the way out onto the street.
Just like before, Steve manifested beside Billy, announcing himself with fingertips brushing his slowly growing, weak little mullet. “Growing that out?”
Steve’s already heavy eyelids were heavier with alcohol. Billy had his customary cup of beer, but his cheeks flushed for a different reason. He had to rub the back of his neck to make the tickle stop.
“Yeah. Maybe it’ll touch my shoulders next year.”
“Have you trimmed it?”
Billy frowned at him. He’d heard some things come out of Steve’s mouth that were endearing in a ‘bless his heart’ kind of way, and this was among them. “No, that defeats the point of making it longer.”
Steve shook his head and waved for him to follow. “Come here. I’ll trim it.”
“You’re not cutting my hair,” Billy scoffed. And followed.
Billy did his best not to look around the living room; to see any eyes apart from the ones he imagined on his backside. He followed at a leisurely pace. Not eager to be with King Harrington anywhere...
The guy walked right into the closed master bedroom. Billy stood outside of it, stunned at his audacity and the fact that no one was inside it already - 
“You coming?”
Billy’s not a coward -
Actually he is. But he’s an overeager sophomore with a dangerous crush even more.
Steve dug through the master bathroom’s drawers until he found a pair of scissors in their own case. “Sit on the tub.”
By tub, he meant jacuzzi edge. Billy perched. Steve gripped his shoulder to step into the tub with a comb that smelled of foreign hair product and aftershave. Billy’s nose wrinkled. “Wash that first.”
Then he jumped at the tub faucet turning on right beside his ass. Steve laughed. “Chill out. I’m washing it.”
Billy settled with a disgruntled shake of his head. “My hair is curly. You’re not supposed to brush it at all.”
“You’re in the hands of The Hair Harrington, sweetheart. Just relax.”
His shoulders sagged right underneath the weight of sweetheart.
I’m so screwed - 
Of all people to show up in the doorway, Robin from Scoops showed up with an energy that insinuated more sobriety than the guy wielding scissors.
Her mouth hung open like she had come with something to say, but then she sputtered through laughter. “Oh shit. Are you consenting to this?”
Billy rolled his eyes. “If he cuts my ear, I’m beating his ass.”
“I’d appreciate more faith from you, Buckley. I cut your bangs for you.”
Billy chirped, “Really?” admittedly feeling a bit better.
Steve intercepted with the order, “Are you gonna play music or what? I’m so tired of Tina’s music.”
That’s how Billy wound up in a bathroom with college freshmen trimming his ends and styling his hair while Steve and Robin shout-sang to Whitney Houston.
It was great.
Steve curled the top of his hair so he had ringlets falling over his bold brows. Steve, who had his hands all over Billy’s head until he washed the hair down the drain and filled the tub for a bubble bath. Billy scrutinized himself with a handheld mirror until Steve wrapped his arms around him and they tumbled backward into the wet landing.
Tina was hardly pleased to find the three of them making a mess of the jacuzzi, but she sassed a quick thank you for warding off people trying to fuck in her parents’ bed. Billy didn’t have words; only laughter at Robin putting her hair into a wet mohawk and Steve piling bubbles onto his head.
Steve insisted they go back to his house afterward. “It’s November and we’re soaked. Your car will be fine. I can come back and park it in my driveway if you’re that worried.”
That wasn’t the problem.
“It’s fine that your parents are never home, but mine will only recently lifted my curfew for good behavior.”
Somehow, he convinced Steve and Robin to drive him back to his house, at the expense of letting them change at Steve’s first. Billy had his eyes on a beautiful Camaro and was just a few more months of allowance and part time jobs away from having her.
It was his first time in Steve’s house. He had to admit, he preferred Tina’s layout and decor, but he got to wander around. He saw Robin use one of the guest rooms. He saw Steve’s....incredibly boring room. And said as much.
“A prison cell has more personality.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. Are you ready to go?”
It wasn’t until Billy lay in his own bed that those words tumbled through his brain. His fingertips moved through his still-styled hair. It felt better with those dead ends gone. Steve did a good job. Steve liked Whitney Houston and Blondie and a little of everything, really. Steve cared about his appearance enough to be a self-taught stylist.
Steve didn’t have a lot of furniture in his room. Clutter on the dresser and desk, sure, but all of it monochrome or neutral colors. Steve who had an old BMW, house, and surely a bank account to match, but didn’t buy anything in excess. Like he wasn’t allowed to, or something. Billy indulged every scent he got on things he wanted, but Steve didn’t.
Steve had a nailed bat in his trunk. Billy heard it rolling around on their way back to his house, and finally bent over to look under the seats and saw it.
Steve was a walking contradiction. A contradiction who smelled good but didn’t say much when Billy and Robin talked about history. Who started giving Billy free ice cream but never asked about Billy’s stepsister. Who gave Billy rides and gave him the hookup to the high-paying neighbors of Loch Nora for mowed lawns and dogs walked.
Steve helped him get his car sooner than he would’ve otherwise but didn’t ask for anything in return.
Steve, who was always available for a good time, but looked sad when left with his thoughts.
Billy didn’t take well to not being the center of attention. He’d grown up with an interrogation lamp over his head, and sought positive interaction everywhere else. He got so much of it from Steve, that the occasions where Steve bumped against him...refused him, or ignored him, or reminded Billy that he was a rinky dink sophomore lit a match in his belly. And he’d swallowed gasoline for too much of his life.
“That’s something a virgin says.”
Billy couldn’t even remember what he’d just said. He was already, instantly, seeing the glow of embers on the fringe of his vision. “Excuse me?”
Steve shrugged as he got up from his couch. “It’s whatever. It’s fine. Just showing your hand, is all.”
Billy couldn’t believe it. Steve was either the biggest idiot in Hawkins - which he knew wasn’t true considering there was a real cesspool that smoked underneath the bleachers - or he was so far in denial that Billy had a whole new reason to be pissed.
An involuntary sound left Steve when Billy came up behind him and pushed him against the wall underneath the stairs.
“You don’t know anything about me.”
Billy wasn’t some cute sophomore. He stood toe to toe with Steve, barely an inch shorter. If this is what it took for Steve to realize that, fine.
To realize that Billy wasn’t some teenager scared shitless of a girls’ bra -
Steve regained his footing, and closed the distance between their mouths. It was small, soft, and brief. Rationality should have made Billy step away. Punch him, maybe. But Billy wasn’t rational. His shock held him statuesque, barely breathing while Steve moved a hand to cradle the side of his head and neck -
A sound left Billy this time, as Steve angled his mouth over Billy’s. Where he learned Billy was scared, so scared of Steve. His body dashed rationality against the wall and kissed him back tentatively, and then earnestly, just trying to keep up until Steve’s other hand framed him in. As Steve pushed against him until Billy walked backwards to have himself pressed against the wall.
He felt drunk as his hands let go of Steve’s shirt to hold onto the curvature of his ribs. He panted while Steve kissed his throat and washed Billy’s senses with his warm, sweet fragrance; his hair brushing Billy’s face and inspiring him to turn his face into Steve’s scalp. Inhale him into his lungs.
Billy didn’t know what game they were playing. But Steve outplayed him.
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nolanell · 3 years
The Arcade: Writer Wednesday September 29th 2021
Writer Wednesday: @autumnleaves1991-blog and @clydesducktape
Pairing: Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) x GN!Reader
Warnings: This initally takes place in a loud, bright, crowded arcade and the reader is on the verge of a panic attack. Mention of crowded spaces, loud noise, bright lights, symptoms of the onset of a panic attack and techniques for grounding to prevent a panic attack (the symptoms of an oncoming panic attack are just what I have personally experienced, not universal symptoms, and the technique in the story is just what works for me as a person, this is not advice or saying it can or should work for everyone). Also mentions of anxiety about moving to a new area and making new friends, starting at a new high school, and brief mention of the end of the world (in a lighthearted, sarcastic way). There are no spoilers for the show, but some characters are mentioned by name.
Character Notes: Reader is completely undescribed physically, but they are of high school age, which is mentioned in the story.
Length: ~1.4k
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Not for the first time, you wondered why you were here. You were semi-convinced some apocalyptic event was going to kick off while you were at the arcade, given the stories your friends had shared with you since you arrived in town. They’d sworn they were all true, your neighbour friend’s little sister proudly stating she was in the same class as Mike, Lucas, Will and Dustin, and she was taught by Mr. Clarke. She’d heard whispered conversations as she passed the AV Club room. She promised she knew certain things were true.
Your friends had convinced you to come along to the arcade for some video game time and terrible arcade food. Make the most of the last week before high school started up again, before the worry of whether you’d be in any of their classes set in. You’d made friends with them as they lived on your street; you weren’t sure you could take being plunged back into the world of not knowing a soul, not sure how to start again, how to not neglect the friends you had already made. You wanted to have a good time, forget those worries, you really did, but you just couldn’t relax. It was too crowded, too loud, too bright; one of these things alone would be just about manageable but all three was too much. The neon lights were too harsh, you felt like you could hear them thrumming along to accompany the incessant synth music that pumped up everybody’s adrenaline; pushed them to play, play, play, and get that elusive high score. This compounded the crowds which formed around arcade machines; every machine with someone doing well and the entourage of friends surrounding them, shoving in to get a good view. The people milling around looking for their friends or a free machine jostled the groups and meant you couldn’t stand still for more than a second before someone else was barging into you, not really paying attention to where they were going. Anyone older dismissed you as a young kid who should watch where they are, and anyone younger was too wrapped up in their arcade adventure to care. As you felt that pit in your stomach, that unpleasant wave start to course through your body, the clammy feel to your skin prickling under the AC on the exposed parts of your skin, you leant over to one of the group and lightly tapped her on the shoulder.
‘Hey, I’m gonna go outside and get some air,’ you said as you cupped your hand to funnel your speech, to making it easier to hear.
She nodded, gripped your forearm, and squeezed. She said something as you turned to leave, you thought, but you couldn’t be sure. Speech was starting to blur into just one noise, sounded so loud and yet so far away all at once. The lights were so bright you felt like you could see everything and nothing; the arcade machines were hyper-detailed with their bright colours and logos, but you also could not register facial features of the people you shoved through to get to the doors. Finally, you managed to make out the glowing red word ‘EXIT’ and you surged forward, knowing cool air, open space and quieter sounds were just ahead. You half leaned, half fell on the door, pushing it open and almost threw yourself down the concrete stairs onto the sidewalk. You collapsed onto the floor, leaning your back on the little wall that ran in front of the arcade, tilting your head back and resting it on one of the railing beams. You could feel your heart thumping in your chest, your chest itself was rising and falling with every rushed breath you inhaled and exhaled. You closed your eyes, hoping to come back to yourself, hoping to slow yourself down. This didn’t have to reach the crescendo of a full-blown attack. This could be brought back down. You were out of the trigger. It’s okay. You’re okay.
‘Hey, you okay?’ a voice asked you. It sounded concerned.
‘I will be,’ your voice sounded breathless in between gasps of air.
‘You sure?’ the voice asked.
‘Yes,’ you virtually snapped. ‘Sorry. Yes, I’ll be fine.’
‘Don’t worry,’ the voice seemed unfazed by your snap. ‘Would you like… would you like some help breathing?’
Your brow creased a little. You would like some help, but you also had no idea who this person was, and you did not have the mental or emotional fortitude to deal with meeting a new person right now. Then again, they did offer to help without you even looking at them…
‘If that’s too much, it’s alright,’ the voice said.
How this person was so understanding was beyond you, but it helped you decide. ‘Some help breathing would be great, actually.’
‘Sure,’ the voice said. ‘Just slowly breathe in…’
Your breath dragged inward, and you heard breathe in too. ‘And hold for three… two… one… and let it out slowly.’
You heard them exhale and you followed their lead. This went on a few times, you following their lead each time. The gaps between finishing the last rhythm and starting the next got longer and longer, until you found yourself noticing that your breathing was at its normal pace again, without even having to force it or concentrate. You felt grounded, and while you would never say it was like it never happened, you felt calm. You brought your head up, not yet opening your eyes. That would take a moment. You exhaled slowly, not quite a sigh but not quite just a normal breath out.
‘How you doing?’ the voice asked.
‘Okay,’ you nodded slowly. You opened your eyes. The fairground that had set up in the park across the street was in full swing, the music and the bright lights feeling more nostalgic than terrifying. At this distance, you could watch and enjoy. There were a few people nearby but nowhere near the crush of the crowd that had been inside. People were chatting, laughing, having a good time. Small groups scattered around the sidewalk on both sides of the street, trying to decide between the lure of the fair or the old faithful fun of the arcade. You turned to your left, looking for the owner of the voice.
‘Thank you,’ you said, looking at the voice’s owner. He was not what you were expecting, and you made a note not to keep having preconceptions.
His whole look was… cool. There was no denying it. His hair was outstanding, particularly. You didn’t even want to think about how much he probably spent on hairspray in a month. He had a light grey jacket on, jeans and hi-top sneakers. It was a super chill look but he made it the most awesome outfit you’d ever seen. Yet as you looked closer, there was something sad, something not quite sure of himself in those big dark eyes, and you found yourself wondering how much of the super-cool exterior was a shield to the world.
‘No worries, it can get intense in there,’ he nodded at the arcade.
‘Sure can. I really appreciate your help,’ you smiled.
‘Hey, no problem. You in town for the fair?’ he asked.
‘No, I moved here over the summer,’ you shake your head.
‘Gotcha,’ he nodded.
You stood up, rolling your neck and shoulders, and puffed out a sigh. You could see one of your friends coming to the door, the one you spoke to, and gave her a thumbs up. She held up a soda cup, silently asking if you wanted one. You nodded, but mimed drinking it and then pointed to the ground a couple of times, indicating you wanted to stay outside. She nodded and disappeared from view.
‘Seriously, thanks for your help. I really do appreciate it,’ you smiled.
‘No problem, I know what it can be like. Things get surprisingly crazy around here,’ he took a step toward you. ‘Steve Harrington,’ he offered his hand out.
No way. The guy your friend’s little sister swore was besties with Dustin? You tentatively gave your name and shook his hand. ‘So I’ve heard about it getting crazy around here, I mean. Nice to meet you, Steve. See you around?’
‘Sure,’ he nodded. ‘I gotta get back to work,’ he nodded at the video store, ‘but I’ll see you around.’
Hawkins was definitely an interesting place to be, but you were starting to think people’s friendships were meaningful here. It was going to be okay. You were going to be okay.
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ssadumba55 · 4 years
Misunderstanding (Will Byers X Fem!Reader)
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Request: HI! I absolutely love your work and because I am in love with Will Byers could you do an imagine where reader is Mike's sister and they've known each other since they were kids? And when El comes along she gets jealous because she thinks Will likes El. Sorry for the long request.lolz thank you!
You’d almost forgotten what it was like to hang out normally with your friends, after everything that had happened recently. It’d been a month since Eleven had closed the gate to the Upside Down (hopefully for good) and things had mostly returned to normal in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana.
There were no more monsters as far as you and your friends could tell, which meant that you all could get on and do normal kid things without worrying about dying every few seconds. It was really… peaceful.
The seven of you were currently hanging out in your basement. Your twin brother, Mike and his group of friends, Will, Lucas and Dustin were huddled across the room going over strategies for D&D, probably not great ones either. You liked to pride yourself on being the strategist of the group and you’d preferred to be over there with them, but Max and El were also over. Because they didn’t understand all the D&D talk, you’d offered to keep them busy while the boys were busy.
“I think he’s really starting to grow on me…” You tuned back into the conversation as Max began talking about her and Lucas’ ‘relationship’, if you could even call it that. They hadn’t really spoken much since their dance at the Snow Ball, but you could all tell they were super into each other. Even Dustin, who had also had a thing for Max, had backed off.
You followed Max’s gaze over to where the boys were hanging out. You would never admit it, but you had had a thing for Will Byers since before you could remember. You weren’t really sure when the crush had developed, one minute you were one of his best friends and the next you were thinking about dating him.
The idea of dating someone used to disgust you to no end, especially after watching your older sister Nancy with Steve Harrington. But now… something had changed. Maybe the fact that you’d all almost died together twice? Maybe it had been that time he’d helped you after some bullies at school had tripped you and you’d scraped your knee?
Will looked up in the direction of you and the girls. Your breath hitched, but he looked past you. Disappointment welled in your stomach as you followed his gaze to where Eleven sat, showing something to Max that she’d found on the way over here. You felt your face heat up, you should’ve known.
Of course, Will would have a thing for El, she was super cool. She could move things with your mind. She saved his life, twice. You were just his best friend’s sister, there wasn’t anything between you, no matter how much you wished there was.
You stood up suddenly and everyone in the basement turned to look at you, surprised.
“I, uh, just remembered I have school… stuff.” Before anyone could argue or say anything in response, you climbed the staircase to the first floor then took the stairs up to the second floor two at a time. You slammed the door of your room, which you shared with Mike, loudly behind you, not caring who heard it.
You climbed the ladder of your bunk bed to your own bunk and laid there for the rest of the night, staring at the wall. Eventually, Mike came in to join you. You were sure he was going to climb up and try to get you to talk to him, but he didn’t say anything.
He climbed up the ladder and you made your breath shallow, closing your eyes so he’d think you were asleep. He sighed.
“I know you’re not sleeping, (Y/n). That may fool Nancy or mom, but you’re not fooling me.” He huffed, shoving your shoulder. You rolled over and glared at him.
“I just… the others are worried about you, that’s all and El has to leave soon for curfew so…” He began, scratching the back of his neck to which you let out a scoff.
“Good. I’ll come back down when she’s gone then.”
Mike was confused. He’d been under the impression that you and El were on good terms, the two of you had never fought before. You’d always been on her side, just like he was. You were the one who’d actually tried to fix the misunderstanding between her and Max, giving her another friend. You’d never been so hostile towards her before.
“I thought you liked El.” He said, dumbly. When he saw your expression, he realized he probably shouldn’t have said that, but it was too late.
“Yeah, I do. Me and everybody else, right? Look, I don’t have a problem with her, not really. But Will clearly likes her more than me. He was looking at her down in the basement.” You sat up, crossing your arms. It was stupid, part of you knew that. You’d never told Mike you had a thing for Will, but the look on his face told you that he had put two and two quicker than you’d thought.
He could be really smart. Sometimes.
“You like Will!” He grinned, face splitting into a grin. You shoved him slightly.
“I do not!”
“I’m going to tell him!” He climbed down the ladder and your face heated up. You scrambled to catch up with him as he ran out of the bedroom. You raced after him, nearly knocking Nancy back down the stairs as you passed.
“MIKE DON’T YOU DARE!” You called after him, making it to the top of the basement stairs. You began to run down them as well when you saw Will and Mike, standing at the bottom. You didn’t even bother to take the remaining few stairs; you tackled your twin onto the ground and wrestled with him for a minute.
He won, pinning you to the ground. It was then that you realized the only people still left in the basement were you, your brother, Max, Will and Dustin.
“Will, (Y/n) told me- “You shoved your brother off of you and glared at him, turning to Will with wild eyes.
“Whatever he told you was NOT true. I swear.” You stood up, panicked. Mike gestured to their remaining friends and the group began to climb the stairs, leaving you and Will alone in the basement to deal with whatever was going on alone.
“So, you don’t like me?” Will asked, clearly confused by all the information that was changing from second to second. You felt your face get hot. Why is this happening to me, you thought miserably.
“No. I mean, yes. I mean, yes but you like El, I know. You don’t have to pretend you don’t.” You stumbled over your words, hating how it came out. Will laughed.
“What?” You eyed him suspiciously, not understanding why he was laughing.
“I don’t like El,”
Your face heated up. Suddenly, you felt like the biggest idiot in the world. Of course, it was just like you to jump to conclusions without any actual evidence.
“But I… You were looking at her and I thought…”
“Mike said something about her. He likes her.”
The two of you stood awkwardly. You couldn’t believe you’d forgotten about your brother’s ridiculous obsession with El, this was the most embarrassing night of your life, and you’d had plenty of embarrassing nights with Mike as your brother.
“WILL! YOUR MOM IS HERE!” Mike yelled down the stairs. You shifted awkwardly.
“I guess I’ll see you at school then?” You asked, looking down at your shoes. He nodded, walking over to grab his bag off the couch and grabbing some of his stuff. You watched him silently still mortified by your behaviour.
“Thanks for having me.” Will walked over to say goodbye. He didn’t seem as bothered by what had happened, but you knew deep down, he probably wanted to get out of there as bad as you did.
You nodded mutely as he went in for his usual hug. The hug didn’t feel any different from normal and as you pulled away, he kissed your cheek, flushing shyly.
“I’ll see you around, (Y/n).” It sounded more like a promise than a goodbye and you smiled.
Maybe the misunderstanding had been for the best. You waved as you watched Will climb the steps, placing your hand on the side of your face where he’d worked up the courage to kiss you.
“What is it with you and Nancy?” Mike grunted in disgust as he joined you. You looked up confused.
“You both like Byers guys.” He smirked, turning and running as you growled and raced after him, still upset that he’d told Will.
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disdaidal · 3 years
18 and 27 with whatever character you want
18. Favorite beverage?
Billy's definitely a beer guy. He likes it simple but strong. He might enjoy some occasional whiskey or Jägermeister though, and he drinks his coffee as black as his soul. He doesn't really care for sweet drinks all that much. Except slushies. On a hot day. And in a fine company, of course.
Naturally Steve likes beer too. He always has some stored in his fridge. But he also likes wine. Like red wine because it's so romantic and he simply likes the taste. He's the one with the sweet tooth, so he definitely puts some cream and sugar in his coffee and drinks Coke, Pepsi or 7 Up regularly. He's the one buying the slushies and gets that big, goofy grin on his face when Billy actually says yes.
27. What is their biggest regret?
Billy's biggest regret is being a dick to Max. Sure they'd had that usual sibling rivalry thing going on and to be fair, Max wasn't always so nice to Billy either. However... having realized how much Max actually cared about him too, no matter what he's done and said to her, something had slowly changed inside of him. He's still definitely a dick to her sometimes, and when he's like that, he keeps thinking maybe he just doesn't know how to be genuinely nice - or how to make friends. But Billy's actively trying to become better. Still looking after her, taking her for small car rides around the county, buying her burgers and stuff. It's his way of showing that he actually feels bad about his past behaviour now.
I think he regrets the fight between him and Steve as well, and being mean to Lucas - even though he had no clue what was going on there and he's still kind of mad about it. But with Steve he was basically pulling pigtails before the whole fight happened between them because the moment he had landed in Hawkins and set his eyes on the most gorgeous tall boy he'd ever seen, with big chocolate eyes and a great head of dark brown hair (which, now that Billy knew his secret was the Farrah Fawcett spray, actually made him snort), he had instantly known that he was screwed and his dad was going to be mad if he ever found out. So basically Billy had bullied and pushed Steve, wanting some closeness, physical contact with the boy he'd secretly crushed on, wanting to get his attention - wanting the pretty boy just look at him. And only him.
And he'd regretted that afterwards too. His aggressive behaviour, and being a big fucking coward. Too afraid to come forward, face his own feelings. Being certain that Steve would be disgusted to hear it and reject him on the spot. Tell everyone that Billy Hargrove is a butt pirate.
But Steve hadn't. He hadn't done any of that. And for that Billy was grateful. Happiest that he'd ever been.
Steve's biggest regret... probably being a dick to Jonathan, honestly. He had every right to be angry at him of course, considering the other boy was stalking his girfriend and then his girlfriend ends up choosing Jonathan in the end.
But even if Steve was angry and had come to the conclusion that he had every goddamn right to pick on Jonathan, call him a homophobic slur, his whole family a failure and keep pushing him, he actually regrets some of that. Jonathan might've kicked his ass (just like Billy had), but Steve had slowly come to accept the fact that Jonathan had the right to get angry at him too.
Steve had definitely crossed the line there and he'd just realized that afterwards. Also seeing that Nancy was so much happier with Jonathan now, also made him happy. Even if he'd wished that he could've been the one to Nancy, trying to convince himself that he could've made Nancy happy - everybody else kept telling him exactly the opposite thing.
That Nancy was a priss (Robin) and Miss Perfect (Carol) and Princess (Tommy), and Steve was Mr. Hair Harrington who asked too many stupid questions during classes (Robin). That it could never have worked between them. And of course Billy had gone one step further by saying that Steve's dick was just too big and too good for Nancy. Which actually had made Steve snort. And so he'd slowly come to accept the fact that he really might've fucked up there, but at least he'd tried and in conclusion, he now had someone else in his life who actually appreciated what he got. And gave everything back thousandfold, too (a slight exaggeration there perhaps, but you get my point).
⚜ headcanon meme ⚜
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
What if Billy did l leave to Cali and moved in with his old friend, the guy who was kind of his boyfriend before Neil dragged him to Hawkins. After couple of years of him living there, they would go out to a bar with Billy’s old friends and him and the guy would kinda have this fwb thing going on. But then, Billy sees Steve. The guy he had a crush on before he decided he wasn’t good enough for him and left after a night where he had finally fucked Steve senseless —
Pt. 2. Billy would be shocked to see him and before he realizes, Steve’s already coming towards their table. He has came with one of Billy’s friends, Steve being that guys date. There would be some confusion and jealousy from both of them, but they would still end up fucking after the night. (lmao i’m sorry that this is long)
This is from forever ago, I’m sorry it took me a thousand years.
It doesn’t actually have smut, bc where I went with it, it just didn’t feel like it fit, I’m sorry about that.
“Billy, we haven’t gone out in like, a month.” Billy rolled his eyes.
“We went out last weekend, you little baby.” He pushed at Danny’s face. “Git outta here you monster, and maybe I’ll consider meeting you there.”
“Kyle is bringing that guy he’s been dating.”
“I was talking to Andie, and she said he’s totally not Kyle’s type. Apparently he’s like, super femme.” Kyle was known for going for absolute macho douchebags. “So we’ll get to meet him, and totally make fun of Kyle for whatever he’s tryna do, changin’ everything up like this.”
Billy threw his head back, groaning at the ceiling.
“Fucking fine. But if he’s an asshole, like Kyle’s guys always fucking are, I’m leaving.”
They met the rest of the gang at the bar, pushing through the small crowd to reach the large table they had claimed. Billy greeted his friends, elbowing Kyle a few times and asking where his new honey is.
“He’s getting us drinks, lay off.” Kyle shoved Billy away, made him bark a laugh. he turned around, was going to head for the bar, but stopped in his fucking tracks.
Steve fucking Harrington was making his way towards him, a drink in each hand.
He hadn’t seen Steve since the night he left Hawkins four years ago.
They had been moving towards something for months, had finally fell into one another, having a night of the most tender sex Billy has ever had in his entire fucking life. Steve had looked at him with those big perfect eyes, and had told Billy he loved him.
Billy left when Steve fell asleep, packed up his car and didn’t stop driving until he reached the Pacific.
Steve spotted him, stopping in his tracks, glaring at Billy. He stomped forward, pushing a drink into Kyle’s hand.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Everyone turned to look at Steve when he spat that at Billy.
“Meeting my friends. Why are you here, Harrington?” Steve gestured lamely at Kyle.
“You two know each other?” Kyle looked at Billy with wide eyes.
“Yeah. Remember when I lived in that shitty hick town for two years? Steve is from there.” Steve looked livid. “Good for you for getting out, Pretty Boy.”
“You’re a real piece of shit, you know that, right, Hargrove?” Everyone was watching with wide eyes as the two went back and forth, heads turning like they were watching a tennis match.
“What the fuck did I do?” Steve’s eyes seemed to crackle.
“You know what the fuck you did. You couldn’t’ve even bothered to say goodbye? Had to run away like that?”
“Wait, did you two fuck?” They both ignored Danny.
“I had to get out, Harrington. You don’t know shit about me.” Steve’s eyes narrowed. Billy admired the pretty eyeshadow on them.
“Max told me everything. I knew it all. You’re just a fucking coward that couldn’t take the fact you felt the same way.” Everybody had lost the conversation, couldn’t derive enough from the fight to figure out exactly what had happened between these two.
“I was saving you from yourself, Pretty Boy. I was always gonna leave. Better right away than let you get your hopes up.” Steve stamped his foot.
“My fucking hero.” He picked up one of the drinks he had brought, chugging it down before slamming the glass back onto the table, grabbing Kyle’s hand. “We’re dancing.” He turned to Billy. “Don’t fucking talk to me tonight.”
They disappeared back into the crowd. Billy made his way to the bar, downing two shots right after the other.
“You used to date him, or something?” Billy shook his head, not looking at Danny.
“Nah. I fucked him once and he told me he loved me. I packed up and left the next day.”
“Wait, you only fucked once and he said that?” Billy slammed another shot.
“We were friends, I guess. He had a thing for me, and I just wanted some ass.” That was a complete lie, but Danny didn’t need to know the sweet warmth that had settled in Billy’s gut when Steve said he loved him, how badly he wanted to say it back, how he had gotten scared and made the stupidest decision he had ever made.
“And then you left without saying goodbye?” Billy nodded. “That’s kinda fucked up.” Billy just stared at him.
“You knew the guy was into you, and you just dicked him and ditched him without saying goodbye. That’s fucked, Billy.”
“I don’t need this from you. You do not understand what that fucking town was like for me.”
“No, I understand perfectly. You’re a bigger asshole than I thought.” Danny shook his head. Heading back to the table. Billy downed two more shots.
His head was fuzzy as he stumbled into the alleyway for some fresh air.
He tried a few times to light a cigarette when he heard a quiet sniffle.
He turned to see Steve leaning against a wall further down the alley.
“You okay?” Steve stiffened.
“What’s it matter to you?” Billy shrugged.
“If Kyle tried anything-”
“Oh, shut up. He dumped me because of you.” Billy took a few unbalanced steps towards him.
“‘Do you mean?”
“He asked about what happened, and I told him. How you led me on for over a year, how you would let me open up to you, let me cry and feel insecure and would tell me that I was enough the way I am, how you fucked me and ran away the next day, didn’t even bother to call or even write for four years.” Steve had silvery tears running down his cheeks now, illuminated by the streetlights. “How I waited for you, like a fucking idiot before letting myself move on.” He wiped his eyes. “God, I told myself I was done crying over you.”
“Steve, I didn’t mean to-”
“Doesn’t matter. You still did it.” Billy’s heart sank. Steve looked fucking broken in front of him.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have run like I did. Especially, especially because you’re right. I was scared of how much I felt for you. Scared that if I let myself love you, I would’ve stayed in Hawkins forever. Would’ve never gotten out from under my dad’s thumb.”
“Bill,” Billy’s heart fluttered at the way Steve’s voice sounded when he said his name like that, was immediately transported to late nights sitting in his car overlooking the quarry. “I would’ve left with you. I didn’t like it there, either. I would’ve left with you.”
“I was an idiot. Still am sometimes. But I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for dragging you into my mess. You deserve a lot better than me.” Steve took a shaky breath.
“Y’know, it still sucks. After all these years of telling myself I hate you for what you did, standing here with you, I still-I mean I could never hate you.”
“You wanna come back to my place? Nothing implied, just to talk. Catch up.” Steve chewed on his bottom lip. His lipstick was a pretty deep red.
“Sure. We can, we can catch up.”
Billy led him the few blocks back to his two-bedroom he shares with Danny. He grabbed them each a beer while Steve studied the pictures tacked to the walls.
“Are you two together?” He pointed tot the picture, one of many, of Billy and Danny at the beach, arms around one another.
“Nah. We live together, and we fuck sometimes, but neither of us would be good in a relationship together.” Steve just nodded. “You date much?”
“Not back in Hawkins. I spent about a year there after you left. Robin graduated and moved out here, and I moved into a shitty apartment in Hawkins until she finished her first year and moved out of the dorms. I live with her now. She’s helped me embrace myself more.”
Billy remembers a night when he and Steve got drunk in Steve’s bedroom, how he’d found some dresses in Steve’s closet, the way he’d broken down and cried and said that he just liked to feel pretty, that sometimes he didn’t even feel like a boy.
Billy had held him all night. Bought him some makeup from the drugstore the next day. Probably shitty stuff, but Steve had looked at it like it was made of gold.
“I’m happy for you. I’m glad you get to be yourself here.” Steve sat down next to him on the ratty couch, leaving a solid two feet of space between them.
“You seem a lot happier out here. Like, you just seem lighter.”
“I am so much happier here.” Steve’s smile was tight, a little bitter. “I just mean, without my dad here, I’ve been going to therapy, and I have this support group for queer abuse survivors, and I’m just not angry all the fucking time like I used to be.”
“I’m proud of you.”
Billy had forgotten.
He’d forgotten that Steve had this lovely way of saying something simple and making it the best thing that’s Billy’s ever heard. Making billy realize he’d never heard that simple thing said to him before.
He didn’t even think.
Just leaned across the space and kissed Steve.
he pushed him away.
“Billy, I won’t let you do this again. It took me years to get over what you did. You can’t just kiss me and think it’s all okay.”
“I’m sorry, Steve.” Steve shook his head, went to get up off the couch. Billy grabbed his wrist. “You know, I wanted to say it back that night.”
“Don’t say that.” Steve’s voice was small.
“I did. I felt that same. But I got fucking scared. And I left and I shouldn’t have.”
“Yes, you should have. We just established that you’re doing better here!”
“But I could’ve held out a little longer, long enough that you could’ve come with me.” Steve finally turned to look at him.
“Billy, you did what you had to do. I forgave you a long time ago. When I first saw you tonight I was just, it made me remember the hurt.”
“I know I hurt you. And I’m so fucking sorry.” Steve blinked at him.
“You get one chance. One more chance. Do it for real. Take me out on a date. I want the whole nine. Pick me up, tell me I’m pretty, take me somewhere inexpensive but nice, hold my hand, kiss me on my doorstep, all of it.” Billy just nodded.
“I’ll do it. I’ll do anything. Whatever you want.”
Steve smiled at him, turning over his hand to hold Billy’s.
“Then pick me up tomorrow at six. Don’t be late.”
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Emotions (pt. 5)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy and y/n go to prom together, but some people and things get in the way of the two.
Word Count: 2047
Chapter 1 • Series Masterlist • Chapter 6
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"Guess where we're going."
You stared at the paper, frowning. "I've never been to one of these before. It's not on the list."
He flashed you a grin, pulling out your folded up bucket list from his pocket. At the bottom he scribbled the words prom together in marker. "Sure it is. What do you say?"
You stood, holding Billy's hand. He stood as well, and the two of you went to your room. You sat down on your bed and sighed. "That's a lot of people Billy. I don't know how I'll do with a big crowd."
He sat next to you. "What do you mean sweetheart?"
"Everybody's going to stare at me. It bothers me when it's a lot of people."
"Why do you think they'll stare at you? Is it because wearing a dress makes you a lot more cuter?" He teased.
You began to play with his hair while resting your head on his shoulder. "You attract a lot of attention, which isn't a bad thing. It's because you're so pretty, but people look at me funny when we're together. It makes me feel weird about myself."
Billy felt a pang of guilt and sorrow. Though you didn't realize it, you basically told him you feel insecure standing next to him. "Sweetheart, never be embarrassed about yourself. You're pretty damn gorgeous if you ask me, and it takes a pretty person to know a pretty person. So go find yourself a cute dress, and get ready for prom in two days. I'll be your date."
"I've never had a date before." You quietly said.
"Well, you got a pretty handsome first date. You must be special or something." He playfully nudged you.
You giggled. "Something like that."
Once he left, Mike walked into your room. "Hey, so, I know that I always talk crap about Billy Hargrove for being a man whore, but really. Be careful. Even though you're an ass most of the time, I still care about you."
You smiled. "Thanks Mike."
Joyce was more than happy to take you dress shopping, after she heard about the prom from Hopper complaining about it. You got a shoulderless, flowy dark blue dress and styled your hair the way Billy likes it.
There was a knock at the door, and Eleven answered to reveal Billy, in a black suit with a dark blue tie. Max was behind him, and shoved past him to get to El. Billy shook his head and huffed while walking inside, where Hopper looked him up and down. "Just, home by 10. Please. And no bad stuff." Billy smiled and nodded.
You walked out of your room, and Billy was blown away. Damn, you were just too sexy for your own good. You walked up to Billy, smiling as he gently grabbed your arm and put a blue corsage on your wrist. He took your hand and the two of you walked out of the house in silence. "So damn beautiful." Billy whispered into your ear before he opened the car door for you.
When he got inside, you immediately reached over to him and gave him a hug. "You're so perfect Billy."
He hugged you back. "Just trying to live up to you sweetheart." He paused. "Could you actually do me a favor?"
You pulled back and gave him a smile that cause him to unconsciously lick his lips. "Anything."
"Could you give me one of those little braids that you did when you were at my house?"
You giggled. "Sure Billy." He scooped you up into his lap, telling you to continue. You shook your head, smiling wider. "Such a charmer."
When you got there, the two girls in front handed you a ballet. "Vote for prom king and queen!"
You both looked at it. "Huh." Was all Billy said.
"Why are our names on it?" You asked.
"Guess people think we look cute together." Billy said, with his head on your shoulder. You looked back at him, and he looked up at you, grinning.
The two of you had fun together. You laughed, you danced, you took pictures. Though Billy didn't show it, this wasn't something he really wanted to do. He wanted to get you dressed up and make you feel special, but he didn't like how many eyes where on you two, or that the music was too loud to talk to each other. But he made you feel special, and you were a potential prom queen. He knew he would make you feel amazing, so it's worth it.
When they called for the king and queen candidates, it was no surprise to you that Billy would win. He looked back to you, giving you a smile and a shrug. You gave him a thumbs up in return, flashing him a grin. "And the winner for this year's Hawkins prom is... Heather Halloway!"
You smiled and clapped. Though you had to admit that it would feel like a fairy tale if you and Billy were king and queen together, you didn't really think you'd win. It's not like people like you, so why would they vote for you. But still, you were very happy for Billy to get his crown.
Billy's smile was wiped clean off when they announced Heather as the winner. She excitedly got her tiara and was immediately on Billy when they had to take a picture together. Right before the flash, she turned his head and gave him a kiss on the lips. He looked over to you, who was watching this happen and walked into the crowd, where he couldn't see you.
Shit. Shit shit shit! Why did you see that?! He didn't want the kiss. He didn't want her. He wanted you! Where were you now? You didn't leave, did you?Shit!
You walked over to the beverage table, where you saw Jonathan in an old light brown suit chaperoning. "Well, I didn't think I'd see you here." You said with a smile.
He looked up and smiled. "Yeah, right back at you. You look nice."
"Thanks. And you look very handsome in that suit." He let out a breath and looked down. "Need community service hours?"
He playfully scoffed. "Why else would I be here?" You giggled. "So, why are you here?"
"Oh, I'm here with Billy."
"Um, Billy Hargrove?" You smiled and nodded. "Isn't he, like, a lady's man or something?"
You smiled and shrugged. "We're actually just friends. Believe it or not he doesn't make moves like that on me. He's just playful with me, is all."
He nodded in response. "So, where is he now?"
"He was voted prom king, so right now he's dancing with his queen." Your smile became a little more forced.
"You like him, don't you?" There was no disgust or judgement in his voice like anyone else; only pure curiosity.
You put your finger to your lips with a smile. "Shh. I know someone shouldn't have a crush on their best friend, but sometimes you just can't help it."
"Yeah, I get that." He nodded, to which you made a face. He noticed. "Try to be nicer to Nancy. She's different from everyone else."
"If you say so." You shrugged. "I just don't like some of things she says and does." Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck. "Your mom was amazing, by the way. For taking me to pick out the dress."
"Yeah. Even though she's a little tomboyish, she really liked it. It's something that she can't really do with her sons, y'know?"
You let out a fake gasp and held his hand. "Don't talk about yourself like that! I'm sure she would love to go dress shopping with you, if that's what you want." The two of you laughed together.
As Billy went searching for you after the dance, he found you grabbing another guy's hand and laughing with him. Billy figured that he deserved that, considering he had another girl pressed up on him for almost 5 minutes. He crept up behind you and grabbed your arms. "Boo." He whispered in your ear.
You jumped, turning around and smiling so brightly. "Hey Billy. Congrats. Feeling like a king?"
"Feeling like I got the wrong queen." He said, taking your hand. "C'mon."
You looked at Jonathan. "Don't tell Nancy, please. I don't want to hear it." Jonathan only nodded.
Billy pulled you away, and another slow song started playing. You loosely put your arms on his shoulders when he grabbed your wrists and wrapped them tighter around his neck. Smiling, you watched him wink at you before putting his hands on your hips. "I didn't want her to kiss me, by the way. She just did."
You nodded lightly. "You don't have to explain yourself Billy."
"I know, but friends don't lie, right?" You chuckled and nodded. "Speaking of which, who was that?"
"Oh, Jonathan? He's the brother of one of El's friends. He's pretty nice, but he hangs around a girl that I don't like."
He hummed. "And here I thought you were kind and adorable to everybody."
"Mm. I'm only adorable to you. Anyways, she's got a boyfriend, Steve Harrington, and–"
"Ugh, King Steve," Billy interjected. "Don't see how he'd ever land any girl."
You laughed. "He's not that bad anymore. He's nice now. He treats me normally, so that's something." Billy made a tsk at that. "Anyways. She strings him along like a little puppy, even though it's obvious that she doesn't like him like that anymore. But she also leads Jonathan on and keeps him with her at all times. I just feel like she wants the best of both worlds, and that'll end up hurting both."
"What's so special about that girl? She got beer-flated nipples or something?" You both laughed.
"Excuse me." Heather said, grabbing your shoulder. "Can I cut in?"
"No." Billy said.
"Billy, you always play hard to get." She smiled. "Let's dance. Don't you want to dance with a real queen?"
Before Billy could say anything, you said, "How about after the song is over, hm?" She gave you a dirty look, but nodded and left. Billy looked at you miserably. So you did get the wrong impression. You pressed yourself against Billy and whispered in his ear. "Let's get out of here." He grinned. Or maybe you know him better than he thought?
The two of you then got fast food and brought it back to his house, considering Neil was on a business trip for a few days. You both sat on the floor and ate while watching TV and talking. You were sitting in between his legs and leaned on him. "I love this movie!" Was what you said before falling silent to watch Back to the Future.
Billy's mind began to wander to places they shouldn't. He thought about how your chest was snug in your dress, and how looking down at you gave him the perfect view. He thought of your soft hair that lay on your bare shoulders. He thought about your skin, looking so soft and calling for his touch. His mind wondered to how your head was tilted, almost like you wanted him to kiss your neck.
Billy cursed himself for thinking like that. You were friends, he shouldn't be thinking that way about you. What would you do if you found out about the ways he thought about you sometimes. What would you say? Would you still want to be friends? He unintentionally jumped a bit when you turned around. You gave him a bright smile. "Why are you staring at me?"
"You're just so damn perfect, my mind can't help but wander." He breathed out. He didn't think before he said that, but it was out now.
Your smile faded as your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. You then said in a quiet voice, "If you get romantic feelings towards your best friend, what do you do?"
Billy felt a surge of confidence as he took your face in his hands and went for a kiss. Billy has kissed lots of girls before, but it was never like this. It was never slow and sweet. It was never this kind of passionate. It was never as special as this.
He felt the warmness of your hands as they slid up his chest. As Billy pulled back, he saw you open your eyes and give him a beautiful smile. "I got a crush on my best friend too sweetheart." He said.
You wrapped your arms around his neck loosely. "So, what happens now?"
One arm snaked around your neck to hold you close to him. "Now I get to take you on romantic dates, and be around each other more, and make out and shit."
You giggled. "So it's how we are usually, but closer?"
He chuckled as he admired your happy glow. "Oh, pretty girl."
"Handsome boy."
"Your handsome boy."
"Your pretty girl."
Tag List:
@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear @ellie2468 @sassysmiles @frozenhuntress67
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
Headcanons for being a Wheeler Sister
Wheeler’s x sister!reader
a/n: i just have a lot of ideas abt characters finn wolfhard plays dont @ me
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you were two years older than mike, one year younger than nancy
you like, rarely got along with mike
but at the same time, you were always by his side
“move your legs so i can sit on the couch”
“sit on the la-z-boy”
“are you kidding me, mike? that’s dad’s seat!”
“well, then, sit on the floor with holly”
the bickering was nonstop
it wasn’t any better with nancy
“y/n, did you take my sweater?”
“for the hundredth time, nance, no, i did not. your sweaters are not my style.”
nancy digging around your room anyways
“check mike’s room, you know how he is”
accidentally finding eleven
“uh, hey mike, can i talk to you for a second?” *pulls mike by the arm* “who the hell is that in our basement?!”
helping him with el as much as you could
what? of course you thought of the repercussions
but hawkins was getting boring and this was the most exciting thing of the decade
kind of loving and despising his friends at the same time
the kind of “don’t talk to me or i’ll throw a rock at you” hate but “hey do you guys want a slice of the pizza i brought home” love
mike and nancy teasing you about every single guy that even looked in your direction
as soon as you realized the severity of hiding eleven, it was too late
too far in
but now it was up to you to protect your brother
and his friends
seriously the monsters were hideous
he was gonna be scarred
he had nightmares a lot after the middle school fiasco
you know, where you guys watched like, ten people die and a giant faceless monster attack
you and him took turns sleeping in each other’s rooms for a while
one day the nightmares just stopped
but every once in a while he’d come knocking on your door and just coming in so that he didn’t have to face his dreams alone
being closer with his friends and your family
going to your mom for advice
babysitting holly
comforting mike when he misses el
teasing nancy about steve
seeing right through your sister
you knew she didn’t love him
talking to her about jonathan
“i do not have a crush on him!”
“oh, sure you don’t”
round two of goblin creature hell
“mike, stop being a dick to the new girl”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, i’m just making sure she doesn’t find out about eleven”
the boys running and screaming like little girls as they swarmed towards you
steve and the kids team up had you freaked out
“so, y/n, has nancy mentioned anything to you about me recently? do you know where she is?”
almost feeling bad for him
protecting the kids
“i need to be with my brother!”
trip to the byers home while the rest of the kids investigated
hysterically chatting with joyce about what had been going on recently
helping joyce around the house so she could focus on will
going to save hopper wheeler x byers x newby edition
will collapsing and what you could only deduce as seizing
“what the hell what the hell what the he—”
“y/n! shut up!”
going to the lab and watching the heartbreaking scene
at least will remembered your brother
going protective big sister mode when the power went out
“stay behind me, mikey”
grabbing a gun
“y/n, you don’t know how to use that!”
“i don’t tell you everything, little brother”
retreating to byers home base
chaotic last minute plans
el showing up
knowing exactly how mike felt in that moment
excitement, fear, anger, happiness
you tried to calm him down at first, but hopper pulled him aside
then he had you go into the room
“mike, hey, come here. you gotta understand why hopper did it, okay? he was trying to keep you and everybody safe. eleven was in trouble and she still is, she was safest hidden. but here she is now, and i know your hurting and your heart is broken, but you’re a badass kid, mike. you’re gonna get better.”
he cried on your shoulder and you rocked him back and forth
he gained his composure and ran back out to properly reunite with eleven
shortly after all of this, mike and eleven started dating
you were so proud
he went to you for relationship advice
you were always getting teased for your relationship too, but hey, you were going strong with your boo
him getting a little overly attached to her
“give her some space, baby bro”
girls day mall trip with max and el
mike was piiiissed at you
“y/n, how could you let this happen! you know the rules better than any of us”
giving up on mike’s love life
supporting nancy’s career goals, but trying to be realistic
“nance, it’s not the end of the world if your don’t become a newspaper writer by seventeen”
“i just need a story to blow them all away!”
your s/o getting caught up in some strange things
full girl’s team up to figure out what the hell is going on
el venting about mike
max and you cracking jokes about your brother
“i love mike and all, but he’s just clueless”
mike’s baffling rant and confession leaving him red in the face
you pulled him aside for a mini pep talk
“don’t worry, mikey, you’re not pathetic or anything for loving her. you’ve been with her for a long time and just because everyone else gave you a weird look about it doesn’t mean you should be ashamed about it. just work on not being a dick to her.”
nancy seeing a few cuts and bruises on your face and arms
“y/n, what the hell happened?”
“billy’s flayed.”
not hesitating to chase after the flesh monster that was about to kill your sister
mall trip 2.0
holding your breath while your siblings were in danger and you couldn’t help
crying and tacking them in hugs when it’s all over
of course you loved them, even if they were the most impossible people to live with
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robinskey · 5 years
Robin’s Confession (Steve x Reader)
Request: hey!! could you make steve x fem!reader where robin has a crush on steve’s girlfriend(reader) and robin gets drunk and tells steve this ! tyyy
A/N: Thanks for requesting, anon! I LOVE Robin, so this was a blast to write. Hope you like it!
Warnings: Swearing, underage drinking (legal drinking age in the US is 21)
Taking Robin with you to a house party was a truly terrible idea.
You’d told Steve this multiple times. Robin was only a year younger than you and your boyfriend, sure. But in terms of experience with alcohol, she was lightyears behind you. Until recently, Steve had been known as the “Keg King” of Hawkins High, and though you weren’t as interested in drinking, you’d been to your fair share of parties with Steve.
Robin, on the other hand, had never attended a party in her life. (Unless you count the annual Band Bash hosted by the mother of Gregory Allen, the star tuba player.) Sure, Robin had sampled some watered-down wine on special occasions, and she’d even managed to sneak a few sips of her father’s beer once at a particularly chaotic family reunion. Other than that, though, she’d never built up a tolerance to alcohol, unlike most Hawkins teenagers. Since there wasn’t much else for kids to do in the small town, drinking was more of a hobby than anything else; if you walked around without a red Solo cup, it wouldn’t be long before someone shoved one into your hand.
You didn’t want to expose Robin to that sort of environment. In many ways, Robin was more mature than you and Steve would ever be. However, you two had graduated, and she still had a year left of high school. You saw her like the little sister you’d never had-someone you needed to protect.
To Steve, though, Robin was his best friend. He wanted to hang out with her-outside of work, that is. He saw her nearly every day, but with her still in school and Steve working full-time, they rarely had a chance to see each other. Besides, Robin was always asking about you. Steve figured a party would be a great chance for all three of you to catch up.
One night, the two of you were cuddled up on his sofa, watching a movie together. Suddenly, Steve looked at you with his big, sad puppy dog eyes.
Before he even opened his mouth, you knew what this was about. One of your friends, Jennie, had just gotten engaged. She wanted to celebrate in the way any rambunctious, slightly-redneck nineteen-year-old would: by throwing a raging house party while her new fiancee’s parents were out of town.
“Fine,” you had huffed. “But please, please watch her, okay? Make sure she doesn’t drink too much before she even realizes what’s about to hit her.”
“You’re the best, baby,” Steve had said, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he hopped off the couch.
“Where are you going?” you called as he wandered into the kitchen.
“To call Robin,” he answered, “and tell her the good news.”
That’s how, a few days later, you find yourself in Jennie Hayfield’s boyfriend’s basement. You’re sitting between a somewhat-sober Steve and a definitely-inebriated Robin, whose head was laying in your lap. Steve sits a few inches away from you, just far enough so that his thigh doesn't accidentally brush yours. Usually, Steve would be the one you were holding. However, you’re not exactly pleased with your boyfriend right now; somehow, in the ten minutes you’d left him alone with Robin, she’d managed to down three shots of vodka.
So much for Steve being a “damn good babysitter.”
“You guys are my best friends in the whole wide world. I love you both so very much,” Robin is saying, her words slurring together. She gazes at you with glazed-over blue eyes and reaches up to boop your nose. “Especially you, Y/N.” Robin’s voice drops to a stage whisper as she adds, “Don’t tell Steve, but you’re my favorite,” then bursts into a fit of giggles.
“What are we going to do, Steve? Robin’s curfew is in an hour, and if we drop her off at her house like this, her parents will never let us hang out with her again.”
“Don’t worry.” The stage whisper is back. “I can be very discreet. They won’t even know anything’s up.”
“This is your fault, you know,” you say pointedly to Steve. “I knew this was a bad idea, but you insisted you could take care of her.” You finally break the unspoken no-contact rule to jab him in the chest.
“Hey, don’t blame this all on me,” he spit back. “You’re the one who left-”
“Mom, Dad, don’t fight,” Robin interrupts. She reaches up to touch your face again, this time patting your cheek in what she must believe is a soothing manner. “Don’t worry about me, Y/N. I’m a grown-ass woman who can take care of herself.”
“I know, babe, but I don’t think your real parents will see it that way,” you say, gently pushing her back up into a seated position.
You’re too busy being annoyed by your man-child of a boyfriend to notice how her cheeks turn pink as you call her “babe”. She huffs in protest as you slip off the sofa and onto your feet. Robin crosses her arms over her chest like a toddler preparing to throw a tantrum, which doesn’t help her “grown-ass woman” case.
“Where are you going?” Steve asks. Robin lays her head on his shoulder.
“To get her some water,” you say. “That is, of course, if I can trust you to actually keep an eye on her this time.”
“I kept an eye on-”
“Shh.” Robin muffles the rest of Steve’s statement by smashing her hand against his mouth.
“Thanks, Robin,” you say, then point your finger at Steve. “No more alcohol. For her or for you.”
“None for me?” Steve cries indignantly. “What did I do to deserve that?”
The words are barely out of his mouth before he regrets them. He’s never seen such fire in your eyes.
“Yeah, okay, sorry. No more alcohol.”
Robin and Steve both watch you walk up the steps. Even when you’re angry like this, Steve can’t help noticing how gorgeous you are-how those jeans fit every curve of your body just right.
Little does he know that he’s not the only one noticing that.
“Stevie, I have a question,” Robin hums, sitting up straight again.
“Okay…” Steve draws out the word. In the last half hour, Robin’s asked about everything from the plural of the word “octopus” to what he thinks happens when we die. Thus, Steve has no idea what is about to come out of her mouth.
“If Y/N dumps you, can I ask her out?”
Yeah, he certainly wasn’t expecting that.
Steve sits there in stunned silence for a few moments, trying to gather his thoughts. Finally, he musters: “You’re joking, right?”
“Does this look like face of someone who’s joking?” she asks, scrunching her features together. “Besides, it’s just a hyp-o-thet-i-cal, Harrington.”
“I don’t really like this hypothetical, Robin.”
“Okay, fine. Different hypothetical: Let’s just say you...die in a tragic car accident. Would you, like, haunt me if I started dating your girlfriend?” Steve’s jaw drops as he stares at her blankly, so Robin adds, “After a respectful grieving period, of course.” When he still shows no response, Robin waves her pale hand in front of his face. “Hello? Earth to dingus?”
“Do you like my girlfriend, Robin?”
Robin rolls her eyes as if she’s talking to the biggest idiot in the world.
“Well, duh. Everybody likes Y/N. She’s the best.”
“That’s not...not quite what I meant.” Steve runs a hand through that glorious hair of his, trying to think of a way to phrase his question. Finally, he just blurts out: “Do you have a crush on Y/N?”
Robin’s eyes once again travel toward the heavens.
“Double duh,” she says with a laugh. “Your girlfriend’s hot, dude.”
Steve’s attempting to craft a response when he hears thudding footsteps on the stairs. You’ve returned with three water bottles and an ear-to-ear grin. You toss one to Steve; he fumbles, and it tumbles to the floor. He picks it up, twists the cap, and tilts it to his dry lips.
“Crisis averted,” you announce. “Danny let me use the house phone, and I got ahold of Mr. and Mrs. Buckley. I told them Robin and I are having a sleepover tonight. They probably think we’re laying in bed together right now.”
Steve makes a gurgling sound, nearly spitting out his water. You gently whack him upside the head.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Harrington,” you say. That’s when you notice Robin slumped against the back of the couch. With her fair skin and small features, she resembles a porcelain doll in slumber.
“She’s so beautiful,” you murmur, reaching out to comb your fingers through her cute bobbed hair.
When Steve stays quiet, you nudge his knee with yours.
“I won’t get jealous if you agree with me, you know. I know she’s not interested in you,” you say, shaking your head in amusement.
Steve swallows the lump in his throat.
Maybe not in me, he thinks. But she’s definitely interested in someone.
The next morning, Robin wakes up in a bed that definitely isn’t hers with a pounding headache and ringing in her ears. Sunlight filters through the curtains over the window. It lands on a framed piece of art on the wall that looks too expensive to even exist in Hawkins. There’s only a handful of families in the area who could afford something like that, so she automatically knows where she is.
Robin wanders into the hallway. From a distance, she can make out two figures sitting at the kitchen table, their heads bent together. Incomprehensible whispers echo across the kitchen. Robin starts to sneak up on them, planning to grab their shoulders and scream to scare the living shit out of them. But her plan is foiled when a sneeze she simply cannot contain tickles her nostrils.
The two silhouettes pull away from each other so quickly that they nearly bang heads. You and Steve awkwardly smile at Robin, who bares her teeth in a hungover attempt to smile back.
“What happened last night?” Robin asks as she takes a seat across from the two of you, rubbing her head.
“Vodka happened,” Steve says simply, and Robin nods. She raises a hand to her mouth and nearly gags at the repugnant odor of her own breath.
“I didn’t say anything stupid, did I?”
The silence causes Robin to look up. You and Steve are exchanging looks. Under the table, his hand rests on your knee. He squeezes it. You kick him.
“Oh, hell no. You’re the one who let her get drunk. You’re going to be the one to tell her.”
“Come on, baby,” Steve whines. “It’s really between you and her.”
“No, it’s not. She told you, not me. And then you told me. So, really, you’re the one who got me wrapped all up in this.”
“It’s not my fault I’m terrible at keeping secrets!”
“Secret? What secret?” Robin asks.
Then, it hits her. She groans, burying her face in her hands.
“You know, don’t you?” she mumbles into her arms.
“Yeah,” you and Steve answer.
“Oh, my god. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m so dumb,” Robin stammers. “I understand if this is weird now, and you don’t want to be my friend anymore-”
Gentle fingers brush Robin’s wrists as you gingerly pry her hands away from her face.
“You’re not dumb, it’s not weird, and there’s no way in hell it’s going to stop me from being your friend,” you say. Steve gives your knee another reassuring squeeze. “And, if you’re interested, I have a single friend I could set you up with. She’s funny, smart-and way hotter than me.”
“There’s no way,” Steve and Robin say in unison.
You laugh and shrug your shoulders.
“I guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
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